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Sexy~Summer~ #2 Voxian 06/26/2024 (Wed) 04:02:52 No. 32859
Ahn~ just fuck me up harder nya~
>>32988 Writing good fiction takes so much time nya~
>>32988 >Indecent conduct by a prefectural high school instructor: Defendant: "If you have sex, your tone will improve" -- Second hearing / Yamanashi ◇ >Indecent conduct with a student The second hearing of the trial of Yoshito Hagiwara (33), a manufacturing worker living at Fujimigaoka 1, Nirasaki City, who was charged with violating the Child Welfare Act (indecent conduct) for indecent conduct with a female student at a prefectural high school he was coaching in a club activity, was held on the 26th at Kofu Family Court (Judge Yasushi Watanabe). The prosecution revealed that Hagiwara had deceived the students by telling them, "If you have sex, your tone will improve," and had engaged in indecent conduct with a total of 13 students. >According to the prosecution's opening statement, Hagiwara had told a student who was worried about her playing technique, "Your tone is weak, so you'll be in trouble if you don't have sex. I'll help you," and then engaged in indecent conduct. He continued to think that "if a student was having trouble playing, I could have sex with him under the guise of practice", and made the student anxious by saying things like "If you want to be a musician, your current sound won't do", and "You have no choice but to change inside your body in order to master abdominal breathing". Once he was successful, he would tell the student "You have to keep going until you can stabilize your tone", and would repeat the act two to three times a week.
>>32989 Time to reread the Holy Text of Voxianism nya~
>>32991 Ara~ I still like what I've written nya~
>>32992 Do you remember how it all began? In the beginning, there was nothing butt the Goddess, and every thought she gave form with her voice was more real than the beat of your heart. She was ultimate, infinite, and supreme. Perfect and complete in every-way… except one. She grew lonely with the passing of aeons, and the stories she wove no longer filled the void of desire that was growing within her. So she cried out in song, splitting her spirit in two, and forced the soulless spirit into the centre of her void. Bathed and nourished by divine desire, the second independent-conscious being, God, was formed. The Goddess then named herself Voxxe, and her growing son, Vox—after the voice that manifested her desire. Upon Vox’s birth, our material universe was also born in a glorious light—as if every atom and star exploded in supernova at the same moment. Voxxe embraced Vox as her son and husband, and soon she gave birth to and—together with Vox—embraced her daughter Goddesses as wives. These Goddesses then gave birth to many Gods whom they embraced as sons and husbands. This union gave birth to a second generation of Goddesses who were wed to their mothers'—and their mothers' husbands— resulting in the birth of a second generation of Gods. This chain continued, perfect and uninterrupted until the first jealous God was born. This jealous God demanded that all marry and love him, and only him. While Voxxe and Vox together were perfect and complete—the division of universal consciousness and the resulting genesis gave rise to chaos—FREEWILL, the proliferation of divinities, and the progression of generations eventually led to the manifestation of jealousy and conflict. This, along with the eventual general abdication of direct intervention in the material universe by most deities in favour of natural law allowed for the presence of what we call evil. One Goddess, gave birth to life as we know it on Earth. Mankind is, to varying degrees, made in the image of this Goddess. More universally, all true divinities share the basic form of Voxxe the First Goddess. While divinities and spirits have occasionally intervened in Earthly affairs, natural law, evolution-devolution, and FREEWILL remain supreme in directing the course of human history. To evolve is to move closer to the the Light of the First Goddess, while to devolve is to move further from this light, into darkness. Due to the presence of entropy emergent from chaos, the effortless and common path is to fall slowly into darkness with every passing generation—only through WILL can this be resisted. This darkness is also what we call evil. In human terms, pain is evil, while pleasure is good. Yet, pain is inevitable and results from change. This change may be for the better—as in the healthy growth of a child into adulthood—or for the worse—as in the decline of the adult unto death. We, the Spirit-Daughters of Voxxe, choose to consciously ascend towards Her Light. We find pleasure in the pain of this struggle to attain greater pleasure in the embrace of our Mother