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Diaper Cuckold Thread Baby 01/04/2022 (Tue) 06:52:13 No. 7966
Thread for Diaper Cuckold content.
"Joey's New Life" by Cottontailboy PART ONE: A NEW DAY I woke up, surprised to see my wife standing over the bed. She was holding a folded diaper with a smile. "Wake up, Joey. It's time to get you dressed for your day off." She handed me the diaper along with a bottle of baby powder. "Go ahead and put on your diaper. I'm going to pick out your clothes for you to wear today while we are out." I was surprised because she usually didn't seem so encouraging about letting me wear diapers. There was a stack of them in the closet, and although sometimes I would wear them to bed, she wasn't very participatory in my desire to wear diapers. She would make negative comments about them, pointing out that I was a "grown man in a diaper" and things of that nature. Something was different today. Taping up my diaper, I was a little embarrassed at how she was treating me, but it was definitely exciting and a good way to start the day. I guess she had something in mind. She picked out my pants and a shirt, telling me how cute I looked while I was putting my clothes on. I was really happy about the sudden change in attitude, but I couldn't help but wonder where this all was going. "Would you like to go to the book store today? We haven't been out in a while. No one will notice your diaper as long as you are careful, but I think it will be kind of fun going out like this. And I know that you will be on your best behavior," she said with a smile. "Sure." I didn't really know what else to say. I was really happy that she was saying all of these things. "I'll even bring an extra diaper with me in my purse. Just in case. You never know." "Ok, sure." So we got in the car and drove to the local Barnes and Noble. We picked up some coffee on the way there, and she was in a really good mood. When we got to the book store, I really had to go to the bathroom, so I said that I would be right back, and she said she would be by the magazines. When I went into the bathroom, I saw that the door could be locked from the inside. I was pretty relieved that I could have the whole restroom to myself for a second. I had gotten really excited on the car ride and had to adjust myself a bit, so I opened my pants and pulled up my diaper a bit. The crinkling sound was really loud, and it seemed to echo through the whole bathroom. Looking in the mirror, I thought to myself that my diaper looked really cute on me. I let my pants drop down to my ankles and looked at my profile in the mirror. From the side, my behind protruded out considerably. The diaper really emphasized my butt, especially in profile. I definitely looked like a big baby with my think, crinkly diapies on. I turned around to look at my bottom in the mirror, and put my hand over it feeling the soft, smooth plastic. Turning back around, my eyes were transfixed on my very noticable bulge at the front of my diaper. Wow! It looked even bigger than it felt. Just then, I was shocked to hear the toilet flush in the stall. Oh no, someone was in here! I can't believe I didn't notice them when I walked in. I was so excited to adjust myself that I didn't even think about someone else being in here with me. And there was no way they didn't hear me rustling around in my thick plastic disposables. I rushed to pull up my pants, but it was too late. As I was bending over, a young man walked out of the stall and did his best to suppress a grin. I could feel his eyes on the back of my padded butt as I was bent over to pull my pants up. He walked to the sink and washed his hands, and our eyes met briefly in the mirror as I zipped myself up and quickly went and take his place in the stall. I heard him chuckle as I fumbled to pull down my pants again, loudly crinkling the whole time as I pulled down my diaper and sat down on the toilet. Soon the door latch was unlocked. It opened and closed and then he was gone. How embarrassing. I sat there for a second shaking, kind of excited, but still really embarrassed. It took me a minute to collect myself. Once I was finished, I pulled my diaper back up slowly, nervous that someone else might walk in the bathroom and hear me. I went to wash my hands and took a quick peek at my waistline again. I couldn't resist seeing the top of my diaper peeking out of my pants, even with the danger of someone walking in again. At least he didn't say anything, and he seemed nice I guess.
I walked out of the restroom and went to the magazine area, but I didn't see my wife there. She must have gone to the bathroom as well, I figured. I sat down and flipped through some of the magazines for a while, but when she never showed up I started to wonder where she was. I nervously walked around the store a bit, hoping not to bump into the guy that saw me in the bathroom. To my surprise, I found my wife in the manga section, talking to the very same guy that saw me in the bathroom! How embarassing. He was standing very close to her, pointing to something in a manga that she was holding. His hands were gently grazing hers as I happened to walk up. She saw me and beckoned me over. She must have been hoping that something like this would happen, because she seemed really eager and excited to introduce me to her new friend. "Oh, this is my husband, Joey. Joey, meet Joshua. We got to talking in the magazines. He's an artist, and he was showing me this manga that he did some work work on. They carry it here at the store! Isn't that awesome?" Joshua looked me in the eyes, and then briefly looked down at the bulge in my pants. "Hello, Joey. It's nice to meet you again." "Oh, you two know each other?" My wife was definitely interested. I could tell that she wanted to know more about him for sure. "Um, we…" I stammered. I didn't know what to say. "We bumped into each other earlier near the restrooms." Whew. He's playing it cool at least. I was worried that he would start making fun of me in front of everybody. "Yeah. Well, it's nice to meet you, Joshua." I could already tell that they had a great chemistry together, and that she liked him and thought that he was cute. It was really unusual for her to strike up conversation with strangers. I managed to hold myself together, but I was shaking a little. No one had ever seen me in diapers before like that, and here he was talking to my wife, and they were really getting along. I couldn't really show any jealousy or anything. I just wasn't really in any position to do anything about it. Here I was, diapered in public, and this guy who saw me bending over with my pampers showing was obviously hitting on my wife in public, right in front of me and everybody else. I had no choice but to go along with it. Whatever the two of them wanted to do, I just had to accept it, or else he could embarass me even further. I started to wonder if he knew any of my friends, or people that I worked with. The best course of action was to just play it safe. He was being friendly, and he did seem really cool. "Say, if you are both interested, maybe you guys could come over to my house and watch a movie?" "Yeah, that would be fun. What do you think, Joey?" "Sure. What do you want to watch?" The reality of what was happening was starting to sink in. "I just got a copy of "Your Name", and I've heard that it is excellent." My wife was really excited. "Oh that would be great. What do you think, Joey?" We had seen a trailer for the movie, and both really wanted to see it. It was an Anime movie about a young couple who switches places with each other, and it looked really good. There was no way I could say no at this point. What could I say? "Ok, sure. Sounds fun." "Cool. Here is my address. Hey, let me give you my phone number." My wife pulled out her phone immediately. He gave her his number and address and she took it down without hesitating. I didn't even bother to pull out my phone. I knew what this was all about. I was just along for the ride at this point. She gave him a hug, and he put his hand on my shoulder. "See ya soon, champ. Drive safe!"
He went to the parking lot and got into his car, and we followed behind him. We didn't really say much, but we were both really excited. She was smiling the whole time, and asked me if I was ok with going over there. I couldn't really complain, and I was looking forward to seeing the movie. I was starting to wonder if she had forgotten about me being diapered in her excitement, but then she made a comment about having that extra diaper still in case I needed it. I started to realize that she was having fun embarassing me a little. She knew that this was her chance to have a guy friend and be able to put me in my place, and that I just had to be quiet and play along. Having me under her thumb was making her really happy, and honestly it was really nice to see her in such a good mood. When we got to his apartment, he was already inside. We walked up and I knocked on the door. I was really nervous, and she seemed ecstatic. It was really comfortable once we got inside though. There was a kitchen first thing when you walked in the apartment, and it was really nice and fully stocked. There was a table and some chairs, and the first room after that was a rather comfy living room with a big TV and some plants, as well as a big window facing the street outside. He made some tea, and the two of them were talking up a storm. He told me I was welcome to check out his video game systems, and so I sat down on the couch in the living room and started playing his NES classic while they had fun talking in the kitchen. They talked about all kinds of stuff. It seemed like they couldn't run out of things to talk about. I just minded my own business and played Nintendo. While I was playing Legend of Zelda, I could overhear their conversation as they started talking about me. At some point he must have brought up the fact that he noticed that I was diapered. I wonder if he told her about me checking myself out in the bathroom mirror. Kind of embarassing, but no matter what I was really in for it now. "So does he always wear diapers?" "No, I just happened to put him in them this morning before we went out. He really likes it though. It's like, his favorite thing." She said this with a kind but somewhat dismissive tone. "But he doesn't need them or anything?" "No, it's just something that he likes to do." "How do you feel about it?" He was trying to feel out the situation, to see if he had an in. "It's ok. I think it's pretty cute. It doesn't really do anything for me personally, but it keeps him well-behaved. It was my idea to take him out like this today, I just thought it would be a fun thing to do." "That's cool. I've heard about people that are into that kind of thing. I think it's really cool that you are going along with it, really. I can tell that you really care about him. But sometimes it can be a lot to have to do everything that someone else wants you to do. Sometimes, you have to do things that you want to do." He put his hand on hers, and she smiled at him and kind of blushed. Wow. It was really something to hear my wife and this guy talking about my diaper-wearing like I was her kid or something. I couldn't really do anything about it though, this was definitely happening. She looked like she was ready to kiss him any moment. I just tried to focus on the game, but all I could think about was their conversation. And my diaper started to feel huge. Just being at someone else's house, and being here with them, I felt like I was completely trapped in my diaper. There was no going back from this now. Eventually, they came into the living room. They were holding hands when they walked in. I tried not to notice. She sat down on the couch, right behind where I was sitting. She kind of patted me on the head and asked how I was doing. Joshua asked if it was ok for him to turn off the Nintendo and put on the movie, and asked if I needed anything. I said that it was ok, and that I was fine, but thank you. In a strange way I actually felt really comfortable, but it was kind of humiliating how he was talking to me like I was a little kid. I didn't really mind too much though.
