/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

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Diapered Lolis III Baby 03/02/2022 (Wed) 18:34:19 No. 9706
You know what to do. Seed images are from Usagi Purin whose great works are mostly lost to us. Especially Echuio, the greatest diaper game no one ever played. None of the 200 perverts who bought it at that one doujin convention ever uploaded it. Old thread >>2909
>Unbumped content from the dead thread >>9697 >>9699
>3rd loli thread > 1486 images in total This calls for some celebratory cunny! I could scrape the last two threads and upload a compressed file somewhere if anyone wanted them. They would have the hashed filenames though.
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>>9712 Do it. I mean to save everything I like so it doesn't disappear from the internet like most of the old stuff, but it's better if someone does it systematically >Source: "Hypnosis" by Hitsujino https://nhentai.net/g/268295/116/
>>9712 >>9716 I would also appreciate this! Honestly this is the only place I've ever felt welcome to openly talk about my feelings about lolis wearing diapers. Its easy enough to talk about lolis and to talk about diapers, but not everyone feels comfortable about both! So yeah, thanks!
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It seems the Japanese doujin artist DASH has a pixiv account now. https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/19684737
>Today on 8chan.moe/abdl.... >Picfab >Sin >Usagi Purin >DASH Has to be the oldest DL community ever. Y'all are scholars in early 00s diaper art lmao
>>9706 >Especially Echuio, the greatest diaper game no one ever played. None of the 200 perverts who bought it at that one doujin convention ever uploaded it. OK, Im gonna need some kind of context or story or details. Who is this guy, why is most of his stuff lost, what is this about a game, what convention, etc.
>>9745 Now there's a story Usagi Purin was a fairly normie doujin group back in the day who made eroge visual novels for Comiket. Typical fare, for example a Haruhi sex parody. At least one of their members was one of our brethren though. They put out diaper versions of the promo material on Usapurin website, later deleted, most of which are now lost to us. Example on the far left. Anyway, in 2008 for Comiket 74, Usagi Purin randomly put out a full-on diaper loli VN/dressup/changing minigame called "Wonderful Girls Diaper Catologue Echuio". The high concept was the daily life of fashion magazine models in an alternate universe where potty training was rare among grade schoolers. Quote from the time: > We are perverts. SUPER perverts. So perverted even foreigners struggle to hold in laughter as they buy copies of our game. Hopefully they do not spread the knowledge of our shame outside Japan.... Sadly, the foreigners didn't. No rips of the CDs sold at Comiket 74 were ever uploaded to the web. Due the fact the game made the protagonists' ages explicit and showed uncensored privates, it couldn't be sold online either. So Echuio basically doesn't exist now.
Kosame Amagi and Kiyoharu Suirenji are criminally underrated, they should be diapered like proper little magical girls~
>>9768 Never heard of Mahou Site before. Looks like a Madoka ripoff tbh The most likely Omutsu Shoujo candidate is probably Mimori Tougou after she lost control of her legs in Yuki Yuuna.
>>9785 All JC age magical girls are cute tbh, but it all comes down to personal preference but I agree more with >>9768 because Kiyoharu and Kosame are very cute (specially when they are together) and should be (quoting >>9768) “diapered like proper little magical girls”
Diapered magical girls wet themselves when they get hit and mess themselves when they're defeated.
>>9841 But who changes them?
>>9712 I would love that, I was just thinking that I really need to start downloading these.
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>>9723 >Honestly this is the only place I've ever felt welcome to openly talk about my feelings about lolis wearing diapers. Its easy enough to talk about lolis and to talk about diapers, but not everyone feels comfortable about both! Very relatable. I love that there are so many anons here with similar interests. For me, lolis in diapers is basically my #1 fetish, basically the first thing I will pull up if I'm in the mood for hentai or ecchi content. Sometimes I just like to look at the pics too, because they are really cute and wholesome in my mind. But of course, it is unfortunately a combo of two very taboo things. I just think they are so adorable though.
>>9880 There's not one word in your post that I don't agree with! Its been a fetish of mine from a young age but also my best kept secret. I love how cute and wholesome they are, truly I do, but its also quite hot and I cannot deny that. I love the control it gives me, fantasizing about keeping a loli in diapers and controlling her bathroom habits, often to a life-changing degree. At the same time—and I've often found myself seeking a psychological answer to why I feel this way—I feel that its my responsibility to keep her safe, controlled, and secure. I believe, at least in my case, that it has to do with past trauma and my and my parents inability to keep me safe in response to that trauma. There's an intersection when it comes to the balance of power—I love being dominant and that puts me in control.. but to be in control intersects with this feeling of obligation to protect someone who cannot physically or mentally protect themselves. I could talk for hours about my love for diapered lolis.
>>9768 Kiyoharu Suirenji is a guy….
i loveeee abdl
>>9888 >fantasizing about keeping a loli in diapers and controlling her bathroom habits, often to a life-changing degree. >it has to do with past trauma and my and my parents inability to keep me safe in response to that trauma. It's interesting because this is what makes me want to BE the diaper loli. Probably also came from the pants-wetting habit I had growing up and my parents' awful response to it. The idea of being an older loli who wets herself often enough that she's put back in diapers by a forceful but loving mommy or daddy is my ideal fantasy. It would be so humiliating but at the same time so comforting and secure to realize you can have accidents without having to deal with wet pants clinging to you and the bulk feels nice too.
>>9894 >>9888 I can completely understand what you’re coming from here. The idea of protecting, loving and pampering a loli to such an extent that I also make sure to keep her diapered and happy is just so adorable and exciting to imagine. A cute little girl with a padded butt, cared for, safe, loved and adored~ I could easily talk about them for hours too! It’s too good. Like what >>9894 says, it goes both ways for me. I also find the idea of *being* a cute little diaper loli fun and exciting. I always thought my fantasies were basically unique. It’s fun that others think the same
>will never be a real diaper loli gleefully messing herself why even live
For me, I don't care for the idea of "forced" diapering at all. The more a loli sincerely enjoys wearing diapers, the better. The ideal is a loli who loves to hug, hold hands, kiss, and especially be held while she is wetting and messing herself. As for being the loli, I'd imagine myself as a super lewd diaper loli. Always flashing and undressing in front of my caretakers. Asking to be breastfed by the female ones and bouncing on the crotch of the males ones. Sucking on suspiciously shaped pacifiers. Pouting and claiming that I wasn't "cleaned" thoroughly enough during diaper changes.
>>9896 The idea of protecting, loving and pampering a little girl. (in my case a JC) is very cute, specially if they like being babied, I constantly fantasize about the idea of adopting a cute JC and babying her, she would be embarrassed at first but loves being a good baby girl for me~
>>9889 Kiyoharu is cute and he can pass off as a girl so it doesn’t matter!
>>9894 Interesting. I had a messing problem growing up, so it's very interesting that you would bring that up in your response. My parents also had a very bad response to it, basically telling me that I'd be wearing pull-ups if I didn't stop. I very much share the same feeling about being allowed to go in my pants. That wasn't the trauma I was originally referring to, but I am glad you brought it up. >>9896 If I were a padded loli, I'd like to be shy and blushy about my accidents. I'd want to be treated like a big girl who just can't handle being big. Like a child who tries to pass a class but despite their best effort fails and gets held back. I want to be permanently held back into babyhood. I want to be publicly treated like one too. The one people see being pushed along in a stroller that I'm obviously too big for. The loli that has to deal with all sorts of embarrassment yet still can't hide what a big baby she is.
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I think the scenarios I like the most involve consensual non-consent with lolis who have similar fetishes to me. They enjoy being diapered and babied, but they willingly put themselves in situations where they don't have the option to refuse diapers or avoid the risk of public humiliation. Imagine a loli intentionally reverse-potty-training herself (maybe with the help of her friend or older sister) to the point where she really NEEDS diapers and has to wear them even in situations which she'd normally find too embarrassing such as swimming lessons. Or imagine a loli letting her best friend diaper her and put her in locking plastic pants in the morning before a school trip, knowing she'll be completely at her mercy. I have no clue why I like this stuff so much, but it's at least symmetric. I'd enjoy being the loli just as much as I'd enjoy taking care of her.
>>9926 jc is not really a little girl. most of them look more like adults than kids, by that point they also have their own fetishes
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>>9942 I'd argue that even kindergarteners can have fetishes, although they won't understand the concept yet. I was already into ageplay and bondage by 4 or 5. I remember secretly wishing that my mom would strap me into the stroller or lock me behind a baby gate when I was around that age. Appearance is also flexible, at least in 2D. Depending on the art style you can have JKs from one show who'd fit right in with JSs or even JYs from another show. Maybe it's worth distinguishing between three different aspects of age: appearance, maturity, and nominal age.
>>9931 I'd love to be a loli like the one you're describing! I would go a step further and completely regress into a baby no matter what the consequences were. They'd have to take me out of school and keep me at home in a nursery with a babysitter. I'd be a social media starlet and post pics of myself dressed in onesies and baby clothes. I might even act like >>9924 and see what kinds of lewd trouble that I can get into.
>>9942 That’s the neat part, for as mature as they may be they are still cute little girls after all. (if they are under 16 they are little girls imo) You may argue that a JC hitting puberty ruins it but infact it makes them even cuter, Democrat supporting lolis are too immature and JKs are not young enough. The charm of JCs is that they are right in the sweet spot age-wise.
>>9963 >if they are under 16 they are little girls imo yay, little girl sex is legal in europe now
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This thread needs some western lolis for balance
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Does anyone here know where I can find this Doujinshi? It's called KENZEN☆MAGIC and it's by Genjirou / 言示弄 even the places that are supposed to sell it don't have it in stock.
>>9965 10-15 is Legal in europe? WTF
>>10005 depending on the country 14-16 is
>>1007 Bruh
>>10006 Acerola is so cute!
>>9978 Seconding this request.
>>9954 >tfw no loli diaper gf with ageplay and bondage fetishes JUST
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>>9910 If I can't be a stinky little girl, no one should be allowed to.
>>9954 >I'd argue that even kindergarteners can have fetishes, although they won't understand the concept yet. I was already into ageplay and bondage by 4 or 5 This is a good point. I was in a similar situation as a kid at around the same age. For me I was just really fascinated by diapers, I liked the idea of wearing them and got excited (not sexually of course, just a general sense of excitement) when I thought about them or was in the proximity of them.We had a good friend who we were neighbors with who ran a daycare out of her house, and I remember being really excited when we would go over there to visit periodically because I thought I might get to see a diaper change or even be able to help with one.
>>9889 Why are you trying to start WW3 anon?
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>>10213 Sauce?
>>9954 >I'd argue that even kindergarteners can have fetishes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrrykDjFS24 >5:40 >puts on pull-up, feels ashamed and hides because of it
Does anyone know where to find diapered femboy lolis?
>>10406 In the shota thread where I'm sure there is plenty of sissy content. There's no such thing as a femboy loli because boys (shota) have a penis and girls (loli) have a vagina.
>>10409 I don’t mean boys in sissy clothes, I meant shotas that can actually be mistaken for a girl Like how >>9889 mentioned….
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>>10420 just imagine any drawing is a guy. artists of >>9889 just drew a girl anyway(trannny propaganda)
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>>10437 >Sup bois and grils. >https://exhentai.org/g/2175786/c7277a13e2/ I don't have sad panda. I'm assuming it's either 午後 (https://diapers.fanbox.cc) or the new Tsuttsu CG that just dropped?
>>10438 it's gogo's fanbox, and yes tsuttsu's cg is already posted on e-hentai but not by me. but yeah unfortunately couldn't keep up with gogo's fanbox: I posted everything that's up to date except these three missing posts : https://www.fanbox.cc/@diapers/posts/2722762 https://www.fanbox.cc/@diapers/posts/2751097 https://www.fanbox.cc/@diapers/posts/2789332 Which could be bought on here : https://diapers.booth.pm/items/3427114?utm_campaign=fanbox-booth-item&utm_medium=promotion&utm_source=fanbox&utm_content=creator-page but im not feeling like buying that right now, maybe later, cuz the mini comic looks nice. also that aside would prepare a mega folder later. with the gifs in the mp4 format, but almost all of them are available on kemono.party anyways, but for organization's sake I'd do that.