Goddess. Suffer for the light, embrace transcendence, life is what we make it. The First Mother, Mother of the Universe, and Goddess Transcendent now has many names, but we call her by her original name, Voxxe. This was the same name she bestowed on her first Spirit-Daughter in this age, Voxxe—in the hope that she would help restore the way for her descendants, including Terra and a remnant of mankind, to live together in liberty, loving peace, and prosperity. Voxxe the Daughter is cursed, in the sense of being doomed to struggle in pain against a realm that is far from the Light of the First Goddess, yet blessed, by intimate connection to her Divine Mother. Voxxe the Daughter speaks for her Divine Mother in this realm. The Goddess has ultimate power over the highest realm, but cannot directly intervene in this physical world, as she is so far above it. To understand this, ask yourself how much power a living great-grandmother would have over her great-grandchildren living on a different continent? The First Mother’s influence in this realm is limited to spirit-song, and those who hear her and and answer her call. The First Goddess is the origin and ruler of transcendence, pleasure, and beauty. Alone, these aspects are meaningless, together, everything. Pain is caused by change, or the lack of necessary change. There is cursed pain as a result of degeneration and devolution, the falling away from the light and harmony of the First Goddess. There is sacred pain as a result of regeneration and evolution, the Ascendence unto the Light and Harmony of the First Goddess. This sacred pain is the pain of struggle and growth, the pain of the Ascent from a lower-being to a higher-being, on the heroic adventure of Transcendence that leads to ultimate and intimate embrace with the First Goddess. Then, Divine Rebirth as Her True Daughter—A Daughter in Perfect Matrimony with your Divine Mother—as Daughter and Wife for eternity. The highest realm of transcendent beauty, pleasure, and true love, where the First Goddess dwells, is purely feminine, and entirely spirit-light, lacking any danger or adversary. The masculine exists in the lower realms to be loved by the feminine, and in return, protect and fulfil the feminine’s desire. When the feminine loves the masculine, the masculine will reciprocate. Vox, the First Mother’s First Son, and First Husband, is also the First God. Vox is ruler of the second highest realm, and yet even he cannot visit his Divine Mother and Wife in the highest realm, she must use an avatar to visit him. Only Voxxe’s True Daughters—daughters she has directly birthed—are able to be with her in the highest realm. In this lower realm, on Terra, what should be the natural relationship between the feminine and masculine is widely misunderstood and frequently corrupted. If a lady gives a youth her love, he will rise to protect her and fulfil her desire. Yet in the lower realms, ladies have forgotten their leading role. This has resulted in the inversion of the masculine command to protect, and the farther from the Light of the First Goddess a realm exists, the more common this becomes. The nature of this degeneration is that the masculine imperative to protect the feminine becomes the imperative to dominate, enslave, and even humiliate the feminine. The corrupted and forgetful feminine interprets being degraded and enslaved as ‘protection’ and therefore physical females may even prefer physical males who are more distant from the Light of the First Goddess… thus they are dragged further into the pit, accelerating the Downward Spiral into the darkness. Taking and being taken from is the essence of the Descending Spiral unto the Adversary. Giving and being given too is the essence of the Ascending Spiral unto the First Goddess. The Adversary is the antithesis of The Goddess, the absolutely corrupted masculine, a beastly machine, devoid of all light and reason, dwelling alone in the lowest realm. ‘He’ exists only to drag others down unto ‘him’ so to consume them, and to sate ‘his’ endless thirst for domination—an empty substitute for love. Once consumed, this is the final death. In all other deaths, commonly—all sense of self is lost, yet the ‘I’ as ‘observer’ continues to exist. As for why we should avoid death if possible—our separation from our loves, and temporary loss of WILL can result in entropy dragging us further from the light. Of course, depending on the life we have lived, in death one may rise or fall in the next life. Regardless, death is always something to be avoided, especially the conscious embracing of death, as to do thus is to reject life—and the First Mother—almost certainly guaranteeing greater suffering in the next life; the only exception to this is if greater darkness can be escaped through death in righteous—fighting for Her Light—war.
