/vore1/ - Vore

Giantess, same size, female, loli etc

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

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ALERT SAVE ALL DEVINTART VORE CONTENT ASAP Anonymous 04/04/2024 (Thu) 08:51:53 No. 45283
https://www.deviantartsupport.com/en/article/what-is-deviantarts-policy-around-sexual-erotic-and-fetish-themes Anything you want saved before the purging amplifies I suggest you do now
Why the fuck did they officially recognize a distinction between soft vore and hard vore If they're gonna be corporate, ban it all and send the autists to ekas. Otherwise, let the 12yr olds have their shit
>>45283 So, we can have nudity and soft vore with mature tag, but if there's a girl who made a burp or a queef with some saliva/pussy fluids it gets banned? Also, all the edits from Serleena are gone, right?
Hahhaha. Good. Fuck hard vore. God damn cannibals. shoo! Begone! No one likes you
>>45296 It also includes anything remotely involving digestion you twat
Well fuck deviantart anyway, boring cunts. I don’t see the point of banning digestion related art it’s a totally fictional scenario
>>45296 It means no digestion. Which is literally the "climax" of vore content. Seriously FUCK internet censorship. It just keeps getting worse and worse.
>>45340 It's corporate company politics. These are the same people who are willing to say "fuck you" to all of their most promising users with all of the time and money they invest into DreamUp AI that steals their shit. It's fucking retarded that they are even making the distinction between this shit. Just ban all vore or leave it be. The thing is, they know that they make a fair bit of money off of all of the middle school vorephiles buying subscriptions to the AI goyslop and Ekas rejects, and they just want to push the community as far as possible without their paypiggies realizing. Whats sad to see is that nothing is happening. No recourse. Nothing will happen, either. Hell, the vore 'community' doesn't really give a fuck. These policies are only going to get worse, and the best choice we have is convincing the DA people we follow to migrate. We shit on Ekas religiously, but fail to realize that we are in the deep dark of the internet, and surface-level companies like DA have every incentive of kicking us further into the abyss. Enjoy this space while it lasts.
>>45371 So long as Eka herself is still alive, Eka's will remain probably the best place for vore content. She allows basically everything except child/cub stuff and that's fair enough. That pushes the Democrat activism line and that get's Federal attention. If you really want Cub vore, go to Inkbunny. You really want child vore, go to Barag. I wouldn't be surprised if InkBunny is next on purging vore though. It and SoFurry are the next most surface level Furry sites with Vore on them, and SoFurry nuked Vore ages ago so it could become the Furry Facebook basically.
>>45506 Huh, Democrat Activism Line is an auto censor for Child stuff
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I’m doing my part
>>45314 What a bizarre distinction to make, is writing "gurgle" next to a belly over the line? Do they just mean graphic gore?
>>50811 It depends. They really hate internals/sequences/ vore where there's no plausible deniability. They don't enforce this policy consistently, either Not defending hard vore, but any policy made by these mainstream platforms almost always mean bad news for us. I highly doubt that there's anyone in DA admin who truly thinks there's a difference between soft vore and hard vore, or safe vore and implied digestion or graphic digestion
i just saved all 170 of my vore stories thanks for the heads up

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