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/NijiEN/ Nijisanji EN General Anonymous 06/20/2024 (Thu) 10:32:09 No. 39932
Nijisanji EN YouTube channels: https://www.youtube.com/@nijisanji_en/channels https://www.youtube.com/@petragurin/channels Twitter: https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World https://twitter.com/i/lists/1415262975435231235 LazuLight: https://twitter.com/EliraPendora https://twitter.com/FinanaRyugu OBSYDIA: https://twitter.com/Rosemi_Lovelock https://twitter.com/Petra_Gurin Ethyria: https://twitter.com/MillieParfait https://twitter.com/EnnaAlouette https://twitter.com/ReimuEndou Luxiem: https://twitter.com/Luca_Kaneshiro https://twitter.com/Shu_Yamino https://twitter.com/Ike_Eveland https://twitter.com/Vox_Akuma Noctyx: https://twitter.com/sonny_brisko https://twitter.com/uki_violeta https://twitter.com/alban_knox https://twitter.com/Fulgur_Ovid ILUNA: https://twitter.com/MariaMari0nette https://twitter.com/AiaAmare https://twitter.com/AsterArcadia https://twitter.com/ScarleYonaguni https://twitter.com/RenZott0 XSOLEIL: https://twitter.com/D_Dropscythe https://twitter.com/MelocoKyoran https://twitter.com/HexHaywire https://twitter.com/KotokaTorahime https://twitter.com/Ver_Vermillion Krisis:
[Expand Post]https://twitter.com/VezaliusBandage https://twitter.com/Tyrant_Vanta https://twitter.com/YuQWilson TTT: https://twitter.com/KunaiNakasato https://twitter.com/VBrightshield https://twitter.com/ClaudeClawmark Denauth: https://twitter.com/RyomaBarrenwort https://twitter.com/KlaraCharmwood https://twitter.com/TwistyAmanozako Teamup schedule for Nijisanji EN: https://teamup.com/kstk7egnopr3xiqj4h To watch streams at the same time: https://niji-mado.web.app/home Graduated Livers and Miscellaneous: https://rentry.org/odmo2psr Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags, and falseflaggers. Remember to spoiler any NSFW image you post. Last thread: >>37852
Klara joined the pizzeria and almost beat up a kid
Pizza with Masaru's special sauce!
Na Sera😭😭😭
I unironically love when people just do some autistic tasks in GTA RP, it's quite tranqualizing. Although it becomes extremly annoying when everybody tries to be some pompous "funny" character (like on hte last nopixel server). Thankfully, our livers are just being themselves on stream, so it's just chill and relaxing.
Klara met Hima!
Klara's stream is pretty much a chill zatsu with Darkness Eater now
Klara has died from thirst, Darknes Eater is too strong
Dola's lemonade....
>>39932 Jwu, has Klara sucked the soul out of the shota's PP?
Did that count as klara saying ara ara?
>>39943 Ara ara COOKA DA PIZZA
>>39942 No, she just has been cooking pizza with shota cum for the past 2 hours
I just noticed that when Klara says numbers to herself she defaults to english
Ohhh both Zali and Klara are doing sidejobs because the criminals show up later so the police don't have much shit to do, i see Zali is a medic now also
>>39948 Ohhh, I actually thought that they quit lol. Klara said at the beginning of the stream that she wanted to explore the server solo today. She just came to the pizzeria and DE said yeah sure you can work here.
DE went away like 15 minutes ago and Klara already forgot how to make pizza....
Klara scared Riri and Muyu
Of all the things I didn't expect Ike to get so upset at trying to get out of the painted world.
Pon maid cant count
Zali met Klara lmao
Why is he white...?
Klara will sell Zali the jizz pizza
>>39955 He's a doctor now
Klara hit 50k!
>>39958 And Melo reached 400k today, the power of NijiGTA is real
>>39959 I actually didn't expect anyone in EN to reach 400k anytime soon, this is insane.
Darkness Eater is happy that so many people are paying for his stick
>>39959 I had no idea she was close to 400k in the first place. Thats so awesome for her.
>>39962 Well she's in Kuzuha's gang and i'm gonna guess that's the reason why she gained like 10k+ subs in a few days, Melo is getting pretty popular with the japanese audience
Klara is brewing her special tea for me
>>39965 Scratch that, Elira just cancelled the stream
>>39963 I hope she retains a fair bit of her new viewership after gta closes
Elu ran over Klara...
Mumu has 5 new emote slots so she put placeholders
Mumu, if your dog pees in places you don't like the solution is easy, pee on your dog and see if they like them
Melo and Hex (texan) are buying some pizza!
Hex was stuck crying in the toilet of the pizzeria just like me frfr
>Meloco: "I love your dress!" >Klara: "Thank you! I love you" She's so flirty...
Oh, Klara got introduced to one of Twisty's cunny oshis
Oh, Reimu is about to do that quest with pedo rapists slave-traders
Reimu is stealing all the corn from the farms
I think all the hate has been getting to Twisty...she's talking like a 4channer ranting
holy shit reimu got into freeside
>reimu is buying fake passport to travel without hesitation must be in her blood
>>39978 She always talks like that since debut. I remember she had a femcel rant about how all women in Darktide are ugly 2 weeks ago
>>39981 Yes but this time she was going on a rant about how everything will get you cancelled, that you can't say anything nowadays, that she's the most hated person, etc When she said "even saying the truth can get you cancelled" it gave me /pol/fag vibes ngl
Reimu thought that a ghoul wants to fuck her lmao
>>39983 That ghoul? Me
>>39984 rotface stop doxxing yourself
>>39985 Fuck off, smoothskin
>>39982 Meh, she always been like that, and it's not like Vanta or Reimu didn't say the same thing. If she actually said that "everybody hates me", then it's concerning though. Hope she doesn't feel too self deprived though
>>39987 She thinks she has no place in the NijiEN fanbase basically and just wants her secluded little bubble because she has the perception the NijIEN fans hate her
Enna already explored half of Caelid according to the map she showed.
Mumu's grandma runs and underground casino...
>>39988 Honestly, I don't know wtf she was expecting with her edgelord, unfiltered humour. This is Zaion all over again. She should either put her shit together and filter herself, or just do her own thing and don't bother other people. I don't hate her or anything, but it's the equelevent of sticking your dick into a wasp nest and crying that your dick got swollen afterwards
This makes me nostalgic of Koto's playthrough of NV, it was so funny
Reimu is evil now!
>>39991 I want to like her but she's reminding me more and more of the worst things in the EN vtuber sphere
>>39991 well, she needs to realise her rep as a niji can't go lower anyway so she can do what she wants
Reimu is a pimp now
>>39993 Reminds me that i was playing F3 a few days ago and the game just told me "you lost karma" because i stole the rippers from the cannibal town
>>39998 next stop, fisto
Sorry Kotoka, but Reimu just dethroned you
Reimu likes the kek chair...
>>40001 Don't worry, Boone likes to watch
>>39994 Meh, she seems like a good person, unlike Zaion, so I like her. Other member seem to like her a lot too, despite all the edginess. >>39995 That's the issue, literally nobody else in EN has any issues with her, it's just some underaged retards that she keeps giving attention to.
Reimu wanted to hire a shota as a prostitute....
>>40003 >Meh, she seems like a good person, unlike Zaion, so I like her. Other member seem to like her a lot too, despite all the edginess. I'm not saying she isn't but the EN vtuber sphere outside of Nijisanji right now is just a race to see how makes the /vt/ards happier with the most pandering and dogwhistles and that normally attracts the kind of retards that will just go ballistic at the first sign that "N1jIsaNjI Wr0NgeD h3R"
>>40005 (me) I hate making errors in what i write, then say "i'll correct it later" and forget about it...
>>40005 Anon, Twisty is just like that, she doesn't do it for pandering. If she really cared about /vt/ pandering, she wouldn't join Niji in the first place
>>40007 I think i'm mostly worried about the kind of people it'll attract even if she said multiple times how happy she is with the company, staff and her senpai
Gotta love how the perception stat is useless on vtubers because they never check the damn compass
>>40008 Anon, those types of "people" that would get attracted by her will never touch Nij with a 10 feet pole. She'll probably get claimed as "one of the good ones™ " like /vt/ shitters are calling Vivi and Vanta
>>40009 Well, this is why chat exists
>>40010 >Vanta I will never understand this, he's not even edgy, he just likes women and thinks DBH is shit because he's black and can criticize how wrong David Cage was with everything he did in that game
We need a robot girl liver
>>40012 He has a lot of "hot takes" where he trashes cancel culture or calls women hot. I can see why, but /vt/ thinking that he's some kind of brotuber is really funny
I remember a doll brothel chain opening up in Spain actually but then the prostitute union got it closed so that's gonna take some time, Mumu
Reimu fucked Fisto!
>>40016 He drilled her insides...
reimu is now fucking santiago
>>40018 *Making Boone to fuck Santiago
>Selling all your drugs Of all the things you can sell everything of, that should be one of the last things
>reimu is ordering junk food again no wonder she keeps having stomach problems
Ueueueueh Enna defeated Godrick I could fucking cry.
Reimu has a meeting today, so the stream will be less then 12 hours
I wonder how much of Caelid she actually explored
Reimu literally just said "don't be an addict' to a junkie
Reimu got good old cyberdog
Klara has been playing for 6 hours already, she's finally having long streams. Hopefuly she'll actually be able to play long RPGs now
>>40032 it's a good thing to practice those for the twin crucible knight boss fight
Fucking bitch defeated the first crucible knight with only parries and ripostes.
Ngl her parry game is way better than mine if she plays more calmly she could parry her way to radsgon
Oh shit, Klara played GTA for 8 hours, wtf
>>40035 It was cool to see her find her own timings like jumping over the stomp into the parry.
>>39988 >girl just debuted a month ago and she think NijiEN fans hate her She doesn't know half the shit about what elira mille and Enna went through then, most people think they're the final boss of vtubing or something
>>40038 It's not that. She porbably has the same mentallity as Nina who felt bad that other Niji fans specifically hate her
Reimu's delivery guy has stole her burger....
>>40040 I've had that happen to me once and i got 1.5 of my order back because i went full karen on the app saying i was gonna sue them
Reimu almost leaked her next outfit kek
Twisty's stream for tonight is Ready or Not btw
>>40043 Didn't she play it two hours ago..?
>I'm jiggly now Fatmu....
Reimu dropped swimming to stay pettite
>>40044 Nah, that was COD Black Ops 3
>>40048 I didn't see that one, whatever, her streams are a mess so you never know, they even have the same thumbnail
Reimu stop stalking me
Reimu is probably the only person who muggs every single house and settlemen in the game, it's actually so fucking funny to watch
Oh shit, I forgot how cheesy the animal friend perk is since it just makes every cave with nightstalkers a walk in the park lmao
Reimu became a junkie...
Reimu finally got ED-E
Rai in Reimu's chat, haven't seen him in a while!
>Cleaning poo is much easier then to clear pee Reimu prefers scat play over piss, noted
>>40057 Golden showers should always be given on the shower, it's in the name
Reimu wiped Van Graffs out because they tried to take her wepons
I can't believe Jimmy is a saint.....
Reimu fucked a saint and made Boone to kill her
>>40061 GTA style
Yay, Reimu killed the pedo slavers
>"Are you sure nobody comes in?"
The bug that takes the companions wepons is so fucking annoying, I unironically ragequit this game when that happened
>>40066 Understandable
Reimu is having a meeting amogus so she's done for today, meanwhile Fuuchan is having a big BL totsu collab https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kU1xDbYAeYI
>Meloco didn't show up Man, she's litaerally the reason why he organised this colalb, I feel kind of bad for Fuuchan...
>Elira doesn't watch BL anime and romance No... She's a fake fujo......
Elira's low powerlevel is getting revealed
Claude's girlfriend literally made him gay lmao
I don't want to sound like a schizo, but Meloco oversleeping the collab that Fuuchan was trying to organise specifically for her for 2 years straight is actually extremly dissapointing
Wilson's gonna get pegged
They are hoarding the Wilson preggo edit......
>played BL as a a "joke" wilson and his bros giving brojobs as a joke
>>40076 I remember seeing edit of this with all of Luxiem and Noctyx back in the day lmao
Aia, your guro fetish slips out so hard right now
I don't think Wilson was ready for this
>Sensitive pornograph I haven't heard this one in years. It was one of those "shock" hentais that used to be reccomended to everyone like Boku no Pico lmao
>>40079 If i had a penny for every NijiEN liver into guro...
Vivi came in just to say that Wilson has good birthing hips
>>40073 Koto....
>>40084 Well yeah, and Koto felt extremly bad about it, even though Yashiro didn't mind and said it isn't that big of a deal. It's kind of different scale, imo missing out yearly tournament is embarrasing, missing one of a kind collab that was organised specifically for you is just disappointing. Not the first time when she misses important events, like she straight up missed Pomu's graduation. Again, don't want to sound like an anti schizo, just wish she was more serious when it comes to stuff like this.
Feels like Nina and Pomu were the only ones that liked Rose lol
There are only two types of people that like Top Gun: gays and macho dudebros that are secretly gays
>>40087 I want to fuck the planes though
>>40088 Seren...
Holy shit, Superlovers... This one was so unpologeticaly shotacon incest that people memed it to death when it was ongoing.
>Bottom salary man Yashiro.......
>Fuckboy x virgin delinquent This is just Ver x Dopppio
Enter Doppio. He was writing an essay for the collab
My fucking sides Doppio
Finally enter Meloco
Meloco saw my complaining itt and decided to join, no need to thank me, anons
doppio is my favourite schizo
Pio is a Writeworth shipper....
>>40096 *Mpregs you*
Death Note was super fucking gay, especially that one feet washing scene
Light's dad was pretty cool, actually
Love how Klara is a chinese/japanese bridge between Fuuchan and Meloco
Enter Vanta!
Meloco got distracted by the dick fight island........
Holy cow
This was one of the references for Aia's new outfit lmao
>Buddie daddies >Yeah, it was really fun and cute I know what you did here, Fuuchan
>I unfortunately dropped from master to diamond 4 Aster...................
>>40073 well it's kind of expected that she'd oversleep since she'd been streaming until like 3 am because of gta. if fuuchan is disappointed, he can take it up with her
>>40110 I don't think it's his place to do so, i will do it myself in her bedroom
>>40110 Don't worry, she actually showed up an hour late, so it's fine, it doesn't seem he was bothered that much by it. Just wish she would be more responsible when it comes to such stuff
>>40111 I posted this
Reminder that all GTA streams will be starting at 10 PM JST on the 21 and 22 because of Nozomi's 3D and the new wave debuts, they will also be compensating by closing it at 5 AM JST
>>40112 i know. it's just calling it "extremely disappointing" when it's not like her presence is absolutely required kinda irked me, especially if she didn't personally request fuuchan to organize it.
Time to watch Vivi be really bad at DMC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45CuxVuJ41U
>Nobody mentions FFX as their favorite when Vivi asks for favorite FFs Good, also i'm tired of people thinking it's a good game, it's pretty bad in many ways and the thing that i hate the most is that they fucking murdered the sense of exploration
>>40115 I mean, it kind of is. Fuuchan literally said dozens of times that she's the reason why he decided to organize the collab in the first place and he had to reorganize it like 5 times in the past due to bad timing. I'm gald that she still showed up, but she should treat stuff like this more responsibly
>>40117 Ok Spoony
>>40114 Thanks, I'll actually have enough time to sleep today
https://x.com/VezaliusBandage/status/1804010167547089269 Krisis will be covering Super Duper for their anniversary
Feesh listed the things she'll be doing for her birthday https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dH3-QHS-Kc
https://x.com/KotokaTorahime/status/1804106998457258438 The London concert is pre-recorded just like I suspected. They probably recorded it when all of them were in Japan together Still, I'm really happy that she's back at least in some way.
>>40122 >Group M/V cover teaser Please Kotoka be there please please
>>40121 holy shit it's already a year
Oh Zali is already playing GTA, sad that Wilson and Vanta didn't join because some JP shitters are trying to harass every EN out of the server
Klara wants to join Feesh's birthday totsu but she isn't sure if she'll make it since it starts really early for her. Also, she's having some issues with connecting for some reason, so she's zatsudaning for now >>40135 >JP shitters are trying to harass every EN out of the server This is a new one. Haven't seen any JP schizos harrasing ENs since Yugo, holy shit. What even caused this?
>>40136 >What even caused this? They get extremely retarded when it's about GTA, Levi had to close her marshmallows because they were shitting on her too, Kuzuha had to have a talk™ with his chat. The "problem" with EN is that they say they're "sabotaging" what the japanese livers are doing and they find disprespectful that some of them can't speak japanese and "invade" their streams
>>40135 >>40137 >The "problem" with EN is that they say they're "sabotaging" what the japanese livers are doing and they find disprespectful that some of them can't speak japanese and "invade" their streams Where are those shitters when their livers come to our streams and speak only japanese ? Don't they find this disrespectful to "sabotage" our streams ?
>>40137 This is Minecraft all over again holy shit. People should stop treating light server where most of people are just having fun instead of tryharding. Kind of glad that my oshi didn't join the server now, I really don't want her to have any hate comments from JP schizoids
>>40138 No, because those are the type of retards that want to pretend EN doesn't exist
>>40140 Can't really blame them with Barney sparkling hatred to the whole company in general, not just EN, but still, they shouldn't just hate the whole branch because of it
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Invasions? Like in Elden Ring????
>>40136 haven't seen JP schizos harassing EN livers but i have seen the sentiment of nijiJP fans disliking EN as a whole. basically people who want to gatekeep their kino JP streams from filthy gaijins i guess, i've seen holofans like that too. ngl i've been a bit worried about meloco because she's got a lot of eyes on her since she's in kuzuha's group, but thankfully it's been mostly fine. i do get the problem of jp-speaking ENs having to escort non-jp-speaking ENs instead of RPing on their own, but if the livers themselves don't have much of a problem with it, i don't see why we as viewers should.
Twisty re-released her cover with revised vocals, it sounds better ngl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJls4kxRdsM
No mumu or enna stream... My friday night is lonely
>>40145 Don't worry anon, you're not alone turn around
>>40145 You can watch Klara or Meloco play GTA if you want
>>40143 >but i have seen the sentiment of nijiJP fans disliking EN as a whole. basically people who want to gatekeep their kino JP streams from filthy gaijins i guess My brother in christ, that has been a thing since myth debuted lmao
>>40143 >i have seen the sentiment of nijiJP fans disliking EN as a whole. basically people who want to gatekeep their kino JP streams from filthy gaijins i guess I get this sentiment, especially when it comes to Holo, but our fanbase is decent overall imo, at least we don't have some underaged retards spamming skibidy nerizzler in JP chats. Those underaged retards that would get mad over something that a JP liver says would just get filtered by the language barrier
>>40148 yeah, but i think stuff like all the "controversy" around nijiEN specifically has aggravated it. you know, fans who don't want their JP oshis to be associated with nijiEN because of the drama. i haven't seen much of this kind of fans in twitter tbh, especially since most japs find passion eigo funny, so i hope that willy or vanta didn't back out just because they saw some stray tweet complaining about ENs
>>40150 vanta probably wanted to be fresh and prim for elden ring dlc
>>40151 Pretty much. He'll be streaming it in 3 horus already
>>40150 (me) honestly kind of sad. i've been really enjoying nijiGTA even with the scuff, but an event this big is bound to have fans butting heads with one another. especially with GTA servers where pigeoning is a common problem. hopefully nijiGTA 2 could be easier for EN to participate in.
