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Vorarephilic Experiences Anonymous 09/04/2021 (Sat) 17:12:19 No. 222
Feel free to share any experiences you had with friends, family, or strangers related to this fetish and others similar to it. Whether it be something simple like a one time casual conversation, or a deep and integral part of your relationship with this person, all stories are welcome on this thread.
>>36197 Anon here. Found someone indeed. Thanks for reading!
>>36185 I have issues with pregnant women, but I view them as preds. The big belly makes me think they swallowed something or somoene, and it makes me feel like I want to be swallowed by them. It's difficult if I have to see them every day. it's happening now with somoene at work. Her desk is right next to mine, and she is about to go on parental leave. Her belly is huge, and as the office is quiet I sometimes can hear gurgling noises from the stomach, either before lunch, loud as from an empty stomach, or more muted ones after we ate, of food being digested. These are hot, not that frequent. I regret not being 2 inches tall, so that I can have her eat me and digest me. She is super friendly so I will miss her, but I am happy to take a break, the only thing I can think of while at work is her stomach.
>>36275 Reminds me of one time when I was 13, I went to the barber and it was just before lunch break. The one that took me on was a heavily pregnant woman that looked to be around 8 or 9 months along. While cutting my hair, her belly was at eye level to me, so anytime she'd do anything, I had it right up close. A few times, she accidentally bumped it against my face. Given that she still hadn't gone to lunch, I could hear it gurgling pretty loudly. The whole time she kept gossiping with her coworker that was eating and she was complaining about how lucky her coworker is because she gets to eat while the pregnant woman has to wait until she's done with me. Since I was too flustered to speak, and was just a shy kid in general, they didn't get a chance to find out that I speak their native language too, so they didn't think I could understand them. At one point, the woman that was cutting my hair joked that with her pregnancy cravings and having her coworker tempt her with food, that if she isn't done soon she might just eat me instead (a bit of a play on words. A loose translation would be "I'll give the kid a sweet cut and then I'll have something sweet to eat myself") In the end, I pay without saying a word, only nodding and muttering a thank you. Go home and jerk off. One of the hardest boners I've had in my entire life, and probably heavily influenced me towards this fetish.
>>36498 That was very hot indeed. Tell me, if she told her friend that she was going to take you at the back of the shop and swallow you there, in her language thinking you didnd't understand, would you have let her do it? Or would you have run away? I ask because most of the time I would not go through with the fantasy, but there have been a few instances with some girls that I found so attractive, some pregnant, that I would not have been able to say no.
>>36505 It's hard to imagine that happening outside the realm of this fetish since most normies don't really joke like that or go into that level of detail. Perhaps if she would have directly offered to show me something in the back, I would have been at least curious and maybe follow her, but again, that's not something realistic that would happen. I will say though, for the very few words I did speak that time, I made sure that it was all in english so that they wouldn't stop gossiping. In the end, though the experience was top notch, the haircut ended up being complete ass, since I kept asking for small corrections here and there to make it last longer. So idk if that answers your question, but perhaps there was some small part of my coombrained teenage brain that wanted to see if she'd go further, the hungrier she gets.
>>36265 im very happy too hear that!
>>36516 It's normally clear to me as well that vore lives mostly in the realm of fantasy, and I do have in mind what the consequences would be if I opted to go through with the fantasy, should it be possible. Still, there have been a few instances, not frequent, where my attraction towards a girl was so strong, that I would have gone for it. I had a crush for a girl that was at uni with me, for the longest time. Pretty, sweet face, very nice butt. Her posture was such that she had a pronounced arching of her spine, which was sexy and also pushed her stomach forward a bit. When she ate, you could see a slight rounding up. I liked her a lot, but it was not reciprocated. I fantasised about her swallowing me alive for the whole time we were at uni. Before it ended, we became friends, and she came to see me where I was doing my intern. We talk about stuff, and I don't remember how we got there, but before she went home she was talking I think about dentists, and stuff, and nex tthing she is there, with her mouth wide open, and me staring straight inside, at her teeth, tongue and down her throat. I don't remember details, aside from the throat and a few fillings, but good lord. Rarely I have been so drawn, the desire for me to just push myself in was so strong, had I had the option, that day I would have ended up insider her stomach to be digested, for sure.
i understand how you feel. I feel the same way towards a woman at work, she's 8 months pregnant, and when she stands talking to me, all i can think of is her opening her mouth an pushing me in. I would like nothing more and I wish i could make it happen for real.
