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/NijiEN/ Nijisanji EN General Anonymous 06/08/2024 (Sat) 22:08:37 No. 37852
Nijisanji EN YouTube channels: https://www.youtube.com/@nijisanji_en/channels https://www.youtube.com/@petragurin/channels Twitter: https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World https://twitter.com/i/lists/1415262975435231235 LazuLight: https://twitter.com/EliraPendora https://twitter.com/FinanaRyugu OBSYDIA: https://twitter.com/Rosemi_Lovelock https://twitter.com/Petra_Gurin Ethyria: https://twitter.com/MillieParfait https://twitter.com/EnnaAlouette https://twitter.com/ReimuEndou Luxiem: https://twitter.com/Luca_Kaneshiro https://twitter.com/Shu_Yamino https://twitter.com/Ike_Eveland https://twitter.com/Vox_Akuma Noctyx: https://twitter.com/sonny_brisko https://twitter.com/uki_violeta https://twitter.com/alban_knox https://twitter.com/Fulgur_Ovid ILUNA: https://twitter.com/MariaMari0nette https://twitter.com/AiaAmare https://twitter.com/AsterArcadia https://twitter.com/ScarleYonaguni https://twitter.com/RenZott0 XSOLEIL: https://twitter.com/D_Dropscythe https://twitter.com/MelocoKyoran https://twitter.com/HexHaywire https://twitter.com/KotokaTorahime https://twitter.com/Ver_Vermillion Krisis:
[Expand Post]https://twitter.com/VezaliusBandage https://twitter.com/Tyrant_Vanta https://twitter.com/YuQWilson TTT: https://twitter.com/KunaiNakasato https://twitter.com/VBrightshield https://twitter.com/ClaudeClawmark Denauth: https://twitter.com/RyomaBarrenwort https://twitter.com/KlaraCharmwood https://twitter.com/TwistyAmanozako Teamup schedule for Nijisanji EN: https://teamup.com/kstk7egnopr3xiqj4h To watch streams at the same time: https://niji-mado.web.app/home Graduated Livers and Miscellaneous: https://rentry.org/odmo2psr Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags, and falseflaggers. Remember to spoiler any NSFW image you post. Last thread: >>35799
Little ojou sure likes her tamagoyaki
Millie update https://x.com/MillieParfait/status/1799569109505515782 She's gonna be looking at the hashtag but she's still having issues with her family it seems
Twisty likes ponies and says that donkeys are ugly and they deserve to die
Ryoma used to work as a management in retail >The guy who everybody want to speak to? Yeah, I was that guy
Ryoma is talking about how you shouldn't really share your plans with other people, even with friends. It's usaully lead to jealousy and backstabbing from people that used to support you along the journey, which leds to sucessful people feeling lonely. He also mentioned how it also relates to stuff like numberfagotry and antis in general as people that want to tear someone popular down just deep down feel jealous for them
>>37867 It really is, numberfaggotry is just people jealous that someone could pass their favorite whatever in numbers, many of the main issues with the western vtuber community go into jealousy territory, hell the indie scene is characterized to be one big fucking crab bucket
>"I don't pay taxes" The IRS is gonna be the one haunting the manor now
Twisty's family used to breed corgis so she hates them a lot because she finds them annoying
feesh, fuuchan and claude were talking about how they couldn't raid the official niji channel, but twisty just raided so that might just be for the older waves?
>Twisty has perms to raid the EN channel WTF? 90% of the branch don't ahve those, is her uncle Riku Tazumi? >>37872 Ryoma said that he couldn't raid too, feels like Twisty is the only one who ahs the perms to do it
>>37873 She's a princess, of course she can
>>37873 Petra and twisty are related????
What is this still image starting screen lol
>>37875 They should have sex
>>37877 Ok Ike
yo it's the song enna and meloco covered
>hello LMAO
There was a drop in levels when the camera panned to Enna.
also feesh and claude made a bingo card, you can already check off some spots lol
>>37883 forgot to attach it kek
>>37886 They got the love myself password wrong
I guess this is why Enna doesnt want to sing for a year, she had her fill practicing for this
I would normally post pics there but Mumu said to spam the hashtag on twitter with pics
Millie's dance though lmao
>>37890 Meanwhile it felt like Enna reused her choreography from AR live lol.
Rare footage of Millie actually being sexy
>>37890 She's not half bad at dancing
Woah the backup dacners.
While I'm having a blast with a concert, it still feels extremly bittersweet. Don't know about Enna and Millie, but Reimu was extremly bitter about the concert, she felt like it isn't worth it and they are paying some kind of "debt" to the fans with it. They were recording it while the whole shitshow was happening, worked extremly hard for it and I just feel bad that they decided not to monetise it because they somehow think that they have anything to do with all that shit that has been happening and they don't deserve to feel good about it
Mumu got backup dancers
>>37895 That's dumb, they should monetise the next concert and ignore the monkeys and their intrusive thoughts
>>37895 save this for later anon. just enjoy the show for now. that's what they worked hard for, you know?
>>37898 Anon can't enjoy things it seem
those legs move
>>37900 I would be worried if they couldn't
>>37901 i just love the way reimu move them
that was enna dancing? no way
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>come everybody
>>37902 Yeah, Mumu can dance pretty well, the legs on her model are 10/10 and her moevements are very feminine
>pee mention
>I gotta pee Of course
>>37895 I don't think bitter is the right word here it makes her sound ungrateful and it doesn't fit with what else you said.
>>37912 FCK UW
>>37912 SHE'S AT WHAT??
>>37908 imo it's worded like a peddled rrat to generate catalog threads
their voices are so cool but their movements are so lame... ethyria gap moe
Enna sounds like a dude bruh
Wtf Chinese Enna and Millie
chinese millie feels wrong
>>37921 i want tagalog enna next
someone is holding enna's leg up, no way she's holding that pose on her own
No way Enna is holding her leg like that
Kek that Enna leg being supported in the air by an obvious object
Chinese Millie just reminds me of that one Famillie that had a meltdown in /yeah/ about Millie doing that Chinese cartoon movie membership with Enna, Fulgur and Uki.
>>37926 >famillie >meltdown so the /yeah/ schizo
>>37908 Well sorry, I'm ESL. It's more like she was upset or unsatisfied, I suppose
>>37924 >>37925 >>37923 that why it took months of work for the concert
ζˆ‘ηˆ±δ½ δ»¬
>>37926 Anon, it was that Canadian schizo who came to shit this baord up a while back
https://x.com/VBrightshield/status/1799613633942507565 Vivi is doing liveposting thread on Twitter tight now
>>37932 oh thats why i recognize this song
>love me love me love me >give me hug sure thing millie
>heart eyes Oh my
Mumu swaying her ass....
>>37898 I do enjoy it, I just wish it was monetised since them not being payed a cent for this just feels wrong
They're back at the UBW world
>30 minutes Damn...
Last song already that was fast. I wonder how much it would have cost if they actually monetized it.
>>37941 About three fiddy
>>37941 5 robux
MAGIA!!! i was wishing for this >>37940 kind of expected as their first one
Their voices are so good for Magia
who put these onions near my pc i'm in tears
>>37947 Sorry that was me
Tbh monetizing a concert that's less than 1 hour would feel awkward.
>>37949 it'd probably have been longer if it was monetized
>>37950 >"We need to make the concert longer but we cannot include more songs...wait...what if..." >Concert ends up being 45 minutes of song and 2 hours of Enna zatsudan
God, this Magia hit hard. Really wanted to hear them sing it together for a long time. Overall, it was a fun concert, but I wish it would've been longer
enna probably has put the wrong time for her waiting room zatsu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnO86qVZYL0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jcZ1MVb3Ow
>>37953 Enna's is correct, she just wants to talk about it the next morning instead of immediately after it premiered.
>>37953 Anon... They are having solo zatsus...... The Ethyria pre-talk was cancelled
>>37951 I'll take your entire stock
Mumu's cooch just there in the open
Ryoma's schedule
By the way, I think you guys misconcepting what Reimu had said since I haven't properly explained it, so here's what she meant: the concert initially was supposed to be paywalled like AR live, but something went wrong so the management decided to just put it on YouTube with monetisation on. Ethyria decided to not monetise it on YouTube, and her explanation why was vague. She just said that it's a gift to the fans for continuous support and that's it.
>>37961 Just throw the money at her on the afterparty
>Mumu said to spam the hashtag for the event >It's not trending for me >Enna, Millie and Reimu are trending You had one job, retards
>>37960 I see zomboid in schedule I know Enna will be there
i hope they'd be able to get more projects like this in the future, without jeopardizing their health of course. ethyria's too good to not get promoted
now i'm hoping to see maririn concert one day, i think she wanted one the most...
Reimu is already crying kek
>>37965 Well, Aia mentioned that she already knows time frame of when Iluna is getting their 3D, so just wait. I just hope my oshis will get their 3Ds too someday.
>4 of them were planning this concert >It came to realisation around the time when Nina was graduating >Nina told them to not give up on it >Nina herself put a lot of effort into it
I just realized Millie's 3D model has thigh squish on the belt part
They did the 3 3D debuts + the concert in 3 weeks, no wonder they were all dying
>>37972 plus the bday
>>37970 That's probably what Nina allude to during her last collab with the girls
Mumu says Millie has the most lung capacity out of Ethyria
Ohhh Mumu wanted to sing Rightfully (the first OP of Goblin Slayer) but she replied when they were already in Japan, they do have perms to sing it so maybe Mumu will do a cover in the future
Sorry for the lack of liveposting. I got emotinal and started crying after she talked about Nina
>"We were doing the MV dance for Luvoratory" I uh...don't know if we are thinking about the same MV, Mumu
>>37979 ngl i've never watched porn MMDs so i only know the song from the original MV lol
according to reimu, enna's favorite code geass character is suzaku
>>37974 >how do you fellow kids
Suzaku is a retard
Krisisnana is playing Amnesia: The Bunker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DbBTsfmWRjQ
KEK Claude reading the texts as Yoda is fucking me up badly
love that this collab group has pretty much become a weekly thing. it's always a hit
Contrary to popular belief, bullets don't fucking ignite fuel by themselves
>>37987 It's the heat from the impact and from being shot out of a gun
>>37988 It's not, you can only light fuel with incendiary bullets, shooting at a car fuel tank is smart but not because it's gonna blow up, because you're gonna cause a leak and make the car run out of gas
>>37989 thanks vsauce
>>37990 I actually saw it in Mythbusters
>i feel like i'm a fake activist who just made a controversial post on twitter. let's make some progress, baby!
Feesh you are not even playing...
>Wilson: "Finana likes watching" >Claude: "Yeah in the chair" KEK
Vanta beat the game!
Mumu schedule!
Next week probably Claude trying to speedrun Spooky's Jumpscare Mansion
the boys' designs for that collab cafe https://x.com/OU_EN_CAFE/status/1799728156531917307
Ganbare Enna
>twisty gorilla minecraft >again this girl just never stops https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmhUKW0Rm2g
>>38001 Imo she played Elden Ring and that's way more than enough to make up for the lack of karaokes and singing in general. >theres still a lot of things cooking behind the scenes I wonder what it is >>38002 She really is loli scarle
Is mumu never gonna play alan wake again
>>38002 >>38003 Love that we got another night time streamer, although I can see some people on the other site seething over it as they always do when it comes to people that stream in NA unfriendly hours
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qj4Lt_IxB3k Zali and Klara Also, I'm kind of missed how they bonded together. Was it just because they are MH autists?
>Just noticed that all of Denauth have lightstick of each other in their emote slots Awwww
>Klara thought that it was suppose to be a competitive racing game and not a co-op game kek
>>38006 oh no, they might have to watch vods for once, like the rest of the fandom who ain't in NA
>This whole collab is just Zali kicking Klara non-stop True frenchman behaviour
ngl Super Bunny Man is actually fun to watch when the collab partners banter and sabotage each other like that
Zali will beat up Klara when they'll off-collab
>The game is completley desynced between both of them God, this is such a kusoge
>>38011 that's what savate is for after all
Love how Klara knows NijiEN memes like nijican'tdrive and nijilost, she really was a huge fan of the branch
Ok, this collab is actually kino
Klara thought that Zali told her to kill herself...
Enna's Ethyria concert after party starting! https://www.youtube.com/live/3jcZ1MVb3Ow
>>38019 Ending theme into livestream offline.
The ironic thing is that Ethyria's reputation was probably the best around 2021 given what happened after lmao.
>>38021 Nah, Nina still was the most hated branch member back then
I wonder if Zali and Klara knew each other before Niji, they feel like long time friends
>>38021 >>38022 i think their reputation was at its best around when their second outfits were revealed tbh. well that doesn't really matter that much now
>it's not about the money it's about sending a message Whoa Enna having her joker moment
I didn't think the background dancer was Enna until I saw the egyptian dance part
After an hour being stuck on one stage, they decided to give up on taking the carrot
>>38024 Pretty sure ennaschizo had appeared back then, so no, not really
>>38028 Who gives a shit about the phase shill fuck off
Why is a frenchman doing German Suplex?..?
>>38029 Not my fault that you started talking about some kind of "reputation" when nobody gives a fuck about it besides twitter and /vt/
>>38031 I'm not the anon
>>38031 Enna briefly talked about the history of Ethyria and mentioned reputation.
>she ate a fuck tone of pain killers I dont think thats good for you
>if you sleep for 12 hours it will go away that's the chinese mentality, i have it too
>forgotten wave That doesnt seem to apply anymore imo ethyria is in most sponsors
>>38036 Hasn't been applicable since after Iluna tbh.
>>38036 That's just a dumb self-depricating joke that Enna keeps repeating for 2 years, even though it never was funny and it gave tons of ammos to antis. She has a hard time when it comes to leting go unfunny jokes that everybody got tired of
Zali made Klara speak chinese
>>38037 It never was applicable. Ethyria always got more merch and promotions then Obsydia, and it was one of the reasons why Barney went completely menhera
>>38038 I don't know what made her stop but I'm so relieved she stopped doing the no friends and virgin "jokes" anymore.
>>38038 My man, don't comment if you're not watching the stream, she talked about how that joke was more detrimental than anything
Hearing Enna's speech makes me think she actually went to a therapist, she's more concise now, especially on the heavy topics and she doesnt dwell in them too long
>eternal blaze is almost 20 years old shit im old
>>38021 they had the "worst" wave rep, they weren't as good/seiso as the first two, then they were the dissapointment after luxiem boom, then nina was put to the burning stake. It only got better after the 2nd outfit
Enna clearly never did public speaking as a child
>>38045 Well Ethyria was like an experiment if you want to see it that way, Lazusydia was actually all the first batch since they hired them together and they were more on the "holo" side to attract existing EN fans, then Ethyria was more of like what you expect of Nijisanji streamers. Of course nowadays there is no "hololite" shit and everyone is just streaming like they want
>>38045 Funnily enough I felt their popularity shot up after Noctyx debuted. Then the one off-collab heavily affected Nina but like you said it got better after the second outfit. Then the secret GC stream happened.
Millie is spiritually chinese
>>38042 Either way, I'm glad she cut it off, this shit was cringe as fuck
>>38043 She literally mentiones that she goes to a therapist every stream
>There was like this chair FRAUD
Zali called Klara FAT
>>38051 I kinda doubt her every time though
enna used shu's chair to hold her leg up
>>38052 OMG Shu's chair
The fact that Enna can stretch her legs even with the help of a chair....
If anyones is planning on going to sleep https://www.youtube.com/live/mIfQeIJH8VQ ALSO HOLY FUCK THAT IMAGE, MELOCO PLEASE I'M OUT OF COOM
>>38058 I'll watch the vod
yi er fanclub was the cutest part of the concert imo
>>38060 True I should rewatch that
>>38060 That is easy to choose, now what was the sexiest one?
>>38062 Magia for me
>>38062 Luvoratory for obvious reasons
>if you dont stretch certain parts it gets kinda stiff
>I stretch everyday I gotta start doing that too, being old blows. I don't think I can get away with doing nothing any more.
>>38062 LUVORATORRRRRY or hiten reimu is too sexy
>>38067 Tbh if you spend most of your day sitting you should be stretching every hour or two
>mumu liked new vegas more than 4 THAT'S RIGHT TAKE THAT TOOOODDDDD
>>38048 Well, in retrospective, originally Nina was the only one who was "sucessful", despite all the hate. Then, after Noctyx, Millie and Enna peaked in popularity, wile Nina was still doing ok. Reimu was kind of there, even despite all the drama that happened to her back then, it didn't really affected her that much in terms of popularity. Around the second outfit was probably when the whole wave had the least hate and the most positive reaction, although the cracks were already there a lot fo people started to dislike Enna due to Kyo collabs and dislike Millie due to some dumb shit that she did here and there After CG stream, the tables were completely turned with people genuinely loving Nina and hating the rest of the wave
I can deal you my junk, Reimu
>>38072 500 caps, take it or leave it
>No encore Actually I misunderstood and thought the Millie Reimu duet was the last song so Magia was the encore for me.
Mumu's quest for sugar bombs is kinda pissing me off bruh but i dont want to backseat
>>38075 Don't worry, she most lileky won't read your backseating anyway
I don't think laughing extremely hard while watching Avatar during that break helped much either. Was still fun though.
>she drops a thermic lance holy fucking luck
>>38079 She's not melee build its fine
They have to apply for elden ring every stream?
Enna will continue Elden Ring the following week since she forgot to apply for perms.
>>38081 Yeah, it's a Fromsoft fuckery
>>38083 How do twitch face streamers do it then
>>38084 they ain't bound by jp law.
>>38084 they're not in a jp corpo
I think Enna feels like she using Elden ring for a nice escapism, something she never really did with other games as much
I can't fucking believe Enna has reached a point where she is saying that Elden Ring is helping her depression.
>Chat tells her to go to the merchant in Novac >She ingores it for like 30 minutes I would've been pissed off if I didn't get myself drunk before the stream
>>38090 I think she's doing it on purpose lmao
>>38089 Just like Vanta
>>38088 >>38089 souls game are good for that, you have clear goals, like explore this shit, beat this boss and so on.
Level 15? That means she leveled up 6 times and accumulated 10k runes.
>>38094 did she not say 25?
>>38093 I mean, vanta calls souls game his comfort game. So she's not really saying outlandish things >>38095 yeah 25
The internet is making everyone mentally ill
>>38097 The internet is making me lose my boner
>>38095 >>38096 I made a typo I meant she was level 19 after leveling up at the end of the stream so she leveled up 6 times since off stream.
>>38091 No, she's just this bad at reading chat
Glad that people backaseated Reimu enough for her to get an apartment in Novac
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Based Reimu is about to wipe the ghouls out
>reimu is wiping Ghoul Scientology Good
At least the 3D and Nier concert happened earlier in the year.
