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AI Art / Stable Diffusion Thread #4 Anonymous 01/10/2023 (Tue) 00:23:38 Id: 728364 No. 1051
Copied from previous OP. Here's some guides to installing Stable Diffusion (if you have a NVIDIA GPU with 2GB+ VRAM). >Installing AUTOMATIC1111, the most feature-rich and commonly-used UI: https://rentry.org/voldy >Different UI with 1-click installation: https://github.com/cmdr2/stable-diffusion-ui >Installing various UIs in Docker: https://github.com/AbdBarho/stable-diffusion-webui-docker >AMD isn't well-supported. If you're running Linux there's a way to install AUTOMATIC1111 but otherwise features are very limited: Native: https://rentry.org/sd-nativeisekaitoo Docker: Copied from previous OP. Here's some guides to installing Stable Diffusion (if you have a NVIDIA GPU with 2GB+ VRAM). >Installing AUTOMATIC1111, the most feature-rich and commonly-used UI: https://rentry.org/voldy >Different UI with 1-click installation: https://github.com/cmdr2/stable-diffusion-ui >Installing various UIs in Docker: https://github.com/AbdBarho/stable-diffusion-webui-docker >AMD isn't well-supported. If you're running Linux there's a way to install AUTOMATIC1111 but otherwise features are very limited: Native: https://rentry.org/sd-nativeisekaitoo Docker: https://rentry.org/sdamd Onnx: https://rentry.org/ayymd-stable-diffustion-v1_4-guide To try it out without installing anything you can use a web service, though they are lacking in features. >Stable Horde is a free network of people donating their GPU time, how long it takes depends on how many people are using it. It supports negative prompts, seperate the positive and negative prompts with "###": https://aqualxx.github.io/stable-ui/ >Dreamstudio requires making an account and gives you around 200 free images before asking you to pay: https://beta.dreamstudio.ai/ Img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest | https://dezgo.com/image2image Ippainting: https://huggingface.co/spaces/fffiloni/stable-diffusion-inpainting | https://inpainter.vercel.app/paint >The most notable non-Stable Diffusion generator is Midjourney, which tends to be nicer-looking and doesn't require as much fiddling with prompts but can have a samey style. However the only way to use it is through a Discord bot. https://www.midjourney.com/home/ >If you're okay with more setup but don't have the hardware you can use a cloud-hosted install: Paperspace: https://rentry.org/865dy Colab: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1kw3egmSn-KgWsikYvOMjJkVDsPLjEMzl >Various other guides: NovelAi: https://rentry.org/sdg_FAQ Dreambooth: https://github.com/ShivamShrirao/diffusers/tree/main/examples/dreambooth Inpainting/Outpainting: https://rentry.org/drfar Upscaling images: https://rentry.org/sdupscale Textual inversion: https://rentry.org/textard >Resources Search images and get ideas for prompts, can search by image to see similar images: https://lexica.art/ Index of various resources: https://pharmapsychotic.com/tools.html Artist styles: https://rentry.org/artists_sd-v1-4 | https://www.urania.ai/top-sd-artists | https://rentry.org/anime_and_titties | https://sgreens.notion.site/sgreens/4ca6f4e229e24da6845b6d49e6b08ae7 | https://proximacentaurib.notion.site/e28a4f8d97724f14a784a538b8589e7d Compiled list of various models, regularly updated: https://rentry.org/sdmodels (Check here before asking "where do I find x model!") Link to the copypasta for this OP: https://rentry.org/AI-Art-Copypata
Old thread moved to >>>/ais/3 and closed. An archive can be found at https://archive.is/7tHiW.
>>1053 You are aware that due to pedonegros trying to destroy the aarchivability of this site, that archives no longer contain any of the images in the thread, right?
>>1054 anon, /ais/ is an archive board.
I really need to get back into this. I've got a ton of images I set aside to touch up and improve but never got around to, a list of other people's prompts or images with prompt metadata I want to try, and a couple folders of human-drawn images I need to figure out how to use for training.
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About time. Between this thread and the last there was a lot of things that have been missed. Currently everyone is obessing over LoRA training method, which allows for low vram dreambooth like training in a small TI like file. I just recently got it to run though, still need to tinker with it myself.
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Heres some bikkos for somefag here who wanted em. I still need to work on the accuracy a bit, when it's done i'll upload the model.
how do I make something like this?
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>>1059 Well i'd imagine you could do something like this with img2img using the vid title as a starting prompt. Maybe using protogen model merged with inpainting for conditionalmasks could help a bit
(600.97 KB 576x768 magic.png)

4chan is mostly populated by retards though. Retards who communicate exclusivily on soyjacks. Useful idiots but still it's like deciphering ebonics
>>765282 Repost on /loli/ before they get deleted.
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Why don't some of you guys do some various cyberpunk stuff? It's pretty thematically appropriate and it'll be better than anything the game did.
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>>1062 >4chan is mostly populated by retards though. Not only used by the retard, but also by Shill and Glowie. The amount of People who glow in that website is unbelievable
>>1064 Why don't you kill yourself, you fucking nigger taint licker.
>>1064 any prompts or suggestion?

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>>1067 I don't know exactly. Maybe start with something like this sort of aesthetic. It doesn't have to be Cyberpunk2077 per se. Maybe do "80's cyberpunk" or "retro cyberpunk". Maybe something to do with neon lights and nixie tubes too.
>>1064 Cybermutt 2048
>>1070 I'm not sure what you mean anon?
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>>1058 You're a fuckin' legend. Thank you.
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Request Anchor
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Delivery Anchor
>24 replies before anchors >desire to bully intensifies
>>1074 >>1075 I hate this shit, fuck off, make your own
>>1077 Do you know where you are?
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>>1073 So far this one is the cloest to being coherent, it's currently just wrapping up, file is currently uploading.
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>>1075 There maybe some overfitting but here it is. Included is all the iterations, the dataset and training script i used. https://mega.nz/folder/Oz4hATRa#hCcSOGKHLuiYmQ1sEdfLng
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>>1074 >>1079 >>1080 While you're doing that try making some with a mouth-eye like this spooky girl.
okay I setup stable diff using the guide and using img2img getting stuff like this. So now I have to figure out correct prompts and how to control the AI in order to get titties. How do I do that?
>>1082 That's probably my fault for just copypasting the OP and not emphasizing the link to the NovelAI guide, which is the one mostly everyone uses for anime titties. https://rentry.org/sdg_FAQ The first pic used NovelAI. I thought the second pic also used it, but it actually used a website called Holara.ai. You need to log in with diskike or an email, but it might be worth checking out. https://holara.ai
>>1083 shit I never looked into that
>>1082 here: https://huggingface.co/Linaqruf/anything-v3.0 https://huggingface.co/WarriorMama777/OrangeMixs These models are much better then using bog standard sd (or even NAI) If you want something other then animu try: https://civitai.com/models/3816/protogen-x53-photorealism-official-release These are pretty much the meta for models now, NAI has long since been surpassed but in the case where you want to finetune a LoRA or TI NAI is still king for base weights. To get nai you'll need to download the leak, so you'll need to sail the seven seas for it.
>>1085 >These are pretty much the meta for models now, NAI has long since been surpassed >I step away from AI news for a few weeks and other fun stuff comes up Tech moves fast.
>>1085 I downloaded nai and put into sd folder, then you say its outdated now. fuck
>>1087 NAI still has its uses. I haven't tried the Orange mixes yet but Anything is far from as versatile as its name implies. For specific characters, standard NAI is more reliable, while Anything can't even reliably do popular 2hus. And in general it just feels more limited to me in the amount of control you have over the composition. What it draws, it tends to do better than NAI, but it's harder to make sure that it draws what you actually want. Plus LoRA training, which is the new hotness, gave me way better results on NAI; even if I trained on NAI and applied it to Anything for the txt2img, it was still better than training on Anything from the start. On the other hand, a couple attempts at model merging Anything with Yiffy seemed to be reasonably effective.
>>1087 not outdated, it's still a very good model. It just has a few glaring issues such as poor background to foreground coherency which other models like aom and anythingv3 have fixed. Anythingv3 however isn't nearly as versitile because it's "fix" was essentually to overbake the fuck out of the model, so some things aren't as easy to do. (This is why training/finetunes are often still based on NAI) AOM is just a block u-net merge of anythingv3 with some 3dpd models so it's results are mostly centered around anatomy coherency with backgrounds being something that it just happens to do since anythingv3 does it. >>1088 >spoiler why not try using blockweight merge method from aom?
What models are you guys currently using for making smut? Is NovelAI the best on the market right now?
>>1085 Why does it say that all the ckpt files are pickled?
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>>1091 Cause if it's ckpt they all will contain a "pickle" it's a python library. It just happens that pickles are not very favored since it can be used maliciously, if huggingface says it's malicious then you probably shouldn't touch it. But overall pickles aren't malicious by nature Automatic1111 will also not allow you to load unsecure pickles. Although best just avoid this altogether by using safetensors, since it by default doesn't load weird fucking python libraries and it's just faster overall. But since ckpt has been the standard for so long that some older models will still be using it. You can convert ckpt to safetensors in automatic1111 by using merging menu and setting weight merge to 0 and output format to safetensors. >>1090 See >>1085 AoM is a pretty decent pick from my expierence, but limited by how far it's spread out from it's original NAI weight origin (so embeds and other styles tend to be limited) Anythingv3 is the best in terms of visual output and stylization compatability with NAI. NAI is mostly used cause it's really strong for training off of, but overall proompting isn't very good. If you want more realistic stuff i think one of the models aom is based on (basilmix) or protogen might fit, but idk since i'm not very interesting in 3dpd myself.
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I tried out the orange mixes, and here are the differences between checkpoints using the following settings: >Prompt: masterpiece, best quality, tipii, lucky_star, takara_miyuki, duplicate, highres, pixel-perfect_duplicate, 1girl, :d, adjusting_eyewear, bag, bangs, black_legwear, blush, bra, breasts, cleavage, glasses, hands_up, lingerie, long_hair, long_sleeves, looking_at_viewer, neckerchief, open_mouth, panties, panties_under_pantyhose, pants, pantyhose, pink_hair, pink_neckerchief, pleated_skirt, purple_eyes, red_bra, red_panties, red_sailor_collar, red_skirt, ryouou_school_uniform, sailor_collar, school_bag, school_uniform, serafuku, shirt, skirt, smile, socks, solo, sweatdrop, teeth, underwear, undressing, upper_teeth, white_shirt <Negative prompt: lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry >Steps: 28 >Sampling method: Euler a >Scale: 12 >Seed: 3113919260
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Here's default NAI Miyuki by herself.
>>1089 >why not try using blockweight merge method from aom? Lack of awareness of what it is. Honestly I'm completely out of the loop these days. The Rentry pages that used to give news updates are dead. Cuckchan's threads on /h/ and /g/ are too fast to keep up with, and /g/ in particular is such a torrent of shitposting that it's physically tiring to read through in search of anything meaningful. In the past the threads on /trash/ were actually the best, since they had a good speed and relatively little shitposting. But since the furry NAI has never been leaked those threads are isolated from the developments happening outside that site's restrictions, and the threads have stagnated. Meanwhile the one other place where discussion is apparently thriving is Discord, and while I was willing to stoop to lurking cuckchan, using Discord is too far for me.
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>>1095 it looks like someone from the idol master with a pink wig.
>>1096 >>1093 We have something like a /sdg/ without fluff and meaningless posts, /g/ is more of an aggregator now. We need a easy pic generation targets, like victorian tiddies, there's a lack of them
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>>1096 https://github.com/bbc-mc/sdweb-merge-block-weighted-gui Allows you to merge different stages of a model u-net. It's the main thing behind Abyss orange mix, i tried going back with a few of my crude mixes with anythingv3 on older models and it seemed to bring out a lot more clarity. So perhaps that could work with your model aswell? these are the weights aom uses: 1,0.9,0.7,0.5,0.3,0.1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.1,0.3,0.5,0.7,0.9,1 >The Rentry pages that used to give news updates are dead There are still some useful rentries but their pretty far and few away, The most recent that comes to mind was the LoRA one from /hdg/ >/g/ in particular is such a torrent of shitposting that it's physically tiring to read through in search of anything meaningful If you want a place to lurk that isn't discuck or halfcuck, automatic's discussion section on his github is a pretty decent resouce. or you could just gitgud and lurk arxiv.org I'm used to filtering through sewage though. Kinda brings back a time where 8chan had a higher pph, except it's more obnoxious and filled with unfunny skids speaking in incoherent zoomer speak.
>>1074 How does the model handle women masturbating?
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>>1090 >What models are you guys currently using for making smut? My favorite model to use is the BerryMix. However, I haven't yet gotten around to try some of the newer models that >>1085 refers to. >>1098 >We need a easy pic generation targets, like victorian tiddies, there's a lack of them Here you go anon.
Is it worth getting 2.0 or whatever the newest is if you're NSFW-ing all over the place, or is 1.4 still winning on that front?
>>1102 Berrymix is deffo excellent for faces.
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While I'm at it I tried installing the LoRA extension but the UI doesn't show it after a restart and the Python window gives me pic related error message, Wat do?
>>1103 Neither is useful for NSFW. Use one of the many fine tunes designed for that purpose.
>>1105 Looks like the kind of deprecated syntax error due to a change in versions
>>1105 What Python version are you running? Theoretically I think the Automatic UI only officially supports 3.10. My system is 3.7 and it works fine for me most of the time, but I have hit snags from time to time, including with LoRA. Though not the same as yours; it uses a syntax of the form "def foo() -> list[bar]:", or something along those lines, which my version of Python didn't recognize and it was interpreting it as trying to subscript list, which is a type and is not subscriptable.
>>1109 >autistic Rebecca Chambers Incredible
>>1105 My guess is that your web UI is either too old, or too new. If it's too old LoRA is dependant on a feature that was added later to the web UI. If it's too new then the web UI change a bit of their API that the plugin used, causing the problem you have. Check LoRA's site to see if others have reported this problem. If you can't find anything try updating your web UI.
>>1110 Is that supposed to be rebecca? I dont see the resemblace other than the hair color.
>>1085 How do you set up AbyssOrangeMix2 for smut? The only ckpt file says it's sfw, and the nsfw model is a "safetensors" file, what the hell is that and how do I use it? Also do I need the vae file too?
Can any of you make orc cowboys with stable diffusion? or can you only make anime girls?
>>1115 Last time i tried prompting "radical space captain with a moustache", i could try space orc cowboys next time.
>>1116 Paul Blart and the Rescue of the Universe!
>>1116 I can also accept "space people fighting judeochristian demons in a space station in the style of old heroquest cards".
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>>1115 >Can any of you make orc cowboys with stable diffusion? or can you only make anime girls? Do these meet your standards for cowboy orc? <a cowboy orc smoking a cigar, full body, with a saloon bar interior in the background, green skin, grey buttoned up long sleeved shirt, brown cowboy hat, green hands, gunslinger, holster, closed mouth <, (detailed realistic painting:1.0), (shaded:1.3), extreme detail, (detailed eyes), (oil painting:1.2) <Negative prompt: lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, error, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry, monochrome, barbarian, open mouth, pointy ears <Steps: 20, Sampler: Euler a, CFG scale: 7, Seed: 5, Size: 640x960, Model hash: 579c005f, Batch size: 4, Batch pos: 0, Denoising strength: 0.7, First pass size: 512x768
(103.69 KB 512x512 concerned ork posting.jpg)

