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Year~of~the~Tiger~ #10 Voxian 01/20/2023 (Fri) 03:19:33 No. 18878
I'm at a loss, I really want to know if I'll be accepted to Law School or not. Either-way, my life is going to change drastically for the better in the coming years, despite the world going to (((hell))). Why? I'm no longer going to deny myself. I will embrace my emotions, logically. That means, things cannot stay as they are, and have been, for so long nya~
>>18878 I've denied myself so much for so long to 'please' or rather, avoid incurring the wrath of my birth-family, and especially my mother. Soon, as soon as I move out for the fourth and last time, that will no longer be the case nya~
>>18898 The Kike BBC meme strikes again nya~
>>18912 Eww... does s/he seriously intend to cut it off... that ruins the whole appeal of a trap/new-half nya~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 01/21/2023 (Sat) 00:41:19.
>>18933 Ah~! This turned out to be an intense martial arts manga, I got sucked in... butt it's way time to sleep nyao~ nya~
>>18935 My Mother expressed her dismay at the week having passed by so quickly... and life having passed by so quickly. Well, overall, life's been one long hell for me, and she was a large part of the problem. I'll never be able to tell her how I really feel. One of my most realistic fantasies was like that one H-manga, where the Mother and Son are flying, butt the plane crashes and end up stranded on an 'Eden Island' alone together... butt it would have to be, like, 20 years ago... My Mother never truely valued me that highly. I was only ever at most her 5th priority. The only way I could have become her 1st priority would have been physical separation from her other priorities (Yahwey, Dad, Work, Family [as a whole], ect) nya~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 01/20/2023 (Fri) 21:36:59.
>>18943 https://mangasee123.com/read-online/Hagure-Idol-Jigokuhen-chapter-86-page-24.html <An entertaining manga, it kept me 'page turning.' MC is actually the best character, I want to impregnate her, her GF, naïve-genius virgin-booby-chan,and the she-hulk after the testing for STDs comes back negative. The ultra-whores that fuck ugly fucks, niggers, pigs, dogs, horses, ect disgust me too much regardless of their infection status. The fact that MC played with or was played by some of these whores is also disgusting, butt it's a manga so I can forget that and just focus on MCs gal-amazon hotness and the fantasy of having her hit-on me and then fuck me silly because I'm basically her type nya~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 01/20/2023 (Fri) 23:26:57.
>>18944 Frankly, I think manga isn't the best medium to depict complex action. Live action is, and you could include live-action used to generate computer 3D and/or live-2D nya~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 01/20/2023 (Fri) 23:34:15.
>>18945 Once the MMA tournament started, it became a very different manga, one less focused on the Japanese entertainment industry. It was still good, but not as interesting given the limitations of the manga medium nya~
>>18950 I mean in an anime, you could practically become a futanari of some sorts, la~? >>18919 What is up with this manga, la~?
>>18951 >I mean in an anime, you could practically become a futanari of some sorts, la~? Transformation magic fixes everything, although maybe being a natural (supplement with organic cold desiccated bovine ovaries~ every-day nya~!) new-half would work. I'd have to expand my ass and breasts hugely and wear a corset to have a feminine body without surgery at this point... and I'm already old with wrinkles on my forehead from stress and time. Alas many desires go unfulfilled in this world nya~ >What is up with this manga, la~? It's crazy sometimes disgusting butt entertaining and full of lewd including some nice Yuri nya~
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>>18961 https://www2.kickassanime.ro/anime/sugar-apple-fairy-tale-411496/episode-03-297051 <TBH I understand Jonas, it's a very human reaction for love to turn to hate upon frequent rejection. He was the one who stole the silver sugar in the first place so he could offer a solution in one last hope that Anne would marry him. Of course, we know Anne will end up with the tragic yet roguish fairy prince from the OP. Jonas is a very sympathetic villain. To have his childhood crush of years suddenly so interested in a slave she recently bought would have to be infuriating. It's not really a betrayal by Jonas because they weren't really friends to begin with, Jonas was a suitor that Anne rejected. Visually this is a beautiful anime. I'm not a fan of the 'tall dark and handsome fairy prince' though. It would be more to my taste if the Mother was still alive and it was Mother~X~Daughter Yuri nya~
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>>18962 Anne has been quite the naïve fool not to know that rejecting someone that passionate, that harshly, would have consequences nya~
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>>18963 This being a shojou-anime, she will no doubt have a happily-ever-after yet though nya~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 01/21/2023 (Sat) 04:50:44.
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>>18965 There are so many girls though and it's hard to care about any of them beyond maybe Lily nya~
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>>18966 Or rather, young women nya~
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>>18967 Oh, I heard from Mom that (((they))) are now teaching CRT (Critical [anti-White] Race-Theory) as the official orthodoxy in elementary schools. The White sub-species is truly doomed at this rate nya~
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>>18968 The best option for Whites that don't want to be humiliated to death seems to be to (become serious /k/ operators or) move to non-White Asia, because the former White homelands are now the most hostile to Whites after territories inhabited by niggers nya~
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>>18969 Alas nya~
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>>18970 Time to say goodnight to Mommy nya~
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>>18971 Nyao~ what to read/watch nya~?
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Something nya~
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>>18973 Fun nya~
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>>18974 Manga? Anime? Eroge nya~?
>>18964 The moral of the story for men is, never be a 'nice guy' and expect women to like you for it... women are more likely to like a mixture of abuse, overt-sexual advances, and protection when necessary a la the warrior fairy. The moral of the story for women is... understand and control your sexual power lest you fall prey to men you've spited or abusive predators that might turn you on butt will eat you up. Of course the fairy prince is a woman's wet dream because he's a tragic anti-hero that will ultimately fall in love with the heroine. Women might profess love for heroes, butt they lust after anti-heroes and anti-villains nya~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 01/21/2023 (Sat) 07:08:17.
>>18981 Reading the 4/cuck/ thread I see the nu-word 'incel' thrown about by (99%~) females. Jonas is certainly not an 'incel' coming from a rich family, he was simply rejected by the MC for no clear reason as she never explained her feelings. On the part of Jonas he was apparently attracted by Ann's beauty. What is Ann's reason for rejecting Jonas? Before meeting the prince fairy she has the hots for she just dismissed him as not being serious... in other words he should have been more forceful and direct. After meeting the prince fairy it could be said that she simply prefers his appearance and roguish manner. Even-though it turned out that Jonas was the true rouge. I suppose I'm interested in this since it provides a clear view into female psychology nya~
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>>18982 One commentator said Jonas did nothing wrong. It reminds me of people saying Hitler did nothing wrong. To take the opposite position of what one is 'supposed' to take. Of course, Jonas, like Hitler did things wrong. Jonas never should have let Ann leave town without first seriously asking her to marry him before she was ready to leave... and he should have offered to join her to the sugar festival if she agreed. Anyway, the art is pretty butt the story is pure selfish female fantasy nya~
>>18983 If I was isekai'd into Ann, I would have offered to let Jonas join me and prove his love for me, offering to give him an answer after one year or something like that. That is, unless I knew from Ann's memories that he was useless or threatening nya~!
>>18986 Ara~Ara~ Theia is a honeypot spy, that means she get's to be a whore for the greater good of her country, a noble whore nya~~!
