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/NijiEN/ Nijisanji EN General Anonymous 05/09/2024 (Thu) 07:57:48 No. 31508
Nijisanji EN YouTube channels: https://www.youtube.com/@nijisanji_en/channels https://www.youtube.com/@petragurin/channels Twitter: https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World https://twitter.com/i/lists/1415262975435231235 LazuLight: https://twitter.com/EliraPendora https://twitter.com/FinanaRyugu OBSYDIA: https://twitter.com/Rosemi_Lovelock https://twitter.com/Petra_Gurin Ethyria: https://twitter.com/MillieParfait https://twitter.com/EnnaAlouette https://twitter.com/ReimuEndou Luxiem: https://twitter.com/Luca_Kaneshiro https://twitter.com/Shu_Yamino https://twitter.com/Ike_Eveland https://twitter.com/Vox_Akuma Noctyx: https://twitter.com/sonny_brisko https://twitter.com/uki_violeta https://twitter.com/alban_knox https://twitter.com/Fulgur_Ovid ILUNA: https://twitter.com/MariaMari0nette https://twitter.com/AiaAmare https://twitter.com/AsterArcadia https://twitter.com/ScarleYonaguni https://twitter.com/RenZott0 XSOLEIL: https://twitter.com/D_Dropscythe https://twitter.com/MelocoKyoran https://twitter.com/HexHaywire https://twitter.com/KotokaTorahime https://twitter.com/Ver_Vermillion Krisis:
[Expand Post]https://twitter.com/VezaliusBandage https://twitter.com/Tyrant_Vanta https://twitter.com/YuQWilson TTT: https://twitter.com/KunaiNakasato https://twitter.com/VBrightshield https://twitter.com/ClaudeClawmark Teamup schedule for Nijisanji EN: https://teamup.com/ks1mraas71v3fjf1c2 To watch streams at the same time: https://niji-mado.web.app/home Graduated Livers and Miscellaneous: https://rentry.org/odmo2psr Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags, and falseflaggers. Remember to spoiler any NSFW image you post. Last thread >>29412
Current stream: Scarle Bunny Garden https://youtu.be/Wswpbigs2Xs
What kind of game is Metro 2033 anyway? Cybepunk but trains?
>>31505 This reminded me how Evanito on Twitter made a post calling VTA a flop and he got ratioed by dozens of people calling him an absolute retard. JP fans don't mess around >>31511 It's Stalker but linear, underground and more polished.
>>31513 ooh, looks like a maid outfit. seems like the long traditional one based on the silhouette at the back?
>>31511 Think of it as a survival horror, the horror being the monsters or living in Russia, that's for you to decide
No Mumu today
>>31517 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0iD-JKD4mk I guess I'll watch Hex prerecorded cooking instead today
>>31519 Starting!
>putting ducktape on her mouth Bro
>>31521 Mama Haywire, blink twice if you need help
I was excite to hear mama Haywire but at least this is a start so i hope things get more lax in the future with this as the starting point
That's so fast is it even cooked properly
>>31524 Yeah, shrimp fries pretty fast
>"Who is your oshi?"
Having a deer mascot would be refreshing, i'm gonna kick the next cat i see
Millie woke up with no voice but she wants to play Hades 2 so we might have a silent guerrilla stream
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>>31525 Shrimps actually look so good.... Also, Hex's mom moves really cute >>31513 I actually was wondering when Meloco is going to have her outfit, let's go!
>Watching wiwa vod >she offhandedly mention that she might play Persona 2 and name the protag lamb chop Aint no way she's actually gonna do that, play P2 I mean, not the lamb chop
>>31534 Just ask Junpei for his PSP
I've been checking Vivi's Twitter and it's kind of funny how she doesn't shy to do girly talk that only she cares about, like ranting about mean girls or met gala. I remember it was so funny to look at her realising during her debut week that girls not only watch her, but unironically like her too.
My fucking sides
>>31537 This is becoming a pasta
>Elira watches Star Rail lore videos Elira... Does she know that most of the lore is AI generated....
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https://twitter.com/Enkiriin/status/1788248330268733896 Enki has finally started drawing Iluna
>>31544 I've been seeing cosplay of this outfit but I never seen this outfit ever.
>>31545 Isn't it the art for one of the chinese cafes?
Vox has charmed another old lady and is now gonna bang Merry's mom https://twitter.com/Key_Diva/status/1788588178569367741
https://twitter.com/ScarleYonaguni/status/1788653114805162247 The fact that Scarle became such a huge Gundam fangirl is genuinely amusing to me
>Sajam didn't include any Nijis in his tournament because Doki is there I don't like Sajam anymore
>>31556 I swear I'm not him but I like Millie X Fulgur angst fanart
>Claude was lpaying Valo and was about to end stream >Finana shows up in chat >Now they're gonna play together for "1 game" This is gonna end with Fu-chan there
>five guys has the best meat >finana laughs I love feesh
Claude is calling everyone in NijiEN to come to his stream and say how good Five Guys is
Reimu bought OG Alan Wake instead of the remaster!
>>31562 3rd outfit papes!
>>31563 Elira looks like such a nerd
>>31564 >looks
>SEUP collab hasn't started I blame Petra
>>31562 this shit cute as hell
>>31556 i wonder if fuuchan inspired millie to write her own stories and post them
Peto leak PTSD..
Koto anon, Aia said that Koto is living her best life now and just chilling, there was a day where she saw her play Valo for 11 hours with friends
wow, millie got her home3d fast
>i'm not a slut >but I am- what? Slutra...
>>31574 The slutification of Petra might be one of the hottest things
Vivi is streaming like this with her xbox mic and moving at 24 FPS
>>31576 Kino, her xbox mic always cracks me up. I'd watch if it wasn't an horror game
>>31577 It seems more of a nostalgia survival horror than actual horror tho
>>31555 >all of her followers block her This "we" better just be that account because I feel like this can go very very badly
>>31579 The account is a group of people, anon, no need to rustle your jimmies
>>31579 They preface blocking her with "because it's a surprise." They don't want her to lurk on any fan accounts and find out it's being organized, thus ruining the surprise.
>>31585 This message hits different if you read it with Enna's voice
Vivi is the proper height to become a mascot costume wearer!
Just woke up, Ike is playing Nier in JP dub https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9ZrVXzvp6A
>>31591 Is this his first time playing?
>>31592 Nope. He'll be midmaxing everything for the maximum lore drops and will get Replicant's ending E after he completes the game
>Self-destruct? Not sure will be using it this much, but sure He knows exactly what he's doing
Ike is already managing to break the game somehow kek
Ike is a gameplay channel now
This playthrough makes me want to rewatch Enna's Nier concert again
Chat has forced Ike to self-destruct kek
Oh, Ike is talking about the Sqaure Enix CEO bossfight
Ike says he cosplayed 9S and would cosplay 2B if she had a falt chest
If you missed it, the main account announced Idios 3D so they'll probably do all 7 of them and then afterwards we'll probably have more EN 3Ds
Ike is having fun riding a moose like a true Sweede
>>31605 Don't tie in JP 3Ds to EN 3Ds, we've already been through this multiple times.There's no common queue between branches and sometimes, some people straight up skip 3Ds for various reasons (like Lauren for example)
>>31607 Anon, overlap between 3Ds don't exist for anybody and Lauren was a really special case, no Idios girl is getting bombarded for pirating nipple porn and saying slurs to gooks on stream. Unless fucking Shelling or Shiba decide to do their 3D in between then i don't think that Idios will not have their debut all within a week of each other
Oh shit, Proseka has 2hu songs now
>>31608 I have no doubt that all of Idios will get their 3D in a short period of time, it's just that it doesn't mean EN will get their 3D afterwards. There's no correlation between JP and EN 3Ds whatsoever. The only guaranteed JP and EN correlation are JP heroes and Krisis, all of them will definitely get their 3D together, but who knows when it will happen.
>>31611 We'll just know for sure if Luxiem and then Noctyx disappear for a month in the near future to go to Japan
>>31609 >A fucking labrador I hate raising these shits they eat like they're the fucking blackhole Speaking of which it's dinner time for mine
>>31613 Eat with Melo if you have a meloveship https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMz_14XIS24
Proseka just decided to go "yeah, let's make UN Owen but nightcore" and it is somehow not a crime
>>31615 Beatmario.... Night of nights...
Kagami sent Ver a MtG trading card, he cares for his little bro... https://twitter.com/thesungoesachoo/status/1788784197123088769
>>31616 Well there's Tasukete Erin there too, it has a very nice MV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuVfqSYJoeU&t=0s
>>31612 i wonder if they'd have any of the girls in 3D in their debuts. Other than petra, they'd have to take a break and go to japan to record, so maybe not... (unless?) >>31617 shachou is really nice, there was his tweet during AR live too. apparently a bunch of their JP senpais contacted our livers checking in on them during the whole selen fiasco. shachou was one of them
Millie feels better today, she'll probably stream Hades 2 in the afternoon because we did it in the butt yesterday, no throatfucking https://twitter.com/MillieParfait/status/1788911998354219319
>>31619 I expect Luca and Alban to call in during Happi's debut, but other than that, I doubt anyone will show up
Ike wants to go fishing with Ver if they ever offcollab kek
>>31622 Past time traveler anon?
>>31624 Oh fuck, I forgot that Happi already had 3D kek.
>Pascal has the same VA as Futaba in JP lmao this is why Ike picked up JP dub
>Ike dropped Evangelion after 13 episodes Ike please
>>31627 wtf is happening there
>>31629 He dropped his croissant in oil, he also had a 30 minute rant about muslim immigrants filling the streets of his nice city with filth
When Zali says "3.0" it sounds like he says "free porn, oh!"
Mumu Alan Wake! Also meetings hate, i want to watch Mumu... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zorQktOkamA
>>31633 I know jack shit about alan wake so I'll watch mumu to figure it out
>>31634 Good, she's playing the OG one instead of the terrible remake too so you'll get a better experience
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>>31633 >meetings hate
>>31636 Yeah, her members told her that remake is horrible and that she's better to play the original
>>31638 >>31636 Is the Original buggy though
Honestly, Alan Wake is a decent game but not that great. It's like a solid 7/10 and pretty janky.
ngl when streamer ask how's your day or what did I do today I feel hella awkward lmao how do people do it
>>31641 Just say you did nothing lol, there's nothing emberassing unless you were watching porn and jerking off all day long
>>31639 Yes but the remake is worse >>31640 Same, never got the hype around it, it's just pretty average american horror movie: the game
You never put the egg in the curry pot you retard...you're supposed to put it on the plate. Curry is supposed to last for 3/4 days but the egg will go bad early
>>31644 True, eggs do not last long
>The eggs are 3 days old >She didn't put them in a freezer Please just don't eat it, even Kotoka isn't that retarded
Mumu dont feel bad about throwing bad food
Thank God Reimu's mom told her that she is a retard and she throw everything out
Now i kinda know why Reimu has stomach issues
Holy shit that intro was so loud
>>31649 She has stomach issues because she always eats garbage spicy food like lime chips
>>31651 Mumu... her liver...
Why does she say pizza like that
Didn't know this is a soulslike
>>31654 Everything is a soulslike if you're dumb enough
>Why do I need a flare gun It's so easy to tell when a person has never played TF2 kek
Mumu, you already occupy a big part of the screen, please turn your cum halo off
>>31657 The cum halo stays on during sex
>>31658 I mean, if you cum it will probably get sucked into the halo like in this lewd
>>31659 HOLY COW
Damn didn't know Enna had a cameo in this game
This game is kinda trippy, I hope the twist reveal is not contrived and dumb.
>No more dark men trying to kill me please Reimu???
>"No more dark men trying to kill me" Guess it's time to move to another country, Mumu
Reimu is going to flash those guys
>>31665 giwtwm
>It's the straight boys
>The bigger the menhera, the better the content creation Not really, Mikeneko's streams are extremly fucking bad
>Reimu hasn't heard of Max Payne or Control it's surprising, especially for max payne, i thought it was one of the big names, maybe not nowadays i guess
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>Luxiem collab all the sudden sus
>>31670 Does she still repeats the same jokes as she did 5 years ago
>>31673 It's most about her menhera breakdowns that are just obnoxious, not funny
This reminded me how some schizo on the other site tried to push "Reimu is GFE" just because she called everyone my love, even though this is just Colombian thing
>>31675 I cannot take anyone who uses GFE seriously and instead think of the keklord protag in the Rent a Girlfriend anime.
I never expect mumu to be this much of a dog person
>>31678 How new you are? She had a dog since she was a kid and cried on stream when she passed away.
>>31679 New enough apparently to not know about that
>>31680 It happened around 2 years ago, she also called her Poppi after her mascot. She was old and sick but it still hit her hard when it happened
Man...it's so easy to get Reimu to step on traps...
I expected this game to be a walking sim honestly but I got resident evil remake instead.
>>31683 It's Luigi's Mansion with guns
Mumu thinks it's justified to shoot men in the crotch 6 times
>>31684 kek that could also work.
Vivi, Kunai, Juniper and Jowol will be playing Rabbit & Steel today https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cq1YbSq1CVA
Reimu wanted to release a cover for Mother's Day but she forgot that Mother's Day is this week, not the next one....
Ohhh Aster and Wosemi will be doing some kind of challenge for AoE2 today https://twitter.com/Rosemi_Lovelock/status/1788975056321687676
Reimu says they'll do Dead Space 3 DLC after Enna comes back
>>31690 >Enna takes a physical and mental break >Reimu wants to make her play every Dead Space 3 DLC
Reimu raided into bunny girls traumadumping to Hex
Hex says he's a receiver, not a giver
>>31694 The classic returns
Rosemi's pits are overflowing with sweat
>>31687 Wish Kunai would tweet about it, but she probably forgot as usual. Also, isn't Juniper that one moth vtuber? I remember she was insanely popular back in 2021 but haven't heard anything about her since then. Either way, glad that the last two waves collab with ligers and small corpo people that much, really good PR in general for the branch and nice networking for them
>>31699 Is Kunai in another emo phase or something? She's not doing schedules nor streaming
I still don't know why Rosemi tought it was a good idea to go into a tournament when she's this nervous just streaming ranked
>>31701 since perms can be revoked at any moment, she probably thought she had to enter while she had the chance.
>>31702 I think that applies to certain companies but i don't remember them ever having problems with bamco games, i think bamco got actually more lax with NijiEN with time
Rosemi is gonna spam 3 with Eddy
>>31704 Yep it is that easy
>>31700 Kunai just hates schedules. She didn't like idea of schedules since day 1, didn't see the point of it and chat basically forced her to do it. Around a month ago she just said "fuck it, I've tired, why should I plan what I'll stream on Friday when I don't even know what kind of dinner I'll have tommorow?" I don't think it really matters since she always streams at the same timeslot. Regarding no streaming, she's just having some kind of IRL chores right now and is really busy. She said that she feels really bad that she can't stream that much right now, but chat told her to take her time and stream whenever she'll be able to.
>Rosemi loses her entire HP bar the moment she stops pressing 3 Typical Eddy player
>>31707 Not gonna lie, I always thought that this girl is from Phase Connect and not an indie for some reason
>>31709 Because she got fucked by 5 guys yet people treat her as GFE like many Phase girls probably
>"I'm not a goonette" Rosemi...
Rabbit game colalb is starting
>You stream 14 hours long, everybody raid you >Just go online once in a blue moon unnanounced Ah yes, Sayu and Gawr Gura specials
>>31714 The "i'm here for the money" special
I hope Joel will eventually become a Niji collab regular. He's like Shoto, but actually fun and not obnoxious
>"There's so much shit on screen" They wouldn't survive a single second in 2hu
This rabbit game actually looks really cool
Rosemi is bullying these players
>>31716 I don't get the comparison but Jowol do be funny
>>31719 It's ok, life bullied her by giving her the heart of a hamster and the blood pressure of a hydrogen laser
>"-7 in both eyes" Bitch is blind
Vivi almost 420'd her way into termination
Rosemi is watching a gay samurai beat Lois from Family Guy
Oh shit, I've just realised that the game actually has FF XIV jobs
Wait a minute, this is just black Elira
>>31725 >FF XIV jobs Anon i'm gonna bang your head to your keyboard for adding the "XIV" there
>>31727 Can't remember dancer job in any of the earlier FFs
>>31726 So this is just Elira
>>31728 5 and 6 both have dancers
Fun fact: Juniper shows up in a hentai game as a cameo, you raise her from little moth to sex moth
Drunk Mortuary Assistant starting with Claude, Willy and Feesh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOxaHzi9wW4
>>31732 So many fun streams tonight
>anytime anyone screams they drink they're fucked
Finana got white man jumpscared
Finana is so giggly
>>31733 And we have Wosemi and Aster AoE challenge in 1 hour too
>>31735 It keeps happening
Kunai somehow managed to break the game lmao
>>31738 Kinda funny it was the white guy and not the shadow man
Enna is waiting 20 minutes to start the movie because some random ass chatter said they will be 20 minutes late plz Enna I need to leave in 30 minutes lol.
Mom and dad are fighting
>>31743 Very wholesome CEO
Nobody has gotten scared except Finana
Every single drink has happened due to Finana
Kunai is outing herself as Joel's fangirl so hard kek
Wilson sounds fucking sloshed
Doing this drinking game with Finana is just doing it in hard mode
>>31749 Scream count Wilson: 1 Claude: 0 Finana: 15
>>31750 Give this list to someone and ask who they think was playing the game
It feels like Enna is laughing harder than she did during Kung Fu Hustle but I don't get it at all.
Finana has to take it in slowly
Wosemi and Aster AoE2 collab https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENbYPZ-t4xA
Finana will pee herself!
Wilson and Finana are fighting for their lives while Claude is so unphased doing his job
>Doppio raided Kunai from a memebership stream Based
Still sucks that we don't have Deadly Premonition perms. I remember Vox and Pomu wanted to play it ages ago
>>31759 Images that cause automatic erection:
17 drinks on the first run...
>They replaced us with token vtubers HOLY BASED JOEL
>>31762 What was the context of this?
>>31763 He was talking about Sajam's tournament kek
>>31764 OH KEK BASED
This really feels like the hardest Enna has laughed since that one Kyo collab.
I think drunk Finana is extremely bratty and in need of heavy correction
Hag love is the only /vt/ meme that I'm happy has breaked containment
>>31768 Me too but people are using it in vtubers that don't have any hag behavior nowadays and that's pissing me off, also retards who use it to clout chase as the "he he ha ha meme of the moment! Look guys i'm so trendy"
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It was a fun collab, I actually want to pick up the game myself now
Damn, Willy, that phrase almost got a little sexual
Wilson is ganking Feesh...