Don't you need like meds at this point idk anything about depression and mental health.
>>38106 What is bro yapping about
I feel like such a cunt making my menhera posts about Enna now well she won't see it I doubt the livers know of this place kek.
>>38108 This place is mostly sane imo
>>38107 ask doppio to translate
Starlight Luminance sounds like something ESL Japanese management would come up with instead of the livers themselves. Yet iirc they did joke about being the ESL wave that one time.
Enna said there is another one coming, whatever that means. Also does Kyo ever chill and not pick at something lmao.
I can't believe Enna is gonna become a fromsoft fangirl
enna said there's "another one coming" i wonder if it's a solo project or a bigger one, especially since it's strange to not see her and reimu participate in summer jam >>38112 zoomers, man
Enna will eventually fight the final boss of elden ring, bill clinton
i wonder if enna would be able to beat malenia with enough tries
>>38116 She needs to clear the bullshit town puzzle though, even vanta had trouble with it
Enna's instinct is all running away, like brave sir robin
Fucking Enna figured out what roll catching attacks are
Dont tell her about the bosses in sekiro lmao
>>38119 Most people in PVP never figured it out after two years lmao
>>38119 you don't need to figure out anything when you spam weapons arts.
i'm so glad enna is really enjoying elden ring. i wasn't expecting her to even play it
Most people dissing on souls games are either people that never played games (game journos) or people that should be better off playing club penguin or something
Enna is gonna puke after ever elden ring stream...
If Margit jumps around too much wait till Red Wolf of Radagon
>>38126 At least that guy has less hp
I don't know how far Enna's interest for Elden Ring will go but I'm just going to appreciate that it actually happened and that I was here to witness it ueueueh.
>>38128 Same
Reimu is stopping new vegas, tummy hurt
>>38130 Sorry, I went too hard.
It felt like back in 2022 there was a lot more emotional distance between Enna and chat and that was what made me start watching her more.
ngl I put streams on background while I play games like Elden Ring/MH world/rise etc
Do you really need to beat maliketh to access the DLC dammit I shouldnt have click NG+
bye mumu, time to catch the ultra rare euro hours aia stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAPWuQmhDNM
>>38135 Damn, she has a day off today?
>>38134 i heard you only need to kill radhan and true mogh
>>38134 No only Mohg and Radahn that one chatter was wrong.
Enna I never used reddit I'm an imageboard user through and through
maybe she can get lucky and malenia only does waterfowl like once or twice
Nina telling Enna to not rely on her singing is the best advice she gave her
Sorry for spacing out, but Reimu cut her stream short due to bad nausea. She doesn't know if she's getting sick, got food poisoning or is having a really bad PMS, but she decided to rest for the rest of the day. She said she'll stream New Vegas more next week if she won't get sick. >>38136 Anon.... It's Sunday... Barely anybody works on Sudnays >>38135 It isn't rare, she promised that she'll do semi-regular working out streams in the mornigns from now on
She remembers the annoying people in her chat in her first month?
I hope Enna doesnt memorize my user name it's a bloody throwaway account
Weirdly I still wonder how Death by Snu Snu ended up dropping Enna before the first anniversary he was such a huge gachikoi back in the day, was so dedicated too. Tbf I kind of was also losing interest in Enna around that time period as well. I wonder if she knew the Kyo interactions turned off some old fans lmao.
>>38145 I wonder if people genuinely get turned off because they have opinions of the guy or is it because they see to much /vt/ shitposting I honestly dont really care that much back then because none of that shit affect my enjoyment in watching her streams in general.
I keep forgetting that guys with two dicks exist. It's the same thing as intersex and mirrored organs syndrom: every time I get reminded that it's a real thing, I get "wow" reaction.
>>38148 How do girls give blowjobs lmao
>>38149 They just do solo bukkake
I have zero knowledge of chinese medicine, maybe ginseng if that counts as one
Enna gagged at the mention of buckleys no idea what that is
>>38152 Cold medicine. Their slogan is >it tastes awful, and it works It tastes pretty bad but not that awful to me.
>>38147 I actually enjoyed their early interactions and was supportive of them off-collabing but after the rice collab it felt like Enna behaved in ways you wouldn't have expected especially whenever she's with him. Basically >>540. After her trip to Japan it felt like things were normal again and I could even watch their collabs again.
>>38154 >it felt like Enna behaved in ways you wouldn't have expected especially whenever she's with him. She had a content warning moment basically because she feels like she needs to act outrageous back then for engagement, it's kinda tiring for her and for me imo. I like her chill Ilovemyself123 Elden ring fan self now.
I've been enjoying Aia's exercise stream so far. It's simple and not really exausting but still have enough pressure to do nice stretching and exercise
>>38156 Woah it looks like her coaching the viewers that's surprising.
>a non vtuber fan entered enna's stream lmao
>>38158 and immediately got out lol
ngl Enna tends to have a long zatsu during these celebratory streams
Enna what even is the point of the other account if you tell us everything here eventually.
Imma be real that freelancer is 100% ghosting her because of muh false muh anykara brack company muh ducky >>38161 First time?
fan artists moving from pixiv to twitter has been really horrible for everyone. can't find shit
>>38163 I'd like it better when they paywall their shit it's easier to find
Oh I always wondered what that hard to chew ey superchat from back then was referencing to
>>38165 It's an old tangent she had when she went to the supermarket
>suzaku >itachi Enna why
Is danzo like Aizen in bleach I dont read borutp's dad
>>38168 Not really, Danzo is more like Yamamoto if he was evil
Enna going through all her childhood series except for Higurashi. I can't tell if the chatters pushing her to read supas actually are getting annoyed and want her to move on or it's just autopilot teasing.
>>38170 I think it's the former lmao, maybe if it's jjk talk they would like it more
lmao enna just straight up calling all sakura haters as incels
>>38172 Reimu......
>>38173 Millie too
>>38171 This is much better than something like hearing her complaining about her family doctor for hours for examples.
Aia says that she'll do exercises with other members too. She'll have a guest for her exercise stream in couple of weeks
Enna is having a legit redditor moment right now lmao
>>38176 Hope she actually does it unlike Luca who only did it for a bit
Aia says that Smash tournaments smell way worse then gyms. She would rather smell gym smell then unwashed asscracks
Imo the so-called problem is more that Enna is sometimes really long winded. Like when she chat in prechat before her return stream she talked about the plane stories in several sentences then on the stream itself it took like an hour for the same story lmao.
>>38160 Iirc that 7 hour long one year zatsu was extremely her she like went through all her typical tangents.
>>38182 Anon, she had 7 hours long supa reading for her birthday stream this year
Ryoma is finally starting the game after yapping for 30 minutes
I noticed Enna bothers to like some gratitude lists on twitter.
Really telling a vtuber about sites like hololyzer that doesn't feel right.
>>38186 it's probably a /vt/tard
>>38187 It's a regular who was probably trying to actually help Enna lol I recognize the name
>>38189 I'm grateful for never reading boruto's dad so I never got a brainrot like hers lmao
>Only greynames are the ones that actually chat with Ryoma about the game Have seen this happeining in Aster and Sonny's chats before, but it's still funny every time
>>38188 Any regular that shills noomberfag werbsites deserves a rope imo
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Twisty just woke up and she's already flirting...
Klara schedule
Fu-chan schedule
https://x.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1799984857650717151 There will be official Niji merch sale on AX
>>38195 I actually forgot about ENcounters, let's go >>38198 Glad that she's streaming in EU afternoons more, I'll actually be able to catch her now >>38199 I thought that Fuuchan will play FE after he gets his next model, but I'm glad that he's playing it now nevertheless
There's 2 brats teasing me at the same time...
I'm recording this ASMR in case YT finds it too provocative because HOLY DAMN
Twisty is the kind of girl that would give you a BJ, make you cum and then say "GG"
Oh, the ASMR got schizo now
>>38204 upload it here if it gets nuked
Havent been here in a sec, whats the new rule about ex livers?
>>38209 it's in the pinned post in the catalog
>>38210 Got it. Thanks
The JP twitter replied to Utako's graduation notice and i almost had a heart attack when i saw the dreaded white notice come up in my TL
>>38210 What about reaction images ? Can we still post some ?
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>>38208 Testing
>>38216 meant for >>38214
what is going on on twistys stream why am i hearing voices
>Some retards genuinely thought that Klara and Zali hate each other 3 years in, and yet we still have ESL retards in the fandom that have no comprehension of banter
Klara siad that Kotoka's cooking streams were the reason why she decided to take Niji audition
Klara says that whatever project that Denauth is working for June is getting along
>>38220 I expected shipping rrats to come out of that though but that it funny >>38221 Same energy as the wigger joining niji because of shu's debut video
Zali forced Klara to download Suika game....
Klara still uses the mouse skin...
>>38223 I haven't seen anything on Twitter, but judging by what Klara said, some retards were trying to push that they hate each other and were forced to collab for some reason. She had to clarify that they talk fine behind the scenes too and it was just banter >same energy as the wigger joining niji because of shu's debut video Well, Klara applied because Koto is genuinely funny She also had an auditions tips video, so she probably got advice from it too Kyo just saw Shu's debut video and thought "if this retard got in, I may as well apply too"
Twisty's schedule
>Google the light novell taht Klara was talking about >It came out in 2003 Hagara.....
>>38228 Glad that we actually getting people that just play 1 game now. First Claude who just plays Valorant, now this
By the way, Klara is almost got 50k, so she'll get an outfit pass soon
>>38228 >Working for schedule this week
>>38233 She actually had a tentative schedule full of nice things but then decided to change it all to Minecraft during the last stream
https://x.com/ReimuEndou/status/1800152637012345248 Reimu is having a fever, no stream today
Klara forgot to mute her blowing her nose and we could hear everything...
>Klara tried to mute to blow her nose >Pushed reverb button iNSTEAD >Ike was lurking in chat Pon maid.....
>How many buttons are there >Literally just mute and reverb
>>38228 Bruh this reminds me of the meme image I made of Z**on where it's all genshin
>>38227 Shu's debut video was great that reasoning from Kyo never sat right with me lol guess that style of humor and charm completely flew over his head.
>>38225 While dissapointing, it's crystal clear. Thanks
>>38241 Well, Barney made a meme schedule once where all of it was just Apex. She backed down on it though
>>38241 Tbh just Minecraft is way better because you can make your own objectives, something like Genshin is just the same slop for everyone
>>38242 Anon, Shu just made a 5 minute lazy shitpost with a bunch of irasutoya drawings. There's a much better example how to do such type of humour, just look at Vanta's debut video, it was fucking kino
I'm watching Twisty's last MC stream and her cow farm keeps exploding due to creepers coming out of nowhere and she's having a mental breakdown
Waking up early like this for klaras streams reminds me of how Id do the same for kotokas streams...
Wish Klara's chat cut off this JP joke, it's so obnoxious >>38248 While she streams in the afternoon for me, I know what you mean. Koto streamed at the same timeslot too...
>>38249 It becomes less of a joke and more of a jab to her for being fluent in JP every stream.
Klara is a cat lady now...
>Some shitter in Twisty's chat told her she chose the wrong company to be a vtuber >She replies with "i chose the right company because Nijisanji is a vtuber company, a wrong company would be something like McDonalds because they are not a vtuber company" KEK
>>38246 It's just that his extremely simple, laid back and monotone style hits really well with me but yeah it's not for everyone.
Klara typed nog oats instead of big oats in chat...... Also, Zali keeps calling us teabros
>>38252 Holy based
>>38254 Cumpanions...
>>38252 LMAO
The mahjong tournament has been announced btw (16/06), sadly no ENs this time but after it there's normally the Koshien announcement so we'll see for sure if Koshien happens this year or not since Maimoto is on hiatus
>Fuuchan cuts a chicken down >Goodbye, Enna. Your meat is just too delicious Based gurochad
>>38258 I actually was wondering about koshien recently. Have any members talked about any plans for koshien yet?
>>38260 Anon i just said we don't know if the damn thing is even happening
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEwo5K0SjKo Hex is back and is having sad solo 1.5 anniversary. Dunno if other Xsoleil members send any messages or not
The first messages that Hex send when he joined the Xsoleil server
>>38265 The edited message is ":D". He deleted it because he was afraid that he sounded way too informal
Pre-debut messages
https://x.com/EnnaAlouette/status/1800182507255824651 Is she gonna just blog her elden ring adventures now...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lr1QRGiQYM4 Rosemi with the phone resolution zatsu
Rosemi killed another hamster...
Hex somehow got 4 community warnings in a row. Probably some MillieVanta was mass flaging his videos. He says he'll still doing ASMRs but no more BFE, just stuff like whispering and triggers.
>>38271 Yeah, he said on twitch that someone was mass reporting his ASMR videos
Hex still wants to do spicy ASMRs in the future, but it will take some time. He says he'll figure something out how to do them in the future
>>38272 Someone who got traumatized from Vox blowing up from ASMR, probably a noombertard
>>38274 The noomber thread always had some insane hateboner for Hex, it was just bizzare at some point. While it's partially because of Zaion, even before her they had some insane chimping out moment over him, like them stalking his fan accounts and spaming that one screenshot of Hex with a dildo asset like it's some kind of ultimate KYS image.
>>38275 I have no idea about that, but I hope they realize that Anykara is cataloging their throwaway emails.
Hex says that while Xsoleil got through a lot of bad stuff, overall, the positives overweight the negatives. They have no regrets If any of them could go back in time, they would do everything the same
>>38277 Does he mention about koto
the upside down hand cam is messing with my brain for some reason
the perfect pairing for my tea party, freestyle rapping
>>38278 Not directly. Just said that all of them are dealing with their own stuff and healing in their own way. He also mentioned that he keeps in contact with all Xsoleil members.
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>>38261 looked a bit at the not-kaiji vtuber that does the commentator and not a single word about it. when did they annouince the team captains the previous years ? >>38269 thanks ! Also big niji package came home today. small part of it, added the nui and the pape for size comparison for the curious. I really like how the rubber coasters and the rubber keychains look like
I remember when handcams got banned/restricted because one of them showed a brand and said brand copystriked their stream if I recall, I guess that's no longer a thing since rosemi is just showing all the snaks she's eating casually lmao
Rosemi is nostalgic for skype...
Hex gender ratio. Not surprising, but still funny
>>38286 rosemama is warning her but she won't listen
>>38285 wow, anyone told who had the most male oriented viewership then in nijiEN ?
I want to hear rosepapas unfiltered thoughts
>>38288 Lazulight pre-luxiem. They straight up had 95% male audience. After Luxiem, I think only Scarle has more males, and even she has like 70% ratio
Rosemi wears glasses?
>>38282 >looked a bit at the not-kaiji vtuber that does the commentator and not a single word about it. He had his own "vtuber baseball tournament" with 1 holo, Shiina, 1 NeoPorte and himself that some people watched but it didn't feel like the real thing >when did they annouince the team captains the previous years ? The announcement for the Koshien captains + draft stream is usually right after the mahjong tournament, either at the ending of the mahjong tourney or a few days later
Needing glasses fucking sucks, but the potential side effects of laser eye surgery would make me probably kill myself.
>>38282 Cute Millies! I didn't get the coasters because i already have a ton but i'm waiting for my mumu acrylics, i got the summer, the cooking and the anniversary ones
I have no idea what is rosemi is talking about at all
>>38295 neither does she
>>38293 >Anon doesn't want laser vision You do you
Concert for anime expo?
>>38295 She tried to updog her dad and her dad replied with "i tried searching updog and i found this podcast, is this what you meant?"
>>38294 honestly if i had more money to throw into merch, i would have gotten those too. Also, some pomudachi/fandome made a 3D printable lazulight set and the one i printed look quite good, i'll post those later when they're all put together. Kinda wish he did obsydia and ethyria too...
>rosepapa had them turn the plane around because he lost his wallet >it was just on the ground in the plane I would also krill myself of embarrassment
>>38302 God...
holy shit hypnospace outlaw today in 6 hours ! https://youtu.be/q_weE2w1GEg
>>38304 Do I need to watch the first vod
>>38304 Yeah, since Reimu is dying and Millie is still with family issues
>>38306 thanks enna
>>38307 Love you platonically, anon
>>38305 i'd say kinda yes, but you can wing it with this info and roll with it >enna is a 90's "private internet" janny
>>38309 Oh no... she's a discord mod but gen X
The show rosemi is describing feels like breaking bad but yuri
>>38310 We have no evidence that she has groomed/fiddled any minor so i would say that she's just like a game server moderator for FPS clans
No...King 2...
Being a vtuber is kinda like batman
I watched the homelander show out of curiosity because of all the homelander meme and it's kinda shit, doesnt help when I know the director is the same fag that did supernatural and I watched that slop till like season 8, and the homelander show feels the same
RIP yahoo answers, how is babby formed gone forever
>Hex got his first salary when he was 8 years old Jesus....
Rosemi getting many guy'd..... lewd
>>38305 Yeah you just need to know she's some internet moderator. There was a funny moment where she downloaded some malware with annoying popups and she was struggling to find the antivirus to download for dealing with the malware.
i've yet to read my rainbow six copy rosemi, but if put it in the book club, i might be motivation enough doesn't help that i ordered an english copy instead of a french one
>Hex didn't know how to hide his viewer count on debut and freaked out over it kek. Well, don't think future waves have to worry about that much
That's it for Hex. His pre-debut anecdotes were pretty funny out of context, but then I remember the elephant in the room named Zaion and all of it turns rather sad. This wave didn't deserve all the shit that happened to them. Overall, I just hope Koto comes back. I say this not just as a kotocat, but as a nijien fan in general. I feel bad for her genmates and other members too. I know it will hurt them just as much as it will hurt me, and I just don't want to see them like that again.
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>>38322 none of our waves deserved the shit what happened to them
>Phase girl raiding Rosemi Ew, get the fuck out
Enna is reading incel chats on the internet...
Do you think we can convince a liver to play Space Station 14 when it comes out and maybe make an EN server?
Kek Enna truly spent all night playing Elden Ring
>>38330 It's too complex for their small vtuber brain and it needs a lot of larpers.. But it would be really fun though
Twisty is too lazy...
Twisty has her raid perms all set up, someone raided her once, she got scared and turned them off
>>38335 Not gonna lie raids are kinda dumb, I never stay more then 5 minutes after my oshi ends
>>38336 Some people stay, that's the thing, i remember twitch having a percentage of how many people stay on average after raids and it was about 30%. It always depends on the audience . What Twisty said tho is that she doesn't want raids because she knows she might not be the NijiEN fandom cup of tea, she doesn't want a bunch of people coming into her stream while she talks about her weird stuff because retards tend to complain about what they don't like instead of closing the tab and ignoring it
God fucking dammit NijiJP account giving me another heart attack with the cancellation of the Sanbaka concert because Lize and Ange have covid
>"People like to infantilize vtubers and think they know better than them" Damn, Twisty, that's very true tho
Twisty does not eat babies
>>38330 > Space Station 14 THANKS NIGGGE-- Oh wait wrong game
>>38341 I still send people the Sseth and Mandalore videos to convince them to play with me
Twisty got cold nuggies for dinner...