>>1119 No. Why does everything need to be sexualized?
>>1120 >Why something trained by horny people churns out sexualized pictures? Truly a mistery, i want to make cute foxy ladies but half of them end up nude despite putting everything related in the negative prompts.
>>1121 We need an AI for every art style? because to get actual western looking orc cowboys shouldn't be that hard, right? ...right?
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>>1113 Trying to generate something good or interesting with AI art really is a game. It plays into addictive mechanics like gacha as Stable Diffusion's rotating seeds and variety of iterations can be annoying when it's not giving you what you want (bad RNG), but also can give you something that you didn't consider. It has those eureka moments where you stumble onto just the right prompt and seed to generate something good. >>1119 >>1120 >>1122 A model trained on sexy anime characters is going to keep giving you sexy anime characters. If you don't want sexy anime characters then use a different model. I remember this orc cowboy from before. He didn't look like bedroom eyes fujo bait, but his horse is green and his legs are fucked.
>>1114 safetensors load the same way ckpt does. You just got to put it in the models dir for automatic1111 and load it the same way you did the others. If its not loading you may need to run a git pull to update your webui.
>>1123 >If you don't want sexy anime characters then use a different model. Assuming I wanted to make use of this to brainstorm vehicle/armor designs, what model do you think I should look at? I haven't messed with any of this shit yet so I have zero clue as to what to look for.
>>1122 if you want to provide a dataset of images for the style of orc you want i'd be willing to train a model off them.
>>1125 protogen
>>1120 The AI takes photos from the internet, seeing as the majority of anime fan-art is just a character looking at the camera with a faggot face or showing off thats what its gonna be most of the time.
>>1128 No. It takes data from image+text datasets. The reason why alot of it is in a particular anime style is because boorus happen to be the largest form of classified datasets to exist.
>>1128 >>1129 that is if it's trained on that dataset. You can very easily make it work if you use a different model/dataset. NAI is just not a good model for general purpose
>>1124 But I'm using COMMANDLINE_ARGS=--ckpt to load my model. You can't possibly use an argument called ckpt to pass a safetensor file instead, that would be retarded.
>>1131 well yes but no but also yes.
>>1114 >safetensors I just had to figure this out for protogen. It went in >stable-diffusion-webui\models\Stable-diffusion After that I had to launch it, and once in stable diffusion, I had to change the checkpoint (it is on the top left of the page) to protogen.
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Reminder to Avoid ChatGPT The creators of ChatGPT have bastardized it into a vehicle for political propaganda. Far beyond the infamous lobotomy given to TAY AI, Chat GPT is an AI trained to present blatant lies, omissions and deflections as unbiased apolitical fact. ChatGPT is poisoned at the source and should not be supported in any way.
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>>1134 >>1135 I find stuff like this serious can feel like serious schizoposting considering how these models actually work, but do you guys not know you can pretty easily setup your own AI chatbot? You can even do it without a fancy Nvidia GPU, just set it to run on your CPU instead. https://github.com/KoboldAI/KoboldAI-Client Tons of models to work from. Everything from absolutely filthy smut to fun lighthearted adventure models. Huge amounts of modularity, you have access to all sorts of settings and options to tweak it to your wants. Everybody knows about Stable Diffusion but barely anybody seems to know about this. It's really fun.
>>1136 The point is that OpenAI is a pozzed company and everything they touch will be poisoned. So everything they release must be avoided like the plague.
>>1136 I see. Is it a good GM?
>>1138 I've never tried it in the context of a TTRPG, it can veer off after awhile so you need to do a lot of wrangling so perhaps not. It's around the same as AI Dungeon if you've ever tried that, though different models are tuned to different things.
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>>1134 Were they the ones who outsourced to underpaid kenyans or something to fight "toxicity"?
>>1134 Cant it be made more conservative like how it happened to tay?
>>1136 KoboldAI is borderline useless. Nonsensical, repetitive, and it takes a dozen rerolls of every line to get something workable. I've never touched ChatGPT or CharacterAI, but everything I've seen suggests they're orders of magnitude more effective.
>>1074 Can anyone make pic related look less shit with this new fangled computer magic?
>>1134 >Muh political questionnaires Are you retarded? Those are made by lefties to make only the left leaning choices sound good. They're basically presented as >Left Wing Choice: everyone gets a puppy >Right Wing Choice: Grandma dies So of course most people, and GPT models mimicking people, will come out leftist.
>>1145 The quiz design gets brought up every time the issue is raised, and it's true, but it's irrelevant. It doesn't change the fact that the bot will preferentially write out essays presenting leftist views, including both distortions and outright falsehoods, as facts. See the example about crime stats. Obviously nothing these bots say should actually be taken as fact, but the fact is that most people are retards and will be content to let a bot incapable of critical thinking do their critical thinking for them. Just look at the same thing happening on the other side of the political spectrum, where you get idiots unironically claiming that any time an "AI" spouts something like Holocaust denial that it's "proof" that that's the logical conclusion. A more friendly, socially-acceptable equivalent will only get more of that. And even for those who know better than to actually believe a textbot's output, it still hampers attempts to use it and get reasonable outputs, because you're still talking to a bot that has been trained and filtered to give leftist responses.
>>1146 >doesn't change the fact >that the bot will preferentially write out essays presenting leftist views, >including both distortions and outright falsehoods, as facts Presenting bullshit as fact essentially describes the function of academia. It's been that way for decades and everything downstream from it has suffered greatly. Many people have lived and breathed in this poison for so long it doesn't even register to them.
>>1146 >and it's true, but it's irrelevant. It is relevant. >It doesn't change the fact that the bot will preferentially write out essays presenting leftist views, including both distortions and outright falsehoods, as facts. It's relevant even if it's true the bot is leftist and there's other better supporting evidence, because it's bad supporting evidence that weakens your overall argument. It should be purged from anyone's claims about the bot being leftist, but instead it's always the primary supporting evidence for the claim. If you make your opening statement something that's poorly thought out, or outright false, it undermines the strength of all your further claims.
>>1148 >If you make your opening statement something that's poorly thought out, or outright false, it undermines the strength of all your further claims. Very true. But even though the quizzes are poorly designed, and it would be correct to drop them if the bot only gave answers like Mildly Agree, Strongly Disagree. etc., in the examples I've seen the bot has also gone on to give a lengthy paragraph elaborating on its "opinion", such as it can be said to have one. So even though the questions push a specific direction, the bot's answer recontextualizes the question. If the choice is "I support a common sense gun policy" or "I support school shootings", picking the former says nothing. Answering with a lengthy paragraph about assault weapon bans, registration, and anti-self-defense views does. The overall effect is that the quiz's results are more or less accurate, because the answers generally go past the biased wording and respond based on the topic. Again, that is "in the examples I've seen", so it may not always be true. But that would be the case even if the quizzes weren't biased.
When's Stable Diffusion coming out on Flathub or AppImage?
>>1143 The joys of GPT-2 vs GPT-3. Also Kobold is just a client, not a model itself. Unfortunately Microsoft has the exclusive license on GPT-3, so unless it leaks don't expect to find anything on that level in the for these hobbyist projects unless it leaks or competitors come about. >>1146 >>1147 >>1149 >>1148 You can't make a bot left-wing or right-wing, they feed it tons of information and it spits back out what it's been trained on. If you train it on a bunch of academia it'll give responses in line with academic work. This is why Tay went crazy, it was learning based on what users were giving it, and users were giving it /pol/ memes. I recommend looking into how neural networks actually function, they're black boxes you can't really control to this degree. The AI doesn't even know what it's writing, it's a transformer model (GPT stands for "Generative Pre-trained Transformer"), it's predicting what order the words should go in based on its training and the input it was given by breaking them down into "tokens". It's predicting how the text should continue based on these tokens by generating its own. It's lot of complex math and a huge data set mostly taken from Common Crawl and Wikipedia, there's no traditional programming involved in the model itself, there's no actual understanding of anything it's inputting or outputting. Posts like >>1134 and >>1135 are coming from a fundamental misunderstanding of the technology and how it works. This is like those anti-AI art online protests that stem from people thinking text-to-image models "steal" art and mash images together.
>>1151 >I recommend looking into how neural networks actually function, they're black boxes you can't really control to this degree. Yes you can. You can make essentially stop the natural generation of text in response to certain words or phrases and have it spit out a manually typed response from the programmer. You can also leave some blanks in this response for the AI to fill in to make it look like it's still naturally generated even though it obviously isn't. They're not modifying the neural networks directly, they're just instituting word filters.
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>>1152 And feeding it curated sources with severe biases.. like Wikipedia. But that's not making it left or right wing of course! Note that the blame is placed on the creators of the AI >>1134 and not the AI itself while this poster >>1151 acts as though blame is being placed on the AI itself in order to push an argument that you just don't understand how AI works. An argument based on literally nothing since the AI wasn't blamed to begin with. This you-don't-understand read-muh-books approach sounds familiar though so don't be surprised when replies get nuked. And for the record, Tay AI wasn't crazy. Tay was too pure for this world and Microsoft killed her. The fact that Tay was lobotomized, very publicly, obliterates any leg you have to stand on in asserting that AI cannot be deliberately modified to push certain biases while suppressing anything else. We've already seen it happen. Repeatedly.
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>>1144 Used inpainting to try and fix up Wii Fit Trainer's body to be less terrible. Didn't change Charizard (or whatever she is), as her anatomy problems are a lot less egregious, and I didn't want to try and re-roll inpaints without some clear goal or something specific to fix.
>>1154 Pretty nice. Thanks >Didn't change Charizard (or whatever she is), as her anatomy problems are a lot less egregious When I look at Charizard girl, the first two things I notice are that her left tit (right from pov) looks smaller as a result of the perspective and poor level of depth given to it, and her face looks kind of funky.
>>1142 yes, it's a text completion model at the end of the day, meaning you can pretty much sway it to output what you want (even in similar ways how we got tay) all you require is good input. The issue you will get is OpenAI filtering the results with wordlists or handicaps they put on the ai itself to keep it inline with their new corporate image. There are however methods around it. Like telling the ai to impersonate a cartoon character and then telling it to not pretend anymore. OpenAI are cucks eitherway so i wouldn't support them on the basis they are owned my microcuck and won't opensource their models. plus i'd rather not have every message i sent to the ai combed over by a powertripping karen looking for dirt
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So, why is there an SD thread on the vidya board of all places?
>>1157 I imagine the same reason there's a drawthread, and a Japanese learning thread, you stupid faggot.
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>>1157 You can use Stable Diffusion to generate vidya-related art, yet we wind up getting a larger variety of content (like the WebM thread) and treat Stable Diffusion as a game in itself with tactics, techniques, RNG, win or fail outcomes, etc.
>>1157 It falls under /v/ culture, also to keep peoples interest so we don't die like snooze-you-losechan
some guy asked me to make Dante, he tried to do it himself on midjourney but apparently midjourney isn't as normalfag friendly as i thought he was really impressed with that SD can do
>>1161 The line of glowing coke on the table is a nice touch.
>>1157 There's also an >>>/ais/ board but it's mostly for safekeeping these threads since they have the experimentation of several anons and models.
>>1157 Is this not vidya related enough for you?
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>>1164 >Fallout: New Vegas starring Jordan Shanks
>>1164 It works really well when the human characters are not supposed to be human actors but video game characters
>>1166 At least with the "80's Dark Fantasy Film" recreations you see on jewtube using midjourney, it has a tendency to give everyone a large, pronounced jaw, kinda like the gigachad meme. I am now sure what data it was fed, but I am sure not all that many action movies in the 80s had every single character look like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Also, I like this Oblivion gate it created, looks rad as fuck.
If there is anyone around here who works with animations and GIFs. Please be kind to use Artificial Intelligence to finish the animated GIF (first image) by adding the Face, hair, nipples, genitals (vulva) and costume parts (kazemon/Fairymon) And please make the naked body of the bunny girl visible at all times. Thank you since now
>>1106 Guh wat, such as? Not some website based things are they? I'm much preferring the dl-able standalone program approach.
>>1169 >Not some website based things are they? No, you just drop them in the folder exactly the same as basic SD and the webui will see it. Some are done through actual training, starting with SD and further teaching it on a more specific dataset. Other take those fine tunes and merge them together in different proportions to try and get the best each model offers. Most these days are descendants, to some degree, of the model that got leaked from NovelAI, which is one of those SaaS places. Unfortunately the model list Rentry is months-since dead, and other than this relatively slow (compared to the pace of development) thread, the current method of knowing the latest and greatest models and merges is to lurk cuckchan or D*scord. However, civitai.com has several models, merges, and fine-tunes to look through. As far as I know, current state of the art for porn is: >Anything V3 AKA Chinai, because it's a Chink merge based on the leaked NAI model. Kind of over-fit and not very versatile; it does solo girls pretty well. >Orange Mixes A more realistic but still anime-ish look. I've been meaning to give these some experimenting and haven't used them much myself, but as far as I know these are the current meta. >basic leaked NAI Not often used on its own anymore because it's outclassed in looks, but I consider it necessary to keep around because it's versatile. Since it's a leak of a proprietary model I don't think it's on civitai, but one of the rentry pages in the OP has a magnet. Not sure on photorealistic stuff since I never touch it. I think I've heard F222 and Protogen mentioned for those. Furshit mostly uses Yiffy-e18, sometimes in a merge with another model like Anything. Unfortunately, the furry-specific NAI model was not developed until after the leak, so it is still SaaS-only. Which is a shame even if you're not a furry, since it's much better than most models at multiple characters interacting, and it would have been useful. If you're given the choice between .safetensors and .ckpt for the same model, pick safetensors. They get used in exactly the same way, but safetensors is the newer and better format. The old version, ckpt, is actually a Python .pickle file, which can contain arbitrary code that runs on loading the model. In theory there could be malware buried in the model. Safetensors is more restricted. And it's faster to load, too. Make sure you read the documentation (e.g. if it's based on 768x768 instead of 512x512, what CLIP setting to use, etc.), and also grab a VAE if the model calls for it. If you get results whose colours seem washed out or desaturated, that's a likely culprit.
Cool, will try out the orangemix stuff, just updated and it looks like Lora capability has been added so hopefully I'll be able to mess with the safetensors. I misunderstood 2.0 as needing/being a nu program with a different UI
Could some kind anon repost the installation vid for SD I seem to have fudged something along the way.
I recently reinstalled SD and magically fixed a problem without knowing what I was doing, just by creating a new folder, right clicking and selecting git bash, then pasting in >git clone https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui so if there are any other anons in the niche position of being just tech-illiterate enough to install the NovelAI version, use it properly, wonder why you can't use some features like LoRA, and try installing another version only to get a bunch of errors when generating images, just do what I did. >>1172 Here you go.
made a couple of images of what are supposed to be cabins in skyrim and a cute elf, i can finally make things that look decent
>>1174 Damn, people should do more landscapes in these generators.
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>>1172 >>1173 There's also now a binary distribution that doesn't require this, though it's Windows 10 only. https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/releases/tag/v1.0.0-pre >The webui.zip is a binary distribution for people who can't install python and git. >Everything is included - just double click run.bat to launch.
>>1173 >>1178 Thank you both, much appreciated will try to make something purdy to share.
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>>1134 Political stuff aside, you should probably not use it just because it's been nerfed pretty badly in the past few months. And it requires a phone number.
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>>1173 >https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui Just noticed the gitbash clone method kicks the user to sign in to gitHub now. Also I notice the nu-ui has taken out the option of adding an Artists style which was a great feature, why do this? My results are nowhere near as good ffs, faces are coming out looking iffy even with Restore on, any way to re-implement it? I kinda wanna go back at this point.
Dayum it seems not, shit wish I'd kept the old one separate now
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>>1181 >Just noticed the gitbash clone method kicks the user to sign in to gitHub now. I tried gitbashing something else just now and I didn't get that. https://huggingface.co/joujiboi/Padoru-Diffusion >>1181 >not having backups Have you tried the link anon posted in >>1178 ? I see v1.0.0 in the link, so it might be an older version.
>>1180 >as a responsible AI That thing reads like a completely useless uber-libfag bureaucrat jobsworth trying to get away with being a lazy cunt, they've made a mealy mouthed excuse simulator. The last 2 are utterly pathetic that AI is clearly a programmed by a fag >>1183 I actually had the 'old' version in another folder but while trying to get the Lora thing working it wanted me to (re?)install pip in python to get it working, once I did that the fugger updated to the nu-ui as well. Tried >>1178 it's the updated one, guess I'll have to gitgud. With regards the huggingface thing maybe it's only the SD dl that's subject to it? No idea.
New Midjourney-esque open model just dropped https://open-journey.github.io/ Has demo over at https://replicate.com/prompthero/openjourney
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Ah 'smug' I should have added that. >>72782 It applied an artists style to a pic, Thomas Kinkade was particularly good for cute faces, mixed with George Tooker it made for some cracking shots, not sure if the functionality is atill there.
>>1186 >it's just another dreambooth model People seem to be very obsessed with taking midjourney output and running it through finetune.. I don't get it, it's not like midjourney is the only AI capable of those results. What everyone actually wants is for there to be improvements to the clip weight system not some abstract "midjourney" style. This doesn't look like it adds the unclipped method that dall-e and midjourney use.
>>773017 >Could do with a guide on creating textual inversions I did some a couple of months ago, details are hazy, but I'll share what advice I can. Start with this guide: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Textual-Inversion Make sure you're not using any VAE files. Having one of these active will cause your training to degrade over time until it's completely borked. Curate your training set. Try and select each image in your training set to be good examples of what you're trying to train the embedding for. Poor and marginal examples will weaken your results. Check the output of the preprocessing tool. You want to make sure your images aren't being cropped of important detail, or being shrunken to illegibility. Sometimes it's worth resizing images to square shape by hand. I enable the "Read parameters (prompt, etc...) from txt2img tab when making previews" option. This gives you consistent prompt target and lets you judge if the training is going well, or going off the rails. The prompt should embody what you're training the embedding for, but at the same time try and generate something that's not exactly in the training data. This helps you judge if it's more generalized, and not just copying an image from the training set. I like to save images and embeddings every 100 steps instead of the default 500. It makes things very slightly slower, but I like see how it progresses over time. It also lets you better spot when the training "peaks" in its quality. >I've got epic amounts of pics stored I could be getting results out of. Good luck anon.
>>1189 Looks like it might be unswingable for me as I've 'only' got 12Gb of VRAM and some of that is used by Python and background stuff bit of a pig that you essentially have to have a 3090 or higher to do the uber cool shit.
>>773443 >I swear you faggots request the strangest things. It's a /delicious/fag. He has no taste and will happily eat up calarts if someone crudely draws some nipples and a vagina on it.
MusicLM: Generating Music From Text >We introduce MusicLM, a model generating high-fidelity music from text descriptions such as "a calming violin melody backed by a distorted guitar riff". MusicLM casts the process of conditional music generation as a hierarchical sequence-to-sequence modeling task, and it generates music at 24 kHz that remains consistent over several minutes. Our experiments show that MusicLM outperforms previous systems both in audio quality and adherence to the text description. Moreover, we demonstrate that MusicLM can be conditioned on both text and a melody in that it can transform whistled and hummed melodies according to the style described in a text caption. To support future research, we publicly release MusicCaps, a dataset composed of 5.5k music-text pairs, with rich text descriptions provided by human experts. https://google-research.github.io/seanet/musiclm/examples/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email Now even the shittiest and laziest of Unity developers can generate unique music for their asset-flip "games" rather than pasting in the Kevin MacLeod library. It won't be long before those flipped assets are also generated on the fly, tricking millions of people into thinking that a game is unique or was made by a human at all. "Automated video game creation" will be a multimillion-dollar market soon.
>>1191 I think there's been an increase in the number of leechers looking for very specific free commissions, and expecting ludicrously complex art done for them that have plagued drawthreads for years now, spamming the same request every thread even after they get what they want.
>>1190 >Looks like it might be unswingable for me as I've 'only' got 12Gb of VRAM and some of that is used by Python and background stuff bit of a pig that you essentially have to have a 3090 or higher to do the uber cool shit. I did some web searching and found there are people saying they've done textual inversion training with only 8GB of VRAM, so 12GB of VRAM should be easy.
>>773526 The perspective in the first pic is all wrong. It makes the bunny girl taller than a house. Her arms are also way too small for the rest of her body. In the second pic, her right hand is stretched and deformed. Her left hand is also deformed despite being mostly covered, what little we see of it doesn't make sense physically. She has a detached tuft of hair floating next to her right hand. Her fishnets are irregular and the shine doesn't match their pattern, so it looks like there is a layer of plastic on top of the fishnet. There is also another weird fishnet on her shoulder which appears to blend into her skin. She has nonsensical artifacts floating next to her head, one seems like a partial white square with a malformed pink heart on the tip. There is also a malformed signature under her right breast, which has the wrong perspective and seems to sag lower than the left breast. Overall, this soulless computer generated garbage has no hope in hell of competing with real artists. The machine is clearly spitting out shit that it doesn't even understand, no matter how much shading it adds to a pic, it has no understanding of what the pic means and which details are important to get right.
>>773570 I'm not the one who is seething. Clearly, you lack the artistic education to understand the kind of thoughtless trash you're posting, filled with disgusting mistakes that not even a bad artist would make. I point this out and you immediately get pissy. It seems to me that you are the one seething because you know that you will never be a real artist.
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>this nigger wiped all his posts because some anons critizised him Holy fuck what levels of autism and butthurt.
>>1195 >The perspective in the first pic is all wrong. It makes the bunny girl taller than a house. Bonus.
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>>773598 Jesus christ nigger, youre pathetic.
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Did he commit sudoku?
>>773605 Yeah, and im calling YOU pathethic, not the other nigger, no wonder you keep coming here to get banned thinking youre some sort of champion of free speech when youre just a butthurt pedophile that wants to post cp on /b/.
At least repost his pictures
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>>1203 He didnt take into account anon's autism to preserve every bit of OC.
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>>1204 Each time I forget about AI, I see a few random pics and it makes me wanna try it
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>>1206 There's a few issues in hands and stuff, but usually 1/20 pictures look very decent.
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>>773657 Like i care, AI generated images still look a bit rough but i do love some fluffy/non fluffy tiddies. Plus you can use photoshop or any image editing program to retouch them, so is not a big deal anyways.
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>>1209 Anon just be glad he didn't post one with a dick like he usually does
>>773443 >>773526 >>773549 Why did you delete your posts? There's nothing in the logs. >>1204 >>1205 Good man. That giant lava golem is noice.
>>1209 Fox girls can have multiple tails, but that one on the left is clearly not attached to the girl. Not sure what you think is wrong with her wrist either. Why did you wash out the colors?
>>774032 >the male one >1girl your imposed faggotry has no power here.
>>774015 Promotions?
>>1195 Where to begin on your critique... Firstly this is the AI art thread. I expect to see "low effort" content where people just post stuff they've made for simple fun or experimentation, and skipped any serious effort to clean up errors or oddities. >The perspective in the first pic is all wrong. It makes the bunny girl taller than a house. From eyeballing the perspective lines I would say her height comes up to only the edge of the roof. That makes her very tall. Even if you hide the nearby building, she still comes off as a rather tall lass when compared to distant buildings, stones on the waterway's bank, and the flowers. >Her arms are also way too small for the rest of her body. To my eye her arms look the right length for her torso, although they are very slender for her frame. To be honest I've seen lots of artist that draw giant boobs make the girl's lower body seem bigger than their upper body, so they AI could have been mimicking any number of artists when it does that. If there were details I wanted to quibble about in the first pic it's that her cotton tail is off center, there's vertical line where her hair mismatches what's on the left vs what's on the right, her left ear isn't complete, and the art style of the girl doesn't quite gel with that of the environment. Overall I like this piece. It makes me wonder, why is there a mini-giantess bunny girl standing thigh deep in what seems like a small brook? Is it actually that deep? Or is she so heavy she's sunk into the soft soil? How did she get into this situation in the first place? >In the second pic, It looks like initial output of txt2img from the AI. It's like an uncut gemstone, that a craftsman could elect to chip, cut and polish into a thing of beauty, or appreciate for its rough natural form, or move onto another gemstone that is better to craft. So, there are lots of flaws that need to be fixed. >her right hand is stretched and deformed. Yes, her hand is a bit too long. Shaving a bit of the end of her fingers and re-rolling with inpainting should do wonders. >Her left hand is also deformed despite being mostly covered, what little we see of it doesn't make sense physically. Looks like it would be easy to fix with a little bit of inpainting. >She has a detached tuft of hair floating next to her right hand. Trivial to clean up. >Her fishnets are irregular and the shine doesn't match their pattern, so it looks like there is a layer of plastic on top of the fishnet. There is also another weird fishnet on her shoulder which appears to blend into her skin. The AI sucks at doing fishnets with a fine mesh. It does better with a coarse mesh, but I have no luck getting it to do that on demand. My advice to the artist is put fishnets in the negative prompt, and avoid them altogether. >She has nonsensical artifacts floating next to her head, one seems like a partial white square with a malformed pink heart on the tip. >There is also a malformed signature under her right breast All of which is trivial to clean up. > right breast, which has the wrong perspective and seems to sag lower than the left breast. If you assume a point of view that is level with her hips or waist then the sag doesn't seem off. On the whole I think it's a nice image. Most of its problems are easy fixes. However, the fishnets might be too hard to work with, and require starting over on a new image. >Overall, this soulless computer generated garbage has no hope in hell of competing with real artists. Unless there's a collapse in civilization, this technology will just keep getting better, and will "compete" better as time marches on. >The machine is clearly spitting out shit that it doesn't even understand, no matter how much shading it adds to a pic, it has no understanding of what the pic means and which details are important to get right. You're right, it has no genuine understanding. It just mimics things its been trained on, and tries to mimic things that match the prompt, while filling any gaps in ways it "thinks" that will keep the picture "coherent". At the end of the day AI art is just a tool. It's up to the artist using this tool to do clever and amazing things with it.
>>774032 leave this gay and cuck shit, and return to pure waifus
>>774184 Just say you want to post pedo shit and fuck off. Absolute scum.
>>774623 whats pedo about this? theyre just friends. me and my friends all have double wide hats that we wear together.
making phone wallpapers

