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24/7, incontinence-desires and incontinence 2 Baby 06/09/2023 (Fri) 04:10:06 No. 26374
>>313 The previous thread hit the bump limit. Let's continue from where we left off. This a thread for anons, both currently incontinent and those seeking to become incontinent. Feel free to share your thoughts, ideas, and theories. >Do you wear 24/7, if so, how long? >What got you interested in 24/7, and more generally ABDL? Do you consider yourself leaning towards AB or DL especially? >Do you want to untrain? How will you/have you done so? >Who knows you wear 24/7? >If you untrained, do you honestly regret it? How has your mood about it progressed since you started? >If you don't wear 24/7, would you like to? Why/why not?
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Are there any more anons with updates to pic related?
>>26424 From the previous thread. (not op) "Another update. Took some time off the regimen, about 3 weeks, but I started again 6 days ago… I think I’ve finally done it. This dosing schedule is lower than any I previously tried, just 10mg hyoscine + 0.65mg doxazosin taken together at bedtime. Previous experiments with the hyoscine must’ve been too high because I was following guidance for other things. The lower dose of cardura has cleared up any side-effects, and my bladder doesnt feel like exploding from having a high volume of pee at once. I’ve also happened upon some cannabis, using that for the first time in a long time, once nightly. During my entire day there are rarely warnings or any sensations before becoming wetter. Doesn’t matter what state or position. I’ve noticed my diapers are very full now with seemingly not counting that many pees. The benefit of going this way is that everything wicks very efficiently. I’ve decided to go back to 24/7 regardless, instead of wearing minor protection for leaks during the day and still using the toilet several times. There may be a mental component to recent progress. Figured I genuinely am happier this way and I remember my previous 24/7 fondly. I had no issue keeping it up then for 6 months, so I’m already familiar with the changes I’ll need to make."
>>26471 How did you get these drugs?
>>26530 Same place the trannies get their blackmarket estrogen. Vanuatu online pharmacies
>Bad Vibes post Reminder that >>26424 a samefag Dont take Serotonin antagonists. Dont take Dopamin antagonists. (Better known as Chemical Lobotomy, or antipsychotics in newspeak) unless you want to loose your ability to cry and such (+organ function[you need those]) I dont know anticonvulsants, gaba blabla,muscle relaxants, dirulectics ... Check Erowid.org
>>26681 >this post brought to you by ChatGPT
Fucking around with medicine to cause incontinence, I don't care how qualified you are or not, is a really shit idea. The only medication you should take is when you have an actual ailment. You don't know the long-term damage you doing to your body. You want to be incontinent, here's an idea. Wear diapers 24/7 365 and piss in them whenever you need to. With any luck after 1.5 years later you will probably end up like me. I feel when I need to go and don't have any time to stop myself. Don't realise that I am pissing until I see it coming out or hear it when it half trickles out when I bath. Sitting down is fun because somehow it constricts the plumbing and I have a full on accident when I stand. Incontinent without pills. Nobody knows other than the wife and you lot now that I have posted this. Wear your diapers, piss in them and enjoy your life. Don't be fucking spergs and take pills to do something that could cause you suffering when you get old. Newsflash, nobody will know or care if you wear medical diapers and as long as you don't be a fucking idiot flashing your diaper around for people to see. Being 75 in the old folks home crapping and pissing yourself in diapers is inevitable, why worry if you start 40 years early?
>>26717 cool story boomer
>Incontinence clinic doing paws on diapers. What does Recruitment look at? A locker full of assisted Leaks? Displays of bravery? Waist circumfence? Means for the cause? Attitude at their weakest? Plushies? Smell? Dream Journals? Amazonian bedsheets (like the greeks wore)? Chances of adoption? Who knows??
>>26724 Ok now I am not the one that said thanks chat GPT earlier, but if this is a stream of consciousness from an actual human and not machine generated text I will literally eat my entire body whole. Was this like a snarky reply of what an actual chatGPT post looks like?
Had a bedwetting dream after drinking melatonin tea. Been wearing every night for over a year with some months 24/7. Lately found a new confidence in my thick padding and been experiencing bladder regression where i feel relaxed while and after peeing. If a few drops go in my pants thats okay. Overall less stress and more moments to dive under the waves of my imagination
Bumping this thread to know about anon who is taking medication to become incon. As for me I've been wearing for wears and went 24/7 for a couple of days but gave up it's too much work and too expensive I think I Managed to weak my bladder just right for what i wanted. can't hold for too long and i go easily Now, I want some advice about sleeping in diapers I always take them off in the middle of the night and i never had an accident >>26986 >melatonin tea will give this a shot
>>27452 >As for me I've been wearing for wears As for me I've been wearing for YEARS Fixed
Embarassing things that happened while 24/7? > Be me In college Trying out 24/7 for two weeks Wetting and messing Haven’t used the toilet once Normal diaper is Tranquility ATN At gym Wearing Attends pullup while working out Plan on going back to dorm room and changing into ATN when done (Dorm is single occupancy and I have my own toilet and shower) Workout almost done Pullup barely damp Fire alarm goes off Leave without diaper bag (it’s in locker room) No worries, just need to go back to dorm where there are plenty of diapers Dorm is like 5 minutes away on bus Get on bus Standing room only Start wetting after about a minute At first it’s a dribble, but then start flooding Pullup soaked Know I’m about to leak Could prevent leak by holding it Think “you’re incontinent now. You can’t hold it” Keep wetting Feel dampness in my sweatpants Get back to dorm Look in mirror Two big dark splotches on either side of soaked pullup It even ran down my legs An astute person could tell I was wearing a diaper because area covered by pullup was not wet Not too bothered Know incontinent people have to deal with leaks sometimes Shower off and change into fresh ATN. Did I stop after this? Heck no! I just started keeping my diaper bag with me at all times, and wore Tranquility Slimlines while working out instead of pull-ups. I kept it up for another 4 months until summer vacation started.
>>27455 >Wetting AND MESSING You're brave >At gym I'm also a gym goer and to avoid wearing a pullup during my training (it's hot and uncomfortable as fuck) I don't drink anything 3 hours before training Thirsty as hell but no wetting and I wore pullup after training >Think “you’re incontinent now. You can’t hold it” Same mindset I had and here's my story Grocery shopping, wearing a thin medical pullup Pullup was already a bit wet and I had no idea when that happened Have to go again >just let it go, I'm incontinent Pullup leaks and I'm wearing jeans Very visible dark track over my right thigh I'm absolute sure people noticed Ashamed as fuck, want to quit 24/7 Next day I'm back in diapers like nothing happened
>>27456 >>27456 >I don't drink anything 3 hours before training One of my rules was no restricting fluids. I always drank 8 glasses of water a day. Another rule was no covering diapers with grown up underwear. I had like 12 rules that I’ll post in a few minutes. >>27456 >Wetting AND MESSING >You're brave I’ll post a messing story in a few minutes.
>>27459 Be me At library alone Library is in a 10 floor tower It’s 11pm so entire floor empty Except me Sitting at computer Start messing Decent sized poop fills seat of diaper Load spreads up my crack instead of going forward towards my naughty bits Figure I’ll sit around for like 10 minutes before changing 10 minutes pass Get up to go change Bathroom occupied It’s a single toilet and a urinal Go back to computer to wait 7/10 girl sits next to me Starts using computer Worry about the smell She doesn’t seem to notice This goes on for 5 minutes Hear toilet flush in bathroom Guy leaves Get up to go change Change Leave to go to bed in dorm.
>>27460 No greentext story?
>>27477 Sorry lmao
fake as fuck if you don't greentext it how can we trust it???
My dumb diapered butt didn't notice the bump limit. from other thread: OAB anon reporting in. Did a ton of homework and tried various things to no avail. I did however find out that many folks with OAB and Urge Incontinence did acquire it through a UTI. Seems like a Strep B UTI had the highest success rate. Anywho I did what anyone in a bad bout of BIID would do. Seems that I ended up giving myself an asymptomatic/silent uti not a full one. No symptoms just concentrated pee. Total pain in the ass as I need to clear that up to try again or continue further. No clue as to why its asymptomatic as science itself has no real knowledge or info on this. Going to be a challenge as asymptomatic UTI is a "Do not treat" scenario to avoid over prescribing antibiotics. Still concerned a bit since some people have claimed that they had hospital stays for silent UTI but I can see anything backing that up through literature. Still though trying to find a way to induce and train bladder spasms. Realistically its going to be either through UTI or through getting my hands on Bethanechol tabs through an online pharma. Cant find a safe or reliable source for the tabs at all which is what I really want to do.
>>26534 They don't have bethanechol sadly. Also don't know how their process works or if they ask a ton of questions for verification.
>>27653 Well UTI is now cleared. Lost a bit of capacity but thats about it. I might have prior nerve/pelvic floor issues that might make it impossible for me. UTI was painless, without urgency and without spasms. Worst I got was blood and a minor tickling feeling with overall soreness. Was hoping for more. Still on the hunt for the elusive spasms and urgency. Potentially going to use a foley as spasms are common with those. Just want to get some spasms and urgency going and train my bladder to see that as normal. Sad to see that these threads were more used in the past. Only other place to discuss seems to be DD. Hope all are getting the results they are after.
Are there any really well-documented 24/7 blogs/journals? I find it fascinating and have thought about it. But I'd prefer living through others written experiences first. Any that are not just full of shi* and not the diaper kind?
>>27962 None that I can verify are legit. Too many end up just straight lying for clout or smething. I could try making my own but i doubt it would be of much benefit at this point. I also dont wanna risk a dox
>>27958 So, another possibility I've recently discovered that might interest you. Vaginal diazepam or other muscle relaxants can be used to significantly weaken the pelvic floor muscle. Baclofen suppositories can be used similarly. It's an ongoing treatment, but it could easily hasten muscle atrophy. Of course, it's a bigger challenge for men to take advantage of this... But something that could be tried is intravesical(inserting into the bladder) medication. An intravesical muscle relaxant would be a pretty fast deathblow to continence. Baclofen or gabepentin is much easier to find than bethanechol. Just, gonna be hard to get it all the way in your bladder...
>>27962 >>27964 well im looking for a spasmatic bladder with urgency. I want my bladder to pulse and then give me no time before urge overwhelms me and i end up with wet pants. the relaxers have the opposite of what I want. Im trying to break down an iron bladder and get back to uncontrollable urge to wet.
>>27964 also making a slurry by mixing with water and putting down a cath works. I used a douche syringe to give myself the uti. dont recommend that as it could lead to a lot of pressure damage (i got lucky).
>>27966 The pelvic floor muscle reinforces your sphincters, but doesn't determine their strength alone. Lacking a PFM, you'll get strong urges very quickly, but still be able to hold it for a second until your sphincters are overwhelmed.
>>27975 Worth a shot. Thanks for the info, gonna look into it. Curious if those relaxers have any affect on M3 receptors. Weaking the pelvic floor cant hurt as I expect to be fecal ic as well. I have IBS so that ones in the bag. Also Ive done some digging but cant seem to find out why my bladder is so desensitized. Before this journey I have had a super iron bladder, able to sleep, wake up and pee over 1L without much urgency and without being woken up. Is this nuerogenic at this point? Overstretched? I hope not. I regret not starting this 5 years ago. Gonna keep checking this thread every day. I'm hell bent on getting urge incontinence. BIID is a relentless thing. Thanks for the tips and Ill keep posting about things I find.
>>27977 Most likely it's a thick bladder lining. This is one of the things that actually should have gotten worse with that UTI --the infection damages the bladder lining, causing urine to more easily trigger receptors in the bladder wall which cause the desire to urinate. If you want sudden painful urges to urinate, get rid of that lining. But they won't overwhelm you and make you have an accident until the sphincters get weak. You keep shooting stuff up into your bladder and it'll get worse over time. I've been doing this for a while with various things --lidocaine, muscle relaxers, etc-- and my continence has gradually worsened. Gabapentin has definitely made me extremely leaky and weakened my pelvic floor muscle significantly.
>>27978 >>27978 Yeah thats why I gave myself the UTI. Everything Ive read so far shows links between OAB and IC with a UTI. Honestly didnt think the first "dose" worked so I went over kill on the second one. I can feel the wall is inflammed still but all I got was stinky pee, peeing blood, and a tickling feeling on urination. Was a real downer for sure, but it isnt completely over yet so Ill see what the healing process is going to be like. have noticed some "urgency" but its more like the dull feeling of a full bladder when empty, not the sharp "omg I have to go" feeling im after. Ill be heading back to work tomorrow (truck driver) so i should be able to pad up 24/7 this week to see if the UTI had any effects. Might have made it easier but we will see. Since you have done bladder washes with other things, would glycerin or ginger have an effect? i was thinking of melting a glycerin suppository in water and doing a wash or pissing off the lining with diluted ginger water. i think it could cause pain spasms much like anal figging. Ive tried to find info on Glycerin but it seems like it doesnt work like i think it would.
>>27981 The nerve endings *inside* the bladder are a different beast, and those are the ones you want to affect. If you want to be a lunatic, you could just create an acidic solution with lemon juice and put it in there; that'll dissolve the bladder wall lining real fast, and the sugar will probably give you another UTI to boot.
>>27982 Yeah I get that. trying to avoid another UTI for the short term. lost a week of work over it and frankly it might not be over. bactrim fixed some stuff but Im still getting stinky pee and inflammation so I hope that means the bacteria have taken root in the bladder lining. Its a supposed cause of interstital cystis and OAB. If Im going to do anything I want to make sure that I dont go too extreme to quickly. I can always do more but I cant undo whats done. if I do to much I may get results that I dont want like UAB or neurogenic bladder. I wanna wear diapers not be forced to cath. So lemon juice is way to far a solution I think As for the suppository idea in theory it should work. the urothelium is a mucus lining just like the colon and as such it should have the same iritant effects.
>>27981 Nigga you gonna die.
Well I made a mistake in my half asleep state. I meant Bisacodyl not Glycerin. No info at all about its use in the bladder. Did a mild test run on Urethra, def caused burning and agitation. Waiting to see how long the effects last. Curious if a wash with it would yield cramping or spasms much like the colon. Need to do a full trial run before commiting to it. >>27987 Possibly. But hey everyone says to follow your dreams no matter what and dont let anyone take you down. All that motivational jazz. Honestly though, No one escapes death. I could choose not to attempt to live the life I want and be upset with regret later on. Id rather regret trying than regret anymore missed opportunities. I got one life, and I want it actually needing diapers. If I die so be it.
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>>28006 Agreed, tbh. I believe strongly in pharmaceutical freedom, and that includes the right to make a choice about your body that a doctor would disagree with. For me, it's about toilet independence. I don't want to have to think about them anymore. They were such a huge source of stress for me growing up, that I sometimes genuinely feel sick and shaky if I have to use one. I was partially incontinent before and my goal is incontinence so complete that I don't need to be ashamed of my decision. I do still laxative and enema to use a toilet for that, since it saves a lot of hassle. But part of me wishes I could undo my potty training entirely. Just forget that potties even exist. Not a healthy way to cope with trauma, but... On the odd day that I don't have to think about one at all, it's bliss.
>>28008 Oh wow. That's pretty intense but totally understandable. Getting away from the potty sounds like a good idea to me. Hope you have a proper CG in your life cause I could see them loving a little who is scared of the potty monster. Might be a cute way to deal with the trauma. Honestly I have a bad case of BIID along with anxiety so for me diapers not only make me feel safer but more whole. I do want to have actual dependence though which probably stems from BIID and childhood trauma. So urge incontinence is the way to go for me. I may end up doing some crazy experimentation but I do end up following a healthy safety code. Lots of research and fact finding before anything. I may not find info about bisacodyl usage in the bladder but I can look up info on colonic mucus membrane damage from use and extrapolate what might happen. On a more long note here are some findings for OAB/IC: There is a likely link between UTI and OAB and IC. Bacteria build colonies in the urothelium that shield them from antibiotics and effectively create a low grade undetectable infection that causes inflammation. Its all still theory though but It holds water when looking at OAB groups with How did it start threads. The detrusor is controlled by the M3 muscarinic receptors. Bethanechol is an M3 agonist and will cause spasms. on the flip side Anti-cholinergic drugs (Including benedryl) have big effects on detrisor contractility. Besides the Crede maneuver there is no external way to cause detrusor contractions, not even with Estim. Crede is mildly helpful at best for me. Of the UTI strains that seem to cause OAB the most, Strep B seems to be the one. Sadly good luck sourcing it and only 1 in 4 people actually have it naturally in the colon so low chance of you having it. Thats all I can think of at this late hour. Ill post again tomorrow if there are any replies.
So i've been seriously considering trying the original idea of taking gabapentin+doxazosin (the talk of inserting things directly in the bladder is scary to me) But does anyone have any results from it? so far it seems mixed.
>>28010 I've thought about a CG, more for the encouragement to stay the course on wearing diapers 24/7 and being incontinent, but I haven't had much luck dating inside the scene. I don't even want romance or to be changed by others, just someone who tells me I'm doing the right thing and it's okay. Or a hypnotist that can make me forget about potties and live a free life... I did intravesical lidocaine once and it actually *helped* my OAB because of reducing the chronic inflammation in my bladder. You likely have a valid idea about chronic inflammation being the key --so if we can find something that can cause inflammation when used topically, that'll be your bet. I really do hope you get what you want. >>28011 I took it for a while and had good results. I'm still a lot leakier than I used to be. But again, I had bladder issues before I started. The biggest benefit I got from gaba was that my bladder didn't twitch to stop peeing. I could be wetting and stand up, start walking, or even get surprised and it wouldn't spasm to stop the flow. It also didn't tighten up in response to sudden pressure, so I would often leak when sneezing or bending over. My bladder hurts a lot during these contractions, so it was really nice to be free of it. Not sure about cardura/doxazosin. I continued taking just gabapentin after running out of doxazosin and got roughly the same result, just with less random dribbles. I think it's most likely to help if you're already a good way into untraining, or have a weak bladder. It won't make you incontinent by itself. I'm considering trying other meds to control bladder spasms, since mine get kinda bad. Baclofen and my doctor isn't above trying diazepam. A lot of ladies use gabapentin, diazepam, or baclofen suppositories to control vaginal muscle spasms, so it's not off the table for me to try it intravesically either. I hope you get the results you're after, anon.
>>28011 OABanon here. it does seem mixed and honestly sourcing actual medication is hard to do. Theres some site for sure but there are plenty out there selling god knows what as other pills. If you wanna try it make sure to do your homework on both drugs, some may make existing conditions you already have worse (bethanchol triggers asthma). make sure to get prescriber level info not webmd bullshit. https://www.drugs.com/monograph/doxazosin.html https://www.drugs.com/monograph/gabapentin.html
>>28012 If you don't mind me asking: Anything in particular that started your spasms by chance? anything that has made it worse? I mean I literally gave myself a UTI in an extreme way since my body naturally fought off the first attempt so Im curious as to what to do next. And yeah the ABDL dating scene is a hot mess. Hell even most discords are just constant drama and fighting. I mean theres a lot of childhood trauma and emotional negect in this kink. I just wish people would make friends without it being so weird and cliquey all the time. And while I'm not looking for anything right now I'd be a fool not to remind you that it is your damn life. What you choose for yourself is the right thing and it is definely ok to wear diapers. Love yourself enough to get what you need: A comfy diaper around your waist. Hope that brings your spirits up a bit.
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>>28014 The start of my problems was getting a half-botched genital surgery as a kid. It caused some nerve damage and permanently weakened my pelvic floor muscle. I managed to potty train again when I was six or seven, but I was really never good at it. As I got older I kept trying to hold my bladder as long as I could, but it was never enough to live up to people's expectations. I damaged my bladder muscles by holding so much more than I could easily handle, so often. Just trying to get through a class at school without getting laughed at or the teacher thinking i was being lazy or getting a talk from a school counselor because they thought i was going to the bathroom so often to do drugs and i jsut... Yeah. It's damage that built up over time. The pain and inflammation in my bladder was from holding too much and some of the drastic things I did to try and hold it. I wasn't above trying to plug it, even, and gave myself a few UTIs that way. I hate OAB --I'd rather just feel a little tickle when the stream leaves me and that's it. Thank you for the encouragement! I need every bit I can to commit to this. I'm bad at sticking with it.
>>28016 Thats alot to deal with growing up. Makes sense why you have such a negative association with the bathroom. It honestly sucks you had so much bullshit from everyone when it should have been an ADA protection. And I'm sorry to hear that you are having a rough time with your OAB. Wish I could trade you for it somehow. And thanks by the way for not judging me for wanting something you have that you hate. Too many people are quick to become vicious when that happens. I need to head to bed but, What is your ultimate goal? a nuerogenic painless bladder that just leaks and dribbles?
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>>28018 Thanks for your kind words. I thought of myself as not incontinent enough to 'count', as disabled, but it's been strangely identity affirming for doctors and bosses to talk to me and bring up the ADA because it applies to me. I'm incontinent enough to have legal protection from discrimination if I have accidents. That's an incredible thought sometimes. I know better than to throw hate, anyway --what I want is what someone else hates, I'm sure. I wish I could trade with you too, but I wish more that we could both have our ideal. I want my bladder to act like it does when I focus on holding it relaxed; 30-50ml or so leaks out every 5-10 minutes without having to coax it, and a little more if I sneeze or bend over. And no more pain... Get some rest! I hope you wake up after some sleep with a cramped bladder and can't hold it long enough to get to the bathroom.
>>28019 You will get there. Just take time to accept your incontinence and work on relaxing that bladder more. I hope that it wont be to hard to achieve. Heres to pain free days! I did wake up with a lazy cramped bladder but per the normal I dont have much urgency. Worried at this point that I may have prior nerve damage. Some meds I was on years ago caused urinary retention and now I just lack the urgency to pee. Thats what I'm trying to get back.
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>>28029 I woke up with a cramped bladder too, and still had to focus to let go even when it was hurting. I still don't reliably wet in my sleep... I really crave a long, good sleep where I just let go while I'm out, but the pain wakes me up a lot of the time. I hope you can reawaken your nerves. Urinary retention is treatable, though; it might be something to see a doc over.
>>28032 I appreciate it. Have you considered using a foley cath when sleeping? might be a way to use a 5cc vs 30cc one to use when sleeping. I think i read somewhere that a 16fr or bigger and 30cc foley have much higher chances of causing spasms. Maybe try using something smaller but not too small that it can fall out? Also I thought urologists could do a sphincterectomy to basically open up the bladder so you can dribble more. Heres hoping you can get your bladder to not clench so much from the pain and you can wake up, pee really quickly, and fall back asleep. I know a lot of it is not getting worried about leaks and wet sheets. That anxiety does affect your subconscious. Maybe you could try wetting the bed on purpose a bit to make it feel more wanted and natural? Training the subconscious seems to be the big deal. Still not certian if its retention of if the nerves are shot. Kinda why I really really want to source bethanchol because if it doesnt work then I will know without a doubt I have nerve issues. When you have spasms is it just the detrusor or the whole abdomen? I have had an accident at 26 when my bladder was super urgent and just started pulsing only the detrusor to wet but I cant seem to get that to happen again. Hope all is well for you today!
>>28036 I do sometimes cath up at night, if things get bad enough and I have to drink a lot of water before bed. It's just not a lot less painful than my bladder is normally. I've seriously thought about a sphincterectomy, but that tends to only be done in cases of extreme retention, and I can't retain much. My bladder isn't going to explode or feed back into my kidneys, so they offer gabapentin and other things for the pain, but nothing really lifechanging. I confess it's crossed my mind to expand a 30cc foley and... pull it. The overstretching might be similar to a sphincterectomy in practice. But there's no guarantee it would heal in a way that dribbled instead of retained. I'm not really stressed over wet sheets anymore. I have little leaks all the time, and when I try to go with just an underwear pad I just give up on them as being inevitable and wear black pants. It's hard to say what's up with your bladder, but it does seem oddly numb. You should have felt some pain from the UTI at least.
>>28052 So I did some digging around as I had a old memory pop in my head going down the road today. I used to drive a mobile dentistry around and they had sanitizing wipes on there. I remember the manager freaking out cause I was using them barehanded and he told me that they were hospital grade and to wear gloves because they could cause nerve damage with extended use and make your hands go numb. Light bulb in head goes *DING*. So I looked up the wipes and I found what I think were them. Sani Cloth AF3. The main ingredient is n-Alkyl (68% C12, 32% C) dimethyl ethylbenzyl ammonium chlorides. Sadly I just spent like an hour digging around to see if any chem site listed neuropathy, numbness, or nerve damage and I found nothing. Ill keep my eyes out during research to see if there is anything out there that is not toxic, cancer inducing, or otherwise potentially fatal out there. Who knows what you may find out there. Ill keep a look out for ya. and yeah the UTI was painless. Didnt really know how bad it got until I peed blood. Even now I have some pain but its like a 0.5/10 odd soreness in my bladder. Urgency ia kinda up but I have been wearing 24/7 and wetting at first notice or thought. Also IBS + Antibiotics are one hell of a combo. had to change my diaper 6 times monday morning, totally wrecked my fictional potty chart. Kinda oddly blushing cause I couldnt seem to keep a clean diaper long.
>>28054 It's so hard to find useful information on the internet anymore. I'm not sure why that manager was so worried, though --there seems to be no suggestion of that being true anywhere. I'm really not above putting random chemicals in there, but if I don't know if it will get worse or better, it's risky.
