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/NijiEN/ Nijisanji EN General Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 04:20:02 No. 42015
Nijisanji EN YouTube channels: https://www.youtube.com/@nijisanji_en/channels https://www.youtube.com/@petragurin/channels Twitter: https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World https://twitter.com/i/lists/1415262975435231235 LazuLight: https://twitter.com/EliraPendora https://twitter.com/FinanaRyugu OBSYDIA: https://twitter.com/Rosemi_Lovelock https://twitter.com/Petra_Gurin Ethyria: https://twitter.com/MillieParfait https://twitter.com/EnnaAlouette https://twitter.com/ReimuEndou Luxiem: https://twitter.com/Luca_Kaneshiro https://twitter.com/Shu_Yamino https://twitter.com/Ike_Eveland https://twitter.com/Vox_Akuma Noctyx: https://twitter.com/sonny_brisko https://twitter.com/uki_violeta https://twitter.com/alban_knox https://twitter.com/Fulgur_Ovid ILUNA: https://twitter.com/MariaMari0nette https://twitter.com/AiaAmare https://twitter.com/AsterArcadia https://twitter.com/ScarleYonaguni https://twitter.com/RenZott0 XSOLEIL: https://twitter.com/D_Dropscythe https://twitter.com/MelocoKyoran https://twitter.com/HexHaywire https://twitter.com/KotokaTorahime https://twitter.com/Ver_Vermillion Krisis:
[Expand Post]https://twitter.com/VezaliusBandage https://twitter.com/Tyrant_Vanta https://twitter.com/YuQWilson TTT: https://twitter.com/KunaiNakasato https://twitter.com/VBrightshield https://twitter.com/ClaudeClawmark Denauth: https://twitter.com/RyomaBarrenwort https://twitter.com/KlaraCharmwood https://twitter.com/TwistyAmanozako Teamup schedule for Nijisanji EN: https://teamup.com/kstk7egnopr3xiqj4h To watch streams at the same time: https://niji-mado.web.app/home Graduated Livers and Miscellaneous: https://rentry.org/odmo2psr Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags, and falseflaggers. Remember to spoiler any NSFW image you post. Last thread: >>39932
Didn't even realize last thread was that close to the limit
>>42016 Lots of sex with Koto also Finana has head love handles
Did Miyazaki just decide to make you re-fight a boss but to make it more interesting he just put a fuck ton of death frogs?
>>42014 >>42016 short hair melo tskr
>>42003 They said there will be 4 statues, I guessed if they were elira's, luca's and chronoir's, but I didn't expect them in a custom outfit like these, now I want summer outfit for all of nijien But that mole pit, that tummy, and that thighs damn she's so seggs, if I were rich, I would take that life-sized elira with me
>>42015 I want that enna figure so much
>34100 yen Fuck It costs about as much as a motorcycle in my country our currency is so shit lmao
The dlc radahn made me play sekiro and honestly I enjoy it a lot more than that roll catching festival
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dG5FSXmXeNQ This would probably announce 3D
>>42025 Sekiro is almost a perfect game, it's so smooth once it clicks and I think it's not that difficult
>>42028 i hate parying. But yeah, once you stop treating it like a dark souls and you play it should be played, the game gets easier
>>42029 I don't find Sekiro's parrying too bad because a lot of the risk of parrying is gone since if you're early you just block.
>>42030 this creature triggers my cuteness aggression
>"We are playing Mario Party and nothing else is happening today" With them there could be an announcement or actually nothing happening
Klara schedule
Luca is bleeding for some reason apparently
Kek I never heard of the livers getting their salaries deducted when staff buys them kombini food and over-the-counter meds.
Ike hates the zoomer internet lingo as much as me!
