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AI Art / Stable Diffusion Thread #4 Anonymous 01/10/2023 (Tue) 00:23:38 Id: 728364 No. 1051
Copied from previous OP. Here's some guides to installing Stable Diffusion (if you have a NVIDIA GPU with 2GB+ VRAM). >Installing AUTOMATIC1111, the most feature-rich and commonly-used UI: https://rentry.org/voldy >Different UI with 1-click installation: https://github.com/cmdr2/stable-diffusion-ui >Installing various UIs in Docker: https://github.com/AbdBarho/stable-diffusion-webui-docker >AMD isn't well-supported. If you're running Linux there's a way to install AUTOMATIC1111 but otherwise features are very limited: Native: https://rentry.org/sd-nativeisekaitoo Docker: Copied from previous OP. Here's some guides to installing Stable Diffusion (if you have a NVIDIA GPU with 2GB+ VRAM). >Installing AUTOMATIC1111, the most feature-rich and commonly-used UI: https://rentry.org/voldy >Different UI with 1-click installation: https://github.com/cmdr2/stable-diffusion-ui >Installing various UIs in Docker: https://github.com/AbdBarho/stable-diffusion-webui-docker >AMD isn't well-supported. If you're running Linux there's a way to install AUTOMATIC1111 but otherwise features are very limited: Native: https://rentry.org/sd-nativeisekaitoo Docker: https://rentry.org/sdamd Onnx: https://rentry.org/ayymd-stable-diffustion-v1_4-guide To try it out without installing anything you can use a web service, though they are lacking in features. >Stable Horde is a free network of people donating their GPU time, how long it takes depends on how many people are using it. It supports negative prompts, seperate the positive and negative prompts with "###": https://aqualxx.github.io/stable-ui/ >Dreamstudio requires making an account and gives you around 200 free images before asking you to pay: https://beta.dreamstudio.ai/ Img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest | https://dezgo.com/image2image Ippainting: https://huggingface.co/spaces/fffiloni/stable-diffusion-inpainting | https://inpainter.vercel.app/paint >The most notable non-Stable Diffusion generator is Midjourney, which tends to be nicer-looking and doesn't require as much fiddling with prompts but can have a samey style. However the only way to use it is through a Discord bot. https://www.midjourney.com/home/ >If you're okay with more setup but don't have the hardware you can use a cloud-hosted install: Paperspace: https://rentry.org/865dy Colab: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1kw3egmSn-KgWsikYvOMjJkVDsPLjEMzl >Various other guides: NovelAi: https://rentry.org/sdg_FAQ Dreambooth: https://github.com/ShivamShrirao/diffusers/tree/main/examples/dreambooth Inpainting/Outpainting: https://rentry.org/drfar Upscaling images: https://rentry.org/sdupscale Textual inversion: https://rentry.org/textard >Resources Search images and get ideas for prompts, can search by image to see similar images: https://lexica.art/ Index of various resources: https://pharmapsychotic.com/tools.html Artist styles: https://rentry.org/artists_sd-v1-4 | https://www.urania.ai/top-sd-artists | https://rentry.org/anime_and_titties | https://sgreens.notion.site/sgreens/4ca6f4e229e24da6845b6d49e6b08ae7 | https://proximacentaurib.notion.site/e28a4f8d97724f14a784a538b8589e7d Compiled list of various models, regularly updated: https://rentry.org/sdmodels (Check here before asking "where do I find x model!") Link to the copypasta for this OP: https://rentry.org/AI-Art-Copypata
>>1524 Wasn't just talking about the lewds, their faces and bodies aren't the best (i.e. Tracer's eyes look like crazy bug eyes too close to her mouth and nose, Mercy's face looks derpy, and Mei's look like some template shit like bitmojis or whatever other shit they're called these days) plus proportions are wonky and not very appealing
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>>1526 Tried more for accurate costumes for the majority of those. The only reason I included percy was because it included the legible text, which is an anomaly since I generate dozens to hundreds of these at a time depending on the day. These are previous gens before I got the costumes down.
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>>1525 That's easy.
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>>1528 Dear mother of God.
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>>1529 Good opportunity to test this lora for kissing.
>>1517 Dakkssul 2, Granation 2: Grendt that Gtaned, Bloobomee: Th Bion Beoire Taиbee, and CReshNinng look like epic games.
>>1530 Can it do live action women kissing or just cartoons?
>>1534 (heil'd) It can, but I feel the little quirks of AI rendering are more forgivable in a drawn/painted art style. Millions of years of evolution trained us to see the most minute differences in people, and the errors stick out like several extra sore thumbs. Don't let me stop you from giving it a try though. civitai /models/18489/better-kisses
>>1522 >>1527 >>1528 Are you using Fairly oddparents and Danny Phantom as references?
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>>1536 Partially, yes. It's a mix of a Butch Hartman and Dop LoRA at 0.5 each.
>>1537 Shit, didn't scrolled up, my bad
>>1541 Could you do one similar to the first one but only with a Japanese or Chinese castle instead?
>>1543 >>1544 Love you anon.
>>1532 That's not really an upgrade it's a fork of the UI, it does include some features the original doesn't have but it's lacking a training section that I could see, looked a bit more casualfag has a reddit link in it plus begging for money links and such.
>>1468 >40k Would be cool to see more of those Midjourney "x as an 80s dark fantasy film" but with different characters/franchises". Especially stuff that already has the look like Dune, Doom, Lexx, Incal, ect.
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>>1186 Cat-people, it can't. //says the player who always plays khajiit no matter what. Lost the prompt getting the image. anthropomorphic cat, melee weapon, ocean front, rocky ground, ominous clouds .. Meh. I want to play around with this some more.
When's Midjourney going to leak like Novel AI did? Can you even run Midjourney without a network of supercomputers? It's not something that could become a model.ckpt for Stable Diffusion, could it?
>>1550 Midjourney uses Stable Diffusion just like NAI IIRC. Just like the leak, it would probably come with a custom API if leaked with whatever other custom weights and automatically applied prompts.
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>>1298 Well I was able to do something more interesting finally
>>1547 I meant how to update that 'fork.' I guess it just auto-updates? Because I couldn't see any instructions.
>>1552 Almost perfection. GJ anon
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https://imgur.com/gallery/4WpwxMN More Midjourney stuff. Getting some serious Lexx vibes from some of these images.
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LoRA for Postal 1 loading screens civitai /models/21888/postal-1-loading-screen-style-lora >>1555 >>1556 Good shit, anon. Really makes me want to get midjourney, but I'm a combination of cheap, patient, and hopeful that the model will get leaked.
>>1553 It's a separate download and install, It's not worth it, the original is better, higher number does not = better in this case. >>1556 Starship Troopers meets Aliens
Time for a new thread?
Yes, also how do you make checkpoints cos I got daaaaata out the asshole I could be using for one.
>>1559 I guess so

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