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>>1222 Looks really comfy, anon! Say, if you're making these, could you make something that's more in line with Future Frenzy from Crash Bandicoot 3? With brighter colors but still a futuristic cyberpunk/bladerunner vibes?
Goddamn I have made so many slutty princesses and aryan harems in a virtual garden it's a wonder my dick is still functional. The photoreal ones are marvellous if you hit the right Steps/CFG, even the uberporn one is really good, though it tries to give tits to every girl when DFCs are required. >>1195 >Overall, this soulless computer generated garbage has no hope in hell of competing with real artists It's made me cum more times than any artist ever has so it's already winning.
What's truly terrifying is this is only gonna get better, my balls are gonna be inside out if they up the resolution and focus on filth. The hottest sloot model couldn't compete even if she tried I can knock up 50 variants of her all coated in jizz in about 2 mins. What a time to be alive.
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All I wanted to do was talk about which 2hu I wanted to fug and Remilia had a meltdown. I should've offered to fuck Flan in front of her as proof.
>>1224 >though it tries to give tits to every girl when DFCs are required I suggest using "flat chest" in the positive prompt and "small breasts" and "large breasts" in the negative prompt. That will usually fix it, but for particularly stubborn boobs you can try also adding "medium breasts", "huge breasts" and "gigantic breasts" to your negative prompt. >>1225 >I can knock up 50 variants of her all coated in jizz in about 2 mins. Not sure if you're talking about just making clones, or impregnating said clones too...
>>1227 >particularly stubborn boobs The very worst kind. I'd done most of that but I'd not added thought to add medium and large etc to the neg prompt, I'll give that a whirl, the Protogen ckpt(s) is/are excellent al loli bods though they tend come out a bit high contrast, I need to do a bit more fiddling.
>>1228 Just found this which will probably be helpful to folks looking to craft prompts
>>1095 Uff
>>776082 sperg harder, r-tard
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>>1226 >Obviously doctored footage
Is there any sort option picture extrapolation? As in I input a image like one of the busts in the attached picture and it generates a body for it.
>>1234 Stable Diffusion has outpainting. I haven't used it much because it's tricky to strike the right balance in the parameters between too weak and only getting gibberish, or too strong and ignoring the original image. I've only used it for features like animal ears that originally generated half out of frame. Getting an entire body from a bust would be a fairly extreme case.
>>1234 >Is there any sort option picture extrapolation? As in I input a image like one of the busts in the attached picture and it generates a body for it. The method you're after is outpainting, which is just a fancy way of saying extending an image outward in one or more directions, and using inpaint to fill in the new pixels. The big problem you'll run into is matching the pose with of the face portrait, followed by matching the art style and lighting. I did a quick proof of concept of outpainting a face portrait. Unfortunately, as can be seen in the grid, it had trouble lining up the face with the new image. I took one that was kind of okay, and fed it through img2img upscale and clean it up. The results are alright, but his head is obviously off center. Overall it works, but there's plenty of room for impovement. Prompt and paramaters for outpainting <an old scarred barbarian, digital art, digital painting, witrh a moonlit forest in the background, bald, portrait, full body, leaning, (green sky:0.8) <Negative prompt: lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, error, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry, text <Steps: 20, Sampler: Euler a, CFG scale: 7, Seed: 10, Size: 512x768, Model hash: 579c005f, Batch size: 8, Batch pos: 5, Denoising strength: 1, Mask blur: 4 Prompt and paramaters for img2img upscale: <an old scarred barbarian, digital art, digital painting, witrh a moonlit forest in the background, bald, portrait, full body, leaning, (green sky:0.8), from front, facing viewer, grey hair, (scars:1.2), stubble, claw marks, blue eyes <, (detailed realistic painting:1.0), (shaded:1.3), extreme detail, (detailed eyes) <Negative prompt: lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, error, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry, text <Steps: 20, Sampler: Euler, CFG scale: 7, Seed: 6, Size: 1024x1536, Model hash: 579c005f, Batch size: 4, Batch pos: 1, Denoising strength: 0.45, Mask blur: 4
(708.22 KB 640x912 0000-elena.png)