Giving up your life, everything you have, all for suffocating and passing out after 5 minutes, in a sack full of acid, to get flushed down a toilet after 1 or 2 days? Sounds like a great deal LOL
>>36948 Asshole, this is a vore forum, and you don't seem to get the point. I mean, have you every been in close proximity to a woman's body at all? I have, many times. I spent a whole week vacationing with friends of which one was hot and heavily pregnant, so i got to view a very big belly in a bikini for an extended amount of time, saw her eating, digesting, sleeping, saw the taut skin and the veins visible on her perfect belly. By the end of the holiday I would have given anything to be curled up inside her stomach. I want to see anyone with a vore fetish being able to pass, if they could end up inside a belly like that at all. Seriously I am the only one that would really would go through with it, in rare cases and given the choice? There must be others who have seen people and felt an attraction was that strong!
>>36975 I get your feeling. I never had any interest of going beyond the fantasy, until I witnessed a girl I liked swallow a goldfish alive. In that moment, I would have loved to be in its place, and I still do.
I'd like to hear what is the biggest female stomach you've seen in person, bloated with food - and if you know, what was inside it
I won a restaurant that has all you an eat options on the menu, so I've seen a lot of bloated bellies, in particular in the summer when they come with summer clothing or in a bikini (I'm on the seaside). There are 2 that I recall now. One was a table with 4 friends, they were in their mid-20s and quite cute, but one of them was really pretty. She had the all-you-can eat sea option, and I've rarely seen someone with such a slight frame be able to pack so much fish inside her stomach. She ate way more than her friends, and it looked like a sort of internal joke. When they finished, and they stodd up, you could very clearly see her stomach protruding out a lot - it looks almost like a ball, and easily she could have passed as being several months pregnant. And they were joking about it. The second time was last summer, this family of 5 joins, the daughter, around 15-16, ate loads. I didn't notice her when she was eating as I was not serving that table, but when she got up in the end, my waitress made a comment to me, and good lord, she was fucking huge. You could see her belly was really stretched full, as she was wearing a bikini top and a beach skirt, so the stomach was exposed, and I could see it was round all the way, also where it joined the hip. I remember they came later in the evening because the mother lost something, and i could see her belly was still big. These are recent, but I could recall more probably.
>>39160 At the subway while i was waiting for it to arrive i saw a mid 30's woman with what i think was her son. This lady did have a rather thin face if you compare it to the potbelly she had, i don't think she was pregnant but she could easily pass as one. Like i swear her gut was a masterpiece. She basically got on the train and left after 2 stations and never saw her again
>>39235 Was it flabby, like fat, or firm, as it would be if she was stuffed with food?
>>39231 can you tell me more about the second girl? did she look pretty, what did she eat and was she rubbing her stomach or making comments
>>39243 I don't really know i didn't stare at her too much, mainly because i didn't want her to freak out. I think it was flabby. Too bad she didn't sat down because it would have been amazing to see her belly folding or being pushed out a bit more
>>39244 She was very cute, I could not pay too much attention but I didn't see her rubbing her stomach. She was skinny, so you could see the ribs a little, and it made a nice contrast with her bloated stomach just under. It was just sticking out like a balloon. When they came back later, while one of the staff was showing her mom the lost items box, she stood with her sis looking at the tanks where I kept lobsters and other seafood. It was hot to see her standing there, poking at the glass trying to get the attention of the fish in the tanks, and seeing her belly so bloated with fish that included several that were swimming in that same tank that morning. It's not unusual to see people with full bellies, but I noticed her just because her stomach stretched out so much. Initially I thought it might have been IBS or something, but the waitress told me she ate tons and more than anyone she every served. It must have taken ages for her stomach to digest everything, I would not have been surprised if she was still a bit full in the morning.
>>39284 fuck this is so hot, imagine her shitting them out the day after did you not wish you were one of those fish
I read somewhere that fish is digested almost completely, so maybe she didn't spend that much sitting on the toilet. In any case, yes, I would have been very happy to join those fish inside her.
Bros, i was in the subway train coming home after work and after a bit of stations passed a girl with an upset look on her face got in, dude her belly was like really pudgy, not exactly thin but it wasn't really fat either it looked really pudgy soft and probably a bit bloated, dude when i saw her i inmediatly wished she would swallow me whole without saying any word. She also had a belly button piercing wich Made it even hotter to look at her squishy looking belly
can you describe her a bit more? what she was doing and what she looked like. did it look like she ate too much?