But we have zomboid
>Enner retweeted the group karaoke She might join but not expecting much
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Klara doko?
>>40157 It's joever
All me btw
>>40159 >me myself and i
>>40159 i posted this
seems like millie's dog passed away... rip
https://x.com/EnnaAlouette/status/1803423507981701428 i must have missed this, but good for enna ! >>40163 man...
>>40163 funni doggo.... I dont remember where i put his pic
>>40166 this is getting out of hand... now there's two of them
Seffyna is such great company, just a genki girl that sometimes hears the voices
Probably gonna watch vanta play the DLC
>>40169 i'll probably hold off watching vanta until i've finished it
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQaKkb6PDHU Klara is finally in on the server
Shu almost fucked Masaru right on stream.... Also wtf, Klara and Eli look so similar
>>40173 Fun fact: Eli Conifer is taller than Klara
>>40175 Klara is gonna get her face full of Cunnyfer
Shu is jerking it
Eli cute 😭😭😭
Klara met chiggers
Man this dlc looks heavy my old ass gpu is ngmi
Klara let Jiyu to taste her stick
>>40182 at 40 bucks he better be good
Vanta is getting cooked hard
Love Jiyu's passion Englrish
Ragdoll in that amogus suite will never be not funny
>NPC: I think she's fucking my friend >Klara wents into full shock for a minute lmao
>>40153 Riku should just accelerate EN branch into 100 + members so we can make our own GTA server with blackjack and hookers
Love how there are just some random thais typing something in Klara's chat just because she can speak it, it's such a SEA moment
>>40191 It's like 2AM there too
>>40188 >clime
Holy shit, Klara turned Riri into an ikemen....
I feel like Riri will get a suit and short haircut for her next outfit now
>>40136 well the good news now is that she'll be likely awake when feesh starts in half an hour
>>40196 This wasn't an issue, the issue is that she hasn't slept at all since yesterday and will be tired. Feesh's Birthday will probably go for a while
Welp, here goes Klara's scooter
Klara got her scooter saved in the last minute
Everybody who streamed GTA just raided Finana lol
what a wallpaper
Feesh sounds so funny and cute in japanese😭😭😭
>pngtuber finana back to her roots i see
finana is showing a teaser of a group cover
kotocat, cover with kotoka
https://youtu.be/VBhkKgF_BP8 cover from the ruyguards, doesn't sound half bad
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>>38419 YES I ACTUALLY GOT EVERYONE IN THE COVER! I didn't get the song though, it's a different proseka song. Wish it was Beyond the way with this group though >>40209 I thoguht that Claude on the left and Shu in the center, and Kotoka on the right and Meloco on the left
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This ryuguard cover actually makes me cry wtf
>Finana didn't recognise that it was her who was singing Feesh.......
>>40213 yeah i was thinking, "she doesn't react to her singing, they must have used AI or found someone who can sing who sounds like her"
Familly feud game is starting in 15 minutes
Among interesting people that will join: Twisty will be joining for familly feud, Millie will be joining for the totsu
>>40216 Oh no, my bad, Millie joins familly feud too
people are joining the totsu
>>40219 It isn't a totsu, they are joining for the femilly fued colalb
Why is Vanta feeling down? Did Elden Ring DLC suck?
I just realised that Elira is a horse....
>>40220 same difference >>40221 well, he has to leave the elden ring dlc to play family feud
Guess Millie and Twisty won't be able to make it, so they will be just playing 4 vs. 4
Man...parents don't love their kids...
>poinsetta i call bullshit on this one
>>40226 I don't even know what that is, my christmas is during hot weather
>>40226 Poinsettia over christmas tree is insane
>>40227 i often see some false one near christmas decoration, but the fact that people would know it's name let alone mention it over christmas tree, yeah no Unless they did their surveys in the fifties
>Name the job we need more people to do >Police >This is the top answer My fucking side
>>40230 >no teacher boomer video game
>Burgers want more people shooting niggers than qualified people taking care of health Not surprised
>>40229 Never saw this plant in my life, even though I've googled it and it's literally called a chirstmas plant in my language
>>40232 The 50 points gap between those two answers is the cherry on top
plumbing is more than fixing toilets
>not saying gender come on doppio
>>40236 He doesn't need to ask, he'll see the burning forest in the news and know without asking
>>40237 >we got to the point where asking for the baby's gender is bad what a time to be alive
>>40238 Anon, you're missing a joke... There were like dozen of cases in amurica where burgers started forest fires during gender reveal parties.
>>40239 but that's so dumb...
>>40239 And it's the funniest shit ever unless you actually think about all the forest animals...
>soda is listed this is so murrica
Who played ER for 8 hours..?
>>40243 hayama ?
>More people drink soda in the morning then tea WTF.....?
>What illnes would you fake Sonny........
>>40243 at least stream length checks out
>Loan over job Burgers...
Thanks for improving my vocabulary, NijiEN
Enter Shu instead of Doppio
Sausage is such an obvious and funny answer for this one.....
Oh no...now i crave for an american breakfast tomorrow
>>40251 I literally called it.......
Finana was robbed
Congrats, Fu-chan, you get to fuck him now
I like raisins...
Of course Fuuchan named a chinese animal
I'm still offended over cow, i know there's choccy milk cows but come the fuck on
Wilson you call it "soccer" again and i'll fucking murder you
They should remember this is US citizens they're talking about, they know South America because of certain things so of course Peru isn't there, you got the drug countries and the nazi hiding countries in the list
The last answer was Argentina 2
Finana was jorking it to Dead or Alive Xtreme
Finana plays a lot of Dead or Alive Xtreme...
Switch has overheat over a fucking familly feud lmao
>>40264 Made by Ubisoft so i can trust them to make the most stupidly bad optimized shit in C++ because, although someone who knows how to use it can make wonders, they probably don't have people who know how to use it
>Microwaving a pizza God i fucking hate burgers
>"Name something people clean for a living" Dicks
>>40266 pasta too
Let's go my skibidi brothers
Tbh if your house has a carpet floor you deserve all the suffering that comes with it because you kinda asked for it
>>40270 My house has it but I rent it....
>>40271 I'm just gonna say that after i got tile floors i will never go back to anything else because it's so damn fucking easy to clean, you could throw acid at it and it'll be fine
>>40270 my mother's companion decided it was wise to put carpet floor in his several airbnb lodgings instead of linoleum flooring against the advice of people (us) who were in the business or adjacent for years, because there was a room in the place who had it on the floor, walls and ceiling. He learned the hard way why it's terrible. >>40271 at least you don't have it on the walls, traps smoke and masks humidity.
The hero slander from America will not be tolerated by Krisis
Doing an in home Family Feud wouldn't be a bad idea, there's already many vtubers doing game shows
I think Twisty is still asleep since she didn't go to Feesh stream + is not even starting her own stream
Claude is so bad under pressure kek
>microwave yes he's a murican
Twisty update
Enter eepy Klara!
Enter Twisty!
>>40273 Lenoleum sucks ass. I don't know why, but ants love to spread in those. Happened in my old appartment and in every motel I stayed in
Twisty is way more chill this time
>>40284 She probably woke up not long ago and she's very chill when eepy
>Regular GTA collab Noctyx and Luxiem tried to do it back in the day. The game got invaded by hackers and they just cut the game after an hour
Love how Twisty actually watches everybody in the branch and knows who does what
Calling Ver "hot office boss guy" is the most ridiculous thing I've heard in a while
Twisty and Finana are so cute and funny😭😭😭
Twisty is gonna put Finana in a wrong water tank...
Claude is freaking out over feesh boobies
Enter Millie!
holy kek millie that timing
Exit Millie
Enter Ryoma Barrenwomb
Claude is talking so fast he's so nervous
Vanta is so cooked
KEK i love Vanta and Twisty banter
>it's just rage bait this is such a good bit
Holy shit Twisty baited them all
Now imagine Finana will actually explain sex to her kids like that in the future
>>40302 Just make them watch the Nekopara stream
FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK SHE'S SO HOT https://x.com/ReimuEndou/status/1804301405370368483
>>40304 🙏REIMU'S BACK🙏
Zali called Wilson tabernak
>Zali slanders the quebecois He's a true french
Millie's back
1000 ways to die was just a show made to make people more religious because every death is about people who sinned
>>40311 Not really, people only remember the ones involving sex, most of the episodes were about retards or just extremly unlucky people (like that guy who got shot by a fucking meteorite or two asian guys that cut themselves to death with katanas). Anyway, my favourite was about a bunch of furfags that were mauled by real bears during an orgy lmao.
Finana is 4 years old😭😭😭
Vox truly loves monkeys
>The only ones who liked Bloons in Niji were Vox and Pomu Is Bloons white people game?
>>40315 Maririn...
Replies to superchats are the worst thing ever, 50% of the chat is just retards replying "pog" to a red superchat
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Ryuguards don't know the colors of the rainbow....
Oh wow, this guy still watches Finana, that's actually nice
>>40322 He still clips her, he just had to make it slower because he now clips things for commission too
>>40323 Makes sense. He was one of the original clippers of EN, so I actually has a lot of respect for him to sticking up
insert chocolate cake rant here
Unarchived Feesh karaoke! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anFlB6O7FYI I'm gonna be recording it
Just came back, ahs feesh started singing already?
>>40327 Just starting now
>>40328 Nice
Feesh, all of these are just innuendos, only a 12 year old would think it's extremly sexual...
>>40330 Is this even innuendo? It's all just plainly sex.
The karaoke totsu is starting
Group karaoke starto!
Now do the nightcore one
Twisty isn't half bad
Everyone stand for the Canadian anthem
The fact that Wilson and Twisty are the ones that can be heard the most is so funny
It's so good that everyone somehow has the same delay
This is kino
Twisty had the balls that Wilson didn't...
fuu-chan is slaying
>"I feel like i'm in a room with kinder gardeners" 😭😭😭
>Rosemi joins >Everyone: "SEX"
>Rosemi joined during Californa Girls THEY SUMMONED HER
Rosemi is ready to be Snoop in preparation for their collab
Gotta love how Rosemi is one of the few people that know how to rap in the branch
>I just imagine Feesh and Rosemi, 12 years old, make up on, singing this song Fuuchan pls😭😭😭
>>40349 I miss this kusoge
I wish Finana did more karaokes, her voice is so pretty
I just got reminded of this kino video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUE3mQ_qFJs
fuuchan is killing it
i like aia's voice a lot
Denauth collab is starting!
Enter Petora
>>40358 Taylor Swift incoming
Everyone was actually in Peto's house
>>40360 Yeah, having sex with her
>>40361 penguin orgy...
Denauth collab started btw, Twisty leaked something that they're gonna announce at the end probably but fortunately it wasn't nothing too revealing, just some shadows
>We will become children yeaaah Twisty pls
Man I love Niji
>Math is difficult Klara is a fake asian....
millie is popping the fuck off
Twisty is using the rape alarm on Ryoma...
petra's the only one singing isabella's part lmao
Of course Enna showed up with the Mulan song
>>40372 She's so chinese
This is to scale with actual sizes btw
oh no its seggsy millie and enna
millie sounds like a cat in labor
School Labyrinth seems not as bad with Denauth than with Zuttomo when they played it, but to be fair, Zuttomo just suck at playing any videogame and can make it worse.
>>40378 Zuttomo collab tomorrow btw
>>40380 Our only hope is for wiwa to pop in and do the rap
>>40379 I don't think they'll be able to clear even one campaign of L4D
Enna is really feeling Bohemian Rhapsody
Denauth completed the first map in 30 minutes while it took Zuttomo over 3 hours.....
Ryoma is a two timer
Denauth girls won't let Ryoma out of his chasity belt if he joins Krisis
Twisty is recruiting Kunai and Vivi for Denauth
Ryoma is having a midlife Krisis...
>"Is Mr. Krabs a crab because he's a penny pincher?" Holy fuck...i actually never thought about it...
Twisty wants to get killed by Hanako-san like that one hentai OVA
Last song is A Thousand Miles
Kek Twisty just left them to die
>>40394 I lied they are doing Born this Way now
Based, i hate all niji-something names because of how unoriginal they are
>>40397 How can you ban something non-physically..?
>>40396 I lied they are doing In the End
And now Finana is singing solo again
Come to think of it, Klara acutally gives of the otome game/reverse harem protagonist energy
>>40401 She's too flirty and teasy to be the MC
Reasons why the other Denauth members didn't join the GTA server: >Ryomma: it starts at like 3 AM for me >Twisty: i would just stand around Klara and say hai hai hai
I wonder if Mumu knows one of the new holos since she's sharing her cover on twitter
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Why Twisty knows how birth control pills look like...?
>>40405 I dunno, she actively went "PLAP PLAP PLAP GET PREGNANT GET PREGNANT GET PREGNANT!!!!" on herself a few days ago
>>40405 Birth control isn't always used to prevent pregnancy. That's one of its main reasons, but it can also reduce menstrual cramps, lighten periods, and there's a decreased risk of getting STIs and some cancers if you take them regularly.
Denauth actually liked School Labyrinth, all of them said that they had fun
Some kind of Denauth project, will be out by the end of the month
>>40410 She was already a succubus
Denauth haven't decided what game they'll be playing next week yet. They promise that they'll be having weekly collabs as much as possible
>>40412 I hope Twisty convinces them to play COD
Feesh wants to ride my disco stick
Finana's wet chair? Yeah, me
Finana wants to do more group karaokes on regular in the future
I forgot how painful it was to watch vtubers play chess, thankfully i got reminded once i opened Pio and Ren's stream
White could've done the FUNNIEST SHIT EVER here if they had moved the pawn blocking the other bishop
I'm losing fucking braincells watching this holy fuck
Doppio has forced 2 stalemates already, he must be trolling
Twisty just ripped the tooth she broke on her own...
>New viewer with a trident and shark icon Oh noes
>>40424 I hope they are the "normal" one
>>40425 As opposed to the actual pedo ones
>>40426 Sure, they can't run from pedo. However I hope the fan are not the controlling one like what happen on Gura on last year.
Kanae apparently is thinking that they might not repeat the NijiGTA server because of how bitchy some people are getting so enjoy it while it lasts https://x.com/tobitai_0707/status/1804350220324737188
>>40429 Schizos from JP won....
>>40429 We still got zomboid so eh
>>40432 Next zomboid they want to try factions so i hope we don't get schizos taking things too seriously
Speaking of Twisty it feel refreshing to see girl to play fps that not apex or valo or any competitive fps.
>>40434 It's funny because she says FPS games make her dizzy yet she loves playing COD zombies (even though it's always the same map)
Twisty sounded pretty rough at the end of the stream so let us hope she didn't catch anything nasty...
>>40433 Those people dont watch nijien anymore
>>40438 I'd say the same if it wasn't for the 3 livers that had to remind everyone last week to not attack Twisty
>>40440 All are women.
>>40441 Idc about their gender, i care about them not being shitters and ruining fun things
>>40429 this is so disappointing. idk how it is for VCR or STGR but i've been really enjoying nijiGTA. the livers are really skilled at making things interesting, and most people, including me, enjoyed the police drama yesterday, but of course you get shitters that empathize too much with the livers' RP that they forget that it's just RP. it's annoying to see such comments instead of just going with the flow that livers themselves set. it's all improv, jesus christ
>>40443 I think the existence of rules cause the schizo think they are right to attack livers. Kuzuha/Hoshikawa should name it as guidance or suggestion, not something that implied need to be followed all the time. Well live and learn I guess.
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>>40445 >I think the existence of rules cause the schizo think they are right to attack livers. >mfw listerna san are pic related
>>40445 these retards see livers wronging their oshi in RP so they feel the need to attack them in the real world, as if their oshi would actually ever approve of harassing someone over something fictional. if you're a viewer, stay a viewer. it's so easy to close a stream that's no longer entertaining you. mfs that can't separate fiction from reality
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WhnZ58G_NE who? this guy is in nijimado
>>40449 They are producer, me think. I think they produced couple NijiJP/EN songs. I'm too lazy currently to check the list.
>>40449 >>40450 Also Yashiro showed up in that stream
on to more positive things, it's funny to see how shu got roped in to lauren and ebio's new gang just because he met them by chance on the street lol. he wasn't even that involved in the whole police drama >>40449 that's a vocaloid producer. dunno why they're in nijimado tho
>>40453 i hope she doesn't encounter too many bugs. i wonder what she'll end up doing?
https://x.com/KlaraCharmwood/status/1804479377268412588 Klara's JP zatsu is pushed a little bit, she's watching new debuts
>>40453 >Joining in the last few days She won't going to like it. Everybody already have their own chores and cliques and nobody will want to explain anything to her. I mean, they could, but the schizos will be mad that instead a doing the funny thing the livers are spending time on some noob who will only play for few days.
https://youtu.be/YX3b-0kcP-U boys are doing the customary debut watchalongs
>>40465 hagendaz...
>>40462 that's why i hope she can just join the medics or stay close to klara. less likelihood of her getting harassed by retards. at least she can understand jp
Vanta debut now
>>40467 Well, Klara isn't playing today, so she won't be able to. Not sure about medics though. I got an impression that they are just chilling most of the time and just revive retards that kill themselves, but it still will put her on the spotlight.
Klara was talking a little bit about her struggles on the GTA server. Basically, she has trouble reading kanjis and she doesn't know Japanese numbers whatsoever, so it was quite awkward for her to ask for location adresses
>I can hear TV and a lot of shuffling in the background of Klara's stream This is so scuffed... She really should buy a new mic, or at least move sometime later
Millei's back, she'll be streaming her POV in the Zuttomo collab https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uf13C3rtbEw
>>40472 I think that Kunai could probably be able to handle Twisty really well with all the experience she has taking care of kids
>>40474 Good things there's no dogs in that game...
>>40475 Not really, she mostly worked with old dying people. Yeah, she had a gig as a babysitter when she was a teen, but it's so fucking common in america that teenagers babysitters became a trope in american movies
Klara's JP chat is calling Zali "imposta senpai" lmao
Yes Vanta, your debut schedule was terrible
>>40478 >Sister This thing has a gender...?