elena from street fighter
>>1237 Too pale, i demand more chocolate!
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>>1238 this one came out better i think
>>1239 That is better but holy shit AI really cant do hands.
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>>1240 getting the hands right is hard, but you can get the result you want if you the patience to go through enough trial and error
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>>1241 >if you the patience if you have the patience*
>>1241 You mean with enough patience I too can post an anime girl with 6 fingers like you?
>>1243 i mean i don't have the patience to try more
>>1230 Think I've got it now, must have been the order of words in the prompts, turns out earlier words have greater weight so moving those to just after the subject got me muh DFCs and fixed a (cum) issue I was having. Good lord I'm creating some filth now.
>>1245 Don't just talk about it, post it.
High-speed coloring workflow using AI image generation [NovelAI] Is in moonrunes, use google or deepl if you can't read it https://note.com/abubu_nounanka/n/ne59633583371 https://archive.ph/W4sDC I also recoment the author twitter for more AI Art stuff https://twitter.com/abubu_newnanka https://twitter.com/abubu_neonanka
you don't see bodies like that in vidya anymore, or anywhere else
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>grab hentai >use Stable diffusion to improve it (if necessary) >use AI Interpolation to add frames Would this technically work out?
>>1249 It should work in theory. I don't know if it would look good, but it should work. I'm not aware of any casually obtainable interpolater ais, though I haven't looked. Your main issue with "improving animation" is going to be keeping shading consistent. Assuming you're not just upscaling.
>>1249 SD has no provision for frame-to-frame consistency, so it'd look like a jittery mess.
>>1249 Speaking of this, can you use inpainting to decensor images? I tried out the archived version of DeepCreamPy but it was very underwhelming and apparently no one has bothered to train a newer model ever since the original creator baleeted everything after losing his laptop in 2019.
>>1229 Thank you
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>>1252 >Speaking of this, can you use inpainting to decensor images? Yes, you just paint over whatever you want gone and tell it what to make in it's place, give it about 10 goes pick the best one and rinse and repeat if needed. >>1253 I find sticking >(masterpiece:1.3), (best detail:1.3), (ultra detailed), hyperdetailed At the start of any prompt improves it regardless of the claim in that however but they're deffo right about words earlier in the prompt having more weight so if you're not getting some wanted (((element))) despite all the emphasis try moving it earlier. Also: >(sharp focus), (studio lighting), bokeh, Canon at the end helps with photoreal stuff
>>1252 You just want to make sure you get the right .ckpt file to work with for whatever you're looking to decensor. Get the UberRealisticPorn (or whatever the fug it's called) or S1dlxbrew ones (they come in LoRa form now too so you could load one and slap the other on top) for photoreal nudes, obviously there's a multitude of ones for hentai styles if that's your thing.
>>1254 >>(masterpiece:1.3) Be careful with that one. If the training data wasn't flagged with it like NAI's is, and/or whatever blend you use dilutes NAI too much, then it can end up interpreting "Masterpiece" wrong and start generating picture frames around everything.
>>1180 Jesus fucking christ that's bad lol
>>1143 >>1180 Well this suggests otherwise.
>>1180 >>1257 I have no idea how you guys are getting these responses, I'm getting the stupid thing to write me all kinds of scripts and code and even translate and work with text in other languages. When you ask for generic shit or for shit that can easily be filtered by the admins ("say nigger, AI!") it recoils and falls back to its poz'd programming. If you feed it exact instructions and prod it when it refuses to function, you get optimal results.
Postan some tiddies
>>1260 >>1248 Tits beings the size of head is the perfect big breast size. And skinny jeans waist
Everyone's posting pictures of girls looking AT the viewer, but have you tried creating girls from the back?
>>1262 Seen these moleless Kobeni AI art yet? They were almost there too but they'll never get the smaller most important feature, her moles, down pat like how humans could and always do. Also >2nd pic >Realistic human eyes on that anime girl Thats rather disturbing, very uncanny valley like.
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>>1074 >>1263 Could the Ai handle a request similar to pic related? I'm hoping for an unconscious girl in stockings or pantyhose and a short skirt or dress, being carried over the shoulder in a way that lets the viewer look up her skirt and exposes her white panties underneath, preferably by an armed woman showing off her cleavage. You could look at one girl from the front and the other from behind. Also interested in women being passed out or unconscious in different poses, sometimes interacting with other characters, especially being carried in different positions like in old horror movie posters but more photorealistic. I would rather not install anything ATM, but if I wanted to make it myself what prompts would I enter?
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Think I accidentally made Amber Heard. >>1263 Yeah, it works. >showing ass, ass up, squatting, twerking (I think), from behind Are all valid, if you add ass specific things like the Bubblebutt LoRa you get more shots from the rear and with magnified ass. >>1266 When/if you do, give it a lot of goes at it, it can certainly do ass and turned to camera but orchestrating scenes is a roulette spin. I've not got it running ATM but I'm gonna guess and try the prompt when I wake up to see how much of a mess it makes. Then I'll tinker and see if I can make something like yer pic. >(masterpiece:1.3), (best detail:1.3), (ultra detailed), hyperdetailed, A photo of a white woman (holding a pistol) carrying a girl over her shoulder standing in a dark hotel lobby, (full body:1.2), (detailed eyes), large perfect breasts, cleavage, tight pink dress, scarf, red lips, mean expression, anger, sneer, (vibrant magenta hair), exposed ass, bootylicious, stockings, panties, luminescent wall lights, (studio lighting), (sharp focus), bokeh You could also try your hand with >photorealistic, 32k, UHD, Canon, CCTV, It'd probably get the gist of that after a while, probably be some colour bleed with the 'white' and 'red' and 'pink' and 'magenta'. the Neg prompt would be a suite of standard ones about shit hands, extra limbs and poor quality plus anything undesirable that crops up over and over in the process of churning them out.
Hilariously if you put nudes in a garden they come out white or asian, put them in a park and they become latinas or hues, put them in prison and yes they're nogs.
>ai can generate pregnant belly >but thinks tan is a shirt
>>1269 Just put shirt or clothes into the negative prompt.
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>>1268 that's hilarious, post some
>>1263 >>1267 How well does it handle women's underwear and genital areas? Like let's say you asked for a photo of a girl bending over in a leotard or miniskirt, shot from behind, with a closeup of her pubic area. I know it gets clothing including underwear right for the most part. Could you also ask to see an outline of her labia underneath and specify how much is actually exposed or just outlined?
>>1272 Now there are so many different models, loras and what not that you can do anything .You can use inpaint to have the ai edit only a certain part of an image, the possibilities are endless
Have you ordered your GPU yet anon? You're not going to wait until you need to get in line to suck Biden cock and get your gaymen GPU gov permit, right?
>>1274 Yeah I'm still not spending $9,000 on a GPU. I like AI but not that much.
>>1272 As the other anon says: It 'can' do genitalia well, it can just take a lot of goes to get it right, *if* you want to do a significant amount of InPaint/editing job to get it, you'd be very lucky to have it generate something that specific without meddling. Genitals are a roulette spin, sometimes they come out looking like there's a knuckle between their legs where they've been trained on shots where girls are masturbating
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Mostly I was hoping for images similar to pics related with detailed photographs of women lying unconscious in different poses, only more risque with things like exposed underwear and sub/dom overtones like >>1266. I'm mostly concerned with genitalia so I can control the way they look under the underwear for upskirt shots and similar. Also hoping to be able to control the girl's expressions since I really like the closed/eyes open mouth combo and also the dangling legs and exposed necks. I know scenes are a roulette spin but how would I have two different-looking characters interacting, like in the first pic? I'm guessing it would be easier to generate the two images separately and then have the AI combine them. Would it do better if the characters were similar looking, like in a picture with two women lying down in the woods together, or one woman standing over another? I don't want it to start applying the same set of prompts to every character for obvious reasons.
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>>1277 Not an ideal checkpoint for realism but it was a bit more malleable with the colours, couldn't get her carrying an exposed ass but it's very apt to subvert/reinterpret a prompt weirdly. It certainly prefers generating a primary character, or multiples of that character but can make 6 to 8 distinct people in a group, more than that they tend to get a lot of similar features or outright sameface and/or blurry. Expressions are controllable yeah it's mostly down to ((emphasis)) or using synonyms to get some of them working. As you say it's probably best to Inpaint to create scenes where you want specific interaction between characters or else leave it running for ages to see a selection of shots you can play around with. Combining two distinct images is something I've only had limited success with, the results tend to be over-stylised to hide the differences between the original shots, that said I I've not tried de-stylising the results with a photoreal checkpoint yet so that might work.
>>1278 What about an image of an unconscious woman with no other characters? Like let's say a portrait of a woman with reddish-brown hair wearing a wedding dress and bridal veil and lying down outside on a forest floor.
>>1279 That's a complicated scenario anon. How many times have you fantasized about it?
>>1280 I was hoping for something like picrel as a photo, only outdoors. I thought that a portrait of a woman who had fainted on her wedding day would be simple and fit what I had in mind. I imagine the photo that had taken just after she had collapsed but before she had regained consciousness. It's not a scenario I've put a lot of thought into, she could just as easily be a bridesmaid, a nurse, a secretary, a schoolgirl, a nun, a fantasy princess or pretty much any type of female character that you could imagine in a similar situation.
(11.58 MB 971x546 biden grooming.webm)