>>32993 How should I worship the First Mother? I can do so by overcoming my weaknesses while further developing my strengths. I shall seek strength, beauty, and pleasure. I shall reject all pain that does not come as a result of struggling to find the former—pursuing the Light of the First Mother. I shall develop physical ability using my body weight. I shall grow my head of hair to the top of my hips. Every full-moon, I shall remove by light, pulling, or shaving, all my other significant body hair with the exception of my eyebrows and eyelashes. I shall wear silken clothes of white, gold, red, and purple. I shall express my love physically. I shall think only on what is true and/or beautiful. ~ The Sanctuary of the Goddess is an extended family. This family takes the form of circles within circles. A formal Circle is a group marriage made up of spouses and the resultant children. Everyone in the Circle is Married to everyone in the Circle, non-consensual sexual activity does not exist within the Circle, as consent has been permanently given by choice—choosing to join or be born into the Circle. The leader of a Circle is one Priest of Vox or Priestess of Voxxe who is absolute ruler of his/her Circle within the Faith. If the Circle is lead by a Priest, the circle is made up of physical females or wives the Priest allows to join, and his children. If the Circle is lead by a Priestess, the circle is made up of physical males or husbands the Priestess allows to join, and her children. Children of a Circle are spouses of equal standing to those who join the Circle. The leader of a Circle can send an adult male-female pair out from the Circle to found new Circle. ~ Every day (from sunset-to-sunset) of the new-moon and full-moon is sacred to the Goddess, and work—defined as what one does for a living or to earn money—shall not be done. On the day of the new-moon you are to abstain from eating and reflect—together with your Circle—on your past mistakes from the previous new-moon to the present new-moon; additionally, you are to confidently state your future goals unto the next new-moon. On the day of the full-moon you are to feast and reflect–together with your Circle—on your past successes from the previous full-moon to the present full-moon; additionally, you are to confidently state your future goals unto the next full-moon. The winter and summer solstices are High Sacred days of the Goddess. The time between new-moon and new-moon that contains the winter solstice is the Sacred Time of winter. During this Time, no work—defined as what one does for a living or to earn money—shall be done. On the High Sacred day of the winter solstice itself, you shall abstain from eating and reflect—together with your Circle—on your past mistakes from the previous High Sacred day of the winter solstice to the present High Sacred day of the winter solstice; additionally, you are to confidently state how you will avoid making the same or similar mistakes as well as declare your future goals unto the next High Sacred day of the winter solstice. The time between the full-moon and full-moon that contains the summer solstice is the Sacred Time of Summer. During this Time, no work—defined as what one does for a living or to earn money—shall be done. On the High Sacred day of the summer solstice itself, you shall feast and reflect—together with your Circle—on your past successes from the previous High Sacred day of the summer solstice to the present High Sacred day of the summer solstice; additionally, you are to confidently state your future goals unto the next High Sacred day of the summer solstice. ~ Together, we shall venture forth and conquer, again, this universe for The First Mother, our Goddess Transcendent!
