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Hurrah! Hurrah! For southern rights hurrah! Hurrah for the bonnie blue flag that bears a single star!

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Hurrah! Hurrah! For southern rights hurrah! Hurrah for the bonnie blue flag that bears a single star!

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make /big/ great again Аноним 01/21/2022 (Fri) 19:32:44 No. 1559
return to our roots
why is it a picture of debt if it's meant to return to roots? are you a real politician?
where is crimeamod update on moddb
upload keeps failing due to meme internet should be up soon
why the furry pic? are you just making it official now that this is a mememod? ok
well i asked for pics and you didnt give me any good pics
last chance. give me a good pic
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here's your pic
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gonna use this
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here's your image
young ungern (i think it's him)
heres your pic
my favourite ungern pic look upon shota ungern and imagine...what will be...ugh..
yeah what will be... if only there was an image of dead ungern..
pics or it didn't happen oh you have none? guess it didn't happen )))
so ungern is living the life together with gitler in argentina?
i hope so bro i hope so
and rosas, don't forget rosas
newfag coming into big: guys do you know roman von ungern-sternberg? nataliabro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LVt49l6aP8
reminds me of the execution of this white guy red officer asks "any last words?" the guy replies "tell my wife and kids that i love them" then the officer replies "if i remember"
updoot for post 1580
miss upvotes like you wouldn't believe bros
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are you ok crimeaguy? having a stroke or what
https://voca.ro/1dK5jYOsoCsN posted in the wrong thread accidentally
>scandinavia now gets a longer buffer time before russia tries annexing finland what is this supposed to mean
anglos raus
russia can annex finland after scandinavia forms but only after a few years, not immediately after they form
>>1587 >>1587 >>1587 >>1587 what about ash button?>>1587
crimeadev made it so that when scandinavia forms they get an event modifier (that may or may not give bonuses) and when that timer runs out russia goes to war to annex finland and scandinavia gets called in to protect the status quo. if they win they get to annex finland why he didn't just keep that behind a decision available to scandinavia, i've no clue
thats not an anglo accent sounds like some other kind of other germanic
holy fuck fuck off poster who can't understand irony IT WAS A JOKE AAAAAAAAAAAAA
epicly baited
>i was merely pretending to be retarded that's both of you
baited for that exact response
jokes on you, im not pretending ))
a post so shit it killed big
so many people stopped using big forever that it's just me and you now
think i'm going to try a game of gfm, see how that goes
keep us posted
play as the netherland i'm pretty sure they can form burgundy
how about some two man mp?
ironical gfm mp?
was thinking more along the lines of continuing that scandi-germany game idk what to play in gfm
ok let's do that
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*breathes in* ahhhh... do you smell that?
did you fart? btw take berlin. it's probably more french than alsace lorraine or saarbruk
those little pixel islands always get me
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i'm taking it all in.
god i hate windows so much thank god i'll be leaving this piece of shit OS
im joining the gfm mp too
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thoughts on this? reforming into state enforced gay anal sex republic to get immigrants from france and germany.
so is gfm mp happening?
what version of gfm? link it
me, im installing ze mod as we speak
i just went to the github and downloaded the latest release.
wait, gfm and not crimeamod?
wait so i gotta redownload this shit, goddamn it.
yes, maybe (MAYBE) we will get some good ideas for things to add to crimeamod
ok lets do gfm mp of this japan version and yeah no crimememod... got like 30h to play (or less) before new OS
488 mb iesus christo
>got like 30h to play (or less) before new OS huh schizo??
god i fucking hate windows even on shitty bloat OS's you can transfer files etc no problem even on the shittiest freeware OS you don't have to tell your every move to fagman holy fuck i hate windows holy fuck i hate windows btw moddb download taking forever
gfm mp, gfm mp..... yeah, yeah..... but most importantly, thoughts on this?>>1615
im downloading too. while we wait we could talk about our thoughts on this>>1615, just a thought.
why blob into netherlands?
MNZV is the github checksum so someone say the chink version checksum
you can't get immigrants from france as switzerland due to game limitations well, you can, but they must be german btw i think i'll do github version too. moddb will take like 30 mins to download, i bet github is 10x faster
-______- now i need the fucking github version again
link the github please
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https://github.com/Historical-Expansion-Mod/Greater-Flavor-Mod download here do this: click on code and download zip my github version already downloaded 85mb while moddb version which started minutes ago is barely 70
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>>1630 pic related i dont know if you remember, but long ago i talked about doing a middle francia campaign. its like a dream of mine.
click on the dutch mirror for downloading, it'll download as fast as your sudaca internet will allow not downloading anyother version, play the moddb one
no. you will play the github version moddb download speed sucks
jesus christ what version are we playing. the moddb version downloads at 300kbs for me so fuck that one
it's literally downloading at 3mbps for me from the dutch mirror aaand now it downloaded not my fault you're computer illiterate
the github is downloading at 1mb
lol so github is slower than moddb fucking retard
ok let me try this so called great moddb version
ok so for the moddb mirror im going for the only one in europe right?
the one that says dutchland (NL for you retards)
dutch mirror is not any faster either github version or download finishes in 30+ minutes
this fucking moddb is also 1mb you lying nigger
try the other dutch mirror then one of them is faster
180 kb/s moddb dutch mirror (tried the 2 that were available to me) compared to 2mb/s github version
sucks being a sudaca, huh? try using the american mirrors
me, i downloaded both already while you argued
i dont even fucking know who is who here, everyones just saying download speed is shit and one guy who seems to have magical internet
github version here >>1636 is done moddb version done in 37 minutes you choose
i choose single player over negotiation with terrorists
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pick your poison
btw will we be playing with this "gfm more cultures" submod? just imagine how many more cultures there will be.... ugh
yes put that on, release the beast
1 culture for every dead person in the holocaust
link for submod?
>>1636 >>1636 join der radmin>>1636 submod is included in the download here just fucking get this version you nigger
i will join the radmin after the download is finished.
no zou vill give me your ip and zou vill be happy
>>1615 what strategy do you propose? it will be tough... taking on france, austria, AND prussia
very easy, ever heard of this one: ally austria to beat italians ally france to beat austria ally germany to beat france and low countries ally russia to beat germany
whats the checksum for the github download?
still extracting it's over 1gb in size when unpacked please understand
uhm can we please use the "GFM No Swastikas" submod? thanks.