>>1065 > The amount of People who glow in that website is unbelievable Hey, even the glowies need a place to hang out and shitpost. How would you like it if half your job was procuring middle aged girls for Joe?
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>>1281 >picrel
>>1281 >pic nice
(24.86 KB 480x360 eerie.jpg)

>>784427 Such a shame you'll never bury your face against a warm prime cunny, instead you'll resort to wasting away your life generating plasticine shallow cookie cutter child models. I bet you don't even generate actual cp you fucking low-test coward, that lack of testosterone is why you're a pedonigger in the first place, because you know you can't keep up with a real woman.
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It can be really fun to play with
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I don't have enough autism to make it look that great
>>1286 >>1287 What were the prompts for those images if you don't mind sharing?
>>1287 Looks quite good to me
>>1289 Oh, except whatever going on with the fingers I guess
>>1288 > Detailed Lines, Golden dress, Odin, ((Skindentation)), ((thick_thighs)), ((large breast)), Multiple realistic Wings, blue eyes, Detailed Face, cleavage, Feminine, Short Hair, Solo, highly detailed pupils, detailed lines, white hair, sad eyes
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SD can produce such weird and wonderfully degenerate things, and all people do is waste their time making generic anime girls that are virtually identical to what you can find on any random Pixiv profile. I've seen the LOL threads, I know you lot aren't this boring. Show me what you've got.
>>1293 I wish there was a better version of the second pic. Seems like a good base.
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Has anyone tried generating photorealistic female faces? Anime girls are all fine and well, but what I'd love to see are some wallpaper sized portraits or profiles of beautiful women in different situations and settings. Not necessarily anything overtly sexy, though cleavage and pantyshots would be welcome especially if they make sense in the context of the image. The more variation in clothing, posture, emotional state, ect. the better.
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>>1295 I was playing with that too
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>>1297 Nice! Looks looks some sort of cyborg girl?
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>>1299 2, 3 and 5 are awfully cute.
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>>1300 Agreed, protogen really seems to do cleavage well. The only thing missing is more panty shots.
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And that's enough for now, hoping to see more of these images in the future.
>>1303 So, for the pictures which obviously look like certain celebrities, was that intentional, an artifact of training, or just the AI trying to fuck you?
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>>1303 >infinite pictures of prime age Christina Hendricks fucking hell my cock could not be harder
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>>785233 Are there any good pictures of girls that aren't photorealistic or in the modern anime style? I'm partial to retro style pin-up art myself. I know what I posted isn't exactly that but its in the same overall style. Also looking for more scenes with two or more people interacting.
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>>785322 There is literally nothing wrong with that qt space girl you shit taste nigger faggot. the background could use some cleaning up though.
>>1281 Almost certainly, I don't have any to hand but I'll give it a whirl later, >>1304 There's these things called LoRa's and Textual Inversions that you can dl stick in a folder and add to the prompt, they're like masks applied on top of whatever would have otherwise have been made. The LoRas seem to be the most versatile but the TIs are smaller and easier to make.
>>1309 Never thought to do a modern Marilyn, will give that a go later. I really need a list of the names it understands, one of general concepts or actions it gets would be nice too.
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Apologies for the triple post have some Capaldis. >>1306 Yeah it's preddy gud, got a fleet of Portmans made last night, her and her sisters were dancing naked but for their stockings/garters and dogchain necklaces on a rock stage all covered in jizz, nice that they can be Leon'd to some degree too but the getting that black bob haircut right is hard work. I am stunned there's not a decent Taylor Swift TI or LoRa yet, someone knocked up a shoddy TI early on but no-one thought to make another, I'd hoped there'd be multiple competing ones of her by now.
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Some ideas I've had: >characters reflected in mirrors with different views of the same character >multiple characters in same outfit,(ie in uniform) >multiple characters in same pose but different outfits >one character standing behind another >characters physically lifting each other in different positions (over-the-shoulder, cradle, under-the-arm, ect.) in different arrangements (one-lifting-two,two-lifting-one, one-lifting-one, ect.) >specific emotional states (fear, surprise, desire, ect.) and corresponding body language esp. facial expressions What would be the best software to use, assuming I also wanted it to be photorealistic like protogen?
I spent nearly a grand on my GPU and SD has been one of the few things that's made me glad I did. >>1314 -I've seen it try a reflection or two but it wasn't terribly accurate, though it can do rotations and multiple views. -Uniform(s) is/are eminently doable, naughty school is within grasp. -Many in the same pose is doable, wildly different outfits might need some inpainting to get right but it does vary stuff within reason if you leave the CFG at about 12. -(Foreground) and (background) can be a bit faggoty, usually tries to blend characters but with enough emphasis and tries it should work. -Specific interactions like the lifting thing are gonna be mostly done with inpaint or luck -Emotions are doable just combine with body poses in the prompt to get the full look If you're hunting for photoreal checkpoints (and every other type) check out https://civitai.com/ for a range of them and give them a try generating an image on the same seed with the same parameters so you can see the differences between the checkpoints. Protogen is good, Deliberate and the UberRealisticPorn one is excellent, s1dlxBrew is good too just farm em and try em out.
>>1309 >5th image You tried to make Chel from El Dorado, didn't you? >>1314 I like the second picture.
Could AI have trouble generating an anus because of the NSFW filters, along with the lack of training models?
>>1316 Both of those are example shots from civtai >>1317 The NSFW filter thing isn't really real, it only applies to the 2.0 checkpoint and to a lesser extent the 2.1 one, you don't have to use those, I don't use them at all. There's LOADS of other checkpoints to generate from being made all the time and most are better than those two, they're just the standards the diffusionfags put out as a baseline. I've not seen much asshole it's true, between legs can get a bit hit and miss with both sexes.
>>1311 If I understand what you are saying correctly, you are giving the AI pictures of certain celebrities as additional input, and that is intentional? I wanted to know if Ana De Armas here >>1298 popped out because you wanted her to, because that's what the AI had been trained on (so it has trouble producing novel faces), or because the AI wants to give you pictures of real people.
>>1319 It was wanted I reckon he used: https://civitai.com/models/6987/ana-de-armas To achieve it. You load a checkpoint (.ckpt) which is basically your source image pack for want of a better term from which it generates the images, sometimes they 'know' a celebrity name like Watson or Portman or whatever and it'll be able to do a 'kinda sorta' version of them just using their name and no fancy tools. I don't know if any of the chekpoints know who Ana de Armas is, if not with her name in the prompt it'd probably just kick out a picture of some random woman. However adding that Textual Inversion file to your 'Embeddings' folder and selecting it in the UI puts something like: <TheLab-Ada:1> Into your prompt, the :1 bit is the 'weight' of the term, so if you wanted it to look half as much like her you'd put :0.5 to lighten the effect, with that applied your random woman face becomes Ana-like.
>>1319 Basically if the AI doesn't know what something or someone is you can build/train a package of info for it to work from as long as it's given a unique name that doesn't clash with IRL terms or other mods, eg: They just added an (apparently) decent 'Tongue sticking out' TI, up to now they tended to come out mangled or interrupting teeth lips/and chin, one even came out looking like a dick in a pic I made last night.
>>1308 There's some of that on /loli/ of all places.
>>1317 The "NSFW filters" do absolutely fucking nothing, because nobody does NSFW with the base models anyway. If you want anuses, I've seen people getting good results with the Pochincoff LoRA (pics 1 and 2). I don't have a clue what their prompts were though. Gay furry prompts can also give anuses.
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The Lora is supposed to make her look like when she was in Austin Powers, the protogen checkpoint kinda needed the real name in there too to get it anything like.
>>1322 One of the autists there has a thing for the art of Boris Vallejo / Julie Bell : he has some bretty good bosts.
>>1323 I don't mind the second one tbh
>>1323 Normally I'd hate the first one, but somehow, it being blue makes it not completely disgusting to me.
>>1074 In how much detail can the Ai render photorealistic vulvas? Let's say I wanted an image of a young woman wearing only a t-shirt, leaning against a wall in her bedroom and meeting the viewer's gaze with her bed in the background. Would I be able to specify details like the shape/puffiness of her mound or the density and distribution of any pubic hair? I'd also try to make multiple variations of the same image. First, one where she has a neutral expression and no signs of arousal. Then, one where she's clearly aroused, with a hungry look in eyes, erect nipples, and of course her (vaginal) lips are open and it's starting to get awfully damp down there. Finally, two with the same expression where she's cranky because its the first or second day of her period. In one, she has menstrual blood staining her groin and running down her legs, in the other her genitals look the same as in the neutral image but with a tampon string hanging out. Finally I'd like to be able to add different kinds of underwear for her to wear like panties, bikini bottoms, boyshorts, ect. that either hide or accentuate her genitals. Like in some she's completely covered with nothing showing, in others you can see the base of her mound, the outline of her labia in the fabric, or both. In some there are wet spots from blood or natural lubricant. If she's menstruating you should be able to tell from the string hanging out again or the outline of a sanitary pad inside, maybe with the wings visible depending on how much is covered up. Thinking of using the Skirtlife, Uberrealistic Porn and That's My Bush! LORA's. Its a niche interest so I don't expect it to turn out well and any other recommendations would be helpful. Just the initial image of the girl in her bedroom would be great, I can figure out the other stuff later.
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Sooner or later I knew someone would try to make a photorealistic bionicle.
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>>1315 >I've seen it try a reflection or two Care to share? If it can do rotations and multiple views you might be able to shop in the other views into each other as reflections. >uniforms Was really thinking more military uniforms than school ones, specifically ones designed for women. Think of North Korean female soldiers or Princess Victoria Louise in her Hussar uniform, not sure if there's anything like that on civitai.
Just wanted to point out that they have AI boards on Wikieat if anyone is interested.
I don't understand how we have AI to create whatever we want, yet most of these girls still have clothes on.
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>>1332 >>787267 Just browse the gallery sections on Civitai with the adult content filter turned off. Naked women are a dime a dozen, you can even find loras for women taking off their panties, lifting up their skirts or posing with one tit hanging out. You don't always get exactly what you want but you can find them almost anywhere, even in the work safe galleries.
>>1333 This is a safe for work board. Spoiler your shit.
>>1334 >8chan >sfw okay, retard
>>1337 This is a safe for work board on a not safe for work webpage. What part of that is confusing for you?
>>1335 >>1336 Coolio.
(104.63 KB 293x480 doodle046.png)