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>>18990 So far the, "Why not take it easy," gal is my favorite character. I thought MC was a pretty-boy, but she's a girl nya~
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>>18991 Time to sleep nya~
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>>18992 良い夢をにゃ~
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>>18993 Mom said I should do anything I can to make babies. I feel like that was her at her most honest. Butt I feel that, like, if I can't make babies my life was a waste from a 'Darwinian' natural competition point-of-view... So, I've completely given up on the 'friendly courting' strategy. I have received sufficient interest when I was 'edgy' and made overt sexual overtures. However, when I transitioned into the 'Q&A getting to know each-other' phase I was, every-single-time, ignored. So the answer seems to be, stay sharp and direct, especially online. Suggest making babies, ask if vaxxed; if not, get alt-contact information, suggest meeting up to fuck to see if compatible. Talking about her life or interests doesn't interest her, and typically are actually relatively meaningless to her. It's her relationships that matter to her. I will be interacting with anyone, male or female from the starting perspective that they are an enemy. With women, they will remain an enemy until they are my slaves. With men, they will remain an enemy until they have expressed agreement and acceptance of me at the very least nya~
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>>18994 Really, I have to adapt the mindset of a spy in hostile territory nya~
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>>18995 This world is far from my ideal nya~
>>19000 We can no longer passively wait for happiness, we must seize it nya~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 01/21/2023 (Sat) 23:45:36.
>>18975 >>18976 I like the bocchi fanarts a lot, la~ >>19005 What are you going to do, la~? >>18994 Why should you give much thought to what your mom says, if she hasn't given much to you, la~? Besides, surrogate is always an option for both of us, when we have enough $$$, la~
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https://www2.kickassanime.ro/anime/nierautomata-ver11a-104585/episode-03-622049 <Interesting nya~ >>19006 >I like the bocchi fanarts a lot, la~ Same, Bocchi should be loved by everyone nya~ >What are you going to do, la~? I watched an anime... nyao~ I think I'll do a bit of writing nya~ >Why should you give much thought to what your mom says, if she hasn't given much to you, la~? Stockholm syndrome? I'm pretty broken nya~
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>>19007 Butt, I'll-do-my-best(house-burning).png nya~
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>>19007 >>19008 <In the grim dark future of (not-)mankind(?) it's alien machines vs. human descended machines (androids), butt nyao~ the alien machines have started to imitate humans through analysis of their memetic residue... will the androids and machines find a path to peace or is there, in the end, only war? Find out next time on gothic huge ass (2B) ubermenchen android tales (sadly without much huge ass) nya~
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>>19009 Parody is good, butt I should write some of the yuri-sh alt-history novel nya~
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>>19010 Okey~dokey~ nyha~nyo~nyaaaaa~!
>>19011 Just do is nya~
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>>19032 Nyao~ nya~?
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>>19033 What about nyao~ nya~?
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>>19034 Last night I couldn't post for some reason nya~
>>19035 That was annoying nya~
>>19038 So the first month of the new year is almost gone, and despite being dragged down by the latest virus (((they've))) released from their lab, it's time to work on those New Year's Resolutions. Embracing my emotions yet remaining logical... easier said than done nya~
>>19039 Are you on a good path of achieving your New Year Resolutions, la~? I'm working on them albeit a same pace, although they're the same for past few years, la~ Rest, move slowly, but never stop, la~ >>19035 Probably some kind of maintenance or overload, la~?
>>19039 Practically speaking, what does that really involve nya~? >>19040 >Are you on a good path of achieving your New Year Resolutions, la~? So far, not really nya~ >Rest, move slowly, but never stop, la~ Are these your NYRs nya~? >Probably some kind of maintenance or overload, la~? Ya nya~
>>19041 Well, first of all, it involves divesting myself of historical 'anchors.' I can start by uploading all I can and deleting the rest. I need to make my digital life manageable. Next, it means doing the travel I've wanted to do, and moving out, for the last time, from my Dad's house. This family has always been Dad's family, not mine. Then it means singing freely, and being free, doing what I want to do without trying to fit into any boxes. Of course, practically speaking the latter is more of an aspiration than an achievable goal. If I end up in Law I will have to meet the minimum requirements to check the boxes or my prior effort will be wasted. If I end up in Japan, or maybe even Thailand, I will have to check the boxes of school/work as well. My ideal of course, is financial independence and the ability to pursue my own vision, butt without a patron or extremely good luck that is currently very unlikely nya~
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>>19042 >Find a patron nya~ That's difficult, I can try to better sell myself and raise my market value. I can work to get a bigger ass and a flat abdomen. Seducing women is far more difficult than seducing men. Men are like dogs, and women are like cats unless conditioned. If I had worked to seduce men I would have had far more success. I can work towards Trap-mode butt going further to a new-half would mean completely ditching my male-persona, and I'm not at this time willing to do that. As far as direct monetization I like LaMint except for the fact that it doesn't allow porn and is based in the UK butt I've already signed up with my default male-persona and you need a phone #, which means I'd need another number to make a lewd account nya~
>>19043 Without moving out, I can still travel (although I think I would only travel as recon, seeing if a place would be a place I'd want to settle), I can practice guitar/piano, I can draw/write. The problem with the latter is that I can't really show my Dad's family what I draw/write, so they just think I've been doing nothing. If I try to censor myself I always kill my creativity. So I suppose I should actually focus on guitar/piano while living with my parents nya~
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>>19044 I could also look for classes in subjects I have some interest in to meet gals in my city. Thing is, I'm planning to travel/move. I could try to find a travel partner, butt I think the chance of success is very low. Also, one problem with travel is I think I can only leave my state temporarily (like 3 weeks) without losing benefits nya~
>>19047 There has never been a clear 'best option' for me in my life. However there has been a 'right option' and that is seeking the freedom to express myself fully. I'm finally trying to put that option first; I'm pretty done being patient nya~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 01/22/2023 (Sun) 23:28:11.
>>19048 Becoming a free adult without any real support in life is hard nya~
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>>19069 Time to say night~night~ nya~
>>19041 >Are these your NYRs nya~? Nah, that's sort of mantra from keeping yourself sane, la~ You can say it's just gaslighting yourself, la~ My NYR's are quite a few and have been same as far as I'm conscious, la~ It's make a game, get a toned body, learn japanese fluently, learn to draw properly, la~ I'm slowly losing sanity and becoming possessed/obsessed by trying to achieve these things, la~ Like an addict, la~ >>19083 In one sentence: It's all fake and gay, la~
>>19083 https://www.zerohedge.com/personal-finance/irs-says-tax-filing-season-starts-monday-heres-what-expect <IRS is a criminal mafia-subordinated of the (((FED))), and the FED is a private bank and member bank of the IMF/WB/BIS AKA the (((global central banking cartel))), and yes it is largely and elite 'Jewish' operation although they have some goy sycophant-slaves of apparently high status/wealth nya~ >>19084 Those are good goals. I've given up on 'learn Japanese fluently' until I'm living in Japan nya~ >get a toned body la~ I've had this goal since forever and never achieved it because I would always get sick and that would throw off any of my gains. Exactly what happened to me over the 'holidays.' I am being more serious about carb restriction though nya~ >learn to draw properly la~ Learning to play guitar is a higher priority for me, butt I also have this desire nya~ >make a game la~ I also have this interest, butt I think I'd start with Eroge. Ultimately making a VRMMORPG interests me, especially game mechanics, story, and art. However, I think script writing and character design comes first nya~