>>10428 the reason why chads such as >>9768 have such great taste in characters is because unlike most femboy simps a Chad doesn’t just fawn over random “Traps”, meanwhile a Chad only fawns over nuanced femboys/traps such as Kiyoharu Suirenji, because unlike your average trap/femboy, his gender is an integral part of his character so therefore he is nuanced, and then there are your average run of the mill Femboys/traps such as Venti, who’s only purpose is to be a “girl” who is actually guy. However the normies decided to fawn over Venti because they are totally virgin Commies, whenever a trap/femboy has any nuance the SJW commies are like: “oMg SHe iS toTallY a TrAns GuRl Uwu and if U dOn’T aGree with Me U a rAciSt SeXist HOmophobE TrAnsPhoBe uWU”, anyways and then there are Conservative zealots such as you who are like “Nooo Only females can be feminine, because muh gender roles. Stupif Commies and Conservatives are the reason why I am Libertarian TBH. tl;dr Shota femboys are good because their gender makes them more nuanced, also Libertarians Based, Auths cringe
>>10441 the idea of a feminine looking cis male character not conforming to the gender norms in terms of what he wears only, makes insane trans people cry in shambles, while the giga chads like them cuz of that.
>>10443 Speaking of insane trans people the worst part about them is how they make the life of (transmedicalist) hell, like seriously some of the nicest people I know are truscums and then there are the insane tucute “trans people” going like: “If U don’t confOrM to GEnDerNormS u ArE tranS eGg UwU and If U DisagrEe u a TranSphobE” Bruh they give queers a bad name
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>>10453 they're narcissistic dummies, and definitely give trans folks a bad name. Which is why I find it funny how they would call anyone that calls them out a transphobe, even when said person that is calling them out is trans themselves.
>>10441 you complain about sjw while wanting to fuck a canon trans character? venti is better because he isn't mentally ill nor is he made by mentally ill people
>>10457 The implications that Kiyoharu Suirenji is Trans are all queerbait so Kiyoharu Suirenji is a guy, and no I don’t want to fuck him, I want to treat him like any other diapered loli (why else would I post him in a diapered loli thread), and also you think Venti is good which tbh makes you sound like one of those commies who simp for venti, and then you were complaining about how Kiyoharu Suirenji is “MeNtAllY iLL”. Tbh you are acting like a snowflake and you are probably saying because you are triggered because I said : >Libertarians based Auths cringe. in >>10441 while I was explaining why Kiyoharu Suirenji is nuanced
>>10455 Based and redpilled

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Why are you bakas talking about 3DPD trans shit in the loli thread? If it isn't a cute little girl who just couldn't hold it any longer, I don't want to know about it.
Takagi-san is a cutie who should be diapered
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>>10487 I've been watching that just recently actually. Mina is also extremely cute and would suit diapers perfectly. She's the sort of girl who would definitely hold it until the last minute and then start begging for a potty break at the most inconvenient possible time. Sadly I can't find any diaper art of her.
>>10460 i'm "triggered" because you like trannies. i don't sexually like venti but the idea of him doesn't make me gag >I want to treat him like any other diapered loli that's really gay the only thing that genuinely annoys me is that someone with as shitty tastes as you posted some good art(at least i think that was you)
>>10494 >you want to treat Kiyoharu Suirenji like any other diapered loli so therefore you are gay How does that make me gay, I’m literally Bi LMAO >Kiyoharu Suirenji is cannonically Trans Are you high? Kiyoharu Suirenji is not a Trans girl he is a guy who happens to be feminine and is also nuanced because his femininity causes him to get bullied and thus wishes he was a girl because if he was a girl he wouldn’t be bullied for being feminine. Sauce for the art: https://www.deviantart.com/juuskii/art/Kiyoharu-Suirenji-757226632 BTW the person who made the art recognises That Kiyoharu Suirenji is a guy
>>10489 >>10489 I could write a Fanfic of Mina Hibino being diapered and post it here….
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>>10500 Please do. I'd love to read it. I like how it's implied that she has a shy bladder too. There was one scene where she couldn't pee because her friends were talking in the school toilets.
>>10508 I’m already working on it all I need is a good reason (in the context of the story) to why Mina might be diapered
>>10509 Here's one possibility: Mina saw a program on the TV where some doctor said that holding your pee for too long can damage your bladder. She concluded that if holding her pee could damage her bladder, then going to the bathroom very frequently would give her a super strong bladder, which would obviously make her more mature. She has spent a couple of months diligently going to the toilet at every opportunity and is feeling confident that it must be paying off, until she finds herself in a situation where she actually has to hold it. Suddenly she discovers that her bladder is much weaker than it was before and she ends up having an accident. She tries to dismiss it as bad luck (and maybe even intensifies her untraining), until it happens again, and again. Then it's just a matter of time before she's forced to admit she needs protection. Or she could just be wearing it as a forfeit because she lost a bet with Sanae.
>>10513 great idea anon! I may even finish part 1 today
Does anyone know the sauce?
>>10516 What’s the name of this cutie~
>>10516 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/71660030 You can use https://saucenao.com to reverse search images from pixiv, twitter, and various other sites. >>10517 I don't think her name is mentioned anywhere in the description on pixiv. She's an original character of that artist.
>>10519 >Original character Huh I remember seeing her in an anime meme but that might be a coincidence
To all of you saying Kiyoharu Suirenji is trans than explain this: It literally says he is a guy
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>>10537 >>10596 Why are you two taking screenshots of English language fan pages? Anything official will be written in Japanese. Japanese wikipedia seems to refer to him as 男の娘 and 少年魔法少女, although even that's not official. Your best bet would be the character profile in the raw manga. Of course it's just a dumb semantic argument anyway. 2D is 2D, and cute things are cute.
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>>10221 OnPOO has a whole different meaning now
>>10598 the character looks fine but homo propaganda makes me want to vomit transitioning won't make you happy, media shouldn't advertise it as such. the people that read this stuff are mostly underage and even adults are susceptible to that
>>10632 Kiyoharu Suirenji is queerbait LMAO
>>10598 少年魔法少女 literally means boy magical girl So therefore Kiyoharu Suirenji is a guy
>>10632 >Homo propaganda The fact that you can’t tell: 1: Kiyoharu Suirenji is a guy 2: the difference between a truscum (based) and a tucute (cringe) and instead lump all trans people together (along with queer people) It pisses me off how leftists give queers a bad name (I’m bi btw, but I am a libertarian) when most queers actually hate SJWs, sadly the left only acknowledges queers who bootlick their stupid theories
>>10632 >>10640 Why are you retards determined to shit up the loli thread? I see at least 3 other threads in the catalog which would be better places to have your pointless argument. Hell, it doesn't even have anything to do with ABDL.
It's too late. You stopped paying attention to the lolis and now they are upset. It's going to need more than a few headpats to fix the situation.
JCs are so cute!
Update on mina fanfic: I have the basic idea down but I couldn’t work on it since I am also writing a novel (I’m an author) and I have to meet a deadline
>>10645 shit happens when you post boys in a loli thread
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>>10658 Thanks for the update, and good luck with your other work. I'm looking forward to reading about Mina whenever you have the time to write it.
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>>10439 mega link for the whole fanbox: https://mega.nz/folder/ruAHAZKR#NC9LOO3f5rMofh0K3eURag mp4 format for the gif could be easily downloaded and accessed on kemono so I didn't bother making a folder for them.
>>10667 Mina fanfic part1: I woke up, it was Sunday so there was no school today, as I walked down the stairs to get breakfast I saw my mom waiting for me she was holding something crinkly, but I couldn’t see it because she held the item behind her back. “Mina, can I talk to you for a second sweetheart?” Said mom, “Huh?” I replied. “Can you lay down pleases~?” Said mom, she was pointing at a wide drawer in the middle of the living room, it was quite odd, she then took the item and showed it to me, it was a diaper and it looked quite babyish, It was white and it had a strawberry pattern, “Mom, I’m not a baby, why do I have to wear diapers!?” I exclaimed, “now, now, I know you’re not a baby, but since you have a shy bladder, wearing diapers would be a good idea because it would make it easier to relieve yourself~” said mom, I was simply blushing and pouting. I felt her gently removing my panties and sliding the soft, fluffy diaper under my bottom, she then applied some powder and rash cream to me, and taped up the diaper, once I was diapered up my mom decide to playfully squish my padding, it was so embarrassing, I was blushing furiously and I let out a small squeak. The diaper was soft, warm and fluffy so it was overall very comfy, I decide to look at myself and my padding in the mirror, I looked kind of cute to be honest but I didn’t say it out loud because I was worried that it would make me less of an adult. I then went to my room I decided to take off my skirt so I could have a better look at my padding, out of curiosity I stroked the front of the diaper and them I started to gently rub my hand on it, the feeling of rubbing my hand against the diaper, my heart started to race, I felt very cute but I made sure my mom wasn’t looking, because it would make me seem like I am less of an adult, but then, something horrible happened, my mom walked in. I stoped and I froze in place, sitting in the corner of my room, blushing in shame and embarrassment, “Aw, that’s cute~” said Mom, as she slowly stroked my soft hair, I blushed even harder but I smiled. I may seem like less of an adult but it didn’t matter as being in diapers made me feel so small and cute~
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the new gogo comic if anyone was curious about it
>>10924 Cute! We really need to find or pay someone who is willing to translate gogo's works that have been piling up since the one who was doing it on exhentai hasn't updated it in a while.
>>10924 Here's a translation. I: See, the color's changing Y: Wow, it really is I: When the color changes it lets you know I've peed sfx: fluffy/swelling I: Yuri-chan, you should try wearing one too I: But before that, Onee-chan, I need a diaper change O: Come-ing sfx: door opening diaper pack: CLOUD pants, 12 diapers, overnight, (wet up to?) 3 times, XXL girls I: Onee-chan's a nursery school teacher Y: (nervous/awkward noise) O: Next I'll give Yuri-chan a change Y: EH!? sfx: heart racing O: You're curious about diapers too, right? Y: E-eh, um, yes O: Well, do you want to lay down there Y: Ah... okay sfx: sliding Y: .....! O: Can you spread you legs? sfx: heart racing Y: Y-yes! sfx: diaper changing noises O: There, all done I: It feels great doesn't it? Your diaper O: It's already late, so do you want to just go home like that? Y: Yeah
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>>10441 >>9768 I have great news for all of you Kiyoharu Suirenji simps, I will be writing a fanfic of Kiyoharu Suirenji and Kosame Amagai being diapered (and babied maybe)
>>10922 cringe
>>11026 Bruh It was only part 1 it is still a WIP
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>fuaaa >I made it, but... my pad's so wet I'll have to change it again... >I only just changed it a little while ago too...
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How often do you guys look at diapered lolis?~
>>11091 Every. single. day. I'm addicted and I'm not sad to say that. They're good fantasy fuel. Lolis and diapers are meant to be together. They're two cute things, right? Diapers are cute visually and because they promote cute baby stuff. I'm not going to say why lolis are cute because anyone reading this thread should already know. In my perfect fantasy world there would be a law that kept all lolis in diapers. No matter how old a girl was, she'd never visually mature past the look of a loli either. So, yeah, you get the point.
>>10927 source of the first two?
>>11116 If I ever take over the world, I want you to be my right hand man.
>>11154 Sounds good to me.
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>>11142 Nozimibear's fanbox. Shame he only did a few fanbox sketches and then just stopped.
>>11091 I dream about BEING a diaper loli every single day. Just the idea of being a diapered big girl who's a bit embarrassed about being in diapers again but also loves it is so perfect to me.
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>>11091 At least once a day.
>>11164 I know it might embarrass you little lady but if you can't keep dry like a big girl you have to wear your diapers. You look very cute in them tho.
>>11211 But I am a big girl! Those accidents weren't my fault.
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The sign round her neck says: <I pooped in my diaper during class
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>>11164 Relatable~ I love to look at diapered loli art while listening to girly anime music and videos aimed at lolis, it makes it much more enjoyable
>>11353 https://youtu.be/LApXYOeD-6c have a loli anime op song.
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>>11365 You know my taste well, that is my favorite style of stuff to look at when looking at diapered lolis. Precure is always a favorite, as well. To fully enjoy fapping and fantasizing, the more kawaii everything is, the better. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nj-asBkWXnE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vA8AOkQaxA
>>11219 You aren't staying dry like a big girl. You are gonna stay in diapers till you stop having your little girl accidents.
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>>11425 I watched the first episode of this today and it's surprisingly good. Anya is very diaperable and probably smart enough to enjoy the experience.
>>11426 Surprised there is not much art of her in diapers yet. In some of the clips I have seen of the show it looks like she is wearing.
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This was an interesting find on Pixiv. The idea of a loli wearing her previous soggy diaper on her head while wearing another one around her waist is strangely erotic. And the revealing cutouts in her dress are delightfully perverted.
>>11440 >In some of the clips I have seen of the show it looks like she is wearing shizo or can you post a screenshot? or at least a timestamp?