I got up and went to the bathroom, and I felt like every movement that I made was super loud. I knew that they could hear everything that I did in there. When I came back out, they were on the couch together with the lights off, snuggling. She was kissing him on the lips, which she hadn't done with me all day. "Oh, you're ready. Let's watch the movie." I sat back on the floor and Joshua turned the movie on. The movie was actaully really good, but I was really distracted by the fact that my wife and Joshua were holding hands and cuddling the whole time we were watching it. They kissed each other a few times, very lightly at first and then rather passionately. I was incredibly excited in my diaper during all of this, and found myself just kind of squirming and adjusting my seating just to stay comfortable. At some point, about halfway through the movie, they just stopped paying attention to the movie and started making out. It was actually pretty amazing. They were so enraptured with each other that they didn't notice that I had turned around and started watching them. I had tried to pay attention to the story, but the sounds that they were making were extremely distracting. She was kissing him very deeply, with a passion that I had not been kissed with myself in some time. It was wonderful to see her so happy with someone, and to see how much he enjoyed kissing her. It made me really happy, and I laid down on the ground with my pillow and sort of half-watched the movie while they made out behind me. Eventually, she kind of got on top of him and he had his hands all over her while they were making out with abandon. She started to touch the front of his pants and I could tell that she had to keep herself from just diving in between his legs head-first. She caught herself and they calmed down a bit, and she laid her head on his lap while we all finished watching the movie. She kept nuzzling on his lap while he pet her head. He looked down at me and made eye contact, putting his finger to his lips as if to shush me. I just looked back and smiled and nodded my head. After the movie was finished, Joshua put the Nintendo back on. He told me to be good while he and my wife went into his bedroom for a minute. I tried to play some video games, but I was really distracted because I could hear them going at it in the other room. She was smacking her lips and licking him, and it sounded like he was really enjoying it. They were kissing really loudly, and it sounded like they were going at it on the bed for a while. I could hear her moaning, and him saying things to her. This went on for a while, and eventually it was quiet for about ten minutes. It kind of sounded like they were talking quietly for a little while, but I couldn't understand what they were saying. All of this made me incredibly aroused. I didn't want to play with myself, because I was sincerely wanting to be a good house guest. It was really nice of Joshua to invite us over, and he was being really nice to me. I had always wanted to be humiliated in my diaper, and I guess I was finally getting my wish. I didn't want to do anything to mess up the situation. I just sat there playing Nintendo and being a good boy like he asked me to. All the sudden, the bedroom door opened up! "Hey there Joey! Making any progress on the Nintendo?" Joshua was standing at the door. He was down to his boxers, and his shirt was mostly unbuttoned, clearly my wife's handiwork. He was very noticably erect. "Um yes, thank you, I'm having fun. How is it going in there?" I wasn't sure where this was going. "Why don't you come in here with us. We were worried that you might be lonely." "Ok, sure." I nervously walked over, my diaper crinkling every step of the way. The more time I spent with the two of them, the huger and more inescapable my diapers seemed to me.
As I stood at the doorway, I saw my wife laying on the bed wearing nothing but her underwear. She smiled at me with a look of ecstacy. Joshua imposingly patted my behind. "Go ahead and take your pants off. Take off your shoes and socks too of course. Get comfortable. And while you are in here, I think you should crawl." I did as I was told. Sitting on the ground in just my diaper and polo shirt, I felt extremely exposed. It was thrilling also. He looked at the front of my diaper. "I figured you'd feel a little more comfortable like that. Am I right?" "Yes sir." "I just wanted to make sure that you didn't need a diaper change. It looks like your little wetness indicator has turned blue. I think that means its time for a diaper change." My wife went to her purse and handed him my dry diaper. "Here, go in my bathroom and get yourself changed into this fresh diaper. I don't want you going around in a wet diaper." I hadn't actually wet my diaper, but I must have sweat a bit into it, and I might have leaked a little from being so nervous. "Yes sir. Thank you." I went into his bathroom. It was connected to the bedroom, and was a little less orderly than the one connected to the living room. It smelled like a man's bathroom. I walked out with my old diaper in my hand, wearing a brand new, fresh clean diaper. My pants had been folded, and were next to the dresser by his bed. They were in the bed together, and he was leaning over and kissing her while holding her face. "Go put that diaper in the trash can in the kitchen. I'll bring it our later. I asked your wife if it was ok with her that I let you in here while we made love. I thought it might be fun. Are you ok with that?" I wasn't really in any position to argue. "Yes sir." "Oh, and why are you standing? I thought I told you to crawl." "Yes sir, I'm sorry. Thank you." "That's a good boy. Now go put up your diaper so that you can watch how a really man behaves. Maybe you'll learn something." They both started laughing together. I couldn't have been more humiliated. I crawled across the floor with my old diaper in my hand. It took me longer than I expected to crawl in there instead of walk. The kitchen floor was really cold on my hands and knees. I started to enjoy it though. It was kind of fun to crawl, and to be told what to do. And she was having the time of her life. After I crawled back into the room, I sat there on the floor and watched them loudly make love for nearly an hour. After they were done, they kissed and cuddled for a while and massaged each other while I crawled around the room and sucked on my thumb. I spent a lot of time sitting with my legs spread out kind of waving my knees back and forth. It was hard not to touch myself, but I didn't want to be rude or break their mood at all. My wife looked over at me while I sucked on my thumb. "Next time we'll bring your pacifier. Sorry I forgot it, baby." My wife said, in a rare moment of caring about what I was feeling. It was nice to hear her being sweet to me. After they were done, they kissed and said goodbye, and he told me that I could stand up and put my pants and socks and shoes back on. She looked really happy, and Joshua was really nice about everything. He thanked me for being such a good boy. They kissed and said goodbye again, and he told me to drive safe and be a good boy for my wife. I drove us back home, and she was texting him the whole time.
That night, when we laid down together, she treated me like I was her little baby. I wasn't allowed to his her or touch her in an adult way at all, and although I was obviously very aroused, I wasn't allowed to touch it or touch her with it at all. I had to suck on my pacifier and cuddle. It was really nice to lay with her like that. She was really sweaty from having been with him, and she smelled like she had just had an amazing lovemaking session. I was glad to see her so happy. I had a hard time getting to sleep, but when I finally did I was feeling good and wondering about what would happen in the days to come. I couldn't believe how much things had changed in just a day. This was my new life, whether I liked it or not. I decided that I would just have to make the best of it. At least I was there, and it wasn't happening behind my back, and it was great to finally get to wear diapers and be treated the way that I felt like I deserved. I think that this is a turn for the better. I just hope they keep going as well as they did today.
PART TWO: ONE MONTH LATER "Wake up baby. It's time to get dressed." My wife woke me up pretty early today. It must have been about six in the morning. Had it been a week already? Ever since we met her new friend Joshua last month, we've been getting together with him every Tuesday. In fact, it has become my designated "diaper day," where I expected to be in diapers all day long. I usually have off Sundays and Tuesdays, and Sunday is the day that my wife and I have Bible study together, so Tuesday seems to be the day that we all decided on. She was really eager to get over there today, because this was definitely the earliest that we had gotten up together in a while. She was dressed up in her gym clothes to go work out with him. I guess he was pretty eager to see her as well, because they were already texting. The night after we first went over to hang out at his place, she was happier than I had seen her in a long time. That whole week they texted and talked to each other non-stop. Although I wasn't allowed to look at her phone, she told me all about it. They had a lot in common. They were both really talented artists and both spoke multiple languages, English, French, and German. They were both really interested in healthy living and physical activities outdoors. At night, they would talk on the phone, sometimes in French so that I couldn't understand what they were saying. She would giggle and coo on the phone with him in ways that were really exciting. Before she would call him up at night time, I had to put on my diaper. I had started wearing my diapers to bed pretty much every night because of this. It seemed that she really got into the power play aspect of treating me like this now that she has a new boyfriend to talk to. There were rules to be enforced as well. While I'm diapered, I'm not allowed to kiss her with my tongue or rub myself on her, like at all. I can kiss her on the cheeks, snuggle and cuddle, and if she chooses to sometimes she will kiss me lightly. Since she talks to him on the phone almost every night, and my diapers are to stay on all night once I'm in them. That means that much of our relationship is reduced to this status. I have to go to bed when she designates my bedtime when diapered also. I thought that this would be a problem, but really I have been enjoying it. Sometimes she will put me to bed and stay up talking to him for hours, and I have to just sit there and listen. Of course, I am absolutely not allowed to touch the front of my diapers. Sometimes I have to sneak a moment to adjust myself when it gets too unbearable from being hard in my diaper. She has been enjoying constantly reminding me that I am no longer the man in the relationship. Honestly, I'm very content with that situation as long as I am allowed to wear my diapers around her. It's worth it to me, and it's great to see her so happy all of the time. It makes me happy as well. In the weeks since our first encounter, our days with Joshua have been a lot of fun. For the most part I am not allowed to wear pants at all at his house. As soon as the door closes, I take my socks and shoes off, and my pants have to come off. According to Joshua it's really important, "so we know in case you have an accident." People always see us going into his apartment together and sometimes he leaves the door open while reminding me to take off my socks, shoes and pants. The blinds on the window in the kitchen are usually open as well. I'm not allowed on the couch with them in the living room unless I am explicitly told to come up and cuddle.
