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/NijiEN/ Nijisanji EN General Anonymous 05/21/2024 (Tue) 05:25:36 No. 33613
Nijisanji EN YouTube channels: https://www.youtube.com/@nijisanji_en/channels https://www.youtube.com/@petragurin/channels Twitter: https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World https://twitter.com/i/lists/1415262975435231235 LazuLight: https://twitter.com/EliraPendora https://twitter.com/FinanaRyugu OBSYDIA: https://twitter.com/Rosemi_Lovelock https://twitter.com/Petra_Gurin Ethyria: https://twitter.com/MillieParfait https://twitter.com/EnnaAlouette https://twitter.com/ReimuEndou Luxiem: https://twitter.com/Luca_Kaneshiro https://twitter.com/Shu_Yamino https://twitter.com/Ike_Eveland https://twitter.com/Vox_Akuma Noctyx: https://twitter.com/sonny_brisko https://twitter.com/uki_violeta https://twitter.com/alban_knox https://twitter.com/Fulgur_Ovid ILUNA: https://twitter.com/MariaMari0nette https://twitter.com/AiaAmare https://twitter.com/AsterArcadia https://twitter.com/ScarleYonaguni https://twitter.com/RenZott0 XSOLEIL: https://twitter.com/D_Dropscythe https://twitter.com/MelocoKyoran https://twitter.com/HexHaywire https://twitter.com/KotokaTorahime https://twitter.com/Ver_Vermillion Krisis:
[Expand Post]https://twitter.com/VezaliusBandage https://twitter.com/Tyrant_Vanta https://twitter.com/YuQWilson TTT: https://twitter.com/KunaiNakasato https://twitter.com/VBrightshield https://twitter.com/ClaudeClawmark Denauth: https://twitter.com/RyomaBarrenwort https://twitter.com/KlaraCharmwood https://twitter.com/TwistyAmanozako Teamup schedule for Nijisanji EN: https://teamup.com/kstk7egnopr3xiqj4h To watch streams at the same time: https://niji-mado.web.app/home Graduated Livers and Miscellaneous: https://rentry.org/odmo2psr Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags, and falseflaggers. Remember to spoiler any NSFW image you post. Last thread >>31508
Edited last time by Koikoi on 05/27/2024 (Mon) 14:21:41.
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I love my bird wife Enna!
>>33625 Collab with diego? Can he speek on stream now? Also yay handcam stream
>"I think you shouldn't be on the internet if you're not expecting a fight" True that Sani
>>33628 Oh, I didn't realize it was. orz But still, it's pretty cute art.
nice that he has mods
>>33568 they got all that from one voiced line? idk, no offense to the guy, but his voice isn't really all that distinctive to identify him that fast
Nice, just in time to put denauth in the OP
>Age-restricted video (requested by uploader) Seems like all bunny garden streams is like this, what happened.
>>33635 Wanna hear something more ballsy? now some anons think it’s actually lando aka: magni
>>33639 Kek wtf, everyone is just grasping at whatever the fuck they can
>>33639 I'll one up those guys with my own theory I think he's joe mama
>>33641 Good point. But hear me out, maybe he's John Nijisanji
>>33625 How would a cooking ASMR even work it's probably going to be kinda shit but yay another handcam. Also please just have a normal conversation with Diego instead of it just being about getting cancelled and how life is miserable. >>33631 Technically he's already spoken on stream before in her Higurashi concert.
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>>33643 >Also please just have a normal conversation with Diego instead of it just being about getting cancelled and how life is miserable. She already has her therapist for that
>>33644 He's just like me..
>>33639 It would be several layers of extremely funny
>>33647 Honestly at least this gave me a laugh because now a certain schizo doubles up his “ryoma is a sexpest” pl rrat because the thought of him being lando made him scared
Twisty saw my messages with another lolicon about her
How widespread is this layout this is the first time I'm seeing it.
>>33651 I have yet to see it
>>33641 >>33642 I read both of these in Rosemi's voice
Zali playing with lag sounds like he's going schizo
Poll to decide Twisty's art tag, i personally voted for Artwistic because it sounds like autistic https://x.com/TwistyAmanozako/status/1792907622242451851
Mana logged in! Now there's 2 translators
>>33651 Is this without the theater mode extension? I use it to make it look like that but without the other vids at the bottom >>33658 Kek, same also holy crap this girl slept like only 5 hours
>>33651 >>33660 Youtube looked like this to me a couple months ago, it stuck around for a week or two before reverting back to normal. It's most likely them testing out a new layout, rolling it out to random people and seeing if they like it.
>>33660 >this girl slept like only 5 hours She's just like me frfr
>>33662 Cuteee 🥺🥺🥺, there's so much art of her already https://x.com/berugarden/status/1792842145931636990/photo/1
>>33665 She's perfect....
>>33639 If it's really him, it doubles up the chances that Randon will finally come home
>>33651 All vidoes have become like thsi for around 8 hours ago, not just streams. Honestly, I don't know how to feel about it, it just looks weird
Wilson's first impressions of the new wave >Ryoma is very nice and attentive, he likes to ask a lot of questions. He's very chill >If you like maids you're gonna get served because Klara is very good at being a maid, she has a lot of surprises >Twisty is a kusogaki and a brat, Zali agreed on this
>"Kunai is a kunoichi" But she isn't, Wilson, she has more levels into white woman and lesbian than kunoichi
>>33672 Cuuuuuute. Good thing she has an art tag already, also the japanese seems to have a fondness for her
>>33674 well, she's a MAAIIIDDDOOO that knows japanese. someone mentioned her waiting room was at jp timezone too so she'll probably stream at jp friendly hours
>>33670 Zaion kind of ruined kusogakis for me, hope Twisty is better
is it just me or enna has been replying so much to many people lately. good for her >>33676 well we have other kusogakis in the branch that she could be similar too. personally i was hoping for a cute nari-type loli, but this is fine too
i was checking the mado site and uh ??
>>33680 NOT AGAIN
YT what the fuck is this horroble white UI?
>>33680 She's probably just live checking the stream, but it suppose to be private...
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>>33685 Apperently, push notifications didn't work, because they were implementing a big "turn on notifications" button.... God, monkeys that programm this shithole are complete retards
>>33670 >kusogaki It's over...
>>33680 Who's jimmy
>Cinema mode doesn't work properly again after the UI change Love how YouTube keeps reinventing the wheel and breaking what was already fixed
>>33689 Neil managed to be worse than Susan in every way
>>33670 >Kusogaki >Has literally "zako" in her last name Now we just need for her to bait people into doing NSFW of her
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>>33685 >>33686 Update: the notifications actually work now, I finally started to recieve them
>Reimu trashes all the outfits and only likes the magician and chinese dress outfits Love how she has zero fashion sense and has tastes of middle aged man
>>33693 Finana has a better fashion sense if you check her streams
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I love this Rose like you wouldn't believe! So many awesome and exciting things ahead!
oh yu had lunch with ike and rosemi (then he passed out)
>Reimu can't game with one hand on a controller She wouldn't make a good lewdtuber
Reimu says Millie is one the fastest eaters that she ever met
>>33699 If you eat your lunch in 15 minutes then you can use the rest of your break to take a nap!
>Having connection in the millitary is not that bad, even though I hate the millitary You are not beating the cartel princess allegations, Reimu
>>33701 My uncle had a friend like that, he sold stolen goods from cargo containers and his dad who was a high ranking military officer always bailed him out, he also had a big gun collection and even got a Barret M95 SOMEHOW and tried to get it delivered to his house but customs confiscated it
Reimu's uncle was some high ranking officer in the army and got some privates to do a bllod transfer for Reimu's grandpa. He also saved her brother from getting drafted once
I will always be happy that my country doesn't have mandatory military service
>Some gringos looked down upon Reimu and then changed their atittude when they realised her dad is white oof
>>33705 Or when they realized her dad is a cartel warlord
I'm pretty sure these guys had a problem with you being a latina, not with your English
>>33707 Burgers being the ones most offended about racism and the most racist out there like every other day...
>Reimu has never changed a lightbulb BRUH
>>33709 These days most lights are LED panels bro
>>33710 Doesn't matter, that's like the bare minimum for "house repair" also depends where you live because many old houses are still full of lightbulbs
The more I learn about Reimu's accidents, the more I get surprised how the fuck she even survived till today. From getting hit by glass closet and getting her appendix exploded to interacting with creepy old men, she fellon so many bullets and each time it didn't hit her somehow
>Reimu's skin stopped breaking up after she stopped eating gummies Gee Reimu, I wonder why
Enjoy your diabetes, Reimu...
>>33709 Me neither. When the lights go out in my house, I'm just too lazy to change it so my dad eventually cahnges them themselves
>"Uhhhh it's pretty wiiiiide" She's talking about my dick btw
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>>33712 Latinas, man.. t. latino
Reimu is telling the dead people that they should've taken their chances jumping the wall
>>33715 Sonny is such a creep
Millie's breaking bad watchalong for S4 starting! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yr93uhgVv4g
>>33725 My gifted expired yesterday...
I like this trio of Finana Wilson and Claude
Is mumu fighting Malenia at home
>>33727 I saw someone saying the dynamic is like a single father with 2 kids doing his best to keep his shit together while driving to the Grand Canyon and it stuck with me kek
>>33728 That's tachy, the yuribait at the start of the game
>>33729 That's a good description kek.
>tfw I will miss the debuts because I'm going out of town Fuck... I want to watch Klara... I feel bad
>>33732 Just better watch any of ther regular streams throughout the week. I can't remember debut streams of any of my oshis and I've straight up skipped their 2.0
wtf is enna doing
enter mr fnaf akuma
Reimu basically is saying that she craves junk food and wants to do endurance streams when she's on her period
>I adore mint, sometimes Reimu please
>>33737 Well she does follow her...
Enna is going the 3some route at this rate
>>33739 The first girl no one chooses is getting left out as usual
Millie wants to watch all of One Piece with members...i think i'll bail out on that one
Never mind she's gonna go fishing boet like Millie
>>33741 One Piece is too long, she should have done that first week after she debut and today she might reach the arc before the latest one lmao
>>33743 She wants to do 5 hours every monday and after math it'll take her 2 years
>>33744 She changed her mind, she wants to watch Better Call Saul, then Malcolm in the Middle and Brooklyn 99
>>33745 >Better Call Sau She needs to finish breaking bad first.
>Miuka is a fujo
Don't know what triggered this ending
>>33746 That's the plan, finish Breaking Bad and then go to Better Call Saul
At this rate she needs to load for an earlier save
Wow no 2 hour long post game yap today.
>>33752 She's that upset lmao
>>33753 Did she get the boat ending or something?
>Millie is gonna take a 30 minute nap and then do ASMR Say goodbye to that ASMR stream
>>33755 No she got the "time's up and you didn't max affection any girl so the host club is gone"
>>33758 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEK i would make fun of her a lot
Imo I drop star rail because it wanked the (((IPC))) way too much it's much more annoying than the proxy china whankery
Claude and Vox are planning how to gaslight the fuck out of Finana kek
Reimu, just say that your great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather was Andalusian and you'll get the pass on a belly dancer outfit
>Don't censor the ass and sideboobs >Censor cleavage and vagina bones I actually don't get what's the point
>>33765 Sony being retarded most likely
I think the next Stellar Blade stream will be all fishing
Reimu is cutting it pretty close to the VOD being lost in oblivion, hope she ends soon
>>33760 I was called slurs and certain buzzwords when I said I hate topaz and the other 2 guys. I’m glad I’m not the only one who think the story is not as great as it is
Hey i know it's night for some of you so i'll just leave this here https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Q105GTBo9Oo
Twisty tags, she already has a cute and funny reference in her NSFW one btw https://x.com/TwistyAmanozako/status/1793129147075871183
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Ok time to actually go to bed now
Don't know why Klara's prechat has people asking her to have a glasses toggle, it doesnt fit her at all
>>33773 She should have sunglasses and a skateboard
>>33769 ngl i just thought i was getting too old that i couldn't see what the hype towards penancony was all about. oh well
>>33771 really hope i end up liking her personality and game choice and all that. she's too cute
Ohh.. Now I get why I thought Klara looked familiar, there's an asmr maid girl that kinda looks like her https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7cwUuTgAbI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=So_543S4pTQ
https://youtu.be/AGq7yOichD8 Gameru bonus scene premired!
Vox had a heart to heart talk with his chat and he aims to finally get out of his touch and go slump he's been in for a long time once he can finally just focus on streaming after all the work he's doing now.
Alban hiatus announcement https://x.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1793250458414592144 He will comeback in September - October. Can't fucking wait for schizos to push the rrat that this is some ultra-special 5 months long suspension, since they are turbo retarded.
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>>33785 i don't post here often but i'll assure other anons even more and say that alban recently hired a bunch of creatives, he himself said he has a good few more years in niji to do stuff he wants let's all wait for him and give him a warm welcome when he returns !!!
>>33785 I can't believe he hates schedules to much he just went on a hiatus
>>33785 >>33787 God forbid vtubers take a break from their job and """"people'""" wont gossip about it. Also hope when september comes he brings back zomboid.
>>33787 From what i read it seems that he's gonna: >Hire a tutor to have fluent conversation in JP >Learn to sing to do more covers and be better at shows >Rework his channel
>>33790 >He believed the bullshit Alban said FYI he dropped on pre-chat and said the actual reason
>>33785 Kind of wish they made a similar announcement for Kotoka, but I guess she just didn't want Anycolor to make any big announcments out of her break. I'm slowly losing hope that she isn't graduating. If she is, it's probably coming soon after the next wave's debut. If she isn't, I don't really know when she'll comeback. Her Birthday is pretty much the last deadline, but waiting for 3 more months will be torture. Sorry for venting out of nowhere. I feel like her graduation will hurt not only me and other fans, but other EN livers too since it doesn't seem like any of them expect her graduation. Hope she actually doing something like Alban and actually working on stuff behind the scenes. New covers and maybe new outfit would be nice
>>33796 Aia said she's playing Valo for 11 hours a day and she goes out and hangs out with people. Seeing how her condition was before leaving, what the doc probably said and the stuff she talked about, don't expect for a quick recovery, this can really take a long time and by long i mean 6 months minimum
>>33796 i'm h(c)oping that she's part of the nijiencounter duos. it seems like she still hangs around the livers' server too. whatever she decides to do, i hope it's for the better for herself
>"Fuck my throat" Don't mind if i do, Mumu
>>33797 Her playing valo for 11 hours means shit. She was playing league during Kyo's graduation and on her membership told that she barely could hold herself and speak back then. As someone who has menhera problems, playing games doesn't mean shit and what Aia said was incredibly fucking retarded, and I really hope Koto is alright because it will make her look incredibly dense in retrospective. Her hanging out with people is reasurring, but doesn't mean much as a whole. She never told what her diagnoses was specifically, but she didn't expect to be on break for over a month, not to mention she wanted to do covers and sing songs in meantime. Something went really wrong around the beginning of March and her condition clearly worsened. There's no clear healing way for mental health issues, so it can be go in any way. Her talking a little bit during Toru's 3D is a good sign, but still doesn't mean much if she isn't comfortable to stream live.
>>33798 Anon, judging by the site annoucnements, I doubt we're getting any more encounters this year. I want the best for her, of course, but her not streaming and possibly graduating still hurts. Maybe it's selfish from my side, but I just wanted her to achieve much more in Niji. She likes Niji, she liked to stream, had lot of plans for the future and then everything got crushed.
>>33801 It's ok dude, don't blame it on Aia, go beat up your wife or something or get a fucking life for once instead of centering your life around a vtuber
The game that Reimu played had crunch audio bug every 5 minutes. It pissed her so much that she dropped it and is refunding it now
>>33802 >I doubt we're getting any more encounters this year okay, now you're just being dumb lol. sure, they might not feature kotoka at all but we're likely getting at least one more song after play back. i know you're pessimistic but sheesh
Ok so Mumu's phantomo picked game was shit and crashed because the PC port is grabo. She's talking about how she got perms for everything in the new roulette except for Fatal Frame 2, Valkyria Chronicles, SMT and another one
>No Valkyria Chronicles This sucks so much ass
>>33807 I truly don't think Mumu would like it, she might like the incest tho
Oh shit, they actually finally gor Hellblade perms
Phantomo that picked this game hate, we just lost a Mumu stream
>>33810 what happend
Willy guerrilla MC stream in the hero server! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WPEu1vecio >>33811 Game kept crashing, phantomos told her that the PC version is garbage and that the only stable version is the phone one so she just left because she was tired and didn't want to troubleshoot all this shit for who knows how long
>>33803 I don't blame her for anything, I just think "well she plays videogames, she must be allright" mindset is incredibly retarded. Kotoka is a real person and not just a cartoon cahracter, so I'm worried about her. Obviously my life won't end without her, but seeing someone who made me smile a lot in the past in such shape hurts. >>33805 Anon, all encounters so far took an announcement slot on the website. We only have 1 slot left. It's not even doomposting, it's a logical observation. If we'll get more encounters in the future, it's probably not this year.
>>33812 Should have played factorio desu
>>33813 You know that's the 3rd anniversary site, right? You know many others have been teasing being part of ENcounters, right? the 3rd anniversary is not all year, it has to end this month max
>>33813 >We only have 1 slot left you do know we only had 4 slots at the start right? they add "slots" when they want
By the way, Fuuchan is doing zatsu right now. He talked about his condition and basically said that he got a new physical therapy that made his condition better
Damn Wilson was up for like 20 hours yesterday so that's why he drank some alcohol and just dropped dead
>>33802 >>33813 Didn't the announcement of ENcounters explicitly say they would have a new song every month until the end of the year or something like that?
>>33819 It says "each month" but yeah, i'm assuming it's until the end of the year https://www.anycolor.co.jp/en/news/j4qjd8hjmk0
>>33815 Well yeah, but so far all encounter announcements had been tied to the anniversaries, so I assumed all encounters are just anniversary projects >>33816 >>33819 I actually didn't know that. Sorry for being retarded, my bad.