>>28066 I understand that. Definetly not trying to push you to do something too risky. Maybe there is something in the pharma world that could help. Also you mentioned have a lot of pain. Isn't that a hallmark sign of Interstital Cystis? Im assuming you have already taken anti-inflammatories. Just trying to find some solution that may help you with the pain. I think that muscle relaxer combo should work for the pelvic floor in theory. Next thing on my list will probably be a bisacodyl wash. Going to have to get a cath for that but ill figure it out. Still need to give some time to see where I am at continence wise.
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>>28071 I'd certainly qualify for interstital cystitis. Intravesical lidocaine did a lot to relieve my pain and inflammation, and actually drastically improved my continence for a while. I've been tempted to do it again for the relief, but it will probably slow down my incontinence journey. My doctor actually wants me to try gabapentin and baclofen normally, at much higher doses than the ones that I was taking when it damaged my continence. He also talked about a possible botox injection, so maybe a sphincterectomy isn't off the table after all. Hypnosis was brought up to me by a friend, too. It worked on me in the past, but I feel like I see diapers differently than most people do. For me, diapers are about independence, strength, and maturity. Before wearing diapers, I was a kid struggling to use the... thing in the bathroom. Now I can be an adult that takes care of themself. A lot of hypnosis focuses on that baby aspect that I don't like. I don't want to forget about the thing in the bathroom because I want to regress, I want to forget about it because it's a childish thing and I should be an adult.
>>28071 I saw your post on DD. There's something grossly positive and unrealistic about the attitudes of the people there, I think. Very much on the idea that you are incontinent when you choose to start, and not when you get the result you want. It's not that I mind diapers as a fetish, though I don't really consider it my fetish, it's just... A lot of people there are definitely doing it for only fetishistic reasons and it feels like the wind in their sails will run out quickly. I posted on that board a few times, but never was able to feel much connection.
>>28092 Yeah its a weird place. Some advice on there is outright wrong and some posts just sound like some sort of weird fiction. Like clout chasing in an achieving incontinence forum with made up BS. It gives me like uncanny valley vibes, close to normal but something is just off and you can't put your finger on it. Adisc seems neat but they have rules against people going for incon which I understand. Also something weird is how in BIID groups there is usually no mention of achieving incontinence. It's always every other disability except incon. Since thats the case I have never joined or posted in any. What I do want to know is whether that is because we are that rare or if those topics are banned or otherwise unaccepted. I fear its more likely the latter than the former which means there could be a bunch of people out there with nowhere really to go. All of that is why I'm posting here a bunch. Nobody wants to post in a dead general and where else can we go. Maybe we come across as blogposting but hey if it gets it active and more people talking then its a good thing. To a point atleast because we can't really moderate or gatekeep can we? >>28087 It's really neat to see someone who is the polar opposite of what people would expect here. Diapers are being adult for you and let you have the power and independence you desire in your life. Its also good to hear your doctor is willing to help you on this too. Its the safest route by far. I can only hope that something like a sphincterecomy could reduce your pain by a ton and give you back your life. Keep us updated cause I would love to hear any news. I check this thread like 2-3 times a day now. You are like having a penpal lmao.
>>28092 Also if you meant a post I made ON DD, I have an account but i've never posted there. Place just gives me vibes so I just lurk.
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>>28096 Dailydiapers is a boomer site, I think is what it is. It's very out of touch and built on social posturing, because it's largely boomers and that's what they do. There are discord servers that are positive towards 24/7 wear, but you don't generally get a lot of support and validation for wanting to cause damage to your continence. I know it's not too rare, I run into a lot of people who are on the incontinence spectrum(can't believe I just used that term) and not all of them are there because they started out that way. The most incon-positive place I ever saw was a patreon where someone is pawning off incontinence training advice, encouragement, and validation. I was subbed to it for a while, but I felt a little out of place there so I eventually left. I did take one thing of value away. I think of myself as incontinent. Maybe not as an identity, like a trans thing, but it's part of who I am. That reframed my journey a lot; now I'm trying to accept who I am, not trying to change. >>28097 Huh --I saw a recently made post about somebody hoping to get severe OAB and figured it might be you. Sorry to assume!
>>28098 All good I just dont want to have someone elses words mixed with my own and also dont want him to deal with people thinking hes me. ai mean it is a chan site. As for DD yeah it def has TONS of UK boomers. Like damn if I have to hear the word nappies one more time I'm gonna poop my pants. That might be a good part of it, but theres also like really out there postings (Rich coming from me I know). Some of it is purely nonsensical. As for the patreon and accepting being incontinent I'm damn well convinced that BIID and GID are just two symptom sets of the same disorder. Sister conditions if you will. I mean look at gender dysphoria symptoms and then look at BIID symptoms. Then take a look at the craziest stuff GID people have done and the craziest stuff BIID people have done to get to their "normal". Its all the same, seriously. One wants to change gender, the other wants either a disability or a removed limb. The only difference is one is accepted medically and can get drugs and surgery easily and quickly and the other is total taboo and treated insane. No shade at Trans folks in the slightest I'm happy for them to get away from that pain but I can only find one difference between cutting of someones limb and cutting off someones penis and inverting it. One is rare with relatively few patients and the other is being looked at as a 10 trillion dollar industry over the coming years. I laugh when people say the military industrial complex is bad because the medical industrial complex is by far the worst. Wish I could source that claim too becuase it was from an healthcare investor meeting a few months or so ago and it pissed the trans community off. Now strangely I can't even find a single article on it. Hmmmmmm. Anywho acceptance really is the plataeu folks can get stuck on. Once we get over that it does get scary because then we want it at all costs. Body dysmorphia cranked up to 11 and since the medical communiry will not consent to help I'm forced to find my own alternatives. I'll find my way to it but I'll be taking my time. Slower smaller results here and there to get it to the point I want. It's much safer and also lowers the chance of going too drastically far beyond the results you want. I mean I could bladder wash drain cleaner or laundry detergent but I really don't wanna die or live with a port and cath bag for my pee and poop cause I melted my bladder into my colon.
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>>28096 To go on a little about this board... People made this chan and this board because they wanted to be left alone to discuss the things they like. It's probably the ideal place for this sort of thing. Anonymity isn't really a shield-- I'm sure there are people on this board who will recognize me as someone they know if they read all this and put it together-- but I feel safer here. Safety and validation is what I'm after, a lot of the time, when talking about this stuff. When I opened up about wanting to damage my remaining continence in more public places, I got flak publicly but privately people messaged me and called me their hero. I think this board skips that dichotomy of public vs. private, and makes a place that's got the best of both. I'm gonna give hypnosis another try, I think. Even if I can't find a file or hypnotist that will help, I think I can set something up with elevenlabs if I can put together a good script for what I want. Maybe I could just have someone else write the script so I don't overthink myself out of trance? Things to consider. >>28099 I get the frustration, but trans people were and still are struggling with gatekeeping. We're just struggling with the same gatekeeping dialed up more, and as more of us struggle, the more that wall will come down. I don't know if I can consider myself as having BIID or GID. I don't really think of myself in terms of gender anymore --I'm naturally androgynous anyways, and I can't enjoy sex because of the same nerve damage that made me borderline incontinent. When I dream of myself, I'm always wearing diapers in my dream. Unless it's a nightmare, I'm incontinent completely, and sometimes can't even tell when I wet. It's definitely a part of my identity, and I feel a... friction with my perception of self and reality of self when I feel my bladder tense up and start to retain. I'm not afraid of serious damage. I think I've gotten past that. I want to do easy and safe things first, yes, but if they don't work, I'll do something more extreme. I'm more scared that I might go on for years longer struggling and binge/purging. I want to end the waffling and commit. For as long as I focus and stay clear-headed and hold my bladder relaxed, I feel right. Sometimes I can do that for hours. But I want it to stay that way when I lose focus, not for the tension to come back... Well, now I'm definitely blogposting. Sorry, I just don't get to vent like this a lot.
>>28100 Hypnosis could be a good bet. Maybe you could commission one specifically not to be fetish or little related. It would cist some cash but hey might be worth it. Yeah I'm not throwing any bashing at the trans community nor am I saying they have life on easy mode at all. Honestly people with BIID have easy mode cause getting what we want can be faster and less detectable by society that HRT. I totally understand that. I may not dream much any more but I did decide to wear regular underwear recently when i went in for a shower (tapes are fucking loud on Peekabus). As I was walking into our lounge it felt really weird, Like I was going commando and had nothing on underneath. I felt really insecure and uncomfortable. The more ai wear the more normal it is for me. Well always stop yourself from doing too much especially if you still deal with binge/purge cycles. Those cycles are like a bipolar cycle. When you bounce back and forth too much you can hid a binge cycle where you may choose to do something reckless in order to prevent a "purge" again. Keep your chin up, love yourself for who you are, and be proud and smile every time you wet your pants. You got this. Don't even sweat I'm blogposting like hell too but frankly I could care less. Vent to your hearts content. Its's why we're here right? Also you know what's funny? My TMJ started years ago because of a cavity I couldn't get filled for months. I kept flinching my jaw a bit because of the pain and eventually it never stopped. Wonder if that's the same for you. It's like you are tense and flinching from the IC pain which makes it hard for you to just relax your pelvic floor. Maybe your doctor could try to numb you up for a bit to see if you can learn to relax those muscles again and untrain a pain-flinch response?
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>>28102 I'm lucky my housemates don't care if I just wear diapers and a t-shirt around the house. Sometimes they do too. It's helped diapers feel more... normal. When I'm on my purge and don't wear for a while and I see that they're wearing and being fine, a little bit of that shame I still have chips away. You're right. Doing something extreme and trapping myself probably won't feel good. Sometimes when I'm weary and not up to cleaning up, the... thing in the bathroom is worth using. I can at least control messes with good meal planning, gentle laxatives, and enemas. The option to dodge cleanup is nice. I don't need to banish myself from it forever, I just... I wish I didn't have to see it in the corner of my eye when I just want to brush my teeth. Mm... That's not such a bad idea. Last time I numbed things up in there, it felt good, but I was continent and that felt like a step backwards. Maybe I should just numb it and use that as a chance to push my incontinence forward.
>>28102 I like Woherminston's hypnosis. He treats it like a treatment from a doctor, doesn't belittle you for wanting a relaxed bladder... I'm gonna give some of that stuff a try.
>>28104 What I would give to be able to romp around in a tshirt and diapers with roommates who do the same. Feel like the neighbors wouldn't like the smell from the garbage though. What a amazing living situation you have. I'm kinda envious. Yeah definetly try to numb it out again. It will be easier to relax if it isnt hurting especially with the medicine to relax. Good luck with the hypnosis aswell!
>>28114 >Feel like the neighbors wouldn't like the smell from the garbage though. People don't make a habit of going around sticking their nose in trash bins and if they do they expect bad smells. People have real babies with actual diapers, people throw out rotted chicken bones, etc. - you don't need to worry about your neighbors. If anything, I would just point out that it would be impossible to host normie friends or family at your house since the living area would probably either smell like used diapers or be masked by some other strong smell like powder in a nursery.
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>>28132 This but more generally, I have never gotten any trouble from anyone else about wearing diapers. Honestly, nobody's ever even considered it a bad thing when I told them. Unattractive, sure, but when I explained my situation nobody ended up thinking that I was irrational or extreme for wearing diapers. I guess that sort of reaction is when I started thinking of myself as an incontinent person.
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>>28104 I've been chewing on this today, maybe helped along by hypnosis. My subconscious mind, I think, doesn't like the idea of being really stuck in diapers with no option. It also doesn't want to totally forget about the thing in the bathroom, even though it's scared of it. At the same time, the conscious me wants to be validated for what I'm doing. For it to be considered okay to wear diapers, not just ambivalent or negative. And I want to be free of the pain and fear of having to pretend to be continent. Wearing and using diapers is, overall, a positive experience. So I just need to find a way to commit that pleases both these sides.
>>28012 >I continued taking just gabapentin Do you reckon pregabalin has any potential as a substitute? From my understanding they're similar.
>>28148 Oab here maybe I should namefag but meh. Just know that what you are doing isnt wrong. Its all social conditioning. We all have that to some degree. It feels taboo because you get a feeling that what you are doing isnt "normal". Well what you have been through and how you feel isn't either so the solution can't be normal can it? What you need to do is tell yourself that you deserve a life away from fear, without the pain, and without toilets. Pad on and know that you deserve that safety, comfort and normalcy. Your subconscious mind might also be traumatized depending on the source of that phobia. I mean you said for years your tried to hold it in to unhealthy levels and did many things to avoid accidents and ridicule. So its stuck in a life or death mindset to keep avoiding failure. I guess maybe seeing diapers as the soultion you should have picked from the beginning might help. I just don't know where your self esteem is or how good your anger control is either. If it was me I would have gotten mad that I didn't just cave in sooner and avoid all these issues and treat my past self as foolish. But again for some people that mindset turns toxic and destructive and ends up not being helpful. You will find your peace with all of this for sure. As an update the uti results are kinda in. I have about a 1/10 dull pain on an empty bladder, 3/10 if i dont get enougb sleep and my ibs is flaring due to that. My capacity is drastically reduced from 800ml/1.5L down to at most 550ml. Huge improvement there as now I have a more normal capacity. Finding that i really need to really go at 300ml and sometimes as early as 150ml. Still have an easy time holding my bladder though. No spasms and nothing to push those urges over the edge into wet pants. Think I need to work on a weaker pelvic floor but that is going to be extremely tough. some of the meds recommended like gabapentin and others are dangerous given my line of work so I wont even dare try em. I really don't care if I die trying to achieve urge incontinence but Im not going to even come close to risking the public, my moral code wont allow it. But Im starting to think that the spasms might not be needed if I can weaken it enough that I cant hold back. So at this point its either sourcing bethanechol for spasms or finding a more mechanical route to weaken those muscles. A big problem is the pudental nerve runs through there so things like sitting on something for hours are more likely to do damage there and cause a nuerogenic bladder. Im really out of ideas on this one. So I'm kinda in brainstorm phase at the moment. Really considering smashing up a bisacodyl tab, and diluting it in water for another bladder wash to see if it would cause spasms. I just need to make sure the uti is really clear but not miss the "rebound" window that would be believeable after antibiotics. Glad to see you making some progress on insight and self reflection. I feel it won't be long before you can logically break down the barriers and live life the way you want. Heres to us all having soggy or stinky pamps.
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>>28190 I wanted diapers a lot as a kid, but my parents weren't having it. I was just being lazy, or not going often enough, or some other thing to put the blame on me. I *deserved* to be wearing diapers, that's my emotional take... Some part of me wanted to stick it to them and show them I really wasn't able to hold it. Maybe that's it. >toilets Even seeing that word gives me a little flinch. What's happening here is that your bladder is going into 'urge' mode much, much sooner. The first sphincter gives up at that point, and your detrusor muscle tries to squeeze out the bladder, leaving just the second sphincter and pelvic floor muscle stopping you from going. Both of those are manually controlled, but are probably pretty strong. You could be like me and hold hard to failure, which will damage that second sphincter over time.
>>28100 Woherminston on warpmymind does really impressive files. Mindmaster's bladder retraining is also quite powerful. Even though i haven't had any long term effects nor have I been sufficiently persistent, those are the only ones that did something.
>>28213 Yeah but the urge isnt that strong. Maybe weakening the floor would help with that. I kinda want a 0 to "oh shit I gotta go" situation. An urge so strong that I can't hold back. I had it happen once, I woke up like normal thought I was good. then the urge hit me it almost happened right there. i had to fly to put clothes on, ran out my truck, went to the other side to pee but couldnt get the zipper down because it was stuck. My bladder bounced and pulsed and It wont the fight. I peed my pants right then and there. Since then Ive never had an urge like that, and ive never been able to get my bladder to spasm and force me to pee. Holding it doesnt work since I can over ride it no matter what. Wish I could find out what I did right at that time. it was about 5 years ago.
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>>28229 I often feel like my personal journey is more about introspection, self-permission, and peace than it is about actually damaging my bladder any. The pain is a lot less, or at least a lot more ignorable, on days when I'm relaxed and accept this is how I'm going to live. >>28230 Sleeping too deeply and your body doesn't wake you up before it's too late. I'm a heavy sleeper because of some past brain damage and it definitely contributes to me wetting the bed. I'll confess, reading that story raised my heart rate. A lot. Damaging your bladder's upped the urgency and frequency, but you want to lose control too... A lot of hypnosis files I run into seem to want to force that heavy-handed no-control wetting onto people. Maybe something like a mental structure would do better? Be convinced enough you can't hold it and your subconscious will do the rest. Failing that... There's only one muscle left stopping you from this, and it's not hard to damage. If the second bladder sphincter is overstretched(e.g. from a foley balloon being pulled through it) or overstrained from overuse, that's funeral bells for your continence. A little damage to that last muscle will mean you feel the urge, start dribbling right away, and it'll start hurting bad to hold it within a few seconds. It should demand to be let go within a minute or two. That's what happens when dementia patients damage it by pulling out their catheter, and it's what happens to me. Not that I recommend you do anything that violent, but. Keep in mind how close you are to what you want; there's a tiny muscle barely as big around as your pinkie between you and your goal.
>>28231 hopefully it raised your heart rate a lot in a good way. I do sleep heavily but ill wake up and pee 1.5L like nothing happened. I WISH I would wet the bed instead. Nothing would make me happier than falling asleep and waking up in a sogged out diaper and not even remembering it happening. My frequency and urgency arent really up persay after the uti. Its definetly no where near where I want it. I have been for a long time trying to pee at the soonest urge but it really isnt adding to urgency or anything. Thats why Im doing bladder washes with irritants to try and get the nerves to a point where they are more raw and sensitive. The foley idea I have considered however there are a few problems with it. If its torn then i could have the problem of no urgency and a dribble style incontinence which I do NOT want. cant have urgency if you cant hold it. Secondly I dont want to risk scar tissue or urethral stricture. That means Ill have to cath to pee for life. Not really into sounding so not for me. Also Id worry as if I have these issues I will need to see a doctor about it given my life circumstances. A urologist will spot that so quickly and know what it is and I won't have a convenient cover story like I did for the UTI. Im not foolish enough to get "wants to be incontinent" put on my medical chart here in the states. Now I have to ask, If its like you then I assume you have done this before? was that your results after doing it? was it a 5cc or 30cc cath? what was the damage and healing process like? did you pull it out all the way or just tug on it had to damage the sphincter? are you talking damage to the inner or outer sphincter? Did you get way more urgency? Did it cause uncontrollable spasms? Any documentation online about symptoms after ripping out a foley? I ask all this because thats a method Id call irreversable. If I do it and dont get the results I want then oh well cause I cant go back from that. I dont want the func incon where its a constant stream of dribbles cause you cant hold. I want urge incontinence where it hits me like a train out of nowhere and my bladder will spasm and push and I will end up with wet pants without control. With that in mind I'm really more leaning to weaking the pelvic floor but ill need a good method that doesnt involve meds that could cause any sort of syncope or affect my BP. Thats why Im trying to source bethanechol so bad. Its literally an M3 receptor agonist that causes bladder spasms. I figure if I use it inappropriately I could in theory train my bladder to be spastic. I also can test to see if I am already nuerogenic and if I have lost some sensation and such in my bladder already. I do have concerns that I wont be able to get my bladder to keep doing it or potentially cause a need to use them for any bladder contractions. Still weirded out at how the UTI went. I really wasnt expecting to hit the pee blood stage without having any urgency, spasms, or even pain. Again worst I got was a tickling feeling on my sphincter but that was it. Still regetting I didnt do this journey sooner as it would have been easier even a few years ago. Much love to you all. The BIID seems to get really bad in waves and though Im in a lull period I'm starting to get impatient in my peak times. I really need this and want this. It feels right and normal to be padded 24/7 and Im tired of having days where I dont even come close to needing them. Thanks again for advice and hope for more ideas and info from you all soon.
So I am sitting on a shit load of content/snippets/various inputs from those going 24/7 I'll get out here after Sept. Been lurking on the net since '02 never made an account cause I wasn't of age so didn't really start interacting with people till I was 19'ish.... Theres something really interesting from a scientific aspect that I can't put finger on about what is going with us (not in a we are fucked in the head thing)... Has there been anyone looking at electrophysiological manipulation to induce wetting? Think that meme on documentaries a few years back where they put magnets to peoples heads to demonstrate its effect on the brains electrical system.
I will bet one dollar that it is possible to induce a response peeing w/o control via a simple little harmless electrical hiccup in the brain at the precise target location which might be tricky as far design principles go for a "device"
>>28246 you're talking about involuntary muscle contractions and such, so basically the brainstem. I don't think you should do anything to your brainstem, lest you paralyze yourself
As for the meds approach. I haven't seen anyone have much luck, other than OP and some folks with slight incontinence already. Is this correct or should I give it a go? I'm honestly intrigued by the initial merit of being able to cause bedwetting.
>>28251 I'm the one quoted early in this thread that is taking low dose doxazosin/hyoscine. In the interest of making this experience as edifying as possible for the equally retarded as me, I'll disclose some more details because it seems to have been months. First I'll just say that there's no avoiding unintended complications. During doctor visits the last couple months, I have low blood-pressure regardless if I take time off pills. Low end of normal. Dropping by 5 or 10 points more would make it medically urgent. Second, from hyoscine, I had the worst constipation of my life from eating too much taffy. Never mind that too much candy is bad (I do have it often) but that week scared me. I also have plenty of veg/fiber in my diet, so the result was almost an impacted colon. I had to manually break up poo (repeatedly) by reaching in there before it could be evacuated. No enema on hand. The subsequent poops were massive and each at least 10 inches long. Tiny amount of bleeding from that. Overall I find my #2 is a lot less regular, but I did quit coffee recently after it was a daily ritual for almost half my life. Finally unrelated to meds, if you relax your sphincter all the time you will get a prolapsed butthole when straining. Don't strain. My incontinence before all this was minor. Last time I completely emptied my bladder unintentionally was in grade school, one time during class, a few times during sleep. After wearing diapers routinely in adult life, I'd release only ~2ml urine from stress incon from lifting things or getting into crouched/sitting positions. Years ago, after a couple months of 24/7, my daily wettings were over 30. I didn't try counting again because it was too frequent. Also I was only consuming 2L/day of water then, if that. Typically I would avoid drinking anything during an 8hr workday+ commute to prevent going to the bathroom. During work from home though, that wasn't necessary. I'm still not back to 24/7 again out of courtesy to colleague. Leaking is fine with a pad, and not frequent as I dehydrate myself from 8am - 5pm... I will be 24/7 at my new job.
So I looked into pulling out a foley. Its a whole lot of blood, urethral stricture scarring, damage to pprostate and penis, and is totally an ER visit. Not something Id recommend. >>28245 Ive looked into this but besides a device that replaces the sphincter with some sort of remote controlled valve I havent found much. Ive seen quite a lot of folks try it with no real success at all, atleast externally. The bladder is too deep to be stimulated like that. Even the pelvic foor is a bust as far as I have seen.
>>28251 >>28253 This Is why I have been super hesitant to do anything relvolving off label use. I do have long standing issues caused by doctors inappropriate "off label" uses for meds. There is a good chance to have long term side effects not related to what you are after. Even with bethanechol I worry about dependency and effectively needing it just like bisacodyl abuse in the colon. I cannot stress the importantance of proper research without reading through tinted glasses and reading only what you want to see or hear. 2 hours of reading about foley catheter "removal" and I can say atleast through publicly available literature that it causes nothing but massive amounts of urethral damage and stricture. This goes up to ED and permanent cath/port installation. Be wary of all potential outcomes including results you don't want when you choose to do anything towards your continence. Its like going into the casino with big money and delusions that this is going to be the time you win big. Always remember you can easily come out broke.
>>28253 Thanks a lot for the info. How long into this process did you start experiencing these side effects? I'm considering using them for 1-2 weeks tops to see whether I can achieve the desired result without the meds wreaking too much havoc. I'm also considering taking bethanechol, tamsulosin and gabapentin instead of the combo you've suggested.
>>28266 come again when the technology is already available. It needs to be as easy as to download an app to my NeuralLink
>>28272 NeurarLink jailbreaks will be interesting :p Though it remains to be seen which sections of the brain it interacts with.
>>28271 Let us know if you can source bethanechol. Vanuatu doesn't stock it at all and the UK one does but they are out of stock. Don't know of any other reputable sites out there besides those two. >>28274 >>28272 All of this reminds me of the incontinence chip you can acquire for your character in Repurposing Center. Damn what I wouldn't give for this kinda tech.
>>28233 I still have nightmares about running to get to a bathroom and not making it in time. I'd love to trade bladders. I have actually done a lot of urethral dilation, though not a full rip-out. There's very little literature on the damage done, unfortunately, and it seems to be a random gamble between stricture and needing a cath to drain and dribble-forever mode. But you can get dilation going with less than traumatic damage. 10cc balloon is probably doable for most people without bleeding or tearing. I've gone up to about 15cc, and it's definitely made peeing easier and faster and worsened dribbling. I probably wouldn't recommend it for you.
>>28285 Yeah dribbling is not my thing. I am after the urgency though. Too bad all those AR magic stories are fake. Would be nice to wake up in a wet bed with the problems someone else here has and they can have my bladder instead. Woe is the world we live in. Hey atleast I have another story idea to sit on since I just can't seem to buckle down and write em. I would totally trade someone for urge incontinence. Conisdering the foley idea a bit but I would never do a full pull out. Light tugging exercises maybe. Still waiting to find out if some can find a legit source of bethanechol that isnt rat poison or god knows what else India shits out. Too many fake medicine poisoning scandals abound.