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I actually felt like I'm about to faint yesterday and ended up going to bed and sleeping for like 12 hours lmao >>42035 >>42036 I actually didn't plan to watch it but then realised "oh shit, they only do those collabs on special occasions", so let's go. Also, Mario Party is always fun, no matter who's playing
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GoFS_GErz-Q Oh nice meloco is playing Yakuza 0 finally
>>42042 Seems like she's actually inclined after GTA, happy for her
>>42043 I thought it was about the gay men
>None of you guys targeted me, so taking a star from any of yo uwould be unfair >Still takes Luca's star kek
God, DK was looking straight into my fucking soul
Luca getting bullied will never be not funny
Ike won let's fucking goooo
This Saturday, let's go.
i'm actually really curious what milord has planned for his 3D debut. can't wait
Seems like Luxiem is getting Idios approach where each of them will get their announcement one at a time
>>42053 isn't it usually like that? i think ethyria was a special case
>>42053 Keep track of the other 3 luxiem members then, if it's like idios' they would announce it after certain streams
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>His 3D debut is called Minotaur >He's representing Chicago bulls
ishigami's 3D debut was around 1hr20 mins. i wonder if vox's would pass the 1hr mark too
>>42056 >nijisanji got the nba collab just to foreshadow vox's 3D debut
shut the fuck up vox, stop streaming, don't spoil your own show kek
Vox 3D better be extremely weeb coded with all his samurai lore bit he has
Bro made a trailer for his 3d
>>42060 i'm expecting a lot of lore-related and film-like stuff knowing him
>>42057 Reimu said that staff told her no 3D debut could be over 1 hour 30 minutes because that only belonged to someone very special
>>42063 > that only belonged to someone very special who
>>42064 Mito
>>42057 Anon... Reimu and Finana's 3D both were 1hr 20 minutes long, EN surpassing 1 hour mark is nothing new. Speaking of, Reimu actually told something interesting during her post-3D zatsu: apperently, management told her that the longest 3D debut can only be 1 hour and 30 minutes long and they didn't allow her to reach this mark. It makes me wonder if Vox is the one who'll actually be able to reach it.
>>42063 usually it's only around an hour, 10 mins give or take, which is why i was surprised ishigami's went on for that long.
>>42066 >Reimu and Finana's 3D both were 1hr 20 minutes long oh shit you're right lol. for some reason i thought the longest in EN had been 15 mins past 1 hour. >It makes me wonder if Vox is the one who'll actually be able to reach it. i don't wanna put my expectations up too high, but this is vox we're talking about so maybe. either way, i don't see him just following the usual format of call-ins and singing, so i wonder what he's got in store.
>>42068 >vox singing He can skip the singing imo and put the things he want to do there instead
>>42054 No, all previous waves before Luxiem got their 3D debuts announced all at once.
>>42068 Vox pretty much said that his 3D debut was the thing that he was mainly preparing for all these months and that it will be something you won't expect, so I actually extremly cruious. Also, he said that he's still working on something for his debut, so he won't have a schedule this week. He'll only play Elden Ring DLC on July 4 and might do some guerilla here and there
>>42070 well, i can see why they wouldn't announce it in waves anymore. i had the impression that JP always announced it separately. since it's based on who got to 100k, if for example, someone in Denauth gets to 100k before Kunai, they'd have to announce it separately anyway.
>>42072 Is this rratposting
>>42073 huh??
>>42072 Pretty much this + it was fucking impossible to do group 3D announcement since JP used to have like 10 people in their earlier gens. I think the standard nowdays is to announce 3Ds for a gen in close proximity to each other. The only exception to this was Eden-gumi with Lauren, but it was an extremly special case.
>>42073 Not really, it's more like an unspoken rule. All JP members only got their second outfits after reaching 50k and got their 3Ds after reaching 100k. It wasn't an issue in EN since everybody used to get 100k right after debut or shortly after, but now, it actually may become in issue. I think Kunai will be able to hit 100k since there's still a lot of time untill TTT potential debut, but with Denauth, I don't even know. I doubt any of them will be able to hit 100k even in the next 2 years. Honestly, while some members were able to recover, other actually didn't after the whole ordeal. I just noticed recently that Aia keeps bleeding subs for no fucking reason whatsoever, and Ike doesn't seem to get even close to 1 million.
>>42078 haha wiating
>>42078 >minotaur with my surface-level thinking, i predict that vox will wear a bull mask and/or get lost in a labyrinth for a skit
>>42080 No vox will fight not taurus demon and win
>>42080 >minotaur hoy
>>42082 waltuh...
