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if you see "failed to connect" message, it means server is experiencing a problem now. it is not because of your cookie 1 May 2023 If you see "bypass denied" message, the website is having a problem. It is not that you can't solve the captcha. you can try again in few days "Connection failed." probably mean server problem. clearing cookie won't solve anything (i tried) July 2024 updated board rules+ explanation

Genderbender/GB ruling Anonymous Board owner 06/27/2024 (Thu) 03:28:13 No. 2392
most of MtF are forbidden. read if you wanna plead your case
after reviewing this I think these are not what people suppose to read in a “yuri community”. if you want to stay away from this kind of stuff (I imagine most of people should) click the 🚫 icon to hide this thread While opening this file I had doubt wheter if I should make a post, a whole thread, or just upload this as doc. (reserved 1) For something urgent
(646.46 KB 800x800 46720594_p6 23-03.jpg)

(reserved 2) Quick note: cross-gender possession is treated as genderbend and follows whatever rule applied to it.
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first of I should make my stances clear. this might not seem relevant to gb discussion but it will become apparent later I believe that rules aren’t to hound users with. they are steamlined form of how a community aligns. my moderation is user-oriented and based on these principles: (post review edit: Some of these overlaps with what i want to say in upcoming rules explanation thread so I cut them) -content: futayuri. Japan doesn’t really have anything against transexual (or confuse futa with transsexual on that matter). just to make it clear futanari =/= trans (this is where it get tricky). Despite the naming I see futayuri not as “futa with sprinkle of yuri” but “yuri with futa in their story” (I will make thread regarding this in next 2 months) -communities are build by people who contribute to it, NOT by people who bother those who do adding to that, are my personal reasonings - rebound: I have a list of fandoms/people to invite. if one doesn’t respond the next one in line can take their place. play the long game -regarding transsexual, I’m open minded about trans and consider them to be genderfluid. I can consider trans female x female as lesbian or trans female x trans female as homosexual. But this is just me personaly. Here I’m doing my job in a yuri community so you won’t see trans female x female even in form of fanfiction. -still regarding genderbender and me personally. I stay away from MtF x male stuff . some people might dig it for feminization/corruption but I still see it as guy getting in relation with guy. and mosf of the time they do it with their homie, it is gay Easiest way to separate what can’t be posted is to identify what constitute as male or hetero (we will revisit this point in the end)
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You are far from the first person to fall down this hole called 8chan (ignore the skeletons) e-hentai or danbooru might accept “the current participants’ gender at interaction” as yuri, but not here (neither is Smug.lo). let’s start with easy negative examples (what can’t be posted) and see if you can see my reasonings >Twintail Narimasu/ Mahiro Dude transformed into a girl using device (now that we have precedent case for MtF gb against his will). From most of in-series character’s perspective, mc with other girl is yuri, but to viewer it is still a guy in female body >Granblue Fantasy’s Caligostro (not sure with the spelling) Man using alchemy to become female >Bowsette/Boosette x Peach I don’t know about the lore but I still see it as Bowser, which mean it is male. 4chan /u/ used to have threads for them. they complain much about trans while posting about this. the fact it got multiple threads mean some are fine with it there but since there isn’t anymore I guess some people protest. 4/u/ doesn’t write specific ruling about this, this is what I meant by “mods (the ones enforcing rules) are the one who sculpt a community” >MtF genderbend Djeeta (see next post). limit it to female Djeeta ->rans writing i respect artist if they meant to draw trans or GB https://exhentai.org/g/1550476/cb45adfe03/ male turned to trans female in past. At present time they having sex with both female and male (pic2). I’m still uncertain on what basis this is not allowed but I can say for sure this is not allowed. Now why people reject trans female as female? because observers think of the trans’ core as male. Not just body (can be migitated by hormones but that’s beside the point) but the mind/soul inside. the couple might recognize trans as female but as observers we judge thing based on information we know, not based on what other believe.
>>2392 What about reincarnation like Tanya?
Now positive examples (what can be posted): -Kobayashi get turned into male x Tohru. fiction or not Kobayashi at her core is a female. gb here is a Segway to let this couple do their deeds and share the same principle of why futayuri is yuri. -Touhou characters turned into male(s) can be posted on non-het basis ( we do have thread for fujoshi down there >>284 ) -Female Djeeta. From what I know Djeeta is a players character so they can be male/female. I won’t even count it as gb as she is female from get go. -I respect artist if they meant to draw GB. In futayuri thread someone post a pic of what seemingly futa Chen. When tracked back to pixiv the artist meant it as gb!Chen. -as per e-hentai sometimes Japanese artist just don’t bother drawing pussy for the futa (yet people tag it shemale). Reading the hentai (or even title) most of the time would make you arrive in that conclusion The rules I came up with is both of character's original gender have to be same be it female, male, rocks or aliens.
>>2397 I make draft for this thread 2 years ago in response to the Tanyaposter. this is my message for them In my viewpoint male “embracing their identity” do overlap with real life’s trans female regarding their mindset. Reincarnation took care of body, so that leave Tanya’s soul. In your reply >>887 you answer “for Yuri and nothing else” so I, to some degree, accept that as your yuri. (it is the best if people just fit right into. but in cases like yours, I don’t want to look like I’m giving special treatment so I ask people to prove themselves; to show their intentions) Tanya is allowed
If futa is allowed, I see no reason why genderbending shouldn't. It's objectively more yuri than futa because the body is fully female. I think that, since imageboard are centered around pictures, only what can be seen in the picture should be taken into account, not the context or metaphysical stuff like the soul, that's way too subjective. >>2399 If Tanya is allowed, Mahiro should be too. They have about the same acceptance of being female. >>2398 I also don't think that female-to-male genderbending should be allowed if the body is now entirely male (although in Kobayashi's case it's hard to tell the difference since she's already so boyish and flat-chested).
>>2401 >not the context or metaphysical stuff like the soul, that's way too subjective. I want to say “check your food before sharing it with other”. At least from booru sites it is understandable, search “2 girls –hetero” then post result here because people there don’t upload everything from artist various sites. Then I check that the recent post Saki is from artist whos half of their work is Sakis hetero and the other half is ecchi. You can see it coming miles away from the art. filename show it was saved from pixiv,meaning some people went out their way to pixiv,still look at heterocrap and think “I can post this in yuri imageboard because it isn’t explicitly hetero” > only what can be seen in the picture should be taken into account, 4/u/ let a picture of girl masturbating to futanari. And no one complain about it not because the body is fully female but apparently no one can read kana for futanari. I point it out and mod delete it. So context matter >only what can be seen in the picture should be taken into account, Just like that imagedump in Saki, semantic like this is how halfchan/u/ post craps like -Aya Shacho art of 2 girls pregnant. considering the artist history with said character,the implication isn’t nice -the Russian lesbian from GuP in bed,dark room hugging each other looking scared. Yeah it is cover of a straight hentai. why go to yuri board to just post that? There is section for ecchi stuff if one’s definition of yuri is “no male”
>>2403 The pregnant RenMari pic was drawn for a yuri novel. https://www.pixiv.net/novel/show.php?id=3660991

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