In the bedroom, I am absolutely forbidden to enter unless I am asked to come in. He said that if I ever went in without permission I would not be allowed to go in there ever. They spend a lot of time in there with the door closed, and most of the time I can hear what they are doing because they are pretty loud. Even if I am asked to enter the bedroom, I cannot go in there unless I am crawling and my pacifier is in my mouth. I am forbidden to speak unless they ask me a question, if I need to go to the bathroom, or if I need more juice in my ba-ba. Sometimes I will just lay on the floor in my diaper in there while they are having their fun together. I have a lot of time to just zone out and trip out, and I've been getting in touch with my inner baby-self. Sometimes I will just kick my legs in the air and wave my bottle around while they are making love, and some times I will just sit up and watch, or crawl around. It is tough to fight the urge to touch myself. Sometimes I will accidentally just release into my diaper because it is just too much to hold it in. I don't think that they notice when this happens, but I'm not really sure. Joshua will tell me to change my diaper sometimes if I have been in the same one for a while, so maybe they just assume that this is happening. After they are done enjoying each other, they often like to tease me about how much I am enjoying watching them. Sometimes my wife will cuddle with me and feed me my bottle while Joshua gives her a back or foot massage. It's kind of scary sometimes feeling him so close to her and not being able to do anything about it, but it is really exciting for me as well. She rocks me in her arms while feeding me, and it is very soothing. She is always turned on when she is around him, and it is a nice feeling even if it is not me causing it. I am just happy to see her so happy. So back to today. After getting dressed, it was time to head out, probably about 6:30 or so in the morning. She looked fantastic in her gym clothes. It made me feel like even more of a baby to see her dressed like that while I had to tag along in diapers. She patted my behind and asked me if I was comfy, and I said yeah of course and smiled at her. She packed a bottle for me with some apple juice in her purse, along with a pacifier and some diapers. She also had a dress and some other clothes packed for herself. I was getting used to our little Monday excursions, but it was kind of jarring to be up so early. It felt kind of surreal. We stopped to get some donuts on the way there, and she was in a great mood, as she always has been since we met Joshua. We got to the apartments and he was waiting outside on his front porch. People were walking around getting to their cars to go to work. "Hey there, gorgeous." He put his arms around her and gave her a full kiss on the lips, and they locked mouths passionately for almost a minute while he had his hands all over her back. It was pretty embarrassing to have him doing this to her outside in broad daylight, but I just kind of stood there for a minute. "Hey diaperbutt, how are you?" He said with a smile. "I'm fine. It's nice to see you." I said, returning the smile sincerely. He opened the door for me, and as I walked in he patted me on my diapered butt, making a very loud crinkling sound. Before he even closed the door, I started taking off my shoes and socks. "That's a good boy. You know what to do. Now, we're really going to have to keep an eye on those diapers since you're here so early." Although I hadn't ever used my diapers at his house, he would still tease me about me having "accidents" as if I was really incontinent, which was alright with me. I could stand a little teasing, and he was very good-natured about it. "Why don't you come with me into the living room. I have something to show you." When we got in there, I couldn't believe my eyes. He had bought a playpen, like one of those hundred dollar baby playpens they have at Wal-Mart, and it was assembled in his living room with a little mobile that had Care Bears hanging from it. In the playpen was a blankie, some stuffed animals, and some toys (a rattle, toy keys, and other baby things) along with some baby books. On the TV he had cued up some kind of channel for babies with, educational cartoons on. On the side of the playpen was an open pack of disposable diapers, and there was a small stack of them next to the package, as well as a few in the playpen.
"I got it all ready for you so you wouldn't be bored while we went out for our walk. Now be a good boy and crawl in the playpen while the grown-ups talk." Joshua my the pacifier in my mouth. He gave me a loud spank on the back of my diaper as I was crawling in the playpen and I was so surprised that I fell in. He patted my head, messing up my hair a bit. "Now, don't get out unless I tell you. We'll be back in a bit." I sat there, watching the cartoons for a while. I put one of the diapers that Joshua had bought me on over my diaper that my wife had put me in earlier. It was super thick and felt really comfy. Soon after I fell asleep, and they went out to the gym together and went somewhere for a nature walk. I woke up a few hours later and they were back, talking in the kitchen. I could see them from my vantage point in the playpen. She must have just taken a shower, she had a towel around her and was kissing him while he made coffee. I actually started to enjoy playing with the baby toys, and I just kind of tripped out on the sensation of helplessness while they talked for a while in the kitchen over coffee. She came in and played with me for a little bit in her towel, tickling me and playing with my feet. Then she went into his bedroom with him to get dressed. After a while, they came back into the living room and started making out on the couch, and this time she had no problem going down on him in front of me. In fact, it felt like she was showing off. I watched every second while she completely emptied him out into her mouth, and I could help but do the same into my diaper. It was amazing how hard I could come while watching them, completely hands free. I couldn't believe how exciting it was. After they fell asleep on the couch together for a nap, I dozed off myself again for a bit, but not before completely soaking my diaper. I hoped that they wouldn't notice. I had never done that before, but I really had to go, and hadn't been given permission to get out of the playpen. Luckily, I was wearing the extra diaper, so it wouldn't be too noticable from outside as long as they didn't smell it. When I woke up, Joshua told me to go to the bathroom and put on a fresh diaper because there were some other people coming over, some friends of Joshua. He told me that I was to just behave and act like I do when I am in the bedroom with him and my wife and suck my pacifier, crawl on the ground and stay quiet. I guess they already knew what the situation was. I went in and changed my diaper. Joshua had bought a diaper pail that has a fragrance gaurd, so that was pretty fortunate since I didn't want them to know that I had soaked my diapers. I rolled up my old dydees really well so that they hopefully wouldn't notice and put them in the diaper pail. My new disposables that Joshua bought me had little tapes on them with colorful baby blocks and little diapered cartoon bears on them. They were cute, but definitely added to the humiliation factor. I got my new diaper all taped up, and when I walked out I was surprised to see that Joshua's friends were there already. "So here is the baby." Joshua pointed to me while his friends smiled and stared at me. "Hey there Joey, meet Brandon and Jessi. They are going to be your babysitters for the day while your wife and I go on our date." Joshua told me this while he was in the middle of giving them instructions about how long I was allowed to play Nintendo, when I was supposed to take naps, and when to feed me. I waved at them meekly, bowing my legs a little in embarassment. I just stood there and sucked on my pacifier while he gave them their instructions for taking care of "the baby." Once again, while they were at the house, I wasn't allowed to leave my playpen unless I had asked permission. Also, if I was allowed out of the playpen, I wasn't allowed to walk around the house, only crawl. "Don't worry, you won't have to change any diapers. He changes himself." My wife smiled at me a little sadly, with a look of sympathy. I think she was even feeling embarassed for me. "Be good, baby. We'll be back in a little bit." She gave me a kiss on the forehead and handed me my bottle. She looked absolutely stunning wearing a loose-fitting dress that was almost like a baby-doll style, but still grown up looking. She looked fantastic. I wrapped my arms around her. "I wuv you. Hawve fun."