>563mb for pictures holy bloat
let me extract the subcultures mod too first because we NEED more cultures
the cultures file of gfm is 5x larger than the one of crimeamod ugh
ok but we are playing without the swastikas, yes? please let us play without the swastikas...
we'll play with my fist in your face, how about that?
prepare to get 7 OOS per month
jesus it takes so long to boot up. holy shit
getting PYAW, me
with culture submod?
yes, i booted twice
ate food made by brown people today and my tummy hurts....
how are you running the culture submod?
checking the box in the launcher
wtf why is my checksum wrong then gonna delete map cache
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SW8OJrE0OQE reminds me of the backrooms video we watched
im getting BCJD as my checksum with the culture submod.
i think i was getting B something too before clearing map cache but now i cant check because itll spend 5 mins booting up
i think its because i downloaded gfm 1.8 and you downloaded 1.7.9
>>1656 i am using the master one here dumbo
deleted my GFM documents folder and i'm still getting BCDJ
wont play gfm 1.79. just wont they didnt properly represent the uBumdululus from southwest bantuland back then
yes wait my gfm just now launched forbthe first time
im getting BCJD and im using the github master version
so you should have downloaded the moddb version by now lets just play that so we all get a proper checksum
the extraction is a download all on its own though
ok i have BCJD too
so PYAW is wrong
you need the master version, not any stable releases
holy fuck i selected a country and clicked play took 15 seconds
we're not even playing the mod yet but it already is a shit experience
wtf gfm is hypergreece mod southern macedonia has 350k pops and eastern macedonia 250k thats insane
looking at france with this culture mod actaully sickens me, i can feel my stomach sway.
algiers and algeria both exist at game start
we have to pretend to be redditors when we play it, then we can enjoy it
look at italy in the culture map. now thays something
and crimeamod has both moldavia and moldova as tags retarded american way of thinking
what checksum are we playing because i have BCJD and am using the master version
>corsican culture >sardinian culture >sicilian culture >napolitan culture >lazio culture >tuscan culture >sardinia-milan culture >provence culture >venetian culture
look at the amazon
bcjd is the correct one
berlin culture, potsdam culture, leipzig culture, konigsberg culture, danzig culture, allenstein culture, memel culture, tuchel culture, deutsch krone culture, stettin culture when?
>>1707 there's literally nothing wrong with this as long as there's a way to merge them into one italian culture later
no way they do it, and no way it's possinle to merge without bugs even the nordic culture had some memes already with assimilation bug i haf to fix
11 that's just ashkenazi 12 honestly, i agree
brazil has a brazilian culture caipira (redneck) gaucho hunsrik (german brazilian) and 20 different native cultures (i kid you not)
which one of these do you associate with?
cuiaba is such a great province
epic there's afro french mulatto haitian creole maroon and even minor africanncultures in haiti such as kongo
hfm has an event as italy in the 1880 which makes your entire country 31-32 liferating wonder if this has it too
mp when?
does everyone have the BCJD checksum?
im installing a different version so i think i will when im done
i don't give me 10 minutes, the mod loads very slowly
>strassbourg 23% french >saarbruk 2% >berlin 12%
>In 1942, 1.5% of the inhabitants of Blumenau were imprisoned for speaking German.
:( :( :)
yes, nobody taught their kids german or italian anymore, might cause segregation
estonia has these cultures: estonian russian ashkenazi baltic german now onto meme cultures: aibofolke (i think swedes) võro seto votian not even meme countries can be lrft alone
the game runs so slow hoyngivking shit
>japan is all japanese >hans merged god i hate leftists
i think they've gotten rid of the wallon decision for france.
oh wait they're already accepted
what do you think of this johan greece accepts: maniot tsakonian arvanite sarakatsani thats not even all cultures since theres more meme ones in anatolia that they probably only accept later i think that, when your culture doesnt even have an english name, thats when its over
up when tired of waiting
bros qaraqalpaqs are a culture... epic
when is up
up, there
who is host
me, i am host
who art thou
i am the host who is not in the vpn
how is it up then are you a liar
nah its up, dont worry
gost it nigger or i'll sing a russian sing
someone host to shut this mong up, i need to restart to host and bootup is so long.
i've hosted now, for real this time.
and who is that
use your brain for 1 second and you'll figure it out
>"The natural increase of the German population in southern Brazil is marvelous. As a rule they rear from ten to fifteen children in each family. Blumenau, a colony which was settled by the Germans over fifty years ago, more than doubles itself every ten years. Southern Brazil is now called 'Greater Germany', and the Germans exercise there a commercial and financial supremacy." what was...
sure but i really dont want to guess wrong and have my vicky be frozen for half an hour because game is not found
you have two choices, hint is my internet is not shit
im sorry but brazilian germans look ugly as fuck. like realy ugly. like buttugy must be the cowards who ran away from epic eurobattles haha not like my great ancestors who fled from evil mussolini and franco
imagine if this was done somewhere like german madagaskar instead of brazil where everyone knew it wouldn't last 3 generations
is everyone done with the download!!!!!!!!????????!!!!!!
no not yet give me like 5 minutes
we're palying guess my country in mp
krakow is unplayable it is 35k pops and starts as an austrian puppet
last guy fuck you you should of joined
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how's poland are siliesians and kuyavians separate cultures what they did with carpathian russyns
no they also merged han and japan is 100% japanese, etc
so it's all polish?! wtf abraham lincoln GFM, where is my local culture?! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Local_(self-identification)
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>The more I sift the pretended Incarnation, I find it the less probable. What! To think that this Great and Incomprehensible Being, the Creator of the Earth, of the Seas, and of this vast Firmament, would be capable of debasing himself so far, as to lye nine Months Prisoner in the Bowels of a Woman, and expose himfelf to the miserable Life of his Fellow Sinners, that Writ the Books of your Gospel; to be Beaten, Whip'd, and Crucify'd like an unhappy Wretch ; this, I say, is what can't enter into my thoughts. Tis written, that he came upon the Earth on purpose to die there, and with the same Breath 'tis said that he was afraid to die. This implies a Contradiction two ways. In the first place, if his design was to be Born, in order to die, he ought not to have dreaded death ; for, what is the ground of the fear of death? The dread of death proceeds from this, that one do's not know what will become of 'em when they depart this Life. But he was not unacquainted with the place he was bound for, so that he had no reason to be afraid. You know very well that we and our Wives Poyson our selves frequently, in order to keep one another Company in the Regions of the dead, when one or t'other is snatch'd away. So you see plainly the loss of Life does not scare us, tho' at the fame time, we are not certain what course our Souls will steer. What answer canst thee give me upon this Head ? In a second place ; Since the Son of the Great Spirit was invested with a Power equal to that of his Father ; he had no occasion to pray his Father to save his Life, in regard that he was able to guard off Death by his own Power ; and that in praying to his Father he pray'd to himfelf.
