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King of Shitposting

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Summerslam 2018 Autistic booking/predictions/show/faggotry thread Boliever 08/13/2018 (Mon) 00:25:37 Id: 22e131 No. 125133
It's here, the slightly-past-midyear PPV, and it's going to be a really **un*exciting one. Universal Champion Brock Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns WWE Champion AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe Raw Women's Champion Alexa Bliss vs. Ronda Rousey Braun Strowman vs. Kevin Owens Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler vs. Seth Rollins SmackDown Women’s Champion Carmella vs. Charlotte Flair vs. Becky Lynch (Triple Threat Match) United States Champion Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Jeff Hardy Daniel Bryan vs. The Miz WWE Cruiserweight Champion Cedric Alexander vs. Drew Gulak Finn Bálor vs. Constable Baron Corbin SmackDown Tag Team Champions The Bludgeon Brothers vs. The New Day Rusev & Lana vs. Andrade “Cien” Almas & Zelina Vega (SummerSlam Kickoff Match)
>>125717 Crowd was unhappy, the only reason you didn't have complete and utter [LOUD BOOING] was because of Pushedman coming out.
>>125719 And I asume that "pop" at the end was Dunn doing his usual bullshit
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>>125720 Yep, it was more hyped up than it actually was. Some people were happy for Roman winning though (lesser of two evils thing) but otherwise a lot of it was added in.
>>125721 Can you consider the samoan mutt a spot monkey ? because he spams Superman Punch and that fucking spear way too much
>3 Dqs in a fucking PPV >Charlottewinslol. Gotta make Ric's kid look good after returning from an injury. Make way for Jane Cena! <So many burials <One shitty tease after another >Fucking Bellas had to come back. Can't let Lousy Rousy steal the attention from Cena's slut fiance <Bellas had some pornstar-tier acting in their segments >Lousy Rousy has another shitty match that wasn't even 10 minutes <Wins anyway with bad wrestling, and is pushed to the fucking moon with a short win. <Now people are turning on Lousy not because of Alexa, but they're seeing how much she sucks when she's forced to do something without media or help from Dana/The McMahons >Ramen wins after 6 losing streaks lol <Tease Braun will do something only to do nothing I never thought I'd see Vince top Sjwmania for being the worst PPV out there, but he did it somehow. If the Aj match didn't have a shit ending, it would have been considered the best match of the night. I didn't even bother watching the shit preshow because I didn't feel like seeing the Sjwjew's face on my screen (Fuck that piece of shit Jew Rosenberg). >>125721 They were happy the feud ended, knowing whoever wins they lose. >>125719 The crowd hated the PPV. It was a 5 hour Ram episode with no Booley bullshit.
>>125399 Nah they're pretty ugly, and they can't wrestle. If they were good they would have been in this shit PPV.
>>125723 >t. pissed off smark
>>125725 t.sheepleposter
>>125562 Remember when the Shield reunited? Me neither.
Sounds like I didn't miss anything good by skipping this today. Nice.
>>125728 Lucky bastard!
I just saw the becky heel turn. Oh wow wwe really? You have someone over as a pure babyface, something rare nowadays and you not only fuck her over at every turn but now you're turning her heel? All for what, giving woman reigns another notch on her belt?
>>125690 ←- >>125696 NU UNIVERSAL CHAMPION
[Loud booing]
>>125731 >NU UNIVERSAL CHAMPION On the plus side: Bork steroids should be gone now and that retarded looking belt at least is gonna be defended On the bad side: We're back at Romanwinslol, Samoan mutt is gonna main event EVERY SINGLE FUCKING PPV until the end of time, WWE Championship will be left as a mid-card belt, Braun was left looking like an absolute retard
>>125563 >>125733 Maybe we'll see AJ take on Ramen Honestly its the only way to fix this shitshow
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>>125730 >Woman Reigns Charlotte is more like Cena 2.0, but with MUH LEGACY or MUH DADDY FLAIR. The mind-boggling thing is they wanted you to feel bad for Charlotte because she got attacked by Becky after she stole Becky's opportunity like the nepotism bitch she is. That's like feeling bad for Cena in an alternate time line where Zack Ryder beats the fucking shit out of him for stealing Eve Torres and opportunities from him. >>125725 It's disappointing knowing people are not only okay with 5 hour ppvs being shitty Ram/SD episodes, but they're also okay with the shit treatment and endless spitting the company gives them and even their own wrestlers who aren't Cena, Ramen, Bellas, Lousy, Bork, Orton, Samoans, Naomi, Charlotte, etc.. Lousy Rousey's match was hyped by the WWE, but it was less than a 10 minute burial because Lousy can't do anything that requires effort.
>>125734 It was done before, and not even Aj could save it. He only won because Ramen got busted for drugs,but once the drug suspension dropped, Ramen went back to Ramenwinslol mode. Are you guys for Lousy Rousey (or Female Bork) and Ramen shoved down your throats with some Bella bullshit?! Maybe if we're lucky, Cena will make the shit show even worse when he comes back from whatever stupid project he's doing.