"I love you too, baby. Be a good boy for Brandon! It's very nice of him to come and watch to make sure you don't get into any trouble." My wife walked out the door with Joshua, hand in hand. She kissed him full on the lips as they were walking out into the parking lot. I could only assume that wherever they were going they would be acting like that in public. Here I was sitting in Joshua's apartment in a playpen while he was out on the town with my wife. They would be holding hands, kissing in public, and having a great time while I was here sitting in diapers and drinking from a bottle. I wasn't really sure what all they were up to, but it sounded like a romantic night with dinner, a movie, and a walk in the park, maybe a stop for a drink afterward. I figured it might be awhile, so I just got comfy and played with my toys in the playpen while Brandon and Jessi hung out. They were really chill, and they just kind of hung out and played video games with me until it was time for dinner. They made me a bowl of cereal, and a plate with fresh fruits and veggies all chopped up for me. Later, we laughed watching some old cartoons on the television. They even let me crawl around on the floor for a little bit, which was nice since I needed to stretch my legs after being cooped up in the playpen for a few hours. I fell asleep again while they watched a movie together. It was very calming to be around them. When my wife and Joshua got back, they were in a really great mood. She thanked Brandon and Jessi for being so sweet, and they left not soon after. It was pretty late, and I think my wife had a few drinks while they were out. They barely noticed me as I crawled around on the ground in front of them. She started going down on him on the couch almost as soon as my babysitters left. After he was almost about to come, she pulled up her dress and her and Joshua made love on the couch for a while. She threw her panties on the ground right in front of me. I couldn't do much but crawl around and drink from my bottle. She just couldn't get enough of him. She started climax and then afterwards she whispered something in his ear. He told her to lay down and he pulled up her dress. Then he grabbed one of my diapers and put it on her! She was loving it, she looked adorable with my big thick diaper peeking out of her dress. She sat on his lap and he bounced her on his knees. She was kissing him and climaxing even more. I couldn't take it anymore, and once again I achieved an overwhelming climax in my diaper just from watching. They barely could be bothered to notice. By then, she had pulled off her dress completely, kissing him all over wearing nothing but her giant diaper. He put her over his knee and started spanking her and squeezing her crinkly behind. She was loving every second of it. "Hey Joey, look, now she is in diapers too! Isn't that nice. She sure loves being my big naughty baby." It was extremely humiliating to watch her "play baby" while they were having their fun, and really exciting too. She looked amazing and adorable as Joshua's big baby. She hadn't worn diapers with me for over a year now, but she seemed to love doing it with him. "App bap bap. Ba ba ba ba." She started sucking her thumb while he bounced her on his knee some more. She was definitely teasing me by acting like a big baby. She knew that it turned me on incredibly, and that I was helpless to participate in it in the state that I was in. It made me feel more helpless than ever to watch him play caregiver for her in this way. "Da da. I love you dada! Hmmmah!" She started kissing him really loudly. She got so excited that she broke character for a second while he fondled her breasts. "Mmm. Joshua. I love you Joshua!" She leaned over and whispered in his ear some more, kissing and licking his ears in the process. They went into the bedroom and shut the door. On the way there, he told me that I had to stay in the room, and that the kitchen and bathroom were off-limits tonight because I had gotten baby powder all over his bathroom and on the chairs in the kitchen. He brought the diaper pail out of the bathroom and put it next to my playpen. "Yesh siwh, I'm showwy," was my response through my pacifier. She giggled at my response.
"Good night baby. You have fun and be good. Don't wait up!" She was smiling as she went into his room wearing nothing but her diaper. As he closed the door, I saw her get down on her hands and knees and begin to crawl toward his bed. The last thing I saw was her diapered butt shuffling as she crawled across the floor. After that, the door closed and they were going at it all night. I could hear her saying his name over and over again. They did not let up. After a while, I really had to go to the bathroom. I figured I would just go in my diaper because he had told me the bathroom was off-limits. They were still making love so loud that I could hear it through the wall, and it was quite a strange feeling to fill up my diaper while hearing them go at it. Then I quietly changed myself, trying to make as little noise as possible, putting my dirty diaper in the diaper pail and taping up a fresh new disposable. After that, they were still going in there, so I just climbed onto the couch to get some sleep. It was fun thinking about what they were doing on the couch earlier, and that helped me get relaxed. I faded in and out of sleep that night, but I would wake up hearing them yelling each others names and saying that they loved each other. I woke up uncovered, face down on the couch early in the morning, with my wife patting me on the back of my diaper. She was back in her gym clothes. She didn't seem to have a hangover, just a mellow haze of pleasure from a night of wonderful lovemaking. "Wake up, diaperbutt. It's time for you to get ready for work. Put your pants on, I'm going to drop you off at work." It was 7 in the morning, 24 hours after we got there the morning before. On the car ride she asked if I was ok, and said that she hoped that last night wasn't too much. She apologized for leaving me out in the living room all night, saying that they had gotten a little carried away. I told her that it was ok and that I had fun watching them in the living room. I also said that the night wasn't too bad because I could hear them through the wall while I was going to sleep. What a crazy day and night. I thought about it all that day, and all week until it was time to go over there and do it all again.
PART THREE: GOING FURTHER So it's been a few months now since my wife met her new boyfriend. That's what she's calling him now, her "boyfriend". At first I was surprised at how much she liked him, and I have to admit that I was pretty shocked at how quickly things escalated with him sexually. I realize now that she had a lot of pent-up feelings that she just couldn't act out with me, and that we needed someone else in our relationship for her to feel comfortable enough to just let herself start feeling the way that she used to feel with me when we were first together. It has been a humbling experience, to say the least. On the plus side, however, she has grown much more affectionate toward me in the meantime. We used to go days at a time with her being sweet to me followed by periods of sadness or moroseness on her part, but now those days are gone. She still makes me breakfast and lunch before I go in to work, and texts with me while I am there. But now she has a sense of empowerment and control in our relationship. I find myself in a position where I cannot really argue or disagree about too much because my role has been mostly reduced to that of being completely dependent on her for affection. I don't have a leg to stand on in any argument, because I am just the diaperbutt in the relationship. She has a real man to look forward to every week, and I have to just be good and do whatever she wants me to. I don't get jealous of the situation because the kindness and sweet nature of her feelings for Joshua are very sincere, and she manages to maintain her sweet nature to me throughout the week. Maybe it is because she feels sorry for me in my reduced role, but I wouldn't trade our old dynamic for this for anything. I do sometimes miss being able to get physical with her the way that we used to, but those days have been long gone for some time now. Any sexual thrill that I get from our relationship is acted out vicariously through her realtionship with Joshua, and in me she has a confidant and trusted friend that anchors her new relationship in a way that enables her to engage it as an activity of pure pleasure and enjoyment. A lot of our nights now are spent with me diapered and playing video games or reading on the internet while she texts with her boyfriend. She likes to ask me questions about how I feel about certain things that happened, and has been much more open with talking to me about her sexual desires since our new arrangement. One thing that she does like me to do now is kiss and massage her feet while she is texting with her boyfriend. Also, at night, she hugs me like a teddy bear and pats my bottom. She likes to hold me and call me "baby," and sometimes I can tell she is thinking about Joshua being there behind her. Although I get really excited, I'm not allowed to respond romantically so much as just be her little cuddle bear, but it is still very fulfilling overall. I'm definitely happy with this turn of events. One thing that was hard to get over was that I have pretty much accepted that I will never feel her going down on me ever again. The baby powder and constant diaper wearing pretty much ensures that. She used to do that for me failry often, and she was really good at it, but it had been a while since she had done that anyway. She absolutely loved going down on Joshua though, so I would get a kind of vicarious thrill by watching that, which thankfully I was still allowed to do. Once I accepted that it was just something that I wouldn’t get to do any more, it was easy to adjust to my new role. I was in a constant state of excitement, and occasionally it would just burst loose in my diaper, so my satisfaction wasn’t really in any jeopardy overall. I also missed being able to fool around with her and make out, but once again that was something that was just reduced to a vicarious thrill for me now. Once I adjusted to not being able to climb up on top of her or rub myself on her, it actually added an additional excitement to every interaction. Just holding hands or laying on her lap became immensely exciting. I was settling in very comfortably into the role of being just her sweet, loving diaperboy. It required me to listen a lot more, and once I put my ego out of the way I found that we were actually both a lot happier without me having to play the role of the man in the relationship.
In general, going over to Joshua’s place has been a very comforting thing for us both. Something kind of major happened last week actually that kind of changed things a bit. Things have definitely felt different since then, at least. When we got to his apartment, he had made a big pot of coffee, and we sat around his kitchen (me on the floor, them in chairs) and talked for a little bit about things that might be fun to do together. They were talking about maybe taking me to the aquarium, because my wife had bought a very discreet but still kawaii diaper bag that she was excited about carrying around in publlc to kind of embarrass me a bit. I was really thirsty, so I finished my coffee quickly. My wife popped my pacifier in my mouth and smiled as she started kissing Joshua in his chair. "Before we go any further, there is something I need to talk to the baby about." The tone shifted, and he got very serious with me. "I know that you've been using your diapers for number one and number two. I've been finding your dirty diapers in the diaper pail. You got baby powder all over the place too. Now, if you are going to be using your diapers for everything, I want to make it very cleaar that I don't want to smell you in a dirty diaper ever. If you're going to do that, you must change it immediately. Understood?" "Yesh shiw." Looks like I was busted. I thought I had been discreet. He had been toying with the idea of me not being allowed in the bathroom before, and it seemed like an idea that he was playing around with. I think he liked feeling out the reactions of my wife and I as he introduced new and more humiliating rules for my situation. He was always looking for something new to tease me about in front of her. It was making me more and more submissive. My wife looked at me in total silence, saying nothing. She kind of looked like she was about to laugh. "And be careful with that baby powder. I don't want to have to clean all that up again." He smiled and they both started laughing at me. "It will be ok, I just wanted to make sure we were really clear about you going around in wet or dirty diapers. I'd really rather you not do that around us, but if you have to go, you need to change them immediately." The two of them got really excited and absconded to the bedroom, and before Joshua closed the door he said “Hey diaperbutt, you can finish off that coffee if you want. I don’t think that we are going to have any more. There’s a coloring book in your playpen if you get bored. And once you get in the playpen, I don’t want you getting out, understood?” “Yesh shiw.” I replied, sucking on my paci. He shut the door and I could hear them start making out against the door. At this point, that had become a pretty familiar sound. I figured I would make myself comfortable, and after finishing off the coffee, I crawled into the living room to see what he had gotten for me today. It was a Care Bears coloring book, and a full pack of crayons! I kind of wanted to play Nintendo, but I didn’t want to get in trouble. There were some baby cartoons on the TV like usual, and the music was very calming. I colored for a while, and I could hear them really going at it in the next room. The bed was shaking, and their breathing was really heavy. She kept saying his name and moaning. “I love you Joshua. You feel amazing!” Eventually the loud sounds of the two of them in the other room kind of lulled me to sleep. When I woke up, they were still in the bedroom, and I really needed to go from all the coffee. I went ahead and used my diaper, quietly tiptoed into the bathroom in hopes that they wouldn't hear me, and changed myself. After I sat back in the playpen, my wife came out to check on me. “Hey baby! How is it going in here?” My wife said this with a sing-song tone. “I’m doing weawy good. I cowowed a few of the pages in the book.” I was starting to get used to talking with a pacifier in my mouth. “Oh that’s very nice, Joey.” She smiled at me and patted me on the head, ruffling my hair a little. Joshua walked out and noticed that I had left the bathroom door cracked. "I thought I told you to stay in the playpen." He seemed sterner than usual today. What was his plan?