what a shit mod
must be the worst thing i ever played holy fuck
i've run out of my drinks i cant mix my shit ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
so are we playing mp tomorrow instead of this shit?
me i drink milk with milk like my forefathers did and yeah i can play mp tomorrow alllll day alllll day and you guys better play alllll day too literally wake up 6 am and play mp.
i'll wake up at some point then i'll play mp, after i run of course.
how about you run now so you fall asleep earlier and then wake up earlier seems like a good time for a jog
well it is dark out and rain has subsided and i am slightly dressed for it. but i am swaying about so there is that.
where is this from? answer to this problem from most christian denominations is usually that christ's nature and/or substance (a lot of arguing about linguistic differences and definitions of the words here) was fully or partially human and so he was able to feel fear and suffering regarding praying to himself, christians solve this with either trinity, other god/son combinations or denying godhood of jesus, though that's rather fringe belief among followers of christ
>>1769 yes lets play minecraft mp instead of this shit
i've said find a good modpack that is neither autistic, retarded or whatever shit i said previously on johans now defunct site.
but the modpack we played isnt autistic, retarded or whatever shit. its only so autistic because you had to go for the most autistic shit imaginable right from the start.
i've seen the magic,i've seen the infusion, all that shit is autistic. all that magic crucible and phial stuff is autistic.
>>1776 play minecraft mp later after i switch to linux i might be able to play without microjew bullshit
you know what? i had a dream last night about that minecraft modpack, in it i specifically liked the magic part of it. but when i woke up i realized that in reality its shit, absolute shit and austistic.
i mean, if he would have gone for that "particularly autistic shit" later in the playthrough, he still would have to take the exact same steps. doing it later wouldn't have made it easier in the slightest considering the magic comes from a different mod than the tech stuff
almost spilt a bunch of shit, glad it didnt spill.
ive been considering linux, but isn't it cancer to work with? microjew might be fagman spyware, but you can just run 99,9% of shit without any additional work on the other hand, when you read download sites of many programs you can find comments like: can you make linux version? or please look at this specific problem i get trying to run this thing on linux
thats the main reason i haven't converted to linux, too much is only for windows and if it can be made to work for linux it's a massive pain.
ok i can understand disliking the magic mod. i know another modpack for an older version of minecraft thats SUPPOSED to be good (i dont know anything about it, havent played it on an mcg server like the other modpack). this modpack has an older version of the same magic mod (it was drastically different back in the day) and it has other magic mods too so chances are you will find something that you like. my business idea is this: when the sudaca has his new OS lets do a new minecraft mp and try this other modpack. with the sudaca we could even get a 5 man mp going.
i don't care whart modpack it is as long as its not the nigger more i hate.
now in english please
well if you want to play vidya, watch netflix and use discord don't switch to linux on linux you code, run bloat free spyware free stuff and have a nice clean experience even with the shittiest computer then when you need to use windows you emulate windows using wine or some virtual machine or something switching out of windows because of how i have to let my computer send data to microsoft or it'll lag forever. just unnaceptable
i'm becoming more and more convinced to go for a run right now, by the second i feel more motivated.
*gets murdered because he lives in a big city*
*gets murdered by thomas papadopoulos because he lives in athens*
that's not a very albanian name
going for a run, see you niggers in 50 minutes.
where would i be without my friends... having like-minded people is so refreshing
oh wait i've got to put my shoes on, and there so fucking melted my god ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
shut up faggot shut up faggot god why do you type like a faggot. is that what happens when you try typing while holding cok
bigger oppression....
shut yp you absolute inarticulate piece of shit you arte the sucm that penertaes the earh t when niggers come aboe my god shut the absolute fuck yp tyo yaboslute mung fcuk off.
gonna go for my run actually this time, goodbye.
>the history channel >small power
yes everyone's tired of hearing about the only other historical event in the US, the civil war
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>not a single young girl don't think i'll be rolling
i could see half of them being 15 they're drawing for g-d's sake
>like 5 different nigger girls >canada girl wow what a surprise when they add no little girls. what a surprise. truly schoking. who could have seen this coming.
ok samefagging pedo find your own rollchart with 6 year old girls
wow 15 wow. just wow. 15 years old? that's crazy bro. girls that young can't consent that'd be so disgusting
>not a single young boy don't think i'll be rolling
what's worng with a canada girl??????????//
ok i'll make my own roll chart
just make it so that the last two digits of your post number dictate the age of your gf rolling
i think i'll be waiting for the posts with serial number 19xx before rolling
ahhh, 1903, what a great year
ahhh, 1903 BCE, what a great year
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uhhh my post duplicated does that mean i get 2?
no, it means those two girls leave you and go on to have a lesbianist relationship while you'll never have another shot at love
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you should roll a dice because post numbers are cheating and too slow 1d100 = 76
>>1818 ok rolling #1d99
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>>1818 stupid site roll{2d6}
see i got a 76 year old gf but at least im not a cheater
>>1803 #d100
>>1803 1d100
ok. rolling for gf age roll{1d1+6} feeling lucky. think i'll hit the sweet spot
>>1803 rolling for natalia
>1d1 not a valid die well fuck you then
i think those are just called marbles
how to roll?
