/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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ABDL shota Baby 02/19/2023 (Sun) 01:03:44 No. 22879
Post ABDL shota
Didnt we already have a thread for this?
>>22882 Bumplocked
>>22887 >Bumplocked It's not bumplocked, it reached the post limit of 500 replies. Also for OP, link to the previous thread next time: >>415
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Artist is Little Paws, I personally love his AR stuff.
>>22899 I really wish Strawbs/EllieNoodleSoup/RoninKagashi/whatever would stop flaking the fuck out and vanishing every few years. I really love the art but god fucking dammiit
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>>22949 Same, its so warm and cozy, our only hope is start drawing our self. Every time I try to draw anything though it looks like I have parkinsons
>>23020 how did you make novel ai do anything that isn't just white underwear when inputting diaper?
Maybe boys should be prohibited from potty training and underwear till they hit puberty. I bet it would be really embarrassing for the late bloomers that don't start till the middle of high school.
>>22897 I really like his AR stuff too, but the name Little Paws is pretty useless for finding his content because that's an ABDL diaper brand and he doesn't seem to have accounts under that name. Find him as "sock" or "diapersock" instead.
>>23162 That's LittlePawsLeo. Sockofthedirt is a different guy.
>>23166 You're right, I'm completely incorrect. The styles and themes in their art are just so similar that somehow I found sock while looking for LP. I swear to you I did a reverse image search on those Little Paws pics and ended up at Sock, that's how similar they are. I just assumed that like many ABDL/AR artists he had separate accounts for human/furry or even changed names due to purge cycle.

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More boys! >>23272 Who is the artist for that last sketch?
no boys should ever be potty trained
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>Not posting cute OP with description of what will be posted here. >Not linking to previous thread. Obviously a 12yo boy made this thread, possibly wearing diapers. That's what I get for abandoning the board once the previous thread was full instead of making a new thread with a proper OP. >>22895 >next time: Anon, it took us 2 years to fill up the last thread. That's a long time to wait. What annoys me is that the BO does have the ability to modify OPs to include a link to the previous thread and a better thread description made by us. But for whatever reason they never do it when a thread obviously needs one even if we ask for it explicitly. I'll stop being lazy at some point and start typesetting the shit I got translated and dumping shota art from Strawbs that I haven't posted yet and cute shota art that only seems to be posted at twitter at the moment. These pics were deleted within a few days by the artist.
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>>23298 >art from Strawbs God bless you Anon; I eagerly await this delivery. Diaper shota content is out there, but it feels less discoverable now than when I was a diaper shota myself. Anything you have is appreciated, and I'll try to make a habit of posting what I have. Every so often I get the idea to write up some smutty shota fiction, but I'm hesitant to post it because the shota-interested audience here feels intermittent and lurky (admittedly I am part of the problem). Who knows though, maybe that'll change?
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>>23305 Please do anon. I wrote a short smutty shota fic about VR in the future a while back in the storythread and I want to do more. Please post stuff there. Ive decided to not be ashamed of this in me and I think that writing out my famtasies will be therapeutic in a way. I love seeing others fantasies so I know I'm not alone ine being fucked up.
>>23292 All three are from artist on twitter his handle is @ArVirusWorld >>23305 Do it anon, they are much appreciated.
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I have thought about posting Tanukeart's art since it's all mostly cute boys but they all look toddler age to me which doesn't feel right for a shota thread where the youngest I'm willing to post is at least 5 year olds. Same rule applies to lolis for me.
How do you deal with the fact that you will never again be a cute little boy? Booze isn't working anymore.
>>23668 It's not about what it looks like on the outside, it's all about how you feel on the inside. While it would be nice to look the part and fit in baby diapers again, it's all about feeling cute and little. I pad up, put on some cute comfy jammies, snuggle with a very soft blanket and put on a kids movie from my childhood. Little-ness is all just a state of mind.
>>23668 I feel you bro, it's sometimes hard to deal with the fact that you will never be a toddler again (YWNBT xD). I also miss time when I was middle schooler. Had a lot of friends and whatnot. For me they key to cope with these feelings is to think those times without mofumofu. There were fun moments and moments I would like to live again, but did I enjoy most of it? Nah. Also, just thinking about zoomers and their tiktoks and whatnot makes me think thank god I'm already adult. >>23674 Wise words. Footie pajamas + diapers is the comfiest combo ever. I can't stand children movies though so for me it's those cute girls do cute things -animes.
