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Use this board to discuss anything about the current and future state of AI and Neural Network based tools, and to creatively express yourself with them. For more technical questions, also consider visiting our sister board about Technology

(2.69 MB 1280x720 Dagoth Ur Intervention.mp4)

AI Voice Thread - Drug Free Edition Anonymous 02/14/2023 (Tue) 13:44:37 Id: 98d432 No. 2997
Previously on AI Voice Thread.. This is the next wave of machine learning magic and it's hitting the coast with tsunami force. >What the fuck does this have to do with videogames? Using clips from your favorite videogame voices you can make those voices say anything you want, just like 15.ai could, but with immensely greater quality. https://beta.elevenlabs.io/ They are tightening restrictions in response to perpetually-offended retards, yet anons persist in their merry-making shenanigans. https://nitter.ir - https://github.com/zedeus/nitter/wiki/Instances You can find AI Voice clips circulating on Twitter. If you discover anything good share your finds in here or in the WebM Thread: >>781280 Previous Thread >>>/ais/528 AI Art / Stable Diffusion Thread >>765010 Perhaps we should merge AI art and voice threads next time thus consolidating AI activities into one place?
Can AI scream yet? Or at least laugh?
How's the 15.ai guy taking this? These new models beat the hell out of what he was doing, I know he's very proud of his work. Eleven have way more restrictions, though. >>2998 AI can squirt
(1.18 MB 492x480 No more money.mp4)

>>2998 Biden's "WHAT?" was very expresive, but I am not sure if it was manually changed from what the AI initially outputted, or if one of the inputs for the AI, was Biden screaming "WHAT?" ?
>>2997 Please use >>>/ais/ or at least store the threads there. This isn't /v/moe, it's 8moe. >>2999 >How's the 15.ai guy taking this? I honestly don't think he cares much about it outside of an academic perspective. His project was from day one about pony voice preservation, the only people who legitimately cared about the project (other than those who latched onto it because of TF2 memes). >These new models beat the hell out of what he was doing It's easy to beat some compsci graduate with Blackrock funding, access to immense datasets and computational prowess. That's like saying that the Mom and Pop's pizza place is feeling the heat because some big dick fast food chain just rolled ten shops in their own street.
Ranni's voice is pure anodyne
>>2998 I don't know if this count.
>>3002 i hate how people make these things and use words like "fuck", "bitch", etc, its like a rap battle between 70iq niggers in modern dystopian urban hellscape. completely breaks character. the dagoth ur fags do it too and it inmediately removes any fun from the clip. how hard is it to use a thesaurus?
>>3004 Swearing = Funny is the worst thing that came out of the Counterculture of the 60's, it only got worse with Millennials/Gen Z because they're not even doing it as some "rebellion" against polite society, they just do it because they legitimately think saying "fuck shit cunt ass bitch" is the height of comedy. But I think this was already discussed in the High on Life thread.
>>3004 I feel the only instances where it can be funny are when they're obvious copypastas, as in >>3003, where the character is already broken anyway.
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>>3005 Considering that at some point, he was considered one of the funniest guys on the internet, tells us that, sadly, a lot of people do thing that swearing == funny.
(3.40 MB 640x358 PersonaTunes.mp4)

>>3007 Avgn didn't rely exclusively on the swearing factor to get him to be a funny internet figure as there were other variables at play in there too. But even if you ignore the "film-making using minimalist resources" skills, subtle wordplay and the episodic nature of his videos you gotta admit that watching a dork with low temperament losing his shit over video games is pretty amusing.
>>3004 To be fair the Dagoth AI got completely independent from the character. There are more people there who know the character but never played the game. This perfectly reflects on the yt comments. It has it's own lore, it's own memes and pretty much a very different "fanbase" from the original. I personally can't care about it, it just fun and gives me a good giggle. I even can pretend how in TES 3 Dagoth actually won and escaped from the game/engine/lore/Bethesda/Todd Howard.
I am not feeling it
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i clearly don't know how this works
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not a single one of these sounds as i thought they would this is supposed to be charles martinet
>>2999 >These new models beat the hell out of what he was doing He was a single man, not a company.
>>2997 Can someone to a Japanese actress to English?
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(2.02 MB 720x720 Don & Joe Multiplayer.mp4)

>>3004 You'll get over it. >>3015 🠗 >>781554
>>3001 >Please use >>>/ais/ or at least store the threads there. You're illiterate. >This isn't /v/moe, it's 8moe The demographics of the remaining anons disagree.
>>3004 >i hate how people make these things and use words like "fuck", "bitch", etc, its like a rap battle between 70iq niggers in modern dystopian urban hellscape. completely breaks character. the dagoth ur fags do it too and it inmediately removes any fun from the clip. >>3005 >Swearing = Funny is the worst thing that came out of the Counterculture of the 60's And yet, I seem to be the only one tired of how many of these AI voice videos posted in this thread are just characters saying NIGGER several dozen times. Swearing can be funny, you're just used to "fuck" and "bitch" being accepted swears, while NIGGER is still spicy because it's not generally acceptable to many normalniggers.
>>3001 >>3017 I disagree with containing these threads in /ais/ at the moment. This is hot new technology and it's quite fun and somewhat related to video games in many cases, much like the webm thread. I can understand it's getting a little awkward with gg, two AI generals, a lounge and a meta thread but this is some of the most fun I've had on the board in a while. Maybe when AI starts to get stale that'll make more sense. Of course, moving them after they hit the bumplimit seems appropriate.
>>3018 >And yet, I seem to be the only one tired of how many of these AI voice videos posted in this thread are just characters saying NIGGER several dozen times On day 1 I found the David Attenborough and Tom Scott ones reading the "American culture is based on niggers" copypasta funny. But that's about it. A large part of browisng these threads has consisted of opening a webm, knowing from the first couple words that it's yet another uninteresting "total nigger death" variant, and closing it. I wish more of them were like >>3000
>>3007 James's appeal wasn't just the swearing, otherwise copycats like the Game Dude wouldn't have been just flash in the pans people laugh at for being obvious ripoffs (and in Alexander's case, stalking his ex-girlfriend and fleeing to Mexico when he gets brought to court for doing so)
>>3014 A company literally funded by fucking Blackrock, no less.
>>3022 Blackrock has their tentacles in everything. It's a challenge to find anything they haven't rubbed their dick on.
>>3022 >>3023 It's ridiculous. I was looking into setting up a Roth IRA and every other option offered for investment was from Blackrock.
>>3023 They've even infiltrated my TFSA. I bought into one of their ETFs before I'd heard of any such thing as "ESG".
>>3008 >>3007 >>3021 Avgn's rise was a mix of all things 2007 coming together to a melting pot. It wasn't like James did hilarious comedy, did highly informative games review, or had some grasphold of culture phenomenon. It was a just a fun hobby an autists did and a lot of people loved it. It just needs to be fun
>>3004 >why aren't you being in character? It's ruining my roleplaying fantasies!!! >swearing isn't funny guys, it's gets old once you cross 30 like me >fuck and bitch are for nigger rappers, not for sophisticated imageboard users Yeah it gets tiring after a while, the novelty of Ranni says fuck gets old. You'll have to wait a while till good in character dialogue gets trendy, like Ranni being all calm and anxious while ordering pizza for her dear consort
>>3027 The voice actors gets a little bit of edge over AI, the slight pauses and inflections
>>3013 You should try Lou Albano before you try Charles Martinet. >>3028 >fuck and bitch are for nigger rappers, not for sophisticated imageboard users In fairness, if someone comes out of the gate spewing expletives like he's got Tourette's, that's usually the sign someone is an underage tryhard. Or at least it was.
>>3030 its pretty tame in comparison then
>>3030 The best ones incorperate slurs in universe. Dargoth saying Nigger doesn't make sense unless he's talking to someone in the real world like Legate Lanius. Dagoth instead would use N'wah. The people that make these tend to forget they have to keep the script in character.
>>3031 It's almost perfect, but her AI voice is a bit too fast, as Ranni speaks slower. You can see the difference between the first 5 seconds of the video(her actual voice) as opposed to the rest which is just the AI. >>3032 The only real consistency between most of these Dagoth Ur memes, is that the he has achieved some sort of friendship with the Nerevar, and that the Nerevar is an Argonian, so he can't be can't be called racist.
>>3032 dagoth ur rating characters is the best
justin roiland's messages with his voice
>>3017 >You're illiterate. It looked like a good way to phrase it at the time. What did I say wrong? >>3004 >>3007 I feel that people are missing the point that swearing is not the punchline, but part of it - unless it's said in a scenario that you don't expect it to be said. AVGN was hilarious when he came out not because he had a sailor mouth, but because he was playing a character that would get irrationally angry or frustrated with old videogames when the most rational thing to do would have been to just stop playing it and return it. He would go out of his way to get angry and misinterpret facets of the game, treating it as if it was the most important thing in the entire world. It helps that Mike Matei was that same exact character in real life. Of course, people soon forgot about it when they started to copy it and James himself just didn't give a fuck about consistency anymore, which is why post some unspecified year his skits just don't hit that hard anymore. >>3018 But again, that is only funny if it's said to someone who gets offended by words on the internet or if it's a Blazing Saddles tier joke. Tucker Carlson reading a Moonman song is not funny unless the person who hears it is a special snowflake, and what's funny is the reaction to it. The "get a job, nigger" skit is funny because it's unexpected. Or copypastas, because they themselves are extremely weird and specific.
(846.97 KB 1300x1700 master shake.png)