1d99 = 42 comeon single digits comeon single digits
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>>1803 1d100 = 52
>>1824 1d9 = 8
i feel like a gambler who lost it all
>>1836 femdom nigger -_- 1d100 = 83 rerolling
>>1824 wow thoughtful of you to make a roll chart just for our minorities (greek)
speaking of, crypto is crashing how's link doing is there anything you should buy for huge gainz
1d100 = 23
yeah now's the time to buy link you'll make 2x profit. guaranteed, unironically
like, any crypto you buy now will give you big profits. literally any, because they're all so low. link is just a bit superior to the other big alternatives who are 100% guaranteed to not die
am i greatr for doing a run inoobriated 1 for no and 2 for yes. oh dont forget its 1 am when i start 2 am when i end 1d2 = 2
look at that you bitches i am great.
ugh look at the post numbers. golden years lads. crimemewar soon...
you can't spell drunk without run
well i'll take my run for today as my run for tomorrow so i hope mp starts and we can -play for ver ylong.
yeah hahahaha *nfag joins 16:00 cest*
haha icant wait for shit tomorrow,
that's what you get for playing with nfag dragging feet and mp only on weekend (even though he said he'd be available all this week, lol)
oh all of its gone about 2/3rds of my bottle are ogne.
ok i'm sure you're a slav now because only slavs drink
ufnnyily enogutn it is polish vodka or something like tjhat i see my pelinng pmistaskes i sjut refuse to correct them.
you missed the mp. it was extremely epic. you really missed it, you had to witness it it was just so epic hahahahahahahahaahahaahahaha god its funny just to remember
mp wasz very funn t there was andorra bering annexed and cheat events,
it was like this nataliafag was austria, the other guy was prussia nfag wanted to just be a kino austria-hungary, so he gives prussia the spherelings ok bro, you can have saxony ok bro, you can have hanover ok bro, you can have bavaria ok bro, you can have baden etc etc then prussia justifies acquire state on austria and rapes them so hard that the player is now hungary hahaha
ok i missed it, woe is me, whenever will i recover from this loss what size of a bottle and what brand of vodka?
70-0 ml
and everyone was calling him a cuck the whole way what a cuck, just giving away spherelings what a cuck, just giving up so epic only non-epic part is how grobgermania raped me
and sometihng to do with gvuufalp
just take a photo if you can read the label written in latin letters
my phone is miles way.
Keira Knightley is so cute bros
bro nobody cares about polish vodka, literally nobody only some polish patriot whose only time his country reaches relevance is when someone is getting shitfaced
god i wish something. xdont ,now hat.
>born March 26, 1985 (36 years) zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz more like so shit
i acutally got this voda at a trip to london a few monthd before and its been just in my closet for a few monthsn or so.
i'm just curious what's poland's main export is now tell me the fucking name you illeterate nigger
it says shshcshweshseeslslelswsesski
look at london brands there was many niggers in the streets that i saw so talk to them.
is he even drunk? feel like he's just shitposting
yeah i think he is no one is so drunk they can't read
let me get a picture to nerve you.
so wait loves france can't read loves spaghetti there must be a country that fits the bill
need a phone though so its quite gay to find one
its quite a pain actually to get a pone and asomehow post ion big/
french guyana? senegal?
if you believe i am a african nigger wow'
sobieski, named after John III Sobieski, saviour of EVROPA, from smelly mahomedian turks
lenin, partya, komsomol lenin, partya, komsomol lenin, partya, komsomol LEEEEENIN, PARTYAAAAAA, KOMSOMOOL
wow sobieski i remember my sister asked me who the fuck sobieski the III was because she saw the bottle and i just told her he was some insignificant loser no idea who he is or what he did really, just made that up to her ho lost his kingdom
ok, so my plan is o take a picute and then sent it to my pc hen give brand of vodaka .
just say the brand holy shit. just type it, record a vocaroo of you saying the brand, anything
no you see he didn't lose it, only the people after him lost it because they were not kings but career politicians with no stake in the game
i have the brand i just dont really know it, its how i described it above,vocaroo well my mic i shist and theres probably os much background noise, il'lly try anyway.
didn't he already say the brand in 1883? anyways you could just phonepost the image
phone post or vocaroo because i geniine cant shits anymore.
just vocaroo already
okay okay i;ve necver used vocaroo before so give me time,
i had it but nows it nothing, dont quite know how vocaroo works...
i think i just might of imagined it.
you sound like a robot wtf that was literally google translator saying zubrowka
very rude, my english is perfe tt so fu k you/
it was yandex translator )))))
no yandex translator sounds better than that ))))))))))))))))))))
years going by so fast...
believe or not that is my great voice.
now sing this Если дело отцов станет делом твоим, — Только так победим. Только так победим. Слышишь юности голос мятежный, Слышишь голос заводов и сёл: Ленин, Партия, Комсомол!
nionononon no no no non on on ono no no ,.
yiyesyesyes yes yes yes yesye syes yes yes ,.
vocaro very gay program i can not hewa r what i am saying iomn playback.
>>1901 should slow down when you're hiding from government agents )
also ran out of shit to make this vodka actually palatable so i may go to bed at this point.,
may ungern visit you in your dreams so we can once again rise
he wasn't the worst king, but he was better general; while he didn't achieve his goal of securing the throne for his dynasty, he successfully defeated the turks twice, avenging his grandfather who fallen in battle with them and as a result of his actions poland recovered southern territories lost before, he married french noblewoman, cousin of the king i think, most of his numerous children also married high european nobility, constellation of scutum (shield) was dedicated to him after his great victory at vienna he's responsible for bringing potatoes to poland and one of his soldiers opened first coffee shop in vienna, with beans he looted from turks
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oh no no no no no no no
>he married a french stopped reading there now the whole >he wasn't bad but for some unkown reason the people that came after him were all total garbage drivel makes total sense
>the knights of malta >under sphere of the papal kingdom (yellow white red flag) play mememod get memed on how have you even played to that point bro? in mp we couldn't do it.
the people who came after him weren't at all related to him, retard they were elected
bet im gonna wake up in he morning and blame you nihggers for something. good night. "you've exceeded your hourly rate of bypass" what the fuck does this m,ean,. uess i wont know until oring. this post qas deltate dlike 10 minutes because of this.
had that >you exceeded your hourly rate of bypass some guy said, when we just came here, that it happens when you make like 100 posts in one hour maybe stop samefagging so much?
fkc you glad i stated afertt my post ndont same fag i post unieque posts. goddnight again.
