Fucking hell, shut the fuck up. Spitting unnecessarily,ungratefully, and annoyingly in men we would have been fucked without (while I like the idea of a Nazi scientist performing human experimentation for the US government, it pisses me off that they use real life people, but I guess since they're going for that stupid fucking "THIS REALLY HAPPENED U GUISE!!!111" angle (even if the cases are actually based on actual cases), they have to use real human beans). It worked when Captain Hothead did it (and the "I saw teh holohoax" was annoying; could have left it at "your men killed my men", which would have worked much better, especially with those soldiers that let them into the base), but not so much in the case of Professor Small Guy. Also, it's not clear whether Captain Hothead realizes the "top secret experiments" by the Pentagon was actually a cover-up, because he doesn't seem to upset about it. Would be nice if that were the case, as in, "oh shit my superiors are blatantly lying to me, oh dear". Can't really tell yet. Also, bit of a nitpick, but the Soviet spy had a Makarov, which wasn't issued yet. I would say that perhaps it was a prototype.
Before I would have given it a 7.7/10, but now it looks more like a 6.7 as of episode 5.