Can someone make pic related with Master Shake's voice?
>>3036 >What did I say wrong? The suggest you make that I emphasized in bold is already in the OP. The old thread was migrated before this one ever existed, but you didn't even skim the OP.
(21.07 MB 720x480 Shake talks about Korra.mp4)

>>3037 please do, someone needs to remake this.
>>3029 The AI capture the sound of someone's voice but not their cadence. You can really hear this in the Trump ones, he speaks far too fast and clearly. Trump often pauses and places heavy emphasis on certain words. The Dagoth Ur ones work so well because he already talks in a flat, monotone way. >>3040 I forgot how rough the early models were, you barely tell half the words he's saying.
*can capture
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>>3037 every time, every time i see this
>>3024 >I was looking into setting up a Roth IRA Usury is a sin. Obfuscating usury through complicated jewish financial systems does not make it less of a sin. If you want to accumulate wealth, work on your skills, improve your land, and raise good kids/grandkids.
>>3041 >The AI capture the sound of someone's voice but not their cadence. You can really hear this in the Trump ones, he speaks far too fast and clearly. Trump often pauses and places heavy emphasis on certain words. I noticed this with Devon Stack from Insomnia Stream/Blackpilled. The real Devon stutters like a motherfucker. The AI Devon speaks like a pro.
>>3037 I wasted a lot of characters on this. I made a typo somewhere, but I'm not wasting more characters just for a baby-fucking copypasta. I hope elevenlabs doesn't ban me or send blackrock agents. The second webm is another take, with the AI "running out of breath" halfway through. I just wanted to make cute anime girls say funny things.
>>3046 unnerving
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>>3046 >i hope elevenlabs doesn't ban me >or send blackrock agents >I just wanted to make cute anime girls say funny things.
>>3046 You should have test his voice on smaller text first. Though this lacks the rough scratchiness of 15.ai, this very clearly doesn't sound like Master Shake nearly as much as 15.ai did.
>>3051 I did test it on smaller text, but the RNG makes things inconsistent, so even if the smaller text sounds like him, using the exact same settings on larger text might generate a completely different result.
>>3052 The trick is to make many small voice samples rather than one or two large voice samples - that way the AI won't pick a random point in the large samples to base its work off of and will instead use much more complete bits from many samples.
Reuploading these because I haven't seen a lot of people try and generate English-translated lines purely from JP audio. Apparently the AI models really appreciate when there's already a line reading and all it has to do is rearrange the vocal data to sound like English, which solves the cadence problem mentioned in >>3041. This is really interesting as it eliminates the need for voice actors to learn other languages, as their voices in other languages can be generated by AI and replicate the original delivery. In court, it would also hold up as transformative use.. Death to dubs and localization.
(133.56 KB 945x706 George Lucas Ahsoka design.jpg)

>>>/ais/568 >>>/ais/804 If we could have the AI George Lucas voice talking about Ahsoka's design that'd be fun. It reminds me of Yoko Taro and 2B.
>>3055 I never understood Lucas problem with Mara Jade back then, but now i can see it clearly. She was too old for his taste.
(271.59 KB 900x1149 Mara-Jade-90s.jpg)

>>3056 >Mara Jade "Too old. Too much clothing. 0/10 would not bang." - George Lucas probably
>>3055 Ahsoka exists solely for 2 reaons, lucas being horny over anakin having a teen aylmao girl following around, and to further frustrate obi-wan.
>>3007 He is a drone to his goblina/jewess wife, so he was never good. Even back then, he was just a drone to Mike.
>>784495 Noone here is judging george, its just funny to think about, like the fact that obi-wan got a mandalorian princess accidentally pregnant.
>>784495 I just watched Tales of the Jedi episode 5 (Practice makes perfect). It's literally a 9 minute long rape fantasy about Ashoka. There is no joke...
I'm seeing some indication that an improved fine-tuner for Tortoise may now be available, but I don't know much detail about it. Unfortunately the only place I've seen that talks much about it is cuck/g/, and their threads are unreadable cancer.

(1.42 MB 640x360 Gordon, stop.mp4)

>>3055 >>3056 Thinking it over, the reasoning was probably that teen boys were the target demographic of that series.
>>3063 Thats probably right, although i remember back then ahsoka didnt really do much for me, then again early clone wars ahsoka was annoying as fuck instead of the cute sidekick she became later.
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>>3063 These are fantastic.
people are complaining too much about AI voices but imagine the posibilities, we can have back voices of famous people like Robin Williams, chespirito or Charles chaplin. just imagine Bob Marley and Bad bunny singing the spongebob theme song, that would be amazing.
>>3067 >people are complaining My friend. More like jews complaining on that how they going to lose money. I expect the whole ai tech to be banned for the public within 5 years.
(2.53 MB 1280x720 Door Stuck good ending.mp4)

>>3068 It depends on how quickly a free alternative can come about. Is that elevenlabs thing still the main way people are making these AI voice edits? If it becomes free and out of Blackrock's hands, then you could expect some form of legislation, though probably starting in Europe before it gets to the states.
>>3063 Another anon made a complaint that too many of these AI voice things are just random people saying nigger, and I agree, but I think the first one is still funny, because there's more to the joke.
>>3033 That Roast webm is sublime
>>3070 I made that complaint, and I agree, the first one is great. It's far more creative.
(523.92 KB 640x640 unnamed.png)

Made an account on elevenlabs with a throwaway email and can't clone a voice. Do I have to shell out some shekels or is there a workaround?
(89.63 KB 610x569 Actual 1936 Olympics ads.jpg)

>>3073 First image is fake, but Coke did do Olympic Nazi promos. I guess the creator didn't find the real thing dramatic enough. Whoever made that image didn't even know German because it's grammatically incorrect. According to their official PR >Free tier with 10k characters / month and premade voices will still be available. So the voice cloning feature is paywalled. Sorry. You can still do voice cloning yourself using much more complex hobbyist tools if you can get them working. You have to setup the networks yourself and train them using your own hardware. The end result will be nothing like Elevenlabs' own, though. The end result will probably be something like >>3040, maybe a bit better if you work out the kinks.
(878.78 KB 648x360 Graham furry.mp4)

how do you still make these after the restrictions? you didn't pay, did you?
>>3081 I think some accounts are grandfathered aren't they?
>>3082 even so, how do you get around the character limit? or did people make many accounts before the restrictions took place?
>>3083 Yes. There were originally no protections against abusing the free account system with multiple accounts made with 5 minute emails.
I haven't made a single one. I find them on nitter.
(6.95 MB 576x1024 Don & Joe Multiplayer 3.mp4)

Some of the ones on nitter are from shit tok. These things get passed around everywhere.
>>3074 >So the voice cloning feature is paywalled. Sorry. So that's it then? We're just out of luck? Because it'll likely be years until someone makes a service this level of quality for free, and even then it'll be censored. I'm disappointed.
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(2.87 MB 1080x610 Joe Rogan awakening.mp4)

>>3087 Supposedly the missing bits of Tortoise that allowed further fine tuning have been found and re-implented in a UI, so there's actually potential to be comparable, if the creator's claims about why he got so scared aren't total exaggeration.
(1.53 MB 1100x618 1738298.mp4)

(2.96 MB 540x540 4Toe3Vk-FgRWYUzE.mp4)

>>3089 Can you explain further? I'm not sure what Tortoise is.
>>3092 >I'm not sure what Tortoise is. A nearly open source voice generator that runs on local hardware. Deliberately inferior to Elevenlabs because the creator was scared of what he was making, which is also the "nearly" part: he omitted a file necessary for fine-tuning. However, that missing component has been found/recreated and fine-tuning is now possible. Unfortunately, the only place I know that's using it instead of 11labs is cuckchan, and /g/'s threads are so horrendous that I honestly don't know how it's progressing, other than the fact that these projects exist: https://git.ecker.tech/mrq/ai-voice-cloning https://github.com/152334H/tortoise-tts-fast
>>3093 Thanks. Unfortunately, I don't have a computer powerful enough to run something like that when it finally is in a usable state.
>>3094 Could try Google Colab.
(5.95 MB 720x480 Points_For_Slytherin.webm)

>>3100 You have the Slytherin gas chamber one?
(2.36 MB 1280x720 Dagoth Ur Midna Rant.mp4)

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>>3099 I love this one, despite the fact that Ben is talking glacially slow.
>>3055 >>3056 >She was too old for his taste.
(1018.70 KB DumbledoreGift.mp3)

>>3102 Here's the Michael Gambon version which I think is a bit more expressive. Also adds some sound effects.
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>>3108 I'm disappointed that I didn't see George Bush as their 4th
(6.90 MB 1280x720 BidenTrumpKH.webm)