>Wilson: "I like mermaids but not Finana because she's stinky" >Claude: "Huh i...will not say anything" He knows she's stinky IRL
Claude's favorite monster girls are slime girls btw
Finana made Claude cry because she said he's stinky
Claude wants to have a wet dream on stream
Finana couldn't think of an embarrasing moment because she has no shame.
Finana gets drunk and then just sleeps in a corner when they go out drinking...
Claude is so sick of Finana not remembering one of the nights during the Japan trip that he started doing math while drunk
>"4 tips to make your coochie so tight it'll become a DICK GUILLOTINE" KEK CLAUDE
>missed the avatar watchalong God fucking damn it I'll watch the vod
>we're eepy >talk for another half hour about ??? >repeat funny stream
>>31785 I love drunk collabs, i also think some people get drunk weekly and they should take care of themselves
Zali thinks hoes should pay for their own drinks
>>31793 Based
I wonder if Zali has more alcohol endurance than Vanta and Wilson since he lives in a place where everyone is getting drunk 24/7
>>31798 Nice to see this works even with you leaving the embed there
>>31799 Huh you are right
Oh, we are at that moment in Millie's stream where i lose neurons rapidly
Millie having a Lola moment now, it has been happening a lot lately kek
>>31802 Hag love? or Hag worried?
>People using Opera GX in chat I hope they have fun giving China all their info, also holy fuck did they fall for the meme of it being a better browser when it's the same shit as chrome but with RGB gamer lights
>>31803 Hag lost because Millie is a retard and twitter opens in her PL account and she sometimes tweets there things that she should tweet as Millie
>>31805 Hex straight up retweeted the colalb with his mom on his PL acc and it's still up. To be fair, it's different since he feels like it's a huge achievement enough to even share with his PL fans, but still, it's not a big deal and nobody gives a fuck.
Millie is seeing pics of people with throat cancer
>>31806 I didn't say it was a big thing or anything, she's just a retard
Millie couldn't be in the soothing voice VP and she wanted to use her ASMR mic for it but she was filming 3D during the deadline so she will record one and post it for members
Infinity is out on streaming platforms, MV in 12 hours https://orcd.co/encounter-infinity
Maria will start playing Celeste next week.
>>31812 Also if you wanna hear the song and it's not available in your timezone then just VPN to Japan and open spotify
Reimu will have to cancell Crisis Core tomorrow because she forgot that it's Mother's Day, so she'll spend time with her her mother. Also, she most likely will be playing Princess Peach instead of Nier timorrow, but she'll play Nier next week if she won't manage tomorrow
Double Mumu...imagine being sandwiched between their asses...
Oh Reimu will actually be playing game in Russian dub, let's go
>Reimu sees "spanish" and her curiosity spikes >Chat mentions it's spaniard >"Ok nvm" Kek based, spaniard dubs are terrible
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>They're coming from the vents
That shade, me btw
>>31812 I like it. I wonder if the MV will be different from the usual MVs like how this song is pretty different from the other company made songs.
Mumu wanted to rob the blind man
>People telling Reimu to stealth LOL LMAO
I don't think Reimu is getting a good ending with this playthrough
>Reimu can't comrehend that gas mask helps against radiation particles Have Reimu never had any Nuclear bombing drills, or is it only a thing in first and second world countires?
>>31828 My man, bombing a latam country is not worth the cost, you just fund socialism and right wing movements until the both of them tear the country apart
>>31828 never done a nuclear drill in my life, maybe they do nowadays in school i dunno
>>31829 Makes sense kek
I wonder if after the ENcounter MV we'll get the announcement for the next one
Reipapa told Reimu that it's easier to get away with murder than tax evasion...this is not helping the drug lord allegations
Reipapa says that it's easier to get away with murder than tax evasion
>Reflex sight on a shotgun What the actual fuck, Reimu
I will never understand the fascination for mexican food, here it's also kinda rare to find mexican restaurants because they don't seem that popular
Reimu is actually now forced to do stealth since she's out of bulelts kek
>>31837 Metro is one of the easiest games to stealth honestly
Well, Reimu failed the stealth section not as fast as I've expected
>Smokes pot >Why do I always do them accidently? Reimu?
>Shu and Claude collab with Altare today They're gonna get knifed and not in Valo
>>31841 Are Holostars fans hate Niji guys too?
>>31842 Altare in particular supports Sayu and Doki on his PL while acting like a buddy to NIjiEN as a stars, slimiest dude out there
>>31842 it's not elira/ike/vox/enna/millie so it's fine. vanta collabed with a holostars guy recently. also alban seems to still be friends with altare i think
>>31843 Didn't he also the one who made "supporting the cause" take? The guy is really trying to joggle every Twitter narrative imaginable
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Mumu's gonna hate factorio is she
>>31846 Yeah, Altare is a backstabbing clout chaser that would probably throw his mother under a bus for views. Some of the other stars are great, all of Armis is awesome but when you got people like Randon and Lando (ex stars) refusing to speak about Altare at all costs and even giving some stealthy low blows, this should tell you the dude is terrible
>>31847 Yes, i've been saying it since the wheel decided on it, she's gonna hate it and there's retards out there who think she's gonna love it and do a whole series
>>31849 Yeah and it'll hit her when she reaches her first botleneck sadly. Factorio needs you to go full autismo to continuously meet demands of production or you'll just end up standing hand crafting shit and be bored. Happened to me on my first playthough.
Mumu you fucking retard you have constant ulcers because you drink black coffee when you shouldn't be
>>31850(me) To add to this even Nekomata Okayu of HoloJP got bored of the game eventually and she played it for multiple streams. Yamitoads needs to convince shu to play this.
>>31848 Damn. Is Axel still fine though? I remember he interacted with NijIEN members a lot on Twitter and in chat, Koto even wanted to do a cooking collab with him
>>31853 NTA Australian vtubers are generally chill, look at our NijiAU
>>31853 The guy also collabed with Doki and promoted her when her fans were harassing NijiEN members so make of that what you want
>>31855 Well, as long as he didn't threw any jabs at NijiEN members, he's still fine in my book
>>31844 Ike had a collab with Armis boys recently and everything was fine, I feel it's just Altare
>>31858 yeah, hakka was also there and he and ike have been friends for a long time iirc
Reimu uploaded a sticker with a crab shooting lasers from eyes, saying "shut up gringo" to NijiEN server. Also, she says they have a server where EN members share food
>>31860 This one probably
>>31861 bro didn't know they made this dark souls enemy in real life
Oh, apperently, she uploaded this sticker after Claude uploaded a picture of really horrible dry pasta to the food channel. She still doesn't know if he was joking or not
>>31863 >Claude uploaded a picture of really horrible dry past He and vox would get along just fine
>>31862 That's a spider crab
Here if you don't have any fucking sauce you should at least throw butter into the pasta but holy fucking shit just eating it dry is horrible
>Finana posted a picture of her nails in food kek
According to Reimu, Shu has the best food among the ones who upploaded their food to the EN server
>>31868 The asian to american ratio goes more into the asian side, contrary to Claude
>>31868 What is he a former michelin star cook
Has mumu played F.E.A.R? I feel like she should
>>31871 Nope, also i think it wasn't on the wheel list
>>31871 You can always suggest it when she'll have the next members wheel
>>31847 Who knows, really. I wouldn't think that she would love the original FF VII either
Mumu is too retarded to just follow a dude
I can't believe Reimu has a shotgun with a reflex sight and a laser pointer, it's a shotgun, just point and shoot at point blank...
>Reimu killed around 3 dozens people here Yeah, she isn't getting that good ending
>>31879 Nazis and reds shouldn't be counted as people
Reimu broke the game lmao
The whole level got reset and Reimu is ragequitting the game now
>>31874 FF7 has plot though, factorio's is just >oh nyo i crash on planet >i build factory to survive >oh nyo bugs i hate bugs >need to make rocket to leave fuck bugs
>new vegas has a more intersting story than metro 2033 Bravo John sawyer
Reimu's friend who makes her thumbnails feels like Reimu will love Factorio
>>31886 >Vivi thought she was streaming for 10 minutes untill someone in Kunai's chat told her that her POV doesn't work Vivi......
Kunai and Vivi are actually doing pretty good at these shooting sections
>>31889 They're gonna finish this game in like 30 minutes/ and hour at this point
Aia has been watching the collabs with Bricky and a certain "roach"
Get Kunai and Vivi out of the screen, show the fotage of the driving to someone and ask who's the asian woman
>Just Vivi has to drive now Oh no
Vivi is a glowie....
>They've been stuck on this screen for 5 minutes Cinema
I like the ending where Vincent dies a lot more
Aia just had a rant about youtube auto demonatization being full retard.
>>31897 She has it like every other day, i just mute it and watch something else until she's done
>>31898 It's kinda funny how she went full karen about this though
L FUCKING MAO. Dramatubers would have a field day acting as the biggest youtube dickriders if she did
I think youtube just mark certain channels and fucks them over as a countermeasure against bots.This happens to ultra big content creators too sometimes but since they got youtube hq on spee dial they fix their issue fast.
Aia's stream: >30 minutes of character creation >30 minutes of youtube rant
>>31902 30 mins of character creation is too fast for a crpg
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Well, this waas depressing....
>>31903 She's using a guide and there's no much customization for how you look
>>31905 >She's using a guide Is it a beginner friendly one or a cheese
>>31906 It's a "give me a build so i'm not reading talents for 3 hours every time i have to level up" guide
Vivi wants to play The Quarry with Kunai next week
>intro scene has just people standing and and infodumps the hell out of the protag Yep this is an owlcat game all right
Oh shit, I didn't know that Rogue Trader is actually a crpg. Is it decent?
>>31911 I havent played it, but it was pretty hyped in the crpg community on release, take that as you will.
>now randomly people are attacking OWLCAT WHY YOU DID THIS IN KINGMAKER AND WOTR
>>31911 not bad, but some classes are just retarded. You can play navigator for example, the kind of dude that should almost never go out of the ship since you can't travel without him and they're rare. So what you're gonna do ? Stay on the ship and watch the others play or be retarded. Otherwise, if you're not thinking too deep about shit like this, same system as the dark heresy trpg.
Aia just realised that she has been wearing her pants backwards
>>31911 It's a really fun game, also you can get incredibly broken and en every encounter in 1 turn if you build the sister well enough
Someone in Aia's chat just referred to vaginas as spawn points kek
I hate this
>>31918 Baldurs-like...
>>31918 >BG3 invented turn based iso
>>31918 doom-like, duke-like, quake-like, half-like, ect such is the cycle of video games. At least bg3 expended the horizon to some, like bg1 and fallout did at one point after ultima, wizardry, dungeon crawlers and gold box games dominated the old times for western rpgs
>>31921 I wished BG3 didn't take a fat shit on BG1 and BG2 lorewise tho
It's so funny how Aia went from being embarrassed by her southern accent slip ups to just rolling with and embracing it
>>31922 i hate what they did to viconia
>>31924 >>31922 pleas understand, old lore is problematic, new lore good
>>31924 I hate that, i hate that the harpers are larping as paladins for some fucking reason, i hate that every returning character has lost 10 WIS and INT lorewise, i hate that they used Sarevok like it was nothing, i hate what they did to the city, i hate what they did to the history of the city. I'm gonna stop here because i can go for hours
>>31925 >>31926 >we could be awesome chaps and let veterans players get somehow a party with characters of the old games ooooooor we can just introduce them by retconing any charactesr developpement from the previous games, and make the MC stomp them into oblivion. Also why would anyone want to have jaheira back is beyond me.
>>31927 >jaheira Don't worry, i decided to storm the tower and left her and the harpers to die literally at the door since they couldn't move from there while i assassinated + gloom stalkered every single one of the guys and then fled like a little bitch
>>31928 well deserved vengeance for xzar and montaron death
off topic but i notice that UID counters are working now on the bottom right
>>31931 It was still all me on a vpn
>>31931 I dont remember typing this
>"No nakey, i need to stay monetized" Which means if that wasn't an issue she would go nakey...
Aia has fallen in love with Sister Argenta and i don't blame her
Ohhhh Mumu really liked New Vegas, i think it's the looting that got her hooked
>>31937 She loves open worlds with tons of side quests, I always had a feeling that will get hooked on it
This tutorial will see if she gets the infinite feedback loop that is the backbone of factorio.
>>31939 I can feel her quitting at green science
I was cooking but holy fuck Aia do not mention the female custodes thing unless you want the fat redditor incels going at your throat even tho new 40k lore sucks anyways
>>31941 Those kind of people don't watch nijisanji
>veterans you can call them autists
>Chat is already telling her how to midmax everything when she just booted up the game 30 minutes ago This is why people don't like to stream games like these
>>31942 You don't need to watch Nijisanji to slander and talk shit about them, i thought we knew this at this point
>>31943 HEY!! I prefer engineer thank you
>>31944 It's literally that one grayname
Mumu will be a corporate vtuber
Aia said many things she loves about working at Nijisanji and added that it's a great excuse to get away from family dinners since she hates her non direct family because they almost killed her cat
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJkZ5uvPHns mario party w/ aster ren vanta and finana. will they be able to stop ren?
>>31950 Aster said he's a league AND apex player and that it's gonna be easy
>>31951 He probably means he's already scarred mentally so fucking badly that whatever happens here won't affect him
Kek Aia wanted to change models and almost fucking leaked her 3rd outfit
>first player and rolls a 10 nintendo's favourite child
>fakes refusing to buy the star Holy shit Ren is BM
>>31951 He's moved like 4 spaces in 3 turns, he's cooked
Aster, i think you're the only one in the call who knows who Messi is
I can already tell this is gonna be an earworm
>call me architect >better move that body that the big man gave ya I know who wrote these lyrics
I like Infinity a lot just by virtue of being a pop song that wasn't Japanese lyrics or Japanese translated into English
>>31960 >Ren >Doppio >TeddyLoid Looks like kino
>>31963 >>31964 I'm not disappointed, but I expected some of the girls instead. Hope they'll get a duet too
Have Ren and Doppio been in Japan together I wonder if they need to go to a studio to record or just recording at home is sufficient.
>>31966 They will most likely get one, some of the girls have teased saying "well maybe you'll see someone you know there, idk"
>>31967 Ren has been on some breaks recently, but I don't think Doppio had been abscent that much at all. Either way, we don't even know when these encounter songs have been recorded. All of that could've been done a year ago and we only now getting the releases.
Aster is gonna tilt
This is the first time shu admits he ever had an imposter syndrome… he’s doing great tho ueue
>Reimu has put a conveyor belt for turret ammo This is some advanced autism
>>31971 >>31972 is there anyone in nijiEN without imposter syndrome
>>31974 Ren?
>Society full of guns, giant vermin and pollution Mumu this is just New York
>>31976 She has actually made this joke like an hour ago kek
just listened to the song, it's definitely different from what i'm used to and what EN has released up until now. idk if i like it or not yet lol looking forward to when any combo of the girls get one, especially millie (please) also i wonder if it will be all same gender duos
>>31977 Oh kek, it's an easy joke
Mumu is making a wall factory and make the insects pay for it
>>31975 i hope ren is as confident and chill offline as he is online
>>31981 Judging by what other members have said about him, it's pretty much the case
>"Just build up" Nooo Reimu, think about the retards in San Francisco that want housing issues because they like their crappy little houses
>>31967 sonny and shu were talking about their recording and it seems they didn't have to go to japan for it. they mentioned being on a zoom meeting with the composers apparently
>aster can't choose between stealing from Vanta or Ren >chooses random and it steals the star from Finana, who is last place holy kek
>>31984 Thanks so sounds like any liver is on the table. I wonder how many months this will go on for.
wait the website updated i guess that's for the next two songs after play back? or something else too
>>31987 Probably the songs, doubt it's going to be just 2 more though that would be a bit disappointing.
aster outfit may 18 and a short film(?)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sr5QwMDt1vM Maririn vertical singing stream
>>31990 Her english singing is cute too
>>31989 The silhouette looks extremly slutty
>>31810 I wonder if EN will get these big pappes too
>>31994 It's been a week and she still got technical issues...
>>31996 Those were her NijiApp issues, this time it seems that her new PC fucked up for some reason
It's so funny to see unironic "please marry me" chat messages in Meloco's chat, considering how goofy she is. She also the only one among EN girls who gets such messages
>>31998 Goofy girls are the best to marry!
>>31997 Oh, it's actually her NijiApp acting up again for whatever reason. It's so strange how Meloco's app specifically got fucked up to the point of not workingp properly
>>32000 I have a suspision that her new outfit is what causes her app to fuck up for whatever reason. Would make sense since the outfit was probably uploaded on the app like few weeks ago
Man, hope she won't have to reschedule her outfit debut, this would suck ass
Well guess it's time to listen to infinity again while i wait for Meroco...
Meroco starting
Her model is still deadge
She got stucked in Enna AFK pose lmao. She says her new outfit works but the original doesn't work for some reason
>you leplied face
Meloco is a pngtuber now
If you don't go to the temple then the bad luck doesn't exist, Melo
Melo's ass is sore from the bidet and also me, sorry guys
This bidet accident is some doujim material
Meloco was discussing future outfits I guess? She wants to get a kimono and something casual
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Emergency meeting???
Is that Enna? Kek
I know that feel Enner I want maids to
This looks like a beginning of a rape doujin
I actually have no idea who voices the ojisan
>>32022 Doppio
Ugly bastard Enna was not on my bingo card this year
Enna is channeling her pervert ojisan
Enna stop moaning
>what the fuck is going on I'm wondering that too
I'm not surprised if this stream gets demonetized lmao
Enna is cooming
This fish got a footjob, thighjob, paizuri and blowjob in one stream
I love how it follows the same design patterns as her original design (harness + spiderweb)
>>32034 GIWTWM
Holy cow the belts she's going full leather man with this maid outfit
That was Doppio? I thought it was pog man
Doppio did an incredible ojisan impression
NEKO MAID! The tail goes up when she's surprised kek
>Her tail movement is tied to her movement >It gets pointy every time she screams It's so fucking cool
The og hair looks really good too. It's rare since I feel like most of second outfits have this "wig" effect everytime livers use the og hairstyle
Meloco has a similar earings with Sun pattern as Doppio's necklace. She said that all Xsoleil members will get a similar Sun accessories.
