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The Fire Rises

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Big Guy 11/15/2018 (Thu) 04:20:41 No. 143684
What are you doing to ensure the fire rises? Post your off-chan bane posts.
>>143684 >do you feel in charge? <for you As expected of the type of roastie whore going on tinder to suck dick.
I banepost in peer-reviewed academic articles. Can't say much more
Last month I did an internship as a teacher at a high school. One of my subjects is Language Arts, which has now given up on actually trying to get kids to read novels, so they promote things like comics and movies. For one lesson I had to pick a scene from a movie and get students to analyze it as deeply as possible. Naturally, I picked The Plane Scene. I justified it to my supervisor by just saying I'd show them "the first scene from the latest Batman movie," and I was told it was a good choice because kids love superheroes and the Nolan Batman movies are smart as far as normalfags are concerned. Essentially, it was an entire day of teaching multiple classes of high school students to Banepost, for 75 minutes per class. And I couldn't have done it without the help of all of you Banescholars who have come up with so many incredible observations and insights over the years, who helped me realize that this is the deepest scene ever created. And whenever there was a lull in the students' observations, I was able to nudge them toward another of your many observations. The students learned to pick up on all sorts of tiny cues for characters and their backgrounds and motivations. Doctor Pavel's loneliness, CIA's hubris, Bane's insecurity. Yes, the students did pick up on Bane saying he was a big guy for CIA. And yes, one student giggled at the homosexual implications. Being clear that there were no wrong answers, I made him speak up and told him that that was a completely valid interpretation. My supervisor was then even more impressed because of course it's very popular to pick GBLTQQ2+:) material now. I have another, more substantial internship at a different high school starting in January, then I should be able to get an actual job in September. I plan to repeat this lesson at every school every year. In time, I will create a whole new generation of Banescholars.
>>143706 The fire rises.
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>>143706 What state? My little brother said he watched the plane scene in class the other day, and I occasionally banepost irl with my family (it's pretty autistic I know), so if that was you that'd be pretty neat.
>>143714 Its be even neater if it wasnt. Would mean theres at least 2.
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>>143720 Was being this autistic PART of your plan?
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>>143723 Of coursh
>>143720 >>143684 What's this site or app btw?
>>143689 I intend to do the same once I finish my Ph.D.
>>143734 Whisper Lots of thots and degenerate homos asking for big or smal guys. Its ripe for fucking with them.
>>143714 Canada, so yeah there are at least two of us. >>143720 You're a big gay.
>>143736 Thanks. I only found stupid shit here in France, I guess it's more interesting in the US
>>143746 >there are at least two of us. The fire rises!
>>143759 Click on "latest" only And start bane posting
>>143689 Is this you?
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>>143824 No, you can't easily tell I banepost. I hide it well so only initiated people can tell.
>>143829 well why won't you show us?
>>143829 the League of Shadows approves,
if weather patterns change globally then yea the fire rises,
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a seed has sprouted, the weather will bring the reign,
>>143856 once a mustard seed gets in you'll never get it out, Jesus spoke of the virtue of the mustard seed but how many today know it is a pernicious weed that is indomitable, the fire rises,
the dark knight has prepared the salt mines, it is only time till there are tears in heaven,
>>143858 for this the tongue of the Egyptian see will be cut asunder, all who have a forked tongue will be roasted like lamb, if the Egyptians taught Moses & he brought darkness upon the land by using the teaching of the priests, then yes the fire rises, speaking with a forked tongue will be punishable by walking the frozen river out of Gotham, scorpions who teach chicks how to synthesize serpents, as a result teaching will be outlawed globally & punishable with the fourth angel,
when you mix the needs of night & brute force you have a consistency as strong as iron, unless you can cleanse both mind & body in Gotham of all the misdeeds that Batman has let happen then I doubt that the harps in heaven can stop the fire that rises,
>>143860 I believe that haarp will do nothing to my acts, this is because of my spectrum, possibly if you bow to my spectrum it will only antagonize me,
>>143861 my spectrum siphons off a natural universal spectrum, I doubt that Wayne tech can deal with that, the fire rises,
>>143862 now that sparky is barking I can't imagine you'll put out the fire unless you bring enough tears in heaven, the tongue of the Egyptian see taught Bane the arts of darkness, it's what Egypt wants, they begged so long & hard, if the entire world went lgbt over night could Batman just fix that, if on top of that if his back was physically broken then in the real world what, when fucking & having kids come together you can't stop the spawn,
it would be ironic if playing harps became music in Bane's ears,
>>143864 if all your weather modifications only emboldened the coming of sun down in reign, I would lulz,
if it turns out that my harp is more divine than yours, lol, Arkham's experiments on Bane taught him everything, on top of the tongue of the Egyptian see constantly teaching as well, if the government wants to arm their enemies even more powerfully then you got a problem yuge as Gyna,