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>>28278 Any other games you ran into that run the untraining meme? >>28287 Waking up wet is still a weird feeling. Feels like a coin toss on if I'm going to feel like human garbage or feel relief and euphoria. Maybe it has to do with what I was dreaming before waking up... Bethanechol seems like a real weird medication to throw out fakes for. Most of the time it's smart drugs or weight loss stuff.
>>28288 only game I know of that features untraining content is The Repurposing Center. Diaperquest exists and Degrees of Lewdity has a watersports mod you can get from the modding discord but they really dont feature untraining, more just diaper content. Other games exists out there but I havent tried them like littlington university. As for the fakes thing I feel its the perfect medication to throw fakes for. Hard to source, small userbase, low use duration, and high cost make it a perfect storm to scam someone on. Atleast thats how I feel with it. The prices are all over the place from 1.50 a pill upwards of 5usd a pill. And none of that comes from any of the online pharmas that people recommend or talk about. The sites I find it on have zero user feedback anywhere and that includes using yandex and other alternative search engines. Just gives me serious money fraud or product fraud vibes. Thats why if someone is more brave than me and finds a reputable source it would make my life. Also you are to scared of the device that shall not be named anon right? If so I forgot to ask where you got that really cute artwork you put in your first posts from. Not everyday so see emo dark diaper pics like that.
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>>28290 Thank you for not naming it. I know it's retarded, but I'd prefer to avoid the little jolt of anxiety the word gives me. This is nappingnyan. She's incontinent too and draws stuff to express the pain it causes her. Some of her stuff wanders into the territory of ryona or guro, so reader beware, but. It strikes a chord with me for obvious reasons. Nappingnyan has that same mix of 'am i really incontinent enough to wear diapers?' and 'maybe it's all in my head and I'm just a sick weirdo' that I have. It's nice to see it expressed.
>>28287 Found a bunch available by googling "Bethanechol inurl:mx" Though that's for my country
>>28299 >>28272 Ewwww fuck musk and durrr-a-link A device for this would use an energized wave from to trigger a parasympathetic nervous response along the path way that retraining could possibly operate along Havana syndrome is likely induced via the same basic principles but is targeting the whole brain with a consistent payload being delivered via energized waveform(s).
Is there any way to induce bowel incontinence?
>>28304 Yes and no. Its gonna be more on the runny side. I have IBS so I'm already at the fecal IC level somedays. Heres some tips I do know. 1. Do NOT abuse bisacodyl or other stimulant laxatives. They WILL cause dependency and youll have to take them for the rest of your life. You can use them on occasion for some fun messing but thats like once a month at most. Marshmellows alsobfall into this catagory. 2. use bulking agents like psyllium husk (metamucil) or miralax. they add bulk and water content to the bowels making it easier to pass. Too much of either can block your colon and psyllium does come out like pooping a weird smelling jello. 3. Try not to strain when messing. Always just relax your sphincter when possible at FIRST urge. That will help your bowels train to go easier and increase urges. This also helps with weakening the pelvic floor 4. Tunnel plugs are always mentioned but you would need to do a ton of anal plug stretching first to able to fit a plug with a large enough hole running through it. even then its liable to get build up and get jammed requiring you to remove and clean it. 5. Medical science says anything involving sex is automatically good. This includes anal stretching. All I can find is that if you do practice anal stretching it has no effect on continence. However in the porn industry there is some hushed talk that says otherwise. So I'm not certian if there are any effects 6. Enemas are a treatment for fecal IC. Doing one flushes out the colon giving you quite a bit of time before the next mess. I would not expect them to help you become Fecal IC but I could be wrong. 7. Anal sphincter damage is general a huge cause of fecal IC. As to how to do that safely I couldn't tell you. Any wound or opening around fecal matter is liable to infection or life threatening sepsis. Also the Anal sphincter is fairly repairable by the average surgeon. Mechanical damage on any part of the body is easy to spot by a specialist so at minimum your gonna have a talk about foreplay and not using a huge dildo without training from your doc. 8. I have heard taking mageneseium citrate vitamin supplements is a good way to give yourself the runs. I dont know if those tablets are also considered a stimulant or if there are any contraindications for use. 9. Clorophyll tabs are supposed to be awesome for helping cut down fecal odor which is handy in public situations. 10. if you have IBS or other trigger foods thats going to give you a way better starting point. Do what ever makes it mad, and it will fill your pants in revenge. 11. If you are going for fecal IC then you are also going for bladder IC. Prople who train for both seem to have more success than those only going for one. The pelvic floor is a big part of continence on both ends so it being weakened is a huge debuff to keeping your undies clean. As posted before there are some methods being checked out with meds but other methods may be needed.
>>28298 Im in the US so most places need a prescription from a doctor. There is a term for doctors that will write any script but I cannot remember it. Beyond that my options are going down to mexico or online from outside pharmacies. Mexico could be a bust because many pharmacies down their don't stock it as far as I can find and my spanish is no where near good enough to call. So that leaves the online world.
>>28308 well that was dumb because of course mx is mexico. Ill throw it in google and see what I can mail order without prescription.
>>28309 Whelp came up with nothing. Only 2 sites, $5500 a bottle or 2.3k a bottle. Either way its much higher than Ive seen other places and I wont take the risk at that price. Seems google doesnt respect the inurl:mx command at all. Had tons of site that didnt have mx in the url. Ill keep searching.
>>28310 It seems like the US cracked down on veterinary pharmaceuticals being bought without a prescription for human use --I wonder why-- so a lot of the sources for bethanechol are gone. There is demand, though, so I'd be surprised if no one was willing to fill it.
>>28327 yeah fucking ivermectin morons. Oh well. Thinking I'm going to reach out to inhousepharmacy by email. They mention being able to stock meds not available on the site on their FAQ. They are the number 1 source of HRT for trans folks who are doing it off the radar or without insurance. Transgender groups mention them a lot so I think they get some credibility. Still not having any sort of spasms and did some nerve checks. I tried rubbing the pudenal nerve between my legs and noticed its nowhere as sensitive as it was even late last year. Definetly has me worried about any chance of getting my goal and the source of the issue. Still feeling a bit down even with the successes Ive made but I think I had unrealistic expectations of a one and done solution. Have to figure out whats next as the window for "oops antibiotics failed" is kinda closing on me here soon. I could go for a second uti or go for a bisacodyl wash. Dont know if I should do either at this point and see if the damage done is going to continue to get worse. it seems like 24/7 wearing might be making the urge incontinence worse day by day now but it could be confirmation bias. I feel bad about all the blogposts but I can't stop thinking about all of it. Gotta sound off somewhere. Hope everyones diaper dependent adventures are going well.
>>28310 Pesos rofl
>>28328 >Transgender groups mention them a lot so I think they get some credibility. You actually typed this sentence out and hit enter, thinking it was a good idea. lol
>>28328 Keep going. It's more interesting then seeing faggots ask for videos.
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>>28328 >>28331 Inhouse is reliable. Been getting lots of different meds from them for ages, not just trans stuff. They got my asthma inhalers that are impossible to get stateside. If anyone's gonna get it in stock, it's inhouse. I'll send an email too.
>>28329 Hey google used $ on my end not M$. Same with the sites. >>28331 Yeah I did. because they have a large userbase due to that. If they were fucking around and scamming folks then you would have picked one of the largest vocal triggerable groups to piss off. It would be obvious across a lot of sites if they were selling bad goods or commiting fraud. Inhouse is probably the most reputable one out there.
>>28333 I appreciate it. Hope the Emails get them to stock it. Its going to be a big diagnostic tool for any nerve damage I may have. How goes your hypnosis and acceptance anon?
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>>28339 I'm bad about staying consistent about it. Hypno and epiphanies and stuff are useful when I use them, but I rarely have the energy to commit it to habit and crack the whip on my thought patterns. In adjacent news, though... My doctor has offered me a medication that frequently causes bedwetting. For a different illness, but this one has a pretty high chance of handling that for good. It'll be a while before I can get it. But it could be the answer to all my horrible sleep problems, incontinence-related and no.
>>28337 M$ doesn't get used as a symbol in Mexico. $ is used. They're Mexican sites. They'll display pesos. Each 1000 you see on those sites are 60 bucks. I'm from Mexico and it displays the same prices you mentioned earlier. And I bet my soul on that they're in MXN
>>28340 Sorry to bother, but which medicine?
>>28342 It's an unusual medication for a rare disease that is screechingly illegal outside its narrow medical use. The disease is so rare that saying I have it would probably give someone here enough info to figure out who I am IRL, ahaha...
>>28337 You cannot be this stupid. You must be acting.
>>28416 In regards to? if pesos yeah I dont buy shit from mexico so I wouldn't know. Have had no reason to bother. As for the inhouse stuff if they were sending tainted stuff then yeah it wouldnt be recommended as the top HRT site. people are kinda sensitive to being others being poisoned. news would fly like wildfire.
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I lost my bladder mid-change for the first time. The disease that causes my incontinence is flaring up, so it makes sense, but... God. I'm really in for this, huh? I just sat up to reach for my powder and felt it tingle. No resistance, no spasm.
>>28425 That's amazing! You are really getting there! It sounds like it won't be long until you get diapers all the time. I hope that means it was pain free too?
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With how ridiculously poofy & thicc baby diapers used to be back in the 1970s, do you think Pampers and Huggies completely missed the perfect opportunity to make thicc heavy-duty plastic youth/child diapers ever since the 1970s (if they were actually aware of the larger wettings that children produced...)?
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>>28477 Shame no factory would make this now
>>28489 At that point it might as well be a cloth diaper. imagine the sap clumping.
>>28425 You mentioned a disease, I assume it may have caused leaking but now it turned into a full incontinence? >God. I'm really in for this, huh? After almost an year going in diapers except for number two, I freaked out when I had a true accident. I decided to not become incon, it would be too much of a burden in my life. Still loving diapers, though. Do you have the choice to go back?
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>>28439 Some days are painful and others aren't. My doctor's trialing out baclofen and is open to the idea of bethanechol. So far, mixing baclofen and gabapentin has gotten rid of the pain completely on the bad days, but I'm also really tired from the combo. >>28510 This disease flares up and fades cyclically. Between flareups I just have moderate leaks and urgency and could theoretically manage with a pad, and on a flareup it alternates between painful spasms and near-numb dribbling. Every cycle of flaring up causes a little more permanent damage, though. It's been a slow progression but at some point in the next few years it won't be something I can manage without diapers at all. Maybe we're already there.
>>28477 >>28489 Pampers and Huggies honestly should of made thicc heavy-duty plastic youth/child/big-kid diapers ever since the 1970s (due to how ridiculously poofy & thicc baby diapers used to be back in the 1970s), they would honestly be even better than Underjams and Goodnites (which obviously wouldn't exist due to Pampers and Huggies making thicc heavy-duty plastic youth/child diapers ever since the 1970s)!
I'm bisexual technically
>>28477 >>28519 Despite us being fetishists or otherwise, Most people (especially youth) value discretion and privacy over capacity. Most folks do not want to get caught wearing a diaper, again especially youth. I'm really not shocked they didn't do it since it probably wouldn't sell well at all. >>28512 Well I'm glad you might be at a point to achieve your diaper goals. I just hope you can live life the way you want to with as little pain as possible. If it is just going to get worse then why not take the full plunge and go 24/7. It seems like you are still holding on to the old trauma a bit and trying to use the device that shall not be named. Buy like a case or 2 of really nice diapers and dive right in. >>28332 Well I might as well give a proper status update other than talking about pesos. So the UTI wrap up is kinda in. Still have inflammation even after the antibiotics which definetly has lowered my capacity and slightly upped urgency. Ive gone from waking up peeing 800ml-1.5L down to around 500ml. Needing to pee started at 300ml to 500ml but I did have two bouts earlier today where I really need to go but I only peed maybe 150 to 175ml. All amounts are estimated based on percentage of a 500ml stand water bottle being filled. Still no full urinary accidents or bedwetting at all. I also have been getting urinary tenesmus which isn't surprising as I get fecal tenesmus all the time from my IBS. No actual bladder spasms yet, but honestly I can't find a damn good in depth description of what they are and feel like. I would say its the pulsing feeling that made me wet my shorts years ago but if thats the case then I haven't had any. I still have a dull low intensity soreness at the top of my bladder thats really noticable when my bladder is empty. Its really not painful at all which I'm ok with. Seems like if I get enough in my bladder it goes away as does any urgency. I have been somewhat working on fecal IC for a while with pretty shocking success. I don't bring it up much as most of what I am doing is trying to slow it as much as possible before I'm ready in my life to be fully incon. IBS is like some crazy cheat code for fecal IC, its kinda unbelieveable. I have around 5-9 unavoidable messes a week (most upon waking up in the morning, dont have time to dress and walk into a rest area or the like without risking a total public mess in my pants) with atleast 1-2 near miss accidents ( times where Im not padded and have to rush to get a diaper on asap). I have been wearing as much as possible during my work week and I can tell it is making a difference. I've adjusted to this pretty well over the years so I'm glad atleast that is ready to go when I am. So I also found some interesting bits of research: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2779972/ Bethanchol is "ancedotal" in effectiveness for treating underactive bladder. I feel like this doesn't bode well for me as I may have overstretched my bladder over the past few years. https://cutic.co.uk/what-is-chronic-uti/ Facinating batch of information about the potential links between Interstital Cystis, Over active Bladder, Painful Bladder syndrome, and Urethral Syndrome and Chronic UTI. Also goes really into detail about the lifecycle and process of the condition. They say "Trust the science" but honestly this link is pretty damn obvious even to a layperson such as myself. Its a solid theory that hasn't exactly been proven but a UTI/Chronic UTI can cause damage to the Urothelium which in turn can easily cause all the disorders that are listed. Still scientists haven't studied or gotten funding on this link between them but it does come up in a bunch of literature regardless. The good news for us atleast is that if true then it is basically incurable. Once taken root in the bladder they not only become hidden from antibiotics but they also create sleeper cells that will reactivate at times causing another UTI. It basically becomes a never ending cycle and I might have nailed it on the first go. I hope so but let's see. So all in all my next move is really... Nothing. If I did get chronic UTI then I need to find ways to agitate it without going overkill. I did get a good mix of bisacodyl made but I backed out for two good reasons. First I don't have a proper cath so I risk involvement with my urethra, prostate, and testicles. Second is that if I did get the UTI to stick then I risk either destroying my urothelium or potentially causing the bacteria to get shed out too soon. While I'd like to see a bit more symptoms it was just to risky for additional complications and potentially unwanted outcomes. I may give it a shot when I source a cath. I am also not ready to start bedwetting training at the moment. The method I used that showed serious promise on light usage really hits your sleep quality. I'm having enough sleep issues as it is so adding it to the mix wouldn't be good right now. This is gonna be on the back burner with full fecal incon for the time being. Ill see about posting more links from scholarly articles and such in the future. Plenty of interesting info out there if you are hunting for it.
>>28535 >I'm really not shocked they didn't do it since it probably wouldn't sell well at all. But what if they actually aware of children who are incontinent or are bedwetters and wanted to actually help them back then? For me I honestly would of sell well at all!
>>28553 There isn't even a big enough market today for Huggies or Pampers to sell youth size tape-on diapers, so I doubt anyone was wanting them in the 70s. They don't even sell decent quality adult diapers. It's an interesting fantasy though to imagine major manufacturers strictly focusing on function over discreteness like with their baby diapers. Kids will never leak through their pullups at night because they never existed, instead they end their day by being taped up in a proper diaper before waddling off to bed. A guaranteed dry bed and a good night's sleep is much more important than hiding your diapers from your friends at a sleepover, so your friends' parents will make sure you're snugly diapered before you fall asleep. The amount of people who would have this fetish would be insane.
>>28555 What a world we could have lived in. I need to invent an alternate reality machine cause id wanna visit that dimension. But Im happy enough with what we have available in the abdl scene. just wish abu would get more stuff in stock.
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>>28535 No one else is gonna say it, so I will; I'm genuinely proud of you for the progress you've made. What we're doing is insane to most, but to us, it's necessary. If I get prescribed bethanechol, I'll share, eh? That flareup is finally over today, but I'm still dribbling a lot while changing. The rare times I risk normal underwear, I'm *always* leaving a spot and now it's sometimes enough to soak through. It was sort of surreal hearing my specialist doc talk to me about it. 'This sort of thing happens to 80% of people with [this disease], there's no shame in it. I'm glad the way you are dealing with it works for you. Let us know if you need help with supplies.' Very casual and matter-of-fact. Like it's not one of the biggest changes in my life. Maybe it isn't. My bowel IC is also doing terribly. I still *try* to use the... thing for it, when I feel like I can stomach it. But I'm not succeeding as much as I used to. Started using laxatives and enemas to get myself regular so it can happen at convenient times, before I realized that's a thing that normal IC people do too. Normal IC? Am I a normally IC person? My doc is worried about bowel motility, too, and thinks the bethanechol will help keep that moving more actively and regularly. It feels like I'm in the world's darkest ABDL story, sometimes. >>28553 >>28555 >>28560 I wish youth and teen diapers were more of a thing. There's a jarring transition between baby and small adult sizes that was not very fun for me in middle school. Goodnites are an anomaly filling a very wide gap.
>>28561 Thanks. It means a lot to hear that. the rest of the worldwill never get us. I have been getting doubts about my progress at times so it feels amazing to know that someone is proud. As for that I wouldn't say no. sharing is caring lmao. But yeah I still can't confirm if i have nerve damage or not. Im glad that being incontinent is now a medical approved thing for you. At this point really you are incon, no doubts about that. And yes you definetly are a normal IC person. Wear diapers with honor cause you earned it. I will say having dealt with IBS all my life the overuse of laxatives is kinda a scary thing but I could see why using them would be a good thing. then you control when you need to go. fecal messing is rough in public, had to do it recently but I didnt get found out. And yeah your story has been dark for sure. But i see this as the happy end to it. You have the doctors and treatments on your side. But atleast your story is worth telling unlike most of ours.
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>>28604 Nerve damage is sneaky. It doesn't feel like nerve damage until your body is doing things you didn't tell it to do. For me, I noticed nothing until I clapped my hands and one hand was so much more numb than the other. It builds up over time, slowly and sneakily. Don't rush it, just keep the damage consistent, and the nerve will start to malfunction. Listening to other people with this disease talk about their frustrations with losing control is also pretty surreal. I never really felt like I was in control in the first place. Despite MS doing a number to help, I'm still going to keep untraining. I don't... really care about messing in public. It's happened to me a few times at work, but I just go clean up in the bathroom and it's done. I take a few laxatives before I sleep so it can happen when I wake up, but really, I wouldn't care if it happened at any time anymore. Diapers are control. While I'm wearing one I don't feel like my body's not listening to me, I feel like it's cooperating with my wish to use them.
>>28610 Oh I meant my bladder might already be nuerogenic and incapable of spasming. If I have nerve damage it definelty has snuck up slow. when I experemented even 3 years ago I was able to weaken it quite a bit in a very short time by just going in my diaper when I needed too. Now even with diminished capacity and slightly increased urge I can still hold back way to easily. Feels more like Im choosing to go than being unable to hold it. It worries me because I might not be able to achieve my goals if there is damage. So I'm treading lightly at the moment due to that. I do realize too that I need to weaken my pelvic floor. Ill need to find a targeted or topical solution without meds. Just trying to relax it isn't working, so Ill need a way to relax or numb it locally. Not into fucking around with hypos so yeah. More brainstorming needed. Already ruled out a bunch or things. Im glad aswell that you are making the choice you want to make regardless of societial pressure. Sure treatments may be working but is it really? If what you want is that control in your life from diapers then yeah why bother with any of it. It is your life and your right to choose especially when that choice was already made harder for you by life it self. It's also funny to me that you use laxatives right before bed for a morning mess. Life with IBS in a truck means that naturally I have to go first thing in the morning. Ironically I hate it because it costs me time in my day before I can start working. have you ever taken chlorophyll tabs? heard they are supposed to reduce odor but honestly I don't know if they really are that effective. Also what diapers do you use for your daily driver? I end up using PeekABUs mostly because Simple Abus (same diaper without the print and 80 cents cheaper a diaper) are usually sold out when I need to restock. Still a good comfy fit for public use.
>>28617 Whelp had my first bout of sudden bladder pain. I guess I can confirm a link between UTI and IC. Too early to tell but it was centered in the same spot where I've had that dull aching feeling. Best news of all I did have 3 very tiny and mild spasms near the bladder neck so thats a start. going padded all week so Ill see if there are any other improvements.
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>>28649 Oof. I know that feeling all too well. I hope it doesn't start waking you up and just does its thing while you rest. It's probably your detrusor muscle, if I had to guess. UTI damage making it more sensitive and causing misfires. >>28617 My treatments make it stop getting worse, but the symptoms only partially recover. I've had dreams thinking about skipping meds and trying to agitate myself into a flareup to damage the nerves more, but I recognize it as an awful idea when I wake up. We're... so strangely opposite, aren't we? My bowels barely move properly and I need laxatives to stay regular, while you can't stop going every day. I don't usually bother with chlorophyll tabs --I usually either have access to a place to change or I'm outside, so it seems pointless.
>>28653 Yeah it's actually quite funny. My IBS has been a thing for most of my life. What pushed me from fetishist to going incon was my ibs pain. I decided to wear 24/7 for a week during a flare and POOF the pain was gone. I guess your colon can't get mad if it has nothing to be mad about. But yeah it's interesting that you want diapers for control. Your story is something out of a telluride film for real. Makes me wonder how good it will feel for you to finally be able to live your life as fully incon. I know you are closer to that than any of us here. Depending on the condition and the potential for lethal or debilitating consequences I would suggest not stopping the treatment. You can still get what you want out of the diapered life without risking other potential consequences. Thankfully you realize it is a bad idea and haven't done it. I don't want to pry more as you want to keep your condition private but I always advocate caution. I never actually used chlorophyll and honestly dont think I would need it. I have been curious as to how effective it is. Still up as I have an on going electrical fire scare ( new truck, fishy smell coming into vents from headlights). So much for sleep. However I just came the closest to having a full blown accident when wrapping up. So it seems like I may have given myself IC from the UTI. Of course when you think about it that it makes sense. There is a strong link between IBS and OAB/IC, OAB is rumored to be a stage of IC, IC stages don't always progess to the next one, IC is rumored (If i get diagnosed then confirmed first hand) to be linked to UTI/urothelium damage, AND IBS is thought to be caused by gut biome imbalance/specific bacteria. So I guess causing a UTI when you have IBS can cause IC as those bacteria that agitate the gut could in theory inflame and agitate the urothelium. I guess I'd ask when are you going to make the plunge into full 24/7? I know your doctors have cleared you, so are you already doing so or still holding out? Also I'm kinda shocked we're the only two people here on the regular that are actively trying for full incontinence. Hope everyone is having success.
>>28653 https://www.dailydiapers.com/board/index.php?/topic/87959-my-self-induced-incontinence/ Well now I really can't blame you for seeing a similiarity. He definetly did things I ruled out and confirms that they didn't work. Seems we also went the same route of attack against the urothelium. Quite the interesting read.
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>>28655 Sorry I've been quiet for a few days. I guess since this most recent flareup, and the meds to stop it, full 24/7... kinda snuck up on me. The idea of getting up to use the bathroom in a hurry is getting increasingly scary. I haven't fallen over yet, but I know that a bad day and a slip is all it'll take. Diapers have a certain inertia. I don't really care about messing myself anymore --if it's convenient, I'll try to do it elsewhere, but it's not worth trying to respond to it in any matter of urgency. Or maybe that's just the exhaustion from the immunosuppressants. Doctors are never entirely supportive of diapers, but they certainly get that it can be the most convenient and sensible option. I wish I could take an ultrasound of your bladder. We might be able to see the cysts or inflammation -- a sort of direct feedback of your progress. Medicine has always fascinated me like that. Seeing my own bladder ultrasounds has been wild, too, like how it's still somehow always holding a few ounces it can't get rid of and that's what is making me dribble all the time. I hope I can get images of my spinal MRI soon. I want to see exactly what nerve has the lesion that caused this incontinence. There were others here a while back, and a lot of them went to that one patreon discord server I think. This website in general got a little bit abandoned, but it's still the best place to discuss the less accepted ideas like deliberate UTIs and letting my nerve damage flare up.
>>28767 >>28655 Hey now some of us of have been lurking for 17 years now on this kink... Totally conditioned myself into getting off in this >Whoops A few more things are setting up (gainful employment, etc...) and I will be adding content and arguing with everyone >Documentation of myself
>>28767 Yeah I was curious where you went. Your absence wasn't unnoticed. If you are going 24/7 then I would suggest not rushing to a restroom if possible. You arent wrong about injury on that. 24/7 isn't so bad. Ive been going 24/5 for a bit now. Id really need to hit the point of problems to wear at home. Are you able to source quality brands or have you been using the cheap stuff? Im thinking of adding cheap store brands solely during bad IBS days where I can go through 6-8 diapers in a morning. Peeks are like 3.60 a diaper so that was an expensive morning. I hope your flare ups aren't causing too many problems. given the fact that it is autoimmune of some kind please be careful. I would hate to hear something happened becuase you stopped treatment. if its something that big make sure you are being super careful. As for the nerve its likely s3-5. I read that lumbar can have an effect to but I think thats more slipped disc. I just cant remember what the specific functions on each nerve are off the top of my head. I wish I could see inside too. Interstital Cystis was NOT my intented goal but with a bit of research I could have easily deduced that OAB is likely stage 1 or 2 IC without pain. Holding back on any futher action until I see how far it will progress on its own. late stage with hunners ulcers is described as debilitating. Good news is that it does not always progress and can stay at one stage indefinetly. Good news is that I had my first real random misfire spasms on the left side of my bladder. That was neat but it was no different than the rapid fire ones elsewhere in the body. I think I can survive with incontinence, I dont think I can survive without the road. As for discussion yeah. That DD thread is filled with good info but the responses reek of people about to play with forces they dont understand nor respect. We may not know what we do here but atleast a healthy dose of caution, thought, and warning are thrown around. Frequency still up but without urgency. Fun fact though is that the bacteria from the uti have to be the same ones causing my IBS as they now seem to flare up together as though they have the same response trigger. >>28788 Hey my bad. Hope all goes well with the setup. Glad you are taking the time to do that vs just diving in and making life worse. That's a huge reason why I took so long to start. also the greentext makes it seem like an AI post. LMAO whats with the "Documentation of myself" bit? Also seems like I can't upload pics while phoneposting.
