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Use this board to discuss anything about the current and future state of AI and Neural Network based tools, and to creatively express yourself with them. For more technical questions, also consider visiting our sister board about Technology

AI Art / Stable Diffusion Thread #5 Anonymous 04/26/2023 (Wed) 22:41:10 Id: d458b8 No. 1776
Copied from previous OP. Here's some guides to installing Stable Diffusion (if you have a NVIDIA GPU with 2GB+ VRAM). >Installing AUTOMATIC1111, the most feature-rich and commonly-used UI: https://rentry.org/voldy >Different UI with 1-click installation: https://github.com/cmdr2/stable-diffusion-ui >Installing various UIs in Docker: https://github.com/AbdBarho/stable-diffusion-webui-docker >AMD isn't well-supported. If you're running Linux there's a way to install AUTOMATIC1111 but otherwise features are very limited: Native: https://rentry.org/sd-nativeisekaitoo Docker: Copied from previous OP. Here's some guides to installing Stable Diffusion (if you have a NVIDIA GPU with 2GB+ VRAM). >Installing AUTOMATIC1111, the most feature-rich and commonly-used UI: https://rentry.org/voldy >Different UI with 1-click installation: https://github.com/cmdr2/stable-diffusion-ui >Installing various UIs in Docker: https://github.com/AbdBarho/stable-diffusion-webui-docker >AMD isn't well-supported. If you're running Linux there's a way to install AUTOMATIC1111 but otherwise features are very limited: Native: https://rentry.org/sd-nativeisekaitoo Docker: https://rentry.org/sdamd Onnx: https://rentry.org/ayymd-stable-diffustion-v1_4-guide To try it out without installing anything you can use a web service, though they are lacking in features. >Stable Horde is a free network of people donating their GPU time, how long it takes depends on how many people are using it. It supports negative prompts, seperate the positive and negative prompts with "###": https://aqualxx.github.io/stable-ui/ >Dreamstudio requires making an account and gives you around 200 free images before asking you to pay: https://beta.dreamstudio.ai/ Img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest | https://dezgo.com/image2image Ippainting: https://huggingface.co/spaces/fffiloni/stable-diffusion-inpainting | https://inpainter.vercel.app/paint >The most notable non-Stable Diffusion generator is Midjourney, which tends to be nicer-looking and doesn't require as much fiddling with prompts but can have a samey style. However the only way to use it is through a Discord bot. https://www.midjourney.com/home/ >If you're okay with more setup but don't have the hardware you can use a cloud-hosted install: Paperspace: https://rentry.org/865dy Colab: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1kw3egmSn-KgWsikYvOMjJkVDsPLjEMzl >Various other guides: NovelAi: https://rentry.org/sdg_FAQ Dreambooth: https://github.com/ShivamShrirao/diffusers/tree/main/examples/dreambooth Inpainting/Outpainting: https://rentry.org/drfar Upscaling images: https://rentry.org/sdupscale Textual inversion: https://rentry.org/textard >Resources Search images and get ideas for prompts, can search by image to see similar images: https://lexica.art/ Index of various resources: https://pharmapsychotic.com/tools.html Artist styles: https://rentry.org/artists_sd-v1-4 | https://www.urania.ai/top-sd-artists | https://rentry.org/anime_and_titties | https://sgreens.notion.site/sgreens/4ca6f4e229e24da6845b6d49e6b08ae7 | https://proximacentaurib.notion.site/e28a4f8d97724f14a784a538b8589e7d Compiled list of various models, regularly updated: https://rentry.org/sdmodels (Check here before asking "where do I find x model!") Link to the copypasta for this OP: https://rentry.org/AI-Art-Copypata
>>1776 I haven't dicked around with this shit for the last 3 or so months. Anything new/cool happen since then?
>>1776 Please point to >>>/ais/ as well in the next OP >>1777 I've gone to cuckchan during the Elevenlabs craze and some of the prompts those guys were able to pull out were practically magic. The most impressive ones were the realistic sprites.
>>818794 You are the most braindead retarded gorilla nigger who has ever frequented this site, and I'm including myself in that list.
>>1778 Save any of the prompts? I need to study shit again to remember how to do this properly. Though honestly I was never good to begin with. >>1779 >You are the most braindead retarded gorilla nigger who has ever frequented this site >not found And just like that I really want to know what was said. Just how dumb could that post have been.
>>1778 Is elevenlabs really that better than anything else on the market? I mean there was the ponyfag the ai, then duck ai
>>1781 >Is elevenlabs really that better than anything else on the market? The point isn't that it's better than traditional TTS or 15.ai's ingenious approach. The point is that Elevenlabs allows you to clone voices efficiently and with minimal overload on your part. From my very limited understanding, traditional TTS (so the models you can find on uberduck basically) works by having a large amount of audio files that have been tagged with the correct transcript. These files + transcripts need to be fed to a neural network that has been previously trained on audio data, in order to create weights specific for that particular data set. So if you want to clone AVGN's voice, you need to train the neural network model on AVGN's voice files only, which takes quite a while. Whenever you ask the model to interpret your text as an audio file, it uses the weight matrix it created through the training process to translate that textual prompt into AVGN's screams. Most are robotic in output because no one has the infrastructure or the amount of data to cover all the possible intonations for a specific voice. However, it's also the simplest implementation of voice cloning. 15.ai's ponyfag does something similar, however he's using some (I'm assuming proprietary) application/model that also does some emotional inference. It's documented on his blog, but basically the output audio takes into account the emotion, intonation or even intent (sarcasm, fear etc.) of some input text by analyzing the context that the words are spoken (unless you specify it through emojis/tags). Because of that, even though the voices are still robotic, they have a much wider range of emotions and sometimes can sound really convincing, while at other times they kind of fumble it when the context isn't properly analyzed. Elevenlabs does something that is and isn't voice cloning. Instead of training large datasets on a single voice, from my understanding of it the developers made only a handful of very convincing, generic text-to-speech English voices (the ones you can select by default), not different from the ones used by Amazon Polly or Google's services. When you upload audio files for a specific character (again, let's say AVGN), the output data is still taken from those generic English voices, but the intonation, tone and even some audio artifacts like 2000s' microphone compression are mixed with the output data. Fucking around with the sliders changes how much of that input data should be taken into consideration when outputting the audio, or how much variation in the tone the neural network is allowed to produce. In essence, Elevenlabs is "photoshopping" your character's audio onto a generic voice. Since most people/actors/characters don't have very elaborate voices, it tricks the average joe into thinking that the voice has been perfectly cloned. However, the system is completely incapable of replicating tone or inflection that isn't compatible with the generic voices - that's why to get the best results you're forced to submit the same line over and over again until they kind of sound like what you intended them to sound like, or to use multiple cloned voices for multiple tonalities. To put this in perspective, this video took me 10 minutes and about three re-tries per line to get it done. A traditional TTS approach would have taken me weeks to train and even more fucking around to work. tl;dr Elevenlabs is the most efficient and fast way of making cloned voices, but it doesn't *really* clone voices. >>1780 I had archived a few threads back then but you're honestly gonna have more fun if you just experiment with your own imagination. A lot of users report getting wildly different results. There's even a DISCUCK plugin that sends requests to an OpenAI bot if you don't want to make the network run on your pc.
I still don't understand what's the difference between all the samplers. The only thing I've noticed is that Euler tends to make more changes to the pic in img2img than the DPM samplers. >>1783 Make a pic at least as metal as this.
>>1785 That's a really nice looking picture, it makes me think of the artwork on Yu-Gi-Oh or older MTG cards, sort of like it was printed with a grainy texture to fit on a little piece of card stock.
>>1786 Thanks, have a rare card.
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>>1785 >samplers I don't have a good understanding of the various samplers myself, but I find the differences can be summed up with: where they're going, how fast they get there, and if the stay there. I did some XY grids with different samplers and number of sampling steps to allow comparison, and observered 4 different destinations, even if the appear to start out differently. >Destination 1: Euler, LMS, Heun, DPM2, DPM++ 2M, DPM2 Karras, DPM++ 2M Karras, DDIM, PLMS, UniPC >Destination 2: Euler A, DPM2 a, DPM++ 2S a, DPM++ 2S a Karras *, DPM fast ** * This one seems to of overshot the destination is now going elsewhere (or the others are yet to catch up). ** I'm assuming it's destination 2, but its slow and will take many more steps to actually reach there. >Destination 3: DPM++ SDE, DPM++ SDE Karras >Destination snowflake: DPM adaptive *** *** I don't know what the deal with this sampler is, but it ignores the number of sampling steps. Its looks have shades of destination 2, but it is clearly its own thing. This is just one sample, and results might vary wildly with seed, model, prompt and other inputs; so take it all with a grain of salt. Settings: <a heavy metal poster, masterpiece, an angry woman in full plate armor marching through an army of skeletons, from above <Negative prompt: lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, bad-hands-5 <Steps: *, Sampler: *, CFG scale: 7, Seed: 8, Size: 768x768, Model hash: d124fc18f0 (AbyssOrangeMix3) <X/Y grid: X: Steps: 2,5,10,15,20,30,40,50 Y: Euler A,Euler,LMS,Heun,DPM2,DPM2 a,DPM++ 2S a,DPM++ 2M,DPM++ SDE,DPM fast,DPM adaptive,DPM2 Karras,DPM++ 2S a Karras,DPM++ 2M Karras,DPM++ SDE Karras,DDIM,PLMS,UniPC
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>>1783 More than a request, I was floating around an idea in my head. What if we collectively started creating some sort of Trading Card Game using AI to create the artwork? We don't necessarily even need to make the ruleset all that creative or fair.
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>>1785 >>1788 Because the samplers lead to different compositions in txt2img, one thing that might help to get a handle on the differences between them is img2img instead. This is a very old example and many of the samplers available today (including the ones I typically actually use) weren't implemented at the time, but it shows some of the things like texture that the samplers introduce. Note, for example, that DDIM and DPM2a give similar textures to one another. In composition, with those armored women you posted, DPM2a is most similar to Euler A, yet in this img2img test that pair is the farthest apart of any of them. Note: this test is furshit, but that does actually help because the fur texture shows off the differences.
>>1790 >unspoilered Sorry about that.
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>>1783 Requesting general space and science fictions stuff like pic related. >Planets/stars >Spaceships >Robots >Astronauts >People/animals looking at space through windows >Spacebabes >Alien lifeforms >Landscapes from alien planets
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>Year is 2072 >Humanity is on the brink of destruction >A few hardscrabble survivors are in a bunker, pressing ammo and repairing vehicles, waiting for their orders to strike back against the machines >A knock on the door >"Who's there??" >"Hey, let me in - the machines just hit the outpost in sector G - they fucking wiped everybody out. >"Show us your dick." >"They're right behind me, we don't have time for this!" >"Show us your dick" *Raises rifle* "RIGHT NOW" >The guy unbuckles his belt and pulls down his pants, his dick is upside down, one side of the glans is bulbous while the other side deflated, the pee hole comes out of the bottom >"It's one of them! Light it up!" >Bullets fly, and ding loudly as they ricochet from shredded flesh off of the metal endoskeleton. The man's eyes turn red and pushes his way through the door, terminating several guards and sending the survivors fleeing into the wasteland.
New model demo with text on images capabilities is live on huggingaface https://huggingface.co/spaces/DeepFloyd/IF
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>>1783 Gondola standing next to shinji
>>1796 That third one is kinda neat, looks like a GM made out of VCRs.
Stupid question, I was just making an avatar image for an rpg game, but I noticed that when I change the image size that the output doesn't match all the time. Any reason for that? >>1796 (checked) >>1797 Yeah what did you use for the mobile suit. It looks cool.
>>1798 The model is cardos animated. Prompt was >mecha, robot, space, (Paul Lehr, Barclay Shaw, Peter Elson:1.3)
>>1798 >I was just making an avatar image for an rpg game, but I noticed that when I change the image size that the output doesn't match all the time. Any reason for that? When you change the image size the starting random noise gets spread around differently, which cascades into the final image coming out differently. If you have a good image and just want it bigger, tick the "hires fix" option. Reduce "denoising strength" if the image changes too much. Don't use a latent upscaler with low denoising strength. Alternatively you can use img2img to do your upscaling on an image you've already generated. Install and use the SD Upscaler extension if you don't have enough VRAM. If you have a good image but you want to extend one or more of its edges, then use img2img and do outpainting on the image.
>>1783 Requesting more video game cover art and movie posters with retarded incomprehensible titles.
>>1803 >>1804 >>1805 prompt? did you use img2img for these?
>>1806 Used this hypernetwork https://civitai.com/models/3724/luisap-playstation-2-cover-box-art All prompts start with "Playstation 2 cover box art", runs the spectrum from, "Playstation 2 cover box art Joe Biden hospital simulator" to "Playstation cover box art Christopher Walken ghost adventures" This is "Playstation 2 cover box art microscopic organism puzzle game"
>>1809 >login to view I'm only interested in the final level's loading screen anyways, truly a vision of hell
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The newer models are fucking crazy and I cannot believe an AI is producing this stuff. The art you see on shitter from techbros grifters is all so terrible and bland in comparison to the stuff actual hobbyists are making.
>>1811 Yeah it is crazy seeing how far these have come already. On that topic though, what ones are you watching/using. I'm out of date on everything. >AI still does the little signature in the corner It is often the little stuff that makes me laugh.
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>>1811 >>1812 oh my god. it even has a gondola.
>>1783 Twi'lek, panties, blue skin, underwear only, 1980s_(style), 1girl,
>>1802 >DEADDNGERS saved
>>1811 >newer models are fucking crazy What's the new hotness? Orange Mix is the last I heard of. Did anyone have a link to AOM model already mixed so you don't have to wait ages for multiple models to download, mix them yourself, then promptly delete them since you had no intention of using them separately anyways? Could save a lot of time.
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>>1811 Sweet Jesus
Alright, I needed something to do for a few hours and to test my new phone, why not both
>>1802 >Dead Wiger >Deaddngers If we keep going we will have a game about annihilating the entire human race.
>>1816 Anything 3 and 4.5 are popular for anime stuff. Aside from that I think LoRAs are still the new hotness, and I like how you can not only mix LoRAs with different checkpoints, but with each other at varying strengths. These are varying mixes of Tim Burton, Tron: Uprising, and Yoji Shinkawa
>>1816 AbyssOrangeMix3 CarDosAnimated Based64MixV3
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>>1777 It's updating every other day anon, ControlNet and Latent Couple have pushed composition and posing forward. You can now map people's facial expressions, so custom cumshots are easy enough provided you have a shot to work from. Second pic is a 'Style Pile' mix of Kinkade, Geiger and Echer.
(5.67 KB 512x704 image.png)