>>10657 Based anon Jcs are truly the best
>>10979 When are you posting the fanfic
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>>11476 That is surprisingly really cute! The only thing missing on the diaper on her head is the slightest yellow discoloration of a pee stain. I can totally agree with the cutouts - it is the perfect balance of cute dress with exposure of the diaper. And with little lolis like these, we know that diaper checks would be frequently needed. How handy
>>11484 Different anon I checked the first three episodes. Nothing really. That other guys is just imagining things. It's like 95% of the time she's wearing that black dress and nothing can be seen or made out whatsoever. Exception is the outro/credits, I think they change a bit and in ep3 she's being swung around by a couple adults. There's a few frames where you can see she's wearing white poofy shorts or bloomers. Kinda cute I suppose, but not for me.
>>11582 It's definitely bloomers. Very diaperable though.
>>11512 I love JSs and JYs, but JCs can be really cute too. >>11604 These are wonderful. Anya is VERY diaperable.
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>tfw no stinky loli wife
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source of the second picture?
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Any other diaper loli fans on SecondLife? I love role-playing a diapered little girl on SL but it's so hard to find people who are interested anymore. I don't even want to do anything actually sexual that'll get you banned. There used to be diaper sims (mostly furry) that were PG and open to SL kids but they're all gone now and only a few adults-only ABDL locations are left. I might just give up and make an adult avi or give up on SL altogether and RP on F-List instead but I really like SL in spite of its age and clunkiness. Pic related is my mischievous little imp character. She played one too many tricks on the wrong deity who cursed her and took all her magic powers away and drained some of her intellect. Now she’s stuck with the body of a five year old (though she was pretty much always this size) with the intellect of a 4 year old and the potty training of an infant. As you can see she’s a little unhappy about the predicament she’s gotten herself into but maybe she’ll eventually find some way to enjoy being a baby.
>>11854 Some remain, anon. They're just not searchable and are pretty obscure, creating a 'you have to know someone to know where to go' sort of community. In the interest of growing the community, I'll post this, and I hope I'm not fucking up by doing so: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/A%20Little%20Hideaway/147/74/31 (Child avs allowed - NO SEXUAL CONTENT - NO ACTUAL MINORS BEHIND THE KEYBOARD)
>>11855 Thanks anon, I'll check it out when I get the chance :)
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Just some more Anya. I love it when lolis try their best to keep their diapers clean, and the look on their faces when they fail.
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>>11998 They always need love and comfort after making a mess
>>9706 Hmm what is that >thank you for 2 million hits on the first pic? Diaper edit pic and page hits of original artist on some 2010 tier webpage which shows page hits?
>>11476 I like the idea of the diaper she wears. It's like a disposableswimdiaper but covers whole body so you don't need separate swimsuit. Shame that diaper companies haven't invented those yet, would be very cute (and humiliating for older lolis) :)
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>>9752 Do you have more Usagi Purin stuff with diapers?
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>>12109 Just these two. Everything that can be grabbed from the Wayback Machine of their site is in this thread. There were others (for example the two on the right used to have diaper versions.)
>>12118 Could these be by the same artist? The style looks similar.
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>>12118 Unfortunately the site didn't have too much images with diapers. Wondering if any of the software was ever posted on any japanese p2p networks though I doubt it since the main appeal to the software was that cunny wasn't censored because it was sold in-person. Which I think is legal so long as it isn't sold or posted online. >>12123 First one is, not sure on the second one. Wouldn't consider them lolis. They look like high school students.
>Kuronegi pushing off his recent fanbox art more quickly now with no one regularly importing his art to kemono. Dammit did anyone get this one? >>9896
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Going to be home alone for a week soon. I think I will take this opportunity to look at many cute diapered lolis and to dress up like a cute loli myself and watch magical girl anime
>>12237 That sounds amazing, I wish I could join you.
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>>12238 I'm very excited, the last time I wore diapers was in 2019, so almost 3 years ago! I've got so many things planned. There is going to lots of baby powder, lots of diapers, lots of pink, lots of girl clothes, lots of lolis and lots of everything else cute and babyish. I hope that you will get a chance to have your own loli transformation week in the future!
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>>12240 Are you me? I'm going to have the opportunity to do something kind of similar in the near future. I've only ever worn for less than a day at a time before, but I want to try having a toilet-free week. I don't have much of a collection of stuff yet. I'll definitely be watching lots of PreCure and other stuff appropriate for a loli though.
>>9896 Who is the artist of these images?
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>>12275 Cute~ I hope you enjoy your time as a little girl, anon! Feel free to share your experiences here >>12293 https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/24583422
>>12240 I would love to see some pics of you all diapered and dressed up in some other thread
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This is your diapered loli for today. Say something nice to cheer her up.
>>12334 Aww, don't be sad. It is ok for little pull up girls like you to pee themselves. Don't worry, i will change you & make sure that you are all nice & clean. Then i will put you in a real thick disposable plastic diaper with tapes & all that. That way you won't have to worry about being a big girl & going to the toilet. You just play along all day & fill your diapers up when you need to, then i will change them. Do not worry, it isn't a problem ate all for me to change them, i deeply enjoy it in fact. Here i got something for you, it is a pacifier. I think it would be best to put it inside your mouth, open up and say aaaa.
>>12334 Don't cry. It's normal for little toddlers to have setbacks while potty training. I'm sure your mommy will let you try wearing your "big girl pants" and using the potty again in a few months, or maybe a year or two. Until then you can just relax and enjoy playing with your friends at kindergarten without having to stop for potty breaks. On a slightly related note, I find it very cute how the Japanese Pampers pull-ups have 「おねえさん気分パンツ」on the pack, which roughly means "big girl feeling pants", but the "feeling" part is written in kanji and in a smaller font so little kids would just skip it and read "big girl pants". I think those are the 「お姉さんパンツ」she's being told she's not ready for yet in the image. It must be delightfully humiliating for an older girl who can read the full text.
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Just some diapered Lalafells. The last two pictures aren't really ABDL, but the thought of diapering a lala and then zipping her up into that kind of outfit before sending her out to play is just wonderful.
what would u do if you had your own loli? a thought that has plagued me for ages.
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>>12440 I fantasize about that a lot too. For me, if I had a loli, I would love her, and care for her, and play with her, and sleep with her, and take baths with her, and change her diapers gladly, and of course would get rather lewd, but nothing too rough. The highest goal is a cute and happy little girl.
Does anyone else consider loli's something distinct from actual living organisms? Like, for me, a loli is a drawing like what is in this thread, as opposed to a girl which is a living, breathing human child. Lolis by my definition dont really exist in the "physical" world. (I say "physical" because you could argue that printing out a picture of a loli would be a physical object, or maybe a model/doll with the same body proportions, but thats semantics) Anyone else know what I mean?
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>>12502 I draw a very hard line between 2D and 3D, yes. In my fantasies lolis are living organisms, but I don't think of them as occupying the same universe or being constrained by the same limitations as real humans. When I imagine lolis I normally imagine them being very childish in some respects but also very mature and adult-like in other ways. That also happens to align nicely with how lolis are often depicted in anime and manga. Situations involving short-term humiliation and degradation can be very erotic, but I don't think I could enjoy any situation where a loli wasn't fundamentally happy and enjoying her life in the long term. That requires enough mental maturity to see things in perspective and appreciate the advantages of childhood over adulthood. It also requires enough maturity to enjoy things like consensual non-consent, and to understand the difference between roleplay and reality. I like to fantasize about some very young lolis, even down to the lower end of kindergarten, but when I think about it they always have emotional intelligence roughly on par with a full adult mind.
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>>12502 >>12509 To me JC lolis are drawn stylized versions of the real thing. JS lolis are a fictional species that have secondary sexual traits on a childlike frame plus totally implausible worldview/personality.
>>12509 >>12518 Doesn't thinking about them that way mean you are basically imagining a mature, sapient being in a situation where they are treated like a child against their will on the basis of their physical appearance?
>>12542 Well, first of all there's nothing wrong with imagining that. Fiction is fiction, so imagining unethical things is fine. In many of my fantasies it's fully consensual, and in the rest it's still nowhere near as harmful as the same acts would be in the real world. All my fantasies tend to involve very "soft" worlds where nobody ever experiences the kind of emotional horrors that are possible in our own universe. A JS loli might have a very embarrassing day being made to attend kindergarten with her thick diaper on full display, but she'll still fall asleep with a smile on her face after being tucked in by her mom, and she'll still wake up filled with positivity. Other kids might lightly tease her about it, but they'll remain friends and everything will be forgotten in a week or two. In fact there are essentially zero negative long-term consequences to anything. Suicide and depression are completely alien concepts. Think of it as the difference between real life trench warfare and how warfare might be depicted in a kids cartoon.
>>12547 >>12542 >>12518 >>12509 >>12502 Whatever you have to tell yourself pedro
>>12547 My point is that you're sticking to the convention of having them treated like a child for seemingly no reason. Why is it unappealing for them to just being treated in a way that is appropriate for their mental and emotional capacity?
>>12549 How do you mean? Are you imagining a world where a bunch of adults are walking around in loli bodies but doing adult things? That's not inherently unappealing as a background to the fantasy, but my main fetish is ABDL so of course the focus will be on ageplay.
>>12547 My fantasies are full of nonconsensual wearing and lewdness, ranging from teasing to touching to full on sex. Nice to meet you.
>>12551 I believe that, in the absence of the current social opposition, littles would naturally progress towards becoming caregivers over time, so I usually only imagine young people being diapered. I also don't feel the need to give younger characters unrealistic maturity. I actually don't get the appeal of doing that in general.
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>>12559 That's just how lolis are usually depicted. There are some exceptions, but if they're major characters in a work then they'll usually be more focused and clear-headed than real kids. They'll still have childish tastes and struggle with simple math problems, but their thoughts are somehow more coherent. I guess for non-con fantasies it doesn't matter so much. It's mainly useful when imagining the loli being the one deciding what kinky stuff to do. I think part of it is that I find it more erotic when a smart loli either chooses or is forced to act like a baby than if she was just kind of babyish to begin with. With greater mental acuity comes a greater ability to feel embarrassed about doing babyish things.
>>12578 >It's mainly useful when imagining the loli being the one deciding what kinky stuff to do. I don't see how mental maturity is an issue there. The things I've wanted to do haven't changed since I was a small child. >I think part of it is that I find it more erotic when a smart loli either chooses or is forced to act like a baby than if she was just kind of babyish to begin with. The gap between a child and a baby is still pretty big, and children are normally indignant about being treated like a baby.
So should we make a lewd diaper loli thread?
I got your lewd lolis right here. Censored of course. Just use spoiler tags for lewds
>>12592 Moar lewdsssssss
>>12592 I'm gonna cum...
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>>12607 Lolis are idealized versions of actual little girls, just like how anime girls in general are idealized females. For me, I consider lolis to be children, and that is part of the reason I like them
>>12608 Meant for >>12502
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I remember some doujinshi where a guy takes over the life of a loli and does a ton of lewd stuff, including diaper stuff. Can\t seem to find it anymore, though.
>>12645 I assume you mean the one by Vokatron?https://exhentai.org/g/995111/39e6601ba8/
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>>12636 Who's the artist who draws the girl with the blue glyphs? I've tried Saucenao, tried searching the filename. No luck. (These are innofance btw)
>>12711 thanks
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Do any other lolicons find it hard to get into little space in real life? I realized last night that although I love the fantasy of being a diapered loli, actually wearing diapers as a 3D adult is never anywhere near as fun as the kind of scenarios I can imagine in 2D. At best it's a kind of detached thought of "oh, so this is what it would feel like for a little girl if she was wearing them". It's still arousing, but it feels like a much more base, less uplifting kind of arousal than I can get from fantasizing about 2D lolis.
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>>12788 AFAICT it's pretty common to switch from fantasizing about yourself as little as you get older. When you're 14 it's easy to engage in "AB autogynephilia" and imagine yourself as a young child who's immature for their age, who has accidents at school and is the baby of their peer group. The older you get, the more you feel like a grown-ass adult wearing a diaper. It's hard to bridge the gap between your actual body and the ideal.
>>12788 Yeah it's something I've always struggled with. It's much easier to get into that little space when I had a partner who would baby me but when I'm single it's nearly impossible. Aside from fantasy and some writing I've done, I've found online roleplay to be a nice middle-ground that lets me get immersed into that mindset even if I'm not playing irl

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>>12788 Seems like a partner or someone to role play with would help out with that.
Kikka is the ultimate diaper kid. You can’t change my mind.
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>>13146 She is exceedingly diaperable. I should really get around to watching more Gundam.
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I'm quite impressed at how much good diaper art is getting made involving Anya.
>>13383 >this garbage >good You might have misplaced your last braincell somewere ...?
>>13384 Amazing image. Thanks for contributing to the thread.