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>>3110 That pokemon one is 10/10
>>3110 >>3111 >>3112 They're fun when they're trying to make them seem similar to themselves. Musk being an overthinking autist on Minecraft makes sense. I don't like the gay reddit ones that blatantly try to make Biden look good over everyone else. Scrolling through guerilla marketing images of kermit the frog bitching about republicans killed every last brain cell those redditors had.
>>3113 Yeah some of the gaming ones are definitely "goofus and gallant" styled with Trump as the clear villain and Biden as the clear "smart" one. I feel like a lot of the ones posted in here though do a good job of keeping it even for all of the. At least I felt that way about the KH one I posted.
>>3103 >beach that makes you old God that was a stupid fucking movie.
>>3055 I wonder if there was any influence on her panties. >>3063 I never actually realized Chell was Asian.
>>3116 >I never actually realized Chell was asian I'm actually not sure what they wanted her to be. I could see her being asian in portal 2, but in 1 I couldn't tell you.
(1.48 MB 2560x1707 Muttmerica.jpg)

>>3118 100% American
(1.93 MB 640x360 882311.mp4)

This one is so foul
(1.51 MB 576x576 KIKE_Alidoas.mp4)

>>3120 baste
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>>3120 As an Ashkenazi/North African beaner, I approve.
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(182.21 KB 640x480 elliotcopypasta.webm)

>>3127 The fuck is this guy talking sperging about?
>>3128 He's equating the barely human-like language output from a LLM to intelligent discourse, because it LOOKS the same.
>>3127 >there's NO grammar, there's NO agency, it wasn't programmed in! >emergent properties? what's that? no just make it larger it will never have agency.
>>3130 >>3127 What does this guy have against agencies anyway?
>>3131 Bane and CIA AI when?
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>>3123 Yeah this shit is more dangerous than any false flags.
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(4.28 MB 576x1024 1677266771333287.webm)

>>3127 Is this the same Patrick Ryan that was drunkposting on /v/ about eight years back complaining about how he didn't get any royalties for his singular role as Nemesis in Soulcalibur III?
>>3137 is that tim pool with hair?
>>3139 You should probably put a link in that first pic for good measure
>>3140 I didn't make this pic
(232.87 KB 632x483 animu laugh.jpg)

>>3136 >Issuing drone strike
>>3143 Ah, man, that was great. Fucking Master Chief trying to hold the group together, staying strong the entire time.
(16.74 KB 376x517 smugkamira.jpg)

>>3143 there's something heart warming about all the TES baddies getting together to play some DnD with the Chief I don't know what that robot dude is DMing tho
>>3147 I feel like it's some faggot from Anthem or Destiny.
>>3147 >I don't know what that robot dude is DMing tho That's Shaxx from Destiny. He's not a actually a robot despite looking like one, though Destiny does have robots.
>>3150 Those webms turn out really good.
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>>3152 Trully inspiring, even in memeformat, fucking frenchies nailed it with that game.
Does anyone have some samples of AVGN?
>>3155 Can you not just use his videos? Some quick audio editing work could probably cut out any parts that aren't his voice.
>>3156 Well I can l, but I just wanna now if somebody have a sample of him
>>3158 these are just getting better and better.
>>3156 >>3157 Sorry, I don't have his voice clips isolated but I do have these. You can probably get the most mileage out of the audiobook he made for his "autobiography" (it was ghost-written by his wife) but if you want young AVGN specifically, you'll just have to dig through his older videos on youtube and cut accordingly.
(530.89 KB 600x606 BONGMAN.PNG)

>>3152 My sides
(2.89 MB 1280x720 Tucker.mp4)

Fox is really trying everything to distract people from the lawsuit
>>3160 Is that second video from that one schizo leddit community that's entirely about hating James? It's painfully unfunny. Not to say AVGN's newer videos are good, more often than not they're bad, but leddit's not any fucking better
>>3162 I'm seriously considering blasting this on my aunt's TV, she's dumb enough to think it's real.
(784.11 KB 490x360 avgn.mp4)

>>3163 They're mostly spergs but maybe once in a blue moon they'll be responsible for some real lulz material. Vid unrelated.
>>3160 He also did an audiobook for one of the MegaMen books, back in 2010 so that way you can get a younger James voice. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=S6_XJHcHg7I The only problem is that with this you will mostly get his calm voice, for an "angry" review, I think you might need to provide it with some of his angry clips. Here is a video made by someone else so I don't know what sampling he used.
Some of these Stryker ones are great.
(925.43 KB 212x176 disgusted_and_leaving.gif)

>>3169 >2nd one has e-begging and discord at the end
>>3169 >Trump chosing The Enclave instead of Yes Man. This is bullshit. Also, I'm a Yes Man runner and I don't want to agree with Obama.
>>3164 Do it
>>3172 Trump chose mr.house, hes telling biden that if what he wants is pre-war america, to go for the enclave instead of the NCR.
>>3170 Amazing
Reposting from the drawthread
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>>3177 Barely related but it's funny how many people dislike vanilla Minecraft but interpret that as them being "bored" or "tired" of it rather disliking the fundamentally bad design choices Mojang has been making with the game for the past ten years. Nobody can seriously tell me Phantoms and hunger were good additions to the game.
>>3178 When there's an update that adds something my cousin would get hyped and go on about it despite it predominantly being shit that had already existed in some form through mods and the mods did it better with more flexibility. I think Modded is more in the spirit of autism that the game conveys since you're adding and doing more tweaks to everything, compounding the minutia of it.
>>3178 Isn't hunger what gives a sense of purpose to the whole "survival" thing? I can imagine exploring without that bar telling me to eat a cow every time I take a short sprint though.
>>3180 No, evading skeletons and exploding monsters gives a sense of survival, hunger just makes you have to stop and find something to eat every couple minutes and drastically slows down your exploration of the world around you in a game where half the appeal is supposed to be exploring and finding cool spots to build shit.
>>3181 I get your point, it would be cool to carry more cool shit you find along the way without the food taking spots in the inventory; it's hindrance if anything.
>>3180 If there is a game that did "hunger in a survival game" right it's Valheim. In it, you never starve to death, instead you simply remain at your base health and stamina levels. The way to increase both your maximum health and stamina is by eating food, and you can only digest 3 different food items in your stomach at a time. As you progress through the game, kill more and more dangerous creatures, explore more dangerous places, you get new and new food items as well as upgrading materials to upgrade your cooking tools at home such as the cauldron. So at the start of the game, you will simply collect berries(gives extra 7 Health and 20 Stamina) or cook some Boar Meat(gives extra 30 Health and 10 Stamina) to late game with Mushroom omelette(gives extra 28 Health, 85 Stamina) and Meat Platter(gives extra 80 Health 26 Stamina). Because some food give more stamina, while others give more health, and you can only digest 3 at a time, you also eat the food in preparation for what you want to do. Do you plan on cutting wood all day? Then eat Stamina Food. Do you plan on clearing crypts and fight lots of enemies? Then eat more Health Food. When the food is completely digested, you simply return to the stats that you start the game with. As such eating food is a rewarding experience, as you get bonuses, and not something you need to do in order to not get penalized(loss of stats like some Skyrim mods did it, or starvation and death).
(190.06 KB 320x320 amy-hedgehog-deepfake.webm)

>>3185 doesn't sound enough like Amy to me
>>3185 Please stop.
>>3186 It's one of the earlier ones that was posted elsewhere when this thing was just gaining traction. I didn't get around to encoding it with a video stream until now. Just placing it here for posterity. >>3187 No :^)
>>2997 Is it possible to train the AI with the voice of a friend or a person you know to imitate it's voice to make troll calls on discord or somethin like that?
>>3189 Provided you have enough audio samples from said person why wouldn't it be?
>>3189 Depends how they speak. Last I heard, many accents are not imitated by the AI.
>>3192 >yfw The Patriots of our reality are going to be shitposting online with us instead of tyrannically dominating the world
(11.72 MB 640x360 GPT-4.mp4)

OpenAI showed off some of GPT-4 recently Video is full of corpo PR speak but the tech is interesting, it's not much of a demo but the task he asks it to do is oddly specific and it does it well. He asks GPT-4 to summarize an article about itself only using a certain letter, and it preforms fine. GPT-3 didn't even attempt doing it, and instead gave a normal summary, completely ignoring the limitation. <summarize article only using the letter G >Gigantic GPT-4 garners groundbreaking growth, greatly galvanizing global goals. <summarize article only using the letter A [the word GPT-4 is whitelisted] >GPT-4 achieves advanced advancements, amplifiying artificial aptitude astoundingly <summarize article only using the letter Q [the word GPT-4 is whitelisted] >GPT-4 quintessentially quickens quality quantifications, quelling questionable quandaries The public is still stuck with GPT-2. As always, the megacorps will get the good stuff and we'll be left with tools several generations behind. God knows when or if they'll release GPT-3 publicly, you still have to go through middle men to access it because of "muh ethics" I just want a better version of AI Dungeon, man. One I locally host, I don't want my weird roleplay to be stored on the cloud somewhere and analyzed by algorithms
>>3195 Sorry. only using words starting with certain letters.
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>>3196 >>3195 AI alliteration, you say...
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>>3195 GPT-4 is honestly kind of freaky judging by some of the stuff it's able to do. Somebody managed to get it to program a functional version of Pong by only describing the game mechanics.
>>3195 (checked) >spoiler Yeah that would be nice. I remember trying one like that but it was fucking shit. No idea if that improved since.
>>3201 Damn that's spot on.
presidents play hearts of iron when
Lotta jewtube for an 8chan thread.
>>3208 Better watching here than there.
(281.55 KB 634x465 trumpshiggy.png)