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>uid : 1 >unique id : 1 >1 poster bros......
>1 poster all me
get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head
make me kike
it's lonely in here
in a situation like this you have to ask yourself: what would zeus do? the answer is have his head split open with a blacksmith's hammer
>>1918 my ID counts because I am the only American here. When will you euros learn?
zeus would rape some bitch
*sharts myself*
if zeus splits his head open he gets a qt daughter if i do it i die
yeah, they were pureblooded saxon germans, there was also pole who was dethroned and ended up as prince of loraine, beloved by the people there (french king was his son-in-law), and last king after the wettins, another pole, generally seen as very controversial figure and unruly russian puppet, partially responsible for the partitions
>>1926 >>1924 samefag
gimme 1d100 = 89
everyone in poland was a noble, it's like a joke i think the only real nobles there were the brave ashkenazim
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and you guys told me 4channel was bad?
you found that on 4channel?? her lips are too big she looks like a nigger
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indeed i found it on 4channel, mr gitler
wow thank you for the epic pic mr CIA agent let me just download this little girl pic on this honeypot site. hehheheehehehe what could go wrong huh? not like they'll track my download like google does. hope that "clipboard" image means you just screenshotted it ok nevermind that second one is nice. forget i said anything keep sharing
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i also found this in the very same thread
that's just a really tall little girl with a choker. your sodomite mind is bringing you to the wrong conclusions
bros i need to have children
children? in this economy????? the world is overpopulated, adopt a cat from the shelter instead
just look at them imagine giving your firstborn an epic hohol and making him go around barechested roleplaying as a cossack imagine giving him true values you never had growing up now son, THIS is the only thing you can trust *points to a horse*
btw when i say "look at them" i mean them >>1936
*attacks pearl harbor*
>>1941 oops, didn't mean to replyfag, also, forgot image
wat you say about polan maderfak?
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>1945 posts its all downhill from here.... every post-1945 post is garbage
first for garbage woman natalia
e seu buceta
many good things happened after 1945 for example...
...the dissolution of the soviet union
the internet i love the internet
>the internet >i love the internet
uhhh no? that's literally the mark of the end times 1945 was the last chance of the german man to create a new world 1991 was the last chance of the slavic man to create a new world now it belongs to the PRC let's hope they do something with their chance
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many generations of soviet little girls were photographed
bugmen do not create, they steal and make shitty copies
if they steal and make a shitty copy of any ideology other than capitalism then that's fine by me
gonna sleep there better be no more posts since there'll be nobody to write them
you dont love the internet and yet you post on it. curious
you hate society yet you live in a society hmm
*forbids you from embedding video* zou vill open youtube zou vill watch the video zou vill give your id card https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=XqM0Tssks1E
lord knows america was a mistake
mp when
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ahhhhh , 1965, what a great year
ready for mp me
ready for mp too, me
give me 20 minutes and i'll be ready for mp.
we started without you, hope you dont mind
my application for shit to the government just got rejected. what a wonderful thing to wake up to.
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ah so funny so funny, except i have a job and this shits got nothing to do with having a job.
wasnt talking to you retard
yes yes i'm sure you weren't loser
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wow they love turks just like natalia
hello where is the mp?
didn't you hear that random faggot? its already begun somehow.
no he was obviously joking host when? with moddb version crimememod of coirse
you mean im meeting the same fate as nataliabro? oh no... i knew it would catch up to me one day.... if only we had been nicer to nataliabro....
>>1559 Hey. I am from /zoobdinteracialtotg/ - zoophiles wearing baby daipers while getting fucked by brown toddlers general, what is this place?
JK it's me xomybro hhahaha
no seriously where is mp i ran out of shitpost material already
someone just say 'up'
so what will we do with 3 players?
nu campaign
don't we have 4 people?
oh we do have 4 people nice
join the vpn
but its not the same 4 people as the on-going campaign
but there is no ongoing campaign
there is. stop coping pole
name one
grob germania - hungary - russia - spain
that's not a name nor is it peer reviewed
cope levels off the charts
just come. i can play for today only before new OS then you can get the other guy to substitute for me maybe
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this is all of you
why are you playing this tranny game again?
i still had the image saved
ugh imagine having a little girl smelling your beard
what should i make for lunch... i still feel sick from the brown people food i ate yesterday think i'll just drink milk to detoxify
i used up my last egg two days ago. so i'm left very little.
found some russian woman who kinda looks like nastya but i don't think i can type her name without entering a list
take a picture of you writing it on paper and post it
>>1999 no. the useless neets of big maybe, but me, i have a job.
no sorry you see she did some high level cyberpunk that shouldnt even be considered cyberpunk but thats enough to make me not want to type her name
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aichee peepee em
>>1970 so you gave them your dna your fingerprints let them take photos and videos from your face from every angle possible so that the facial recognition system can recognize you easily and all for nothing? hahahahaahahahahaha
uhh they just delete that stuff, dont worry
hryu hryu hryu
>>2005 loli semennaya?
i typed in лолита not лоли you fucking ameriniggers
i hate milf and dommy mommy fags so much, they are the midwits of testosterone levels not high t enough to be assertive and get a girl younger than you not low t enough to become a tranny or faggot that you can at least laugh at nope, just an iredeemable pathetic loser midwit
>>2015 it's loli semenina not semenaya
>>2011 i'll apply again, they refused me because i used expired identification.
nataliabros.... we've lost her..
why didn't he save her?
did she go unconscious from the shock or what
now that our post numbers have reached current day 2022 let us remember in what great and abundant times we live and how much better we have it than the poor oppressed people of the past... https://youtu.be/WeVcey0Ng-w who would want to eat something like this? they didn't even have doritos and sprite
love everthing made of grain potatoes are meh hate rice, corn and rest of the shit love pork cattle is meh bros... am i a settledfag?????