>someone in chat said to microwave the nuggies That person deserves to be executed
Enna isnt autistic enough to be an internet mod
>>38345 Thank you, I guess
>>38346 ;LMAO
>>38348 Based? based on what
>>38349 Wel it's not acidic so it must be based
>>38346 You're welcome. I appreciate you.
Dude in Twisty's chat saying how many pounds he lifts and the only freedom unit i know about is the quarter pounder
Enna's gonna write a twitlonger
Twisty has muscular thighs πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦
>Twisty has no upper body strength but she has powerful thighs >She used to do 250 pound (113kg) leg presses DAMN
Apparently Klara runs 2 times a day and is pretty good at planking, she's fit overall
I think its safe to say Enna will not be playing this game again
>>38357 She should play Elden Ring
>>38357 Idk if she's actually playing dumb and just doesn't want to play it again or she actually thinks it's the ending.
>Twisty likes flat butts Holy fucking bad taste
>she made a obs layout to write the gratitude Oh so this is gonna be permanent
>>38360 I have a feeling she lurks on edtwt...
Yeah she's not really feeling this game I guess.
>>38363 It's using too much of her neurons that's probably why
This javelin guy.. is he high or something
I hope Twisty means this is her taste on fictional women and not real women...
Applying for perms every stream is so fucking stupid, why would fromsoft even want to subject themselves to reviewing all of this shit?
Oh no she's gonna be a RoB user
>>38367 It's better than Atlus at least
Why is enna suddenly talking about her chat mods
>Twisty thinks Millie "has something" on her chest area She doesn't know
I guess the next stream will be a Crucible Knight endurance stream. >>38370 Earlier a bot was spamming I hate niggers on alts for a few minutes.
>>38371 Nobody tell her, let her dream
>>38372 > a Crucible Knight endurance stream That guy is easy, especially the evergaol one.
>>38370 She now knows that being a janny means reading retarded shit all day in case someone gets extra retarded and learned to appreciate it more
>>38371 Only in off collabs
>>38375 Now she knows >he does it for free
>enna is gonna watch chihayafuru >its the movie ive never seen the movie, is it good?
Kek being pressured by chat to play a 100+ hour game and a 1000+ anime series. >>38378 Probably the same as other live action adaptations.
>doppio recommended smoking at the back.of the supermarket based
>>38380 Chat wants their cake and eat it, I wont be surprised if enna told them off eventually
Why does the chat only call Enna out when she goes on tangents about her interests what about when she's complaining about her mom getting her to play the piano, her retail days or her family doctor again.
>>38383 Chat likes those tangents I guess, I liked them too but she loops them harder than AI deep learning genshin porn
I wouldn't mind another chilla's art stream when Enna plays them they are usually pretty fun but anything except the exit 8 style ones
>>38385 > but anything except the exit 8 style ones That and the backrooms games are not horror game they're brain rot simulator, might as well suggest her to play skibidi toilet
>>38386 Anon that is great idea
She's actually become an Elden Ring missionary
>>38389 Vanta would be proud
Twisty destroyed and remade this world for her pony and now she has found him again
Some japanese guy just told Twisty he wants to see her pee
I'm feeling extra paranoid but Enna talking so much about Elden Ring feels like a set up to her dropping it after the second stream lmao like she might burn out from having it on her mind so much or something.
>>38393 Dunno about you anon but I feel like she's gonna play it for a couple more streams
Twisty pees a lot for someone that drinks so little...
>>38396 Average face of a janny
>>38398 Wait till she realizes how many things have potato in them secretly.... it's a big conspiracy
>>38399 Hey anon, did you know that watermelon and melon are from the same family as cucumbers?
>>38394 Just want to keep my expectations and not overhype myself.
Cried myself to sleep. Haven't happened in a logn time, but at least I slept well I guess >>38323 Livers in general didn't deserve all that shit, but I was talking about waves specifically. I know Noctyx, Obsydia and Ethyria to an extend went through a lot of shit as well, but Xsoleil just had everything wrong happened to them that could've happened. Anyway, I hope everything will be alright.
Flatlira with a nice dumpy, my beloved https://x.com/54yu_hsuan/status/1798183115120328926
>>38337 This is an extremly retarded mindset to have. Her streams are public and anybody can watch them, not to mention that her own genmates are pretty much "normiecore", I can see a ryonin getting mad at the shit she says. Even if she just triples down and turn off raids for everyone, including her own genmates, it won't shield her from underaged retards being mad at her. Throughout the history of NijiEN, nobody was "triggered" over a raid, every controversy and cancelation happened because of people geting either mad at somebody during a collab, or because they saw some clip on twitter. She already talked PUBLICALLY on stream with Vox and Ike about shlock gore movies and gender roles, if she wasn't cancelled affter this, a potential raid from, I don't fucking know, Doppio or Uki won't have an effect on her. Furthermore, trying to hide her content under a seethrough curtain is an extremly bad optics that can trigger Streisand Effect. If some shitters and bad actors find out that she's afraid of getting cancelled, they will just go full on concerntrolling route and deliberetly clip and share all the edgy things she says to get her in trouble. She should just do what Fulgur does: tell people that get offended at what he says to leave or get banned.
>>38405 Do you just wake up everyday and decide that you'll write a paragraph of a random post in the thread or something?
>>38406 I see a post I want to reply, I'll reply. You can just don't read it, you know
>>38407 You were replying to me so it's the least i can do, i'll just say she's free to do whatever and if she doesn't like raids then that's it, she probably saw the retarded briskadets in twitter going crazy against her and decided to just make her own bubble and that's ok
>>38398 She said that she just doesn't like the texture and taste of a potato. If it has something that has a potato in it but it doesn't taste like a potato, then she's fine with that
>>38408 That's just my opinon, if you don't care about someone who's replied to you, then just ignore it. That's how any forum works, including imageboards. >she probably saw the retarded briskadets in twitter going crazy against her and decided to just make her own bubble and that's ok Well, that's the thing, they went crazy because of that totsu stream. Turning off raids won't work, if she that afraid of some underaged retard saying something about her on twitter or in chat, then she should just straight up stop joining totsus and collabs alltogether. She's not the first one to have this "I'm not like the other members" mindset, Zaion had it and it bite her in the ass. She should either roll with it and ignore it or start filtering herself. Trying to "hide" her channel from the rest of the fanbase won't help it
>>38410 >Zaion comparison More than one woman with hot takes can exist
>>38411 Only one woman had "I'm not like the other guys" shtick Well, Gundou from JP was kind of similar too, but ended in the same way either. Don't get me wrong, Zaion had tons of issues beyond that and did a lot of incredibly retarded shit that Twisty won't do, but nevertheless, having "I'm different" mindset in a big corpo won't get you anywhere. You either adapt to the overall vibe or get out.
>>38403 bro wtf
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"Briskadets" getting mad that sonny finally get called oniichan by someone? THE sonny brisko aka the guy with a bigger siscon fetish than ike eveland??? Are those even real briskadets or are they're bad actors from dramafaggots
>>38415 Yes, every fanbase has retards that don't actually know their oshi like the retarded quilldren that think Ike is not a lolicon and into crossdressing
>>38415 I don't think they got "offended", they probably got jealous. Briskadets are schizo as fuck. Reminder that they had a genuine meltdown when Sonny wished happy birthday to one of his fans on Twitter, and plenty of them also harrassed Alban over Sonnyban ship.
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Check Finana's last membership post
>>38418 2 guys and 3 girls, it must be Beyond the way cover. One of the girls looks like Koto or Melo, the other one is really hard to tell so idk. The short haired guy can be Uki/Ike/Alban, and the second guy has longer hair, so maybe it's Shu or Claude.
>>38404 She has full NSFW set btw https://ko-fi.com/s/292b2e42ce I would buy and share it but can't due to my bank's per-day purchase limit
Any news of mumu's health ?
Klara just won't eat Taro paste now out of spite
>>38422 Thanks
The more Klara mentiones it, the more I feel like there's something wrong with her rigging. Her eyebrow's stuck in the same position and she straight up can't make a frown face
Klara used to work as a barista before
Klara, please, not even Kunai plays every game through OBS...
It took Klara so long to make coffee that the customer has left....
Elira has her own Sonic curry...
Klara learned Japanese by listening to drama CDs
>>38429 why did they make blue rice? somehow this is less appetizing than if the curry was blue like the sonic one
I actually forgot that it suppose to be a horror game
I think Klara is into public pissing
>>38431 >anon never ate blue rice It's literally just the same thing but blue
>>38432 She's literally working in a fast food restaurant
>Rizzu Klara don't use american zoomer slang in a middle of JP sentence I beg you
Kouchamas are gachikois....
>>38434 I have had purple rice but something about blue makes it weird
>>38438 Eat your fucking curry, anon
Klara keeps pissing on stream....
>>38440 That's her special Klara tea
>>38437 Shes filling the kotoka shaped hole in my heart
>>38437 *Gachicups
Not the FGO meme...
I never thought the tea spirit with the knife emote would actually be so applicable
I guess when they play parasocial they gotta avoid that part of the cafe where is shows the purple vtuber
>>38442 I'm a kotocat and I'm not a gachikoi....
>>38446 Why did she even pay money to put herself there? I can't recall if she even played any of the chillashart games on stream
>>38448 All she ever did was for clout, if she could pay 10k to show up for 2 seconds in a game she hates she'd do it just to talk about it and then she would masturbate to compilations of other content creators reacting to her in the game, then go crying to her chat next week about how she's 10k more poor now and how it isn't her fault
I never realized this since her debut but Klara have her right arm up all the time I cant unsee it now, and it's bothering the hell outta me
>>38450 Now you know how yaminions feel everytime Shu uses his first model
Klara was staring at the stripper guy for 2 minutes straight
Ike pls...
>Someone in chat said this game has Perfect Blue energy How?
>>38454 Everything that has sexual harassment is literally Perfect Blue because my favorite anituber said so
>>38456 Focus on your stream, Ike
>>38453 Boo get off the stage
>susです JP bros using EN slang is so fucking cursed
Klara got genuinely upset over the ending...
>>38461 Also new member post
I think Fu-chan will probably find the mother of Andy and Leyley hot
Ike hates potatoes too
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>>38449 it always amazed/pissed me that she used her apex then overwatch "clout" to collab with everyone midly popular under the sun but somehow it was always "networking" but whenever someone did a single collab with anyone even within niji it was always leeching. >>38456 nice url also luca is doing some zatsu https://youtu.be/VmC_5abmlWw also wose gta tonight !
>>38461 i might be a bit biased but she's not a half bad dancer. looking forward to her appearance in summer jam too also hope she gets her family issues sorted out, those are never easy to deal with
>>38468 >nice url It's what happens when you click the link Fu-chan has on his twitter post
>>38470 She isn't bad, she just has low endurance and likes to fuck around a lot sometimes
Jesus Christ, quildren almost crashed my browser
Ike was singing karamel dansen in karaoke lol
Ike was nerding out about Replicant with Oliver
>>38475 They were also nerding out about Armored Core. Ike hasn't finished AC 6 yet
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fC22SRQRO9w Ike is having a collab with someone in 12 hours
>>38429 Regardless of taste, at least the colored rice is subtle. Sonic curry feels like as if sonic himself blasted through your door and poured dishwashing liquid all over your fucking rice and said "Curry, bitch. Eat it." it's on the same level as colored ketchup.
>>38429 Blue rice is actually a thing in Asia.
You may be able to listen to Playback on spotify now btw
>Well, at least she didn't eat them >Literally a minute later >Oh yeah, let's throw the meat into a soup Got, this game is hilarious
>>38482 People take it too seriously when the game doesn't even take itself seriously, also i feel like the best ending would be for both of them to kill each other
>>38467 This feels so cursed, who is teaching her this lingo..
>>38484 >Klara literally went "UOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH" during the Devour collab The little lady is corrupting her...
By the way Fuuchan went straight up "oh yeah, I want to lose on purpose", I can tell he has experience with rape/ryona/guro games
Here's Playback for anyone who wants to hear it before the MV drops, it's a banger https://streamable.com/p72mq2
>>38486 I gotta say that most devs have to evolve from the "get killed by everything" ways because they combine it with shitty continue mechanics so it's more of a waste of time than anything, specially if the enemy has different animations depending on the RNG of certain attacks. Either let me see the full gallery once i finish the game for the first time or let me replay the same encounter
Fu-chan's neighbors called the cops on him
Feesh is watching Fuuchan playing the incest game....
Fuuchan is saying that feesh will have a lot of group games on her birthday. Also, Fuuchan is having tons of collabs next week
>>38493 good on her, she's seems to mesh up with the last waves pretty well
>>38495 Feesh...?
>Never say never >Fuuchan smiles Kino
>>38488 There's something addictive about Doppio's singing voice
Oh to relive the Ragnarok Online days of WoE and have your pc lag to shit because you forgot to turn off effects and theres a million skills being cast
Fuuchan is putting phantomos into a cum jar
Fuuchan said that the game isn't that fucked up in comparison to the old RPG maker games, the big difference is that it just shows everything on screen instead of implying the most fucked up stuff
Finana sounds so sad that she has to pick between the 2 girls she was dating
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoOhQ5J7XZE Oh shit, Vox is using his old model again
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pn1-8f-FRUM wiwa started. and she got bit already
>>38506 Yeah by me
>Vox was camping with some french guy in the wild on his trips in Japan Holy shit, where the fuck he has been and wtf was he doing?
>>38508 It's his lore for the last outfit, he didn't actually do it
>>38507 you got a nasty mouth bro, now she's DEAD
>>38509 No, he just told and clarified that it was real. He was staying in 15 different places while he was in Japan, among those were hostels, motels, hotels and one night in a tent with a french tourist
>>38510 >Bite girl >She says "harder daddy" >I rip her throat off Not my fault
>>38511 Oh ok so it was based on a real story huh, seems like he went on a spiritual journey
>>38513 Yeah, he's still not telling where he has been besides Tokyo, but judging by what he's saying, it feels like he had a trip around Japan
Finana, Life is Strange is pretty shit
Vox is now talking about penis vore
Elira found Ryoma and is with Sonny now
>>38517 Nevermind Sonny went to go die in the woods
Wilson almost crashed into them and killed them, but they made it to where everyone else is
>>38519 If i remember right you can't run over other players unless they are on a different faction
>>38520 They were both in cars going full speed, would that kill them?
>>38521 You will get a concussion but dying is a thing of chance because the windshield will shatter and it could cut your throat
I think there's an actual Minecraft kid watching Twisty
>>38525 ToT?
>Rosemi says she's going to pee >Greyname: "Idol meeting" When did the fucking holofags come back? Can i rape them?
>>38528 >When did the fucking holofags come back? When rosemi kept spamming solo stream that peopl forgot which company she's in
>>38531 That's a cute peto
>>38532 And a SEX Meloco
>>38531 Meloco is NUDE under that sweater
>>38534 Well she said she doesn't like using bras
>>38531 I'm trying to convince myself that I don't need every single umbrella but I am failing. Fuck.
Wilson is digging himself in a deeper and deeper yaoi hole
>>38537 His name is willy he is doomed from the started
>>38530 I'll probably buy the mumu umbrella, I like red, or in her case, magenta
Not the horse talk....
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I love my bird wife Enna!
>>38541 How are you enjoying her elden ring arc
Play Back MV premiering in 1 minute! Also probably the next ENcounter announcement https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psp_opqfX9c
I'm gay now
Next ENcounter announcement in 4 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zu4PQdIC36Y
https://x.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1800727481760223614 Announcement a minute before the teaser, thanks Anycolor
Nijiencounter is every month right?
Petra and Reimu sound really good
>>38550 yep, don't know for how long but maybe it'll be until the end of 2024
I wanted to say that "well, it was expected", but then I thought about it for a minute and realised that Reimu and Petra NEVER had a duet before, which is so weird. Also, Jesus, Reimu had been juggling this one + like 3 covers + the whole 3D recordings all this time, this is just fucking insane. no wonder she had to go on break for like 2 months
>>38555 Hey they did that musical number during Peto's 3D...
>>38556 Well yeah but I meant like one on one cover/song, you know
Elira is giving her a clear deadline for a cover (her birthday) so that she actually does it
idk if it's just twitter algo but this is probably the part of the concert that i've seen the most fanart of lol. i mean it is a very cute performance https://x.com/PAPU_yuyu/status/1800629096780857563
Klara has a gloves fetish.....
Klara is watching the MV live right now and freaking out lmao
>>38561 Kurara's gloved handjob...
>>38560 They make up a lot of the art in the tags themselves so it's not just the algorithm.
>>38563 No, she likes gloves on guys. She said that Doppio's glove is extremly hote
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>>38566 Elira's pussy...
>>38565 Come to think of it, Doppio's glove is perfect for fingering
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fC22SRQRO9w Ike's offcollab with someone
>Luca fighting gideon He's almost done with the game huh
>>38570 I feel like he was playing this game for ages now
>>38571 It's kinda like an average elden ring playthrough for a 40+ old man with a 9 to 5 job imo
>>38569 It's the birdman from Holostars. Didn't know that he is in Japan too
Klara said that she overplayed Rise offline way too much, so don't expect her to ever stream it
>>38574 Guess she went deep end with master rank and killed amatsu
Guys hear me out, what if this guy cameo in Ike's 3D? In his 3D too.
>>38576 I mean, Reimu had two Holo girls in her 3D, so why not? I would be surprised if both of them will be in 3D tho
Horses are a big deal in japan
>>38578 Enna.....
>I see some nakarats in Klara's chat Feels like there's some kind of Kunai - Klara - Kotoka scale there
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>>38580 I've just realised that they can be shortened to KKK
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I wonder if Enna is actually watching Luca fight Gideon and Godfrey like she said she would.
>>38583 100%, dont expect her to chat though.
Klara beat Kushala first try with no carts and wing resistance
>>38585 dont forget, using gunlance lmao
>>38587 Dad to the rescue i guess
Klara will try to do endurance next time till Iceborn
>>38589 Klara streaming for more than 2 hours? lets go
Luca tried to mod Klara and moded some rando instead...
Luca might have accidentally modded a random instead of Klara mid Godfrey fight.