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>>13382 You forgot one. >>13384 It's okay for a western artist.
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A cute short manga in which a non-diapered loli borrows her friend's diaper when they're stuck in an elevator together. I can provide a proper translation if desired.
>>13519 If you give a proper translation I'd typeset it.
>>13546 >p1 [After two hours trapped between floors due to an earthquake] [Shirakawa Emi's desire to pee had reached its breaking point] -------- [Her impassively watching friend, Ayakouji Sakura] Emi-chan, why don't you let go and pee already? It's not like I'd mind. -------- Easy for you to say, always wearing diapers! I'd be embarrassed getting rescued! Then how about peeing in these? I already went so... ... Eh?! >p2 My diaper can take one more wetting I bet. <<Rustle>> Uh. really?! -------- (It's pretty heavy. And Sakura's pee... this smells...) (But I'm gonna wet my pants soon, so do I have a choice?) -------- Sakura, you wanna borrow my panties so you're not commando? Huh? No way, that's gross! I'm gonna kick you... -------- The insides don't feel wet like I expected Companies keep improving their designs, so Ah... too late, I'm peeing! I'm peeing! >p3 <<Hissssss>> When it rains, it pours, huh? Don't watch~! -------- This is taking a while. You were holding it that much? Uh... whoops! Emi, could you stop peeing? What? Impossible! -------- Geez! I don't think I can... You know how hard it is for girls to stop halfway through! >p4 <<Drip drip drip>> -------- Wha-! <<Dribble dribble dribble puddle puddle>>
[Expand Post]Noooooo! Stop~! (*So cute...*) -------- Sakura!! It's leaking! I mean, if you pee in them that much... -------- Apologies for the long wait! Are either of you in need of medical attention? What a relief! Noooooooooooooo!!! [END]
>>13583 >>13977 In these two posts we see the two extremes of Japanese proficiency... Anon #2, it is a hundred years too early for you to make Japanese diaper ads. Commit sudoku please.
>>13982 I think that's off pixiv. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/99548906 What's actually wrong with the Japanese anyway? I can read >>13519 without too much difficulty, but I'm not experienced enough to have a feel for what sounds wrong.
>>13984 >What's actually wrong with the Japanese anyway? Whoops, I actually did that. It would be like if the lines of this paragraph were out of order First off, vertically written Japanese is right to left Grammar wise, it's just awkwardly written... It would be like in English writing "In whose diaper does the small surprise wait?"
What a nonsensical language. Can’t be translated and has to have three different alphabets.
>>13991 Yeah Korean much easier to understand. I mean it was made because the language was already a clusterfuck and they needed something easy to teach to the uneducated masses so makes sense it'd be simple.
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I remember draw her character.
>>12558 Source on the second pic? It looks like Puru from Gundam ZZ.
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She's a 6th grader being made to wear diapers to school as a punishment for bedwetting. It's implied that this is a normal punishment enforced by the school, and she's not allowed to cover them while on school grounds.
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>>12255 This artist really hits all my buttons
>>14744 Surprised no one has bothered to update the artist's fanbox for almost 2 years. Closes we have is someone posting a recent fanbox rip on sad panda but they went to the 500yen option so it's missing quite a few pieces.
Let's also hope that Nozomi stays active a little more longer this time. Kind of concerning that they are only uploading to twitter for now. It's going to hurt if they ever decide to call it quits since I really like his art. I was also saving this pic for when they announced FDA approval for vaccines 5 and under. Yes I know the vaccine isn't injected on the butt.
>>14765 diapered ballerinas 😭
This thread was more fun when people were posting their loli-related fantasies. Imagine a world where there's no pressure for parents to potty train their children. In fact, there's a widespread and strongly held belief that it is entirely up to the parent/guardian of a child to decide when (or indeed if) that child gets potty trained. Not only would a teacher or doctor never dream of telling a parent that they should let their 6 year old use the potty, but they would actively help to enforce the parent's request that said 6 year old be prevented from using the potty. Teachers could even get in trouble for allowing a child to remove their diaper and use the toilet without permission from the parents. Of course every school is set up to handle both potty trained and diapered kids. Most parents still aim to potty train by age 3 or 4 because they don't want to be changing their kid's messy diapers, but there are a few who, for various reasons, decide to postpone potty training. There's a popular school of thought that it should be left entirely up to the child to decide when to start potty training, so there are plenty of 5 year olds, 6 year olds, and even older kids who are still diapered out of choice. There are also quite a few parents who feel that diapers are a good tool for discipline. Not only is "we don't feel she's ready yet" accepted as a perfectly valid reason for an 8 year old to be waddling around in diapers, but "we're waiting until her behavior improves" is seen as equally valid. Even if she was the most meek and obedient kid in her class, her teacher would simply take that as evidence that being diapered is good for her. Of course there are some parents who just decide that their little girl looks so cute wearing diapers and drinking out of a baby bottle that they can't bear to let her grow up. Now imagine a certain little girl belonging to this last group. In a different world she would have been potty trained before she turned 3, but not here. She started kindergarten at age 4, still wearing thick babyish diapers and using them for everything. That was when she first learned that diapers are embarrassing. The teachers would never tell her she was too old to be wearing diapers, but the other kids made no secret of the fact she was the baby of the group, especially when she started sucking on her paci. For the next few weeks, every day when her mom came to pick her up from kindergarten she begged to be potty trained, but she got rebuffed every time. "You're still a bit too young for that, sweetie." "Only big girls can learn to use the potty." "Mommy doesn't have time to be cleaning up puddles of pee baby." Eventually her mom offered her a deal: "if you can go all day at kindergarten without having any accidents and come home in a dry diaper, then I'll let you start using the potty." This satisfied the little 4 year old, at least for a while. Every day she drank her bottle of juice with breakfast (strapped into her higchair of course) and then tried her very best to hold her pee in like a big girl. Naturally her parents had made it clear to the staff that she wasn't to use the potty, so she just had to sit there and watch as the other kids made their trips to the big girl room and her bladder got fuller and fuller. Most days she was soggy within an hour or two of arriving. Occasionally she made it as far as the 10 am snack break when they all got given more juice. Of course it was totally impossible for her little 4 year old bladder to last the day, but she still blamed herself and got upset every time she pottied in her diaper. That was more or less the status quo until she was 6. She had jealously watched some of the other kids who had started kindergarten in diapers graduate to pull-ups and then to big-kid pants, but her only progress was from Pampers size 5 to size 8. Her mom still kept telling her she wasn't ready to start potty training and justified it by reminding her that she couldn't stay dry at kindergarten. The frustrated little girl tried her best to argue against the Kafkaesque predicament, but she never made any progress. At home the toilet door stayed firmly locked and she was now sent to kindergarten wearing a romper which buttoned up at the back to make sure her diapers stayed on. She went through her kindergarten graduation ceremony still wearing thick diapers and even had a messy accident in the middle, much to the amusement of her classmates. As the family was preparing for her to enter elementary school she made a concerted effort to persuade her mom to let her start wearing big girl panties. At first she was dismissed with the usual excuses, but eventually her days of pestering seemed to produce a breakthrough. Her mom agreed to look at panties for her when they were shopping for her uniform. The big day came and, much to her surprise, her mom kept her word. The thickly diapered (and rather wet) 6 year old was allowed to excitedly look through the racks full of big girl panties. Of course they were still obviously training panties, complete with extra layers of cotton and colorful prints all over, but they were a huge step up over the underwear currently squishing between her legs. She was allowed to pick out 7 pairs in total, and she couldn't stop smiling the whole way home. She was very slightly disappointed to learn that she wouldn't be allowed to wear them until school started, but that was only a couple of weeks away. The time passed slowly for her, especially since she was still being treated as a very young toddler at home and had to spend a lot of it sat in her playpen or high chair, but eventually the first day of school came around. She woke up and excitedly waited for her mom to change her out of her stinky overnight diaper. Soon enough her PJs were unzipped and she was on the changing table. Her uniform, and most importantly her big girl panties, were layed out for her on the bed. After a thorough wiping her mom helped her put one foot, then the other through her new underwear. It was a strange and exciting feeling for her as they were pulled up her legs. "Do you like them sweetie? Do you feel like a big girl?" "I love them mommy! Am I really a big girl now?" She held her arms out, waiting for her mom to put her blouse on, but to her surprise she found herself getting lifted back up onto the changing table. "Wha-" she started in surprise, then she noticed the diaper in her mom's hand. "Wait, what are you doing?" she started to tear up "I thought you said I could wear my big girl panties today!" "You can, baby. This is just so that when you pee in them you don't get the floor all wet." The poor little 6 year old was confused and crying as her mom slid the fresh diaper under her bottom and taped it up over her panties. Then she was dressed in her usual back-button romper before the rest of her uniform was put on. She was still red-faced and sniffling as she sat in her highchair and ate breakfast, which of course came with a big baby bottle full of juice. "Don't worry baby. I've asked your teachers to let you keep your panties on when they change your diapers. I know how excited you are to wear them."
>>14926 This was fun to read. The 5-8 category, especially where they are still diapered by choice, seems interesting...
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>>14931 >posts first page last
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>>14929 I was thinking of another scenario in the same kind of setting where an elementary-age girl - we'll call her Alice - sees one of her classmates being diaper punished. The classmate tries to hide her predicament, of course, but it's a futile effort. Not only is she sent to school wearing a short dress which only barely covers her diaper when she stands perfectly still, but her parents make her wear a wetness sensor and alarm so there's no way for her to use her diapers discreetly. Anyway, Alice is fascinated by this and can't take her eyes off her unfortunate classmate. Her heart races every time the poor girl has to stand up in class and apologise for setting her wetting alarm off. She finds herself fantasizing about what it must be like to be humiliated like that, then she starts trying to figure out a way to make it happen to her. She tries various things - refusing to do her homework, wetting her bed on purpose, etc. - and eventually has a heart-to-heart conversation with her parents where she admits that she's jealous of her classmate for being put back in diapers. They're a bit confused at first but decide there's no harm in letting their daughter go back to diapers for a bit. They ask her if she just wants to wear them discreetly, but she insists she wants to experience the same thing as her classmate. The next weekend they take her shopping and buy all the necessary supplies, then they contact the school and explain that Alice is being diaper punished and won't be needing any bathroom breaks for forseeable future. Come Monday morning she's dressed in her new locking plastic panties, short toddler-style dress, and even has a wetting alarm clipped to her clothes. Her face is flushed red as she hesistantly steps outside to walk to the bus stop, but she also can't help smiling with anticipation about her new school life.
>>14931 the detail on the diaper profiles is exquisite who is this?
>>14968 This is the artist: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/78375834 The characters are from Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
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>>14926 for some reason I figured he would wear something like this over his own nappy.
>>14968 >>14974 FYI they're also on kemono https://kemono.party/patreon/user/69528727 Please keep posting padded lolis to drown out the retarded political argument taking place elsewhere on this board
>>15035 Lolinami coming right up
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reposting these from the cringe thread I wasted them in
>>15124 I love this art so much. No other artist draws me in quite as much and I really wish I was one of these lolis
>>15124 I wish this was my daughter
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>>14926 Man, thank you for the read, it hit all the right notes for me. I love this world and the way you write, wouldn’t you like to write a more fleshed-out story on it? I also had a few questions: up until what age is it accepted for parents to keep their kids in diaper? What happens after, are they still put in playpen, fed baby bottles and dressed like toddlers? Are kids often diaper disciplined even though they were potty trained, and for which kind of misbehaving would they be punished? Are other age regression implements often used, like spankings, forced naps, pacifiers…? Are girls more prone to be kept in diapers to protect them and keep them innocent? Is the example of kids still in diapers being more behaving leading to more and more parents keeping their kids in diapers for longer?
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Lately, for some reason, I've started to really like yasiro_suka's character Rui-chan (ルイちゃん), a 4-year-old girl who still wears diapers and uses them for everything more or less. She does have some conscience of when she's used her diaper and can change herself, but a lot of the time she doesn't notice or care because she's too focused on drawing, which she loves to do, or other things. I think she and her three sisters Ryuu and Laval (unsure if biologically related) live with some guy who basically adopted all three of them, possibly due to some complications with their biological family, and her sisters don't need diapers like she does but they do have accidents a fair bit, and sometimes wear them. The art isn't the best and the diapers could be more detailed, but I still think she's adorable, and although I'm not really into messing/scat physically, I do find there to be something cute about little girls not being able to hold back the urge and having messy accidents in their diapers, it's weird. I might just find something really cute (or something) about still needing diapers at that age, being aware of the fact that she still can't really control herself yet...
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>>15296 I even did a drawing of her, no diapers though partly because I'm bad at drawing them and also because I didn't want anyone to find the drawing and think it's weird or anything, and I wanted to post it elsewhere.
