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King of Shitposting

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NJPW Honor Rising Tour Boliever 02/15/2018 (Thu) 11:27:54 Id: 8a2e3a No. 98551
About a week away from the shows but a ton of news has come out about them as well as the anniversary show after that so I figured may as well make the thread now. Start times are Night-1 2/23/18, 1:30 PST, 3:30 CST, 4:30 EST Night-2 2/24/18. 1:30 PST, 3:30 CST, 4:30 EST The big new stories for these shows are, in order of importance, MAIN EVENT CHASE OWENS Kitamura match 7 NOT on the show, instead it's a rematch of nakanishi at the anniversary show (extremely gay decision, probably the worst one I've seen from NJPW so far) Omega and ibushi are the main events both nights, and chase teaming with them seems to suggest that the tongans are going to be working against Cody. Goto is giving a never title shot to some FATASS FUCK that no one gives a shit about Jay white is teaming with a man who called him a "knife pervert" on twitter CHEESEBURGER IS CHALLENGING FOR A TITLE It's pretty incredible how much NJPW storylines have taken over ROH compared to last months CMLL show. 70% of this card is all NJPW guys mostly compared to maybe 30% with fantasticamania. Also you have jay lethal there why not have him challenge goto for the never belt? Also in less big news Omega and Ibushi just got signed to a show I'm going to in New Orleans for wrestlemania weekend so I'm really happy about that.
Kenny speaks so quietly when he speaks nip.
I see why the Bucks have been getting real jacked
>>99487 Polite
live sex celebration soon
>no streamer explosion oh right, its a roh show
>>99491 The fans should be throwing shitloads then.
golden lovers vs young bucks sounds fucking awesome. When would it even happen though? US show? Dominion? All in?
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>>99492 njpw doesnt allow those hand thrown streamer thingys
It's so weird watching kenny not looking like he's waiting for the sweet embrace of death.
I really really really hope it's Tama taking over not fucking Cody.
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You are heavyweight ~!!
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What would a WWE x NJPW tour look like?
>>99503 The only way that would happen is if Haitch took over so basically just NXT with more nips.
>>99503 Gedo and vince fighting in the main event in fast lane for the right to book the okada vs roman match at wrestlemania.
>>99505 Gedo wins because he's an actual wrestler.
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>>99503 I happen to be an expert booker in this topic! no bully pls
>>99508 >Austin and Makabe >Rollins and Naito >not Austin and Naito it's shit.
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>>99514 I'm the booker and i tell you what you will like.
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>>99505 >>99506 Vince squashes the bald midget
>>99522 Nice picture of Vince from 30 years ago. I bet he would legit BREAK a hip. Only wrestling match Vince can win is one he's booking.
>>99522 You know Vince has to warm up just to walk know? Gedo could take him at that age.
>>99503 >>99504 >Okada vs AJ Styles >Tanahashi vs Nakamura >Naito vs Andrade 'La Sombra' Almas >KES vs Gallows & Anderson >Taguchi vs Prince Balor >Kushida vs Ricochet Any more?
>>100059 Taguchi vs balor actually would be awesome
>>100065 Well it's happened, was also Devitt's last match in NJPW.
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NEW JAPAN CUP BRACKETS REVEALED Not sure how I feel about it, we got some great matchups here and it's good to see tanahashi back, but most of the guys in it are uber mid card besides naito, tana and ibushi.
>>100069 Oh shit forgot to say my pick to win is ishii, who challenges okada. Tanahashi is gonna challenge okada at dominion probably with Tanahashi's title defense record on the line
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>>100069 I'm guessing BROKEN ass Tana gonna win with like 10 thousand bandages on and challenge for Ace spot again and lose to make Okada look strong. Kinda sad to not see Tama in through but Fat Luck Fale is. Doubt that Ishii wins unless the Gedo/Chaos powertrip is reaaaaaaal. Naito's push is OVAAAA. Not too hyped for this Cup to be truth… might watch the bigdimedrawing matches but thats it. Yujiro comeback tour soon.
>>100072 a lot of them names here have me disappointed too, but if you look at the potential matchups it's pretty good. Ishii vs elgin, Ishii vs tanahashi, Naito vs sabre, naito vs ibushi, Naito vs yano, either tanahashi vs naito, Ishii vs ibushi, or tanahashi vs ibushi in the final. All of these sound like really good matches but still doesn't take away from the fact that like half this tournament is tag team guys
>>100074 There is also a chance for a Chuckie v Yano match which would be neat. Maybe Yoshi beats Inushi becaus eCody run-in and kisses him, then we get a Naito vs Toshi rematch and tacoquilo goes over brother hh. egh who am i kidding its not gonna be that great here my pics for round 1 will repost in the cup thread later Pitbull - Jews - Old Ace - Badurakku - Dumpling - coolhat - DVD - Canada
>>100069 Why's KES here?
Ishii's going over boys. I want to bolieve

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