Playing till fire giant is a good run
>he got one shot from the grab Need more vigor
Enna in Luca's chat
>>38588 She typed in chat but when he was AFK
https://www.youtube.com/live/ybwQzQjLxxA?si=rVcdTLGH5AVPy8rn Meloco will be saying goodbye to Utako while playing... Nkodice??? I don't even know
Luca has fucking 40 endurance but he's wearing no armor lmao bruh.
>I'm my own husband Bravo GGR Matin
>>38599 >to restore balance you have to kill an insane transgender and it's true form is gigantic alien blob monster alien to this world What did fromsoft mean by this
>>38600 Sounds like a Trigger anime plot twist
Btw today the NijiGTA server got announced so let's hope some of EN decides to join https://x.com/Sara_Hoshikawa/status/1800830470185533741
They added 2 more "coming soon" to the 3rd anniversary site https://www.nijisanji.jp/events/en_3rd_anniversary/
>>38602 I nominate rosemi lovelock from Obsydia as tribute
Oh, financial reports were posted a few hours ago so i'm gonna be on the lookout to see if there's a Tazumi interview with shareholders to see if they say something about EN
Luca fucking did it!
>>38608 Finish your stream first, Luca the pantless Elden Lord
Is pogman gonna try the DLC when it comes out
>>38610 Yeah
He's now going for Mohg, he already found where he is but didn't venture forth to his boss arena.
>>38602 Nobody will join besides Meloco and you know it Ok, maaaaybe Zali if JP heroes will be there, but that's it
>>38613 And Reimu in the like last week or day
>>38614 Reimu only joined Rust server because of Pizza Familly and she was losing her spaghetti all the way through. Don't know, maybe she'll try and check it like it was with VCR, but who knows
>>38605 You and the various schizos dramashits can keep and eye of on that I doubt they would say anything that will make me go "wow amazing". I'm just grateful my oshi still streams
>>38616 Don't need to be so fucking defensive, you let schizos live rent free in your head
>>38617 I just have no expectations for this financial report because it'll be used as nothing but shitposting that will leak everywhere because of dramashits even if Tazman himself said they bought a overseas 3D studio for EN. And you brought it up too
>>38618 I did because i shared the shareholder Q&A last time with nobody being a bitch about it, everyone found it pretty informative. What's next? Are you gonna say we can't talk about Utako graduating because schizos will use it to attack the company? We cannot talk about a song reaching a milestone because numertards will raid our homes and rape our women?
>>38621 Neat
What is the rules for vodposting, should there be a thread for it or you can just use this thread. Or dont a all.
>>38624 i don't think there's any particular rules; i've seen some anons vodpost here before. this thread's not active enough for vodposting to be a bother anyway. maybe just mention what vod you're posting about or something
>>38624 There's no rule against it, go ahead, also it's gonna be a slow few hours for a while
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=licNef24EUM Is this willy's first AC stream
>>38624 Don't think there's any rule. I've asked board owner a while back about it and I think he said it was fine to vodpost here
>>38627 Nah, he has streamed it several times before
>Wilson praising french over english due to consistency issues I mean, yeah, every latin based language is miles better in the consistency and rules department but french is...a thing...i'd say italian is a little better and spanish is like the best version of latin based languages if we talk about consistency
Did they say when they were going to announce more for the NBA collab?
>>38632 I don't think they did
>>38631 there's no concistency problem in french, since the exception that proves the rule.
>>38634 I'm ngl, my biggest problem with french is that they have 3 types of tilde for no reason when italian and spanish just use 1, also a word can have more than one tilde
>>38634 I think the main issue with what Wilson said is that he said >"If i read something in french it's pronounced as how the letters sound" And then someone brought up the many silent letters at the end of words
>>38636 I uh...kinda forgot to delete my first thought there...
>>38636 don't forget the silent H at the beginning of words, it's a thing too >>38635 it serves a purpose, it's supposed to indicate a change in intonation. Of course, that also means you need to know how to differenciate the different intonations to begin with. Don't worry, the average frenchman nowadays can't write two lengthy sentences without at least serveral spelling mistakes, including tildes, hyphens and apostophes.
>>38642 >don't forget the silent H at the beginning of words, it's a thing too I think that's common to all latin based languages, H is silent
The guy who draws the Nijisanji girls with super big tiddies made a Klara paizuri https://x.com/fatetan_/status/1800915539516411913
>>38643 but in french you also have the " H aspirΓ©s" where you kinda tie the previous "Article" tied to the noun. In "une habitation" it's pronunced "na-bi-ta-tion" as it is a H aspirΓ©, "un humain" is a nu-main But then with silent H, "un Hangar" is pronunced "an-gar", "un homard" is "O-Mard" I'm not sure if i'm explaining it clearly, especially without phonetics. I dunno if there was such thing in spanish, i wasn't the most studious one in this class
Hex's background... Is something
Vox, Elira and Kotoka will be at a London convention is seems https://x.com/voxzitos/status/1800915787076788662
>>38650 pls be at london confirmed????? >Kotoka All the kotocats better be too.
>>38651 They don't seem to tell what they are gonna be doing but here's the convention https://hyperjapan.co.uk/festival/
Twisty uploaded a membership background image with 3 alts
hai hai hai
>>38654 Twisty is X Γ† A-Xii?
It's the first time i see someone fuck up so bad the tutorial of this game
Vox and Finana will be showing up on a Bilibili convention and singing
Twisty's diet is just corndogs
>>38659 Vox is going around
>>38662 I don't think he'll be physically there, he's just gonna be performing
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdljDviF4ZM Elira is not feeling good so stream is changed from Hi-Fi Rush to zatsu and pushed back an hour
>>38666 starting
Twisty will be having a short stream because she has a meeting soon and wants to arrive early so maybe longer stream after the meeting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5WYUqjqdpk
Twisty is blind as a bat without her glasses
People have told Twisty that her voice sounds like >Gura >Ironmouse >Nyanners >Veibae >Fallen Shadow Retards truly hear high pitch girl voice and go "OMG YOU'RE OTHER GIRL WITH HIGHER PITCH VOICE"
Twisty wanted a wallpaper for members where you could see her panties, she sent a whole paragraph to Mane-san explaining the logistics of why they should allow it and they vetoed it as expected
>>38671 Keep pushing Twisty. If they one day allow you to do it, there is chance for other talents too.
>Elira read My Immortal 4-5 times jesus christ
>>38672 Reimu revealed that there's different rules with sexualization of petite models
>>38674 gotta do it To Love Ru style then
>>38674 Nooo.... I don't want twisty to have big boobfication... It's not fair
>>38676 >Twisty likes Emma August
>>38677 Sad revelation for petankko lover
>>38677 Speaking of her she could maybe ask for sleepwear like she had but i get that the superior JP fanbase won't chimp out like the beta EN vtuber space
>Twisty is a hikki because she doesn't want to risk going to the outside world and get killed even if the chances are low Damn
Vivi realized that people outside the cyberspace can be really nice
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https://x.com/EnnaAlouette/status/1801009474473189385 https://x.com/EldenringAlerts/status/1799485047084290378 ngl her elden ring twitter posts is starting to annoy me and I love the heck out of the game idk why maybe its because it's all in twitter posts and not in stream bitch you better play it next week i swear on me mothers rotting tits
Elira is getting baited by the yaoi into wanting to play CoD
>>38684 She's gonna be reading Ghost x Soap fanfics tonight, isn't she?
>>38685 god damn thats a lot of fics
>>38686 They do have a lot of "spartan" moments
>>38684 >CoD They so many games which one specifically
>>38688 Just playing MW1, 2 and 3 would be fine
Elira is gonna hopcon valo
>>38690 And the stream died
Every country has a meme ISP I have a feeling Elira got that one for hers she dc'ed so often compared to her other canadian peers
Twisty had a cat so fat he got diabetes...
>Chat: "Have you watched Arcane?" >Twisty: "No, i refuse to watch dogshit" I'd say based but she's a League player
>>38683 I'm more anxious since there's so much build up to the next Elden Ring stream and I don't want to be disappointed.
Vivi says that LoL and Valo girls either have puppys or are pickmes...
>>38695 Imagine her making a song just for elden ring though
>>37515 Ethyria palverse figurines are on animate international now should you wish to get them. Cheaper than bushido international. I think it's like 95+ bucks VS 50+ pre shipping
>>38696 Twisty.... Finana.... Kotoka.... Kunai...
>>38679 Scarle literally got a sleepware outfit recently
>>38671 I'm not sure if even JP allow to show their underwear on official and commisioned artwork, let alone EN. So far the logistic of stuff like artwork and models have been like this: if JP can do this, so in theory can do EN.
>>38650 I just saw it..... I don't have high hopes up and I assume all of it is pre-recorderd (Probably few months ago when Elira was in Japan and was doing who knows what), but still... Even pre-recorded performance is good enough for me. Anything is good enough, really. I had some suspisions that Koto hanged out with Vox and Elira I didn't share it because I'm aware that my conspirology is just annoying, so I hope they had fun. You know, Klara saying that she doesn't know if she'll be able to collab with Koto or not and Hex straight up avoiding mentioning her put unease on me. Other members not knowing either if she'll come back or not is depressing. I still hope she'll comeback after all of this. I just want for her and others to be happy again and have fun. I've ended up crying for who knows how long while typing all of this. I know this is so fucking stupid, but I can't help it. I just miss her so much. >>38651 Even if I could spend money to go there, it's way too late to plan a London trip. I just really hope they'll allow to film the perofrmances like they did with AI >>38652 They listed in the performance section, so they should be singing on stage. https://hyperjapan.co.uk/festival/performers/ https://hyperjapan.co.uk/festival/performer/nijisanjien/
>>38632 No, they only said that the next stream will be in June
>>38683 Likes getting privated is probably the only good feature that Musk has implemented so far. So many dramashitters and /vt/sisters would unironically go through livers accounts just to see what post they liked to make some shitty bait out of it.
Woke up to Twisty streaming Minecraft again...hai hai hai... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qPdmG28O6s
>>38706 I remember the briskadets also checking sonny's likes everyday too lmao
Oh yeah btw the GTA stream happened where they explained the rules and stuff, it's basically the same as VCR but any Nijisanji member can join, even the EN members that can't speak japanese. All the material they showed is done in japanese tho so things like job descriptions and steps are in japanese
>>38706 I like checking my oshi's likes to see if they're still awake before their good morning tweet or if they are staying up late.
Damn, aloupeeps look like THIS?!?!?!? https://x.com/6_may_6/status/1800967449527087267
>>38712 Damn, I'd fuck my peers then
>>38708 How is she playing minecraft all day and not get motion sickness holy moly
>>38714 People that don't get motion sickness from MC exist, Enna
>They're talking about schnitzel with Twisty I'm sorry but there's a superior version already
>Looking through steam to check for games to buy >see all the fotm coop games our livers always play >They're cheap as fuck even before the discount No wonder they play them all the time.
The way Twisty treats her little cat as her baby is so cute
>>38709 >>38711 I used to check Koto's likes too, even though she hasn't like that much recently... Still, I believe it is for the better in general. Less retards that stalk livers accounts, the better
>>38710 Anon, don't be a retard and link the VOD of the fucking stream. You can post it in the JP thread if you think it is off-topic here.
>>38720 Hey if you want to watch 30 minutes of stream just to hear what i said then be my guest https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAD2G5iQdxQ
>Twisty sees rocks under water >This looks like a penis >Time to chop it Hot
>>38708 It's over 5 AM her timezone. Few hours more and she'll become new Kotoka/Toru
>>38722 I will recommend Cutting Room to her
Do axolotol get drowned i you make a pool with air gaps in them
>Axolotl ate a pufferfish I actually didn't know they could do that
>>38725 Yes >>38726 They are retarded like the real ones
>>38727 >yes Twisty better patch those out then if she hasnt already
>>38728 But hearing her mald will be funny as fuck
Love how this whole Minecraft week has filtered all the shitters from Twisty's fanbase. Not a single /vt/fag/holonigger wants to watch a turboautist playing solo Minecraft all night long
>>38730 Tough minecraft hours makes strong spiritmates
would twisty enjoy factorio though
Twisty, I don't disagree with your points, but nobody in warhammer suppose to look cute. Everybody is ugly as fuck and that's the part of an aesthetic.
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I really like this Alien Stage parody https://x.com/Iomlren/status/1801074714720506162/photo/1
>>38733 I don't think they are all ugly but on the cool leaning side, Rogue Trader has some handsome people
Good news: Anycolor has nuked a JP anti site https://x.com/ANYCOLOR_Inc/status/1801132506558898192 It means that the kurosanji subreddit, /vt/ and the doxx site may potentially get nuked too
>>38739 Isnt the subreddit untouchable, at least according to you guys here
>>38733 Speaking of warhammer what happened to Aia's rogue trader streams
>>38740 Well, a lot of subreddits got nuked in the past for violating various laws, including defamation and slander
>>38741 I've posted about it before. Basically, the game is way too text heavy, so it just doesn't fit her style of streaming where she can just yap and talk to chat all the time. She promised that she'll still give it a shot or two, but I guess not
>>38739 >doxx site Anon i think you're late to the party, that shit already got nuked, i found someone trying to make an electric boogaloo of that on twitter under OFFICIAL TAGS FOR LIVERS and i instantly reported it to Anycolor in the hopes that they get fucked
>>38744 Damn... She's not gonna play any more CRPGs I guess since they're all text heavy, Unleass it's made by larian lmao
>>38745 I thought they just got taken down temprorarily but came back. Glad to hear it isn't the case
>>38746 She should try some of Bioware classics like DAO or KOTR, those are quite light when it comes to text + 90% of the dialogue is voiced.
>>38746 Too bad Larian games kinda fucking suck for the average CRPG player
Huh, Twisty said she auditioned originally to have Reimu's model back in the Ethyria auditions
>>38750 >reimu's model back πŸ™
>>38733 what about sanguinius ?
That kusoge where you have to not scream in the mic is getting a co-op game https://store.steampowered.com/app/2625510/Dont_Shout_Together/ Wonder if anyone will try it, it might be a fun batsu game
>>38750 Well, this disproves that she's 18. She must be at least 21 now if she could audition 3 years ago
>>38754 She's actually 40
>>38755 Lolibaba.....
>>38753 Klara gonna freak
>>38750 We almost didn't get her in Denauth either since I'm pretty sure that liger that cancelled her graduation back in February was suppose to get in and Twisty was probably a back up choice. Also, I really, really fucking hope she didn't audition for Xsoluna because I will be really fucking pissed of if they picked Zaion over her. Overall, the more I learn about people that didn't get in previous gens/almost didn't get in, the more I question their auditioning and hiring process. How the fuck they picked up some shitty washed up LOL player that was suppose to debut instead of Vanta? How the fuck they rejected Kotoka, Kunai and Meloco in Obsydia and picked up Selen instead who was just a washed up Apex player back then? Why the fuck they rejected Claude in Luxnoct? Why were they poaching Yugo who directly told them that he doesn't want to stream and tried to jump off the auditions twice? I know Niji has always had issues with adequate auditioning (fucking Raito) but still, so many fucking issues with the branch could've been prevented if they hired a better candidates that ACTUALLY auditioned but were rejected over a mentally ill Apex player who wrote a google doc about hating her own parents and schizoid alimoney woman with botted followers
>>38758 Tbf Selen's application was probably done really well based on what I've heard in her Chinese collab with Enna. Meanwhile I don't know if I can say the same about Enna's based on that collab kek.
>>38758 >schizoid alimoney I read this as schizoid allmoney lmao.
>>38758 the google doc bit will never cease to be funny to me, how can anyone trust somebody who write this for the world to see and say later on stream she's still seeing her parents all the time and hang out with them and family.
uhh did millie actually stream and just privated it again? i didn't get a notif https://x.com/MillieParfait/status/1801272588892569676
>>38759 Well, Raito's application must have been great too, considering he actually got in, but you're missing my point. My point is that they've hired extremly unreliable people that could've been easely replaced by better choices FROM THE SAME AUDITION POOL. People liked Selen on debut not because she was "pro" Apex player/groomer panderer/chinese/tumblerina, but because of her character: a tomboy who likes e-sports. You know, something that Kotoka or Kunai easely could've been. I can't even pull noombers excuse for this blunder, considering barely anybody watched Selen before Niji.
>>38758 I like to believe the theory that they fired whoever was checking the auditions after the double botch of XSoleil and Krisis and then hired someone new to finish up Krisis and do all the future waves because hoooooly shit did they improve and got some nice diamonds in the rough
>>38763 I think you are giving Selen too little credit for how she was back then before this mess but I don't really care that much I never watched her much outside of collabs in the first place so let's just agree to disagree.
It's funny reading Twisty's membership stream diary and finding out how she feels about most stuff that happens in games, this is actually a nice idea albeit a very time consuming one
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdmjIzTsuWI Bro's I'm the only kouchama watching klara like frfr
>>38764 Well, they clearly improved the whole audition process after Zaion. Denauth are from one of the auditions that happened after she got fired and it shows with them getting properly instructed, meeting the staff and Riku in person all pre-debut. It's actually the standard procedute for the JP branch as far as I've heard but EN was always slacking when it comes to this, glad that they're treating it more seriously now. >>38765 All credit that I could give to her went out of the window after she botched the whole branch. The only things that I still glad that she had introduced are karaoke rebroadcasts and chibi models, and the former she just did out of miserliness since she wanted to show her shitty assets as much as possible.
>>38768 >implying she's asleep
>>38770 She said on stream that if she doesn't stream Minecraft right now, then it means she's asleep.
>>38771 Damn, her daily schedule is just minecraft eat and sleep, respect that grind ngl
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8eX4RxtRUZM Oh shit, Hex is playing Signalis
>>38773 Phantomo...
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>>38767 Did she do the same thing that Vox did where she forgot to private the test stream?
Hex is begging for more males for 15 minutes now
>>38778 >Play lesbian robot game >"Where the males at?" There's only 1, he's a dick and you will like it
>>38779 He meant male viewers....
>>38780 Too busy jerking off to one of his co-workers
He's crying over this poll. Hey, at least he has 13% DJs now
>>38782 He should play bro games like GTA V then
>>38783 He played MGS once and never played it again, this is on him
>>38783 He said he'll be playing Cyberpunk on Twitch tomorrow
Where is the best place to buy NijiEN music in flac? I noticed Encounter stuff on 7digital which was good. Is the best place for the other stuff Ototoy? God it's been so long since I've bought digital music, I don't know where the fuck to even go.