“I’m showwy shiw, I had ta use my diapo. I didn wan to intawupt you too.” “Hm.” I was sitting on the floor cross-legged in front of them. He got up and went into the bathroom. When he came out, he pulled out a key and locked it from the outside. “There’s baby powder all over the seat.” He sighed. “You are no longer allowed to go in there. I don't want you anywhere near a toilet in this house.” “Yesh shiw. I’m showwy.” My wife looked at me and giggled. My voice sounded funny through my pacifier. It was embarassing, but also very exciting to be infantilized like that. This had to be some kind of plan to humiliate me further. Where was I going to change my diapers? Was I just supposed to hold it in while I was at his place? I was unsure. Now, the thing about it was that even after going just then, I already needed to go again. To my horror, I noticed a little wet spot on the front of my diaper where you could see the color strip changing a little bit. Was I really leaking that bad? I was definitely nervous from being scolded like that in front of my wife. I didn’t want to ask to go back in there right away, so I just kept quiet. Joshua went and turned on the Nintendo. “Hey, since you’ve been such a good sport, I figured I should let you play a little NES.” He went and sat on the couch with my wife and started stroking her hair. “Come sit here with us. I want to watch you play for a bit.” I got on the couch, nervous that they would notice the little wet spot on the front of my diaper. They were way more focused on each other though. While I played Super Mario Bros 2, he talked to me for a bit about old video games, and I had a pretty good conversation with him even though I had to repeat myself a few times due to the pacifier in my mouth. It was a little embarrassing also because my wife was groping him the whole time. “Hey, why do you always play as the Princess?” He said this with a smirk while my wife had her arms wrapped around his waist. “I wike heaw becawsh she can fwoat. It makesh it eashier to gip pasht shom of suh twicky jumps.” “Ha ha ok. That’s cool. You should play as the little mushroom guy. He kind of looks like he’s wearing a diaper.” He started laughing, and my wife started laughing as well. I smiled, because it was kind of funny. I picked Toad for the next level, and played for a little until I ran out of lives. “Hey, you’re pretty good. I can never get past the desert level on that one.” My wife chimed in. “Oh, you should see him play Tetris, he’s really good at it.” She got excited when she said this and started to put her arms around me, kissing my cheek. It felt really nice. “Ok, let’s see.” Joshua got up and plugged in the second controller. “I’m pretty good too.” We started playing, and for a second I was excited because I thought that she was going to watch the game. Instead, she got down on her knees in front of him and started unzipping his pants. I tried to not let it distract me. I felt like they were both playing some kind of a game with me. Despite all of this, I was doing really well at the game. I got 7 tetrises in the first round, and 8 in the second. Joshua was very impressed, even as my wife was kneeling before him on the couch and fondling him. She pulled his underwear down and took him into her mouth right there in front of me. I was a little distracted to say the least. Even as she was hungrily sucking on him, I still stayed in the game and did really well for a while. He gave up though very soon, and started to thrust into her mouth as all of his pieces piled up. I got incredibly hard, but still felt the need to go in my diaper. It was all becoming a little too much for me at this point. I couldnt hold it in anymore. I felt completely imprisoned in my diaper watching her pleasure him right in front of my face. My diapers felt huge and inescapable. He started to thrust into her mouth more forcefully, and not long after she closed her lips around him I piled up too many pieces and lost the game. I had to go so bad that I just went ahead and wet my diaper right there on the couch in front of them. I audibly sighed with relief and got off of the couch so that I wouldn’t leak onto it.
I crawled away awkwardly, trying to get away unnoticed so that I could change my diaper. After she brought him to completion, he laughed when he saw my saggy and noticeably wet diaper while I was crawling away. “Uh oh! Looks like Joey had an accident!” He exclaimed. “Joey! I can’t believe you! I’m so sorry, Joshua.” She was mortified. “No it’s ok. I’ll change him. Hand me one of those diapers.” She went to her diaper bag and handed him a fresh one, along with the bottle of powder. He went to the bedroom and came back with a changing mat and some wipes, setting them down on the ground. He had been planning this all along! “Now lay down on the floor.” He unfolded the mat and instructed me to lay down on it. I did as he instructed, staring up at him as I lay down on my back sucking my pacifier with my legs spread out. I couldn't believe what was happening. I started to squirm around in my diaper and couldn't help but come in my diaper uncontrollably. My wife looked at me with embarrassment, covering her mouth as she laughed a little. "Oh, Joey." She smiled, and the look on her face was the same mix of amusement and sadness that I saw when my babysitters were being given their instructions on how to take care of me. As he un-taped me, he laughed and commented at how excited I was. “You sure do like watching us don’t you? It's ok, sport, just sit still. We'll get you in a nice fresh diaper." I looked over at my wife, who was watching with amusement as her boyfriend changed my diaper in front of her. He was surprisingly sweet about it, and careful to make sure that I was comfortable. He applied a ton of powder to me, like a ridiculous amount, and then pulled a fresh diaper up and around me and taped it up. I just sat there, sucking my pacifier and staring at my wife while she watched us. She seemed as perplexed and amazed as I was. “It's ok. You have completely lost your toilet privileges for this house. If you have to go, you are just going to have to go right there in your diaper. Diaper changes will always happen on this mat. I won't be changing you any more after this, so you're going to have to get used to changing yourself on this mat, so that way you dont get powder everywhere. No bathroom for you at all in this house. That is the rule from now on. Understood? This mat goes with you wherever you are in the house.” “Yesh shiw. I’m showwy.” I understood now what he was doing. He was establishing his total dominance over me, completely humiliating me in front of my wife. She would never see me as a man again. "It’s ok, it’s just something I’ve been thinking about for a while now. Now get on your hands and knees.” I crawled up and got on my hands and knees, and he gave me a pretty strong spanking. I started crying right there in front of both of them, mostly because I was really embarrassed. “Now take your pacifier out, get your pants on, we’re going to go to the aquarium. If you are good, I’ll get you some ice cream.” We went to the aquarium and it was a lot of fun. I didn’t have to wet, thankfully, although my wife had her diaper bag ready just in case. She held his hand the whole time we were walking around, and sometimes they would make discreet comments asking if I “needed anything.”
After that we went to the mall. We stopped to get some pizza in the food court, and I had to use my diaper there. I asked for a fresh one, and my wife handed me a diaper out of the bag in front of everyone, along with my bottle of powder. I had to walk to the stall holding my diaper and the bottle of powder with everyone looking at me. When I came out, I saw a bunch of my old friends talking to my wife. She was introducing Joshua to them and they seemed surprised to see me walking up holding the bottle of baby powder. I tried to hang on to my dignity while she sat there holding hands with Joshua in front of all of them, but when she put the powder back in the bag all of my diapers were clearly visable. Some of my friends were smirking, but they were polite, and I didn't say much. We went into a a bookstore in the mall later and an ex-girlfriend of mine was working there. She saw my wife and I talking and came to tell us hello, saying it had been a long time since she had seen us. She asked how things were going. "Things are great. Never been better, actually." She was beaming as Joshua walked up and put his arm around her waist. "Oh, um… this is our… friend Joshua." I stammered. "He's my boyfriend," my wife said, smiling. She turned around to give him a kiss. I was incredibly humiliated, but I just agreed. There wasn't much I could say about it at this point. "Oh, I see. Well, it's nice to meet you, Joshua." She was smiling at my wife and her boyfriend, and looked at me incredulously. "Nice to see you, Joey." She kind of laughed when she said that. "Nice to see you too." I was really embarassed. My life was pretty much over at this point. Between my friends seeing my diapers, and my ex being introduced to my wife's boyfriend, it wouldn't be long before I was the talk of the town. Everyone would know about the changes that were occurring in my life for sure at this point. That night we had a quiet evening, and I was allowed to come into the bedroom and cuddle with my wife for a bit while they laid together, which was nice. It was a really nice day overall. So that’s the big news for this time around. I have completely lost all bathroom priveliges at Joshua's house, and now everybody knows that my wife has a boyfriend and that I wear diapers. I’ve got to get ready for bed though now. It's bedtime, and I can’t disobey my orders. Tomorrow is Tuesday again, and I can only imagine what they have planned for me this time.