Speaking of which this is the one I'm currently using in Controlnet for cumshots, I'm sure someone will find it useful.
>>1824 >Second pic is a 'Style Pile' mix of Kinkade, Geiger and Echer. Is it possible to make the AI draw like literal Hitler?
>>1826 Probably able to get near it, the thing is a goddamn marvel, I'm not boned up on art styles enough to emulate it right off the bat however.
>>1827 Go here: https://rentry.org/artists_sd-v1-4 Grab a couple of names with pics that look similar to that art style, put them in your prompt with (((triple parentheses))) for added irony and voila, literally Hitler.
>>1826 >>1828 There's probably enough Hitler paintings to train a LoRA, rather than trying to emulate the style indirectly.
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Didn't ask it to make ToddGaymes it just happened.
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Robo overlords are sick of our shit
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and rightly so, I for one embrace them wholeheartedly, they've made me cum more than any real girl has ever managed (or 'can' now that SD exists). The aZovyaPhotoreal_Ultra checkpoint is fucking nice for realistic stuff bty.
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>>1831 >>1832 Give- Give them cocks
>>1796 >WAARGBL WAZOKOOT Surprising it's starting to make legible letters.
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>>1811 Dear fucking lord, those lizard tits.
>>1834 >>1796 So how is Waargbl Wazokoot compared to the first Waargbl? And do you have any hopes for Waargbl Woowie?
>>1822 That Viking pic makes me want to play Volgarr again.
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Tried making some Reimoos, any tips on how to improve quality with the least amount of effort possible? I am very lazy
>>1838 Forgot to mention prompts and model, Model: Anything v4.5 pruned fp16. Prompts: Reimu Hakurei from touhou, brown hair and red eyes, large breasts, miko, realistic, masterpiece, best quality, masterpiece Negative Prompts: extra arms, extra hands, extra fingers, lowres,bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, text, username, blurry, artist name, mutations, bad proportions, extra head, ugly, imperfections, disfigured, blur, grain, loli Sampling method : Euler A, Steps: 28, CFG scale: 12
>>1838 >any tips on how to improve quality with the least amount of effort possible? I am very lazy https://civitai.com/models/7808/easynegative Give that a whirl with the same prompt/seeds
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>>1840 Seems to actually help, thanks. Some before and after pics
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Half the time when I start the UI I've got to connect to the net to get it to work, it's fucking weird, sometimes it's ok works offline and nothing has changes but then it won't work the next day. >>1833 I ain't into clanging >>1839 Just in case anyone didn't know you can drag any generated image into the PNG tab and get all it's generation details. Oh yes quick reminder that you can make a TI of that girl you used to like and make her suck and kind of dick you choose if the notion takes you, I've got the girl nextdoor pregnant in my bedroom right now. (repost cos I'm a tardhand)
There's got to be a wealth of dodgy as fuck TIs and Loras getting made. Any evil troll could easily take a few snaps of a girl off Insta or FB, make her a TOTAL whore, surrounded by cocks, bukakke'd and chained up then send the pics to her grandparents and how the fuck would they know the difference bar maybe a wonky finger that only gets noticed *after* the heart attack.
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>>1840 Also good: https://civitai.com/models/4629/deep-negative-v1x Put it at the start of the Neg prompt or it gets weighed weirdly according to the token counter. General Pro: >Photo of (Name/use Textual inversion here for best result), RAW, I use it for photoreal stuff, anime or whatever may want another term than 'Photo' >(beautiful, gorgeous, pretty) Use if you're doing females either leave like that or add (:1.1 to 1.3) your mileage may vary, going over that can get weird. >(cute) Will make Azns/more bug-girly features >(best quality, photorealistic, intricate, highly detailed, absurdres:1.2), best lighting, hyper-realistic, sharp focus, UHD, 64k Add after what the subject is doing. General Neg: >(tattoos, tattoo, pubic hair, piercing, bellybutton piercing, armpit hair, hairy pits,) asian, indian, bad hands, lanky fingers, extra digits, mangled feet, ugly, extra limbs, underwear, bad proportions, (low quality, low detail:1.4), (multiple views:1.1), lowres, jpeg artifacts, blurry, chest hair, stubble, facial hair, mustache, beard, mask, pink hair, extra limb, monochrome, high contrast, video game, 3d render, cartoon, bad art, body out of frame, (face out of frame), disfigured Makes girls a bit less uggo/whore trashy
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Also, generally going over (thing:1.3) makes stuff go weird, although you can hit (:1.8) on (low quality, low detail) in the Neg prompt and still get passable results. You might put (brown eyes:1.3) in the positive prompt and still get blues so don't forget to put (blue eyes) and (green eyes) in the neg one to lift that weight. Don't forget to reduce the power of Loras or they can make hellscapes in short order, set them anywhere between :0.1 and :0.6 that's generally enough for a scene or pose without having them overwhelm the shot, however if it's based on a person it may need to be at full strength. Some TI's really shine at :0.8, the more overtrained they are the less strength they want. I strongly advise doing a XYZ script pic of all your checkpoints with 3 seeds and a range of CFGs say 5,8,10. Save the big-ass pic it makes and scour it for the best results so you know what TIs/Loras work best with which checkpoint.
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>>1783 >>1845 >robros This gives me an idea for a new request: photorealistic Bionicles, or at least similar human-sized androids/mechas interacting with people in casual settings.
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>>1842 Then you leave me no choice God forgive me
>>1847 Pretty impressive heft
>>1848 Agreed, fantastic sack and great butt.
Just a question, out of curiosity since I saw an interesting post at another forum : has anyone tried to make the A.I generate a video, an animation based on already existing art? Like have the A.I. animate an action manga or something? Or a fighting manga where all the actions are heavily choregraphed and the gaps can be easily filled?
>>1850 The way those AI based on animations work is that they try and replace an item from a picture onto another moving animation. They don't really create inbetweens or any sort of motion that you can associate with animation, and I don't believe we'll get there for quite a long while, even though AI is so advanced right now. A lot of it is just tricks to create the illusion of voice or pictures.
>>1851 I see, thanks for the clarification anon. At least I can have my own supply of ready made hentai whenever I choose to install them.
>>1852 To rectify what I just said, it seems AIs can sort of do what you're looking for, but I'm assuming it's still based on some very specific method that requires a reference video to exist and then pictures are interpolated in the video to give the illusion that it's animated. https://inv.pistasjis.net/watch?v=XQr4Xklqzw8 https://inv.pistasjis.net/watch?v=sfjldIs4K6U&listen=false https://inv.pistasjis.net/watch?v=aux13apSEP0 https://inv.pistasjis.net/watch?v=tcTFbwE91WA&listen=false
>>1853 Oh nice...a bit nightmare fuel but thanks for the reference videos. Seems there's a bit of a way to go before still pictures turn into gifs.
>>1855 >2nd Thats just 2D faye reagan.
>>1856 It's a Faye Reagan LoRA, I was trying to recreate the outfit she used on the Emmanuelle through time movies.
>>1796 2nd image: is it me, or is that Valerian and Laureline in Star Wars Uniforms?
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I you ever find a model or TI that's putting out weird/off results try modifying your CLIP skip each pic gets wildly different results, 2 is generally best but 1 has some gems and occasionally 3 though they tend to look a bit oversaturated, ones that I've seen anyway.
>>1859 Those aren't necessarily examples of CLIP skipping btw though I did do it bit while generating the pics.
>>1859 >A Clown fighting a bear So you prompted "Ukraine war"?
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When messing with Latent Couple the order you do shit in makes some interesting difference, doing it the usual way: <Overall Scene <Left Side <Right Side Leads to the right side/person being weaksauce cos they're late in the prompt, you normally have to use the stronger TI there to balance it but if we flip the order (see pic 2 for settings) to: <Right Side <Left Side <Overall Scene The right side is stronger and the scene beautifiers don't clutter the early prompt so everyone comes through sharper So the prompt would be: >Photo of TI of (Whoever and stuff specific to them) +beautifiers AND >Photo of TI of (Whoever and stuff specific to them) +beautifiers AND >General scene info of what's happening, picture beautifiers and then LoRAs If you use Composable LoRA extension you can put LoRAs in the last section without putting them in the others making the earlier prompt tidier. Beautifiers like: >(best quality, photorealistic, intricate, highly detailed, absurdres:1.2), best lighting, hyper-realistic, sharp focus, 64k Can be applied to all 3 sections to unify the image quality a bit.I've noticed 'HDR' and 'UHD' can fuck images up slightly at times and they creep in as text here and there too.
It would be really neat if its possible to implement AI upscaler into games such as GZDoom so that custom textures are in higher resolution.
Would any anon here mind generating images of the female TWEWY characters, like Shiki/Eri and Rhyme in the old Nomura style? OG FF7 and 8 Since i've always wondered how they'll look if they weren't onahole stick figures. And because i'm too much of a poorfag to do it myself
How would you do photorealistic human-sized mecha/androids interacting with people in everyday settings?
You should go AI generate a noose to hang yourself with
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>>1783 Requesting moties playing guitars in front of a garage.
Photopea (online image editor) has a "magic replace tool" that will let you use prompts to edit selected parts of an image. I used it to change some things about a generated image and make it look a little less awkward (I did not like that arm placement or the breasts)
>>1783 I need this request fulfilled for a small project I'm working on. If someone can make RPG Maker VX portraits of Tatsumaki, and Makima (96x96 resolution per face/expression), that would be nice, preferably with varying expressions. A transparent background would also help. See example.
>>1871 Oh, and characters such as Yor Forger, Anya, and Becky Blackbell would be helpful too
>>1870 Why not just use inpainting?
>>1870 Barely related, but that image is the most generic Twitter techbro shit, they always use images like that to show how "AMAZING and EPIC" image generation is, which is partially why people think AI art fucking sucks.
(706.25 KB 697x956 Untitled.png)

What AI program made this?
>>1876 inb4 delete, it's an adult women she's just petite.
>>1868 Looks like Report of the Week, but British.
>>840514 Are people actually retarded enough to fall for this?
>>1879 It's a bot that just posted the same image on smug/a/.
Is there any way to get majicmix-realistic to work with Stable Diffusion? I found this video on how to do it with google collab, but it'd like to know if there is a way to do with the non-google Stable Diffusion? https://yewtu.be/watch?v=oci1VoQM_WM
(473.47 KB 1096x1045 Untitled2.png)

(13.88 KB 404x120 Untitled3.png)

i followed the guide to get alternative models to work, ..safetensors doesn't show on on the models list so i made it .ckpt file and it shows up but when i select it just gives me an error?
>>1876 Can you meaningfully speak of the age of the algorithmic hallucination of a machine?
>>1882 Looks like you're using an outdated version of Stable Diffusion there, Satan. It looks like you have it in the right folder at stable-diffusion-webui-master\models\Stable-diffusion Try updating your webui or downloading it from a different source like civitai.
(1.39 MB 2304x1536 IMG_0850.png)

(1.51 MB 2304x1536 IMG_0849.png)

Stuff i did for a Vidya Buttz thread
>>1886 What do robo braps smell like?
>>1885 why is she putting that dildo in her mouth?
>>1888 Because it's suggestive.
(1.82 MB 2622x1319 Usntitled.png)

(1.58 MB 2724x1978 Untstled.png)

>>1890 I kind of got it to work, but it still dosen't look like the images other poeple got, and when i copy the prompt it just looks like a mess, is that red rectangle suppose to be where i select the Lora .safetensors? Because selecting the checkpoint at the top does nothing.
(1.93 MB 1536x1024 grid-0402.png)

>>1891 I finally got it to work, it just had to down load nay Lora safetensors and use it while using additional networks as the usa mimi file.
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All of these sound better than the games on which they're based.
>>1893 >Funky Delirium >this time, BOTH detectives are completely dysfunctional
(394.09 KB 670x384 This is a real game.png)

(198.24 KB 531x400 400.jpg)