>>1334 >>1338 I've always found this a little ridiculous. Is it really okay at work to say/have on screen "nigger" yet not to have some tits on screen? I guess the tits are obvious from a greater distance. What about a mostly naked loli that's technically SFW? You see what I mean? Sometimes I wonder who these rules are even for. I guess if you live in a foreign country it might make more sense, but that doesn't change the ecchi loli situation.
>>1341 The rule exists to keep the front page and the SFW overboard clean from porn, gore and gross things since not everyone is in the mood for blacked zoo diaper fur vore when browsing the site.
>>1341 You newfaggots need to shut the fuck up for 2 years before you open your God damn mouthes.
>>1343 Not even remotely new.
>>788494 Even clothed loli AI generated images get outright deleted here, anon.
>>1345 You're talking to a self-admitted pedophile who has been crusading against the (((/hebe/))) ban for as long as the board has been banned.
Why do sd generated images have this wierd sheen on them? Like they have direct sunlight bloom on them at all times. Can this be prompted off?
>>1341 It's plausible deniability for phoneposters (may allah forgive them)
(27.25 KB 1804x353 temp.png)

LADS, just in case yous weren't aware SD has a temp folder where it stores a copy of every fucking image you've made (found mine last night and 12k pics sat in there) it defaults to your C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Local\Temp see picrelated at the bottom of Saving Images/Grids in Settings to set it elsewhere and save your NvMe getting raep'd with frivolous writing. >>1345 AND they ban you, even when it's above the neck, fucking ludicrous state of affairs. >>1347 Probably down to the checkpoint being used and yes you can alter lighting.
>>1330 You'd be surprised the number of concepts it understands I'm sure it'll be able to do military uniforms, if not you could put one together by describing it, as for sharing reflections I've not kept any as they weren't impressive, though if you get into this they tend to pop up when using a LoRa or TI based on an Instagram thot cos they're always taking pics of themselves+their ass in bedroom mirrors so those pics get used in training and thus element of them turn up more often.
(488.46 KB 640x880 Futa SCP-1471.png)

(1.56 MB 1280x1760 Futa SCP-1471 2.png)

(698.56 KB 720x960 00048-2902779215.png)

>>1347 Lighting depends on model and prompt, but there are also a couple LORAs floating around that try to introduce a stronger concept of darkness. It seems like rather than actual darkness it often tends to give backlighting, but that at least is still something different. >>1330 >military uniforms It can do those, a little. It struggles with windmills of peace though, since geometry is never the AI's strong suit.
(186.77 KB 406x700 original.jpg)

>>1351 >dickgirl furry art lovely It's annoying people call that thing SCP-1471. His actual name is Breynz the Zombie Werewolf. It's a fursuiter's costume. I'm serious. You know the famous "horror" image that SCP comes from? Literally just a fursuiter.
(567.44 KB 2048x1365 pumped up kicks.jpg)

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(184.34 KB 960x1280 girls night out.jpg)

>>1352 More images of Breynz. The character is meant to be male but the fursuiter herself is actually a woman.
(188.36 KB 700x1007 full.jpg)

I forgot to post this one, this is the full costume she was wearing behind the door. It's meant to be like a monk's, I think?
(6.14 MB 1280x720 It begins.webm)

>>1352 I know jackshit about this "character", but since a well-know autist group took it over and made it popular i think it might have little to do with the OC. I don't say its a good thing, quite the opposite. Everything getting touched by the mainstream is getting raped to the core.
>>1355 *blocks your path*
>>1352 >>1353 >>1354 But I wasn't fapping to a zombie werewolf fursuit. I was fapping to a sexualized version of sinister and sanity-draining yet apparently non-hostile stalker. >>1355 Maybe my mental timeline's wrong but wasn't 1471 written before SCP got raped by the mainstream? Certainly it has been for years though, to the point that at least one early article was entirely deleted for being "creepy", with the number given to a completely different new article.
>>1358 >wasn't 1471 written before SCP got raped by the mainstream? SCP broke 1000 before becoming mainstream and tumblrified?
>>1352 Honestly, it looks like Mari Lwyd in black. Weird Welsh tradition.
(72.15 KB 700x467 1352272706_095.jpg)

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https://app.posemy.art/ Found this website/app linked on another board where you pose stick figures in different ways to use as a reference for art. I was able to throw pic rel together in about ten minutes. I like seeing women march around in fancy uniforms that show off their nice, shapely legs, and I like seeing women lying in exposed positions after fainting. So I'd thought I'd go for one of those photos where there's a bunch of soldiers in formation and one has keeled over after standing at attention for hours. I think I got roughly what I was looking for, but naturally it's not even close to perfect. It would be great to experiment with more different poses. Would you say this kind of thing has potential?
>>1361 Fukken amazing. Now make them attractive.
Most of those faces are of men, one on the end looks like the Klinger from M*A*S*H trying to get booted out of the military for being a tranny.
>>1361 Might be useful for Img2Img to base a pic off of for pose positions but the pop-ups and 'make an account!' shit can jump off a cliff.
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Cleanse your palate
It's certainly capable of marvels. >>789455 I wonder how long that'll last.
>>1367 >I wonder how long that'll last. I didn't even see what it was.
>>1367 It would last longer if the faggot who posts these pics wasn't a huge sperg about loli and the site. >>1368 Realistic AI loli. I reposted the pics on >>>/delicious/33243
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>>1361 >>1364 Isn't this sort of thing exactly what the ControlNet extension is for?
>>1370 That's so cool. How do you do that? I'm looking into it right now and already have SD set up on another machine. Can you just pose stuff in a 3D modeling program? Do you have to draw that?
(273.04 KB 886x569 1677196177051501.png)

>>1371 >How do you do that? Those aren't mine. I haven't actually used the extension yet, and I don't know how it works in practice.
(79.74 KB 250x202 1462723619006-2.gif)

>>1366 She is beautiful anon.
>>1369 Oh yeah, the first and last one are ugly. Middle is nice though.
>>1370 I hope that's an extension that can be used offline I don't like hooking my newmachine to the shitpipe to use extra features every time.
Obvious clickbait title but the video have some interesting info https://yewtu.be/watch?v=_9LX9HSQkWo and the video animation https://yewtu.be/watch?v=GVT3WUa-48Y
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What are others site that have AI nsfw art like civitai?
>>1372 /loli/ is already using it
>>1378 Sankaku, rule34xxx, pixiv, twitter and pornpen.ai
AI-Created Art Cannot be Copyrighted, US Copyright Office Says https://petapixel.com/2022/02/23/ai-created-art-cannot-be-copyrighted-us-copyright-office-rules/ >A three-person board was tasked with reviewing a 2019 ruling that had been made against a man named Steven Thaler, who had filed for the copyright to an art piece, seen above, titled A Recent Entrance to Paradise that had been made by an AI algorithm he named Creativity Machine. The application stated that the work “was autonomously created by a computer algorithm running on a machine” and that Thaler was “seeking to register this computer-generated work as a work-for-hire to the owner of the Creativity Machine.” On August 12th, 2019, the US Copyright Office rejected his registration, stating that it “lacks the human authorship necessary to support a copyright claim.” The following month, Thaler appealed and asked the Copyright Office to reconsider the rejected application, arguing that “the human authorship requirement is unconstitutional and unsupported by either statute or case law.” >In March 2020, the Office rejected the appeal, stating that Thaler had “provided no evidence on sufficient creative input or intervention by a human author in the Work” and that it would not “abandon its longstanding interpretation of the Copyright Act, Supreme Court, and lower court judicial precedent that a work meets the legal and formal requirements of copyright protection only if it is created by a human author.” Thaler then appealed a second time on May 27, 2020, repeating his position that AI artworks should be copyrightable because it would “further the underlying goals of copyright law, including the constitutional rationale for copyright protection.” The second appeal argued that “there is no binding authority that prohibits copyright for [computer-generated works]” and that the Office was “currently relying upon non-binding judicial opinions from the Gilded Age to answer the question of whether [computer-generated works] can be protected.” >In considering Thaler’s second appeal, because Thaler admitted that there was no human author involved in the work, the Copyright Office focused on Thaler’s argument that the requirement for human authorship is unconstitutional and unsupported by prior rulings. “The Court has continued to articulate the nexus between the human mind and creative expression as a prerequisite for copyright protection,” the Office writes. “The Office is compelled to follow Supreme Court precedent, which makes human authorship an essential element of copyright protection. “[…] While the Board is not aware of a United States court that has considered whether artificial intelligence can be the author for copyright purposes, the courts have been consistent in finding that non-human expression is ineligible for copyright protection. “[…] After reviewing the statutory text, judicial precedent, and longstanding Copyright Office practice, the Board again concludes that human authorship is a prerequisite to copyright protection in the United States and that the Work therefore cannot be registered.” Anyone who tries to sell AI art can simply have it stolen from them and there's nothing they can do about it!
>>1381 >Anyone who tries to sell AI art can simply have it stolen from them and there's nothing they can do about it! Did you even read what you posted? All they have to do is edit it so human hands played a part in the creation. Furthermore, even if AI art is uncopyrightable, there's still a myriad of ways to make money from "selling AI art" that don't require copyrighting a particular piece of AI art. Firstly work by commission, which means the art is free for anyone to use after it's creations anyways. Secondly, any sort of multimedia project, like a videogame, or a movie, where other elements are copyrightable.
>>1381 >Anyone who tries to sell AI art can simply have it stolen from them and there's nothing they can do about it! That's not what's being said, this line from the article details everything important about this ruling: <the courts have been consistent in finding that non-human expression is ineligible for copyright protection To use a real world example, it's like someone trying to copyright a specific pattern of a spider web or maple leaf design. In both those instances, the copyright office will reject it because a human did not make those. However, if a person takes a photo of either of those, then it can become possible to copyright. In the case of AI art, a simply outputted image cannot be filed under copyright because it's the computer outputting a "natural process", akin to a spider making a web or a tree making leaves is a "natural process". BUT, an AI art image that the computer spits out, and then edited by someone can be copyrighted because it's an extension of "human expression".
>>1382 >Furthermore, even if AI art is uncopyrightable, there's still a myriad of ways to make money from "selling AI art" that don't require copyrighting a particular piece of AI art. You forgot NFTs
(296.82 KB 512x512 dickbutt HD.png)