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>>28791 Your mobile lifestyle is fascinating to me. It's so hard for me to travel with the concerns of health, incontinence, and more. I don't know how you could survive it. I wear XP5000s right now, and I'm waiting for them to get back in stock. They're a good price and the velcro tapes are easy to adjust, I've never had a better diaper. I do have access to cheaper diapers for free through my insurance, but... they're mostly worthless. They're nice if I want to try to use the thing in the bathroom, but when I'm laid out like this and it takes so much energy to get up and get in there, I'm more likely to leak than I am to be managing it meaningfully. Definitely an AI post, unfortunately. They come around a lot.
>>28795 Shocked that AI posts would even bohter with a place like this. Oh well. Sorry to hear about you being bedridden at the moment. That sounds like hell to be honest. Hope that you atleast have things to do to keep you occupied during the flare up. How long are you stuck like that? it isn't too long hopefully. As for being on the road it isn't that hard, even wearing peekabus. Sure they are bulky and yeah some people have obviously caught on but no one says anything. As long as Im being smart I genarally don't have leaks and the back area of any truck is very priavte so changing isn't hard at all. I habe a whole system down.
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>>28797 I'm recovering already. I can move pretty decently again, but being too tired to do so can be its own issue. Humiliating as it is, it's still easier to just rely on a diaper and change without getting up. I'll be okay to go back to work by thursday. Stealth in public has never been a concern of mine, at all. I just want to avoid leaks. People have seen my diapers before, and it's been brought up to me on one occasion, but I just tell them I'm incontinent. That's really not a lie anymore. It was never a lie, was it? This is actually happening. This is the kind of panic moment that normally knocks me out of it and gets me to try underwear or pads again for a little while, but I'm just too tired to panic right now.
>>28817 It's not a lie at all. You are incontinent. Don't feel like you are lying. Put of everyone who posts in these threads you have the most valid reason to wear diapers. If we aren't worrying then neither should you. I think too that wet sheets and a soaked matress are more embarassing than changing out a diaper. It makes sense given your condition and how ill you are. Can't be a bedweeter if you have a diaper on! Remember that panic is fake. It's nothing more than imprinted societal expectations. You feel like what your are doing is wrong and that you will be judged. But honestly no one is really noticing but you. Context is key for many things and this is no different. No one is going to want to have an awkward convo with someone about their underwear. No one is going to risk a disability descrimination lawsuit in the work place. Most folks will just be too embarassed and pretend to have seen nothing. With everything you have posted so far, You need to take the big step of self care and love. If this is what you really want then give yourself that. It will really help your self esteem.I don't want to pressure you though so definetly make the right decision for you as only you know whata best given your current circumstances. I wish I could get pictures to upload too. Kinda sad that I can't. Aslo on a side note I was thinking of making a side discord account to be able to chat with folks but I don't know if its a good idea. I don't know if anyone would be comfy with that or if it would kill the thread. Just some thought I had.
>>28819 >I don't know if anyone would be comfy with that or if it would kill the thread. Just some thought I had. I like it here myself. I use anonymizing software to keep my interest to myself. I don't need google or my isp learning what I research on my days off lol. I dont think I can get on discord or other chats and use this software. fwiw I been interested in incont since a was a kid. I first found group on eGroups.com called 2b-incont or something like that. It helped. I've had leakage since early 2000s and it has gotten steadily worse. I can hold it now if I try but not for long. I am a solid bedwetter though. I have occasional dry nights but it is rare.
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>>28819 I'm trying. I know it's nothing to be ashamed of, or at least less to be ashamed of than pissing myself without them. I tried going without diapers for a little bit today, and I managed, but still left a wet spot on my underwear constantly and ultimately did pee myself when I passed out for a little bit. I'm out of the pit my meds put me in. This is just regular ordinary, run of the mill weakness. And it's a weakness I'll have to deal with. I wouldn't mind a discord. I don't even care about using my main for it, honestly. But that'd be up to you if you wanted to, it would definitely make the thread more quiet.
>>28863 >>28871 Yeah I mean I never feel comforatble throwing out a main username for all posterity on and Chan board. I find it a doxxing hazard for sure. might make a temp throwaway just for basic contacting incase anything randomly happens to the site to keep some contact going. wasnt even going to suggest a server, just PMs. Also I still can't tell if thats another AI post. I hope not because thats just creepy at this point, like why here of all places? >>28871 Im glad to see that you are starting to feel better. I think you will eventually get over this social stigma conditioning. I was honestly talking to a friend about how some guys can be so macho about everything but suddenly be super embarassed about having to strip for the doctor. I think I was born without a few gears because I always found a bunch of societal norms to be silly and illogical so as such should be ignored.. So that might be why its much harder for you to accept them as normal to wear. Over here Im having some odd setbacks. Maybe the flare is done but I can't be certain. The dull pain feeling is fading away from time to time. Frequency has plummeted but in a scary way. While my capacity has gone down so has my urine output. color and odor is totally fine but I downed a monster and 3 500ml water bottles today and only peed 3 times for a total of a loose estimated 800ml. Not seeing signs of water retention or kidney failure or ibs related water loss. Could be due to sweat due to summertime heatwaves but my outdoor activies are limited, I run my AC at max blast for so long it shoots ice chips out the vents at me from time to time. Urgency is also down aswell disappointingly . I had to wear 24hrs last week and Ive only used 1 diaper this week so far. I'm going to theorize that the bacteria that cause my IBS are the same ones now nestled in my bladder wall causing the IC. Ill be checking to see if the IC like symptoms flare when my IBS does. If so then it could be triggered response from body body agitating both of them. Ill have to see during my next IBS flare up but in the meantime I am already considering the best time for the next UTI. Ill be getting proper equipment and much better battle plan, like holding out a few more days after getring antibiotics before using them. Still needing a better baseline of current symptoms so still in my holding pattern.
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>>28875 Stay safe. I hope your kidneys aren't affected. I'm trying to be okay. I had another seizure, and my sensations just don't feel the same now. It'll even out eventually, but in the meantime, I can't trust my own perceptions. It's like I have no idea when my bladder is full, or when my bowels are --and it's made me much less reliable on using the... thing for that. I wonder if this is what autistic incontinent people struggle with. I can't really tell when I'm hungry, or thirsty, or need to use the bathroom. Like my interoception fried all at once. I have to put these things together using different input. Like if my eyes and throat are dry, I have to cognitively link that to thirst... and if my stomach feels full, I have no idea if it's because I ate too much, or if I'm going to shit my diaper.
>>29023 Why would people want to intentionally do this to themselves?
So I went to bed early yesterday. At 10-11 instead of the usual 2 o clock. I went diapered as well, and it was one of those nights during which I coooonstantly woke up. Being diapered I took leaks whenever I could. During the early-early morning, I was somewhat conscious lying in bed, I think I had become conscious right before this moment. Though I could feel myself pee.. whilst lying down and without having ordered it. I've never been able to pee whilst lying down, and I have a shy bladder. I wouldn't be able to consciously reproduce this.. though I think I peed my diaper whilst in bed.
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>>29032 Hey, well done anon. Took me some weeks of practice to even sleep comfortably in diapers and some more to pee in them. Keep practicing and it'll feel more and more natural. I don't have a shy bladder but I don't think the process changes too much because of it. Now get yourself some bed pads, having one helped me to feel secure and made wetting easier.
>>29047 Thing is, I wet whilst standing up the whole night o.O Though getting up to wet so often throughout the night triggered it apparently.
>>29050 You stand up to wet? I did this when getting used to sleeping in diapers, so that's normal. In my case, I did in the toilet and it was funny to wake up and see the toilet water clean. My suggestion is to try wetting while laying down before having to do it standing. Maybe you're already doing it. Anyway, just keep trying. There's no magical recipe, most of us went through life without using diapers so it's natural that getting used to them may take long.
>>29024 They didn't. They previously mentioned having a genetic condition earlier. >>29023 Its a similar problem I have with nicotine. It is an appetite suppressant so there are tons of times I don't even realize im hungry at all. lead to hangry moments. I hope you are doing okay. Sounds kinda scary to deal with tbh but I'm glad it doesnt stick around for too long. Get your self some rest and get better alright? >>29032 Congrats! atleast a shy bladder is easy to deal with as thats just overcoming social conditioning and subconscious fear (like the idea of a wet matress causing anxiety making it hard to pee). If you have male genitalia it helps to tuck and point down between your legs. It reduces the resistance your bladder has to overcome. Works when sitting too. Best advice to wet when lying down is to do it with the want and expectation of leaking and wetting your bed. Then you get rid of the tension about it and quickly find that good quality diapers are pretty leak proof if you have the right size and put them on correctly. Well on my end I'm getting that ureathral UTI tickle feeling again but not much else. Sleeping capacity is back up to 800ml again so I'm kinda annoyed but atleast daytime is still around 300ml. Urgency kicks in around 150ml but its easily ignorable ao no real accidents. need to bite the bullet and order a 30cc foley but I'm being to dumb and anxious to just buy one.
>>29056 >If you have male genitalia it helps to tuck and point down between your legs >It reduces the resistance your bladder has to overcome. Could you expand on that? I find it harder to pee while tucking and I only do it when sleeping for the reasons you mentioned.
>>29080 well not necessearily tucked but pointed downward. basically its a siphon https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siphon. It sould affect the ureathral pressure. From what I've read all around is that people are all different. Try different things when wetting. if you try to force yourself to wet but it feels like a lot of resistance then it could mean you need to readjust. Also! another helpful tip is to make sure you are putting on your diaper correctly. you dont want it too tight around the waist. Big mistake I made for years. Make sure that you can bend over comfortably. If it feels like you cant push your gut out or wearing skinny jeans on your waist then its too tight
>>28477 I've been saying that earlier eras of disposable baby diapers were the golden years for a while now. In the 80s Pampers actually advertised the thickness of the diapers as a selling point. Thicker diapers mean more absorbency which meant an easier time for parents and babies. I wish we could go back. Or more accurately recreate 80s and 90s baby diapers with ABDL brands. Nowadays everyone is trying to make baby products look like underwear. Which is fine, but I would prefer it if diapers were just diapers. Their own separate thing. Also, on this note, proportionally baby diapers on actual children are huge compared to their bodies. Even with the biggest, thickest ABDL diapers it still doesn't measure up to how big baby diapers are proportionally to the people wearing them. We still need to go bigger. >>28489 >>28493 I always loved this image. Yeah, having a super large disposable doesn't really make sense from a practicality or manufacturing perspective, but think of how incredible something like that would feel. Sure you could get the thickness from cloth or towels or something, but nothing else feels as good as disposables do.
>>29116 I dig it with wanting larger sizes. Id love to have that massive baloon that would force you to waddle but physics really gets in the way with disposables. Either its gonna clump and sag horribly enough to be unfun or its to rigid and becomes an SAP gel claymore when you bend over, ripping open and spraying everywhere. It does suck though, id buy a pack for funsies every now and then even if they were more than 5 dollars a unit.
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>>29056 I've done some foley rips before. I definitely pee faster and easier than before in any position. You should start smaller, like a 15cc, or with a general urethral dilator like something from siliconenozzles. You actually want to avoid causing serious injury or drawing blood, and instead just stretch it out and cause muscle injury.
>>29199 Any reputable suppliers? I found https://www.athomemedical.com/collections/foley-indwelling-catheters During my searches before. I have heard many places require a prescription but this place doesn't seem to need one. is sterile saline really required? Youtube guides good enough for self insertion? Is shipping discrete from most places? As an update I did try to go for another uti but I'm really thinking that I'm pretty resistant to them. Its pretty extreme so skip on if you don't wanna read it. I basically have used an anal douching syringe this whole time. This last thursday I flushed it with 300ml of a few day old urine. Couldn't hold it too long and wet, so I decided to up the ante and flushed 150ml of mango arizona cause why not. It's now sunday and I'm basically symptom free besides some general soreness near the top of my bladder. Same result as my first failed attempt. Kind of an odd one really. If you did want to throw your discord out there I wouldn't mind adding you. Plenty of sites just up and die these days I would hate to lose contact. Also what is the source on that picture set? it looks like Soap but Im not finding it in any gallery.
I'm wearing 24/7 for almost 4 years, both peeing and messing only in diapers. Here's what has changed since I started: >noticeably faster sensation of bladder urge, probably due to lower bladder capacity >ease of wetting in any position, place and time without effort or focus on it >sometimes it happens during the day, that after a sudden feeling of urge to urinate, I feel that the sphincter itself involuntarily let it go. Seems like it's similar to the symptoms of OAB with incontinence, but it's rather episodical thing, like once a day. It intesifies whet I drink a lot, especially something diurethic., >for several months now, most nights end with a wet diaper in the morning, where I do not remember in any way the moment of wetting. The last two things happened occasionally until recently. However, six months ago I followed a trick, posted probably on DailyDiapers, to which someone linked in a previous thread. It involved compressing and massaging the bladder in a manner similar to cardiac massage. For the first week, maybe 10 days, I repeated this every day several times during the day. Since then, I usually repeat it once a week, unless I forget. In fact, in my case it gave noticeable results. I feel the push even faster, there came involuntary (but conscious) wetting during the day, and most nights are wet. Currently, the only sure way to have a dry night is to very strictly limit drinking before bed, or even dehydrate myself, for example, by drinking alcohol in the afternoon.
Youd be incontinent after 2 years
>>29214 Yeah I've tried to share that trick as much as possible. Doesnt seem to do much for me honestly. Im certian I have some sort of nerve damage. But it is really good and effective for many people.
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It's okay to be incontinent.
>>29219 what trick? what do you have to do?
>>29395 I think this method is what they're talking about. It was a little effective on one day of off and on trying it https://www.dailydiapers.com/board/index.php?/topic/69437-method-to-bedwettingurge-incontinence/
>>29398 Yeah thats the one. Its a modification of Crede's manuever. I have had some success with it recently despite failures the last time. Just make sure you do NOT do this lying down nor use too much force. You do not want to risk backflow and causing injury to the kidneys. It should be around 80-100bpm as well. As a update I was doing some studying into consequences of urothelial damage and came across a bunch of new info. Sadly I just upgraded my phone and my bookmarks and history didnt come with. Ill make a new post soon with a round up of all info. Even found an easily obtainable ingredient that can cause the urothelium to shed in ultra low quantities. Ended up wearing all week. Bladder control is definetly failing. Still at max cap of ~800ml but Ive had some pretty need to go moments by 200ml now. Ended up with a few dribbles in the pants and the post void dibble Ive had since forever is definetly worse. Still don't need diapers though, no bedwetting and I can still easily hold it if I try but I feel like at the rate im going I may need them by end of year. Fecal urgency is way down as im not in an ibs flare up at the moment so nothing new to report there. >>29023 >>29199 Hey Anon you still alive out there? Hope you didn't get too sick.
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>>29400 I'm alive, hah. My advancements are more psychological than physical, as per usual, but I did end up trying that technique to try and get myself to stop waking up when I wet at night. I managed to use the thing in the bathroom for a mess to avoid having to clean up at work. It occurred to me how rare it is that I manage to do that, now, and how little of a problem it is when I do mess. I'm incontinent. That has a lot of ramifications and I'll be chewing on them for a long while. But I can't really not wear diapers.
>>29424 Glad to hear. Last I saw you were having some seizure side effects. Hard to tell who is who. Glad to hear your doing alright. >>29400 So to kinda keep my word, been doing a bunch of reading. Chitosan has been used to cause urothelial "desquamination" or basically shedding/removal. The concentrations used are super low (0.5% at most) so it might not be a feasible or a safe route. In any case urothelial damage basically causes Interstital cystitis also known as painful bladder syndrome. Damage also makes the bladder more sensitive to urine causing more spasms, urgency, and pain. Id write down sources but I am too tired.
>>29080 >>29081 I used to tuck and it worked. But my preferred method now is to just wear my CB6000s chastity cage. It keeps me pointed down and also makes it easier to wet because my penis can’t get constricted by sitting with my legs too close together or putting my diaper on too tight. And yeah by tuck it just means point it downward before you tape the diaper. You’re not trying to hide a bulge.
>>29469 Since the thread died I'll give an update. Not good news either. Been super busy lately so Ive had to use benedryl to sleep at night which is an anticholinergic. I basically set my progress back quite a bit and current issues with my job means its a bad idea to continue for the short term. Still looking to find a full foley kit and chitosan. As for what effects it will have will remain to be seen. Hope everyone is finding success with soggy pants!
Ok so... I been wearing to bed a diaper for about 1½ years for fun. If I woke up during the night and had to pee I would just use the diaper. Now I have noticed past month or so that I have woken up with a wet diaper, without concious memory of waking up to pee in it. Like I know I have been awake on a vague level. There is like 25% chance to this happen. However I take quite bit of preparation in the form of drinking fair bit of water just before going to bed. Anything that otherwise disturbs sleeps like alcohol or whatnot prevents this. If I dont wear a diaper, then it wont happen either.
>>29497 does wearing a Chasity cage really work? thought about it before but seems no comfy and cleaning would be a pain i'm guessing.
>>29970 It works for me! It’s only uncomfortable if you’re starting to get an erection. The cage makes the erection uncomfortable and distracts you from what was making you horny. It also makes it impossible to masturbate normally or have PIV intercourse. But without an add-on like the points of intrigue it’s easy to slip out of the device without a key. For me it’s more of a practical thing because keeping my penis at one size and in one place makes it less likely for my diaper to leak.
>>29970 I just bought myself a chastity cage. I'm not sure it'll be here in time for October, but it's a higher end Cobra cage. I've heard from everyone who's owned one that it makes everything else seem antique by comparison. I really have issues using my diapers sitting down, and I'm hopeful that a cage will fix that. While on an airplane I've actually got so bound up down there that I've kinked something and had blood come out. If a cage can keep things under control, I might wind up always wearing it with diapers.
>>29995 Dang, blood came out? That’s not good. The Cobra cage looks interesting but I’m used to a CB6000s. Plus I like that the CB6000 covers my penis entirely.
>>30007 It's happened twice now where I have a semi-erection, am sitting down, and the pressure of releasing urine caused a bind in the pipes that wound up bleeding. It freaks me out enough that I'm convinced that if I can find a cage that fits comfortably, it might become a permanent part of my diaper routine. I'm a pretty big 'grower', so my hope is to just stay on the very small side. As far as aesthetics go, I really didn't want to buy the Cobra style. The CB6000s looks much better, but everyone who's gone from the CB6000s to the Cobra says it's a huge improvement.
Hi , anon. So. What youre doing is youre very strict. Id say good job but your long term compliance will just be dictated by self preservation. Use a silcion chastity device, not pointing down, to traing your penis not to crave masturbation time. at night, wear j diaper and onesie. After a few weeks of this inhouse programm your penis will adjust and you can wear more restrictive, smaller chastity cages from harder materials longer without the dicklet acting up and the needing nurses
>>28555 >The amount of people who would have this fetish would be insane. For me, I have a little idea for an ABDL comic series (that's basically a Human version of BabyChole (>>8225) and Good Boy Liger ( https://twitter.com/Good_Boy_Liger/with_replies ) ( https://goodboyliger.com/ ) ( https://kemono.su/patreon/user/40711297 )) about an 8-year-old girl being forced to go back to diapers and babyhood (due to her neverending bed-wetting problems), but instead of going back to Preschool, She gets transferred to a Daycare-styled Elementary School for kids that are just like her (In a similar fashion to PaddedUlf's "Emily's Babying" series ( https://kemono.su/patreon/user/574525?q=emily%27s+babying ) and CargoWeasel's "Diaper School"/"My Entire School is going Little!" series ( https://inkbunny.net/gallery/cargoweasel/1/4d197120fe )) with the students being Ages 8–9 (and the Diaper brands they wear being Youth Diaper brands like "Huggies Ultra-Thick" and "Pampers Big Kidz" (due to major manufacturers strictly focusing on function over discreteness like with their baby diapers ever since the 1970s), and their diapers are also always exposed). I would honestly be honored if somebody could commission okayokayokok to make this idea real: https://www.patreon.com/okayokayokok
OABanon back. After a brief hiatus I have returned. My badder control is definetly slipping. After the UTI there is definetly a link between my ibs flares and bladder flares. Urgency is up but still not spasmotic and im not having sudden out of control urges to go. Next step for me is going to be introducing a new uti soon or keep up with low grade bacturia. If im not finding the results I want I may end up doing a wash to damage the urothelium. But thats is a much more specific and potentially dangerous method. We shall see what the future holds but im making fairly decent strides.
>>28092 Also of note this post on DD vanished. I have no idea where it went. Guy achieved what he wanted and mentioned how and the thread is deleted. Super odd given thats what that section of the forums was for
>>27983 >bactrim fixed some stuff Anon, please be very careful with this; you could very well end up with a resistant UTI. Enough times and it could become untreatable, at which point you actually run the possibility of dying.
For the love of God do not injure yourself and don't go infecting yourself with diseases all over fetish/lifestyle! Get some damn help because this has gone too far.
>self inducing UTIs to cause permanent incontinence We're reaching bug chasing levels of weird shit. Also what >>31879 said, please stop before it's too late.
>>31873 Ehh. Not worried about inevitabilities personally. I will do some much deeper diving into MDR UTI and urosepsis to see what my mortality risk rate is. Also going to triple check what other unwanted outcomes are there and reassess plans as needed. Very little out there for non elderly data. I appreciate the reminder on a vital weak point in my plans. >>31879 >I walked into a thread about things i dont like and now I'm mad But for real this isnt fetish shit this BIID teir. Sorry but if GID folks get their "dream" then so do I. Also going too far in an incon desires thread? The fuck is this some dailydiapers incon desires fapbaiyt thead? Can't be because unlike DD it seems like people in these threads are pretty damn serious. Refer to the first 4 replies in this thread. Really not trying to piss you off but damn have you read both threads? My posts are pretty tame. >>31912 Still better to go the natural actual route vs the prescription pill mixing going on in the previous thread and beginning of this one. Hell even I was falling victim to trying to get bethanechol. Glad i didnt because I did my research and found out recently it would have killed me as its agonist effects arent only strong in the bladder. I will state that mentioning using [redacted] to strip my urothelium off in a well documented in vivo reaction gets no reaction. Heaven forbid I choose the safer route to see what a UTI does for causing urge incontinence (protip: low level chronic bacturia, reccurent uti, and urothelial damage seem to play a part in urge incon). I mean if it scares you or freaks you out I appreciate the concern but I'm going to achieve what I'm after. I'm also not recruiting either and always vouch for some semblance of research and safety. Its well beyond some fetish thing for me.
>>32135 >Sorry but if GID folks get their "dream" then so do I They chopped their dicks off, you get to rot yours off. Have fun with that.
You're a fucking moron and a delusional nutcase.
>>32135 >But for real this isnt fetish shit this BIID teir. >Can't be because unlike DD it seems like people in these threads are pretty damn serious. DD threads actually are fairly unrestricted but not so much as here. Adisc on the other hand is the place where any non-PC thought goes to die. Reddit is right out. >>32135 >I will state that mentioning using [redacted] to strip my urothelium off I want to read more about this attempt.
I mean, some will do anything to achieve the goal...there's a guy I've seen around, who went so far as to "make" and insert his own urethral stent. Personally, I've no need..I already did the long boring route of conditioning. But I am a bit curious if it'd speed up the process.
>>32136 >>32139 And you are in the wrong thread. It won't rot off, I can hardly say I'm moron. Delusional I can accept, what I (and definetly others) want isn't normal. Again though read the first posts on this thread. >>32142 DD is like 60+ year old fapbait bs, tons of posing and down right lies. Like the thread that was discussed back in july where another user thought it was me. They used similar methods and wrote down what worked and didn't. I assume mods deleted the thread since I cannot find it in that date range. A lot of lying going on in that place too with bad advice. Some people still vouch for outdated or scientifically disproven methods. As for the chemical I will tell you now that I do NOT see this as safe and the precision needed for this are borderline if not totally at lab scales or it could kill you. Consider that a formal warning: its Chitosan hydrocloride. Basically the material that makes up shimp shells. By its nature it is hydrophobic and can't mix with water so regular chitosan doesnt work. It basically causes urothelial shedding. HERES THE PROBLEM: 0.5% w/v is considered to be a high dose with lowest dose average as 0.005% w/v at 20-60 mins. Good luck with mixing that. High volumes for too long cause deeper tissue damage and necrosis. So basically it can kill you, maim you, give you a severe and painfully debilitating case of interstital cystitis, among other things if you mix too strong and hold for too long. While I gave it good thought I can't recommend it nor will I try it as the levels of precision requires on mix and times are too easy to fuck up. My goal is urge incontinence or OAB, not Intersitital Cystitis. Its too high risk for an outcome I may not want. There are plenty of articles on it. My suggestion is to google search "Chitosan Hydrocloride Urothelium Scholar" and do your own homework. I also recommend rereading the same article multiple times for full comprehension, jumping to conclusions is deadly with med journals. They tend to be pretty literal. >>32148 Yeah stents are a dangerous beast like anal toys without a stop or removal method. People seem to get them stuck or lost from time to time. Im not big on foreign bodies for various reasons, especially semi permanent. First its a huge infection avenue and could potentially be unremovable due to swelling. Want to explain to your doctor why thats in there? IMO a foley cath is probably better as you may be able to modify it for what you want without compromising removability. Also metal stent + incapacitating accident + MRI = Fun times. As for speeding up, long term foley use has shown no significant impact on long term continence. It would have been my prefered route.