PART FOUR: NEW ARRANGEMENT So, here I am, sitting in the car with a big crinkly diaper on under my clothes, driving my wife to see her boyfriend. We’re going over a little later than usual today, it’s already almost noon. She said that he had something special planned for me today. The reality of the situation is really starting to settle in. This relationship of hers with Joshua has become a huge part of our life at this point, at the expense of a lot of things that we used to enjoy together. Instead of wanting to go to the park with me, now she wants Joshua to be there. She talks about him all the time. We never have a night where they don’t talk on the phone. On the plus side, I get to wear diapers a lot now. Every night, and all day on my days off. We started going over on there Sundays too while he is at the gym, having our little Bible study together over there while he is gone. She sets me up in the playpen and does his housework all day, washing dishes and clothes for him. She cleans the place top to bottom until he comes home. It’s actually really relaxing to listen to her sing while she cleans his house, and it definitely adds to the humiliation that she has started making me do most of our chores at home, but does all of his for him. I like waking up early to sit in the playpen and watch her do Joshua's chores. She doesn’t like me using the diapers at home, because she is worried about it getting on the sheets. I kind of enjoy the freedom and humiliation of being expected to use my diapers at Joshua’s place. I've started to look forward to going over there as much as she does. When we drove up, he was waiting for us outside. “Oh good you’re here! I’ve made some changes in the apartment. I think you’ll like it, Joey. Come here, here gorgeous.” He held my wife by her behind and started kissing her. They made out on the porch for a while and I just stood there. We walked inside and I took off my shoes, socks, and pants like usual. They both led me to the living room, and the first thing I noticed was a huge stack of super-thick diapers on the floor. “Ok, you better put on one of these on immediately. You can go ahead and put it on over your other diaper.” I went and taped it up over my diaper, and with my diaper on underneath it was so thick that I couldn’t have even walked normally wearing it if I tried. “I ordered these for you last week, even before you had your little accident. I’m glad I did.” Next, I notice that there is an air purifier in the room near my playpen. “Now check this out.” He walked over to the closet area and opened the door. “This is your changing room, Joey. From now on, you are going to do all of your own diaper changing here. I think that is the best course of action after what happened last night.” There was a plastic mat on the ground, and a rubber changing table on the floor with a disposable pad on top. Next to that is an open, full pack of baby wipes, a diaper pail, some baby powder, and another air purifier. There was a little light bulb in the room with a chain to pull it off and on. It was probably just barely big enough for me to change my diapers in. “This is your bathroom now. You will do all of your diaper changes in this closet. Understood?” “Yes sir.” “You are going to use your diapers full-time when you are in my apartment. We will keep several bottles of juice for you in the fridge. Don't sit anywhere in the kitchen, I don't want you getting powder everywhere. You can feel free to walk around if you like, but if we let you in the bedroom you are still only allowed to crawl. You are not allowed to fill your own bottles, just use the ones in the refrigerator. If you need more ba ba, you'll have to ask politely. Ok?” “Yes sir.”
“Now you have your own little changing room, and you can use your diaper whenever you want. And there are plenty of diapers, so there is no excuse for you to not change yourself IMMEDIATELY as soon as you use your diaper. I think that this arrangement will work out much better for us all.” “Now what do you say, Joey?” My wife asked me sternly. “Thank you, sir.” The double-diapers that I was in now were excruciatingly thick. I went to go look in the changing room a little closer, and I had a really hard time walking straight. I had to kind of waddle with my legs a little further apart and my bottom sticking out. They both laughed at me. I must have looked ridiculous. “And thank you for the diapers, they are very comfy. This is so generous of you. I really appreciate everything that you have done for me.” I felt really comfortable, even being in my humiliated state. It was really nice of Joshua to put in all this effort to make me feel comfortable. I felt really happy, actually. “That’s good to hear.” He replied sternly to me, but with a pleased tone. “I’m glad you like your new diapers. I thought that they might be appropriate for your… situation. I’m glad that you like your new arrangement as well. Now here is part two: Brandon and Jessi are moving to another apartment complex, and that leaves us without a babysitter for you. However, your wife and I think that you are a good enough boy to be here on your own. Do you think you can do that?” “Yes sir.” “I don’t want you messing with my stuff when I’m not around though. The video games are off-limits when I’m not home from now on. You’ll have to be content with your baby toys, the baby tv shows I pick for you, and your coloring books. I put a parental lock on the tv so it’s impossible for you to change the channel once I have it set. If I find out that you have been messing with any of my stuff, I’m going to seriously reconsider letting you come over at all. Understood?” “Yes sir. I’ll be good, I promise.” “Ok, now let’s get that pacifier in your mouth.” I pulled out my pacifier and started sucking on it immediately. “Yesh shiw.” “Now, go ahead and come into the bedroom with us. And bring your toys.” They went into the bedroom, and left the door open for me to crawl in. I made my way in there and was surprised to see how many of her clothes were hanging up in his closet. How did she bring them over without me noticing? Or maybe she’s been hanging out with him while I am at work! Now it makes sense why she has been using the car so much while I am at work. She has been going over to his apartment every day while I was at work. She must have spent a lot of time with her clothes off in this room. Her clothes were all over his bathroom too. It was like this was her second home. There was a large shower room in the master bathroom connected to his bedroom. I sat on the floor in the bedroom while they got undressed and went into the shower together. While I sat there in my super-thick double diapers, they started doing all kind of stuff together. I watched as he pressed her against the glass divider on the shower and made love to her from behind, her face pressed against the glass. She watched me sitting there helplessly as he thrust into her, her face caught in an expression of pure pleasure while I sucked on my pacifier. I could see him reaching around from behind to cup her breasts, and each movement brought her deeper and deeper pleasure. She started to scream and moan, loudly saying his name and exploding in pleasure multiple times. She said my name too this time while he made love to her. "Oh Joey! It feels so good. Mmm."
She came so many times for him that I completely lost count. She took him into her mouth in the shower and brought him to completion, and afterwards they toweled off and laid down on the bed. I sat on the floor the whole time, playing with my toys, occasionally crawling around. It was hard to get around in my ultra-thick double diapers. I laid on the ground for a while and played with my feet, just kind of rolling around. He went and watched TV for a little while in the living room and she called me over to his bed, where I massaged and kissed her feet for nearly an hour. After a while, they got dressed and went out for dinner. “We’ll bring you back something good. Don’t wait up though!” She laughed as they walked out the front door hand-in-hand. As I heard the door lock, I felt a sinking feeling when I realized that this was my life now. Still, I had my diapers, and I was starting to have a lot of fun coloring and playing with my baby toys. Sometimes I would cry a little bit when they were gone too long, but it was really exciting when they came back home. I was starting to completely lose track of how my life used to be, and after a few more weeks of this I couldn’t imagine how I ever managed to live any differently.
PART FIVE: JOEY'S NEW LIFE It’s hard to believe that it has been a whole year now since my wife met her partner. He offered to move us into his place, and I accepted. Our physical, romantic life together was pretty much non-existent, and all she could think about was spending time with him, so I figured we’d take the next logical step and just all move in together. He moved all of his art supplies and office stuff out of the room connected to the hallway, and had turned it into a baby room for me to live in. It locked from the outside. I wasn’t allowed to have any of my old things any more, since we were moving into his place. She sold all of my grown up stuff, and I lost my car privileges, as well as having to quit my job. She handed me the plastic toy baby keys, saying that those were my car keys now. It got really difficult once I realized that they were hanging out while I was at work. The embarrassment was causing me to be constantly aroused and wetting myself, so I had no choice. I quit my job to become their full-time baby. I was diapered 24/7 even before the move. My new room was really nice, with a crib for me to sleep in and Care Bears decorations all over the walls. They lock it from the outside when they want me to be quiet and behave, but they can still hear me on the baby monitor. It is hooked up all through the house. They have a two-way monitor hooked up in their room, and they like to turn it on at night while they are making love. That way I can hear them in my crib while I am locked in the room. They usually turn down the volume so that they can’t hear me when they are getting intimate, but mine is locked at full volume. I always hear what is happening in their bedroom, whether I want to or not. I often wake up in the middle of the night to the sounds of their lovemaking. She likes to go down on him super loud right next to the microphone. Sometimes I will hear this going on for what seems like hours. I live as their baby all day and night now. I still have to change my own diapers, but I have a cute little washroom all to myself (no toilet, obviously). The door to my room is locked when they go to bed, or if they are busy working on something important so that I don’t bother them. I’m so proud of my wife, she works with him on artwork and they have made a really popular cartoon series together. When they go to conventions and things like that I get the apartment to myself, and she will call me at night before bed to make sure I am ok. When he is away at work, she cuddles with me and tells me stories, and I get to hold her and kiss her cheeks and tummy. He doesn’t mind because he knows that I am basically just an adult baby now. They have total control over what I eat and drink, and there are always fresh bottles for me and plenty of stacks of fresh diapers. When I am in the living room I get to watch television still. It has parental lock on it though, and I can only get baby tv shows even if they are not home. I have grown to love my baby shows though. I spend a lot of time coloring. They even hang up my crayon drawings and colored pages up in the room and on the fridge. They keep all of my grown-up clothes in a closet outside of my room, and will pick out things for me to wear that keep my diapers sort of discreet if we go out. In my crib-room, I have mostly frilly girly shirts to wear so that I am reminded that there is only one real man in the house. The only boy shirts I get to wear have ultra-cute images on them, and they are all very short and expose my diaper fully. Sometimes they make me wear a frilly pink bonnet, usually on the weekends. I’m glad that I get to wear diapers all the time. It’s the first time I’ve ever really felt like myself since I’ve been a grown-up. I’m so grateful to Joshua for taking care of me and my wife, and giving me the life I’ve always wanted. She is so happy with him too. I really couldn’t ask for a better life.