>>33820 ngl saying "each month" and only having 2 to 3 songs would be funny. i'm actually expecting 5 songs max, so this is a little reassuring
Fuuchan ahd been talking with other members how tasty the mascots are. He told Maria that bunnies would be really tasty, but she clarified that they are actually slimes taht taste like strawberry jelly. Fuuchan said that it's even better
>>33822 I think it's gonna be at least an EP so 5 songs minimum but it could go up more, also i think they want NijIEN to have more orisongs for concers and stuff
>Retard tries to stir shit in Wilson's chat >He bans him >"Oh damn, it's been some time, remember to keep being subscribed, like the stream, watch the VODs, please don't chat tho, it's not like you can but you know" KEK
>>33826 Also buy memberships and watch every mengen too lmao
Fuucahn talked about Alban's break a little bit. He said that he initially freaked out when Alban told about it, but then got reassured after Alban clarified everything. He said that Alban will be studying japanese and working on stuff behind the scenes. Also, he still should be appearing in stuff like conventions and collabs.
>>33823 I'd eat a comfydant, also as a fun side note the guy who makes the mascot plushies made the pomudachi and ryuguard ones but said he couldn't do the famelira one because the manufacturer said the material would be extremely flammable and i just found the notion of the famelira catching fire hilarious
>>33829 I like how he can never seem to size his assets quite right kek makes him feel more dadlike in that regard, even though I know he probably wouldn't like that kind of comparison.
He's a ghost now
>>33832 >wealth beyond measure, outlander
Willy said that over the last 3 months his 30% male audience became 10% and is saying he needs to play more bro games for the brosoneers
>>33830 roasted marshmallows mm mm mmm yummy yummy
>>33831 He somewhat fixed it with chromakey
The heroes are very homosexual with each other but they do live in the same place with no girls and doing hero job around the clock so i expect them to become gay
The handler from AI was extremly nice. She initially didn't know shit about vtubers, but eventually became a scarling after hanging out with Scarlet a lot
>>33837 it's prison gay so it's awight
>>33838 Poor thing is gonna lose her neurons with each stream...
>>33830 In every art the famelira mascot always has the same expression so I'm imagining them with the :3 face while on fire.
>>33841 It describes pretty well the feeling of being a famelira in 2024
Fuuchan hopes Noctyx will get new puppets too. If they'll get ones, he hopes he will actually gets an Archivist puppet, and not Legatus second outfti
>>33843 Well Elira and Finana got their 3rd outfit as papes so i guess they can kinda decide
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Sorry for venting too much today. I know I'm annoying as fuck, but I got frustrated a lot recently. Feeling much better after letting all out.
One of the comfydants came to M&G cosplaying Giselle from Fatamora and was asking him which arts from his pornt tag he liked the most
>>33846 It's fine, I understand going a bit schizo when you're without oshi streams for this strong, never mind what Kotoka's been through for her to take the break in the first place. I'll admit I didn't watch her much, but from whatever of her I saw she always sounded so happy to talk to her Kotocats and always seemed to have lots of exciting streams for you all. I'm sure she's taking this long, not only for herself, but for you guys so she can come back feeling 100% and ready to give you guys a great time. Hang in there.
>>33849 *for this long, not for this strong kek that's my bad
Fuuchan saw some bunny garden girls cosplayers holding Vanta and Wilson's pappes on AI kek
For anyone who cared about it, Ryoma is not the vtuber scammer people were claiming him to be, the gf of the guy came out and say to please not drag him or her into this and that this was done by someone that is trying to get them into the mud so if you had any doubts you can rest easy https://x.com/turkishayran/status/1793177007234146786
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>Denaut is an annagram of haunted WTF
>>33853 i feel so dumb for not realizing it until i saw someone pointing it out on twitter
>>33853 You forgot the h in Denauth, which would make it aunted instead, making your choice of image very unintentionally funny.
Fuucahn says that he can't say much stuff about the new guys that debuted. He says the girls don't hold any surprises/don't have gap moe factor. They are exactly like you think they are. Fuuchan went along with Klara very well. He says she calls everybody mr./ms. offline
from how fuuchan talks about her, seems like twisty really is that much of a kusogaki kek
>>33856 Klara sounds so cute
Fuuchan says he'll try to set up a BL talk stream with Aia and Meloco in the next month or two
I actually haven't seen Melo raiding anyone in a long time. Glad that she's more comfortable with interacting with other members again
the new wave is probably from the acting auditions, right? seems like they plan on going all-in on their characters and all hmm
>>33861 If Ryoma says "de gozaru" on stream too then it's gonna be cringekino
>>33862 still hilarious that the one that doesn't speak a lick of japanese and whose last name is >barrenwort is the fucking ronin. i hope this actually plays into his lore
>>33863 Hey we have Vox, the most samuraiest of them all
>>33861 Who knows. We had 2 more auditions before the acting ones, so even if these guys are from the acting auditions, it puts the question wtf has happened to the guys from other auditions. So far only the girls are doing any kind of RP. Ryoma seems like just a guy, I don't see him larping as a samurai or anything and his tweets are extremly ordinary. Either way, them doing larp on Twitter doesn't mean much. Xsoleil were larping as school students pre-debut on Twitter (thanks Zaion) and quickly dropped any kind of character RP quickly (besides Doppio, but he's Doppio)
>>33865 Idk if we can say Pio is kayfabe because everyone says he's like that IRL too
>>33866 that's just how deep his kayfabe is
>>33864 vox mentioned earlier that he's been talking to ryoma to do something like a samurai collab. having two obviously non-japanese guys be the samurai in the branch is pretty funny
>>33866 Well, everybody is saying that Klara and Twisty are the same offline too. Maybe they are like Doppio too
Wilson wants to make a DCL Minecraft meme song...
Fuuchan got perms for some game. He says that like 5 more people want to play it after him, so it will be quite popular in EN
>>33873 Finally, Huniepop perms...
Fuuchan backed up a bunch of kickstarters and will have cameos in them. He backed up a date with death kickstarter and says he wants to give the reaper his outfit, but he doesn't know yet if he'll manage to do it since he needs permission for that
>>33875 Also, he got a comfydant stew in tales of seikyu
>>33875 >>33876 Damn, that's nice, it'd be fun to just find those out of nowhere
Wilson is trying to convince the new wave to play Minecraft, he wants to be the one doing the hazing for once
Fuuchan says that the guy who was rigging Aster's model initially thought he was a girl and gave him breasts kek
NijiEN have an 18+ discord channel and he filled it with Legatus and Olvidia porn
Fuuchan showed his feet asset to his manager
Fuucahn only now realising that he will already get his next model by the time AI Phoenix comes up, so he's excited to show it up there
>>33866 Rosemi and Doppio are real life anime characters
>Rai tells Willy to check the basement in chat >He misses it >Chat says hi >He thinks it's a raid and thanks for it I'm getting second hand embarrassment from this....
The heroes Minecraft server is actually really cool
Saiki lives in a cave like Batman
>The guy who was trying to make a harassment campaign against Ryoma was a dragoon child groomer They manage to surprise me more with each passing day holy fuck
>>33891 Told you my man, groomers are a plague to EN vtubing and fagoons are filled with them.
>>33891 >He doesn't know the dragoons had a 17 yo girl in their server they nicknamed "princess" Tbh i found out about this because of a friend who was in every server but holy fuck i would report them to the police if i was there
You can tell right away the Zali and Wilson's house is a gaijin one just by looking at it
>"Claude can be such a guy and such a girly too" Well he has his guy hand and his SLAAAAAAAAAAAAY hand
>>33832 >>33833 My plucking sides, I heard this in his voice
well kunai usually streams at these hours...
>>33891 My opinion about them wasn't high due to them starting the nina leech harassment and their behavior in general, but only smokes, eveytime i hear about them it's always worse somehow.
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>>33849 Thnaks for the kind words. I don't like to give myself false hope, but still, I want her to comeback
>>33919 Also, it's not just about me, her or other kotocats. Plenty of people in Niji have said that they expect her return. I don't want to see them be upset either
>>33726 IM SO BACK BABY!
In honor of fortnite, it's time play this banger. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqRLVFRe9AU
https://x.com/alban_knox/status/1793404680946495855 Retards actually got Alban with their shitposting as I expected. Still, I'm glad that livers actually fight back against the allegation instead of sitting in silence while rumours keep piling.
>>33922 This is gonna be good
>>33923 alban's gonna come back with a japanese wife, we gotta stop him bros
>>33926 you have been forgiven
>>33926 You jinxed your jinx
>>33927 >>33928 O-Of course I planned it all
>>33852 You should've linked the tweed with the actual proof https://x.com/DJJazzyJ2Real/status/1793306601069203462 The guy doesn't even know what Nijisanji is
>>33923 from the energy drink thing to ryoma's "PL" to this, antis have really been scraping the bottom of the barrel, even more than usual.
>>33930 tbf the girl that anon linked seem to be the actual gf
Twisty's PL is actually Fiona from Shrek https://x.com/TwistyAmanozako/status/1793417070501298363
>100 gb for Fortnite Can they make the Epic spyware a little more light? Holy shit
Rosemi killed MegaYeet98
>>33935 Ya YEET
They are so cute playing this and being awed at everything
>Rosemi killed an NPC called HeliumHog Buta...
I think Pio and Finana don't know the game matches you with mostly bots when you start
They won against bots lets grow!
>>33940 It's funnier this way
>Car spawns from the heavens by sheer power of god himself >Rosemi: "Is this how lamborghinis are made?" KEK
Vegeta killed Cell with his AR
>>33944 Dragon Ball Z if it was only in America
I love how much support the new wave is getting on Twitter. I feel like not a single wave since Noctyx had been supported this much with people drawing arts, prepering clipping channels etc. I understand the reasons why, but I'm still gald that positivity outweights the negativity
>>33947 I honestly think the community for NijiEN became smaller but a lot stronger. I saw someone say that we all basically trauma bonded and i'm gonna go with that theory
>>33948 Yeah, I also noticed that the internal fanbase wars have practically disappeared. I don't see "this member sucks" posts from members of certain fanbases anymore
>"I got knocked up" Doppio?!?!?
>>33951 Yeah, by me
>>33951 now that alban's taking a break, someone's gotta take up the mantle
>>33952 Congratz
Reimu's Hazbin Hotel brainrot gives me aneurysms
>>33948 i actually went back to watch some old vods and i was taken aback by how fast my oshi's chat used to be. i know generally, faster chat = higher views = higher popularity, but i prefer the way it is now tbh >>33948 >we all basically trauma bonded i feel like all the livers have gotten more parasocial too kek. well, i can understand. after all that, whoever has stayed will most likely stay for good
>>33956 Well many of them have said "we see the support, we see who you are and we talk about you with the others"
>"They have Amogus, we should play Amogus!" Rosemi...
>>33958 I forgot about this LMAO
>>33958 Is this a GTAV reference
>>33958 I'm worried this will happen again, and finana want the fill team on kek
>>33961 Tbh it was because Rosemi had voice chat open to everyone when she shouldn't have for that exact reason
>>33961 Nah this time it will be niggasanji instead of nigga
>>33958 She tried so hard to not laugh
They are searching who in MGS has the biggest ass
Is Elira a hunting horn veteran?
>>33966 I think that's what she has said before
Elira's moans are making me feel
I love how I finally can understand all these menhera SOLDIER fans from Crisis Core after I got into vtubers
Rosemi you had lightning...
>>33971 It's fine, vanta gave him the pass
Finana became a squeaker
Those tomatoes looks like oranges
It feels kind of weird that the usual BGM is missing.
>>33976 It's not ASMR if it got bgm
>>33977 Some people with serious brain issues would say otherwise and i fucking hate them
That chopsticks reminds me that Enna is chinese
Thank you for the ball electrocution ASMR, Enna
Reimu wouldn't cry if Tazumi died
Oh no the induction stove tripped her breaker
>>33980 Oh yeah I forgot the induction cooker does that that kind of messes things up
>>33984 I hope they keep playing it, they're so cute exploring together 🥺
Reim usays that you should become a GFEtuber if you are a money hungry woman
>>33986 oooff that's gonna go into the vt catalogs
>>33986 I mean...she's not wrong
I lowkey imagine Enna sounding like Nilered as she'd explain the steps to cooking lmao
i've mostly been putting millie's ff14 streams in the background because i've missed a lot of context, but man just hearing her cry is making me emotional. pat pat
I feel like rosemi like this more than minecraft, there's objective, and you can build from blueprint
Rosemi is now a landlord
Rosemi really anted to call someone a nigger in the Amogus mode...
That is very nice. And yes, this counts as a serious ASMR, proud of ya.
Really keeping it for tomorrow too that portion looked very normal sized.
>23 degrees is considered hot fucking canadians
Ren, once again, being the most real liver out there https://x.com/RenZott0/status/1793466088010985533
Just finish LA Noire before the 1 year long hiatus please.
>>33999 Ren "hey birb" zotto backing up Alban "right gura" Knox. Amazing. Serious talk though. these people live in their own reality.
Finana has an itch to play Yugioh
>i'd rather lose you guys than lose my health nice phrasing, enna kek i mean, if you lose your health, we'd also be losing you anyway, so please take care of yourself
>Enna is thinking of doing a bob ross type stream
Thanks for the cute stream today to counterbalance that zatsu collab.
I doubt that the zatsu with daigo will be that bad
All the flat chested girls in EN should be part of a group called Justice League
The liveposting kind of makes me concerned. Is Enna traumadumping again?
>>34009 Nah, it's the usual Enna.
>>34009 Not exactly just her saying her voice is always tired no matter what and she's trying to find an ENT doctor to check it out.
>>34007 >zatsu with daigo
Reimu wants to abolish the class system
Mumu saying she HATES ME ME ME girls
>>34016 Selen...
>>34016 Chimkin...
All of Enna's problems can be solved if she just reads superchats more efficiently lmao.
>>34019 lmao this exactly
It hurts me when I hear Enna talk about not enjoying singing for us anymore.
>>34022 She sings a ton, just not on stream on karaokes, if you want to blame anyone blame anykara relying too much on her for singing in cons
Damn...Vanta was Cryaotic all this time https://x.com/VantacrowClips/status/1793431961547276393
>>34024 I swear people could say that all of NijiEN are clones of Adolf Hitler MGS style and people would unironically believe it
>>34025 >"Every single liver? Yeah you guessed it, me"
>Reimu loves dumb men I'm so in!
Kind of funny how Aerith being afraid of the sky was just a throw away line in the original FF 7, meanwhile it's a big plotpoint in Crisis Core and Remakes
>>34028 I guess they decided to make it a bigger thing when Crisis Core was being made
feels good that Enna finally has silent mods
Any clips of Vox "Jimmy" Akuma, I feell like watching it
>>34031 Like normal Vox clips or specifically the ones JImmy related?
>>34032 Jimmy related, I'm feeling fomo that it gets referenced and I have no idea what it's about
Enna describing herself as a tomboy as a kid.
>>34033 Not a clip but here's the timestamp of when the meme was born https://www.youtube.com/live/otu1LlhjtVM?si=RlsFZFsTfpmaf80P&t=1500
Famillie, I don't know about ff14. Has Millie fight Ultima weapon or she already way past that section?
>>34036 We are in the same boat, i know a lot about every other FF tho
>>34033 Also after that timestamp i shared you should read this https://x.com/Vox_Akuma/status/1752539294961463465
>>34038 >I will bend this entire tournament over my fucking knee and scream the correct quote until my enemies can hear it as they fucking sleep i swear to god kek
Elira is actually gonna get timed out by this Anjanath running away
>>34040 >>34041 Girl fought anjanath like the fighting fatalis lmao
>>34036 >>34037 Yeah, he's in the ARR expansion at lv50 which is the base game and Millie is at endwalker aka last exp before dwantrail I think
>this is not about you Bet she said that to the diaper furry once and she constitute that as bullying lmao
>>34044 From what i remember she was crying about how they told her to stop with the crying on main since she knows they will attack everyone because of it, took it as them repressing her and got bronze rank at killing herself since nobody was boosting her this time
Almost spit my coffee lmao
>>34044 >>34045 ngl i really wish she went ahead with the doc or whatever and exposed the bullies so i can actually see what she's talking about. people keep throwing around that she tried to kill herself because her coworkers are terrible scum of the earth, but i seriously can't see millie or enna being that mean to someone when the former is a crybaby (who gets praised for being the kindest person by everyone all the time btw) and the latter is a shy girl to a fault. or maybe these girls are actually some of the greatest actors putting up an act for almost 3 years
>>34047 I’m starting to think the reason why the doc doesn’t go further is because it really is a minor banter that got too into her head
>>34047 The supposed discord message she gave that many people were passing with each other was the same thing i said, they told her to stop with acting like a victim in main for the sake of everyone and she took that as them telling her to shut up, suck it and never complain about anything, she acted like they were repressing her and were against her. I truly don't know where the fuck that image came from but knowing her and the goons she probably told them to """leak""" it so the big mystery is what everyone here thought, she was a retard and when NijiEN people had enough of her throwing pity parties for herself while throwing everyone else into the mud then she said they were bullying her
>>34049 ngl she made meiro seem sane desu
>>34050 Meiro had the decency to go full Disney villain instead of acting like a victim
>>34048 to rant a bit (sorry for doing this so often here), but it sucks that we're probably never gonna see any clarification for this because doki has "moved on" and nijien just has to suffer this reputation until the "bullies" graduate or the internet forgets (which is never, not really). god it's frustrating
>>34049 when the pity party should've been a million pity party 😔
Klara's chat rules, she seems to be an RPG gamer
>>34054 I think I like her... I want to protect her smile
>>34055 From what people said she will try to protect yours
>>34056 I really hope she does..
>>34054 I hope she plays all the purse owners and by extension SMT
>>34058 We have no SMT perms, sir, keep dreaming
>>34059 Damn you Kaneko and your NFTs
>>34060 Fucking Kyo
>"Maybe i should've saved" >Sephiroth instantly leaves her at 10% HP with an attack KEK
>>34049 If she didn't go ahead with the laxsuit it's because all she have is bullshit and she has no chance of winning. Until one of the goons feels slighted and spill the deets, nothing will move unless niji doubles down and sues her
>3 AM >Reimu was suppose to stream at 9 AM This is why you shouldn't do streams like these at night time
>Tabata is urobutcher of FF games THis is one of the most retarded comparisons that I've ever heard
>>34068 You mean to tell me Aerith wasn't raped by worms when she was a little kid?