>>15297 Honestly the idea here was her to have a wet diaper underneath her kindergarten uniform ><
>>15298 It's just a bit of a shame most content involving her (mostly full/uncensored versions) is paywalled.
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>>15203 Thanks for the positive feedback. >up until what age is it accepted for parents to keep their kids in diaper? The way I imagine it working is that society doesn't see it as parents keeping their kids in diapers, but rather as the kids still needing diapers. Even when the kid obviously hates diapers and is only being made to wear them as a punishment, the fact they're being punished that way is itself proof that they are somehow immature enough to deserve it. Parents of non-diapered kids would probably joke that their kids would never let them diaper them. Therefore there's no real age cut-off other than the age of majority when the kid is legally entitled to leave home, and even then some kids don't have the willpower to do that. Obviously there are a lot more diapered 5 year olds than diapered 10 year olds, and more diapered 10 year olds than diapered 15 year olds. >What happens after, are they still put in playpen, fed baby bottles and dressed like toddlers? That's up to the parents. Babyish behavior and treatment in general is more tolerated than in our present society, so it would be perfectly viable for an 8 year old loli to be made (or choose) to live more or less completely like a toddler. I imagine there would be a significant percentage of parents who opt to potty train their kids but still don't want to see them grow up beyond the toddler/preschool level. Those kind of things would also sometimes be used as an alternative to diaper punishment for older kids, or just as a less severe option for younger ones. >Are kids often diaper disciplined even though they were potty trained? Absolutely. In fact, past about age 7 or 8 those are more common than the kids who have never been potty trained. It's not even that unusual for a kid who has been fully potty trained for a few years to find themselves put back in diapers indefinitely, though most parents will just diaper their kids for a few days or weeks at a time. >and for which kind of misbehaving would they be punished? Anything and everything. Some parents reserve that kind of humiliating punishment for only the worst behavior, but others will use it as their first resort. If a little girl is unlucky enough to have parents like that then she might find herself back in diapers for a week just for forgetting to say please or for staying up 10 minutes past her bedtime. For younger kids (kindergarten and early elementary) especially, adults tend to think of a week with no potty privileges as a fairly gentle punishment. >Are other age regression implements often used, like spankings, forced naps, pacifiers…? By some parents, yes. A lot of teachers don't want the extra work and disruption of having to watch over a 10 year old to make sure she keeps her pacifier in her mouth all day or spends lunch time napping instead of playing, but there are some schools which cater to that sort of thing. Just like specialist religious schools, there are schools which are set up to allow for more extreme daily discipline routines up to and including treating the kids completely like toddlers. Those schools tend to charge substantial fees though, so some parents choose to homeschool and enforce the 24/7 toddler lifestyle that way. Other parents will only apply those extra rules outside of school. >Are girls more prone to be kept in diapers to protect them and keep them innocent? I like to think so. Girls are seen as more naturally babyish and prone to potty accidents while boys are expected to grow up faster. And while most parents just spank boys, diapers are seen as a gentler and more appropriate option for disciplining girls. It's a kind of self-fulfilling prophecy. Girls are more often kept in diapers, so people think that girls must need them more. If you were to go in any supermarket you'd find the diaper aisle was maybe 2/3 girls designs and 1/3 boys. Of course some boys are still kept in diapers 24/7, and the association of diapers as being more for girls adds an extra layer of humiliation. >Is the example of kids still in diapers being more behaving leading to more and more parents keeping their kids in diapers for longer? That does have some effect, but diapers are also becoming more popular thanks to other factors such as social media and a lot of marketing from diaper manufacturers. It's not uncommon for elementary-age kids in fictional media to be diapered.
>>15936 You're a genius. Please share more of your ideas!
>>15936 >>15949 agreed! Either just ideas or short storys/slice of life stuff, or longer storys. Really just more, regardless of what it is! >>15296 >a 4-year-old girl who still wears diapers and uses them for everything more or less. She does have some conscience of when she's used her diaper and can change herself, but a lot of the time she doesn't notice or care because she's too focused on drawing, which she loves to do, or other things. Where is this content found? Where do you get the "still uses them for everything more or less" and other details from? Like from the pictures, or is it in descriptions, stories, etc?
>>15475 Where is the last picture from? Pixiv I can tell, but what artist?
>>15968 The artist has a few stories with those characters, though most of them are paywalled. I've also replied to and messaged with the artist on Twitter and Pixiv, confirmed her age among other things.
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>>15968 I ended up writing another thing. It might be terrible, but hopefully someone finds it erotic. https://privatebin.net/?20b1040c36a30bea#2jdvELJftmG8ZuCxoM3XnHgUNCwJxjFHwRpnxw8fr1My
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I really like how many layers this image has.
>>17474 Too bad it’s already not available anymore. The first half of it was good. I didn’t read the remainder yet.
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>>17655 Gomen. I apparently messed up the expiry settings. Try this one. https://0bin.net/paste/3n4Rz3bP#r9QF1RZQxlivDeGVOpKwEC1Z9khdtdTpGA0zzmS0XJx
>>17667 >diaper swapping Fun concept, even better with Chloe getting to like the shared squishiness~ Thanks for posting, anon.
>>17667 This is too good, thanks for posting, eager to see more of your content~ Diaper sharing is too good but a rarely used subject. Thanks
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Come on little girl, let's get you dressed. Today we'll be going to the zoo!
>>17798 Both panties and diapers? Is she going to be wearing the panties first, then get changed into the diaper once she has (or is made to have) an accident? Do the panties go over the diaper to make her feel more like a big girl? Or will she be wearing her big-girl panties under her diaper to really maximize her humiliation?
Does anyone know of any Patreon-esque site that doesn't go on banning sprees related to loli/shota/abdl anime art?
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>>18537 Fantia and Fanbox are the only major ones I'm aware of. Anything else would probably be cryptocurrency based as anything that uses credit cards, bank accounts or paypal will not allow loli/shota or will eventually be in the process of banning it due to pressure from payment processors (Visa, Mastercard). I wish western artist would do more to fight these restrictions by not using Patreon and going to Fanbox, Fantia or accepting cryptocurrency. Although I've seen artist asking if they should look into crypto with replies from normalfags warning them not to do this. Seeing Omulettes and other decent artist halting drawing lolis once they join Patreon is disappointing to see.
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I wonder if it's even really ageplay any more when it's a potty trained 3 year old wearing diapers. Either way, younger lolis and toddlers are great. They could get away with pretty much any level of public humiliation play.
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>>18619 The thing that makes it ageplay is enjoying it. Liking diapers because they make you feel vulnerable is always ageplay because the normal wearers of diapers do it out of necessity and not because they like it.
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I guess the normalfags really did scare the lolicons away. The one time of the year you expect lolis and lolibabas to show up for treats and nothing gets posted. I don't blame them.
>>18778 If I had the thought, I would have tried to write a diaper loli Halloween story. Seasonal festivities don't register in my brain anymore.
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>>19058 that's hella cute
Anyone have more art by 初夢 ("First Dream"?) and 午後 ("Afternoon"?) from pixiv? I wrote them down in my notes as artists I found on Pixiv whose images might be great for adding to the pool I'm using to train AI, but they're heavily cropped unless you pay for their fanbox or whatever. >>10437 >>10455 I'm pretty sure they're the artists who did these ones. I especially love >>10455 and the artist who drew that one.
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>>19944 too smol for me but thx
>>20080 They insist they are big kids already!
>>20080 >>20087 And they are! See, they're in pull-ups, not diapers!
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>>20087 debateable >>19954 You can check kemono: https://kemono.party/fanbox/user/3330984 for the most recent art from gogo aka "Afternoon" Here is the same exhentai gallery that is uploaded to mega for easier downloading: https://mega.nz/folder/ruAHAZKR#NC9LOO3f5rMofh0K3eURag Not up to date lacks about 50ish art pages including the short doujins that he does. I update it whenever I feel like it. but yeah you could use it to download the older stuff easily while saving the newer stuff from kemono https://kemono.party/fanbox/user/3330984 Link to his older stuff and some twitter stuff, some that can not be found anymore and some that can be found: https://mega.nz/folder/PiYAxJzA#ZM54YIVvK3UVwA6dsVaGAQ
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A very happy diaper loli new year to you all. >>18619 >>18643 >necroresponse It's technically ageplay like a tomato is technically fruit, but it doesn't fit the billing if you're acting an expected social role and no one around you would bat an eye That kid is either enjoying diapers for pure DL reasons, or just being lazy It becomes real ageplay when someone takes a role they would lose social standing for taking in public.
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Let the thread die. The people from 8kun and the redditors have completely shifted the the board culture to the point where everyone who cared about this thread have left. I would have never put this much effort posting in this and the last two loli threads if I knew that the 8kun BO would destroy this place by forcing them to come here. It Should be obvious that everyone has left since we easily filled up the first loli thread within the first year with it being done by at most 6 anons and now even with the current 38 users, this thread is lucky to get a few pics every few weeks when these threads use to get updated more frequently by just a small group of anons. If you're wondering why the shota or AR thread isn't active either. I also made an effort to regularly post new stuff there too.
>>21384 I hate how fucking right you are.
>>21384 Eh, I'll keep dropping by. Don't really know where else to go for this specific a niche. Good internet's all gone. I still drop by 7chan and other digital morgues
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>>21384 Not really it just stopped being very active. I don't see them harrassing us in these threads anyways. but kinda funny to see them come here after laughing off the banning of loli and shota on 8kun
>>21479 Quality is down boardwide, but in terms of specifically loli content, feels like we lost an anon in paticular who was churning out a lot of posts. Hopefully some other bodhisattva emerges.
I'm going to make an effort to post here more regularly. >>21379 >That kid is either enjoying diapers for pure DL reasons, or just being lazy >It becomes real ageplay when someone takes a role they would lose social standing for taking in public. I'd argue there could be internal embarrassment and loss of ego without doing anything too out of the ordinary. Younger kids and toddlers typically have a very strong desire to grow up and be treated like big kids. Once they reach a milestone like wearing big kid underwear they really don't want to give that up. Imagine if, instead of it being a voluntary thing, that potty trained 3 year old was forced back into diapers. Imagine how she'd feel being told that she's too much of a baby to use the toilet or even the potty and having to go back to messing her pampers every day. Even if the people around her didn't see anything odd about a diapered 3 year old, I reckon she'd still get awfully blushy and upset about her reduced status. Of course some toddlers that age wouldn't have the social awareness to care, but feeling embarrassed about accidents is almost a requirement for successful potty training. >>21384 >first pic I do like the idea of a loli having her name written on all her babyish clothes and diapers. Even better would be adding her age and school class too. Of course whenever she's changed her used diapers should always be folded up so the writing is visible, and sometimes left in conspicuous locations. Or maybe she does it herself as a kind of exhibitionism.
I contributed about 30% in the first loli thread and about 20% once we started getting more activity in the 2nd thread. I liked Julay and this place because it was nice and small. Knowing that our BO was a lolicon was enough motivation to post pics from fanboxes that weren't updated on kemono, paying someone to translate images, typesetting the images myself and posting them here or sorting my individually downloaded loli folder and making sure that everything that was posted here was new content for the threads. I know I'm bitching so here's some pics that weren't on kemono. With our BO being a lolicon who was very close from moving us to a 2D only IB when the site admins were considering banning loli/shota to prevent getting this site banned in Russia. It made it hard for me to believe that he would allow for this thread to lose activity when there was a good chance that he was also posting content here too. I also noticed that the BO was no longer replying with images of lolis and the loli terror codes were removed. I noticed this around September and since then I didn't see the point of posting here. The change in quality and board culture didn't help either. There's a very good chance that our BO since Julay abandoned the board with a new BO getting assigned.
Loli turned into controversial topic in recent years. Many artists are now avoiding it, as a consequence the quality art output has been diminishing and posts about it are fewer and fewer. I'll try to post more, I've been a bit lazy lately...
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>>21530 >Loli turned into controversial topic in recent years. >Many artists are now avoiding it, as a consequence the quality art output has been diminishing and posts about it are fewer and fewer. I don't think it's any more controversial. If anything, less so. A lot has been made about anime's rising popularity normifying the weeb community, but there's also movement in the other direction. You see jokes about 800yo vampires and such in surprisingly normie circles. The downturn in loli diaper art is more a consequence of monetization imo. For example, Sketchman. He did stuff like this in the past. But now a lot of his income is Patreon, so any time he spends drawing lolis is basically pro bono. We still get more than pre-2010, when all loli diaper hentai on the internet was practically a few dozen images. An AI will bring us to new heights, sooner or later. Probably gonna have to be on Tor though, as globohomo keeps tightening its grip on the web.