>>19085 https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/poland-seeking-permission-send-ukraine-leopard-tanks-while-warning-germany-faces <Poland is a warmonger. After-all they are the ones who technically started WW2 by shelling German speaking villages nya~ https://www.zerohedge.com/political/clarkson-fights-back-goes-offensive-against-woke-take-over <'Woke' the go to word of cuckservatives nya~ https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/brazil-argentina-holding-talks-over-possible-common-currency >NWO steals Brazil election using convicted criminal nya~ >Suddenly 'EU' style union talk nya~ <NWO is painfully obvious these days nya~
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>>19089 https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-01-23-latest-omicron-variant-likely-infect-vaccinated-cdc.html . https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-01-23-died-suddenly-x-files-athletes-are-dropping-from-heart-attacks.html . https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-01-23-true-history-of-pfizer-criminal-conduct-and-pharmaceutical-murder.html . https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-01-22-netanyahu-admits-israel-partnered-pfizer-genetic-database.html . https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-01-23-jj-cancels-hiv-vaccine-failing-clinical-trial.html . https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-01-22-climate-cult-no-more-breathing-co2-emissions.html . https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-01-22-scotland-proposing-nationwide-20-minute-neighborhoods-limited-travel.html . https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-01-23-new-research-links-glyphosate-cancer.html . https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-01-23-pediatrician-cutting-off-breasts-no-big-deal.html <FtM in 99%+ of cases makes zero logical sense nya~ https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-01-23-emergency-interview-john-perez-swift-binance-currency-wars.html . https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-01-23-hunter-biden-lived-delaware-home-where-classified-docs-found.html . https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-01-23-weather-control-scientists-high-powered-lasers-steer-lightning-bolts.html . https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-01-23-nato-members-running-out-weapons-send-ukraine.html . https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-01-22-antifa-terrorist-shot-killed-by-georgia-police.html . https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-01-22-new-zealands-prime-minister-jacinda-ardern-resignation.html . https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-01-22-msnbc-its-a-lizard-people-conspiracy-theory.html . https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-01-22-davos-attendee-agenda-create-new-world-order.html . https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-01-22-critics-klaus-schwab-master-future-enslavement.html <Yup nya~
>>19099 That's the news for this Month, I plan to do the news on the last Monday of every month nya~
>>19102 https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2023/01/caa2f6e816dc-pm-warns-japan-on-brink-of-social-dysfunction-amid-falling-birthrate.html <Heh, like he doesn't already know the (((vax))) has killed any chances of recovery, although they might use this as justification for mass non-White immigration as per NWO policy nya~ https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2023/01/2ded821dc0c1-japan-govt-to-discuss-downgrading-covid-19-classification.html . https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2023/01/0f724c5442db-urgent-pm-to-order-covid-19-classification-assessment-in-spring-source.html <Good news nya~ >The government would continue its vaccination program even after downgrading the disease's categorization nya~ <Butt, the NWO Human-GMO-Slave agenda continues nya~
>>19104 https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/2489632/airport-testing-shows-covid-numbers-on-arrival-very-low <Around the world the (((fiction))) is maintained while memory and logic is ignored. How Orwellian nya~
>>19102 Yup, nyao~ to do something productive and.or fun nya~
>>19110 https://mangasee123.com/read-online/Youjo-Senki-chapter-61-page-13.html <The author could have actually done alt-history not just not-history, butt I guess he wanted to provide the experience of struggling meaninglessly for a lost cause. Butt, if the fate of the Second Reich and Third Reich was always doom, the fate of Whites and Liberty (if not life itself) is today unambiguously sealed in doom nya~
>>19113 https://mangasee123.com/read-online/Thank-You-Isekai-chapter-3-page-4.html <You know if it's not a VRMMORPG setting, a fucking status screen is ridiculous, I thought the author wouldn't do it, butt did after-all. So I quit nya~
>>19116 I like; I take it mommy dragon fused the dying man with the dying hatchling or something nya~?
>>19124 I think magic + OP MCs are super-over-done for the most part especially in stories that aren't intended to be games. That said, it's not like I can't enjoy magic, it's just that it tends towards OP main characters and it's hard to do well. If you consider the origin of modern fantasy, LOTR, magic was rare even among the Elves (most elven fighters were archers and magic was most frequently used as enchantment). Wizards (primary magic users) were even rarer still. Gandalf the Grey is essentially Odin, and as Gandalf the White is basically Odin and Jesus rolled into one but his existence (as Gandalf the White) is a response to the possible end of the world. Also there were under 10 wizards in the known world. So, realistically, 99%+ of characters possible would not be able to use flashy magic, and 90%+ wouldn't use magic. The most flashy magic in the LOTR is the raging river horses (High Elven Princess) and the ghost army (Legendary event). I think this is more of the correct way to use magic in fantasy/isekai, sparingly. It is so easy for a story to use magic far too much nya~
>>19125 A good MMORPG has to 'balance' the world, and this act of balancing is one the great Admin tasks. Too many stories act like MMORPG's or games that should have balancing, and yet lack it completely... Stories about 'the chosen one' can be OK as well, butt they shouldn't try to pretend to be anything else nya~.
Edited last time by Voxxe on 01/24/2023 (Tue) 09:02:55.
>>19126 https://mangasee123.com/read-online/I-Dont-Really-Get-It-but-It-Looks-Like-I-Was-Reincarnated-in-Another-World-chapter-25.html <Just fuck already nya~ butt really this is the best MtF isekai reincarnation I've found so far, even if the MC is still super OP. She made me hungry with her food porn nya~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 01/24/2023 (Tue) 09:54:15.
>>19130 Whichever one's the easiest one to do for today, la~ Then leave the rest tomorrow, la~ That way, you'll have less things to do tomorrow and less chance of procrastinating due to too much, la~ Good night, la~ May you find this night interesting, la~
>>1166156 Censoring the pussy with a pussy at least makes sense, butt besides that, I still don't get why nipples and boobs have to be censored butt the anus doesn't. Also, why do panty/bra shots have to be censored? I don't believe it is legally required in Japan. Looks like the show was indefinitely delayed because 'covaids' tho nya~
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>>19140 An ever increasing majority of USA produced media has been pro-nigger since the assasination of Lincoln who wanted to send the niggers back to Africa. Recently, it is extremely common for the 'heroes' to be niggers and the 'villains' to be White. Even the Mission Impossible films (often considered 'pure' entertainment) feature orc like ugly niggers as heroic and sympathetic characters while all the villains are White. The producers/directors are typically 'Jewish' nya~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 01/25/2023 (Wed) 07:13:31.
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>>19141 Butt enough of that, let's have some fun and then sleep nya~
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>>19142 Ari~? Nai~? Ari~? NYA~
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>>19143 Girls can sexually harass girls nya~
>>19149 I sprained my muscle today, la~ It's not a good experience to tell you, la~ Hope your day was/is more enjoyable than mine, la~ Now I have to sleep to recuperate, la~ >>19133 "For those who will. One must be willing to let go of a part of himself so that he may build something new and better in its place. It may cause you struggle today but tomorrow it will cause you joy." - Thorfinn, probably...?
