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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Artists or Characters you Like Anonymous 12/05/2021 (Sun) 18:39:09 No. 6583
An antithesis to the hate thread. I'll start: Greenjester, his OC Marisa is my favorite of his.
started the thread with shit already.
Why don't you cry about it
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Pyxxyl was easily one of my favorites, and Dawn was an enjoyable OC. Really miss their stuff. Also avoracomics chaser was really enjoyable. It was always great they were able to do quality work while not even liking the fetish.
>>6587 What happened to them anyways
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>Artists you like At risk of being a simp... theboogie, high quality art, very easy going guy, puts out at least a dozen images a month, does a variety of characters and content. His patreon gives early access and voting, nothing hidden behind a forever-paywall, on top of all that, he's offered his original PSD files to editors and done requests anonymously.
>>6587 Good choice. Dawn is peak F/M. >>6609 From what I heard, he apparently has a job in the industry and so decided to stop drawing vore. Probably to reduce the chances of getting his artstyle recognized or something.
>>6584 Rest in piss
>>6610 Boogie just gets it. Shortstack preds with bitchy attitudes.
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>>6609 >>6613 he appeared for a hot second in a /d/ request thread sometime ago. Drew the fast food mascot Wendy eating the Starbucks girl.
>>6629 Sauce?
>>6637 Do you have that pic anywhere? And just curious how long ago was it?
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>>6653 Here you go, it looks like the request thread was around June 2020.
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Tsavo, I don't know really anything about the guy personally but I've heard he's pretty chill. As for his art, his female pred stuff is god-tier; I'm not a fan of male preds in general but his art is always just incredibly, regardless of what he draws. This Korra image from however many years ago is actually the first piece of art I've ever seen of his and on Eka's in general and what made me make an account on it to follow him.
I appreciate this. Never understood the point of a hate thread when I come here to indulge in my fetish. Characters? God, where to begin? I think that could go on far, far too long. Artists. A lot of my favorites are writers, since I'm drawn to written stuff most. Big fan of The_Wolf, DuckBurger, Observer (back when that was a thing), and plenty more. Visual artists? I enjoy a lot of Jora-Bora's stuff, Lampton, and even the right chunk of Bigbig's work and AdjectiveNounCombo's work (as much as I know many have hostile feelings about them).
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>>6775 Probably should share some image, huh? There are from another favorite: Nope (who was something like TheBoogie in the past?) As much as furry stuff normally doesn't do it for me, I also like a lot of Scott Calico's work.
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>>6775 >Observer I wish he would come back, the themes he wrote about and made images of were really good, heavy on the popular/rich/powerful girl preying on innocent shy girls. I know he used tracing, but he went above and beyond standard shitty low effort tracing. He adapted it and made a style of his own.
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>>6637 >>6659 Maybe she's a FOTM or not what OP meant by "characters you like" but fuck it, Wendy makes for a really sexy pred >smug/cheeky/rude >freckles/redhead/pigtails >cute dress, striped thigh socks >obvious fast food related scenarios >social media play It's a perfect storm
>>6632 Source on the images besides the mementomori one?
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>>6780 Thought the art was fine, but I loved the stories. I miss them for sure. While I'm at it, I also loved Vyaitch's writing before it evaporated (image basically related, I have the first part somewhere but can't find it at the moment.)
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>>6775 Hate threads usually used to have a purpose of bringing awareness to massive cunts in the community like TASE or NNN so that people would know to avoid them. Without actual people worth rallying against, now "Hate" threads are just full of autists with personal grudges and schizos who think all artists who draw both male/female are apart of some femboy cult or some shit. Back to positivity though, I'm starting to dig the recent increasing quality of vore games. Saint Milunia has been amazing so far. So many scenes hit just the right buttons for both pred and prey moods. My personal favorite being the prey scene with Izumi, having to escape a predator's stomach before you're buried with food. I wish OsmiumOrchid the best in taking the project to the future. A Way Back Home is another game I've come to enjoy too. Compared to other RPGMaker games, the scenes have pretty good anticipation and pre-vore, as well as really solid aftermath, something that a lot of other game projects tend to lack. I look forward to that project going forward too. A High Stakes Game coming back this Friday is something I look forward to too.