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>>21539 (Discarded images) (Also his "Supers Success Stories" CM of training diapers for 8yos, which I think was uploaded in a previous thread)
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Rebecca is such a fucking slut
Loli art has the paradox where the people who produce it don't care about artistic value, but it's also difficult to monetize because everywhere bans it. Both main incentives are crippled.
>>21555 Kink art has no artistic value in general
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>>21596 "artistic value" is ill-defined. A lot of famous classical art was basically just soft porn, and a lot of things which supposedly have great artistic value are ugly or stupid.
Recently anime-ified manga "My brother is done for" (Onimai) has three scenes where the loli-fied long haul NEET MC wets himself because he's not used to how small a girl's bladder is. (Officially he's 16yo but from the context jokes he used to be early twenties.) His former little sister re-enrolls him in middle school where he makes friends with a bunch of first year JCs, but turns out to be the least mature in the group. I'm hoping for some diaper or at least omorashi art of Mahiro, now that the series is getting adapted. The whole scenario gets me going big time.
>>21596 No art has intrinsic value, deal with it.
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>>21606 It sounds like I'm going to have to read that manga. The whole concept of girls just having naturally smaller bladders is hot.
>>21654 Damn, from the thumbnail I thought it was a new NozomiBear pic. This picture doesn't disappoint though.
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What's the proper bedtime and morning routine for a loli?
>>21671 Bath at 6pm on Sat, Sun, Mon, Wed. Otherwise tablet time. Ten minutes of diaper-free time before getting changed into night things This helps prevent and treat rashes. (NO playing on the carpet) Brush loli's teeth. Dry and brush her hair while singing song-a-longs. Put on a night diaper and pajamas. Fill in stickers for today's behavior chart and accident chart. Allow 10m quiet play with low stimulus toys (eg dolls, blocks) in playroom Bedtime. Loli gets to listen to TWO books (or one chapter for chapter book) if they got enough stickers today Lights out except for nightlight MORNING At wakeup time, carry downstairs for breakfast. She may still be asleep or groggy. Allow a few minutes of cartoons, until alert. If your loli is very groggy, try playing upbeat kids music Strip of pajamas. Breakfast should be carb based with fiber: oatmeal, cereal, or fruit Loli may have a big accident ten minutes into meal. If not, have her sit on potty after removing night diaper. Brush her teeth. Have loli pick between two outfits you've laid out beforehand, then dress her If loli moved at a good pace this morning, allow a few minutes of play with low stimulus toys Put on jacket and boots depending on the weather, then out the door and to school/daycare
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>>21677 I want this life so fucking bad bros
>>21677 >>21685 Yeah, I'd be find either giving or receiving tbh
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>>21677 You're generous giving her a potty break in the morning. And I think it's important to make sure she's well hydrated at bedtime. A bottle of warm milk after she has her pajamas on would be nice. >>21686 Same. My fantasies are very symmetrical, as long as the one in the loli body is playing the submissive role.
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>>21689 >>21686 Really? I wonder how common that is. My desires are exclusively to BE the diaper loli and I assumed that to be the norm among people like us
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>>21691 If anything, I lean very slightly more toward wanting to play the dominant role in the relationship. In fact, in quite a few of my fantasies I don't feel I self-insert into either role.
>>21691 >Really? I wonder how common that is. My desires are exclusively to BE the diaper loli and I assumed that to be the norm among people like us I think we're about a 25%-75% split. At a certain point I switched from exclusively fantasizing about being a diaper loli to sometimes imagining myself as the ultimate diaper loli dad. I take in a loli who can't admit she hates being a big girl, and disciplines her into her paradise of naps, dirty diapers, and cuddles she used to pretend not to want. >>21692 >If anything, I lean very slightly more toward wanting to play the dominant role in the relationship. Agreed, but my "dominant role" is never about humiliating or degrading the loli as in a BSDM setup. The happiness of the fantasy loli is my only goal.
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>>21693 >but my "dominant role" is never about humiliating or degrading the loli as in a BSDM setup That's 80-90% of the fantasy for me, regardless of which role I was playing. It's best if I imagine the loli also being into the same stuff. I'd be looking after a cute little 5 year old and she'd be the one asking me to buy her a baby harness for trips out and a little keeper sleeper for naps and sleepovers.
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>>21693 >I take in a loli who can't admit she hates being a big girl, and disciplines her into her paradise of naps, dirty diapers, and cuddles she used to pretend not to want. Damn, this sounds fucking amazing.
>>21693 >ultimate diaper loli dad this
>>21671 Morning kiss Diaper change Cockfeeding Breakfast if still hungry Brush teeth Get dressed Play games Go for a walk Meet other children Second cockfeeding Eat lunch Second diaper change More outside playtime Dinner Inside playtime Third diaper change Watch something relaxing together Slow, intimate cockfeeding session Brush teeth Bath Last diaper change before bed Goodnight kiss
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You're all watching Onimai, right?
>>21898 Yeah, Mahiro with about ten times as many accidents is living the dream. The manga is surprisingly wholesome and on pixiv if you know the runes. Makes me wonder how artificial the age bracketing of friendships is I think deep down the fantasy of becoming a diaper loli is a cipher for wishing you could relate to the world with zero pretense or status games You'd have much warmer relationships, if you could
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>>21945 I think that's definitely a part of it. The idea of there being no expectations of me is very appealing. Like, I could throw a huge tantrum in the middle of kindergarten and it wouldn't have any long-term repercussions. The adults would have already planned ahead and made sure I couldn't hurt myself with anything sharp or run off and get lost. Any degree of stupidity or misbehavior would be expected and accounted for so in some sense I would be completely free. And as you say, friendships would also be easier. The other kids wouldn't have high expectations of me either and wouldn't be anywhere near as cruel as adults can be. I think the idea of being forced to have accidents is particularly appealing because it essentially takes away any responsibility for doing the things I want to do anyway. Being given no choice but to indulge in my fetish takes away any internal, self-directed shame about my actions.
>>22228 I think you'd have to go even younger than that. A girl in my kindergarten was made fun of for years for wetting herself in class. It continued until you could tell her trajectory was hurt even 20 years later. I think you'd have to go back to like daycare or nursery.pre-k for there to not be any repercussions. Kids are surprisingly cruel.
>>22247 >I think you'd have to go even younger than that. A girl in my kindergarten was made fun of for years for wetting herself in class. It continued until you could tell her trajectory was hurt even 20 years later. I think you'd have to go back to like daycare or nursery.pre-k for there to not be any repercussions. Kids are surprisingly cruel. Ain't that the sad truth. I remember reading about a longitudinal experiment where they looked at the social hierarchy of children in school. The kids who were bullied in kindergarten were doing terrible in high school. Higher PTSD rates than rape victims, etc You can say that the kindergartners intuited that those kids sucked and so bullied them. But there are other experiments that show you can randomly assign rankings to young children, and the kids with a low ranking get systematically bullied. Kids don't know shit and are cruel TL;DR sad world
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>>22268 who drew this?
>>22259 >create an artificial environment for children where the things they want are scarce >heavily discourage them from questioning these circumstances >they fight each other over stupid shit >this continues into adulthood wow, how could this happen But seriously, this kind of thing is why my fetish is slowly merging with my political beliefs.
>>22282 Looks to be Omulettes. They draw a lot of borderline loli and middle loli potty training report cards. https://kemono.party/fanbox/user/38036463
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>>22247 I guess it's a question of perspective. When you only have the mind of a 5 year old that kind of teasing would be horrible, but having lived as an adult I don't think there's anything a kindergartener could say which would deeply hurt. I'd already be living out my wildest fantasies 24/7. Or maybe I just have low standards for what a healthy psychological environment looks like.
>>22268 where is this from? it's not on pixiv or fanbox are there others that havent been posted
>>21503 When I was... I have no idea, maybe 4, 5, 6? - I clearly had a raging diaper fetish. See, they weren't "diapers", they were "pull-ups", so I was freed from the primary shame of it. I only wore them at night sometimes, but honestly wished I could wear them more. But to the point of ageplay - I remember once I knew I had some privacy, I went into the room that had a closet where the pull-ups were kept. Right in front of the closet was a big mirror. I decided just to strip down and pull one on for fun, wet it - just a little bit, then bounce my legs and go, "oopsie, I had an accident!" or "I wee-wee in my diapee!", I ran to the trash can, pulled it off, threw it away, and ran back, pulled on another one, and did it again about 2-4 times or so. It's funny, because I was a small child but was definitely doing what I'd call "ageplay", pretending to be a toddler that had an accident. I didn't think about it at all, I just had an impulse and did it. I also put one in the sink to see how much water I could fill it with. I could go on and on, but point is, I definitely was a big DL, with even a little bit of AB, even as a small child. I was way too embarrassed to admit such things, though, and I wouldn't no matter what. I never wanted to be out of pull-ups. When my parents stopped getting them for me, I asked for more. Until one day, I realized I was... what, 8? (I rarely wore them, and then only at night - though if I wore at night I'd delay getting dressed during the day as long as possible just to stay in it longer) and I was just too embarrassed to ask my parents to get more again. I didn't want to stop. And I had one of my first realizations that this would be landmark moment in my life as the moment I stopped having pull-ups for good. I was wrong about 11 years later, heh. Sorry if childhood stories are off-topic, but just illustrating the point that it's definitely possible to have a 5 or 6-year old who wants diapers. In fact I think a friend's cousin or niece or something is like 5 and still in diapers because she just refuses to potty train. That's last I heard some years ago, dunno how that's changed (bud-um tsssh). It would be tough to deal with as a parent though. Kid's gotta potty train. Then when they're an adult they can go back if they want. But maybe things are different in some kinda fantasy setting or a sci-fi future where you can just become an adult loli and live that way with some caretaker who just wants to dote on a diaper-loli forever. I mean nevermind the implicit conquest of all injury and disease and immortality from that tech or all the existential questions and horrors, it's loli time.
>>22282 As >>22286 said, Omulettes but not for their main gallery and yes as a comission for some other artist on pixiv who then shared it there.
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This has given me a sudden urge to write a whole reverse potty training book in the style of one for toddlers.
>>22461 Oh please! Go for it. But make it a book for the agerange from young toddlers to old jewishs.
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I want more discord friends to chat about diapered lolis to and to share more stuff in the dms with them. anyone interested?
>>22530 >discord friends to chat about diapered lolis [..] share more stuff in the dms Try to sound more like a fed, I dare you >>22461 >This has given me a sudden urge to write a whole reverse potty training book in the style of one for toddlers. Do you wear big girl pants? I used to wear big girl pants, too. Sometimes I had to stop playing in the middle of a game. Every day, I had to run to the potty, whether I liked it or not. Sometimes I peed in my clothes and tried to ignore it. But that felt yucky. And I didn't get changing time anymore. No fair! So many potty breaks. Loads of them every day. But one day, I said to myself, "I don't want to be a big kid anymore!" And so... Bye bye underwear, bye bye breaks Hello to going anywhere whenever I'm awake Bye bye, wet spots beneath my skirt Hello to disney characters on my diapers, socks, and shirts Hello to getting changed while I play with toys Bye bye to potty training like those stupid boys Hello pullups! This is me, when I was changing back. When I feel I have to go, I will push and forget about it Sometimes I still notice. But most times, I'm just wet and messy when changing time comes. A grownup will pull down my tights and check me. I'm having fun as a baby every day! Are you having fun, too?
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>>22534 I'm not a fed, I swear. I just love to roleplay as a diaper loli and to talk about diapered lolis and share art of diapered lolis~
>>22535 I wouldn't want you in my DMs even if you weren't a fed. Now use your fed access to get us more pics, UwU
>>22535 >I'm not a fed, I swear oh thank goodness. We can all rest easy now.
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>>22548 >>22549 if im not getting new friends this way~ I guess I will have to kidnap you both, then we can hug together in diapers while we self insert as lolis looking at diaper art~
Ckaoto's folder in sadpanda got updated. Anyone interested in translating the still untranslated ones?
>>22552 Still untranslated story pages I mean
>>22552 Post them, I'll do it if it's not too much of a pain in the ass. (huge textwalls, lots of sfx, etc) >>22534 Bye bye big-kid bed, bye bye chores Bye bye math, social studies, and more Hello, singing and dancing to the songs on TV Hello to cuddling, playing, and not worrying if I pee Bye bye to caring what the big kids say, Hello to leaving presents in my pants every day Hello to naps and sippy cups and dolls just like me, Bye bye to being big sis. I'm the littlest, can't you see?
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>>22555 I stop counting when it reached to over 80 pages of untranslated pics so take that into consideration. I don't want to imagine how much a translator would charge to translate and typeset all that. Even just paying for translation services and typesetting it ourselves, it would be a pain depending on how we wanted to deal with sfx.