>>42076 Don't know what's wrong with her thumbnails. I always preffered thumbnails where a liver's PNG making a funny face over some fan art or something fancy
>Twisty retweeted Vox's 3D announcement Based. Also, her stream is postponned because some guy outside can't stop mowing his loan
>>42084 >I always preffered thumbnails where a liver's PNG making a funny face over some fan art or something fancy Enna... >>42085 Curse you pablo and your mawn lower
>>42086 And someone instantly said that someone should bring a measuring tape at the AX booth to check Elira's measurements after that
Fu-chan is prepared with his own dark fantasy RPG OST for his outfit reveal
Twisty has started
He's literally me
Twisty said i'm healthily obese
>>42092 FAT FUCK
Oh, one of the EIEN sluts in Twisty's chat
>>42094 who? are they're friends
>>42095 Twisty just befriends any vtuber that is a girl, idk anything about Mirri tho except for her lewds but EIEN has the popularity of being slutty, they're basically the part of the cookie mold EN vtuber where they are just e-thots + they don't interact with males
>>42097 >>42098 Her shitpost powerlevel is so high
The sandwich was mid, she'll never it sandwiches again
Oh, apperently, there will be one more person in the LOL collab
>twisty bought a photoshop subscription Does she know
>>42101 Doppio?
>>42103 Yeah, him. Twisty pretty much just @ everybody who plays LOL and who's not busy. Also, Twisty literally couldn't spell Zali's full name, so Klara told her to type Tissue Paper lmao
Apperently Twisty told Enna that she has large breasts and she opt in to join the colalb immidiatly
>Unironic Adobe shill in the chat My sides
>>42105 It's that easy...
I think that Usagi guy who spams shit in Twisty's chat is milgurschizo
>>42108 Dont know who but I already block the guy in chat for being an attention seeking faggot
>>42109 The guy who used to spam Milllie's doxx on /vt/, shit up /yeah/ and did a lot of other retarded shit
>>42108 Idk, there's many retards out there who hate Millie, stop giving them attention and names and letting them live rent free in your head
>>42111 Oh no, he doesn't hate Millie, this guy specifically said that he watches Millie, this is why I put 2 and 2 together. There's literally only person who's a huge /vt/ retard and still watches Millie
>>42112 Point still stands, one of the reasons why i use this site is because i don't want to hear about the /vt/ schizos, people have too much free time if they can keep tabs on them
Twisty actually sounds like a cat when she hiccups
VReverie and NijiEN probably have the weirdes unity among the corpos
https://x.com/EnnaAlouette/status/1807839606894719009 I've played new game plus and the dlc of elden ring and this is the first time I heard of polyanna
Twisty likes Familly Guy and American Dad....
>Yume+ Haven't heard about this small corpo before. Apperently, their frist gen debuted just 2 months ago
>>42123 All small corpos are the same, the only deviations were Tsunderia and Prism and they're fucking dead
Twisty got an ad for a furry vtuber agency and decided to watch it on stream
>>42125 Furry vtubers... I kinda knew that the EN scene would devolve to that, after that scat and guro vtubers
>>42126 Furry VTubers have been around for a long time. I don't really know how a scat VTuber would work, but I think there is ryona VTubers out there.
what is the deal with twisty and raids Raid shadow legends ptsd?
Fuuchan manual raided Twisty and she now wants to mate spiritmates with comfydants
Twisty wants me to have a gf into guro and dismemberment
>>42135 So someone like her?
>>42137 She said she actually doesn't like dismemberment because it makes her feel sick so i dunno if she actually likes guro
>Shin Megami Tensai Twisty....
>>42037 I wonder why klara keeps her monhun streams so short
>>42140 Edging
Has twisty and doppio interacted
>>42145 Don't think they did on stream, but they'll do during the LOL colalb
>>42145 >>42146 Vanta and him were doing the Denauth debut program...