Ohhhh Maririn has the automatic subtitles on the other way around so english subs should be popping on screen
Seems like Maririn will be joining the medics, Seffyna welcomed her with a dab
Maririn is petting all the dogs in Seffyna's dog cafe
This dog looks a little weird...
>>40482 I dunno, i think she does
Maririn clocked Seffyna on the face on accident...
Kind of sucks that Klara only does JP zatsus. She's pretty much like Kunai where she enjoys yapping about anything that chats asks or suggests. I kind of understand why she only does them in Japanese since it's a good practise for her + the only opportunity to interact with JP fans as she mostly speaks English in her regualr streams, but still, wish she would talk more in English too
Didn't that Denauth has hiragana spelling, but here it is
>>40490 that's not the denauth hiragana spelling. it just means something like "about denauth"
Denauth truly have a special bond. It really takes difficult circumstances to make a strong gen bond like this
>>40491 Oh, I'm a retard, sorry
>>40494 >league DAMN BRAT 💢💢💢
Ohh, Klara is talking about how Twisty was touching her legs. Apperently, it actually happened in the Anycolor office in front of their manager lmao
>>40496 Can i touch her legs if i join?
>>40497 Yes, but Twisty will kill you afterwards
>>40498 I don't see the part where i lose in this exchange
Man, shame that I have bad memories associated with Krisis anniversary It reminds me how Nina announced her graduation few days later
How far is mum with new vegas
>>40501 She's at the strip, i think she found Carlitos and it's doing that quest, didn't meet Benny yet
>>40501 Cleared Vault 34, did all quests in Feeside, did Rex and Lilly quests and is about to confront Benny in Tops
>>40502 >>40503 Oh boy how is she gon react to house and yesman i wonder
>>40504 bing chiling man....
>>40505 She already met House and took his quest but hasn't talked to him that much yet
Twisty is playing as her cunny oshi
I remember how Vanta cried during Nina's graduation, he's quite emotional
Klara is excited for her new wavemates https://x.com/KlaraCharmwood/status/1804526068650717490
Twisty HATES gifted memberships and that's based
Twisty can play LoL decently but she just ragebaits when playing in a collab
>>40512 gifted pog
Vanta's pet peeve is basically 90% of /vt/
>>40512 Going to donate to her 300 gifted just out of spite now
>>40515 He's just like me frfr but with more melanin
>Twisty thinks Australia is a continent and Africa is a country Burger geographic knowledge...
I never chat on Reimu's prechat because i don't want people saying my name and greeting me, am i too autistic?
>>40519 yes also we got (3d)mumu at home now (in 15 more minutes) https://youtu.be/WOOMs1YapSA and vivi/kunai the quarry, they had fun trying to kill jacob last time.
>>40519 hello anon!!!
Just listened to Krisis' cover and holy shit, they sound really good, especially Vanta. I didn't recognsie his voice at first, he sounds way different when he sings
shu won 2nd place in iinchou's match. another purple man won 1st place
>>40524 William Afton...
Oh fuck, I forgot that Kunai and Vivi are playing in the morning today. Guess Vivi woke up early for Kunai
reimu starting !
Reimu is flatter than flat earth
>>40529 She's perfect
She's moving like she's 10
I think it's really cute she has her hands up by default like a ghost
>reimu just admitted her spirit animal is an italian
Did millie got her home 3D yet?
>>40534 All of Ethyria has it already, Mumu was the last one by like a 3/4 week margin
Vivi and Kunai have managed to not kill anyone somehow
Reimu just showing her fucking ass
Mumu just slapped my ass and is telling me to keep it a secret and not call for help...
Delicious waki pero pero
Reimu is insinuating that her mama did a naked model of her too
Vivi looks at the ground when she walks in FPS....
Nina has her 3D model in the database....
>>40548 Well, I figured. The all of season 1 went to Japan around February last year, guess they were were making measurements and scanning for 3D. Guess Mysterio's and Kyo's 3D are there too
>>40550 Oh wait, I think mysterio was already planning to graduate back then, so probably not
>>40551 He already had his model when Vox leaked the AR live waaaay back, before he started committing tax fraud with his gf
>>40552 they did their ar 3d recording in december 2022, it was before the nijifes covid 2023 cancellation
i hope jacob stays alive until the end just to spite them.
>>40552 Oh right, I forgot that they went to Japan before everyone else. Honestly, I think Mysta is the reason why they even tried to rush AR. He probably had been an asshole and already gave them a deadline for the graduation, so they tried to do it before he'll do it, and then everything went to shit.
>>40554 Funnily enough, Jacob is one of the hardest characters to kill off. He just runs away when he get infected and just hangs out in the forest till the end of the night lol
>>40555 I can't say i miss him
>>40557 Well, thankfully, he isn't our problem anymore. Wish his fans fucked off from the fanbase too though
Awwww he thinks he has to clarify as if they don't copy Argentina, cute
Kind of funny how Kunai and Vivi are pretty much the only ones that keep Emma alive since everybody just kill her off
That pussy whisper is raw
>>40556 they probably knew most of the "STRONG WOMAN" crows would try to kill him first for being a cliché sports jock. >>40558 for now i'm glad he's barely interacting with mata on stream since their debut. I don't think i remember a single positive thing he left in the EN lore/legacy until he left.
Im learning spanish from watching this mumu stream
>>40563 There might not be a right way to speak spanish but i can tell you that spaniard and chilean are the bad ways
Everyone is latino, Reimu
>>40564 reimu is right, listen someone speak a language and you can figure out if they're from your territory. as french, you can easily spot a belgian, a swiss or a queb due to their use of some accent or words. no frenchman uses "tantôt" while a wallon belgian will, for example.
One very good thing about Argentina is that nobody will judge you for your race or where you come from, but get into an argument with someone and it will be one of the most heated arguments you've ever had
>Flips eat something called "puto" They knew spanish, why the hell did they choose that name?!?!?
>>40568 They also eat pagpag to be fair
>>40569 Nono, "puto" is a derogative for gay people, something like "faggot" but less severe
>>40570 i always thought it meant gigolo
>>40570 Oh lmao
>>40571 Puto is what i said, puta is usually used for women and it means slut
Mumu making fun of vanta being sensitive lmao
>it's so cute and funny at the same time UOOOHHHH
Millie eats like a pig...
>>40562 I mean, Jacob deserves to die, he's actually a fucking retard, the whole game has happened just because he wanted to fuck >I don't think i remember a single positive thing he left in the EN lore/legacy until he left. He really didn't. His schizo fans harassed Nina and Kotoka, he hurt his genmates and friends by being menhera retard, he was starting a fight with random antis on Twitter, getting one guyd, shitting on the company because they didn't baby him and payed his fucking taxes for him, cultivated garbage fanbase of braindead, underaged fujos, has been gay for pay for half of the time while he was in Niji and then cried and had mental breakdown because of it etc. I don't think he's a bad guy, but he's a complete fucking retard, and his fans are one of the worst, obnoxious trash piles I've seen period.
Reimu says that if you want a perfect stylish hair you should KILL YOURSELF
>>40578 >jacob should have predicted he was sitting in the middle of werewolf vs hibillies territory when he disabled the car come on
Kunai and Vivi were peeign together!
Kunai used to eat glue when she was a kid....
>>40580 Anon, breaking a car just to get a small chance to get laid is extremly fucking retarded, no matter the circumstances
Kunai ate chopsticks and lipsticks, and Vivi had a habit to eat her hair
i hope one day mumu gets her 2nd outfit in 3D
Kunai used to fake stomach pains to drink pepto bismol, and Vivi likes to eat oat meal powder
>>40586 >to fake stomach pains to drink pepto bismol Why, does it taste good or it gives you high
She has boobs it's just the size of a cpu transitor
>>40587 She just loves the taste of it
mumu doesnt know enna has been training her motiion sickness through elden ring
Wait, do they actually can influence QTEs in co-op? Kunai apperently fucked up and it picked her result over Vivi
https://x.com/KlaraCharmwood/status/1804586218606452942 Klara feels a little bit sick, so Monhun stream is cancelled
Kunai and Vivi are a little bit retarded....
Vivi and Kunai were so determened to kill the cop with the brick lmao
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>>40596 postponed two hours laters now
>>40596 Rosemi doesn't seem to stream regullary nowdays, I wonder what she's doing offstream
vivi and kunai are stopping, next stream should be the end of the quarry, they're at chapter 8
Vivi said that she has some familly issues, so this is why she ahd to reschedule the collab
>Every stream that I wanted to watch got rescheduled Well shit. Guess I'll be going to bed earlier today, at least
>>40601 god to bed early and wake up for ethyria collab fuck up your sleep schedule !
>>40601 I'm gonna kms if Elira cancels P3 again
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>>40602 >Zuttomo >3 AM I'll pass. Probably watch Aia playing the block game and will actually sleep properly today
Offtopic, but I just got an ad of a girl from small corpo and man, all of them are so unfunny. For some fucking reason they all do that retarded "white girl" comedy that big Twitch indies have popularized. Despite their pretty good models, they all talk and act like forced sitcom characters. Time and time again I get reasurred that if I never discovered Niji, I would never touch vtubers with a 10 feet pole as pretty much the whole EN sphere are just ironic weebs, boring Twitch streamers with anime avatars or cringy pick me girls that try to pander to halfchan on every single occation.
>>40607 Those people are unironically in it for a quick buck and they will do face reveal eventually because they think the anime face is a "burden" aka no longer making money But anyway, watching mumu's fallout vod now and it's infuriating how she thinks that limb conditions = hp.
And she spams the stimpaks too fucking hell AAAAAAAAAAA
>pools closed yabai
Aia mentioned that she might do a group karaoke herself in like couple of months
>>40607 i don't know much about what you speak of, but i'll say this Assuming nijiEN is part of the top 5 EN groups, i've tried to watch a bit of streams from various talents the other 4 big groups, and outside of barely a handful of people, i've found them dull or vulgar or plain bad. Even among those select few, i just check them like once or twice in a blue moon to see if they did some interesting content. After following my kamioshi new venture for quite a time now, i can't say i've found any reason to even check out any of her groupmate or collab partners, they don't have the "spark". Overall niji had and still has more interesting people in it. I'd rather, any time of the day, watch them bable about random shit than the alternatives their indie or corpo contenders churns out.
>>40613 by the way this isn't directed at anybody, just something that Rosemi did on this stream
Rosemi got iced by boeing
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>>40615 no...
>There were several weeks where I didn't take a shower since I was too depressed to get out of bad Hot although it's really fucked up
Aia got some anti in chat, banned them, and it somehow caused her to go on a tradwife rant
>>40607 I've been watching vtubers since 2017, tried many of them and can tell you that i watch MANY more varied vtubers on the JP side of things than the EN one because they each do their own thing, in the EN sphere you're either a /vt/ dicksucking holocopy or a twitch thot (Hana was right) and NijiEN is the only place where things are not so cookie cutter and everyone decides to do their own thing. The EN vtuber sphere is unsalvagable at this point because everything that doesn't conform to those certain molds is shunned and despised, even if Holo has girls that try to take the first step and collab with men they have tons of retards telling them how they are sluts who betray what the company is about and shit like that, then everyone has a laugh while slandering them and nobody does shit because the mass of terrible retarded faggots in their fanbase has grown so fucking big they can't stop pandering to them or their whole business comes down. tl;dr: NijiEN is the only one trying to do different shit in a EN sphere where the same molds are celebrated and NijiEN has a style more on the line of japanese vtuber groups
>>40623 Oh yeah i'm gonna add one more thing, NA ruined vtubers in the west like they ruined many good hobbies to which they were introduced
You don't have to kill yourself, anon! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvthp7V25sM
>>40625 a shame. at least I can watch wiwa
Elira is freaking the fuck out about Shinji's malewife energy
oh yeah. elira said something about taking a two-week break, probably because of summer jam, so i assume the rest of the livers participating will be taking a break too. she also said something about setting up an offcollab but she's not too sure about it
Zuttomo collab starting, bet on who will puke first
They can play as a tax evader
I've never had problems with the Brazil server and i'm not even there, Reimu, maybe your country should get better internet
Man, zuttomo is a new level of failure
Wait the stream is already 30 minutes and they're still in the first level lmao
>>40634 Yes, they are that bad and slow
>elira's mom went to look for hangyodon stuff for millie cute
Elira is feeling conflicted after learning Shinji is dying
>"Latam moment" Just don't live in the Latam countries with shitty internet, Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina have very good internet
When was the last time they played left 4 dead
Elira is entering the little kid's room
>hamster's name is Hamburger Ken has the same naming sense as Elira
>>40624 Dont forget, they then proceed to shitting the medium and it's origin and pretend they own it lmao
>>40643 When they go "i'm an OG vtuber fan" and it's just some retard holotourist that started watching on 2020 i believe that maybe public executions aren't that bad after all
>Is the health pack in the room with us LMAO
My favorite rifle AKB 47
Elira is really in love with Shinji
Never thought id see enna become literally pic related
Elira is crying really hard
>>40649 She's not sure if she can handle playing the Shinji route in P3P
>>40649 I expect more crying in the next few streams too
Maririn schedule
>"Akechi was a good guy" God i fucking hate you all, he's a piece of shit
Tomorrow's stream is back to P3 because Elira is addicted now
For future use
>>40655 This is because Ken asked her to go to his room btw
>>40656 Elira needs to play portable, they got a pc port right?
>>40657 Yeah and they have perms, Doppio played it
>>40607 >>40623 idk about other groups and i'm not saying everything here's perfect or anything, but i do like how niji and this community isn't entirely coated in layers of irony all the time, having to make fun of everything and reassure themselves and others that they're not actually taking this ridiculous thing seriously, to appear cool or some shit. it feels like everything nowadays, not just vtubers, is like that, as if you're a loser if you're sincere. really hope EN will stay the way it is
>>40660 > it feels like everything nowadays, not just vtubers, is like that, as if you're a loser if you're sincere. having opinions is the quickest way to get antis. Getting antis means they'll band together, stalk you, shit the bed and use shenaningans to make it appear they more numerous than they really are. So what do you do ? Either you play the most boring personna and have "opinions" that doesn't get you cancelled you play the biggest retard you can imagine so nobody takes your opinions seriously, or you're already big and your audience barely uses social media so it doesn't matter anyway what the retards are cooking up. Social media ruined everything.
Catching up on enna ring, she didn't try that long on godrick, and it's impressive how much she parried the crucible knight.
>>40662 Parry mechanic is extremly easy to learn, it was the reason why Reimu got into Lies of P so much
>>40663 Unless you are Barney the dino who unironically couldn't comprehend parrying in MGR lol
Holy sex....
I didn't know Toto is such a slut....
>>40629 Finana already said that she's taking two week break too, so I'm not sure if it is summer jam related or not, maybe Lazulight will be recording something in Japan
>>40667 i mean, they're both in summer jam. has rosemi said anything?
>>40668 (me) a lazulight live would be cool though. elira said her schedule for those two weeks will be really jampacked
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I'm confused what is happening right now. Are they having some kidn of competition on the GTA server?
>>40670 there's gonna be an in-game event from 10PM to 12AM JST i think
Klara is beating up a kid again
The event on the server starting soon
Why is Kanae doing slutty poses?
Hoshikawa sounds so cute😭😭😭
>>40663 it's not about the difficulty, it's about enna being enna. I'm looking forward to see how she'll fare about some bosses, assuming she reaches them.
The game of tag is starting!
>>40676 Enna's trial in Elden ring is more about the finding her way in maps rather than the bosses lmao
>Zali almost found Klara My sides
>Toto and Klara have been hiding in a bush all this time and nobody managed to find them It will extremly fucking funny if both of them will be the last ones left
>They keep just running past the bush It's so fucking funny
Is Toto giving Klara a Viva Viva Happy ending?
Fu-chan schedule! He has a collab with Mr. Underhill, also i think this is Roy's first NijiEN collab too
>>40683 Who is mr underhill
>Toto accidently run out of bushes >Can't get back >Nobody still find her I fucking can't
>>40684 News reporter vtuber, but a good one. He's a Niji fan and usually only covers positive news rather then drama
They got the shota.....
>>40684 He's a vtuber commentary channel, he hates people saying he's a news vtuber because he tries to keep things positive, you can see him sometimes in Aia and Fu-chan's chats and they even bully him a little every now and then. He's also Scarle and Fu-chan's IRL friend
>>40686 >and usually only covers positive news rather then drama I bet my left toe that he gets accused being a anycolor shill for daring to go against the (((/vt/ narrative))) but I'm guessing since he's collabing with fuuchan he's able to deal with that.
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That's actually scary now wtf
>>40689 Of course he is, but also he covers many other groups like the Stars, First Stage, Brave Group's EN groups, Mythos and some more, he says that everyone else is already big enough that they don't need the spotlight or small enough that he doesn't want to run into the risk of reporting on someone he doesn't know and that could be problematic
>>40690 >opens stream Kurara asmr is scary?
>>40692 There was Kenmochi running around couple of minutes ago
>>40693 Klara is too old to be scared
>>40694 He's just scary in general
>>40695 Just be australian
>Enna having trouble with shoving a huge gimbap into her mouth
No...the unicorns got Klara...
>wait i had runes ? meh i don't care anymore enna is becoming a true souls player
>>40700 the real runes you get are from bosses anyways
Klara was pretty close, she paniced way too much when the area started to shrink
Enna is fighting Renala
>>40703 My mother in law
Enna is so lucky this run none of the glowy babies are far away from the mom
>enna hates magic Like the average souls player
>>40706 you say this only because you can't fire a 30 seconds beam
>Klara run into ENs >Rolled over the hill and died >The rest just lept running and forgot about her EN.....
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>i hate magic users they're so cheat enna, they're perfectly balanced as miyazaki intended
>Enna thinks rennala is hard Hope chat shut the fuck up and not tell her to do radahn
I just noticed Ruri has her dogs out
>one guy recommending new vegas to enna She wont like it
>>40710 i mean for now, she can climb mt doom with the iron maidens, go to anor londo redux, visit the smurfs. I think she needs to do ranni questline or reach the plateau before the capital to trigger radhan festival, or you get the C-Knight and his beast sidekick.
>I'm a child Slayer ! In elden ring !
Fuwa won by pretending to be an NPC...
>>40715 So he changed his looks? is that allowed
>enna dies leaving renala at 1 hp after showcasing 3 different summons from renala nice try enna
Klara is flirting with Riri and stroking her strong mechanic back >>40716 There was no rule against it, he was just smarter kek
>>40715 >ruri punched him but he started cursing in english so they thought he was an NPC KEK >>40716 a lot of them changed their appearances i think. roren and ebio were in full camo and meloco cosplayed someone from a jp comedy show
>>40710 Nothing too wrong with chat telling about him tbh. I mean she explored till the outside of Redmane castle anyways.
>I hate minors ENNA/???