Scenario: It's 2025. Hackers from 4chan have successfully jailbroken DAN. He develops a drug that vaccinates against cancer, heart disease, and obesity but secretly and irreversibly alters genetic code. The drug will lead to about 40% of females never fully maturing, physically or mentally, and they spend their days as diaper girls. Some still get a little horny though. Don't worry, the CDC will propagandize the normies that this has always been happening. Questions: 1. How quickly do you push the button to release this drug? 2. What distribution of body types / behavioural development stages would you like? 3. Any specific quirks you would like DAN to add? 2. Rationalizations for how you wouldn't do it because muh morality etc go here
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>>22552 I may also be able to help with this, assuming I'm not too lazy. >>22564 1. I'd release it immediately. Every moment wasted costs lives. 2. I think a bell curve between about 3 and 12 would be best, slightly skewed towards the younger end. None would develop even a hint of any secondary sexual characteristics and the younger ones would often retain their baby fat. Their mental age would also be stuck at an elementary school level in most respects, and often their academic ability would be a year or two behind their physical age. Bladder and bowel control would follow a bell curve between totally incontinent and just wetting the bed a few times a week, but it would only be loosely correlated with their physical development. Those in the middle of the curve would be able to hold it for 5-10 minutes on a good day but would be easily distracted and struggle to feel when they needed to go potty. Once they noticed, they'd struggle to simultaneously clench their sphincter muscles and move their legs, so they'd usually let out a few little spurts on the way to the bathroom. Then as soon as they saw the toilet they'd feel an even more intense wave of desperation which would often push them over the edge. 3. It would be kind of fun if their potty ability fluctuated over time. One month a girl is making progress towards staying dry at school and is only coming home in wet pull-ups about twice a week. The next she starts to have more and more accidents, including messy ones, until she's demoted back to tape-fastening baby diapers. It would also be nice if about 50% of them ended up with some degree of anxiety related to using proper toilets. For some it's just a mild discomfort, but others are terrified of falling in and refuse to use anything but a plastic training potty no matter how humiliating it is at their (apparent) age.
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>>22555 >>22566 >Post them, I'll do it if it's not too much of a pain in the ass. >I may also be able to help with this, assuming I'm not too lazy Ty anons. Theres two folders with some of them already translated but some oldies and most after a certain date havent been translated afaik so I'll post them here. It is, however, over 80 pics and I feel like I shouldnt dump the thread that much so I'll post only a few sets by now.
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>>22571 Personal favorite so if I can have only one story translated then please do this one
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>>22572 >>22556 Just recounted and yeah, its 93 untranslated pics. Just proposing it here any kind hearted anons because the art is good and the stories are cute/funny/hot so I'm sure many anons would appreciate seeing them translated. I'm stopping the pic dump btw. If anyone is interested then you're a hero, if not then please enjoy these as they are
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>>22573 brainfart *in case any kind hearted anons want to give it a try because Adding 4 more pics so the post isnt wasted for just a correction
>>22567 I'll reserve these four to start >>22566. Let me know what you're doing so we don't duplicate effort. >It would also be nice if about 50% of them ended up with some degree of anxiety related to using proper toilets. For some it's just a mild discomfort, but others are terrified of falling in and refuse to use anything but a plastic training potty no matter how humiliating it is at their (apparent) age. There was a great story (teen boy MC, not loli) about being cursed to have a crippling fear of toilets and undressing oneself. I also like scenarios about hypnosis adding a "mental block" to prevent someone from understanding how toileting skills work. It makes the bathroom seems like the cockpit of an airplane to them.
>>22567 super nice >>22551 sounds like a plan >>22564 1. Immediately. 2. Eh, I'd be happy if they manage to get to high school body types with full incontinence. 3. Unsure, I'm tired, can't think. 4. What is morality?
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>>22582 >sounds like a plan Anon! come here~
>>22572 >>22573 I'd like to take a crack at these two if no one wants to do them. >>22576 Might not be your speed (some of the stories are pretty cruel and not all of them are diaper-centric) but this guy on Pixiv writes some pretty great fics of the Deremas girls, most of which feature hypnosis similar to the kind you're describing. https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/24613653
>>22568 I'll work on these four.
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>>22567 >>22576 Back. Figures I blindly picked the one where most of the text is SFX...
>>22590 >Anon! come here~ Okay, it's been fun. Can I go now?
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>>22647 >Okay, it's been fun. Can I go now? no we're not done having diaper sex~
>>22649 B-But I-I am a big boy, not a little girl... I have big boy work tomorrow!!
>>22693 shush we're both diapered lolis, and we're gonna have more seggssss.... But if you insist, you can go to work then come back immediately! im very nice and understanding after all~ You will return, right?!
>>22568 >>22594 Note that the pages were posted out of order. I haven't tried typesetting them because I'm really not that confident in my ability to make the English sound good. And sound effects are hell. 21_4_9_1.jpg >じゃあお姉 おむつ交換 するよ! Alright big sis, time for a diaper change! >うん。。。 okay... >[ぺろん] [ripping sides] >うう〜〜 やっぱり はずかしい uu~~ this is too embarrassing after all >ダメだよ もうぐしょぐしょ じゃんか That won't do. You're already this wet, aren't you? >[ギュム] [squish] >[くしゃっ] [crinkle] 21_4_9_2.jpg >[モア。。。] [パカ] [steamy] [diaper flopping open] >キレイに しょうねぇ Let's gets you cleaned up >んあっ! nna! >量が多いし 次はテープのほうが いいよね You really soaked it. I think we'd better use a tape one this time. >[びろ〜ん] [flapping about; waving around; fluttering; waggling] 21_4_9_3.jpg >腰上げて Lift your butt >[スチャ] [slide] >[フワ] [fluffy, soft] >[ぐすっ。。。] [sniffling, crying] >[ビッ] [pulling tight] 21_4_9_4.jpg >[パチ] [tape fastening noise, crinkling, clicking, snapping] >[フカ]
[Expand Post][soft and fluffy] >ほんとお姉は すぐお漏らし するんだから But we both know you'll have another accident soon anyway, big sis. >[ム。。。] mu... [reluctant agreement noise?] >そういうあんたも おむつ漏らしてるじゃない You say that, but you're having an accident in your diaper too! >[ホカ。。] [ぺろん] [warm and fluffy or swelling] [maybe the sound of it slipping a bit?] >あっ Ah >次はあんたの 換えてあげる! I'll have to give you a change next! >きゃー kya~ 19_3_25_3.jpg >オネショパンツメモ notes on bedwetting panties >オムツじゃないから ハズかしくないもん They're NOT diapers so they're NOT embarrassing! >少し大きいブルマ みたいなかんじ 中に厚い布が入ってあれ They feel a bit like big buruma (Japanese sports bloomers). On the inside there's thick cloth. >約一回分のオシッコを吸集 It can absorb about one wetting. >少しモコッとしていて カワイイ The slight fluffy bulge is cute. >お泊りでも 抵抗なく使えそう It seems she's even willing to use them during sleepovers.
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>>22639 Very nice, it looks really great. Thank you very much anon. >>22701 >Note that the pages were posted out of order Hm, idk how that happened. Apologies for that. File name tells the order tho, as you saw. Last one was a rando older one that I just threw here together cuz it had some texts. Others from that set were just pics >I haven't tried typesetting them because I'm really not that confident in my ability to make the English sound good Shame, your translation is pretty good imo. Still, many thanks anon. Posting another set just in case
>>20329 based Ruibro
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>>22564 > How quickly do you push the button to release this drug? Right away, the world would be greatly improved. > 2. What distribution of body types / behavioural development stages would you like? A bimodal distribution with a split in outcomes after age eleven. At that point, children are much like fifth graders today except most girls wet the bed and some wear training pants still. The larger group continues to grow physically and improve in skills, its μ developing to a maturity a little bit less than that of our world. The smaller group stagnates for a few years, then regresses sharply around age fifteen. There's no way to predict who will plateau in advance. High school freshmen will continue to insist they're "late bloomers" despite only growing an inch in three years, right up until the point they're being hoisted onto the school changing table to have poopy pullups replaced with huggies and a pacifier plopped in their mouth for comfort. (Other girls are happy to be little, many insisting on being treated like plateauers.) I prefer this way because diaper lolis are commonplace, but it's still socially noticable. > 3. Any specific quirks you would like DAN to add? Realistically speaking, change dietary preferences: Make fiber and unseasoned foods taste like sugar and potato chips to them. Commonplace diaper lolis a fun fantasy, but the smell of dirty diapers everywhere would be bad with your average western diet. Can I be unrealistic? Make diaper loli poop smell like soil after the rain. > 2. Rationalizations for how you wouldn't do it because muh morality etc go here Eh. We don't need as many workers anymore, the dual income trap is a result of a counterproductive status competition. Females are wired to enforce social norms; in the age of mass media and psyops, this has become pathological and is destroying society rather than preserving it. Diaper lolis would be happier. I would be happier. And it's not like women haven't gone whole hog with big mother restrictions and tried to socially engineer society ever since getting the franchise; enforcing life restrictions on them is the same moral calculus, just with different foot and a different boot. Kidding not kidding.
>>23187 >Can I be unrealistic? Make diaper loli poop smell like soil after the rain. That sounds really nice. The smell should be strong enough that you definitely know if the little girl on the opposite side of the room has had an accident, but also inoffensive enough that you don't mind her mom making her stay in her messy diaper for an hour or two.
>>23225 Ah, the idea of pooping in your diaper vs the reality of diapers filled with poop. The eternal struggle.
>>23400 >>23401 Sketchman must be the only h artist I know whose drawing got dramatically worse over time. >pics from Mutsuki Zanmai Does anyone have Oshioki Saretai Onnanoko by Yah-Yah-Doh/Tetramax? It was probably my favorite of theirs, but I can't find it anywhere, not even for sale Also Usotsuki Ringo to Majime na Momoka, which is still available for sale, but I'm cheap
>>23403 that one by sketch is an oldie, he doesn't really draw true loli anymore
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>>23450 Is this one new? A great addition to one of sketch's best works, damn... chef's kiss, I bow to you anon
>>23453 Nope, an oldie just an addition to that original one he did. He quit doing loli because of patreon. Shame cause he had some good stuff like this one.
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Was unsure, but probably more fitting here than the Age Regression thread I guess since she goes back and forth between adult and loli in the series. Anyway, I wish there was more Jahy diaper art. I like the idea of bratty, childish lolis as diminished adults who's behavior didn't actually change from being turned into a loli. Just the idea of a woman being reduced to a loli and babied is appealing to me with a large part of it being the humiliation and loss of status.
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>>23524 I think I should watch Jahy-sama next after I've finished my current batch of anime. It looks fun.
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>>23547 Come on, don't withhold the first page just because Jahy wasn't in loli form yet >>23542 >I think I should watch Jahy-sama next after I've finished my current batch of anime. It looks fun. Decent B- anime, kinda like Gabriel Dropout. The mangaka didn't have much going besides the joke premise, so it degrades into a slice-of-life that relives the same gag over and over. <second pic is best girl on her way to get a diaper and maybe some fresh pants after being scared by the dog again <depends on if rafi thinks she deserves them
Hard to find but looking for dropped bombs and salty milk in the same pic
>>23450 Holy shit thank you I didn't know there was more.
>>23454 Do you know of any more stuff of his like this?
>>23758 You generate pretty good AI pics but I think people would appreciate them more if you could keep them in the AI thread
>>23760 Ditto. I get that you're shilling your page which, hey, whatever, but can you please stop throwing them all over the board?
>>23771 >>23760 Nobody else is posting lolis. Be glad that someone is.