>>38789 I wish i could tell you but i have been living off of free music all my life
MINECRAFT MINECRAFT MINECRAFT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQ_iFYwdSCo
>>38791 She's asking for it
Denauth was doing test streams 6 months ago
The Q&A with Tazumi for the shareholder meeting is already out, it seems that they are working on ways to make merch more accessible to EN fans because everyone tells them that shipping is FUCKING OUTRAGEOUS >Tsurii: You asked, "Please tell us about your overseas growth strategy, especially how to leverage it in English-speaking countries. >Tazumi: For example, we are working on the AR Live held in the fourth quarter, the recent 3D unveiling distribution, and "NIJI ENcounter," a music content in which a pair of people create and release a song together. >AR Live has been seen by a much larger number of customers than we had anticipated. Of course, we recognize that there have been certain changes in customer trends, but we have reaffirmed that there is a certain number of people who continue to support us, and we will work first to reach out to these people. >In addition, in order to build a relationship of trust with our customers, I believe that we need to continue to strengthen our efforts to create content that will attract customers, including the unveiling of 3D, music content, and content such as conventions. >In addition, in terms of revenue, since we have customers in various countries, regions, and cultural spheres, we need to implement measures that are different from those we have been implementing in Japan. In terms of expanding our sales channels and acquiring clients, we will leverage our sales methods, which are slightly different from those we have used in Japan.
>>38794 There's some other points talking about EN but they kinda go around to this again just saying they want to put their efforts in making the fans happy with more of the content they've been making this year
>>38794 >>38795 He's focused on rebuilding trust with fans this year, and doesn't know what he'll do next year, which makes me a little nervous
Twisty's stomach hurts because she's been holding her pee all day...
>>38797 Cute
>>38798 Btw Twisty used to pee in cups when her toilet wasn't working
>>38800 hahaha pee cups, get it it's like tea cups but pee
I guess scarle didnt play destiny today or I missed it
>>38797 They using new layout for the birthday merch ad? neat
>>38808 It's been a thing since Shu's I think because they changed what is being sold for the birthday merch.
>Twisty never changes her outfit Imagine the smell
>>38807 It was a zatsu
https://youtu.be/kqnjoykkBg0 big shu overcooked collab with nari and a jp hero
Scarle says that in 9 months, if everything goes according to a schedule, she'll become "fertile and breedable". It's an actual hint at something, so make of it what you will
>>38816 I have no idea what to make of that like frfr
>>38816 >she'll become "fertile and breedable" is she not already that?
Scarle says that canonically, she doesn't wear any panties on any of her outfits
i recommended the ethyria concert to my brother. he already knew enna was great at singing but he didn't know about the other two. he also said millie's singing voice does not fit her model at all kek which made me wonder if millie ever thought about getting a "grown-up" model like kyo and one of her jp senpais
>>38820 >if millie ever thought about getting a "grown-up" model Yeah with big badonk kadonks
>>38817 Well, it's not a new outfit, she straight up said it's almost ready and she probably will debut it by the end of the year. She also mentioned that she'll be going to Japan around November, so I assume that she's talking about 3D debut
I swear Nari has a higher pitch than twisty or maririn
Love how Scarle got addicted to V-rising. Makes me wonder if she would like Diablo too
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0zFXFoiUA4 Klara's playing Minecraft on EN server
Love how Klara doesn't have an intro screen. Reminds me of Koto and Nina
Klara has been playing Monster Hunter off-stream with Vanta and Sonny. Also, she's been talking to Hex too
>>38825 Speaking of the EN server i read this today, seems like the MC crew wants a new second server purely survival and then have the main one as "funny creative server" https://x.com/drsx_rojeu/status/1801492738648773100
https://x.com/KlaraCharmwood/status/1801537756092633542 Willy will show Klara Zali's sex dungeon
>>38829 So new server will most likely have no livers having creative mode only staff
Wait, did Ibrahim actually build the whole hub area by himself? That's actually so fucking impressive
Klara is losing her spaghetti so much right now
>>38831 Yeah, they want it to be a new start and to be 100% survival also the new people won't feel so pressured when joining and we can finally get rid of the things Selen built + the giant pepe >>38832 Yeah, he has advanced autism
>>38835 I personally hated the bilibili build, it felt like the one build it did it out of spite than anything and it's fucking out of place to all the other kino builds
I actually can't remember when that whole metro area was build
The sniffer (me) is sniffing Klara
>>38837 Pomu and Selen started it in survival one stream and finished it in creative off-stream
>>38835 >>38836 Look, I know there are tons of retarded and cringy shit on the server, but still, it makes me really nostalgic. Yugo's club, Nina's tomb, Pomu's cathedral are still really cool memorials + there're some really great builds like Lord Pentomo, Uki's planetarium etc.
>>38840 It's still all going to be there but i don't blame them for not wanting to play in a server with no creative builds and less tombs
>here lies doppio's soul kek i remember this, legendary to watch it in real time
>>38842 I actually can't remember when any Xsoleil members played on the server last time, feels like it was before Nina had graduated
>>38843 Oh wait, nevermind, I think Hex actually did a tour of the server recently
>>38843 this is the first EN server MC stream i've watched in a long time, i don't remember most of these stuff tbh. on that note, i wonder if twisty would be interested in playing in a new EN server or if she's just gonna keep playing by herself. ngl i didn't really expect her to be a hardcore MC streamer
Klara really likes the brothel names kek
I remember how Pomu was finishing this brothel area on stream. It was one of her last streams before graduation, so most of it was kind of scuffed. She got bored of naming all those villagers so she asked chat to name most of them
>>38847 Elira also helped to name them!
Tensai maid did not fall for mike hawk
>>38840 >Yugo's club, Nina's tomb, Pomu's cathedral i dunno, as much as i like the three, i'd rather clear out the things of the past and start fresh.
klara's dying
Klara is losing her shit at all of this lmao
>>38849 She fell for Master Baiter lmao
It's so weird to see someone who just knows all the NijiEN memes amd references instead of going "wtf is this" as usual.
Zali and Willy are about to harass Klara
run klara, that's pomu hunting ground !
Oh no, she found the sheep fucker....
>got led to the sheep fricker by bait trail >"this is shakai" >"shakaijin ni naritakunai" >proceeds to pretend she didn't see anything
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-iKTp6DRi4 This JP liver is playing SMT V Is there hope for EN to play some SMT now
>>38861 Zali wanted to show Klara the greatest sight of the server
>>38862 Maybe Ike? But he's extremly autistic and mostly plays games that he played off-stream before
>>38862 Dealing with Atlus JP is not the same as dealing with Atlus West, reminder that we are talking about the people that hire all the fucks that have the worst twitter takes and meltdowns every week
Love how she calls Alban "Lady" lmao
>"lady alban"
>klara bows her head in-game when greeting someone she's so cute
Klara would die trying to pet every animal in the world
Scat fetishists, Klara is taking a shit right NOW
Why did Meloco build a giant toilet on the server right now...?
>>38871 *again now. I'm having a stroke, sorry
>>38871 Meloco is building skibidi toilet????
Zali is leading Klara to the sex dungeon with his meat...
People should stop mentioning Deezney, it's just sad to look at nowadays
>>38876 like an abandoned amusement park
Aia is about to molest Klara
Zali hooked Aia lmao
>Klara loosk at the sheep freaker >Zali: stay safe lmao
>Aia flirting with Klara on Minecraft Twisty is gonna kill a ho
Aia and Zali's battle theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1EcoeJK_Oo Wilson and Zali's battle theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DAJ2k7U5_w
I wish i were in the NijiEN server so that Klara could sit on my face as i take her to places
Klara is asking Aia to mpreg Wilson
>C418 - 13 as strip dancing music kino
>>38887 Incredible Silent Hill 2 reference
Two gay couples are having a date in the planetarium
>>38889 happy pride month
Aia has never seen ILuna...
>>38895 Kyo never told her if he finished it or not lmao
Gotta hand it to Kyo, he was the only one not using pre-built things and ILuna looks amazing
Klara actually started to cry after she saw the Iluna academy... >>38897 Yeah, it's one of the best buidlings on the server. The lack of pre-built makes it soulful
I actually didn't know that Wilson finished the Axolotl farm, it looks really good
ngl i never thought about them making a new server, but now that the idea's been brought up, i hope they actually go through with it and people would start actively playing and building stuff there again. this server is pretty but it'd be nice to have one where you don't get painful reminders everywhere you look
Wonder if Aia will be talkign about impregnating Klara on stream like she did with Finana and Kunai
>Malfunctions happen >Just like Paris metro lmao Zaloi
>>38901 Not if she doesn't want a kid running over her with a car
>>38904 denauth gets tax audited
>>38905 Twisty already said she doesn't pay taxes because she's a noble
Nina's grave....
having a niji fan that knows a lot about the branch exploring the server and interacting with other livers is pretty nice
Oh i forgot Barney was the receptionist at the library, just take her out already...
>>38909 yeah...
It reminds me that Wilson had never finished the Vampire Knight watchalong....
Wilson killed all the lamas
Don't call it e-girl house pls
I just saw Elira cancelled the P3 stream...*sigh*...*watches Twisty playing Minecraft again for the rest of the night*
Wilson is showing Zali's sex dungeon
Klara is so flirty while teasing others...giwtwm
>>38916 Anon... Twisty is having Denauth collab tonight....
>>38920 She's overlaping her own stream...?
>>38921 I'm gonna tell you what's gonna happen, buddy, Twisty will play Minecraft, then she'll collab with Denauth for 2-3 hours if Ryojisan feels alright and then she's gonna pop Minecraft again until 5 AM her time
so noctyx and TTT at impulse phoenix
Kurara love.
>>38925 It's my favorite hiatus livers! Also we knew already, they announced it at the end of last AI
https://youtu.be/8AbeHo3KcaE?t=181 This live rent free in my head
>>38935 I hope one day we get Hollow/World...it's one of my favorite Fate songs but since only fans know Hollow/Ataraxia then i know the chances are close to none
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HATGZyOO5vA Waiting room for denauth collab
>>38936 I only played up to UBW and stopped lmao
>>38934 Cute and includes the pit mole, perfect.
>>38942 Nobody reads my posts...
>>38943 gomen...
>>38942 oh shit it's not minecraft
>Someone says this is a baby game Bloons is a game for adults with advanced autism
>"I don't like these monkeys..." She's just like me when i used to browse /vt/ frfr
Twisty i don't understand a single word of what you're saying
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNt0zBx57BI idk bros this is just a theory but I think Feesh kinda liked the ar live art of her
>>38949 It's good art >solo dbd fuck
Twisty said FUCK BLOONS, rage quitted the stream and now we are going to Minecraft
The killer ragequitted the game because he sucked so bad that the survivors activated 3 gens before he could get someone, he even said so in chat
Finana really does have the perfect scream. High pitched, ear piercingly loud, but also quite clear and kinda pleasant.
Twisty went on a deep dive about people dying on rollercoasters
Twisty says you shouldn't superchat vtubers if you get laid off
Damn, Claude is the homie
Oh no...Twisty said she never watched Oreimo and maybe will do a watchalong in the future...
DBD is such a kusoge (derogatory)
Ok Twisty now wants to watch Inu x Boku
Chat doesn't understand that trying to talk about anime with Twisty is futile
Of course Twisty's favorite Fate adaptation is Prisma Illya
Bye Twisty, see you in 90 minutes, i'll hop to Feesh now
Wait a minute...this isn't DBD
Vivi will be ducking in 30 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wx4YYAobfw
Denauth collab is starting
Denauth will be jannies today
>>38969 They're not doing it for free...
Ryoma Barrenwomb...
>>38972 Is it archived?
Twisty hates pepperoni but loves pineapple on pizza. The other two don't hate pepperoni but love pineapple too
>>38973 It's japanese songs so it seems like it
Denauth will go to a pizzeria next time they will be in Japan
Kek gotta love how Twisty doesn't give a shit and goes head in
Oh Rosemi is actually driving, she just asked for choccy milk at the drive thru
>>38978 Scarle did a similar driving stream too recently, guess the management finally allowed them to do outdoors streams like JPs used to do back in the day
Ryoma obliterated all the toilets in this house
Twisty is doing scat play on stream now
Klara is doing it too now....
Why is Klara actually enjoying describing it...?
>>38985 She's a little freaky
https://x.com/ReimuEndou/status/1801810769350217950 No Apex stream tomorrow since Maririn has no internet
>A famillie just chatting in Klara's chat all by himself Every time
Twisty is asking Klara about harapan...
Whoever picked this game shouldn't pick games again
>>38990 Twisty....
Denauth forgot what they're streaming next week...
>We're playing School Labyrinth >We'll become kids >Twisty actually looks excited kek
Mane-san liked Twisty's Minecraft schedule lmao
Klara has suggested a monhun collab with Denauth and they said they'll think about it
Everyone falls in love with Klara's legs
Klara had a chat with mane-san >You have nice legs lmao >Yeah I have nice legs🦡 >😳
Twisty is terrorizing Vanta already
vanta is one of the least ace people in this branch
>well you're a month old, how does that make you feel? >that's kind of hot actually... I can say that because it's your channel this brat
The gang is all back to harrass Vanta again
Klara is the master teaser
>twisty (and denauth)'s father is ren >her brothers are sonny and vanta this family tree is getting more complicated
>Klara said she would get Vanta's body pillow Vanta's fucking face lmfao, bro is cooked
>We are all adults and can talk it out off-stream I mean, I get what Klara meant, but there were already 2 people who acted retarded off-stream. But yeah, people should stop retarded babying, it gives me flashbacks to retards babying Luxiem back in the day
>>39004 It makes the Sonnyren mpreg way more fucked up in retrospective
>>39006 Did i miss anything? I was watching the Elden Ring stream but didn't hear that
god i love open totsus
>>39008 Not really, Klara mentioned at the end of her stream that there's no bullying and if there was any actual conflict they would solve it off-stream as adults, so she doesn't need any babying. It was kind of unpromted, so she probably just saw some retards concerning on Twitter
Wilson sounds so heated about this pizzadog.
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>>39011 what's up pizzadog
ngl taking the stick off the corndog is extremly fucking retarded, like peak autism
>>39012 I can't believe you pizzadog'd me
Klara's 1 month kitten on stream!
huh... you can hit the astel monster at that area with melee? I just use crossbows
Vanta is going for a quick one...
>How can I make Sonny love me, is I too old? That's the opposite, you're too young for him. I remember he was gooning over Nina and Zaion
>>39019 Oh yeah, and Pomu too. Sani is not into women that are younger then 30
Vanta is Twisty's step-bro...
Honestly, I'm really surprised how nonchalant Klara is when it comes to interactions with males. I really expected that she would be shy and modest, kind of like Kotoka is. Her calm personality with casual flirting is such a hilarious whiplash.
>Telling a black man that Dragon Ball is shit Twisty is about to get capital punishment
>>39022 Klara's flirty teasing to make people uncomfortable is fucking great
>>39023 Could be worse, he could've been latino
Finana couldn't hold back and has finally joined the call
Please Twisty, don't make an incest joke about Finana's autistic brother, I beg you
Uki bought the last Vanta daki...
Did Feesh send them her dakis?
klara is spilling her spaghetti
>>39030 Imagine spilling your spaghetti over Shygirl123
Finana is a doxxer...
Finana is a doxxfag....
They gaslit Wilson into bullying Vanta too
I'm just realising how similar Finana and Twisty sound like when they're in a call together
>>39035 You should listen to them playing the same LoL game in botlane, they truly make the same sounds
Who would've thought that getting Finana here would just enable more insane topics?
is a pregnant male called a mom or a dad?
>Are you a mother? >Not yet Yeah, I'm about to change that
>Finana told the black man to not breathe DAMN
The more I listen to Twisty, the more I realise that she has a slight valley girl accent
>>39041 They truly knew who they wanted to play an ojou-sama
Finana plays Roblox every day and spent $200 yesterday...
>Sonny came in and left kek
>the moment twisty gets out of the totsu, sonny comes in to say hi KEK
Twisty sucked years of life off of Wilson...
>Before Twisty joined, I felt like I could fight a grizzly, but now I feel like I'm 82 This, but me after sex with her
Twisty is a succubus...
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>>39047 >She's either vampire or sucubbus Me and feesh have the same braincell
the totsu genuinely feels a lot more relaxed when twisty left lmao. she really takes a lot of energy from people
Nooooo Twisty missed Ranni...
>>39053 ragebaiting also takes a lot of energy i see
Everyone falls for the maid, she's too powerful https://x.com/NOT_PEACH_BUN/status/1801849422180925772
Finana is gonna listen to Wilson's yandere ASMR...
>>39044 >>39045 >Begs eeryone to call him onichan >Someone actually does it >He runs away I don't get it
I think Vanta is into snuff doujins
>>39059 Vantacrow snuffbringer
I never understood the death by snu snu fetish but after Vanta explained it, I kind of getting it now
>>39061 Well the most common one is with a succubus where she drains you until the last drop
>>39062 I guess every single drop must come out am I right
Klara is a scaly...
>qt anime lamia gf lmao
Enter Clark
I like the doujin where the yandere slime girl kills everyone the MC likes, absorbs them and then fucks the dude as the girls
does maririn have ball joints?
>>39070 Sadly not because she's a real girl now
>>39070 She said multiple times that she doesn't have them
Claude tried to recall from his memory if Willy is uncut or not Honestly, I've heard all burgers get circumstised, so WUilly is probably the only one who's uncut
>>39073 Ah yes the full red, white and blue US citizen Willy
I actually though Finana went AFK, she didn't say anything for like 15 minutes
The whole stream now is just Clark fanboying over Super Sentai
>>39077 You should seen the 80s spiderman sentai
Funnily enough, I feel like Vanta would actually fit black ranger personality wise
Vanta beat Godfrey in one try
Vanta beat the game, he'll be killing Mogh next week and then will be jumping into the DLC
>>39081 Next week it's gonna be mohging time
By the way, how long the Niji GTA server will be open? If it will be open for some time, hope some EN members will actually decide to join
Vanta will be finishing Cage's cringekino tomorrow btw
Honestly, while Twisty not allowing anybody to raid her is menhera as fuck and kind of dumb, it shows that she doesn't give a slightest fuck about noombers whatsoever, which is still a positive in my book
>>39085 i wouldn't call it menhera when she actively raids and interacts with other members. she just knows what she wants from her community; it'd be fair to respect that
>>39085 i wonder if they went this time for those who said they were just here to have a good time instead of the high achievers
i hope twisty participates in the new EN MC server the livers have talked about making. it would give more life to the server. but it's also totally fair if she refuses to. it's pretty nice to have a liver that sets firm boundaries first without acting like they're being excluded
>>39084 one step closer to my long awaited nomad soul or fahrenheit streams honestly, i think enna would have liked the beginning of fahrenheit
>>39086 The thing is, it's not like Twisty is hiding her powerlevel or whatnot, the shit that she said on Vanta's totsu is 90% more unhinged then her average Minecraft stream. 80% of people drop out from raids either way, so somebody droping in who "misses the vibe" and being obnoxious in chat is extremly low, and even in this case she just can easily ban them. Hating raids is just dumb, but if she doesn't want anybody to raid her, it's her choice. >>39087 I feel like it's the opposite and all the noomberfags and "high achievers" dropped out from the auditions themselves due to all the drama. Our win either way, we better off without another noomber shitters that think they would get Hololive's numbers and then having menhera breakdowns because they "joined the wrong corpo"
>>39089 Ok Vivi
Bruh nijimado is loaded with stream
>>39092 they're starting the nijigta server
I did archive reps and I'm pretty sure I found Klara's PL in some of the old posts. You guys suck at being detectives
Wish Klara would cut the not-EN joke, it's actually unfunny and shitposters used to unironically spam this shit in hate psots about Koto and Melo
>>39095 I'm starting to think that is her JP demographic that likes this running gag, ironically.