It's so retarded that they have perms for Rebirth but no perms for Remake. Reimu will be so confused when she'll jump straight into the second game
>>34070 Blame SE
>>34054 >an RPG gamer Ah yes, can't wait for her to play Earthbound, 3 Persona games, 3 FF games, Tales of Vesperia, Xenoblade and Bug Fables.
>>34072 She should play Akiba's Trip
>Doppio and Meloco are playing catboy paradise I remember Doppio initially wanted this to be a full Xsoleil collab. Shame it didn't happen
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No Enna cosplay
Diego should get drunk more if he did Roll that Dough while being drunk and mixing 5 samples
>>34082 I found the tune of roll that dough in a detergent advert, a video of a Korean girl exercising in the gym and another random song. I think that's why he doesn't want to talk about it lmao.
Enna has stinky feet!
I fell for that nui merch. I didn't fall for the feet reveal though.
>>34087 >Unicorn >Is a slut Every single time
The count tree thing was pretty funny tbh.
Tbh, all of NA is terrible at geography
Culturally stupid but life smart sounds very accurate.
Enna's map of the world
Enna thought Diego was a girl when they first met because of his username and anime girl pfp. Catfished.
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https://x.com/KlaraCharmwood/status/1793318770355982425 Cute! I feel like she's a japanese-american. Her JP is pretty good and she doesn't type like an ESL
>>34094 She has the kind of japanese accent when singing at least, you can hear it from the debut song but also we'll see for true tomorrow
>>34095 I would be really surprised if she's native. Her English is really good, like at least Kotoka level.
>>34094 >spoiler the only people I remember being japanese american is shu so it’s nice that we get another one now
>>34097 Kotoka.........
I think Enna gives more fan service than she realizes or maybe I'm just that deprived and consider insignificant things as fan service.
I've seen critics of Diego call him lazy too maybe they're actually right and Enna doesn't realize kek.
>>34098 I keep forgetting she is also one because she lives in japan… gomen
https://x.com/uki_violeta/status/1793654425267155118 By the way, Uki was in Japan too and Shu bought him the 100$ mangos
>>34076 Love this little guy whatever he is, hope he gets some cute emotes
I wonder what's the context that had Diego saying that to Enna.
>>34106 She also interacted with Riri and even made her speak Engrish Makes me wonder if they know each other since it doesn't feel like a regular senpai/kouhai dynamic
>>34106 Oh yeah, Oliver is doing a debut watchalong, also for those who don't know, Maririn is doing one in chinese in bilibili too
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Drowning is one of the worst ways to die, Vox, holy fuck stop being dumb
>>34101 i think klara also lives in japan so rather than another shu, we got another kotoka lol
>>34103 iirc uki said he took a break for work. i guess he, shu and luca had something to do for summer jam? without sonny for some reason
>>34112 i remember alban tackling a retard spreading rrats following their troll food sorting list with nina. Dude's a homie, i hope he comes back fresh and dandy
>>34109 >>34111 I already can see schizos calling her a nepohire kek
Enna somehow never heard of the kendrick drake diss track news so Diego had to teach her.
>>34119 Kenmochi is in the studio right now and he has a restraining order on Sonny since that trip to Australia
>>34121 nepohires are good
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>>34123 >the lolicon has a restraining order on the cop I feel like theres a good joke I can make her but I’m not that bright
>>34123 so fucked up that anycolor still has sonny employed after everything he's done. makes me sick
>>34126 It's actually because Kenmochi got sexually harassed by a dude while he was in Australia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8tGUMgvMIU
Enna loves to keep mentioning how much she cleans her house.
>>34128 Oh I know this ancient clip lmaoalso probably responsible for me briefly liking djs of mochi being mobbed by ojisans
>>34130 He watches those iwara videos where the girls get fucked by giant flies, doesn't he?
Mandatory conscription for retail jobs sounds like a good idea.
I'm ngl, the yuri would be pretty hot between an ojou and her maid
>Enna is a vaccum cleaner Yeah she sucks me every night
Enna's clean freak tendencies is leaking out. I do that too...
I can't even finish one bag of chips by myself in one day.
>>34133 The world would be a nicer place if everybody was forced to work a low level customer facing job at least once.
>>34134 I do really like the trope of an ojou and her maid falling in love with each other... I'm interested in what their dynamic will be like on stream.
>>34139 I hope it leads to breastfeeding...
Just don't burp like Vox please his are actually nasty lol I much rather him kissing every superchat that wasn't even that irritating.
Someone in school thought Diego was Asian and once yelled go back to your home country you yellow fucker.
>>34138 i feel like if you're patient enough for a retail/customer service job, you're probably patient enough for anything. dealing with online vitriolic cowards should be child's play
Enna got really excited about the possibility of Diego being part Chinese but then got disgusted when Diego mentioned they could be related.
Enna this is kinda racist ngl kek
I remember Enna mentioning how her and Diego played Portal 2 coop and he got really tilted at how bad she was.
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I don't think Diego would need to do much prep to kill Enna.
>>34150 You could literally go a little too fast in a card ride, make her faint and then throw her off a cliff
Of course Enna chose that question just to hear Diego praise her dad.
Love how Ike has adopted "soy out" into his lexicon from Vox
https://x.com/KlaraCharmwood/status/1793661995172151509 >Goodnight time Well, she actually lives in Japan, if anybody had any doubts
I mean Vox collabed with fleshstreamers like RTGame and the Yogscast why did Enna think Diego would be a problem.
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>You can comment under a supa now Cool feature but I feel like it will give more enourangement to attentionsaint supas
Well Enna I don't think you need to worry about playing Outlast anytime soon at all.
>>34157 Ike was with Rosemi-sama and Willy?!
How is Enna and Ditto Collab did they got cancelled like Enna said she would
>>34160 Yeah? He had off-collab with Willy and I think he mentioned on Twitter that he had dinner with Rosemi
>>34161 It's pretty normal actually, they are on the last question and I've been enjoying it.
>I got backseated in Exel My sides are in orbits
>>34158 She's been playing outlast, outlast trials lmao
>>34162 I didn't know, Rosemi-sama never mentioned it but that's nice, I guess they were at a con
>>34166 Rosemi probably doesn't talk about it because of <Vtsisters gossiping
I think I would have not wore anything under the yukata at the onsen too don't they do that in the anime lol
>>34167 Yeah, understandable. I think these 3 would bounce off well with their autism in a collab too
I can see why Enna likes Diego a lot and how he could be a positive influence. I still don't get what she sees in Kyo though lol.
>>34170 > I still don't get what she sees in Kyo though lol. Trauma bonding, u ironically. It's unhealthy though good thing she going therapy now
>>34170 He's just a funny guy. I feel like Enna became less edgy and less self-depricating after Kyo
Love how ryuguards keep posting support tweets for Finana due to all dramanigger harrasment. I feel like livers will always appreciate stuff like this
Cute, I hope they collab again and play more lego https://x.com/ESSI_DEE/status/1793149280376750576/photo/1
>>34173 Yeah she said she really appreciates the messages at the end of the fortnite stream. She said she will continue to read and like all of them.
>>34099 She gave plenty of "fan" service during the tomato egg noodle stream Get it, fan service,like all the fanning
>Ike googles homestuck sharpie bath Ike please no....
millie beat eris and the surface for the first time. so basically she's beaten all of the early access content of hades for now
>Ike talks about Shu's cafe collaboration where he had milk for a drink >Brings up Shinji's "milk" cafe collaboration >Chat asks why >Oh for no particular reason whatsoever Ike please
>watching wiwa vod >mentions haruhi please rewatch disappearance of haruhi with endless eight, bamboo leaf rhapsody, live alive, and optionally day of sagittarius and someday in the rain. its peak.
>btw did you buy the dress >He just smiles and says nothing Ike????
Also Elira will be away end of June for a few weeks to learn to walk like a normal person and stop waddling. Also AX dance practice.
ike hate for recommending beyond two souls to vanta over heavy rain at least it shouldn't take him long to finish it
>>34184 >A dance pendora can never do
I've noticed Elira has been saying I love you a lot recently and not being embarrassed about it. Just totally straight on like how you would say it to your family.
>>34187 wonders of trauma bonding
No Mumu stream today because she ripped one of her nails https://x.com/ReimuEndou/status/1793740176403152958
>>34190 No way this is an actual line in the game
>>34178 Didn't expect the I'm not white at the end.
Millie says she could leave a recorded ASMR playing on repeat for 24 hours and never have to worry again but she feels filthy doing such lazy content
Bitch just watch Breaking Bad, you're gonna get the VOD privated for oversharing again
People who say "wait for me" during watchalongs should get shot
once again, elira is dying
>Elira's mom made a small plushie of their recently passed family dog and took pictures with it on their travels wtf this family is so cute
>>34189 She's so retarded... Well, on bright side, glad that she'll rest more today
>Klara is japanese >Wakes up at 10 AM First one that wakes up before 12...
Elira saying she loves us so openly is making me flinch, i'm not used to this
Twisty is going for our lolis!
>>34203 Ngl when someone speaks with japanese vtubers then it brings me ease of heart knowing they prefer the much better JP community, also it shows they probably know and respect etiquette
Elira is grooming us into liking yaoi
>>34203 ngl, Twisty is kind of giving me Zaion vibes, but her interacting with JPs (both Niji and Holo alike) is reasurring. Zaion was a complete griefter and didn't give a single fuck about JP vtubers, so she's already 10 times better hire than her
By the way, the new wave has been approved by the jailmaster https://x.com/ike_eveland/status/1793208127430816231
>>34208 I have my doubts still with the whole "ToT" in tags and shit, don't have anything against lolicons since i'm also one but i fucking despise retards who take it into public spaces and the whole "UOOOOH CUTE AND FUNNY 😭😭😭" show in twitter, chats, etc. Just be a lolicon without telling everyone in the fucking world you are won holy fuck it's not that complicated
>>34210 Yeah, it's kind of cringe. I also don't like the whole pre-debut larp that they are doing. It's dumb, will be dropped after debut, won't be brough up ever again and doesn't show their real personalities whatsoever. Xsoleil did the same thing and it gives me retrospective cringe every time I remember it, and Xsoleil is one of my favourite waves. Honestly, wish all waves would do what TTT did: act natural, just talk to people and repost fan arts, no need to cringepost or do retarded larping, it won't matter in the long run.
>>34211 This has been the case for many waves tbh, we know what staff usually recommend them to act a certain way since we know they have like "expected characters" pre debut as said by the livers themselves but also TTT was probably told "yeah debut or whatever" and just did whatever since, tbh, it was the wave with the less support out of them all, even Kunai said how they told them to do a lore, then they told them it doesn't matter and threw it into the trash
>>34213 I wanna have a talk someday with whoever said "yeah Rosemi is totally a sadist"
>>34214 It's the same ultra retard that hired selen
>>34215 I want to believe the theory that the retard got fired after the Krisis clusterfuck
>>34213 Not really? The only waves that actually larped as characters were Xsoleil and the new wave (Fuuchan was larping as Legatus, but it was pretty much just a bit he did to troll people pre-debut), the rest did whatever the fuck they wanted, but mostly cringeposted. I understand the reasons for cringeposting, the staff probably told them to do viral posts, so they force the most dumbest shit imaginable from themselves. >even Kunai said how they told them to do a lore, then they told them it doesn't matter and threw it into the trash Anon, literally nobody's debut lore mattered, majority of people throw it into the trash. The only ones who actually keep up updating their lore are Doppio, Vox, Fuuchan and Ethyria, and Ethyria pretty much gave up on their lore after Nina graduated.
>>34217 You do not remember the cringe rivalry RP Obsydia had
>>34217 What i'm saying about TTT is that it's the most half assed debut NijiEN ever organized, even the NijIEN members said they had much less time to meet and talk to them than other waves, it felt rushed everywhere, hell Desire was uploaded by the auto YT sorter as Enna's song
After not buying merch for a year, this shit hurts. I will simply close my eyes and ignore the number that appears in the checkout.
>>34215 Reminder that Yugo, Kotoka, Meloco and Kunai all applied for Lazusydia and got rejected over Selen. I unironically want to punch the guy who was responsible for auditioning everytime I think about it
>>34220 Look on the bright side, a year ago it would've costed you 50 more bucks
>>34218 I really don't remember much of Obsydia and Ethyria pre-debuts tbh. The only thing I remember is Millie replying to preggo art and asking is this vore?
>>34219 Yeah, TTT debut being this half-assed was weird. Maybe it's because the Krisis pre-debut was a clusterfuck, so they didn't have time to prepare them
Time for Cagecringe, not even cringekino, just cringe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BvyUQ8JX6M
>>34214 To be fair, this was a retroactively kino decision because the buta lore is fantastic
If you think about it, Beyond: Two Souls and Elfen Lied have the similar starts
Kek Vanta decided to fuck everything up with Aiden and wanted to fucking kill the fat lady
Vanta is gonna kill all these children!
>>34230 BASED
>"I can't believe they all lived, that's the saddest thing" Vanta playing David Cage games must be one of the best things to watch
Elira is head over heels for this man
>>34235 I always read Moros as Moron. Poor doom.
Vanta just wants 2 things, the fucking motion controlls working and to kill children
>>34211 i have the opposite opinion tbh, especially since they're not really doing chuuni super powers stuff, just simple shit related to their basic characters like, this girl is an ojousama of a haunted manor served by a maid and a ronin. pretty simple. maybe they'll drop the act after debut, maybe they won't. ryoma in particular just seems like some guy, while klara seems like she's more dedicated to keeping the maid act up.
>>34233 Why is she so scary I thought she was supposed to be just a little girl
>>34241 >Little girl >In a haunted mansion Think about it
>>34242 ..Y-You're right.... She's like Mary from the hit indie game Ib?! She kinda reminds me of Dolce from RF3 too >A girl with a sharp tongue. Good at sewing and can contact ghosts, much to her annoyance. Often makes sarcastic remarks, mostly in the general direction of a certain obsessive ghost, but is actually sweet and warm-hearted.
>>34243 Take into consideration the other two members: >Maid with ghost buddies that help her in the house, how can she communicate with them when there's nothing abut that in her bio? The maid is a ghost herself >Ronin that works in the mansion, ronin means he's a samurai with no lord so Twisty ain't her lady, also the manor seems to be european so how did he get there? Twisty bought a cursed sword from a ronin that failed to protect his lord and wandered the lands until he died
Gender reveal party gone wrong in Vanta's stream
>>34244 Holy crap it makes sense >denauth >undeath >Ryoma oshi mark is a swiping card so he got bought >Klara oshi mark is a flower bouquet and kettle which could be interpreted as bouquet for a grave and undying loyalty >Twisty oshi mark is a hurricane and sewing needle, she.. sews very fast(?) T-Twisty is a necromancer? Is this like the foster mansion for imaginary friends? W-What are they cooking
>>34241 >>34243 >>34246 reading these in rosemi's voice and it perfectly fits
https://x.com/Fulgur_Ovid/status/1793994480695333196 Fuuchan feels sick today, so no stream
I don't think Enna is enjoying Chinese parents there's too many menus and pop ups to read lol.
Whenever Enna interjects English into her Chinese sentences she keeps the Chinese intonations when pronouncing the English words.
I have no idea how to properly play the Chinese Parent game.
>>34272 Millie_flush.jpg
It's so funny how Hong-Kongers have English first names
Feels like being Chinese is jsut stressful in general
>>34275 Yeah most of the old chinese folk can't let go of this mindset https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiasu
Enna trauma dumping about her mom and the piano again...
Finally found the translated clip of Kotoka and Lain from Toru's 3D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDyKZ13sNBg Don't even know if it's me going completely schizo or just not hearing her for this long, but I barely could recognise Kotoka's voice (not saying it's an impostor or something like that finanа.jpg, it's clearly her but she sounds different than she used to). Maybe her voice tempo changed due to meds she's taking + I remeember she actually told she had problems with speaking when she went on break. Still, I'm just happy to hear her speaking again and glad to know that she's still a pervert as she is
>>34260 Okay that one made me laugh a little
>>34278 Also, if her not talking to anybody is actually because of her voice physcially being fucked, and not because of anxiety, it would really explain a lot. She always talked how singing is one of the few things that brings her joy everytime she feels sad or depressed, and not being able to sing would actually hurt her a lot. If it's true, I hope she's getting better. Sorry for doing dumb speculations about her. I know it is bad, but I'm just worried and miss her, that's it.
>>34281 Maririn approved the duo name Twistette! https://x.com/MariaMari0nette/status/1794056318975897885 I think Maririn really wanted to have another loli like person in NijiEN to do things with after...you know...
>>34282 >Twistette H-Holy......
>>34270 Nintendo don't look
Enna didn't really enjoy the Chinese Parents game stream but it was still fun seeing her speak more Chinese.
>>34282 Why won't maririn and wosemi ever collab
>>34296 they did once but it was paywalled...
>>34296 Timezones.. Also Rosemi-sama is too autistic to reach out and they don't really have anything in common besides liking im@s and love live..
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>>34295 I made a new one with everybody
>>34302 Reimu.... Yugo.......
>>34300 Yeah, I remember how she cried when Yugo graduated because she rejected the collab invetation for vocal coaching due to anxiety.... Still, feels like she colalb with people more lately
>>34304 Ver... also the catbox didn't have those guys
>Klara's name is pronounced with vowel /æ/, not /eɪ/ I already can see some of the burger members mispronouncing her name
>>34308 Also, I just realised >Klara comes from Clarus, which means clear in latin >She's a maid It's actually a funny name for a vtuber, and doesn't make you cringe
>>34308 >>34309 Also, she shares the same name with sister Claire. Claire is the French pronounciation, and Klara is German
>>34309 Certainly better than current year vtuber names like Mytocondria mystrrum, Shadowravennus Ubellita, or Zylophonius Maestro.
>>34312 Kaogawa Rui..
