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Literally me Anonymous 09/24/2022 (Sat) 05:07:43 No. 236
Nobita was relentlessly bullied throughout his childhood both physically and psychologically. His manhood was consistently bought into question because he isn't sporty. His intelligence was always bought into question because he did not perform well in class. He is a poor fifth grader who gets absolutely destroyed by everyone around him. As if it is his own fault for being a kid who needs to work on himself in a hyper-capitalist tokyo city. Of course he is going to develop an anxiety disorder. He avoids studies and chores because it generates a sense of panic. What happens if he gets scolded again? His brain instantly commands him to escape this supposed hostile situation either by consuming a manga he likes or just sleeping. How many times has his bitch of a mother scolded him for not being good enough? Every episode. How many times has she motivated him to study, sit down and assess what the problem is? ZERO. Nobita is shown to be an exceptional person and very kindhearted if he is loved and validated. Everytime he is on an adventure with Doraemon where he meets zany characters who don't immediately judge him for being a loser, or his own Grandma who always believed in him. It is fucked if you think about it, even in a future where gadgets can do anything Nobita's great grandson's family is poor because Nobita was bullied so much that he grew into a dysfunctional adult who made poor life choices. I mean to be fair I don't want to analyze further because it would stop making sense considering the kind of gadgets Doraemon has what even is being poor in the 22nd century. But I do believe the author was trying to communicate a simple message that maybe treating that "lazy" person with love and understanding would show that they are not actually lazy but going through it. Moral of the story is since we all watched Doraemon as kids we sort of related to Nobita, even made fun of him.... But now look at us. DO NOT LET SOCIETY BULLY YOU INTO BEING A DYSFUNCTIONAL HUMAN BEING. FIND PEOPLE WHO LOVE YOU.
Yaar nobita was so much better than many of us. He was confident, he could talk to strangers easily. He was also smart when it came to using Doraemon's gadgets. He'd act like a leader when he had the power (through gadgets). So the only thing that made him a "loser" was his studies and his looks. Also, remember that one episode where nobita used some gadget to look taller and prettier? He totally mogged his bullies (giant and suneo). So his only true fault in life was just his poor academic ability.
(69.21 KB 900x1260 e-boy-nobita.jpg)

>>237 Nobita was pussy magnet THOUGH. Every movie it was nobita who gets the chicks. -Who gets the alien waifu? Nobita -Who gets the future waifu? Nobita -Who gets the robot waifu? Nobita -Who gets the 15th century pirate waifu? Nobita ... list goes on.
>>237 no, what made him a loser was his snotty nosed brattiness even when he did have the power of muh gadgets as you say he has never once used it properly >>238 it's the 'nice guy' trope, be nice and you get the girls (but they conveniently forget to mention that you also need to be the protagonist for this to work)
>>236 Boobies

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