Any nihongo jouzuu guys here? Can someone rate Klara's nihingo in comparison to other members (Kunai, Kotoka, Meloco etc.)?
JPs are sharing gachimuchi quotes with Klara....
Klara... It's not "that" type of wrestling.....
There's certain charm to such JSL zatsus since it always comes down to the liver not understanding fully JP internet culture. Both this and Kunai's zatsus were really soulful
Klara is quoting never give up guy?
>>39101 Most of the zatsu just have been chat explaining various Japanese memes to Klara
>>39102 So a normal zatsu but in japanese lmao
I've been looking at papangoschama for the most of the stream, he's so funny
Oh damn, Klara is finally able to do a frowning face. Guess her model was calibrated properly now
>>39104 Does this looks like the face of mercy
>>39105 Her overall rigging is still pretty scuffed though. Hope she'll actually win the 3.0 gacha soon, otherwise it will probably get fixed when she'll get her next outfit like it was with Millie and Reimu's rigging
>Someone sneezed really loudly in the background Yabai. The VOD may get edited afterwards, so be wary. Honestly, she should get a better mic that actually filters sounds
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Love how Klara reads the synopsises of various novells she got recommended in English since she can't into Kanjis
>Someone recommended Klara Life is strange lmao
>>39083 10 days
>>39094 There is a huge difference when i really don't care about it
>>39113 LMAO, nobody in EN is joining then. It will be Rust VCR all over again where everybody established cliques in the first 3 days and anyone else who tried to play afterwards felt like outcasts. Besides that, 10 days is way too short for a GTA RP server. Although, if it will be sucessful, I hope future seasons will be more noob friendly so ENs wouldn't be so afraid to join.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChCnyk901YU Fuuchan is playing Three Houses
The Shephard's theme actually slaps pretty hard, the guy who made OST for Fuuchan did a really good job
i think i played azure moon then crimson flower and just watched someone play the final battle of verdant winds
>I was dreaming about a young girl 😭😭😭
Fuuchan is uoohing over Sothis
Sothis kind of sounds like Twisty
>>39121 Nah, Twisty is more high pitched
I wonder if Elira would like Three Houses
Fuuchan really wants to fuck Lythisea
>>39123 i can see her liking blue lions
>>39128 Dimitri is her type
>Fuuchan put Lythisea in the maid outfit Holy based
Idk if anyone is going to AX in here but you should know that dragoons are forming witch hunting groups for Nijifans, now my takes on what you should do: >Worst case scenario: they try and do something, you record them and then report them to security >Best case scenario: you smuggled a shank successfully into the event and are in enough close proximity to the dragoon to stab him and twist the shank a total of 14 times in Minecraft haha
>>39135 Just a call the cops on them, that's literally a crime
>>39136 I'm personally a fan of the second item in the list but that is also a reasonable option
>>39135 I don't know what your sources are, but better report this shit to either Anycolor or AI staff in advance. Even if it was some /vt/ shitpost, you should still do it since Anycolor recently specifically told that they'll go after anonymous websites. Reporting shit like this will help to deal with them for good.
I always end up with the same problem playing FE games where one of my characters gets stupidly strong because i use them as a frontliner and they fucking murder anything that attacks them....Joshua...
>>39139 I already did, also it's AX not AI. The source is the parrot 4chan faggot psting how the Hyte stand will be in front of the Nijisanji one and how they'll do a "Dokibird party" in front of them then the replies being full of dragoons saying how they will go harass nijifans while they're at it
not surprised about all of this, they always behaved like assholes even back when it was 2 waves. anyway, ryoma started the shitty boulder game https://youtu.be/uRohpsQGoMs
Fuuchan says that Lorenz gives Shu vibes
Fuuchan's next model will release by the end of the month/in the beginning of the next month
Finally got around to print and assemble the full lazulight set someone made available (it's easy as pie to find) and it looks really good, i've put a pape so you get an idea of the size. It came presupported, and those were well made and easy to dispose of. If ya wanna own one of them and know someone with a printer, i'd say give it a try.
>>39149 Ohhhh they look really nice, are you gonna paint them yourself?
>>39150 not yet, last time i painted a mini was 15+ years ago and i'm not too keen on buying the various paint colors again, it's quite an investment. Right now i'm more interested in trying to grow my mini collection, i've going to try to convert some 3D model into printing models and see how it goes.
ryoma kinda confirmed the rumors about making a new minecraft server and said if and when it happens, he'll join in.
>>39152 Aia said it's still in the decision period so we'll probably see it done in a long time
Ryoma reached the halfway point, tried for like an hour more and stopped after reaching an area with giant wodden hammers. >>39153 hopefully it won't be too soon, minecraft is boring.
>When you are a corpo you should be careful when it comes to ranking things Tell that to Barney lmao
Ryoma, don't be a retard and don't spend money on Switch 2 on fucking release. 90% of games will come out on the old one too, you will lirerally overspend on a console that has 1 game and will go down in price with decent game backlog in couple of years
>Ryoma says taht plenty of livers have daytime jobs I wonder who they are. Don't think anyone besides Aia addmited that they are working anywhere else
Honestly, Aia deserves all the respect. She literally learnt how to stream from zero and got through insane hate arc and alll while juggling her day time job in just over a year. Plenty of people would just graduated in her place, meanwhile she just pull through everything and became sucessful in her own way.
>>39158 she tough it out, now she just need to not overdo it and it'll be all right. finana, nina, aia had it rough but they managed to soldier on with dignity. hopefully elira and vox will do the same
https://youtu.be/7cYV1AnqZwE aia 3rd outfit reveal starting !
Ok the stream actually started now
>>39159 Well, Nina didn't really pull it through, did she? Regarding Aia, she was reflecting about it on her streams a lot and basically said if it wasn't for support of her fans and senpais, she would've graduated long time ago. She's in a comfortable palce right now and despite everything, she's doing fine >hopefully elira and vox will do the same Both are doing fine it seems. I'm worried about Koto more after all that happened....
Love Aia's cringekino, gives the same vibe as Rosemi's funposts
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>>39163 she did pull through (she wanted to graduated in may 2022), and when she couldn't go on a year later, she left, with dignity. anyway, kino aia reveal.
>>39165 Hope it doesn't develop like Bleach...
goob is now an official measurement unit
>>39168 Better than imperial
so, walking stick, sword on the hip or a third option ?
>>39170 Pimp stick
>>39166 I knew she wanted to graduate back in 2022, but so early? I would probably never got into Niji if this actually happened, God fucking dammit.....
some of those submissions are looking good
Aia says that this is the most accurate prediction so far. Also, speaking of armor, I actually hope she'll get a full on armor suit someday
Some of these predictions looks like abstract art
this one is neat
Yes Aia, i saw chimkin's outfit, yes i also busted a nut like you did probably
>>39177 Aia has cock?
>>39178 How do you think she impregnated Finana?
>>39179 Dang, I already forgot about that
>>39174 someone submited something with the same idea in mind
Lady oscar mention !
>>39182 Stop being so french
>>39185 Shut up! You go french dude, don't let anybody take your nationality anime characters!
I'm afraid Aia, i don't want to find Hex Haywire in the dark like we did last time
>>39185 >>39187 it was since childhood since i heard anyone talking about this anime. I dunno if it aged well though. we got good stuff back then back to stream, aia commisionned something neat, reminds me of those manga amv back in early 2010's
Aia is doing ryona fetish lore again....
>>39190 Harapangel...
outfit reveal is done, move along
Ewiwa in chat 😭
That was actially a pretty cool lore video
>>39192 scarle's melons...
Aia is a pisstuber now...
wiwa feesh valorant in 40 minutes
Damn that's kinda freaky ngl
That's creepy, but pretty cool
Holy cameltoe
I think her vulva is actually rigged.....
She has the glovejob gloves
>>39205 she got her own soul edge
>>39208 Oh yeah i see it now
I don't think those are small, Aia
Holy jiggle
it's over...
Stop scaring ELira, Aia
she graduated to four eyes to eight eyes.
ok the sway look neat
Ohhhh that's a nice rigging from side to side
She reminds me of Griffith now
>>39227 fuck you're right
Can't believe that Jerry is fucking dead....
>>39227 She should rape Feesh while Claude looks (he also has an iron arm...)
Holy lean It's actually really cool
All her eyes are rigged btw
This looks kind of cursed
>Marie did the whole lore comic That was actually pretty cool
>>39240 that artist has done so much for so many EN livers, props to them tbh
>>39157 i wonder what kinda daytime jobs they have. can't imagine having much energy to stream after working the whole day, let alone all the other offline stuff they do for projects and vps, etc. our livers are troopers
claude is queuing with finana and wiwa
This reminds me to the pimp in Saints Row 3 that speaks in autotune
Elira sounds like Glados now
Aia's original sketch for the outfit
>>39248 She wanted wings toggle originally but then decided not to since it would take way too much space on screen
Love Aia's hair rigging
Aia pretty much said that she'll have her glasses for every outfit she'll have
ewiwa autotune stuck in the abbyss improv
>>39233 I think this is the prettiest outfit; I really love the hair.
Aia's next outfit will be more "cozy", but it won't be simple
Aia said that she finds regular/casual outfits to be extremly boring. >Why whould I wear something simple if I can wear anything?
Aia says that her lore is pretty much finished. There will be some small lore to future outfits but nothing this grand
Finana is extra giggly today
seems like elira's been watching a lot of anime with millie when is she coming back...
Reimu is getting aroused by how freaky Juri is just like me
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>>39260 >when is she coming
Well Vanta had his first 5 minutes of stream to talk to his audience about not being retards about disliking Twisty on public and that he's a big man that can set his own boundaries
https://x.com/EnnaAlouette/status/1802182439223074938 4k runes is babby tier >fell off a climb from summoning my horse Know that feel, especailly from trying to climb caelid divine tower lmao hamon miyazaki is a giga sadist for designing that climb holy shit
>>39227 She look like she'd fit right in code geass ngl
>>39263 I keep hearing about twisty being the center of hate and drama lately but she's pretty much harmless from what i see is this another briskadet thing but with vanta's vantacrows
>>39266 You can see a few people in his chat yesterday cheering that Twisty was gone, then in his VOD people brought it to his attention and you got some fucker going "well i'm free to dislike whatever and Twisty makes problematic jokes" and then you also got Twisty who talked about seeing people making google docs "exposing" her "problematic behavior"
Vanta saw Finana and Aster's feet stream...
>>39267 idk why people watching nijisanji are still like this when we got a fucking organized movement going after our liver and fans Either way, probably report to anykara any google docs because no actual fan should have the time to be making that shit when they could just, not watch the stream with the livers they dont like I do that all the time
Finana's voice went chipmunk and she doesn't know why. Elira matched her and their chipmunk laughs are so funny.
>>39272 Literally this lmaoπŸ‘πŸ‘„πŸ‘
Elira and Finana being so silly together makes me so happy.
Twisty is medicated and empty of pee
>>39264 >climb caelid divine tower tellling myself, "can i climb this shit", figuring my way to the top, getting inside, bullshitting my way to the bottom, and then getting my first real legendary since the laser beam sword was peak souls experience. >>39270 we can say twisty made it, she got her own doc and everything.
Twisty will be giving another try to MC Hardcore next week
Elira joined the GTA discord server, but she's shy so she's not sure if she's going to join. Maybe if Reimu can convince her. Also there may be a yaoi related collab this week.
Mumu schedule!
>>39284 Oh mumu is gonna show her home 3D? nice
Holy fuck i forgot about the bullshit ending at the end of Beyond: Two Souls where they tease a sequel that will never happen
>>39284 home 3d and new vegas !
https://youtu.be/MJ_bpseOE9k meloco in the gta server in 30 minutes
Meloco... Why do you call your pussy "shining star"...?
>>39263 Klara had to do the same where she had to explain several times that Zali/Wilson don't actually bully her. Shame that we still get this retardation "issues" in the branch. >>39267 >You can see a few people in his chat yesterday cheering that Twisty was gone Pretty sure it was humoristic, not serious since Vanta and WIlson were "cheering" it too. Didn't know about the VOD comments, but >Twisty makes problematic jokes Complaining about "problematic jokes" on fucking Vanta's channel is straight up retarded, considering he spent like an entire stream calling Detroit "woke garbage" >seeing people making google docs "exposing" her "problematic behavior" Haven't seen this shit since Hex's debut lmao >>39270 Other livers don't mind stuff that Twisty says and Twisty herself doesn't seem bothered by all that hate, so it's fine. Worst case scenario she'll become EN's Gundou lol
>>39290 :>EN gundou People used to call Enna that back then
I wonder if Zali/Wilson will join the GTA server since some of the JP heroes seem to play it too. Maybe Meloco will help other people to hang out there since she's joined it now
Klara's starting
>>39290 >he spent like an entire stream calling Detroit "woke garbage" this is like the opposite of problematic, especially since of all people in the branch, vanta would have the right to criticize it as such lol ain't a day in the EN vtuber community without people making mountains out of molehills
>sleep to twisty streaming >wake up to twisty streaming
>>39295 what a twist
Twisty is shitting on BL again... Elira dont look...
Also she pronounces yaoi as "yao"
ngl i am also a bit tired of the mpreg and omegaverse jokes >>39296 ain't no rest for the twisted
Is this what people consider problematic when it comes to twisty lmao
>>39300 more about the loli jokes. but this would probably rub a lot of the fujos in the guys' fandoms the wrong way too
>>39291 This comaprison has always been incredibly retarded because /vt/ for some reason think that Gundo is "someone who makes edgy jokes". Gundou was a type of person who would unironically go on a rant how Nijisanji is a shitty company, tell that other comapnies are shit too, would cause "oh no" reaction anytime she would join a totsu, would unironically shit on other members, complain how everybody makes more money then her and call her fans retards that don't buy any merch. You need to be an extreme EOP to think that was anything like Gundou just because she has edgy jokes and self-depricating humour
Klara had to do "the talk" again where she asked fans to stop babying her and other members and that if anyone would feel uncomfortable but waht other members said, they would handle it off-stream like adults.
>jason mamoa has short hair Is his hair in aquaman is cgi????
Kouchamas are talking about fucking MH monsters....
>>39301 >but this would probably rub a lot of the fujos in the guys' fandoms the wrong way too Those people need to understand that an opinion, is indeed an opinion then. Also that would imply that they think that every liver should be all in on their BL mpreg craze like bro that's like some cult shit.
Kurara has big dick energy
Klara says she prefers to be called daddy because other people said that she has "big dick energy"
I hope that they release a portable MH for the switch 2 that acts as a counterpart to Wilds. I'm really not digging the ecology shit they keep pushing in world/wilds I play MH just to whack monsters and wear their skin not be david attenborough or whatever the fuck.
>>39306 the majority would probably be understanding lol, especially since i feel like the nijiEN community has grown a lot more protective of the girls in general after all the shit that has happened. but there's always people who are too into the stuff they like and treat it as an affront to them if you criticize it
Do they get perms MH stories?
ngl a meido streamer that plays mainly MH is kinda based
did the site die for a bit or was that just me
>>39294 My point is that Vanta has tons of "hot takes". I know it's a bad example, so here's a better example: Vanta told how he hates ugly characters in games and that he'll just fill his Persona 3 party with cute girls when he'll be able to. People that "complain" about Twisty don't even watch Vanta.
Klara basically told midmaxxers and metafags to fuck off and said she plays in a way that's fun for her
Love how Klara calls literally every single monster cute
Klara is about to practice 11th month abortion
Melo and Oliver are criminals and are learning the controls inside the 7/11 they are robbing
https://x.com/EnnaAlouette/status/1802330059543388306 bruh she's getting parasocial for a fucking video game
Chat said that Klara's MC looks like bald Albert Wesker and I can't unsee it now
>>39308 Yeah it did I had to reload for posts to start appearing, the owner in adding something I guess
I want Klara to make me whimper like a puppy...
>>39323 meant for >>39313
>>39323 Probably just the website itself acting up again. I remember posts were loading for 5 minutes straight like a week ago
>Klara wants to mount I offer myself as a sacrifice
>>39328 But she ties you up with a clutch claw/wirebug Would you?
Klara found out after 15 minutes that she can't mount Xeno...
Klara has beat Xeno, the main game is finished
Klara wants to have ab lines...
I might be okay with muscle girl klara
I keep forgetting that Klara has the cleaner duster toggle, it actually looks good on her
>>39335 Muscle maid.... noice
Important update: Klara's kitty name is Ponta!
Klara will be playing Iceborn tomorrow at the same time. She'll be decorating her room on stream
Why does Doppio have a pacifier asset....?
One day klara will drop the plato from big love. One day...
>>39342 Title of the stream is "baby's first horror" so that might be it
I wonder what will happen if Doppio and Twisty ever collab together?
>>39346 He's one of the guys she respects because she thinks Doom is kinda hot
>>39347 Same and I'm a guy... Nevertheless, I wasn't talking about this. I was talking about how both of them are schizo as fuck.
Doppio saw some drunk woman pissing on a fire hydrant when he was a kid
Doppio says that Dolce smells like garlic....
Doppio says that there will be a big Smash collab with Fuuchan and other members
>>39354 Yeah, Fuuchan has it on his schedule!
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>>39354 I checked Fuuchan's Twitter and here it is. There will be a BL collab on Thursday with a bunch of people
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I was thinking about the London concert, so what if Vox was learning how to sing for the past 6 months and he, Kotoka and Elira will have an actual music unit together?
By the way, Fuuchan will show the silhouette of his Shephard model to night on his membership
Fuuchan wants to get the lean like Aia has for some of his future models/outfits
Fuuchan forgot half of the emotes he had on his channel lmao
Fuuchan is thinking about doing Dark & Darker collab but not anytime soon
Scarle is fucking dead....
>Scarle just mistake soccer with NFL >Thank God I wasn't in the colalb LMAO
>Scarle just mistake soccer with NFL >Thank God I wasn't in the colalb LMAO
Fuck, it got double posted, sorry....