Reporting in with some news about alfuzosin/gabapentin combo. After a few weeks I am extremely, extremely leaky. I can go without diapers sometimes, but I at least need a pad to stop the leaks. Urgency is way up, but I still get about 15 minutes of holding before it gives.
>>33356 Any side effects other than diaper related ones?
>>33365 Nothing of note. I had some odd shakes a few times, but those likely weren't related. It does make me sleepy for the first few hours after taking it, but i usually just let myself sleep it off.
Hey guy so I have been wearing 24/7 for like a year still can control bladder it hurts if I don't pee immediately though. but thats not the reason im posting. what diaper do you guys wear for nighttime because I ether leak or am going to leak so I wake up unconsciously. I wear xp5000 and abenas for cost and it seems like doubling up is the only way it works plus if I'm on my back. anyone else got much better prices and absorbency? like I wet a lot and I don't drink crazy amounts of water
>>33356 what dosage are you taking?
>>33413 I've used the Northshore MegaMax, much better then the Abena's (+doubler), but leaks were still an issue- it's not so much an absorbancy problem for me but a sealing problem. My solution for this was plastic pants and a (thin-pullon) cloth diaper over the disposable- can just rinse the cloth if there's a leak, hang to dry for a day; full wash as needed. And/or still have a waterproof sheet on the bed. It's a hassle, but it works.
>>33417 I have been thinking of exactly that. Yeah cloth might be the way to go. If you are having leaks on the megamax I surely will too, and I was hoping someone would have told me that megamax was the way to go. they started to get expensive tho
>>33356 Any noctural symptoms, and upon reaching peak incontinence are you wiling to suspend taking the medication to see if your continence returns automatically?
>>33413 XP5000s + boosters work for me. I occasionally leak at night, but I have waterproof sheets. >>33415 Alfuzosin 10mg gaba 400mg, once a day. Realistically I should probably take it twice a day to guarantee it's always in my system, but I tend to just take it at night since I sleep so good with it. >>33430 I plan to take a week off a month to prevent gabapentin dependency from building up. It's a rough drug to quit. It seems like the effects aren't related to it being in my system, but I'm optimistic.
AI slop websites have been absorbing the wrong information and now we have this https://parentportfolio.com/un-potty-training/ How long until the streams cross and AI starts recommending unpotty training to adults? We're winning, bros
>>33433 The key long term study found that for gabapentin the risk of withdrawal occurred most commonly at dosage of 3000mg per day for 3 weeks and noted a few cases that reported some withdrawal symptoms at the 400-800mg range for the same period. Keep us up to date on how it turns out along with your average dosing and duration, you may be making history anon.
>>33441 I'll start on a break now, then. It's been about 3 weeks, so. It'll be hard to say if any of this is because of deliberate detraining rather than just mixing meds, but it seems to help. Notably, my bladder doesn't do that thing where it tenses up after finishing peeing, or when moving around. I can pee in any position or even while walking no problem, for example. I think that by itself did most of the work, my bladder basically had no movement at all for weeks. Will report back later.
>>33423 Despite price I do recommend MegaMax- it's the only diaper I've thought doesn't need a doubler. (disclaimer: haven't tried XP5000). Also, just in case you're talking about switching to cloth, (as opposed to just using a cloth outer layer), I'd avoid it. Getting similar absorbancy out of cloth calls for a comical amount of material- what I ended up at was 2 Rearz Omutsu diapers plus a pullon to keep everything together. Every night. For me it was on a 3 day rotation due to drying times / hanging to dry as opposed to a dryer. It does work, but it's a hassle with high startup cost. Does cut down on waste though- I'm cosplaying as a bedwetter, and calculated out "the volume of 10 years worth of nightly disposables works out to a filled 20ft shipping container". Which seemed a bit excessive.
>>33455 Have you considered one or two prefold cloth diaper (the thiner ones in layers that dry quickly because they are separate and not the bulky slow drying all in one diapers like the omutsu) over a cheaper disposable with a waterproof cover? You'll still have a disposable diaper to take out but it will cut down on costs if you can then use cheaper diapers because the cloth outer layer will make up for any potential leaks.
>>33462 Omutsu isn't an AIO, though it is thick enough to be slow drying. Haven't really done anything with prefolds- too much hassle for before bed; what I _was_ using when using disposables was a single-layer-terry pullon that I think was sold as a doubler from BabyKINS (but isn't available anymore? they have terry lined pants that are similar, but have the AIO disadvantages). Very quick drying, and fine for small leaks- but not enough capacity that I'd skimp on the disposable- probably 1/2 to 3/4 the capacity of a single prefold. You could try a hybrid approach but it seems like it's a bit "the worst of both worlds"- laundry plus disposal, but possibly less risk of leaks- It's a bunch of tradeoffs that are going to be specific to your situations.
Welp, my caretaker is fully depended on diapers. Self replenenishing stack of pampers in my reach, doesnt matter how many I use.
>>33449 My bladder started contracting when I move around again, but it hurts when it does. I am still pretty leaky, but a lot less --the odd thing that persists is that I never seem to be able to get it all out, I have to pee again just 15-30mins after I did last time. Had one major accident. I thought I was just leaking while trying to hold it, but apparently I just straight wet myself with a weak stream. Bedwetting didn't continue once I stopped taking it either. Pretty good results, but nothing groundbreaking. I can use a potty fine, more or less.
>>33502 I wouldn’t expect meaningful results after ceasing the medications. You’ll have to go back on them.
>>33514 I would, but you would need notably more time on them.
I've developed a rare habbit of bed wetting lately. Started around 5,5 months ago, while belmg on holiday in Japan. There were this week wet 4 wet diapers in a row as i woke up. And it continued a bit, like wetting the every 2 weeks. I do wear diapers almost all the time gor quite some time now. But it only happens when i'm totally relaxed. If i have trouble at work, for example, i stay dry.
>>33514 >>33544 There's definitely some notable results from just three weeks on it. It's not just a detraining thing, my bladder is just much weaker than it used to be. I expect a few months of this would kill it for good.
>>26471 Following this up to say that around 3 months ago I quit meds and set out to get a 100% remote job so I could commit to 24/7 as I did in the past. I finally got a good job like this, again. Soon I should be able to go back to that type of wearing instead my instead of (mostly) holding my pee as always. There are many trips to the bathroom of course, given my history. I've recently found that if I fall, I will pee myself a bit, about 1oz. Similar to abrupt lifting of heavy objects or straining myself which is more like half that amount. I'm excited to resume this regimen once a few things are in check. Who doesn't want a cg? >>33413 It won't help for cost, but absolutely nothing touches Trest for me. Yet to try str8 ups. Any "night time" rated diaper + a good cover should be reliable enough for you to trust it. I use a washable cool pad because the full mattress stuff is too hot in my opinion.
>>33610 Personally I found the Str8ups better than the Trests. They seem to just fit better and the padding has more fluff than the Trests that are just SAP heavy making them better for quickly absorbing, and the padding doesn't shift around as much.
>>33595 Even though I planned to take a break, I find myself wearing diapers again 'just in case'. I've been having a lot of small accidents, just like >>33610 's 1oz leaks. It's become more convenient to wear diapers, and then my diaper training kicks in. I can easily see this carrying a lot of momentum. It's genuinely a little scary trying to manage without diapers.
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I have been over drinking alcohol and taking edibles late at night to maybe make my self wet the bed, I have no memory of bed wetting past 1 years old. I finally wet the bed tonight and I have decided for the next while I’m going 24/7 or least as much as I can. Im not working much rn so I’ll be home a lot so it won’t be as hard I’ll update if anything I try works, mostly gonna try things of this bored and some other sites, I have the diaper supply to last probably a month rn
>>33639 Best of luck, anon baby!
>>33639 Have you tried any hypnosis files to help in your quest? With a few shots and tall glasses of water before bed, I'll wake up wet most of the time if I have a hypno track playing on my headphones. I don't like to do this though because I don't have diapers that can handle such a heavy wetting and I always leak.
So I've been hesitant to post on this thread. I made a thread on 8kun back in 2020 about me trying to retrain myself. I effectively diaper trained myself over the span of 5 months of 24/7. I'm saying diaper trained because I would effectively have very little control whilst wearing diapers. Unless you use medication or have actual injuries you wont be able to not notice when you go to the bathroom. You can still get those >> uh? When did I wet But thats about as far as it will go. I find that 99% of these types of conversations are just fap material. That 12 month plan is bullshit. You can effectively learn to wet yourself only in diapers quite fast if youre doing the right things and psyching yourself. Since 2021 I've been fine. I'm able to wear a diaper and wet it in my sleep 70% of the time and 0% of the time if I'm wearing underwear. The whole thing is very much based on conditioning. Drink tons of water and dont push out anything, dont hold anything. When your bladder is starting to be annoying let go. Just listen to your body and it will learn. Dont force anything out its just counter intuitive. At the peak of my diaper training my bladder capacity was down to 150-200ml which is the size of a 6-8 years old. It was fun during quarantine but now with a gf and life Its just not sustainable. Can post more if interested.
>>33746 Yeah I think I know what you mean by diaper trained. I haven’t lost control, but I barely think when I pee in my diaper. Also when I was working from home during COIVID, I went months without using the toilet because I was messing. Also if I was going to leak, I peed anyways. That really gave me a feeling of not having control.
>>33753 Yeah my body did want to use the bathroom a lot more frequently but thats about it.
>>33746 Yeah, I got to that point before I started trying medications to reduce continence further. I think it's vital to get bedwetting going before you start on meds.
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>>33637 Back to the pills. Oddly enough, today I had my first accidental mess, though I think it was assisted by being somewhat looser than usual and I'm not sure it's just the meds. It picked back up pretty quick. Peeing whenever I sneeze and there's not much resistance. It actually feels nice --my bladder doesn't spasm when under pressure. There's no soreness, just... relaxation.
>>33848 Based. Any bothersome side effects from the meds? Also unrelated question but do you wear normal underwear over your diaper to help conceal it? And what diapers do you wear?
>>33857 Not that anon. Wearing normal underwear over your diaper will only make you crotch look bulkier. To conceal your diaper, wear a tucked tank top under your shirt. >And what diapers do you wear? Outdoors I wear medical pullups. They're basically invisible but my flows are small and frequent, so I have to always carry an extra change just in case. Indoors is whatever diaper I have around, usually it's Tena.
>>33859 I just wear normal clothes but I have a habit of holding the back of my shirt down any time I stand up. No underwear over my diaper, unless plastic panties count.
>>33868 >I have a habit of holding the back of my shirt down any time I stand up Same here. I'm sure I had my pullup's waistband peaking out more than I would like when standing up, had to develop this habit. In a way, it's like a woman getting used to wearing a skirt and changing the way she sits and stands up. >plastic panties count Doesn't matter. I never used plastic pants, aren't they too noisy? I had my pullup leaking on my jeans before and that made me consider plastic pants. I never timed it but a pullup can last, at most, two hours. So just bringing a spare is more than enough and I change in a public restroom. >>33746 Just saw your post now. Yes, it is conditioning. I went wetting only 24/7 during 2020 and it was amazing how much my bladder shrunk in a year. Now I already have a regular budget for diapers and I consider myself to be incontinent. Many times I thought if this was the right decision since wearing daily made diapers a common thing like regular underwear and how hard sometimes it is to deal with changing, smell, leaking, etc... Looking back, I feel happier now than before, though.
>>33870 What brand pullup do you wear? I’m not a fan of pull-ups, except for certain occasions. I wear tranquility ATNs. I’d wear something better if I had unlimited money, but I feel like an ATN meets the bare minimum.
>>33875 I buy generic pull-ups in bulk since I wear them for doing errands, they're cheaper in the long run and not bad at all compared to medical ones like Tena. They're means to an end. When I'm out, I don't have time to enjoy my diaper, I just want to keep my pants dry. And for that, pull-ups are more convenient and discreet. When wet, just go to the toilet and change, no need to deal with tapes and worry about the plastic noise. That said, they can easily leak if you're a heavy wetter or void too fast. I had problems before but they were the result of poor planing. When doing something simple, like groceries near home, I just go in diapers.
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>>33857 Gabapentin makes me... kinda slower on the reflexes. I'm not so good at twitch shooters. Besides that, not much of anything. I wear XP5000s, with spats over them to muffle the crinkle and help with leaks. I don't really care about bulk, I wear scrubs most days. >>33859 >>33882 I've thought about getting pullups before, because a lot of the time my issue is tiny leaks, but I feel like I'd be tempted to use a potty if I could just slip out of them. It would be nice to have a low-effort diaper to wear though, sometimes it is just a huge hassle to change. ... Holy shit. I can't just *stop* wearing diapers. That hits like a sack of bricks. I actually need to wear them or I will have constant problems. I need to chew on that information for a while.
>>33875 Not the person you're replying to but I wear Abena pants if I'm wearing pull-ups. They do feel a little bit more bulky then some others but so long as you're not wearing tight clothing they're not noticable.
>>33885 I didn't like pull-ups but their convenience won me over time when I'm on the move. They're disposable as it can be, after three wetting I'm at risk of leaking and I change as soon as possible. Which means carrying spares in my backpack. During winter or colder days, I'm fine just wearing bulky diapers like Abena since my clothes hide them well. >but I feel like I'd be tempted to use a potty That's something you have to overcome. Sometimes, it's fine to use the potty if you suspect your diaper is going to leak. >I actually need to wear them or I will have constant problems My conditioning got me to this point too. Don't know how much my bladder holds but I'm sure it's not adult level anymore, I wet myself once by laughing too hard. I still think about going back from time to time, maybe I could but not without some serious effort.
>>33900 >>33900 Sometimes, it's fine to use the potty if you suspect your diaper is going to leak. Uhhh I’ve allowed myself to wet even when I knew I was going to leak. Leaks are a part of life for me. Other people can have different rules though.
>>33902 That's perfectly fine and it was just a suggestion. Personally, I never had to do that since I always have a spare diaper/pull-up with me when outdoors. For an incon, planning is essential for everything, to the point I was overwhelmed until I got used to it. Still, in an emergency, I rather use the toilet than have a huge wet spot on my pants.
>>33906 I wrote >>27455 And it’s an example of why I prefer thin diapers instead of pull-ups if I want to go thin. I’m actually not that concerned about bulk though. If cost wasn’t a factor then Megamaxes would be my daily wear. The most discrete diaper becomes the least discrete if you leak.
>>33910 It's not my intention to start a pull-ups vs diapers war. I just use what's more convenient on the moment. That said, I do prefer diapers over pull-ups. Your story is a cautionary tale indeed but was also something completely out of your control. If I were in your place, I think I'd have tried to hold because I was in a bus. Already told my small horror story that happened when I was doing groceries >>27456 I'm sure my bladder is even weaker now than when that happened. Pull-ups still can hold it but I don't discard switching to diapers exclusively in the future. >The most discrete diaper becomes the least discrete if you leak. Words to live by.
>>33914 >It's not my intention to start a pull-ups vs diapers war Lmao don’t worry, I respect your choice of protection. I’d wear pull-ups far more often if they just made sized-up versions of pull-ups for toddlers. But instead the absorbent part only goes halfway up the crotch. Maybe i could wear them more often now because I’m pretty sure my bladder capacity has shrunk. I’ve been 24/7 for nearly 4 years. The incident I mentioned was during a trial run in college circa 2017. God I wish I could’ve afforded 24/7 long term back then! But now I just kind of dribble constantly. I have squirts when I cough, sneeze, stand up, or lift something heavy.
>>33916 >But instead the absorbent part only goes halfway up the crotch Holy shit! That's my main complaint about pull-ups. Manufactures do this to avoid too much bulk in the crotch are, it's understandable. Tucking the dick is enough but having more padding there would be nice. >I’m pretty sure my bladder capacity has shrunk 4 years 24/7 is more than enough to cause full incontinence. I read stories on DailyDiapers of people going full incon in a year. I think these are the fast learners but it shows how susceptible we are, no wonder why urinary incontinence is so common on the elderly. I've been trying 24/7 since 2020 with varying degrees of success but only going strong since late 2022. >But now I just kind of dribble constantly. I have squirts when I cough, sneeze, stand up, or lift something heavy. I don't dribble but I pee small in amounts frequently. A hour after cup of water on a empty stomach and I feel like I'm about to explode. Another thing is that if I don't wear diapers to sleep (usually when it's too hot), I have to wake up at least twice to go pee during the night and standing up too fast may cause squirts.
>>33917 >Tucking the dick is enough but having more padding there would be nice. You can get that extra dick bulk if you use a booster.
>>33919 Yes, I know about boosters but tucking is necessary since it helps with wetting.
>>33917 >>33917 I love pictures of anime girls in medical diapers :) > Tucking the dick is enough but having more padding there would be nice. Yes I always tuck. Not tucking is just asking for leaks. Especially in a pull-up. But even in a tabbed diaper, it’s important to stay centered. . >>33919 >You can get that extra dick bulk if you use a booster. That’s actually a really good idea! I might try that!
>>33921 >I love pictures of anime girls in medical diapers I prefer seeing medical diapers too since they give a more incontinent vibe to the characters, they're a bit rare, though. >I might try that! Cheap diapers + booster is a great combo. Most of my diapers are generic that I buy in bulk and I often use boosters to improve their absorption.
>>33923 Indeed, my usual diaper is a tranquility ATN with a booster! I’d wear Megamaxes or XP5000s if cost wasn’t a factor. But I only spend about $1800 a year on supplies, whereas if I wore top quality diapers it’d be almost $4,000. I use 3-4 a day so I buy 15 cases of 96 every year. And I wear tranquility slimlines the way you wear pull-ups. If I need something thinner, I strap on a slimline.
>>33923 Btw do you mess? Just wondering.
>>33924 I spent a lot of money during my first year 24/7, it wasn't sustainable at all. Then I decided to go for generics as a day-to-day solution and brand diapers for those special days like when it's cold and raining. I can manage this budget much better. On average it's about 3 diapers during day, plus one to sleep. Brand diapers can last longer but only this factor is not worth the price difference. >>33925 >do you mess Rarely. I only went for urinary incon. Dealing with the smell is already a pain and cleaning can be worse.
>>33927 >On average it's about 3 diapers during day Meant to say: On average it's about 3 diaper during the whole day
>>33927 > On average it's about 3 diapers during day, plus one to sleep. Brand diapers can last longer but only this factor is not worth the price difference Yes exactly. I'd rather not spend 12 hours in a Megamax anyways. It’s good to change multiple times a day. > Dealing with the smell is already a pain and cleaning can be worse. I work at home so it’s not that big of a deal for me. I eat a good diet and take nullo tabs so the smell isn’t that bad. I’m used to the smell anyways so it doesn’t smell like much to me. And I’ve got changes down to a science. I can go from poopy diaper to clean in about 15 minutes. That’s faster than many people take to use the toilet. If I’m going to be out and about I will give myself a suppository to make sure I go at home.
>>33929 >It’s good to change multiple times a day Yes, even if your diaper can absorb a lot, one still have to consider the damp and hot condition the skin is facing in there. Powder can last so long and barrier creams impact the diaper's integrity, check this video: https://invidious.nerdvpn.de/watch?v=yB36OUsiE9k >from poopy diaper to clean in about 15 minutes That's nice, I take double than that to clean everything and make sure nothing is there to get me by surprise.
>>33930 It helps a lot that I shave my pubes and butt. I really should just pony up for laser hair removal. Not having to get the poop out of the hair makes it much easier. I also wear nitrile gloves while I change so I don’t have to worry about getting poop on my hand.
>>33931 I shave with a body groomer like pic related. Laser hair removal sounds nice and I'll look more into it. >I also wear nitrile gloves Good idea but since I don't mess much, maybe it isn't necessary.
>>33932 Definitely not necessary to have gloves if you only mess once in a blue moon. Laser hair removal costs about $1000 to permanently remove all the hair in your diaper area.
>>33932 Do you have discord?
>>33933 >$1000 Worth it but I'll do some more search about it. >>33934 >Do you have discord? Used to, now it asks me for a phone number and fuck that! Look, I'm just a dude not a trap or femboy.
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>>33930 >barrier creams impact the diaper's integrity, That happens with petroleum based creams due to how petroleum reacts with most glues. I have found that if the barrier cream is silicone based it does not impact the physical integrity of the diaper. I use pic related for my barrier cream purposes, the only "negative" of a silicone based barrier cream is that it makes the skin tacky (this tackiness is the water resistant layer on the skin, similar to the greasiness of petroleum based creams). This can be completely mitigated by applying baby powder as it just ends up sticking to the cream layer.
>>33931 >>33932 >>33933 Anyone have any experience with at home laser hair removal methods?
> Used to, now it asks me for a phone number and fuck that! Fair enough. >>33936 I just use the classic- Desitin.
does anyone have advice about cathetering? it's finally free days alone at home so maybe I can make use of some large number of self-catheters leftover from when grandpa used to live here.
>>33940 Never tried it. I want to, but too worried about UTIs and kinks.
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>>33927 Where do you buy your generic diapers? I've thought about doing this, since sweat and discomfort tend to make me change faster than actually wetting.
>>33940 >>33941 I cathed myself for a while when I was experimenting with meds. One thing I tried was injecting medications directly into my bladder, particularly lidocaine(for numbness) and muscle relaxants. Lidocaine did create a strong numbness where I couldn't feel myself wetting, but it also made me not let go of my bladder(because I never felt the need to pee). There's a whole world of intravesical administration that is completely unexplored, and I'm sure there's a chemical that will surefire cause permanent incontinence, but I don't want to be the one testing them one by one. If you're cathing yourself at home, give up on not getting a UTI. I work as a nurse and it's fucking impossible to stop UTIs from happening even with all precautions taken, so your best bet is to just minimize the damage by using bacteriostatic lube and limiting duration cathed.
>>33944 > I'm sure there's a chemical that will surefire cause permanent incontinence Someone please find it! I’d do it right now if that was a thing! >If you're cathing yourself at home, give up on not getting a UTI Yeah if someone really grills me on why I wear diapers and goes so far as to ask me why I don’t cath, my plan is to say I had a treatment resistant UTI and am done with cathing. > I work as a nurse Has anyone at your job noticed? I’m fine being out and about diapered, I have zero issue changing in public restroom, and even wore to work for months during a trial run. But COVID and then my work going permanently online were the final nail in the coffin for my potty training.
>>33944 Also on the topic of meds, someone (you?) said they had success with gabapentin. I know people who take that and it does have some non-bladder-related side effects but I’d be willing to take it if it made me actually incontinent. But I haven’t seen much in literature about it. I don’t know as much about bethanechol.
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>>33946 A paper on lidocaine placed inside the bladder itself had some promising results, where it is shown to *permanently* treat overactive bladder by either reducing sensitivity or stopping some cycle of inflammation responsible for OAB. My crackpot theory on an intravesical medication that would cause incontinence would be some combination of meds, one to reduce sensation(covered by lidocaine) and the other to agitate activity and cause hyper-frequent voiding. Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the urothelium seem to be responsible for hyperactivity in OAB, so nicotine or caffeine or both? Both seem to agitate incontinence, but it's hard to argue that it'd be worth the side effects. Anything with permanent effects on acetylcholine receptors is technically a chemical weapon, so I wouldn't think it would be a good idea regardless. Funny enough, I had a patient notice I was wearing diapers once, but he wasn't able to communicate it to anyone else. If anyone else has noticed I'm diapered at work they haven't said a thing and I wouldn't really care if they did. Biggest problem is when I work up a sweat, it's almost impossible to stay comfy. >>33947 Gabapentin won't do much by itself, but it will stop that bladder spasming after you pee, weakening the muscles over time if you're deliberately keeping your bladder neck relaxed.
>>33949 > Gabapentin won't do much by itself, but it will stop that bladder spasming after you pee, weakening the muscles over time if you're deliberately keeping your bladder neck relaxed I’m pretty good at relaxing my sphincter after years of practice.
>>33949 I think I might remember you from a 24/7 thread a long time ago.
>>33943 By generic diapers I mean any lesser known brand that are sold in bulk. Or those that are shown like pic related. You can easily find them on many sites or you can go to dedicated diaper stores. I prefer going to physical stores since I can check the diaper's thickness before buying and just take that huge pack back to my car and drive home. >since sweat and discomfort tend to make me change faster than actually wetting I have this trouble during the hotter days of summer. Almost makes me regret wearing diapers but I'm incon now so and my other choice is turning my pants into a waterfall. Pull-ups are better for these moments but, following another anon's suggestion, I'm going to try thin tape diapers instead next time.
