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(2.69 MB 1280x720 Dagoth Ur Intervention.mp4)

AI Voice Thread - Drug Free Edition Anonymous 02/14/2023 (Tue) 13:44:37 Id: 98d432 No. 2997
Previously on AI Voice Thread.. This is the next wave of machine learning magic and it's hitting the coast with tsunami force. >What the fuck does this have to do with videogames? Using clips from your favorite videogame voices you can make those voices say anything you want, just like 15.ai could, but with immensely greater quality. https://beta.elevenlabs.io/ They are tightening restrictions in response to perpetually-offended retards, yet anons persist in their merry-making shenanigans. https://nitter.ir - https://github.com/zedeus/nitter/wiki/Instances You can find AI Voice clips circulating on Twitter. If you discover anything good share your finds in here or in the WebM Thread: >>781280 Previous Thread >>>/ais/528 AI Art / Stable Diffusion Thread >>765010 Perhaps we should merge AI art and voice threads next time thus consolidating AI activities into one place?
>>3455 My chrome based browser can play them by opening a new tab and opening them as a black video, and linux should come with VLC install which is what i also have and that should play wav. When i try to play the wav files on firefox it will just download them.
>>3456 >>3457 >>3458 Thanks. These all sound terrible though. >>3459 >linux should come with VLC install which is what i also have and that should play wav. Ah, I didn't know VLC could do WAV.
>>3460 >These all sound terrible though. you should hear how bad Bark was, it's at least allows you to clone a voice without paying unlike elevenlabs. The only other mainstream alternative is some voice changer that reads text to speech sound fies and sings them. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=62sjaCXyOsU
Reminder that it's been over 10 months since we've heard from the 15.ai fag.
>>3463 He's gone. He was always a primadonna and 11 labs killed him and his motivation, even with that only being around a fucking weekend.
>>3463 What surprises me, people still subs to his patreon.
>>3465 People can get REALLY lazy with Patreon. A lot of leeches count on it.
>>3464 What an absolute faggot. All that wasted potential.
>>3466 Normalfags sub to so many things they loose track of it.
>>3468 >loose
(618.10 KB 560x909 a fool and his money.png)

>>3468 >loose
>>3470 >paying for Strava >having both a Comcast and a Verizon bill Some people just like to have their wallets viciously sodomized it seems.
>>3470 >paying to watch jewish media >paying for Adobe products >paying for music >paying for a fucking newspaper >paying for YouTube >paying for makeup >paying for someone else to make your food for you I'm trying to figure out what a Daily Harvest "subscription" even is, but their website doesn't explain it. They do sell vegan popsicles and oatmeal for ten dollars a pop, though. So there's that.
>>3470 This is fake but not that fucking far off from the truth for some "people". The same faggots who complain constantly about increasing prices of everything will continue to dump money into monthly "services" and buying into explicitly overpriced garbage. All just to watch the shit (((HBO))) shovels into their mouth (made by people who hate them) and to use an exercise bike with a cycle counter and a tablet strapped to it.
>>3472 Daily Harvest has a service where they mail you boxes of ingredients to make smoothies out of, and everything is overpriced by a fucking ton compared to just buying the same shit from your local grocery store.
>>3470 Jesus Christ. >>3473 >This is fake but not that fucking far off from the truth for some "people". I have a friend with at least five of these.
>>2997 Are there any updates on RvC and 11labs?
>>3364 That image is taken out of context: I watched that cartoon episode myself, Donald Duck is basically forced to work in a factory that creates munitions (and pictures of Hitler, for some reason, which he is forced to heil everytime he sees one). He secretly hates the nazis but can't express his disdain for fear of execution. While working in the factory, he smuggles extra rations to eat while being on the lookout for nazi guards, because the amount of food they give him is very small. At the end of the episode, he wakes up and it was all a dream. Then he hugs an American flag and says "Thank God I live in the USA!" (paraphrased).
So, what are the best programs for making these? I don't know what I should be using.
>>3477 >That image is taken out of context: No fucking duh. You have to be a retarded zoomer to think otherwise about a Disney cartoon that relatively new and family friendly being anti-Jew.
>>3478 RvC for singing and doing covers of pre recorded audio. 11labs for text to speech, but they require upfront payment for the good stuff.
>>3478 Ah, also Fakeyou has a good catalogue of models, but they frown upon slurs, so you gotta be creative.
https://archive.is/vAlcy Has anyone heard about this?
>>3482 >new news <is ignored
>>3483 I don't know anything about it, anon. I wqas kind of hoping other people would because it seems interesting.
>>3483 >sign up for my paid service! <WHY IS IT BEING IGNORED Gee.
>>3482 >>3485 It says open source in the article but I see no link to the actual source code. Tried using the link in the article. It wanted you to register. So I tried with a ten minute mail. I looked at some of the bots and listened to the voice samples and was not impressed. It's nowhere close to 11labs. It's MAYBE a touch above the tinniness of 15, but sounds less emotional than either. So, call me when "open source" part of this is actually delivered.
>>3485 This is the hugging face demo: https://huggingface.co/spaces/myshell-ai/OpenVoice Just tested it and it's shit, it kinda copies the voice's pitch but overall sounds just as robotic as any TTS program from two decades ago. >>3486 "Open Source" is basically a buzzword at this point. They neither publish the code nor you can simply run it locally. And of course they can't publish the dataset either because it's very likely they stole it. I blame openai for this garbage.
>>3487 In addition to being woefully limited (200 fucking characters), it's also broken. I type English words directly in the box and it says "[HTTP ERROR] 500 - {"error":"Text should be in English with en_default"}" Uh huh; eat shit, "demo."
>>3485 That doesn't stop you from DISCUSSING it, faggot. >>3486 >>3487 Here is the source code. https://github.com/myshell-ai/OpenVoice Archive because I know someone will bitch: https://archive.is/ZhZ3w
>>925378 Well I suppose it's possible the people using it just made something lazy and shitty. I'm not technically savvy enough to use the source code myself, but maybe someone else can do something with it.
>>3482 >>3487 >>3489 Gave it a couple of tries with different voices. It just seems like it copies only a very few parts of the reference audio and infers whatever the hell it feels like. Tried changing some of the words in the Style section with barely any change in tone. Seems like it's just one step above 11labs in that you can use their neutral voices indefinitely, while having a much lower quality. Expect a ton of youtubers to just flocking there to avoid forking money to the Polish. Speaking of, it seems so weird to me that with all the hubbub with both Microsoft and tech in general, no disgruntled employee has leaked anything about either Dalle-3 or 11labs' proprietory code.
>>3491 >Speaking of, it seems so weird to me that with all the hubbub with both Microsoft and tech in general, no disgruntled employee has leaked anything about either Dalle-3 or 11labs' proprietory code. We just aren't that lucky, anon.

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