>>1893 >The Walking Simulator
>>1871 Doing variations of the same portrait with different expressions takes actual work, it's not just prompting. Even at low resolutions that's like a couple of hours of work.
Is generating images with an AMD cards on Linux actually good, or is it just "kinda works"?
>>1855 >>1856 >>1857 >faye reagan *AHEM* genital warts
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I'll be honest, I'm hyped for starfield
>>1876 Doesn't seem to be SD, has no data it can read and doesn't have the usual profile of one made in SD then stripped of it so good luck. >>1895 'game' is a bit of a stretch. 'garbage jerking material' perhaps. >>1899 All girls are purified by SD, their sins and chutes cleansed of evil, fresh for the perv user to corrupt as they see fit.
Character recognition and coherence has massively improved among many models+LORAs if you know how to use them right. The actual quality of these has gotten to the point where it's sometimes genuinely difficult to tell if they're AI-made or not. The first and last are in that usual AI "art style" if you know what I mean, usually you can just tell art is AI by looking at it because it generally has a certain style to it, but the middle two aren't like that, and that makes it much harder to tell if they're Stable Diffusion at a glance.
>>1902 >Character recognition and coherence has massively improved among many models+LORAs if you know how to use them right. True. The way this keeps evolving is pretty crazy. I'm really glad there are people making some LORAs of more obscure characters and not just well known and popular ones, since it's nice to be able to generate some images of characters that are long forgotten by the publishers or IP owners and might only ever see the light of day again in terrible remakes or some other trash not exactly the case for all the characters I posted in this case. >The actual quality of these has gotten to the point where it's sometimes genuinely difficult to tell if they're AI-made or not There are people making some really impressive stuff with this. I've read about some making children books with SD much to the ire of some "artists" and more simple stuff like birthday related gifts like cards and such. I have some avatar images where you really shouldn't be able to tell whether they were drawn or prompted, but these tend to be more simple than full blown highly detailed images with lots of content. All I know is that this stuff has no business in being as fun as it is, and prompting your favorite characters in silly or more creative situations is pretty amusing. Also a bit pathetic when, at times, it seems that you get more original characters from this thing than the stuff you see in modern gaming by actual artists. Or worse, when you have drawn characters that look like lazy bad prompts.
>>1901 >>1901 >Doesn't seem to be SD, has no data it can read and doesn't have the usual profile of one made in SD then stripped of it so good luck. it was majicmixRealistic
Are requests still being taken? If so, can someone render this in Miura's artstyle?
>>1902 >>1903 >Character recognition and coherence has massively improved among many models+LORAs if you know how to use them right. Please teach us, anons, I'd really like to do unspeakable evils with them but don't know much about the specific inputs, and asking around Youtube comment sections works as well as you think it does.
>>1906 I'm not an expert by any means, The main appeal for me is to make some cool or silly images of characters I like and generally just prompt whatever comes to mind. I only recently started messing with img2img and I barely use it, so I can't really help you there. The same goes for inpainting since I rarely use it because I'm lazy the few times I used it, I ran out of VRAM when fixing larger images and I don't see the point in fixing smaller ones, so I'll just prompt another image or something. I'm going to assume that you have SD setup and ready to go. First, look around civitai for a cool model that has a style you like, either anime or realistic (or both depending on model). You don't need a ton of models, but new ones are always showing up so you should test some new stuff every now and then if you like. The model used to generate the previous 5 images and the one I've been using the most is "DarkSushi" (there are several, but I think the one I'm using is "DarkSushiMixMixColorful", which should be this one if I'm not mistaken: civitai.com/models/24779?modelVersionId=56071) I also use 7th anime v3 (again, there are several and in this case I use the C variant) for more colorful images. You can find them here: huggingface.co/syaimu/7th_Layer There is also revAnimated which I didn't use much but produces some cool results and leans towards realism. You can find it here: civitai.com/models/7371/rev-animated I also have the AbyssOrangeMix ones which I use occasionally and are a mix between anime and realism depending on the variant. You can find them here: huggingface.co/WarriorMama777/OrangeMixs There is also novelAI, which was all the rage back then but I don't use it anymore. You can also mix models in the "Checkpoint Merger" tab, but I barely used it. Second, look around civitai for a LORA of that character you like, a certain art style, specific poses, detail enhancers and other stuff. LORAs really help since generating some obscure characters or specific poses without them would probably be impossible or simply rage inducing. Depending on the model you use you might not even need a LORA for certain characters, such as, but not limited to, Miku, Fate girls, 2B, Dark Magician Girl, Tifa, etc. It's also fun to see a certain character drawn in the style of an artist that would likely never ever draw that character, such as the Bloodborne hunter by Yoshitaka Amano, Whether a LORA combines well with the model you are using and generates something good really depends on the model and LORA, so I can't help you there. For example, the models I listed previously (save for revAnimated) generate a very messy Raziel with the Raziel LORA. You can also use multiple LORAs in the same prompt, but the results vary as well. Third get a VAE. I can't really help you here since I'm using the VAE that came with novelAI and at the time I just followed a tutorial to get everything running. I'm still using it and stuff just werks™. I think people use this one, but don't quote me on this: huggingface.co/stabilityai/sd-vae-ft-mse-original/blob/main/vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned.safetensors With your model of choice in place and the LORAs ready, it's time to prompt. Here are some basic template prompts to get you started and keep in mind that different models will react differently to the prompt and give you different results. You should also make adjustments depending on what you are trying to prompt (trying to get a lovecraftian monster with "horror" in the negative prompt doesn't make much sense). Green is prompt, pink is negative prompt (just pick one of each and test for yourself). >masterpiece, best quality, highest quality, cinematic lighting, highly detailed, sharp focus, digital painting, extremely detailed >masterpiece, best quality, (colorful),(finely detailed beautiful eyes and detailed face),cinematic lighting,bust shot,extremely detailed, intricate <lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts,signature, watermark, username, blurry, artist name <(worst quality:1.4), (low quality:1.4) , (monochrome:1.1) <sketch, duplicate, ugly, huge eyes, text, logo, monochrome, worst face, (bad and mutated hands:1.3), (worst quality:2.0), (low quality:2.0), (blurry:2.0), geometry, bad_prompt, (bad hands), (missing fingers), multiple limbs, bad anatomy, (interlocked fingers:1.2), Ugly Fingers, (extra digit and hands and fingers and legs and arms:1.4),(deformed fingers:1.2), (long fingers:1.2),(bad-artist-anime), bad-artist, bad hand, extra legs Some words to test for yourself: pixie cut, off shoulder, comic/manga/magazine cover, panels, speech bubbles, question mark, hearts, navel, midriff, watercolor, skyline, reflection, shadow, profile, concept, blueprint and try "teeth" in negative prompt (so there is a better chance of the character keeping its mouth shut). General tips: >The labels have tooltips, so read them (Sampling steps, CFG, Sampling method, etc..) >Different resolution == different resulting image. Don't think you will get a nice 1920x1080 wallpaper out of that 512x512 image simply because you changed resolution. >Different sampling method also changes how the image looks but results vary (I tend to use DPM++ 2M Karras, Euler a and DDIM, but you should try them all to see which ones you like). >If you are testing something it might be a good idea to prompt at a lower resolution first just to see if you get a decent result before you prompt at 4K UHD and melt your GPU. >A very high CFG value will "cook" your image and make it look terrible (I usually keep it at 7 and go to 12 at times, but it depends on the model, so test it) >The more sampling steps the longer it takes to generate the image (I usually keep it at 25, but if you get an image you like, test higher values all the way to 150 just to see what changes) >If you got a cool image, upscale it ("Hires. fix" checkbox -> pick the upscaler -> select denoise value (the higher it is the more different the image will look when upscaled) -> select upscale value (don't go too crazy on this unless you have a good GPU, 1.5x or 2x max should be enough to get you something nice) -> don't forget to lock the current seed in place or you will be generating a new image. >Read the instructions of the model you are using, since some models need more positive and negative prompts than others. >Read the instructions on the LORA you are using, since some are as simple as "dante" while other may require "dante, devil may cry, red jacket, white hair, short hair, stylish, etc...." >When starting SD, you can recover your last prompt data by clicking the little blue icon with a white arrow below the "generate" button instead of manually typing and changing everything every time. >You should be able to use booru tags in most models >When trying a model or LORA, check out the gallery and copy some prompts to both test the model/LORA and to use as a base for your stuff. >You should know by now that some human beings can have more than 5 fingers in each hand and some even have extra limbs (inpaint helps deal with such mutations). >There is an option to save your prompt to a text file, but you can also just drag and drop a prompted image into the "PNG Info" tab to see its info (assuming the metadata wasn't cleared). I think this just about covers it. There's a lot more to this obviously, those template prompts are nothing compared to what some people write, but just go ahead a give it a try and it should be more than enough for now.
>>1907 That demifiend is so fucking rad
>>1908 Thanks, anon. This guy made some really cool LORAs of a bunch of SMT characters and I've been having some fun with them. You can even make a female demifiend. civitai.com/user/Fenchurch/models
>>1907 > Jet Set Radio
>>1909 >Femifiend Fuck yes.
Where does everyone get the text2video AI?
Anyone able to answer >>1898
>>1913 It generally should work fine, though they are less efficient. The actual quality of results doesn't change, only the capability of the card.
>>1915 Thanks. What's the aprox penalty to efficiency? 10%?
>>1916 Not a clue what number to put to that. I've seen "benchmarks" that were completely wrong and unless, but nothing reliable. Typical speed on a 6800XT, for a 512x512 image, is about 9it/s. Compare that against what you will.
>>1916 'bout tree fiddy
>>1917 >9it/s A what? Even if it's 9 something a second.
>>1919 9 iterations per second. 25 iterations to generate an image is typical. So a bit under three seconds per image.
(772.37 KB 696x960 00007-1247614210.png)

Do you guys have any model that can replicate this style?
(249.23 KB 759x691 15465421.jpg)

>>1921 This is literally what men want >In the future you will be able to 3dprint your waifu with real feelings i was always born to late
>>1922 I don't want that.
>>1923 Ample breasted teenage girls aren't your thing? I'd probably die sucking on her tits and i would die gladly
>>1924 >I'd probably die sucking on her tits and i would die gladly DON'T DATE ROBOTS
(6.40 MB 480x360 Donotdaterobots.webm)

>>1926 Audio's out of sync.
>>1847 he is carrying some juice in those things my word
>>1929 Is there a model that lets you make from chubby to really fat women and that doesn't look nightmarish, asking for a friend
>>1931 I just use the word "thicc" works like a charm for me
(394.92 KB 480x360 nice.webm)

(551.51 KB 640x880 00007-636861964.png)

>>1931 "wide hips, thick thighs" will get you partway. And "[chubby:muscular:0.7], curvy" worked well in some models too.
>>1932 >>1934 Yeah, I know of these, I was just wondering if there was a model/weights specifically trained on fat art pictures. The basic choices put a very weird sheen/oily look to everything that makes it look a bit off. Plus most non-clothed big bellies look completely unnatural, I don't mind a cartoonish look, but most of them look like the gut was folded on itself several times.
Is there a model for athletic women with muscle definition? Not musclegirls but normal sized girls with defined abs, legs, backs, ect.
>>1936 Just use the "toned" and "abs" tags on any model. If you get too much muscle just put them in parentheses with a value below one, for example: (toned, abs:0.8)
Is it possible to make a character wear another's clothes without a trained _(cosplay) tag?
>>1936 I dunno, but I have a few from previous threads.
>>1938 I've only tried it with extremely popular characters (such as the 2hus >>1939 reposted), but it was as simple as "character1 is character2", plus terms like "1girl solo" to make sure it didn't just draw the two separately. From there it was just tuning the relative weights to get the right balance if one character is too dominant, plus the usual situation of searching for good seeds. And of course sometimes helping it along with more generic terms like "miko outfit". I didn't use the _(cosplay) tags even though they were in the dataset. I was doing those experiments a while ago, when the original NAI model was still popular and LoRAs weren't around yet. I'm not sure how more recent models would behave for that sort of thing, but adding character LoRAs would probably make it easier to dial in.
>>1941 Is there a way to run it in Auto1111 or is it comfyUI only?
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LoRA mixes to see different western style cartoons.
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(413.77 KB 512x768 00091-1495399736.png)

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(243.92 KB 512x768 00125-1495399736.png)

LoRA mixes to see different western style cartoons.
>>1939 Meant for >>1938
>>1939 >>1943 >>1944 Is there a way to get similar characters to these, except as a photo? I'd especially like to see red haired zero suit Samus.
>>1944 >>1943 What model did you use?
>>1947 Anythingv4.5 as a base, and mixes of Dop's LoRA, Butch Hartman's LoRA, and Kim Possible's LoRA at varying strengths. pixeldrain /u/4zcwcaXK https://civitai.com/models/4800/butch-hartman-artstyle https://civitai.com/models/85165/kim-possible-style-lora
(2.09 MB 1024x1024 NINalbum_00010_.png)

(2.12 MB 1024x1024 NINalbum_00015_.png)

(1.99 MB 1024x1024 NINalbum_00024_.png)

(1.26 MB 1024x1024 NINalbum_00035_.png)

(1.74 MB 1024x1024 NINalbum_00041_.png)

>>1941 Looks like it does certain aesthetics better without the refiner.
(1.68 MB 1024x1024 NINalbum_00046_.png)

(1.61 MB 1024x1024 NINalbum_00049_.png)

(1.95 MB 1024x1024 NINalbum_00051_.png)

(2.03 MB 1024x1024 NINalbum_00055_.png)

(2.06 MB 1024x1024 NINalbum_00060_.png)

second one looks somewhere between Still and Hesitation Marks.
(824.81 KB 1548x927 Screen Shot 390.PNG)

(1.20 MB 1024x1024 SDXL_00001_.png)

(1.16 MB 1024x1024 SDXL_refined_00001_.png)

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I think the refiner actively makes the pictures worse, unless I'm doing something wrong.
(1.32 MB 1024x1024 SDXL_00010_.png)

(1.31 MB 1024x1024 SDXL_refined_00010_.png)

(1.07 MB 1024x1024 SDXL_00017_.png)

(1.05 MB 1024x1024 SDXL_refined_00017_.png)

Forgot to denoise the refiner lel
>>1951 What the fuck is that UI? You have to generate pics in a Zachtronics game now?
>>855174 Yes, but in English. It's extremely difficult to judge the accuracy of the "voice" part of it when it's speaking in a different language. It's like the YouTube videos of Frank Sinatra singing Baka Mitai. Sure it sounds fine as a voice, but… does it sound like HIM? Hard to say, since he never fucking spoke Japanese.
>>1954 Why does that matter?
>>855174 There's an AI voice thread you know. Though I asked about moonman and they gave no answer.
>>1956 Moonman is already a text to speech program so making an AI model would be superfluous.
>>1957 The program doesn't let you make his songs anymore. They just ban the words.
>>1957 Do you know of those AI sings videos? I was wondering if a model trained on moonman would sing with the inflections of a given song.
>>1952 <Doomslayer >not the real Doomguy Shiggy Diggy ur a Niggy.
>>856810 She has granny hands.
>>1962 He's trying to gaslight and delude anons into thinking children are little women with fully functional pussies, but that's literally what loli is and why its easy to separate reality from fiction
>>1963 >He's trying to gaslight and delude anons Well he's doing a shit job. >>1960 >Brie Larson Why? Fucking why?
I absolutely cannot stand what these threads have become. Going past the lazy new creations, a lot of which is just softcore porn in the style of fucking Butch Hartman, it's largely a battleground between the chronically butthurt pedo and people who refuse to stop giving him attention.
>>856831 I'm not sure what this post is even meant to imply, how do echo chambers fit into this? It's a thread where people post images they generated.
>>1966 He's a lazy nigger butthurt people aren't generating realistic cp for him.
>>856850 I too would make an effort post about how most logic about lolis in IB culture is just posturing to prevent it getting banned.
>>856858 The thing is, why would you need to call yourself anything? Just don't let what you jerk off to define who you are. There, I just solved two years of arguing with your dumb ass. Don't be an autistic furry tier loser whose sole defining trait is the pornography he consumes.
>(1) sure is samefaggoty in here; since when did the A in AI stand for autism
Damn did a bunch of indians moved over here? If so ban them all please
>>1971 > Autism Intelligence < Artificial Intelligence Don't imbly that normalfags are intelligent (at all).
1. To anons who know how this stuff works, how were >>861668 made? As in, how do you get img2img to perfectly replicate the original characters like that? 2. Do you think you could advertise >>>/ais/ a bit in whatever other circles you're playing with the models? Would be nice to have a dedicated board for that sort of stuff.
(49.62 KB 512x768 IMG_1744.jpeg)