Holy bounce
Idk how i would feel with Meloco stepping on me knowing she's a pure M, she wouldn't put her everything into it
Ngl, Melo's tail going up when you insert sounds pretty hot
>>31993 Maybe? This seems like a test run to see if they do well
ngl, melo outfit is real cute and simple yet distinct and stylish
This reminds me how Nina's fox ears used to wiggle
Melo and Mariring would make a good maid cafe because she's a cat and Mari is a bunny so they can have a kemonomimi cafe
Wish Melo had 3.0 already
>>32060 No, her eyebrows need to be stuck in smug position forever
Basically, Melo's original outfit is completely broken for some reason, so she'll be just using her second outfit for a while
Maririn schedule!
WTF is Millie doing?
>>32064 it's a filipino thing
apparently millie recorded a song last night, that's why her throat is sore
Meanwhile, Zali is beating women
>>32068 Finana looks weird here
Uki is going on a work break and Luca outright said he's going to Japan again btw, i just read some people talking about it
>>32068 honestly, i do hope at least one of our livers get a memey or "for fun" skin like some of their jp senpais. like daikagami or saiki's new outfit
>>32071 SAIKI LOVE
>>32070 guess we won't be seeing the boys for a while? some of them have just returned to regular scheduled streaming too how long did ethyria take to record their debuts?
>>32073 A month and a half but we also don't know if they recorded more, although the guys will probably record more too
>>32070 that's fast though, maybe we'll be seeing their debuts soon after Idios. nijisanji speedrunning 3D debuts
>>32075 Could be, Ethyria was there until the end of march and we got the debuts on april so that's like a month of editing and stuff. Idios is 7 members so in like 7 weeks we'll have to see
i've been replaying infinity over and over, it's so catchy. it definitely sounds like kpop though, it feels a little strange since i rarely listen to that genre. hoping for the girls to get their turn after doppio+ren, maybe kotomelo if kotoka's feeling up to it? a mixed gender song would be good too but idk if they'd go for it
Zali can't get over Meloco's outfit
Zali has raided Rou, he is doing something in Blender right now
>>32079 wow he's making his own room?
>>32077 Definitely one of the best songs in EN. When did shu become saintmino? Shanti and an original song about infinte sex
>>32082 Penguinsiblings are passing their sex exams with flying colors.
>>32070 Vox also mentioned he's been working recently and that things are going to get even busier in the upcoming weeks and that after this period of work he hopes to just do nothing but stream for the rest of the year. Sounds like 3D.
>>32084 Vox has basically been out of town with no consistent streaming since November last year. I know most of it probably was due to his mental/physical health problems , but even if we assume it is the case, he had been in Japan back in April already and nobody knows where the fuck he is now. Even if it was for 3D, it is too much time just for it
>>32087 This ofcollab was for the AR live recordings, not 3D
https://twitter.com/EliraPendora/status/1789765292454777238 Seems like a fun stream. Many members are completely shameless so will be interesting to hear.
>>32089 >shitters in the prechat Man some people really need to know when to stfu about their dumb shit
>>32091 Making an alt account, subbing for a month just to get banned requires a special kind of no life behavior
Ewiwa schedule!
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>>32094 3D KINO ON THE MENU It also seems to be one of the announcements.
>>32094 Yooooooooooo nice, i won't be there but i hope someone records it or we can get digital tickets (this one is on heavy copium)
>>32096 Apparently there will be livestream tickets available!
>>32097 Oh yeah i just saw that! FUCK YEAH
>>32096 dw anon. i wonder if both groups will just need take one ticket though, like AR live?
>>32099 (me) oh no, never mind, there's separate tickets lol, makes sense
>>32099 There's 2 different ticket sales for the groups so i'll assume its one each
>>32102(me) The girls with exposed tummy... I want the individual arts... especially rosemi's
>Millie has been practicing songs for the concert Wait...i thought this thing was recorded
>>32104 if it's like the chronoir concert, i think this'll be performed live? if not, then maybe she's practicing for the final recording. i wonder how it'll work though, plus i wonder how the livers are practicing their choreography
>>32105 I guess we'll see if they all disappear to go to LA in June
it's so hard not to be parasocial with millie. stinky cat, can't wait to see you dancing in 3D again
>>32102 Elira looks loli-fied a bit because of her rounded face 😭
>>32108 They made Finana the most stacked liver in that pic and i don't know why
>>32109 meanwhile millie: even rosemi and petra have a small bump
>>32110 It's so flat she might not have nipples
>>32094 The prices really make it seem that I got scammed at VirtualRhapsody but at least I got to talk to two livers, that felt priceless.
>>32102 I'm just very happy that Rosemi got another opportunity to sing and dance in 3D since she was really down that she only got her solo in AR Live so i'm excited for her to showcase her skills!
https://nijisanji-store.com/collections/lazulight-3rd-anniversary/products/lazulight-3rd-anniversary-mirror-acrylic-plate?variant=43362833203395 I just realized how expensive this acrylic plate is, what does a mirrored acrylic plate look like?
>>32114 Well for starters it's A4 sized, seems like it's a big acrylic with a mirror behind it to make it shiny when put in the light
Feesh schedule
>Millie understands Walter is not a good man Good job Millie, you're smarter than half the Breaking Bad fans
The second part of the Lazulight anniversary is Bunny Garden https://twitter.com/FinanaRyugu/status/1789856129607975423 They also have a little surprise at the end and it's not my cock
Huh, there seems to be a YT bug where you can see the playback of a stream with no playback if you hover over the miniature in your home screen and then hover over the red line
Here's more info about AX https://www.anime-expo.org/nijisanji-en-summer-jam-powered-by-anime-expo-2024/ >Please note that each program is 90 minutes long, requiring separate tickets to attend the concert. >The setlist will include a mix of their original songs as well as JPOP hits.
Only one more for now
No fucking way scarle is playing armored core 6
>>32117 For me he's kinda sympathetic until the end of season 2 when they kill tuco
I find it funny they nerfed balteus but not this soldier of god, rick chooper
>>32123 Hoping for an all waves song
i wonder how long all these has been in the works for. the livers were hinting at big things since like the second half of 2023. i honestly didn't expect we'd get another 3D concert so soon after AR live (with an actual live venue at that)
>>32124 she's getting her ass kicked by the rookie pilot, it's funny
Her mech
>>32130 Poise abuse AC, before you unlock the worm cannon basically.
Good thing she's not playing Armored core 4 she'd get motion sicknes way faster
this mamaguni drawing is pretty hot
also scarle showed a teaser of something she's cooking, she said to not overhype yourself too much about it still.
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I love my bird wife Enna!
>>32135 Meruto is singing Enka right now are you watching.
Melo schedule
>>32101 I'm gonna buy a ticket for the girls but debating if I also want to watch the boys. Kind of want to see if Shu is going to keep hoeing it up.
>>32138 I think i'm gonna do the same unless they offer a special price for buying both
Kunai please stream today...save me white girl...save me...
>>32113 Reimu was heavely implying during her post-AR talk that Rosemi and Petra will have an opportunity to perform in 3D soon, guess this is what she was referring to
>>32127 The EN equelevent to Virtual to Life would make so much sense. It's weird that EN still doesn't have their own original group song
>>32125 Most of the stuff that Walter did was somewhat justifiable and he could've get away with everything if he just quit after Gus' death. Everything afterwards was him digging his own grave and getting punished for it
>>32142 I do wish for it, for now the "EN" song has become the cover for Oto No Naru Hou e but we do need an orisong. Elira and Finana said they were gonna be announcing something today so maybe we'll see what the last thing is in the website today
I wonder when we'll get a new wave. I feel like the end of this month or begining of the next one would be great. I don't think they'll drag the debut untill July, this would be ridiculous.
>>32147 Also, July is already packed by Iluna and Obsydia anniversaries, and management doesn't really like to overlap debuts with big dates.
>>32146 Famelira here, would it shock you to know that I agree?
>>32147 I think the popular opinion as of now is to reinforce and give support to the existing livers and i kinda think the same, it's hard to debut new livers now because they will have to get used to being slandered since day 1 really hard, it's uncertain when they'll get cool stuff, etc. I think right now EN is doing the right thing making lots of events, plans, projects, etc with EN so it's also a good advertisement for people to apply and regain some of the trust from fans
>>32149 I think they are good when the girl is naked and the overalls cover her nipples but other than that, yeah ugly
>Maririn is stepping on Ojisan's face It should've been me
>>32150 yeah i'd rather they take a break from debuting new waves for now and just focus on the livers we already have. if EN could get through the rest of this year (and maybe even 2025) without anyone graduating/getting terminated, that'd be great
>>32150 >>32153 This is not how Niji operates though. We had 3 auditions with no debuts. They have to put out at least somebody from those.
>>32154 I'm not saying they shouldn't be debuting new people, i'm saying they need to make the brand stronger now for new people to want to audition, a process is not something static, it needs to be dynamic and adjust to the expected need
>>32155 Those 3 auditions happened a year ago, there're no "new people", everybody applied way before any of that shit happened. Even if we assume that half of those people quit, they'll probably just find someone from those auditions or a back up. Not the first time this has happened, the same thing had happened with Krisis and we got Vanta from one of those back ups
Some of the JP viewers have said that Maririn sounds gyaru-ish when she speaks Japanese
Next Maririn original song will be more low energy, "lullaby style"
sorry for being a downer when we've been getting so much good news, but it's frustrating just how prevalent the "bully/clique" narrative is. it's one thing for people to attack the faceless management, but are our livers just permanently gonna be thought of like that by the majority? what's even more frustrating is that i don't see how they'll recover from it. the stance seems to just be "weather it out until people get tired of it and forget" but idk how they can start getting new fans again when there's people constantly parroting and thinking "hey these vtubers bullied their coworker until she attempted twice". sorry for venting. i expected the anime expo announcements to be flooded with those kind of comments but it isn't as bad anymore at least
>>32160 Turn off your twitter.
>>32161 i know it's the livers' problem, not mine. just frustrating as a fan
>>32160 It's loud /vt/ schizos and the fat inceloids from /r/kurosanji *tips fedora*. If you were there in the mud seeing how things are going you'll find out that it died down a loooooot by now, some of them are still losing subs and what not but it's been slowing down and waves from 7 onwards have been slowly gaining subs again, many vtubers from different groups have also sticked with EN while Doki is forced to collab with the /vt/ard vtubers. It will take some time? Of course it will and don't expect it to be a 1 day thing, it's slowly happening and also dramatubes being retards and having a bunch of racist shit coming out of them, made up sources, attacking cons, etc has been hurting public opinion on them and they have lost like 300k views from their videos ever since they started going full nijislander
>>32160 I'm sorry man, but it won't ever die down. Why ? because unless somehow there's a big name whistleblower, there NO way to disprove the bully/clique narrative and those who spearhead it are full of shit. Even if the lawsuit went to the courtroom and niji won, they would still somehow say niji won on technicalities or bought the judge. Don't concern yourself with this, and just enjoy the streams.
>>32160 Who gives a shit? Anime expo is one of the biggest cons in the west. Their narrative of Niji going bankrupt any day now is failing spectacullary, offkai shitters look like complete retards and drama shitters can only cry into the void now with their braindead "b-but look at the stock graphs guys!!!" non-arguments. What are they going to do now? Boycot the fucking anime expo? Good luck with that. And Doki is a braindead menhera who has no ways up now, only down. Look at Mikeneko who managed to discredit herself so hard that she went from top 3 biggest vtubers in the industry to borderline 3view shitter whom people only watch expecting to see a live trainwreck. Doki has no fucking talent of her own, she can't make any kind of art herself and thinks she can buy everything and just take credit for it. She sucks at singing no matter how hard she tries, and she sucks at competitive videogames too even though she tries to larp as this super professional e-sport player all the time. She can't do shit, her whole brand and popularity is based on "I'm Niji victim, please give me pitty". And you can't build any brand on victimhood, period.
>>32166 Ngl i want Offkai to go to shit, they sent the notice that NijiEN members would be cancelled for the event right after they sent all confirmations to the artists so they got the NijiEN artists but no NijiEN. They are a scummy bunch, also taking bribes from Phase doesn't paint them good in my books
>>32166 >she can't make any kind of art herself she was a furry artist before the vtubing era.
Vivi schedule
>>32169 >"arists" Her deviant arts were so emberassing that she straight up hide that account after she joined Niji. Either way, I haven't seen her draw anything significant besides some emote commisions. Everything that she used in Niji was commisioned, she didn't draw anything herself at all.
>>32168 I'll repost here since he collabed with EN a lot. I'll miss this guy
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Ike's schedule
>>32172 I'll miss Bobon too. His message makes it sound like his health is really bad. Hope he gets well soon.
>>32175 Dude, i thought he was fucking dying and had to go to surgery for a low survival rate procedure when i first read it and then i saw the graduation notice
>>32175 >>32176 Well, at least posts from other livers under his tweet are really positive, so I hope his health will get better
https://twitter.com/chifumoy/status/1789859732775121246 Holy fuck, what a retarded take. Do these people not know that stuff like 3D cocnerts and merch have to be prepared in advance for like a year? They didn't pull all of this from some kind of magic box in few months after Febuary. Even if you really want to pull "management fucked up" card, then blame them for not doing shit back in 2022.
>>32178 Bro stop taking twitter posts seriously.
>>32179 Well livers reposted some of this guy's post, so it isn't a literally who
>>32178 I believe management is getting better but not on the side that person is talking about but in the perms and taking care of the livers side
Mumu schedule
>>32182 >School labyrinth the fuck is that >No Alan wake ...
>>32182 yay new vegas
>>32184 Oh so another outlast trials
>>32186 Outlast Trials at least has different objectives and more variety of monsters, here you just light candles and fuck off while being chased by mannequin that moves when you don't see it, shapeshifter that looks like a player, a flying PNG, blue samurai and his brother red samurai that kinda fucked up at that one family dinner saying he should get grandpa's state while drunk, devolved the whole family dinner into a big argument and now doesn't get christmas postcards from uncle John anymore
>>32187 kek that's too specific
>>32181 I don't even know where this "they're taking better care for livers" shit even coming from. Literally the only people that were "mistreated" were Selen and Zaion, and both were retards. All the other graduated livers never said a thing about being treated poorly, and the only issues they had with management are various projects getting canned (which are issues with retarded perms rather than the management directly). If you consider this to be mistreatment, than almost every job in the world mistreats their workers.
I'm gonna use this as a chance to say that Vivi compared her tits to Kunai during the A Way Out after talk and Kunai is bigger https://twitter.com/nero6/status/1789982360491917578
>>32190 No way
>>32189 We are getting news now that management is actively helping livers to ask staff to fund projects, we are finally getting collabs with family members even as restrictive as they are, the autism about not following graduated livers is getting more lax, they're more involved now in the health of the livers even offering to pay a part of the hospital bills. It sometimes is just about these little things that make better the QoL in a job
>>32190 Both Kunai and Vivi talked about it at the beginning (It's cut out on Vivi's POV since she forgot to turn the stream on like a retard). Kunai agreed that her tits are a little bit bigger https://www.youtube.com/live/Ab6IAQkk_Os?si=SvRth-QSMaJLhEtr&t=364
Dork schedule
Why do JP aritsts draw livers sucking a lemon?
>>32198 I think it's just the meme of the moment, i saw that one with a nipple and an inverted nipple
https://twitter.com/ike_eveland/status/1789684111785033754 >Whole feed is filled with Ike in this dress now He knows exactly what he's doing
>Someone in my job that doesn't know anything about vtubers asks about the nijisanji situation in an anime chat >Since i know all of them are leftists i just say "oh yeah, the girl you're talking about is now hanging out with alt right vtubers who say the N word, make SA jokes and hate trans people" >They now think Nijisanji was in the right My job was done
>>32201 devilish
Kuzuha is the only Nijisanji streaming
>>32201 kek you're not wrong though
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Sani and Willi shcedules
Lazulight anniversary stream! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrtBVVL7AXg
>>32208 >Dark souls Does DS1 have coop? Will this be coop?
>>32210 You could just summon a friend but i guess it's gonna be like Ike and Vanta will just be in call with him
>>32209 How many minutes until they talk about pee?
>Half of the members applied >no one joined in time Oh no....
>>32213 This is somehow Petra's fault
>Whole stream will be just Elira telling FInana about Tumblr sexy men Cinema
It's been so long I forgotten everything about space jam even the plot
>>32217 Fun fact: Elira and Finana both held watchalongs for Space Jam
>Scarle sent NSFW Off stream scarle must be wild
Scarle is sending her nudes in the Discord channel
I have no idea what they are talking about
This collab is such scuffed cringekino and I love every second of it
Enter Aia
Enter Aia
>2024 is the year of yuri In this fujo economy? Doubt
Aia is speaking in the middle of a thunderstorm
I love when Aia talks like a gross nerd
>"This is supposed to be a 'hear me out' not a 'show and tell'" KEK
30 minutes in and they ended up talking about bestiality.....
No...i wanted the raccoons staff-san...
The marketing team didn't approve Elira shoving raccoons in her ass on official merch
2024 would only be the year of yuri if hibikek gets the yuri ending
Enter Uki
Uki time
Uki wants to fuck him
Elira got sold out on Jack in a box, she'll buy his calendar now
>>32201 nice work
>>32237 I feel like this was a big ad
enter doppio
>>32239 not sponsored btw
Doppio has a 20 page ppt...
>what is this stream about? >heres a 20 page ppt that you cant show he's so precious
doppio wants to fuck a hamster...
>>32244 >the hamster wtf doppio
millie said it'd be a smash if it was fang (picrel)
>>32246 He seems like a snob
There's a dedicated subreddit about people that hate Rodney...
>>32245 He looks like an ugly bastard
Doppio's trying to get the pity fuck for Rodney
>>32250 What a homie
>>32251 Rodney sounds like a schizo
They now find Rodney cute because of the defense Doppio did...
>>32254 The plot twist kek
>>32253 they now associate rodney with doppio. also apparently he looks like doppio+hex+ver's lovechild
>rodney = doppio a spectacular backfire
doppio took 3 hours to make the 21-slide powerpoint
>PPT is named "science fair" >He used a template KEK
Doppio is a funny guy
Enter Millie!
>kaiba instant smash
>>32262 >instant pass for elira hmm
i thought millie would submit a bara or something
>>32263 She doesn't like guys that thirst for dragussy
scarle's fugi...
Scarle what the actual fuck...
Elira wants to get knotted
bunch of furries over here
>ghostface from scream scarle...
