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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Hauntz/Sweetbunnii/cheddarcheeze Anonymous 09/11/2021 (Sat) 22:13:07 No. 566
they're an idiot who cannot allow their work to stay for even one minute, so why not archive the shit they like to nuke? archive thread. edits are welcome. just make sure it's this artist.
She's legit schizo, have patience with her. At some point she was freaking out that her haters were going to send "dark web hitmen" after her. At least her shading is much less messy now.
>>570 source on that statement?
>>573 "Schizo" is probably a hyperbole, but she clearly has paranoid episodes, which is why she nukes her shit regularly, and I feel bad for her.
shizo may be a bit much, but she probably befriended or is friends with trannies like nnn4464, carnivorousvixen or parabola0; and we know how those faggots coerce and browbeat you if you show the slightest disagreement with them. They pressured drelard to make their clown "nonbinary". hauntz is, understandably, worried they'll try to dox or cyberstalk her on twitter, eka's , tumblr, wherever. notice how when trannies "befriend" an artist, that artist rarely produces any work, and if they do, its' usually featuring their tranny "friend"'s self insert, like one of Tsavo's latest.
>>2351 >shizo may be a bit much, but she probably befriended or is friends with trannies like nnn4464, carnivorousvixen or parabola0; and we know how those faggots coerce and browbeat you if you show the slightest disagreement with them. what do you mean by coerce? im curious. what happened?
Does anyone have the rest of this sequence? I think there was a prior one or post vore but idk
>>2351 You're probably right. You also notice they HAVE to mention how trans they are in each picture. God forbid people believe the character is fucking normal.
https://anonfiles.com/Tay4E2Q5u2/cheddarcheezey_-1339351493372088321_20201216_232734_-1452108438922694660_20211024_040325_-media_rar They're nuking their twitter, not sure about their Aryion, but someone should probably archive that too. Here's all the media from their twitter ripped, sorry for it not being organised.
gee, in only three days, this thing aready got hatespeech. Could you, you know, shut up and talk about your ideas on better suited places for that, not on a fucking fetish forum.
>>3127 I'm a girl now nigger, and you will address me as such.
>>3176 Never said I wanted to be one
>>3156 Yeah, you might want to start talking with actual people soon and not the idea you have of said demographic
>>3258 Gee no need for racial slurs 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
>>3258 sound like a domestic terrorist better hope your life doesn't get dragged into this ..whore..
>>3307 We all do.
>>3307 Only thing dumber than a racist, an obsessive racist who doesn't know when to die
>>3310 The world kills racists :) Have a nice white life
>>3310 Hint it if you see me and your face is coming the fuck off
>>3310 Hang yourselves together then burn
>>3317 >>3318 >>3319 Lol look at the internet tough guy. No one is afraid of an anti-racist cuck.
>>566 Use gallery-dl to get the Twitter page.
I came here to jerk it not listen to you retards ramble anyone got more hauntz pics?
>>3380 Neither did I yet here we are
>>3379 >Copying Spaghetti_Cultists exact words Nice one, Anon.
>>3326 nobody cares about your irrelevant ring side shit just let them kill each other
>>3326 ppl say this all the time but you never really know who actually killed someone.. the internet is such a stupid place for trolls and loudmouth dickheads
https://anonfiles.com/taycBah6w8/Hauntz_rar Don't remember where I got it, I'm pretty sure its all the images from the Hauntz Eka's page.
>>7345 Even the Jason Voorhees one?
>>566 Has she popped up anywhere else yet?
>>7345 sorry, the files are not found. can you relink it again please.
Did they ever come back? They were amazing
>>2351 Drelard being so spineless that he bends the knee like that explains so much about him.

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