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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

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Actual shota vore Anonymous 12/06/2021 (Mon) 19:28:34 No. 6694
Shotas eating people. Theres a loli thread time for the other.
Edited last time by Joemama4621 on 10/19/2022 (Wed) 19:23:56.
>>48387 Imagine being a teacher too while doing this, intentionally giving all your students except your lovable school churner a very hard time. Giving such a rough, biased in class expectation that any students, having already enrolled or coming from another class if not school will just be sent to the principal’s office by your own discipline… and as for the punishment? Increasing the heft of your your favorite little student’s frame as they lug about several glurking girls, boiling broth of boys, and maybe even other teachers, too~ God, also the thought of having this cutie eat their parents so the naturally best given guardian for them to be under is you
>>48388 Gosh it's such a hot idea to have all the teachers collaborating with the principal to fatten up their individual favorites (obv the principal's fav would get the best/most/first meals). Just imagine being a student at that school, seeing these special few boys walk around with full bellies at basically all times, knowing that they're teacher's pets of the highest order, and that if your grade gets too low you'll be joining the graveyard that is their gut... I wonder how many enrollment spots they have left for this Fall...?
>>48389 Even if you have perfect grades. There’s still a chance you could get snatched off the hallway, or even during the walk to school and suddenly find yourself plunged into a boy’s maw just because of their gut rumbled when they saw you. It’s tough being in your next class within such a small stomach, yet. Their obviously bloated gut that can’t be covered by any t-shirt they have, is ignored by the teacher (despite your muffled pleas) and they count you as absent for their class. …..beats being sent to detention
>>48397 Imagine having to sit there as the teacher/principal pats and rubs and coos at the bulge in his belly that is you, clearly aroused by the sight of your body being broken down by his digestive enzymes into boyfat and nutrients for his hungry body. Imagine having to hear the giggles and snickers of your peers as they realize you got gulped, and imagine the look of worry on your friends' faces when he pats his tummy a few times and burps in their general direction with a knowing smile, fully aware that the teachers would say nothing if he gobbled them up as well. Also... imgaine sharing that tiny, wet, hot, cramped gut with school cafeteria food as he gorges himself at lunch, your entire body clearly not enough to satisfy him~~~
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>>48406 Hnnng! That's actually so hot! If I saw that smug cute little brat gulping down his own teacher like that... I don't even know what I'd do, but I'm sure it would end with me churning away inside of him.
>>48407 Seeing the little troublemaker waddle their way to the bathroom, absolutely gorged with some students and their own teacher as you follow some distance behind. How once the two of you make it to the stalls, you begin to grope his writhing gut as it pins you up against the door for how big it is… hearing his huffs as you start to begin to hump away, now wanting to drive yourself into him End of that he just pushes himself out of the stall and bathroom, trying to keep what little composure you left him with and now with an extra bulge wriggling inside of that insomitable boy gut~
>>48405 Love some stuffing with vore, especially in a scenario starring such a lovely little boy always finding room for both trouble and food. Feeling yourself get carried about as nothing important but for that kid to show off you can feel your surroundings groan aloud for the insatiable need of moooore~ Moment laters, you can feel yourself being squeezed against several other students, the lunchroom womem, and pounds upon pounds of haphazardly made cafeteria food. Feeling how he’s eating through all of the rations without a stop: horking down all the pizza and fries, chugging all the tiny cartons of milk and juices, and still scrapping by for more hashbrowns and patties~~ Hearing among all that cramped, overbearing noise as he lets out some rather deep and crass belches before the bell rings, noting this tiny glutton to come waddling right back (that is, if he can even fit through any of the door frames at this point~)
>>48430 >tfw no horny classmate to drool over your belly and eagerly follow you into the bathroom to help fatten you up Damn, why couldn't we have gone to the same school? Woulda loved an admirer like you to bully around with my belly.