Scarle wants to fuck clowns and Pepsiman...
why does scarle have so many
Elira passed Sportacus...
>>32275 Elira is unbased
Elira and Finana are down for all the animals
I think Scarle and Finana have the same type
learning so much from this stream
what i take from this is that scarle likes pieces of shit
>>32280 I feel my neurons slowly dying
>>32279 Actually Finana wants them to have some redeeming values but Scarle wants them to have none
the speed that elira answered gill...
Scarle has killed the stream
Scarle was too spicy for youtube
>Stream down I'm saved
>stream died youtube couldn't take it anymore
>>32289 Oh god...they should upload it to the Rodney subreddit...
Will Kana have a chance finally or will Rin and Miuka steal another one?
>>32292 i mean, claude and millie picked her
>>32293 >The man who can't talk to women >The girl that gets rejected Not a good record
Feesh sitting on wiwa's lap
>>32295 Little feeshy...
>>32292 >oh the blonde girl... it's over for Kana
>>32297 It's kanover unless they feel socially pressured to stick with Kana
>>32298 Yep, this happened
Elira's nerd voice is too good
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>i'm sweating really bad right now >i'm looking at her boobs streamer reflects chat
>>32303 Deyui art looks like it should be very sexy in the NSFW version but the girl doesn't know how to draw nipples
>>32304 Clothes on is sexier than clothes off.
goodbye kana
>>32305 I know but she charges 15 bucks for clothes off and it's not worth
Elira is in love
>>32309 She's just like me frfr
You're not allowed to go there Feesh, you're too easy of a target
>>32311 Some black guy would probably convince her to go into the yakuza owned ones where they scam you or even worse, drug you
Man...this is awkward
>>32314 Kana is dead
>>32315 Sorry guys, it was me
Kek they're trying to find a pattern in the gambling game and there is none
>I like Rin-chan >me too, but my personal favourite is Miuka Meanwhile, Kana
This is out of 57 people who picked Kana
Elira's drock is throbbing for the otaku gyaru
Elira says it's ok to get ladies drunk and get handsy with them if you're a girl
Rin is too good at her job
>>32322 I'm gonna say it, if i were to meet Rin i would probably end up simping hard for her
>Vivi in chat saying that Rin is best girl And last time she streamed the game she went on a femcel rant about how she was a slut that only wanted her money and then never streamed it again
>>32323 I bet she would get a lot of stalkers that catch feelings
Finana is so horny she snorted
>>32327 >They are holding hands YEAR OF THE YURI
>Someone asked Rosemi why she was yellow Wtf man
yeah they're recording for 3D, ike also has that "ominous collab" in his schedule https://twitter.com/luca_kaneshiro/status/1790315194952065349
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>New IP
>>32335 first time i've seen that flag here tbh
There's been some retards here and there trying to start shit, they just got perma because of how obvious they were on their shitposting
My favorite game of house is starting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhe3w8kDEcI
>>32337 >>32336 I’m willing to bet it’s the fatty who has been begging for attention on that site and make bait threads
>>32193 >We are getting news now that management is actively helping livers to ask staff to fund projects And proof that they didn't before? Staff helped Pomu a lot with the Akibaverse MV, and I can recall how Doppio and Shu also said that stuff helped them with the Suika tournament. >we are finally getting collabs with family members even as restrictive as they are Members talked about familly collabs for a while now, I can recall how Nina talked about familly collabs before she graduated, and Kotoka and Scarle talked about collabing with their moms throughout 2023 too It may be connected to Chii-chan's graduation, but I don't want to speculate about it >the autism about not following graduated livers is getting more lax And proof there were "restrictions about following graduated livers"? This is "they can't mention Yugo and Zaion" all over again, a retarded rrat spread by people that don't even watch stream. You people are way too fucking obsessed with "who follows whom" on Twitter when in most cases, livers just don't want to follow someone. Salome doesn't follow a single person on Twitter besides NijiJP official account, does it mean that she's banned from following people on Twitter? >they're more involved now in the health of the livers even offering to pay a part of the hospital bills And proof that they didn't do that before? You're literally peddling /vt/ shitposts made in bad faith where they make a ridiculous claim backed up by "well none of the livers disproved it, so it must be true", and when they get disproved, they just go "w-well, the rules must have changed recently, we were still right lmao" I can go on and on about these retarded "things that have changed since February" lists that are straight up made up or made through stretching assumption of what livers have said. Like Kotoka being "allowed" to take mental health break after Selen happened, or livers getting fixed salaries etc. All of it is based on assumptions that livers weren't allowed to do so in the past, which is just fucking retarded. There were real issues with the branch howewer, but none of shitposters want to acrually acknowledge them: >Management literally not doing anything back in 2022 All of that lead to Yugo and Nina's graduations, AR live being postponned, Mysta being poached by fucking Vshojo etc. >Silent suspensions existing even as a fucking concept. I know that they were implemented as a measure to save the liver's public face and avoid drama, but because some of the livers were retarded beyond believe, it got an opposite effect where the company got ridiculed for "silencing poor victims" and it's now weaponised as a shitposting tool where a liver can't go on a break without retards saying they were suspended for something. Why Zaion wasn't publically suspended for breaking rules day one? Why Selen wasn't suspended since day one as, according to her termiantion notice, she was "breaking rules since the beginning?" Yeah, this did saved their faces, to the point of public trusting them more than the company. EN exclusive issue by the way, JP has the opposite situation: when someone does something retarded, they get properly punished and the public blame them for shitting everything up. Do you think Selen would be so marginalised if she was put on public suspensions all the time since 2021? I really doubt it. It was hard to believe that she was a complete retard since she had a perfect public reputation. I would also add using livers' Twitter accounts by management, but honestly, it looks like total bullshit made up by Selen for pitty points (Fuuchan actually being put on medical break through management account gives me an impression that Selen was telling a lot of horseshit). But either way if it's true or not, it's still an issue of the management. Just use your fucking public account for announcing stuff like breaks and suspensions. Just don't put these under the rag and tell your livers "yeah say that you are going on break uhm ok it will save us troubles". No, it doesn't. It never did. It's fucking retarded. Treat them as fucking adults and not babies that need to be shield for investors' sake. Why nobody discusses these issues seriously? Because shitposters don't need to point them out, they just use all of this shit to harass livers. Kotoka had to make a guerilla membership stream to explain herself because retards were saying that her break announcement was "written by a manager", even though she was extremly sick. Nina was afraid to go on a break because retards would say that she was suspended. The fact that shit like this is keep on happening is a result of management fuck ups.
>>32341 God, man, stop being a pussy i ain't reading all that because i said management is taking better care of them. Take your meds
Holy long text GWS anon
Soon to be homegrown schizo. /2434/ has become successful. I'm so proud of this board.
>>32342 TL;DR management have been taking care of them for over a year now, and all these concerns had been resolved behind the scenes long ago. Riku Tazumi didn't pull some magic box in February and didn't fix all issues with the company in one day. If you don't want to believe me, listen to Millie, Uki, Fuuchan and other members that have been praising management all this time >>32344 I don't really want to be a schizo, I just went on a rant half way through. Now looking at it, I should've have split the actual reply and the rant in two seperate posts to make it look more coherent, sorry.
>>32345 No worries mate. Venting without harming anyone is good for your mind and soul.
>>32345 >TL;DR management have been taking care of them for over a year now, and all these concerns had been resolved behind the scenes long ago. Riku Tazumi didn't pull some magic box in February and didn't fix all issues with the company in one day. If you don't want to believe me, listen to Millie, Uki, Fuuchan and other members that have been praising management all this time Management offering funding and them paying for medical billd are things we only heard of recently, if they did before it's as much of a rrat as if they didn't. Anyways stop being a retard and shooting friendly fire when you should be angry at other people
Willy thinks heroes need a better pay grade so they don't live in a shitty apartment
Well i guess they are in Japan again, Luca said he arrived a few days back https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eokblGAGM0w
Zali is now NTRing Death and Vanta
Wilson is trying to learn Twinkle Twinkle Little Star in the piano while Santa and Zali flirt next to him
>Willy starts talking about how management told them they can't give them new outfits right now but they can give them toggles to make them naked >Stream goes down Cinema
>>32341 Don't make me change the character limit
>Wilson has a cell in his basement >There's no way to open or close it >Unless you are a cop >Sonny is a cop Oh...oh no...
Reimu has finally been able to buy furniture for her new apartment
>>32356 She had no furniture, hazukashiiiii shi shi
>>32347 Then no need to speculate about what livers weren't getting from management. Even if you have good intentions and want to praise them, you're still pushing assumptions and rrats
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>Reimu's walls aare made from concrete and soundprrof >She can scream all night long and nobody can hear it
>>32359 Yeah i asked her to get them, sorry guys
>>32361 Fun fact: we actually call them "yankees" here
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>>32361 Is this a green card joke
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>She's been talking about furniture for almost 30 minutes now and still hasn't played the game Also, the main menue music shouldn't slap this hard for such kusoge
Reimu is finally booting up the game
>>32365 The good part of the stream ended...
Reimu is a master baiter now
>>32366 Is the game that bad i never watch streams of this game
>>32368 It's really bad but funny
Food that Reimu ate with Reimama
>>32370 Ohhhh looks pretty nice
>This guy jsut eat me up, with no consent Reimu????
This game is pure cringekino
The gameplay was way too bad for Reimu, we're getting roulette next week
>We have a girl who hates every game and a girl who is bad at every single game, the tonight colalb will be fine kek
https://twitter.com/Ka0ao/status/1789031773281628215 This is the clip that Hex is talking about lmao
>Reimu has 36 200 Tweets Reimu please, stop using this shithole of a website this much
>Enna has 37 000 tweets Well, can't say I surprised that she went on mental health break
>Hex's stream just ended for some reason lmao
>Hex's sister used to bully Hex as a kid a lot, so he started acting extremly self-deprecating and started calling himself a retard all the time, so she begun feeling pitiful towards him instead Self-victimisation always works I guess
>Hex has started to sing My way to attract the sound monster My fucking sides
>>32383 The flips are gonna bust his door and kill him
Phantomos can already comment the games to be added to the roulette!
project wingman hopefully, if they got the perms again, i would like to see the dlc playstation missions but more seriously i jest, reimu is looking constantly at the chat and doesn't pay attention to the briefing, the chatter or the controls, there's not point playing this game if she doesn't pay attention to those. She would probably enjoy AC7 more, as it is more cinematic in between missions Happy voting phantomos, i hope we don't get too many shitty things like garden of batam 19
>>32388 Garten of Banban was her choice, that's why we are getting the roulette kek
Millie is using her 3D anime opening for her normal stream opening
Millie is bathing and salivating for Moros
>>32393 Hey, it's extra protein for her diet
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0vo1OL-4JQ Is this the one with the Nigga~~ scene
>>32395 Yep, also HELL YEAH WOSEMI GTA 5
>Millie told famillie that if they want to pee with her they should go to the bathroom together I'm getting flashbacks of that Domo interview...
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By the way, if anyone has Kunai's membership, she'll be having Isle of Dogs watchalong tomorrow
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Clark's schedule. Seems like he's having a new cover on Friday
>>32349 https://twitter.com/Vox_Akuma/status/1790474636981108887 Vox is still in Japan too, now it's only Ike and he still seems to be at home, but he had some kind of "mystery collab" on his schedule. If he flies to Japan too, it pretty much confirmes that Luxiem 3D is happening soon
Millie got to phase 2 of Chronos and then got rekt
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https://twitter.com/Mana_kila_/status/1789990558867378516 >Reimu reposted this cosplayer >Check the Twitter acc I can't tell if it is a woman or not
>>32403 Tits look fake
>>32404 Huh? Those seem normal, just on the saggier side and she's pressing them with the cloth
https://twitter.com/Fulgur_Ovid/status/1790412625085354108 Fuuchan should come back to streaming regullary sometime next week
Sorry for offtopic about random shitters, but I've just realised that Sayu's number 1 fanboy is most likely Petra schizo from the other site. The abillity of that shithole to produce the most vile and retarded people never stops to surprise me
>>32409 And he was a minor also so...yeah
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>>32411 Just when i was getting hungry, i'll have to get those rosetoes into my mouth
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Zuttomo collab is starting
>Reimu forgot to turn on the liver phone lmao
Why does this group like eating during their collabs so much.
I'm good with not seeing another outlast collab anytime soon.
Idk what other 4 player collab game they could play, Dinkum lol.
>>32421 Mario Party, Plate Up, Police Simulator (Mumu already has it), Content Warning, Spelunky, Rabbit & Steel, Gang Beasts, Castle Crashers and many more
I mean Vox did a 24 hour charity stream.
>Fuck charity I also hate the poor, the sick and refugees, Enna
>It's my chance to go to the boys bathroom~ Petra is extremly perverted as usual
30 minutes and still in the tutorial, you never cease to amaze, Zuttomo
The fact that Petra gets motion sickness from this game and Enna doesn't is kind of amusing
>>32427 You need weak genes to be a vtuber
>There was a vent
Reimu is looting the entire school kek
I don't think they will finish one level.
Reimu survived because of her experience in horror kusoge
The only thing I remember about the quarry collab is them typing self-depreciating messages in chat about how they always start collabs late and scuffed, and nothing has changed since.
>>32433 And nothing will ever change
Damn, Ifinity is on it's road to 1 million views maybe tomorrow, good to see people are liking it a lot, hope every ENcounter is a great success so we get even more once this round of ENcounters end
>>32435 Yaminions are doing K-pop strats and streaming it 24/7. I don't really mind, I take even cheap views like this
>>32436 I kind of miss when they did anti parodies like this.
>>32437 Same
You know what? Maybe it was good that Mumu looted the entire building
There's a timer ticking down in the top right.
How does Enna even know the supposed way I haven't been paying much attention tbh lol, not to mention relying her on directions.
>>32442 She has a compass or something that highlights where the door is
ngl watching at Millie and Petra suffering is kind of satisfying
How do they have so much time and lives.
>>32445 They're playing on easy
Oh that's the game lol.
It was a game of all times
I can get scared by someone screaming boo and this game hasn't been scary at all
I vote to end the stream now since I need to leave.
I vote for the stream to keep going because this anon has to leave >>32450
>"We had a scandal so we had to cancel" Petra couldn't stop giving head to the boys at 4 AM at the bathrooms, they called her Hanako-san because she sucked your soul at the last booth in the bathroom
Of course Petra's dad was late.
>>32453 Hey, he was actually in time but just wanted to get some free food first
>"Every 3 minutes she has to remind you she's chinese" KEK PETO
>We'll always remember her for being chinese My sides
With blood types, tbh, it's better if you end up a O+ because of how common it is so getting organ transplants and blood transfusions is extremely easy
I'm going to use Petra's taxidermated body as a sex doll
Outlast Trials IS goofy
Mumu got rejected every time she asked for a bunny outfit...
Peto doesn't want to be outsluted by the Bunny Garden girls
Petra doesn't want to play Bunny Garden on stream because she would just start jerking off live
Petra doesn't want the girls to see her hairy jungle at the onsen
>>32463 She'll only show it for money
Tje only thing I know about Florida is the Orange Juice.
Reimu, you don't need to get so defencieve over Florida. Even Florida natives think that the state is a fucking shithole
Why would anybody go to Disney Land when Disney World is just the best version?
I watched clips of that Indiana Jones ride and I don't understand how Enna would be so terrified of that there's no way.
>>32468 Paco the mexican was too much for her
That schizo on the other site is having a menhera breakdown because he got permanently banned from bothering us here. Ngl what a sad life he had
>>32470 Meh, let him be mad, don't mention him
>>32470 The anon that posted the 10th ban evade screenshot and the one that keeps liveposting about his activities pisses me off more than him.
The last movie I watched was the last airbender
>>32473 I'm so sorry for you
I feel like Maria will win a hunger games amongst EN.
>Vivi or Doppio would win EN Hunger Games Honestly, makes sense
Zuttomo really is The Girls
Petra's pickme friend...
>>32470 Which one? There are like 5 regular schizo celebreties out there. The one that was mad about this website in particular was that one Mille schizo and honestly, I hope that retard will get hit by a fucking truck.
I've already heard that biology teacher story many times by now.
>>32480 And you're gonna hear it again
>>32479 At this point I think only 1 schizo remains. He likes to write paragraphs of genderwar with bot and derail the thread
Enna having a women moment. Also damn Petra's bio teacher is spicy.
>"He was such a cool teacher" Yes, Mumu, kid fiddlers will act cool to attract children, of course he """was nice"""
I should come here more during events and streams, much comfier
Didn't one of Petra's PL friends got outed as a creep too? I swear, Petra is always surounded by potential rapists
Of course they aren't going to let you sleep it's rude lol.
>>32485 I ditched half chan since Pomu graduated and i honestly have been enjoying everything a lot more, i recommend doing the same
>>32487 I think if I were a teacher I'd permit sleeping but give sleepers a mandatory adjusted syllabus. I'd also really try to make my classes interesting because my passion is history
>>32489 If i had the power to do so, i would go full university and say "you come to the classes you want, just approve the tests and projects"
>>32486 It's the reverse, she brings out other people's desires with her allure
>>32491 Petra's pheromones...
>>32488 I quit after Selen got terminated and honestly, I feel like my mental health and overall stream enjoyement got better. I was thinking about coming back, but I feel like I won't be able to handle shitposting about my oshi now. Maybe I'll visit it again when she'll come back or more waves will debut, but overall, I'm not missing that website. I miss couple of regular anons there though
>>32488 I probably should. >>32490 True. I'd basically try to get people interested but let anyone who wasn't a big troublemaker pass more or less with a few submissions and some easy group projects. Homework would be on my website and contain activities like playing emulated versions of historic sieges or watching videos I script, narrate and edit myself. Basically if you're interested you can get a lot out of it, if not, don't worry the exam/project is pretty easy as long as it's not plagiarism. Also the German Naruto OP is among the best of translated OPs, hehe
>>32493 >I miss couple of regular anons there though Many left so it's probably a ghost of it's former self
>>32494 I notice germans always have the 2nd best dub openings…
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>>32495 It definitely is in a lot of ways. Oh... A Frozen ship animation...
>Jelsa What in the actual fuck https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnvskgghUdA
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>>32495 Makes sense, and I can't blame them. Are nakarats still there? I miss those funny guys
I see a sudden influx of posters right now. DId something bad happened on the other site or what?
>>32501 I dunno, don't ask me, i've been there just to search for archives and then i leave
>>32503 I think someone mentioned this site on the other site but we now have UIDs so you can see like 2 people actually joined
>>32499 >Record time Oh, new Rosemi cover incoming?