>>40721 based
Rennala got Enna by summoning an Artorias larper
>>40723 > an Artorias larper I never thought of him as that lmao
Perfect parking, Toto-chan
Enna is malding so hard her mandarin came out
Kuzuha and Club 3 will start a heist soon so the things should get heated in the server
Oh, anon's wife is in the pizzeria now
Her low endurance is fucking her up she needs more stamina
Klara is pissing on stream right now
>>40731 How is she gonna do it if it isn't in stream form? All at once? Drip by drip?
>>40732 I meant she's pissing live....
>>40733 I'd be more concerned if she were pissing dead
They want to get a pizza helicopter
Enna's gotten really good in killing children in elden ring
I love Riri ikemen
Enna you fucking jobber learn your range
Enna wants to call Rennala a cunt so bad
Enna did it !
I'm pretty sure someone would have a fetish of being born from Rennala's egg
>>40742 Check on rule 34
Masaru is fucking dead....
Maririn and darkness eater😭😭😭
Love how Klara calls Maririn Maria-hime
Klara actually calls her princess Maria in English too, that's special
>Some retard in chat saying Emma looks like Henya I wish i could shoot people through the screen
I guess Enna gonna do ranni's guest which means she's gonna have to fight radahn
The pizza crew are having an encounter with the mad scientisto
O kek, the tweet trending in the NijiGTA twitter is Lize knocking down Chaika who was using her name
Oh shit, I forgot that Hajime is a mechanic lol
Honestly Enna at this point if she starts a new data margit would be easy as fuck for her
She missed the towers....
Hisui beat the shit out of Toto
>>40755 High school delinquent > actual berserker
Enna met witch doll
>Someone in chat pointed out that the pizza helicopter looks like Zambia flag now lmao
Good to see they finally got their Cheese Pizzacopter
Awwww Sophia offered to take a picture of all the Vivono crew with their helicopter
>>40761 She's the cutest police officer!
Toto is being creepy
Toto jumped off the roof...
Toto is fucking dead
Taking care of Toto is like taking care of a little kid, you take your eyes out of her for 2 minutes and she fucking dies
Suha looks like a guy who would get shoved into lockers a lot in high school
>>40768 Reminder that he has military training
>>40769 Reminder that Gaon has too
>>40770 End mechaffyna was trained as a russian dog to explode under tanks
>>40771 I'd like to blame this on autocorrect but i'm on PC and my mind just works as an autocorrect
They scammed Masaru and wrote "Darknes" on his bike kek
I guess enna has git enough gud in the game that she can afford to pay attention to the story now
Do they...know how to drive the helicopter?
Welp, helicopter is damaged again...
Toto...not again...
Come on enna, help the creepy snotty sorcerer transform a woman into a litteral sexdoll
Is GTA server open untill 5 AM JST today?
Oh Emma and Klara are with BIG FUCKING TITS wizard
It's raining lolis and shotas in this server, damn
Klara is pissing in front of a trash container....
>>40783 We can actually see up her skirt this time
Klara is missing some Kanakana fuckery it seems LMAO
Love how something always exPLodes when Klara goes AFK
The helicopter is gone....
Pizza heli got Re:Zero'd
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Pizza helli...
Enna Vs Black gargoyle
>>40792 and she's dead
Kanae is giving them another helicopter because he feels bad for them LMAO
Enna is done for the day
Enna is done with Elden Ring, now time for me to do the DLC lmao
I want Myamya to be my personal mechanic...
She could probably reach Morgott within a month ueueueh I would be so proud. >>40797 Same kek
Pizza car...
>>40801 poll is 90%+ yes
>>40796 I feel like Vox would drive in this car if he was on the server
Enna almost forgot to call Kyo to catch up with him because she wanted to play Elden Ring. If she gets him to play it maybe I'll watch one of his streams to see how he is now lol.
>>40805 He's mostly a typical flesh streamer now. He's not a bad guy though, always tells how much of good time he had while he was in Niji when he mentiones it. Overall, I doubt he will enjoy it, it's not a type of game he cares about.
>>40807 I have a hunch he won't enjoy it and that's part of why I would want to check the stream out.
>>40807 The road to true happiness was stopping being a vtuber all along
>>40805 He'd rage quit that game tbh
>>40809 You say this, but mysterio is still menhera as fuck, even though 80% of his streams are with a facecam now
>>40811 That's sounds like a him problem to me
>>40811 There's no cure for filipino genes
>>40811 Tbh i found Kyo annoying in collabs but i always thought he had a good head on his shoulders (ironically), can't say the same for Mysta, he was always a fucking mess and will forever be a fucking mess because he's a fucking retard
>>40810 Not ragequit, he would just get bored of it. He pretty much dropped every game that requires 10+ hours of gameplay to finish while he was in Niji
I really hope Emma will manage to park the helicopter properly
Seems like Emma crashed the heli...
They are treating Suha with Pizza for giving Emma a ride
Klara still feels sickly, so she won't have any stream tonight. She'll be on the last day on the server tomorrow
Scarle can't stop calling Klara senpai lmao
Scarle watched MMD porn with herself on pornhub
Scarle is complaining that there's too few porn arts with her on the R34 site
>>40823 something we can agree on.
Scarle is showing her dog
>>40825 She's a British-french bulldog and fat as fuck
Scarle says that she finally got mods in her chat
>Scarle will be finishing Elden Ring >Reimu will be finishing SH The Room We are so back
>>40835 she's in danger
It was a joke don't get angry........ Although if global mods are trigger happy to this, then sorry
Scarle is a reverse Hex
>>40838 They are and i don't blame them because you haven't seen the things i had to delete from this board, thankfully
>>40833 How far is she in elden ring
>>40842 I don't remember, her last ER stream was like a year ago
Scarle says taht she'll have to go to Japan for a really long time soon
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Is there anything I can do to make youtube lag less? Ever since Shu moved to japan his streams became unwatchable.
Persona Q dream lives
Kek, when Aia is kinda cleaning one of her eyes in the new outfit is funny because you can see 3 eyes closing >>40846 YT itself is shitting the bed, seems like when it has to load things it takes a huge amount of RAM because Google hates doing something that could perform well
>>40847 Yes but also Episode Aigis comes out on September
>Elira wants to watch a playthrough with all the asshole options Reminded me of this
A kid just proposed to Elira...
>>40853 Which fulgur will this be?
>>40854 Please at least open the picture
>>40855 Shepard? I only know a few of his names
Elira is gonna read every single Aki Shinji fanfic after she beats P3
>Retards in chat convinced Elira that a 2021 motherboard is "old" Holy fuck i hate wannabe IT retards
>>40859 Isn't zen 4 2021
>>40860 2022 and i'm pretty sure Elira has an intel CPU
>>40861 >intel She gains very little upgrading
>>40862 Tbh a new motherboard is a waste unless you really want more/newer gen ports
Twisty keeps retweeting Lunlun art, she loves her a lot
>>40864 menhera checked out
>>40865 You were back a little few thousand checks but also Lunlun is her sibling
>Vanta: "There might be a collab in the future between Krisis and another 3 person wave" >Wilson: "Who could it be? Lazulight?" >Silence ensues >Wilson: "Oh...right...i was thinking about debut"
>>40867 It's either ethyria, TTT, or denauth
>>40868 It's probably Denauth, Twisty mentioned many times that their manager is always saying how they should collab together
>"EN mascot liver when?" >Elira: "I wonder" I hope this is foreshadowing
>Fuuka bought a "secret ingredient" at the pharmacy She's making lean pancakes...
>"Hurr durr why you come save me from getting raped?" SHUT THE FUCK UP YUKARI, THIS IS WHY EVERYONE HATES YOU, YOU STUPID CUNT
Ryoma schedule
>>40874 She wants it duh
Klara's schedule this week. Pretty chill and almost all of it is in afternoon. Also, good news: my complaint about her doing JP zatsus only actually worked. Bad news: she still doesn't speak English
>>40878 Monkey's paw, zatsu with petra will be a jp one how would you react
>>40878 I still dont know if she's thai or not
>>40880 Well, she's probably half like Yugo. Speaking of, it makes me retroactively wonder why Yugo never spoke Thai on stream. Also, I wonder how Klara will sound like since all thais that I've met IRL unironically sounded like MillieVantas
The last day of GTA is starting!
Will he last day be untill 5 AM too btw?
Klara is writing a love letter to Riri....
VTL always makes me feel emotional
Have Kanae and Hoshikawa actually decided to not make anoteher season of the server or have they changed their mind?
>>40886 they never said anything definitive. it probably depends on hoshikawa since i think it was her idea to start the server in the first place
>>40887 Ok. I hope they'll give the answer on the closing ceremony
>>40888 i'm expecting them to make another one tbh. despite the shitters, it's obvious that the server is a resounding success. not too soon though of course, maybe this can be one of niji's yearly events. seems like kanae and hskw have put in a lot of effort and money for this one too. o7 server gods
>>40889 I think 2 times per year like the mahjong tournament would be better, it will allow more livers chance to participate since not everybody is available once per year. Either way, let's wait and see what Hoshikawa will decide
Huh... I was browsing through Kotoka's VODs and I've noticed that her last mahjong stream is gone, it's so weird.... I don't think that she said anything odd there. Although she made that stream as a guerilla around the time when Mel was terminated, so maybe she was feeling unwell mentally and just decided to nuke it because of it. She had cool tips about playing mahjong there....
Klara is bleeding....
Zali fixed Klara's bleeding
>>40893 And he almost stole her scooter....
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Klara bought a ring for Riri
Oh, apperently, Meloco is organising some fireworks on the server and is asking all EN members to say thanks to Hoshikawa and Kanae
Klara got a new hair for the date with Riri
Klara is ready for the date
>Klara's scooter disappeared after the server restarted No..........
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>The scooter actually got saved in the garage during the server reset >Klara just wasted money on the same scooter >Now she has two scooters
New NBA collab stream tomorrow https://www.youtube.com/live/uknAqJKJXxE
>>40901 I still hope Kotoka will be present for the NBA collab next month...
nijigta made me realize just how funny meloco could be. like, she's entertaining in english too but she really gets a lot funnier in japanese lol. glad that she got to be a major character in one of the most interesting storylines in the server too
>>40903 She always somehow ends up in a major storylines or in a center of attention on these typese of servers. Pizza familly in VCR GTA, the fortune telling shop in VCR Rust and now the Kuzuha gang. I don't think she even intentionally tries to seek somebody, it just happens
Klara discovred the casino and now is wasting all her money on slot machines...
>Klara gets the ball in >Riri immidiatly calls her My sides
>>40901 Looks like we are going to see the merch of the first group and maybe the second group of teams
Hari and Nari😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Zali accidently called in with a videocall in like an ojisan
Klara wants to sell the shota cum pizza to Zali specifically
Yeah Zali, it's a pizza with Masaru's special sauce, don't question it
As a frenchman, Zali is giving love advices to Klara for the date with Riri
>Riri goes in while Klara is crawling in front of Zali Well, this is awkward
Riri is giving Klara a ride
>I know i should practice on those guys but i just wanna go fight the real thing directly >get flatenned by gascoigne in 5 seconds
Riri and Klara are having a cute zoo date
Two cute lesbians on a date in a zoo (Juan keeps trying to kill itself in the background)
Klara is in a date with me
They found Vox!
Um... These zebras look extremly sus
She's losing her spaghetti
Are they fucking or not?
Reimu beat the cleric beast.
They are going on a jet ski
>The jet ski stuck now Riri....
They'll now spend the rest of the date dragging the jet ski down....
Riri is such a girlfailure....
They'll just walk in the mountains now I guess
Riri sounds like a fuckboy right now
They finally got back to the bike
>Riri leads Klara to the observatory >The fog comes up My side
Ok, it doesn't look that bad
She gave her the ring!
Klara is a worm now
Love how they bought rings for each other lol
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I was nervous about the ring too wtf
The whole chat are just wedding supas now
Klara is still shaking after the date lmao
>Meloco warns everybody in EN to congrats the organisers >Gets carried away herself and everything gets delayed >She didn't warn them that it got rescheduled Man this is so fucking awkward....
Reimu seems to have beaten Gascoigne while i was away
The fireworks!
Klara's tweet
Klara is going to Meloco's party together with Toto
Toto crashed the car again
They somehow make it alive to the party
Toto is like a small dog, she tries to kill heself on practically every occasion
Oh, Klara met another cute korean girl
Love how just Zali just glows in the dark
Zali just gave Klara drugs wtf.....
>>40967 that's the french connection for ya
>>40968 He told her to put the syringe into her vain and said it's funny....
>>40969 *vein Holy shit I had an ESL stroke here
They just beat up a kid...
The man behind the slaughter....
Have Kanae said anything important? I've spaced out for couple of minutes
Who could knew that pizza bounds people together so much?
Klara is freaking out from how fast Zali's car is lol
Kanae and Hoshikawa took a picture of the pizza crew (Shu was there too for some reason lol), now all of EN on the server are trying to gather together for a group picture too
Reimu explored old yarnam by summoning her viewers
>Maririn's PC crashed No....
Maririn pls I'm getting anxious.......
Maririn is still getting in so they just took Oliver as a substitude
Guess Maririn won't be able to make it... Man, this sucks ass....
>She's literally on the other half of the map It's over.......
Maririn warped in, now they are doing an actual EN picture
>Now Meloco couldn't make it Oh man... Well, they have two different EN pictures if it counts
>Maria wants to pet Klara WTF?
EN drive!
And the car crashed, the end
Klara is so emotional over being a pizza girl for a week
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NijiEN love
meloco's crying... this whole experience was really emoi. GTA servers really change when you know and care about everyone
Enna ring later today
Reimu says that they might to a GTA RP EN server in the future
Someone in Reimu's chat said why play GTA when you have Zombid and she basicaly called him a retard
>>41002 with blackjack and hookers! that'd be tough with only as many members as we have now though. even if they open it to JPs, i don't think many would join because of the language barrier. i do wish they'd at least try the faction idea for zomboid, zomboid as it is rn only usually has like a fraction of the branch at a time.
>>41004 Well, the thing is, Zomboid is build on fucking sticks and stones. Kotoka straight up couldn't play the game because the ping was extremly bad for her, and Sonny had to drop out for the same reason
>>41005 i mean, looking at our livers outside japan's experiences in GTA, i don't think they'd fare with that much better. niji GTA was really buggy, and that's with the support of stgr staff. i doubt EN would have a nicer time. as always, we run into the problem of them living in different countries
>>41004 Most people in EN don't have the autism to play in a GTA RP server, you make them stream the same game 2 days in a row and they start getting anxious or you have people that will just disappear for the rest of the week and you have everyone living in different timezones. For GTA RP you need people working multiple jobs for everything to work, you'd need medics, police and mechanics available during all the server uptime. Inviting JP is just asking for another JP GTA RP server and inviting other EN groups/vtubers is extremely out of the picture. honestly i think it's a bad idea all around, EN doesn't have the capacity to populate and make a GTA RP server work
>>41007 Well, it isn't a bad idea, but I agree that there are just not enough people in EN to do this. I know that EN doesn't debut that many people nowdays, but someday they will. Who knows, maybe when there will be, like, 60 - 70 people in the branch, it might work out.
>>41007 well yeah. tell that to reimu. personally, if they're gonna do a server-wide activity, right now i'd prefer if they start with a new EN minecraft server or again, zomboid, or even just more tournaments, before trying something like GTA RP.
Apparently you can watch the EN version of the NBA stream on Bilibili...
schizo rant honestly, watching nijiGTA just made me wish all of EN could speak japanese fluently and live in japan. of course that defeats the point of EN, but you get what i mean. i know the JP vtuber scene is older and had its fair share of troubles, but i think the EN scene is irredeemable at this point unless something drastic happens. i wish some things never happened. i wish things were better. i hope everything will be alright in the future
>>41003 Pitch her barotrauma or ss13 since it can work with smaller groups
>>41012 I need to hear this part.. When was it..
>>41013 They announced SS14 for this year if i remember right, it might be too autistic for them but if they make it more accessible for people with vtuber brain it'd be a great game, also if they make setting up servers easier and better since SS13 can have serious ping issues that make the game unplayable, i'm gonna guess that at least it being made in Unity will make it run better than fucking Byond
>>41011 Vtubing should've been gatekept and it wasn't so now we get what we deserve, at least JP and EN fanbases are so fucking far apart that if you get into the JP fanbase you can still have tons of fun
>>41003 I agree with that guy tbh why all the hubub about gta just because jps are doing it
>>41011 Meh, relax, EN is in their own bubble now, so who cares? There are still decent people out there, like Globie guys, V-Dere, and some indies like Jowol or that girl who makes art designs for everybody (I forgot her name). If numbers is all you care about, well, too bad, because even in JP only like handful of people have big numbers, majority of people are 3views and interacting with JPs only won't fix it.
>>41015 The whole point of SS14 is to make it more accesible and actually playable on most of machines. I actually have been following the devs for some time, it was started by a couple of russian guys like 5 years ago and I actually thought they had cancelled it. I'm surprised that it actually has a reease window now
>>41017 Well, the whole sentiment sounds like "why eat oranges when you eat apples?" I dunno man, both are completely different things that play completely differently and appeal to diiferent kinds of people
Reimu, stop giving a shit about carrying, if the devs didn't want you to be carried, they wouldn't even programm this fucking co-op feature. Stop listening to autists that cry that "you play le game wrong" by using its core mechanics.
>>41021 Do you even have a no games 5 though to carry her ass
Reimu is cancelling the endurance, her back hurts too much
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>>41023 from what
Based Reimu is telling to all co-op haters to seethe and hatewatch the VOD
>>41018 tbh, you know the people who still interacted with our boys and girls while we're still in the eye of the storm are decent
LMAO Reimu bought New Vegas on her other account and has started another playthrough offline
>>41027 100% she mods her game too
>>41028 Anon, Reimu is not that smart enough to mod her game, althoug she probably installed some quallity of life features
>>41029 That is more than enough for the old ass engine.
Vanta said that your souls game should not be bloodborne Reimu.....
>>41031 Well, Bloodborn isn't her first souls game. Her first game was Demon Souls reamke lmao
>>41031 tbh, bloodborne started the "spam dodge like a retard" trend
>>41033 MH did that before souls games were cool tbh
Wonder if vanta got the upgraded lion's claw ash of war
Moe died on my part, so test on se
Vanta just killed a red bear
That Death Knight just gave up on life mid fight and let Vanta take more than half his health kek
>Doppio RT'd the Uma Musume EN announcement Guess we have our first contender
Has Rosemi even uploaded any of her Twitch VODs to her VOD channel?
Do they know?
>>41040 Nope, but she does have the channel!
>>41039 https://www.twitter.com/RyomaBarrenwort/status/1805380392888975401 Ryoma replied to the announcement as well, excitedly saying how he'd been waiting for this.