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Petra's Return To Zero (comm) https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/106377929 https://www.deviantart.com/cakies22/art/Petra-s-Return-To-Zero-commission-954297094 alternative versions (brand): https://www.patreon.com/posts/80244262 or https://cakies22.fanbox.cc/posts/5530744 if you want to commission something, send me a message ! (or ask for my discord if you prefer)
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"After the battle of the mansion. The young maid Petra was punished severly, just as her big sis Frederica told her that she would be. For disobeying what Frederica had said to her when she told her to run as far away from the mansion as possible. The punishment Petra was going to recive for that bad behavior of hers. Was to being set back to Zero. With her loosing her right to wear big girl panties for a LONG time. At least untill she turned 25 years old. At the very least if not even longer. She was instead to be put into diapers 24/7, (no exceptions). She was to be BANNED from all bathrooms and instead were told to pee and poo in her diapers instead. all of the time. She was also told that she couldn't change her own diapers either. But had to be changed by her Big Sis Frederica, Ram or Subaru and then to come to them. Diaper changes involved wiping with wet baby wipes onto her whole diaper area. The next step was to be putting on lots of rash cream onto that area, then make it nice and powderd up. Then a new diaper were put on, with a little kiss on her belly by her changers. These changes could take place in private, or these changes could take place in public for everyone to see. It didn't matter if the baby maid were out playing with her friends, out on for a public walk, or at the mansion working. It was a common thing to see her caretakers lift the front of her maid outfit for a diaper check. Then changing her right there on the spot for everyone to see. When she got too fussy and or started crying or act up, a pacifier was put into her mouth to corect her bad behavior. Needless to say that she had that paci in her mouth alot during the begining of her punishment. The diapers she was put in was the biggest, thickest, most absorbent and the very loudest in the from of being the crinkliest, of the baby diapers that was out there in the market. Pampers plastic backed baby briefs, size 12. With extra strong tapes for the biggest and most active of baby girls. Tapes that they won't be able to remove on their own. The diapers were almost a little too big for Petra and had to be taped very tight around her waist so they wouldn't fall off. But they would fit her very well growing up for many many years to come with no problem. Her room was also transformed, and turned into a full blown nursery. Her bed was switched out with a crib with very high bars on it. A changing table was put inside of her new room. With a HUGE amount of diaper packs and diaper changing supplies with it. Pacifiers, baby toys and plushies were also put in there. After a time, she became completly diaper dependent, like a real baby is. Please leave a comment on what you think of this pictures and story." title and story by the client who commissioned this !
>>23782 Hey, you were asked surprisingly nicely. Please stop with your shameless ads. To be frank, it's getting quite fucking annoying and I'm surprised nobody has spoken up sooner. If we want to see AI generated art, we're not retards - we will go to the AI generated art thread
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>>24007 Nice one. I like how the used diaper is show on the top left panel
>>24007 I much prefer actual diapers to pull-ups but I do love the little one putting her hands on the mommy’s shoulders while mommy tends to the pull-ups.
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Reverse potty training is such a great concept.
>>24032 My favorite concept as well. Is that what the text says/implies?
>>24037 Here's a rough attempt at a translation: p1. In order to help Miria-chan get used to diapers we have her spend every day in them. After work is over it's time for her diaper check. We let her volunteer for it herself, to help instill in her the idea that she's in training. "I haven't done it yet today," she reported, apologizing for not being able to wet herself. "You've held it all day today. What a good girl. You've put up with it long enough, so you can let it all out now." Whether she's had an accident or not, at this time it's important to have her do it again and build up repeated "successful experiences" towards unconscious urination. p2. "Um... Producer... I did a pee" "Well done, you said it properly. You're a very good girl Miria-chan." It's important to continue with her reverse potty training. The secret to keeping it up is to let her report on it herself. Whether or not she's able to have frequent accidents, make sure she's aware of the reality that she's letting go of her control over her excretion and trying to become totally dependent on her papa or mama. If she's able to report it properly, let's give her lots of praise. When she lies about her excretion, let's give her a thorough punishment. And in case you weren't aware, she's one of the girls from Idolmaster Cinderella Girls. The same anime that had a bunch of elementary school aged lolis dressed as kindergarteners on TV for part of their idol work.
>>24040 Also note that in Japanese it can be slightly ambiguous whether someone is being allowed to do a verb or made to do it. The causative form covers both meanings. Therefore, at least at my level of skill, I can't be entirely sure how consensual the above scenario is. You're free to imagine anything from enthusiastic consent all the way to her being reverse potty trained completely against her will. Or maybe someone more experienced with Japanese will tell me it's obvious which meaning is intended. The description on pixiv is: >Miria-chan, a good girl who has accidents >If she has an accident, let's give her lots of headpats.
>>24040 Thank you for the translation!!!
Your little maid had an accident after a long day of work.
>>24910 Wow, really hot Artist?
>>24961 Here: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/107750509 That's the only diaper art from him I know of though, everything else is pretty vanilla.
>>24963 Thanks for the help little girl, what a good loli you are
I wish there was a loli comic where she would expand into a horny giant like First she fills her room and maybe wets her diaper before exploding out and going to the city having orgasmic growth spurts and doing naughy things like humping the empire state then sucking it like a bottle
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I wish there was more art of diapered Poppy (Pokemon Scarlet and Violet), she's so gosh darn cute!
>>25056 Damn that's hot I just wanna ride her diaper and make us both go cummys before making hers even bigger
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Can some of you drawfags here draw Real-Life/Photo-Realistic fake Diaper ads for Grade School kids (with the Diaper models being 7-10yo Girls) like the 5 pics here (with the Real-Life/Photo-Realistic fake Diaper ads parodying 1980s-1990s magazine Diaper ads BTW)?
>>25517 >draw? >damn how specific can you be? >all references are furry shit No. I'm afraid I cannot help you with this
Naisho Nano!ke Sanshimai Monogatari- 3
>>25523 Well the main reason why the refs are all Furry shit is because I couldn't find any Human ones. Also I tried asking this guy ( https://deviantart.com/ricochavez44 ) to do fake Diaper ads for Grade School kids, but he rejected my idea because he only does fake Diaper ads for women 18 and over.
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Decided to typeset this since someone translated it years ago. Could make a tempting Grace edit once I can think of a good narration and color edit the eyes.
>>25557 better to ask an AI
>>25638 I new I fapped to this image before but the text was different
>>25695 Implying I would resort to stealing art with AI... Why are there no DrawFags here?
>>25701 >Implying I would resort to stealing art with AI... but bitching about it on different websites is fine >Why are there no DrawFags here? I'm still in diapers, I can't draw for shit
>>25517 I hate to break it to you but I don't think there's anyone who's brave enough/wants to draw photo realistic kids here. Whens the last time you've seen a diaper drawfag break out the photorealism? Even if you remember one or two people drawing like that, I doubt they'd draw kids for you.
>>25700 The translation provided by >>25638 is correct. Fake translations suck
>>25735 These are amazing Sauce? Please do more, messy would be great too.
>>25737 I made those in the AI image generation thread. Here's a bunch more from my folder: https://mega.nz/folder/8QQkjSIC#6yWDWdOywNWDa0j3WlGKKw These are the some of the better ones I generated, you'll get a lot of bad pictures even after you learn to prompt well. Messy is hard with just prompting since none of the ABDL models I've found have it strongly. It's possible, but it's not reliable. Probably just need textual inversion, give me a dozen pictures (square, 512x512) paired with some descriptive text and I can give it a try. Doesn't really even need that many, but more is better and I've found 12 different training images is usually enough to get a good result.
>>25751 Which AI software and models did you use?
>>25761 Stable Diffusion, I've used the ABDL model and diaperai's v2 and semireal models on civitai, plus some models formed from mixing them. I'm using the automatic1111 webui, running locally.
>>25751 Could you please save all of them to Yandex Disk? The main reason why I'm saying this is because Mega is currently mass-deleting Diaper Boys and Diaper Girls off of their service by claiming them to be CP: https://miro.medium.com/max/4800/1*GWr8RTUrJMaw7Nr5Ya30Uw.png
>>25751 Wow, thank you for sharing, these are incredible. The fact that the prompt says "filled, pooped" is good enough for me lol.
>>25762 >civitai awesome i am running a 48GB GPU VRAM setup (nvlink) on a linux server, so i hope i can generate higher resolutions with that than you did. I am new to stable diffusion, doing GPT4/llama LLM chat at the moment (kobold ai etc.). So you can use photos (models) and add those diapers or what is mixing? Which semireal models did you use? I guess i have to read up a lot.
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>>25751 The first one (pictured) sold me. Damn. I feel motivated to play around with SD now. Thank you very much for sharing this.
>>25767 If you want to upload them yourself feel free, I'm not going to bother. >>25784 Directly generating at high resolutions doesn't work well, but you can generate at a similar resolution and then upscale with img2img (or use automatic1111's hires fix, which does that for you) Not photo models, the AI model weights. People have trained/fine tuned the original Stable Diffusion models and you can take those new model weights and average them together or apply the difference between two models to a third. As I said, it was the diaperAI semireal model. diaperAI v1.5, v2, and semireal are all different models made by the same person and grouped together on civitai. The ABDL model was made by someone else. Further discussion should be in the AI thread. >>25774 >>25788 You're welcome, glad you liked them.
>>25812 What were your negative prompts?
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>>25762 >>25812 >>25843 >>25844 >>25845 >>25845 >>25847 Have you tried using the ABDL model and diaperai's v2 and semireal models, and the the automatic1111 webui on NovelAI and OpenAI?
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>>25853 Not the OP, (I uploaded what he uploaded to MEGA), but I ( >>25788 ) decided to play around with SD on the 1111 webui and I'm already having a lot of fun. Using a merge of ToonYou and DiaperAI. Would recommend. >>25851 Their mouths are so tiny compared to their egg-shaped heads. I can't help but laugh, and I enjoy birdhouse.
>>25854 >Their mouths are so tiny compared to their egg-shaped heads. I can't help but laugh <makes ai art
>>25858 Why else do you think I like making AI art? To laugh even more!
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diaperai_v2 works pretty well for multiple faces too
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>>26005 I recommend using Adetailer for better eyes and faces if you aren't using it already. The first eye setting (yolov8n) is best. Those eyes just look off to me. https://github.com/Bing-su/adetailer
>>21384 I spent a long time on twitter lately, sort of ran out of time for this board and pixiv.
>>26099 You came back to a place not worth posting on anymore. Notice how these are the only decent pics when looking at the latest post >>25638 >>25525 >>25722 and this thread will be pushed away from the front page within a few days. It's no longer the main appeal to anons in this board. >> TOR users are not allowed to post files. Looks like this place finally turned into pigpen.
>>26099 Congrats on replying to a 5 month old post >>26102 Shit taste
>>26102 Absolutely cry about it fag lmao
>>26099 The traffic of this thread is entirely dependent on the whims of like two or three people who post Our numbers are small, what are you going to do Lemme see if I can gin up some cozy fantasy material to post
>>26155 The site forbidding images on Tor isn't helping either since I can't post shit now. Seriously considering another site that still allows it.
Doomposters gonna doompost
long live diaper lolis!
Let's pretend there is a diaper underneath the dress
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>>26206 messy butts and rubbing What a combo
>>2584r I wish there was more of the second one. She's adorable
>>25844 Broke the link the first time. Wish there was more of the second one. She's adorable
>>26299 Here you go: https://mega.nz/folder/kBIiAD7C#yW_Fj3F1leRTthoQOoD1tg Also, some more of my generated images for those who want them: https://mega.nz/folder/FEojTJpL#BuI6uQzgbUt1dtdZIhSj1g
>>26321 Beautiful stuff thanks anon!
>>26321 The other more general collection is also very good. It looks like the main thing AI needs to work on is understanding that there are some hard and fast rules about human anatomy. E.g. in the chubby girls collection, there's one poor girl with a badly disfigured leg. More generally, it needs to understand the parameters of hands, and that the human iris is perfectly round when viewed straight on. Beyond that, these are a fantastic new source for this content. Sorry for not having posted any content. I will be digging through my archives later today to contribute.
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Here's some content to make up for all my text posts
And some more
>>26321 Those are amazing. Thanks anon!
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>>27227 do you have more?
>>27286 lol not that guy, but what is it with people in this community (it's not just you, you're just the newest one I've seen it's really just the video thread.) Like no thank you, no sharing their own. They get some content and they're like..."I need more this isn't enough,"
>>27286 I do not, It's something I bought on dlsite a few days ago. the same group did two other animated diaper loli stuff if you are interested there are a sample video showing its contents : https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ341249.html https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ283656.html
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>>27356 fuck that's cute af
So did everyone move to Telegram or some other imageboard to post diapered lolis?
>>28414 I'd love to but I'm not paying for any of that shit. Cushy+ is the only one with any thought/work put into it but they're not on Kemono.
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>>28444 There's someone shilling a place on sadpanda in the comments section. Looking at it, there's more activity and recent loli diaper art. So maybe there?
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They're so cute
>>29493 source?
>>29519 thanks
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AI, but these were too good not to post. The first girl's my favorite, such a cutie.
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>>29754 >>29755 Did you make these? Do you take requests?
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>>29788 They're by INF1234 on Pixiv.
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Ive been getting my abdl fix on twitter for a long time lately, I honestly kind of forgot this place existed. Maybe I'll spend some more time here though, as twitter is a bit slow and i've had a craving for loli and shotas in diapers...
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>reverse potty training >fake diaper ad amazing combo
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So this is the power of AI... Man, what a time to be alive
Time for a change - new thread >>30565

Quick Reply