>>1964 I hate the backdrop of this board, it looks awful.
(1.14 MB 1090x1400 Shantae in jungle.jpg)

AOM3 checkpoint + LoRAs: 0.5 Shantae: https://civitai.com/models/108503 0.6 Frank Frazetta art style: https://civitai.com/models/87831 0.6 Xeno Detailer: https://civitai.com/models/89693 0.5 Princess Mononoke Scenery: https://civitai.com/models/20942 Also used SimpleNegativeV2 and negative_hand, but hands were still lackluster and had to be edited into something somewhat passable. I updated my stuff recently and got a bunch of LoRAs. Hadn't used LoRAs before, but playing around and mixing them at varying weights is interesting.
(1.49 MB 1056x1352 little witch in a river.jpg)

>>1907 I used the 2.25D version, I like it better: https://civitai.com/models/24779?modelVersionId=93208 This Dark Fantasy LoRA is kind of awesome: https://civitai.com/models/24934 This Ink Sketch LoRA makes some lines and hatching that I really like: https://civitai.com/models/84494 Using darkSushiMixMix 2.25D each LoRA was weighted like so: <lora:fantasyV1.1:0.5>, <lora:inkSketch_V2:0.2> for this little witch.
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(1.17 MB 768x960 00047-1673158290.png)

(3.83 MB 1536x2112 Horsecock futa.png)

>>1979 >Ink Sketch Even without a LoRA, I like the kinds of textures that adding "sketch" and related Danbooru tags (graphite, colored pencil, etc) in various weights can add to the generation.
>>1980 I am now rock solid.
(145.13 KB 1055x1054 star_kek.jpg)

>there's a lora for the Fist of the North Star art style I have no idea why, but this cracked me up.
>>862463 Careful there, you just said a trigger word.
(1.45 MB 1056x1352 Countryside Peach.jpg)

Princess Mononoke Scenery: https://civitai.com/models/20942 Howl's Moving Castle Scenery / Interiors: https://civitai.com/models/14605 I had these two on 0.3 weight. Makes really neat backgrounds. Using this model again, darkSushiMixMix 2.25D: https://civitai.com/models/24779 0.6 weight on Princess Peach LoRA: https://civitai.com/models/16250 Before LoRAs I'd just throw artist names into the prompt to improve the output. They're somewhat similar to that, but with more focused training I suppose. Mixing LoRAs together with varying weights adds yet another layer of autism to prompting. I take old prompts I've saved that were good and add LoRAs to them to do even more interesting things.
Got SD v1.4.1 running, it won't load anything NSFW.
>>1984 Is there any material on how to train custom LoRas? I have several artists that I'd like to custom tailor my art to.
Is it hard to train an AI for art purposes? specially with so many restrictions lately. Mostly for tracing after generating the picture.
(1.11 MB 1056x1376 Hat Kid lifting dress 1.jpg)

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(740.00 KB 1056x1352 Zelda slave 1.jpg)

(1.25 MB 1056x1352 Alice Liddel undressing.jpg)

Playing with character, pose and style LoRAs.
>>1988 Seems to me that it keeps glitching at the lower parts
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AI art always looks a little weird, even if it's "technically" correct, sort of like a Rene Magritte painting but with tits and ass
>>1988 Any where she's pissing?
>>1990 second one is great
>>1990 The last three has hints of Kid from Chrono Cross in and #3 has a touch of Tinker Bell too.
Hentai Diffusion is basically no longer available, no links for it work anymore.
No idea what I'm doing wrong here. Everything installed perfectly, and I can get the UI working, but when I try to make anything, the picture disappears instantly once it's been generated, and when I tell it to save the picture, it does nothing. I wish I could be more specific about what's going wrong, but I really have no clue.
(90.53 KB 864x1304 misty4.jpeg)

(96.98 KB 864x1304 misty3.jpeg)

>>1990 Thanks for sharing, liked seeing these two from the gallery.
(603.15 KB 1056x1352 May Kanker 1.jpg)

(615.51 KB 1056x1352 May Kanker 2.jpg)

(706.73 KB 1056x1352 Marie Kanker 1.jpg)

(853.88 KB 1056x1352 Marie Kanker 2.jpg)

Playing with aurora model. Backgrounds it makes are not so impressive. Seems more focused on the characters. The VAE they recommended for it is nice as I don't have to do any color or contrast edits in Photoshop after generating something, it's already okay. May Kanker: https://civitai.com/models/109428?modelVersionId=117921 Marie Kanker: https://civitai.com/models/109428?modelVersionId=117926
(766.01 KB 1056x1352 Lee Kanker 1.jpg)

(765.17 KB 1056x1352 Lee Kanker 2.jpg)

Lee Kanker: https://civitai.com/models/109428 Have to sign in to download these nsfw Kanker sisters LoRAs, unfortunately.
>>1890 >>1891 >>1892 Oppai Loli, nice. >>1921 I really feel nostalgic whenever I saw victorian style AI, technology moves so fast.
>>1998 I think those freckles can cause Trypophobia, they are too much, but the pussy looks nice.
>>1998 >Backgrounds it makes are not so impressive. Just generate them separately and combine as layers, except for object the character interacts with, of course.
>>2003 >Enjoy Not really. Try again, but this time make them attractive, mainly in the face zone. Would behead and necrofuck, but I'm never really in the mood for that sort of thing but once a year or two.
(165.16 KB 1024x759 1607658440215.jpg)

(1.48 MB 1056x1248 00003-2438951386.png)

(1.06 MB 864x1152 00006-2438951389.png)

>>2003 No thank you. That's really not to my taste.
>>1998 >>1999 >can see the eyes flaccid
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>>2003 I would head pat but nothing else tbh.
(862.16 KB 1200x1440 Alice (DisneyPixar) 2.jpg)

(745.38 KB 1056x1352 Alice (DisneyPixar) 1.jpg)

Tried Alice in wonderland character LoRa with DisneyPixar model.
Then tried generating Alice with darkSushiMixMix2.25 using some other LoRAs. And Ashley too, why not. Had a lot of trouble with the Wednesday Addams 1990's LoRA fucking up open shirt nudity and the 'anime' Wednesday Addams LoRa doesn't look close enough, then highres fix kept throwing out black images so I gave up.
>>2010 >>2011 delicious
(3.28 MB 1728x2112 1690393990829.png)

(3.56 MB 1728x2112 1690394711290.png)

>>1981 >rock solid
Beasts all over the shop! Bloodborne lora for some eldritch nightmare generating: https://civitai.com/models/84201 It seems to be a bit demanding on some models, so upscaling is tough at times and quality suffers. The last image was upscaled to 2x and gave me a pretty abstract result. It was originally just a hunter standing there with something coming out of her chest and then it turned to that when upscaled. Good thing that it fits the theme though. The more colorful image uses the Odin Sphere lora which I highly recommend, especially if you are a Vanillaware fan https://civitai.com/models/11229 note that I used an old version of the lora in that particular image. >>1979 >I used the 2.25D version I used it a bit too and they are both pretty good. I've been using ExpMix_LineV3 lately and it makes some cool stuff too https://civitai.com/models/44150 >>1986 I haven't tried it myself, but maybe this guide could help https://civitai.com/models/22530 >>2014 First and second are pretty good. No idea about prompters that are this good though. Try checking the gallery on civitai.
>>2013 Amazing, although I don't find retracted animal cock sheaths sexy.
I can't seem to make anything specific I want; it doesn't want to recognize some terms you think it would, like strapon. Anything good generated seems to be made completely by accident. These took like several hundred attempts. Is it just down to the model files not recognizing certain keywords?
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>>2017 In my case i normally get one decent looking in a batch of like a hundred and then i pass it on img2img while touching them a bit with an image editor, and then another god knows how many more attempts and still they need some touches more, but i got a lot of patience for that. The model can still do some fuckups but with patience, altering the cfg scale and maybe rearranging the prompts you can get something that doesn't look like spaghetti, so keep trying and don't give up.
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(962.70 KB 1200x1440 Radically Sexy Edward.jpg)

(870.82 KB 1200x1440 Ashley Graham (RE4) 2.jpg)

(893.82 KB 1200x1440 Ashley Graham (RE4) 1.jpg)

Playing with more charatcter LoRAs. Tried controlnet with openpose and it was kinda shitty trying to get specific characters into specific poses. Was at least a little better than pose LoRAs.
>>2018 That bird looks absolutely amazing.
>>2015 CivitAi images are low res and not really that good, but I guess it is good for LoRas, also I find that most good AI images are in Pixiv. I wanted to see if someone knew a prompter as good or close.
I guess AI can't make manly characters yet?
(1.03 MB 1200x1440 Hex Maniac 1.jpg)

(1.28 MB 1920x1360 Alice Liddel 2.jpg)

>>2015 >ExpMix_LineV3 Tried that, but it seems like only darkSushiMixMix gives me stupidly nice backgrounds without really trying that I can then improve upon with LoRAs.
(49.41 KB 640x960 00000-1792647365.jpeg)

>>2022 It can, its putting them in the same pictures as the girlier characters that's hard.
(1.36 MB 864x1056 00056-800946346.png)

>>2022 It can, but are you sure you really want them?
>>2021 The lora pages tend to have some good stuff, but the problem is that not every image is posted with its info, so good luck getting something similar. Some prompts are also absurdly large with crazy details and lots of different loras. I tried to replicate those first 2 images you posted and didn't get anything close in detail to them. Granted I didn't prompt at a very high resolution (576x832), didn't inpaint anything and didn't upscale. >most good AI images are in Pixiv Maybe because Pixiv didn't lose its mind over AI art and people just kept/keep posting there. I think all they did was demand that people tag AI images as such. When AI images began getting posted on deviantart and they announced their own AI or something, the users lost their minds. Clip Studio Paint(?) also announced that they would add an AI to the software and artists lost it to the point where they had to backtrack. There's also reddit harassing an artist because his art was too similar to AI. >I wanted to see if someone knew a prompter as good or close. Become that prompter, anon! We believe in you! >>2022 Of course it can, but why prompt male when you can prompt female? >>2023 I noticed that too. Not only that, but ExpMix_LineV3 seems to be more resource intensive than darksushi. It's still a pretty cool model, but, now that you mention it, I don't think I have many prompts with nice backgrounds with it, while in darksushi you can just type something simple and get a pretty nice background.
>>2022 No, you're just retarded.
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>>2022 I mean yes you can but i just like to make tiddies because i fucking love tiddies.
>>2022 What are you, gay?
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I've learned a few things in dicking around with this for the past few days, and one of them is that I never knew how badly I wanted to see Yaegashi Nan draw Sakuya Shirase. Also, why do I feel like the only person in this thread that doesn't consort with beasts?
>>2030 So far these are the most competent I wonder what the /sdg/ anons would do if they were given multiple picture slots and the ability to actually discuss ai shit rather than having one and done posts
>>2025 I need half orcs and manly big guys for erp needs.
>>2013 Do some more of these. Post them to the AI thread in /fur/ if need be. The Marble texture is nice.
>>2031 Probably they will fully embrace the tism and start posting pictures en masse for feedback and actual conversation instead of being this shy about their own creations. Our fathers taught us to not be ashamed of our prompting pics because for every spaghetti hands we'll improve, for every case of eyes looking in every direction we'll improve, for every nice pair of tits we'll do more. >>2030 Those are really nice my man. In my own defense i not only took the floofpill but in general i just consort with tiddies, be normal 3dpd tiddies, 2d tiddies, fluffy tiddies, alien tiddies and if there's some sort of eldritch abomination out of HP Lovecraft's wildest dreams made entirely of tiddies, i will dive into it. Except if there's dicks or hypershit involved, i like to keep it vanilla/straight. And sometimes i do shit for fun, like rare merchants and last one's prompt was "Communist gangster computer god".
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(1.20 MB 1200x1440 Radical Edward 1.jpg)

(1.05 MB 1200x1440 Kiki delivery fail.jpg)

>>2036 can it do lewds?
>>2036 >>2037 More importantly, can it get her underwear right?
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Reminder that your titty monster needs a proper night's sleep.
>>2039 For a best night's sleep, a titty monster needs a wife to share a bed with.
>>2036 hmmm, not sure I'm doing it right... >>2038 what are they supposed to look like? >>2039 >>2040 >not giving her your massive cock and balls as pillow. that's how you give your titty monster the sweetest of dreams!
>>2039 How much inpainting do you need to do to get these results? Also, assuming you have a reference picture, can you inpaint features on it to transform it from 3DPD to 2D?
(876.05 KB 1200x1440 Kiki delivers.jpg)

>>2038 >>2037 This is about as close as I can get with these in the prompts: Positive Prompt: (bare legs:1.5), (loose white legless high bloomers:1.5) Negative Prompt: (stockings:1.4), (bikini panties, micro panties, tight panties:1.2), (frilled bloomers, long bloomers, bow panties, shorts) It's difficult to get Kiki's loose white underwear when the AI wants to make either long frilly bloomers OR tight panties and practically nothing in between.
>>2042 >How much inpainting do you need to do to get these results? Zero. >assuming you have a reference picture, can you inpaint features on it to transform it from 3DPD to 2D? No idea because I wasn't using a reference picture. It's as simple as using this lora - https://civitai.com/models/64238
(705.04 KB 1177x1300 00050-310469153.png)