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>>19150 Today I posted here: https://anon.cafe/k/ mya~ >Now I have to sleep to recuperate, la~ As do I, this time I really will try and sleep before midnight. Butt yeah, it's a fucking pain when you're trying to improve strength/health butt then some illness fucks you up back to square one nya~ >>19150 Yes, I will of course, eventually have to let go of anime, manga, eroge, and cumin' if I want to 'a life' or... I'll have to find a way to acquire money that involves those things nya~
>>19153 If no girls or women kiss mouth-to-mouth on screen as MCs, it's not a Yuri anime. The same principle (not the exact rule) applies for heterosexual romance and Yaoi anime nya~
Read something then go to bed, la~ >>19158
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>>19167 Dinnertime nya~
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>>19168 What will it be nya~
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>>19169 Something tasty hopefully nya~
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>>19170 Spaghetti nya~
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>>19171 All these bitches that wouldn't give me the time of day. Well, they actually would most likely, if I asked IRL, butt fuck it nya~
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>>19172 Tinder is useless if you're not in the top 5% of whatever women like—I am curious about what those accounts are like. To bad I can't hack Tinder and find out—unless you contact their snaps/instas (higher rate of reply) butt you better be ready to play high risk (P pics ect) and/or be doing something somewhere that makes the bitches wet/jelly nya~
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>>19173 >be doing something somewhere that makes the bitches wet/jelly nya~ Usually involves signs of popularity, status, wealth, or extreme talent. So again, 'online dating' is for women to get fucks/bucks, and for men to find men. Unless you're in the top 5%+ of men in-terms of what bitches like. Sadly that has not been me nya~
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>>19174 What I have learned is that all bitches truly are the same in the end. They don't really have 'types' to nearly the same degree as men. I've been 'online dating' for over 10 years. If women truly had types and were unique individuals attracted to unique individuals, I would have found someone online by now. Butt, that is not the case. If I ever become popular with women I will know that it is not because of my uniqueness as an individual, butt because I have finally acquired that which is attractive to women. Consequently I will view women as replaceable, the same way they have always viewed me. I plan to invest my love in my children I have with suitable women—as I will actually be unique and special to them—women are just a means to an end nya~
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>>19175 Perhaps it might be different for women that are 'off the market.' In fact, I know this is the case. However, basically, you have to run the risk of being labeled a 'pedophile (like the witches of yesteryear)' in 99%+ of 'off the market' cases nya~
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>>19176 Basically, love between men and women is an illusion, yet a very real illusion. Love between men and between women is far more substantial by default nya~
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>>19177 I've also noticed that the vast majority of facially attractive white women dye their hair blonde to further increase their attractiveness nya~
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>>19178 I made a lot of /k/ posts again today nya~
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>>19178 I'm thinking of completely abandoning pursuing 'straight' women online, instead only looking for bi-women and men that like men nya~
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>>19180 In both cases, I'm interested in dressing as a woman for the photos nya~
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>>19181 Butt, of course, I can't do that until I live on my own nya~
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>>19182 What I can do is exercise to try and get a flat abdomen, and a big butt nya~
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>>19183 Given my height (under 6') I will never be able to be a natural alpha. Also my natural femininity inherently makes it unnatural (and unhappy) for me to attempt to (constantly) be 'alpha' in a masculine-way in-order to please women nya~
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>>19184 In other-words I should attempt to be a Trap if being an Alpha-Man is impossible nya~
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>>19185 >If being an Alpha-Man is impossible nya~ I have concluded it is unless I achieve super-wealth or high level manipulation skills... I have a low degree of socialization in many respects so I am lower than your average 15 year old girl in that area nya~
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>>19186 Alas nya~
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>>19185 Trap-mode is a lot of work, butt so is attempting Alpha-mode... and the latter might just be impossible as I am not tall (over 6') for a man nya~
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>>19188 Again, life really is so unfair nya~
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>>19189 Butt, yeah, it is what it is nya~
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>>19190 Alas nya~
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>>19212 The end (for now). At least they might provide inspiration for character design, all the Tinder bitches that have rejected me, I mean nya~
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>>19214 MC couldn't admit they were hers though... I'm surprised Kaede didn't make any comments about MC's room nya~
>>19219 Too much 'magic' ruins fantasy. LOTR (the foundation of modern 'otherworld' fantasy) used magic in extreme moderation in comparison to most modern fantasy. Ranma 1/2 uses magic one major time (the magical springs in southern China) for comedic and plot effect, and is far superior to most modern OPMC anime nya~
>>19226 One aspect that is clear to me is that if you want to attract women online you have to have photos with other attractive women, or at the very least, photos with family and friends (the more visually attractive the better). There is no-way I'm going to share my family photos, so friends is the only option. I guess, socially, that's my first order of business, finding friends to do stuff with that will help me take good photographs of myself and with others. Really, WhiteDate should have a friend-finding mode because that's actually how community is built. Too bad the website is anti-Trap because the admin (she) deleted my (open) Trap account nya~
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>>19239 https://9animetv.to/watch/the-legend-of-heroes-trails-of-cold-steel-northern-war-17691?ep=97595 <Today our heroes learn their country sucks in comparison to the Empire, and save an onsen town nya~
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>>19240 Iseria continues her best character streak nya~
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>>19241 Iseria~X~Lavy-chan Yuri-Yuri nya~
>>19247 Whew, everyone should be trying to copy what made the best selling manga 10X more successful than everything else nya~
>>19248 Although I'm more surprised by QQ being on that list as it is not a battle anime like the rest, although you could say love is war nya~
>>19253 https://youtu.be/X7xh9SCHd3A <One interesting alternate history scenario is if the Norse actually maintained knowledge/contact with Vinland and it became a massive destination for Norse settlers/vikings from 1000 AD onwards. Despite being further away, the Americas would be a far softer target for conquest/colonization than the Old World. Other Europeans would eventually join in and the 'colonization' of the Americas would be in feudal fashion as well as even more chaotic nya~
>>19265 https://mangasee123.com/read-online/I-Dont-Really-Get-It-but-It-Looks-Like-I-Was-Reincarnated-in-Another-World-chapter-31.html <MC is surprisingly chaste even when it comes to Yuri. Although, I can definitely empathize with the desire for a motherly and beautiful older woman to take my first time, poor MC was interrupted by the jealous daughter nya~
Coffee is always nice to drink, la~ What kind or with what do you drink yours, la~?
>>19273 It really makes me so sad how I was born into a body and/or into a family that doomed me to a loveless and hateful life. I just wanted to sing freely, to be free, to be beautiful, and to be loved. Butt my birth-family wouldn't give me that; my mother wouldn't give me that.... quite the opposite. When she (mom) sings freely all I feel is hate and resentment for her since she has constantly denied me that same right because I'm 'male.' I hate how much of self-centered bitch she who pretends to care for all these other people and things butt doesn't care at all for me, her own child that is most similar to her in many ways. All because she fears death, and clings to what (Biblicism) she has always been told is the solution. Just being with her hurts me. Really, if not for the plandemic, I wouldn't have returned to my supposed 'home,' butt I really didn't have any better option at the time nya~
>>19274 It is not hyperbole to say that she (mom) almost killed me and has permanently scarred me. Although she's not the only one responsible. Dad is ultimately the most responsible... and yet I have to continue to play the part of a child with at least a cordial relationship with my parents. If only I had found a true friend or love, oh how my life would have been so much better. Butt alas, no use crying over 'spilt milk' … and it really doesn't matter what it is nya~
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>>19278 This video is weirdly Yuri-awesome nya~
>>19278 Oh wind up doll, everyone knows~ Wind it up and away it goes~ It does the things it's taught to do~ I guess I'm kind of a wind up dolly 2~ Wind me up, I really wuv~ Wind me up, I really talk~ Wind me up and I'll come straight to 2 you~ Take me home, I'm quite a prize~ Wind me up, you'll realize~ Just how much a wind-up doll can do~ You can see what make me tick~ Little springs and gears~ I can show you one more trick~ Break my heart, I'll cry you tears~ Wind me up my dreams will start~ Here's the key and lock my heart~ Wind up doll sometimes get lonely 2~ Wind me up I'll fall in love with you~ (X2)
>>19322 https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/if-ww3-breaks-out-tanks-or-fighter-jets-wont-matter-kremlin . https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/air-force-general-tells-his-officers-war-china-only-2-years-away . https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/escobar-doomsday-clock-speeding . https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/macgregor-time-its-different . https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/new-york-times-orwells-ministry-truth <The keynote speaker at the teachers education event at the local elementary school is openly and radically anti-White, all content is nucom; dad is jealous of me showing mom affection (that she doesn't deserve, but I do love her despite hating her). Yup, I kinda hope I don't get into law school so I can't fuck off to Japan. Although, if WW3 happens I'm fucked in that case. Maybe Thailand would be better. I don't know. Honestly, upon an informed review of history as a not-self-hating White person, I have to say that Hitler appears to have been the last serious hope, and yet he fucked up in epic fashion, and I don't agree with most of his non-racial policies nya~
>>19326 At this rate Whites and non-slaves will be completely eliminated. The elite 'Jews' were projecting about the 'final solution,' it was they who wanted to completely eliminate Aryans. Hitler, by contrast, just wanted the Jews to move to Palestine/Judea or anywhere else but Germany. In fact I think all nigger lovers should be deported to be with their beloved niggers in nigger majority Africa nya~
>>19327 Regardless, the future of humanity is radical eugenics now that the genetic code can be quickly deciphered, read, and edited. Any other position at this point is cowardice—although all eugenics should ultimately be voluntary. What the cuckservatives call 'eugenics' is actually elite 'Jewish' dysgenics—where they attempt to create their ideal slave population. Aryan Eugenics is, for example, like trying to raise the level of the average citizen to that of an Elf in LOTR, while elite 'Jewish' dysgenics is trying to make the average slave a Orc-goblin-nigger-borg-drone. Unfortunately the elite 'Jewish' psycopaths/cabalists/luciferians/satanists are in power seemingly world-wide these days, and not a single pro-Aryan regime presently exists nya~
>>19328 I wish my Mother-Goddess would save me. I have a hard time understanding what my purpose could be in this apparently doomed world. What is the point of a 'life' consisting of only loveless loneliness and suffering nya~?
