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this is /x/ Anonymous 02/10/2023 (Fri) 22:08:50 No. 6
post unnerving shit
Think this is the best thread for this so here I go. Work nightshift monitoring various TV channels for a company I will not specify. Building is creepy and I often hear footsteps at night and other odd shit, but that could just be loneliness getting to me and the building being in the middle of bumfuck nowhere adding to it. Well, one night on shift one of the TVs makes this super loud and super distinct hissing and electronic noise despite being muted, and the feed cuts to a grey screen. I stare at it for a few minutes being dumbfounded at it and the screen turns green with a station logo on it. Issue got fixed pretty quickly after that (turns out another location needed to reset a bad piece of equipment), but that loud noise the TV made was downright peculiar and was completely unrelated. Not only was the TV muted and the volume was at 0, but there was no damage to the TV or cables or anything, and no other TV could have been the source of the noise. Downright strange occurrence, really.
i was doing drainage work at my cousins mikey cottage, now his parents are dutch, so his mother made the traditional kaptchka, for anyone who knows about kaptchka it is known that it does not sit well before hard work, so mikey was out hunting and baged two deer, asked me for help with skinning the poor things, i had my knife and somehow thanks to kaptchka got a cut on my hand. it did not seem like a big slash, i got it desinfected with alcohol straight away, so i do not know whas it the blood of the deer, or drainage work i did for mikey or it was the capchka, but after skinning the deer i do not remember much of the night, they found me next to the borna rivaho canal, sleeping outside my car in almost freezing temperature, with my left index finger sliced off.

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