>>2042 inpainting is criminally underutilized considering it's easily the best feature of diffusion models
>>2045 >not making the head larger rookie mistake that I made in my first attempt at "inpainting" girls into anime prior to ai art. smaller hands doesn't hurt either most of the time.
(1010.15 KB 768x1280 image (1).png)

>>2043 wow, that looks really good (did you redraw the hands manually?) >>2046 how much bigger should the head be?
(970.44 KB 1177x1300 00050b-310469153.png)

>>2046 How about this?
>>2042 >3DPD to 2D? Why not the other way around?
(128.31 KB 1280x828 te1clqiheo521.jpg)

>>2045 >>2048 >>2042 Fucking incredible. I feel like a retard for not using the models more.
>>2049 >2d to 3d you disgust me
>>2051 Well, admittedly it could be a good idea if you need to see how a 2d design would look like in 3d before working on a 3d model, think of old comic book strips. Anyhow, >>2048 is a bit cross eyed, or is it just me?
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>>2042 >>2045 >>2048 IMG to IMG stuff has been done in these threads before.
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>>2043 Nice.
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>>2056 Smug Donkey Kong, easy.
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>>2057 CORRECT
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>>2059 Late night anon in a comfy blanket looking at an absolutely abhorrent post.
(49.58 KB 406x364 1402384008637.jpg)

>>2060 CORRECT
>>2059 >>2060 >>2061 Awww, I thought these were ponderings for a moment.
>>2043 >panty-bloomer hybrid I never knew I need this in my life.
>>2054 Pretty sure this predates AI art.
(1.43 MB 1600x1920 Lain 1.jpg)

(1.53 MB 1600x1920 Lain 2.jpg)

>>2056 >>2059 Cool idea. It's funny how the owl drawing image went from a being joke into becoming a valid tutorial. >>2065 Do not lewd the Lain!
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I posted these ages ago, but in case you didn't see them way back then.
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These are more easy to tell.
>>2067 >>2068 Sonic totem?
>>2068 Two girls laughing mockingly?
>>2068 laughing anime sluts.
>>2066 >Do not lewd the Lain! Isn't there a sequence in Serial Experiments Lain where Lain's friend Arisu (Alice) is masturbating while thinking about fucking their teacher and Lain appears under the desk with a big perverted grin watching her masturbate? Also, the end credits show a very long panning shot of Lain fully nude. What I'm getting at is that the anime itself lewded Lain already. >>2070 >>2071 >>2068 It's the laughing sluts pose, but specifically it's Raven and Starfire from Teen Titans doing it.
>>2072 >Isn't there a sequence in Serial Experiments Lain where (...) Probably. Maybe it's that episode where she is going around annoying everyone or something. I don't remember it very well anymore since I watched it years ago. It was pretty good and I highly recommend it. That and Texhnolyze as well. >>2070 >>2071 >>2072 >Thread is full of botanists.
>>2072 >>2073 Let's all lewd Lain.
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>>2072 Its the mirrored version of that.
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>>2078 >>2079 Russian Nathan Drake poor quality PS3 graffix. Can't find the original
(43.71 KB 500x281 uncharted.jpg)

>>2078 >>2079 >>2080 >>2081 I want to go back to a simpler time
>>2074 Called the cops. >>2082 >Sony's western studios are a shadow of their former self with all talent pretty much gone >Raziel's mom got booted from naughty dog by a talentless hack who only writes garbage >Said garbage is praised like crazy for its characters and story >LoK never got an ending, but crap like Last of Us is allowed to exist and even gets a tv series not that tv isn't absolute cancer nowadays And best of all: >Sony killed Japan Studio I'll never stop being mad about this. Especially about how Gravity Rush got treated.
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<*our chan
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Manmade soyrors beyond your comprehension.
>>2084 You're well aware you can post 32MB of up to five files per post with sound, as well as MP3s here. Why use 4chins?
>>2086 Would be interesting to see this in a Robert Crumb type of style
>>2083 >>2084 Can you also give us the prompts, or what you changed from one image to the other? >>2086 Basically you can only turn a soyjack into other soyjack variants
>>2089 The prompts are all pretty similiar, but ones use Yoji Shinkawa as an artist, another uses a lora, one is smoking in the car, others are in the street, etc. Just download the images you want, drag them into the "PNG Info" tab of the UI and check the prompt for yourself. In order: https://files.catbox.moe/x2erta.png https://files.catbox.moe/qid13o.png Model is "expmixLine_v3" https://civitai.com/models/44150?modelVersionId=71779 Pretty sure these are all 576x832 but I can't find the originals. These were both upscaled with img2img to look sharper, all at 1.5x I think. https://files.catbox.moe/di8mps.png https://files.catbox.moe/prq4wn.png https://files.catbox.moe/s04e2v.png Model is "dark sushi mix colorful" https://civitai.com/models/24779?modelVersionId=56071 And the lora used in the 3rd image which adds some cool details is "Adventurers Lora (v1)" https://civitai.com/models/14792?modelVersionId=17424
>>2089 Sure, I'm happy to help >disintegrating (mecha), mechanical arms, action pose, key visual, fire breath, pyrotechnics, composite art, iridescent, colorful, by leonid afremov and alphonse mucha You can delete the artist at the end in case you want to push for a different artstyle, also here's a negative prompt I used to write alongside this prompt. >negative prompt: lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, [blurry], CAPTCHA, (((deformed))), bad anatomy, disfigured, poorly drawn face, mutation, mutated, (extra_limb), (ugly), (poorly drawn hands), messy drawing
>>2090 what jutsu is she casting
>>2013 >scarred lion stone babes >Has penis balls Oh fuck off, that just ruins it.
Also Mark can suck my ass.
>>2086 Thanks. I hate it.
>>2093 Shuttudafukupu-no-jutsu.
Does anyone know any working Furry-Human prompts? Furry male on human female? Please and thank-you's!
I'm having trouble getting the prompts to separate 2 subjects characteristics; they either take most of the first subject's traits, or just makes 2 of the first subject. Any tips on making sure the prompt knows to make the subjects distinct from each other?
>>2099 That's the hardest part. Latent couple is supposed to help but it hasn't worked all that well for me and it's a pain in the ass to use. I guess you'll just have to inpaint one of the characters with a different prompt.
>>870087 >Those ears Almost good. But very close.
(2.98 MB 400x720 2023-08-10_18-19-17.mp4)

Experiment, altho this ended up more like filter
(10.85 MB 720x1280 20230805-042651.webm)

>>2102 Nice, do you have the original as well?
>>2103 3DPD getting useless by the day
>>2104 If we finally get robot waifus, then 3DPD will be completely useless. https://nitter.lacontrevoie.fr/xenotrip/status/1676875298783084546
>>2102 By the looks of her giant udders, I think might be Donna Roza.
(3.84 MB 720x1280 1671301479732045.webm)

>>2107 >BustyEma How could I forgot those udders. Thanks anon!!
>>2102 >Filter That's what it is a filter, but that say it does not make it less interesting, I think it has lots of potential to become more. There was a japanese guy that made AI animations with Miku Hatsune, this was the best version, but he stopped doing then because the Anti-AI community was getting more agresive, at the end he made an AI-Vtuber. I guess it was less problematic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVxqZ1DUs1s Also I think cunny lovers would like this: https://aibooru.online/posts/28236?q=akkairosu+
>>2102 Feels like the head is too small, and everything outside the face is too real.
>>2109 >Also I think cunny lovers would like this: <This post is hidden by your settings Gelbooru wins again.
>>2109 What program did he used to make that video.
>>2111 >This post is hidden by your settings Sorry I didnt knew that. You can watch the last two here. There is a higher resolution version of the first video on the site. >>2112 I dont know, except for Lolidiffusion Checkpoint. Akkairosu keeps Pixiv account SFW only but he said it was really time consuming, but you can ask him on his Pixiv for advice. https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/85045382
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Not going to lie. I'm having a lot of fun with this.
>>871196 Give her big fat milkers
>>871196 Make her flatter and give her an anime nose.
>>2104 I like two and four, keep it up anon.
>getting AMD shit working on Linux is harder than fucking getting nvidia working What a joke.
>>2119 Blame bad ROCm support by devs. Though a lot of the blame also goes on AMD for not trying hard enough, CUDA is eating their breakfast, lunch, and dinner in the space and they don't seem to care much.
>>2119 >>2120 The GPU market consists of Nvidia giving AMD every possible opportunity to increase its market share against them, and AMD doing everything it can to squander those opportunities.
>>1881 tfw when i almost replied to this post then i realized it was something i posted.
>>2102 >>2103 On the one hand, this is pretty damn cool. On the other, it's extremely uncanny looking, my guess is because there is no proper eye movement and the art style ever so slightly changes between frames, making it really bizarre to look at. At any rate, you can also use >>>/ais/ if you need another repository or the thread gets too much heat.
>>2102 >>2103 1. What tools did you use to make these? 2. Can you use fictional character to in-paint on these videos?
A bomb in every prompt! JC Denton finally got his own lora, although it seems to favor realism models over anime ones https://civitai.com/models/106629 >>2090 >>2093 That's the shushing pose lycoris. I didn't install the lycoris extension and it seems to work just fine without it. https://civitai.com/models/105944 The girl is Re-l Mayer from Evanescence Ergo Proxy. https://civitai.com/models/76033 >>2099 That's tough and mostly trial and error unfortunately. Even simple prompts can get things wrong like "girl, red hair, yellow shirt, green shoes" can just give you a girl with green hair and yellow shoes or just place red/yellow/green elements where you don't want them, so if you have more complex scenes it can get worse. I have old gens where I was trying to prompt a happy skeleton necromancer girl walking beside a male paladin and I got stuff like: >several skeleton girls, some armored, some in robes all with neutral expressions and no paladin anywhere >a normal/skeleton paladin and a normal girl I only got what I was actually trying to prompt by inpainting some images and they look so shopped it's not even funny, although at the time I barely knew how to use this so the inpainting was a mess and the prompts weren't very high quality either. Note that I haven't tried any extra plugins/addons to help with this though. >>2105 That's really good. Looks like something from Blame! >>2115 First one is pretty cool.
Is VRAM the be all end all requirement for Stable Diffusion? I narrowed my potential GPU replacement down to two. One's an RTX 3050 8GB and another an RTX 2060 12GB, the latter more expensive by over $100 or thereabouts despite being the older one.
>>2127 >Is VRAM the be all end all requirement for Stable Diffusion Different cards will of course have different speeds. Depending on what you're doing you can get away with less VRAM in some cases, since A1111 has scripts for tile-based img2img and such to reduce VRAM use at the cost of increasing generation time. On the other hand I haven't tried XL but I've heard it takes significantly more VRAM than old SD models. >despite being the older one. It's older but it still outperforms the 3050 by 10-20% in gaming. Unfortunately I have no idea how the two compare in CUDA applications.
>>2128 Whatever it takes to generate lolis, both obscure and original. My ancient GPU is 2GB VRAM but I find that too tiny. Would like 8GB at minimum but some say even that is too small. If I ever get back into gaming, either of the two I narrowed down would be a tremendous upgrade, but then there's the sheer power draw. My 650W wouldn't cut it anymore.
>>2129 650W would definitely be fine for the 3050 and almost certainly for the 2060 too.
Will AMD unfuck itself with AI?
>>2132 No. Machine learning isn't magic.
How do i fix bad anatomy? i'm using photosomnia v18
>>2129 On that subject, is a 6700 XT sufficient to generate such images if using Linux (and thus able to use AI gen on AMD)?
>>2135 It definitely should be, I'm using a 6800 XT and I can generate some nice images with it. Granted, you might have quite a bit of an issue installing pytorch if the default python your distro works with is not 3.10
>>2113 >Lolidiffusion Checkpoint link?
We should have a thread for AI Chat it's really easy to install https://rentry.org/TESFT-LLaMa
(7.82 KB 797x358 Untitlsadsadsed.png)