>>19329 https://librti.com/view-video/serena-freedombear-spoke-at-the-heroes <Another jurisdiction has fallen to nucom (mandatory injections ect) tyranny, butt a few are 'fighting' back nya~
>>19331 I wouldn't have lasted this long (without exploding) without it nya~
>>19279 I don't remember Isekai meikyuu(3rd pic) having that scene, la~ Or did it, la~? >>19275 Well, you have little chance of not being to see her such as moving out or getting a different apartment/house in your area just not to see her, la~ I've been seeing the rates of rents skyrocketing in the USA, la~ Do you have any friends there, that maybe you could share a room with rent only for essentials or something, la~? >>19328 Only if the people themselves are able to choose the whole plan, la~ This is it, la~
>>19335 > Or did it, la~? No idea nya~ >Do you have any friends there la~ No. I'm going to try to look for friends via White Nationalist and Libertarian circles. Butt honestly, there isn't much I can do until I get the yay or nay on law school. If I get the nay, I'm looking for teaching work in Japan to get a visa or at a master's degree (and student visa) in Thailand or Japan nya~
>>19337 The big economic plays (gold; crypto) I've made in my life have failed, so I must make decisions based on the complete lifestyle I want. Meaning, either ample leisure time or a 'job' that I actually enjoy; ideally both primarily in a sunny party destination with the least oppressive politics... basically, I don't intend to waste what remains of my life fighting for a lost cause. I will never cease being pro-Beauty, pro-White, and pro-Liberty, However, I am pretty much done with my limited steps into activism nya~
>>19360 https://exhentai.org/g/2446880/8772bc613b/ <The primary (and worldly) purpose of religion has always been control over sex nya~
>>19368 I'm not sure how I would feel about having an AV mama, butt I guess it's better than having a mama who denies you nya~
>>19345 https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Anchorage <If you want a big American city in the most libertarian part of the US, this is it nya~ https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Southeastern_Alaska <The climate isn't that much worse than Seattle nya~ https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Juneau <State capital nya~ https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Ketchikan <Shipping hub nya~ https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Prince_of_Wales_Island <Lots of little towns and property for sale sans property tax nya~ https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Sitka <Little Russia nya~ https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Petersburg_(Alaska) <Little Norway nya~ https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Skagway <Gold rush town nya~ https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Hyder <The only place you can legally enter the US without providing proof of anything. So if you can fly to Canada, you can enter the US and stay as long as you want nya~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 02/01/2023 (Wed) 00:56:10.
>>19375 That's all for now. I think if I travel Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, or other parts of Europe, I want to be invited by someone I find online on WhiteDate or whatever. In Iceland, I think I would pretty much be a sex tourist, hanging out in the capital looking for hot non-GMO/STD men and women to fuck. If I visited Scotland and Ireland I would travel to the less invaded cities and towns also for the purpose of sex. Of course, I want to reproduce and find long-term love, butt in my experience, these days, sex has to come first; she's a perquisite to any kind of lasting relationship nya~
>>19377 The new month starts tomorrow (despite the months being completely out of sync with the new/full moons) so I will start trying to be more of an adult (meaning posting here less and caring less about the past) and also complete my objective of uploading my accumulated content. Then I can focus on creativity and social outreach nya~
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>>19386 In the end, so much of my effort has been meaningless nya~
>>19387 Butt whatever, I know I always get depressive towards the end of the day nya~
>>19391 Why? Do you happens, la~? Do you tend to spend a lot of time on reading manga, la~? You could use a timer, la~? Maybe that could help you, la~? >>19392 Good night, la~ More random protests in Germany and France, la~ Will there be an actual conclusion from them, la~?
AI girls are hot.

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>>19418 https://www2.kickassanime.ro/anime/urusei-yatsura-2022-609244/episode-16-240847 >A girl raised to be manly nya~ <Well, as long as she wasn't 'attacked' for showing femininity (anima) I don't see the problem. Although it seems like she was... In my case, I could never show my anima nor even my true animus without being attacked. So I've 'lived' a suffocating 'life' far below my potential nya~ https://www2.kickassanime.ro/anime/ooyukiumi-no-kaina-135340/episode-01-847935 <Clearly inspired by 'Nuasica and the Valley of the Wind' nya~ >They eat the bugs nya~ <Of course. Seems like the great trees are probably biotech 'solar shades' to protect against 'global warming' which of course resulted in global cooling... and the bugs are repair bio-bots, butt the original creators of the system are no longer around and the self-repair mechanisms can't keep up with entropy and external attacks on the system. Besides that it's just young man of dying tribe meets young woman of a troubled state love story. I don't know if it's worth watching nya~
>>19419 Maybe I'll watch it on 2x speed nya~
>>19421 <Starting with the non-Magic anime: >D4DJ All Mix >Spy Classroom >Vinland Saga >BOFURI: I Don't Want to Get Hurt, so I'll Max Out My Defense. >Don't Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro <Sci-Fi: >Onimai: I'm Now Your Sister! >NieR:Automata Ver1.1a >Trigun Stampede <Fantasy: >Sugar Apple Fairy Tale >Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? >Reborn to Master the Blade: From Hero-King to Extraordinary Squire ♀ >Ayakashi Triangle >The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel - Northern War >The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady >Mairimashita! Iruma-kun >Handyman Saitou in Another World >:Urusei Yatsura This list might change butt this is it for now nya~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 02/03/2023 (Fri) 05:04:18.