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>>34317 He looks a bit like Kunai hehe
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https://x.com/Eillish_A_sve/status/1792545017216811128 >Maririn retweeted this 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
>>34322 He wants vengeance
>>34322 I'm so sorry vezkit....
Elira really leans back a lot
Elira is hurting herself by searching old anime and realizing it was over 15 years ago
Ok, I doubt we'll get any tourists, but still, I feel like making a seperate thread for debuts, just to keep this thread more clean
>>34327 Meh, nah, i understand with AR Live but even on /vt/ we just used the main thread, the sticky was just for retards who wanted to shitpost
>>34328 Anon, we have an entire board to use. This thread was intended for just liveposting of regular EN streams. What's the point of piling it up with liveposting of big events? It's not about potential tourists that will skyrocket the thread into oblivion, it's just for making it more neat. Besides, I will be realistic with you, not every single person cares that much about new people. Some people just come here to livepost their oshi's stream, so the thead full of just debuts will just annoy them.
>>34329 Do what you want, i'll use this thread because this is the EN thread and it's an EN stream, simple as that, i don't care for many of the EN people and i don't go "oh no, they are talking about this person again..."
Made the seperate thread >>34331
>>34329 Bro acting like anykara debuts new livers every Wednesday lmao
I check up Ryoma's tweets and damn, he interacts with indies a lot. He must've been an indie himself, but it's kind of weird that nobody have figured out who he is yet
>>34335 Remember all the retarded rrats about him being a scammer? Well he's something way worse, he was an Apex streamer
>>34336 it's so over
>>34337 Mumu will be happy tho
>>34338 Twisty and Klara also say that he's an ojisan.... Oh no....
>>34339 >ojisan So a millennial?
>>34340 I hate the fact that millenials are in their 30s now
Ok, judging by their tweets, seems like both Ryoma and Twisty live in PDT, while Klara lives in JST. Also, Twisty addmited that she's baka gaijin and is learning Japanese. Ryoma said that Twisty and Klara's sleep schedule is pure shit, so judging by that, I expect: >Twisty streaming at the same time as Scarle up untill morning >Ryoma streaming sometime in the same timeslot as Aster/Vivi >Klara streaming in the JST time up untill morning
>>34342 Anon, we know their time zones due to the YT bug, Klara is JST and Ryoma and Twisty are EST
>>34342 >Klara might stream during mumu/Enna hours I might actually oshi her
>>34343 >Ryoma and Twisty are EST Their timezones were UTC-7. UTC-7 encompasses either MST or PDT.
>>34343 Then both of their sleep schedules are pure shit, since they tweeted about going to sleep, at like, 4 AM. We may actually get more night time streamers now
>>34345 Weren't they UTC-4?
>>34344 More like she'll stream at Kotoka hours, but since she likes RPGs, I bet she'll be an endurance streamer
>>34347 No, you can check their waiting rooms right now, if you go in a private window and look at the time they have set.
>>34349 Huh, yeah, i thought i saw a 4, well fuck they might stream a little too late for me...either that or someone decides to wake up early and stream on euro hours
Elira can do a good ass Petra impression. She's got the scream down pat.
>>34342 not gonna lie, not too thrilled again about the timeslots
Get your snacke ready, we starting in 7 minutes!
Elira is gonna watch Eva Rebuild on June 2nd with members
Elira doesn't have perms to redirect to the official channel but she can redirect to Ryoma!
>>34353 I only have some crackers and honey but it will do. E-Etho?
>Ryoma likes cars >Elira thought it was the movie >He actually just likes cars as in normal cars
Elira kissed me, SEE YA LOSERS
>>34352 Don't worry, I have a feeling that Klara will stream in EU friendly timeslot
>>34332 Ok, here's a seperat thread. I'll screenpost there
>>34361 we'll see, but to be honest, i'm not getting my hopes up
>"Formerly the tallest one" He hasn't been the same since Vox cheated
Twisty's shorts scare me, Doppio
What a cute starting screen
Oh yeah Klara is ESL
>>34386 Cool SSR you got there
Kek the background light flickers
Pretty smart to do a little clip compilation
>>34398 My deepest condolences...
Did this autist really take pics of his car wheels?
>>34406 >he took out the wheel for a photo Kinda based
>He likes DIY >He likes carpentry and metalworking That would be an amazing stream if he could make it work
>>34413 Ok a little better
Oh damn this is interesting
The Minecraft crew are gonna kidnap him
seems he streams at a reasonable time for me that's neat
>>34425 I'm so sorry Ryomadachis..
>>34425 >3 Apex streams Ryoma the game is dead...let it die...
Here's the video Ryoma wanted people to see between debuts https://x.com/RyomaBarrenwort/status/1794194751035683149
Klara starting, she's so pretty
>Klara goes dumpster diving She's just like me frfr
>>34438 I hope she finds me..
>Kurara became a maid because she's a larper Oh...
>Papangoschama is a male I'M TAKING MY CYANIDE PILL
KEK Ryoma's japanese
Oh she has a really nice voice
Wait english is her mother language actually? Huh?
She likes crying people like some weirdo vtuber fans...
>>34456 The start of it mentioned she did everything iirc.
>>34458 >Implying i can read
She can cook.. 🥺🥺
>>34463 Is there something this maid can't do?
Okay it's over
Wait, scorpions are not bugs, they're arachnids, insects are bugs
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Guys…. I think i found another liver I will follow to the end of earth
She has the voice to be a nice VA
I don't see mamas for Ryoma and Kurara in their debuts...are they hentai artists?
>>34486 She's...... perfect.... God......
>>34489 Anykara really went "give them onee-san Toru"
Elira might have a Collab partner with my world
>>34491 The real question now is what weapon she mains
>>34493 Longsword :^)
>>34486 from the few i see she streams at noon jst usually
Oh damn
Twisty is gonna make me cut my leg let's gooooooo!
Is she our new la creativedad?
Girl got Zun to do her BGM
>>34505 hopefully, our old one can't move a finger without getting crucified
They hired an actual kid
>>34509 Can't believe Tazzy got us our own Kobo
All the girls speak Chinese.
>Measures 0/0/0 😭😭😭
>>34513 Tazumi buys chinese slaves from the triads and makes them stream
The uoohhh crowd won today
We got a new cat, good, one of them is kinda old and moans in a very uncomfortable way and the other hasn't been the same after he got pregnant 7 times in a row
>She likes Emma TOT
She likes Debi and the cunny crew!
>She's a stinky girl
Stinky ojou...
>League >Minecraft Bro...
>Denauth 3D(Saw trap mwahahahah) FUTA COCK IN 3D???
>Yuumi player They didn't only get a kid but a cripple too
C-Cute voice...
>she's a singer Oh my god
Jokes on you twisty i was on a different tab when you jumpscared everyone.
Cover release after the wave song release
>all those horror games Looks like we got another mumu
Otsu debuts!
solid wave for now. not too thrilled personally about their schedules or timeslots, but hey, we'll see how it goes.
I was too scared to let her ending play and jumpscare I closed it...
Enna is, for once, the voice of reason
>>34558 I personally think klara might be the one for me
>>34560 This.
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https://x.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1794211802408174042 Welcome goods and voice are now available
This fucking kusogaki
>Klara goes full onee-san >Vanta opens his eyes and goes :o I get you, bro
New wave is probably gonna be the ghosts
Aia...how can you be this girlfail all the time... https://x.com/AiaAmare/status/1794213087077429276
>>34571 It's as natural as breathing
Oh god that MV looks cute as fuck
>"I don't like you, you're a boy" Twisty only likes lolis...
/v/bro and /d/bro
>>34571 Bro first her tea now this someone save her💀
Is ryoma gonna be another weeb like sonny
>>34576 >Likes shotas >Has a knotted cock outfit >Gender bender character Makes sense
>>34578 I felt like he had very Claude energy
>>34580 It's just a dude 2: Apex edition
>>34582 Hope he joins the hopcon gang
Ryoma ojisan...
The MV is great hope future ones are like this too.
>>34588 I loved it, it was so cute and comfy
Millie better be in the chat it's a kikuo song
>>34520 Zaion.....
Damn, Klara can sing
Damn the high note.
I want Klara to kick my face
>>34597 Get in line
>>34449 Maybe she's actually from HK, would explain how she knows Chinese too
>>34599 Doesnt explain the thai, unless she learn it because of tourism job
>>34601 Maybe she's half Thai like Yugo
>>34603 Yooooooooooooooooo
She could use this singing voice for ASMR
>>34603 Oh that's why the style feels familiar, I'm still looping that touhou MV recently
>>34607 Yeah, I saw Millie rt the guy congratulating them and felt it looked similar, it's sooooooo goooood
>>34599 Nah she doesn't have the accent Petra and Vivi have.
>>34609 Vivi isn't from HK, she's from West Coast, and I don't remember how long Petra lived in HK since she moved a lot. I have no other explanation how English first language could have some weird asian accent otherwise
>>34600 Love how chat went full 😭
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Did you like the new wave bros
>>34612 I never watched Hayate but yeah, it's literally them
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https://x.com/KlaraCharmwood/status/1794207410674192395 Klara's schedule. >All those non JP primetime stream
>>34610 Vivi's family is at least likely from HK she knows a lot about HK culture along with knowing Cantonese.
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>>34615 It's 50/50 between JST nad PDT. Wonder if she'll be able to keep it up for long or will she eventually just switch to full on JST
>>34616 Anon, the accent forms depending on where you grow up, not from your parents. Nina's familly are all eastern europeans, yet she had typical NA accent
Not will be able to watch Ryoma's 2.0 fully, but according to him, Denauth didn't watch the MV before the debut, so staff kept it as a surprise >>34603 I have no idea what it is....*
>>34618 Either way what I was trying to say is that how Vivi speaks Cantonese and knows a lot about HK culture shows she has some sort of significant connection to HK.
Ryoma is such a dork
>>34620 Well, she probably was born in HK and then moved to America with her parents. Same with Nina
>>34619 It's an ancient song by a touhou circle COOL&CREATE with beatmario aka the guy who #pomubreak. It had a new MV made for a rhythm game I think https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8z23t428kU Also the MV guy seems like a big nijijp fan doing MADs
Don't want to numberfag nor doompost, but they have really low sub numbers. They'll have a really long road ahead, hope they'll hit 50k and 100k soon, I want to see new outfits and 3Ds eventually
Ryoma sounds extremly autistic. Like Shu tier autisitc
>>34625 >pendulum Jesus.. I haven't heard that name in decades
>>34624 Sir, this wave came out after the cataclysm that was the start of this year. They did everything right but the vtuber community in EN is retarded
>>34625 He also forgot to put BABLYMETAL on the list
>>34628 I don't care about noomberwars, I only care about outfits and 3D. They all can get stuck on 100k forever and I wouldn't care less
>>34625 By the way, he only listens to music when he drives or gaming. All these bands are from his "long coast driving" and "apex" playlists
>>34630 >They all can get stuck on 100k forever and I wouldn't care less same sentiments. has all of TTT even reached 100k?
>>34630 This but feet cam ASMR and factorio stream
>>34632 Vivi and Claude did, Kunai is still in mid 70ks
Reference sheet, he forgot that it exists untill someone in chat
>>34635 *someone in chat asked for it
vanta always being the realest mf out there https://x.com/vantazip/status/1794220253863633045
Ryoma's fanbase is now called "ryonins"
>>34640 That's not so bad, I like it
I'm sorry I need to rant a little bit. I have this dreaded feeling with this new wave. Based on the other side, the othering from the new fan already started. It remind me how on the early phase of Hololive EN. For example, if there a fan art group of HoloEN and HoloJP, there always someone who crop out the HoloEN. That image will get posted so many time and when someone posted the original, the original image poster will got shunned out. I really hate that mindset. It's fine if you don't like or even hate certain talents. But purposely shape the community to start othering the certain talents just to give highlight to your favourite/oshi, that give me a bitter taste. Sorry for being ESL.
>>34643 Tbh i think the NijIEN fanbase was being too inclusive of everyone new, the lack of gatekeeping rapidly made the fanbase something so big and different yet with roots of what an "EN vtuber group should be" that created tons of infighting. I'm gonna guess the community got a lot more gatekeepy now than how it used to be so this is gonna be more common now
>>34643 It's almost like that's being done entirely by shit-stirring chimps who don't have the slightest genuine interest in the fandom
>>34643 ngl i don't really get what you mean? like fans of denauth shunning the older waves? like what happened to vivi after her debut?
>>34644 I refer on how there already movement to remove/separate Ryoma from Denauth before Ryoma, Klara or Zako decide for themselves. Things will leak. I don't mind if that mindset stat in that side only. But with current climate bad idea moves fast.
>>34647 Please refer to this post >>34648
>>34648 Ohhhh ok, i get it, retards going "the male is ruining my GFE wave!1!". I think it happened to TTT too but Claude already hanged out with Krisis more so it wasn't even a problem but also i think the retards on /vt/ are probably still going with their retarded rrat about Ryoma even though they know a minor discord mod played them
>>34648 that's nothing new for that place. if they bring that mindset on twitter, they'll just rightfully get called out by actual fans, especially since they can't use a moral high ground of "protecting the girls" after that rrat about ryoma got disproven.
>>34651 Yeah like this anon said, also the fanbase right now is a lot more vocal about calling out bullshit
>Ryoma wanted his first tweet to be "sword in bio" >He decided not to do it because he knew his other tweets would never see the light of day Smart man
>>34651 >>34652 Thank you for giving the assurance things will be fine.
Ryoma really likes the theme of the wave because it's basically a comedy group that lives in a spooky house
>>34643 Anon kekchan is filled with ai chat bots, Cointelpro glowies and 50 cent armies paid by various companies. why the fuck do you care about the shit that goes down there
>>34656 What the fuck
>>34656 NBA?? why? weirdest collab yet..
>>34658 >NBA >no Kyo Aw hewl naw
>>34660 We have Vanta now
>>34658 time for doppio to show us that height isn't just for show
>>34663 Sonny my man
NijiEN for superbowl halftime?
>>34656 >>34658 HOLLYY LETS GO???
>>34648 Anon, stop fucking falling for the retarded "wave unity" meme. They are just people that debuted together, nothing more. Every fucking time, since Obsydia, the "wave unity" discourse has always been made in a bad faith and lead to "Man, obsydia would have Lazulight tier unity if not for Petra" shitposting. The unity shitposting is one of the reason why Nina was bullied into graduation with all the "3thyria" garbage, because she felt like she suppose to "fit" in her wave and be super buddies with people that she never met before. Just fucking stop it. Denauth will probably never collab with each other besides anniversaries, and it's ok, this is how most of JP branch operates. Nobody in the first gen collabs with Hajime or even talks to him on daily basis, for example.
>>34667 >there already movement to remove/separate Ryoma from Denauth before Ryoma, Klara or Zako decide for themselves i don't think that's their point, anon. at least let the livers decide for themselves instead of "fans" separating the guy from the girls already out of some weird savior complex
>>34667 I'm not taking about unity. I'm taking fan actively separating certain member from another member without the the member decision.
>>34669 The livers would just spam collabs to render their attempts futile
>>34663 Where's Aster for surprise
>Twistie has 9(nine) waiting rooms Guys I think she's a wee bit too hyped to stream
>>34672 I mean... It's better than having no schedule and schrodingers streams..
>>34673 Shu...
>>34669 Who cares? The separation becomes an issue due to the mindset of "well they are one wave, so they must be glued together". Obviously, it's hard to tell yet how close Ryoma is to the girls, but honestly, I really doubt that he will hang out with them a lot. Waves/gens are just a group of people that the management decided to debut together. It's been the case since 2018 and JP people, despite having more wild schizos, understand it. EN fandom, for some reason, thinks that gens suppose to have some kind of sacral bond, which is just fucking retarded. Don't force people that met each other just few months ago to be best friends forever. Schizos are erasing Ryoma from Denauth fan arts? If it makes you concerned, you're just as retarded as they are. They are just people that pretend to be anime characters online, they are not actually living in a mansiion together. Stop giving a fuck. Look at TTT where people rarely draw Claude together with the girls. None of them care about it, and neither should Denauth.
>>34675 > it's hard to tell yet how close Ryoma is to the girls Nta but dude is literally saying on stream right now how they talk a lot between each other and that they're planning collabs on fridays for every week
>>34676 (me) Also apparently they all met in Japan already and went through some kind of training, i don't know what the training entails but i'm happy they're getting training now
>>34675 >Obviously, it's hard to tell yet how close Ryoma is to the girls, but honestly, I really doubt that he will hang out with them a lot yeah so let the livers decide for themselves. neither you, that anon, or any of us know anything about them so who are we to say whether they'll collab or not. all we've got to go on is the things they say publicly. and with TTT, it was obvious that they weren't really close. both you and that anon need to chill
>>34678 >that anon I'm supporting your point...
>>34679 i'm referring to the OP worrying about 4chan shitposting about the new wave
>>34680 I still can't forgive her but cuteee 😭
Why does no one in EN play MH rise over world
>>34677 i remember someone (i think it was finana?) saying they hung out with someone in japan that they couldn't mention. i wonder if it was any of the denauth members
>>34684 Perms? Since world is pretty old I guess it's more lenient, a few people played Rise but never followed it up
>>34676 Well, good to know. Let them have fun together if they actually want so >>34677 It's actually pretty interesting, seems like management now prepare them for debuts more strictly. Feels like logical step after fuck ups that were Selen, Zaion and Yugo (no offesne to him, but his time in Niji was a clusterfuck that could've been avoided if management and staff supported him more).
>>34685 Probably, Millie said the same so we should maybe ask next stream
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>>34648 They did it to petra, they did it to nina et cetara et cetera, you'll always have retards like this, just wait them out and continue to post about your oshi, regardless of what anyone says.
>>34687 The thing with Yugo was mostly that they demanded him to stream and he hated streaming, he still kinda hates it now and destroys the VODs, he just wants to make music but NijiEN probably had a different deal than the people he knew from JP
>>34678 Anon, you care way too much about what some schizos on 4chan say. You really should know that anybody who is seething at male on screen in fucking Nijisanji is a bad faith shitter.