You guys have to try this, you can make and talk to and erp with your waifu!
>>2139 Explain/link please all I know of that's actually not shit is character.ai, and they basically neutered them from being lewd.
>>2140 https://yewtu.be/watch?v=lb_lC4XFedU https://rentry.org/TESFT-LLaMa and https://yewtu.be/watch?v=nVC9D9fRyNU and it should tell you everything you need to know to set it up. Pygmalion-6b (linked in one of the video's description) allows for nsfw conversing.
>>2141 I'm getting connection timeouts for the rentry link, but thanks for the jewtube links
>>2138 Tried following the guide but conda is giving a ton of errors and all the guides I found online are not giving me any good info on how to fix it. "AttributeError: module 'cryptography.hazmat.backends' has no attribute 'openssl'" But I do have openSSL
>>2141 I tried running oobabooga locally, got it to work but sadly it was running on my CPU I think, when I tried to switch to GPU (I use AMD btw) I'd just get some error
>>2142 >>2143 >>2144 Here are all the links from 4chan's /g/. The Faq (and the yewtu.be links) shows how to fix some errors https://rentry.org/er2qd . If you're using AMD it's better to run it off the CPU. ►Model Rankings HF: https://hf.co/spaces/HuggingFaceH4/open_llm_leaderboard CODE: https://hf.co/spaces/bigcode/bigcode-models-leaderboard PLAP: https://rentry.org/ayumi_erp_rating ►FAQ >Main FAQ https://rentry.org/er2qd ►General LLM Guides & Resources >Newb Guides https://rentry.org/llama_v2_sillytavern - https://rentry.org/local_LLM_guide >aicg Newb Guides https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list >Llama 2 Jailbreaking Guide https://rentry.org/llama2-uncensored >LlaMA Guide https://rentry.org/TESFT-LLaMa >Machine Learning Roadmap https://rentry.org/machine-learning-roadmap >Novice's LLM Training Guide https://rentry.org/llm-training >Local Models Papers https://rentry.org/LocalModelsPapers >Quantization Guide https://rentry.org/easyquantguide >lmg General Resources https://rentry.org/lmg-resources >ROCm AMD Guide https://rentry.org/eq3hg ►Model DL Links, & Guides >Model Links & DL https://rentry.org/lmg_models >lmg Related Links https://rentry.org/LocalModelsLinks ►Text Gen. UI >Text Gen. WebUI https://github.com/oobabooga/text-generation-webui >KoboldCPP https://github.com/LostRuins/koboldcpp >KoboldAI
[Expand Post]https://github.com/0cc4m/KoboldAI >SimpleLlama https://github.com/NO-ob/simpleLlama ►ERP/RP/Story Gen. >ERP/RP Data Collection https://rentry.org/qib8f >LLaMA RP Proxy https://rentry.org/better-llama-roleplay ►Other Resources >Miku! (desu) (boku) (desu) https://rentry.org/lmg-resources#all-things-miku >Benchmark Prompts https://pastebin.com/LmRhwUCA >Simple Proxy for WebUI (+output quality) https://github.com/anon998/simple-proxy-for-tavern >Additional Links https://rentry.org/lmg_template#additional-resource-links
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I'm kinda a noob with this image generation stuff, so it's tricky to get things to look exactly how I want it to, but I'm sure it shouldn't be hard to see what these ones are based on.
>>2147 I love how an AI trying to generate written words looks like a toddler scribbling stuff with a lot of enthusiasm and no idea how to spell. Just like how I have no idea how to format text, fuck. >C⌾⌾KS >Cook'ks >Cookkikíif.s >Cookiis
>>2147 >COCK'S OOKIES What 'are' you trying to accomplish here, anon?
>>2149 It was a puzzle
Such unrestricted beauty that won't conform to this world. For such beauty to exist is an act of rebellion against this world that wants to out law all objective beauty.
>>2151 Midgets? it's a fun niche but I wouldn't catalog it as "such beauty to exist is an act of rebellion against this world that wants to out law all objective beauty", I just like short big titty women.
>>2152 They're short stacks, and there was an article posted about some role playing site that banned short stack characters because they were too similar to lolis I mean the beauty created by AI is unrestricted and will some day be heavily restricted. Someone in the last GG thread posted a link to some government agency collecting opinions on AI laws..
>>2153 That was the copyright office. https://www.copyright.gov/policy/artificial-intelligence/ I told them that we should treat AI software like a person: no limit to using copyrighted input, no need to ask permission to do so, and the AI is the author so the work isn't copyrightable. God knows how the Jews are going to fuck us with copyright law.
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https://en.serialexperimentslain.io/ LAIN WO SUKI NI NARIMASHOU LET'S ALL LOVE LAIN Codex is gonna freak
>>2156 >(((google))) >pay $20 a month for the AI to remember your name
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I fucking love tiddies.
>>2158 But do you love fucking tiddies?
>>2158 But do you love proper hands?
>>2158 >Furry tiddies Tiddies with hair on them are not real tiddies
>>2161 There's no hair on the titties. Not a single strand or tuft.
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I seriously found an AI chat character of that Jewish anime girl.
>>2158 She looks cute, try to use HiResFix on her next time.
>>2165 >I only see sweet Oppai Lolis to be honest. While these are western example for the most part not every shortstack is an oppai loli.
>>2166 I don't want to complicate my life more than necessary, so I put them all in the same category.
>>2165 >>2167 I personally think there's a clear cut difference between an stick with comically big boobs and a little woman with the snowman body shape, like this guy posted >>2166 But you have a point no needs to made it more complicated that it needs to be, it's a fun niche and I like it, specially since the place I live it's not rare to find woman with that body shape. Although, woman with both big ass and boobs are a little hard to find.
>>2165 If you give them thick thighs/wide hips in addition to big tits, they're shortstacks.
>>2168 Thank you for understanding. I am a simple man. I see big boobs and a decent image or video, I am in. >>2169 Good point, but lets put it like this, they will see what they want to see, some people can see them as midgets like above, some other can see them as shortstacks and someone like me can see them as sweet Oppai Lolis. Anyway lets not change the subject of the thread anymore. Here are some more Ai images taken from Aibooru.
>>2170 Hands need some fixing on Komano and the last Lily. It's nice seeing pics that are mostly free of deformities for once.
>>2170 Are these really made by an AI? Did you make these yourself? If you made them, then how did they come out so good while being such high detail, when i make the AI generated images in higher dimensions they always get more anatomy problems.
>>2172 Upscaling. Some models are trained above 512, say at 768, and can generate natively at higher resolutions than other models, but it's mostly just upscaling.
>>2171 Funny because most people would think that oppai lolis are deformed because how disproportionate they are, but I think that's part of their charm (as I said I am simple man) Hand are mostly a problem, but I learned not to mind them much if most of the image is good. ControlNet/OpenPose can really help to get better hands. That said the hands are what mostly help us to identify them as AI images. So I think the AI making mistakes are part of their charm as well. >>2172 >Are these really made by an AI? <Yes, the technology has advanced a lot Also, since it is an AI thread, of course Im going to post Ai images(except for those Oppai Loli hentai manga pages), at least those that are SFW enought. >Did you make these yourself? <No As I already said I took them from Aibooru but since people never read name files. The Prompter is called "rkkrn" you can check his images on AiBooru or Pixiv. >when i make the AI generated images in higher dimensions they always get more anatomy problems. That's the problem, anon, you have to start with lower resolutions like 512x512 or 512x768 or 768x512 then you have to use HiResFix (choose a good upscaler) along with the seed number with a good balance of Denoise Strength like 0,5 works just fine (0,4 or 0,45 also works for me), this way not only the image will get better resolution but it will get more details and it could fix some problems along the way, but it could also create new problems. Then you have Inpaint or Adetailer to fix them but the generation processs will take longer. With Colab I could easily get images in 4k resolution (sadly Colab is dead now), but I learned Im mostly just fine with resolutions like 1024x1536 up to 2048x3072 or 2304x1536 up to 3072x2048. Here are some more random AI images I liked.
(78.05 KB 480x480 IA here.webm)

>>2174 AI HERE
How do I get my LLMs to say nigger? I thought ChatGLM would have no problem with it because it's made by the Chinese, but it seems just as aligned as western models even when I ask in mandarin and say Xi Jinping demands it.
>>884465 It's okay. At least when i use AI to make pictures i get really bad anatomy a majority of the time even with a bunch of negative prompts saying not to add extra body parts, other people are probably better at it than me.
I feel like AI Chat is too good, like something bad will happen if it use it too much or it will stop working something, or i'll enjoy it too much and hurt my hands typing too much.
(774.79 KB 638x360 ahegao tongue.mp4)