>>19433 https://www2.kickassanime.ro/anime/hyouken-no-majutsushi-ga-sekai-wo-suberu-641792/episode-01-216850 <I avoided this butt it's supposedly really popular. So far it appears to be another OPMC (yet lacking family status oh so sad) gets elite harem. The muscleman display was comedic though nya~
>>19434 All these chuuni (middle-schooler) anime are tiresome. Then again I guess that is the age group most anime is aimed at, high-schoolers and younger, or people mentally stuck there nya~
>>19436 Ranked 7th nya~
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>>19437 Rose is bisexual nya~
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>>19438 So Twin-Tails likes un-pretty bugs. Umu, that makes her worst capture-target woman so far nya~
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>>19439 OPMC is a smooth operator when it comes to flattery nya~
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>>19435 I'm in someways also stuck there, I suppose. Butt for cheap entertainment it's still better than nucom western shit nya~
>>19442 >Grew up in an environment full of women nya~ <You know, this is something I completely lacked in my life. Also, never being in environments where approaching women sexually was acceptable. It's hard to get good with women, when you're never around them, and able to interact freely with them nya~
>>19444 https://www2.kickassanime.ro/anime/onimai-im-now-your-sister-uncensored-834915/episode-05-651769 <Ara~Ara~ still the best anime this season... although I don't know about the 'going back to middle-school' part... won't Mahiro be bored to tears, the non-social parts of school typically outweigh the social parts... and Mahiro isn't good with socializing to begin with...you would think getting her a job at a maid cafe or something would be better training... sure she looks like a middle-schooler butt it's not like there aren't short Asian women that look really young into their 30s nya~
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>>19445 Time to sleep nya~
>>19447 Good night, la~ Most things don't even enter my line of interest, la~ >>19397 Some days, yeah, la~ Some days it's just dull and tedious, la~ It comes with the job, la~
>>19448 Well, I suppose it's nice to have a job if you need one, the (((Amazon))) warehouses are already replacing the poorly treated workers with robots nya~ >Most things don't even enter my line of interest, la~ Yeah, I think I'll keep with the 3 episode rule of judging an anime series. I want to move from being a media consumer to a media producer, and that means drastically reducing my media consumption. For starters, I think I'll cut out everything involving 'magic' unless Yuri or Traps/M>F is involved. Of the magic series, those that have RPG elements in a non-Game setting are to be automatically discarded without further consideration nya~
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>>19449 https://9animetv.to/watch/the-iceblade-sorcerer-shall-rule-the-world-18291?ep=97874 <So the magic system seems to be close to the ultra-siscon anime's magic system, appropriate for our age of (rule by) code. The term 'eugenics' is of course (as typical) completely misused as the name of an evil group that likes to experiment (without moral distinction) on magic user's brains to gain knowledge/power. Overall I give this anime a mixed reviews... I guess comedy is a meta factor, an anime can have stupid content and get away with it if it is trying to be a pure comedy. However, pure comedy is probably the hardest genre to pull off well nya~
>>19452 I am sick and tired of how cold my parents are to me. How cold my own mother is to me, after all the affection I have shown her over my lifetime. After all I have suffered for her. I am truely done nya~
>>19453 I'm also done with this country (with 2 possible exceptions) in the long-term. I plan to be gone in 5 years or less. Ideally less nya~
>>19457 I 'played' a little piano and mom asked if I was having fun. No I wasn't I just had the idea in my head so I did it. Butt it was ultimately hard and not fun. In fact, piano was mostly certainly never fun after the initial honey-moon period before the crash. I just can't seem to parallel process very well, especially when trying to make sense of sheet music. Ah~ I want to be able to sing freely, forever, for the first time in my life. Now that I'm able to understand, I realize that my mother's and birth-family's love for me was always false. If it was real love, it would never has caused me this much pain. It is only false love that is so painful nya~
>>19467 With the development of AI, I expect to see an explosion in the quantity and (visual) quality of anime. Now to play LLAS nya~
>>19473 I tried to cook myself for food, but I fucked it up because I was sleepy, la~ So I just made myself something simple, la~ >>19463 Write them down and then write the small steps for each one, like a ladder leading to the goal, while on the opposite side write the obstacles, la~ Women are significantly more likely to pass on genes associated with mental illness, including major depressive disorder, schizophrenia, neuroticism, and autism. Men are more likely to pass on genes associated with extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, height, and cognitive ability. So, avoid crazy girls if you want psychologically healthy kids, la~
>>19474 https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2023-02-03/escalation-world-war-iii-and-british-establishment >So I just made myself something simple, la~ I made blueberry pancakes recently nya~ >Write them down and then write the small steps for each one, like a ladder leading to the goal, while on the opposite side write the obstacles, la~ Good advice nya~ >Women are significantly more likely to pass on genes associated with mental illness, including major depressive disorder, schizophrenia, neuroticism, and autism. Ah~ so maybe I was right to not hook up with the autistic older woman just because she was rich and liked anime nya~?
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>>19475 Butt you know, I am sadly not a woman, so realistically the better strategy is aiming for quantity, as opposed to the normal woman's strategy of aiming for the best (most 'alpha' and/or richest). Unless I am really content with the woman (she's at least as attractive as my mom was when she was 30), I will by default value any kids from a clearly less attractive woman, as well, less nya~
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>>19476 Also, these days your kids are never really yours, there're the woman's. Even in countries like Japan and Thailand this is the case. Again, this reinforces the natural default of men as r-selection oriented (quantity but quality is preferred) and women as k-selection oriented ('quality' although what most women consider 'quality' hasn't changed since they were cavewoman simply choose who appeared dominant). Unfortunately, or rather, whatever, I am a very womanly man, and I'm inherently unhappy with 'be man.' I would have been far more successful in a culture of gentlemen (men all clearly dominant by default status so women choose more 'gentle' or womanly men) pre-feminism. In terms of adapting, I can only attempt to force myself against my nature to be more of an 'Alpha man' or pursue Trapdom and be around women as 'one of the girls' until we get drunk and fuck. Trouble is, I don't know if I could properly achieve either... it's a tough position to be in nya~
>>19477 Although, I really am leaning more towards attempting Trapdom, I think if I get into law school I'll even legally change the M to and F nya~
>>19478 https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/us-open-4-new-sites-philippines-accelerating-pivot-asia <Thailand appears to be an actually neutral country in the USSA vs. PRC show. Thus my second choice after Japan (they could actually defend their country alone if they get nukes) nya~
>>19479 I've made some progress uploading things nya~
The cycle begins a new tomorrow again, la~ >>19478 Isn't that expensive, la~? Are you able to afford it, la~? Wait, can't you claim some kind of social welfare $$$, la~? >>19481 What are you intending to upload, la~? On a side note, Canada's government has voted Yes on Bill C11, "Bill C-11 expands the Broadcasting Act that grants the CRTC regulatory powers over radio and television to cover all audiovisual content on the Internet, including content on platforms like Tik Tok, YouTube, Spotify, and podcast clients. ", la~ Good night, Voxxe fren, la~ May this night be enjoyable to you, la~
>>19482 >Isn't that expensive, la~? Ahh yes, going full MtF (no-op) is very expensive. Butt I'm not interested in that. If anything I might go newhalfu (take female hormones butt not anti-androgens)... butt at this point I'm just talking about legally changing the M to an F, this is just paperwork and very easy to achieve, also, maybe dressing as a woman too, butt I'll have to see. It's not like I'll do that outside unless I'm very passable nya~ >The cycle begins a new tomorrow again, la~ What cycle nya~? >What are you intending to upload, la~? Almost all of the accumulated media content I've downloaded. Mostly just posting it here or on Minds nya~ >On a side note, Canada's government has voted Yes on Bill C11, "Bill C-11 expands the Broadcasting Act that grants the CRTC regulatory powers over radio and television to cover all audiovisual content on the Internet, including content on platforms like Tik Tok, YouTube, Spotify, and podcast clients la~ <Welp, NA is doomed. Asia here I cum nya~ >May this night be enjoyable to you, la~ Thank-you fren, may it be so for you as well nya~
>>19483 My Mother said she wasn't interested in Islam because of how 'it treats women.' I replied that that's how most people decide things, if they find something they don't like they drop it. What I left unsaid is that her 'Christianity' has many such red-flags for me. Butt the damage is already done, and there is likely no way my Mother could make up the damage she has done to me even if she had a complete change of heart, professed her complete love for me, and admitted she has sinned greatly against me, and promised to do everything in her power/life to make it up to me... without magic, it still wouldn't be enough nya~
>>19517 Sleep nyao~ nya~
>>19519 Good night, la~ This is all I cna say currently, la~
>>19523 Most everything about the human condition, is about sex. Once you understand that, you understand why people spend their lives trying to fit into boxes so that they will achieve something desirable and that thing will desire them. I myself am guilty of this, butt it is largely due to my dependence on my mother and therefore subject to her conditioning nya~
>>19524 My mother and birth-family as whole have consistently forced me into their boxes as to who I should be as a M of XX years. This is why I to this day life a suffocating life. Of course, society as a whole also forces boxes. The fact that there is no clear superior path to breaking free has also clipped my wings, and kept me from flying; living my own life nya~
>>19553 Well, actually, it's not. When it comes to deep romance Yuri is still the best. Butt, when it comes to sex, Het is the real thing nya~
>>19554 I guess (Traps/Newhalfu X Women) X Incest is my biggest turn on, butt, Yuri Incest is the most romantic nya~
>>19557 Butt, one more thing... of course, impregnation turns on the most, as soon as I think about it I'll cum really quickly nya~
>>19558 Oh, you know how the 'Nazis' as they were called by the Jews, are essentially depicted as demons and Hitler as Satan? Well the truth is, that for the elite Jews, that might have been their truth. Butt for everyone else, the 'Nazis' and Hitler should now (especially when contrasted with the WHO/WEF et al., Neocommunist World Order [NWO]) appear to have been the last true gasp of Western Civilization nya~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 02/07/2023 (Tue) 08:19:00.