>>23668 I turned into an anarchist. Political extremism is my cope.
>>23679 >I can't stand children movies though. To each their own, but I didn't mean "baby" movies. Generally it's stuff that my little mind and "adult" mind can agree on. Pixar pre-2010, Coraline, Don Bluth movies, etc. I do have loads of nostalgia for early-mid 2000s shonen anime though. Zatch Bell, Bobobo, Shaman King, etc. (Zatch Bell really holds up btw). Weebs would probably kill me for saying this, but I sorta miss 4Kids. The censorship and bad jokes/puns always felt like they were aiming for a preschool demographic and that makes me feel little in a weird way. Kids TV was also just so in-your-face and high energy back then. Their intros still bop tho.
>>23674 Pajamas, stuffed animals, baby powder, and childhood movies always work, but the thing that tends to ruin the comfy feeling is seeing a child character being picked up by a grownup. I'm too big now, so I can never be picked up like that, or rocked to sleep, or carried to bed after I fall asleep on the couch or in the car. I know it's a small detail to focus on, but most of my earliest memories include being picked up and held by my parents, and I remember it being such a safe and secure feeling. Also, there are things like knowing that I'm stuck inside and I can't go the playground to run around and play. I hope VR can offer these experiences soon.
>>22949 I miss them too! Personally I'm still sore that Undieknights/Dyperdrive stopped doing shota work, another great talent lost.
>>23806 Yeah, it would feel so nice to be picked up and carried again. It's weird, but pushing on my butt/swaddling myself sort of simulates the feeling for me a little.
>>23818 i always loved that second pajama boy drawing, such a simple pic but so effective
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Naruto pic I just finished yesterday Basically of an AU where Sakura is older and ends up becoming Naruto and Sasuke's Jonin Sensei (and also they both wear diapers..)
Being an adult is dumb and stupid. Can't I just be a shota? >:(
>>24412 Shit if I became a shota over night I'd get myself in so much trouble. I'd absolutely love being able to fit in real baby diapers though
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>>24388 Taking a break from training to get a quick diaper change
>>24535 Gay.
>>23020 >>23143 I like to see more of these, but have the boys wear only just diapers.
More of toddlers than shotas, but still super cute.
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>MFW I'll never be a cute diapered shota
>>26057 Poor little baby. Good put your diapers on and put your paci in your mouth like a good little boy and I'm sure you'll feel better.
>>26057 shut the fuck up, brat. You are a shota.
>>26062 Aww my cute picture got removed. Oh well. Thanks I did it and felt much better.
This is some of what ive generated by merging modules and using stable diffusion. It a lot harder then novel AI but I am slowly getting better.
>>26364 >>26345 Please take this to the AI art thread.
>>26380 I did not make this art.
Does anybody have any boys wearing chastity cages? Some of my favorite art
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>>23674 >>23864 I see at least One person here has shared a few of my drawings (I'm responsible for those obviously hand drawn ones) it's kinda cool stumbling across something I did being shared somewhere, it's been a goal of mine since I first started uploading Lemme share some of the ones I've done more recently. If anyone cares to check out some more I have a pixiv where I post everything, im not too difficult to find if you search for diaper/shota content together
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>>24535 Hey, I know you! I saw that you also uploaded some of your stories to AO3, which is greatly appreciated given the way Twitter is going. I'm a fag, so not into the cucking stuff, but the way you write shotas getting pampered and humiliated is very tickling. As an aside, I mentioned here some moons ago that I planned to upload some written content of my own. Would anons/BO be preferential to that going in here or in the general stories thread? I ask because the shota audience here is not very large.
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>>27252 CUTE. He needs a bottle and a good (wholesome) ravishing too.
>>23305 This anon here. I finally spent some free time writing diaper shota fiction, and I am attaching it here. It didn't end up nearly as diaper-packed as I'd hoped. But I'm making more and will post it later. >>23321 Kept you waiting, huh? This piece is some sort of sci-fi, and could be generously described as a twist on the tried but true "boy fucks up, gets diapered" trope. I hope all the build-up is worth it. Please enjoy.
