/vore1/ - Vore

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

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Japanese Vore Art Translation Thread Anonymous 04/20/2022 (Wed) 04:15:11 No. 12663
With the power of rate-limited OCR software, machine translation, GIMP, a preponderance of spare time, and clinical depression, I will be translating as many pieces of Nip vore art as I desire according to no particular schedule. Enjoy the fruits of my labors, degenerates.
could I get this translated?
>>49531 It's Chinese. Left hand side: As long as I have you as hostage I can defeat Frieren! Hahaha! Right hand side:Frieren-sama... I need a spell to digest food...
>>49535 Mb, thanks anyways
https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/119540400 could someone please translate this for me
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I'm surprised no one posts 88kgdejv's stuff here, shit is god tier
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This has potential
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>>50110 Forgot the first page
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>Jap translation thread >full of p3d0philia and other degeneracy This says a lot about the Nips
>>13128 Thanks, I've been interested in this guy's art
>>50345 Drawings aren't real people you fucking retard. Plus, usually retards that say that when looking at Loli shit usually have SHIT TON of nsfw art of underage characters, mostly Marin Kitagawa or any busty anime girl on their tw likes or phone/PC image folders. And in some cases, they turn out to be real Nice persons virtual signaling to make light of the situation or get attention away from them. So which one are you?
>>50375 the fact you are doing this on a damn vore board is funny a shit. But who am to judge the morals of some no rizz gooner edgemaxing to people being eaten alive
Can you please shut the fuck up and not shit up the thread. For fucks sake.
>>50375 But it really doesn't tho. Playing games where you are a spree killer doesn't have any correlation with becoming a spree killer. Liking furry titties doesn't make you go grope dog nipples. Putting a candy cigarette in your mouth doesn't make you actually smoke. The most common fantasy among women is rape fantasy. Plenty of romance novels called "bodice ripper" books. Are you asserting it secretly proclaims a deep desire to be raped for real? Fantasy is fantasy. Drawings don't hurt anybody.
>>50408 Bro you are putting in way too much effort to defend attraction to the physiques of minors.
>>50408 Furthermore, People with mental disorders (which p3d0philia is) often cannot distinguish reality from fiction, and assume that this media means it is okay. That you all are adamant about using characters who are portrayed as minors in erotic media is frankly abhorrent.
>>50429 Sure nigga let's see your hard drive
>>50429 >People with mental disorders (which p3d0philia is) often cannot distinguish reality from fiction So all media should be censored from having ABSOULTELY ANYTHING related to using drugs, committing crimes, and killing people because you have mental sick individuals who cannot tell the difference between GTA and real life?
>>50437 https://medcraveonline.com/FRCIJ/child-porn-users-amp-risk-for-engaging-in-contact-offenses-faulty-data-minimizes-offenderrsquos-risk-amp-puts-more-children-at-risk-for-sexual-abuse.html#:~:text=Sex%20offenders%20who%20reinforce%20their,sexual%20reoffense%20and%20contact%20offenses. Data supports that allowing unrestricted acess to this media is making the situation worse. Quit resorting to fallacious arguments. People with serious mental health conditions should unironically not have unrestricted access to the internet.
Would you look at that. A smart person. Lets see Anon insult you and call your source biased.
God I really wish your families die with your reddit shit, fuck off.
>>50440 >Data supports that allowing unrestricted acess to this media is making the situation worse. Except your source doesn't say that at all. All it declares is that data is lacking to the point that no definite conclusion can be made, before proceeding to make a definite conclusion despite already admitting that the evidence is lacking. <That's not to mention that while you have that study as a "source" I also have pic related as a source were a government law was going to be enacted based upon the results of their own study, and they found the correlation between porn and sexual assault to be lacking. Speaking of which cheeze pizza isn't the only case of this. Here's one article stating that rapists consume high amounts of rape porn: https://archive.md/FBEiE And then here's another showing that there's no correlation to be found on the matter: https://archive.md/nRCRu So who am I suppose to believe? And before you take my words out of context, I am not defending cheeze pizza. The producers, and everyone involved in making it, need to be strapped to a ball and chain and thrown off the nearest cliff into the ocean. However a FUCKING DRAWING isn't cheeze pizza. It's a bunch of scribbles on a page. If you're going to call that "Democrat activism", then THIS FUCKING BOARD needs to be banned off of the site for promoting in the engagement of cannibalism. I mean, that is what vore is. We're watching people eat people. And snuff films are illegal to produce. So this site is engaging in a criminal act by proceeding to allow it's existence. And don't try to argue that it's "consensual" when there's more than enough images posted on here of prey begging for their lives as their flesh slow melts off their bones.
Apparently the shcizo that did some rampant in 4chan hiantess vore decide to pick this board after got banned.
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>>50495 I'm not reading all that
>>50481 Like clockwork
>>50428 They're drawings, not minors. Here's an amazing idea, institutionalize people who are a danger to the public instead of criminalizing fiction. You're also wrong. Numerous countries have piloted psychological studies where they gave p3d0s some virtual chocolate pizza, and their offending rates dropped to incredibly low numbers. The more puritanical the culture, the more sexual assaults and p3d0s there are.
age of consent is 14 here, I'd rather get upset at that than at loli shit. No third world country (yet) , Germany
This thread has been tainted
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>>50826 Sure can. Fuck's sake. I'm gone ONE week and the thread implodes. Not gonna re-stir the pot, but the legit CP threads have GOT to stop, Joemama. Loli haters can fuck off, of course, but while constant shitflinging is a given on chan boards, CP is a serious problem.
Also, apparently both keze and munemoto have a drawfag fan who's done some fanart I think is bretty gud
>>50109 Bumping for this
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Can I get a translation of these?
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