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Big Guy 08/17/2018 (Fri) 08:59:14 No. 141794
QTDDTOT Questions that don't deserve their own thread. So if we listen to Bane we notice that he speaks a bit muffled but clearly. This means, he has teeth. But how does he brush them? If taking off the mask is extremly painful does he go through the pain in the morning and the evening and maybe during the day after he had a snack just to brush his teeth? Or does he have bad teeth? If he has bad teeth would he have to smell his own bad breath all the time because of the mask?
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There is a hole in front of his mask, food is most likely administered through a syringe or some sort of tube.
Mouthwash, maybe?
I just want a waifu. How find waifu?
>>141803 Just pick one.
>>141802 If you only eat liquid food, is mouthwash enough? Would make sense, wouldnt it?
>>141807 I will meditate on this.
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>>141803 Watch more animu.
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>>141803 Watch more wrestling
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>>141803 Play more video games.
>>141803 Uh, you don't get to bring waifus. Remember that there were no girls on the plane.
>brushing his teeth >eating he just puts a needle with vitamins and minerals in his arm like they do to people in hospitals, he does that twice a day for 10 minutes each
>>141836 Girlfriends are a subset of friends. And, uh…. >>141794 Ashamed of everyone itt tbh, enlightened banescholars ought to know that the MASK ITSELF cleans Bane's teeth, in fact, that's probably why he wears the mask. Such a busy guy has no time for the tedium of brushing and flossing.
>>141839 Enlighten us with your wisdom senpai
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Why didn't they tighten Banes ties? Looks like he can slip right out of them.
>>141846 CIA was so inflated with his overblown sense of size (big) and being in charge that he didn't have his men take the most basic safety precautions, like checking such a big guy's restraints. This seriously happened once, I believe it was the CIA, let a musloid "Informant" into their regional headquarters somewhere in the ME without sweeping him for explosives, and he killed himself along with dozens of their Agents. The "intelligence community" is a sick and evil joke that doesn't know what it's doing, many such cases! >>141841 Sure thing, kohai desu! :::33
have a spinny wheel lads
>>141848 >was getting a cycling thread part of your plan? of course!
Was Bane holding his breath till he talked? We can't hear his mask till he talked.
>>141997 I guess there is a silent setting or bypass.
>>141997 Maybe he only breathes loudly when he wants to intimidate small guys.
>>141794 >If taking off the mask is extremly painful does he go through the pain in the morning and the evening and maybe during the day after he had a snack just to brush his teeth? He just takes it off and accepts that somewhere, CIA will suddenly feel extreme pain.
Would Bane be a good father? Would his son wear the mask too? And why?
>>142051 Bane lives for little guys. Of course he'd be a good dad.
>>142017 >CIA will feel extreme pain Wouldn't Bane feel the pain though? Reading the script: >If I pull that off [the mask], would you die? <It would be extremely painful. >You're a big guy. <For you. Hence it would be extremely painful for Bane. https://www.imsdb.com/scripts/Dark-Knight-Rises,-The.html https://ia801204.us.archive.org/26/items/TheDarkKnightRisesScriptByJonathanNolanAndChristopherNolan/The%20Dark%20Knight%20Rises%20Script%20by%20Jonathan%20Nolan%20and%20Christopher%20Nolan.pdf
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>>141794 Why didn't CIA just fly the eagles to agent C?
>>141794 Do you feel in charge?
>>142056 Good point. I suppose his recurring feelings of extreme pain are why Bane wants to remind CIA that though he make look like a big guy to CIA, it is only to CIA, and Bane doesn't feel like a big guy himself.
>>142097 >Bane doesn't feel like a big guy himself he is a humble guy cut line from the script >we are the dirt beneath your feet then in the scene itself >it doesn't matter who we are truly a big guy for us
>>142056 No, you have to read it like this. >It would be extremly painful… (dramatic pause)… for you! CIA was just impolite speaking in Banes dramatic pause.
why would you shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane?
>>142116 People have survived falls out of airplaines. CIA was just thorough.
>>142115 Tom Hardy confirmed that this is not how he intended his performance to be interpreted.
>>142160 Ehm, I'll be the judge of that
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>>141803 Find a qt at church and share baneposting with her. Somewhat relevant story: >be inna church volunteer activity >always share Bane quotes with superhero loving friends >they don't think it's autistic because they like capeshit >start baneposting around pastor >quote the entire plane scene to him while having lunch >we all sit in his office watching the plane and do you feel in charge scenes afterwards
>>142192 >go to church >Pastor feels in charge >end up delivering sermons yourself >convert everyone to the religion of Baneposting interesting flight plan
does anyone have the big image that breaks down the Germanwings flight? most of the images i find dont include the info on the circle of roads in france, surrounding towns, and the one scientist that essentially researched meme magic.