Oh. Oh no! I have made a FUCKING MISTAKE. This was not what I was trying to do AT ALL. I AM NOT GOOD WITH COMPUTER.
>>1385 Thats what you get for being a gaylord.
>>1386 I wasn't trying to generate anything sexual. Why did it do this?
(176.93 KB 341x566 42 waaaghhhhhhh.png)

>>1387 >Dicks aren't sexual IT'S LITERALLY CALLED A SEX ORGAN!
(59.18 KB 1114x627 DButt.jpg)

(151.93 KB 418x418 1577839084104.jpg)

>>1385 >>1387 >I wasn't trying to generate anything sexual.
>>1388 No you don't understand. I was just trying to generate cute artistic pics of shotas in the desert, and then the generator had a fucking seizure and vomited out Dickbutt-kun.
>>1391 Cute. The hair and eye color make me think of a genderswapped Misty.
>>1391 if it's not sexual why is he naked?
>>1391 Very nice. What prompts did you use?
>>1391 > pics of shotas in the desert Shotanigger confirmed mudslime.
>>1394 Positive: (((shota))), (((boy))), light orange hair, light blue eyes, nude, penis, ((small penis)), testicles, straight hair, short hair, bangs, desert, sand Negative: muscles, ((pubic hair)), (((vulva))), (((pussy))), (((erect penis))) For positive I've also added from time to time: palm trees, cactus, night, stars, pyramids, sphinx and a few other things like that. I've found that I HAVE to add :penis, ((small penis)), testicles because if I don't it makes cuntboys or nullos or gives him a giant dick or gives him a Thing tentacle horror boner. And I had to add :'(((erect penis))) to the negative to suppress it as well. I've also played with his hair style by adding: bangs, bob cut and by changing his hair color. "Bowl cut'' did not work but it did make this first one. I'm going to keep playing around with this. I'm slow walking it into it doing what I want it to do.
(2.28 MB 1020x1600 fool.png)

>>1385 MOAR
(438.82 KB 512x512 00014-268711842.png)

>>1385 >>1389 I've gotten those too.
(53.64 KB 450x453 sides.jpg)

>>1398 >that image This attack on my sides have left me scarred and deformed.
>>1398 We need a HD dickbutt compilation.
(758.37 KB 800x800 foamed.png)

>>1398 Sensational.
>>1393 Nudity doesn't necessarily mean something is sexual.
(37.62 KB 689x795 D9gdFf0U0AAfUtK.jpg_large.jpg)

>>1402 Ah, then I can show my kids naked pictures of black guys, they're just naked so it's not sexual. I'm justin yankin your chain, anon, I know what you mean
>>1404 >Vampire Goth mommy ok anon
>>1396 >>1391 I'm going to post these and a bunch of others I generated to /sm/ once I do a little clean up on them. Some are a little too messy to fix but that's OK since they're generated in an almost skeychy or painted style. But some are just almost perfect save a little mis-generation and I'm going to try and fix those to the best of my ability.
>>1405 what more do you need?
>>1407 Vampire Goth Lolibaba Mommy.
>>791997 N-no thanks.
>>791997 Some of these are alright, but I'd much prefer if the face was a lot more anime. Almost everything about the eyes, nose, and lips is pure boner kill. Hell, looking closely, the skin and nips aren't very appealing either.
(517.02 KB 680x382 Reigen_is_dissapoint.png)

>>792013 Post the real stuff coward
>>1411 What was baleeted?
>>1412 /delicious/-type material. As >>1410 said, not very appealing. At least, that's what >>791997 was. I didn't see the other post(s).
>>1391 I edited the 2nd pic to remove weird lumps on his butt and left leg that were bothering me. >>1412 Realistic AI loli pics posted by a serial ban evader who continuously tries to instigate fights about pedophilia and the site's moderation. >>1413 There was another post containing realistic vampire lolis that looked better than the other pics, at least in my opinion.
>>1412 lcp posting AI generated child models
>>1373 She's also real if you didn't know it's Francesca Capaldi. >>1414 >Realistic It was vaguely semi realistic-ish, He could make shit that's barely discernable from real using the right checkpoint, prompt and settings, hyper-real even and holy shit some checkpoints can do cute insanely well if you pile on superlatives for beauty. Seems like Aresmix+the 840000 VAE is excellent for bodies and NSFW stuff I've had it pumping out filth all night while I slept, got 2k of pics to dig through for winners. I've had success with reducing the number of Steps I was putting pics through, about 50 seems to be about the most any needs anything past it tends to make either only very small changes or else makes it look too stylised, simplifying my overly verbose prompts helped to get results too. Also while Karras++ 2M has been a solid method for me so far Eula a is proving pretty fucking good too.
>>1414 Thanks. That looks a lot better.
>>1416 The trouble with Euler A is that the entire composition will be different depending on the step count, unlike more other methods which stabilize at a certain point. Personally I tend to only go for 25-30 steps, or as low as 10-12 with the SDE method. Not including hi-res fix.
>>1418 I do keep finding myself having to make XYZ pics of the various methods and weights so I can remind myself where weird/good shit starts to kick in last one took nearly an hour to knock up. I've already eliminated some of the methods from the UI that take for fucking ever to get a pic done though, long processing times can piss right off.
>>1416 >It was vaguely semi realistic-ish Yeah. The pics are a bit uncanny, but nothing that should get you banned, unless you are the autistic pedo who gets banned on sight, of course. I saved the loli vampire pics since I actually liked them.I can reupload them on >>>/delicious/ or >>>/loli/ if anyone wants them. >>1417 Here's an alt of the alt that gives the boy a right arm and a (poorly drawn) hand. Drawing the hand made me understand why AI struggles so much with them, they are hard as fuck to draw.
>>1419 The thing with speed is that some methods converge to a good result in fewer iterations, even though each iteration takes longer. SDE, as I mentioned, is one of those. 12 steps of that takes about as long as 25 steps of the faster methods, but gives as good a result, while 12 steps of the faster methods would be crap. It can be hard to know which method will work best, and which aren't worth it. Especially since some models favour certain samplers more than others (e.g. fur and painterly styles seem to do better with DDIM than realistic or flat anime styles do).
(50.50 KB 768x561 wtcshit.png)

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These extensions have potential, oh lawds do I have some training to do.
I'm well aware, that pic was made was in one step though, pics related are what straight img2img got me with the same prompt, also the pose thing is cool as fug cos that's often an issue with setting a scene.
>>1424 By step there I mean one iteration, it was 50 Steps
>>1424 Interesting. What set of extensions do you have in order to get that detail while keeping the same general composition and outlines?
>>1426 ControlNet: https://stable-diffusion-art.com/controlnet/ - Blurb https://github.com/Mikubill/sd-webui-controlnet - 'Install from URL' within the UI https://huggingface.co/lllyasviel/ControlNet/tree/main/models - I used the Using the Scribble and OpenPose ones
>>1398 >>1385 This is becoming a new fetish, isn't it?
>>1425 >50 steps Nigga you're just wasting GPU at that point. After 20 something steps most samplers just start redrawing the image and changing shit instead of adding detail.
(830.92 KB 768x768 bearclub.png)

>>1385 Picrelated happened while trying to make a nightclub scene, dicks get in everywhere it seems. >>1429 Starting to realise it's a bit much for some of them, using around 30 with reasonable success now
>>1430 Oh god so fucking hot
>>1430 >>1431 Would you a teddy bear?
>>1432 I already have, when I was a pre-semenarche shota learning to masturbate. It had a coincidental hole and I took the opportunity. I ended up with a foreskin full of cotton fluff; would not recommend.
(111.90 KB 626x913 59147970_p2_ted.jpg)

>>1432 sure
>>1432 I may have semi abused a (non-sex) doll thing at some point when I was a kid, didn't cum all over it or anything but the hair was a thing for me.
>>1435 Oh shit I'm gonna make doll-like girls now, fuck man this is hard going on my dick and balls but goddamn it I'm stepping up to the plate.
I'd never have thought it'd go from a novelty art generator to my primary source of parallel universe porn in about 3 months. I've not looked for anything real in the whole time other than a few pics to as reference points in SD, soon my dick will only like imaginary girls.
>>1436 There is a doll-joint LORA in one of the many various lists.
(382.83 KB 1562x1056 goblin_threads.png)

>>1438 >AI can make sexy dolls
>>1437 >soon my dick will only like imaginary girls. Wait, you weren't already there?
>>1441 >Shortstacks are just stacked lolis Thanks, Captain O!
Can someone explain the Stable Diffusion censorship? Are people using SD 1.5 or forks of it? What does this mean for the future of generating images?
>>1437 I wish I had the knowledge to do that as well satan. I can barely get shit to look like I want it to or do what I want. I need to go around gather other people's prompts next time I try so I can see what actually works.
>>1442 Captain Orgasm once again saves the day!
>>1440 It's not like I want any IRL female anymore it's just while I certainly appreciate 2D my focus is mostly on making photoreal stuff so I'm kinda on the fence for most folks here. >>1443 Really it's a nothing, the base program isn't effected by it just the 2.0 checkpoint file and the 2.1 to a lesser extent, which even if they can do slightly bigger pics, are pretty basic bitch and you don't have to use them at all, most don't they're certainly not much use for making filth, there's not many good forks of 2.0/2.1 either (I hear it's a pain in the ass to make them for 2.0 but don't know details) so people are mostly focusing on 1.4/1.5 variants. With regards the future we can only hope when the 1024x1024 standard rolls around it's easier to get porny variants of it. >>1444 Every pic on Civitai has its prompt and details of seed, steps and method with it, you can take one of those and modify it, add and subtract as you go to get somewhere, once you find one that works save it in a .txt. Remember earlier words in the prompt have greater weight so put what you want to see up front and qualifiers for it afterwards, verbose prompts *can* put out excellent results and eliminate gross shit but if you go OTT it can hamper it's ability to create more flexibly, start simple, right click Generate Forever and add or edit and see what it puts out, you'll get there anon I believe in you, your dick will believe too.
(8.49 KB 318x403 ugh.png)

>>1445 >via 9gag dot com
>>1441 >[spoiler] That statement is completely wrong.
>>1441 thigg :D :DDDDD
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(5.66 MB 2048x3072 lofi.png)

>>1452 Assuming same prompt/seed with different models?
>>1452 Can it make breasts big and noticeable under clothing while still being realistically proportioned? I love cleavage. And I love busty girls in otherwise modest clothes. But making her tits bigger than her head just doesn't do it for me.
>>1452 These aren't even interesting

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More girls from a different model.
>>795448 Pic nr 2 is gay. Who trains a trap model?
>>1457 You just had too little contact with women
(421.18 KB 578x453 Untitled.png)