>>40912 I think she was just bloated, she was wearing a really 2000s inspired outfit with the lowcut pants and all, she was on her phone most of the rude, she looked like she was probably 20/22 she was blonde like ashy blonde her hair was tied in a ponytail, her face was a 7,5 but the clothes and her belly and her upset look Made it seem a higher score
I visit the Ozarks every couple of years or so. There's a place where you can get minnow shots and usually there is nothing much to see, you have people shooting minnow, but few lookers and it's usually one fish or two at most. But this one time, this super cute girl sits at the table next to mine. Long blond hair and a top that left her midriff exposed, 18-20 years old. She apparently did some sort of bet with one of her friends, and she started eating minnows, one after the other. I could take a good look as other tables were paying attention and cheering as well. She used sprite, and put minnows by the multiples in shot glasses, and downed them all in one go. I must have seen dozens going down, and the nice thing was that her belly was exposed, so she would put her hand on it and I could see exactly where they were going. She didn't seem to be bothered at all, in fact, she seemed to enjoy eating them. I wanted to talk to her but I was with my family so I didn't feel like it.
I had a glorious moment back when I was dating my ex boyfriend who was an Asian femboy. We where both open about our kinks and fetishes. So I opened up and told him I'm into vore and he was fine with it. Infact he'd always tease me to get a reaction from me. One time before we we're going to bed my stomach made a very loud audible growl and he turned around and looked at me and said "I hope I don't end up in your stomach tonight" and it caught me by surprise but I replied "keep it up and see what happens" which transitioned into us making out.
Seriously, if you want to see some bellies full of food, go and visit buffets. I work at a hotel that offers a very nice buffet dinner, near London. it's great, with a lot of variety, if a bit expensive. I can't count the number of times I see good looking girls stuffing their stomachs until they can't fit anything inside anymore. At least, 2-3 times a week. In winter time, are covered up, but in the summer they come with crop tops and tight clothes, so it's not unusual to see the bloating that comes from eating a lot of food. One of the most memorable ones was this summer. This family comes in, and sits at a table that is well in view of my station - I was serving grilled fish, next to me was the meat station with roast lamb and beef wellington. This girl was like 18-19, long brown hair, fit, very hot, wearing a skirt and a short crop top that left all of her midsection exposed. I am not kidding, i very rarely had a guest coming to refill the plate as often as she did. She must have come 3-4 times, plus I don't know how many at the other stations. At the beginning, I only noticed her because of how pretty she was, but at some point I checked her belly, and it was obviously rounded up and by the time she came to pick up her last plate, it was one of the rounder, bigger stomachs I've seen since starting this job. It's not quite vore, but still, she packed inside there a lot of fish, including many oysters, which are swallowed alive, so I guess that counts, and if not it was still hot as fuck. One of the best parts was that she was either not conscious of this, or she didn't give a shit about people seeing her bloated stomach. At some point she was standing up talking with someone at her table, withher belly sticking forward in everybody's view. Without exaggeration, it looked like she could have been 4 months pregnant. Round and smooth, it was a glorious sight.
>>44696 Amazing. Fuck yes. Next time bring a camera.
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>>44696 Glad you posted this. I was struggling to come up with ideas until you mentioned restaurants. My first real job was at this small, high-end restaurant as a busboy. We closed at 10 every night but would usually start cleaning up around 9:30. One night, four customers come around a little after 9 and get a table, which most of the staff expressed disappointment over. To make matters worse, the party was fairly obnoxious. Maybe it was because they were the last table in the restaurant or because they came so late, but we ended up hanging on every drunken outburst they made, particularly one blonde woman at the table. The waiters would imitate her or scoff and roll their eyes every time she said something. She was in her early 30's and spoke with a tone that indicated she lived a very entitled life. They ended up staying about 45 minutes past closing, which staggered our cleanup. When they finally asked for the check, I went over to clear the table. The waitress asked everyone at the table how their food was. The blonde woman leaned back, pulling her belt loops forward and pushing her stomach out a bit. She looked down at her stomach and, in her ever-whiny tone, half-to-herself and half-to-us, said, "Ugh, I ate sooo much... My stomach is like making so much like gruh... GROGGLING noises! Like I'm SO full" as she placed both hands on her stomach. This comment put a "Ok, cool, can you get the fuck out?" face on the waitress. Me, however, I loved it. It was one of the few highlights I remember from that job. After I went home, my mind went places with that interaction. I just imagined how absolutely tumultuous her stomach must have been after the meal (each person had at least two plates if I recall correctly and plenty of wine). I imagined scenarios asking her after she left to lift up her shirt and let me listen to her stomach on my knees because she was such a drunk dummy obsessed with filling her stomach up. One of the waitresses at that same job was also in her late 30s. She was a bleach blonde and had a very "tired-with-life" exterior and sported probably the roundest stomach I'd ever seen on a skinny woman (basically the attached photo but blonde). She usually sighed when she spoke. Kind of like a human Eeyore, if I had to approximate her personality. One day, she and another coworker were taking pictures. Our other coworker was a little chunky so the waitress made a joke about how the both of them could show off their "baby bumps," so she lifted her shirt a little and pressed her stomach into the other coworker's stomach for a picture. I was behind them and didn't want to draw much attention to myself (running around them in a tight hall section just to get a front view) so I looked away and never saw this. I regret it because I always wanted an excuse to stare at her naked stomach, especially if she was drawing attention towards, which was something she never did. My last story of note happened much more recently. I was at a clam bar and was just passing the time ordering drinks for myself. I was waiting on my friends who were still rousing themselves from the night of drinking prior. The bartender was very sweet. A little heavy-set and not particularly my type, but she had a lot of personality and was fairly funny. At one point, she walks into the bar area and, I don't recall her responding to anyone in particular, just into the open air goes "Anyone here trying to get SUH-WALLOWED?" I don't know what, if anything, she was referencing other than the oysters, but it was such a bizarre comment that seemed to come from nowhere. Maybe there's a movie reference I'm not aware of? In any case, I loved the out-of-the-blue nature of her comment and I believe it opened up a new dimension of kink fantasy for me. I just imagined that all of the bar patrons were oysters and she was letting us know our fate before she would select one of us.
