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Yuel Tickling Anonymous 10/29/2021 (Fri) 02:41:54 Id: df0d39 No. 5285
I love Yuel so much and there's so little GBF tickle porn with her in it. Makes me genuinely sad... I might have to use THAT and get some people to make some if things get desperate.
theres a few out there but nothing of note unfortunately.
Her design is great and in canon she's a huge tickle fiend who can't handle what she dishes out. Too bad Granblue in general doesn't have much tickle smut. Yuel: When it comes to teasin', it should be limited to tickles. Like this! Yuel: Coochy-coochy-coochy! Societte: Aha… S-stop… You know I'm ticklish… Heehee… Vyrn: Can we please focus here? Yuel: Hah! These fingers know no bounds. Yuel blushes deep red and lunges at her friend. She exerts the full force of her fingers as she begins tickling Societte on her sides. Yuel: Let's see how ya like this! Coochie-coochie-coo! Societte: Aha-ahaha! Ngahaha! Yuel, that tickles… Societte: Ahahaha… It's only fair that I return the favor! Coochie-coochie! Yuel: Gahahah! I didn't expect ya to get back at me… Hehe, just goes to show how much you've grown! Yuel: Teehee! Let's see how ya like this! Yuel: Ya can say that again… Hehe, yer wide open! Societte: Eep! Y-Yuel! Yuel: Ahaha. Just 'cause yer in the water doesn't mean yer safe from the tickle monster! Coochie-coochie-coo! Societte: Aha, ahaha! That tickles, Yuel! I… I'm gonna have to fight back! Yuel: Ahahaha! Wow, Societte! Aiiee, not my ears! Ya know how sensitive I get over there! Societte: I do, that's why I'm going there… I've been taking this lying down for too long! Yuel: Ahaha! I-I give up! Yuel gets to work on You's ears, making sure to wash them in their entirety. You: Eep! Aiiee! Stop touching me all funny, Sis Yuel! It tickles! Societte: Aw, Yuel. You big bully. Yuel: Me? A bully? I was only tryin' to help her settle in with a bit of laughs… You: I… don't really like being tickled… Yuel: Oh, so yer hidin' things from me now? Bad Kou! Looks like ya might need a good spankin'! Kou: …! Yuel: Hold it, hold it! I've gotta tickle you to the ground first! Societte: N-no bullying Kou, Yuel… (Captain)! Happy birthday! Societte, Kou, You, and me were thinkin' of the perfect present for ya this year! We each wanted it to be somethin' that'd have ya buzzin' with joy. Here's mine! A Tickle-Me-Please-Yuel ticket! Just holler at me with this thing in yer hand, and I'll run right over to tickle ya to mush! Maybe use it when yer bored or when times are tough, and I'll put a smile on yer face! You can even use it now if ya want! Oh, ya will? That was fast! Welp, here goes, (Captain)! Coochie-coochie!
One of my buddies and I have plans for more Yuel pictures at least. The problem is finding someone who's willing to do it because of how complex her and the rest of the designs in GBF are. >>5375 If that artist was still around in taking commissions, I would've asked for a revenge picture of Societte tickling Yuel.
It seems weird to have a thread for one specfic character and not a general Granblue Fantasy thread. I mean I get that she's frequently a tickler in canon, but I dunno. That said I'd do a lot of terrible things to get tickled by Yuel.
>>5390 I mean, if there had to be ONE Granblue character to have a thread focused on tickling, Yuel is the clear choice by a mile.
>>5386 Nice dude. Godspeed.
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>>5285 Delivery
This but also Societte.
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Lookie what I found on Twitter.

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