>>48432 Seeing how much bigger and bigger you get by the passing weeks as I bring along more cash and multiple meals every day to hopefully sate you. How I’m actively failing classes just because all I care for is to watch your taut gut just pack everything right up as we have some playtime in the stalls whenever we can… of course, whenever YOU want considering how I’m just nothing more than a mere tool to help you get to where you’re at and to sate you however you want. Getting you so big that your ball gut can look like it can easily pack any one person away… which you tease to me all of the time as you watch me get all flustered as I begin to physically crumble at the thought of being mulched up but with no one ever knowing concerning how I just look like a mere, hearty meal among everything else you’ve eaten over the past few semesters…
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>>48435 You're makin' me hungry over here. You, of all people, should know how dangerous it is to rile up my appetite. Remember what happened to Ms. Stevenson when she tried to take that sandwich away from me in class? Or what became of Joey when he tried snatching my lunch money? Tell me something, gutslut- would you volunteer to slide down my throat if I started demanding live meals of your family and friends, or would you selfishly choose to help me devour the people who mean the most to you in the world just to see how big they'd make my belly?
>>48441 Oh I know alright, don’t have to tell me how many times I see you get all riled up that you solve any petty problem by filling your gut up with whoever crossed you. Maybe I just like us to think fondly over every one meal you had… such as how all of those cheerleaders became nothing but a bunch of energetic thrashes along your dome of a gut when you heard them backtalking you… that or the field trip we went to for history class that was just you stuffing your face with museum tourists and staff You bet your growing ass that I would taking having you grow even if it means a bitter end with the family I grew up with. The thought of getting off to all of them inside of you, mutuals and family as you process them like nothing… leaving you merely more room for more~ wished I had a much bigger family to see how bigger of an impact they’d have on your bloated midriff, hon’~
>>48444 Mm, you realize that your eagerness to feed me would eventually make me get fat for real, right? We wouldn't be able to ride bikes together on the weekends if my ass is too big for the seat, and even something as simple as seeing a movie would be complicated by the constant growling of my gut, perpetually hungry because of how accustomed to huge meals it's gotten. Being so out of shape means that I would get out of breath just walking around, so my fat, sweaty ass would need lots of breaks to sit and rest (and maybe have another snack). Not to mention the social ramifications. Do you have any idea how much mockery you'd open yourself up to by being friends with "The Fat Kid"? They'd be too scared to mock me to my face (for obvious reasons), but you'd be relentlessly made fun of, even in my absence, for buddying up to such a gross, obese fatass. And how would your reputation ever recover when someone eventually discovered us fooling around in one of the restroom stalls after I ate a hearty meal? Maybe you should be careful cozying up to me, pal. My gut's not the only danger around here, you know?
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>>48438 What kind of cruel world is it where a pretty girl has to worry about being lured away by a gang of cuties and stuffed into some hungry little boy's belly?
>>48453 Just boys being boys~ Although, it’s quite brave of them to go after someone bigger than them. Personally, I would’ve been discreet about stuffing someone into my gut. Brings a lot of unwanted attention towards my squirming round belly!
Mmm.... Imagine being father to a cute little pred boy. Every day he comes home with a squirmy belly full of girls...
>>48456 Oof. Imagining how hungry they would always be just hurts my wallet. I’d rather let them think I didn’t see them sneaking off into the neighborhood and let them come home with a wriggling belly full of someone else’s kid. If the other parents ask. I didn’t see anything. My son is just sick, so that’s why he’s away from school at the moment. (They’re totally not busy digesting what’s left in their room and bragging about it to their friends on his phone)
>>48465 Just wait until they're in their teens, lol. I remember thinking that my boys were eating me out of house and home when they were still in elementary and middle school. Hell, even back then I would've slyly encouraged them to prey on their classmates/girlfriends/whoever if vore were possible just to save a couple (hundred) bucks in groceries. 'Course, my parents probably would've done the same for me when I was a youngster, given how high my metabolism used to be. I remember spending God-knows how much money on snacks and been and shit when I got my first job. Say what you will about aging, but getting old and fat is a lot easier on the wallet than being young and voraciously hungry all the time.