>>125737 Because we have nothing else to watch.
>>125739 Nigga if you don't have anything to do with your life to watch 5 hours of a shitty WWE PPV then you need to reevaluate what you are doing in your whole life.
>>125738 >>125737 *slapslap*
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>>125736 >>125701 AHH YEZZIR
>>125738 Or here is an idea: How bout we all just stop watching this train wreck of an company and just watch Japanese and Indie shows for now on. WWE is slowly turning into a disaster with horrible writers that make Impact look efficient and competent. Also including the fact that WWE is trying to shove in their SJW WOMYN OVALATION Bullshit in our faces. Yeah enjoy Lousy Rousy injuring half your female roster with her green as goose shit wrestling. Great that they only have 7 of the 50 female wrestlers worth watching. And as for the male section, sure they have great talent that is signed there. But the problem is that creative doesn't know what the fuck to do with said talent. Prince Devitt, wasted. Seth Rollins, wasted. Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows, wasted. For what to push a wrestler no body cares about? So my point with that is what do you think they will do with Kenny Omega and the Young Bucks? What do you think they will do with Pentagon Jr. and Fenix? What do you think they will do with Matt Riddle? They pick them up because they are indie darlings or popular outside the WWE. But when they get them what do they do: fuckall. WWE needs to let go of Vince's concept of wrestling. Stephanie needs to let go taking control of WWE because she is running it to the ground. And as for Triple H, NO ONE GIVES A FUCK ABOUT YOU ANYMORE GO AWAY! I don't want to see Triple H and Taker. WHY IS THIS A THING?! Sorry for being this long but here is the tl:dr version: No need to watch WWE any more, go watch ROH, Impact, Indies, or Puro. WWE is slowly dying.
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>>125743 ahh nozzir
>>125743 >t. Dixie Carter
>>125743 >WWE is slowly dying. I've heard that so many times over the years but it won't happen, not especially after their billion dollar deal with Fox and their stocks higher than ever. WWE will carry on but like a zombie. Speaking of Fox, it's the same as The Simpsons, living on like a zombie kept alive by execs and some retarded amount of fans that still watch it out of force of habit.
>>125892 We just have to hope the normalfags don't latch onto it so that FOX will shitcan them.
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Wow just saw the replay and Balor's face paint felt a little bit weird…
>>125892 It's a paradox that while ratings and attendances go down, WWE seems more invincible than ever. Likewise, the indy scene is healthier than its ever been but pro-wrestling has never been less relevant or mainstream.
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>>125998 ayo hol up
>>126001 >WWE seems more invincible than ever. If it wasn't for Vinnie Mac's business deals, WWE would have been forced to face the cold truth a long time ago
>>126001 It's tv competition is a joke (NFL is losing ratings too), and even if a Ram hits the lowest rating, a Jersey Shore reality show isn't going to put a giant dent on Ram. Impact got better (not by much, but still more watchable than Ram or SD), but it's not going to steal WWE's crowd any time soon. It's like GW: sure, no one really plays Age of Shitmar, but what's really going to threaten GW if they poz the fuck out of Age of Shitmar with Sjw shite, or it has no real competition (lol 9th Age and WarmaHordes)? >>126006 Vinny and Linda won't be around forever, and I doubt Paul and Stephanie will keep things booming. Shane might because he's more business savvy than his cunt sister.
>>126007 >It's like GW: sure, no one really plays Age of Shitmar, but what's really going to threaten GW if they poz the fuck out of Age of Shitmar with Sjw shite, or it has no real competition (lol 9th Age and WarmaHordes)? >Current year WWE and GeeDubs I'm absolutely horrified by how accurate that comparison is >GW constant pushing of Sigmarines and Spees Meehrens first and foremost is akin to Vince jacking off to Cena and Reigns >Sisters of Battle being shat on for 20+ years is too damn similar to the absolute state of Rusev I could go on and on with this
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>>126007 >Shane might because he's more business savvy than his cunt sister Too bad he doesn't seem to be allowed to run anything. Why wasn't he at least there for the Evolution PPV announcement when his whole family, including Vince was there? He even sold off most of his stocks when he left the company a few years ago and owns next to nothing now.
>>126008 >Legacy armies:veteran wrestlers who will never get treated like Cena and the Bellas unless they're Ric >Older Shitmar armies (pre Tumblr Edition): Zac Ryder and Ruru (more popular, but GW hates them because of this). >New Tumblr af armies: WYMZ RVLCCN, NJPW, or someone like Lousy Rousy shovef down your throat >Sigmahreens and Speeshmahreens: The Cena and Charlotte Flair of GW >New interesting armies: The Braun (likable, but GW will make sure the Tumblr Sigmahreens can counter them hard. Can't make the Mahreens look bad) >Shitty new Chaos of the month: The Ramen of GW I think it's pretty accurate >>126010 He's not even around for the Lousy Rousey shit going on.

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