Anyone have any chastity cage content. To me at least it seems like chastity cuckolding and diapers are the perfect trio
I'm not into the chastity thing myself (I feel like it takes away from the natural feeling of the diaper) but there is plenty of content out there on tumblr blogs.
>>7998 I thought Tumblr nuked all this stuff
Yeah I dunno. I was gonna bring the thread from the 8kun board over, sadly lost all the images. I am the writer of Joey's New Life btw. There is some more content from that thread that I could post here if there is interest. Also I could write a sequel to Joey's New Life if there is interest.
anyone got like gentle femdom stuff and not the usual loser sissy stuff?
>>8008 I feel like the story above is not sissy, more about the relationship between the baby and mommy, with the guy around of course bc its a cuckold story.
>>8008 haha 8008 (BOOB)
>>8008 That would be very welcome in this thread!
why is cuckquean (female cuck) content so hard to find
>>8654 Because the Jews don't finance it
>>8665 Israel Diaper Thread when?
>Wife finds diaper porn >The confrontation went much better than expected >She wants to try things out if it will make me happy >Fast forward a few weeks and we're in bed, cuddling with me diapered up >Shes rubbing the front of my diaper while we browse porn and captions online >See some stockings/diaper pic and my dick twitches in my diaper >She feels it, asks what made that happen and I open the pic >Read the caption, pic related >She teasingly asks if I'd like her to play with someone else >Panic blurt out no, embarrassed and going red >Shes been rubbing my diaper since it twitched and I'm getting harder, she takes that as confirmation >I try to explain what happened but she doesn't believe me at all and thinks I'm just too embarrassed to admit I want her to cuck me >Genuinely don't want it to happen, not even looking at it as a fantasy but she doesn't believe me >Next few times we're doing our cuddle/surf she searches for diapers and cuckolding despite my reservations on the latter >I start getting upset about it when she brings it up and she stops for a while >FF again and we've been doing more diaper play including bondage >My birthday arrives and she babies me all day, shes even got the spare room bed set out as a changing table >It gets to around 6pm and she tells me that babies need early nights so shes going to give me a special change and we'll go to bed >Special change involves cuffs attached to the bed, she teases me relentlessly before powdering and padding me back up >She slides her panties down her legs and sits across my chest, telling me to close my eyes and open my mouth for my surprise >I'm a good baby so I listen to my mommy >She pushes our ball gag into my mouth and buckles it behind my head >My legs are tied down shortly after and she tells me theres one last present to give me but it will have to wait until after HER DATE >Panic, start struggling and trying to shout into my gag at her to stop/let me go >She sits at the edge of the bed and strokes my face, cooing at me and trying to calm me down >She tells me its ok to want this and I don't have to be embarrassed, in her head she's decided the only way to get me over the hurdle will be to force it >In mine I'm screaming >She leaves for the bathroom and has a shower then off to our bedroom >At 8 she comes into the room and kisses me goodbye on my cheek as I whine and start to tear up >Emotionally exhausted I fall asleep at some point >I wake up to the sound of our headboard banging loadly into the wall, my wife moaning loudly in the next room >My heart pounding, eyes begin to mist and my little dick grows in its thick padding >They fuck for at least half an hour after I woke up, I've no idea how long they were going before since it was the loud violent pounding that stirred me >I lose track of the number of times I hear my wife climax, eventually hear him grunting hard too before the noise finally dies down >The front door opens and closes about an hour later >My wife wobbles her way into the room soon after, she works herself onto the bed in the same position as before straddling my chest >She leans back with one hand and rubs my diaper, feeling my little dick throbbing >She asks me if I liked my present and through tear blurred eyes I nod my head >She was right all along but I didn't know it >She removes my ballgag and tells me to clean her up as she slides forward, I'm so pent up I cant help myself. >He wore a condom so it was just the taste of my wife, but she was the wettest shes ever been and tasted divine. She told me good little babies don't get hard in their diapers so from now on I'll be in my new chastity cage and since mommy clearly knows best, she's refusing to use a condom next time.
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Cuckquean content incoming!
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this thread gave me that post-nut shame you only feel a couple times in your life where you have to ask yourself if everything is going okay in life right now
>>10915 Thank you!! 🥰 My fantasy is to have my daddy bring a lady home while I'm restrained in my crib with a paci gag. Then he fucks the lady in the bed next to my crib. I'm not allowed to cum because babies don't get to do that adult stuff...
>>14381 That sounds awesome! Have you talked with him about it? Also, what is it like to have a Daddy?
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Any decent cuckolding themed stories?
>>15101 More cuckquean diapered content is needed
>>15781 If you like Joey's New Life, I could make more. Suggestions welcome
>>15096 I don't have a daddy yet. Hence it being a dream /joke
>>16080 Please do! I'd really like to see a story where the bull regresses the cuckold.
>>17034 I had written a sequel like this and it was very dark, Joshua had Joey sign divorce papers AND adoption papers (so Joey had to take on Joshua's last name). Then he turns him into a serious submissive in a private room, all while Joey's life is documented on a web stream.
>>10956 I can understand that. This is one of those things to me that sounds really hot and always gives me a boner when I see pictures and stories about it. But if I were to actually do this with my Mommy I'd probably be really upset it happened and hate that we did it. The idea of someone else fucking my Mommy just irks me.
>>15101 these are soo yummy. i want someone to do this to me so bad. Thank you 😇
>>17064 To be honest, I lost my wife to these fantasies essentially. It's basically a slide towards being gay, but still being able to enjoy/want to see a woman.
>>17094 Find an ABDL switch woman.
>>17064 >>17094 The problem for us was that its an irreversible change in the relationship dynamic, once she feeds you another mans cum from her pussy with your pacifier, theres no going back. I've whined, cried, begged and even tried getting assertive about going back to normal for a while. She laughed in my face and teased me this was our new normal, my baby dick locked up in thick pampers, her pussy wrapped around a huge cock. Its been a lot of cruel denied fun, I just don't want to lose the love of my life if she gets bored of teasing me now.
>>17095 Easier said than done.
>>17105 Maybe find a mommy/daddy to dom you both? IDK, I'm pretty new to the whole relationship where both parties come clean about their fetishes. I just think if you could find a bigdickdaddy to diaper her up, and just jerk it to porn of their preference that might put her in her place. Maybe a toss a Hitachi into ya'lls playpen.
>>17109 My wife doesnt want to be a little at all, she's just lost interest with me sexually except for using my mouth sometimes
>>17105 Yeah that sucks hard. Maybe explain your worried you'll lose her and that you need affirmation that she still loves you and wants to be with you. Communication is key and she should care about your wants and needs as well as her own. If it's something you aren't enjoying then she needs to take that into account.
>>17064 >>17094 It fucked up my relationship. Former diaper sissy cuck. Once she found a guy who didn't want to be a sissy fag to get off, she took off. NGL it was hot to be cucked, but miss that girl.
>>17109 I was a daddy to this gay couple. It's very cute watching them share the wand and cleaning their sticky diapers. Sitting and cuddling with the two diaper butts watching old Nickelodeon shows while they drank their warm milk felt so gratifying. I've only been able to do it like 6 times before one told me to not come back seems like one was getting feelings for me and was hurting their relationship. I just wanna have another day with the littles. Made me rethink my life because now I want to be a dad
Does anyone have actual videos of diaper cuckolding? Like a guy wearing diapers watching people fuck. Can't seem to find anything.
>>18355 Same, all I've ever seen are stories and maybe a captioned picture
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>>10956 I can't relate.