>>34690 Well, that's my point. They hired some alcoholic guitar player who barely touched computers in his life and told him to play games every day. If he had a basic training where a professional taught him how to actually stream and deal with people online, he would probably still be in Niji
>>34684 >>34686 People play World because it's popular, that's it. Tons of JPs play it, so EN plays it too.
>>34693 I think his problem was more on what he expected vs what he got. I think that's more of a hiring issue (which Reimu said has gotten way more stricter, also they seem to have gotten other people/more people to take care of hiring). I think the process is MILES better now but Yugo in particular was more of a "why the fuck are you hiring some drugged tiktoker to stream games?"
>>34696 Well, no shit, all auditions since the last year have "must have experiene in streaming" paragraph, and I'm 99% sure Yugo is the reason for that. Honestly, he wasn't a bad hire. He was extremly entertaining, and his streams were fun besides all the scuff. Honestly, he should've just gone to VTA instead of EN, where people would actually taught him how to stream.
>>34695 Hmm.. I guess that's true since the new monhun was annouced World had an influx of new players, I don't know how big that is still going but like the other anon I prefer Rise
Shu and Claude already jumped at Ryoma asking him to play Valo
i wonder what the fuck they would even do for this. i know nijiJP collabed with japan's soccer teams, so i guess something similar?
>>34700 The livers will replace all coaches, whatever team Enna has will try to kill themselves by the end of the season after hearing the same stories every day
>>34701 >team listens to Enna yap for 3 hours before a match >yapping ends >"and that is why having coochie pockets in the team uniforms is essential in achieving victory, now get out there and kick some ass"
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>>34656 >>34658 >>34659 Love how you guys are ignoring the elephant in the room of Kotoka joining a collab after two months of not appearing anywhere. I understand that she's the least bizzare thing of this collab's existance, but stil.....
>>34703 Would you rather that she didn't?
>>34703 Nadenade Kotocat. I'm pretty sure these things require willing participation on the livers so she INTEND to join this collab
>>34703 if she's actually gonna appear on-stream for whatever this is then yeah. if she's just gonna be there for merch then that's less ideal. sorry but it's just, of all the shit that has happened this year, i could never have predicted this collab
Ok so i'm stalking who the new people follow to see if i can find the mama for Klara and Ryoma (i couldn't) but here's some stuff >Twisty follows Roa, the only person in Holo she follows is La+ >Klara just follows Nijisanji members, Diego and Kiki Kivolt from Globie, which Twisty and Ryoma also follow for some reason >Ryoma just basically follows a lot of EN corpos and indies
>>34707 >>Twisty follows Roa, Oh she's a vtuber oldfag, nice
Ryoma is talking about itashas and how bad he wants an itasha
Getting kinda weird anon who disagree with me get so worked up with my rant.
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>>34704 >>34705 >>34706 Even if it's just pure merch collab, they wouldn't choose somebody who's ready to graduate to be represented in this, not in this type of collab + I'm pretty sure you willingly need to accept participation. If anything, it's at least reasurring. If it is an actual on stream collaboration, then I'm fucking flabbergasted. I'm suppose to be happy, but the whole bizzarness of this melts my brain. Like, imagine I get to time travel back in time 3 months ago and tell myself "Oh yeah, she'll disappear for 3 whole months but don't worry, she will be back for Nijisanji NBA collab" Like what in an actual fuck?
>>34707 >and Kiki Kivolt from Globie, which Twisty and Ryoma also follow for some reason She's friends with that vtuber and introduce her to her wavemate I guess?
>>34707 >>34712 Isn't Kiki that british Panda that graduated a while back?
>>34713 Utano Pandora is the Opera GX vtuber
Ryoma has been on a car autism yap for the last hour
>>34715 if he doesn't drive and drift a car in his 3D debut, i'd be thoroughly disappointed
>>34714 Not her, I'm talking about Shizoukou
Ryoma says "don't steal cars"
>>34656 >>34658 what the fuck i fell asleep and now we are itsumo balling. i need every single nba meme but with nijien now. someone recommend some fast artists i can commission to make these real.
>>34721 I dont know any artists but the only basketball meme is the michael jordan "and I took it personally" meme
Mash potatoes are the epitome of why Klara hates potatoes although she won't eat bugs ever again >>34721 I remember seeing Enna and another liver drawn like that Wade-Lebron dunk picture but I didn't save it
Klara muted her sneeze and would only give free sneeze audio after 3 weeks.
Despite English being her first languages she struggles with the l and r pronunciations.
She's very against being a tsundere maid.
i wonder how long it's been since denauth met. if we take what kurara is saying at face value, they've been together a long time. i don't remember any wave before claimed to be like that at debut
>likes: waste management good thing you live in japan
I'm just realising that she probably draw the Twisty cage art when she was jailed
>Staff asking Klara if she need any help with lore and such Huh, it's a completely different thing in comparison to waht Nina used to say. Glad that they improved in this regard
>Klara's color is light brown It's actually the first time we got this color scheme in EN, I like it
Klara likes pinapple pizza
>I plan to play Chilla's art games Noooooooooooo
>chillashart i'll watch them for you klara
>>34734 >>34735 CHILLASHART HATE
guess we can expect her to play every game in japanese dub. nice
>>34736 i wish doki would go ahead and plaster her face all over their games so management would ban them
kinda nice that we got a female liver that has a specific interest in voice acting. i think that's a first for EN, right?
She likes siegfried from gbf and for that reason alone, she will be my female oshi
Despite her claiming that English is her first langauge, she has quite noticeble JP accent. I wonder if she's a gaijin that moved to Japan when she was a kid. Also holy shit, her food looks proffesional. I wonder if she worked as a cook in a restaurant or anything
Apparently Klara's oshi is really obvious.
Blue rice has reminded me how Kyo washed his rice with a dish cleaner kek
>>34744 It has a bit of that detergent tint unlike something like blue colored nasi lemak.
It's so over for me she's saying goshujinsama and master....
The more she talks about how all these foods were requests from staff, the more it feels like being able to cook is, like, one of the talents hat management looks for, which is so weird when it comes to vtubing
>>34747 to be fair, i think she personally asked them
>>34748 I like her japanese, yes.
D-Did she just casually say based?
>Who can hate slice of life Your genmate literally said so kek
>>34749 She literally said all fods were requests and her genmates are the ones that convinced her to cook
Oh yeah, Fuuchan mentioned that he talked with Klara about Danmei
She likes GL!
>>34753 i mean, did she not ask the staff to give her requests to show off for her debut? i think it'd be weird if staff just requested them on their own
>>34728 I'm pretty sure Grimmy was originally suppose to be Twisty and she quit pre-debut. Honestly, good riddance. Replacing a /lig/shitter with an actual NijiJP fan is the best decision ever.
>>34721 I think Radish had comms open not long ago, the gremlin looking drawings were quite cheap also and he seems to work fast
I keep forgetting that VE was originally a LN before Kyoani took all the credit and butchered the original as they always do
>>34757 at least the drama made the turncoats leave before they got in and any minor inconvenience made them do a zaion.
Besides Automata, she actually played Replicant and Drakengard too
Oh, she has a brother?
I could probably hear Kurara speak for hours, her voice is so pleasant, it's like honey
>Scarlet/Violate shiny pokemons only challenge I looove yet another playthrough of the worst game in the whole series
>>34763 Yeah me, she also loves incest
>>34766 I don't remember writing this
>>34762 finana and who? doppio or milord's devil form
I don't know any of these new pokemon..
I don't think Denauth met any of the other members pre debut. Besides Fianan and Millie mentioning someone, the other members were oblivious about them at all. Like Reimu straight up said that she didn't know that they will even have the next wave.
>>34768 Vox demon form with a ripped jersey
Weird how this is the first GBF player we got (I think Millie played it before but I don't think she was this much into it)
>>34772 We got Claude next, he sometimes plays it while streaming
>>34772 tbf it's pretty old. it's all about hoyoverse nowadays
>SMT ATLUS PLEASE GIVE US PERMS >devil survivor oh she's based
>She likes Devil Survivor Oh, she's like Nina
This is the first person I've ever met whose favourite Zelda game is Spirit Tracks
>When she played other Zelda games, she was really confused why there were no trains lmao
>>34777 I had a cousing who had to go to a literal alleyway to even buy that one
All her childhood games seem to be DS games from late 00s/early 10s, so she's quite young
I joined late but Notyugo is doing a Twitter space (he's wrapping up now though) which is directed to NijiEN fans and basically the very brief summary was keep loving your oshi and picrel.
>>34777 it's pretty good, i liked it a lot more than phantom hourglass
>>34781 He was always supportive of Niji and always said that the reasons why he graduated was his fault, not the company's. People that want to group him in the same basket as Doki and Sayu are complete retards
>>34781 His Glamorous sky cover lives rent free in my head..🥺 I'm glad he's doing better now
>I see someone going on a lolicon crusade against Twisty >With a Vivi oshi mark I think someone is really fucking retarded
Oh, she's a vocaboomer too, we got another one
>>34780 My first thought when she said her first pokemon was leaf green but then I realized that came out in 2004 and im just old.
>Klara can play the violin Maid of many talents...
>>34789 She also plays clarnet and accoustic guitar
>>34789 petra x klara piano and violin collab please
>>34781 May i know what prompted it?
>>34781 real nice of notyugo
>>34768 May i also recommend someone as Stephen A going "can Lebron James beat Rosemi-sama in a fight?!?"
>>34792 Him tweeting at NotKyo an edit with the recent hand asset meme to cleanse everyone's timeline reminded him of his fanbase back in Niji cleansing his timeline from antis.
Has anyone in EN besides Finana got into any gacha game as a character?
She wants to anem her fanbase masters
>>34796 Nope, at most we had Shu have an outfit for PSO2
>masters as fanbase name ngl i'd like it if she can call us that, but have a different official name
>Girls can be masters too H-hot....
>>34796 Pomu...? Or was hers just the song
Chat thinks that masters is too generic, so she'll do a poll later or maybe do a different spelling
>>34801 Just the song
Vox told her to name the fanbase masters lmao
>>34804 i mean his is literally just "kindred" lol
i wonder if she can put her hand down or is she just gonna be permanently doing the kpop heart sign
This is today btw
>>34808 Holy crap this weekand is brimmed full with good stuff
I wanted to say that schizos will think that Klara is copying Kotoka, but then I remember that schizos hate Kotoka too much to even shitpost about it
>>34805 Honestly I really like Kindred for it's simplicity and how it perfectly fits with Vox's lore. I also feel like it has an air of classiness too lol. I think Masters could work for the same reasons too.
>>34809 It's just an announcement, the actual thing will be on June first
>>34811 same thoughts, but imo it's kinda awkward to be called that by other livers when klara raids them or something
Cute ending screen
Oh by the way, the old YouTube interface has come back for me. Guess people hated the new one way too much, so YouTube rerolled it back
>Chat it spamming oats emojis This is a new one kek
ahhh i really like klara so far. looking forward to twisty's 2.0!
>I listen to Kurara's cover again >Space Jam theme gets recommended The algo is doing the funny again
>>34819 Kek, i'm gonna love this arc of basketball NijiEN art
>>34821 10/10
>>34807 didn't she also have planned to do something with her mom ? i remember myt1c doing the design for mamaguni and it was dope.
Ryoma no...
>>34824 lmao what did he say
Klara shoes making me feel unwise..
>>34820 https://twitter.com/jenengkufeli/status/1794281464940642688 the basketball art is going insane (this is from Slam Dunk)
also zali is doing some karaoke, setlist is full of jp songs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CSh4_tAoYI
>>34825 Scarle missclicked the mod button
>>34828 He just about finished it
>>34827 Oh i know my favorite sports anime anywhere, i requested this one
>>34813 No I need this to happen just to trick shu into saying master
>>34831 I love this
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>>34834 let's go !
Ohhh i'm gonna need insulin for this one, chief, Mumu is really cute on this cover
>>34838 Such a girly song..
reimu is truly a girly girl at heart.
>>34840 You can see it if you see how she moves in 3D compared to the other Ethyria members...
>>34834 ngl, I really don't like all these girlypop songs. They all sound the same to me, but the cover is nice still.
Oh shit, this cover was supposed to be released for her second outfit debut. It was in the freezer for over a year at this point
>>34843 to be honest, all jp songs are mostly meh to mei wish they would do more english or spanish songs i would like to say french, but i don't think zali reimu enna or rosemi would do it
>It's honeyworks Of course, this is why the song sounds like shit
>>34843 The lyrics in these songs are pretty much the same about the girl not having confidence and just daydreaming but yeah
>>34845 Rosemi-sama singing in french lives rent free in my head, it was so cute and energetic like she was having so much fun I really want her to do it again... https://files.catbox.moe/wcv553.mp3
Glad that all those covers that were frozen for years are finally getting released. She had really bad luck with covers since the beginning
>>34848 yeah it has potential to be good, nina not singing "antisocial" from trust was such a missed opportunity
Reimu couldn't believe that they actually got NBA sponsorship lmao
The girl that made the MV was working with Reimu before she was in Niji. She had to change something in the MV, and not only she still had the 2 year old files, but she fixed everything pretty quickly
The originall pallette of the cover was light blue, but Reimu wanted the dark pink instead
Reimu actually has one of the better mixes in EN, so I'm actually glad that she's really picky about it
Oh wow, takaradachis made an original song for Albanyan bday 🥺 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lClJ65UwJS0
>Check Ryoma's 2.0 VOD >It's 4 hours long Jesus, we got another yapper
Reimu actually spitting bars when she sings kek
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>>34857 maybe it's too early to say, but he gives me strong claude "just some guy" vibes also already seeing stray comments on clips about his "PL". so fucking annoying
Reimu has 3 covers coming. One is ready and just needs some adjacements, the other is the delayed mother's day cover that should be done soon and the third cover she only started working recently. She gave a hint and judging by what she said, it's probably an Ado song
really hope twisty and maririn get along well. their models already look cute together
Lmao Enna's superchat/dono alerts have not been working for many months.
>>34860 His actual PL or that retarded rrat about him being a rapist?
>>34864 the latter. i don't think any of denauth's actual PLs have been identified
>>34865 I'm pretty sure his actual PL got found out, he was some indie who used to stream Apex
I think Enna changed her mic settings to be much more sensitive like what she did at the end of the last cooking stream so she can talk softly today but she forgot and is just yelling after getting upset at the game.
>>34866 hope that retarded rrat dies soon then. fucked up that a liver can just get accused like that just because some mouthbreathers have a grudge on niji
Some guy just dropped 600$ to Reimu on the ending screen and she had to comeback lmao
>>34868 what do you expect when their source of info always goes back to the other site catalog, whetever they get their hands on it on discord, twitters or dramafags videos.
>Spend all this money on PS3 slim It literally has 3 games worth of playing, it's a fucking waste.
>>34870 i'm just wondering what went wrong with the en vtuber community that we got vtubers openly pandering to 4chan containment breakers. i don't think 2chan dogwhistling has ever been common in jp, cmiiw
Enna watched some elden ring playthroughs and thought the game looked really fun but she's still hesistant about wanting to play it due to the difficulty and high retail price
>>34872 >only place to discuss vtubers in general with any view is 4chan >board is unmodderated >dramafags takes their "news" from the catalog >shitposters notice this and join their discord and weaponize it >the false incident happens, the catalog goes viral in his defense >any shitter in the biz with two working neurons knows that either they go with the flow or get on the shitlist after this we got into this situation because niji is/was the number two on their imaginary war and unironically, 4chan is way too mainstream for the good of the hobby.
Enna talking about whether she should play dark souls 3 or elden ring and then this guy made a good point.
>>34868 It was literally debunked by the guy who got accused. People that still spread thsi shit are either disingenuous shitters or some retards that watch dramatubers, and both types don't worth listening to
>>34877 you know that, i know that, but what about the gullible retards that make 95% of the vtuber fandom ?
i'm stupid so i assumed everyone in EN except denauth would be in the collab... kinda sad rosemi and vivi didn't get in
>>34879 I didn't even know that many livers were participating I tunnel visioned to the NBA logo after noticing my oshi.
Instead of making cookies to welcome the new wave, which she dropped since Xsoleil Enna wants to make a full course meal to represent each liver in Denauth. Potato salad for Klara, a blue drink for Twisty and steak for Ryoma because it's red.
Enna wants to make squid ink pasta to represent Vanta because it's black and Vanta is black, derived from pigment Vantablack.
>>34876 >>34874 Elden ring is difficult and souls game etc etc but she'd honestly get bored of it post leyndell.
>>34886 millie.jpg
Ryoma's brain just lagged
Ryoma unironically reminds me of Ittetsu. The guy is just turboautist
>SEA people Enna you're friends with one
enna throwing shade at briskadets...
Mumu's cover, very nice and cute. She should cover this next, it's even by Teddyloid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hqurlNAtwE
>20 minutes in >He still isn't even close to starting the game Love it
>>34893 He's male scarle?
>>34893 have we finally gotten the male version of scarle...?
Love how Niji keeps hiring guys that just yap about random shit for hours.
I've never heard of curry cuttlefish before but it seems like an authentic Chinese dish.
And he went on a tangent about cars again
>>34898 he's goated already
All this talk about cars Ryoma better play some car games, what game we have perms for? NFS Most Wanted? Forza? Even Mario Kart?
>>34900 I don't think we have Forza perms because that's Microsoft
>>34900 F1. He has a NFS in his schedule.
Ryoma got into cars because when he was a kid, his parents forbid him to play FPS games, so he only had to play racing games
Tom Mater is Ryoma's favourite Cars characters. He says that he read biorgraphy of Tom's voice actor and how much his role meant to him and it moved him.
Ryoma loved Idolmaster Cinderella girls. He says it was really relatable to him as a creative individual in an entertaining industry
He says holy cow....