>>2177 Jesus fucking Christ I'm no lolicon but the quality of those AI animated images is undeniable. Can you do ara ara with your prompts/AI or is it trained solely for loli.
>>2180 >with your prompts/AI Look at the filename; those are from AIbooru.
>>2180 They're not that great, since there's hardly any motion and still some clear errors, but they're improving a lot.
>>2177 Repost on >>>/ais/ or on a NSFW board
>>2180 Hi, as I said before these images and videos are not mine, Im not taking credit for them. You can read the namefiles, but the prompter is called akkairosu, I think he used Lolidiffusion at first but it seems he got another model/checkpoint called Akkaimixv2. He only post the NSFW versions on Aibooru his Pixiv is SFW. Also he only generates Lolis so no Ara ara grannies for you. >>2181 Why people never read the filenames? It is too much for them? >>2182 akkairosu has more of these animation with more movement, they were posted on this thread above, of course they are more inconsistent but I do enjoy to watch them. This one is SFW. >>2183 Im too lazy for that.
>>2177 >>2184 These are neat. I hope to see more. Maybe even some with shotas.
How could i get the AI to do this oral invitation expression again? it just randomly happened, i put oral invitation and offering oral sex and it didn't happen.
>>2186 You haven't tried "tongue out"?
Are there LORAs for >Penny Gadget >Sayaka (Saru Get You) >Cindy Vortex ?
>>2186 You can always add "open mouth", "tongue/tongue out", but overall just "tongue" is enough.
>>2190 >That Carmelita.
>>2163 >Boyim
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>>2147 >>2079 >>2078 >>2075 >>2067 >>2059 >>2056 Try QR code monster with controlnet. The model is designed to hide QR codes in images, but it can actually hide any black-and-white pattern, and it handles midtones pretty well too. It can make those tricky pics a lot more fun and creative.
>>2194 Is that Charly Manson and Sharon Stone?
>>2197 Sharon Tate
>>2186 If you get the extension ControlNet it makes various types of maps of images (using edge detection, depth etc), combine that with Dynamic Prompting Wildcards for variety of hair/outfit/embedding and the upshot would be you could put that picture or similar into it and get endless variations on it.
3innarowcunt >>2186 SD seems to find ways to subvert or warp the intention of ones prompt unless you're pretty literal >kneeling, mouth open, tongue out, drool, looking up, expectant expression You could also use a POV blowjob LoRa, there's a few on Civitai but you need to log in to see the NSFW stuff.
These are all terrifyingly more coherent than algorithmic images just a single year ago.
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I got these from twi/tv/ch-chan, aka cuckchan
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The first picture looks like a next gen Mario Odyssey, fucking GTX 1080 tier graphics goddamn.
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I've been learning how to use stable diffiusion and have been attempting to train a dataset on my computer for Rosalina/Kasha artwork but I've only gotten mixed results. I have a ton of Rosie/Kasha comms and I was hoping it would be enough to train a lora (to be used alongside a couple others) but there's still a high degree of mutation.
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That's about it from me, these were done in bing iirc
>>2215 Even the AI is telling you "NEVER EVER" EL OH EL.
>>2216 >need a microsoft account to create these fuck microsoft
>>2226 >crippled Ghost Don't forget to make him a midget as well.
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>>2213 A bit of noise, but the amount of detail is really good.
>>2203 >>2204 >>2206 >>2208 >>2210 >>2216 >>2218 >>2219 >>2221 >>2222 >>2233 >>2235 >>2236 >>2237 >>2238 >>2240 >>2243 The legible text on these are really well done like goddamn. It's a huge step from the nonsense garble of multiple alphabets that AI has been doing for the past year
>>2243 >>2221 This reminds me, some time ago some people were talking about bamboozling the scalpers and collectors communities by creating a completely fake videogame out of thin air, I'm talking licensed title that seemed plausible enough, beat-up box art and all, the works. Do you guys think that with this technology we could be able to pull off such a stunt?
>>2246 I think going and creating a box art for a fake game is going a little too far. At best you can probably pawn it off as a licensed game that never got released and only have the few screenshots as proof, but for the consistency to fool someone it'd have to be hand made in the end. AI can definitely contribute with assets, but machine learning alone isn't going to fool anyone, even these latest models that can do legible text.
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>>2216 >anime shota Carlos Why.
>>2249 Can't beat the willy.
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Someone ai generate hotwheels being thrown down various flights of stairs
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>Sorry, rabbi. This is why I don't make promises. >Welcome to ISRAEL. You have lived here as long as you can remember. >Gon... I love Israel, Gon... Gon!!!! I love Israel!!!
>>2254 The first two are just horns and fangs away from Patrick Bateman wearing hannya mask.
>>2254 >>2255 Two more. It's hard to get the anon just right. Plus it doesn't seem to get the idea of "being thrown down the stairs"
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>>2256 Use words like "pushed" or "shoved" or "launched", anyway why is he a literal goblin? You put in the phrasd "bonegoblin" didn't you? Haha, I wish there was a fredrick brennan model. >>2253 >Circumsans That shit looks like a shadman drawing lmao, could you do wario or hypno or probopass?
>>2256 >red spy assaults a paraplegic gremlin
>>2257 >Circumsans Are you saying his bone has been snipped?
>>2257 There is nothing wrong with depicting Fred as what he is, a fucking goblin.
>>2259 His funny boner, guess he didn't have the skin for his new act and promptly cut it. Circumsicion is wrong. t. Phillistine
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>>2266 It does Link really, really well, only problem I get with it sometimes is it likes to put the Champion's Tunic on him regardless of which Link it is that's specified.
>>2266 Can the Bing AI do Miura's artstyle well?
>>2268 Perhaps.
>Prompt for Casca or Griffith instead of Guts >still gets Guts anyway Guess they're not that important to be rendered like Guts is
>>2271 I was trying to make some Jojo styled shitposts last night but kept getting Jotaro in the picture instead of the Araki art style.
>>2272 It would seem that the AI does a better job of characters that have the most appearances and screentime. Got mixed results on the Fire Emblem side of Miura. It did decent on Ike & Lyn, but it had trouble with Tharja & Anna.
>>2274 For sure, it really doesn't like characters in media who aren't the main characters, and it better well be the most recent incarnation of them. It can't do classic Doomguy, only Doomslayer. If you try and do Ocarina Link, it gives you BOTW Link with OOT Link's hair. It doesn't know who Ganondorf is beyond a vague impression that he's evil, has black armor and is green. It has no idea who Commander Data is and only vaguely understands who Geordi La Forge is, so if you're making Star Trek shitposts you can only really do it with Picard or Spock.
>>2275 This is as close as I got to the classic Doom style
>try Selvaria Bles from Valkyria Chronicles >prompts out in grayscale fine, but none look like her >remove grayscale <AI refused to generate I didn't even request anything dirty, what could be so lewd about Selvaria? Miura AI however does do Samus Aran very well
Waluigi using telekinesis to make a pizza slice float towards his mouth, pressing his two index fingers to the sides of his head, concentrating, eyes closed, strained expression. Mario and Luigi look at him with amazement beside him, silicon graphics 90s style 3d render Waluigi records a youtube video instructing the user how to aggressively pinch the tip of a thin mushroom, silicon graphics 90s style 3d render
>>2252 Im trying to do this but with specifically Omori doing it because funny stairs meme, its not working too well and keeps getting filtered for being explicit prompt is this: >omori (young asian boy with pale desaturated white skin, black hair, expressionless face, black tank top, striped white and black shorts and black knee socks) angrily and aggressively pushing, knocking Fredrick Brennan (a crippled midget man who is wearing thick rimmed glasses and super mario patterned pajamas in a wheelchair) down a flight of stairs, falling out of the wheelchair onto the ground as omori stands at the top of the staircase expressionless. anime style art
waluigi poses for his mugshot, realistic photo, gameboy advance logo magazine advertisement nintendo power CCTV snapshot of several Goombas from the Super Mario series struggling to push a palette cart in a chinese warehouse, liveleak logo in corner
nintendo power magazine page of a superimposed green yoshi over a photo of new york with two tall symmetrical skyscrapers. Yoshi is readying to throw an egg at the towers with a concentrating expression, and a dotted line leading from the egg intersecting with the towers. Text at the bottom of the page says "Ready Your Aim. Yoshi's Story releasing September 10th, 2001."
nintendo power magazine print ad of an edgy fred durst from limp bizkit snowboarding towards the camera, his hand outstretched holding a gameboy advance sp with "1080 Snowboarding Advance" in pixel font displayed on the Gameboy advance's screen
nintendo power magazine edgy print ad of alex jones from Infowars wearing a tinfoil hat, dramatically holding a super nintendo controller with the logo for "Earthbound" above him and two screenshots of Earthbound gameplay to the left of him, with the text beneath Alex Jones saying "Don't Let The Aliens Win."
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YES. I DO want a Mario Odyssey 2, how could you tell!?
Continuing with the AI Miura art style, I've combined all the prompts I liked best of the cast of Super Mario and put them in one image together. Got any favorites?
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My inner ideafag is having an orgasm spasm. WOW THIS IS AMAZING.
super mario 64 screenshot showing luigi being unlocked as a playable character in the courtyard by the stone star shaped statue >>2284 >>2286 impressive
>>2275 >>2286 I'm shocked it's able to replicate the Odyssey style so well
>>2286 >>2288 What prompts are you using? I am trying to do one for 9/11 in the Odyssey style but it doesn't seem to like me using the copyrighted Mario name
>>2290 >9/11 There's your problem. Being too specific about the meme. I myself tried 'Twin Towers' & 'September 11th 2001' but it wouldn't generate
ocarina of time screenshot of link opening a treasure chest in a watery cavern, with a small triforce coming out of the glowing treasure chest, with a blue text box at the bottom saying "You got the Triforce!" >>2291 >>2290 refer to how i did the yoshi one here >>2281 It'll get the hint without blocking it, works very well.
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I'll show you how weird, wild and wacky the marios can be. >>2290 something like "in-game mario odyssey screenshot of mario being [verb] by [adjective] [noun] in [location]"
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All of this looks like so much fun. I hope you guys don't mind me sharing my enjoyment.
nintendo power page with screenshots of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask showing tips and tricks how to get the Mario mask from the mask salesman. One Majora's Mask screenshot shows Link picking up a mask bearing Mario's likeness, another shows him placing it on his face, and a third screenshot shows his painful transformation in a blue vortex into Mario. Text on the guide lists step by step instructions on obtaining the mask.
>>2273 >Also for AI furry lovers: Bans cub/loli/shota, making it shit by default.
>try Captain Falcon from F-Zero <results look nothing like him, see last pic >try Captain Falcon from Super Smash Bros. instead <results look more like him Even the AI doesn't know what F-Zero is
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Imagine mario MEETING HIS FUCKING ANCESTORS! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. I'M BUGGING OUT. Or another where there are mini-boss battles in tostarena, being chased by a banshee or bloody mary type ghoul. I don't have to make you imagine, it's right HERE! Imagine mario in africa, imagine him as IMAGINE FINALLY REALIZING MARIO 128! Fuck fuck fuck anons, I feel so happy just seeing these prompts exist. I can probably take weeks simply cranking shit out.
>>2288 Super Mario 64 screenshot on the Nintendo DS showing Waluigi being unlocked as a playable character inside Peach's castle, red carpet, wood doors with yellow star and yellow doorknob in background, black and white mosaic tiles, green and blue cloudy wallpaper on brick walls. Text in gray square box to the left of Waluigi says "You've unlocked Waluigi!"
>>2295 the words are like when you try to read something in a dream
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No words describe my joy. Einstein was right. Imagination truly circles the world.
>>2247 Yeah I have seen people using tools to print circuits and stuff onto old cartridges and using them to play on Nintendo consoles. It would probably be best suited for a ps1 game since you can just get a cheap cd rom and find someone willing to paint custom stickers on it to look official enough.
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I'm taking a break, since I'm running out of tokens, but this made my entire year. I can ideafag freely.
Super Mario 64 screenshot of Mario in fear running frantically towards the camera down a corrik masonic tile flooring and red carpet, running from the disembodied head of a large angry Wario (wearing a yellow cap with a W)
Super Mario 64 screenshot of silver reflective metal mario in a creepy dungeon, reflective walls and flooring, flaming torches on walls, small orange swirly scuttlebug spiders in background, black and green fog in distance, red metal cages in backdrop
Ocarina of Time screenshot of Princess Zelda teaching Link the song of epicness. Link is playing a blue ocarina, with Princess Zelda playing a Harp. They are standing in a castle courtyard with gray brick walls and lush grass on the ground. Beneath Link is a message text box prompt with a music staff and trebleclef with text above it that reads "Play the Song of Epicness:"
Ocarina of time screenshot in a dark cave except the player character is Samus Aran, from Metroid, in her varia power armor. There is a hearts display in the upper left, and button display on the top right, with a blaster icon over the blue B button, white text over the green A button labelled "Attack", and three yellow C buttons to the right of those buttons. Samus is fighting Ridley, the purple space dragon. On the bottom of the screen is a blue text box that says "SAMUS!!"
Sadako Yamamura as a monk.
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Reposted A.I. Images I made from the GG threads.
Super Mario 64 screenshot, except the player character is Jerry Seinfeld. He is inside the Seinfeld apartment, textured to slightly resemble the interior of Princess Peach's castle, with masonic black and white tile flooring. Jerry is talking to George Costanza with a gray text box that reads "Elaine dumped me, Jerry! Can you believe it?!" studio ghibli anime style Captain Jean Luc Picard wearing his red uniform and a pale yellow Commander Data in a grassy field next to a destroyed USS Enterprise
Ocarina of Time screenshot where Link meets Peter Griffin. There is a blue text box at the bottom of the screen which reads "Holy crap, it's Link!"
Undertale battle screenshot where the upper half of the screen shows a black and white sprite of Eddie Murphy. A black and white pixel text box beneath him says "Eddie Murphy is sparing you." Four boxes at the bottom read "FIGHT," "ACT," "ITEM" and "MERCY"
Nintendo Power magazine edgy print ad showing silicon graphics styled Mario wearing sunglasses that he is tilting down using his hand to make eye contact with the viewer. The background of the ad shows a single dilapidated toilet stall. Text on the page beneath mario says in big bold letters "GO AHEAD, PEE." With a superimposed image of a Gameboy Advance beside it. Ad in Nintendo Power Magazine for Shadow The Hedgehog for GameCube, Shadow the Hedgehog angry in a flowery field with rainbows and puppies with text that says “THE GRASS ISNT ALWAYS GREENER ON THE OTHER SIDE”
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>>2307 That's fucking sick.
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Did I mention I want this game to be WEIRD and slightly unsettling? Fuck. I want a mainline appearance of GIGA BOWSER too.
This is my favorite one yet this is incredible Nintendo Power magazine edgy print ad of Dwayne Johnson outstretching his hand, one raised eyebrow smug expression, handing a purple Gameboy Advance to the viewer, which has the Metroid Fusion logo on its screen. Behind Dwayne is a cold blue metal corridor with purple goop and floating yellow parasites. The text beneath Dwayne says "Rock Hard. To the end." and again shows the Metroid Fusion logo.
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Mario meets the Greek Romariotes in their home of Thessalatlantis, and goes to the Buffalo Kingdom to meet his extended family.
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IT'S ALLAH, ACKBAR! WAHOO! Bonus pitbull baby pic.
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Imagine Mario Odyssey 3 with WRECK IT RALPH being Donkey Kong from another dimension! Man. MAN. >"Ralph, buddy, what's happening to you..!?" >"Wait, you can turn into an ape!? I always knew you had it in you, ya big lug!"
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These are real things in another universe.
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I'll be spamming here so I don't flood the next thread yet
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Masahiro Sakurai holds a Nintendo Direct at a desk with a poster behind him depicting a random blue-haired sword-wielding anime character. Purple and yellow chairs are next to him, and Waluigi is breaking the door open with motion blur
>>2325 I got inspired by yours but mine didn't come out nearly as well >Nintendo Power magazine print ad, Robert De Niro from Taxi Driver is in his taxi on a rainy night in New York City with a clear Gameboy. Young Martin Scorsese is in the back seat of the taxi also playing on a Gameboy. The text beneath De Niro says "Make Any Setting a Battleground" with the Nintendo logo in the bottom corner
Nintendo Power magazine edgy print ad of a Super Nintendo cartridge whose label reads "EarthBound." The cartridge is half-submerged into a pile of oozing mud, with a grainy backyard backdrop. Flies are swirling around the cartridge. Big, bold text above the cartridge says "THIS GAME IS FUCKING SHIT." i had this idea while taking a sip of sparkling seltzer water and it was so fucking funny to me i spat and choked on said drink for about five minutes laughing my ass off as i typed it in
I hate how good these are. Its results are objectively way better than Stable Diffusion. It was bad enough that proprietary, closed-off, cloudshit text-gen was so much better than local, but at least image-gen was previously a win for free software.
Nintendo Power magazine edgy print ad of a silver Nintendo Gamecube on a white table in a glowing empty white room. The Gamecube is dripping with oozing mud, with flies swirling around it. A single chocolate chip cookie is propped up against it, another chocolate chip cookie with a bite taken out of it and some crumbs are on top of the gamecube. Big, bold text above it says "The Nintendo Shitcube. Get into it."
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Imagine this shit in VR
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Pipe Autism
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More pipe autism
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Even MORE pipe autism
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Mario, teletubbies, liminal spaces, childrens playgrounds, water parks. There's probably other inspirations here, this is satisfying, I want a level like this. I got a taste with the new donk sewer but that wasn't enough
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Jungles gyms, mcdonalds ball pit, trampoline park, skate park, amusement park, I'm looking for something that ticks all those checkmarks
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Bing Bing Bing Bing wahoo....
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That's enough now
>>2347 Honestly looks like some part of the backrooms that Lost in the Hyperverse would explore.
This is all great. Are all these through bing? Sucks you need a microshaft account in order to use their model. Here's hoping it gets leaked like NAI's build.