>>8000 That 3rd pic is kinda sweet, I like consensual cuckold stories
>>21345 Same, teasing humiliation + genuine affection is a really nice combo If you into a trans tF/F/tF cowkites "her fantasy, her pleasure" is my favourite https://kemono.party/patreon/user/18629535/post/52685277
>New years eve. >The last few years my wife and I have gone to parties with friends for the midnight countdown. >This year she asked if I'd rather stay at home, get padded up and relax instead. >It's a no brainer, YES! >At about 1:00pm she says we should get me ready for the rest of the night, I'm put in my small steel cage and an ABU little king with a stuffer. >We cuddle and watch tv for a couple hours, I was quite enthusiastic with wetting so I'm already soaked. >I ask for a change and she takes me into our 'nursery', instead of changing me she places another underneath, cuts slits in the diaper and gives me another layer before re-securing my onesie. >"No changes until the new year baby" she said while rubbing my padded crotch. >We went back to watching tv for a while >An hour later she got up and disappeared upstairs. >I followed her up half an hour later curious if she was ok. >I found her in the bedroom getting ready to go out and doing her makeup. >Confused, I ask whats going on after she changed our plans to staying home. >"We changed YOUR plans to staying home, I've got a date with David". >David is her newest bull, we started this year but its not often. >A wave of emotions hit me, mostly embarrasment/humiliation at the situation and my own misunderstanding, obvious as it was that she set me up for the surprise. >Before she left she told me to record a video sucking on my paci with the TV in the background to hear the countdown. >When she got home and woke me up about 2:00am she had me play the video for her, then pulled out her phone and played the video she had took at the same time, screaming Davids name as he fucked her over the edge just at 2 seconds to midnight. >I was red in the face and misty eyed as she pulled my head down to her pussy. >David doesn't like condoms.
>>10915 >>15101 Cuckolding is cringe but this is honestly hot as fuck got anymore?
>>21469 >Cuckolding is cringe yeah thats the point
I have such a mighty need for more abdl cuckquean content I might have to start making it myself despite not having any writing abilities whatsoever
>>21469 >cuckolding is cringe not if you self-insert as the bull. otherwise yes, it is pure cringe. >>22114 the potential for cuckqueen is the only reason I even bothered to check out this thread.
Unfortunately based on a true story >Bored in low sex marriage >Wife always has excuse, never really interested >She always flirts with other guys >I get frustrated and look to porn >Start wearing diapers more and getting into Sissy stuff >Sex life dies with wife >Start hanging out at cool new bar, she gets really friendly with bartender >They start texting and she starts leaving alone to hang out at bar >Don't mind, more time to be Diaper Sissy >Few months in She approches you saying he wants to have sex with her >Weeks of sissy cuck porn fill my mind and say "I'm fine with it" >She gets excited >Later that week >Night of date >Get turned on by thinking about everything >Wearing nothing but a tshirt and diapers all day >Help her pick out clothes >She does her nails, but has to use the bathroom >Help her lower her panties to go to the toilet >She asks for help wiping and decides I should use my tongue >Do it like the sad diaper bitch I am >She squeezes my wet diaper before she leaves and takes off >Get sissied up and wait for any messages on phone while browing the internet >silence for most of night >Get text that they are just dancing and watching movies >Small sigh of relief, start to wonder if you had watched too much porn >Says she would be back later that night >Go to bed in pink onsie and soggy diaper >Next morning, wake up alone >Check phone >Wife "We did it! We had Sex" >Read texts about how liberating it was and how happy she is >Use diaper while heart sinks >Says Shes made future plans to meet up >Still turned on by humiliation of it all >Ask to breastfeed on her when she comes home >She says yes
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Not really into cucking like most itt seem to be. But I do have this fantasy where Monika takes me back to the club room where Natsuki is diapered, given an enema, tied into a crib and a pacifier gagging her. Monika announces that she needs a diaper change, so I go about changing her. While Natsuki struggles to hold her enema. Before long, we are fucking. Meanwhile Natsuki soils herself and starts crying. I ask "what about her?" To which Monika replies "maybe after we finish. I changed her settings so she won't get a rash anytime soon..."
>>25190 Kik e4091
>>25190 Amazing! How are things going for y'all since then? I'm so proud of you for taking your rightful place as a diaper cuckold. You are very brave and deserve all the pleasure and love that you can experience.
Been thinking about going to a live sex show, a brothel close to me offers them for 20 bucks. The plan is to get caged and diapered and sit and watch, has anyone done something similar?
>>26225 paying money to not have sex? What's wrong with you? Unless they are caging and diapering you, or talking to you during what's the point?
>>26226 >Pay money to not have sex Isn't not having sex the whole idea of cuckolding??
Any good Abdl Cuck porn videos out there?
>>26546 I can't find any real stuff but I've been thinking of filming some myself, going to a peep show and just filming myself watching
>>26559 Hoooly shit I've been looking for this video for years wtf
>>26559 I also have a few other things but my upload is very shitty
This thread just got based. Anyone got actual videos of cuckolding? Like someone in a diaper watching people have sex?
Any diaper cuck stories where both the woman and the bull genuinely care for the cuck and aren't mean spirited about it? can still be teasing and humiliation just the more playful kind
>>27140 Actual cuck stuff is consensual. Most of the stories are just abuse and cheating.
>>27160 thanks for the update. got any story recommendations for the request or not?
I have never liked this kind of content, but a friend told me some time ago that he sometimes fantasized about being part of a cuckold couple where the bull is a woman. I must admit that scenario has some potential.
>>27194 My favorite cuckolding dynamic is when the woman decides she's a lesbian, finds a female partner, and then decides to infantilize her boyfriend/husband instead of breaking up with him
>>27195 Funnily enough, that's literally my friend's fantasy. Have you come across any stories that touch on that topic? It's for a friend (no, seriously).
>>26559 god i wish that were me
So I told my wife I wanted to be cucked and she said she's willing. She doesn't have an ounce of dominance in her but hey it should be fun where this thing goes
>>30729 Wherr do you wish it will go, and how do you think it will get there? Are you going to look for bulls? Are they going to do it in front of you?
>>30734 I'm not sure i have a lot of scenarios i want to play out but its hard to explain the wife isnt to it. Its more like she gets off i enjoy taboo things. As far as how we will get there she said she wants us to have sex more witch kinda defeats the purpose? I think the easiest way to look is fetlife? Idk how many bulls she wants i like the idea of one so its more intimate? but we dont care. Yes of course in front of me in a diaper i want mommy to talk down/little to me while they have sex.
>>30737 Would you consider it cucking if she made you wear a strap on over your diaper? She could get off and have sex with 'you' but you don't actually get to release.
>>30740 We already do that now and no i dont consider it cucking.
>>30729 So my mommy told me she will cuck me on our anniversary :)
>>31283 How did it go?
>>30740 That's called emasculation.
>>26658 >>26559 Reuploads on these? The links are down
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>>36114 aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9uTWh6emFKUSM3LW9ZRzVKMmhyZVdaakk3SHNzSlN3
Any experience with this kind of thing? Was it just teasing or has it actually happened? Was it a one off, or is it on-going? Does it affect your relationship in other ways? What do you do to make it work? What do you think you could do better?
>>35930 >>36598 last night. Its still pretty Awkward for all of us, as far what happen they fucked i was in a diaper and watched. He didn't care i was in a diaper but i still felt shy to show my diaper in front of him so i didn't jerk off or anything. They both enjoyed themselves so i am sure it will happen again soon.
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>>36598 Pretty wild. Last weekend she even had an edible which made her horny enough giving me a smug look while she tore his condom off. She made sure I watched the whole thing and saw how full she was afterwards. This has been going on since she saw picrel on my phone.
>>37131 Tumblr screenshot so probably long gone but man do I wanna see the full image this is cropped from. I used to drool over Winnie the Pooh Huggies at the store.
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>>37290 >>37287 So when did people forget cuck is consensual?
>>37297 anyone who isn't autistic knows its supposed to be consensual, the point of fiction is to explore things you can't do in reality
>>37305 But the fiction doesn't involve consent so it's not cucking fiction, it's cheating/abuse fiction
>>37323 CNC is very common in cuckolding, as it is in ABDL. By this logic, you'd have to ban any story where somebody is "forced" to be a baby because it's "non-consensual". Yes there are varying degrees of cuckolding, and some dynamics do not include humiliation, denial, etc. If this happens to be the type of cuckolding you enjoy, then kindly pick out the stories/photos you enjoy, and ignore the rest. This isn't a battle you're going to win.
>>37324 " ban any story where..." I didn't say to ban these ones, just that they don't fit into this category.
>>37325 >>37323 like all things full of shit, your opinion needs changing
>>37337 What the fuck is with you people that you can't allow someone to have a different opinion than yours? You're full of shit too, faggot. As far as I'm concerned, I don't care what flavor of someone else's cum your preferred order of faggotry is available in, and I want nothing to do with it. Which is why I commend you for sticking to your own thread, and I normally would stick to mine but your little lover's quarrel keeps ending up at the top of the index so I have to see it all the time. lol Holy shit it must suck to be y'all. You guys don't even have good porn so all you do is throw gay little tantrums. So please >>37325 stop being retarded and sage if you ain't gonna contribute.
>>37340 because your opinion is objectively wrong and unfounded
>>37340 >your little lover's quarrel I'm not either of the two who were arguing, you bumped for nothing and now this reply will too, get cuck'd.

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