Reading 7 sins is a must for a fantasy-filled middle schooler), or in this case entities whom sins are named after. These 2 are “those 2 girls” from opposite faction.
One is the uptight girl who hold the moral standard and keep giving sermon to every sides, the other is a lustful girl who doesn’t give a damn and befriend her regardless. healthy doses of furry.
I always ship these 2 in beginning of series and later it would be revealed that they were the first one who united their soul, instead of the supposed main characters pairing. literally soulmate*
in youtube I always think it is unnecessary for people to complain if their ship doesn’t become a couple in the end of series. If you ship characters in the first place, chances are author/source material already drop you a hint. They write to tell you a story about these characters so be grateful with shipping moments. but now I’m the one who hung up they don’t have scene together after their breakup. *so I guess that make their status a divorced couple