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Good Interrogations Anonymous 11/16/2022 (Wed) 14:34:56 Id: fa8279 No. 33791
Any interrogation or captivity that's either really good or creative. Cruel ler? Or soft and caring? As long it's good. For example, this one from Mrgagfoot is so good. This technique the torturer used to repeat the same simple questions over and over again to drive the captured girl crazy and drop her defenses is excellent: https://e-hentai.org/g/2350096/919e2c77e3/ Any good stuff like this?
I swear that dialogue is lifted almost verbatim from this one https://exhentai.org/g/503113/26bcc2f158/
>>33793 Fucking exhentai refuses to open for me
>>33798 Thanks, it worked. And you're right about the dialogue lol
>>33796 this is top fucking tier. i didn't even know there was interrogation hentais this good, it's always just regular tickling with "noo I'll tell you everything I'm so ticklish" >>33798 this one is also top tier (until the old man started fucking her tbh)
>>33805 Japan loves their old ugly bastards
>>33820 This is good but she's not really being tickled according to her reactions. Plus I really wish the artist didn't feel the need to stress she's 13. Her body is developed enough for me to pretend she's just a flat legal girl while lolifags also eat their food, but no, gotta bring the icky to the forefront. Fucking bastard.
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>Another decent thread ruined by cunnyggers
>>33838 >This is good but she's not really being tickled according to her reactions. have you ever seen a Japanese tickling video? this is exactly how they "laugh" in those
>>33805 It often feels like interrogation scenarios in tickling art/stories are often just a vehicle for "look how TICKLISH she is, she is so TICKLISH she would do anything to make it stop" thing without much fetishization of interrogation dynamics themselves. Further reinforced by how popular "mistaken identity" and similar interrogation scenarios where it is meant to just go on indefinitely are in tickle smut. Now that I read this manga I do wish there was more tickling stuff like this though, that dialogue was surprisingly hot. >>33873 Reminda me how there were some Japanese comments praising the Tickle Prison: Dungeon game specifically for using a "foreigner" as a voice actress. I bet there are plenty of Japanese ticklefags who are just as done with the moan "laughter" Japanese women almost always try to do in porn.
I've always liked this ancient Mara Jade fapfiction by Marauder.

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