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Giantess, same size, female, loli etc

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

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V0redy Paid works Anonymous 11/07/2021 (Sun) 14:34:30 No. 4060
Does anyone have the patreon stuff of V0redy? https://www.patreon.com/V0redy/posts
>>4060 Of course I do, he's me!
>>12488 The god of 3D vore/unbirth himself…
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>>12510 Don't stroke my ego too much now, but thank you. I'm glad you enjoy what I put out :) I'm no eskoz or Wiking, as much as I wish I had their animation skills and patience! >>12512 Fear not, I like looking for kind peeps who share content here too. Have a WIP :)
>>12514 some F/F would be nice!
>>12510 >The god of 3D vore/unbirth himself… Literally never heard of him before. 3D models aren't my thing, since almost nobody can seem to get out of the uncanny valley. I'd happily just stick with photoshops, but there's generally even less talented people making those. Usually it's just a lazy smear-tool job on a model to inflate her belly, and a text bubble. Mariner and Andromeda aren't too bad
>>12522 Fucking fantastic input, really fits the thread about the specific 3D vore fetish artist.
>>12514 >>12510 this mfer is just talking to himself
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>>12515 Its true, I've been slackin on F/F for a long time now. I'll think of some hot scenarios and get on it soon, I promise. For those interested in UB, I just finished this comic up. Any feedback would be appreciated as long as its civil!
>>12531 To the first one, I’m not him, I’d be much happier if I was cause then I could actually make some of the scenarios I’ve thought of. >>12604 To THE fellow himself, personally I think this may be my favourite piece of yours yet. I think it’s the thorough nature of your stuff that sets it apart from the rest of the other 3D modellers. You generally show the entire process of a vore scenario, initial swallow/insertion, the stomach/womb filling with different belly sizes, and I’ve thought your 3D same size belly bulges and imprints are some of the most suspense of disbelief inducing as I’ve come to see in my many years of lurking. I also very much do enjoy your focus on single prey same size, and the creative ways in which you take the scenarios, a focus on somewhat slice of life grounded (as “grounded” vore scenarios can be lmao) scenarios that are are far more digestible ((pun intended)) for when I don’t want to blast my eyes with OCs in technicolor outfits. The models you choose for female preds are almost always top notch, and have very detailed and attractive facial features; to have both great belly bulges and attractive press are sometimes luxuries around here. and just as a lil wish list thing, Redhead female pred unbirth is top tier, and you’d make this one person very happy.) I’ll admit I have a particular bias to F/M same size unbirth so all of your work as of yet has been more than pleasing. As for any thoughts on this particular work; I’d love to see more shots like that in the first panel of the 3rd part of that sequence, (perhaps legs first as a possible twist). If I truly did have one criticism, and I don’t feel like it’s a huge one that detracts majorly from your pieces. I feel like the brightness on many of them could be turned up a degree, mind you Im not versed in creating things like this at all, so I will just assume it’s no easy task to get good lighting. The short of it is your work is top notch, and I’d like to see every detail I can! Thanks for making it to the end of this essay if you actually made it. I mean all of this in good faith and hope you find it useful, and as per usual I’ll be patiently keeping my eyes out for the next Patreon post .(Patiently because burn out is real and it’s good to take breaks.) (This is just a lil wish list thing, but Redhead f/m same size unbirth would be absolutely top tier, and you’d make this one person very happy if you remembered such a wish list in the future.)
>>12669 I made some spelling mistakes and accidentally left a half baked version of my wish list. I regret nothing, and will face my imminent death with courage.
>>12669 Man I love all the feedback that people are kind enough to give, but this was a really welcome surprise to me at how in depth you break down the fundamentals of vore art that I either consciously or subconsciously strive for. I really appreciate these comments which articulate the favourite aspects as it allows me to think about and implement them in various ways the next time around. I totally agree that in previous instances I've borked the lighting, mostly due my lack of knowledge of how to efficiently light dark scenes such as the succubus UB series I did a while back. Even with a better understanding of the software I have now, it's still quite tricky to get the lighting to highlight features you want noticed and still look natural. It's a fine balance! You can tell I cranked up the brightness with this last UB series on purpose :') I should really re-do those older comics at some point with a better lighting setup, to ensure details aren't missed. Anyhow I once again want to thank you for taking the time to really get down to the nitty gritty of what you (and I) enjoy about what I put out there. I'll be thinking about this reply for a long time, that's for sure. If you ever did want to chat more, share ideas etc. Or go more in-depth about some redhead F/M UB art I could make ;), Feel free to add me on discord here: Voredy#4947, and that invitation does extend to anyone else too who wants to chat about any other vore shenanigans.
Anyone got their new comic?
Bump for the AV comic
New comic pages on Patreon, can someone update kemono or post them here?
Any new UB content?
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Leak from patreon
>>4060 Bump, any new content?
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WIP leak from discord Haven't seen them post anything else though, they are on hiatus apparently.

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