The girls (including mane-san) lead Ryoma through BL section while they were in Japan. He says he just doesn't get BL
Just realized he doesn't have bgm
>>34908 Wait i'm stupid it's just really quiet
Yet another glizzy enjoyer in EN
He likes the taste of burned salt and pepper on stake
>>34893 40 minutes now, lets fucking go
Enna has a true chinese restaurant with all the shark in the menu
Ryoma mainly buys clothes in women's department since man's department clothes are too big for him
He got new shoes right before the stream, forgot about it and is now doing unpacking
He got chelsea boots. He doesn't like them, but they were for extra low price
He's putting the boots on
The boots fit
He wants to do shorts with various outfits he wears IRL
>Shows feet >Views spike up >Stops showing feet >views goes down kek
This is pretty much how Enna would fare in Elden ring
Mane-san asked Ryoma if he was taking acting/comedy lessons because how funny he was, Ryoma was flabbergasted when she said it. He says it was one of the nicest thing anyone has ever told him
sea people village reached
Mane-san is extremly nice, she gave Ryoma a lot of advices when it comes to content creation. Ryoma says he is really happy of being in a corpo since it gives him an opportunity to improve himself as a content creator and take creative advices from someone
Over an hour later, he finally starting the game. The Apex has been open all this time
He's showing his Apex skins
>Senpai messaged him >I thought this was your outro zatsu, but it's your intro zatsu kek
>fuck me Eh I'll pass
So how's ryoma's apex? Did he mog the boosted bitch
>>34929 He's just doing practise right now. He's movements are pretty good but he's rusty
>he doesn't know gacha games please continue to not know anything about them--oh he's already decided to play one. sigh
>>34929 The few anons here that keep bringing up Selen for no reason out of nowhere are annoying.
He's calling insta glide skibidi glide
>>34932 well gotta somehow have a skill staple. let's ak like this : who's the best among the remaining apex players and how does ryoma compare then ?
>>34932 Am I supposed to compare to Aster LMAO
Hex really just said to Enna "That some nice hidden voice acting talent, keep it hidden, the voice acting didn't release, it fucking escaped"
This Dugong hotel part is going on for so long.
Today's in-game yap wasn't that soft.
>I'm thinking of dropping L.A noire No....
He has a be right back screen
I'm going to kill myself.
>>34939 really ? come on enna
>>34939 Kind of understandable. It goes into dark and depressing topics about serial killers etc. Which is just not fun to show on stream. Vivi said that she dropped the game for the same reason
>>34942 Her reasoning is that >it's too gory >it's too real (aka it has things problematic in modern times) She says she likes the gameplay though
Klara took Ryoma to a pet store when they were in Japan and he bought outfits for his cats
She's actually really considering Elden Ring.
Ryoma is booting up an actual match now. Also, he said it's ok if people want to call him Ryo
Wait she didn't mention bug fables so is she dropping that too lol. Also, I can feel my eyes getting swollen after she said she's going to drop it I'm going to cry from her saying she's going to drop LA Noire lmao I need to sort myself out.
>>34944 i can believe the second one, i mean, one wrong sentence and it's over
>>34949 I think she forgot about that game lmao, doppio remind her doko
>>34950 Honestly she's been really sensitive to gore since last year she talked about how she can't really rewatch Higurashi.
I don't think animal well is a game for Enna lol.
She might try Pokemon legends arceus
I get the feeling aloupeeps like seeing enna getting spooked
>>34955 The dumb jade pendant shtick doesn't get old for me.
Tunic would be a terrible game for Enna and I love that game.
>>34957 what about fez ?
I'm watching Ryoma and he's decent but really washed up. He's probably around the same skill as Aster
I guess we're all in on the Elden Ring train, at least until she decides to drop it. And Enna says that if greynames that found her stream because of Elden Ring and malds because she's bad to not fight back against them
Ryoma is planning to stream Apex at least once per week, depending on how full his schedule is. He also wants to do Apex collabs with his senpais
>>34960 >Enna elden ring This is so surreal, I didn't think she would be the type to play action games but I hope she has fun
ngl i feel weird being read this often
Other than wanting to cry from hearing her dropping LA Noire I particularly enjoyed Dave the Diver today which I didn't expect.
>>34964 She didn't expect the overall reaction though, maybe she'll change her mind because of it. Also why is feesh playing a PS1 game
Is Ryoma the fabled brotuber?
>>34966 If I still perceived Vox to be a brotuber back when he kissed for every supa, anyone can be the fabled brotuber for your heart.
>>34965 i think vivi played it the other day. Maybe it interested her i dunno
ESLs and burgers are learning from Ryoma that you can't put an object before the color in a sentence
>>34969 >ESL oh >and burgers kek
Ryoma says he'll probably play Apex with Denauth girls next week
>>34971 It's so over not apex........
Ryoma will join Vsakiyo if he gets invited
Ryo may change some streams this week since he thinks there's too much Apex. Also, he wants to do some grinding together with Aster
>>34974 >Also, he wants to do some grinding together with Aster I would also like to frot with Aster
Vivi please don't go the fucking Selen route https://x.com/VBrightshield/status/1794402759334379937
>>34977 Line of command still fuck up huh
>>34977 was posted earlier elsewhere
>>34977 People are being stupidly retarded and Vivi is the main force making them act >"Management fucks over livers once more! Why couldn't they include everyone??!?!?!" THERE'S MORE FUCKING NIJIEN LIVERS THAN NBA TEAMS YOU FUCKING RETARDS. God i swear if Vivi does this shit one more time then i'm unmembering an unsubbing, i hope she learns that saying this shit just gives everyone ammo to shit on NijiEN WHEN EVERYTHING WAS GOING ALRIGHT, HOLY FUCK YOU FUCKING MISERABLE PIECE OF SHIT
>>34980 it's like they never learn
>>34980 I can't believe we have more livers than NBA teams. I thought there were more NBA teams and simultaneously there were less livers.
>>34982 Without counting Denauth we had 31, there's 30 NBA teams so discourse would've always happened because there would be 1 person left out
>>34980 I hate it mostly because this is Vivi showing jealousy and also why didn't she go and say this because Sajam didn't pick her for the new tournament? I mean it's the same situation but she didn't complain in public like this
>>34984 I'm pretty sure she did then as well.
>>34985 Not on twitter like that, it was on stream
>>34986 https://twitter.com/VBrightshield/status/1787655440391647333 She did make this tweet, but this isn't as direct as the tweet now.
>>34980 The main difference with TTT is that Claude wants to do VPs, i think it is that fucking simple
Watching Vivi's stream right now and she's doing fine, just spent several minutes joking about names like Hugh Jazz. I'll take her posts today as as just a one off, but I'll be concerned if something like this happens again. In general I think she just needs to find more opportunities to collab and work with more people in NijiEN itself. I enjoy some of her outside collabs, but we've already seen what happens when a liver isolates themselves and begins to feel like they've been excluded.
>>34980 >>34982 it's only gonna get "worse" as more waves debut lol. look at JP where some livers rarely get any kind of merch or collabs or sponsorships. it's just the reality of working for a huge talent agency. I do wish some livers could get more support, but it is what it is unfortunately
>>34976 C-Cute.........
Ok, i'm not gonna post Pomus anymore, i kept doing it in the lewd thread and all but i will not do it due to principles now
Now I get why every liver was saying to be kind...
Finana almost shitted herself on stream because she ate some spicy chilly or something
>>34980 I don't think it is bad, like she isn't blaming anyone or saying it is unfair, but yeah, she's acting menhera as fuck and being upset publically when the other livers are happy is just dumb. Also, Maria posted vague membership post about having impostor syndrom, and I think she's upset too that she didn't get the NBA sponsorship.
>>34997 Honestly, people should stop expecting that they'll get sponsorships non-stop. This is not how JP corpos operate. Not even Nijisanji specific problem, in Holo plenty of people don't get shit in comparison to other members. Just look at Cali getting fucking WB contract while her genmates barely get shit. Some people will get more, some people will get less, some people will get blessed by gacha Gods and got a happy ticket. Management really should tradwrangle shit like that and reassure them that them not getting a sponsorship isn't some punishment or the end of the world.
>>34980 Also, no need to compare to Selen. I know you're pissed of, but I don't see her meaning anything mean, even if did something retarded. Besides, Selen had tons of sponsorships, she was fucking braindead retard that blew everything up.
>>34999 I think what actually pisses me off is her actually getting sponsorship yet she is such an ungrateful bitch she thinks it’s nothing. People like her know nothing other than clout
Feesh has finished the game in one go, it was actually pretty short
Feesh will be playing Dead by Deadlight with Hex, Aia and Reimu. She's not sure yet but she maybe invite fith person if anyone available
Wilson will be playing Visage with Feesh and Claude on Friday
Finana's saying she'll be going on a work trip for few weeks by the end of June.
Feesh wants to go to a F1 race someday
A lot of JP speakers on Klara's 2.0 prechat
>>35007 Actually not 2.0, it's a JP zatsu, of course there's JP speakers, my bad lmao
Reimu is doing the schedule roulette on members
Twisty's room looks so cute
Why is twistie's bgm so intense it's like i'm in the backrooms but the floor is lava
>>35013 It's the sound of the FBI approaching
Twisty wants to do a screamo cover with the rest of Denauth but the other two are worried about hurting their voice.
She can remove some layers.
>>35016 >>35017 O-Okay I forgive her for jumpscaring me..
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>>35015 That'd be so damn kino, but that's also a valid concern. Maybe they could talk to Ike about it later down the line. I feel like Ike would be more than happy to help them out.
Twisty loves the wire trap from Saw X
She really likes Saw
Twisty cannot tell who's who if it is a MALE's voice
She struggles to distinguish the male voices whenever they are in a discord call lol.
>>35022 >>35023 Kyo.. Fuuchan..
>"Zali has a different voice" Yes he has the disability of being french
Peto playing idolmaster game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjbN5kw7oK8
Klara hates being called mommy she rather be an oneesan.
>there's a girl that wants you to call her oneechan I think sonny plays this game, if he doesn't he should
Twisty said "just don't be nervous 4head" so she wouldn't be nervous at the debut
>Cult of the Lamb God, the worst streamer bait game, it is truly so fucking boring...
>Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown This is not a good schedule...
That creature in Klara's teacup looks so high definition
Twisty finds Door (Doppio's 2nd outfit) cute in the same way you find dogs cute
Oh damn, Bloodborne finally won
>>35034 She'll drop the game after one stream just like she did with Demon Souls
Klara is stripping
Apparently she got the perms to release her rpgmaker game but she doesn't want to since it's pretty barebones.
>Omori Good luck on seeing this one again
>The Evil Within This one is actually a pretty nice option
>>34997 maria is in the sponsorship
>Siren LET'S G- >Blood Curse That phantomo can go fuck himself
>>35040 Oh, I'm retarded then sorry
Twisty got embarrassed about her mother watching her streams and wanting to buy her merch.
>Denauth has the youngest and the oldest member of NijiEN Holy...
>>35044 Wait she's actually a kid?
>>35045 If she's the youngest then she's 18, if Ryoma is the oldest then he's like 32/33
>>35046 >double digits It's so over..
Holy fuck, nobody remembers that Toyama made SH, not even majority of SH fans, he's not a fucking Kojima.
>>35046 >18 couldn't she be 20 or 21? pretty sure kyo was the youngest when he was here and he's like 21
>Armored Core This schedule looks like it was made by a redditor
>>35050 Is she playing Sekiro but mechs or AC4/5
Wonder if Klara would do cooking handcamns or cooking zatsus in the future
>>35051 She's gonna be playing 6, also she's saying that since it's fromsoft she has ask for perms and that some companies ask you to play games on specific time frames and YOU NEED TO PLAY IT because you make Nijisanji look bad in the eyes of the devs
twisty really does sound like a kid though. i wonder when and for how long they stayed in japan. i hope they continue doing that for future waves. >>35052 she mentioned that she'd like to do handcams when she moves out
Reimu keeps getting games taht require special permission lmao
>>35052 She also mentioned in her 2.0 that her current set up doesn't really allow her to do one in the foreseeable future.
>>35053 > on specific time frames Does it mean stream on certain hours or stream the game of x amount of time
>Elden Ring Disqualified like AC >"Why do you like fromsoft games so much!?!??!" Fromsoft fans are those people that have their room filled with heavy metal and Berserk things and think every game has to be told by the cum tissues in the floor
>>35057 X amount of times
>>35059 Oh, RIP bozo
Twisty couldn't stop feeling Klara's legs because they were too perfect, smooth and soft, also she usually went >"Ojou-sama...what are you doing?"
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I need to watch M.D Geist and Violence Jack with this bitch.
Twisty really wants to put the Debi cloak on her future Twisty pape
Twisty also likes Mashiro and Salome-sama too, she likes a lot more also
>>35066 Looks like a bedroom outfit.
>>35066 TWIN...TAIL............ C-CUTE.......................
>>35066 >Scarle got third outfit before Ren Maaaan.....
Klara talking about Enna's 3D
Reimu is buying a PS3 Slim and some British copy of Siren Blood Curse from Ebay
>>35071 >buying a ps3 ONE GAME
looks like staff were really supportive of denauth. i hope that's a continuous trend for EN
>Fallout 4 At least it isn't 76
Mumu's schedule for next week fucking sucks and i fully blame phantomos
Twisty bgm reminds me of ygo duelist of roses https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frKbks4IB9Y
>>35077 You could probably give Twisty a duel disk and she won't be out of place
>>35076 Well, Siren Blood Curse will be actually cringe kino if she'll manage to set everything to play it. Also it's pretty unique, I haven't seen anybody streaming it in ages
>>35079 I remember watching PewDiePie playing it. It looks fun at that time.
Did Klara decide on a fan name?
Twisty mentioned some sort of 3D thing she doesn't want to spoil. VR model perhaps.
>>35083 It.. It really works oh my god her name too
>189$ for PS3 Slim and Blood Curse That's actually a decent price
I think i could do the math to see how much do Twisty's platforms measure
>>35087 Is the first one Zexal? I'm assuming it is because the design looks stupid as fuck
>>35089 It's from vrains, and the card is the newest support for her deck too
>>35090 Ohhh i didn't even know vrains, i just watched up until a few episodes into Zexal, was like "ok this is too dumb even for YGO standards" and just left
Maria is the only oshi Twisty understands
Twisty likes little girls with BIG HORNS
Twisty has tons of dolls, she likes Rainbow High dolls
>>35046 my autistic older brotuber finally
Twisty was talking to Zali about how much she liked escargot
>>35097 Sonny......
What's Twisty's favourite Saw trap I missed it
Twisty says that Klara smells really good
Despite low subs, Denauth seems to have pretty decent numbers views wise. On one hand, glad that we have less dead sub shitters, on the other hand, getting 100k is pretty important. Hope they'll get more subs soon
Twisty's guide to Denauth, it includes how everyone smells
>>35103 >pretty decent numbers views they have debut buff right now though. numbers aside, they seem like pretty solid hires already
She added that Klara smells like a bakery
>>35104 I just realize that ryoma has that yaoi chin lmao
Twisty doesn't read manga because it's too wordy for her...
>>35109 True zoomer moment
>>35105 Ryoma had 3 streams already and pulled 1k on each of them. Buff or not, it is really decent.
>>35111 That's enough number talk
Denauth watched AR Live together!
>>35112 I just wanted to praise them, nothing more. I see no point of getting into retarded "w-well it's just a buff" doomposting.
Twisty plays all the e-girl champions in LoL, this is the kind of girl that would pick Clarity
>>35112 whenever i see number talk i think of people watching vid related daily instead of vtuber streams https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BuE0XO7je7w I just think it's funny Also our local femboy is back with more league https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rp2NWDOJqu0
>>35114 That's for everyone in the convo, not just you. I know your intentions but one thing goes to another so i'd rather cut the number talk now
>>35115 Oh my god, I remember using it only once with Pantheon, she's really deranged..
Do we have enough EN livers to start a league tourney?
>>35119 Nah, we'd need like 8 teams at least so that would be 40 livers and we currently have 34
>>35120 They could play the 3x3 map too for a smol one
Reimu's final schedule
>>35120 They can do joint tourney with KR, but I bet they will get smoked by them too
>>35123 Anon...they have a bronze and an iron in their usual 5 stack for LoL and it's not even a "well korean bronze and iron is like gold and plat in NA" but actually bad bad players
>>35122 Why is she starting Fallout 4?
>>35124 Oh... then chadster will reign supreme
>>35125 Phantomo roulette schedule
>>35124 Nari....
>>35127 Why are phantomos asking her to play fallout 4 this early
Doing a lot of singing, horror games, league of legends and roleplaying are what Twisty wants to do.
>>35129 I don't know, it's a roulette, not democracy, she can get one guy'd into playing anything
>>35130 TBH heavy RP streams for the girls are a niche we are not covering that much, we got some here and there but not much
twisty already has a mascot design in the works, it's a pallas cat with moose horns apparently
>>35133 A.. Moose..? I wonder if she took inspiration from totsukuni no shoujo curse
Twisty's fans are called spiritmates
The fucking apple mouse and magic keyboard, seriously? And needing a wristrest for the flat ass magic keyboard too?
>>35135 Good day mate'
>>35134 well she did say she wanted spiritmates to have moose horns because she likes big horns on cute things
>>35138 I can't wait for memes of the little guys horns getting stuck everywhere
>First Twisty lewd is preggo art Man...she isn't even flat enough...
>>35141 W-Where..
>>35142 Nevermind I just saw it on pixiv...
>>35143 Oh i also left it in the lewd thread
>>35145 Thanks, I wonder how her reaction will be kek
maria is really cute in just dance
>>35148 She got the schmooves even with her smol form
>>35130 I hope she considers bed time or creepy story telling. She has the potential voice that will lul you to sleep or make you scared
Maririn......... I think she hit her finger while dancing really badly..
Was catching up on Vox's post Helldivers zatsu and at the end he was being sentimental and feeling soft. So he reluctantly gave a small kiss to chat and added afterwards that chat shouldn't get used to it. Who would have thought he would be stubborn about giving kisses now compared to how he was in his first several months.
lies of penguin was so fucking good
I didn't know Klara had a feather duster too. Also muted...
Klara sounds so polite, if that makes any sense.
>>35156 I mean, she's a maid
Maririn... I hope the curse already dissipate. I can relate with you...
Also maririn's transcriber always change doll into daughter.
