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It's actually fucking over Ricchie 06/16/2024 (Sun) 16:35:22 No. 17355
>Be me >Still a virgin and have no girlfriend. >Always shower and brush my teeth everyday, always use perfume and liquid deoderant whenever I'm going outside, also comb my hair every now and then. >Always rockin' classic middle class suburban shit like the knit wool sweater and tie combo, or the tropical pattern shirts with long black pants. >Really didn't mind not having a girlfriend or being a virgin, never thought of it as anything bad or particularly unfair and mainly held it against myself and blamed myself for it because of past mistakes that I'll never live down. >Have an extremely annoying older cousin that is a retarded sperg that constantly has autistic episodes where he screams and shouts random things and makes grunting noises >This guy doesn't fucking shower or brush his teeth, doesn't use deoderant or perfume so obviously he really fucking stinks >He spends most of his time chronically online watching his autistic entertainment and playing Gacha games all the time >Horrible sense of fashion, never dresses properly to public places >Motherfucker still somehow gets a girlfriend before I do. >I kind of feel bad for the girl for being with him but at the same time I want to beat the everliving fuck out of her for being such a dumb bitch. >Mfw a retarded autistic sperg fucking mogs me >Mfw nothing will ever make my situation any better. It's actually fucking over. I'm fucking pissed right now, life can be so unfair sometimes. You overcome so many challenges and hardships just to be met with this shit on the other side. I'm actually considering pistol whipping my autistic sperg of a cousin and fucking robbing him at gunpoint and shooting him. I really want this motherfucker dead. He's an absolute embarrassment to the family. What should I do in this situation, anons?
>>17355 have sex
>>17355 Bro, have you seen his girlfriend? Is she attractive? Is she someone YOU'D want to be with? You're feeling depressed because your retard mungo cousin got a lady before you did, but that says more about the lady than it does about your cousin or even you. She made the decision to get with this, for lack of a more diplomatic term, person. Relax. Keep trying. Adapt and overcome.
>>17357 OP here. To me the girl is actually really attractive and I would want to be with her if she didn't fucking decide to be with my cousin. It actually offends me how she could have such bad taste in men but, well, that's besides the point. The real problem that I have with my life is that this isn't even close to the hardships that I have yet to overcome, and I only really made this post to sort of vent a little and get it off my chest. I still have more, less interesting but more important problems to overcome in my life. Thanks for the advice, it really helps, have a good rest of your day.
>>17358 If she is that stupid, you do not want that mental problem around you. You were saved for a reason.
>>17355 We're all going to make it anon!

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