>>3164 >I'm seriously considering blasting this on my aunt's TV, she's dumb enough to think it's real. My 79-year-old mother currently believes that Donald Trump made a deal with the premier of Alberta to make a concentration camp for Mexican illegals in Northern Alberta. Why? To chop wood and work on the pipeline that Biden cancelled, of course! How would they get there? The same type of cattlecars used to ship der juden to Auschwitz, naturally! I have looked EVERYWHERE online, I've asked around on some boards. NO ONE has heard of this bizarre conspiracy theory. Nothing even SLIGHTLY like it. She made it up whole cloth and believes it just to justify her hate for Trump. >"Mom, it would be cheaper to just throw them back over the border than risk them escaping the 'train'" >"The doors would be welded shut until they arrived." >"...okay. Well, Mexicans would DIE if you dropped them in a North Alberta winter." >"That's the point!" >"The point is to expensively ship illegal aliens across TWO countries in a welded train car just to force them to die from the cold? They could just shoot them at the border and be done with it!" >*mom gives me the "I've got four Aces" look* >"They'd never get away with it. But up in the cold? No one would know!" >"Then how do YOU 'know?'" >"I have my sources." >"You're nearly an octogenarian and you need my help just to go to Costco, Secret Agent Grandma. What sources?" >"I know what I know." I'm tempted to use the deepfake stuff to have him send her a personalized message via a hastily created jewtube channel. "Mrs. Anonsmom has gone insane from Trump Derangement Syndrome. Very sad. Her secret attraction to me has rendered her crazy. Many such cases. But if I may return to the subject of the Mexican Dachau, when I retake my throne of power, we will begin sending everyone who isn't white to Northern Alberta at a great cost. Worth it, though, so that no one knows about it, except you fine members of the press and CNN."
>>3210 I would say do it but at the same time we're at a point in history where really dumb and crazy people are getting really radicalized and doing crazy shit like shooting up an elementary school to own the christians.
(473.16 KB 683x386 kidsthesedays.png)

>>3210 You sure you're not being trolled by your grandma?
>>3212 >be autistic old fart >have autistic grandson >watch him slowly mature >I've spent nearly a century preparing for this >I've listened to the late night AM radio stations where they talk about alien abductions and conspiracy theories through all of the '60s to modern times >find a politician he likes >make up the single zaniest conspiracy theory possible with the help of my friend's grandson who has a computer that makes up wild, fantastical things >act like I know exactly what's going on at all times >this post has been written by the brain parasite inside >>3210 's grandma
(840.23 KB 883x872 anon got his chain yanked.png)

(870.24 KB 720x1280 LEGO City Killdozer.mp4)

>>3215 Funny, the narrator for the LEGO commercials is the same VA for Agent 47.
>>3215 Have a version that's not blackbarred for TikTok?
(812.25 KB 640x360 Lego city KILLDOZER.mp4)

>>3218 Downloaded from jewtube.
>>3219 That one has weird audio skips in a couple places.
(962.38 KB 720x404 LEGO City Killdozer.mp4)

>>3215 >>3218 >>3220 Tried cropping it in Xmedia Recode.
>>3221 Perfect
Why has no one made this one yet?
(4.92 MB 1600x900 vtancuck.webm)

(780.22 KB 640x360 the ultimate cuck.webm)

>>3223 Because someone already did it manually in a Scottish accent before GayI existed.
(3.63 MB 576x1024 Crimescene contamination.mp4)

>>3224 I'd like to see this voiced
>>3226 Anon that IS what's in the video.
>>3227 The words are different, read closer. It's specifically based around Vivian
>>3224 Well It would be funny to hear it spoken in Dominic Monaghan's voice.
>>3230 He's got a podcast so its not like it would be hard to get voice samples.
>>3232 Site ate vid.
>>3233 If you know how to use ffmpeg, trying stripping metadata from the video with "-map_metadata -1". You can copy the video and audio streams over to the new output file, no need to re-encode them.
(1012.86 KB palprant.mp3)

Anyone have Palpatine voice data? I want to hear the rant from Darth Plagueis done in his voice. Huge spoiler for the (excellent) book. https://pastebin.com/NF51nHZ3 Here's the first part done by Dagoth Ur.
(1.62 MB 1280x720 HatredCritikal.mp4)

>>3237 >that Jesse and Walt ♂ BREAKING ♂ BAD ♂ This is absolutely a viral marketing campaign
(11.27 MB 1920x1080 ddd.mp4)

>>3237 >>3239 These videos are giving me flashbacks to Titanic: Adventure Out of Time. Fuck, I miss being a kid.
>>3240 You know what, I was thinking about how these AI voiceovers could be used to create custom campaigns for old Command and Conquer games since the voice samples don't even need to be that high quality to work. >>3237 >>3239 So how exactly were those made? I can see that they must have been passed through NovelAI or any image generation AI to transform the original screenshot into something "in the style of" kinda deal, the voices are obviously redone thanks to Elevenlabs, but what about the facial movements and expressions? Is there an AI for that too? >>3236 What I dislike about Elevenlabs compared to 15.ai is that there's no intonation in the voices. Sure, you could give different tones to the same voice by simply sampling different audio tracks and then creating a cloned voice for each i.e. for Cr1tikal they could have grabbed clips where he talks normally (monotonally in his case), where he's screaming and where he's got mirth in his voice, made three separate clones and used each to enunciate specific words. But I barely see anyone going through that effort.
(3.44 MB 1024x576 shepherd_batarians.webm)

Everyone majorly annoyed over Chat GPT being essentially lobotomized by devs shoehorning delusional biases into its responses, but has anyone heard about this uncensored Chat AI? https://invidious.snopyta.org/watch?v=nVC9D9fRyNU
Has anybody made any AI voice do the nutquake? It seems like a good template for these sorts of things. HOT CUM EVERYWHERE >>3244 >that thumbnail >Aitrepreneur I'm sorry anon but I'm not watching some techbro marketer.
Hat Kid reciting Sam Hyde quotes would be funny, but elevenlabs would ban you and report you to the police.
(19.31 MB 728x728 WeskerRE4.mp4)

Currently relevant.
>>3235 >>2997 Damn Dagoth Ur sounds good no matter the text
>>3247 Besides the companion shit I think what I hate the most about RE5 is it's awful "epic" orchestral music which turns it into such a generic piece of shit. Gives me whiplash when something actually good pops up which is rare in that game and mostly contained to Mercenaries, same thing with RE6. I honestly don't know what's worse, the generic orchestral in RE5 and RE6 or the generic horror string music in the later games. Only track I even remember in any of them is the Go Tell Aunt Rhody cover.
>>3250 >Internet nobodies giving better life lessons and advice than government funded propaganda and pill pushing private mental counseling It will never not stop being hilarious
>>3016 Absolutely love the Kleiner ones
>>3247 amazing
>>3184 Having them become self aware like this is pretty neat
>>3184 Getting some metal gear vibes from this
>>3256 The voices are great but damn this is unfunny and aimless. That's a big problem with a lot of these videos, they're made by people who are fundamentally not good at comedy.
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>>3258 It's a >cuckchan webm but absolutely true lmao, it literally does not matter if they even win this war anymore Russia is so fucking fucked long-term it's unbelievable
Since Japanese voices used for English show this stuff doesn't need English VA for training data, has anyone tried Banjo-Kazooie grunts and seen what came out?
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Purged the >>>/pol/ posts. If you start this shit again I am banning you for a day.
>>3262 Cheers. Speaking of, I have a few accounts that I haven't used in a while. Can you guys think of anything funny to make some characters say? I wanted to use the Rome Total War general speeches' voice but I'm struggling.
>>3262 >deletes people defending themselves against topic based on literal shitposting and obvious spam >doesn't delete said shitposting/spam in the first place Feel free to eat shit.
>>3267 >princess peach I'd like to see someone make an edit of this that properly implements her voice.
(2.07 MB 1100x618 MissileInspiration.mp4)

>>3267 I love how that LoK rendition of the meme keeps getting better every year.
>>3152 Where does the background music come from?
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>>3266 Maybe you should have just shitposted harder
(1.78 MB 826x824 Columbo mc donalds.mp4)

(2.96 MB 640x360 Steamed Communists.mp4)

Im hoping modders will take advantage of this because the possibilities are ENDLESS.
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>>2997 Is it possible now to remaster voices lines so they wouldn't sound like McDonald's toys?
(24.33 MB 1920x1080 TrumpsawMan.mp4)

(6.78 MB 640x360 Somebody I used to Know.webm)