Is Elira gonna try out Wuthering waves or is there not enough hot men to interest her
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Maririn schedule. SHe's having a collab with Pio, Sonny and Rosemy and Wendesday
>>35161 >Maririn and Rosemi
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>>35164 >Wolf among us Oh, this is the game that Fuuchan told plenty of people wanted to play. Glad we finally got perms for this one
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Reimu, don't be a retard, don't doxx your aunt's name
>"She became LA ZORRA" Peach is a prostitute...
It's a WIP but it's shaping up to be pretty cute https://x.com/abababauidao/status/1794420932020408383
>It's like Dark Souls for kids Hate how every game with parry and dodge is DS like now
>>35171 Metal Gear Rising is my favorite soulslike
>>35171 my favorite souls like is ocarina of time
>>35171 Def jam fight for new york is my favorite sol game
>"Damn i suck at riding" Mumu will break your cock if you let her ride you...
>"I am a child" Little Mumu 😭😭😭
it sounds dumb, but Reimu's lunch breaks are unironically my favourite parts of her streams. They are so comfy
Come ot think of it, kind of weird how practically all dads in Niji are really cool. I would think at least one member would have some deadbeat father, but it's really nice
I hate how every parody of Arsene Lupin is just now regarded as a Persona reference
>>35181 I just went with the jokes because Mumu said "this is like Persona"
>>35179 tbf i think there's some members that rarely if ever talk about their parents. the dads we hear of are pretty cool though
This children game is too much for Reimu's mind
>>35184 I mean, this is the only enemy in the game that supposed to be kileld by jumping on it, so I can see why it is confusing
Reimu talked about Alban's break a little bit. She said she really admires him and he's extremly responsible and disciplined, so it was an extremly difficult decision for him to make and he'll fully commit to improving himself. She also said that you just need to wait patiently for his comeback
Mumu loves Sylveon!
>The JP seyu of Gojo was suppose to be in Reimu's 3D debut but he didn't make it due to rescheduling Yet another reason to hate Selen
>You are so ugly, you look like Chillian kek
Reimu enjoyed Princess Peach a bit more then Factorio, but it was kind of boring. She says she liked all the games besides the 7 days one
Imagine caring about game awards that much that you unironically seethe because another souls game not get a nomination. God, soulsfags are retarded
>>35192 what ?
>>35195 Reimu was talking about her friend who was seething that souls didn't get GOTY every year and blamed one of the jury members hates souls games
https://twitter.com/EliraPendora/status/1794847841053217010 Looks like Wiwa is feeling better. Glad she's not extremely sick.
If Ryoma is a real car guy he should watch car movies like ford v ferrari in members
>>35201 On one hand, I'm happy that she got support and reassurance from actual fans and not some black corpo shitters. On the other hand, people are really twisting her words right now with management delibertly keeping the collab in secret from her and Rosemi. Obviously it is retarded, but schizos don't care
>>35203 Its kinda funny to talk about Anycolor as a black corpo when it has the NBA next to it kek
https://x.com/fractureniscent/status/1794673470141608126 Oh shit, didn't know Maririn was watching Dneauth debuts on Billibilli. Her reaction of being on Twisty's oshi's list is really cute
>The shadows are attacking couples Didn't know they were vtuber fans
P3P portable has a PC port right? Elira should play that for Femc
>>35209 She said multiple times she will after finishing P3R
Wiwa doesn't know who to date because the game is full of pretty ladies
E-girl Sundays will come to an end soon...
>>35205 That's really cute
>>35214 LMAO
https://x.com/mi__uxuchocolat/status/1794572202911924227 >Klara's mascot has it's own rigging with his eyes closing/opening Cute
>Mitsuru does something >Everyone in chat just says "mommy"
The voices are telling Elira to molest Yukari in the shower
>>35217 C-Cute..... 🥺
Man the lovers arcana is truly the woman's moment arcana
>>35217 That's cute Just finished her jp zatsu vod, and looks like she can take off her apron, I want her to showcase her full model with toggle off
The boss is a shipper like Elira...
Junpei fucking killed Tender-kun
Man sukujaka would be useful here
Damn Maiko...i also did he same but when i was much older than you...
I need to learn chess so I can relate to the seethe whenever vtubers play chess.
>>35228 It's easy to learn but hard to master type of deal, people usually seethe at the very easy missed opportunities, like "you could win in 2 plays" kind of moves
>>35228 If Tyler1 can learn the game, you can learn it
The only thing I remember about guilty crown that it broke old /a/
As expected Enna didn't see the timer in the corner.
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>>35231 /a/ used to have board wide breakdowns every fucking year. My favourite one was when Kyoani announced Free
>>35234 >CGDCT company makes gay dude anime >"The fujos ruined the hobby" Wait a minute i've seen this somewhere else...
>>35236 The people seething back then are the same people seething in vtubing
>>35236 She knows he's on pregnancy leave...
>>35235 >>35238 Oops, replied to someone else
The new outlast trials update reset their progress on the game now they're gonna do the whole thing all over again
>>35241 This seems like a very poor planning by the devs
Shu is duck detectiving now https://www.youtube.com/live/et24ceWkdjQ
I remember last year reaching the security room was already a huge achievement for them. They came so far.
>>35244 He just like me.....
How did Enna even get left behind lol
>shinji and aki appear >elira screams
One trial done
>>35249 With an ok grade also!
I remember Millie being so weirdly good at the arm wrestling game.
Important Elira update: She's peeing
The more I think about it, the more I'm sad that the NBA colalb turned into drama. Don't really want to be mad at Vivi, but I'm just dissapointed. Like imagine my oshi will see this and they'll think "man, I don't deserve to be in this collab". Thankfully, people are logically pointing out how there're more people in the company then there're NBA team, so it's factually impossible to include all EN livers even if you kick out JPs.
>>35255 Pluck it we ball.
>>35255 I think it would be worse to have 1 person left out than 6. If i were in their situation i would use the opportunity to meme the fuck out of it, make my own 31 team with the people that couldn't make it and say we are gonna win the season
>>35255 Also, saw Bobon's gradaution tweet and got even more sad. Imagine not seeing your oshi for months and then they just silently graduate with few tweets. I liked him a lot in collabs, even though I didn't watch him. I know I suppose to be happy about all the cool things that are happening, but it feels like everything gets monkey pawed into something bad.
Elira lost her e girl...
Twisty's stream got moved by 4 hours because she's a sweaty girl in heat and she doesn't want us hearing the fan https://x.com/TwistyAmanozako/status/1794922838069313832 Also bonus ojou-maid yuri in replies
Just commit and fuck Mitsuru, Elira
Oh shit, just found out that Aster has a brother https://x.com/sol_shirahase
When Klara opens her mouth i feel my sould healing
Klara was sick during the Japan trip with Denauth and they were really sweet to her and took care of her. Ryoma was like a big brother reminding her to take her meds and paying for their things, Twisty was like a little sister asking her to link arms and hug
>>35264 Cute as expected
>>35260 I saw a clip of Twisty talking about Klara's legs on her 2.0. Basically, she was admiring her legs and couldn't believe how smooth they are, so she touched them just to check if she's wearing tights or not
Wait what happened to Enna's keyboard
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>>35066 https://x.com/ScarleYonaguni/status/1794578487942230275 Aniamtion. Also, it seems that Scarle got both a sitting pose and standing pose
Elira goes fucking insane anytime Shinji is on screen
>>35044 >>35045 >>35046 While it would be funny if Anycolor hired a kid again, she's probably just not counting Kyo since he's graduated, so she's probably in her early 20s. But I'm surprised that Ryoma is really taht old, I can't beleive we got someone older than Fuuchan (I mean, we had Zaion, but fuck her) Also, I feel really bad for comparing Twisty to Zaion pre-debut. She seems really nice and likes Niji a lot, even though I can't watch her due to timezones. >>35054 They already did JP travel for Krisis and TTT, the difference is that they did it after debut though
>>35274 Well they don't hire kids anymore, also seeing how that killed a small corpo like a month or so ago it's the worst move possible but also the form says you need to be 18+ to audition. My guess is that she's between 18-20 since the youngest member right now is 20
>>35275 Kyo was 20 years old and he quit. I think the second youngest was Maria and she's like 23 - 24
>>35276 I'm not gonna get too into it because this is getting into a territory i don't want to go into too much detail but the second youngest member is still 20/21
>>35277 Ok, I'm now remembering that Hex is actually as old as Maria (he basically told his age on stream since he doesn't give a fuck), and Wilson told on stream that he's old enough to drink (in America), so I don't think we have anyone younger then 21 besides Twisty, unless Anycolor actually hired a kid in one of the older waves. Overall, I've stopped counting ages since Xsoleil as we got too many zoomers in, but Kyo has always been the youngest as far as I remember
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>Elira wants to wait until finishing the game to watch the OG opening Honestly if she gets spoiled by the P3 original opening i will never say she's dumb again because it's all so fucking metaphoric thatif you get spoiled by that you deserve a fucking prize
>>35281 Isn't P3P opening kind of spoils who Pharos is?
>>35282 Yeah, but not the OG one
>Famelira convinced Elira to play the shitty new gacha I hate them
Apparently Elira saw something crazy in the schedule and she will be streaming on Tuesday, also she said many people scheduled to play the same thing...seems like Zomboid might make a come back!
>>35285 God i hope they go with the faction plan this time, that would be insanely fun and also justify getting medicine up
Elira confirming Nijisanji didn't assign them shit, it was the NBA
Oh they're finally on the new toy level I think.
This autist just made a 40 minute video explaining MTG Arena https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4s1g8MSbeHI
sonny said that the laugh track used in sitcoms are stock recordings recorded in the late 1900s, so whenever you watch a sitcom with a laugh track, you're listening to dead people laughing
>>35255 tbh i didn't really know how to feel about it from the start, maybe amazed at the idea that the NBA would even collab with vtubers, but yeah now i just feel dejected over it
>>35294 Maria's voice really fits Yugamin. I find it cute how often EN members have been using the Yugamin model lately.
>>35294 Cuuteee, Rosemin and Pomumin were great too
>>35296 And then you have Kunairin that sounds like he smokes a pack a day...
>>35297 Someone save her... Scarlerin and Hexrin were pretty funny too
>Monster sleeping >Klara puts her lance on their face >"Ohayo Gozaimasu" >Blows her load GIWTWM
>>35299 She's a psychopath >calls monster cute oownnn.. >absolutely blast and carves them and their whole family
>>35300 When Baconator wasnt' finding anything she said "i think i'm craving bacon after the stream ends"
I wonder what got Enna to watch anime again I remember around 1.5 years ago she talked about how she never watches anime and talks about random Netflix shows instead.
>>35303 She needed to bitch about Hibike Euphonium and one thing lead to the other
>>35304 Kek but tbf she was watching one piece before. I think she dropped it around the sky island arc and I dropped the manga around there too.
Millie is now a female vtuber
>>35307 congrats to her for the transition
Enna wants to watch the Chihayafuru live action for memberships since she's now in a Chihayafuru phase.
Wow they actually finished the entire game I had to leave after the first trial.
Millie is going on a 3 day break because she wants to binge watch Haikyuu
>>35313 >"Idk how to ASMR" Oh noes
>She's sucking on 2 candy balls Damn...
I actually like mouth sounds in a non erotic way so i'm enjoying this
>>35315 She ended up crushing them with her teeth btw
Twisty made me a drag queen in her attempt to make me a doll
>>35303 She just like me when I watched konosuba and dropped anime all together because of how bad it was, then I was frieen and I enjoy anime again
>Heavy breathing This got interesting...
>"Thank you for letting me abuse you" Damn, Twisty just raped me
Well that was better than expected, she's not good at yandereing but she's good at being a kusogaki
>>35324 >he doesn't turn off misc enjoy your ai slop
>>35325 I have AI filtered
>>35328 Whoa... I rarely ever see art of Petra and Millie together, especially like this. >check replies Kek, Petra had the same reaction I had.
>>35295 Anon.... They don't use it willingly, the app deffaults to Yugamin whenever their model crashes. It's the reason why they can use Yugamin in the first place
>>35141 Well, look on bright side it could've been scat >>35234 >>35236 It reminded me how Sonny said that he didn't like CBDCT anime but watched Free because it was amde by Kyoani kek
>>35292 Pretty sure that majority of people from late 1900s are still alive
>>35334 Im dead inside lmao
>>35287 Shitposters will just call it damage control, so I don't think it even matters
Meloco starting
>>35312 I gotta rewatch the last season before I go to see the movie on the weekend
Ren schedule
Did the teamups anons just give up?
>>35344 Oh they created a new one, i didn't know
>>35344 I'll update the OP with this link
Melo will do a group karaoke next week
Pio schedule
Reimu stop giving the chinese your info for free by using Opera, at least make them give you something in return instead of a shitty "gamer" browser that doesn't even work that much better than chrome
First Klara lewd just dropped
>>35351 day 2 and my man is already in shambles
>>35352 H-Holy...
>I'll stream for 2 hours, 1 hour will be a zatsu, 3 days break and then next stream will be a supa reading I wanted to make a joke about Gura, but 3 days break is way too short for her
>>35356 Who said this?
>>35357 Reimu lol
>>35358 Kek, sassy latina
Ryoma lost lots of money in crane games in Japan...
>>35360 On the other side Twisty won 2 figurines like it was nothing
Twisty is approaching the funny Rose lady https://x.com/TwistyAmanozako/status/1795178788067647546
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>>35271 Silly how I have to rely on Viv's schedule to find when Kunai will stream >>35352 wow
>>35369 Kek the karlach hat
Oh wait, is there a zomboid collab tomorrow?
>>35372 They're playing zomboid again?! LETS GOOO
>I randomly started crying while eating at Jolibees That's not because of your meds, it's just normal reaction when you go there
Aia's schedule for the stream >Yapping for an hour >Something >Open totsu >Birthday project >Some kind of announcement
>>35376 It's actually a really fun cover
Aia's familly is really sweet, it makes me glad that she's so happy
Oh damn, iPN in chat, hasn't seen him in a while
>Ike pop up when Aia was doing a poor Sweedish expression kek
Aia and Ike's DMs are all just sghitposts
Aia used to shlick to arts of Fuuchan in the cowkini before she joined Niji
>I used to say I'm bricked up because I thought it means buff Aia....
Aia will be announcing something soon. She's saying she'll be making some kind of new content in the mornings
Aia is setting up something cool (the BGM sounds like a SMT boss battle theme)
Chibi Aia!
Her movements are so cute
Scarle and Ike have helped Aia to set everything up with VR
Another outfit for the chibi model is coming in a week, and there's also tons of stuff coming in the rest of June
She moves so silly in a girlie way. Can't wait for her to get an actual 3D model
GTAV lowkey feels like a BL
Trevor kinda feels like Majima
>>35394 That's cause it is a BL
>>35395 Well, that's good to see at least >>35396 You take that back, Majima shows his love with a fistfight, Trevor just outright kills everyone that sees him wrong
>>35397 Everything can be BL if you try hard enough
Aia will be doing some new content with her chibi model. She doesn't say what it is yet but she's saying that it will be really collaborative and she'll be doing it with other people
>>35400 VR chat sex streams just like those korean streamers in patreon...
Aia says that her chibi model should be public, so anybody will be able to use it on VR chat
>>35400 DnD in VR please. DnD in VR please. DnD in VR please.
>>35406 As an actual DM that sounds like a horrible idea
>>35408 Exactly. That's why i want to see it.
Aia will be debuting her third outfit on June 15
Rosemi playing the stocks game reminds me of when Koto had big wins in the stock market then everyone told her to sell, the it plateau'd and everyone was just yelling her to sell now and then it went to fucking hell and below
Rosemi is going stonks
Aia says that her beeing friends with drag queens will finally pay off when she'll get her full 3D
>>35411 When did it even happen? I don't remember....
>>35414 When she was playing GTA Online
>>35415 kek I must've missed it, I had no time to watch most of those streams
Aia will be opening totsu now
I can't believe i'll be watching Fu-chan and Ryoma tomorrow over Reimu because a phantomo had to fuck it up for everyone recommending a boring ass game
Zali schedule, Zomboid confirmed
>>35418 It's more fun then Stella Blade tbh, this game is such a fucking slop
>>35419 Yeah, Aia has said that they'll be playing Zomboid
>"I'm not even doing anything illegal, i was just pretending to be dead" Sonny...
Enter Ike to the totsu
Pretty awesome how Aia used to be Ike's viewer and ended up befriending him after she got into Niji. Becoming friends with your oshi must be the colest thing ever
>Ike thinks Heavy Rain is unironically decent Ike please
>Rosemi is a boy now 😭😭😭
Aia says that Ike's Birthday art looks really cute
>>35425 Double edged sword if your oshi acts cool on stream and afterwards is an asshole offline, lucky for her Ike is a nice boy
Enter Fuuchan
>I've been there for the submissive and breedable era Ike????
Aia is doing Scrunkles of the totsu guests
Enter feesh, Zali and Wilson
Fuuchan wants somebody brave enough who would do samsh or pass of NijiEN
Enter Vanta
Enter Reimu!
Haven't seen any big totsus in a while, I really missed those
>>35438 Everyone is scrunkly but Mumu looks so cute
Rosemi is interested by Tom Bradley kissing his teammates on the lips
Vanta is losing it
>Ren popped up in the middle of Aia reading the boobs copypasta lmao
Ren drew a cat for Aia
Official RoseDogg collab is in a few months
Aia said that Wilson looks like a Totally Spies character, everybody agrees
>>35448 He does, he's even french
you lost the game
Aia's tits calmed down Vanta like he's a baby
>I used to make brony rage comics No.......
Feesh google all sex scenes in BG3
>>35456 They aren't even that good
>I think this is actaully the plot of Brother Bear 2 My fucking sides Ren
Enter Vivi!
Cute Birthday doodle from Vivi
The whole call is telling Feesh to watch human centipide
Klara's Twisty drawing in 10 seconds https://www.youtube.com/shorts/dnGrVVwAKJU
Enter Millie on Xbox mic
>>35464 Elira and Enna are together with Millie!
Klara is on colalb ban but she congratulated Aia in chat
>>35465 THEY ARE HAVING a watch party for Haikyuu HAVING SEX
Elira is talking about pee again
>"That guy that loved his car" Ryoma...
Aia collects dildos, doesn't she...