>>42147 Well if you count that 5 minuntes during their debut, then yeah
Twisty is laughing at the fact that Zali is french
I dont think Elden ring skills translate to league at all lmao so Enna's gonna be her usual self
Zali is a bronze player but he's actually really good, according to Twisty
Never noticed how sharp Twisty's chin is untill chat pointed it out
>>42154 Ago genes
>>42154 Manly chins
Oh, Twisty's RP video was tied to her June bride VP
Twisty, we already had a solo drinking stream that went terribly fucking wrong. A chance of you calling Vanta a nigger would be be better than whatever the fuck Yugo did on his stream when he was drunk
>>42159 Yugo basically failed at the game while drunk and started crying calling himself a failure, then Sonny had to intervene, entered a call with him and calmed him down, also told him to turn off the stream
>>42159 Menhera shouldn't be allowed to have solo drinking streams
>>42159 I keep hearing about it but what the fuck happened in the drunk stream
WTF is this, Twisty?
>>42162 Pretty much this >>42160 But it was also really fucking bad from JP perspecrive since he was calling himself not a real man in Japanese, bringing up weird topics etc.
>Some guy asks Twisty to edit the face Aaand they can't fucking do this because of Yugo's mama who had a literall mental breakdown since someone edited Ibrahim in a funny way
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifShE9-1Oqo Vanta is moving on from elden ring dlc with a chill game. Also who or when will rune factory (any) will be played till completion
>>42165 >yugo is menhera >mama is menhera too what in the goddamn
>>42167 His new mama is a menhera too. She was shitting on Vox's bara model and telling how he forced LAM to make him ugly
She wanted to make a drunk face, give up half way through and just gave herself a gyaru make up
Twisty wants to get a gyaru outfit in the future
>>42166 Well, Fuuchan tried to play Rune Factory 5 in an open totsu, then I guess he realsied that the idea is kind of stupid and dropped it
Vivi schedule
Her photoshop couldn't handle this
>She just screenshoted her own stream to get the thumbnail back My fucking sides
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvyTT6BUxLo If you were doubting, she did, indeed, put it as her thumbnail
She just said fuck the logo and just put her face on
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvjXQzPWlbU This song actually sounds good, thanks Twisty
>Ryoma is playing zomboid this week So is it gonna be everyone last week minus Enna because her character fucking died
Twisty said that her Black Ops III thumbnail is "perfect as it is" and she'll do a matching thumbnail for a Denauth collab later on, so she finished. She raided Aia while she was eating a sandwich while eating a sandwich with canker soars. Also, Aia said that Twisty and Denauth said that they are interested in doing D&D collab with Aia in the future
https://x.com/RyomaBarrenwort/status/1807901630404481261 Holy shit, Reimu will be playing with Ryoma and Catalyst VA
Aster beat radahn sparkle
>>42187 It felt great to witness
https://x.com/EnnaAlouette/status/1807932370529452042 Thank god now the next elden ring stream wont be just getting RoB
Aster feeling empty after beating radahn he sudoku himself
>>42191 Fuck I have to be out that day
>>42192 Not anymore *kills whoever was responsible for you going out*
>>42193 Bruh you just offed my entire childhood friend group
>>42194 No, i just gave you a classic superhero origin
>>42195 A villain is hero in their own story
Ryu ran away when Vanta opened the door today and he had to run barefoot on the street to catch him, he now has lost his freedom privileges and is inside his pen
Aia interview with Mr. Underhill in 3 days https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLiqnclFgbE
>>42203 I don't think testosterone does that, but still, what a random way to start a supa kek
>>42199 I already forgot that her Birthday next week... Man, her mama arts are so pretty....
>>42203 Yugo.....
>>42199 >Check comments under the post >Schizos are there already Great. Love how the company is so fucking helpless that they can't fucking hire a mod team to clear garbage under their own posts for 5 fucking months straight. I know that the management has the Tyler the Creator approach when it comes to hate comments, but "turn off your PC" mindset doesn't fucking work when your job is to sit down in front of PC all day and to interact with people. Livers straight up stopped commenting under the company's tweets and any fan engagement has dropped to zero since NOBODY wants to go there and read schizoposting and see le ebin 2% memes made in paint by brown people. You have a mentally ill woman claiming that the company almost drove her to suicide and you do nothing. You have a retard fabricating a narrative that the company pays literally nothing to their livers and you do nothing. You have schizoids and drama monkeys blaming one of the livers for another company's talent termination and you do nothing. No amount of free concerts and merch collabs is going to fix this shit as long as you won't do anything about antis and don't disprove any of the narratives against the company, which majority of people already perceive as facts. The audience will continue to decline, but not because of "bad reputation", but because people will eventually just get tired of seeing hate everywhere they go. I'm sorry for ranting, but I've just tired of seeing this shit for half a year while the company just ignores it.