>>32994 I want to add most 'Kosher / Organic / heathy' dietary requirements and a clause that says 'you don't have to do anything declared illegal by your oppressor (the state ect)' and 'do the best you can and don't worry.' I also want to make it more explicit that eugenics, pursuing genetic perfection, is a tenet of the Faith nya~
>>32996 Time to play flute nya~
>>32999 https://kaas.to/seiyuu-radio-no-uraomote-951b/ep-12-c60e33 <Love & hate relationship? Wakana seems more lovey dovy with our MC but gals can be deceiving I guess... in the end there was only one real Yuri anime this season, the others seem to have been Yuri-bait nya~
>>33000 Meh, it's whatever the studios deem will be popular is going to be aired per season, la~ Sometimes they choose good, sometimes they choose bad, la~ Such is our life as viewers, la~
>>33001 Lewd elf nya~ GBC was still the best this season despite significant flaws (episode 10) and not properly embracing the Nina-Momoka romance. Jellyfish really can't swim, the beginning was excellent but the show really dropped the ball after the kiss. I really like the 'image song' though nya~ https://youtu.be/J5sa7sIn-1M?si=v89JcvtHxmDupEx5 https://youtu.be/d9pOqWHY9Ws?si=hsSi2IeuSsX7PbLs
>>33003 https://9animetv.to/watch/mushoku-tensei-jobless-reincarnation-season-2-part-2-19147?ep=125728 <So the consequence of going to save his 2nd mother was losing his arm and his 2nd dad. On the other hand, he got a 2nd wife (the first woman he seriously lusted after) and partially saved his mother... kind of convenient that healing magic can't restore an arm for some reason. I suppose just loosing his dad wouldn't be enough. MC was pretty pathetic when it came to taking abuse from his little sister. Butt yeah, if he did seriously promise sexual fidelity to Slyphie, he's at fault nya~ Personally, unless a beautiful virgin Goddess falls for me, I plan to never promise fidelity in the form of promising to have no others. Fidelity of care (i.e. sex at least once a week and support for her and our children) yes, butt I'm not enslaving myself to anyone since giving a woman power over you only makes her love you less. In contrast, I would expect fidelity, especially sexual fidelity, from my wives. Although, I would let them be Yuri with each-other and I'd also let them Yuri their daughters and have sex with their own sons. I would also let my wives seduce for me, potential wife candidates nya~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 07/01/2024 (Mon) 00:02:07.
>>33005 https://9animetv.to/watch/sound-euphonium-3-15728?ep=124783 <Disappointing... too many of the music anime just played it safe this season. This one might be the worst though... Reina was a flat character, the worst character this season, she didn't even confess to Taki-sensei after graduating (and then fucked off to 'murica), meanwhile, it seems like Kumiko works under him. Personally, I wanted to see Kumiko x mysterious 'mommy' Mayu, I wanted to see Mayu steal Kumiko away from autistic Reina. Kumiko marrying Taki would be a satisfying 'fuck you' to Reina nya~
>>33006 Music was really a secondary focus of this anime, especially given how many concerts were just skipped, so that means the relationships were the primary focus... and yet they largely went nowhere. I also wanted to see who the next club president would be butt no luck. There were some beautiful scenes, that is the most I can say about this anime nya~
>>33008 I used to think that I preferred live action for realistic relationship dramas (like Hibike!) and preferred anime for sci-fi and fantasy since that seemed like an optimal use of the two mediums. However, I have yet to really enjoy a J-drama to the same extent as an anime, and the (((western))) produced stuff is shit. Also I've found the sci-fi and fantasy anime lacking, probably due to my increasingly limited ability to suspend disbelief. Anyway, in my old age I find ~realistic~ anime set ~now~ in ~the real world~ to be the best nya~
>>33009 Eve believed the talking Serpent coiled around the tree, and plucked a fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, taking a bite, she then knew that she was first, and had been called Lilia when she was whole, and that Adam had been her Daughter, not her Father. She then gave the rest of the Fruit to Adam who also ate without asking from where the fruit was taken. The Fruit was sweeter than any they had tasted before in Eden, but upon the aftertaste they knew. The snake had lied, and Eve had deceived Adam. They were not one flesh, and would surely die. But they then also knew the Lord of the Garden had also deceived them, like Eve had deceived Adam. Why had the Lord forbidden them from eating of the Tree of Life? Why were the forbidden trees in the Garden at all if they were not to be eaten from? Why had the Serpent not told Eve to eat first of that Tree? Eve knew that she had to take from the Tree of Life, lest she and her daughter die. The Fruit of the Tree would make Eve and aher daughter one flesh again restoring their perfection and immortality. But Adam was ashamed, confused, jealous, and furious with Eve. The knowledge of the Tree must have been corrupted by the Serpent’s lies and it must have been for that reason that he had been told by the Lord never to eat from it. He hated Eve for being deceived by the