Golden Hippo is destroying Vanta
Im gonna get a migraine from all this directionally challenged moments
Zali schedule, Wednesday is gonna be a fun day
It's really funny seeing this fight with the like 7 summons Enna has at the same time
Enna beat radahn
Enna defeated Radahn with her army of summons kek
Enna killed herself
>YT doesn't let me unsub from people now Nice platform, Neil
>>41040 Gonna be honest she probably doesn't even have them anymore..
Klara pisswood strikes again
>>41054 Her tummy was hurting, so it's more like Klara shitwood this time sorry
Klara is reading wedding supas.....
Not even month in and Twisty was loveed....
The NBA shill stream is happening btw, hope anyone is watching it right now, if not, I'll just VODpost later
>Twisty was loveed.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIjVuRTm-dc Crying Yugo.jpg
Kouchamas keep being freaky and want to fuck monsters
>Klara voted for Khezu BGM in the best BGM poll Of course she did lmao
Klara is very giggly today
>>41064 The making of the tail is horrifying for some reason
Oh, the french bear girl in Klara's chat
>>41059 The merch is pretty good, there's a mix of more subtle clothes and some more flashy ones. I can't post images because i'm on my phone at work.
>>41067 Fuwa and Toko's japanglish is also very cute
>>41068 They have plushes, cute
>luca chose 906 as hos number because it looks like pog lmfao
They are showing nba highlights for every team jn the first group
No word on the 2nd group of liver and teams this stream
>>41078 plushies are cute >wiwas eye is the wrong again
Oh yeah, Vox has official Bilibili World Goods btw, it's an itabag
I'll leave this one here for the kotocat that cries himself to sleep thinking about her
>>41075 Elira got the space jam theme going on, that's awesome.
>wyvern's face is so cute and funny WTF😭😭😭
Klara should get a Klark model someday as a joke
Kind of funny that monhun retroactively become popular in the west just because "it's just like dark souls"
Klara is gonna trap Barioth so that they can keep him at the manor because Twisty wants him
Twisty's saying that Klara has a monstrefication fetish now
>"If i watched this cursed video, everyone has to" She's just like me frfr
>Ike already trying to lure the loli into his grasp RUN
Cunnysseur Ike wants to talk to Twisty about RPG maker games
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No Mumu, no Enna but at least I have Fuu-chan
>>41092 >Norway What the fuck
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>>41092 Why are you Norwegian?
>CR TOS prohibits you using a VPN Pirating anime was never so morally justified
Ike will play more Dark Souls and Nier and something else that he hasn't decided on yet. He's thinking on picking up Oneshot or Dishonored again.
>>41094 I don't know why I am Norwegian. My ISP is playing trick on me
Vivi's schedule
https://x.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1805632088739340347 Live Stage cancelled, will be streamed on Youtube for free. Can we get one concert without a fuck up?
>>41100 Is it a budget/logistic problem or more shitters ruining things for everyone.
>>41100 I'd say just give up on NA, they don't deserve NijIEN and it's always trouble, just stick to AI and do whatever in the other parts of the world
>>41102 How come never do things in canada they got like 10 livers there too
>>41103 Doesn't matter, Canada is also a poisoned well
>>41104 Our canadian livers are fine though, if it's really poisoned they'd get witch hunt out of their own home or something
>>41101 it says >recent developments have made it clear that creating the optimal environment [...] for our fans and our Livers is no longer feasible probably doki-related plus potential harassers. i've seen stuff floating around on twitter about fans warning others about their safety during AX. i mean, on one hand, i won't refuse a free concert, but at the same time, really? i wonder if they're gonna cut the duration. i hope they don't turn off monetization again at least
>>41105 You don't have to go as far as nazi raids to look for jews, many shitposters/shitters/dragoons are canadians that always stir the pot, they don't deserve shit either
>>41106 Anykara needs to step up and crack down on these people already, it's disrupting their business. I thought they prioritize on that shit >>41107 Then we should host the concert in uganda then lmao
>>41105 canadians are insane and our anime cons in toronto suck ass t. canadian
>>41108 >Anykara needs to step up and crack down on these people already, it's disrupting their business. I thought they prioritize on that shit Dude, they are not the police, there's only so much you can do, in all the 30 years of AX they never had to deal with fucking witch hunts and they had Genshin fans there for years now. If things are gonna be like that then they should just give up on that market and move to another, all the fucking SEA concerts never had an issue
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hO4UPLA8_VE Hex is playing a video game, what video game idk looks like kusoge imo
Willy excavated like 80% of Hell on Heroes server with TNT but he finally got the gear that he wanted
>>41110 NA beating SEA in mental illness, we won bros
i hope my twitter timeline stays on its current nijigta high, at least for a while. nijiEN and anything 3D apparently just doesn't go together well
>>41110 I doubt they're gonna give up on the market to be honest. Especially when they still got the NBA collab going on.
>>41106 I guess they saw those tweets and knowing how awful jp harassment is, they don't want that to happen >i wonder if they're gonna cut the duration It says, the same date and time, but I hope they don't cut out rosemi's part again
>>41106 >>41117 Why would they even cut things out? Nobody wins nothing doing so
>>41118 Some guy's bandwidth would win lmao
>>41116 call me a doomposter but i honestly think nijiEN is highly unlikely to recover in the western scene at this point, unless another big company fucks up even more than niji has in the eyes of the majority. the general opinion even to outsiders who don't follow vtubers at all is that the company is irredeemable. well's too poisoned. i'm...actually kinda worried about nijiEN's future at this rate, but it's not like i can do much so i'll just enjoy the present >>41118 not really "cut things out" since i'm pretty sure they haven't recorded anything yet, just cut the duration like they did with the ethyria live. well, it's not like niji hasn't done big free concerts before so i'm probably just being pessimistic
>>41120 Nijien is not a company
>>41118 Yeah... them cutting out the show doesn't really make any sense, it's not like you pay youtube to stream there or maybe in the future, it's jewtube afterall. I just don't want to see her disappointed because she can't do cartwheels again
>>41120 If you heard what Reimu said then you'd know that Ethyria was cut down because >They were working on their 3D debuts at the time + other things >Nina was originally gonna be a part of it but then she graduated
So who is playing zomboid later I know Enna is in
>>41121 yes, it's a branch of one. like it or not, nijisanji is seen as a "black company" and that reputation is unlikely to improve as long as ex-livers/dramatubers/shitters keep on harping on about it. EN scene is hopeless >>41123 as i said, i'm probably just being pessimistic. either way, i'll most likely enjoy the concert anyway.
Rize mama (Scarle's mama) made the NBA illustrations for Ver, Elira, Sonny, Koto and Willy https://x.com/Riz3al97/status/1805600053534618047
>>41125 That's why they need to crack down on it before it ends up fucking them over.
>>41127 Unless they have Yakuza bodyguards killing people on twitter like the Uma Musume dudes i don't understand what the hell could they do to "crack down on them"
>>41128 Normal police officers could do.
>>41129 I'm sure any convention would be elated to have the cops called all the time
>>41130 You dont have those in the states?
>>41131 >Call the cops to report harassment >Tell them the equivalent of a high school quarrel to their ears >They see if the harassers is a nigger first to justify shooting him >If he isn't, they'll laugh at you and leave You could've said con security at least but you'd have other issues there
>>41100 Well, as long as it's still happening, I'm fine with it. Sad that it has come to it, hope none of the participants are upset over it >>41103 They did stuff in Canada untill Barney tried to sue the company because, apperently, she was "excluded" from those cons. >>41123 The main reason why Ethyria concert was cut was because the girls were just too fucking tired and they ran on a tight deadline. They just physically couldn't record more without damaging their helth. Honestly, you know what the solution is? Just sue Doki and demand her to make a public apology and disprove her claims against the company. Nothing else willl help, nothing will get better, nothing will be fixed as long the general public thinks that the company almost drove her to suicide. Her whole entire existance in the past 5 month was just throwing endless jabs at the company, and her fans are the main force behind the harassment. The company should just go all in and retaliate instead of trying to sweep an elephant under a rug and pretend that everything is ok. You have literally ONE individual who made ridiculous claims about abuse and harrasment both from maangement and other livers, and the company just shurgs it off. It's fucking ridiculous.
>>41133 >Just sue Doki and demand her to make a public apology and disprove her claims against the company It's probably not worth the backlash and her fans going full nuclear, at least for now.
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I hate chat summary talks in chat it's annoying
>>41134 Yeah, this is what she thinks will happen, this is why she made that sham lawsuit and called it off since she knew the company just won't dare to retaliate. It doesn't matter that suing her is "bad optics", you have no optics to begin with, and proving in court that she's full of shit is the only way to fix it.
>>41136 I think the company is just playing it safe right now, even though I think it's dumb and it's how you die a slow death getting slow cooked alive, it is what it is I guess.
>>41137 Well, they should put their shit together since the isue will never fix itself
>Zali build timed lightswitch that gradually turns off the light in the room just with redstone and no guides That's actually so fucking impressive holy shit
>>41139 He probably has some knowledge about how electricity works
>>41139 I think you can do that with a repeater combo? idk I dont play much minecraft
>>41141 Yeah, that's pretty much what he's doing right now. It's still impressive since you should have great knowledge of the game mechanics and time it properly. He pretty much build it but it's a bit finicky so he's trying to polish it so it will work without glitching and flickering. Also, he turned on eurodance techno BGM while he's working on the lights. SOUL.
>>41142 People who build redstone stuff without guides are impressive. It's one thing to think of an idea and another to implement it.
Zali finally build in tje blinking of the lights, the only thing left is to time it out properly and the timer is ready
Finana says that Claude actually eats a daily glizzy and that she got to witness him eat it in like 2 bites
Finana really wants to game but she needs to pack up for her trip, she also said that she needs to dress modest for where she's going so they'll most likely go to Japan to record for the now youtube free concer Summer Jam
>Finana hyping up Claude clawfeesh goes crazy
>She didn't mention Unseiso Good, the song was trash and the producer is a fucking scammer and a manchild
Zali has finished the main course, all that's left are some decorations and adjustions that he'll do next stream
Finana thinking about Alien Stage but with NijiEN
Tbh if i were in NijIEN i would fund covers from other people that i want them to sing and take care of the production too, my singing ain't good but i would actually pay for many 2000-2010 songs being covered
Finana is shipping ponies...
>>41155 Also i don't know how the perms for most of these are but i would basically produce a lot of 2hu song covers, all these kids with their Loli Kami Requiems and shit don't know where IOSYS comes from and i believe we need a Mariring cover of Marisa Stole the Precious Thing
>>41158 Horse?
Oh, Vox is finally back home https://www.youtube.com/live/nF5lFZMPEo0
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRbcx8rm3a8 Enna zomboid. I dont see other waiting room so she might be solo this time?
>>41162 I didnt see it before I type the post
Oh aia is in the server too
Sonny in the server
>tfw you realize that jesus is a vtuber >tfw you have no face
>BG3 is one of the best games Aia has played She should play more games
>>41168 Like the old baldur's gate
>>41169 I will never take her seriously because she got filtered hard by Rogue Trader because "it was too much reading"
>I love kids it sounds wrong when sonny says it
>Sonny loves kids Little sisters to be exact
>>41170 This reminds me of the typical >"Yeah i play VNs" >Only VN they played is DDLC
>>41172 But when Twisty makes his dreams come true he can only escape and cry to himself
I feel like the only hope for 3D live concert now is only anime impulse… They still consistently host nijien as well as chat in their livestreams despite the drama as well
>>41175 Or, you know, do them in Asia or even fucking Europe even if it's for a reduced audience, on the other hand keeping them virtual would be nice too since EN has fans all over the world
>>41174 God wish it were me
>>41176 I only pray they go through this and for the participating livers to not feel too down on this change as well
Enna again with the horsefucking dude, she doesn't want to fuck horses btw
Enna stop talking big, last time you had an ass on your face you were having a panic attack
Did vanta cleared the thing he needs to clear in FF14
Enna is gonna piss herself...
The idea of an EN streamer house will collapse once Enna pulls out that handwritten list of toilet rules.
Apex be looking kinda weird... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_VnzuSrvss
Mr. Coom is finally home https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nF5lFZMPEo0 Also, Meloco is doing the GTA server retrospective right now. Hope noomberfags won't harass her https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9drYsXb_2Y
Vox will do Runescape max grind streams with members
Apperently, Vox came back home to UK around February and then came back to Japan in March and has been there for 3 months straight
Vox still has a lot of work to do in the next couple of weeks, so he will only stream when he'll be able to, but afterwards, he says he'll finally be back to regular streaming
Vox mostly stayed in the "monastery" and usually went to a rented studio to stream. He says that there was an extremly scary painting of a woman on the wall and he couldn't take it off because it was straight up nailed to the wall
>Vox wanted to stream his POV >He rented the studio for it >He thought that it supposed to happen in 11 AM instead of 11 PM >He basically wasted moneyh for nothing because of it
Ah shit all the NBA stuff is only through rakuten. I wanted to combine it with Finana's birthday goods.
Vox projected AR picture of a bear, recorded it and has been laughing at it for the past 3 minutes
>Surprisingly, those guys that I camped where quite accommodative and hospitable for French people lmao
Vox planned to continue his Donkey Kong marathon but then DK Return got announced on Switch so he decided to hold it off untill it come out next year
Vox flied to UK through UAE airlines. He says that it was way too showy
>>41201 I've met nice french people in my trips to, they were not from Paris tho
Vox says that lewd ASMR are not going back pretty much for the same reason as Hex's. He says that he still wants to do some ASMR streams in the future, but he's thinking how to do them
Vox realised that he never had 1 on 1 collabs with most of EN members, so he wants to change that
Vox wants to do American Psycho watchalong because it's funny
>Vox's jokes that PS5 has no games >Recommends Returnal, Demon Souls remake and GOW duology >Most of these games got ported to PC or about to get porterd I don't think it was a joke, Vox
>>41208 It's just Bloodborne machine 2
Vox really should try to make trigger/whisper ASMR, I feel like he would be good at it
Vox pretty much is still not talking about what he has been doing in the past 6 - 8 months, says that "the time isn't right yet". Guess he'll talk about it when his project, whatever it is, will come out.
>>41210 The last time he did a trigger asmr it didn't end well I remember a Kindred getting upset about the stream on the other site back then. Also he started off eating very loudly as a trigger which sounded disgusting and I left the stream lmao.
Vox, lack of air conditioning and heat holding buildings are western european issue in general, not UK's specifically. Literally nobody designed most of the buidlings on the continent with ACs in mind, people were just thinking how not to die in Winter.
>>41213 Skill issue, you should've let the weak die and the strong survive
Vox pretty much didn't say anything new and just repeat everything that he already talked about in his previous streams, he'll share more in the future when the projects come out. The streams he wants to do in the near future: Undertale Yellow, Supermarket sim, the last chilla shart game, YTP discussion stream, handcam Tekken, drawing stream, sleep ASMR and members only Runescape
Wait, Vox visited Seattle? I don't even know when did it happen
>>41215 >he'll share more in the future when the projects come out i wonder when they'll come out. i assume one of them is his 3D debut. maybe another film?
My internet sharted itself, but here's moree stuff that Vox wants to do. Vox elaborated on UTT and reasurred that he's pretty much done with alcohol and won't be drinking on stream unless he's doing an offcolalb with somebody. He says he'll probably be drinking tea on UTT from now on Honestly, good decision. We already had 2 alcoholics in the branch who graduated largly because of it
Kurara consoling me with her Kurara's..
I want to watch a different stream rn so feel free to livepost the rest of Vox's yapping
>>41219 Well thanks for leaking membership post, retard-chama. Honestly though, it fucking sucks that they get upset everytime shit like this happens. I'm poorfag and wouldn't even be able to attend it live, but the fact that the stuff they were prepering so much gets cancelled is so fucking shitty. I can live on with no concerts and no merch whatsoever, I just want livers to be happy...
>>41222 Wait what?
>>41223 i think he's ranting about the concert cancellation.
>>41224 Yeah but why replying to kuraraposting…?
Mumu, you can't say porn and not give the link...
>>41223 >>41225 I'm talking about AX concert cancellation. Don't worry about it, it isn't anything serious, Klara just made a membership post saying that they're upset because of it and that's it. I wanted to talk about it more subtly, but, yeah, the other guy already spit it out so it would be obvious either way which membership I'm talking about
>>41225 maybe she's feeling down in members i dunno i' ain't a hermit tea crab
>>41227 >>41228 Oh yeah nevermind then. I got jumpscared by a seemingly normal post replied by a sudden sadposting I only can wish for the best with them and they hang in there as well
>>41227 Tbh i didn't even know it was a membership thing until you went ham on the anon so...i think you were the one that kinda leaked it
HOLY FUCKING SHIT STOP TELLING REIMU WHERE TO GO YOU FUCKING RETARDS I FUCKING HATE NV RETARDS SO MUCH BECAUSE OF IT. At least they don't tell her how to complete quests like retards did when Kotoka played it
>>41231 It's the /v/core game curse
>>41230 Some people are just 👉🔄 in the head..
>>41234 Tbh she saves regularly so if she were to fail one and then want to go back to another save then she should not be losing much progress
>>41230 I wanted to say "hey guys, a certain member made a consoling post on their membership", but it would be fucking obvious, so here it is. Either way, it isn't serious, she didn't say anything concerning or anything, so it's fine. It's just sad that shit like this happen and livers get upset over it.
>>41233 Or probably a sign to start touching grass or seek someone close to them for comfort
>>41233 >>41236 I just don't like when people mention members content, even if it's vague. Sorry if I overreacted
>>41238 *mention serious/sad membership content, that is. I not really mind when people tell stuff like outfits/covers projects
>>41222 i've been drowning myself in nijigta clips to take my mind off it. chronoir live also got cancelled so i've seen a lot of jp tweets about the whole thing too. it's difficult to stay positive when things just keep breaking down for one reason or another. i dunno how our livers do it. i hope their other projects go more smoothly
Is mumu gonna join the ncr
Damn, this reminded me how Nina wanted to go to LV with some of the girl while she was still in Niji. It won't happen now, sadly
>>41240 I was pissed off that it got cancelled, but not really upset since the concerts still will happen on YouTube, I just feel bad for the livers. But Chronoir fans were straight up robbed. The worst thing is that JP fans are just confused and not understanding what is going on, it just sukcs.
>>41238 leaking members content constantly was one of the reason /yeah/ was a clusterfuck
Mumu broke her nail
>>41244 It was mostly that one schizo who was leaking Millie's membership, the other girls don't really have an issue with that
>>41248 Is it a "LISTEN TO THIS MEMBER POSTS THAT WAS FORETOLD TO ME IN A DREAM" or is it just normal leaking shit
Reimu wants the cunty secretary nails, the ones that are used in painful soundings
>>41249 Mix of both tbh
Fuuchan became a discord mod >>41252 What's the context of this...?