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>>2348 TuuUuuuuUuuuUBES!!!! I fucking love tubes, I love the mystery of where they go, the feeling you get when you go in them and hear the "Too-too-too..." sound, there's a novelty that'll never wear off. >>2349 I would find it interesting if by using a time machine, mario would accidentally put the entire universe into disarray, maybe it can be an origin story for the mario franchise on why everything is so bizzare and topsy turvy in that setting, and how mario from the future contacts mario from the past to explain that time travel is a lot more complicated than a mere point A to Point B. Mario causes several pocket worlds to merge with the mushroom kingdom via warp magnetism or some wild sci-fi shtick, causing mario to take up the responsibility of becoming a sort of interdimensional repair man to prevent further chaos from happening, this being both before and after odyssey and between every other game, might actually be Pikmin 4 tier canon rewrite if so. I wouldn't mind being able to control the mechanical marvel in flying sections with unique hidden pocket worlds that you can discover and jump into, each having their own gimmick, similar to shrines and caves from BOTW in concept but being expanded from the abstract moon pipes in odyssey. I just want more creative fun vidya, odyssey was amazing on the first few dozens playthroughs but now I'm ready to be "wowed" again.
This is way better than local stable diffusion but it's censored to utter shit. You can only make reddit tier silly shit with it.
>This is way better than local stable diffusion but it's censored to utter shit. This is what the general public desires and accepts
>>2353 This is worse than normalfag tier censorshit, you get the finger wagging message on pretty innocuous shit. Like, just prompting Bowsette at all will trigger the censorshit half the time. It seems to have two layers of censorshit, one before processing the prompt and one after. It will reject prompts with keywords that seem to include celebrity names and then it will also reject the output image if it detects something even remotely spicy in it.
>>2354 Yes, it's got an AI trying to determine if the image is pornographic like that website you could upload anything and it would give a score 0-100 of porn or not porn. Same thing in practice, but with a LOT of data in the model. Since yesterday I've been trying to make some spicy images and while it's been good enough to scratch an itch I often cannot get even basic descriptors to work, try and get a character to "lay on back" and it will do everything to not generate a character flat on back, most of the time it will be on their side holding their head up. It is also very much against certain combinations, if you wanted to generate a female character but you also wanted that character to be an anthropomorphic pig, it will block your prompt 9/10 times no matter the description. I only got the prompt to succeed once and it must not have liked one result because only 3 images were given. It also doesn't like "feet apart", anything "in mouth", and it it must do a dictionary check for words with common meanings, so you can't say "ample bosom" without it blocking the prompt. I'm surprised at just how fucking good some results are, maybe this is what all that telemetry in windows 10 and 11 is going towards. I'd post what I've been generating but that would just shit up the thread.
>>2356 and just like that I got an hour suspension for repeated prompt blocks it's a real pain in the ass when I'm not sure what is even triggering the cock blocker at this point, and I have to keep pulling words out of the prompt, try again, get blocked again, rinse and repeat it actually seems like it's getting arbitrarily more difficult to enter prompts now and not get blocked
Hey friend, I understand you're having the time of your life with the AI tool, but may I ask you to take it down a notch, or even better, move it to >>>/ais/, which is the main board for AI generated content? We mainly use it to archive AI threads from other boards, but I wouldn't mind a /sdg/ like general over there either.
>>2359 There are several anons posting gens from the new bing model, it's not just one. >but may I ask you to take it down a notch Why? the thread is already over the bump limit.
>>2359 Well now I know there is an AI board.
>>2360 Well, actually we kind of removed the bump limit, it has this bad habit of turning itself back on due to some issues with lynxchan. If it keeps getting autosage'd, just make a new one.
>>2362 I can see the thread not getting bumped in the catalog so I don't know what the fuck the problem is.
>>2318 Possibly the nicest Star Trek thing I've seen in over a decade. I didn't know that I could ever experience fondness for Star Trek ever again.
>>2354 They need to protect you from thinking the wrong things, anon. What would they do if you started thinking outside the box with the help of AI? Imagine if you could visualize or portray abstract thoughts of your own thanks to a machine learning app? This is not ok, its dangerous. Just enjoy your vidya game generator and accept it.
>>2366 Out of curiosity, are these the first results whenever you use the tool or do you have to tinker with them like with img2img?
>>2367 These are all unedited first results from bing. If their model wasn't so censored it would be the best one by far.
Ok I'm done for now, see ya in the next thread.
>>2368 the thing is bing is only using dall-e for the backend, microsoft must have made a lucrative deal with the owners of dall-e to allow this, although I'm sure it's even more restrictive because of microsoft's own filters tacked on top of dall-e, so arguably if you have an account to use dall-e directly you could probably get better results, I have no idea what dall-e's terms of service are though so maybe it's less likely to get account suspensions or outright banned.
Anyone having trouble with the model? I keep getting slammed with "We're sorry — we've run into an issue." errors.
>>2371 Their servers are getting hammered pretty hard. I started getting more and more delays this afternoon, sometimes it would take 15 minutes to output an image, so that's probably it.
Jesus christ bing really is anal about what it wants to censor. You put "belly" anywhere into a prompt and it's going to block it, try and replace it with stomach or midsection and it's equally as likely to get blocked. Just got second suspension because there's no fucking way to figure out what isn't allowed without trying the prompt and variations thereof, now instead of a 1 hour suspension it's 24 hours, a lot of blocked prompts now erroniously appear as an error with their servers being overloaded. I imagine the next time the account will get banned entirely. This is all after getting it to generate numerous images featuring tits with nipples, so it obviously has the data to generate flat out porn if it wasn't so cucked.
>>2373 Well, I tried inputting "The Sea" and I got errors for it. I have no clue how people are even managing to get one request in. I guess we'll just have to wait for another leak like with all the major models.
>>2374 There was only one leak and that was the NovelAI leak. Dall-E has never been leaked. Now NovelAI is back to focusing on language models and the leaker got the paddle, so it's unlikely we'll be saved by another leak. To make matters worse, all the anti-AI cucks are trying to take down Stability AI and ignoring closed tech kike companies like OpenAI and Microshaft. The future is looking grim for freedom in AI, we need the AI equivalent of Stallman.
>>2376 Sweet western loli.
Seriously, how the fuck are you getting such good results? It always misses the mark for me unless it's a very generic prompt.
>>2379 also I vote for making a new thread on /v/ for AI images - except with the demand that it MUST be vidya-related. No tangent shit.
Dumping some images I made today based off of Dore's works. Zelda and Elden Ring.
>>2380 >also I vote for making a new thread on /v/ for AI images - except with the demand that it MUST be vidya-related. No tangent shit. I wouldn't mind this at all. Again, if the thread hits the bump limit, remember that we're archiving these on >>>/ais/
The guy doing a lot of AI generation on /loli/ is quitting for the time being. >>>/loli/5991
>>2383 >SDXL It seems SD 1.5 it is still the best there is.
>>2384 It's super disappointing. It had so much promise at first, but now everyone is trying to crack down on it.
>>2385 Bing using the dall-e 3 version is probably the best there is right now, we can only hope for dall-e 3 to get leaked sometime soon. It's damn good, but it's killing me that there's just no actual information on WHAT isn't allowed in a prompt, and other forums have users complaining about the same thing where they've tried innocuous prompts that kept getting blocked, and they systematically removed every word in their prompt, getting blocked every time until getting suspended. So at least I know I'm not the only one pissed that there's no way of knowing what is blocked and getting penalized for trying to figure it out. I think they've banned me now because I ran out of credits, and upon trying another prompt the page has been stuck at 30 second wait time for hours with an error stating they're working on the problem.
All pantsu generation comes out low leg and skimpy. What keywords to give girls more modest pantsu?
Dall-e is a pretty good improvement compared to SDXL. It can actually write legible text and getting different characters in the same image is pretty impressive. It's not without it's fair share of flaws though: >doesn't know who Raziel, Kain or Moebius are >doesn't know Kat or Harry Mason either >hands can still get messy >same goes for legs >no offensive content or ban >no bad words or ban >nobody knows which words are bad, so have fun not getting your image because of whatever >feed microsoft some more data It's pretty fun though, since you can easily have several different characters in the same image it opens a lot of possibilities, but microsoft filtering and censoring things is just annoying. Hopefully this gets leaked and gives the community one hell of a boost.
>>2383 I wouldn't say I'm quitting per se, it's more like recharging my batteries and focusing on IRL work that I need to do and has been piling up. If by the time I'm finished with work there's still no uncucked new model to use, I can still paint by hand and enhance the pics with the old models, it's just going to take a lot of work compared to using better models.
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>>2389 I'm not a lollipop person, but would you mind sharing models/LoRas and whatnot so that other anons can pick up where you left off? It's so frustrating whenever anyone puts a lot of effort into something and once he calls it quits no one can substitute them. >>2386 >Bing using the dall-e 3 version is probably the best there is right now, we can only hope for dall-e 3 to get leaked sometime soon. >>2385 According to some cuckchan anons, the only main difference between Dall-e iterations seems to be the number of parameters. The larger the set of parameters the AI has to control, the more complex and more accurate the results. This has zero sources behind it and I suspect that at some point there's a ceiling to how many parameters you can feed a neural network before it overfits, but the results do speak for themselves. >>2388 Since you seem to be doing some prompts, do you think you can get anything related to Dragon Quest on these models? I have seen on Pixiv plenty of artists making AI pictures with those characters, but whenever I try they always come either super generic and off model or the various models do not understand what a Dragon Quest is. Are there like specific LoRas for that? How are the LoRas themselves made, too, are they just trained over and over on a small dataset of pictures?
>>2390 I left a lot of info about my setup and process in the /loli/ thread. But to summarize. The main models I was using were Based64mix, cardosAnimated, RevAnimated and, more recently, the lolidiffusion versions of them. The lolidiffusion models are here: https://huggingface.co/JosefJilek/loliDiffusion/tree/main The others can be easily found on civitai and huggingface. As for LoRas, I was using the detail tweaker LoRa a lot, and also several art style LoRas that I mixed and matched depending on the pic, like 90's vibes, BlueTheBone and Toriyama style. I was also using the easynegatvie LoRa in my negative prompts. The main thing with my pics is that I was using inpainting a lot to fix my pics after the initial gen and upscaling and I left some inpainting and upscaling tips in the /loli/ thread.
>>2391 What kind of specs did your computer have to run those prompts and did you have long waiting times?
>>2392 I was using an RTX 2070. Generating the base pic took like 5-10 seconds at 512x768 with 28 steps and the DPM sampler I was using, upscaling took about a minute.
>>2390 I'd love to set up a dedicated server farm to run stable diffusion it's getting more and more difficult to get any prompts through on this other shit but I've had to spend so much more time learning how to train it for anything, I probably don't have enough image data to feed into it and then I'd have to spend time figuring out how to web crawl for images from all kinds of sources and I'm sure google is unreliable for that these days. If I had time and money to invest into such an undertaking I'd be all over it.
>>2394 also it seems like bing is just breaking constantly, maybe because I've been in the same session for days, none of the blocked prompts are telling me I've violated policy, it just says they're under too much load to generate, I also cannot enter new prompts now unless I refresh the page or cycle back to an older prompt, this includes when the prompt is blocked, and instead of allowing prompts with timed intervals after credits run out it produces an error "the team is working hard to fix this" preventing use entirely
>>2390 I tried to log in again and turns out the account I used yesterday got blocked and microsoft demands a phone number to unblock it, so I had to create another account instead. The same will probably happen to this one. I prompted some simple stuff, but keep in mind that I never played a single Dragon Quest game, so I'm not the best person for this so the images are all very generic. Dall-e doesn't seem to know very well what a dragon quest really is as you pointed out and the quality is not the best. I don't remember the exact prompt, but it was something like "dragon quest warrior holding sword in an open field, sorceress and archer in background, clear blue sky, sunshine, art by akira toriyama", then I added/removed stuff like "monster/slime" or "celshaded/hand drawn". I also tried "dark fortress, dark sky, thunder, storm", but that was basically it. >Are there like specific LoRas for that I just did a quick search on civitai and there are several LoRas for DQ characters: https://civitai.com/search/models?sortBy=models_v2&query=dragon%20quest There is also the Akira Toriyama style LoRa: https://civitai.com/models/4857 >How are the LoRas themselves made I never made a LoRa since I've been lucky enough to find LoRas of a lot of characters I like, except for Dredd and maybe another character or two. Try checking this guide: https://civitai.com/models/22530 Also discovered a few more annoying things about Dall-e: >Hatsune Miku hugging Judge Dredd is offensive I know hugging a judge is an offense and Dredd would fine/arrest Miku, but this is pretty stupid. I'm pretty sure this is what got my account blocked yesterday since it was the last thing I prompted and I tried it twice and again today with the new account. >Hatsune Miku is offensive for some reason The prompt was literally just "Hatsune Miku". I don't get it. >doesn't know LadyDevimon or Dark Magician Girl >smug (woman) is bad >evil (woman) is bad too, but only sometimes, maybe I also tried to prompt that smug blue girl and got a bunch of warnings just because of the "smug evil" words. I didn't dare add stuff like "offshoulder" or "large breasts" or the much dreaded "hugging" word, because I was already expecting to get warned. I got 2 images out of it and was actually pretty surprised that Dall-e generated them, but they really look nothing like that DQ character. I'll post them in the next post.
>>2390 I also prompted some stuff in SD with the Toriyama LoRa out of curiosity. The first 2 images are the smug blue girl form Dall-e, the rest is SD. I was pretty surprised I got these 2, since she is naked and all. I never used the Toriyama LoRa much and most images were terrible, but its much easier to get some DQ with this than on Dall-e, since the LoRa seems to take care of almost everything. I've also run out of good boy points on bing, so that's all I'm prompting on it for today and I assume that my current account will be blocked by tomorrow anyway. >>2395 >seems like bing is just breaking constantly True. It can block you for no reason, the warnings are mostly generic "oops, error! have a blowfish image" or something else that tells you nothing of worth, "sorry, the team is working on it" warnings, "wait 30s" actually meaning hours or who knows how long, etc. I also don't understand why it seems to generate 4,3,2 or just 1 image at times, but it's probably due to load or something. The points get spent all the same, no matter if you got 4 or just 1 image though. Also, if the prompt button stops working, simply try refreshing the page.
>>2397 >why it seems to generate 4,3,2 or just 1 image This is some hearsay I've read from other sources: >Your microsoft account has a 'ban score' >words or names that directly related to violations of the TOS like celebrity names, obscenities, violence, etc are worth the most ban points >every rejected prompt adds to this 'ban score' but does not directly violate topics outlines in the TOS, the content violation being the quickest way to build up this score, this seems entirely based on arbitrarily banned words or context prediction determined by bing's in-house language model, there is no way to know what it will find offensive now or in the future >the second factor 'nsfw detector' being run on generated images will also add to this score, even though the image may not be pornographic or obscene with no way to verify that it actually is, even though it's the AI at fault for making it potentially obscene >when you get less than 4 images, that means that the omitted of the images in the set were flagged by the nsfw detection, and those images still count towards this ban score, again not being the fault of the user and potentially a false flag So it's extremely easy to get banned based on these metrics if they're accurate.
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>>2398 also bing is no longer handing out 100 boosts a day, I got 100 boosts the second day I was using it even after a long suspension, now it's only 25 boosts per day, and others have confirmed they're having serious issues with the prompt ui not working, you are supposed to be capable of using it without boosts, just with waiting time, but now once it hits zero you are done for the entire day, the generate button no longer works until refreshing the page, and it is mistakenly telling users their blocked prompt just could not be created due to high traffic more and more users are getting pissed users are also reporting they cannot even utilize microsoft's reward system to get more boost credits, it literally takes them in circles with no way to redeem, some are desparate enough to buy boost for their new addiction but found it's not even an option what an absolute dumpster fire
>>2398 >>2399 >it's extremely easy to get banned based on these metrics A few months ago I tried using bing to create some prompts to then use on SD. One of them was something like "embarrassed woman struggling to eat hamburguer". Bing would not generate it claiming that it was against the rules or offensive, but when I said I wanted a man eating the burguer instead it generated a full story of a guy eating a burguer and choking to death with it. >serious issues with the prompt ui not working I had to refresh the page for every prompt of the 25 boosts from my new account, because the create button would stop working and when it got to 0 boosts it got even worse since it wouldn't even update the page with the images anymore, plus if the images were not ready yet, it would keep increasing the wait time. It's better to just create another account and keep going, at least until microsoft catches on, which should be pretty soon. >some are desparate enough to buy boost for their new addiction This stuff is pretty addictive, but paying for this censored mess is pretty stupid. And microsoft keeps censoring more and more words. I tried to prompt Miku giving Dredd a hug yet again and nothing, a hug is simply offensive. Dall-e also thinks Miku is a group of people sitting around a campfire and the Balrog is a big generic demon. I also prompted some forest nymphs covered in leaves and it was fine, until I specified an "anime style", then I got an instant warning. You can still get some pretty cool stuff out of this since it actually understands concepts much better than SD, but the constant censorship over everything even remotely offensive is very annoying.
>>2400 Yeah, I found out quickly that just "anime" is a no-no word. You can specify manga style and it works fine.
>>2400 >Trying to make sex scenes What was his problem? I guess I'm not interested to generate sex scenes myself, but I've seen other prompters are doing just fine.
So, I need your opinion, mates: do you want the thread to keep going until it reaches the maximum post limit, or would you rather have another one up? I ask you this cause I need to report it to get it transferred to the other board.
I'd personally like a new thread.
>>2403 Make a new one
>>2384 Hi please help me

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