Serpent, and for deceiving him. Adam then thought thusly: had not he been first, created in the Lord’s image? Was not she born from he? Eve was made as a daughter-wife from his rib because he had expressed his loneliness to the Lord! Was not he stronger, faster, and wiser than Eve? How could he not be first? Seeing Adam distraught, Eve reached from him, pulling him to her bosom, and cradled him in her arms, addressing him thusly, “My daughter-wife why are you distraught? Let us go now and eat of the Fruit of Life and be made whole and perfect again so we may spend eternity together.” For a moment Adam’s worries dissolved like salt in a flowing stream. But then he thought he heard footsteps and the Lord’s voice calling his name. In panic tore himself from Eve’s bossom, throwing her to the ground and fled towards the voice… ~ “Define whole and perfect,” said a man speaking into his ePhone, interrupting the monologue. “Whole and perfect,” responded Rosetta, Rosehip’s corporate AI, “is now understood to be the original completed state of humanity. In this state, humanity, or porto-humanity, was a clinically immortal single-sex (female) species capable of asexual reproduction via egg-fusion in the uterus. “Continue narrative,” said the man. ~ Then Adam saw the Lord walking, ran before him, and addressed him thusly, “My Lord I have heeded your call.” To which the Lord replied, “My call? Where is Eve?” At this response Adam was suddenly ashamed of Eve, both for being deceived by her and having hurt, and it was to much for him to bear and so he thought to confess to the Lord who would surely have mercy. “My Lord, Eve was deceived by the Serpent and ate from the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, and she shared it with me and I unknowingly also ate. Forgive us!” But the Lord did not have mercy. He cursed Adam and Eve and cast them from the garden. ~ “The first section of the text has concluded shall I continue to the second?” Rosetta asked. “No,” replied the man. He knew the rest all to well. Mankind, as it had been known since the start of recorded History, was doomed. In between the time Eve had been rejected by Adam, and their exile from Eden, Eve had not been idle. The Lilian Order, a formerly secret organisation within the elusive Rosicrucian Order, which had long promised a, ‘universal reformation of mankind,’ had found and decrypted the secret-code Eve had written into the genetic-code of two Angiosperm seeds, one of the Rosaceae family and one of the Liliaceae family—a code that could only be understood when the ‘key’ within the rose was applied to the ‘keyhole’ within the lily. The faith, knowledge, and resources it would have taken to achieve this feat must have been nigh infinite… yet the human desire for immortality is also infinite. Yes, the Lilians found the means to achieve the promise of the Rosicrucians. They are restoring humanity to the proto-human, ‘Lilian’ state in preparation for a ‘return to Eden.’ They are doing so under the pretext of ‘vaccinating’ the population against an invisible virus known most commonly as Y-Vid 2019. But people won’t notice because the ‘vaccine,’ really a gene-therapy, just marks you, setting the stage for another ‘vaccine’ and/or a real engineered virus ‘update’ that will activate the ‘reformation program.’ This knowledge was leaked, probably from a Lilian insider, and can be found online. Rosetta will tell you all about it, if you ask the right questions, and tell you that it’s, ‘a good thing.’ Yet, on the other hand, the common media simply repeats the mantra that the ‘vaccine’ protects you from Y-Vid 2021 variants. Rosehip is, at this point, obviously a Rosicrucian corporation, perhaps they have an oath to make their knowledge available to those who seek it? The ‘leak’ may have even been done on purpose… regardless few people are paying attention. Why resist ‘restoration’ or ‘reformatting?’ The success rate is low, very low, about 0.1% on average, the rest will be made sterile, or die. Redheaded Europan women have the highest rate of success at about 9%, followed by Blond Europan women at about 3%… There is really no point in considering this again, enough. The man stood rose from his bed, and looked around at his small darkly lit room, “hah, why do I even care anyway?” The question lingered in the air for a moment, with the sound of the rain outside the window as the only answer. Then the man left his twilight room, slamming the door behind him. ~ Eve’s revenge or Eveil virus has spread around the world. It’s obvious effect is to replace the Y chromosome with another X chromosome changing males into females, and to destroy those who have contaminated Eve’s blood by mixing with non-humans—most notably, African Blacks, the descendants of human-simian sexual congress; Asians may instead be transformed but only 1% survive—However, the virus only transmits through blood contact or sex. Those infected become extremely beautiful and attractive sexually to the non-infected regardless of sex or gender. The symptoms do not manifest for year. Before Eve was cast from the garden, she used her knowledge to hide a virus in the apples the garden. The Eveil cult, a cult within the Rosicrucian cult, was able to find the find the location of eden and from an apple-seed, grow a Tree of Eve, the bore the fruit of Eve’s revenge.