>>33952 >>33952 >By generic diapers I mean any lesser known brand that are sold in bulk. Or those that are shown like pic related. Yes, I’ve worn those and been fine. There’s a brand called Presto that was quite decent! Especially with plastic panties and a booster! I prefer Tranquility because they’re plastic backed and thick enough that I know I’m wearing a diaper. >I prefer going to physical stores since I can check the diaper's thickness before buying and just take that huge pack back to my car and drive home. I used to get mine from a medical supply store. One day I went in to see if they had decent diapers. They only had super cheap pull-ups. The owner asked me what I was looking for and I just fought the embarrassment and told her I was looking for diapers. She then said “oh I can order them for you!” and so I had her order a case of ATNs and a case of Slimlines. Also Inb4 this is some fantasy; it was an old lady and she thinks they’re for my grandpa. >I have this trouble during the hotter days of summer. Almost makes me regret wearing diapers but I'm incon now so and my other choice is turning my pants into a waterfall. I used to work construction and I’d wear Slimlines on hot days. I had to change more but it worked out. A few days I wore ATNs anyways and it wasn’t a big deal. The main thing was I had to forgo plastic panties. Now I work indoors at home and wish I could wear megamaxes 24/7. I’m probably going to buy cloth diapers and wear them over my ATNs to give myself that thick diaper feel while keeping the convenience of a disposable. I’m also good about always having a booster pad under me. I think that’s how I got so good at wetting. I’ve been to a few ABDL parties and everyone was shy about wetting at first. But because I had a bedpad with me and didn’t have to worry about leaking on the host’s stuff, I could just wet. Everyone else was dry while I was walking around with my wetness indicator quickly fading.
>>33955 I was pleasantly surprised by generics, the downside is how the SAP may clump up. With a booster, they can match big brands. >Store owner is a female I wonder why this is so common. All stores I visited had middle-aged/older female owners with mostly female staff, I assume these owners are married and they stay in the store while their husbands are taking care of paperwork or managing stock. And they never asked me questions about who was going to wear those many diapers I bought, unless I asked for brand advice. >booster pad under me I use a bed protector on my chair, the same one I use for sleeping. Makes me feel secure and I love how I only notice it's wet when I stand up and see the dark spot on it.
>>33957 >>33957 I love the pictures you post :) Maybe I should start picking up from the store again. > I was pleasantly surprised by generics, the downside is how the SAP may clump up. With a booster, they can match big brands I think most ABDL diapers are overkill. But I mean who doesn’t like thick diapers? And I like having a bit of a diaper bulge under my clothes. Nothing ridiculous, but like if you knew what to look for, you’d notice it.
>>33959 >but like if you knew what to look for, you’d notice it. I'd notice for sure. Often I find myself staring at people's crotch looking for diaper bulges, never seen one. We're much less numerous than we would like to think.
>>33962 >>33962 > Often I find myself staring at people's crotch looking for diaper bulges, never seen one. I dont look. Most people don’t. But it’s ok anon, I’m not judging :)
>>33963 >I dont look Yeah, anon... and I can hold my pee for more than a hour...
>>33964 An hour? More like 2 minutes amirite?
>>33965 >An hour? More like 2 minutes amirite? No bully! Like another anons in this thread, I'm dealing with incontinence. AND... it's about 4 minutes!
>>33967 Awkward question but have you been on a date while diapered? I’m not really into dating. Just wondering. Also I shouldn’t be bullying people for that when I can’t use the toilet for #2 either.
>>33968 Had a couple of dates since I went 24/7 but I have to confess my sins and say I didn't go padded (therefore it wasn't true 24/7, I know). To avoid the risk of sudden wetting, I didn't drink anything 3 hours before the date. So I was thirst in every way possible. For a good relationship, I'm willing to recover my lost continence. I know this sound preposterous but living alone feels terrible. And who knows, maybe I find a girl willing to be a caregiver or is into diapers herself, probably is easier to win the lotto but that chance exists.
>>33973 I’m content being alone and incontinent :) If I find someone who also likes diapers I’d consider a relationship. But I’m not going out of my way to find them. I did date an ABDL girl before I went 24/7 and it was wonderful but she had to break up because of personal things going on in her life :/ Actually one of my rules is I can never use dehydration as bladder control. I must drink 8 glasses of water a day.
>>33975 >I’m content being alone and incontinent I respect that, you're living happy. I'm thinking about the future. For now, I rather keep wearing diapers and being incon to have a relationship. But I feel this loneliness building up slowly, if I act on it when it's too late, I won't win. For those of you who have a partner that is a caregiver or into diapers, you're blessed! >Actually one of my rules is I can never use dehydration as bladder control. I must drink 8 glasses of water a day. You're legit. I know I cheated but having to worry about my diapers while on a date would destroy my self-confidence. I'm glad there were no accidents during those dates but I had some small wet spots on my underwear, though.
>>33976 > But I feel this loneliness building up slowly, if I act on it when it's too late, I won't win. Maybe you should stop? Or try to find an ABDL girl on Fetlife? I’ve snuggled with people in diapers at ABDL meetups before. Since were confessing sins… The lady at the medical supply store? I told her that I’m the one wearing diapers. She asked what size I wanted and I casually said “well I’m a large”. She was really chill about it.
>>33977 >Maybe you should stop? I don't discard quitting like said before. >Or try to find an ABDL girl on Fetlife? I'm not from the US or UK. >I told her that I’m the one wearing diapers. That takes courage but it's not a bid deal. You're a customer after all, of course she would be nice about it. From her perspective, the more incontinence you have the better will be the business.
>>33978 Where do you get all those cute diaper pictures? They look AI generated but well done.
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>>33976 >>33977 It might be the different dating circumstances I'm in, but nobody I've dated seems to care that I'm incontinent. Even if diapers aren't their thing. In the end, being potty independent has been pure gain for me. I'm so much less stressed and extremely happy with the choice.
>>33977 Why wouldn't she be chill? I know dozens of patients who buy their diapers at places like that. You're incontinent, so... It's really neat that after so much 24/7 journeying, you end up preferring the same diapers as anyone else who is genuinely incontinent.
>>33986 >It might be the different dating circumstances I'm in, but nobody I've dated seems to care that I'm incontinent. Even if diapers aren't their thing. How are your circumstances different? I wouldn’t want to date a non-ABDL. >In the end, being potty independent has been pure gain for me. I'm so much less stressed and extremely happy with the choice I’m so happy for you! I also love being 24/7! > I know dozens of patients who buy their diapers at places like that. You're incontinent, so... Do you have a planned response for what to say if someone asks why you’re incontinent? And then a follow-up for why you can’t cath? My plan is to say I had a sacral spinal injury. I don’t cath because I had issues with drug resistant UTIs. > Why wouldn't she be chill? I know dozens of patients who buy their diapers at places like that. You're incontinent, so... I thought it was pretty rare for people to wear actual diapers. They’re mostly for people with dementia or severe autism. >It's really neat that after so much 24/7 journeying, you end up preferring the same diapers as anyone else who is genuinely incontinent What diaper do you usually wear?
>>33986 >but nobody I've dated seems to care that I'm incontinent I feel insecure about telling them because I chose to be incontinent and I've spent more than two years wearing diapers to reach this state. If my incotinence was due some disease or nerve damage, I wouldn't mind being open about it. And neither I would feel good lying about it, sooner or later they will find out that I just have a diaper fetish. The obvious solution is only dating women into diapers but that's easier said than done. >being potty independent has been pure gain for me Me too! That's why I'm so conflicted about giving up diapers for the sake of a relationship, diapers are part of me, I literally need them to function properly now and I don't want to get rid of them. I'm happier now than ever before. >>33981 >Where do you get all those cute diaper pictures? They look AI generated but well done. They're just pics I've been saving over the years. Unfortunately I lost a good chunk of them due to a bad backup but I still have some.
>>33997 >If my incotinence was due some disease or nerve damage Do you have a planned reason to tell someone if they ask why you’re wearing a diaper? Also that picture tickles my autism because if an Abriform is wet then the wetness indicator should be faded.
>>33999 >Do you have a planned reason to tell someone if they ask why you’re wearing a diaper? I assume you meant to say if I have a pre-made excuse? No, that's why I went to my dates in regular underwear like said before. I have no idea what to say to them. >Hey, I love wearing diapers and I managed to lose my urinary continence by wearing them constantly for the past two years at least. Would you like to date me? In case it wasn't clear, I'm joking. BTW, I forgot to mention that in one of these dates, I had a booster on my underwear because in the one before, my underwear got wet enough to be a bit visible on my pants. Even without drinking anything 3 hours prior to the date. >Also that picture tickles my autism because if an Abriform is wet then the wetness indicator should be faded. It's not autism to notice details and remember that many artists are commissioned to draw diapers, they may not know these details.
>>34000 > I assume you meant to say if I have a pre-made excuse? >No, that's why I went to my dates in regular underwear like said before. I didn’t mean with dating. I meant in general. I try to make sure nobody sees my diapers but if anyone asked, I’m ready to say that I had a sacral spinal injury that damaged my pelvic nerves. But hopefully it would never, ever come to that. And I’d start with a “none of your business”.
>>34001 >I meant in general Oh, that. I never though about anything sophisticated because, well… it never happened. I would say that I have a nerve damage and if they insisted, I would respond that I feel uncomfortable talking about it. Either people don't notice or they're too polite to mention it. And why would they confront someone wearing a diaper, what they have to gain? Also, I do my best to hide my diaper. I'm sure I had some waistband peeks when sitting but nothing happened.
>>34002 > I'm sure I had some waistband peeks when sitting but nothing happened. Same. Diapers are pretty hard to notice in public places.
>>34003 It's much harder to deal with family members or close friends. Since they may know you well, they're more attentive to details. While I don't care much about diaper bulge in the open, I carefully pick my clothes and use pull-ups when visiting family members like when it's Christmas. On a side note. My mom knows I wear diapers because I found one of my medical packs in a place other than their usual hiding spot after she cleared my room. That was when I still lived with her in my early 20's. She didn't mention it or made indirect comments and I never touched the subject but I'm 100% sure she knows it, which can make things a bit awkward (for me) when I visit her. What I don't know is if she told dad or someone else. I'm glad I live far away now a rarely have to see them.
>>34005 What do you use as a diaper bag? I either use a duffel bag or a laptop bag. I keep 3 diapers, 3 topliner booster, grocery bags, nitrile gloves, adult wipes, powder, and Desitin in the bag.
>>34006 You really go around well prepared. I use a regular backpack, similar to pic related. Two diapers or pull-ups, two boosters, wipes and powder. Since I don't mess there's no need for plastic bags.
>>34008 I also make sure to carry a change of clothes in my car if I’m out and about. I’ve had to change clothes several times lol. Even if I don’t have a load, I still put the used diaper in a bag when I throw it away. Just a habit.
>>34006 >>34008 Just a backpack. I carry two diapers, two boosters, wipes, and antiperspirant.
>>34010 Traveling light. Nice.
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I made 24/7 bingo.
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>>34022 Too easy lmao.
>>34041 I couldn’t come up with enough stuff lol.
>>34022 There you go. >>34041 >Too easy Kinda since it's mostly any 24/7 day-to-day deal.
I didn't cheat, I really did all of them :D Some of them just once, catheter and outdoor change for example, but I can check all. Bingo!
>>34053 Maybe I didn’t make it too easy then, because you only got it in one direction! Good for you! >>34054 Even the swim diaper??? I’d love to talk about swim diapers! I barely know anyone who has used them! What kind do you wear?
>>34055 >Maybe I didn’t make it too easy then I think it's a fair bingo. I'm only urinary incontinent and I rarely mess, don't want to do that in public. By changed outdoors you mean in the open? Nope! There's no need for a diaper pail since plastic bags work well enough. Having a washable sheet protector sounds nice, I use disposable bed protectors. They don't get wet often but it may be a good cost saving in the long run. >Even the swim diaper? I would like to know about adult swin diapers too.
>>34056 > Having a washable sheet protector sounds nice, I use disposable bed protectors I love mine because I have one for my car and nobody really knows what it is unless they’re in the know. I have one for my house that I carry around like a blankie. And a third for my bed, which also has a plastic mattress cover. Bedpads are soooo good for untraining because if you leak on one it’s no big deal. I also have disposable bedpads. I like to lay one out when changing a poopy diaper. I *usually* don’t get poop on the pad, but if I do, no big deal! Just roll the diaper up in the bedpad and throw the whole thing out! I also have a little emergency kit in my car that has a disposable bedpad in addition to other extra diaper supplies. > I would like to know about adult swin diapers too. First of all, I’ve only messed in the pool once. It was at an ABDL friend’s house and he was about to drain the pool because summer was ending. I wear Tranquility swimmates. It was really neat to poop while floating. Almost like messing in zero gravity. I could feel the load floating around in my diaper. I would never mess in a pool outside of this setting, but I still wear swimmates because I am 24/7. To avoid having to hold it in the pool, I do a suppository and poop on the toilet before swimming (I don’t consider this cheating because I don’t hold the poop. I pop in the supp and wait for it to come out). That way my bowels are clear while I swim. I change into the swim diaper in a single occupancy toilet at my gym. I make sure to go straight to the pool, because it will leak pee after about 5 minutes. It doesn’t swell up or droop because I wear the right size (usually go a size smaller than your normal diaper. So I wear large normal diapers and medium swim diapers). It dose swell up a little and you can feel that you’re wearing a diaper while swimming. It feels neat. Then I just pee in the pool. When I get out, I dry off, go back to the bathroom, and change into a slimline. If I did have to poop while swimming Id just hold it.
>>34057 I also have an embarassing story about how I tested a swimmate in the bathtub, if you want to hear.
>>34057 I avoid pools because I'm very likely to pee in them, it's quite embarrassing. Last time I went to one, I cheated by not drinking anything a couple of hours beforehand. And when I stopped to have something to eat (and drink) I couldn't return to the pool later, so it's a one time deal. >>34058 Do tell us. After all, this thread is for sharing both information AND experiences.
>>34061 Awww you can’t play in the pool :( you do know pee is sterile, right? But I guess you would have issues wetting when getting in or out of the pool. A swimmate only lasts like 5 minutes before it starts leaking pee. I should probably get a waterproof cover to wear over the swimmate, but i haven’t had an issue yet and I swim pretty frequently. I would never ever poop in the pool; it’s a public health issue. If I ever get my own pool that would change because I could monitor the bacteria and shock the pool with chlorine in the event of an accident. But I digress. >be me >bought sample pack of swimmates to test in ABDL friend’s pool >have large and medium >figure that since I wear large diapers, I should wear large swimmates >try out large swimmate in my bathtub >sit for 15 minutes >make pushies >so far so good >sit for another 5 minutes >no leaks >stand up >swimmate is comically drooping >never seen a diaper droop this bad in real life >suddenly brown water dumps out of one of the legs >cascades down my leg into the tub >fortunately had disposable bedpad waiting below tub >step onto it >take diaper off >get in shower to clean self off >change into ATN >put poopy swimmate in diaper pail >spend next hour bleaching the bathroom and shower wearing nothing but an ATN. I guess shit happens when you have fecal incontinence. When I messed in the medium it was completely contained in the diaper and the only difference between a normal diaper change was that the poop was runnier from being soaked in the pool.
>>34062 >you do know pee is sterile, right? Yes but is embarrassing regardless. >But I guess you would have issues wetting when getting in or out of the pool You got it. The sudden temperature change from the cold water and effort of pulling my body off the pool can trigger a wetting. >I guess shit happens when you have fecal incontinence. At least you were in your own house. Had a similar situation when trying wearing a diaper after an enema, it was a horny and dumb decision. Had to clean the bathroom afterwards.
>>34063 > Had a similar situation when trying wearing a diaper after an enema, it was a horny and dumb decision When I need to make myself poop I strongly prefer suppositories. It’s so much easier putting a solid in there than a liquid. I just lay on a disposable bedpad, pop in the supp, and either put on a diaper or sit on the potty, depending on the situation.
>>33944 >>33944 this makes me wonder about my grandpa, since I'm told he was the type to keep using the same one or something. I don't know what it was like since that was over 7 years ago by this point. Can't really use a cath overnight for drainage and "free incontinence" without high risks of UTI, huh? that's... not promising. Well good thing I thought to ask on here instead of just doing so anyways.
>>34066 I don’t screw with caths because I mess, so the high risk of infection is even higher. Also it just seems risky even if I didn’t mess. It’s a shame the human body isn’t very good at fighting germs inside the bladder.
>>34067 >>34066 Also one thing I’ve considered to simulate bedwetting is to get a condom catheter with a bag. Then somehow set it up so I pee into the bag while going to sleep, and having the bag drain back into my diaper. I need to get a condom cath anyways. That’s my plan for dealing with incontinence in some situation where I absolutely can’t be diapered. Idk why but I want the option. Especially because after the untraining, I don’t know how well I could hold it. Or I might forget I’m wearing and let loose. That happened to me after my trial runs a couple of times.
>>34061 >I avoid pools because I'm very likely to pee in them You wanna hear a fun fact? If you've ever been in a pool and gotten pool water in your eyes, if they begin to burn and turn red that means there is urine and/or fecal matter in the pool. Pool chlorine by itself doesnt cause eye irritation or burning, its actually due to metabolites formed from chlorine reacting with human waste compounds. So yes, everyone unironically pees in the pool, that is what the chlorine is for.
>>33944 Also an RN, also played with caths more than a few time, also got a bunch of UTIs but nothing some ciprofloxacin couldn't handle. Well, until cipro couldn't. Ended up on bactrim that go round and I should have learned my lesson. Three months later put a cath in to go see a movie. Decided to leave it in overnight. Sterile technique for the insertion. I've probably put in thousands since starting nursing in the 80s. Took it out the next morning. No issues noted. Woke up the day after that feeling a little run down but didn't make anything of it. If I thought I had an infection I would have asked one of the docs I work with to write a script. That night felt a bit crummier but it was a long day so didn't make the connection. The next morning woke with with pretty high fever, severe flank pain, body aches all over, and really foul smelling urine. The flank pain was the giveaway - went straight to A&E I did. Ended up in ICU with urosepsis. Two different bacteria grew in culture. That was the last time I ever played with a catheter. Would rip out my sphincter if I could but will never play cath again.
You're a fucking moron.
>>34085 Did anyone ask how you got such a bad infection? They’re usually pretty hard to get unless you stick something in there.
Diaper dependence will never not be an attractive idea, and the only reason not to for me is other people finding out
>>34099 Yeah, a big reason I can pull it off is that I don’t have many people to worry about finding out. I live alone in a house. I work from home. Parents live in different city. Not interested in dating. So I’m pretty much golden. I do wear around friends and they don’t know because I’m discrete about it. Or if they do know, they haven’t said anything.
>>34085 That's why I don't even think about using catheters, it's so damn easy to fuck it up. Good thing that you're alright, anon. Lesson learned. >>34099 If you go 24/7 someone WILL find out eventually, you have to be mentally prepared beforehand. That's a big deal for many and I understand. I'm in similar situation to the other anon, living alone and working from home so I can keep up living like this for now. I hope one day you'll be able to go 24/7, takes effort but damn it feels great!
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>>34101 Based Tomoko enjoyer. I’ll tell y’all a story about people finding out. >be me >doing trial run >back when I worked construction >sent to job site on a Saturday in the winter >wearing parka and jeans >just recently stopped wearing boxer briefs over diaper >crew is all Hispanic >I know some Spanish >job involves bending over >have the reflex to pull back of my shirt down when bending over, but it’s not 100% like it is now >towards end of day >about to head home >hear one worker mutter “el esta usando un pañal” >just keep walking to my truck and drive off I had a bad near miss too. >be me >working on site that is in wooded area >mid day >crew leaves for lunch >Im wet and need to change >think I’m all alone >plan on just changing in the woods >prepare to change >hear people at last moment >there was other crew further in the woods >diapers were still in backpack. >just pack up, drive off and change at gas station
>>34066 >>34085 Cathing is unfortunately always going to have some UTI risks. Really wish we had a way around it. Longest I ever went cathed was a week. I didn't end up with a UTI then, but it's hard to avoid.
>>33990 As recently discussed, catheters have their own problems. Diapers have stigma surrounding them, but frankly they're the best solution for incontinence we have. That's a fair enough explanation for anyone. I just tell people I have a health condition and it isn't their business. I've never had any particular trouble with the idea of people finding me out --finding out what? It doesn't matter what they think.
>>34101 Thanks anon! I hope so too. If I may run this by you, because I wonder how you'd feel about it. This may sound strange, but I feel like life would be a lot simpler if everyone simply knew I (need to) wear diapers. The rationale behind it would be that it would be impossible for anyone to "find out about it", because they already know (and don't care). I really just hate having something to hide.
>>34147 With all the problems with cathing, I’m surprised more incontinent people don’t wear diapers. I guess with neurogenic bladder it’s common for people to end up unable to empty their bladder, so it wouldn’t be feasible to just pee into a diaper. >>34155 I’d recommend against that. I don’t know a way to go about it. Has anyone been to a doctor or hospital diapered? If I went to one I think I’d just in-diaper and hold it.
>>34155 >I feel like life would be a lot simpler if everyone simply knew I (need to) wear diapers Indeed life would be simpler. Hell, I would ditch pull-ups completely since there's no need to worry about diaper bulge and, with that, the fear of leaking after two wetting. >I really just hate having something to hide I feel conflicted because I chose to be incontinent. I actively deteriorated my ability to hold in pee over the years to become diaper dependent (isn't 100%, though). And this is why I feel like I have to hide it, I'm happier now with my life but also slightly ashamed. If I were legit incon, for health issues, I wouldn't give two fucks about people knowing. >>34162 >Has anyone been to a doctor or hospital diapered? I went to hospital in pull-ups before, it was for diagnosing a strong fever and coughing (I thought it was covid). They didn't ask anything diaper related, I don't think they noticed it, even when I took my shirt off for the doctor to check my breathing. And I was prepared with an excuse for it. Doctors aren't all knowing, unless your problem is related, there's no need to bring up diapers. That said, I was dry the whole time. I unconsciously hold it.
>>34164 >Hell, I would ditch pull-ups completely since there's no need to worry about diaper bulge and, with that, the fear of leaking after two wetting. I’ve walked around in Abriform L4s and Megamaxes. My daily wear, an ATN with a booster, isn’t exactly the thinnest. I have a diaper bulge and nobody notices. Unless I wore super tight pants, nobody would know what it is. But I wear clothes that hide the diaper well enough. If you’re interested in conditioning yourself to not care too much about the bulge, I can tell you how I did it.
>>34167 I buy my generic diapers/pull-ups in bulk. Something like Abena or Megamaxes equivalent would be incredibly expensive. These generics can hold more than two wetting and often do, specially with boosters. It's me that feel insecure sometimes depending who is around, if I'm around family or friends, I feel insecure. I think that's understandable. And my wardrobe already reflects my diaper dependent lifestyle.
>>34168 Whoops, forgot to say that cost is the reason I don’t wear Megamaxes 24/7. I respect your pull-ups. Actually when I want a thicker diaper, I’m more likely to just double-diaper with two ATNs and a booster. I just cut slits in one ATN with scissors, then put it on normally, and tape another ATN on over it.
>>34164 Also love the pic you posted. I’ve had messes like that.
Anyways there’s a bad thread next to this one so I’m gonna take a break until the mods delete it.
>>34162 To be clear, I'm not into actively telling people. That's just really weird. I'm thinking of an ideal world kind of scenario where people's image of me simply includes "wears diapers (for need)", effectively skipping the coming to know part. IDK, it's hard to explain. >>34164 >this is why I feel like I have to hide it Precisely this. And it feels like lying to have to not tell either this, or the underlying reason. If only no one would care, right
>>34173 Before I went 24/7, I told a few close friends that I was a bedwetter (even though I wasnt actually, I just wish I was). It went fine, actually.
>>34173 >I'm not into actively telling people I really hope most ABDL aren't doing this. People don't need this information and they very rarely will ask for. >If only no one would care People don't care as much as you would care like your neighbor is an alcoholic but it shapes opinions. Like no good person would have a negative opinion about someone with a continence problem but that wouldn't apply if said person deliberately caused this problem. >>34174 Did they saw you in diapers before going to bed, therefore requiring an explanation or did you tell them out the blue? If it's the latter, this isn't different of a vegan going all around yelling "I'M VEGAN!". People only need this information on demand. Thankfully, in your case, they accepted it. No harm done.
>>34175 > Did they saw you in diapers before going to bed, therefore requiring an explanation or did you tell them out the blue? Saw diapers in my dorm room closet (I had a single occupancy dorm) but they saw it and asked why I had adult diapers. They were actually really chill about it.
>>34175 > If it's the latter, this isn't different of a vegan going all around yelling "I'M VEGAN!". People only need this information on demand. Ironically I’m almost vegan to make my messes easier to clean up. But I don’t go around telling people lmao. Meat and dairy make for slimy poops.
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>>34162 Hit the nail on the head. Neurogenic bladder often causes an inability to empty properly; paralysis ends up that way more often than the reverse. Catheters are the only option there. Realistically, if something causes urinary incontinence severe enough for diapers to be a consideration, it will likely cause bowel incontinence too. At that point, a catheter is essentially pointless and a major infection risk, so there's no benefit to it over diapers. >>34164 >>34175 Regarding telling people and the shame of it... >If I were legit incon, for health issues, I wouldn't give two fucks about people knowing. I'm incontinent from a health issue. I felt the same way for a while, ironically. In the end, I chose to wear diapers rather than pursue another solution that isn't stigmatized. It was still my choice, a choice I was told I should be ashamed of even by my doctors --and it took me some time to discard their opinions. Wetting myself could lose me my job if it happens at the wrong time. Messing myself without a diaper would get me isolated, kicked out of any ride home, and probably get me ostracized anywhere. Doing these things in a diaper? No fucking problem at all. Social pressures are completely unfair bullshit. Don't fall for them.