>>2023 stuff like this reminds me of this
yoy guys ever no
ever noticed that watching the news is an intelelctual thing now? not watching the news - ignorant dumbass wstching the news, resding newspaper - smart
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>bros... am i a settledfag????? yea haw
>accidentally presses reply button while typing >intelelctual and you are clearly an authority on this subject of intelelctualism xaxaxaxa
sorry i accidentally drooled on my screen while typing on my phone
>maintenance this weekend oh no they better noy
what sauce should i eat with onion rings?
ketchup from mcdonalds
mp wheb?
when the sun rises in the east and sets in the west
sorry but the sun never sets in the japanese empire so never
is there a more disgusting niggertier thing than adding chocolate to milk
do you even add chocolate to milk? me, i make hot cocoa sometimes by adding cocoa powder to milk. is nice
eating onion rings with cottage cheese
well you can melt chocolate in milk or you can add chemical powder both are niggertier
you were totally wrong about the tech schools lowering unciv reform costs even in vanilla they range from lowering 0% total (default tech school) to 30% total on commerce tech school most lower it by 15% now in crimememod it's 15% reduction for the normal tech school, 20-25% for the rest and 30% for the business one
but it adds up because the cucked jewish school techs give less bonuses to military reforms
>>1999 >made over 2h ago mp when mp when mp when
the other spain player had serious skill issues its 1844 and i have portugal in my sphere, took gibraltar and have 600k in the bank wonder what was his issue? maybe he didn't encourage bureaucrats, so he was poor for way longer. early game it was hard economically for me too
no shit he had skill issues, he had never played the game before
no i mean the one in our grobgermania mp, not the guy who had never played the game before
was his spain that bad?
idk if it was that bad, but he didn't even sphere portugal to me that's sicko
join ungern join
gg lad it was a worthy death
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bro you're retarded. the AI that took over your country won the war
winners never quit, quitters never win
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ugh what could have been
mp? im beyond that. im an sp-reactionary, if you will.
cope all you want but the truth is the ai won a war you lost. the AI!
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1849 italy
>>2061 cool
songs so cool they killed /big/
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another ragequitter. anglobull claims another victim
i didnt ragequit, im hungry so im going to get something to eat, i saw being cucked by the germans as a good time to stop.
how did he get into a war with the anglos
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turks still stand
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i think the ai is just better than you guys
i was the one who sent troops over there if i had played for a bit longer that would be me reoccupying denmark.
then why didn't you tell us to just take a break instead of going full nataliafag
back to mp decided i won't be taking liban yet
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didn't say to take a break because i didn't plan to play again once i got something to eat.
goddamn it why is my war still going on 4 years later.
i thought scandinavia was renamed to kalmar union?
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nice country bro
this is why the ai will never surpass me, i would never give up my prussian allies.
no you don't understand prussia installed monarchy in the UK, which means they became allies only 1 gp ally allowed, so prussia broke
wait so why am i being attacked?
the Uk attacked me you my loyal ally joined and died for my sins
ok so i still am better than the ai, because i would have just told you to go fuck yourself.
answer my question
the scandanavia kalmar union question?
make me kike
*makes you a kike*
it's kalmar union only if myou're absolutist
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look at this shit russia 10m in the bank 20% education and bureaucrat spending AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I HATE PARADOX AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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qing same thing
get a job at paradox and steal the source code they hire modders
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obligatory mp recap it's so comfy being allied to austria as italy bros
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love the single culture africa you can clearly see what and to what extent you're bleaching this province in erirtrea is 53% north italian and 24% south italian
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switzerland seems like a kino game
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the swiss wineries...
Come home white man.
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ugh bukkharan oil
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ahhhhh, europa
>11m pops >no finland embarassing. just embarassing. one word: embarassing
only 43 research points in 1893 imagine the nigger %
hryu hryu hryu noob don't you know that best strategy for greece is annex korea in 1836??? hryu hryu
felt the back of my neck itch, scratched it, and felt like some microscope thing penetrated my skin, maybe some spyware weird feeling
back up franz joseph serbia's our breathren same blood same religion same slavic complexion
funny you saved the image i posted here from the clipboard how do i know? the original was obviously a .jpeg, this is a .png
how long until "pigs and monkeys are the same as us" becomes mainstream? there is this term they have used since 1980's "specicist" i remember a video where a guy went around asking normies if they were specicist first reaction of everyone was to deny it with all their might, it ends with ist so it must be bad. quite funny video of mkultra analysis
remember toiletposter now that was an example for us all spamming faggots with toilets and fanfiction he was the truest bigger
a honorary bigger
cute polish accent
fuck bros stepped on a mango immersion ruined
never had a mango
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as a fruit it's shit but if you put it on actual prepared food like seaniggers it's pretty good
why did you post this image?
you vill not ask me why i posted zis image
no, but you will tell me anyway
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lol that's literally the slav guy you know those memes with polish flag and an ugly grug guy? that's him
i dont
never forget
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future is so bleak only hope is schizomode
how do i schizomode?
the future is so bright i don't need my eyes to see it
don't forget: The turkish people
was this recently posted here or have i seen it somewhere else?
johan sang it on vocaroo
tranny song
why tranny song
anime video makes it tranny
but that makes the video gay, not the song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUDioJV4bjE
love how balkan music is 100% the same as gypsy music
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ugh bros i'm in
so we can play 5 man minecraft mp now? with a different (hopefully better) modpack?
did you know a very recent copy of minecraft had an exploit where you could send code via server that would be executed by the receiving party, letting them do whatever they wanted? spyware, malware, killing your pc, deleting windows (if they're so kind), etc and it's a vulnerability microsoft introduced. how incompetent are they, really?
yeah, haha... how (((incompetent))) are they? haha... am i right guys? just like our politicians in handling the pandemic haha.... theyre just so incompetent.....