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>>44776 Duuude that's like one of the few and little perks of working in restaurants, sometimes you get lucky and experience hot things like these. Good job mate
>>44696 just imagine how much shit she must have pushed out her asshole the day after
bump for the love of all things horny
My first partner to find out about my vore fetish did so from reading my browser history. She had a panic attack and I had to talk her through the fact that, "no, I don't want to murder and cook you cannibal style". Once she calmed down, she felt really bad, and insisted on trying to incorporate it into our next bedroom session. She was massively in to degradation, so I decided I'd threaten to eat her if she didn't satisfy me enough otherwise, and it really must have clicked with her from then. It would become a regular thing where she would beg not to be eaten while servicing me, and once I inevitably decided I was going to anyway, she would completely flip, begging to be eaten, saying how she was nothing but a meal for me and that she deserved to be swallowed. I'd thought I was a switch biasing sub before that relationship, but thanks to her I'm almost entirely Dom and Pred now. A few years after we split, I met another lass in uni. She was very open at being deviant, much to the embarassment of her extremely vanilla boyfriend. She mentioned at one point that she'd sold pics in the past, and since I'd done some camboy work in the past we bonded over our work experiences. She'd mentioned doing giantess vore stuff before, swallowing or stamping gummies and the like, and how she used to tease a previous boyfriend when they went out for food, either by saying he'd make a better meal than what was served, or pointing out random women she thought looked tasty. While over at mine during one of these discussions, she pushed me on to my bed and complained that she'd been flirting with me constantly and I hadn't realised. I admitted that I'd hoped she was but dismissed the notion cuz of her boyfriend. Turns out they had an arrangement. Since he was basically asexual, and he knew how important it was for her to engage with her kinks, he'd given her permission to find that elsewhere, as long as he didn't know who so he wouldn't get jealous of them (Talking to him a few years later after their breakup, he confirmed this himself). For our first time, I mostly let her be dominant, stepping on me, demanding I service her feet and belly etc, but near the end she said she wanted to try the other side. To help psych myself up for domming, I usually do an inspection, get the lass to stand up and be stripped down, examining different parts of her body, complimenting the quality, maybe giving the occasional grab or bite, I have been sent near essay length messages from women trying to explain how much they enjoy this process and how it brings out their submissive side. It had a similar effect here, and while she would still make comments of how she'd dreamt about eating me or wanted to see me under her feet again, whenever we actually had a session she would be incredibly submissive. We took two breaks from this arrangement while I was in relationships, but even now we still communicate fairly regularly, and she's gone basically full prey. When she is still dominant, it's more about her pleasuring me while I'm tied down, taunting me by eating my exes or other friends of ours that we've both admitted attraction to, whereas we've had multiple long discussions of how I'd wear her down over the course of a night, before devouring her whole, and how she'd wiggle and squirm to make it as enjoyable as she can for me. She's been stuck on the far side of the planet cuz her student visa expired then Covid hit, but she's due to finally visit again in 3 weeks. If anything happens, I'll be sure to post a detailed follow-up here, if ye'd care for it
One short story, I have a friend and I had the idea to make a "girl" joke (would you still love me if) and I send her a message, "Would you still love me if one day I woke up and I was a slice of bread?", and she replied "Of course. Even I would eat you toasted", honestly I didn't expected that and for some reason it turned me on a bit

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