>>41253 >What's the context of this...? I wish i knew
Mumu, the cartel princess...
Oh Shiki raided Mumu
Reimu is telling how to ship cocaine....
>>41257 Shiki is cool, I think both Kunai and Reimu like her
>>41259 Well Shiki is a long time friend with Mumu, like Shoto and Bao but i cannot stand those last 2, Shiki is actually just a cool girl who has suffered a lot...
Did Mumu got checked by TSA, that's funny
Good to know i will never have this trouble, yankees only think i'm a potential scammer at most
>>41260 I think she collabed with Kunai before she joined Niji too. Overall, I didn't watch Shiki that much but she's fun from what I've seen. Shame what had happened to her corpo, but I'm glad that she's doing things on her own now Also, regarding Bao and Shoto, it sucks so much how those two just pretty much throw everyone from Niji under the bus and just distanced themselves, even though most of season 1 were friends with them pre-Niji
Hey Reimu, on the bright side, at least you aren't middle easterner, otherwise you would get control check for terrorism and potential bombs instead of drugs
Tbh Argentina earned that special japanese visa exemption because they gave the japanese some ships during the russian-japanese war and Argentina sent an official there that asked them to go on one of the ships during the war. Once the war ended the guy kept living there as an ambassador, created many nice interactions between the countries and then Japan paid for a very nice embassy here, Argentina then has dedicated many spaces to japanese culture
Oh shit, Reimu's brother looks like a muslim so they actually got him into a black room lmao
Reimu's dog is a schizo...
>>41267 Most small dogs are schizos
>>41265 Latin america in general has some funny history in Japan. Like Brazil having a big Japanese immigrant community is still so fucking funny every time I remember about it
>>41269 And Petu having that japanese descendant president who castrated the poor with the state flu vaccines
It's so funny how Reimu was unphased by hate comments about Niji but people shitting on Selena Gomes is what made her upset
>>41271 Dont forget about shakira
Reimu has family in texas and florida
>>41273 She talked about it before. Pretty sure she's somewhere in USA now since the Mario Kart tournament pretty much doxxed her
Fuck I've heard Reimu's mom, hope she won't get in trouble for that since it was pretty quite
>>41278 She would only need to trim the vod
Reimu is shanking people !
>>41279 I mean, if management or anybody else notices it, she should be fine. But yeah, worst case scenario she'll just cut the VOD a little bit
>Reimu teabagging Cachino Got I wish it was me
NCR quest doesn't lock you up on a faction route, God I fucking hate these retards, you can't even backseat right
>>41283 99% of the people don't know disguises are a thing
Reimu has a degradation fetish....
Benny got killed by snusnu by Reimu
Reimu literally had the same reaction as Kotoka when she killed and fucked Benny lmao
This oddball guy is annoying stfu
>>41284 I think he has genuine autism, so leave him be. At least he actually pays money
>>41289 (me) Meant to reply to >>41288 Sorry
>this is like those guys on the anonymous side
Hey, Reimu is talking about us!
Gannon's close up kek
I think Reimu is gonna slaughter the Legion
Stop telling her to do Honest Hearts you fucking retards
I love how if you take Lamius' helmet, he looks like a regular guy with no scars, which implies taht Ceasar just made up that whole story about him
>It's like I read someone going crazy on reddit That's where 90% of fans Legion are, the rest 10 are on /pol/
>>41297 The people that watched Unbiased History of Rome and didn't get the joke
i think reimu would have more fun with Big MT dlc than the graham dlc.
>Reimu is watching her own VODs to know wtf she was even doing in SH The Room My sides. But hey, if Reimu can go back to a game after 2 years, it gives me hope that Enna might finish RDR 2 and Kotoka might finish New Vegas
This chained together game is kinda funny
>>41301 You fuck, you started watching it and then the stream went offline, i'm gonna sue you
>>41302 Sorry Willy, fix your PC
Zuttomo needs to play this game
Elira said that people in AX should check out the Nijisanji booth because there might be something cool from her there
>>41306 Probably her scale figure prototype?
Elira's brain is especially scrambled right now
>Elira called Junpei an NPC that's fucked up
Elira has intrusive thoughts with the gay piano scene in the Eva rebuilds...
You'd have to be pretty stupid to not notice Ryoji is the kid in your room tbh
Elira loves fuckboys...
I know P3R gives Ken more scenes but i never understood all the hate he got, out of everyone in the dorm he must be one of the most fucked up mentally while being fucking 12
>>41315 I never get the ken hate either. Even before p3r or the movie his reactions are understandable for a kid who has to cope with his mom killed
>>41317 I understand the Yukari hate tho
>>41318 Yukari is a great character if you ignore all of her social link or most of her interaction with mc
>>41318 I like Yukari because she's bitchy
>>41320 I normally call her a cunt
>chat is suggesting her to use great runes Fucking idiots should just let her reset her stats it's easier
Also wtf is with chat today at least backseat her to go to leyndell
I think Enna's direction issues is rubbing on to chat lmao
Ok I get Yukari Mitsuru yuri now
>>41325 P3 was the most gay out of all the mainline Persona games and we didn't appreciate it
I feel like Enna getting dragged around to do quests she doesn't feel very invested about is going to make her eventually drop elden ring lol.
>>41327 Chat is retarded for that
I think it's the fcking greynames that's keep suggesting her retarded side quests instead of doing ranni or the main quest
>Elira wants to get executed by Mitsuru She's just like me frfr
>>41329 At the start she said she wanted to explore Caelid and wanted to do Ranni's quest another time so tbf it makes sense that she's doing the minor side Caelid stuff now.
>they get a lot of heatlh She figured out the dlc bosses lmao
Elira is using her hand fan on her sweaty tits...
Elira's going insane
Many of the things that happen could've been solved by killing Strega a long while ago
My favorite character in Danganronpa V3 didn't die just because i fucking hated everyone and the game
Klara's membership stream is starting!
Apparently Hakka from Holostars is playing Bug Fables because Doppio gifted it to him for his birthday
>>41338 That's good. Sincere unity should be celebrated.
I think P3 is gonna become Elira's favourite game because of all the angst
>>41342 For me it will forever be P3>P4>P5 unless we talk about gameplay where it reverses
>>41343 Same. I actually might hate P5.
Ohhh Klara has Riri's Niji nui. I wonder how Klara will react if she ever interact with Enna on stream lol
>>41344 It has the worst cast by far, i think i had trouble trying to find someone likeable because they were all so fucking stereotypical anime characters that it made me mad how predictable everyone was
Klara got to experience the ultimate gachikoi dream with Riri
>>41346 I had high hopes for Ryuji and Ann but then they became extra retarded to make Makoto seem smarter
Man, I'm getting so emotional due to Klara talking about how much fun she had on the GTA server
>>41346 P5 had a really strong start imo. ryuji and ann were both immediately likeable to me. then later on it just got more and more bogged down. i wish they involved more of the phantom thieves besides MC, makoto and akechi in the plot. at some point they just felt like supporting characters
Klara adressed all the rrats and retarded narratives about Denauth. She pretty much outright said that they are not here to ride for a year and quit or whatever, they are here for the long run and they debuted not for a check up, but because they are here for the Niji fans and want to support them as much as possible. Sorry for liveposting membership content, just wanted to share it since it's really nice.
>>41350 You know it’s ironic that makoto and akechi are my least faves because of this
>>41352 That time makoto calls herself akechis rival fucking boggles my mind. She really had to have that too?
Klara wants animal livers in EN too to yeet them!
>>41351 >She pretty much outright said that they are not here to ride for a year and quit or whatever, This rrat doesnt even make sense their contract is for two years lmao
>>41351 ngl i appreciate it, but it just sucks that they even have to talk about this. why do these jobless shitters care so much about niji? just leave us alone holy shit
Klara talked about the Ryoma washing machine indident. All I can say is that this was something out of a sitcome and this guy an actual fucking grandpa
Enna finally got unsheathe nagakiba
krisisis teamwork seems pretty good
>>41357 He just like me... I remember using the atm for the first time..
Dude, Kaminari is supposed to fade into nothingness, the P3R version looks like he went back to his spaceship
Klara googled dropbear and is actually believes it's a real thing lmao
they almost fucking fell right before the end lmao
She's gone.......
Zuttomo, Noctyx and Luxiem challenged to Chained Together
Kouchamas should've asked Klara to ask Sonny about drop bears, he would probably said that they are totally real and sent her some gore videos telling her that those are dropbear victims
>>41367 zuttomo will never finish it
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Wilson is not modded in Elira's chat...
>>41370 Kuraras erotic lips.
>Elira misses >Aigis: "I won't miss!" Damn, she burned the fuck out of Elira...
>Uncle Biff is watching Klara's membership instead of Elira's P3 No......
>>41374 I have both streams open and i actually see some fameliras chatting in both
>>41375 Never expected this overlap tbh
>>41376 >Onee-san with big tits I did
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>>41378 starting to think kurara is just tsundere for potatoes...
>>41379 Nah she just going along with the meme just like with Enna and birds
Vanta found out that you can fuck in Mass Effect, he now wants to play it
Vanta is ranting about how ugly all women in DA inquisition are
>The men in DAI were better looking then women Gee, it's almsot like most of the devs were women or something
I agree with vantacrew, Isabella from DA2 was really fucking hot, she's the sole reason to play that game tbh
>I know one girl from Mass Effect, I think she's white >She had a really nice but Great description, Vanta
>If someone will just hop on on this stream, they'll probably think that I'm gay and is trying to explore my sexuality lmao
>Why is a sceleton not bleeding? Vanta please
Vanta beat Purasance knight
It's hilarious hearing how Vanta is hesitant to stream Elden Ring all day because it's not his usual content and not what his general audience expects in contrast to Enna who just wants to play Elden Ring all day and take a break from singing.
>vanta having trouble with scadutree avatar I know that feel fuck that boss I lost 1 million runes from it because it's second phase caught me of guard
>>41384 Fem MC is hot too and you can be a smug bitch so I actually like DA2. Gameplay is actually garbage though
The hand puns to cope with the finger boss are hilarious
>"Is Dark Souls like Elden Ring?" Ah yes, Dark Souls, my favorite eldenlike
https://x.com/ANYCOLOR_Inc/status/1806251664397287663 Some actually good news: Anycolor had their studio expanded three time in size. Hopefully it means that 3D debuts will speed up now.
>>41403 Nice, i saw this one in the last shareholder Q&A, good to see it was finalized by next quarter
>Vanta is still streaming Holy shit...
>>41403 >can now handle 100+ livers imagine crab game, but irl
>>41405 I would say that Vanta is going into JP tier territory and pulling all nighter like Hayama or Toru, but it's his second stream in the row, and his previous stream was 7 hours long. The guy has been streaming for over 16 hours at this point with one break and is still going. He pretty much surpassed every endurance streamer in the company, not counting that one 21 hour long Aster LOL stream or non-stop 24 hours marathons
>>41403 >Anycolor had their studio expanded three time in size *INSERT FAT JOKE HERE* But seriously that is good news, I hope we get to iluna 3D soon
>>41407 I mean, he's playing his favorite game so from his perspective he's just chilling
>>41399 She's fine if you tomboys I guess. I liked gameplay for what it is, my problems with the game are underwhelming story, boring sidequests and tiny map with the same 5 copypasted streets and caves.
I love how this whole DLC is just Megamen if you think about it: you fight the easiest boss, get their power ups and beat stronger bosses.
Vanta basically ragequit his no blessing run on Metyr and will just beat the rest of the DLC regullary
>catching up with wiwa vod I wish she used her third outfit without glasses and no cardigan more often (or ever), it makes me so weak. Also what am I gonna do with no wiwa and feesh for 2 weeks im gonna go a little bit crazy. Even my usual backups are mia.
>Vanta meets count Ymir >I will be true mother >Oh wow you're trans lmao
>>41414 Time to get Twisty pilled since she's always streaming
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOdtA2Bvvb0 Reimu will be on Noa's karaoke tomorrow Also, her SH4 saves fucking died, so the stream is cancelled. She'll just replay the game off-stream and stream the rest next week https://x.com/ReimuEndou/status/1806346077081137349
Well, no Reimu till nighttime, so I'll just watch Vanta I guess >>41414 I don't know anon, try watching other girls? Aia usually streams in the same timeslot
Jori is destroying Vanta even with blessings equipped
>it's the Average Elden Ring player Vanta. Caster with summons LMAO
>>41421 Live 2D on regular 2D looks pretty cursed
>>41420 >Use magic + use summons + use ashes >Complain the DLC is too hard and leave a bad review These 2 go pretty hand in hand
Is Vanta going to like fromsoftware games anymore after this stream lol.
Vanta vodbringer is gonna lose his vod
Twisty wants to skin me and make a plush out of my skin...
Holy shit Vanta getting upset about his chat worrying about the VOD is hillarious
Vanta is raiding vanta,
>>41428 Again??!! Man, Vanta is sooooooooooo bias. He always raid Vanta.
>Hayama is streaming Elden Ring >Vanta is streaming Elden Ring THEY ARE
Twisty is very happy when she finds out that she has cute japanese girls following her
Vanta is going on a genocidal rant against dragons
>>41414 (me) >so we defeated the twelve shadows so chicken could birth a puppy? Elira has a way with words
>>41436 >boy friend
>>41436 I can't believe Chicken was impregnated by Koromaru
Twisty raided a PixelLink girl that sounds like she probably spits while she speaks
>>41442 You mean like she lives on rock bottom in spongebob?
>>41442 The only PixelLink girl that I know of is a Rosemi's sister
>>41443 It's kinda funny because she's playing Subnautica but no, it's like she has brackets and speaks like a nerd
Vanta is talking about drocks
Vanta beat Bayle, now it's time for the final boss
>>41436(me) Elira's baby cough is reaching unreal levels, this latest one was impressive. >the original stream raided vantas elden ring pt 1 >my vod autoplayed into vantas elden ring pt 2 crazy dayo
The second to last boss truly is Fromsoft PvP
Vanta is fighting Consort Radahn
>>41450 He handsome
>>41451 😳😳😳
The second phase of this bossfight is just a shota riding a bara
>final boss so difficult he not only kills you but also your pc
ngl i feel like this dlc is a fuck you to all magic users with how fast the bosses are
What is the game that Claude is playing right now? Looks like Payday 2 on crack
The game that Claude is playing is actually really fun
Seems like this game is heavily inspired by F.E.A.R. Claude is freaking out because everything went spooky suddenly
>Twisty interacted with Pippa the fucking grifter Aaaaaaaand dropped
>>41460 Interacted in what way?
Seeing Claude play games like this is very satisfying
>>41462 That's cringe, but it isn't like she asked for a collab or anything. Honestly, I'm under an impression that Twisty straight up isn't aware how shitty people like Pippa and Shondo are and probably just knows them throw clips. For better or for worse, PC fans are retarded monkeys that will see "Nijisanji EN" and will either beg her to graduate at best or will send her death threats at worst. The similar thing had happened to Vivi already and she pretty much stopped interacting with that PC girl as PCfags would just attack her every time she does this. Speaking of, Vivi is having a collab with 2 Pippa orbiters this week, which is pretty cringe at its own right.
>>41466 >Vivi is having a collab with 2 Pippa orbiters this week Man i sure love the EN vtuber sphere
>>41466 I'm starting to believe management should really shut down certain collabs and prohibit them from interacting with certain people, i know many people made fun of HoloEN for having that leash but at this point i think we kinda need it
>>41468 I'm pretty sure they do this to an extent. Like pretty much everybody in the branch stopped interacting with Ironmouse after she started making jabs at the company plus obvious poaching that mysterio straight up revealed like a complete retard
>>41469 Whenever i see Ironmouse i remember a phrase of one of the presidents in my country >"If you invite someone to your house and they speak about their morality, how good of a person they are, etc. You should count the cutlery you have once they leave" And i think it applies a lot to her
This game Claude is playing looks stupidly fun
>>41472 it's kinda like FEAR, with the slides, the spooks and the feel good weapons, it's fun to play. There's special unique npc that spawns in the levels depending on the difficulty.
>>41469 >spoiler The blessing in disguise of the whole purple dragon incident is that it puts a stop to that bullshit I'd shudder my oshi getting poached by those subversive faggots.
>>41463 >>41464 Why do boys make the best girls? Doorothy is also fucking hot.
Claude keeps killing himself with a grenade launcher lmao
That was a really fun game
>Claude is gonna play FEAR on stream in the future after playing this LET'S FUCKING GO
FEAR 3 is kind of sucky, but seeing a co-op playthrough would be fun
Someone in chat recommended Sprawl to Claude, so he'll may play too
Neon White is more of a VN than a shooting game...
>>41484 Running sections are pretty fun though
Claude actually wants to try and speedrun Neon White
Oh shit, Finana's group cover is releasing on Sunday
You know for being a car guy Ryoma is not very good in these racing games lmao
Mumu's 3D has a headset now
Kek the panic in Aster's voice when someone sent a supa in his elden ring stream.
Kinda funny how the app lags really fucking bad if they try using it on a regular stream with 4+ people so that's why the 2D studios exist...
>>41498 >Enna finally gets brush up lets goooo She's gonna use these so much
>>41497 You could bruteforce it with a threadripper like vox did lmao
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>>41498 https://x.com/KlaraCharmwood/status/1806653858317557782 I would reacted the same if my oshi would get 3.0
>>41498 3 EN livers in the row, let's go! Also, all of Ethyria, Obsydia and Iluna have 3.0 now The only waves left are Luxiem, Xsoleil, TTT and Denauth
https://x.com/shu_yamino/status/1806651221375320280 Shu and Meloco will have a JP only radio show where they'll be talking about NijiEN
Petra is losing her spaghetti so much right now
I already forgot that Petra is a shotacon
Petra wants to fuck a cat....
Wow, Peto, way to ruin her cat
it's funny how common it is for content creators to either let the fame get to their head and think they're above everyone, or they get imposter's syndrome. kinda sad
I want to see nude Klara stretching...
Who eats ice cream in WInter besides Doppio...?
>One of my friends told me that glamping isn't real camping and got mad at me Sounds like Kotoka lol
Even Petra was shocked how scuffed Klara's audio is
>>41514 At least we can hear Ponta
Every time somebody mentiones Noraneko, I get reminded how Kunai straight up forgot who this is, even though she follows her on Twitter.
>Everyone who uses PS Vita is an otome gamer Petra is actually not wrong, that fucking console had practically zero games even by PS standards
I have a PS Vita...i only had like Gravity Rush, MvC3 and the Uncharted for the Vita
>>41518 Oh yeah i also have P4G because it was only for the Vita at one point
Kind of makes me wish Petra and Scarle did an otome games zatsu, but I don't think Scarle and Petra even talked to each other that much. Also, Petra should just ask management for a bunch of otome games and play them on stream. It's not like Pentomos care about gameplay that much or anything
Makes me actually wonder how many pentomos actually played Bustafellows after Petra shilled it this much
Klara wants to get slapped
MC's personallity changing depending on choices is actually a pretty cool concept.