>>6840 >Hate" threads are just full of autists with personal grudges and schizos who think all artists who draw both male/female are apart of some femboy cult or some shit. in your head, in your head, they are living with their trolls, and their frogs, and their frogs in your head, in your head, they're shitposting
For me it's Teruyuki and his mascot Cleo. He's improved a lot the last few months and I wish him the best
any artist that draws a lot of endo same size stuff, like Starcrossing that mostly posts AV endo same size, BellyMuffin that posts mostly Soft endo samesize but they're kind of inactive now, StygianRook, Molotco, or some big belly vore artists, and many more i cant mention. CN artist like MagicA2 for their snek + yuri vore stuff, and some japanese(?) artist from pixiv like Keze/Kuzumochi, clip8806, and probably randoms on pixiv idk where they're from like RubbishAppeal. I also like Varu/Volezor stuff especially with F/F samesize stuff. Im usually not really into micro preys or digestion stuff, but i sometimes give exception if the story and art is kind of ok. also im not really into furry vore stuff but again it depends which artist. Im usually not into western furry art styles.
>>6583 CakeInferno. The guy makes top-tier animated content; he works his ass off and it shows, and from what little I know about him behind the scenes he's a genuinely polite and pleasant guy. Love his character and animations. I hope he has an easy recovery from COVID.
Korra and Harley Quinn are by far my favorite preds. As for artists, I really like LTAF's work
>>6775 I think Faggot is one of the best vore artists out there, even if thats now an unpopular opinion. I dont like all of his work, but he reaches consistent peaks for me that no other artist comes close to. Plus, he's like the most actually skilled vore artist I can think of. I think his knowledge of actual art related things like anatomy and rendering sets him apart from other vore artist. Not saying no one else is able to do these things (There are plenty that can), but its hard to think of one who can do it so consistently, so well, and without taking any really long breaks. Overall yeah I can see why people dont like him, cause his art is everywhere and that can get annoying, but I think he has drawn some really just plain solid pieces that make him noteworthy. I do sometimes feel like he over renders pieces at times though
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>>9779 Harley and Korra are two of mine too.
>>6583 Hey anon could you post some of your favorites of her? Ever since Spinel happened I've been attracted to rubber-hose girls
>>9780 agreed. as much as an over defensive fag of his art he can be, i will still say he has one of the best art styles and a lot of talent. I mean everyone asks for his art in share threads for a reason.
>>11019 Here you go The Spinel OC (Mime-el) is mine. Hangrydemon (formerly Greenjester) is a real cool dude. Love his style, and he occasionally takes free requests, also does commissions too.
Anyone know if there are more gyaru preds out there? Marin from Bisque Doll's led me down a bit of a rabbit hole
Bumping bumputy bool
bnnnnxg19 is fucking incredible and I think heavily underrated. Their art style is incredible, the expression, the face bulges, the way the *very* evident power dynamic is shown, I love it all. I'm someone who very much likes to stick with my niche of no sex shenanigans unbirth, and "A love letter" has to be my favourite piece of art ever. However, they also pull me in directions I'd never thought I'd enjoy, period. Digestion was never something I remotely enjoyed before seeing their skeleton bulge art, same with breast vore. Maiesen is also great. I used to be a cringe fuckwit who'd browse DeviantArt looking for an even remotely enjoyable caption since I overall prefer IRL stuff, but his art style really pulled me out of that awful phase. He's improved his art a tonne since when I first started following him years ago, and even then, guy's really down to earth as a person overall.
Clawria is my favorite original character since it fits my weird taste for Rubberhose girls, however I really wish that her creator XCosmic-FetishX didn't have a foot fetish. It just doesn't look/match great with her cartoonish style, if they where basic cat paws she'd be my number 1 favorite OC
I'd have to say Strega is probably one of my favorites. The man is one of the oldest vore creators out there, a well known figure in the community, and just has solid art and stories. Animal preds, anthro preds, fantasy settings. Even made multiple furry D&D races with vore mechanics in mind.