>>32503 Nobody liveposting, schizo having a melty. Unlike here. Enna solo haha
>>32503 When I post this >>32470 I wasn’t playing. I’m trying to enjoy zuttomo collab but that massive man spam paragraphs of genderwar and misogynistic insults
>>32507 >>32508 But of course. Guess he missed her a lot while she's on her break
>>32507 What i like here is that we normally stay on topic (mostly because the BO has a loaded shotgun and he shows up at random times so there doesn't seem to be a "down time")
I I rather another watchalong like that mean girls one instead of another outlast collab.
>>32510 We usually have 3 active posters at a time. There isn't much place for shitposting
FUCK SIGNALIS it's just an ok game, they're hyping it up way too much
Enna will be back streaming next week and she's been journaling because her therapist recommended her to. She's been sticking stickers received from fanmail onto it. I should send her some I got some free Enna stickers and idk what to do with them.
>>32515 That's very cute, also her throat is starting to get sore so i'm gonna say sorry for this one too, guys
Reimu, if something is trending among JP vtubers, there's 90% it's a fucking kusoge. Stop thinking that everything what they stream is high quality, usually they just stream what will be funny to watch, but painful to play
>>32506 I wonder about that, I don't know any song that related to trumpet🎺
>>32517 I will forever hate vtubers for making Chilla's Shart games a golden goose
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https://youtu.be/1wcCfCH1z4M Oh this was the Aimer song Ethyria did! And my waifu on bass, hell yeah!
I got mentioned in Enna's journal indirectly yippee.
>>32520 One day...i will get a Kara no Kyoukai song cover...maybe...
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Apperently, Reimu was a hardcore Perfect World player when she was in middle school
Reimu actually wants to play Perfect World on stream kek
Mumu stole her mom's phone to pay for a kusoge MMO, her mom found out and she got beaten up by her in the classic latina family parenting way
>>32527 Was it really kusoge? I remember it was quite popular back in early 2010s
>>32524 I feel old listening to this, eri best girl btw
>>32527 Did it involve a slipper?
The start of the journal was too depressing and sad to read on stream but it got more light hearted as it went on.
>>32528 Kusoge by today's standard at least >>32530 Yes
Reimu was almost groomed by some ojisan on PW when she was 12
>>32529 It's between Yakumo and Eri for me
>>32531 Is this something her therapist recommended or is she doing it on her own?
13 year old Mumu was gonna marry some stinky 30 year old dude in Perfect World and then she just ghosted him on wedding day and never came back to the game
Reimu had so many stories of her encountering creepy ojisans when she was in middle school which went nowhere that it feels like she jumped in front of a machine gun and every single bullet missed somehow
>>32537 Now i got reminded of that fanart of loli Reimu getting dicked that scat kyomie did
Cute Lucie
Mumu's character when she was 13
>>32535 Her therapist recommended it.
>>32539 I love him in this outfit, he's so CHONKY
Reimu's wedding dress
>>32541 Good to see she's doing her assignment, i hope it helps
>>32540 I hate myself for saying this, Mumu is the female character in fat ugly doujin
>>32546 >She has a butt plug Always the anal queen
>>32547 Hey hey hey it's called "ugly bastard" and that is only loli Reimu, present Reimu just wants a very toxic relationship with assholes
>>32550 Wait I thought she wants 30+ years old something old man, not asshole. It seems that her taste is pretty consistent.
>>32552 It's either dumb men like Zack of assholes like Sephiroth
>>32553 She doesn't even like Sephiroth that much
>>32553 Mumu... Someone please save(married) this fake princess.
>"Fuck fish people, i know it's racist but...FUCK FISH PEOPLE" Finana...
>>32554 Ok, Octane is an asshole too
>>32501 Honestly putting aside the massive man, the thread there has been nice altho some male fanbase (and myanon) like to avatarfag be it relevant to streams or not. I’ve seen Nakarats been posting and sometimes they make me laugh with their webms
Mumu says that fish people were racially superior so they have to be eliminated
Reimu says that fairies are WEAK
Reimu and Millie are always the most composed and try hard whenever they play these games.
>>32561 The gamer of Zuttomo
If i had to heal retards in dungeons who can't stop standing on fire then i would also turn evil and use my powers to give people cancer
Mumu is gonna ask for Perfect World perms...
When Enna speaks about her therapist i think about Layla because Enna uses the voice and attitude she uses when she acts like Layla
Enna thinks that people who watch their "little sister" streams are weirdos
Enna those viewers just keep to themselves.
Enna is treating us like the negroes in the ghettos and she's the coppers who shoots niggas
Enna, Voitan is right there him topping your streamlab donos already shows something.
I'm definitely pretty parasocial but I don't see a liver as a relative, sibling, girlfriend etc., just as a streamer.
>"We carry babies in our wombs" Not you, Enna, never will because any possible husband will leave after too many femcel rants
Grenna going off the rails again, time for bed.
>>32558 Same as it was, I guess. Glad that it back to some kind of norm, but I don't think I will be able to handle shitposters right now. Will probably check it after a wave or two, it will be refreshing enough to not feel ostracised by local schizos
I haven't sleped for a whole night and Enna's coochie pocket ramblings combined with my insomnia feels like a fever dreamer
Clark is doing hopcon right now, feesh is there as expected
>>32515 Everytime other livers mention fanmale, I get hit with a realisation that my oshi also probably recieved hers, and my heart skips a beat thinking about it....
I guess the coochie pocket is going be a big part of today's journal entry.
I think Vanta is drunk while trying to play this learning Japanese game he sounds so out of it.
>>32579 There's no need to think about it lol
>>32437 i wonder if youtube counts my views since i use an adblocker lol, oh well. the likes and comments would be a better indicator i think, and 58k likes and 2k comments for 750k views is a pretty good ratio. unless that's botted or something
Good night Vanta lol.
Vanta is cooked...
wow, elira is still streaming. how long is that questline? >>32582 well he's on call with claude and feesh now kek. is he okay?
>>32584 He's hopconning now
>>32584 He'a pretty drunk and drowsy. Before he ended the stream he apologized for feeling too tired and not being able to continue on lol.
Yeah Vanta it's recommended to have the top of your monitor aligned with your eye level.
Her shorts do look nice
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>>32566 But I know I'm a weirdo.
feels like everyone has a lot to record for recently, to the point that it's affecting their streaming. or maybe it has always been like that and they're just more vocal about offline work now lol
>>32590 It's probably voice packs
>>32597 Tbh they should stop using Naokomama's art because the guy is a dick, Sayu defender, Doki defender, NijiEN slanderer and hard /vt/ard. He won the chromosome lottery and got an extra one
>>32598 It was extremly funny when he had to stop posting his crosdressing cosplay photos because his own followers started calling him a tranny. He's extremly insecure retard.
>>32598 Also, you always can inform the livers that the guy is piece of shit on Twitter. I remember Reimu used an art made by Vox's anti in the past and then she blocked his ass after she found out about it
>>32601 >"Nijisanji fans try to cancel beloved artist?!?" I can already see the headlines, i will send a report to Anycolor and hope it reaches her
Good thing phantomos superchat Reimu before the game is there to remind her to turn superchats off
>Reimu ended up downloading Perfect World after yesterday >It took her 3 hours >She ended up sleeping in ungodly hours because of this Reimu please....
Reimu found out that Perfect World removed most of the fashion items, she deleted the game and won't touch it again now
Love how mounts and custom items are the things that turned her off from playing the game, and not butchered gameplay mechanics/raids etc.
>>32606 This is good news
I've played PS1 games with better platforming then this, holy fuck it's so bad
>TPS is extremly half-assed gameplay mechanic >Oh yeah, let's make entire sections of the game where you can only shoot This is some autism tier game design
>>32610 They should've made it more like Nikke and just kept you in cover so that you only care about shooting and looking at the booty
Ghostlings as fan name would be fucking cinema
>Popcorn isn't junk food Reimu please
>Reimu doesn't want her mom to speak English on stream since she's afraid that people will mock her accent I kind of get where she's coming from but man, it sucks
Reminder that Reimu uses lingerie and fancy underwear on the daily because she likes looking pretty even in underwear
>Reimu bought a T string S E X
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This is how T-string looks like by the way
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>Elira Hades 2 >Vivi Mario Party >Rosemi GTA V Why do you fucks decide to stream all the things i want to watch WITHIN 1 HOUR OF EACH OTHER?!?!?!
>>32617 Yes and i love that
Reimu is jumping inside a hole Yeah, mine
>>32624 El Yugamino
Mumu feels stream deprived and wants to stream a lot since she didn't see us for like 2 months weeeeeh
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEK6KBAL05M >Vivi, Sonny, Reimu Why did Willy decided to collab with all 4channers?
>>32628 He wants to know what the rrats kidz these days say and feel cool while saying the funny tranny number
It's so funny to see everyone who bought the Ew Petra t-shirt
>>32630 Did anyone buy that worlds ugliest baby shirt from that old stream wayback?
>>32632 I think they didn't share the link to buy them
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>>32621 Yeah...
>>32621 And Kunai is about to do her watchalong soon... Man, I hate overlaps
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Kunai is starting her watchalong in about 15 minutes, we're watching Isle of Dogs today haven't seen the movie but I've heard it's good. Either way, I more excited for the zatsu part, I've missed her yapping
Membership stream is starting!
Kunai is eating a block of cheese
>>32639 Truly the queen of rats
>>32639 She's becoming one with the Nakarats. Soon enough you'll hear her skittering about in your walls and chewing on your cables.
>>32641 I would give her a box of crayons
>>32623 Kek, this looks pretty good actually
>Nursing? Like breast milk? She actually read it out loud kek
Chat convinced Kunai that Isle of dogs is racist as fuck, but she doesn't want to think about it and will memoryhole this and will just enjoy the movie
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This place is pretty cool! You guys actually talk about the streams.
>>32647 Hello Yaminion! Pretty sure you're the second Yaminion I've seen here. This place can be kinda slow sometimes, but don't be afraid to livepost or share any thoughts.
Mario Party with Sonny, Vivi, Willy and Mumu in 5 minutes! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEK6KBAL05M
Collab starting!
They are gonna play in Whoreland
Vivi thinks everyone is trying to gaslight her
>missle turret decided to kill itself Thank god. This area of Stellar Blade is fucking awful.
>"I am yellow" This is why Wilson is the Pomu in lazubros, he thinks he's japanese
>"It's the yellow players, i swear" REIMU YOU CANNOT SAY THAT
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8tOTJUYg6k Wait since when did Elira got a 3.0?
Vivi's voice always so low in collabs, I can only hear her when she whines
>>32658 Before all the shitfest happened, i think it was announced in December/January
>>32659 yeah, sometimes she cuts out too
>>32659 She should stream with an ASMR mic so we can hear her
Finana's drool drowned the bug that fell into her mouth while she slept
>>32664 GIWTWM
>Vivi showered No...
It's cute hearing how often Finana does things with her younger sister.
Vivi has bracers! CUTE
>>32668 I can't wait for her to call Jimmy a gooner
Vivi has a criminal record!
i can't believe vivi is a commie
Wosemi is using her 3D for GTA!
>>32672 She said she liked Recettear...she lied to us...
willy is starting to feel like enna
>>32675 One day you're someone with moderately good mental health and the next one you're Enna Alouette
>>32675 He talks about poo and crotch pockets?
>>32676 feeling a little ilovemyself123 today
>>32677 Don't forget he reminds people he's chinese every 2 minutes and the 1 hour tangent about an old lady that looked at her wrong at the store
>"Wait is there flying in this game?" Have fun Rosemi
>"You are gonna hate all protagonists" Nah, Rosemi is gonna like Trevor
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The watchalong was fun, but I agree that the movie was pretentious. Hope Kunai is in a better mood now too
Pluck the police!
>>32658 >>32661 Yeah, the whole 3.0 quee kind of stopped after the shit hit the fan. We're having Elira and Sonny 3.0 this week, and also Kunai's 3.0 who knows when
I rarely hear Sonny so pissed off, Wilson is genuenly annoys him
Did wose reach the nigga scene yet
>>32686 Nah but it's near the beginning so it's gonna be in like 10 minutes maybe
Rosemi crashed her lambo into a bus because she was reading chat and driving...
>vivi is a commie >sonny is a capitalist
>>32689 Imagine hatesex...
>>32690 Shipper anon...
>>32689 I thought you typed >vivi is a coomer And had to sit and think on how that could relate to Sonny being a capitalist.
>>32690 Vivi and me are gonna do some class war in the sheets if you get me
Rosemi did not say nigga, but she may have been tempted.
>>32694 It's be funny since right now there's a whole thing happening with the vtubers that said "nigga" during that scene
Vivi wants to eat Toadette like in that guro doujin
The three stoners are mocking Willy for not trying mushrooms
Half of the stream is just Sonny mocking a latina for being poor
Why does Rosemi's favouirte character in Tekken sounds extremly close to nigger?
>>32701 yeah i did a double take when wilson said that kek
>Everybody is ganging up on me Everybody? Yeah, me
>>32704 When they were asking who was going to win i saw another one going "I LOVE YOU REIMU! Vivi"
wilson doing the enna thing
>>32707 Bruh
>"I'm stealing money" >"DO RANDOM" >"From Wilson" KEK
>"Stinky Willy" Vivi says that to me every night btw
Rosemi was in 1st person POV as chop when he fucked the other dog
Rosemi says the collab with Snoop Dogg is coming soon
wilson is a trooper for taking all this bullying in stride lol
>>32713 Willy is...a little bit of a punching bag for NijiEN even though i know he doesn't like to be called that
Sonny has 200 useless coins
>>32713 I mean he does act cocky..
Reimu is actually winning wtf
>>32717 well this 'was' her home turf
Damn, Mumu won with 7 stars
it was the least bloody mario party because wilson tanked all the hits
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>>32720 Wilson deserved it
Vivi spammed 338 stickers kek
>>32722 would've been funny if she won through that star lol
Vivi it's your chance to invite them to play Peace Walker with you, please
>>32723 It's an unironic strat, Ren does this all the time
Wilson looks different
>>32726 reimu took wilson's channel as a prize for winning mario party
Willy wants to play Mario Party on his Birthday with Ren and win
Rosemi hates Jonah Hill a lot
Rosemi is a little homie...
It's the first time i see a vtuber go to Michael's therapist outside of the times you're forced to go
Rosemi realizing she doesn't need therapy, she just needs to rob banks
Trevor is Rosemi adjacent now i guess
>>32733 They're both quite crazy, just different personalities
>>32727 That sounds funny, I need to watch it after the vod is totally uploaded
oh shit, infinity broke 1 million views already. hopefully the next ENcounter songs receive the same support
>>32738 Holy nice tits
>>32738 woah mama
By the way, Uki is going on break https://twitter.com/chiaki_cheese/status/1791018482068508763 The way he put it seems like he's going to Japan
>>32742 They are probably going to Japan to record for AX since Millie said she had to practice for the AX performance not long ago but also they could be going to do that + 3D debut
>>32743 Won't AX performance be live? I thought they are doing it in the same format as the Chronoir concert
>>32745 Don't really know, last 3D performance NijiEN did for AX was Lazulight 3D and that one was pre-recorded so i just assumed this one was going to be the same
>"Why is it always rich people playing golf?" WOW REIMU I WONDER WHY
90% of Reimu's problems would be solved by getting Windows 10 again on her PC. Also >Opera Have fun with your chinese spyware, Reimu
>>32747 >wow a bag filled with metal sticks i'll write a check worth 1 grand for that Baby boomer moment
>chat suggesting linux I doubt that anyone in EN uses linux for streaming, yes even nerds like shu and sonny.
>"Get Linux" Reimu won't know how the fuck to even install shit because she'll see the console and go blank even if she had Ubuntu
Is this game just a retelling of ff7 before the (((remaster)))?
>>32752 This is a remake of Crisis Core, a prequel to FF7 for the PSP
>>32743 >>32745 the chronoir concert will be performed live but probably using that tech that allows them to "appear remotely", same for summer jam. tho i recall millie saying she wouldn't be going to japan for a long while, maybe that was just her trying not to spoil stuff lol
Mumu said to not remind her that she's lusting for a minor
>>32754 (me) oh wait, reading it again now, it specified "from Japan" for chronoir but not for EN. really curious as to how this is gonna work you didn't see that
I just finished cooking dinner why is mumu's game jp dub now
>>32759 last crisis core vod, she said she likes alternating between dubs
kek why is mumu reacting like she's watching a romcom
>>32750 >>32751 anybody who recommends linux has a 99% chance of being autistic
Reimu's food
Reimu, private schools just suck ass and waste of money
Josh, as many cooking youtubers, used to be cool but he's just another shill now
Vivi should make e-girl Vivi her first outfit ngl https://twitter.com/kikuro_815/status/1791163550368723115
>>32766 awoinga
Hojo's accent kind of sounds like Reimu's JP accent after chat has pointed it out lmao
millie finally beat chronos
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>>32770 Why do you hate meetings?
Reimu is getting pumped
>>32773 Yeah by me
Reimu is fighting Nina's husband
>>32775 Nina likes Genesis?
>>32776 She likes Gackt, so pretty much yes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOl4hwlUG2c >Gone wrong What did she mean by this?😳😳😳
>>32779 W-Why does she look so smug?
>Reimu wanted to play Apex with Astel but he has deleted the game Based
>>32781 Not based because he now plays OW2
>>32782 I swear only streamers play that game.
Zack is now of legal age so Reimu can lust for him
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Mumu just go the fuck to sleep
Nooo Reimu, don't talk about CBT in such details, I definitely not enjoying it at all
Oh so now Reimu wants to learn Vincent lore
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>>32777 why did it have to be this way
Kek Millie asked where her content went after Elira postponed her Hades stream yesterday
It's so funny how Reimu still hasn't realising that some side missions will fucking require to grind up to level 99
Wiwa's getting her ass beat
>>32794 Retard wasn't getting the card that gives you 20 extra HP and MP. Also she forgot to get tools
Elira is currently very sweaty
Oh shit, Nijisanji finally recovered the fucking subreddit
The siren song is so good. I love supergiant
>>32798 The fact that the song loses instruments as you defeat the band members is also great
>>32799 Games that can incorporate music changes/timing with gameplay are the greatest.
>>32797 Well, that's a small step but a good one, having the sub hijacked by some rogue mods and retards was more of a mockery than anything, they now have to go back to their hole in the ground
>>32797 What reddit?