>>39357 i'd be geniunely impressed, it would be something i wouldn't expect.
Scarle is talking about people playing a furry vr porn game
Scarle wants to get Huniepop perms
>>39369 Good luck, Ike has been asking for them for years
Mello from Death Note is Scarle's type
Scarle's mexican accent does things to me
Scarle wants to do more EU friendly streams in the future
>Jump into Elira's member stream without the movie on the side >High pitch fujo noises Oh yeah she's in the piano scene
https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxO7ZMwA_6wAgT4RqkO_zLNtvrHTz_D7Dw Kunai update. She pretty much confirmed that she'll be back to streaming regularry next month and also will try to do double watchalong. Not like it wasn't obvious since it's her Birhtday next month, but still
Saw a clip of Twisty's rant https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvE1nEIbQk4 I know that she didn't want anyone to clip this stuff, but honestly, it's for the better. Will give shitters a serious persepctive on her. Also, unrealted, but I love how reflective Twisty is. I myself was a little bit worried that she might get into a conflict with some other members due to some of her extremly hot takes and lack of filters, but her straight up telling "yeah, if someone will get actually uncomfortable, I will cut it off" and "yeah, I get where all the negativity is coming from, I can put myself into their place" is reasurring. Great contrast to that retard we had who not only didn't cut off her jokes when her own genmates told her to stop, but straight up tripled down on them into termination.
Enna elden ring on thursday (pdt) probably
>33 hours in elden ring I guess she's really playing it casually offline
ngl it'd be easier for people to find the anime legally than the live action they'd just buy cruncyroll or something
Also aloupeeps needs to learn about nyaa.si for god sakes
I guess this live action abridged the manga/anime plot if Enna has to explain it
This main girl has the tisms I think
Enna... YWNBW...
>>39386 YWNBJ i mean lmao
seems like meloco got into something shady in nijiGTA kek https://x.com/issikiiiiiii/status/1802426595531243733
>>39390 pfftt Anno did that years ago
While Enna can be sometimes too negative and whiny in her zatsus, like that chatter said they end up being sentimental so I still enjoy them overall in the end.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHpcprE4hGk Scarle will be playing the incest game this week.....
>>39393 Honestly, kind of crazy how many insane perms we got. This and Fear & Hunger were one of those games that I thought would never get approved by a big corpo, but here we are. Holo would never.
Uh.... Klara had to do the talk again. While she didn't said it out loud, but she pretty much was talking about Twisty. She said that it's ok to be uncomfortable by what other members said on stream and you have the right to complain about it, but you shouldn't send hate and harrasment to anybody for that. She said that even if a member say that they aren't bothered by the hate comments, it still affects them in one way or another, so you should really think what you type online. On a more fun note, Klara actually considered to do a full on week of monhun, but decied not to. She said she might do it next week though
Klara likes bones....
By the way, Ike is at home already, so it means whatever Luxiem were recording in Japan is finally finished
>>39398 i wonder if luca and shu are still in jp. they have to be there for summer jam soon anyway
>I'm using pro switch controller For fuck sake, why none of them wants to buy an Xbox controller to play on PC? Shit on Microsoft how many you want, but their controllers are actually good
>>39400 >why none of them wants to buy an Xbox controller to play on PC? those who don't have one probably don't care enough to get one
Kouchamas are gay for Klark...
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Twisty schedule
>>39403 >The worst Black Ops game >The worst Hitman game Twisty pls
>>39400 I have the logitech one that murdered all that people in a submarine
>>39404 >The worst Black Ops game Nah, that's the new one they're making
>Klara's brother coughing in the background again She really should buy a better mic
>>39406 The worst Black Ops game so far*
>>39407 Or put down his brother with the bubonic plague
Btw i was looking at the "for you" page and saw Maririn replying to this girl and uh...she's cute but i cannot take my gaze out of a certain place... https://x.com/Double_ribb0n25/status/1800035806880645500
Klara schedule
>>39388 Meloco is in Kuzuha's "taxi company", Kuzuha basically has Leos in a lab at the back of a refrigerated truck with a secret door cooking meth and the taxis go there, take the meth and then distribute it
Ren schedule
>>39404 >worst hitman aboslution is the one where have to pass shoebox sized areas until you reach the target right ?
I want to be Klara's pet...
>>39413 Looks like this is the yaoi collab Elira mentioned she will be in. I'm assuming Meloco will also be there.
>>39418 Fu-chan has the full list in his schedule
Kouchamas wants to eat a rosebud...
>>39419 The list mentiones & more so I think it will be an open totsu
>>39419 Ok, those are the members I expected but wasn't sure how many people would be there; that's quite a large group.
>>39411 Elira should've been a loli and I will not change my mind.
>>39396 She probably saw the same retard i was forcefed by Elon yesterday that was like "why are people telling me to like Twisty? I don't want to like her!" totally missing the point of what EVERYONE said somehow with like 200 likes of same minded retards, some of them with Hex's and Aster's oshi marks
>>39416 Yeah, that one. It's designed like a Splinter Cell game rather than Hitman, but not near as good as most of SC games
>>39424 It's a broader issue with vtuber community in general. Even on /vt/ there were retards back in the day that complained about Nina/Luca/Kyo, even though literally nobody forced them to watch them nor watch any collab involving them
>>39424 >Tolerating/ignoring her shenanigans =forcing yourself to like her Woman moment, it's a woman isnt it
>>39426 there's a very simple solution of "closing the stream" which is a concept apparently foreign to many vtuber fans. it will not kill you to skip your oshi's stream, especially when you know it won't be enjoyable to you anyway. i swear to god, some of these people treat being a fan as some kind of job
>>39427 They were all women, the one doing the main comment was an ILuna fan
>>39428 They should like, get a hobby or something idk Anyway, gonna be diving in Enna's dave soon, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9mSopDmO5I
>>39428 It's pretty much what Klara said: if you don't like the collab, just don't watch it.
>>39404 You made her change her schedule, are you happy now?
>>39432 It's probably a perms issue?
>>39433 No, she said it was too much shooty game for her in a week
Nintendo Direct announced, wonder if Elira will do a watchalong
Meloco is making happy powder...
>>39432 Actually yes, Twisty would unironically hate that game
I think enna woke up with a period lmao
Fu-chan just paid 5 bucks for ammon in RE Village...
>>39438 She synced with Millie
Fu-chan bought a fucking lightsaber so now he wants to solo a boss with it kek
>>39428 Having your favourite livers mention how it's okay to not watch, agree or feel comfortable with everything helps a lot significantly and realize it's okay to do so. >>39438 What happened I had to miss the earlier parts of the stream.
>>39442 One chatter was missing the point of her tangent or saying something unrelated, so she went a bit tilted and put chat on double in obs and ignored chat for a bit
>enna said that her schizo mom is a tsundere What did she mean by this
>>39444 That she's a cunt, like any IRL "tsunderes"
I never knew that Enna can roll her tongue like that
Kinda funny to see some people still believe the jedi are the good guys in Fu-chan's chat when they do a lot of very questionable shit
>>39447 They're totally the good guys when they're the reason the sith even exsts, rhey're all former jedi who got tired of the order's shit This is extended universe shit but still
This is honestly a great feature it's like me asking itt what I missed after just joining a stream and it can be really accurate.
>>39449 It's gimmcky shit to appease investors imo just like all the AI shit big tech is doing now
>>39448 Tbh the order can be a shitfest with retards up the chain of command not even trying to hear other points of view and them going "well, kid, you're gonna become a jedi like it or not, now get on the fucking ship" when they could teach them to use their powers and release them back into their worlds instead of forcing them into a military service from birth. Tbh i always thought the point was that both sides are too extreme ideologically and being affiliated to one doesn't make you a good person but that is something you decide by your own decisions
Enna played the mini game with the same intensity she had raiding that starter hand boss in elden ring lmao
Enna clearly never browsed the aloucord ever people were discussing heavily about her elden ring feats
>>39453 She doesn't even need to do that she just needs to read her VOD comments lol girl just wants to complain and fish for more complements I remember in a stream a few weeks ago she mentioned complaining about chat to bait them to complement her.
The chat posting chat summary kinda reminds me of JP streams having EN translators that translate what the streamer says
This game has way too many minigames
>>39436 >Happy powder
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>>39457 By the way, copypasting images into posts works on Firefox now. I can finally stop piling up my hard drive with trillions of images
>>39449 Funnily enough, AI is way more reliable then 90% of liveposters on /vt/
>>39460 Because AI doesnt post in bad faith, for now
I kinda worry about Enna's voice condition, hope it doesnt escalate to the point that she cant sing anymore
I don't think it's convinient to drive with Melo's ass in front of you
Oh shit, Meloco is saying that other EN members will join the server soon
>>39463 This is my first thought of this image lmao https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbCaptV509g
>>39459 For me it always worked as long as it's 1 image, i'll try later to copypaste more than 1
Aia schedule
>>39466 Never worked with any images at all before, now it works. Although it only works with ctrl + v, dragging the image into the file tab still doesn't do anything
>>39468 Huh, for me with only 1 image it worked well after we made the change to .se, that's how i posted schedules
>>39469 I'm using .moe right now, can't tell how it works on the other domain
>>39468 It always worked for me on firefox, but you had to keep the image in your clipboard. If you copied something else before sending, like a link to put in the post, it wouldnt work.
>>39472 So what time is the direct?
Enna keeps making plapping sounds...
Enna save it for Elden ring not this gambling minigame jeez
>>39471 Holy shit, it's so gimmicky, but thanks for telling. It will be more convinient now.
KT mama always shows up at late JST times, at the right times too.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqUeCTub1gs Ewiwa.... I would probably do the same ngl
Enna also feels more like a baby this stream.
That yeah was kind of cute
There's a lot of sexy Enna art but I don't think I ever feel like Enna is ever sexy on stream.
>>39481 The more I watch someone the less I can view them as sexy. It sounds gay, but Elira is not sexy to me at all, even when she does her sultry voice.
Posted a Twisty lewd in the lewd thread btw 😭😭😭
>gonna miss enna ring this week Damn it
>>39487 Oh wait nvm it's a morning stream
Really love how Rosemi has become the home 3D user of EN. The models look really good (as opposed to some JP models that look a bit off imo) so I see no reason to not take advantage of being able to show hand movements
Bruh GTAV is really a BL
Wiwa's schedule!
Vivi schedule
Rosemi is a real nigga!
>>39493 >Arknights the mobile game of the pc game
>>39443 Went to check the VOD and found the bit hilarious because I remember her saying the opposite in another Dave the Diver stream so you might be right. https://youtu.be/f-iCgC-J44Q?t=4435
Oh no...Twisty has cone vision...
>enna got bonked over the abs aloupeep Enna I love you but that was 100% deserved
>>39500 The what now?
>>39502 Oh kek i remember that now
>>39493 thankfully CC (newbie-unfriendly event) is over so she doesn't have to stress over that lol. i wonder if she'll actually get invested in the game, the story is kinda hard to get into >>39496 the pc game isn't out yet. also she probably wants utage bc her mama drew her
Twisty is gonna collab with some other loli from VReverie next month
Twisty has a meeting and some work to do so there might not be another stream tonight
Rosemi found out that firefighter calendars are real...
>>39508 The collab is real, AI would never lie to me
>the rhythm makes it easier Elira is ready for Sekiro
Ver is joining the GTA server
Rosepeto radio this week and probably another collab but Rosemi thinks it might not happen this week, also Advanced Wars with Doppio in the future
Willy schedule
New Reimu membership post, she uploaded a pick of herself getting fucked in the ass
>>39511 I hope he joins the maid cafe with Nari and Hari since he has a korean pussy too
Pio will watch the Nintendo Direct with Elira
just read millie's member post. ngl it's kinda jarring how millie is perceived within this community and outside of it. of course it's like that for almost everyone, but especially so for millie imo
Oh shit, Shu and Luca have joined the GTA server
>>39520 Also, I'll assume that all of Luxiem (minus Vox) are at home already
>>39520 >look at niji-mado >90k people are watching kuzuha alone holy shit, it was like peak 80k yesterday. i wonder who else in EN will join. so far there's meloco, shu, luca and ver right? hoping reimu and ewiwa would join, i remember them mentioning it.
>>39522 Hex is joining too
Klara will be changing her schedule, she's joining the GTA server too
Klara and Zali were setting up their accounts together off-stream, they'll be joining together next time
I actually forgot how creepy the older Chilla Art games looked like, they pretty much stopped even trying after they started pumoing out like 4 games per year
>>39523 >>39524 Tons of EN members seem to join, tomorrow will be chaotic
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The stor is full of potato chips.....
>Twisty tested the game before streaming https://x.com/TwistyAmanozako/status/1803031444228620489 IS THIS LEGAL?!?!?!
>>39529 I probably missing the joke but yeah, it is. Plenty of members check the games before the stream to make sure it actually fucking runs
>>39530 it's a joke because of the incredible amount of issues that happen when members don't actually test the game and just start stream
>>39529 only illegal for collabs
Awwww the loading screen for the NijiGTA server has VTL as BGM and fanart scrolling on the loading screen
Btw Shu and Luca joined the pizzeria with Darkness Eater, Emma August and Eli Cunnyfer
Elira is awake in the morning, it's a christmas miracle
>>39535 She has a stream in 50 minutes so it's hood that she's awake https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bw6EzeJHWtU
>>39531 it mostly happens in collabs tbh, which is why they're always late >>39534 the lolisho pizzeria...
>>39537 They sell cheese pizza
>>39533 i feel like i've been pavloved into getting emotional when i hear VtL, even tho i must've heard it a thousand times now. though i do wish EN could have its own branch theme song to sing at the end of concerts too, with english lyrics and all
Ike said he could be joining the NijiGTA server too
>>39539 Dr Pavloved, I'm VtL
>>39542 >you order a pizza and this guy shows up at your door
Oh they met with Melo now at the car dealership
Luca will be becoming a host it seems
Eli is hiding a gun under her dress, probably because Kenmochi is in the server and all lolis need to be armed
>>39548 They need not to worry, there's an aussie guy on the server now
>>39549 the true reason why luca is called a sexpest
The two other cats in Klara's house have chinese names She's probably from HK as I've suspected
vox might be back to regular streaming soon? hopefully. genuinely curious what he's been up to these last few months
>>39552 Didn't he talk about his spiritual journey going through the mountains in Japan during his last stream?
Luca met Oliver and now they exchanged contact info
>>39553 it seems to me as if he's been preparing a lot of things behind the scenes, but if it was a break for his mental health, that'd be good too
She's using her 3D model!
>>39556 3D WIWAAAA
her 3D model is soooo good. looks really pretty
wiwa joining nijiGTA!
Enter my Willy inside Elira but also Wilson
Elira just wants Twilight Princess for wolf form doesnt she
This TV puzzle in The Convinience Store is so gimmicky, it ruins the pace of the game so badly
>>39562 She's been hanging with Maia a lot
Is Fairy Tail still a thing?
Klara will be speedruning the game again to get the other endings....
This is just Overlord (the game) but Fairy Tail
vox just jizzed in his pants
Hey, those 2D sprites look pretty good in combat
>Funkos Fuck this world...
>Everyone freaks out over the popular games >Doppio freaks out about Phantom Brave Never change Doppio kek
ren just jizzed in his pants
finally legend of zelda's title is accurate
>They're still milking the stupid cat game God dammit, it's just a walking sim with running parts and sneaking parts every now and then
We are going to be at this gas station for an hour at this rate
Ohhhh nice, Miles Edgeworth Investigations, i love those
Finally out of the gas station
>Klara has to wake up every three hours to feed the kitten Jesus, it's like an actual baby.
Oh Luca and Shu are in Nari and Hari's cat cafe
Elira is singing praises for P3 but she hasnt even beaten it yet.
Willy likes selfcest
Awww Meloco helped Zali and Klara to set up their GTA server accounts
I'm going to play flight simulator while enna plays truck simulator
>>39574 >Phantom brave That Nippon ichi game? Is it getting remaster?
>>39579 who what when ?
Are Elira and the guys just yapping right now? I wanted to watch the VOD.....
>>39589 it's a new game i think >>39590 Ace Attorney. Edgeworth's spinoffs got remastered (seems like it's gonna be available in other platforms too) including the second game which hasn't been officially localized before. The new names will take some getting used to tbh
>>39591 She is talking with willy right now. Theyre both eepy so I don't think it'll be that long
>>39592 >>39594 yeah i knew what the game was, but i forgot wiwa was watching the nintendo thingamabob. Good news, they were both good games.
are EN livers still not allowed to stream the endings of the cases in ace attorney?
>>39596 who knows, has anyone played one since millie ?
>>39596 Dunno, literally nobody in EN streamed AA after Millie. Elria played AJ once but it was before she went on her break
>>39598 Also it was a sponsored stream
Na Sera😭😭😭
>>39597 >>39598 welp. tbf AA takes more energy to stream if they want to voice act everything, unlike say, danganronpa. i remember furen streaming the end of the second game recently, but JP and EN have different perms, right? i remember fuuchan saying that was the reason why he didn't want to stream AA, because there'd be no point
Oliver, Belmond, Na Sera, Shu and Luca are hanging out together now
>>39599 Well yeah but if she can stream it for a shill stream, it probably means she has perms to stream it regularry
>>39600 I LOVE SERA! Her covers are really nice
>>39601 (me) man, elira would love DGS for sure
Oh, they are gonna rob a fucking bank
>>39593 OK I lied I forgot these guys never stop talking
Did Shu just say "cock"?
Shu took a picture of a cock Yeah, mine
God i wish Sera stepped on me like that
>Oliver explaining how to rob a konbini >Shu: "can i break the donuts?" >Oliver: "no, you can't break the donuts"
Kek Luca is just yelling they had fun robbing while in the car
Oh, I forgot to post it, but Klara mentioned on stream taht she'll be joining GTA server at 7 PM JST tomorrow
Luca showed his cock to Sera
>>39616 Sera is the kind of girl that acts cute but that will cut your dick while you sleep the first time you wrong her
Wish Kunai wasn't so autistic and joined the server too. She would have fun with Jiyu
Oh, Shu and Luca met Belmond
ngl the server is fun but extremly scuffed, especially if you compare it to VCR. Hope they'll it improve it more if the future
I think Enna finally found a chill game she doesn't get upset except for when she needs to get out of the parking lots at the start.
>>39621 well even with the scuff, the server seems pretty successful all around so they'll probably do it again
Someone bought Chaika for 500 million....
>>39591 They stopped yapping finally if you wanna watch the VOD
Why is Suha wearing a skirt..?
>>39626 Oh nvm he's wearing shorts lol
Shu is dancing with the nipple man
I love Levi's voice so much
Damn, Sasaki is in heat
>>39630 I ddin't know Sasaki is such a saint wtf....