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>>142225 Best I have. Don't think it's what you're looking for, but we should make a compendium of all our Germanwings material.
>>141803 Be a big guy for her. >>142192 >be inna church >guy says he represents god >"And you think this gives you power over me?" Bane existed before the beginning. He was born in the darkness, molded by it. He was already a man when god said "let there be light."
>>142259 WAIT a second! >150 people died https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/college/arealhero.html >a pilot on a cold, cold morn' >155 people on board so Lubitz is not a real human being after, nor is he a real hero
>>142259 yeah, the one I might have saved somewhere but can't find touches on baneposts in various towns and the distance on the connecting highways measure up to something. then at the center of the ring was the home of a theoretical scientist that studied and developed a theory regarding memetics crossing into real life. details are a touch foggy but it's been a while.
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>>142262 That song was based off Captain Sully's crash landing in the Hudson river, hence the similar number.
>>142087 Of course!
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Why does Bane, the larger one, not simply eat the others on the plane?
>>142430 Well perhaps he's wondering why you would eat the men instead of crashing their airplane
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Someone get this tank outta here!
Q: What was the deal with the pit? A: The pit, the darkness, was a black site prison based on the real-world "Salt Pit" in Afghanistan. It's unknown exactly who runs it day-to-day (i.e. who delivers supplies), but it's extremely low-upkeep so who pays for it doesn't matter. Bane, who had been a prisoner there years ago, uses it to keep Patrick Bateman imprisoned. Of course, Bateman later escapes.
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>>142435 And where's that WMD guy?
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>>141803 you don't find a waifu, it finds you.
>>142562 Uh, you don't get to bring anime.
>>142540 Wasn't the prison somewhere on an island in middle america?
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>>142569 Don't worry, no charge for her.
>>142579 And why would I want her?
>>142578 Where did this come from? I always am hearing new weird unverified things about TDKR. Like: >Bane was sent to the pit as a young man for stealing a local farmer's cattle >after Bateman escaped the pit and dropped the rope, a dictator who was a prisoner helped him get back to Gotham with his resources >this particular Gotham is based on Chicago because of Nolan's divided childhood in Chicago and London >the script was written by an unknown dying (now deceased) man, not the Nolan brothers >the vest Bane wears has containers of a gaseous form of Ziconotide that is pumped into his mask through a tube that can be seen behind Bane's neck >Bane wears CIA's belt like a bracelet throughout the rest of the movie >Itten's first name is Frank >CIA was gonna take his kids to Burma >Bane cucked CIA >CIA gained the nickname "Bane" when he was a soldier and Bane stole it >the plane scene takes place on January 19, 2013 >Dr. Pavel's family can be seen sitting behind Alfred at the end, his daughter facing the camera and his son and wife facing away >the plane scene is to William Wilson as Ulysses was to The Odyssey >there were deleted scenes with Masketta Man, who is supposed to be Deadshot >the plane scene was originally 10 minutes long instead of 5, which may be confirmed by set photos >Aidan Gillen was the first choice to play CIA and got the news of his being selected when he was in New York >Dr. Pavel says "No, stay away, my arm," and "NOLAN BRAVO"
Can anyone confirm these? Or find their sources?
Outside of the Bane scenes I think I have only watched the movie once and half asleep so this question is probably stupid. Is Dr. Pavel a prisoner of the CIA? The soldier guy in the plane scene grabs his arm and pulls him into the plane.
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>>142683 I made a thread here >>141232 explaining why Meiman does that. Here's more backstory explanation: Dr. Pavel was a Russian citizen who was employed by Rosatom (a Russian nuclear energy state corporation). For a 2009 IEEE Symposium, Pavel published a paper detailing how electronically powered nuclear reactors could be weaponized, causing Bateman to shut down his own personal fusion reactor program, fearing that, if in the wrong hands, it could be weaponized as itself could be programmed as it could be run by computer. The fact that Pavel had this knowledge made him a target of the League of Shadows and the CIA. Bane had already gotten to Pavel before the Russians could retrieve him and so at this time Pavel was being given to Bill Wilson, who assumed it was his job to detain and, if necessary, torture Pavel. Really, Bane saved Pavel from being tortured by the CIA, who would've used extraordinary methods of divulging any information he had on the subject of nuclear power (of course to get ahead of the Russians before they could even get to Pavel to begin with). From attached image: >in the Chelyabinsk region. > >uranium disappeared from the facility. > >Officials at the [...] launched an investigation but were unable to detain and question Dr. Pavel. > >Dr. Pavel [...] [unintelligible] in an attempt to sell his services. > >A local militia in Uzbekistan claimed to hold Dr. Pavel captive and contacted Outpost Sector [...] [unintelligible]-957 for a hand-over. > >During transit of the prisoner to Forward Base [...] In the last line, Pavel is referred to as a "prisoner" and is mentioned to having been transited to "Forward Base [...]." From the Wikipedia article for Forward operating base: A forward operating base is any secured forward operational level military position, commonly a military base, that is used to support strategic goals and tactical objectives. In most senses of the word, Dr. Pavel was a prisoner of the CIA.
