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King of Shitposting

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Political Autism Thread Boliever 07/23/2018 (Mon) 16:29:26 Id: 5f7351 No. 123000
Taking a page from another board, this thread is about chronicling and discussing stupid shit current and former wrestlers have to say about politics and probably a little shitflinging. Politicsfagging will still be fine as it comes up in other threads but this is a thread for CONCENTRATED AUTISM.
>>123529 inb4 you're the booleyfag
>>123545 >he thinks I'm the booleyfag
>>123621 Then stop being pathetic and autistic if you're not booley fag. Can't blame me for the confusion.
>>123631 Imagine being this mad over imageboard culture.
If the guardians movies tank and become known as the pedo movies he won't get work any where else. He's not very interesting, he's not well liked and the only one able to survive that series train wrecking is already top tier in hollywood and doing jurassic park films.
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Is he on good terms with WWE? Doesn't seem that great, not bad but not good either. WWE declined wasn't interested in Batista wanting his final match to be against Triple H and as time passes, that likely won't happen. Will he get in the Hall of Fame some years down the line? He deserves that at least, whatever his stupid opinions.
>>123635 >muh imageboard culture nWOanon is right, you're a massive faggot.
>>123654 >t. nwoanon
>>123741 >there's no way multiple people might find my behavior to be annoying This is why people call you a faggot.
>>123654 >imageboard culture is bad you can always go back to r/squaredcircle to be with your friends
>>123760 It's not that imageboard culture itself is bad you fucking dummy. It's that nWoanon was correct in saying that on a board this slow acting like digits matter is retarded, and WHOfag is too much of an absolute autist to grasp why that is.
Not sure if this counts, but Kane is finally the mayor of Knoxville. Not really much, but its interesting to know.
>>124166 inb4 the WWE chooses the WORST possible way to write him out of the show instead of at least giving him a final title reign and retire by putting some worthwhile up and comer over.
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>>124170 There was the Hell No reunion but he got injurer during it and for now got written off based off the injury
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Batista's film career on suicide watch
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>>126027 Wasn't the director an alleged pedo or something? Batista was in James fucking Bond, I'm sure he'll be fine without capeshit.
>>126203 >Batista was in James fucking Bond Being In The bond movie that stole plot twists from Austin Powers gold member isn’t something to be proud of.
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Batista has always been soy
>>126347 Biggest James Gunn defense ron Youtube mundanematt just got exposed as a possible Pedo. He gonna be next.
>>126322 holy shit >Austin Powers gold member He's right the movie was a ripoff of goldmember….. >>126347 What a piece of shit. He thinks because he's part filipino that he can actually go after their national hero who won real unscripted fights and inspired millions.
>>127054 >go after their national hero who won real unscripted fights and inspired millions. He like the Cuck CM punk who called Jason David Frank a fake fighter for working on power rangers. JDF a Accomplice Marshal artist who won more MMA fights than punk ever will.
>>127095 JDF is a faggot who constantly has to lean on his power rangers career to try and stay relevant. He's like Will Weaton but some how more pathetic.
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Tyler Breeze is Canadian. What are chances we can get him to support Maxime Bernier?
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>>123000 Basedtista did it brother, Disney Reinstates Director James Gunn For ‘Guardians Of The Galaxy 3’, anti-pedos on suicide watch fucking hell disney, fuck Pedowood
>>127290 >He's like Will Weaton but some how more pathetic I doubt as much. At least JDF can fight, wheton's a cuck.
Batista is a piece of shit. HHH is gonna destroy him.
>>136950 Oh hi Mark. Also no shit HHH is going to win, Batista said he was coming back to put him over.
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>niggers actually bolieve James Gunn is a pedophile
>>137038 He's worst really. He enables it. Most people can understand that god made pedofiles terribly terribly wrong but it's not their fault they are made that way (not that you shouldn't stomp on a pedo, they are simply a tragedy waiting to happen). Bootista is the one who says its a great idea to keep one arround and let him watch the children because his paycheck is attached to one.
>>137038 <h-he was just ironically posting about molesting kids
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>>137082 >He enables it How the fuck?
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>>124166 >mayor of Knoxville actually it's Knox COUNTY. The mayor of Knoxville (population 178,000) is Madeline Rogero. Knoxville is part of Knox County (population 432,000). Kane is Rogero's boss. This is only a stepping stone guys.

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