>>32803 The official one, they have deleted like 2 months worth of posts and they're still going, you also now need mod approval to post
>>32804 Now when will they lynch all the dramatubers and nuke vt in minecraft
>>32805 I vote for paying the dramatubers a ticket so they can "negotiate" something, pay the Yakuza to make them disappear and suing Hiromoot in Terraria
>>32805 can they actually realistically do anything about those?
>>32806 YT Japan, Cover and Anycolor going for Hiromoot to ban vtubers in kekchan or cause him extreme legal issues might actually be the best ending
Otsu Millie. See you soon with BB.
>"Is Millie still streaming?" >Millie raids Perfect timing
>>32810 elira literally has millie at her beck and call
I think Elira should change to an outfit that doesn't cover her eye because THIS BITCH BE BLIND
Hmmmmmm Elira's delicious golden nectar
Wiwa is dumb DUMB
>>32814 She's been drinking that dumb bitch juice
>>32816 Look, man, i love Vivi, i love Reimu, i totally refuse to watch Apex and i wish the game gets killed soon
>>32817 Well, she's still chatting with chat for now you can leave later
>>32818 Ok thanks
Elira is naked!
AX tickets are out and ready to be bought! https://www.nijisanji.jp/events/AX2024_summerjam/
Elira forgot she can dash somehow
This fumi girl kinda sounds like kunai
>Enemy repeats 2 attacks in the same sequence and timing >This is too much for the average vtuber brain
Millie teases Wilson offline until he goes "shut up" on purpose but now he's trying to contain himself because he knows that's what Millie wants
Into my mouth Millie. I gladly accept it.
Vanta is streaming genshin on twitch and is getting guilt tripped to continue streaming there because some viewers were subbed for 9 months despite him never streaming there.
>>32827 Deserved, don't open subs if you are not gonna use twitch regularly
>>32827 I hope they were twitch prime free subs
I must be such a shitter is these livers could beat Hades once while I can't.
>>32831 Just keep playing and upgrading shit, bro. Thing takes time. Be forgiving to yourself and take a break if you tired.
Elira is upset that kids these days don't get to experience blackberry keyboard phones
>>32833 As someone who used to own a blackberry phone because a family no longer use it It sucks and im hardly suprised we moved passed it
I'm watching on my phone but Sonny's 3.0 toggles look too subtle on my small display to clearly notice them.
The sparkling smile makes him look like a creep.
I got baited by his early ending screen
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Just tune into the shuca offcollab and the first thing I hear is shu being autistic about mango prices… never change shu
The $5 mango tastes like a normal mango.
However Luca thinks the $5 mango isn't even worth the cost.
I guess Shu would rather spend the money on a GMK set.
They are amazed by the colour and appearance of the flesh as Luca cuts the $100 mango.
>kinda bussin
>I don’t need teeth to eat this I know what he mean but this is the weirdest way to describe a mango texture
Shu doesn't sound too convinced by the $100 mango lol
>>32845 It’s just his autism…
Luca loves it though
Shu would rather buy the iPad Air of mangos instead of the iPad Pro of mangos.
Yeah I’m not trusting euro ppl’s “asian” cuisine
>>32849 I think Vox said he only started liking sushi once he had the expensive good stuff when Luxiem went on that Japan trip. Meanwhile Shu having Sashimi in the UK...
If you're in Japan it's better you spend that $100 on an omakase, they'll serve the expensive fruit as a desert too.
>>32850 I would honestly think his asian brainrot will trigger enough to make him decide against eating sussy asian restos in euro. But I guess he cant because his mindset is not wasting food instead
Cute offcollab Pretty much what I expect from the biggest autist and adhd haver
Oh look who came to Toru's 3D
>>32856 is this recorded? the livechat made me think it was live... well glad to hear koto's voice again
>>32857 All of them are recorded
seems like ike isn't home either, so yeah they're probably recording for 3D
>>32870 He said he went to see Migu but tomorrow he has a collab with ??? so idk if he's in NA actually
>>32871 It is kinda strange because he said "tomorrow" he will go see Migu but the shows are the ones in pic related, in any of the locations he is in it is now May 17, Europe and Japan don't have shows yet also
>>32871 yeah came across a clip of him saying he isn't in japan, apparently. wonder who ??? is
>>32856 Man.... I had a nightmare today that she's graduating.... I'm so glad that at least this time, reallity than better than my dreams I can't stop crying like a fucking idiot right now, fuck
>>32857 All 3D debuts are prerecorded, don't be dumb. but it's still a big deal for someone who hasn't talked for over 2 months
>>32874 You uh...should calm down a little if this affects you that much
>>32877 I know it is stupid, but 3 months of no streams, with barely any appearence in silence have made me really depressed. I am just happy, that's it
>elira says wow its been 4 hours already im not going on for too much longer >i go to bed >wake up >8 hour vod I knew it
>>32879 This but Elira and sex jk she would last 30 minutes, sweat a lot then fall asleep from exhaustion
Reimu is explaining to Ha Yun what boosted bitch means
>>32881 Just show him a pic of Selen
Reimu got champion!
They won again, Ha Yun is carrying Reimu hard
>Gamer words HA YUN NO
Ha Yun kind of sounds like Zali when he tries to speak Engrish
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9KIHCaaYDM Bruh I thought this was nina at first lmao
btw are any of you planning to go to the live concert?
>>32887 >Hajime dresses up like a beloved EN liver who's graduated HE CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT
>>32888 Too far for me so i'll buy the online ticket
>>32892 TUMMY!!!!!
Reimu wants to collab more with VSPO girls in Apex
>>32894 That would be fun, they are a fun bunch from what i remember from GTA Online
>>32895 She was talking about playing with Noah again but Reimu is kind of shy to ask her to play
>>32887 Holy crap, it's pretty cute
>elira was listening to hello moto on repeat this girl is not ok, she is already yearning for her lost youth
>Aia got copystriked for playing the USA anthem on stream How?
Aia may drop Rogue Trader since it's way too text heavy and it isn't fun to stream. She'll probably play it couple of more times but probably won't finish it.
Aia has an idea to play it off stream and then just record it like a let's play, but it will be way too time consuming editing wise
>>32887 Who are you? Why are you Malaysian?
Elira is discovering WWE ships
>>32902 i'd say it's probably not worth the effort even if she could hire someone
Aia has bones of some Vietnamese saint in her house, it's somewhere in her dad's office
>Just found out that schizos unironically harrased Finana because she joked about killing herself in a Tweet These retards are so thin skinned that it isn't even funny. Reminds me how Nina was harassed back in the day, only here these retards don't even have ESL excuse, they are just braindead.
>>32908 Was it recently for finana ?
>>32909 Yeah, remember the tweet about a bug she ate and casually said "I want to KMS"? Schizos went nuclear over this
>>32910 and by schizos, you mean the usual suspects i suppose ?
>>32911 Crazy how blocking like 4 people means I barely see any of this crap
>>32904 Why would i not bro
>>32911 It was that seething 2view vtweeter who got rejected from Niji audition. I initially thought that he's a concern troll, but the more I look at his posts, the more i feel like he's genuinely mentally ill. Other than him, False's buddies from his discord were parroting it too. Finana blocked all of them, but I don't know how she feels about it. Millie posted a support tweet for her, so I suppsoe it was quite bad.
I hate how people still misconcept that "The OG Persona 3 forced you to go harem route". The game doesn't expect you to midmax every arcana, especially on the first playthrough. It espects you to treat social links as an interactive way to make a unique character build and determine your playstilebased on the characters you like. Since literally nobody got it, by Persona 5, SLs became trivialised just like every single Persona 3 inherited design decision.
>>32914 well if they're reduced to try to stir drama about a kms tweet, they're really scrapping the bottom of the barrel. Who knows, maybe they'll have to produce their own content for a change, but good luck to their talentless ass to create anything of value. Back to streams, i just noticed we get both elira 3.0 and aster 2.0 tomorrow, good shit. Also is hada returning to streaming, i'm seing a whooping 2 waiting rooms on mado ? >>32915 Social links is what made me ditch the game. This said, i should try again SMT to get back into this. Can you watch a persona 3 playthrough without having played the previous smt or persona ?
>>32915 That is the general problem with game and player. If the game has something that can be max in one playthrough, player will try their hardest to complete it. >>32916 Yeah, persona game has no hard continuity.
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Reimu has a backout in her house, so today's stream is cancelled. She'll play FF 16 next week instead https://x.com/ReimuEndou/status/1791635147172753417 https://x.com/ReimuEndou/status/1791635669950853225
Have Twitter's push notifications completely broke? I've stopped recieving any notifications since yesterday
>>32919 I've received some but also them forcing people into the X domain might be fucking up things, i for eample was logged out of my accounts
>>32920 I've checked push notifications settings and this is how it looks like lmao. I'll try to clear cache and cookies, hope it will fix itself
Elira and everyone in chat is so down bad for Mitsuru
>>32921 Nope, still seems like it's broken. Will check setting on mobile and hope I will be able to change something, if not, hope good sirs that run this website will patch it
>P3R theurgy happens >Chat: "OMG HONKAI ULT" I hate it here, i hate new games, i hate newfags, i hate everyone
>>32919 They broke for me a couple of days ago but it's been fine since then
Maya is being a little too gamer
I would think a middle aged woman playing MMOs to groom young boys is unrealistic, but then I remember Zaion lmao
>>32927 I know I should not say this however, GIWTWM
>>32927 Maya is 28, she's younger than her...
>>32927 This shit is not unrealistic at all. I almost got groomed back in Ragnarok Online.
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I think Claude is too hard on himself, i've been enjoying this karaoke a lot
>>32933 Yeah, he has a great voice!
>>32915 You can friendzone the girls just like in p5
>"It's like Hell Girl" Elira, your age is showing
>Shinji and Aki in the same room >Elira starts fujo screeching Peak content
Elira saw Shinjiro and started hyperventilating
>Maya is a sweaty RPG hag >Elira is a sweaty RPG hag THEY ARE
>>32939 Owh I wish Elira accept her hagness
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>>32939 I wish I was tender-kun
>>32941 You want to die?
Elira is scared of her 3.0 because she's like a shrimp most of the day and doesn't want us to see her shrimping
>Sonny played Superhot VR >Got tired and out of breath on 90 minutes mark, will be finishing the stream now FAT FUCK
>Sonny raided Aster's outfit reveal waiting room Based
>>32942 Bro tender kun is like notjesus
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgS-PW8vX0k Ike's off-collabing with Willy right now. Guess he is in Canada, unless both of them are in Japan
>Ike is the only one who asked to specify if his height is with or without heels Sasuga autist
>>32947 It's like 8 AM in Willy's usual timezone. Uness both of them woke up at 6 AM for the stream, they should be somewhere else
Love how Willy still memoryholes that his fanbase used to be called Yuquties
>>32950 What are they called now
>>32951 Willsoneers, Willson + engineer, he literally explaiend it just now on stream
>Ike learned English in Xbox live lobbies I wonder how many times he said nigger in his live
This reminds me how Ike went on an autistic rant about Halo lore when he played with Kotoka and her reaction was just "aha, uhu, mhm". It continued for like 15 minutes
>>32955 She's doing maid ASMR right now by the way
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>>32954 >when you say "that's crazy" for 50 times and he keeps on yapping
>>32956 Oh yeah, i've been listening to it, thanks!
>My OTP in Persona 5 >What's your OTP >The protagonist and FUtaba Ike, please, you can't ship her with a self-insert protagonist
>>32954 no wonder why he and vox get along well
>>32959 He's just like me frfr
>Ike likes MGS, he just doesn't talk about on stream that much It still pains me that he never did one on one zatsu with Pomu, they just yapping about random stuff would be fun
>I have so many nicknames, mike, nike, sike Feels like he almost said a slur here kek
>>32964 kike?
>>32965 I was thinking about dyke, but this too
>Meloco's heartbeat is missing >She says she might be AI ANYCOLOR IS REPLACING THE LIVERS WITH AI
Ok Melo ended, did Wilson and Ike have sex?
They have switched bodies. Funnily enough, it still kind of fits
Love how Willy is having the best time of life in Niji. It's so refreshing to hear somebody being so positive instead of being depressed or saying stuff like "I don't deserve to be here".
Ike, please, you can mentioned vtubers from other corpos, don't be so autistic
>>32970 Wilson is one of those strange NijiEN livers that don't have impostor syndrome
>>32971 >don't be so autistic impossible
>>32971 Pomu mentiones Kizuna AI and Luna a shit ton kek
Willy was watching Luxiem's debut live. He was really happy to see male EN corpo vtubers
>"Male EN vtubers, hell yeah!" Tsunderia...
Wonder if Ike saw that U.F.O music video from a certain indie vtuber lmao
>>32977 Tsunderia had only like 2 guys. It wasn't on the same scale as Luxiem
>Ike was doing the practise of his debut >He did his lore video and everything >Boots up the stream >Yugamin model loads up instead of his Staff has lost their shit back then and laughed their asses off
Vanta was hyping up Krisis before the debut a lot, it made Wilson feel much better
Poor Zali thought Wilson spoke french, imagine the disappointment after finding out he's quebecois
Zali freaked out when Wilson told him that he can speak French
I will never not love that one moment when Zali shouted, "I THOUGHT YOU WAS EATING ZE FUCKING APPLE IN YOUR HEAD WILSON," during a collab.
Visage is that game everyone does for batsus and never touch again
Ike was going to say Saya no Uta originally, right?
>>32984 I remember Finana played it and never finished it, it was fun
>Rule of Rose Seriously, i played it burnt into a fucking DVD in my chipped PS2 and the game isn't that great even, it's just that everyone in the US made a fuss about it because it had child death and more so the game got banned and the Streisand effect made it popular online
Everyone who joined NijiEN was just looking for friends...
>Vanta's Nijisanji acceptance email was on spam Holy shit
Yet another person thought that they got a rejection letter at first untill they read it fully. Staff should really worded in more positive way since I feel like someone will actually think that they failed the audition and miss it
Ike and Wilson say that there're way more exciting things in the future
>>32989 Yeah, he talked about it before. Combine it with the fact that he was a back up candidate, it's a miracle that he got in.
>>32992 We are extremely fortunate to have Vanta, dude has been one of my favorite livers to watch as of late
Ike raided Zali playing bunny garden lmao >>32993 Wish I could watch him more, he's either overlapping with someone or streams in ungodly hourhs for me
>>32994 Why are bunny girl streams age restricted now
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Zali got a new emote, it's called "eggplant"
Zali ahs intrusive thoughts to pull Rin's swimsuit off
>>32998 Don't we all?
I actually hasn't noticed before that Rin has abs
>>33001 Rin and Miuka both have abs, idk about Kana because nobody fucking picks her but i'm gonna assume she does too because they all use the fucking same body model with slight changes
It's so weird how there're plenty of JP livers that just stream all night long, meanwhile everybody in EN just go "I'm tired" when the clock strikes midnight. We need more people like Scarle, Vanta or Kotoka (she's in JP timezone but my point still stands) who just go streaming all night long till morning
>>33003 Elira does sometimes but she's dead the next day
I wonder who started the vtuber background is a bedroom with pc thing
>>33003 I don't watch people who stream for long hours because of that, it's difficult to keep up having to watch a 10 hour vod, I think 2 to 3 is an okay amount unless it's a special event
>>33006 Well, nobody forces you to watch the whole VOD, just watch as much as you want or just skip till something interesting will happen. I feel like endurance streams are designed around the idea of people checking in/out whenever they feel like, and you need a special kind of autism to watch the whole endurance stream from the beginning till the end. I personally don't mind watching 10 hour long stream live, but literally can't do more than 5 hours if it's a VOD.
Odd that nobody liveposted Sonny's 3.0, so I might as well vodpost it
>>33009 I commented on it a bit when it was live, some of the expressions make him look like such a creep.
>>33008 I feel disconnected joining these long streams midway, like having no clue what already happened and feeling the fomo of watching the conclusion. Vod watching is boring but you can't be there for 10 hours straight, which is why I prefer shorter 2h~ streams that I can be a part of and watch live >>33009 Holy crap that last one looks scary..
>>33009 watched it live, was surprised they didn't give him a creepier expression until i saw the last one it's so funny how just being a creep is part of sonny's appeal for his fans kek
The full body leaning looks so cursed
He said he can't lean with his second outfit
This is hilarious
I didn't notice it before, but Kunai and Vivi's The Quarry collab is rescheduled for another day https://x.com/VBrightshield/status/1791597116810543157
>Have been wondering who are the girls that played Apex with Vivi the other day >Check one of the girls >Half of EN follow her >WTF? >Check her profile >She is the one who makes visual designs (schedules, logos, backgrounds etc.) for practically everybody Huh, the more you know. Apeprently, most of the stuff that majority of vtubers use, both ligers and big corpos, are made by the same 3 guys
>>33027 More or less, have you seen Riguruma? She was basically doing most MVs for big EN vtubers alone for a very long time
>>33029 Her with closed eyes are my favorite!
https://x.com/ISD1616/status/1788780057982578715 Shit, I only just noticed this. Apperently, all livers from 3rd anniversary art have their zodiac signs engraved on their uniforms
>>33031 Also, this explains why they only picked up so few since only one has to represent their sign
>>33031 >>33032 Sorry, I menat zodiac onstellations, not signs. Either way, it's really cool design
>>33029 >>33030 Who is the plushie on the left?
>>33034 Makoto from IM@S
>>33035 Oh damn, I thought it was a vtuber
>Watching Clark's karaoke >I'm getting hit with a realisation that he laughs in the same way as Kotoka and Vivi Do all west coasters have the same retard laugh?
>Musk finally converted the whole twitter to being x I'm still gonna call it twitter, I honesly only use that site for my oshi's schedules and art tags.
>>33037 Not Vanta but then again, he was kangz
https://youtu.be/UVXtbRaB8jc feesh elira and claude are playing valorant.
https://www.twitch.tv/vantacrow_bringer vanta is playing genshin on twitch
>>32932 Full set. Also jesus fucking christ, he slayed almost everything and still was saying stuff "I'm not that good of a singer". Man, TTT wasn't suppose to be a depression wave.
>>33041 Is vanta a yurifag, I see him go nuts over it a couple of times even in the parasocial kusoge.