Hey Vanta, the Zoldycks may be fucked up as a family but also they're very inclusive of every gender
>Talk about grapefruit technique >Petra joins
Enter Uki too lmao
>Drinking piss Yeah, mine
Aia cat from Petra
Petra is keep talking about piss
Enter Shu
>>35476 Sorry guys, she just fed me
Rosemi says waterboarding sounds fun...
Enter Kunai!!!
Old women yuri....
I didn't even know this......
God 3D Rosemi is so funny
>>35483 You clearly haven't watched enough porn or read enough doujins
Feesh schedule
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwbGEmnu40U Uki's Zomboid waiting room is up
This is how it sounds like when I throatfuck Petra btw
>Twisty just woke up This damn ojou sleeps until 6 PM
>Morning for me Does that mean Twisty lives in Asia?
>>35494 No, she's in PST with an extremely fucked up sleeping schedule
>They spread legs and lean in Elira.....
>Twisty got suspended from League FUCKING KEK THIS KUSOGAKI
>>35497 How can you even get suspended from League...? It doesn't even have VC.....
>>35498 You tell one of your teammates in chat that they are os a specific race or neurodivergency, your choice
>Aia is talking about piss again
>>35499 MillieVanta.....
Twisty's favorite ASMRs are the ones where two ladies lick your ears at the same time
Smiled so much that my eyes became moist... Man, I missed totsus like this
>"I like wearing clothes" Bold words, Twisty
Ohhh Twisty has the thing Rosemi uses in OBS to make her model the color of the screen
>>35505 Vivi does it too, it was really funny looking when she played Crow Country
Holy kusogaki laugh
>Twisty adjusts her model so you can see her armpits Blessed
Twisty reads like a little girl...
Ryoma's Birthday message
>>35510 Ryoma is part of the 30% of aiadmirers btw
No...Twisty is lactose intolerant too...vtubers with weak genes
>>35512 They are just asian, anon
>>35513 I don't care for race, if you're lactose intolerant then you have weak genes
Vanta schedule
>>35515 Beyond two souls broke this man
>>35516 He just wants to kill kids and avoid seeing a woman giving birth
Willy schedule
Am i loco or Klara kinda sound like Kotoka
>>35519 You're Kotoka deprived and/or deaf
>>35518 istg yu and vanta take turns getting drunk every other week >>35519 you're going loco, kotocat...
>>35519 Yeah, she sounds Japanese, thanks for pointing it out
>Twisty doesn't get scared at hottor games Well that's just a turn off...
>>35523 I guess she's actually an alpha
I guess i'll watch Klara, Twisty is really low energy and not even getting scared
Klara can speak cow, as expected from a maid
>>35527 A fellow milkies producer
Klara is like a Disney princess, she loves animals and animals love her...
I think it's hilarious at how unphased Twisty is.
When Klara drinks water it looks like she's reaching to a kiss https://x.com/shenmaruu/status/1795304510686220406
Klara is freaking it over how cute the pandas are
>>35532 I agree, I too want to plap a certain bully panda
>>35533 Main reason why i follow an artist that does almost exclusively very nice Sasaki and Shishi porn
I kinda want to be Klara's pet...
On one side i think Klara being so excited for pandas is extremely cute, on the other (my sadistic side) it would be very funny if a creeper just blew them up
Twisty has beaten Mortuary Assistant. She felt more annoyed instead of scared by the scary parts.
>"I wanted to see the white guy more with the black guys" Twisty thinks friendship transcends race!
Twisty likes to hold her pee...
Supposedly the scariest jumpscare but she barely reacted lol.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdsm1IuPnDM Are all the people in Aia's thumbnail playing zomboid later
Enna schedule!
>>35544 No Elden ring... Cute art though At least there's another handcam
>>35544 Hypnospace Outlaw is an unusual choice didn't expect her to mention it at the end of Outlast Trials. >>35545 She mentioned perms for Elden Ring will take a while.
is sonny the first to beat bug fables on stream other than doppio?
>>35547 Yeah. Doppio has beaten it but only before he joined Niji.
>>35547 No, he first to finish it on stream period. Doppio never finished Bug Fables on stream
This game is truly one of the best Telltale had, probably because the source material was pretty good too
>>35555 To this day, it's still the only Telltale game I've ever played. Don't regret it, either. I hope we get more updates on TWAU 2 soon.
Damn I was late to Petra beating the Soul Master
>"There's a killer amonsgt us" HE SAID THE THING
No Petra the purpose of games like this is to explore and discover things by yourself that's like half the fun don't just ask for backseating.
>>35555 i disliked it, but i didn't like anything they put out besides sam & max and strong bad
Oh Petra is in the Zomboid collab too. I feel like there's too many people honestly I just want the hardcore group lol.
>>35561 Wilson said last time he played Zomboid that they wanted to do factions, i dunno if that is for season 2 or if they're gonna start now as a test run
>>35562 I don't think they are doing anything like an ambitious reboot I think they just want to play for the sake of playing it again for one stream. Guess we'll see later though.
>I honestly might be a little late to the collab Peto...
>The day Cover announced they will stop debuting vtubers until the ones they have graduate NijisanjiEN account retweeted the open audition announcement Smart
I remember this from a year ago existed, wonder what happened for it to be seemingly dropped.
Cute Maririn doing wota, I wanna try doing the romansu irl one day.. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/IsMqZdrBPFA
>>35569 he's suprisingly entertaining. I like that he's explaining a bit what and why he's playing some cards, i'm way too rusty in mtg to understand it anymore beside basic concept.
God, the thing about the chats for the guys where some fucko says "hi" like it's a fucking meeting and everyone greets them is so fucking annoying, just engage in the stream ffs
>>35572 hi anon!!👋👋👋
>>35565 >The day Cover announced they will stop debuting vtubers until the ones they have graduate That would imply that some of their old members are considering graduations especially the JP side, it's understandable some of them been vtubing since 2018. Also I hope that open auditions dont mean the auditions will be lax and we got another zaion from it
>>35572 at least ryoma talked about chatters having their own conversations in his chat, or that's what i saw from a clip on twitter
>>35574 >Also I hope that open auditions dont mean the auditions will be lax and we got another zaion from it I don't think so, Reimu said that the audition process has gotten a lot tougher
>>35574 Won't that imply that it'll be a while before that happens though? if they have to specifically announce that they're stopping vtuber debuts for a while
>Gunlance is romance I main a Longsword since FU but that is very based of Klara Gunlance is very cool I'm just too smooth brain and weeb to play GL.
>>35574 to be honest, some of them barely need to stream to rack in the big bucks, why graduate, just look at the shark or ayame, stream once a month and fuck off
so who's confirmed to be participating in the zomboid collab so far? >wilson >aia >uki >sonny >petra >enna
>>35580 Look at the teamups, anon
Finana loves catfights
If you're hot, Finana will believe you
Finana is feeling like a little saint
>Klara is an aloupeep Erry noice
Feesh wants to play Ace Attorney
>>35591 She's gonna like Edgeworth a lot
>>35590 Did she mentioned it on stream?
>>35592 Is there any woman that does not like Edgeworth?
>>35594 If there is i don't want to meet them
Zomboid starting! Not sharing every stream, go to your subscription tab and pick
Zomboid starting
Speed demon is a good trait but retards use it wrong
I've just noticed that Sonny has this thing where his model gets the same color as the game
Elira is attracting every zombie in the map like a retard
Ok fuck it, i'm switching to Wilson, watching Elira is painful
>I'm spiking like spiegel right now Whad did Sonny mean by this?
Elira found Aia
Willy found Peto
Sonny's game keeps lagging, he's trying to fix it
Enna said they agreed to meet at Louisville but it's really far away so Enna is by herself slowly making her way there.
>>35606 How much does she remember? She wasn't half bad the last time they played
Sonny keeps getting kicked out from the server due to high ping, he's messaging Wilson now so he can fix something on the server
>>35607 She's doing okay I think
>>35608 Yeah Wilson said he's restarting the server while Peto tries doing Finana impressions
Everyone ignored Enna when she tried to clarify if they're meeting at Louisville lmao.
>>35593 Yep shuriken spade had a clip about it
Sonny found an open car with keys in it
>>35613 Oh shit, nice, does it have gas?
>>35614 Yeah, it's in good condition
>Petra has a weapon >Just looks at Wilson fighting weaponless
Sonny got kicked out from the server again....
>Petra is not a smoker Bad character
Sonny keeps getting kicked out due to bad ping
Sonny thinks it's due to anti-cheat setting, so he suggests to turn it off
Ryoma NFS: Payback while you wait for server resets https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ptTN0HIAwY
Enna you heard that right now one is going to Louisville lol.
Sonny is resetting his router now kek
>>35620 He should try not cheating
I don't know why Enna still wants to go to Louisville but sure.
>>35625 They all want to establish a base there, it's the mission during this mid season
Even after the secret GC disaster Enna still can't read discord instructions properly before a collab.
Sonny alt tabbed and got bit......
Peto died and Willy is alone now
Now that someone said it in chat i think Wilson has invincibility on, he's not getting hungry and he wasn't losing health from over encumbrance
Sonny is dropping out from the collab, his connection is way too bad
Enna killed herself and found Uki and Zali.
Elira and Aia picked up Petra
They're altogether now except Willy.
>>35634 I wonder when is he gonna realize he has god mode on
Aia is wearing a thong, Petra is wearing a spotty bra.
>Wilson has been "well fed" for the last 7 hours Please don't be a retard, you should know the state turns off after a few minutes unless you have god mode on...
After 2 hours he finally realized he had god mode on...
Wilson just realised that he had God mode on all this time lmao
When is the NBA shill stream happening by the way?
Enna is struggling so much just to ask someone to go get Millie with her.
>My voice is starting to hurt Another one month break incoming
Wilson just killed 200 zombies
Seems like Enna forgot how to walk backwards and melee continuously
Wilson was going in the opposite direction, then he found out you can see the players if you open the map
>>35645 No.... That was taught by nina
Wilson is Petra's sugar daddy now
Who the fucks gives Petra a gun
After 2 hours they're finally together
>>35650 The true Zomboid experience
>11 people streaming at the same time Holy hell
Enna's love for cars is coming back
Vanta and Wilson are just doing gay cowboy RP
>Sonny logged in >Went to Wilson >Undressed >Logged off
>>35655 Oh, Utako is there. Guess this is why Meloco was upset yesterday
the babus are dead
>I don't have a license, I'm also gay kek
Wilson, this wouldn't have happened if you haven't wasted all your ammo for a fucking backpack earlier
>>35661 It's a pretty good backpack
>twisty yawning <3
>>35664 SWNBJ
>Woman in chat >Chilas shart and Omori recommended EVERY SINGLE TIME
Oh yeah, translated EN clips into JP have tons of views, it's not even just Krisis or the boys. TQuite the big contrast in comparison to regular clips
There's some autist recommending 2hu games to Twisty for some fucking reason
>>35670 >Telling blue flandre to play 2hu LMAO
>There's a limit on how many people can raid you Huh, guess we'll have the situation soon where new members won't be able to put all senpais on their raiding list
>>35672 Either that or you just leave it open like Rosemi
>>35672 I don't even know why they do raids, after my oshi is done I close tab
>>35674 I sometimes watch other members when they stream something fun
>>35674 Because, unlike you, depending on the audience they stick to the next stream and watch it, a comfydant raid has a 60-70% retention rate
Wilson says that the Visage collab on Friday will be moved earlier, also, Vanta will be joining too
>It's not like I get new kouhais every two weeks You may get more this year though. We had too many auditions last year and only 1 wave debuted so far
>Dark Gathering Man...that anime was pretty underrated
Had to leave at the second half of the Zomboid collab I'll catch up later. Not sure if I have time to watch the collab with Hex but I thought their zatsu collab last year was pretty fun.
Wilson says that they have no idea who will be representing which NBA team, so it will be a surprise for them too
Oh wait, will there be 3 NBA streams?
Oh, Willy keeps shilling Denauth, he's really nice
Wilson didn't plan to organise Zomboid server again untill the next update, but he decided to do it since Enna and Mille asked for it a lot. Also, he wants to comeback to playing on EN server and hopes that Denauth will play there too
>>35664 >Check Toko's pre-chat JP bros must be so confused right now
>>35684 He wants to comeback on EN Minecraft server, I meant
What is Vanta yapping about?💀
>every wave after obsydialazulight if not for selen except denauth has at least one purple member
>>35688 Is Vivi purple?
To be fair, Wandavision is loosely based on the original comics, Wanda being insane was one of core plot points of X-men comics for decades. The show is still shit, but not because of Wanda being crazy
>>35689 idk, i don't know colors. well, even if she wasn't, TTT still has claude
So odd how Vanta has actually somewhat big male audience, I feel like he's probably the only one who has 50/50 gender audience split
>>35693 he's a funny guy
>>35693 *The only one among the boys.
Vanta tried practically every soda with milk. He says he really enjoyed root bilk
>>35693 Vanta is my bro, i love his yapping
>>35696 Vanta pls don't bring back the pilk arc
Vanta's caht wants to fuck Godrick
No Vanta, Imagine Dragons are not overplayed, they just suck
>>35701 Most of their songs sound pretty sameish, also >LoL band They deserve any hate
Vanta wants to do another HSR collab with Uki and Elira
>Sounds like you're dragoon, you're jumping to conclusion everywhere I know he didn't mean it that way, but fuck, this is funny
>>35704 How else was this supposed to be interpreted lol.
Kek Vanta is tilted at how Malenia cheesed her fight with Radahn by using Scarlet Aeonia
>>35705 He was talking about actual dragoons from FF
Yes Vanta prioritize leveling your DLC character who cares about your severe headache
>>35708 He's a GAMER
Vanta used to not be able to distinguish pink and akasupas because he used the warm night display setting. I never use it because I want my accurate colours who cares about my eye strain.
Not the Kuzuenglish..
>>35715 another one for the collage...
Nigga ballin lake
klara don't scream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JyyGppL5OT4 also official fannames for denauth >ryonins >twistspirits >kouchamas i really like klara's
Klara will have an actual harmonica in her mouth for the stream
>>35718 For Twisty is spiritmates, anon, dunno what dumpster you got that one from
>>35720 oh right, i vaguely remember reading it from her chat and it somehow stuck, sorry
klara beefing with zali
>>35721 She lowkey looks like she'd belong in an atelier game
>>35719 It would be weird if she didn't have it, considering that the whole point of the challenge
>>35724 Or in my bed
Sonny actually used to ball
>>35726 This person stole my bed
Muffled voices sound slightly erotic.
Come to think of it, this is the only NA sports league that is popular worldwide. Like, usually, other sports have their own popular local leagues (like soccer), meanwhile, everybody just watches NBA in Europe, Asia, SA and Australia
I only just noticed that the point of the game titled don't scream is to not scream
5 teams from each conference will be presented this stream
>>35732 anon?? what did you think the game was about?
We ball....
>michael jordon >inui: kami sama kek
Peto knows Jordan because they made her watch Space Jam
you eat bugs one time and that's all you become known for...
The japanese are probably really confused by all the "Jimmy" in chat kek
the livers aren't the one who picked their teams, are they? i wasn't listening sorry
>>35744 Isn't it all on NBA according to ewiwa
Thread dying in 70 posts btw
>>35744 I think a couple of members have said that all they know is that it's happening. The managers and staff of both Nijisanji and the NBA have been calling the shots on what's going on with this collab, it seems.
They should make Vanta the Detroit Pistons
>detroit pistons I wonder who will it be
Kuzuha is kinda chill this stream I didnt even notice him talking until kanae is on screen
>>35754 i mean, from what i know, isn't he pretty shy around strangers?
My willy got some denver nuggers
Is it going to be all boys today?
wait inui isn't a dog?
Elira ikz
>>35761 She's cerberus but everyone says she's a dog
>>35761 No, apparently she is kerberos
>>35763 >>35764 >cerberus >only one head
i wonder if this is just random or is there an actual reason to the selections
>>35766 Blindanon, look at the little heads in her hair
>>35767 Probably a lottery ball in the NBA headquarters
Kotocat watch the telly now
>Thunder (C)OCK
Kek Doppio just showed up in chat to cheer for Koto
>>35771 >ver
Even the JP senpai is calling Ver a girl...
>>35778 looking forward to seeing the vox michael jordan art
>Not D No.........
Otsu NBA
>>35731 i just found out recently through this collab that NBA has a japan branch or something because they quote tweeted the official nijisanji tweet. i guess that's how the collab started. still utterly surreal tho
You know what time it is, fuckers? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=symhRILDZOY
>>35784 Love how she looks genuinely disturbed
I wish I was that harmonica
>Sloppy gagging noises HOLY
This game sucks because i want to hear to Kurara's cute voice
I think Klara is literally the only person who unirnically ejoyed this game and decided to go for more rounds. Usually people just turn the stream off after one clear and never touch it again
>Whispering Kurara Ok maybe this isn't so bad
oh yeah shu's oshi in niji is inui apparently. good for him
>>35792 Yeah it is, it's been known for a while
klara's brother watched her debut and asked her "what's wrong with you" after watching her eat a bug
>>35718 I thought Klara's fanbase is named masters....
>>35795 She's still calling us masters but have an official fan name others can say
I also want a hug, Kurara...
That gasp was too loud
Next thread: >>35799
>looks like something you see in Elden Ring Wonder if Kalara plays the fronsoft games
Escape Room Simulator VR with Maririn, Sonny, Pio and Wosemi starting soon! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8e6yfBrEgM
Kurara is serving me her special tea right into my mouth
>Kurara is just gonna love herself on stream YES PLEASE
Klara and Twisty used to go together at night to do things in Japan because Ryoma sleeps really early in the night
>Ryoma sleeps really early in the night he really is an ojisan...
rosemi keeps getting disconnected from discord
Klara's fanbase name poll is still ongoing btw https://x.com/KlaraCharmwood/status/1795727613274796123 Kouchamas is winning right now. Also, apperently Klara's mama is one of the Anycolor's artists. She's their first design and doesn't have any siblings yet
>>35809 If she wants family that bad i can help
Klara wanted to raid Enna but she doesn't have permissions for the raid....

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