(4.40 MB 640x360 My Way.webm)

(8.77 MB 640x360 Tried so Hard.webm)

(4.23 MB 640x360 Your Reality.webm)

(14.33 MB 640x360 Virtual Insanity.webm)

>>3280 These are pretty good
(9.62 MB 640x358 In The Virtual End.mp4)

>>3279 He's so damn entitled. He's just some random dude, he got lucky to even get a job like that once. It's his responsibility to follow up on that and snowball his own life. Dude basically won the lottery. A lot of voice actors did. I remember thinking this same thing with the Bayonetta girl.
>>3281 Finally a version of Virtual Insanity with good vocals. I'm serious.
>>3282 >Using modern technology to fuel old memes I'm weeping, anons, weeping with joy
>>3284 The AI covers of Virtual Insanity are incredibly apt considering lyrics and what the song is actually about. >Futures made of virtual insanity, now always seem to be governed by this love we have for useless twisting [of] all the new technology The song is so funky that most don't listen to what's being said, it's surprisingly nihilistic and skeptical. >There's nothing left to do but pray. I think it's time I found a new religion
>>3281 I want a Squidward cover of Komm Susser Tod.
(14.69 MB 1280x720 OutOfScout.webm)

>>3281 i love that jotaro and dio one
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(1.88 MB 718x718 remusworld.mp4)

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My friends and I made a whole batch of Walt Disney shitposts, we need ideas for more shit like this cuz we've run dry and all we can think of is "ride where you fuck an absurdly random character in an unconventional way" lmao
>>3292 also i made this
>>3290 This is just awesome
>>3283 >He's so damn entitled. Self-entitled*
>>3292 >>3293 Doing G*d's work.
>>3292 I'm losing it, thank you for doing him good Please make more, and please upload them on Youtube pretending they're actual interviews/cutscenes from games I like that all of them still have Ballerina Pete in it >>3290 How do you get them to sing? Do you just make them say the lines normally and then autotune them?
>>3292 I don't know, some shit about the MCjew?
>>3297 >How do you get them to sing? Do you just make them say the lines normally and then autotune them? I confess I didn't make this. I found it on YouTube. But considering just how many singing ai videos I'm seeing I figure it must be a feature in one of those AI's people have been using. That video actually had all of the TF2 units singing, but in my opinion Scout's sounded the most natural so I only saved that part.
Is there a FOSS local push button voice solution like there is for StableDiffusion yet?
>>3302 >forastero I am CERTAIN that guy has a scat fetish despite him never having drawn it, to my knowledge. His focus on big, steamy, dirty anuses is such a giveaway.
>>3303 I got curious so I looked it up and of COURSE he does. I have a sixth sense for this shit, anons. I can guess fetishes just by looking at one image. I can often tell if artists are into vore, too. I'm not going to post it but if you're wondering, https://www.scatbooru.co.uk/?page=post&s=view&id=41348
>>3280 >>3281 >>3282 >>3286 >>3287 >>3288 >>3290 If you made one of these with Moon man, would he have the cadence of the singers? Come to think of it, you could probably make Moon man songs with the Mac Tonight voice in the original ads.
(7.67 KB 200x290 Mike_10_Inch_Matei.jpg)

>>3306 I want to ride Mike Matei's fat girthy pulsating rock hard cock and feel his fat roman loads fill my large intestine as my prostate is as swollen as a football, my cock is small and impotent, tummy has a cummy bulge and mike gets his balls drained the size of a raisin until he looks like this. All Hail the Roman Empire
>>3307 YWNBAM
>>3308 *W?
>>3302 Here's a second one with clean(er) artwork. >>3303 >>3304 Yeah, I didn't know anything about the artist. I was searching rule34 for either the unredacted version of the art that Kip used in his YouTube video, or something more grotesque that didn't involve shemale cocks. I came across the one posted above and thought it was perfect given the subject of the song; you just click the spoilered thumbnail and get greeted with a greasy, hairy butthole and the words "Welcome to the internet!".
>>3303 It's basically an unwritten rule of the internet that whatever body part an artist gives the most detail to is their primary fetish. Overly detailed feet means a footfag, overly detailed mouths and throats means a vorefag, and overly detailed wrinkly assholes means either a scatfag or a brapfag.
>>3302 >>3310 How are you making these sing?
Does anyone have the Pennywise one?
Anyone know how: 1) Make the ElevenLabs voices sing; 2) Make them speak in different languages (without manually changing the words to work with the original language)?
Are we allowed to post lewd AI generated stories? I had chatgpt make a lewd story about how Samus was captured and and sexually experimented on by space pirates. I might post it if anyone is interested.
>>3317 I already read it, it was terrible. >>>/b/444772
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>>3318 these double doubles almost make up for the CRINGE I just experienced
>>3317 I don't understand how to jailbreak chatgpt. The prompt doesn't allow for the number of characters that these jailbreaks include. At least anonchatgpt doesn't and I'm sure as fuck not giving a phone number to the actual one.
>>3293 I made that you fucking nigger. >>>/ais/528
>>3293 >>3321 Actually I made that.
>>3304 Comments say it is an edit, why are you familiar with a booru hosted in the UK centered around scat?
>15.ai still dead >>3311 So do anime artists have an eyes fetish?
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>>3311 >overly detailed mouths and throats means a vorefag Throats I can buy, but mouths can be sexy without needing the urge to stick more than your dick into them. >>3326 Essentially, to a degree. Anime girls are hot not just because they have sexy bodies, but because of the liveliness of their expressions in comparison to 3DPD, which the eyes play a large part in. >>>/h/4293
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>>3283 Once you give him a few miserable nickels for his crack, he won't fuck off. Also he totally ignored the government raped Rockstar and costing them thousands to relabel the fucking ESRB rating: Hillary declaring war against videogames because it's easier rather than dealing with drug cartels. >>3293 You know, I keep forgetting that J.K. Simmons played a skinhead in an ancient HBO show called Oz and Whiplash. Would it be possible somehow to come out with one liners referring both? https://yewtu.be/watch?v=nRAREq3lT40
So is Elevenlabs kill? I can't clone voices anymore without paying.
>>3331 I thought it was kill like half a year ago. After like a single weekend.
Why doesn't this thread have more posts? You'd think this technology would be a goldmine.
(1.90 MB 1664x841 9aHhwF.png)

>>3333 I want to see more indie devs leverage the tech to raise production values like pic rel, South Scrimshaw >visual novel It's a narrated pseudo nature documentary that one person made as an art exercise and it has a decent archetypal documentary voiceover model. I would hope more indie games leverage it to add production value to their projects if they can't afford VAs.
>>3334 I read on 4chan of a guy who paid money to have a freelance voice actor read lines, said actor refused to read some for containing offensive words and keeping the money, so he just trained weights based off the original take and made his lines on his own. It truly is the ancap dream machine.
>>3334 It is, but it's also a new technology and new technology is frightening. And also outside of a handful of instances most people just use it to make a certain person or character read a copypasta or say no-no words. Or make Trump rap like MF DOOM
>>3334 Yeah the whale documentary is so cool, loved the shit out of it, I hope the guy could make more one day. Didn't know he used Text to speech, I thought it was a human being the one speaking. >>3333 The thing is, most webpages are either paywalled, they are shit or their dev is an attention whore. Are there locally deployable models? I mean, there's Stabble Diffusion and Kobold which can be hosted either on cloud or a local machine.
>>3305 >Moon Man Moon Man was a default Microsoft voice singing about killing blacks and Jews. He required work to make work. Using ElevenLabs with his voice would remove his jilted cadence because he was never a real person. He would stop being Moon Man if you used anything but the original voice set and program.
I'm proud to introduce The Clanker Crew's first EP, Roger, Rodger Why are these so weirdly charming
>>3339 They're adorable!
>>3339 Very cute, that silly robotic voice singing the already saccharine Fireflies is so kitsch even Thomas Kinkade would say it's too much, I just wanna hug 'em Do you think his voice synthesizer can moan
(1.23 MB 728x720 hxbaxjLyZjC-fVK4.mp4)

Does anyone know about how elevenlabs custom voices limits work? If I have the 5 dollar plan, can I only make 10 voices and never be able to make more? Can I delete a custom voice I no longer want to make room for a new one? >>3118 Chell was meant to be ambiguous in 1. The complexion she was given mixed with the coarseness of her hair could also indicate that she is a African American but can pass as white.
>>3343 >Does anyone know about how elevenlabs custom voices limits work? If I have the 5 dollar plan, can I only make 10 voices and never be able to make more? Can I delete a custom voice I no longer want to make room for a new one? In the very brief time I used it before the shut down free anon accounts, you could delete a voice you weren't using and replace it with a new one. They could have changed to try and jew you out of more money though. I don't know since I only used it when it just started. But back then you could.
>>3343 I am not sure, I currently cannot make any more voices with the free plans, but the ones I cloned earlier are grandfathered. If you need Sam and Max or some Dragon Quest characters to say something, I'm your man, but that's it.
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>>3292 Based Uncle Walt. If Eisner hadn't had his cryo unit unplugged in the mid-80s, we could have broken in to WDL and thawed him out to take his revenge on the ew-jays.
>>3346 There's zero evidence that Disney ever opposed jews and bumping a month old thread to promote hoaxes is in poor form.
>>3212 >You sure you're not being trolled by your grandma? Mother. She's grandmother to my kids, obviously, so that's why I referred to her that way at the end. If mom's trolling anyone, it's herself. I'm afraid of dementia, sometimes. Also, she keeps falling over and hitting her head on shit like rocks and curbs. Even when she was young she didn't have a sense of humor, so I don't see her developing one in her old age. She means what she says. >>3213 Dude, I WISH she was fucking around. Her logic is on par with your average "It was real in my mind" holocaust "survivor." Personally, I wonder if the whole thing was a dream while she was napping and she doesn't realize it.
(38.64 KB 540x394 pewd4-227201534.jpg)