>Luca just realsied that he has to park his car before the server shuts down Retard...
Welp, the car is gone now
Just tuned into Zali's stream. Is he turning the heroes server into a Saw movie?
Zali's heroes challenge course is actually really fucking cool And extremly French as it is full of parkour, animal cruelty and mockery of your masculinity If the new EN Miencraft server will actually happen, I hope he'll build something similar there too
>>39636 It's just missing the police baton anal rape
>>39637 This is just European tradition, not necessarily French
>>39638 >Implying the spanish cops would lift a finger unless you are a foreigner
>>39639 Spaniards are the odd ones
>>39637 just don't resist and it's not rape anymore. more seriously, everyone involved in this affair were huge piece of shit, the victim and his family were protecting local drug dealers and siphoning at least a million of public funds from the local helper charity
>>39640 I have a family member who normally does business all over Europe and he dreads every time he has to go to Spain because of their terrible work ethics and how shitty everyone is overall
>>39614 >>39643 They are!
Vanta just realised that there will be remakes of all 3 games, not just the third. He's freaking out over collectors edition right now
>>39644 I hope not dating or Twisty is gonna kill a nigga
Vanta said that the Phoenix university almost scammed him >Took in loan 10k for the course >Decided to switch majors >Backing out costed 2k >The guy from university told him to finish the semester anyway so he could pay up 10k instead >The university didn't even pay for this shit, the guy literally wanted to get him in debt for no reason This looks like some sketch from a sitcom lmao
Vanta was yapping for 30 minutes with no sound in the game untill a random chatter pointed it out....
>>39646 She didn't kill him during that totsu so I assume Vanta is fine
>>39649 She's learning how to shoot guns today
It's kinda funny that an Ike clipper became also a Twisty clipper, you can also call it cute too
>>39651 Which one? Come to think of it, I saw someone with Twisty and Ike's oshi marks in Twisty's chat couple of times
>>39652 Tyler if i remember right
>>39651 >>39653 Oh yeah, Tyler, I thought you were talking about them. They also oshi Zali and clip him a lot as well. They also used to clip Petra too. I'm not sure if they still oshi her or just don't watch her as much, but I'm pretty sure they still like her at least. While they're pretty ESL, they're one of the few consistent Ike clippers, so I'm grateful for that. And I'm glad Twisty has more people clipping her, it seems like it was oshi at first sight for them.
Vanta says that he and Millie are the only ones in Niji taht will be ready for Endwalker early acess
>>39655 *finishing Endwalker for early acess, sorry
Vanta says that he'll help Millie to finish some of the dungeons
Vanta wants to get Elira back into the game with a jumping/yipee emote
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ngl vantacrews are pretty cute
Vanta got some /pol/schizo as an uberdriver
They told her Amiya is a bunny instead of a donkey, fameliras believe in fake news
Twisty is minecrafting until COD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmbnJaOQKtg
Vanta has finished base Endwalker, will do patches later
Vanta will be doing Elden Ring guerilla in an open totsu tonight
>>39667 I would like Twisty to join but she wasn't too excited about it last time she left...
It's kinda strange how you sometimes see some random japanese dudes watching/chatting on Twisty's chat, i guess cute and funny has no language
Ewiwa coming back for the new FF XIV expansion after AX
Elira stop doing coughing noises because that's an actual way to fuck up your throat
By the way, Vivi's M&G ticket sale is up
>>39674 Don't we have like 1 or 2 burgers here?
Ojou COD, i'm late because i was dying on the floor, i failed you my ojou-sama... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Arzi0VNGi-o
Klara's revised schedule
Twisty is literally Richtofen frfr
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IuRK8pmqeBw Rosepeto radio show with feesh
Test can I post now moe is kinda fuky
Btw Twisty proposed to Klara that they play COD zombies for a future Denauth collab
Twisty shot a zombie in the dick 7 times...
>Chatter asks if Twisty is a girl >"You know i'm a girl because i suck at this game" KEK
Here's a little guide for tomorrow (the person who did it still hasn't drawn most of the EN people yet) from top left to bottom right the roles are >Medics >Mechanics >Police >Food workers >Reporter >Criminals >Independent/Others https://x.com/221EX/status/1803261428037722219
Twisty basically confirmed that she has to look at her phone to see chat and if she's looking anything other than her monitor she cannot do anything so that's why she stays still sometimes
This Twisty stream is a good one for ryona enjoyers
I'm gonna start calling the highest point in the Dunning-Kruger scale the "mount Twisty"
>>39688 That not very high, no?
>>39689 Anon, you know what i'm talking about?
https://x.com/Rosemi_Lovelock/status/1803277640658288850 For that bud who spam 50+ questions, don't submit too much this time
Twisty is pregnant
>>39693 Yeah with me
>>39694 fetusanon...
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Twisty can't stop cumming to the new JP wave
>>39696 Is it because they got a debi lmao
>>39696 >>39697 It makes me wonder if EN will get an animal/mascot character too someday since the main argument "Anycolor doesn't do this anymore" doesn't apply now
>>39697 Love how this isn't even a shitpost
>>39701 She doesn't want to be a mother anymore...
>>39686 Doesn't she have second monitor...?
>>39685 Why is Hisui the only reporter...?
>>39682 This actually will be a much more fun collab game than all those phasmo cusoge clones. The last one was so fucking bad...
>>39692 Oh wait a minute, I remember Finana tried to do this challenge few years ago She gave up after the third child...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7evz1gS_ogg >The thumbnail Why is Ver such a slut...?
>>39707 Twisty is at 3 and wants CPS to take the kids away
Sonny joined too off-stream. He looks liek a cripple for some reason
Rare Klara brb screen
The game doesn't seem properly working for any of them, sasuga EN
What is Sonny doing...?
It's Shiba!
Sonny went running after a dog and got tased
>You have to talk to a funny ojisan to get a job What did Sonny mean by this...?
Klara is dying rom thirst...
Klara upskirt....
Ver calls Klara m'lady....
>Rosemi's PC has crashed and her character is gone No......
Korean on korean violance....
Love how Meloco explaining everything to everyone while Sony is just jumping in the background
Wosemi is back! Her new outfit isn't that erotic, sadly
>Kanaer shows up >Sonny: don't hurt me
Klara flashed her panties on screen...
>Kanda hears NijisanjiEN >Immidiatly takes his gun out
>>39729 The proper reaction
>open elira's stream >it's just her ass
>Sonny is carrying Elira Miilira....
Rosemi in this outfit kind of looks like Manami now
>>39732 yeah, to make her into a dragon pizza... also this guy doesn't have a POV huh
They met dakrness eater😭😭😭
i was too focused on niji gta the past few days, i didn't even know there's a new wave??
>>39736 If you're talking about the new JP wave, they were announced just few hours ago. If you're talking about Denauth.... Anon.....
>>39737 >they were announced just few hours ago ohh. i thought they had been announced or teased days ago and i just missed it somehow >If you're talking about Denauth who? also who are these two?
Rosemi decided to find out who's a better YGO player between her and Ver with fists
Klara keeps flashing her panties....
>all the bunny garden vods got taken down no... fuck you youtube
Klara flashed her back bone...
>>39741 Wait, like all all? Including JPs and the other corpo...?
>>39743 seems so? i can't find any bunny garden vod, just clips
Ver is such a fuckboy....
>>39738 New EN wave that debuted almost a month ago.
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Kotoka please comeback and peg Ver I beg you
Sonny and Ver are just doing Tokyo drift now
Feels like Meloco's Engrish became much worse somehow
Man, it's so much fun... Hope more EN members will join, be it this time or the next time when the server will reopen
Sonny Brisko is fucking dead!
Rosemi is showing her pussy to Sonny....
Rosemi wants to feminize Ver
Damn this is glitchy
Elira and Rosemi are gonna pay for a Levi lapdance...
I don't remember this part of the Mogire Beam cover
They stole Ver's car....
Rosemi mugged someoen who had nothing so it alerted the police anyways...
>Sonny looking for the randoseru We need the authorities here
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>>39766 Where's Twisty where you need her?
>>39768 Again...? Honestly, playing COD Zombies solo is pure autism
Dola married Rosemi and now she's gonna fill her with her hot steamy lava drake cum...
Awwww Eli Conifer is always so welcoming and cute
Do they know that the chat is an all chat?
Zali is covering Klara while she's undressing, real French gentelman
Klara freaked out when she met Riri
>>39774 I would too
>A Hero is selling them illegal guns So that's where they come from...
WTF Zali???
The gang has realized they can't buy illegal things with credit cards
Zali accidently layed down and flashed Klara's pantsu...
Sonny and Rosemi want to shoot up the club
>elira: i think everyone is at the host club >sonny: what the hell? >sonny: i wanna buy a gun and shoot up the host club
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Klara and Zali's interactions are so funny... I just hope schizos won't make it weird
>>39784 Schizos too busy acting like antifas at cons to care
meanwhile meloco got arrested i think
>>39787 also she's talking in english to rore kek
Did Sonny get up because he got overwhelmed by cute girls
Klara has no money and is trying to run away now....
lauren's pc couldn't take the passion english and crashed lmao
Elira and Rosemi are getting milked by the hosts
The lolis are teasing Elira and Rosemi and now have a private room so they can touch them inappropriately
Emma is too powerful...
Klara and Zali finally run away from the club lmao
Reminder that Eli is very good handling a flute
Klara and Zali pretty much have maxed out cha IRL since they managed to talk they out from the club without paying
Rosemi's creepcam...
Klara crashed...
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Klara keeps crashing, no....
The contrast between the polite japanese and the panicked english is too funny
>>39790 I actually don't really get what Enna will be doing. Will she be a support performer for Nornis in Sendai?
Rosemi is having gay panic
>>39803 opening act i think
>>39805 That's actually really nice. With this, AX and that London concert, I'm glad how many concerts and performances our livers are getting
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Riri in the mechanic costume is so hot
WTF frechman can actually ride a bike
zali and klara being the only ones in the server with amongus outfits and going everywhere together is too funny lmao
Lauren is giving them a heli ride, last law enforcement who did that to civilians didn't end well
>>39790 Really hope she'll be feeling better by the time this comes along.
GTA is fun, but Reimu is playing kamige right now, will be liveposting it instead, sorry
>>39815 Is Enna feeling unwell again? Sorry for asking, I don't watch her that often
Managers are apparently cracking down on any of the very sexual games like Bunny Garden, probably because they don't want retards pulling the same shit they did on Hex
Apperently, there's some update on the policies. Reimu says that they can't stream some spicy lewd games anymore, Bunny Garden included. Reimu wasn't even planning to play any of the games from the list, so it didn't affect her that much. I know Reimu put it like it's NijiEN issue, but I've been checking other corpo and NijiJP and all Bunny Garden VODs are gone, so I guess it's some global policies change
Just register and have a honeymoon, the wedding ceremonies are pretty much scam for money
>>39820 A wedding ceremony + party is for everyone else, a honeymoon is for you and your spouse, of course i'd take the honeymoon too
>>39817 Her voice condition and motivation to sing now is probably the lowest it has ever been in years. Part of why she's been tweeting and talking about Elden Ring so much is that playing it off stream has supposedly helped her a lot mental wise somehow lol.
>>39821 Implying you should give a fuck about some random great-great aunt and other shitty distant relatives whom you saw literally two times in your live and will just come to the wedding to eat and drink for free. Fuck this shit
>Boone killed all the Khans before they could kill the hostages My sides. Reimu keeps fucking everything up but still somehow resolves everything
>Reimu succesfully dodged one more step of the main questline
>>39825 Boone is too strong, he'll kill everything and leave it more dead than his wife
good thing there's barely any content siding with the legion or the khans
>>39828 The Khans path isn't locked after this quest. I think it will help a little bit later on when you do their quest line, but other than small reputation debuff, it's still fine
Will Mumu sleep with Benny and then kill him?
>>39829 no path is locked, you get caesar token too. Also just use faction disguises, that what they're for, do quest for factions you're hostile with
ngl I've never did any of the Golf Camp quests, I didn't even figure how to do them
I'm just waiting for the NCR to hopefully shoot Reimu in the ass
It's actually really hard to up or lower general karma in NV, the whole game is mostly based on faction reputations
>>39834 not really, you get tons of random good karma by killing fiends and killing feral ghouls. Also doing most quests nets you good karma. you have to actively be a douche, stealing every can or kill lots of npc to get bad karma
I really fucking hope Reimu will rebuild herself into Survival/Barter build, otherwise this whole trash hoarding is such a waste of time
Reimu's sister has a moustache.......
Just get to fucking New Vegas already ffs
>>39835 Well, that's my point. Older Fallout games would gave tons of quest that would either make you into a saint or a satan, in NV, you really should try really hard to up or down your karma, like kill the half of the map or kill all feral ghouls and fiends
>>39839 but then again, karma is worthless
>>39838 Anon, I went to New Vegas only after like 20 hours of playing the game. Geting distracted after Boulder City is actually the norm of this game
>>39841 I just want anything to happen other than 2 hours of looting the NCR camp
>>39842 That's an average New Vegas gameplay for you unless you deliberetly trying to speedrun the game
>look at asters league stream to see where he is at >streaming for 11 hours >diamond 3 someone save him
>>39843 I always prioritized exploration over just mindless looting
>>39842 she'll hoard every box of mac&cheese to get two kopecks out of them from the merchant and you'll like it
>Making fun of the sexy sleepwear I literally killed a dude in Fallout 3 for that
Reimu wants Boone to crossdress....
Reimu is sleeping with some ojisan yeah, me
I only started to watch Pewdiepie when he became an edgelord and started to joking about jews and saying slurs
>>39850 Ah the 2nd era
>>39850 He then calmed down from acting like an edgy teenager
>>39847 There's a special leopard version that looks really good on both male and female character and has really good charisma buff, can't remember where you can find it in New Vegas though
Reimu is actually going to Vault 34, this will be fun
Reimu is robbing old people....
Boone carrying Reimu really hard through the vault
Tbh in Fallout 3 the Moira missions were great for teaching you what the different radiation levels do
Reimu is fighting the glowies
When is mumu gonna go to vault 11
>>39818 >>39819 >Because 1 guy get targeted the whole company suffered I don't like this resolution, it's like letting those trolls win in their harassment, they will surely go for a different angle next time. This will only make perms fuckery much harder now.
>>39822 Imo the reason she is very low motivated when it comes to singing is because she did a fuck ton of it off stream already for various things
Reimu trapped the vault dwellers in the aids pool.......
>>39863 now they can slurp the koolaid like everyone else.
>>39861 TL;DR on some one guy? I actually have no idea wtf all Bunny Garden are gone, and the livers don't tell anything besides "rules have changed"
>Reimu is trying to carry out the whole Vault 34 armory I wonder how she'll deal with the Sierra Madre gold bars lmao
>>39865 Hex got targeted by retards reporting his ASMR videos to the point his channel got banned
>>39867 Cont; And he had to stream on twitch as a result
>>39867 I don't think it's the case, otherwise Holos wouldn't get their Bunny Garden VODs nuked either
>>39869 Then it's pprobably some esg tier fuckery. Thats beyond the scope of this board then
>>39866 She's a real new Vegas player if she tries to get all them gold bars
Reimu actually managed to clear off Vault 34 with Boone on just level 9, it's impressive
>Reimu is writing down the weapon damage litst in her notepad Sasuga autist
>>39872 >Boone actually managed to clear off Vault 34 with Reimu on just level 9, it's impressive i agree
>>39874 I mean... She killed some enemies with plasma rifle and frag grenades + survived through the whole radiation, if it counts
>all those retards giving advice about how dps matters in this game >when all you need is a shotgun and the "And Stay Back" to trivialize the game by chain-knocking down anyone in the game
>Famillie is shilling 76 Please no....
>>39877 For me it's the mutant sword and being jack up on drugs
Reimu's brother is a Goblin Slayer fan....
>>39880 Reimu is a Goblin Slayer fan
>>39877 I honestly play them all in 2 ways >10 STR 10 END + UNGA BUNGA >10 PER + 10 AGI + sneak + mines + rifle
>Cowboy Repeater is better then All American I fucking hate this
God, this is gonna take forever, just sell everything you don't use and play the damn game instead of comparing DPS levels like an autist...
>>39884 She literally told that she'll be sorting out weapons and inventory till the end of the stream, comeback tomorrow if you don't care
>>39885 K thank you
Holy fucking hell, stop telling Reimu to collect all unique weapons, it's just retardation. Just fucking sell them if you don't use them
I wish i had a 1st Recon guy lookin' after me!
>>39887 Be glad they don't got perms for mods then you gonna spend a week sorting lmao
https://x.com/_Nornis/status/1803413297162756300 apparently meloco will also be a guest for the nornis radio i think>
>>39890 Why is 4th guest a secret?
Since it's dead hours right now, you can watch part 2 of Ryoma's MTG guide https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1gU0zJKhG4
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/hOW3VOHc3ng 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
>>39893 Am i weird for wanting to dick smol christmas cooiie Maririn? I mean, LOOK AT HER HIPS, THE ASS MOVING
>>39891 i think they're asking viewers to send in suggestions for people they want to be guests, or something
This game is so fucking bad man. Not even funny bad, just bad
>I have the light up buttplug Hot
Aia got bored and is loging into nu:carnival
Well, they definitely won't be playing this game again
>>39904 Thank God
>>39906 ah ah hanging peto....
They're talking about Peto's cloaca...
He's watching!
It will always be funny how everyone else feels so amazed by the kind of ice cream i ate my whole life, i don't blame them tho because i went to the US, ate some ice cream and it was kinda mid
>and they can die easily King...
Idk Rosemi, i think Hollywood staying away from kids is a good thing
Home 3D is so good. I love Finana's head empty face.
Peto's pussy smells fishy...
One day we're gonna find Harada in Petra's chat
>>39917 One day we are gonna find Harada in RosePeto Radio
Vanta saw a clip of Mikoto calling him a good boy and now wants to study more japanese and go into the GTA server
>>39919 Japanese women can't stop making him slip his spaghetti...
Vanta sounded so offended when Wilson suggested him to be a criminal kek
Luca joined Vanta and Willy and now they're asking him how to join the GTA server
Vanta and Willy will play GTA tomorrow
Ryu barked for the first time!
Vanta has 19% male viewers. Probably one of the highest among the boys.
>>39906 >>39914 I wonder if this talk show will have more home 3D guests in the future (when more people will get their 3Ds, of course)
>>39926 He was jsut complaining recently that he only has 10%, glad that the percentage actually went up
The server is starting. Klara is already connecting and Zali will be hoping up soon. Other members will join later on
Zali and Klara decided to explore the server solo today
Klara is losing her spaghetti in front of Darkness eater😭

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