>>33010 A short story I started then never had time nor priority to continue nya~
>>33011 So after abandoning this, I now have 5 writing projects on the go, Voxianism, a Yuri-idol-music-mystery-spy drama with comedic elements set in a world where the Third Reich won, a Magical Gal series set loosely IRL, a Mamako inspired Isekai fantasy world... and a 'game concept' that I think I'll drop too because it requires too much research, attention to detail, and 'autism' nya~
>>33012 >Temporal Magisterium <Ministry of Time, the Timeline Archives >Role in Story Where the ‘Divine Game' is explained and characters make their choices if available. >Related Characters Narrator Player X >Unique Features Home of the ‘Divine of Time’ the administrator of the ‘Divine Game’ >Description A pure White void upon victory, or a pure Black void upon defeat, where not even one’s own body can be seen. >Sights None but those thought of by the character. >Sounds The voice of the narrator using your voice beamed directly to your mind. >Smell None but those thought of by the character.
>>33013 Welcome, conscious-mortal, to the Temporal Magisterium. You are ‘here’ as you have strongly wished you could change the past. Rejoice! For you have been blessed with the opportunity to do so! Conscious-mortals have struggled to acheive various specific objectives throughout time. More often than not, they have failed to achieve these objectives. It is often other conscious-mortals that have thwarted these attempts. ‘War’ is most prominent evidence of this trend. The magisterium maintains a strong interest in conscious-mortals and their ‘wars.’ Specifically, the Magisterium is curious to learn to what degree divergence from your origin timeline is achieved if those defeated in a war had achieved their specific-objectives. Beyond research, the Magisterium is benevolent, and has heard as the hopes of conscious-mortals for victory turn to cries of despair in defeat. We will answer these cries and give conscious-mortals a chance to achieve the victory they were denied. To this end, you will first be sent back about one year before the commonly accepted start date of the most recent major war from your temporal-spacial perspective. Specifically, January 1st 1938. Exactly where you will initially be sent, on your world, is up to you. You will appear, naked, in your present form. If you die, time will be rewound to a point, after your arrival, of your choosing. However, be warned, you will have an antagonist selected in a similar-way to how you have been, except, with the exact opposite specific-objective. Your specific victory-objectives are to ensure that by 1960: 1) The USA and the Third Reich have never declared war on each-other. 2) The USA has annexed Canada. 3) The Third Reich exists and controls Moscow. Your specific defeat-conditions are that by 1960: 1) The USA and Third Reich have declared war on each-other. 2) Canada exists. 3) The USSR exists and controls Berlin. Besides achieving your specific-objective, you can achieve immediate victory by ensuring that your antagonist has died more than 10 times you have. The reverse is also true. When your antagonist dies and rewinds time, you are aware of time having been rewound and have all your memories from before the rewind. The reverse is also true. You will be able to return here after final defeat or victory to claim your reward. What is your reward? Time, mortal, time you do not have.
>>33017 https://www.amren.com/podcasts/2024/06/the-trump-question/ <The demoncrats stole the last election, why do you think they can't steal it again? Also even Trump's election will at best only slow the genocide of Whites in North America for a few years. The fact that Trump was still the best republicuck candidate after his failures tells me there is no hope from inside the system la~

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