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Big Guy 06/12/2015 (Fri) 06:33:50 No. 58832
Nobody cared who he was until he climbed the Empire State Building.
If I shoot him with bullets, will he die?
>this thread didn't crash with no survivors Well congratulations, big guy, you lasted a whole year!
He climbed the Empire State Building, the eight wonder of the wonder. >"Kong?"
>decide to watch the original movie after this thread >see all the connections King King really is the extended precursor to the plane scene.
>>123363 I'm pretty certain we might have altered the past with Baneposting I didn't remember this movie being so close to the Plane Scene, but the more I connect the two, the more surprised I get
>>123363 I've got one more Connection for you King Kong's remake was directed by Peter Jackson, who also directed Lord of the Rings The book A Song of Fire and Ice was heavily inspired by LoTR with the Televison Adapation Game of Thrones has Aiden Gillen as one of it's cast members It's all a circle
>>86826 Ooh ooh oooh aah aah
>>124305 You're a big monkey.
>>124312 Ooh Ooh
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>>123363 >King King You've inspired me, anon.
>The 1976 remake of King Kong is 40 years old >it came 35 years before the plane scene It's a big anniversary.
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>>124338 >King King
>>123363 If Kong pulled off Ann's clothes, will she die?
>>111500 But brother, we talk about TKDR every day.
>King Kong is now 84(UUUU) years old Time flies like a plane
>>129075 Not so good?
>he's big UUUU >he crashes planes with no survivors Is King Kong /ourbigguy/?
>2015 thread still alive We didnt' post so fast, who wants to try next? >>131310 Of course!
>>131320 >Of course >Not of courshe Shame on you. SHAME ON YOU
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>>58832 Was getting shot part of your plan?
>Kong climbed the biggest building in the city What did he mean by this?
>>59018 He was trying to grab the MC's prize.
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>>132479 His GF? Is pic related what he showed her?
>>132510 fucking retard
>>132462 He wanted to crash this city, WITH NO SURVIVORS
>>58832 Or perhaps he was wondering why someone should shot an ape, before letting him fall to his death
>>133796 If you break his heart, will you cry?
>>136532 Of course he would.
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>>136554 He's an 18 inch puppet
>>139278 >King Kong doing the belt pose I need more of this.
>>139278 BRAVO R A V O
>>139278 That can't be true! He's in charge here!
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>>139278 B R A V O How does this keep happening?
>>58832 Or perhaps he's wondering why someone would shoot an ape after letting him climb high?
>>144837 No one cared who he was until he was brought to New York

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