>>48470 If you’ve encouraged them to snack on classmates/girlfriends/whoever. Wouldn’t they constantly come back home each night with a wriggling churning gut? I mean, I’d gladly tuck him into bed each time and stay with him until his prey stops moving, so he can finally fall asleep listening to his own stomach’s gurgles But I get tired from constantly denying where someone’s friend went, where someone’s daughter went after a sleepover with my son, or if I know where a student went after they “mysteriously vanished” Bitch. I know where they went! They were nothing but struggling mass within my son’s gut before they succumbed to a 5rd grader’s stomach acid not even an hour ago! They’re nothing but a pudgy potbelly you idiot! I get that during his age, his getting more into convincing girls who have a crush on him to plunge themselves down his gullet without a second thought and can easily deal with a squirming gut in class with an calm expression. But he has to keep at least one girl!!! He keeps asking to stay home from school because his stomach wasn’t able to fully digest whoever got themselves churned last night and now he keeps getting ingestion from it… It breaks my heart whenever he whimpers to himself about his “Tummy is hurting him” and that “They’re being mean to his belly” all the while he clutching his smooth and sloshy gut in bed. What am I supposed to do about it?!? At least he seems to stay happy talking to friends on his phone whenever this happens. …..Maybe I should hire a babysitter to look after him for a bit?
>>48471 >Wouldn't they constantly come back home each night with a wriggling, churning gut? I fail to see the problem. >But he has to keep at least one girl!!! Personally, I'm not worried. This very thread is proof enough that confident, dominant and (most importantly) HUNGRY boys will never be in short supply of gutsluts to binge on. Who knows? Maybe one of them will bring him enough sacrifices to justify being rewarded with his child some day? >What am I supposed to do about it?!? I mean, you could always try massaging his heavy, swollen, sloshing stomach until it calms down. Surely, as his parent, you're not in any danger of joining his gut's sludgy contents... right? >Maybe I should hire a babysitter to look after him for a bit? Well, if you do, make sure its a high-school or college age girl, preferably a cute one. My boys always seemed to love them the most. Shame that they kept quitting early before the wife and I got back, but the boys always seemed happy enough.
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>>20689 Having a barely discernable bulge and a little portrait is never enough. I need to see that cute little stomach being stretched by those massive boobs!
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>>48978 Just watch as they walk pass you with a churning gut full from a busty teacher.
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>>48994 I'll be grabbing handfull of those before he turns them into more ass.
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I cant explain how much i love this boy <3
>>49369 That girl that's taking a bath full of stomach acid must be in pure bliss right now!~
>>49490 That girl is probably going to be in bliss for only a short period of time before she becomes nothing but boy pudge~
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>>20546 I still think about this sometimes. Imagine how heavy their hips would be by now.
>>49369 >>49490 >>49495 “Mmmph!!! H-Help…! Some damn b-brat ATE me while I was just trying to get into my office! Who let him in here anyways? W-Worst part is this… gunk… slimy stuff I’m stewing in dissolved my pencil skirt and my… my… ugh… my panties…! I’m starting to kind of… well… tingle ‘down there’. All these squeezes and squishes and vibrations are… doing things they shouldn’t be doing.” >The stomach walls press in tighter, his belly sloshes around as he starts walking. A few thick globules of his stomach slime oozes into her agape mouth. “Eeeuuuugh!!! Wh-What the f-fuuck…?! It w-w-went inside…? Wait… Where’s he going?!”
>>50776 Well, I don't have any kids but My niece and nephew would be perfect pred material
>>50807 How so? Are they constantly hungry? do they have that assertive attitude that really makes Preds shine?
>>50813 Whenever it's a family gathering they almost always out-eat all the adults, my sister is always complaining that they're eating her out of the house. Plus they're real self-entitled, especially my nephew. I have no doubt that if vore were real they'd have devoured many a poor soul by now.

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