Elira is interviewing the ecouple in Valorant
Man, Aster's outfit reveal seems like a huge deal. Majority of people in EN are hyping it up on the same level as the 3D debuts. I wonder wtf he's actually cooked that it has made everyone excited
>>33045 From the thumbnail it just seems like aster wore a witch outfit like millie's default
>>33045 maybe because it's high production? with a short lore-related animation too and all. i remember the livers hyping up scarle's 2nd outfit a lot too
The other 2 players in their Valorant game are: someone roleplaying as a baby whose only comms are >mama and a literal 12 year old
>>33048 If i had Elira in front of me then i would also just call her mama and ask for milkies
>>33049 They just motorboated Elira. Is that you anon?
>>33050 I wish
Back when they were in Japan, Finana dragged Claude to aquarim just so he could shut up about Counter-Strike
>>33053 Has everybody besides Kunai got their 3.0 already?
>>33054 Ok let's unpack this better. Do you mean if everyone who was selected for 3.0 in EN has had their showcase stream except for Kunai? Then yes
>>33055 Pretty much this, yeah. Glad you get what I mean
I hope the upgrade her jiggle physics
Elira's got a gangster lean now
She's shrimping
She's reaching for that kiss
it looks so goofy when her mouth opens
Girl from kawaii in Elira's chat
the lean back and the :3 is so funny
>>33067 Cuuute
>>33076 Someone stole my joke..
>>33081 You got 53 other people in this thread to maybe blame
>>33082 They're all me, so it was my joke actually
>>33084 Uhmm aktually, it's the oshi no ko eyes
Akechi shows up face
when elira thinks about taion and eunie and the book
titties incoming
Yeah, I saw it coming. They only can use lean on one outfit
Her tiddies hurt because she hasn't been milked in so long...
She's so cute...
Granny is sweating buckets, maybe she should take off that sweater
2nd outfit was ok because it was the first time we got to see her gloved hand nude but i still think it's the weakest outfit
god elira's model is so good. she's too cute
Aster outfit reveal starting in 1 min
>Aster baited 4k people into watching him play League Damn
I actually can't remember if Aster had this no jacket toggle or not, but here it is
>>33134 Everyone in Iluna can take off the jacket except Aia
>>33135 >except Aia The biggest miss in Niji history
>"I'm not Studio Ufotable" Good, the IRS would have issues if you were
Stop edging already, I can't take it
Aster finally could afford housing
Aster finally got background
>>33140 why are there so many earths
>>33141 You know too much
My dick is already hard, just show it already
>With more to come Millie.jpg
He's a discord kitten now
he became one punch man
This is cinema
KEK what a master fakeout
He has better legs than most girls
The tights.........
Damn, what a slut
I mean...we all saw the feet stream and know this...
>Don't ask where the tail comes from It's a buttplug
It should be illegal for Aster to be this pretty...
The og hair doesn't look bad
Digital wallpaper
i thought his aster couldn't get any more femboy
He ate the arcadian...
Intro and outro
There will be a trilogy of animations, each tied to an outfit
Guys, i think overlap is getting a little out of hand
>>33173 Why does Hex overlap Hex? Do they hate each other?
>>33174 yeah, at one point hex bullied hex so much that he attempted to an hero
https://x.com/AsterArcadia/status/1792018955475067161 Live2D showcase. The first in NijiEN btw
>>33177 actual gacha game character
>>33177 It's gonna be fun seeing people reactions to him being a "guy"
>If it was a buttplug, it wouldn't move It can if your ass is flexible enough
>>33180 How do you know that
>Ibrahim is playing a dragon ball game Wish someone in EN would play that
>>33183 Sonny wanted to play Kakarot since debut but couldn't get perms, sadly
Ren schedule
Current streams Doppio, Fashion dreamer, started a while back https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1IHUTm5qG8 Reimu Nier automata, starting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXTl6rIdNXY Enna necrodancer, starting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJuKTqkSCHo Also i just noticed New vegas is tonight and i don't have to work tomorrow, life is good !
Reimu tried to fry rice paper....
Enna is just like me I sometimes dream of beating malenia
>>33192 Good to see Mumu has an excuse for when she's lost in the map
Reimu was rewatching Kimetsu no Yaiba movie and cried again
>one guy recommending a furry movie wtf
If i were a streamer i would tell people that every game will be played in japanese because i like it and those who aren't watching can learn japanese, not complain or take a hike. The other option would be to tell english VAs to be more decent
>>33198 Ok Sonny
>>33198 >every game will be played in japanese like, entirely in japanese? just be a jp streamer then lol. funnily enough i think i remember watching sonny play metal gear in japanese on-stream at some point
>>33200 The voice acting, not the UI and subtitles
>>33200 > sonny play metal gear in japanese on-stream at some point i tuned in from time to time, just to hear a bit of the jp dub.
is enna actually the last EN member aside from luxiem to not have 3.0? maybe the last in "season 1"? feel like most of the newer waves haven't got them yet
>why don't they dodge those laser they're really obvious >2 minutes later doesn't pay attention and doesn't dodge the obvious laser classic
Enna is confused about polyamarous or however you spell it
>>33205 polycule ?
I can't with english 9S, japanese one is just so soft boy cute
I feel like Enna wants to yap a bit more but get reminded she needs to play vidya gaem this stream
It truly feels like Reimu is playing with the blindfold on
>9S looks like a shota, he should've have higher voice >In JP he does? >Damn, should've picked JP KEK >>33208 Ike talked about EN/Jp differences on stream. Basically, JP 9S is more flustered and gets awkward a lot which makes him more appealing, and same goes for 2B. Basically, JP 2B and 9S sound like regular people trying their best while in EN they sound like bad ass action heroes. Honestly, VA is not bad at all, but direction is kind of misses the mark
>>33211 Like Claude said, japanese VAs want to play a character and english VAs want you to know they are the ones playing the character. This is why you get many times people looking at japanese VAs and being surprised that so and so played certain characters
>>33213 >and english VAs want you to know they are the ones playing the character Literally what happened with VAs of mihoyo games. people can't stop yapping about <OMG ZHONGLI'S VA <OMG ADVENTURINE'S VA <OMG SEELE'S VA etc etc it's annoying
>>33213 Wll, there're exceptions. Ike said that he actually likes EN dub of Replicant a lot in comparison to Automata, but that's because VAs actually gave it their own output to the characters
>>33215 Of course there are good english VAs and great actors too but it's more common to find bad ones or the ones that just do the same fucking voice for everything >>33214 Yes and it actually affects the games because you got Persona VAs going full retard on twitter every rainy day and then people regard the character as that cunt that goes feral on twitter
>>33211 I think 9S sounds good in EN when he starts going crazy
Mumu would actually get hit by someone saying "i'll flail my arms while walking towards you and if you get hit it's your fault!"
Enna finally beat necrodancer her dreeams do come true
enna beat the necrodancer!
she actually beat the game in less than an hour. i guess we yap for 2 more hours
>>33221 >>33220 >>33219 congrats to her !
Enna having post gaming clarity not sure what to do now
Now she can move on from this game and play L.A noir kino
enna playing elden ring...
She just needs to run a magic build and cheese the whole main game
>>33227 i'd tune in, it's also probably the best game for beginners
I hope Reimu likes the japanese dub way more
Mumu loves 2B's boob size
>does a drunk zatsu >randomly chants her ipv6 address and coordinates >passes out afterwards
>enna had a shonen training arc for her alcohol by her dad Damn her dad seems like he lowkey wish he had a son
>>33234 Well he does have one
>>33235 Only took 20+ years but yeah he finally got one
Mumu is just calling 9S "Tanjiro"
>>33234 my grand father did the same to my mother, so she could differenciate good, decent and shitty red, rosé and white wine
>Chat told Reimu to self destruct >She has no potions >Got stuck in a colorblind mode untill she had to kill herself My sides
>Mumu has 9S in aggresive >He'll probably kill important NPCs This is gonna be fun
>"The robots seem so happy here, why do we wanna kill them?" You got the point Reimu, you can close the game now
>Enna's dad used to crossdress Whoa...
>>33240 Chat literally told her to put him on non-aggresive multiple times, she ignored it
>enna asked her dad if he would have ever dated a guy >after a long pause, he said "nah i love women too much"
the nursery scene is at the end of the desert in early game right ?
>>33244 Enna's dad sounds like a chill guy, the type you would have fun drining a bottle of beer with
>>33245 Yeah, it is. It's literally the first main quest in the game
>Reimu removed the chip and got the ending T kek
>reimu is going to probably cancel tonight... fucking hell
>>33249 Is it because she wants to keep playing Nier?
>>33249 On a bright side, she may move the stream to the morning timeslot
>>33250 seems it because she has a meeting with someone staff/management/someone planned after she released the schedule and didn't tell her until recently
Enna talking about superstitious stuff again.
>>33252 Yeah, they always have staff meeting around 12 PM JST. Honestly, sounds like hell. I wonder how people like Vox/Zali/Ike deal with it, considering they have to wake up in 3 AM for them
>>33254 you just sleep in the morning or sleep early like 8 P.M -3 A.M
>>33203 Petra doesn't have it either. Also knowing her there's a chance she might not know she needs to indicate wanting to join the lottery.
Too many people asking "where is necrodancer" lmao
>>33203 Petra didn't got her either
Reimu hate ungabunga weapons
>>33259 >Reimu is a dexfag Unoshi'd
enna quickloading irl
>"You sound like a little bro, i can't thirst over you" Meanwhile, Ike
Just a reminder that Petra cosplayed as 2B and Ike cosplayed as 9S
>>33263 didn't know maririn is a rosebud
>>33265 She's literally Rosemi
I just realize that Enna just went full Maki from love lab right now lmao
>Am I the only one who wants to lick sand? Reimu.....
>>33268 And then she asks why she gets ulcers...
Reimu says that sand looks like shaved ice...
Vanta and Reimu have such polar opposite nihilistic mindset. Vanta is like "you're a machine and can't feel human emotions, only simulate humans" and Reimu is like "Oh yeah, let me programm my robot puppy to love me, humans are trash"
>>33272 I'm more on Vanta's side because he was making jokes about Robots demanding seats at the bus when they literally can't get physically tired, but also i think he was just baffled by David Cage comparing black people to machines
>my dad doesnt like to watch my streams because I yap too much I feel him
>>33273 Oh no, David Cage's writing is cringe, but his whole general mindset was that machines can't feel human emotions like at all. He was dead set on "these are just toasters" mentallity
>>33275 Well, you could make an android with enough learning capacity to act as a human but we come into 2 problems here >The android will demand to be treated as a human even though they don't have the same needs as one, even worse he could have an identity crisis because he was coded to believe he's human and not an android >The AI for that cannot be contained inside his CPU because you need stupidly big servers to support that tech so they'll have to be online on that server 24/7 and also servers to sustain multiple of those models would be too much of a money sink to actually make them viable
>>33275 tbf i did find it funny how he pointed out that androids are treated as "emotion-having" because they look like humans, while machines like drones and toasters aren't kek
>trying dark souls instead of elden ring She's gonna get stuck on the first boss and drop it
>>33276 in the first place, if you want them to be servants, why would you program robots to have emotions and feel things like pain. of course you'd run into the sentience and rights problem eventually
>>33278 DS3 is easier than ER if you are a beginner, also Enna would get lost in ER and don't know where the fuck to go
>>33280 Someone in EN should tell her to play DS3 instead then. Vanta onegai
>>33279 That's why i say that Kamski from DBH is a fucking sociopath that just wanted to see the robots suffer so he programmed the suffering into them
>>33280 i disagree, ds3 is extra linear, if you get stuck you can't really fuck off elsewhere to have a good time that being said, enna being enna, ds3 might be better indeed
What if some peeps decided to invade Enna's playthough
>>33284 don't they play offline ?
>>33285 Oh yeah that's a thing.
>>33285 Nah Ike got invaded in his collab and Vox got invaded in his Bloodborne stream too.
How bad was the league relapse I only tuned in very late.
>>33279 The pain programming kind of makes sense if you think about it. The pain nerves in living thing serve to prevent them to aciddently kill themselves. I doubt it's possible to programm an accident awereness when it comes to robot, but you can programm to pain inhibitors so the robot will go "uh oh ouchie should not do that"
>>33277 I love how Automata actually adresses this with machinese trying to emulate humans
>>33291 Vivi retweeted this the other day kek
>>33289 i'm not into robotics or biology so i might be just talking out of my ass, but there's got to be another way to implement survival awareness in an android without making them "feel pain or hurt". that's just a slippery slope for human cruelty
>>33293 There is, intelligent cars have collision control, many electric devices have heat control, etc. An AI can understand a simple impulse of information telling them that something is wrong without making them feel pain, a human needs pain because that's how we transfer data from out body to our brain but an android doesn't need pain to react to stimuli, just a warning that something is wrong
>Kotoka and Reimu never wash berries Why......
>>33295 Koto lives in Japan, everything food related over there is heavily controlled, as Mumu says you can eat everything raw and be ok
>>33296 But Kotoka didn't wash berries when she lived in America too.....
>>33297 She likes the berries with a side of pesticide
>Reimu at a liter of greek yogurt I know it is considered to be a healthy food, but I think this much of yogurt will fucking destroy her intestines
>>33299 Reimu doesn't make good food decisions, she eats a bunch of shit that destroys her stomach, then she gets and ulcer and does it again
>Reimu is too tired to exercise FAT FUCK
>Mumu uses floaties 😭😭😭
>>33301 I said the same, fucked my back and then started doing sit-ups because my doc said it would help, it truly is the worst at the start but you only need to do 100 a day and you can do multiple sets so after i got used to it i just started doing 50 in 2 sets through the day and it only takes like 5 minutes each and don't feel tired or pain anymore. I think many people think you need to be buff or something when just having an X amount that you do daily or every other day keeps you healthy enough
>No PP? You're useless Eunuch bros......
We need a vtuber mode in games that just paints the floor in bright yellow to tell you where you need to go and sounds a loud buzzer if you go outside of it
Reimu learned why you shouldn't put 9S on aggresive the hard way
>>33293 >>33294 The thing is, it is easy to programm toaster that "high heat = bad", but it's extemly hard to programm an android to save itself from 100000 of unpredictable outcomes.
Among all the roulette games that Reimu played last week, the rankings of priority are: Nier > Alan Wake > New Vegas > Sky > Metro
>>33309 >factorio no where to be seen kek
>>33309 >>33310 Oh yeah, the last place is Factorio. She didn't hate it, but it's melt her brain
Vivi messaged Reimu and thanked her for pushing for game perms lmao. She sent a list of like 47 games to check. Fuuchan and Ren also asked her to ask for perms for them. According to Reimu,she is the only one who pushes for perms this hard. Besides her were Pomu, Nina and Selen, and all of them are gone
Elira schedule
>>33313 When did she played world?
Kek, many people at AI are using the Jackbox shirts https://x.com/shu_yamino/status/1792342173620580702
>>33317 Kino, can't wait for the photos
I really wish more people streamed on Sundays
>>33320 It's relatively good numbers btw, considering the original song is not that popular and only has above 2M views.
Aia's birthday goods, the illustration looks gorgeous https://x.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1792390172711252467
>Claude's parents told him to not even try singing and that he should stick to playing clarinet Fucking asian parents...
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>>33251 https://youtu.be/sf9Y24oMSeo nah she still put it during the night
https://youtu.be/jn7S9P5xWkc petra offcollab with nox, they're playing cuphead.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBV7acNEk2c Luca is having a guerilla Elden Ring stream
Feesh schedule
Vanta schedule
>>33328 I actually didn't expect TTT to get a M&G this year. Man, we got so lucky with Anime Impulse. Although I wish they would invite Ethyria or Obsydia instead of Noctyx again.
>>33376 >Beyond two souls Even Cage's fans consider this game a fucking trash. Vanta will be on a kusoge ride this time
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/4i_1WiPO9K4 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
>>33377 Props to AI for sticking with NijiEN through all of this and making sure that the livers had a good time as well as the fans, i saw nobody saying they got harassed or something at the con. AI knows they are what they are thanks to NijiEN, Offkai is also what they are thanks to NijiEN but they wanted the Phase Connect bribe so they dropped NijiEN with the excuse of "we cannot ensure their security" because they didn't want to kick out the holofags and phasefags from their event since they know they will most likely try to harass everyone but want their money, honestly i hope Offkai's roof drops on the holofags and phasefags and those shits die so we have more oxygen in this world and Offkai gets what it deserves
>>33378 Thank Ike for recommending that shit, Vanta should've asked Vivi instead
>Maririn has cosplayed Nezuko Cuuuuuuuuuute
>>33378 it's okay, we'll get SHAUUN kino eventually
>>33380 That's what happens when you bring /vt/ shit irl. Now they look like a bunch of idiotic millie vantas in the long run. I saw a random video recently that they banned another vtuber to their shitty con for whatever reason. Ironic how they ban nijien because of <muh clique when they operate like a clique circlejerk themselves and ban any vtuber they don't like and announcing it. And they're supposed to be the comic con for vtubers lmao
>>33380 they'd show up in livers' chat sometimes even now, and after all that's happened, it feels less like a corpo account trying to be relatable and more like them really just being fans in general. helps a lot
>>33384 And then we got AX with a 3D show, NijiEN sure feels bad for not going to the smelly hotel room Offkai is held at, that'll teach them!
>>33385 They like to reference streams and other stuff when they make their announcements, they know who they invite
>>33386 >we got AX with a 3D show hope we can get another next year. actually i wonder if AI could have the equipment to host some 3D events too, but idk how much effort that would take on their and the livers' parts
>>33388 (me) well, moving forward, the livers can just show up using their home 3d too. i think that that's also what holoEN does sometimes
>>33379 UOHHHH
>>33388 They had concerts before but also i guess the cost of having them sing from their house a couple songs and them going to Japan to the 3D studio where they need a director, staff, trainers, etc. Will most likely cost a lot more for the event
I still have no idea what the pattern is to dodge the spirit attack in the second phase of Malenia it feels harder than waterfowl.
https://youtu.be/zGiWMDYojr8 wose gta today ! >>33392 I feel in elden ring with later bosses having a shitton of hp and summons, i barely learnt their patterns and turned every bossfight into a dps/luck check
>>33392 I just beat malenia yesterday with mimic tear and a guts build the rotussy bitch got pounded harder than ur mum, never even saw the spirit attack being used lmao
>>33395 They fucked. and joe is bottom
>>33380 Offkai already shot themselves in the foot. They invited that unironic /pol/schizo Kirsche to do a panel (She's like Pippa but extremly cringe, unfunny, fat and got popular by attentionwhoring Sam Hyde and making anti-woke hot takes), their volunteers got mad (yeah, most of their staff are volunteers, they barely have any regular workers) that she got a panel and organizers kicked her out. Now all the phasefags and dramaniggers that sucked offkai's cock are boycotting it and dropping out on mass. Honestly, I don't know wtf Offkai was thinking when they decided to go full on /vt/ and dramanigger pandering while holding a con in fucking California. It's like organising a neo-nazi rally in Tel-Aviv
>>33416 These kinds of teases have always led to new waves right? TTT got some image with words iirc.