Recently Reactorgirl has been doing a sequence involving Rebbeca from Cyberpunk. It has some amazing graphic parts that they have put tons of effort into, with some of the best graphic scenes I have seen. They also have safe alternatives where you don't see inside, and each graphic scene is marked in the preview. If you like Graphic vore, this sequence has some of the best, and I feel they deserve support for all the effort they have put in. start https://aryion.com/g4/view/847375 graphic scene 1 https://aryion.com/g4/view/849388 graphic scene 2 https://aryion.com/g4/view/855085
>>6796 1st one looks like Sachisan I think? not really sure 3rd one is Ermotsav/ErmotSAAS though the pic itself is a color edit I let him do from an older pic 4th one is TheKnobbit pretty sure
Any of you lads know of the vore artist named Mystic Emerald by any chance? >I've seen some of their chibi work out on Aryion a couple of times before but no where else https://aryion.com/g4/view/779285 you folks know anything of em, because so far its been mainly chatter that they went under the radar and some chatter goes around a while back that they did a few comms that were to be client to client only or something.
>>24308 it aint worth it, all his shit is the same as the link you posted just with different chars, have no idea why people got so hyped over a 12 year olds art
We need more positivity in todays world
Concept but forced vore is nngghh especially when it’s a mom forced to destroy her own children and hubby with it was so much more popular than it is
wish it*
Fucking VenusGoth208! Why can't I edit this faggot's tags? Why is this bastard special? He can put whatever fucking stupid tag alongside his username and stay but everyone else can't!
>>35950 Read the thread title you mong
>>35958 Plastic bellies lmao his new stuff is so bland and bad I don’t know how to describe it
>>36252 i guess that's kinda true,,, i wish he would spice it up in some way like he used to
>>36258 I feel it’s the shapes and the shading style, back then they looked like they had weight and were actually shaded well like that kat pic, now it’s just perfectly round gradient shaded yoga balls
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Ingrid hits the marks for me by being a witch pred and a delphox milf, and I consider her more interesting than most of Fidchell’s other OCs.
I can't remember everyone from the top of my head currently but here's my favs: Sunsetsarsaparilla Toasterking Dragesanimations 4KKC Hunnter Kiyoa Fairyfud Coldbrush Sunny hero What do they all have in common? Pretty hot female prey.
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I love eve not because of any fetish reasons but because I’m a goddamn edgelord who loves angst
>>38510 Poor Eve just can't seem to catch a break
Miss Pauling from TF2 deserves more vore love
Miss Pauling is not an artist
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Pebbleroni, they don't post as much as they used to but their art scratches an itch. probably because their scenes seem so casual and lax.
It says characters and I saw few characters in media being shown here so I’m free to post Pauling there as I really love the character a lot
I guess I'll just say SpaghettiCultists. He's a genuinely fantastic artist and I miss his work. If you're out there Spaghetti, don't be so hard on yourself. Don't let the faggots get to you. i genuinely think you're cool, and I wish you'd come back.
Faggot is and always will remain the goat to me. His stuff is what really got me into vore and introduced me to eka's portal, which opened the floodgates to a slueu of talented artists. Plus all of his art is super high quality.
>>41426 Why the fuck can't I say big big
>>41426 >>41427 Whoever coded in big big's name to be changed to fag is a bitch ass motherfucker
ChemicalCrux is my favorite pred, no contest.
Bumping per an anon's request in the another thread
Just starting with three. Kiyoa. I don't even like humanoid same-size vore 99% of the time but the fucker is just too good. MinaHyena. There's so little of her art around but it's fucking great. Rupie. Reptiles and creatures fucking and eating beautiful girls? Just perfect.
Who are yalls top 5?
>>43216 1. Willudie 2. Vaderaz 3. Iddeh/Mr. Iddi 4. Natsumemetalsonic 5. ThiccnCute
Here are a few of my favorite vore creators. Chameleonette, OdinVonD, Simplegreenbag, ArtofVenus, Perilcomics, EloquentOrc, Narrows, hunnter, Briarheart, EmblemMan, YoukaiChan, Crymoore, Lin_art, Barghest236, and IndifferentEmpath.
My favorite artists are anyone who can do really nice WG without making the pred blobby or trying to pass off 1 gained pound as “Weight gain”. So, that’s people like SharkVor3, SachaSketchy, AfraArt, and others like em
Lutt’s absolutely amazing, I don’t think i’ve met an artist as positive as them, let alone their great vore content and artstyle. Afra’s cool too yea, great guy, fun style! AresKraft33 doesnt get enough attention for the quality they produce GhostsNGarlic has some real cute stuff!
>>43216 In no particular order: -Prismara -Voraciousmoga -Ragnar -Neuro -Rupie I just like monsters eating hot babes
>>43230 Oh I forgot about Lin_art, she's great
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Zira The Mecranord is a lovely pred in my opinion~

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