Try pride for living up to your dreams
>>34201 >paralysis ends up that way more often than the reverse Depends on the level of the lesion. A lesion above T12 is more likely to result in a neurogenic bladder, while a lesion below T12 is more likely to result in a flaccid bladder (leaking all the time).
>>34201 > I'm incontinent from a health issue What health issue is it?
OABAnon back and alive like this thread. Saw some posts about caths. I used 2 foleys. First one went in fine as a test, 2nd one I fubared and poured out blood for hours. Talk about a fun time. Probably started a posterior ureathral stricture. No controll issues but much harder to pee in certian positions. I'd call it a huge failure and a massive setback. Be pretty damn careful as I thought I was all the way in. As for chemicals as a wash as some anons were proposing, anything that will have a real effect is going to hurt, A LOT. Also anything you use is likely to cause urothelial damage which will give you Interstital Cystitis. Only thing I have seen in medical journals is Chitosan Hydrocloride (regular chitosan is not soluble which would make it more dangerous as the powder could get stuck in your bladder effectively destroying a part of it, I.E Emergency room or worse). I was able to secure some but frankly its like toying around inside a nuclear weapon. Too scared to do it. Another thing to mention with washes too is that you can pee around a foley if it is clamped so if its hurting your bladder then you'll feel it in tour ureathra. Still can't get my bladder to spasm without a stimulus (did a few lemon juice washes). Also convinced I do have bladder nerve issues as my UTI in june along with the misplaced foley didnt cause any pain what so ever. Still bust on the whole thing but my bladder capacity is dramatically reduced from a whopping 1.5-1.8L 2 years ago to 150ml(average) to 700ml(highest in the last few months). I also seem to be in early stages of IC/BPS as my IBS flare up make my bladder painful. Urgency is up all round but not enough that I can't hold it. Any ideas on how to bring my urgency levels up? I've kinda hit a deadend without going for a nuclear option.
>>34209 Don’t do it. Sounds like a good way to fuck it up really badly and end up with a urestomy or whatever, where they make a new hole in your bladder that drains into a catheter bag.
>>34211 Yeah thats why I refused to do it. Too easy to fuck up since the extreme ratio is 0.15 w/w and thats for 30 mins. Sounds like shit tons of pain for a wholesomely undesirable outcome. I do want to try sourcing bethanechol but I doubt that I can make that happen. I'll just have to find a better way to inducemore permanent spasms.
>>34231 I’m actually more open to trying medications to make me leak.
>>34231 I know inhousepharmacy doesn’t carry bethanechol. So I looked up “buy bethanechol online no prescription” and sure enough a similar website came up. https://www.internationaldrugmart.com/bethanechol-25mg-tablets.htm I have no clue if it’d work and I’m not going to try buying it. But you sound committed.
>>34097 Yes well, that would be the catheter. It goes in there. I know very well sterile technique for insertion. I put in enough of them in patients. Theirs is a closed system into a bag. Mine was a catheter into a diaper. Not close system. Closed or open, if cath use is frequent or prolonged, a UTI will happen 100% - only a matter of time really. It is why CAUTI is a big issue in hospitals and why routine caths in SNF patients has all but ceased (a few here or there but other options are always tried first).
>>34097 ps: no one ever asked why. lots of tests to find out why but I never told anyone I knew why.
>>34251 If anyone ever asks why I don’t cath im going to tel them it’s because I got an antibiotic resistant UTI. They may ask about condom caths and I guess I’ll just say they kept leaking and didn’t do anything for bowel accidents anyways.
>>34254 Literally no one is going to ask that
>>34263 Yeah you right.
I want my diaper I want my diaper I want my diapers!!!!
>>34231 >>34233 >using a muscarinic agonist intended to treat urine retention as a method to achieve incontinence This is probably the most interesting route to look into. I am very interested to see the results from this.
>>34231 https://www.buy-pharma.md/Macpee-Bethanechol-p-5045.html They sell it from some different brands. You can also look for Bethanechol Chloride as a research chemical, that seems to be available without any requirements, but it will be really hard to dose in 25mg.
Anyone here use reusables? I’m interested because I think they might help me save on diaper costs.
>>34293 They work well for night time, especially if you are a side sleeper. Just be prepared for high upfront costs and a lot of laundry.
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>>34299 >>34299 That’s fine, I work from home and have a washer and dryer. Already have washable underpads. Only issue would be if I messed in one. But I’ve only gone in bed two times. What brand do you wear?
>>34300 If you plan to mess then you should consider either wearing a cheaper one underneath, or looking into cloth diaper liners. As for what I wear, if I wear them then i do a disposable under a cloth diaper for maximum bulk and maximum squish. The cloth diapers I've worn have been from Babypants with a vinyl diaper cover.
>>34302 >>34302 I could also just wear a cheap pullup or diaper with holes cut in it. If I mess, it’s in a disposable so I just throw it out. I double diaper with two tranquility ATNs all the time and it works great, especially when paired with plastic panties. I’d use some really cheap like Prevail or Certainty or whatever. But it’s so rare that I’ve messed the bed that I probably won’t bother.
>>34289 >>34286 >>34233 Yeah there are tons of scam sites out there. Don't wanna lose that kind of money. There's one in the UK that people recommened in my research but they were sold out at the time. I also don't know id I can safely take them anymore either. Had to put everything on hold since I was diagnosed with a heart condition and I need to redo my research to make sure it won't kill me. Not easy news when you are in your 30's.
>>34306 Oh no. I’m sorry anon. Guess for now you’ll just have to keep your bladder relaxed on your own. Did this heart condition appear when you were on the meds?
Question about chastity cages and diapers. Which cages go best with diapers? All I have are metal ones but would polymer type cages be better?
>>34309 Good question. I have a CB6000s. It’s good for keeping my dick in one place. Mind you mine is pretty small and I don’t get erections often so the CB6000s works for me. I’ve seen others in this thread recommend a Cobra. I don’t see why metal wouldn’t work. Is it the kind that goes around your penis?
>>34309 >>34309 Forgot to add: I’ve heard soft polymer cages work better for most people. The CB6000s works for me because I’m small and have issues getting hard. For anyone who strains to get out, softer is better for long term wear.
>>34306 >>34286 Muscarinic agonists are effective, but I'm personally curious about nicotinic agonists. It seems like a variety of acetylcholine receptors are responsible for the contraction of the bladder, though. Permanent damage to these receptors would basically guarantee incontinence in the long term. The biggest issue is that such chemicals, while they do exist, are invariably... chemical weapons. A very tiny amount of sarin or VX into your bladder would make you incontinent quite quickly, if you had the tools to measure a small enough amount. So the unavailability of things like bethanechol and carbachol probably has to do with their potential for being turned into chemical weapons. Fuck me, this isn't the rabbit hole I thought I'd be down today.
>>34293 Bedtime diapers are the only ones I buy from big brands, mostly Abena. I'm a side sleeper but I shift to be on my back to pee if I can feel before it happens, works most of the time. Recently got three washable bed pads, need more time to tell if they'll save money in the long term. The best saving costs I have is buying generic diapers in bulk for daytime, I buy two packs of 50 each. They comfortably last a bit more than a month, sometimes a month and half. >>34309 I wonder about cages too. Not much for fetish but if they can help keeping my penis in place, it would be helpful for wetting. Since the cage will be in a hot and often damp environment inside the diaper, maybe it's not a good idea after all? >>34311 >and have issues getting hard I know how it feels, shit sucks.
>>34316 >I wonder about cages too. Not much for fetish but if they can help keeping my penis in place, it would be helpful for wetting. That’s why I have mine! I don’t really need it. Don’t always wear it either. But it’s so useful for keeping my penis from shifting to the side. I originally got it for fetish reasons but idk my fetishes besides diapers are weak. >>34311 >I know how it feels, shit sucks. I don’t really care. It just makes diapering easier. It’s always been like that for me, even when I was younger. I noticed other guys would have raging hardons in their diapers and I’d just be wearing mine and not doing anything in them lol. I’m like this because I’ve been on antidepressants since I was 12. I went off them when I was 18-20 (that’s when I got the chastity device lol) but it was annoying and I didn’t like it so I went back on them.
>>34327 >Don’t always wear it either Do you wear it to sleep, that's what I'm interested in. >I don’t really care. Your case was medically induced, it's really terrible how people put kids in antidepressants. Since you said you're fine, I'll take your word for it. My case got really bad for some time but it's unrelated to diapers and I won't bother telling it unless you guys want to hear it.
>>34328 > Do you wear it to sleep, that's what I'm interested in. I know from the time when I wasn’t on meds that morning wood in a CB6000 is extremely uncomfortable. I’d wake up and it felt like my balls were being crushed. You can minimize the pain by using a proper spacer. But a silicone device would be better. I also have a Birdlocked and I didn’t get that problem. > Your case was medically induced, it's really terrible how people put kids in antidepressants I know but in my case I think it was a good thing. Also made this fetish a lot easier to deal with lmao. But yeah as a whole it’s fucked up.
>>34328 > I won't bother telling it unless you guys want to hear it. It’s ok anon you can tell us!
>>34330 This is before I went 24/7. The relationship I had at that time was being affected by my problem. It made no sense since I was young and healthy so I went to the psychologist. After some months, the conclusion was that my ED was caused by childhood trauma. Very likely result of molestation I suffered as a kid. The thing is, I don't remember it. It is possible but till this day I'm not sure who would've have done it and it's not something I can go and ask my parents about. I don't live close to them anymore and I don't know how to approach this subject. Thankfully, today I rarely have problems. But I really wish to know what happened, because this also may have affected me to enjoy diapers.
>>34332 Ohhh :/ I’m sorry anon. I’ve been in a relationship with an ABDL girl. The impotence and lack of sex drive wasn’t actually that big of a deal. I used a penis pump and cock ring to get hard. We also dry humped in our diapers. I’m not that big down there so I got the idea to use a strapon over my diaper, which she absolutely loved. It was a wonderful relationship but she broke up with me because her mom died and she wanted time to herself :/
>>34333 Forgot to add, the relationship started about 6 months after I went back on meds. When I was off the meds I was too busy fapping and also too anxious to meet people irl.
>>34333 Losing an ABDL gf is a terrible loss, you have my sympathy. As for your meds, are they your only solution? >I’m sorry anon. Thank you, it's good to let this stuff out of my chest sometimes. And I have to be honest and correct myself when I said "I rarely have it" because it also affected my last relationship, so it's actually common but it's better than before that affected all my times in bed. >I got the idea to use a strapon over my diaper I have a hollow strapon that I used with my last couple of gf and they all liked it after being a bit shy about it at first. I think having to use a strapon may be a necessity by now.
>>34335 I assure you they’re the best option for me :) I don’t mind the sexual dysfunction at all. If only they made me incontinent as well. That anon was talking about taking gabapentin… I know people who are on it and I wouldn’t mind taking it myself if it’ll help me wet. I’m so conditioned to using diapers that it might actually make me incontinent.
>>34307 Nah. Hadn't taken anything at that point. It was more a SURPRISE moment that almost tore my life apart. >>34316 Lmao been down that rabbit hole last year. But fucks sake everyone, do not make chemical weapons for the fight against the potty. Holy shit.
>>34332 I'd be very sceptical of unfalsifiable explanations like that. I'm quite certain that if I went to psychologists and told them everything about my feelings, half of them would conclude I must have been abused as a kid and simply couldn't remember it. It's a terribly convenient explanation with no predictive power but which can be used to explain almost any symptoms in any person.
So I finally got confirmation today, I now have incontinence issues on my medical record and can get money off diapers with my medical exemption card! A while back I became friends with a doctor, in return for helping her with some kink stuff she booked me in for an appointment and diagnosed me with previously unidentified long term damage from a childhood bladder infection. It's one of those things that no one will really question outside of quality of life so is perfect.
>>34485 >>34485 >So I finally got confirmation today, I now have incontinence issues on my medical record and can get money off diapers with my medical exemption card! How much money do you get off? What kind of diapers are you going to get?
>>34486 I basically don't have to pay taxes for anything medical realted. Will be using the same diapers as before, some off brand medical and abdl ones.One of the sites I use for the abdl stuff accepts the certficate online. I'm currectly wearing a very damp tykable, will be ordering more now I pay less.
>>34488 How much does that drop the cost for you?
>>34489 A little under $20 off for a single case, though obviuously I save more if I order a bunch
>>34485 >I now have incontinence issues on my medical record That's great. I'm happy for you. Even small discounts will save you big in the long term. I'm similar to you as in I use off brand (generics) but I don't have access to big brands ABDL diapers, just medical. >>34445 I agree that what you're saying is a possibility. With enough mental elbow grease, every psychological problem could be blamed on some kind of childhood trauma, almost impossible to verify. Now in early 2024, it has been a bit more than three years after my last relationship. I don't even know if my ED still as bad as before since I've been living much better now. But I'll still keep my hollow strap-on around both to be ready and also because it was expensive (it's made of medical grade silicone). Can't afford to buy another one in case I find myself in a relationship unable to have and keep an erection.
>>34509 I hope you find someone, anon :) What about an escort? If arranged properly you could even see one while diapered and they wouldn’t care because you’re paying.
I have been diagnosed with OAB, urge incontinence and detrusor instability. This was by cystoscopy and urodynamics. I've had lots of hospital/doctors experiences wearing diapers etc. Obviously I am strictly "professional" about things but secretly it is of course a real thrill.
>>34526 Did you wear diapers before being diagnosed or was the OAB the trigger that made you enjoy diapers? And how this impacted your life, do you have people to support you? I mean, putting myself in your place, I'd enjoy having someone to help me along the way. >>34513 >I hope you find someone I appreciate the sentiment but I'm not even looking for a partner now. Because, most likely, I'll have to quit being 24/7 to have a normal relationship (as normal as I can get that is). >What about an escort? It has to be authentic. Doesn't work for me if she's being paid to wear diapers. As for paying an escort for casual sex, I rather save this money for something else, most likely buying my month supply of diapers and other supplements.
>>34527 I had a crappy bladder since forever. I was always the one leaving class or dying to pee while on the bus when I was a kid. I did have wet underwear every now and then but it wasn't bad enough to need anything else. I got into diapers from seeing stuff online, I think it was a 4chan thread where there were some pics of cute women wearing them. I knew in my gut straight away that I was obsessed. I've been wearing off and on since then. I wish I did have someone I could do that with but it's off limits with my wife. She would NOT be cool with it at all and I am not interested in screwing that up. I just do it whenever I have some time to myself. I have told her about the bladder issues so she knows why I go for appointments every now and then and she has seen when I've wet the bed a few times but nothing more than that and definitely no diaper fetish being introduced!
>>34527 >I appreciate the sentiment but I'm not even looking for a partner now. Because, most likely, I'll have to quit being 24/7 to have a normal relationship (as normal as I can get that is). Yeah if you want to be 24/7 you’re probably going to have to accept being chronically single. I don’t mind at all but for many people that’s a tough choice. Realizing I no longer needed to look for a partner did feel like a weight lifted off my chest.
>>34529 In my opinion, you're doing the right thing with your wife. Being open about your problem but not pushing anything on her. If she gets interested, she'll come to you. >>34531 That's why I rather pick one or another. Managing being 24/7 and having a relationship is basically impossible UNLESS your partner is already an ABDL. Seeing how people casually comment about their ABDL girlfriends (mostly in other forums) makes me think people are under the impression there's one those in every corner. Having a diaper loving partner, or with tendency towards it, is like striking oil. Because not only you have to find them but they also have to be compatible to you. Since I already have other problem, I wouldn't want to make diapers a part of that equation. So I'm enjoying them while I can.
>>34532 > Having a diaper loving partner, or with tendency towards it, is like striking oil. If I got back with my ABDL ex then I’d probably have to stop being 24/7. She’d think it was excessive. Was very lucky that we were compatible outside of ABDL and had similar interests. Also she was 20 and I was 23 when we met. I saw one* 24/7 ABDL couple. The guy was actually incontinent due to back injuries he suffered in the military. The woman was a pro domme/mommy who specialized in ABDL. Met them at my local ABDL meetup. Originally the guy was just a client but they hit it off and have an actual relationship. When my ex and I were dating, we and a mutual friend paid for a group session with the domme (group rates are much cheaper) and we had a great time :) Also at least for me, I’m 100% open to being in a relationship with the right trans woman. I’ve played with them at play parties before and it was very nice. I know that expands my options. But I’m not really looking to date anymore.
>>34533 Hey, where are you located? That was probably me and my Mommy (or at least that was how we met, our exact situation, and eventually we got married, been 24/7 wearing for her for like 8-9 years now) lol
>>34558 Sorry bro, don’t want to give location on here. In lieu of that, I once saw her pour cold champagne or some other icy drink into the guy’s diaper at a play party.
>>34560 Okay..well we're on the east coast of the US. That still could have probably been her. Was it in the US?
>>34562 Yes I’m in the US. Guy had a beard when I last saw him. He knows who he is.
>>34564 Ah okay, yeah not me haha. I usually try to stay clean shaven. Still crazy coincidence there's another veteran out there with a back injury that made them incontinent who got together with a pro mommy.
>>34565 Yeah also you would’ve remembered the champagne thing. It was like ice cold liquor of some kind and he was *screaming*. Idk how I’d forget. Wish I had talked to him more; this was a few months before I started wearing 24/7. The scene kind of fell apart once COVID started. Do you mess? Or just wet?
>>34566 I do both
>>34567 It started with urinary incon, with functional/urge fecal incon. But once I moved in with Mommy she insisted I just use them for both. So it didn't take much for me to become accustomed to using for both. My control has vanished now haha.
>>34568 Based af. How do you deal with the smell?
>>34570 What do you mean? Like if im in public and need a change? We just bag and trash them.
>>34573 Yeah, lots of people say they won’t mess in public because of the smell. I take chlorophyll tablets and I don’t think the smell is that bad.
>>34574 No, we don't use anything like that. Mommy worked in a nursing home before becoming a pro Mommy, so she was used to diapers already. We just change the diaper as soon as we can in public.
>>34576 When you pee, is it a constant dribble? Or does it come out in spurts?
>>34578 Constant when I'm drunk. Spurts when I'm hard.
>>34585 > Constant when I'm drunk. I don’t drink lol. >Spurts when I'm hard. Do you mean when you’re sober or when you have an erection?
>>34585 Haha that's not >>34576
Finally happened. Accident I genuinely, truly tried hard to stop and failed. Been alternating meds to try and worsen things as I went, but I'm not on them right now. At work, stretched out against a railing because my muscles were sore, and it just... started. I was wearing a little bladder pad at the time and it didn't stand a chance. I stood still, squeezed legs, it just slowed down the flow a bit. Pissed myself completely, but it wasn't even that much, maybe 6 fl oz. What now? Kinda mulling it over. It's probably just a fluke, but it's hitting me hard.
>>34730 >Been alternating meds to try and worsen things as I went, but I'm not on them right now. What meds were you on recently? >At work, stretched out against a railing because my muscles were sore, and it just... started. I was wearing a little bladder pad at the time and it didn't stand a chance. I stood still, squeezed legs, it just slowed down the flow a bit. You needed to be wearing a diaper!
>>34730 >What now? First of all, wear a diaper. If people ask, say you had an accident (because you had) and tell them about your medication. Second, I'd suggest you to wait and see if there's another accident. If you do have another, say bye-bye to your regular underwear, you're now incontinent. Keep us updated.
>>34731 >>34736 I know I should be wearing a diaper, but... I have to know for sure that I'm not just letting diaper training take over. I have to be sure. I was seriously debating continuing the meds today, just to make sure it would stick. I didn't get the chance. Bus on the way home today. The fucking BUS. I sneeze and it just starts. If I wasn't hyper-aware of my bladder today it wouldn't have felt like anything but a tingle. But it soaks the tiny pad I had for leaks and then some. I squeeze down, it stops for a few seconds, it starts again right after. Alfuzosin and gabapentin. 3 weeks on, one off, and going hardcore on training and hypno just in case it helps any. I plan to continue doing it as hard as before, but my resolve wavered a lot. I don't feel horny in the slightest. I feel like I've just done something completely irreversible and there's a bit of lead in my stomach over it. Everything was super planned out, I know I can do this safely and afford it all. But it's kinda too late to get cold feet.
>>34758 >I have to know for sure that I'm not just letting diaper training take over. I have to be sure. Ohhh that makes sense! >I don't feel horny in the slightest I don’t get horny over this either. But I still do it. What dose of meds were you on? I’m now very interested in trying.
>>34758 >I'm not just letting diaper training take over Isn't this the point if you aren't medically incontinent? Or do you want for it to be the result of medication? My weak bladder is the result of years of diaper training, I got the results I wanted. >I don't feel horny in the slightest. Over time, diapers turned into a daily thing, part of my life. But when I focus on it, I still get horny. >cold feet Had the same feeling, it's part of the process. At this point you either feel satisfied for trying and stop or you push forward regardless of consequences and live as you truly wanted.
What's a good nighty night diaper for an aspiring bedwetter? Even though I'm a back sleeper, I always leak at the butt with any local store-bought diaper, but I also don't want to spend $3.50+ for the good stuff every night if I really want to make this regular. I know the Tranquility ATNs and Abena M4s are generally regarded as decent cheaper diapers, but can they handle a full nighttime flood?
>>34768 >I know the Tranquility ATNs and Abena M4s are generally regarded as decent cheaper diapers, but can they handle a full nighttime flood? I wear a tranquility ATN with a booster and plastic panties at night. It works fine. My plasties will be a little damp in the morning but that’s why i wear them. I don’t try to bedwet by drinking too much water before bed, so I don’t actually wet that much at night. I have one glass of water before bed (I drink 8 glasses of water a day and have a rule that I can never withhold liquid as a form of bladder control). If you do want to wet heavily at night, you’ll need something like an Abriform or Megamax. Get a plastic mattress protector and some bedpads, either washable or disposable. If you’re worried about ruining your mattress, you’ll get bladder shyness.
>>34769 This would be an easy problem to fix if I didn't drink a ton of water right before bed, but downing a quick liter of water plus hypno tracks have had pretty good results. The downside is I flood and leak, but I wear plastic pants too so at least the leak is contained. I just don't want to worry about washing plastic pants every morning before work. I'll try out either the ATNs or the M4s and see how well they work, because I just priced out Megamaxes and after shipping they come to $4.62 per diaper, so fuck that. I'm not too worried about the mattress, but do you have a recommendation for a mattress protector that is super crinkly? I'm trying to surround myself with everything possible to reinforce the idea that I'm a bedwetter, and I think a loud plastic sheet would be great for that.
>>34771 > I'm trying to surround myself with everything possible to reinforce the idea that I'm a bedwetter, and I think a loud plastic sheet would be great for that. Based. My mattress protector is crinkly af. I forget where I got it from because it was years ago. Bought three at a medical supply store. Just find one that fits your mattress :)
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>>34763 >>34761 I had cold feet for a few days, but the accidents didn't stop. I had to be wearing diapers because the alternative was worse. This morning, I just woke up feeling... resolved. Way more resolved than before. I was squeamish about messing before but now it doesn't bother me much --I was barely using a potty as it was, so inertia took over. I'm incontinent. I'll probably keep taking meds and doing hypno stuff for a while. Maybe I can get rid of my potty training entirely, that'd be nice.
>>34863 Wait so you lost bowel control too?
>>34868 No, not yet. I hadn't been training it as consistently as my bladder.
>>34870 Oh. Well congratulations on starting! Tbqh I think trying to hold your poop but not your pee would make it more difficult to untrain your bladder. You’d end up holding pee any time you needed to poop. Make sure to buy nitrile gloves if you haven’t already. You can also buy chlorophyll internal deodorant to decrease the smell. Eating less meat and more grains, fruits, and vegetables will make it easier to poop and they’ll smell less and be easier to clean up. It’s not necessarily but I really prefer it. Plastic panties hold the smell in. If you don’t want to deal with messing on a given day, you can take a suppository or enema and either poop in your diaper at a convenient time or go in the toilet. I usually do the supp in my diaper unless I’m pressed for time. Got any questions?
>>34871 Good point on the gloves. I might also pick up a proper changing pad. And... yeah, it's crazy to say it, but I hope giving up on bowel control makes the whole thing collapse even faster and more completely. I had already been using enemas and gentle laxatives to 'aim' my messes at convenient times. I find it disrupts my life very little to do it, honestly, but I do have to think about it more. Part of me wants to make sure I am entirely potty independent, no toilet at all, but we'll see how well I keep to that if I'm stressed out by life. My diet is actually not bad at all. I wouldn't get in somebody's car with a messy diaper or anything, but most of the time my diaper and spats do just fine containing unpleasantness.
>>34872 At home I usually change my messy diapers on disposable bedpads. If I get poop or pee on it, I just wrap the diaper in the bedpad and throw the whole thing out. I’m about to change a poopy diaper now. I’ll go into how I do it when I’m done lmao.
>>34874 I'd help ya if I could.
>>34872 Have you still been messing?
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>>34927 Yes. I did use a potty for it once, because it started during a shower, but... it felt really wrong to do. Wish I could forget the potty was even an option. Bladder accidents continuing too, at a slowly increasing rate. Or maybe it's not an accident if it's expected.