>>142697 Hmm, I see. Thank you for the detailed answer.
Is Bane a criminal or a revolutionary?
>>141794 Maybe he has fake teeth.
>>144508 Is revolution not usually a crime?
>>144517 Or does he view himself as anarchist? Hmno, I think he's probably a rulecuck. I think the best term for him would be liberator.
>>144517 Permanent revolution is the law of the land in the Western world, goy
>>141794 Yo can I get a clear picture of a bane mask facing front? I want to photoshop the bane mask onto a picture of someone. Imagine if all of us big guys had an easily photoshoppable meme template to turn everyone into big guys
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>>144538 Imagine not knowing how to use a search engine in the current year.
Do you think bane brushes his teeth?
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>>144562 Of courshe!
>>141803 >>Watch more wrestling >>141814 If I pull that off, will you die?
What is CIA's prize? Why were they trying to grab it?
>>144604 >What is CIA's prize? Dr. Pavel. >Why were they trying to grab it? >>142697
Can someone post the pic of CIA's ghost with yoda and obi-wan? Can't find it anywhere.
>>144575 >if I pulled that off would you die? >I would be extremely ugly
>>142068 I agree, Clipboardimage-san.
Is now the time for fear?
>>144709 Have we started the fire?
What's the canonical reason for bane to wear the mask? In the comics it's feeding him venom to give him super strength, but why does he wear the mask in the nolanverse?
>>144899 He has terrible breath.
>>144899 nobody cared who he was before, he even explains this to the special agent
>>144914 Hmm, good point. But that brings me to my next question, what agency is CIA an agent of? All he ever says is that he filed the flight plan with "the agency", but he mever specifies which one.
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>congratualations, you got yourself caught <Sir!? So, when soldier guy says "Sir!?" he looks out of the window. But he looks down and not up. What is he seeing that makes him go "Sir!?"? At this moment Bane's guys haven't even started the descent from the other aircraft.
>>141794 People talk about Bravo Nolan's genius a lot, but if he's a genius then why would he spend millions of dollars on a two hour long end credit scene that isn't even half as good as what preceded it?
>>145665 Bane is an unreliable narrator and a thorough one at that. But he made on little mistake. He seems to have said that Meiman was looking down and out of the plane window rather than wondering where the rumbling noise was coming from as the others were. He probably made this mistake because it is inextricably linked to him saying "Sir," which was actually referring to Bane himself. The reason why Meiman would be looking out of the window is because the aircraft that actually approached the plane came in from the side, which is how he was able to see it. No one could actually hear the aircraft because of the stealth technology behind it, which is why we see that CIA does not seem to notice it (another fact that Bane ignores). It does not become apparent of the other aircraft's existence until Meiman points it out. The aircraft also had some sort of tractor beam technology that allowed it to 'abduct' Bane, Dr. Pavel, and the hired gun and knocked out the plane's engine. It is not known whether the tractor beam opened the plane's door or if Smee or someone opened the door themselves.
>>145669 Hollywood kikes probably forced the rest of the garbage on him. "Oy vey, you can't just make a 5 minute and 3 seconds long movie. Goyim will get upset" and then he had to shoot more scenes to get over 2 hours.
>>145669 Hey, it wasn’t a total waste, Without the post credits scene we would have missed out on the Hothead scene and Bane famously asking small guys if they feel in charge. Granted, having some bat furry replace CIA was odd, and the crossover with American Psycho was surreal to say the least, and I think everyone would rather treat Dr. Pavel’s death as non-canon, but the post credits scenes aren’t entirely unsalvageable.
>>145665 Maybe he was watching the bullet that CIA shot out the door and/or the person/object he was shooting at? Is he on the right side of the plane for that?
Is Bane single? Or is there a misses Bane?
>>145902 CIA is Mrs. Bane, or at least Bane wants him to be. The only reason Bane is a big guy is for CIA.
>>145906 I don't think Bane approves of gay marriage.
>>145908 >Bane >explicitly gay for CIA >became a big guy just for CIA >not approving of gay marriage Sir?
>>145908 Bane makes little guys go on HRT so that it isn't gay for him.
What nationality is Bane? Banerican-american?
>>145976 Albanian
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>>145976 He is Romani. However, for some reason his voice is supposedly based on Bartley Gorman, who is Irish. http://www.mtv.com/news/1689960/dark-knight-rises-bane-tom-hardy/

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