>>3347 >There's zero evidence that Disney ever opposed jews Zero evidence attached >and bumping a month old thread to promote hoaxes is in poor for Cut me some slack, dingus. Some of us don't get a chance to spend all day shitposting.
>>3292 Good idea. Execution needs work. I'd like to see something that matches his tone and would be believable as something he'd say, just cranked up to 11 and with something offensive tossed in.
>>3207 Do sex was basically leaked info
(694.50 KB 472x360 classical-jew.gif)

>>3349 >Zero evidence attached That's not opposition. EVERYONE portrayed jews like that back then.
>>3352 That's because everyone opposed them. How many countries were they kicked out of again?
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Someone made a Top Gear (but it's gaming) video on YouTube. It's about breaking Dark Souls 2 in various ways to complete a "challenge" which Top Gear hosts Jeremy, Richard and James would normally receive in an episode. It uses a lot of AI voices, but also some clips from the show. The personalities, writing, pacing and gags are fairly similar. It's very long, like 42 minutes. Clearly a lot of effort went into it. https://invidious.private.coffee/watch?v=FigIAAYHoW8
>>3353 Guatemala being the 110th country, why? They got caught running a brothel for underage prostitutes.
>>3354 lol, how the fuck did I know it was ymfah without opening the link oh right, it's about breaking a soulsbourne into tiny pieces in the most retarded/amazing way
>>3354 >>3356 He also did an AI voiced one right before that of Bear Grylls escaping Volcano Manor.
>>3339 A shame Clank Sinatra may be dead from here on if this post is anything to go by.
>>3358 Unsurprising, they want AI exclusively for themselves because they realize it will completely destroy the media industry.
>>3358 You can run most of this shit on a local machine.
(2.13 MB 728x720 1.webm)

>>3359 From reading the comments of people involved, the issue seems to be with training new voices more than using the existing ones
>>3359 I could believe that. >>3360 I need to learn how to dick around with this stuff when I have the free time for it. >>3362 (checked) I see. That still sucks though.
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>>3352 >EVERYONE portrayed jews like that back then. So it doesn't count as Disney making a stand against der juden if everyone else was doing it?
>>3364 > making a stand against der juden Calm down, Schlomo, not every cartoony caricature is an attack. The above image looks silly and endearing if anything, and the Big Bad Wolf's disguise is comical.
>>3364 No, because they literally weren't.
>>3355 >They got caught running a brothel for underage prostitutes. Don't they like that kind of thing?
(397.68 KB 1024x1004 chirp-2-1024x1004.png)