anyways yes we can play
now if we had 5 people ready to go that would be great
i think it is real incompetence. as in, hiring minimum wage workers from dravidistan and letting them be run by HR ladies and trannies
it always amazes me how shit all these computer programs are, bugs upon bugs, upon bugs and how the fuck? they're literally operating within an environment completely shaped by man, they're not bound by the laws of nature like when building real world things they programmers can make whatever they want, they're gods in their own environments, yet they still make broken crap
t.artisan buttblasted he has to follow the laws of nature
hate proper capitalization dont mean here or in texts, but when i see something in lower cases it just seems cool. rad and cool. feels casual and nice
terveisin, a millenial naming a restaurant in 2010s
https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/gt-new-horizons this is the modpack, installed exactly like the other modpack
What is GT New Horizons? You are looking at a big progressive kitchensink pack for Minecraft 1.7.10 balanced around the mod GregTech. Over 3 years of developement (and still going) have formed a balance and refinement that only a handful of packs can keep up with. We are talking about thousands of recipe tweaks, a massive questbook with custom reward system, unique world generation, custom mods coded for the pack, custom Thauminomicon pages, and many more. The main intentions of the pack are a long lasting experience and tying mods together in a progressive fashion, making it feel more like a single game than a compilation of mods thrown together. To reach this goal GT New Horizons is using the tiers (basically ages of technology) from GregTech and allocates content of other mods to a fitting point within the progression. Starting in the stone age you will barely be able to survive until you get your first steam machines and eventually reach electricity. Later on you will have to visit other planets and dimensions to gather important ressources and fight mighty bosses to channel their magical power.
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>Starting in the stone age you will barely be able to survive until you get your first steam machines and eventually reach electricity never hecking understood how anyone could survive before iphones and microwaves
pretty sure its an exaggeration
so mp when?
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heres one of those ashlander yurts i spoke about. comfy right? in morrowind when you kill the inhabitants of whatever building you can pretty much make it your home because now there wont be anyone mad about you taking things from chests etc. and you can store your own things. i could make this yurt my home if i wanted to, plenty of storage space. but i dont want to, youll see why later.
i can't play mp today and probably won't tomorrow. i have to sort out all this government bullshit.
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forgot pics
>Your main access will be through the Thauminomicon don't have a good feeling about this modpack at all.
i said in a post yesterday this is an older version of thaumcraft and this older version is drastically different. thaumcraft was changed for the worse so theres a good chance youll like the older version instead. and anyway, there are other magic mods in this modpack so youll probably find something you like.
yes goy, play this other version of the mod you hate, it's totally different
trying to install the mod but its saying error getting fles from the manifest so i'll just leave installing it to when i can play mp.
but it is totally different. trust the experts (me).
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what kind of wehicle and flag is this?
it's a south african "ratel" armored car idk what flag is that, look up sadf insignia if you're really curious
*blocks your path* say slavs strong kraut boy
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ahh back in balmora, after a long time. i have done what caius cosades asked of me - i advanced in the ranks and i gained skill and experience. my reputation score is even at 3. time to get my first set of orders from him. in other words time to start the main quest.
>>2172 see >>2171 he blocked your path dumbass you can't just go around it you imbecile
dont call me imbecile, thats my word
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why is ungern a nigger instead of some cool turkic race or maybe germanic race???
have you been paying attention at all? the dark elves are the turkic race.
turkic (istanbulite (syrian))
if dark elves are a turkic race then how come they're not white? turks are white
those are karaboga turks
they are not black / brown either so whats your point? they are gray
they're not hwite, that's all that matters
are dark elves in poopoowind also matriarchal like in every other fantasy world?
no why would they be matriarchal?
that's how it is in generic fantasy dark elves have strong women with many weak femboy husbands idk where this comes from but it's literally how it is in 99% of the rpgs i've played
now imagine if it were strong men with many weak femboy wives...
what's your obsession with femboys if you want women just fuck women if you want men fuck hairy turks hate midwits. can't settle for the most feminine thing, can't settle for the most masculine thing this is a joke post btw because i hate all faggots equally, i don't discriminate
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he cute
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women be like ^
germoids really make fun of anglo cooking and eat stuff like this
mmmm raw meat on some bread mouth is watering.....
this but unironically
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in return for valuable information on the secret cults, hasphat sent me to a dwemer ruin to retrieve some dwemer puzzle box. strange machinery in these dwemer ruins.... certainly my guy doesnt know what to make of it.
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from the looks of it the dwemer extracted power from lava. also found a telescope of some sorts in the ruins. and this dwemer ruin in particular was full of dwemer ghosts. dont know if you can tell since its so dark but they are very hebrew looking.
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back in balmora i brought hasphat the puzzle box and in exchange i could ask my questions. the ashlanders believe a reborn Nerevar will unite the dunmer against the invaders and restore the ancient dark elven nation? huh. and the tribunal persecutes believers of this prophecy despite Nerevar being a hero and a saint? very interesting. i wonder why. sounds fishy, if i may put it so.
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yeah but why do you play as a nigger?
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im not. im playing as a dark elf. there is a nigger race in morrowind called "redguards", they look like africans but their theme is arabian. the real nigger races are the beast races, khajits and argonians. khajits are half man half cat and argonians are half man half lizard. those are the niggers. and they are being traded as slaves by the telvanni. remember pic related?
imagine being the slave of elven niggers... bet they're using some dark sorcery to prevent that proud khajit warrior from killing himself
manliest warrior from the firearms age
>no i am not a nigger. the true niggers are those congolese. i am a proud ethiopian
dark elves arent the elven niggers, idiot. orcs are. from an in-game book "the true nature of orcs": Orcs were born during the latter days of the Dawn Era. History has mislabeled them beastfolk, related to the goblin races, but the Orcs are actually the children of Trinimac, strongest of the Altmeri ancestor spirits. When Trinimac was eaten by the Daedroth Prince Boethiah, and transformed in that foul god's insides, the Orcs were transformed as well. The ancient name for the Orcs is 'Orsimer,' which means 'The Pariah Folk.' They now follow Malauch, the remains of Trinimac. Who is Malauch? He is more commonly know as the Daedroth Prince Malacath, 'whose sphere is the patronage of the spurned and ostracized, the sworn oath, and the bloody curse.' He is not technically a Daedra Lord, nor do the other Daedra recognize him as such, but this is fitting for his sphere. Of old he was Trinimac, the champion of the High Elven pantheon, in some places more popular than Auri-El, who protected them against enemies without and within. When Trinimac and his followers attempted to halt the Velothi dissident movement, Boethiah ate him. Trinimac's body and spirit were corrupted, and he emerged as Malacath. His followers were likewise changed for the worse. Despised by everyone, especially the inviolate Auri-El, they quickly fled to the northern wastes, near Saarthal. They fought Nords and Chimer for a place in the world, but did not get much. In Skyrim, Malacath is called Orkey, or Old Knocker, and his battles with Ysmir are legendary.