>>42208 I dont see any anti posts, must have been nuked by people mass downvote/reports. I saw some bot posts though
>>42209 I was talking about the post on EN page, JP page is alright
>>42211 >nijimanga >it's a webtoon
>klara doesnt use default mh control I guess she doesn't play the older games
>>42221 She's playing with a switch controller, pls understand
>capturing is better Dont they discect the monster for parts when you capture them
I wish klara calls me a stupid dog
Klara loves raw monster fighting
Klara got Tigrex first try!
Switch controllers are so shit, why do people continue to use them?
>>42227 Because be niji vtuber must own switch for some reason and switch controller can use on switch
Klara wants to eat Papangoschama....
I commend that chatter for telling her to get an Xbox controller but Klara has probably lives long enough in Japan to get the restardation debuff where she needs the limited switch controllers that break in a year
>>42228 >for some reason all japanese citizens are mandated to own at least one nintendo console. same goes for employees of japanese companies
>>42231 This keeps Hirohito away from spawning in his phylactery
The new Elira nuis started to arrive for people who ordered the original
>>42233 Elira without heterophobia, my beloved
>>42233 wait ? did you need to complain somewhere or is it automatic ?
>>42235 NTA, but it was automatic. They sent me an email saying they were going to send out replacements and then I got an email saying it had shipped a bit later.
>>42233 stray hair on the nui get his ass
>>42236 well i'm going to ask support, as i went through the jp store since i don't like the delivery service once it arrives in my country when i order in the EN store, they take 20 extra buck for doing nothing about the import taxes.
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>>42233 Speaking of merch, I just bought pic related for my car keys. I'm not much of an acrylic guy and that statue cost a fortune for me so I'll just take this. i know shipping is hell to wait in NA countries I hope it's not as harsh in SEA
>>42239 If you used a proxy service to order, that would probably fuck it up, yeah. Since they wouldn't have your address on file to send it to. Hope it goes well for you!
>vox 3D debut >summer jam >fuuchan new outfit pretty packed weekend
>>42243 >jam Come on and slam
The debris falling on Klark's bald head was so fucking funny
>>42248 Wait the artist does some nice things... https://x.com/kkyakto/status/1799519818858848569
Love how Klara calls Maria princess
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>>42249 HOLY.....
https://x.com/ReimuEndou/status/1808156235235008655 No Reimu stream today, she has no internet. WIll stream on July 4 instead
>>42252 can't wait to see their effort pay off
>>42252 Didn't know that Millie went to Japan too
>>42255 She's part of the concert too so...
>>42255 anon, she's also in summer jam... rosemi is probably there too
Why did Doppio retweet an art of Debi fucking Lunlun...?
>>42258 Because they're both hot? Any more dumb questions?
>>42264 I can't believe Millie died and they replaced her with another one
>>42267 that's very dragon like of her
https://x.com/EnnaAlouette/status/1808165968465580202 Some "people" might go rratpost over this but twisty asked enna "hey big boobs wanna play league?"
>>42264 She sounds a little bit like Enna here
A liver just posted a long, venting depression post. It's extremly vague, but I think they were talking about the Summer Jam concert cancellation? Hope they are alright and it's nothing serious.
Love how Zali keeps calling a bookshelf "bibliotek"
Zali finally completed his sex dungeon on the heroes server
Ryoma just started his stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DpAjGWg-YwM
Ryoma is doing an open totsu btw
>Mob psycho mention I gotta hand it to One, dude really created a fantastic series with a very satisfying ending
>Game has sexy ladies with guns >I have the feeling this is a korean game >Google it >Nexon I knew it
>"GET FROZEN GET FROZEN GET FROZEN" I think Ryojisan has been hanging a little too much with Twisty
>>42281 I hope she comes back in full force sooner rather than later ;_;
>>42282 Sorry, she's too busy drilling me daily
What game is ryoma is playing a stellar blade 2,0?
>>42285 Warframe but Nexon
Twisty joined Ryoma in VC
And Twisty left kek
Who the fuck created a villain and named him "Greg"?