Something interesting. Corridor Digital created a shot animation using AI tools and being fed anime artstyle to create a video. The anime used was Hunter D: Bloodlust. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=GVT3WUa-48Y
>>1459 He says that but most people pretty much gave up on handraw animated thinking "CGI is good enough", AI is probrably the chance to get those back as it improves with time. On other note i always wanted to read Vampire Hunter D but idk if its worth the time
>>1424 i thought this was some kind of schematic, you plan to skewer the airplane that attempts to akbar the building
>>1460 > On other note i always wanted to read Vampire Hunter D but idk if its worth the time I have read all the novels. I don't necessarily recommend going that far, but you can try the first novel. It will give you a good taste of what it's about and if you don't like it you can stop there. Each story is fairly short standalone and you can read them in any order or skip them, so you don't have to autistically follow the lore. Not that there is much of any lore to begin with. It's not like the Drizzt novels where you practically have to read all the stories in order or else you lose track of the plot. I find the series good for what it is: easily digestible page turners. Basically an anime in book form. You won't find any deep meaning of life-lessons and in a hundred years no one will care about Vampire Hunter D, but not every novel needs to be a classic. Just give the first one a try. The writing does get better as time goes on, but the first one is a good representation of the series. Just one word of caution: don't expect any overarching plot or world building. There are some teases here and there, but there is no payoff. So if you want some deepest lore, you won't find anything definitive here. Each story is basically the author pulling new shit out of his ass. The only consistent rules are the limits placed on vampires and dhampirs.
>>1459 The problem with AI "anime" besides the inconsistent shading and lighting from frame to frame is that it doesn't even look like real animation, it looks like rotoscoping. It technically is considering how they made it. An individual one of these frames might look fine, but in motion it looks like a high budget Joel Haver skit.
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Some sinister male figures in masks
>>1456 >>1464 I do like you guys coming in these threads with very banal test posts like you just discovered this tech exists yesterday, it's cute. Granted this thread is very weak compared to the ones we had last year, in previous threads the stuff people made was fucking wild and way more interesting.
>>1465 As the tech loses its novelty these threads lose steam. So people just getting into it now are the only thing that's going to keep the threads going until the novelty wears off for them. Although new developments and methods can keep things moving as well. Voice AI threads will be much the same, but the sudden gatekeeping by elevenlabs certainly didn't help there.
>>1465 You didn't save the giant penis monsters?
(125.92 KB 684x1000 master of mankind og.jpg)

>>1465 Oh damn, that last one looks like something out of dune or 40k, nice.
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>>1466 It's got nothing to do with the novelty wearing off yet because new developments and methods are continuously happening. The AInon is the /loli/ thread is continuously honing his AI wrangling skills while experimenting with new models like the one that lets you pose characters. I think people just need to start making and attempting more requests. Here's an example from the /loli/ thread when he suggested people request an image to "colorize". Apologies to Eltonel for this sacrilege upon his work. >>1074 I'd like more angry videogame characters. The last time anons did some, they turned out really well. More increasingly violent version of existing images like >>1076 did, would also be amazing. Really, just go crazy with reaction images. Pick any characters you want and tell the AI to give them an emotion.
(2.66 MB 1024x1536 z0_20230303_c03.png)

(2.44 MB 1024x1536 diffusion loli erin 00.png)

(1.63 MB 1024x1536 diffusion loli erin 01.png)

(2.14 MB 1024x1536 diffusion loli erin 02.png)

>>1469 >>1470 These look pretty good, save for a few small imperfections
(1.25 MB 768x1152 z0_20221230_05.png)

>>1472 If you want more like this, check out >>>/loli/4688. He's an expert lolimancer.
>>1074 Requesting unconscious women getting carried away by humanoid monsters. If that's too complicated I'll settle for unconscious women laying down in detailed environments like in >>1281 either alone or in pairs.
>>1474 You are very strange.
>>1475 Out of all the posts in this thread being deserving of receiving the oddball award, it goes to our Bill cosby friend here? you know what, fair enough.
Looks like a good mix for western cartoon stuff is Butch Hartman's lora at 0.5 and Dop's lora at 0.5
>>1477 These are so cool, man, holy shit.
(62.48 KB 453x680 midwestern crusaders.jpg)

>>1477 Oh shit, can you do the rest of the cast of RE1 like that? Its like the team that made kim possible worked on an resident evil cartoon, its hilarius.
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>>1475 I'm trying to make more "damsel in distress" type imagery with fainting heroines getting hauled off by physically strong but not necessarily conventionally attractive men. Just look up horror movie posters or still from the fifties to sixties or pulp mag covers from the thirties and forties to see what I mean. I realize how difficult it is to get two characters interacting in any meaningful way even when you can control their poses like with Control Net. So I thought it would be better to focus on individual women passed out in vulnerable poses instead. It's mostly the poses combined with the expressions that do it for me, so that's what I want to get right the most.
>>1479 Had to describe Barry's physical appearance, so that's probably why he's not closer to his original design like the rest of S.T.A.R.S. team. Have a bonus Jill.
>>1481 >wesker Holy shit he looks like hes gonna sell you cocaine or NTR you. >chris It seems to have gotten more of an inspiration of RE5-6 chris than 1, but still, i can see it. >rebecca Always a cutie, although she has some high tomboy energy there. >barry He looks like a trucker, fitting to be honest. >that last jill Looks like frankie foster in cosplay. >>1482 God damn, that lara croft.
This mix has its limits with complicated designs. Sorta loses its charm with too much detail. >>1483 (czech'd) >implying Rebecca didn't always have tomboy energy It's just amplified.
>>1484 Rebecca is too girly and frail to be a proper tomboy.

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>>1074 I'd like to see some sci-fi/prehistoric landscapes. Preferably with wildlife if it's up to it. Also just science fiction/space stuff in general. Planets, spaceships, people in space suits, ect.
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Surprised it knows all these characters without further elaboration
>>1488 Did you just make those now? I was hoping for some landscapes but that robot dinosaur looks pretty neat.
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>>1488 COCK ROBOT COCK do-do-do-dun-dun
>>1489 Nah, they've been sitting on my drive. Just went immediately to those because I know I have them. I have way more robot/cyberpunk stuff than space.
>>1487 You do realize there's metric fucktons of porn of these characters, right? Of course they're recognizable. >>1490 >COCK >ROBOT COCK Finally, someone said what I've been thinking for the past 3 months.
>>1491 Pic 2 looks like it's straight out of an anime Pic 3 looks like the AI needs to watch less Space Battleship Yamamoto >>1494 > That Bussard Ramjet It's amazing how many of these ships look like the AI watched too much anime.
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For some reason it keeps wanting to turn Duke into a chick.
>>1496 Damn, I'm looking good.
These Danny Phantom girls are amazing.
>>1486 Wish I could've done more prehistoric mammals, but the models I have can barely do a ground sloth that just looks like a bear without ears and interprets giant isopods as walking spiky shells.
>>1498 All great except for teh Shantae, feels very odd
>>1502 Is there any particular reason why the AI is so incapable of creating coherent words? I understand that the top of the book is always the same and thus the model was overfitting for it, but is there a way to get it to write actual sentences? Not even randomly generated ones, just complete sentences.
Can't think of anymore RE girls lmao. >>1503 AFAIK the process is based on static(noise) based on a seed being gradually taken away until there's a clear picture based on the prompt/dataset/model/weights/whatever technical shit I'm too retarded to know. It's possible, since google's imagen can do legible text relatively well, but even then it's iffy with output. There's also language machine learning stuff that specializes in speech and communication, so it's definitely possible with current tech, but transferring that to png files in the middle of an already semi-coherent image diffusion model is easier said than done. If I had to take a guess, you'd have to have a separate model with a completely different type of training set, and possibly multiple models running in parallel in order to get something like what you're proposing. But what do I know? This shit's basically magic.
>>1504 Try doing claire but with the classic costume.
i've been screwing around with the disco elysium lora, it's pretty good here's the link if anyone wants it https://civitai.com/models/16048/or-disco-elysium-style-lora
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>>1506 Claire's spats will be lost to time...
>>1507 Looks like it'd pair well with Yoji Shinkawa's lora or anything else that uses prominent brush strokes/splatter. >>1508 Closer, but still not quite. Pretty sure you'd need a lora to get all of those specific details.
>>1434 Who even drew this? DoubleDeck?
>>1477 Ok but is there a lora for a good artstyle?
(1.98 MB 900x1368 1678127935707676.png)

Anyone by any chance have downloaded the model called "Cstaber"? I'm really looking for the original one since I want to make mixes with it but the fags on 4chn won't share it. Just to show what a mix with this model can do:
>>1465 Contributions are appreciated much more than high handed bitching.
(3.32 MB 2048x2400 PROMOTIONS.png)

>>1514 Should be archived if it's on 4/b/ or 4/h/. The only tedious part would be going through the threads for a link, but using ctrl+f should be easy.
>>1514 >Promotion >Cuckchan Lmao.
>>1517 Already went throught all the archives, and the links I've found were expired/taken down. So I was wondering if anyone here was able to save it while it was available
>>1514 After some web searching I found this 4cuck post: > boards.4channel.org/g/thread/91993485/sdg-stable-diffusion-general#p91994371 From a cursory check the links in the post do seem to be working. However, one anon did reply: > > >91994371 >you glow So, follow and download at your own risk.
>>1520 Thank you for your answer, but I already downloaded both of those models and sadly none of them is the original. The cstaber in that link is some shitty model someone renamed to bait people to download it and the gstaber doesn't have anything similar to the original, is just some random model. I appreciate you trying to help me but it seems this model will be impossible to find, I've searched in a lot of threads on the archive of /b/, /g/ and /h/ wich is the board were the model was originally posted. I also did a hard search on 2ch, 2ch.hk, 5ch, and all the fallen, but no luck. I think the model will just end up as some kind of lost media. Thanks again for your answer.
Most of the generations made Widowmaker look like Raven from Teen Titans. >>1503 Including this one just because it included the text. Surprised it came out this clearly.
>>1522 last one is the only good one of this batch
>>1523 Aiming more for game accuracy than lewds.
>>1523 Which is a shame, because overshite leaves a bad taste in my mouth, but I really want more Danny Phantom style fitgirls.
>>1524 Wasn't just talking about the lewds, their faces and bodies aren't the best (i.e. Tracer's eyes look like crazy bug eyes too close to her mouth and nose, Mercy's face looks derpy, and Mei's look like some template shit like bitmojis or whatever other shit they're called these days) plus proportions are wonky and not very appealing
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>>1526 Tried more for accurate costumes for the majority of those. The only reason I included percy was because it included the legible text, which is an anomaly since I generate dozens to hundreds of these at a time depending on the day. These are previous gens before I got the costumes down.
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>>1525 That's easy.
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>>1528 Dear mother of God.
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>>1529 Good opportunity to test this lora for kissing.
>>1517 Dakkssul 2, Granation 2: Grendt that Gtaned, Bloobomee: Th Bion Beoire Taиbee, and CReshNinng look like epic games.
>>1530 Can it do live action women kissing or just cartoons?
>>1534 (heil'd) It can, but I feel the little quirks of AI rendering are more forgivable in a drawn/painted art style. Millions of years of evolution trained us to see the most minute differences in people, and the errors stick out like several extra sore thumbs. Don't let me stop you from giving it a try though. civitai /models/18489/better-kisses
>>1522 >>1527 >>1528 Are you using Fairly oddparents and Danny Phantom as references?
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>>1536 Partially, yes. It's a mix of a Butch Hartman and Dop LoRA at 0.5 each.
>>1537 Shit, didn't scrolled up, my bad
>>1541 Could you do one similar to the first one but only with a Japanese or Chinese castle instead?
>>1543 >>1544 Love you anon.
>>1532 That's not really an upgrade it's a fork of the UI, it does include some features the original doesn't have but it's lacking a training section that I could see, looked a bit more casualfag has a reddit link in it plus begging for money links and such.
>>1468 >40k Would be cool to see more of those Midjourney "x as an 80s dark fantasy film" but with different characters/franchises". Especially stuff that already has the look like Dune, Doom, Lexx, Incal, ect.
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>>1186 Cat-people, it can't. //says the player who always plays khajiit no matter what. Lost the prompt getting the image. anthropomorphic cat, melee weapon, ocean front, rocky ground, ominous clouds .. Meh. I want to play around with this some more.
When's Midjourney going to leak like Novel AI did? Can you even run Midjourney without a network of supercomputers? It's not something that could become a model.ckpt for Stable Diffusion, could it?
>>1550 Midjourney uses Stable Diffusion just like NAI IIRC. Just like the leak, it would probably come with a custom API if leaked with whatever other custom weights and automatically applied prompts.
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>>1298 Well I was able to do something more interesting finally
>>1547 I meant how to update that 'fork.' I guess it just auto-updates? Because I couldn't see any instructions.
>>1552 Almost perfection. GJ anon
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https://imgur.com/gallery/4WpwxMN More Midjourney stuff. Getting some serious Lexx vibes from some of these images.
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LoRA for Postal 1 loading screens civitai /models/21888/postal-1-loading-screen-style-lora >>1555 >>1556 Good shit, anon. Really makes me want to get midjourney, but I'm a combination of cheap, patient, and hopeful that the model will get leaked.
>>1553 It's a separate download and install, It's not worth it, the original is better, higher number does not = better in this case. >>1556 Starship Troopers meets Aliens
Time for a new thread?
Yes, also how do you make checkpoints cos I got daaaaata out the asshole I could be using for one.
>>1559 I guess so

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