/bane/ - Big Guys

The Fire Rises

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perpetual meta thread Big Guy 08/09/2018 (Thu) 01:07:47 No. 141474
Dr. Pavel, I'm nBo
>>141474 Just stopped by to say thank you for keeping this magical meme board alive. The only thing missing here is a Bane Pavel dating simulator, and that's only a matter of time.
>>145920 >>145917 Hey friend, I'm the BO for julay.world/bane/ , I originally created the board just to be a bunker in the event of 8kun never coming back but I don't really tend to the place all that much. If you want me to, I can just pass you the ownership, just create an account on julay.
>>145932 Picked it up off the claims list today, thanks big guy.
So are the initiated coming back here?
>>145946 Of coursh!
does anyone have the germanwings plane crash screencap? i seem to have lost it
Is this board going to recover?
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>>145988 Yes. The fire rises. >>145985 Pics related?
Where is everyone? What's the plan? I mean, julay/bane/ was dead but has crashed with no survivors now, and tvch/bane/ is shit and dead too on a shit site. Is the board owner still on the flight plan? We could always make a board on 8chan.moe or ask for a board on zchan for anons that find 8chan too divisive due to Acid's ownership and/or Mark's involvement. You all are my friends
>>146042 Even though our home boards have lost some steam the spirit of baneposting has spread to other boards now, partially thanks to me crashing multiple planes into julay. I own the tvch board as well but I don't see it picking up soon. The fire will always keep rising in my heart.
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>>146044 Best to stay here tbh. Gahoole was raided for CP and lost his PC. These attacks will continue and it's only a matter of time til he shuts down tvch. This is one of the advantages of this place. Jim&Ron can run this place from the security of the Philippines. Also they run a bunch of other sites and have experience. All this other chans run by one person are just one DMCI or other legal claim away from shutting down.
>>146044 >I don't see it picking up soon All the other bane boards are even slower than this one was, yeah. I don't visit this site very often anymore cause /v/'s gone to shit. But I'll come here for /Bane/ I guess this is my 8chan experience now, browsing a few boards from multiple offshoot sides and one from the main site.
>>141474 >nBo As in new board owner?
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What's going on with /bane/? Seeing some activity here got my hopes up that the fire would rise, but I see it's just spam and other confused posters. I see this thread was migrated from 8kun, my old posts are here. There's no info on 8kun /bane/, the board's been crashed with no survivors. Announcement gone, half the catalog deleted, board title edited, converted to a file board if you check the index.
>>146171 Some issues with the migration, the schizo stuff is being cleaned up. The fire will rise again.
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only assets I could find
>>146174 Mascot image
>>146175 Are we big guys again, or is this board full of hotheads?
>>146177 Big as big can be.
>>146180 Here's to another year brother.
>>146177 The fire rises, brother!
custom spoiler still broke but I got some banners back
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>>146214 spoiler test
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>>141474 was getting caught part of the plan?
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>>146264 Of coursh
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>>141474 Happy Birthday, Big Guys.
>>146311 It's been a big decade.
>>146312 4 us. Happy Birthday to you brothers who remain.
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was 10 years of baneposting part of your plan?
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>>146315 Of courshe!
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>>146315 It hasn't been ten years. Not a whole decade. THAT'S NOT TRUUUE! THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE! I'm not old, you're old.
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Merry Christmas, big guys! From /co/.
Hey wreckage brothers We need your help finishing up the Roster page for /bane/ https://infinitycup.miraheze.org/wiki//bane//Roster Please give us some pictures!
>>146318 Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the plane Not a creature was stirring, not even Bane The flight plan was filed with the agency with care CIA knowing the hostages wouldn’t all reach there The prisoners were kneeling with bags on their heads With visions of sleighbells and crashing sleds And CIA in his polo, and I in my cap, Had just settled our brains for a long winter’s nap When out on the clouds there arose such a clatter, I sprang from the seat to see what was the matter. Away to the aisle I flew like a flash, Tore open the seatbelt and turned in a dash After shouting and shooting, and questions of Bane One interrupted Wilson, with self-satisfied disdain When, what, from under a hood should appear, But a man, with a mask, and soon it was clear Bigger than average, but still under detain, I knew in a moment it must have been Bane More rapid than eagles CIA’s surprise came, And he pointed, and shouted, and called him by name “Bane?” he gasped, with shock and surprise As he realised his flightplan hadn’t included this guise How vital was the mask, CIA began to wonder When it would soon sink in he had made such a blunder Pain would occur, although the target unclear Until Bane interjected with CIA’s biggest fear For when told he was a big guy, Bane responded with glee That CIA feeling glum is how it would be Then it was revealed that the capture was intended And CIA’s flight plane would need to be amended But then from behind, another plane appeared in the distance with Bane adding that he needed Pavel’s assistance CIA’s dismissal of Bane’s success because his source of dreaded distress The plan was to crash, with all on board Presents and all, with Bane’s freedom restored So Bane sprang from his seat, to his team gave a shout, And down they all slid into his masterplanned rout
[Expand Post]But I heard him exclaim, ‘ere he rose out of sight, "Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night!"

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