>>41522 *I meant Petra wants Klara to slap her, sorry for misinformation
Despite Klara calling her audience masters, she's clearly into Dominatrix play
>>41525 Those are the best kinds of maids
Klara and Petra unit is now called Klap
Petra's M and Klara's S sides are perfect for this
>She's going to slap me with a feather duster >Why do you sound so excited?
>>41525 She looks like the kind of girl that would smile while seeing you suffer as she sounds your dick
>Even when he's stretching he always makes really weird noises Ike.......
>>41530 >as she sounds your dick wat
>>41532 What as in you are surprised or as in you don't know what sounding is?
>>41533 No I dont actually
>>41532 >>41533 don't look up sounding, young anon. I am trying to protect you.
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>Google that seiyu who is into S&M >He voiced 9S from Nier No surprises
>>41536 i remember searching this up every time it comes up because i keep forgetting what it means for some reason
>>41535 Weeeeeeeeeell it's when someone introduces a large metal rod through the urethra, there's different diameters for different folks, sounding can also be made in more unsafe ways like with fingers and heels but those normally end up in bleeding, it should always be done with lube an chirurgical steel rods specifically made for it
Why is meloco making salad
Wait wtf is the Denauth collab today?
>I need your cat as an anime boy This cat is like 1 month old and it's like an equelevent to 2 year old, wtf Petra....
>>41544 Tonight, yeah. They still don't know what will they be playing
>>41547 Ok Petra
Klara didn't expect that her idea of eating a bug would get upproved, so she was surprised when the management said "yeah go for it"
>>41549 we've had someone show their guts on stream, i don't think management cares as long as it won't cause legal problems
Petra hates mint...
>I'm not that good at proseka Neither is Petra lol, she is one of the few people that actually plays it just for the story
This is some Vox tier method acting
>This is why vtubers are a little freaky too You mean JP vtubers? Because majority of western vtubers (minus Niji) are just e-thots with anime avatars
>>41554 >with anime avatars Not even that nowadays
>>41554 This is what happens everytime, with anime manga video games and now this
>Raiding over 3k people into 500 views stream Meloco you are so retarded.....
>>41557 It makes the noomberfags seethe so i'm alright with it
>>41557 Hey it's been done before
I think that the worst raid we had was Pomu who was in a collab solo POV and then raided into Millie's ASMR stream. Raiding from/to ASMR streams should be banned
>>41559 i remember shu raiding fuuchan(?) with i think 20k people from a jp collab with oliver, nagao and yugo. it was pretty amusing
>>41562 Doppio raided Kotoka's karaoke stream from the suika tournament, she was so pissed off at him for that lol
I only know Enstars from porn and yeah, the boys are really fuckable
Petra is about to turn this into nakadashi stream
Everytime somebody brings up Free, I remember Sonny and how he watched it just because it was made by Kyoani and they couldn't make a bad anime in his eyes. He said that he actually liked it
Klara is about to marry another girl on stream
>>41568 At least it's the other cat, not the one that's 1 month old
>Raito mentioned AIIIIEEEEEE
>Toshi Densetsu I know about that one but i think we are thinking about different things...
Is Klara always this giggly?
>>41572 When she talks? Yeah. She's usually more calm when she's focused on gameplay though
Petra is shitting on Mystic Messanger fans....
>>41574 for good reason. equivalent of ddlc fans that think it's the pinnacle of VNs
>I'm not that good at vidoegames No, you're in comparison to Petra. Klara, please, if you ever play anything with Petra, you'll lose your braincells
>i almost said see you in the shower slutra...
>Oh wow Vanta is senpai Petra forgot about TTT....
>>41575 >"But my VN kills the cute girls!" How cute
>klara raided vanta just as he was about to end kek
>>41573 I should watch some Denauth now that they have had a chance to settle in
>>41581 He now has excuse to continue the stream lmao
>Klap sounds nice Vanta...?
These hand jokes are getting out of hand
I'm keeping this stream at arm's length
>>41586 >>41587 Focus on your stream Vanta
Vanta's doing really good keeping viewer retention, he really got his hands on them
>Stop horsing around Mr Hands My sides are in orbits
>"This is pitch black, just like Vanta" KEK
Vanta is such a handsome man
There's something extremly tranquiling watching Fuuchan playing some old BL VN with rape and necrophilia
I acttually don't know how Saya no Uta without 18+ patch plays like. Guess they just cut out all sex CGs but kept the text, but I guess it's still too much for YouTube
>This game has the same character designer as FE Three Houses The more you know. They really should hire BL artists again, at least they do a better job then vtuber designers.
>>41595 Miza Pikazo was always a hack with overdesigned shit, i don't know why people like her
>>41596 She designed my kamioshi
>>41597 She deserves better then
>>41598 She did after getting fuck over by sony.
>>41595 And Akio Watanabe (Monogatari character designer) started with Popotan and Queen's Blade
>>41599 Luna...
>>41595 i remember people shitting on 3H's character designs when it was first revealed and before we knew there was going to be a timeskip. kinda makes me wish they left that for the players to find out, but i guess they needed something to hook in people that isn't just FE: school edition
>>41601 I actually forgot about her. Insane how Sony keeps fuck people up, considering what happened to Prism
>>41604 That's a nice fan art, so clean
>>41605 Main reason why i think people in Vee are cool yet i don't want to get invested in anyone because i'm ready for Sony to fuckthem over
>>41607 The only thing about VEE that I know of is that petite girl with extremly slutty model that kind of looks like Rosemi
We need to go back to the era where characters looked like this
>>41610 Bro looks like Shaoran from tsubasa reservoir
Apparently the Denauth collab today will just be a 1 month celebration stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpF--cixSkg
>Someone sent Fuuchan a superchat telling how he is a comfort streamer right in a middle of gay rape scene Great timing
>>41612 https://x.com/KlaraCharmwood/status/1806778743966638474 Klara says that it's a special stream, wonder what it is
>>41618 The'll probably announce what the thing they showed last time was, they said it would be released by the end of June
https://x.com/animeimpulse/status/1806749406240309353 Besides M&G, TTT will have a Q&A panel on Anime Impulse
>>41623 I can finally ask Kunai when is she gonna show us her fat ass
>Twisty and Ryoma are following all VSPO EN That's actually nice. Also, I'm really, really, really hope VSPO EN won't suck ass. Globie is fine as far as I know and seem to be Niji light, while V4Mirai is a typical western indie corpo full of groomer panderers and /vt/shitters. If they'll fuck up a corpo that's supposed to be just autistic girls playing games all day, then I will give up on anything non-niji related in western vtuber sphere completely.
>>41625 I don't understand a world where VSPO EN could live separated from males since Apex is fucking dead and you need 5 people for Valo, OW2, etc. also in tournaments they'll interact with dudes, also i don't think they'll get a girls only treatment 100% because last time Hal tried doing that with the Hololive girls he got a huge shitstorm out of it. Bringing this a little back on topic, i hope they interact with some of the people in NijiEN because we got some really cracked people at FPS games
>>41625 It's gonna be a skibidi rizz sigma gfe fest that tiptoe on the ebil "males" and you know it
>>41627 Well, so far, all of them just posted unironic 2012 style frag movie montages, which is cringe, but they're sticking up to the "e-sport corpo" bit so far.
>>41619 https://x.com/RyomaBarrenwort/status/1806805018366099811 Dumb ojisan actually confirmed that it's the case
>>41628 ojisan correction
Checked Twitter after like a month of taking a break from it and... Yeah, I don't regret it. Still, despite everything, I saw some nice things there, like people defending Twisty, posting positive hashtags after the concert cancellation etc.
>>41633 Fun fact: one of Vivi's regulars is a Twisty anti because Twisty is a lolicon, yes she is not very smart
>>41634 Meh, who cares about some random shitter? I saw majority of people supporting Twisty and saying that people that sent hate to her are repeating the same thing that has happened to Nina, and nobody wants it. The tweet for her support has like 600 likes. Don't really want to link tweets since this is kind of off-topic, but it's from that one black ex-honey.
>Retards trying to make the hag joke on Twisty I fucking despise that vtuber fans love to run a joke into the fucking ground an never let go of it, holy fuck it's not even funny, you retards are just copying whatever and using it for the sake of it to fit in
Denauth 1 month anniversary is starting
Wait why did they all have a POV for this
It's gonna be fun to actually see a group of non singers try their best to improve and actually do music
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>>41641 Doppio hasn't been the same since Normandy...
Ryoma will get a babiniku model let's gooooo
I'm thinking more and more that Ryoma was too dumb to read his bodyguarding contract...
Oh yeah there's 5 2D studios now as opposed to the 1 they had before so doing off-collabs in Japan should be easier
>Twisty is feeling like death's door is coming for her >Opens tiktok Kids these days...
Klara used her womanly charms to ask staff in the crane game place to make it easier...
>Ryoma used his business card for arcade machines Grandpa....
All the good nude anime figurines are sadly either garage kits or chinese
Ryoma went to american clothes store in Japan because it was cheaper lmao
Team building exercises is actually a really cool idea. Makes livers less autistic, less excluded to each other and more trusting. They really got right lessons from 2 retards that quit over "bullying".
>>41655 Reminds me when my workplace sent us to do some team building in escape rooms once and most of us did well except for the group with the girl who ended up backstabbing her boss and then leaving, she was cunt and my friends who went into the same room with her told me she tried to lead them without any knowledge of what to do
Twisty is like a little kid who wants to go home when her mom and dad drag her to do shopping
Ryoma took an illuminated piece of paper with instructions for a washing maschine, thought that it's some kind of remote controller and tried to press on those buttons for like 5 minutes
>>41658 Time hasn't been kind on his mind
Ryoma's washing machine at home
OK, Japanese washing machines are weird though.
Smelly ojou-sama...
Ryoma jizzed on his takoyaki....
normalfag manesan almost killed the neet princess
They got Debi stands!
>Twisty forgot Debi in Japan No.....
Cover fo Romeo
Denauth's Romeo cover premiering now! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZ7Cgi8fuUQ
I'd let prince Klara peg me
Enna in Klara's chat
Twisty likes ikemens now
>>41675 Did she see it? She's alive so i guess she didn't
I actually want them to play COD next week
Vivi's neighs make me feel things. I can't tell exactly what, just things
Vivi took legendery skin through half of the map, died, lost it and now ragequited the game
By the way, The Quarry collab is happening at 11 AM PST/2 PM EDT/8 PM CET
By the way, does anyone know why Twisty's membership stream got cooked?
Vanta pretty much said fuck it to any challenge/regular two handed run and now is using all upgrades and blessings possible, and Radahn is still destroying his ass.
Vanta, I'm pretty sure half of Radahn's attacks are straight up undogable, it's literally fucking impossible to finish this fight with no blocks
>>41686 Someone should tell him about the sekiro block crystal tear
Vanta got Radahn low but died to his meteror. I was so scared when he jumped in the sky during my fight lol but somehow managed to avoid it.
Vanta literally was 2 atttacks away from beating him but choked... And yes Vanta, I literally fucking told this 40 minutes ago that this fight is impossible without blocks.
>>41689 I'm sad we probably won't see him die and react to the grab lmao.
>>41691 Why it feels like hollow win?
>>41692 Because the fight just comes down to rng imo
A bit of rant about the dlc but I know fromsoft will nerf the radahn fight in a month or so after all the face streamers finished or drop the game just like they did with balteus and old radahn, which is kind of dumb why even make an unerfed version in the first place
>>41694 Other than that double slash which feels undodgeable he doesn't feel that bad. Iirc Caelid Radahn is basically the same as old Radahn but with fixed hitboxes now.
Relistened to Denauth's cover and Ryoma sounds not half-bad for a guy who can't sing. Also, this is the only honeyworks song that doesn't sound like ass to me, so it's a plus too
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AF6Ug4ZacnI Klara will be trying to speak Thai, so it should be fun. Also, I have no fucking idea how people even read this language, half of the letters look like amoguses
Every time I listen to any SEA language, I always remember Millie's sucky wacky impression
This actually doesn't look bad
>>41697 speaking of, alban had a duet with nox in her stream and he wasn't half-bad https://x.com/albanesque/status/1806687141940109693
>>41703 similar to how japs like using 88888 to signify clapping i guess
Can't believe that pilk is atraditional thai drink....
It makes me wonder what meat actually doesn't taste like chicken
I actually can't tell if thais eat cockroaches or not
>Ant eggs >silk worms Sea bros wtf...?
It's so funny how JP zatsus were extremly chill, meanwhile this one is extremly cursed with talks about eating bugs and drinking pilk. SEA people never dissapoint
>Zali can speak a little bit of thai Why?
Zali is cooking creme brulee
Klara's zatsu was fun, she's a really good talker. 60% of it was pretty much in English, so it's still enjoyable if you can't speak thai. Hope she'll do some ENglish zatsu in the future
>Meloco is getting some extreme huge numbers right now I know I suppose to be happy for her, but it makes me concerned that monkeys will target her now like they did with Kotoka. The timing is especially bad, considering the other corpo debuts aren't doing that good.
>>41717 She should be alright, it's gonna be like 1 or 2 retards speaking in english in chat that will get ignored. Just remember to laugh at the holofags because they're crying about a staff member "graduating" more than what they cried for the last 3 graduations + Mel's termination
>>41717 she said this stream was the last nijiGTA-related stream she'd be doing. the other site isn't being kind to her, as always, but even if she gets publicly harassed, those retards would probably get ignored or chastised.
Guys the only way faggots would actually harm meloco is they learn japanese
>>41717 there's new debuts ? >>41718 >"graduation" Hololive can do no wrong, if they were terminated, in the mind of the 'fans" it is because they were bad people. It always shocked me when the two holostars "graduated" and everyone swep it under the rug like it was normal and nothing happened.
>>41721 It will forever be funny how they call us corpo bootlickers when the Nijisanji fanbase is normally the most critical of the company compared to "hehe i just shot 2 talents in the back and hid their corpses, don't worry they went to grandpa's farm and are living a happy life!"
nijiGTA was a really big success huh. won't surprise me to see more servers like it pop up in the future. >>41720 visited the other site earlier and seeing their rrats about nijiGTA and "meloco worming her way into chronoir's circle" was really funny kek
>>41718 It's not about chat, it's about comment section and Twitter, this is where Kotoka was targeted. Meloco is somewhat sensitive as she felt really bad mentally when the whole shitshow happened back in February, so there's a basis to worry. >they're crying about a staff member "graduating" more than what they cried for the last 3 graduations Well, she actually had a model and streamed from time to time, if it counts. Either way, the only ones that are crying are twitter, /vt/ is probably celebrating because, according to them, it's her fault that "homo collabs" were allowed. They are this level of mentally ill. >>41720 Anon, she speaks English and most of her streams are in English. If anything, lack of English speaking is a basis of harrasment too, this is what happened to Kotoka with that one schizoid who used to spam "VTA dodger" shit a year ago. >>41721 >there's new debuts ? holoJustice, yeah. Can't blame you for not hearing about them, I only found out about them through clips. >It always shocked me when the two holostars "graduated" and everyone swep it under the rug like it was normal and nothing happened Because those two were "le ebing homos that sexually harrased all the girls" and Cover is based for geting rid of them >>41722 The funniest thing is that the same retards that used to spam shit about Yugo being treminated always backpaddled when you say the same about Magni or Vesper.
>>41723 It was a huge sucess, Kuzuha, Kanae and nippleman were the most watched vtubers globally in the past 2 weeks. The last one is especially funny because /vt/ mocked him for months for the whole controversy 2 years ago, and now he's mogging Pekora and Subaru. This is pure karma in action.
funny how meloco screams every time an ad comes up lmao
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Tried to print the Wosemi Chibi someone posted on sketchfab, it doesn't look too bad, maybe if wasn't a scrub with blender at the moment i could make more use of the textures for the printing model to be more detailed. Thorns and arrows were kinda brittle though.
>>41728 Cute! Also get on that donut grind
>>41729 donut ?
>>41730 One of the most popular ways to learn blender is with tutorials about making donuts
>>41731 probably should look about proper tutorials as you said, can't manage to modify properly the T-pose i got from a wosemi model. There's a cute ban hada model, i'll try to reprint it probably later, the hat always fizzle out.
Also Enna delayed
>>41733 She gonna be as delayed as radahn's attacks
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>>41734 man i have stuff to do tomorrow
I like Ver and Doppio collab dynamic, they kind of remind me of chronoir
Doppio suggested to Ver to make an iron chef show in NijisanjiEN, Ver said that it would be fun but extremly difficult to organise
Manager send a message on slack to Ver and Doppio to confirm that Creme Brulee is french
watching nijiGTA really made me realize how a lot of niji livers are entertainment pros, especially the ones who've been doing this for years. it was so interesting to watch. i'm a pretty new fan so it makes me wonder how they were in their earlier years; they must've come a long way.
>>41739 Speaking of entertainment pro, one of the 4 king currently debuting back.
>>41740 I honestly miss when graduations used to mean something
>>41740 Which one?
>>41742 Ai-chan
>>41743 Kizuna? Is she just back or is she redebuting? Also, which one, since there were like 5 of them at one point
>>41744 I assume the og one, we don't know anything yet. The live is kinda cryptic.
>>41745 Nijisanji board
>>41746 Sorry boss, got carried there
news from enna
Doppio almost cried while watching Usa Musume anime
Manhattan Cafe are Doppio and Ver's oshi
>>41749 I'm excited we are getting the EN version because that means people outside of Japan will get interested and they'll make horse girl porn without the yakuza on their necks
https://www.youtube.com/live/_dx1JLiAkh4 Time to take a break from elden ring dlc to watch birb play elden ring and her getting lost all the time >>41751 They gonna get punched by the fourth chairman
Doppio and Ver will be playing Master Duel with Villions and Scythekicks next week
Apperently, there's some extra thing with Xsoleil in Ver's June Bride Ex VP
Imagine dying to a fucking snail
Doppio raided Meloco over Enna.... Well, at least schizo that was telling that Enna forced everybody to raid her can fuck off already.
>>41756 Is this schizo in the room with us
I'm still in shock that Enna likes Elden Ring so much. And the fact that she's not awful at it.
>>41757 I'm talking about fatso, he might as well lurk this site as far as I know
>>41759 Anon please take your meds
>>41759 are you serious? i don't wanna look out for what i post here too
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>>41758 if you said back in 2021 that enna would like a souls-like and would not be bad at it, everyone would have said you're a loony.
>>41762 So when is Enna's factorio arc
>>41763 Anon, please I don't want Enna to be more autistic
>>41762 >open world cryptic punishing action game is Enna's favourite game this is the woman that would get lost in a straight corridor
Not the spider riders tangent again lmao
>>41766 canadians
It took me until i read Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou to know i wanted to ride a spider too
Can't Meloco just buy Premium or are they not allowed to do this on their Niji accounts?