>>3368 I don't get it, what is the meme with blacks and smoke detectors? Are blacks unable to replace the battery? I actually have the problem that the batteries in my smoke detectors cannot be replaced, I have to wait until the yearly inspection to have the entire detector swapped out. When the battery runs out I have to take the detector off to stop the beeping
>>3361 Gem
>>3369 >what is the meme with blacks and smoke detectors? Africans are neurologically incapable of comprehending preventative maintenance. This is because of a deficiency in matter in the frontal cortex, and it's represented in all facets of their behavior, "societies," and "cultures." For example, no African language has any words for abstract concepts. If you can't put a word to a concept, you can't conceive of it. "Future" and "past" exist in no African languages. As such, when perfectly functional societies built by whites are handed over to Africans, they don't engage in the behaviors required to keep them functioning. Not only do they not comprehend the technologies behind them, they don't understand why they need to "fix" something that "is already working right now." They biologically have no conception of delayed gratification (as proven by several studies, across time and space, of schoolchildren of separate races, et al.) With smoke detectors specifically, they have no conception of why the beeps are happening or what they mean. They thus allow the beeps to continue and subsume it as background noise in their lives. They're subhuman apes who can't comprehend the magical tools that whitey has given them, no matter where on Earth they live, how they were raised and educated, or how many generations they're removed from the bush.
>>3369 Why does it beep in the first place?
>>3373 It needs new batteries so it chirps to warn him. He doesn't make it with the battery in time. >>3372 Do you have the image where most of what you said was covered in it? I can't remember the website/article/post or whatever where it was from.
>>3361 >>3371 I really love this shit. I especially love it when he says "I'm the devil" at the end. I would like the full song with this style.
>>3369 No one is willing to answer, but where the fuck is Foxford publishing these? His twitter is dead and his site only shows only pictures. Is this some sort of hazing thing, you have to be initiated to see the funny racist fox? >>3373 Since it a life-saving item, it needs to be as obnoxious as possible when its batteries are low so that you pay attention to it and replace them. Usually though I've seen similar devices beeping lights rather than emitting sounds.
>>3376 >where the fuck is Foxford publishing these? Last time I saw, Poast.
>>3374 Here's a new, expanded article which references what I believe you mean. https://www.unz.com/article/black-people-and-morality/ >>3376 Isn't this actively updated? https://foxfordcomics.com
>>3369 Where the fuck do you live that you need your smoke detectors inspected? Household smoke detectors are sold at fucking walmart, and are never required to be inspected by professionals.
>>3370 lmao.
>>3379 Some apartments and rentals require the tenant not modify anything related to the structure like plumbing, circuits, smoke detectors, and even some stuff even more inconsequential than that. That's something you'd need a maintenance tech to come in and take care of.
>>3378 Thanks for the link anon.
>>3379 In apartments, some smoke detectors do more than just beep, and are connected to the building's overall alarm system. Even on the ones that aren't, it's a matter of liability. If you own your home and fuck up, it's your problem, but if you rent a unit in the same building with a thousand other people, then it's not just you who pays for your fuckups.
>>3381 >>3383 Oh, it's a poor person thing, and negros are often poor. Carry on then.
On the topic of AI-trained voices, did anyone else hear the rumors of the so-called "Prime Word" ? Basically the QRD is that it's a single word in English that is all an AI requires in order to speak every other word in the English language with perfect (or maybe near-perfect) coherency. I've only heard rumors of it but I don't think the word itself was ever divulged. If anyone has heard anything about it please post ITT. There is, as some might expect, a lot of FUD regarding the word itself, and a lot of lies.
>>3385 You just said it, it's in your post.
>>3385 The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
>>3387 That's just letters, dude. We're talking about phonemes.
>>3385 Niggerlicious.
>>3385 >Prime Word It's "Mumford and Sons"
>>3388 >>3385 I don't think it's that easy, the network also needs to make sure that the sounds are distinctive enough to be distinguishable from each other when spoken in a phrase, plus you're ignoring intonation and accents from the mix. Keep us posted at any rate.
>>3391 Oh, it definitely doesn't exist. There is no word in any language which contains all the phonemes of that language. A single sentence can do it, certainly, but not one word. That's just nonsense. My point is that we're talking about the sounds of words, not just the alphabets themselves.
>>3392 Once they can make robots do all the work of civilians, they won't need to worry about infrastructure anymore.
Are there any new AI developments?
>>3395 Well, Elevenlabs revoked my access to all cloned voices, which is just peachy.
>>3395 15.ai seems to be never ever and there are increasing legal problems for companies running these services. Turns out basing your entire field on copious amounts of copyright infringement was a bad idea.
>>3397 15.ai would need to bring a lot to the table if it came back.
>>3398 15.ai is technically leagues ahead of all the other voice cloning tools for two reasons: 1) It's directly tied to individual voice samples - each of the characters used had a lot of audio data to pick from and the training was made per voice. Instead, stuff like RVC or ElevenLabs simply overlay the audio data from your samples onto an already existing voice or an AI-generated one, giving you the veneer of having cloned the voice. Now, in my opinion, RVC/ElevenLabs have a more elegant and efficient solution, but 15.ai definitely had more stable and reliable results - when I tried to mess around with ElevenLabs I had to run at least three to four takes of the same line, each coming off differently, whereas 15.ai had it right almost always on the first try; 2) 15.ai employed an emotion and context based algorithm that allowed certain words or certain phrases to take a completely different meaning depending on manual or automatic settings. It honestly felt completely revolutionary when it came out, I remember listening to so many TF2 mercs arguing about shit videos and the voices expressed genuine anger or bewilderment, whereas ElevenLabs has a rather monotone way of expressing emotion and RVC is straight up just changing pitch and loudness of a voice to match another one. The drawback to this though is that some characters that have too much emotion or too little in their sample data (i.e. Sniper and Engineer) sound like complete ass and always had this robotic undertone to the voices.
>>3399 The thing 11 had over 15 was just how much more human it sounded. With 15 even the best samples had that trademark ai tinniness. The emotional tuning was great but 11 was simply great at making human sounding voices, complete with breathing even. Although it seems kind of moot now. 15 has been down forever and I now doubt it will ever come back and 11 is apparently going ham on stamping out voice cloning so until someone comes up with an open source, non centralized solution we're kind of stuck.
>>3399 >>3398 The problem with 15.ai is that it's run by an attention whore brony, otherwise it would have been a success. The project has been in hiatus for over a year at this point so I'm assuming it's totally death, which is sad because their models are far more sophisticated than competing projects such as uberduck.
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>>3401 thanks for reminding me to check his site, and it's still dead and linking to his twitter and patreon. did he jsut give up and throw a hissyfit because everyone started going to alternatives like Elevenlabs?
>>3402 No clue. He hasn't tweeted since February. That is, however, just after 11 labs blew up.
>>3403 I think he just gave up and is hoping to suck up as much money as he can before disappearing completely. Him acting like a little bitch doesn't help either.
>>3404 Feels good seeing brony tears tbh
>>3404 >acting like a little bitch I'm the last to defend any horsefucker, but they were proven to have directly stolen his work solely to lie about their service in order to sell NFTs with celebrity grifting as advertising. They should be hanged before the horsefucker is.
>>3406 It's grifters grifting other grifters grifting other grifters (VA's) who were the original source. The horsefucking autist is sucking up money and stringing people along with false promises, he's only mad his cash cow died, they can all eat shit and each others puke for all I fucking care.
>>3396 >>3397 >>3400 >>3402 This is unfortunate.
>>3407 >(VA's) who were the original source Ah, this now becomes a discussion of whether someone's voice is their own intellectual property. That's a different argument entirely.
>>3409 One that seems to be trending against ai sadly.
>>3407 >The horsefucking autist is sucking up money and stringing people along with false promises ?, does 15 take money?, i only know he plays a fuckton of tf2
>>3411 his website only links to his twitter and patreon. his patreon looks dead too.
>>3411 It has a patreon.
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As >>3399 mentioned, RVC also works for speech, but it doesn't generate its own speech. It just mimics the speech of whatever you feed it.
>>3409 According to US ruling it does not matter if the original voice actor has a right to their voice or not, AI generated content that does not have substantial human work put behind it cannot be subject to copyright protection. The counter argument to this is the fact that Yidsney and some music videos do contain AI generated stuff, but IIRC those parts specifically are not protected by copyright. >>3414 >>3415 Which again it is exactly what Elevenlabs used to do. Actually, you could probably get a lot of mileage out of making an Elevenlabs account, using one of their base AIs say whatever you want and then filtering it through RVC to achieve similar results to og oice cloning.
>>3416 I believe the catch with copyright is a work actually has to be created by a human being. Works by machines, nature, or animals are therefor not copyrightable. There was a famous example of this in 2011 where Celebes crested macaques stole a camera and took photos with it, those photos are public domain exactly because non-humans can't create copyrighted works. Such things can be 'protected' through other intellectual property laws, some spider silk proteins have been patented I believe, but not copyright.
>>3417 >some spider silk proteins have been patented I believe, but not copyright. <fucking nature being patented I hate clown world.
>>3417 Well if a human can use a camera(so a machine) to make photos and have them copyrighted, or use a computer with Photoshop(still a machine) to make copyrighted images, why can't he use a computer with an AI Program to make copyrighted pictures. Someone will probably mention that with the AI Program the human input is very low(just set some parameters and select the 5 pictures out of a few dozens that are good), but then you have to define the amount of human effort that is needed for it to be copyrighted. What if he has an AI generated image, but does some small touches in Photoshop, like fixing the hands? I don't expect a definitive answer in this thread, as this is a legal issue, that will probably have to be debated and decided upon by some Supreme Court at some point.
>>3419 >why can't he use a computer with an AI Program to make copyrighted pictures The argument is that the human did not make substantial work himself, but rather the machine did. It's all wishy washy talk because the common people cannot be entrusted with having the same output potential of big corpos, if you ask me, but at the same time it's also true that unless you can prove that 100% of your training set was taken with permission, license or under fair use, it's likely that the machine used something or other that is copyright protected, and since it's impossible to fully assess what exactly you're infringing, courts agree to just not let you put your stuff under copyright and resell it.
>>3419 >why can't he use a computer with an AI Program to make copyrighted pictures i think because the AI would need to be the copyright recipient in that case, same as the monkey in the picture story, so that's why they simply put it in public domain
What the fuck is the best tool for running voice training and generation on your own hardware? I have a Ubuntu server with Stable Diffusion working perfectly in my room, but everything that isn't Stable Diffusion is fucking horrible. All the guides act like this shit just works but it literally never does, or "hehe just venv to use the right Python" except the right Python never fucking works. What nigger decided all AI tools should be built using Python and its dependency hell? Most things require stupidly specific shit like the range of Python 3.8 to Python 3.10 and don't support 3.11. Even if I have 3.10 shit doesn't work. If I venv and download PyTorch and other 5GB of libraries it doesn't work. Fuck niggers, fuck jews, and fuck you.
>>3422 >What nigger decided all AI tools should be built using Python and its dependency hell? Well blame graphics card manufacturers for pandering to that language. I also really do not understand the reason of never keeping legacy code intact in different version of Python, would be as easy as just calling them py3_11_foo and letting programmers just replace the original in the code.
>>3422 >What nigger decided all AI tools should be built using Python and its dependency hell? AI is written by academics, and they are people who couldn't get a programming job with a BS, so they kept going. Academics are unable to code well, so they use languages that have lots of training wheels. Python either "just works", or is dependency hell.
Does anyone have the one of spongebob calling mr krabs a crustacean homosexual?
