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Hurrah! Hurrah! For southern rights hurrah! Hurrah for the bonnie blue flag that bears a single star!

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Hurrah! Hurrah! For southern rights hurrah! Hurrah for the bonnie blue flag that bears a single star!

big Аноним 01/27/2022 (Thu) 12:47:40 No. 2767
what's wrong with maintaining 2 carrier groups?
it's embarassing, that's all great power!
>black teacher can't pronounce characteristics because the word is too hard and long for him
>>3940 funny
shared with friends already. it's the perfect video they open it, hear mortal combat music, raise volume to see what it is about, and then russian guy waving his dong appears
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>from 22 rodents lol
why am i not russian if i was born to be russian? is the whole transition period just meant to make me more russian than the average russian?
>webisite filters woman to russian wtf
test russian russian
female woman
^ btfo'd epic style
this weekend coming to a big near you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WN98V-NN51c
dadc rts trannies
did ask do care rts trannies, i'll be there!
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found out mao was almost 6ft no wonder he won...
no way he's a literal chinese peasant >5'9'' yeah ok for chinese that is a giant he has a pretty good physiognomy too
he also literally showed balding men how it's done ok maybe you lose half your hair, but so what? just make up a new hairstyle and make it become iconic
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like lukashenko and his famous combover?
too conservative for my liking needs to be more revolutionary
how is reclaiming your scalp from the progress of baldness not reactionary?
he is just cuckserving the hair he had on his 50's
holy fuck i had a nightmare that i took the goyshot despite not willing to i didn't have any physical symptoms but i felt like garbage inside, as if something inside of me died i believe this was a vision from god, to remind me to persevere no matter what
neue thread?
>>3962 you got jabbed in your sleep
yup. get ready for 3 more dreams new thread when
why new thread? what's wrong with this one?
it has post limit after 1200 in this memesite
>some larper with a dull arab sword cuts a doll's head off infront of a bunch of children wowwww dude so baaaaaased allah is baaaaased guess they ran out of zog civilians to behead huh heheheheheheh

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