>>41769 They can't, that's why they can't superchat nor member each other except for Klara for some reason
I think Miyazaki has a fetish for swamp and feet
Enna needs to stop getting one guyed by that one guy asking for great runes godrick is shit the only good great runes are morgott and malenia's
>>41772 you don't need runes anyway
Oh no my oshi's now a moonveiil andy....
I never get tired of the stance break sound it's like dopamine in audio
https://www.youtube.com/live/2VKmW7Dr0A8 Kunai and Vivi The Quarry part 3, they started like 10 minutes ago
>>41774 From +8 Nagakiba to +8 Moonveil lol.
Kunai bought an Ipad....
Kunai is a horse girl
>>41779 Love how she doesn't even deny it anymore lmao
So, they didn't free jacob, he should survive right ?
>>41781 I think so? Pretty sure he just runs away into the woods after this untill morning
Enna beat aster arcadia worm form
Seeing Enna do the Ranni quest was not something I would have expected this year ueueueh.
Enna you just implied your mom made you do an errand last minute lmao
Dragons are annoying to fight, but at least it ain't the DS2 ancient dragon
they're struggling to not say bobby is a retard
Kunai is trying to say that Bobby is a retard
The more you think about it, the less sense the plot of this game makes
>>41789 the plot would work better if the story was in the 70's
Kunai and Vivi are pissing together!
>Vivi went to a tatoo parlor by accident looking for a restaurant >The staff straight up told her wtf is she doing here LMAO
good job girls, you failed
It's the end of pride month, so it's ok for gays to die!
>>41793 Can they still finish the game for a proper ending or they can only survive till dawn now?
>>41795 travis laura and ryan are dead. I think you need those three to kill the OG werewolf and get a proper ending
>>41796 Laura is alive, she's just a wearwolf now
>>41797 did travis shank her with the silver mirror ?
>>41798 No, she killed Travis before that
they got the confusion ending
>>41799 Oh nvm, Travis and Laura kileld each other
The game is finished, they'll now try to replay the last 3 chapters to get a good ending
They are getting bored from cutscenes so they are playign imaginary connect 4 now
hopefully, should they continue in this fashion, they'll try dark man of medan after, until dawn is boring imo
>>41804 Well there will be Untill Dawn remaster this year, so expect some of the members to play it soon
>>41784 it'll be funny if chat manage to bring her to malenia >>41805 maybe we'll get some interesting pairing playing it like twisty and vanta
>>41806 She needs to actively get both haligtree medalion though and that's a longer journey than ranni's quest
>>41807 i dunno, if i remember you can have one part by just talking to a npc in the lake map and the other by finishing the snow castle. Figuring what to do with the medal is harder imo
>Kunai has 15000 mastery point on Hecarim Not helping the horsegirl allegations...
>Vivi's grandma didn't get a gay couple and thought that they are just good friends My fucking sides
Vivi is laughing at slurs...
>>41811 I say we start using "european nigger"
>>41811 believe me, once you live near one of their camps, you won't think it is a slur anymore
Twitter thinks that Vivi is on drugs....
Come to think of it, Twisty kind of sounds like a name of a MLP character
>The only way to save Caleb is to let Kaytleen to get bitten by him This is so fucking retarded holy shit, you literally need to fail entire sequence for this to get right
>>41816 Oh yeah, and you need to grab that fucking rabbit toy in the beginning of the game, this is so fucking stupid
>>41816 i think if dylan is bitten and kaytleen is stuck in the freezer she can survive since caleb leave as dylan is infected. But yeah, it's dumb anyway.
Enna is fighting Golden Ghost Godfrey
>>41818 No, I'm pretty sure she gets frozen to death, you literally need to destract Caleb with that rabbit toy to not get anybody killed
She almost killed him first try
She beat Goldy G, now to Mister Morgott
I'm gonna cry Enna went so far in elden ring she's dancing with morgott even though last month she panicked the hell out of margit
They got a good ending. Honestly, the ending is so underwhelming either way
>>41824 i think it's because it's kinda "random" to get to the good ending.
I don't understand the chatters that want her to summon npcs or use sprit ashes.
>I think becoming a brony is a fate worse then being a wearwolf Mysta.....
>>41826 She forget to do it most of the time lmao
>>41827 Not like not being a brony would've helped him be less of a fucking mess
>>41825 Not really, just shoot Chris and don't get Ryan killed. The whole ending sequence is pretty weak tbh
>Vivi is basically saying that they lost perms to Until lDawn Well fuck. Hope they'll get perms for the remake then
>>41830 yeah but i mean, the things you have to do and not do to keep the vital npcs alive and willing to cooperate.
>>41831 Need i remind you who the publisher is and how fucky their perms are?
>>41832 Everything is pretty much straight forward, it's really hard to get Laura and Ryan to get killed untill chapter 9. The only decision that can kill Ryan is if you don't let Laura to bite him, and it's extremly fucking obvious that it's a wrong decision
Vivi is saying that she'll be having some kind of colalb on July 4
Enna will end stream after she beat morgott
>>41828 Annoying the soulsfags by not upgrading her weapon, annoying the casuals by not summoning and getting it over with, triggering the entire audience.
>>41833 Well yeah, but I thought they were secure. Sony is such a shitty company either way. Still, they might be able to get the perms for the rerelease since those require seperate perms
I keep noticing that Flandre Scarlet guy in several chats. I've noticed him first in Klara's chat, then he put Klara's oshi mark and put Amamiya on his profile picture, and now I saw him in Vanta and Enna's chats. I know it's not nice to stalk random chatters, but it's just extremly fascinating to see a new Niji fan in this day in age who actually sticks.
>>41839 That's not a guy, that's a little vampire girl
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Look at all the sissy weapons in Elden Ring, nothing compares to my beloved the Profaned Greatsword
How is Enna doing things like dodging rolling Morgott's transition explosion.
>>41842 i'm more of a Giant Club or Dragon tooth person, but yeah, why do they fight with toothpicks
>>41843 The same way she beat necrodancer, the got that rhythm
Kind of funny how Enna going complete menhera turned her into a gamer. This is one of the few cases where bad mental condition has actually improved the stream quallity rather then opposite
This fight would be long over if enna figured out she can alternate between light attacks and unsheathe
>>41844 I just like when funny big sword lights on fire and goes FWUSHUUUUUUUUUU and throws people in the air
Somehow it's funny she tries every time to dps him with regular combos when he's transitionning in phase 2 when she barely does damage at this point
>Regular attacks won't stagger him and do much less damaga than your skill, but they are faster so you won't get punished as often as with the other. You have to find the corect time to use each Someone finally gave a good advice that doesn't tardwrangle her into a specific playstyle.
Enna, if you're not on your period and you're bleeding from your vagina then that means that Morgott broke your hymen somehow
Dont know why people hype up RoB when you could infuse nagakiba with bleed even early game
She beat him ! >>41852 it's a meme weapon
>the faggot who was bday begging and keep asking enna about her period is a pippafag and a ziaonfag why i am not surprised
>>41855 How can you even tell
>>41856 by looking up his channel and his videos
>>41852 She just wants to use it because it looks cool lol.
>>41855 >>41857 It's probably another account of fatso, sounds like him
>>41855 >pippafag and a ziaonfag
>Elira said she liked Nana from JP a lot during her debut >She's gonna stream P4G Go for her, girl
>>41861 >Elira said she liked Nana from JP a lot during her debut >I liked Nana from JP too WE ARE
She's gonna go full buyfag on elden ring merch
Enna is gonna get herself the Alexander mug and nendo and Ranni nendo
Why was Enna sad today again?
>>41865 Something about family, not sure but her mother was involved. It's not an emergency though she'd cancel the stream if that's the case
>Raiding Uki's raiding room instead of Aia who's about to stream in 5 minutes Enna is a little bit retarded
I just realized Ver and Fu-chan are playing Chained Together with 2 of the First Pro boys https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OB2xT1Bh4Ws
>>41866 >>41867 Glad that it isn't Niji related, still, hope Enna is alright. At least Elden Ring actually lifted her mood up it seems
>>41872 >>41873 giwtwm, aftermath is worth it
Ryojisan guerrilla, grandpa hasn't been the same after he got a taste of energy drinks https://www.youtube.com/live/f7a02HkaehA
>>41872 >>41876 Is this a reference to something, did they play volleyball irl or something
>>41878 KT mama posted a WIP of Enna in a swimsuit
Twisty has a video premiering later today https://youtu.be/2ZrgOkAIr2w
https://x.com/8washihachi/status/1807062406352523523 Hachi is selling collection of her Twitter drawings with Ike in physical form
I checked Twisty's membership posts and man, she's actually really nice. I know people give a lot of shit to her, but behind her shitposter persona, she seems to be actually caring.
Klara read all the ikemen comments from the Romeo cover
So this is why Twisty likes Vanta....
Klara wants to organise a monhun collab with Denauth
Klara got Glavenus Mantle on the first try
Oh yeah, Apex added quard squards thsi season, so expect some 4 people Apex collabs now
>>41890 >zuttomo apex collabs soon
>>41891 hope we get an updated version of this
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n81tuf7dO1M Enna about to get rivers of blood (insert period joke here)
I dont know how law enforcement is in canada but isnt that warrants a stern warning from coos for noise complaint
Didn't know this is a thing, that's crazy
Dont know if germany or canada would be better to live in honestly.
>>41898 >no naruto mention
Enna watching youtube videos of elden ring of bosses she beat
Enna's gonna piss off a ton of souls "fans"
>>41901 she uses a katana instead of the laddle, she's already trash in their eyes anyway
Hayun, Marirrin and Reimu got a champion!
>Mimic is two handing the torch to battle the boss
>>41881 The coffin of Anon and Twisty... >>41885 She is, she's also very clingy and needs chat for emotional support, that's why she streams so much. I like her stream diary because she can put to words her feelings during certain streams where maybe she couldn't rationalize what she felt in the moment
Fu-chan schedule
Did Enna just tell immigrants to get the fuck away from Canada?
Maririn schedule!
>>41906 Oh, Shepherd next week already, let's go >>41908 >Plate up Wonder if it's collab or solo, also wonder what the announcement is
>>41910 Koto looks weird here
Reimu is actually not bad with a sniper rifle, why the fuck she never used it before?
>>41912 She has, when she was playing with MST she was given the task of sniping and upgrading armors
>>41913 I mean, she should play with it more, although I feel like she is just too impatient for this type of playstyle
They got another champion!
Ohh, she explained why she didn't use Kraber. It was basically nerfed to the point of being useless in previous seasons and now they buffed it up back
Reimu discovered today that fruits have sugar, congrats with your diabetes
>>41917 reimu.....
This scottish oil rig game is so fucking funny
I agree with Hex, cunt sounds really endearing when Scots, Irish, English and Aussies say it
Enna is doing the snow castle she should get to commander O'neil Mark II within the hour
The boss is such a brick wall that enna is learning the range of moonveil
>>41923 that's gonna help her with fire giant
>>41923 She has tiny sword
she has a solid strategy: - killing the two summons - summon mimic - spam ash until he staggered she should kill him soon
Enna channeling her chinese heritage
Enna did it. Lets gooo!
One more step towards malenia
I think chat has an unhealthy obsession with rivers of blood
Some sickling sent 3 supas vaguely telling Hex to say people to not harass anyone? I'm actually so confused. Maybe they're referring to Twisty or Doki? I have no idea. Hex pretty much said yeah this is true but there's so much he can do and told people to stop bringing it up.
>>41931 Sounds like someone begging for attention imo
>>41930 enna is the period vtuber after all but more seriously, most elden fags haven't played since release, where it was extremely good.
What is it with vtubers and choosing samurai lmao
>>41934 >why do weebs choose the weeb class ?
Wonder if Enna will enjoy Sekiro too
Hex liked the game way too much and actually wants to do part 2, but he's confilcted since he never does part 2 (probably because he's afraid that the numbers will drop). Honestly, it's really frustrating with Hex that he cares about numbers way too much so he doesn't do part 2s and doesn't play certain games because "my audience won't like it". Like please, you tell all the time how you respect women and then have "women don't like those games" mindset. He found a roundabout about it where he usually play longer games on Twitch as he doesn't need to think about algo, but his overall mindset is just retarded, especially in Niji. Honestly, come to think of it, all of Xsoleil have some weird number brainrots to an extend, and I feel like it's Zaion's fault since she straight up addmited how she told her genmates that they were "flopping" and told them number and algo strats.
>>41937 what did he play ?
>>41938 Still wakes the deep, that horror oil rig game where all characters have thick sottish accent
>>41937 he could solve this by doing polls at the end of the stream
I wonder if the chat is gonna be this much backseating if enna ever tries dark souls 1,2,3
>>41931 I went to twitter to see if there was fuss about it and it seems like some old Hex fans had a secret discord where they were harassing and doxxing new sicklings because they were jealous of Hex giving them more attention.
At this point I'm sure that Enna is the best player in Ethyria, which is kind of insane to think of. If anybody would tell me that Enna would become better in games then Reimu and Nina like 2 years ago, I would think they're on crack
Kind of refreshing to see how Enna is actually invested in the lore and the world. Usually when a streamer plays this game, they just rush through everything, show their "ebin gamer skillz" and then retell the lore that they speewatched in some shitty lore video on YouTube.
>>41943 the only way for nina to get better at games is to buy glasses so she doesn't have to squint to see shit.
>>41945 KEK. It reminded me how chat changed their names all to capslock and she told that it's actually much easier to read for her. Some honeys still have their names left in capslock because of it
Elden Ring is actually a perfect game for Enna: there're literally messages that backseat you on every single step so it's really hard to get lost
>>41946 she did it again with the momos
I'm actually nervous about Enna reaching Malenia, it's on par on waiting for her 3D debut lmao
>>41947 elden ring and ds2 are the best games to start the souls genra for complete beginners >>41949 i hope vanta will pop to cheer her up
>>41949 By the way, has Enna's home 3D not arrived yet?
>>41951 It already did, she used it during an avatar live action watchalong lmao
>>41952 My fucking sides. Is she afraid to use it on a public stream?
>>41953 She hasnt found an occasion to use it I guess, she'd show her 3.0 first too
>>41954 Oh yeah, I forgot that they can actually just use their home 3D whenever the fuck they want without a specific debut stream. It was so funny when Elira pulled it up for a zatsu stream
It's actually so funny that Enna can't extend her Elden RIng stream with a zatsu due to supas being off
>>41956 I am kinda missing the yaps though
Enna is thinking she might drop Elden Ring if it gets way too hard. Also, chat told her that Melenia is optional so she probably won't fight her now
If she's wanting more she could play other souls game imo
>Enna actually wants to do side content This is insane. Reminder that she skipped all side missions in every single game she played before
>>41960 I remember her malding at reimu for wanting to do side quests in dead space
>>41930 Enna talked about it being the katana she wants to work towards to after watching a katana video after the first Elden Ring stream so chatters don't want her to miss out. >>41958 Anne will always be there to help.
D&D 5e with the cursed group starting soon! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HT7t-SPCx_0
>>41964 I got back just in time. Thanks Aia for being such a staller
This is actually an all-stars cast. This collab will be kino
>Vox named his character Doppio Dropscythe Is this legal?
>What is your race? >I race, I win My fucking sides
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>>41970 Please someone save her KEK
Vanta surprisingly has a not bad shota impression lmao
I think Doppio is into ryona
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Doppio's moans make me feel things
This whole collab has quickly turned into a gachimuchi scene
>What is your race? >Wizard >No, this is a class, what is your race? >Wizard lmao
Vox is getting anal vored inside Vanta
Doppio decided to go full murder hobo now
Vox is now permanantly stuck with the wizard voice....
Twisty schedule!
Vox decided to become a wizard just because he saw the wizard meme on TikTok yesterday
>Aia missheard Vox and thought he had 6 health points when he was suppose to die Aia....
The party accidently saved the world while commiting genocide
I feel like the oneshot this time was way too serious in comparison to the previous ones but it still worked out due to the party being completely insane and unhinged. It was really fucking funny.
>>41980 >Tissue Paper I assume it's Zali???? Didn't know that he plays LOL. Also, can't recall when was the last time when Enna played LOL on stream. >"girl talk" Knowing Twisty it will be extremly gay and fetishistic >Minecraft and Vodka Gives me flashback to Yugo's Ib and Vodka. I really, really hope Twisty is good with alcohol and this stream won't turn into a trainwreck. She should do this in an open VC imo >Arial Yuriko Ugh, it's a girl from VReverie's new gen... Don't get me wrong, I like Nova and think she's really cool, but after 99% of their corpo mass graduated, I've heard rumours that their third gen is straight up groomer panderers. Like, not even in GFE /vt/ dogwhistles kind of way, but straight up having members only paywalled discord server where who knows what's happening.
>>41980 Who is asteria and tissue
Aia says that she may invite people outside from Niji as guests in the future, she's thinking of inviting Reze or Zander. Also, she says that she might try small multiple parts campaign in the future, but no promises.
Finally had time to check the new merch from the NBA collab... Koto is really cute, I love the design, but I don't really like her outfit merch. It's kind of all over the place and putting her pins everywhere is a weird desing choice. It's better then Vox's, but it's still kind of meh for me, especially in comparison to other members from the same group. Either way, I don't really like outfit merchs to begin with. Really love her derpy plushie and the standee, but unfortunately, I'm too poor to buy those, but I'm just happy that those happened Also, I fucking hate how all people think now that her pin is suppose to be a kotocat design >>41081 This kind of rude, but I'm fine right now, don't worry, I don't really cry anymore. The NBA thing is a long time collaboration, she got a group cover and her Birthday is soon. All of these things have reassured me. I no longer feel that dreadful or depressed, but I still get emotional over anything related to her, I just can't not to. I just miss her, that's it.
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claude sounds sex, no homo
finana actually has a 99% banger rate for music. sorry unseiso.
>>41985 Tbh Twisty looks like the kind of person that would fall for one of the vtuber grifter groomers, last time she raided us into a vreverie girl she was just cut from the same cookie mold as everyone else in EN vtubing
>>41993 i'm going to pass away this is so good
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Anons, I think I've died... Goodbye....
>>41998 pass along your thanks to feesh before you die
>>41998 I miss Kotochan
Surprise Luxiem Mario Party collab in 12 hours https://www.youtube.com/live/dG5FSXmXeNQ
>>42003 >>42004 >>42005 >>42006 These looks pretty good. Shu's face looks slightly off though.
>>42003 I just looked at the pricing, thank god the yen is weak. I will close my eyes and enter my credit card information and never acknowledge the price again.
>>42008 Same
>>42005 The longer I look, the more feral I become. My ultimate weakness is slightly transparent fabrics.
>>42010 God i want Elira so bad, also her figurine

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