>>27344 are you planing on posting the story’s on others websites or this here?
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>>27440 Not really sure, anon. I'm not really sure how hardcore this fic will go (i.e. on the cute to funny spectrum), so I think more basic sites are out of the question. Most of what I foresee for young David involves him suffering the consequences of his childish actions. In space, nobody can hear you piss yourself. I'm considering posting on AO3, like some people earlier in this thread have, but it takes a few days to get an account there.
>>23305 >87132248 wow that syo art by omufish is incredibly R A R E i think it must be from like 3 or 4 iterations ago, i forgot it even existed. do you have more of omufish's older stuff?
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>>27447 I have a decent bit of omufish, traveler, nowhere near a comprehensive collection. Frankly most of it is low-quality sketches which got shared around after fish's last purge. Here's a few I have that fall within the scope of this thread.
>>27441 very cute art and yeah young David he ace like a big baby and how old David? Because him act like a little 12 year old boy? And I think space work not for him he to more of a baby
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>>27467 I left the second digit ambiguous for my own reasons, but it's pretty easy to tell how old he's meant to be based on context. David is as at that tender age where boys develop all these ambitions of being big, responsible, self-sufficient adults; but his body and maturity level might have something else to say about that. He's just old enough to be put to work by the Mizunos, but just young enough for his adopted brother to view him as an ankle-biter. It's a tough age.
>>27473 so 15 or 16 I sad he old family dead and he have to work in space but David a cutie and I happy he a little cute shota diaper boy for now on him needs it after all his tantrums and you can post the start on pixiv
>>27473 Do you have sauce on these? Would love to see more, especially the second two.
>>27441 who the artist for the first 2 and who the artist for the last one?
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The moment I saw Bailey/Spider-Boy's design I instantly knew he was a heavy bedwetter and wore thick dino-diapers every night. And due to his somewhat frequent daytime accidents he has to wear pull-ups under his spider suit >>27233 I'm really glad you've been enjoying my stuff anon!! And yeah, I defo know the cucking stuff isn't to everyone's taste, but I'm happy you're able to look past it!! I hope you liked my Diapered Adventurer story since the cuck-adjacent elements weren't as prominent
I need some help finding something. Does anyone have an archive of Tato's work before he nuked himself? I'm trying to find a commission he did for MysteriousMrX of Mowgli getting changed into a diaper by Shanti. This first picture is the only evidence I can find of it's existence, just a thumbnail from the Wayback Machine so excuse the ant-size resolution. Also, some extra for the sake of content.
>>27873 Furarchiver. It has all the nuked furaffinity stuff. Good luck looking for that particular one in 3k submissions, though. Try to get a filename, or approximate date to make your life easier. Then just download, sort by date, and look for one you need.
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>>27685 Drew up a whole big pile of Bailey's!!
>>27876 Thanks for the tip, man. Had no idea this existed, it'll be really helpful. Totally found it, even found the colored one the commissioner did. This tool's amazing, would you happen to know if there's a similar one for deviantart? >>27879 Good stuff, Bailey's really cute and I wonder what Marvel's gonna do with him.
bumping this thread!!
>>27879 does she have leprosy or soemthing? Holy fuck.
>>29422 >leprosy >ginger Basically the same thing.
I know your usernames from other websites. I've seen your stuff before.
>>29408 who the artist for the first drawing here?
bumping this thread to see if anyone's got something new to post
>>27473 That last image is so fucking hot, you have no idea
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Okay, is there a way to report shit?
>>32558 Yes consult your doctor if you have abnormal bowel movements
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Here are a few newer hot ones from Skidoo.
>>33410 You wouldn't happen to have an archive for skidoo would you?
>>33410 This is allowed but similar Loli is usually deleted?
>>32772 That boy needs some real diapers or a couple of inserts.
>>24388 >>24535 why the f did this artist turn naruto BLACK
>>33474 niggas love naruto
k-dkid's DA account seems to have gone, which is a shame
>>34948 Tragic if true. K-dkid's art is very cute. The faces are expressive, and the coloring style has this childlike quality that pushes a ton of buttons for me personally. I actually considered asking him for a commission a few years ago, alas. While the technicals of the art aren't perfect, it's all just so mischievously innocent. The boys he draws are of an egotistical and very special age, where they're intensely self-conscious and are just about to discover the opposite (or maybe same idk) sex and their feelings thereabout. For such boys, the "demotion" to diapers is just this inherently humiliating thing that goes so hard. In the fantasy you can take this (rather traumatic) kind of event and turn it into something sweet or romantic. Anyways, I should make good on my promise and finish writing my story about a sho getting babied.