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>>3422 I found this python based garbage https://github.com/rsxdalv/tts-generation-webui and of course those fucking niggers don't mention that you need fucking libnccl.so.2 (ngoydia nccl library) which is from this one https://developer.nvidia.com/nccl and those fucking kikes locked the download behind a fucking account. Why the fuck does every god damn site demands a fucking account just to download shit, what the fuck are they doing with so many damn accounts?
>>3369 I've not seen a residential smoke detector in 20 years because ultimately they're D-Cell drainers that sit on a ceiling and go off when people are cooking so the majority get sick of that shit and they sit there empty for years and are nixed when the next remodelling happens. All races do this shit.
>>3427 >not buying americium smoke detectors that last 20 years >not spending a few dollars more and getting ones that don't go off if someone sneezes Enjoy your smoking pile of rubble.
>>3426 >what the fuck are they doing with so many damn accounts? Sell your passwords and user accounts to chinese gangsters, of course.
>>3427 >All races do this shit. Yes, every race has absolute retards. >>3428 >americium Hm. Neat.
>>3385 Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
So, can we make requests like in a drawthread or what?
>>3432 I mean, you an, but don't expect any timely reply from anyone.
>>3431 You win.
>>3394 Before will be one or several showdowns before we get to that.
Things have really gone downhill since this thread started.
>>3436 I miss when the thread was about AI voice clips being posted here.
>>3436 I'm not even sure that the tech has long-term use. So, you can make Carl Sagan call Black Science Man a nigger: it gets old after a while. I mean: what are the real uses of the technology? Scamming old people. Pedowood reviving dead people. Making audiobooks faster. Having Scarlett Johansson talk dirty to you.
So where is everyone doing their AI voice shinigans? is elevenlabs dead? Is there some local program?
>>3439 >So where is everyone doing their AI voice shinigans? Last I heard, Google shut down the distributed server Youtube folk were using, but you can still run it by yourself. >is elevenlabs dead? It still exists, but if you have a free account you can only use one of their preset voices or "create" one, as in, hoping that the voice modulator picks an accent that reflects what you had in mind - personally it only gave me negresses. >Is there some local program? RvC seems to be the new de facto standard. https://invidious.protokolla.fi/watch?v=ixB9oalT3cQ As mentioned in the rest of the thread, it can only transpose a voice onto an already existing track, so most people are just using it for music covers. Nothing stops you from creating your own lines with some other text to speech program or speaking them yourself and then passing them through RvC.
>>3438 Creating an entirely fake political narrative about current events AND REWRITING HISTORY by using fake audio and fake video to show historical figures doing things they never did. You forgot the reason it was invented, anon.
>>3438 Game mods.
>>3442 Where's the MSGV mod that replaces all of Sutherland's voice lines with an AI-masked Hayter, then?
>>3443 Actually, you know what? I don't really want that. It's FINE that Sutherland voices Venom Snake because he's not actually Big Boss. But we do need a mod that masks out actual Big Boss's voice lines with Hayter.
>>3440 >Last I heard, Google shut down the distributed server Youtube folk were using, but you can still run it by yourself. I didn't know this was a thing.
>>2997 >Perhaps we should merge AI art and voice threads next time thus consolidating AI activities into one place? I'm for this. It doesn't look like there's gonna be new voice stuff any time soon. This thread is over nine months old and it still hasn't hit 500, so I think an AI general is the way to go.
>>3446 >I'm for this. It doesn't look like there's gonna be new voice stuff any time soon. This thread is over nine months old and it still hasn't hit 500, so I think an AI general is the way to go. Well, both threads are a few replies away from reaching the global bump limit. I guess I'll bitch to dog to move them once they hit it, and after both of them are gone we'll just have an AI general which includes all big three (chat, audio and image generation). However I have noticed anons are kind of against having General threads, so it's all in the hands of whoever creates it first. Once again, there's >>>/ais/ if you want to talk about Neural Networks specifically and not tied to stuff like vidya.
I was looking for text to speech voice programs and i found this clip. I don't like Oobabooga since it's awful to work with and the voices are extremely resistant to lewd talk, but the plug ins are interesting. I feel like maybe incel transhumanism by be the solution to having to deal with women. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=lSIIXpWpVuk
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>Install the "one-click" installation. >i have no idea how to open the program since the local host thing is already used by some other AI programs >watch a video on it and found out that i have to install other stuff >enter some command line code to open some program >open some localhost program called jupyter and create a new network something about python >copy and past the code like the video says >"ImportError: cannot import name 'SAMPLE_RATE' from 'bark' (unknown location)" >look up the error >try the fixes and none of them work >fuck around for a half and hour getting mad the program >try "run.bat" >it opens a webui thing for bark and it might actually look like i can use it. >i type a prompt and click launch >maybe an hour and a half of downloading >it finally works and i can covert text to speech with a waifu voice lol There is a way to easily add emotion to the speech with jupyter localhost but i could not get the error to be resolved, so i'll just have to settle for simple prompt reading. Hopefully this helps someone. Only one voice (ja_speaker_3) out of ten Japanese voice choices is remotely cute/anime related the rest are male voices. I just tried to get it to say something and i kept saying what i didn't tell it. There are still many other races to choose from. None of the korean voices are cute. You can also make two voices talk to each but it's locked away on jupyter which doesn't work. It also has a limit of 15 seconds, but Bark infinity adds longer limit with more voices. I just tried to get Bark Infinity to work and it didn't start, i got some error that said i needed to install some program that wasn't in the prerequisites. It's not very good at all, i don't recommend it. Elevenlabs is probably better, but Bark is free and open source. https://github.com/suno-ai/bark#-usage-in-python https://yewtu.be/watch?v=w41-MUfxIWo
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They completely paywalled it. The generate voice option is so limited, you can't even change the pitch, just the action. Even when you select "young" she still sounds like a 20 year old. The voice library is terrible, the search always leads to nothing regardless of what i search. This is the best that voice AI has to offer and it's terrible. I found another site that lets you create voices from video files, but it completely mines your name, email and other. It asks you not to do anything problematic with the voice. https://play.ht/?utm_source=ai-search.io&via=ref
>>3450 Can you sign up with a 10 minute mail? If so that's still basically anonymous. Especially if you use a vpn.
>>3451 Yes you can, and i have VPN i can use. It's pretty good, you can only clone once voice, and you have a 12,500 character limit, but most generations only 30 characters. The voice for the audio clip comes from https://yewtu.be/watch?v=aVOv4cnGy34
>>3452 >>3453 >>3454 >.wav Nigger, I can't play any of these. I'd have to download them, and I don't have anything on my Linux computer that can play them.
>>3455 My chrome based browser can play them by opening a new tab and opening them as a black video, and linux should come with VLC install which is what i also have and that should play wav. When i try to play the wav files on firefox it will just download them.
>>3456 >>3457 >>3458 Thanks. These all sound terrible though. >>3459 >linux should come with VLC install which is what i also have and that should play wav. Ah, I didn't know VLC could do WAV.
>>3460 >These all sound terrible though. you should hear how bad Bark was, it's at least allows you to clone a voice without paying unlike elevenlabs. The only other mainstream alternative is some voice changer that reads text to speech sound fies and sings them. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=62sjaCXyOsU
Reminder that it's been over 10 months since we've heard from the 15.ai fag.
>>3463 He's gone. He was always a primadonna and 11 labs killed him and his motivation, even with that only being around a fucking weekend.
>>3463 What surprises me, people still subs to his patreon.
>>3465 People can get REALLY lazy with Patreon. A lot of leeches count on it.
>>3464 What an absolute faggot. All that wasted potential.
>>3466 Normalfags sub to so many things they loose track of it.
>>3468 >loose
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>>3468 >loose
>>3470 >paying for Strava >having both a Comcast and a Verizon bill Some people just like to have their wallets viciously sodomized it seems.
>>3470 >paying to watch jewish media >paying for Adobe products >paying for music >paying for a fucking newspaper >paying for YouTube >paying for makeup >paying for someone else to make your food for you I'm trying to figure out what a Daily Harvest "subscription" even is, but their website doesn't explain it. They do sell vegan popsicles and oatmeal for ten dollars a pop, though. So there's that.
>>3470 This is fake but not that fucking far off from the truth for some "people". The same faggots who complain constantly about increasing prices of everything will continue to dump money into monthly "services" and buying into explicitly overpriced garbage. All just to watch the shit (((HBO))) shovels into their mouth (made by people who hate them) and to use an exercise bike with a cycle counter and a tablet strapped to it.
>>3472 Daily Harvest has a service where they mail you boxes of ingredients to make smoothies out of, and everything is overpriced by a fucking ton compared to just buying the same shit from your local grocery store.
>>3470 Jesus Christ. >>3473 >This is fake but not that fucking far off from the truth for some "people". I have a friend with at least five of these.
>>2997 Are there any updates on RvC and 11labs?
>>3364 That image is taken out of context: I watched that cartoon episode myself, Donald Duck is basically forced to work in a factory that creates munitions (and pictures of Hitler, for some reason, which he is forced to heil everytime he sees one). He secretly hates the nazis but can't express his disdain for fear of execution. While working in the factory, he smuggles extra rations to eat while being on the lookout for nazi guards, because the amount of food they give him is very small. At the end of the episode, he wakes up and it was all a dream. Then he hugs an American flag and says "Thank God I live in the USA!" (paraphrased).
So, what are the best programs for making these? I don't know what I should be using.
>>3477 >That image is taken out of context: No fucking duh. You have to be a retarded zoomer to think otherwise about a Disney cartoon that relatively new and family friendly being anti-Jew.
>>3478 RvC for singing and doing covers of pre recorded audio. 11labs for text to speech, but they require upfront payment for the good stuff.
>>3478 Ah, also Fakeyou has a good catalogue of models, but they frown upon slurs, so you gotta be creative.
https://archive.is/vAlcy Has anyone heard about this?
>>3482 >new news <is ignored
>>3483 I don't know anything about it, anon. I wqas kind of hoping other people would because it seems interesting.
>>3483 >sign up for my paid service! <WHY IS IT BEING IGNORED Gee.
>>3482 >>3485 It says open source in the article but I see no link to the actual source code. Tried using the link in the article. It wanted you to register. So I tried with a ten minute mail. I looked at some of the bots and listened to the voice samples and was not impressed. It's nowhere close to 11labs. It's MAYBE a touch above the tinniness of 15, but sounds less emotional than either. So, call me when "open source" part of this is actually delivered.
>>3485 This is the hugging face demo: https://huggingface.co/spaces/myshell-ai/OpenVoice Just tested it and it's shit, it kinda copies the voice's pitch but overall sounds just as robotic as any TTS program from two decades ago. >>3486 "Open Source" is basically a buzzword at this point. They neither publish the code nor you can simply run it locally. And of course they can't publish the dataset either because it's very likely they stole it. I blame openai for this garbage.
>>3487 In addition to being woefully limited (200 fucking characters), it's also broken. I type English words directly in the box and it says "[HTTP ERROR] 500 - {"error":"Text should be in English with en_default"}" Uh huh; eat shit, "demo."
>>3485 That doesn't stop you from DISCUSSING it, faggot. >>3486 >>3487 Here is the source code. https://github.com/myshell-ai/OpenVoice Archive because I know someone will bitch: https://archive.is/ZhZ3w
>>925378 Well I suppose it's possible the people using it just made something lazy and shitty. I'm not technically savvy enough to use the source code myself, but maybe someone else can do something with it.
>>3482 >>3487 >>3489 Gave it a couple of tries with different voices. It just seems like it copies only a very few parts of the reference audio and infers whatever the hell it feels like. Tried changing some of the words in the Style section with barely any change in tone. Seems like it's just one step above 11labs in that you can use their neutral voices indefinitely, while having a much lower quality. Expect a ton of youtubers to just flocking there to avoid forking money to the Polish. Speaking of, it seems so weird to me that with all the hubbub with both Microsoft and tech in general, no disgruntled employee has leaked anything about either Dalle-3 or 11labs' proprietory code.
>>3491 >Speaking of, it seems so weird to me that with all the hubbub with both Microsoft and tech in general, no disgruntled employee has leaked anything about either Dalle-3 or 11labs' proprietory code. We just aren't that lucky, anon.

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