>>42276 Can you name the list of people that joined?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RS-a316arpg Uki is offcollabing with the man of peace
>>42290 Twisty
>>42292 i dont play league what is the dota equivalent to tresh
I love you Twisty but stop filling my "For You" tab with small corpo cunts that hate your co-workers
>>42291 Suha's in Japan? Can I cope for 3D?
>>42296 We still need Nari's 3D debut...
>>42294 There is none, he has a hook like Pudge but with much less range, almost no damage, cannot hook minions and it's not just a direct hook but he drags you 3 times
>>42293 Wasn't he playing in an open totsu for like 5 hours? Ryoma....
This Arial girl from VReverie actually seems really nice, I thought all of their third gen are just groomer panderers and grifters.
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>>42284 Stop saying this
LoL collab starting! I'm gonna post Twisty's POV because she's the rager of the team https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ftOhLCzKxo
Enna, Doppio will never play Elden Ring on stream, he's afraid that women won't watch a super hard game that requires 20 streams to finish
WTF was this lmao???
I'm a spirit blossom thresh hater. Why would you turn the cool skeleton ghost guy into just an ikemen?
>>42306 Because Riot turns everything into K-Pop, there was tons of stories about the Ruined King and how strong he was and then Riot turned him into the Ruined Twink
Do they need to censor league chat in case someone type nigger
>>42308 It's cute that you think that's the worse League chat can say
Twisty is getitng gangbanged....
Funny how Twisty trolls whenever she doesn't play mid
>>42306 for some reason they like to change perfectly recognisable design in some sort of ikemen/playboy >>42308 at one point the games were so toxic that they decided to make the players police themselves, like in csgo cheater review, but just for chat and feeding, and if enough players agreed, the dude was banned. Dunno if it's still a thing.
>>42312 It's not a thing anymore, i miss the tribunal, it was so fucking funny, i once saw someone saying "you probably are a fat nigger retard" and the dude said "oh yeah? I'm more pretty than you'll ever be" and linked his facebook pics
>>42313 god tribunal was so fucking funny. you did call him a slur at the end of the game but he was a whiny bitch, so pardoned.
>>42314 I just declared all chileans as gulty
I bet the other team is raging so much right now lmao
I miss the old shitty retarded builds LoL had at some point, like garen sunfire stack, chogath warmogh stack, karthus 5 rod of ages and so on...
This was so fucking retard lmao. This is why you don't leave your base undefended when your whole mid was wiped
>>42317 AP Trynda...
Say it, Twisty, top is for autists
Enna loves us !
That's raclette btw
I think Twisty forgot she can heal
Oh Twisty does have all chat on full view
The french can't jungle, it's like one of the things Vietnam thought us
If they lose i'm gonna say Enna jinxed it for saying this was their first win of the day
I think Aster told Twisty to stop trolling
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I only just realised that Twisty's Randoseru emote is suppose to mean carry since she's carrying the backpack....
>>42329 You Kotoka....
Is this gonna be the last LoL collab for Twisty?
>Twisty's vaping She's EN's Toru....
>>42333 twisty vape merch when?
>>42332 I feel like she'll do more collabs. It seems she's actually more comfortable playing LOL in big collabs since she doesn't need to worry about dead air and can just lock in for a match
>>42335 It was mostly because Aster told her to chill and she went silent like most angry women but then she said she was vaping so that's why she was silent
>>42336 Anon, they were just bantering, stop being autistic. Twisty has low social battery and gets tired from talking non-stop, especially in LOL. It's the reason why most of her solo LOL streams are just around 2 hours max
>>42337 It wouldn't be the first time someone says something on a collab that makes someone go silent because they got offended as we had confirmation of this happening so it's not as crazy as you think
>>42338 Stop being so autistic and don't overthink banter
>>42339 You're missing the point but whatever, do the funny edgy thingy calling people names in the anonymous board
Twisty's saying that it's extremly hot so her brain is pretty much fried, she'll try to nap and maybe stream something later on
Twisty pressed a wrong button and tapped into league on her ending screen....
Aster jumped into a solo LOL grind right after the collab.....
Uki apparently got Suha drunk and is commenting on how bold and aggresive he can be

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