>>34954 > I did use a potty for it once, because it started during a shower, but... it felt really wrong to do. Wish I could forget the potty was even an option. Awww that’s ok :) I have only messed in the shower twice It’s very rare for me to poop in the shower because I usually shower right after my evening mess. Both times were because a little more came out after I had done most of it in the diaper. I love getting out of the shower and seeing my fresh diaper waiting for me. You’re able to mess in any position, right? No having to squat?
>>34966 Yeah, little aftershocks are a problem for me. I can mess in any position most of the time, without having to push too hard either. And, although I had been helping it along, had my first serious accidental mess today. At work, was thinking of taking a break to take care of it all at once, and then I tried to lift something heavy. Right in front of someone with a sensitive nose. But you know what? It completely didn't matter. If they noticed it was anything but bad gas they didn't mention it. And I was cleaned up and back to work ten minutes later. It didn't even feel gross anymore, just... mundane. I had taken a lax that day but I guess it worked a lot slower than I thought it would have.
>>34967 > And I was cleaned up and back to work ten minutes later. It didn't even feel gross anymore, just... mundane. Omg, being able to change a poopy diaper in public in 10 minutes is so good. Get plastic pants if you haven’t already. They’re good for holding in the smell when you mess. Question, when you change a poopy diaper in a public restroom… do you change while standing or do you sit on the toilet. I like to sit on the toilet, cut the tapes on my diaper using a little pair of scissors in my bag, then hold the diaper by the side and carefully stand up. If done right, the load falls right into the toilet. If it sticks to the diaper, I give it a few shakes to make it drop. Then wipe, cream, and put on a fresh diaper against the wall or the side of the stall. Bag the diaper in the grocery bag, drop in the wipes and my gloves, and tie it up and casually put in the trash.
>>34967 Besides meds what else were you doing to lose control?
>>34973 No, I just do it standing. Using the toilet for anything just... feels too wrong, I guess. I do my best not to even look at it while I'm changing, sometimes I'll do it around the corner from it. It helps that I have large bathrooms and backup showers at work. I usually glove, drop diaper into an open small trash bag, wipe wet then dry(with a cloth towel if I have one on me), then cream, powder, and drop all gloves and wipes into the bag with the diaper. That way I'm still standing over the diaper just in case --I've wet mid-change before. >>34984 Going hard on reverse kegels and hypnosis, but I sort of regret the hypnosis. Although it's good to sort out your thoughts and feelings, and I enjoy that my mind no longer even considers the potty a serious option, I sort of gaslight myself constantly into thinking it's all in my head and I'm not 'genuinely' incontinent now because of it. I do have good results from hypnosis generally, but fighting against that gaslighting is why I started meds.
>>34989 Which hypnosis did you use?
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>>35053 I had the best luck with Woherminston's files. They have a vibe of a doctor explaining something to you while you sit there and absorb the information and diagnosis. It's a take that is easy to suspend disbelief for, especially after a doctor in *real life* remarked on my extremely tiny bladder. Also avoids a common pitfall with autohypnosis; the focus on the desiring rather than the being, you could say. Most files do a thing where they try to convince you you are 'now becoming', or 'from now on', or something like that, but that's actually counterproductive due to acknowledging the absent present --by saying you are 'becoming incontinent', you are saying we 'are not incontinent right now', which is all your lizard brain cares about. It makes more sense to suggest something like, 'I'm sorry about your incontinence, but diapers are probably the best option for you at this point' --we have the incontinence and focus on the future of dealing with it that we really want. I've also made my own affirmations and things like that, but they're more of a mental shorthand or a personal ritual. Like how people develop bedtime rituals of brushing teeth and putting on white noise or something to make it easier to sleep, I have rituals to banish unwanted feelings of continence or thoughts of using a toilet. ... This probably sounds kind of stupid, but autohypnosis is a thing I invest a lot into.
>>35059 That sounds very interesting, I often find most hypnosis to feel more like fap fuel and find it hard to actually listen to it. The whole doctor explaing approach sounds more realistic. Could you share a file or two?
>>35066 They're free on warpmymind, or you can pick them up in the big archive over in the hypno thread, but here's one I like a fair bit.
>>35059 > I've also made my own affirmations and things like that, but they're more of a mental shorthand or a personal ritual. Like how people develop bedtime rituals of brushing teeth and putting on white noise or something to make it easier to sleep, I have rituals to banish unwanted feelings of continence or thoughts of using a toilet. I have very little faith in hypno but I 100% do this. The main one is “you are incontinent now. Incontinent people don’t get to choose when they pee or poop. Incontinent people can never hold it”. That is what I think if I’m about to hesistate because of the situation I’m in. When you messed in the shower, if I was in that situation, I would’ve thought that, and then let loose and accepted that I just need to clean it up. Maybe try to mitigate by stepping onto the changing mat that I put in front of the shower. Also “you wear diapers because you are incontinent” and “you can’t use the toilet normally because you are incontinent”.
>>35070 Honestly, this is what hypnosis *actually* is. You're doing it right.
I'm a bit shy posting this but I'm interested in trying to train myself to be incontinent but I'm not sure where to start as somebody starting from nowhere. I know some people start this with having diapers already, but one of my motivations is using actual incontinence as an excuse to buy diapers again (only got away with having a pack once a couple years ago). one of my other reasons is that I do actually have a diaper wetting fetish already and other than that I'm sick of having to get up to pee all the time.
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God. Fuck. I'm going to be wearing diapers for the rest of my life. Holy shit.
>>35230 I guess they begins with diapers to try a bit before aiming to be really incontinent. It's life changing, so maybe you should buy some try wetting them in a conscious way first ! Be it living with a gf or at parent's home, you probably will be able to find moments to wear those without trouble, right ?
>>35303 Are you the anon who took gabapentin and started messing recently?
>>35304 I can fairly easily intentionally wet myself standing up with or without diapers. I still struggle no matter what doing it laying down or sitting down. I can wear privatly at home living with family, my problem is just trying to figure out when to order them. I think next time I buy some diapers I might try getting the good pullups like the m3s/l3s since with the first 2 packs of tape diapers I had I constantly struggled with the tapes (the first pack was even a bit too small).
>>35230 You could try this meme guide if you have no idea what to do.
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>>35323 >Diaper changes take about a minute at most once you get good at changing yourself I this a joke or have I not discovered the hidden changing technique?
>>35324 surely poop or no makes a difference
>>35326 Just changed a messy diaper at a fuel island yesterday. Literally from messed to cleaned up in around 5 mins. For tips: Don't sit in it if avoidable. If it gets mushed into your skin it will take much longer to clean, atleast 10 mins extra. Have nitrile gloves since you can clean up faster without worry of contaminating your hands and other surfaces. Use baby wipes liberally and if any brown, discard the wipe and grab a fresh one. Repeat until wipes come back clean. Check all possible places front to back. The longest I have ever taken was maybe 40 mins but that was a total disaster.
>>35324 I rarely change myself anymore, most times my CG handles it. But when I do, I'd say it takes me like 5 minutes, but I take my time and make sure I'm very clean. I use cleansing foam, lotion and powder before standing and taping on the new diaper with my back to the wall. I'm sure I could be faster. But I'm not trying to speed run haha.
>>35340 > I rarely change myself anymore, most times my CG handles it. Does your CG make you wear a chastity device?
>>35351 No. We've talked about it but haven't gone through with it. Why?
>>35354 Getting changed with a boner in the way sounds annoying.
>>35361 Diaper changes are so routine it takes a lot more than that to get me excited.
>>34758 Just got prescribed 300mg Gabapentin 3x daily. How soon before I start pissing and shitting myself?
>>35423 Probably after you die. Gabbys do a lot of things to you, and incontinence is somewhere on the list, but it's far below addiction, seizures, delusions, blindness, and edema.
>>35364 Does she shave your diaper area?
>>35423 Won't do it on its own.
>>35446 No need, I got lifetime full body laser hair removal done.
>>35453 Did you use a home unit or did you go into a place to have it done? Also how permanent were the results?
Any really good brand of pants or shorts to hide the bulkiness of diapers. I understand saggy is good but do you guys know of any brands?
>>35454 Results are great, I haven't seen any hair in a year so far. Plus I'm WAY smoother than shaving ever could have been. I went to a facility to have it done, took about 8 treatments.
>>35456 I should add most people don't see hair return for at least 5years. But depending on who you go to (I used milan laser) they offer a lifetime guarantee. So even if hair starts coming back they'll do touchups for free.
>>35453 How much did it cost to get it done?
>>35455 I do spats or boyshorts. They're pretty effective.
>>35511 To compress down the diaper as underwear? also I can't wear abena M4s at night I am up early because I started to leak.
>>35508 $15k over 36 months.
>>35515 Nah, you don't want to compress your diaper any. It's mostly for muffling crinkles and helping it stay in position, not shuffle around and chafe.
>>35523 >>35455 >>35511 >>35540 I actually have a rule that I can’t wear normal underwear over my diaper. I also can’t tuck my diaper’s waistband. The only “underwear” I can wear are plastic panties. I have to hide my diaper by wearing clothes that fit right, and having a reflex to hold down the back of my shirt when I stand up or sit down. When I was first starting out, for about 2 weeks I would go out double-diapered with a MegaMax over an ATN. The bulk gave me a diaper bulge that would be obvious to someone who knew what they were looking for, but to a normie it just looked like I had a weird fat distribution. This was to desensitize me.
Can anyone recommend a diaper brand that's good for outdoor exercise? Things get sweaty enough without the extra padding, so I don't think my usual megamaxes are going to be a good option.
>>35657 I had the best luck with cloth-backed abenas.
Went to a rub and tug massage place twice now diapered. It was pretty chill, they didn't even mention the diaper, just pulled my cock out from the top of the diaper and jerked it. I went another time to a different place diapered and cock caged didn't ask for anything sexual. Would recommend.
>>35660 Thanks, I'll give those a try. The cloth-backed ABUs always started seeping on me, but maybe those were just flukes. >>35713 They're probably used to having seniors in depends come in lol
Decided to give longer term night time wearing a try. I've been wearing every night for a bit over a month now, and I'm planning to continue my trial for now. I didn't start with the intention of becoming a bedwetter, but I do have a wish of experiencing the feeling of going to bed in a dry diaper and waking up in a soaked one. Maybe I'll continue even further from there, only time will tell. I've restricted myself to peeing in a diaper only in the bed, though I am still training to properly pee while laying down. I usually have to start by getting up on my knees and then going back to laying down and finish peeing. I've had a terrible sleep cycle for the past few weeks and I've slept very lightly, I'm hoping that fixing it and having deeper sleep will help me to make more progress on being less aware when I wake up to pee during the night.
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>>35828 Although it'll mess up your sleep even more for a week, if you want to start bedwetting, you should set an alarm to wake yourself up a few hours after going to bed. Drink enough water and you'll always have to pee by then --when the alarm wakes you, just pee and go back to sleep and it'll be fine. By the time your bladder wakes you up by itself, all your muscles are engaged in holding it. That makes it a lot harder to let go. You gotta preempt it. Doing that for two weeks got me to start wetting the bed without the alarm.
>>35717 >They're probably used to having seniors in depends come in lol Yeah could be, she kept referring to the diaper as my 'clothes'. I think she knew it wasn't medical, as i wore PeekABU the first time, then pink ABU Bunny Hops the 2nd time. I think she also noticed that the ball ring for the cock cage was slightly showing out the side of the diaper, but it was quite the rush
>>35423 What about now that I'm prescribed Tansulosin too?
>>35834 I've heard of this method often. Never gave a thought about how it would actually work, but now it makes more sense. It would probably be more efficient if I had more regular sleep cycle. I''ve been thinking about starting bedwetting training for quite a long time. I've thought about the different situations where it would be a burden, i.e going traveling on a holiday or visiting a relative or friend, and I feel like I would be fine living as a bedwetter. Now it would no longer a problem financially, I'm very tempted to actually go for it.
>>35894 Any updates?
>>36033 I achieved bedwetting with this technique. Sucked for a few months, but I slept amazingly after.
>>36033 Haven't started to use this method yet, but I'm thinking about it. I've continued wearing and training myself to pee while laying down, and now I can do it while laying down, but I still have to lift my torso and rest against my elbows to get myself going. Last evening I had drank more water than usual, and woke up a couple of times desperate to pee. The last time I remember being half-asleep though my bladder was urging me to wake up, and I could feel my body trying to relax and let me relieve myself but immediately clenching up to prevent me from peeing. When I did finally woke up, it felt quite amazing to realise that I was actually trying to wet while not being fully awake.
Are there any good 24/7 journals or blog-type entries to read?
>>36057 I've made some more progress, I can pretty consistently pee while laying down without having to get up. I have also realised I can relax my muscles so that I just dribble in my diaper, though I can't keep myself relaxed all the time. Not sure if I already unconsiscously pee, since I always have to pee during the night anyways. I've snapped awake a few times when falling asleep as I've relaxed myself, waking up to my body clenching to prevent myself from dribbling.
>>36052 Interesting. What made you keep going, even though you were not sleeping too well for months? How sure were you that this was the right decision before you could no longer reverse it? To me bedwetting training seems scary, and inconvenient when out and about, but at the same time I feel attracted to the idea of waking up wet. The pull is stronger the more I engage with the idea, which makes me think it's dopamine that's driving it, meaning achieving it will not be truly satisfying. Any pointers in the what-if-regret department?
>>36469 More of a chime-in comment here, but I agree that the idea sounds great but the reality might quickly get tiring if you weren't prepared to be diapered every single night forever after (until you potty trained yourself again). The people who achieve bed wetting must love the lifestyle enough that they don't mind that it means (I would imagine) a bedwetting-future where you don't achieve as much dopamine from waking up wet as you do simply knowing you must rely on diapers overnight. Which is a hot idea in itself and would drive me to doing it too, if I didn't have practical realities ahead of me. I've only been able to achieve a state of "I am relying on diapers right now to not unexpectedly piss on the floor " after wearing all-day-and-night, all-weekend, and forcing myself to constantly over-hydrate. By noon of Sunday I'm basically free-peeing and almost unconscious of the act. But then it's back to work on Monday, so I have to stop. If my partner had been into it too, I'd have untrained myself for overnights long ago. Pretty jealous of those of us whose lives are actually like this!
>>36469 >>36481 A lot of it is that I was constantly waking up to use the p**** as it was. It was sabotaging my sleep constantly and I felt like ass. I actually sleep a lot better now that I'm bedwetting. Having to wear diapers isn't that much of a compromise at this point.
>>36469 I am a poor sleeper anyways and it's not uncommon for me to wake up during the night for a leak anyways, so my experiment hasn't really made my nights any worse. I've slept a few nights I've spent at a friend dry no problem, so I'm not past a point of no return yet. >>36481 I definitely agree, that's why I'm trying out how it would feel if I indeed was truely a bedwetter, with having to wake up and clean myself up after a night even during the week. Before I fully commit I think I should stay at someone else's place and go through the process of actually admitting I wear diapers to see if I am mentally prepared for that. Apart from one exception I'm pretty sure my relatives and friends would be understanding of my situation, and I'm not scared about travelling or other situations like that.
>>36564 Remember it's important to wake yourself up *before* your bladder wakes you up. Then you just pee and sleep.
>>36564 I'd say that, if you really want to know for sure, try traveling with other people, preferably by plane, "as a bedwetter". You have to plan ahead, probably inform the people you're with, bring an extra suitcase, have supplies delivered ahead of time to your destination or risk getting supplies there. That's the best stress test I can think of. I'm currently in a situation where it's as inconvenient as ever to wake up every night and get up to use the potty. I will likely wake up the dog. That means having to take the dog outside to pee as well, in the cold. To add to that, the potty is quite far from where I sleep, and the tiles aren't exactly warm either. That means the choice is really between not drinking anything before bedtime and being very thirsty in the morning, while still waking up or wearing a diaper.
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I'm not going 24/7 but I'm trying to wear diapers as much as I can and it has been going very well. I have a question for you: Are you capable of wetting while walking? I already got used to wetting in all situations except two: walking and during my sleep. During my sleep, I'm making progress (still have to wake up a bit) but when walking it simply wont work. It's like the thing is locked or obstructed. I'm not incon and have an active lifestyle so all my progress is due conditioning. This thread is very long and I didn't read most of it, so excuse me if there already an answer. Have a random pic.
24/7 seems like it would be fun for a little but too intrusive for regular life. Having 24/7 months would be a fun experiment. I think I'd like to try it out though. My question is for those who are active what do you do while working out? I'm in good shape and the thought of working out in a diaper sounds absolutely miserable. The sweat and if you're already wet would be very tough.
>>36739 Working out while diapered IS miserable! Maybe some are capable of getting used to it but I'm not. I already sweat after 30 minutes walking in diapers, unless I'm outdoors and the weather is cold. That's why I don't consider myself 24/7, I have all these small exceptions but, otherwise, wear most of the time. I tried going 24/7 for a week and couldn't handle it, my active life makes it unbearable. Regardless, I do recommend people to give it a shot. A prerequisite for trying is either living alone or with someone that knows you wear diapers because going 24/7 and trying to hide it is almost impossible.
>>36743 Yeah I figured as much haha. I like to work out daily usually on a spin bike so diapers would just be the worst. Seems just not worth it if you're an active person. Still I'd give it a shot for a week when I have the chance. Curious though do you find your controlling your bladder harder when aren't wearing during these exceptions? Any accidents?
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>>36736 Oddly, I didn't start wetting while walking until my bladder genuinely lost physical control, and then it started happening while walking all the time. I think it's an issue with body shape; I have big thighs that squeeze on it, and while the muscles had any tone it was helping. >>36739 >>36743 >>36747 I just work out in a room with low humidity and lots of airflow, and wear a thin pullup or underwear pad while doing it. I do have accidents while working out... a lot, actually, and I kinda had to learn to just push through and finish my workout before going to get changed. I live an active lifestyle and can't really imagine going without diapers for it, but sweat is a problem. I use medical-grade antiperspirant in the worst spots and it helps a ton, but most of it is just learning to stay cool.
>>36747 >Any accidents? I pee right before start training and anytime I feel a slightest tingle in my bladder, so I never had an accident. That said, sometimes after training my underwear ends up with a big wet spot. It's not something that go to my shorts, so I don't count it as an accident. >>36749 >until my bladder genuinely lost physical control My case is purely by conditioning, I don't have any physical trauma that would lead to true incontinence so that explains why I can't wet while walking. I'd have to lose all control for that to happen, I think. >I use medical-grade antiperspirant in the worst spots and it helps a ton Look how many hoops you've to go though just to work out. That's one of the reasons I don't want to either be 24/7 or fully incon. Not trying to say it's bad, it's just incompatible with my current lifestyle. Maybe in the future things will change enough for me to embrace 24/7. The groundwork is ready.
>>36749 >I just work out in a room with low humidity and lots of airflow, and wear a thin pullup or underwear pad while doing it. I do have accidents while working out... a lot, actually, and I kinda had to learn to just push through and finish my workout before going to get changed. I lift weights while diapered. I wear a tranquility slimline with smart core (it’s the breathable version of a slimline). I make sure to change after 90 minutes. Have never had a problem. As insurance in case I get a leak, I wear black gym shorts (which also don’t show my diaper lines as much). For a few months when I first went 24/7 I would only wear abriforms with booster pads to desensitize myself to having a diaper on. I worked out in them without much issue. I never do cardio lmao.
>>36739 I am very new to wearing 24/7 but in my situation I just wear a pull up most of the time and it lasts me until I'm done my 30 minutes a day. If I'm gonna do something else that takes longer I'd either wear a better pull up like a gosupreme or a tape-on cloth back diaper. >>36736 I was able to wet while walking before 24/7, but I have to push a bit to get things going unless my bladder's full. The tough ones for me are wetting while driving and while laying flat on my back. For some reason I can go if I elevate my upper half a bit but my body just refuses to go if I'm completely laying down.
>>36783 >I was able to wet while walking before 24/7, but I have to push a bit to get things going unless my bladder's full. The tough ones for me are wetting while driving and while laying flat on my back. For some reason I can go if I elevate my upper half a bit but my body just refuses to go if I'm completely laying down. If you can, get a reusable bedpad for your car seat so you don’t have to worry about leaking on it. And then make sure your bladder is relaxed before you sit down in the car. You’ll know you’re doing it right if you squirt some pee when you get up and step out of the car.
>>36784 Thanks Anon, I'll get a bed pad. Hopefully I can find one that doesn't look too out of place since i drive my friends around sometimes and haven't told them about the diapers yet. It's really nice to have this space to get advice from other people who've chosen diapers over the potty. Makes me feel less alone and helps reaffirm my decision that diapers are right for me : )
>>36796 Be careful with friends… I don’t really have them so I don’t have to worry about them.
>>36797 Yeah I guess I haven't really thought yet about what I'm gonna tell other people. Currently I really only have 1 friend irl that I'm really close with, the rest I'd probably just not tell anything unless it came up. It's hard to decide whether to tell people the truth or just say it's a medical issue and that it's personal. Probably not a good idea to open up about it except with kinky friends. No idea what I'd tell my parents either if they find out while I'm home for memorial day.
>>36810 Definitely say it is medical. I tell people I injured the nerves that control my bladder and bowels.
Anyone know what happened to Kali's tumblr? Noticed it was deleted. Something happen to them? I enjoyed reading their 24/7 banter and thoughts.
jeeeeeeesus I think I messed up, my appartment lease is ending in 2 weeks and I am moving out but caught up in the heat of the moment I ended up buying a case of diapers and now I have 36 nappies to go through and no fucking way to deal with that amount of dirty diapers as I wait for the weekly pick up garbage day. What are some good ways to deal with them for about a week? smell-wise and simply tidiness? I feel like I got myself into this mess but also I am happy to be able to wear almost non stop for a while.
>>37805 I have boxes that are like pic related and used one of them to store my diapers when I was living with someone before moving to my own place (was living in a rented apartment before). Told them they were clothes and no one opened it. To be extra safe I placed a layer of shirts above the diapers.
>>37805 Throw away the diapers late at night. I throw them out at 23-2ish I stay up late so it's not out of the question to why I am awake
>>37805 Just put them in a trashbag? Nobody's ever wondered.
>>37815 >>37835 garbage only gets picked up on Fridays, there cant be garbage bags on the street outside those days
>>37838 oh you guys have just trashbags outside interesting. man even without diapers the smell would be bad where are you guys storing the diapers during the days you aren't throwing them on the street? What about mixing the diapers with the regular trash?
>>37838 >>37805 Many apartment complexes have a large shared dumpster. It sounds like yours is a little different because of your trash bag situation, but I would check the full complex just to be sure there isn't one. Even if your apartment does not have one, oftentimes one apartment complex will be near another and you can dump there. If not, there are often large dumpsters behind restaurants, especially fast food. These usually say "no public dumping" but I have never had a problem. I also suggest like the other guy that you do not need to use all 36 in 2 weeks. You're already putting things into moving boxes, right? So box up 30 or so of them in a normal moving box, put a layer of clothes on top, and label the box something boring like "Old clothes", "Storage", or "Yearbooks". When I moved, I threw my spare diapers in my gym bag, a duffel with a tiny lock on the zipper. With all the other things to move, nobody spared it a second glance even though I had seven people helping me move boxes. Gym bags typically smell bad anyway and are filled with random shit like clothes and water bottles so it's not very suspicious.
>>36692 thanks
>>37865 NP King, sorry for formatting...
>>37845 yeah I am mixing them with regular trash but I am wetting heavily 1 diaper every night, so it starts becoming a massive, heavy bag that is definitely going to start to smell like ammonia... in fact... a few months ago, I had only two diapers in the trash and a friend of mine mentioned the ammonia smell... I definitely freaked out a bit... >>37858 Without going into much detail, my appartment complex does not work like that but I do appreciate the advise/help though. Going dumpster hunting in the back of a restaurant or hotel sounds scary, my city is not that big and I would be terrified to be identified or worst yet, caught by staff members and have to explain awkward stuff. I think its a good one to store diapers maybe in a thick bag, then inside a storage box and then may be put clothes or books or may be even inside a moving box.
>>36564 Had a small pause but now I'm back at it, and I've made some more progress. After one very tiresome night of training, I managed to wet while laying down without consciously trying to pee. It was quite amazing, the only signs of me wetting were the stream against my skin and a very subtle squeeze on my bladder as I started going. It took time and effort to get to a state where I was able to do this by pretty much meditating and listening to hypno and ambient water sounds, but I am excited to find I am indeed able to do it. I have also been able to repeat this in the following nights with less effort.
Just found out I have overflow incontinence and will need a catheter (potentially for the rest of my life.) Any other Anon have experience with them? How comfortable are they? Can you still get an erection and if you can does it hurt? Is there some type of lube to make it more comfortable? I'm a side/stomach sleeper, can I still do that without pain? I'm really new to the idea of catheters and any information helps. I'm actually pretty terrified at the idea and may just forego getting one all together and just managing it some other way.
>>37984 I've been succesfull in training myself to completely let go before I fully fall asleep in bed, but I still kept waking up to pee or woke up in the morning with an urge. I've started to do the night-time alarm trick, and I also drink a cup of water when the alarm goes off.
>>39125 Went to a cottage with a couple of my friends for a weekend, and I wore during the nights. We had separate rooms, so this was a good way to test if I really was ready to wear away from home. The cottage didn't have running water either, so I couldn't do the usual of taking a shower after waking up. Wearing didn't feel like a burden at all, quite the opposite. It felt reassuring to have diapers with me for the night and it was just fine to clean up in the morning with wet wipes, like a natural alternative morning routine I'd have to take in this case. I didn't mention it to my friends, but I have a feeling they're suspecting something. Next step would be to visit a friend and say out loud I need to wear for the night.

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