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SCP-999/Slime Tickling Anonymous 11/01/2021 (Mon) 22:16:03 Id: bf79d6 No. 5672
♬Beware of The Blob, it creeps And leaps and glides and slides Across the floor Right through the door And all around the wall A splotch, a blotch Be careful of The Blob ♬
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It just wants to make you smile~
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No armor can stop it...!
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And once its on you, it... Just. Won't. Stop!
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Ones where the slime *doesn't* just behave like tentacles are specially sought after, but all types are welcome here.
What does scp 999 mean my guy?
>>5682 Never heard of our cute little lord and savior before? Google it anon, it'll be fun.
I like slime tickling but I struggle to figure out how it works without just turning the slime into budget tentacles. What do you guys think about how to describe a victim trapped in some sort of tickle slime monster?
>>5685 The appeal of slime tickling imo is the versatility, it can take any shape to trap and tickle the victim. So budget tentacles aren't an issue tbh
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>>5685 Yeah, the slimes making tentacles/hands makes them less special, even though I still like those. I think the schools of thought on the slimes that can tickle you into submission just by covering your skin are as follow: 1. They're literally magical/sci-fi-ish, and direct contact is enough to trigger a ticklish response on your skin/nerve endings. Doesn't make that much sense, but suspension of disbelief is a thing, and I love the idea of a poor 'lee being covered in this thing that just won't stop tickling them just by touching them so much that I'm willing to believe it. 2. They can form solid edges inside themselves and around your skin to wiggle around and rub against it, kinda like soapy fingers or wet tongues would, except all over the area they cover, inside clothes and shoes, and encasing vulnerable spots so there's absolutely no escape. I love the first one the most personally, it's just such a great concept, but all types are fun. >>5686 Oh, versatility is a great part of it for sure.
>>5688 >suspension of disbelief is a thing I think this is my problem, I overthink everything and worry people are going to analyze every single aspect of kink for "muhhh this doesn't make logical sense, feathers don't actually tickle so you shouldn't draw them it's stupid, this doesn't work in real life, bluh bluh bluh huge bitch" and I let them get in my head so I'm always trying to sidestep getting that sort of comments because I find them completely unhelpful and all they do is shut down fun ideas.
>>5690 Oh, don't let that get you down man, people will nitpick and complain about literally everything, there comes a point when it's just meaningless noise. You probably shouldn't ignore criticism and other people's opinions altogether, but trying to please or placate them all at the cost of your own creative freedom is certainly a terrible idea, way worse than not making people-pleasing stuff. And if that doesn't take the edge off of it, do keep in mind we're talking fetish porn here, it's just not worth it to stress over it, half the coomers whining about the logic of magically ticklish slimes or feather tickling are fapping to it regardless and they know it.
>>5688 >>5690 It's not a suspension of disbelief thing, its just boring to look at. Like at that point, you could just draw a character on the ground laughing their asses off and go "they're being tikceled by invisibul ghosts :)))"
Lol, case in point. >>5696 Yes, somebody could do that, and it could be fun, or at the very least more original than brushes and stocks anon. I personally find that stuff to be more boring, at least after you've seen it a hundred times. Like I know you said that as a joke, but the idea of a girl being haunted by a ghost and randomly tickle tortured into submission in the middle of a crowded street or whatever by something she can't even see while a bunch of passersby just think she's lost it and have no intention of helping is kinda great. I get that not having something to look at could be boring to some, but I'd argue if it's well done there could plenty to look at even if the floating magic ghostly hands are completely absent.
>>5695 Yeah, I know, it's just a weird combination of anxiety and perfectionism. It's this mix of "I know I'm not good enough, and if I do anything it has to be absolutely perfect, so if I can't make it perfect on my first try I may as well not bother because people will hate it". Like if I don't always have the answer I'm not gonna be worth anyone's time. >>5686 Also this third one really fucking gets me. That tongue is shudder-inducingly good, and the way the text is blocked in the background gives me the thought of the victim's pleas fading into the background as they fall on deaf ears. Super fucking hot.