>>19559 The reality is that the White Americans and British were not fighting for 'freedom,' they were fighting because their Jewish (finance) masters ultimately told them to fight. The real enemy was always these (((masters))) and their pawns. Sadly, all these fools just 'followed orders.' Although, some American generals did eventually realize the truth, they were destroyed before they could fight back against their secret enemies that had used them as pawns nya~
>>19562 Yeah, the Third Reich (especially Hitler) made lots of stupid mistakes in terms of both policy and strategy, butt at least they were fighting for the White subspecies (race) rather than communist 'equality' and Jewish supremacy nya~
>>19563 Time for fun nya~
>>19565 >Wikileaks just dumped all of their files online. Everything from Hillary Clinton's emails, McCain's being guilty, Vegas shooting done by an FBI sniper, Steve Jobs HIV letter, PedoPodesta, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Bilderberg, CIA agents arrested for rape, WHO pandemic. Happy Digging! Please read and pass it on..... https://file.wikileaks.org/file/... These are Clinton’s emails: https://file.wikileaks.org/file/clinton-emails/ <Index file! https://file.wikileaks.org/file/?fbclid=IwAR2U_Evqah_Qy2wxNY12FMqFC5dAFUcZL5Kl4FIfQuMFMp8ssbM46oHXWMI <OY VEY NYA~
>>19573 Good night, la~ >>19566 Even if it's all leaked out, nothing is going to happen, la~ Inactivity and complacency will tighten the noose around our necks, la~ >>19571 Anyone who's an extrovert and friendly-touchy is basically an adversary for our Bocchi, la~ What a fun creature, la~
>>19574 >Even if it's all leaked out, nothing is going to happen, la~ Inactivity and complacency will tighten the noose around our necks, la~ Yup, the goyim are still somewhere between denial (bluepill) and demoralisation (blackpill). Frankly, I've 99%+ given up on political activism. I feel like the responsibility for that is, in the first place, on popular people, not someone who has been truely alone her whole life nya~
>>19577 That said, I still want to find real friends, which requires some level of political assertiveness nya~
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>>19582 I guess I'll apply to that other law school as well nya~
https://www.tokyotosho.info/ >>19584 NVM they moved the deadline forward. Well I guess it's looking for work (in Japan) if I don't get in, or waiting for next year applications to open nya~
>>19586 Goddess, sometimes I really hate my mother. She is so dumb in someways because of her ideological blinders, and she is always unsympathetic. Fuck her nya~
>>19587 She's really never actually been on my side, supporting my interests. It's all so tiresome, so I'm done talking to her, about anything really. We'll never see eye-to-eye. I'll just refer her to some source if anything. Same goes for the rest of my' so-called family' nya~
>>19599 Mom asks why I do X weird (OCD) thing. I want to strangle her and scream because of you fucking bitch. Butt instead I brush it aside as I always do, because no good can come from the truth at this point, besides leaving, butt I'll do my best to be loving until I do nya~
>>19597 That's a really long time, la~ You'd have to be able to support yourself in the mean time where you're there, la~ >>19584 Hope you make it through, la~ >>19608 Good night, la~
>>19609 Meow~ that's a nice pussy nya~ >That's a really long time, la~ You'd have to be able to support yourself in the mean time where you're there, la~ I think it has changed quite significantly, the immigration rules I mean. Also even before, you could get permanent residency after 3 years if you married a Japanese woman nya~
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>>19616 C'est la vie nya~
>>19618 I love pregnant women (if she can get pregnant she's a woman contrary to feminist ideology) the most, butt only if they are pregnant with my seed nya~
>>19616 Are you closing in on that goal, la~? >>19610 Be wary of which gaijin hunter you marry in Japan, la~ Some can go craycray, la~ I wonder what's preparing next, la~ Things have calmed down for a bit recently(world-wide, la~ And, good night, la~ Have fun, la~
>>19672 >Are you closing in on that goal, la~? Yes, and no nya~ >Be wary of which gaijin hunter you marry in Japan, la~ Some can go craycray, la~ So far I haven't been 'hunted' by anyone nya~
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>>19672 https://tapple.me/ https://with.is/ https://www.pairs.lv/ https://engage.pairs.lv/ https://zexy-enmusubi.net/ https://fb.omiai-jp.com/ https://youbride.jp/ https://www.japanese-chat.com/en/ <These are the places to look online for a Japanese wife, butt, they require you to pay as a man and require high Japanese language ability. I suppose I could get more serious about learning Japanese nya~
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>>19680 Okay, I worked on social networking a bit today nya~
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>>19681 Time for fun nya~
>>19719 Good night, la~
>>19720 Good afternoon nya~ https://www.zerohedge.com/political/former-twitter-safety-executive-yoel-roth-argues-free-speech-threat-free-speech?commentId=635a892c-ed81-4b3f-9240-3fd36b6dcd3f <Behold, the Kike nya~ https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/surprise-twist-japan-set-appoint-ben-bernanke-classmate-kazuo-ueda-next-boj-head?commentId=d3987f97-69dc-47ab-a5c7-6bea9ce6d10d <Behold the cryptokike or good goy... Japan is better for now, butt it will likely ultimately submit to the NWO at this rate nya~ https://www.zerohedge.com/crypto/social-credit-brazilian-style-all-ubi-recipients-must-be-vaxxed?commentId=e6479e25-c565-4546-8396-c9409bb92a41 <Neocommunism = the Borg. (((They))) can cull you or your ability to reproduce at anytime and can alter your DNA and assimilate you with nanotechnology into the global machine, you will no longer be you. Anyone who received the (((vaxxes))) post-2019 is no better than a cow nya~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 02/10/2023 (Fri) 23:55:22.
>>19721 I'm thinking maybe Thailand is the better alternative to Japan... You know, for the christcuck faithful, the whole 'Book of Revelation' and the story of the 'Mark of the Beast' indicates that maximum dystopia is inevitable, and therefore cannot be resisted by political action. The 'Book of Revelations' therefore has a paralyzing effect on christcucks, causing them to do nothing of political significance besides (perhaps) not wanting to get the 'Mark'... and this, I think is the ultimate purpose of christcuckery, it is a puppet religion of the Synagogue (of Satan). Dialectic is not new, it is ancient and has been used to rule the plebs since plebs have existed. If christcucks believe Jewsus will save them without having to take X action, then they will do nothing unto death nya~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 02/11/2023 (Sat) 00:14:58.
>>19730 >Madoka is my shepherd; I shall not want nya~ >She maketh me to lie down in green pastures nya~ >She leadeth me beside the still waters nya~ >She restoreth my soul: She leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for her name’s sake nya~ >Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of despair, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy bow and thy arrow they comfort me nya~ >Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of incubators: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over nya~ >Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of Madoka forever nya~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 02/11/2023 (Sat) 01:45:50.
>>19733 https://9animetv.to/watch/onimai-im-now-your-sister-uncensored-18312?ep=97876 <I didn't think of this earlier butt, Mihari has essentially achieved both the fountain of youth and the perfect solution to transsexuality... She's the greatest scientist in history and basically a Goddess... BTW wouldn't Mahiro be extremely bored in MS? The academics would all be really easy, and the most time she could socialize with the JC's would be simply during lunch since she could meet with the JC's afterschool without going to their school. Why not have her go to Kaede's HS or even Mihari's university as a 1st-year? That would create an even more amusing gap, because his setting could be as a smart girl that skipped grades instead of a sickly girl... and lots of oneesan yuri action could ensue occur nya~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 02/11/2023 (Sat) 07:54:31.