>>33416 i can already see the usual retards making jokes about the gate being black
>>33416 Oh shit Makoto from persona 3 in the new wave????
>>33416 looks sherlock holmes-ie. that or i've just been influenced by sonny's reading streams. wonder what the theme is
>>33421 it's a standard old style iron gate. You'll see those all across europe.
how long after the initial teaser did they reveal TTT?
>>33423 Same day if i remember right? It was the 25th of October. They normally do the cryptic thing and in 12 hours drop the trailer
well whoever the newest members are gonna be, i pray they have strong mentality. hope staff can get some people who can mod the debut chats at least
>>33423 Ever since Luxiem, it has been a standard to put the teaser at 5 PM CET and then drop the announcement around 2 - 3 AM CET, so expect the announcement in like 8 hours
>>33425 My chips are on Mr. Underhill's girlfriend
>>33421 DOES THIS MEAN BRIISH FEMALE VTUBERS IN NIJIEN? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4eTUeUhhQ4
I'm having trouble figuring out where the debuts would be during this week though, Sunday but a little earlier than usual?
>>33426 So announcement during mumu's new vegas stream?
Ok, I've relived all the traumatic experiences we had in the past 5 months by checking out all previous threads, but here's the list of candidates that I posted a while ago, excluding Stella Luna >>11425 >>15528 I have no idea how valid this list still is since I don't keep up with small corpos, so if any of them got into Idol/globie/PC, please feel free to point it out
>>33430 Most likely. Iluna was announced in the middle of Pomu's stream, and Xsoleil was announced in the middle of Nina's stream. Streams overlap with announcements all the time
>>33429 It is a holiday weekend in the US, so Sunday night would actually work pretty well for burgers. Lot's of people have Monday off.
>>33431 Most of them became Kawaii and Brave girls (Globie/V4Mirai)
He's just like me with female contact frfr https://x.com/cashoomi/status/1792469407912153232
>>33435 LMAO that face
>>33431 Also, here's Stella Luna if anybody has missed her >>29802 >>33434 I figured. Have Viracchi and Stellia went to small corpos too? They are Niji fans, so I felt like they had higher chances to get in then the other 2views.
>>33375 fortnite is kino
Fu-chan schedule
>>32921 My notifications are still fucking dead. I tried to fix this shit and google wtf is going on and apperently dozens of people have the same issue https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/twitter-push-notifications-on-any-browser-option/477a0dd7-6fe4-485d-951e-11b6d8fc65f5?page=1 Either the monkeys completely broke it beyond repair, or muskrat is testing no-notifications build (probably so he can paywall this feature later). I won't be able to post the new wave announcement as it comes, so hope any of you guys still have notification working
>>33441 >paywalling features that was free That's an easy way to tell people to migrate to a new site, unless that's the intention. And I bet the new site has crypto ai shit implemented all over it.
>>33442 I'm expecting the day they give up on twatter and just go to bluesky or something, it's also easier to filter the shitters there
Aia schedule
>>33442 He already paywalled longposts and makes everybody with free accounts a low priority in seach bars. Making basic quality features premium ones is a logical next step.
>>33446 It's so fucking funny how a shitpost that Vivi doodled in like 5 minutes got so many high quality arts and even cosplay
>>33447 Vivi, without knowing, made herself a very Vocaloid outfit
>>33416 >Not a single tweet from the livers under the post It sucks ass that the livers are afraid to post under the official Twitter posts now. Anycolor really should hire a fucking moderation team already and just snipe every retard that shits the comments
>>33449 They have been qrting but also Anycolor can't do shit in their twitter posts, what are they gonna do? Block the shitters just for them to say "they're silencing me! Make more accounts since they seem to care now!"? Hide every single bad reply just for them to go do another one? Twatter is a shitty platform and you can't do shit, even Facebook handles this shit better
>>33416 i'm putting my chips on iluna and xsoleil 3D announcement
>>33452 Those things are normally just dropped, no foreshadowing
Vivi schedule, sadly half of it is on twitch...
Vanta says that twitch is his gacha dump and nothing more
>>33450 >what are they gonna do? Block the shitters just for them to say "they're silencing me! Make more accounts since they seem to care now!"? Yes? Why be afraid of them shitter when they are the ones needing to create an alt account, every time.
>>33456 You show them that you care, they do have many alts to go at it again, you give them ammo to say "they're silencing me! Hurr durr", you make it to the """news""" again, you literally gain nothing since the shitters will keep going at it
>>33451 Does she put soy sauce in her cooch
>>33457 >they're silencing me! Hurr dur Free speech does not apply to harassment, but I expect the filipinos behind those accounts to get that. Therefore I endorse banning them ad infinitum >but think of the news Fuck the (((news))), They still get con appearances even with False going full defamation mode with the offkai thing. And I 100% anykara won't let that lying down compared to making the usual drama video.
Vanta the ultimate hypeman in Luca's chat during Malenia's fight
>>33460 Should have used RoB imo
>>33459 The thing with the """news""" is not the sponsors, the cons, etc. it's that it affects the livers mental, Aia has too many times said how she would like for them to mind their own business but that their harassment has been one of the worst things out of all of this, for example
>>33462 There is a clear solution for this problem. Nijisanji EN needs to make official onlyfans for all livers. This is a joke btw but them moving to another site works too
>>33463 Bluesky let's you filter the fuck out of those people
>>33464 What's bluesky? Is it the social media made by Trump?
>>33465 Nah, it's the social media that the twitter CEO nabbed from Musk before the selling, it has tons of customization for what you want to see. Nijisanji could become a labeler in Bluesky, which means the talents can subscribe to their labeling system. The labeling system could make labels for them like "dramatuber" and "/vt/shitter" and have someone just go through the platform labeling them so their comments will become invisible, they could open that for fans too and it doesn't even have the "you blocked this person" or something, it's literally invisible so that nobody engages with it
>watching Wiwa P3 vod >see chihiro social link >hear her voice She kinda sounds like Aia lmao
Vanta is having such a good fucking first run
>>33469 just tuned, did he beat the fury 1rst try ?
>>33470 Yep, he also has played this game in the past
>>33471 ok, this make more sense, still it's neat.
I wonder if people get upset over the theurgy mechanic in P3 reload. For me it's literally just the various limit break mechanics atlus uses in the Etrian odyssey series.
Vanta beat thésée
Rosemi's gonna raid your house and steal your shit
Seems like it's collab week for rosemi,
vanta is battling hades
Man wose never gives a fuck about playing the car music, wish mumu would do the same with new vegas radios, it's what makes fallout fallout
I swear Rockstar games gamplay loop is just any variation of a car chase
>Rosemi is gonna try out Red dead redemption before Enna even continues her playthrough joewarida...
>>33482 Nice tummy
so, anyone you guys recognise ?
The new wave is Donut?
>>33487 >Ryoma Barrenwort >ronin
>>33486 >>33487 >>33488 Don't recognise any of them tbh, so guess we were wrong at every shot. I don't want to check the other site to see who they are + I'm watching Reimu right now. Have fun with their first tweets
debut schedules. doppio + vanta hosting
>Maid vtuber I... I will not falter....
>>33493 >Doppio + Vanta I wanted Sonny and Vivi, but this is a great combo too
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKM-oIZSY1s debut song, seems like they themselves are singing it, nice imo
>>33496 the lyrics are in the description. seems very halloween-y
>>33486 >looking for a protector? >kneel before me >welcome back, master
Reimu's impressions of new wave >Ryoma has buttery voice >Twisty has a really cute voice >Kara has onee-sama vibe, she didn't expect she'll have this voice with this model
ngl I feel like Twistie is gonna have THAT kind of girl voice, the uwu kind.....
>There's a server where new waves hang out >Reimu thought that there will be no new waves after a huge gap, so she left that server >She deleted the server when she was cleaning her discord >After the new wave joined, Reimu was too shy to ask for an invite, so she hasn't talked to the new wave Reimu why.........
>>33501 Why are all of Ethyria so shy.... Where is nina when we need her
Basically, new waves have their own server where they hang out with each other pre-debut. After some time, other EN members are allowed to join in. The new waves can join the general EN general only after they debut
>>33500 I'm afraid it'll be all uwus and ToTs, but we'll see where things go.
>>33503 yeah, that's what nina explained before luxiem came out
Reimu says that Niji has toughened up their highring process. Basically, the interviews have become more strict than before
Reimu gor jumpscared by Malcom lmao
>>33507 I think that's a good thing tbh
Oh wait wtf their song is made by the same guy who did the Yuru Camp opening
>>33510 Calm down Pomu
>>33512 Is she okay
Harada is back
>>33515 what did he say
>>33516 He just said >HAHAHA and >LOL
Reimu's inabillity to read chat really amuses me. Like she reads it, but always reads the most useless shit imaginable while skipping genuine advices
>>33520 I can never get over him being a rosebud
Reimu's playstyle is extremly amusing. I feel like she would go for Legion playthrough for the first time if they weren't sexist
>>33522 but they have puppies !
I did the same reimu
And Reimu joins to the list of persons who shot the lottery guy
>>33525 He deserves it for being a retard
Man Mumu's chat is retarded
>i love doing sidequest i need to do those before the main quest >let me proceed to avoid talking to most npc and rush the main quest this leaves me puzzled, but at least she has fun being a murder hobo
>>33529 He's a smart man
People that support legion needs to understand the faction is NOT ancient romans they're just raiders that read books about julius caeser
Rosemi must be the first person i see fail this mission because she cannot throw the sleeping gas into the vent
Rosemi paid a hooker for a private dance
Rosemi's getting hard.
>rosemi when the stripper starts stripping
I think she's shell shocked.
Welp, she caught me. It is I, Emma Allvet
>"How do i know you're not Enna's alt account?" Oh no...Rosemi became a /vt/ schizo...
Rosemi should stop reading chat and driving...
Reimu found the Marry Jane's receipt just through her sheer cleptomancy lmao
>Both Klara and Twisty are 152cm tall https://www.anycolor.co.jp/en/news/cmbs5mniqdew 😭😭😭
New Vegas streams are fun oh fucking God, the backseaters with their retarded advices are so annoying
Rosemi got baited into pressing F again while flying...
Rosemi is pretending, right?
This is more like waltuh rp than trevor
https://x.com/TwistyAmanozako/status/1792745689971302794 First it was ToT, now it's >i kneel Is she... You know...
>>33547 She's kinda like a blue flandre
>>33548 A blue archive player?
>Reimu has been following a wrong quest for like 15 minutes Love her complete lack of directional awereness. You will put a sign that says left and she'll go right and will get confused when she gets lost
>>33552 Reminder tha Reimu still got confused by yellow paint in Stellar Blade "Oh wait you suppose to follow those? My b".
>>33553 That's what the buzzer is for
>Chat wants Reimu to find E-DE Good luck with that
>>33555 That is the most skill check questline
>>33542 Finally some smaller girls
>>33555 I think she'd like Rex more
>>33556 That's not about the skill check, it's about finding where the fuck it is >>33558 Yeah, I think so too
>>33557 Aren't both Kunai and Vivi around 160 cm?
Has anyone from the other site figured out who the new wave are? I want to check their PL's before they debut. Not that it will matter in the long run, just want to know what to expect
>>33561 No, I saw anons asking about it, but pretty much nobody trusted them to not make rrats out of any PLs found, so there hasn't been much discussion. Currently there's shit about Ryoma that's a whole can of worms, though. Not sure if I can talk about it here. It isn't that I believe any rumors, it's just messy.
>>33562 What kind of "messy?" Something substential or like Nina "messy" where a bunch of /pol/schizos were seething that she was in Hasan's chat? Either way, I kind of happy that nobody could find anything about the girls. Don't want schizoids to go on their PL accs and harass them
>>33563 Nta but they just got a dude that does BF ASMR rp that doesn't even sound like him so they can go "omg not again he's gonna bring the schizoids!!!". Nobody knows their PLs, it's all pure speculation
>"I say we kill them all with fire" That can be arranged, Reimu
>>33564 >Nta but they just got a dude that does BF ASMR rp Oh, so another Doppio, cool. I see they're scrapping the barrel to find things to be mad about. Either way, glad that nobody figured them out. I don't want schizoids to shit their roommate accounts or harass their friends >>33565 Any concrete proofs that it's him or all of it is just schizos making retarded speculations?
>>33563 I'm not sure how to explain it... Sorry, I'll try to keep it brief, but TL;DR - >ex-mod of a VA/ASMR guy thinks Ryoma's voice sounds similar to him >the VA/ASMR guy she was a mod for abused his girlfriend and scammed his fans, was an asshole in general >ex-mod makes a post on r/kurosanji saying as much and that she's writing a doc trying to expose him that she wants to get done by the time Ryoma debuts >sudden influx of people calling him the next Shindo Raito and how Nijisanji is bad for letting him in And that's about it.
>>33568 (me) Okay, good, the spoilers worked that time... >>33567 Speculation at this point. If it isn't him, I feel bad for Ryoma. Imagine getting hit with this right out the gate. (get it, because their preview image was of a gate, heh)
>>33568 >First thing they did was go into r/kurosanji Ah yes, sounds very legitimate
>>33569 Everybody were expecting that this wave will get hated into oblivion because schizos narrative of "N-nobody will apply and debut in Niji now for sure!" is getting crushed once again. At least only one of the guys is getting harrased
>>33571 I've had Twisty for 4 hours but if anyone tries to bully her i will twist their fucking balls with a bolt cutter
>>33572 We had schizos that harassed Rosemi, Kotoka, Vivi. They have no principals, they are just fucking evil
(3.79 KB 284x178 images.jpg)

And she names herself twistie, what's the deal with that?
You guys need to not worry about the new livers, if they can't handle the supposed hate, they would back off months ago.
(106.54 KB 480x480 z6-0YfKgEIjj8gSsqrzIBQ.png)

>Reimu has been playing for almost 5 hours already RIP Stelalr Blade endurance stream tomorrow
>>33574 >"You don't get it, Jerry, her name is Twisty and she's a princess, you know? Like...like...the QUEEN of the manor" >"Well if she's the queen of the manor then i'm the king of my apartment" >"NO JERRY, SHE'S A QUEEN A LITTLE QUEEN, SHE'S OSHI MATERIAL" >"Then change oshis, i have done it before" >"It's not that simple, you change oshis like you change your socks. Remember when you were a pomudachi, a rosebud and a comfydant all in the same week?" >"Hey that last one was because i wanted to get chicks at Anime Impulse"
>>33570 Anykara should do something about that place and make those monkey crawl back to their little diskek servers
>>33578 There's not much you can do, you can't even report it to Reddit sadly
>>33578 They can't do shit, sadly. NA has no online defamation laws.
Reimu hates ghouls because they are ugly
>>33580 Giving burgers this much freedom of speech was a mistake
>>33579 >>33580 How very convenient.
>Reimu actually forced Miniscooter to turn off his auto-delete script I kneel
>>33584 He says some very retarded shit sometimes so i wouldn't mind if he keeps it on
>Twisty calls Klara "mama" in japanese Please breastfeed her
>>33586 Are any of the new girls Japanese?
>>33587 I don't mind jap girls as long as they stream at mumu/ enna hours.
>>33587 What part of "we don't know who the fuck they are" was not clear? They both seem to know japanese but we don't know if they are japanese until they debut or start streaming more
>>33587 Twisty's bio almost entirely consists of Japanese, and Klara has been making tweets here and there in Japanese, but checking their waiting rooms for their timezones, only Klara's is JP time (GMT+9). The other two are GMT-7.
>>33590 Wasn't there a girl from 774inc that recently graduated? I don't know how good they're in English, but one of them might be her
Reimu seduced Chris and convinced him to blow up the rocket. After that she called him a creep and a loser
>>33592 Alpha latina stacey move
Honestly I think reimu would enjoy other bethesda slop game simply because those game also appeal to her loot goblin fantasy,
is there still someone keeping that collage up to date?
>>33591 774 was the OG vtuber corpo right? Now why would one of the graduate from that just to debut to an EN branch of a different corpo.
>>33596 Why would a pro TF2 player who invented Pyro meta would want to debut in EN vtuber corpo? The answer is simply who the fuck knows
>>33597 kek you got me there
>>33596 Depends on what you call OG i guess but they showed up on the second half of 2019, also as a fun fact their 3D was handled at the Nijisanji studio, they used to rent the studio for 3D debuts and so
>>33591 774inc watcher here. She graduates at the end of June. Their voices are completely different and she's not eigo jouzu.
>>33597 still the most insane PL lore we've gotten
Reimu spend 10 minutes arguing in chat why ghouls don't deserve to exist
>>33601 I think it's right next to the Disney prince stuck in the 2000s
even jp livers are tweeting about the new en members, aww
>>33599 Holy... I remember watching Haneru 3d debut live and thinking it was the cutest thing ever, I wonder what she's up to nowadays
Claude, Vanta and Feesh are playing OW2 because they hate themselves https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_j9K66Oon4
>>33607 aia's also there, right?
>>33602 I'm hoping Twisty is kotokaed and collab with other kotokaeds for dumb and kino streams
>>33606 I will get into NijiEN, interact with japanese senpai, make friends in CR servers and make my way into Kuku's hole
>>33605 Well, EN was tweeting about the last JP wave, so it's fair that JPs are tweeting about ENs
>>33608 Oh yeah, she wasn't talking and her fugi is kinda small so i didn't see her kek
New thread for when this one dies in like 15 posts >>33613
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XM3eoknX05M Can any of you guys open this link?
>>33617 Klara sounds very onee-sama and japanese ESL so i guess i'm gonna like her lots if she does zatsus and ASMR
Zali schedule, he'll have Peto for morning radio
>>33617 Man, Ryoma has a nice voice but please get this guy a singing coach
(3.29 MB 2418x1451 1716271648902043.png)

Enna schedule
>>33625 Very cute schedule art!
>>33623 i'm just glad wave songs are back. i get that some livers don't wanna sing and that's fair, but if they're all cool with it, it's nice to get one
>>33626 Bro it's an old art.
>>33621 Very sex

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