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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Umbradiadem comics thread Anonymous 09/13/2021 (Mon) 10:57:44 No. 653
I wanted to make a thread dedicated to Umbradiadem's stuff, most of them are sadly behind a paywall but I was able to get some of the comics in a folder so I thought I would share it with you guys and all I ask is that if you have any of the comics shown in the pictures of this thread please don't hesitate to share, it would be a great favor to me and some others who enjoy umbra's works, anyway here's the folder I hope you enjoy https://mega.nz/folder/iGQXkCgL#OuoCeesbdDUuWADGpxkFyQ
https://kemono.su/gumroad/user/8447351933537 Is it possible to updating this ?
Agent Song and the Sewer Swallower https://pixeldrain.com/u/xnh3p4ih Resident Digestion - Ada's Secret Desire https://pixeldrain.com/u/rq2CNcEX
Whoever updated the kemono, thank you!
>>41065 All of the link say "File does not exist on this server" after clicking on verify. Any ideas? Also, thanks
>>44893 What is the artist name on Kemono?
>>45008 Umbradiadem
>>18250 This says it will only work with 8chan extreme. Any idea how I can get that? Also, thank you!
>>45135 Awesome, thanks mate
This dude needs to hire a writer. I don't usually care but damn is he ever bad.
>>45252 Says the one desperate enough to go on 8chan/kemono to download Umbradiadem's work for free.
>>45253 exactly. if even people HERE think its bad, what does it say about the comic?
>>45267 That people who are completely broke desperately wanted it so bad that they took to finding out how to get it for free? And complained like entitled incels when they read it, even though they didn't pay for it? Honestly the level of cognitive dissonance is crazy here.
>>45270 Exactly, we the dregs of society scraping the bottom of the barrel are still complaining about how bad your writing is. Let that sink in.
>>45303 You said it. Dregs of society.
>>45304 I buy your stuff to share it, because you have your head so far stuck up your own ass that any description wouldn't come close to reality. take feedback from buyer, maybe get someone to write for you and for fucks sake no one wants to read a vore story that's 70% human on human smalltalk unrelated to the fetish content you're supposed to sell. That shit with the snake is straight up a scam.
>>45465 Never in a million years will you get me to believe you bought it, piece of shit thief. Nice try, trying to claw your way to some moral high ground. But you're just an actual piece of shit, trying to justify yourself stealing other people's work then like an entitled child, complaining about something you got for free.
(22.03 KB 311x389 H2ZWwbo.png)

>>45475 i usually dont share stuff. except for yours, i go out of my way to buy it to share it here, because youre an asshole. & no, you wont get any more info, dont worry i have multiple credit cards and names im buying on.
>>45500 That’s rich, the asshole who steals stuff calling someone else an asshole. Nice screenshot of you emailing yourself with your spoofed account a couple times.
>>45505 Cope seethe and mald
Why so much hatred over Umbra and his work ? I really don't get it... It's not my favorite kind of content and I personally don't like the pred models he uses, but if we compare to the other 3D artists, I'd say his work is more than decent. Sure it's pricey, but maybe life is more expensive too where he lives, you have to account for that as well.
>>45532 He throws fits of rage whenever things don't go his way. criticism is not wanted even if you buy his stuff, just shut up and accept it. Honestly? I like his models and I'd com him if he wasn't such a faggot, realtalk. also im still mad he lost third wheel, the og link expired still have it in my da dms
>>45568 Jury's still out on whether you bought the comics or not. Still trying desperately to fake your way to moral high ground while complaining about free stuff you got. Don't you see how that makes you look like an absolute ass?
>>45570 Bro I don't care you won't bait me into revealing anything personal
>>45604 WTF are you talking about? Whatever. You're just a completely entitled incel sitting in your mom's basement and complaining about porn you pirated online. And when you're called out on it you go on to say completely random shit.
>>45570 Get a real job faggot.
>>45606 Aww... did what I say strike a nerve? Couldn't buy any comics with mommy's money so you resorted to stealing them on 8chan?
>>45605 God are you salty
from Chinese ada turned into shit
some guy names DigestedGirl made this edited
https://umbradiadem.gumroad.com/l/bfl?layout=profile New comic dropped (with another female pred finally)
Only thing for me is it doesnt say it has internals otherwise i would immediately buy it
>>46046 well she deserved it as a pile of stinky dung
Any updates for kemono?

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