>>34948 >>34949 holy shit post more of his art
>>34953 Ask and ye shall receive thickly padded lil' boys.
>>34953 And a few more This trio came with a story of a sibling rivalry - after the sister convinces the parents to put the older brother (a bedwetter) in diapers as punishment for misbehaving, there's a back-and-forth game of one-upmanship until they're both in diapers 24/7
>>34960 I think between us that might be all of it?
>>34958 >>34959 >>34960 >>34961 \( ゚ヮ゚)/ Splendid work, anon. That's just about all the ones I remember. There may be one or two more that are Trunks/Killua fanarts but I cannot find them on my hard drive. The micro-fictions associated with these pictures are a big part of the charm for me. The one in which the boy groggily goes to school in his night diaper (1st in your last post) is a prequel to the last image in >>34949 . I don't believe he ever concluded that one. My favorite is probably the first one in >>34949, where (if memory serves) the boy plays a game of truth or dare with girl and friends at a sleepover. He ends up in diapers, and she locks the bathroom door. She ends up giving him a choice between the key and a kiss, and you can guess how he felt wetting that diaper during his first kiss. ツ I do hope k-dkid returns to us.
>>34948 he's been saying that da has been taking down his posts and said he's looking for somewhere else to post so he'll probably resurface somewhere
>>34949 These push buttons for me too. It definitely reminds me of that time before diapers turned into a full-blown fetish, where I would fantasize about being put back in diapers, but also knew how embarrassing it would be. Being perceived as "little" or "babyish" at that age is a big deal, and these pictures really nail both the embarrassed, blushy boy, and the cute innocence of it all. Like the first one above, he's clearly "too old" for diapers, so his face is all red from getting a diaper check, but he's still just a little kid playing with a toy car on the floor. Trying to find good art that lands in that zone without getting too furry, sexual, or sissy is pretty damn difficult.
>>34985 Glad I snagged his stuff when I did
God bless the previous posts and the diaper shota who made them. I'm sure he'll get the nice diaper rub he deserves at his change tomorrow morning.
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Somehow, Omufish returned. (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)
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>>35138 Love the Xiao art here. I have always loved the few artists that make him being little and cute since he tries to act like a an edgelord. Here's a great comic of him being a reluctant bottom that you guys might like. https://nhentai.net/g/397621/
A couple months ago an artist named FluffyTush showed up on Inkbunny, dropped some really good diaper shota art, then pivoted to just lewds. They're not dead yet so hopefully they'll do more diaper stuff.
>>35424 I like their art! Wish there was more!
Life simply isn't fair, anons. What I'd give to be a cute diaper shota again. :C
>>35845 It really isn't fair. When you're a little kid who wants to wear diapers, you're told you're too old for them. When you're a teen or adult who wants to wear diapers, you're a creep. Then you get sold on the lie that everything gets better as you get older. That was somewhat true for part of my twenties, but then I checked off most of the stuff on my adult bucket list, and I still want to be a baby boy. Only now it's too late. Is there anything else to do other than to get drunk or high all the time? This might be whining, but fuck it, I want to be a toddler and throw a tantrum.
>>35852 I don't think it's ever too late to be a happy, baby boy. We will all get older and there's no way around it, but we shouldn't waste time at any age. This fetish is all about pretending, after all. When I hang out with my ABDL friends (whom I am so lucky to know), physical age doesn't feel as important. I'm older than a few of them but they all know I'm the littlest baby in the bunch. It feels so special every time.
>>35845 live vicariously through art
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Anons I just want cute shota diaper rubs.
>>36172 Damn, source for these? Reverse image search didn't give me anything.
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>>36225 New omufish account on Pixiv. Mostly not shota. Get 'em while they're hot I guess.
>>36235 Where?
>>36236 https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/95881182 I was indisposed earlier. Remember that all shos belong in diapers, Inshallah.
Cute diaper shos can (on occasion) be had on Baraag, if you're willing to look for 'em.
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