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King of Shitposting

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So...this Women's Revolution Boliever 01/13/2018 (Sat) 08:14:19 Id: e95275 No. 92785
After 1-2 two years of WYMUYNZ REVLUCION hype, let's see what happened: >They're still piss BREAKs. >Most of them are still bad at wrestling and promos >God-awful booking and terrible storylines >Little or no screen time >Crowd shows little or no interest in the matches >Titles passed around like a hot potato in undeserving runs and feuds no one wanted (Botcha and Charlotte) >Most of the top wrestlers are still sleeping with or marrying other male wrestlers and WWE employees to keep their jobs like Maryse, Rosa, Michelle, & the Bellas (e.g. Naomi) <Or use their family or famous relatives to go somewhere (Nia, Charlotte, Botcha) >Good and even mediocre ones get buried hard by the infamous shovel >They tried the "sex sells" shit with Emmalina, and it failed hard >Feuds are a joke Some revolution alright. How much longer is it gonna take for people to realize it's a joke? How do you actually improve it?
>>112464 They will give us more autism
>>112468 >Mandy and Caramel are pure <Big Cass' sloppy seconds <Mandy looks like an archetypal Stacy I don't know what's your definition of 'pure' but it's definitely twisted beyond the truth just to suit yourself.
>>112502 Mandy's not even that hot.
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>MAGGLE SONYAS A POWERFUL LESBIAN WYMZ REVLCCN LOOK AT HER GEAR AT WRESTLEMANIA <Gets Btfo by Lousy Roussey, who can't even sell the beat down <Give Natalya more attention than the other women, but make her look weak for Lousy LBGT WYMNZ RVLCCN MAGGLE So does Lousy just make one-time appearances on Raw like Bork, and does jack shit hoping sjws and numale soycucks will buy into her shit forever?
>>112498 Ema 2.0 incoming.
>>112538 I think so far Ronda has appeared on every RAW show since her contract signing. Better than Lesnar in that respect.
Only a matter of time till she becomes full part timer. Seriously the ratings didn’t spike at all and her match like every match involving hhh was nothing special. She’s not even on the roster it’s done just give her the belt and take it off her fast so she can fuck off
>>112502 >Implying Big Soy Cass was man enough for her He couldn't even handle her feet >Looks like So?
Fake fucking fat silicon lips one botch to the mouth and bam first color in a woman’s match since maula deflowered her trainees back in the 60s
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>>112546 Why would she even post something like this? This is fucking horrid.
>>112546 >when you're going for that 45 year old mtf look
>>112546 holy duckface
WWE has updated their website Top women are RAW - BLISS NXT - KAIRI SD - ASUKA & Charles Fatty Nia will drop it soon, Cumella will be destroyed by Asuka during upcoming Japan tour. Next champions NXT - KAIRI SD - ASUKA RAW - BLISS OR EMBER MOON
>>112546 >>112548 >>112550 >>112567 I almost feel bad for Big Cass (note. Almost). >>112548 This is the same whore who proudly called herself the next Moolah, and wasn't smart enough to DELETE the tweets praising Moolah like everybody else. This shouldn't surprise you. >>112541 >>112542 My favorite Sonya moment is when she's praised as a POWFEFUL LESBEEN only to get her ass kicked by a straight w-oh.
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>>112582 Cass and Carmella BROKE up a while ago. He got to enjoy her in her prime before she went full ho.
I bought a pair of Nikki Bella's panties on eBay
>>112590 Pics or it didn't happen
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>>112591 I just ordered today; it is supposed to arrive on Friday
>>112590 >>112593 I hope you got scammed hard by this.
>>112596 It has a COA and I am richfag so I am fine with it. I tried to pay less but the seller wouldn't budge - ain't like anyone else is selling this
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>>112601 You'd spend your money much better by just giving it to me.
>>112593 Should have gotten delivery by now: Was it as foul-smelling as you had hoped?
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>>113868 No, unfortunately it smells pretty fresh (it hasn't been worn in 6 years), but it's beautiful.
you know the incels were absolutely devestated their favorite 5/10 wasnt performing saudi arabia. nia alone would have decimated their food supply. suprised they even let hhh there since he alone used 79% of their water for his intro.
>Throw Job Squad on Ram <They get buried by Lousy Roussey and Natalya >Now have who ever got moved to Smackdown get buried by Naomi and Charlotte >Make Ram's Main Event a shitty 5+ women's tag match <Because none of the women are allowed to be in Saudi Arabia for the shitty PPV <Have it end in a shitty DQ with Lousy Rossey hogging the spotlight, making the whole thing pointless <Tease Botcha and Booley doing something with their feud again. RIP Ilconics's careers. Emma says hi. At least Botcha flipped out on Twitter over the weekend (I miss the Tweets before she DELETED them).
>>114115 where the tributes at
>>114115 Enjoy covering it in cum.
>>114115 I want to put that underwear up my peehole and out my ass
so billie is the most attractive one in all of wwe? JUST
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>>114745 >billie >most attractive >literally in a stable with a way more attractive woman
>>114745 I've seen better.
I asked this in the Backlash thread, but I guess I'm the only one who is starting to see Charlotte as the female Cena, huh? Lately her matches had her get her ass beat by the heel, and all of a sudden she comes back to beat them with 3-5 moves of doom.
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>>114893 Peyton has more forehead than sasha
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https://www.bloodyelbow.com/2018/4/18/17249904/wwe-legend-billy-graham-ronda-lousy-is-a-ufc-failure-that-got-her-flat-ass-kicked-twice-mma-news >From her end, Rousey has already begun moving past her two UFC defeats against Nunes and Holly Holm, stating she is “happy” she lost those fights. I'd be happy too if I got a job that made me do little or nothing for shit loads of money, and lets my douche bag husband act like a creepy douche bag at events while I bury my coworkers' careers. Good to know old vets still hate Lousy Rousey, and remember how she sucks in the ring. >Are you gonna split up <No you Lousy Rhonda Rousey <Implied she is just as bad or worse than Lousy Rousey I laughed even if it was intentional.

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