Bane didn't do anything other than live but Arkham wanted him dead anyways, now, the fire will rise,
I believe my area is ten - twenty degrees different than it should be, Arkham & Gotham want Bane dead just for the act of living, once the entirety of Gotham is touched by my reign, lol, all of it, weather is one,
possibly the experiments in Arkham taught Bane something that Gotham will never forget,
Wayne Enterprises always knew Bane's story but didn't care, now possibly all Gotham will care, if the Dark Knight sits around while crime is booming then don't blame Bane,
imagine if the natural weather pattern in the Middle East was rain, imagine if Wayne Tech couldn't control the weather anymore, the fire rises,
>>143871 what if NM Nevada etc should naturally be getting rain, what if Bane broke Batman's back for assaulting innocent citizens,
>>143872 see all those happy vets with no arms or legs, Batman thinks that is cool, those vets are living reality, one day Batman & Gotham will too, Metallica One,
>>143873 if it's not Batman who thinks one vets are cool, her parents & grandparents sure don't give a fuck, the very reason the fire will rise,
be funny if Wayne Tech had no more control on the weather huh, Bane winds up breaking Gotham, the One that could,
Genesis 37:19 19 “Here comes that dreamer!” yep, like that, I know the fire will rise,
Genesis 37:19 imagine if in your dreams a Jinn spoke to you for the times you rubbed the lamp during the day,
I imagine Wayne Tech makes big bucks making prosthetics for oned vets, they like business, for this the fire rises,
Wayne Tech lives off the blood equity of murdering the innocent like Bane was, for this the Jinn will grant wishes, wish during the day, see the road map in the night,
Shock Wave,
Genesis 37:19 when ever it rains, the teams pay, for with holding intel, Genesis 37:19
Bane shouldn't be blamed that God's own hands have been covering the EYE, after one victory at Babel the EYE went to sleep like Rip Van Winkle, now look at what kind of world you woke to,
>>143883 wink atcha babe, get me cue huh?
>>143883 Rip Van Winkle woke up to a fully built Babel, ever read the bible, God used to have wisdom, used to,
>>143885 this time Babel confounded the tongues of angels, for God's foolishness her angels have fallen, Ragnarok, Odin's time has come, Fenrir is loose, if you can't beat em, divide & conquer,
I'm a messenger, deal with the news, if you don't like the news, then don't let CNN open it's doors, I'm not your father,
Batman's father let's vets listen to trash like Metallica One, let's Master Wayne listen to the same music,
they say that Batman & Bane are each ones, they can be a couple, lol,
>>143889 I've had people try to one me too babe,
while the NSA etc all watch & guard the till at Poppa John's Batman is getting his back broken, Rip Van Winkle loves fast food chains expanding the economy, who needs Batman, his back got broke while the gov was watching the till, the gov just sits there watching the till, all they do is sit & watch, for this Rip Van Winkle needs shut eye,
Wayne Tech creates the government, the gov ends up sitting to watch the till at Poppa John's, thing is, if you are thirty seconds late with your taxes, OMG, they need that time to sit & watch the till,
Wayne Tech is too busy chasing Bane who wants to live his life, Batman slips on a whoopee cushion & becomes a slot on the Simpsons, mean while the fourth angel is stealing fort knox, the gov sits at the till, Rip Van Winkle hits the snooze button,
maybe Bane could give Batman a Q-tip, too bad he only has one eye & no ears,
Rip to Rip Van Winkle, good sleep to you,
>>143896 they are only coincidences when you are a shill, fall of Gotham, sun down, Bane did it,
what's the difference between this part of the spectrum & haarp, well this is way more dense & haarp is up here, if we used haarp to manipulate this part of the spectrum what would it take, well there are multiple levels of density here so each level you would have to square what haarp is now but that would be way too much power to safely use haarp, tell me what that means, well, if you squared haarp that many times it would be too destructive, what created this.. well.. that's not possible, that would never create enough inertia to make this much change, well.. that can't be possible, I know the physics here, there is no way that has the power to have enough effect, well… I'm a PHD in physics, I know for a fact that this would never have such power, well… look mom, I'm a PHD, I know the science,
[Expand Post] well…
>>143899 the fire rises, from what I might understand, if they crank haarp to control the system I created then haarp would end up causing way too much damage, the fire rises, fuck with the dragon & you get burned,
>>143900 for no reason Arkham & Gotham want Bane dead, you created your own problem, if the system I created is as I believe, wait for the salt mines, if you call on the devil then don't expect an angel,
>>143901 if Bane really is that good a scientist then this will lead to an entire cascade of events,
>>143862 You're on the spectrum alright. This is clearly an AI bot test though. Ffs.
>>143903 nope, science,
>>143689 Please elaborate brother
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>>143920 >Party could be hurt in area of perceived strength Do they feel in charge?
>>143920 >Bane strikes at global weather the fire rises
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>>143684 Here's one.
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I've been banepostin in front of my friends and family for years. My friends beg me to stop so they are not my friends. I don't even think about it when I do it. It just happens. Anytime I see a mask or a plane I know what must be said. I'll word for word retell the movie too.
>>144097 this gives me the impression that you are an adult male of considerable size
>>144981 In relation to your own stature.

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