>>5698 counterpoint: I have a tickle fetish, not a laughter fetish. if the subject isn't visibly being tickled by something, they may as well just be laughing, and my pp no get hard. Like, if I tell you these women were all laughing because salads were laced with tickletoxin, which makes them feel like they're being tickled, does that suddenly make these pics erotic?
>>5718 No because they aren't going crazy rolling on the floor with laughter
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There's this wrestling quote: The best wrestler isn't someone who always wins, it's someone who can make a match with a broom entertaining. It's all about the presentation
>>5718 Lmao, no, although if you're talking about toxins you're veering away from tickling too significantly imo, definitely too much for me. At that point it might as well be laughing gas, since it's pretty much just causing laughter even if you swore it makes them feel like being tickled, and that's a different fetish as well. But the discussion we're having here is still around physical contact causing laughter, just not visible contact. Visible to some degree in the case of slime as a matter of fact. But your point here is that if someone isn't being visibly tickled, it may as well just be laughter, which I dispute. Like just look at your own stock images and tell me they look like they're being tickled man, kek. It's just not the same thing, tickling causes a type of laughter that's a lot more intense, and you can show that easily, through tears, sweat, begging, that type of stuff. If you showed me something like that, then yeah, that might do something for me, although the concept is still too far gone, as I said ealier. But here's my own counterpoint alright? Picture whoever you want, hottest girl in the world, your crush, your favorite onlyfans model, whoever. And imagine you get sent a video of them being tickle tortured, except it's only a close up of their face. But still, you know what's happening, you see them get red at the face as it goes on an on, you see them cry and shake their head, you hear them beg for it to stop, they scream "NOT THERE" when they get them in their worst spots, yet you only get to see their expression. Are you telling me that would not give you a boner, because you're not physically seeing the rest of their body? Like really, not even a semi? And also, you don't have to stretch it too far to get to the same point my guy, there's pictures in this board already where the 'lee is being tickled through voodoo dolls, electrical currents etc., stuff that involves some degree of physical contact, but is barely any when compared to regular tickling. Do you also find those unappealing, by the by?
I thought this was going to be a thread about slimegirls you fucking big brain faggots
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>>5744 You know, you're right, this is bad form, we have a discussion thread for this stuff. Could a friendly janny move all this over there, maybe? Sorry, here's a few slime girls playing the 'ler, and even a couple rare ticklish slimes too.
>>5748 They can only merge entire threads... 8chan isn't very flexible with moving or editing posts.
>>5757 Ah, scheiße. Oh well, we'll just move past it then.
Slimes Make for great ticklers
Noircastle had a few ticklish slime traps if I remember correctly
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Mud=Slime because quiet you.
>>5811 Holy fuck that Venti one
>>5685 So, for a slime, to me, it is something that can make itself more or less solid, basically allowing it to recreate the sensations it needs. Instead of making a tentacle tickle under the arm, for example, it molds itself to the shape. Then, small spots across its mold solidify and increase density, creating firm patches. And then it pokes, repeatedly, across each little patch, creating a ticklish sensation. Or perhaps drags down with said patches like fingers. Or maybe the blob is made of a material that amplifies sensation if you want the "overdrive" factor. It's sorta the creative freedom to be a bit crazier with descriptions and devices beyond the mechanical, at least to me. Hope that helps craft some ideas for it!
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>>6247 Last 2 pics look like the artstyle of the guy who made chaos tickle, did he make any more games?
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>>6603 I thought it was drawn by the Noircastle, the person who made Fairy Maze and Devil Sword Luchefried
>>7257 Fug, I meant >6551
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>>5810 Slime/m is great. Does anyone have the pics of the slime aliens tickling humans in an olympics contest? They were in the old m/m tread back on kun.
>>7485 Based SC(HAD)P.
>>8470 I don’t have them, but I can tell you that the artist was Firtastic, if that helps you search.
>>8667 I thought that was Twomario?
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this guy does rather interesting slime tickles although very heavily male
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>>13862 >tickle fetish situation >uncomfortable look / not ticklish I don't get it
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The cruelest slime.
>>32166 Jesus Christ Source?
>>5718 well it'll be a challenge but I'll do it.
>>32169 @chlorotkled

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