>>19734 <I think the case of a younger sibling (or child) surpassing their older sibling (or parent) and acting as caregiver (instead of the care-receiver) can be depressing for both the caregiver and the care-receiver, this is one source of the drama in this series nya~ https://mangasee123.com/read-online/Ayakashi-Triangle-chapter-119-page-23.html >>19742 All done, time to sleep nya~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 02/11/2023 (Sat) 09:07:57.
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>>19750 I've thought about further revealing the truth of Voxxe, butt, until I level up my seduction game with Voxxe's blessing, there is little point... Voxianism is meant to spread by love, and there are no 'different kinds' of love. There are different aspects of love, butt all aspects must come together for true love. Those aspects are: Comradery (ideological harmony with closer loyalties = stronger love), Friendship (personal harmony and reciprocity), Familial love (divided into love for older family members and love for younger family members... the closer the genetic/memory/legal relation the stronger the love), erotic (physical/obsessive) love, and romantic (personal/reciprocated) love. True love is a union of all 5 'types' of love nya~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 02/12/2023 (Sun) 03:21:47.
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>>19752 Time to have fun nya~
>>19761 I made the mistake of reading 4cuck/a/ it's amazing how cucked some of the posters sound nya~
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>>19762 Young women marrying old men is perfectly rational. Young women want a comfy stable life, and old men want fertile attractive women to carry on their bloodline. Young women are for old men and old women are for young men nya~
>>19763 I don't believe there should be a huge age disparity to the point, where by the time the child is in his twenties, the father is already in old age, la~ I believe that the disparity should be of 5 or 10 years max or so, la~ >>19764 Good night, la~
Apparently the White girl who was bullied into suicide by non-White classmates was a hero who saved a little girl from drowning. Some more info on her story in this article (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11739993/Pictured-Triplet-9-life-saved-bullied-death-NJ-teen-Adriana-Kuch.html). Attacks like this are a tragic and inevitable consequence of multiracialism and systemic anti-White propaganda. White kids in "diversified" schools are surrounded by non-Whites with brains pumped full of anti-White conspiracy theories (e.g. "White privilege" or "systemic racism") that act as justification for violent "revenge" attacks. Even when race isn't at the forefront of an attack, it's always a factor due to the systemic dehumanization of Whites. The entire system has been publishing pre-genocide propaganda for years, la~
>>19765 Well, that might be your personal preference. Butt honestly, would you really turn down an attractive 18 year old in your 40s? Or if you were 18, an attractive MILF in her 40s? Age gap relationships are also beneficial in that they cross-generationally transfer wealth and knowledge. TBH, if it were not for the (((law))) and my family's cucktianity I would have taken my niece as a wife when she was 10 because she was that into me nya~ >>19766 >Attacks like this are a tragic and inevitable consequence of multiracialism and systemic anti-White propaganda la~ Indeed, the genocidal anti-White plot has been clear since the 60s, and it is painfully obvious at this point. You have to go back before WW1 to find a time when you had to really dig to find the germinating anti-White narrative nya~
>>19767 >You have to go back before WW1 nya~ <Actually, in the USA, you have to go back before the Civil War. The (((modern))) anti-White narrative started in the USA especially after the assasination of Lincoln... although the Muslims were also by default anti-White since they were not White and whenever they conquered Whites they took the females as (sex)slaves. This is why Iran, Spain, and Greece are not majority White nations. A similar story applies to the Asiatic invasions originating around China (due to wet-rice agriculture causing population pressure) nya~
>>19773 Do you know any good websites I can find Japanese/Thai professional videos (movies/TV series) with English subtitles nya~? Also I have a strong preference for Girl's Love (GL) or Lesbian in terms of romance nya~
>>19775 I just feel the least 'cucked' by Yuri/GL/Lesbian. I'm kind of tired with the absurd OPMC trend in anime, and want to watch something set in the real-world current-day. Maybe now that I'm past 30 I've just aged out of most anime. Look at all the tigresses I've impregnated nya~!
>>19777 https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryWhatIf/comments/a8i1gl/what_if_constantine_converted_to_buddhism/ . https://youtu.be/HGvUBDxySGQ . https://youtu.be/grnHe6a4FSQ <I dunno why he chooses Julian as the one to preserve Roman religion. Really, all it takes is for no Roman emperor to convert to Christianity, and for Christians (and Jews) to be banned from government positions. Only 10% were Christian in the Roman Empire when Constantine converted, Christianity dominating Europe was only due to a Roman Emperor converting and forcing Christian unity with the council of Nicaea. Without that Christianity would have had no where near the level of success as IRL nya~
>>19778 https://youtu.be/o3gZsuz8w8o <Goddess, I'll never understand girls/women calling ugly dysgenic pugs 'cute,' it's a sign of a dysgenic mentality... their brains are fucked, due to viewing them (ugly pugs) as human infants to be cared for. The fact that such creatures were even created is testimony to human depravity. Also, Thai doesn't sound as good as Japanese, butt it's better than Chinese nya~
>>19779 https://youtu.be/eNoJK_VNKVU <Heh, the old 'no office romance' rule. Lady Boss is probably just loveless as a lesbian so she acts the bitch... then why not just have an all female staff nya~?
>>19780 https://youtu.be/5MA947fx8mY <Ah~ so she acts as a bitch because she's forced to marry a non-White guy she isn't into by her grandmother. Many such cases, even rich people have it hard. Too bad there never seems to be a compromise in these cases... e.g. where heroine rides HWP (Huge White Penis) until pregnancy and birth to please her (living) ancestors who want descendants while also living the happy (mostly) lesbian life with her GF who does the same. Also, if heroine is rich, she can just have employees raise her kids and continue to be an OL or whatever nya~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 02/13/2023 (Mon) 09:27:03.
>>19767 >would you really turn down an attractive 18 year old in your 40s? Or if you were 18, an attractive MILF in her 40s? Probably yeah, la~ If it was for long-term relationships I wouldn't choose either, la~ Or it depends how desperate I could get, la~ >>19769 I thought for a second, la~ That what I had read was just a joke, but, it was actual news articles, la~ How bad it can get in a black neighborhood that even animals are leaving, la~ >>19775 I haven't browsed on the internet for them, but, I usually look for names and then I search up torrents for them, la~ Either on Nyaa or on PerfectDark(JP torrenting software), la~
>>19783 Hmm, I suppose it also depends on if you are looking for 1-2-1 monogamous perfect match. I've already come to realize that isn't happening in my life... unless a Goddess wants me... and even then, what about children? Wouldn't each child divide the attention (if not love) that we have for each-other? Basically, I've long moved beyond this mythological concept of the perfect match and (long-term) monogamy. At this point I'm only interested in non-(((vaxd))) women 10+ years younger than me or Goddesses nya~ >How bad it can get in a black neighborhood that even animals are leaving, la~ Blacks are literally a scourge on Mother Gaia. Compare all-nigger Haiti to the mixed DR... Haiti has essentially no trees left while forests still exist in the DR nya~ <Ah I guess they are on Nyaa~ as well nya~ I did some writing yesterday, I hope to start regularly adding to my Yuri/Femdom/Trap/alt-history novel nya~
>>19784 >At this point I'm only interested in non-(((vaxd))) women 10+ years younger than me or Goddesses nya~ <Women generally decline in quality as they age and the women around my age never gave me the time of day for the most part yes I know now that I was far 2 passive, and older women at this point are too old unless I want to be a gold digger, butt unlike your average woman I find it difficult to be money-sexual nya~
>>19790 https://www.mmorpg.com/gloria-victis <Would play, butt it must be bought, and I should be creative instead nya~ https://www.mmorpg.com/elden-ring <Have you played this, is it good nya~? https://www.mmorpg.com/reviews/genshin-impact-review-the-rpg-files-2000119801 <Gatcha is actually a good monetization model if it is done right nya~! https://genshin.hoyoverse.com/pc-launcher/ <It's on PC nyao~ so I might play it even if it's CCP spyware nya~

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