i hate fantasy lore / world building so much
>they now follow malauch they are green though
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why? morrowind lore is good because it was written by a mentally ill junkie.
im pretty sure that's urban legend/publicity stunt maybe both and kirkbride is fairly sane, if a bit of an arrogant faggot
>giving yourself schizophrenia on purpose do junkies and christcucks really?
nice painting in the back >i hate fantasy lore / world building so much you just hate everything we probably could made full thread just from the posts starting with i hate >they are green though yes?
yes i hate you too btw
i just don't see the appeal in lore, especially nonsensical fantasy stuff with no narrative value do you have to be an escapism-obsessed tranny to get it i don't know elder scrolls has such shitty shallow gameplay and quests with no options, why should i care about the svope or the fact that there are 500 badly written books about the pointless lore i can read in the game it's like the historical flavor mod of rpgs
>nice painting in the back what did he mean by this?
>yes i hate you too btw
wasnt paradox making a fantasy gsg
>elder scrolls has such shitty shallow gameplay and quests with no options, why should i care about the svope or the fact that there are 500 badly written books about the pointless lore i can read in the game it's like the historical flavor mod of rpgs you do have a point, a lot of people end up more invested in all that fluff than in actual gameplay, despite bethesda shitting on them with every game they release what's hpm of rpgs?
they were and but so far they haven't officially announced it
i imagine they will just copy dominions 5 but make every new faction paid dlc like total war warhammer
hpm of rpgs? as far as that aspect of getting worse and worse with every iteration goes then the witcher series fits
the actual problem with fantasy world building is that you need to understand the real world if you want to make a different one for example, if you are bluepilled and make all your fantasy races have the same intelligence and perfect strengths/weaknesses so that they are balanced and they are all 'equal' or if you create empires that have lasted thousands of years but there is no decay or decadence because you the author think civilisation is great and abundance and peace are great and war is bad, well then obviously your world will be a shit charicature of a believable world
what did you just say??? ill let you know high beavers very strong
for me, it's otters
are you the spammer in grandiland??? the one kraut who spams it???
i am a kraut but i don't post there, though i checked the thread just now and downloaded the pictures, they are very cute
your people are fucked up
the otterspammer is an american the german filename picturespammer is a kraut that posted on big for a while and thank god he left
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so you are the one posting femboys? why are you gay?
no you see i do it ironically. you wouldnt get it
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my favorite meme about the TES universe is the "transmute ore" spell you can transform iron into gold with little effort a character with 0 skills invested in magic can immediately cast it once studied and in skyrim you can find the spell being used by a group of bandits, meaning it doesn't require any mastery in magic to be cast the economic impact of such a spell and its potential effect on the continent's gold-cool currency is completely ignored
>b.ased is filtered into "cool" so fucking sicko doesn't even take into consideration the fact that this word can be used normally fucking redditor bossnigger
ok fine fine i'll just leave the sicko one on btw maybe the currency isn't epic on gold, ever thought of that?
plant-cool meat
new thread when
we're losing the race at the very top to be the most sicko board... my competitive spirit is roused
land, liberty, labour in big... the colonial migration from vore1, 2 and 3
since furries are all german then surely vorists are all americans, right????
>>2232 god i hate trannies
also >british empire >french empire >italian empire what could have been... if only ungern didnt get unlucky
got some relatives i haven't talked to in a while found some of them on normiebook and thought about adding them then i realized, they can do the same too right? if they missed me or anything they could simply type my name, or use mutual contacts to find me but they don't. clearly they don't care enough to bother, right? we haven't talked for years but not a single one of them felt the need to, even though they could. so why would i bother? wonder if my reasoning is legit or if im overthinking like an autist again
no, you're definitely not overthinking it. i've heard the same argument even from perfectly well adjusted successful men but really you have to ask yourself, why not? why wouldn't you contact them? people get caught up in their waging routine and often forget about their further family and friends contact them and if they really don't want to have anything to do with you at least you'll know for sure what kind of niggers they are. does it cost you anything other than effort?
>what could have been... if only ungern didnt get unlucky what does ungern have to do with britain?
idk. all my family members, even distant ones, had me on facebook before i deleted mine. don't remember adding a single one then again, when did you last get in touch with them? hard to care about someone you never see
ungern was gonna restore absolutist monarchies in all of evropa, at least that's what i fantasize about maybe put a cool turk general in charge of the UK
need to go hunting i think been feeling this urge to fucking stab people when they do sicko things violent urges had gone away but now they're returning, except now they're different. before they were more curious and innocent, what would happen if i did x right now i wonder now they're just violent. seeing this new generation being ruined by goyim parents/ultra degenerates, holy fuck. how it angers me. the cyberinos....
*sits for 3 hours in a hunting blind* *shoots a squirrel with an iwi gun* ahhhhhh, all this violence got me in a blood rush
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>>2250 damn youre a fag
speaking of things we hate, for me it's >i find this 17 year old girl with big tits attractive >i'm such a pedo lmao xd
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>>2250 t.bobocat
jesus christ, we have a guy on big that mindlessly regurgitates forced steamgroup memes? bet you don't even know who bobocrunch is
forced tired memes: i sleep my fist in your face memes: i wake i sleep i wake meme: schizo mode evil eye ascended awakening
>Research points are luck based since the thing to get them are inventions not reaearching the tech itself. Basically if you research Idealism, you'll need to wait for the inventions to be discovered to get the rpoints. ahahahahahahahahahahahaxaxaxaxaxaxaxjajajajajajja
Who are you quoting?
some goy in gsg talking about the hpm-based divergences of darkness
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I made $300.05 sucking dick this weekend alone. When my wife asked me which one paid a nickel, I said, "All of them."
someone post the /biz/ secret to become a millionaire
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not sure i like the changes to nigger populations they turn every colony into an easily-bleachable rhodesia
if you dont want to easily bleach it then - I DONT KNOOOOOOOW - MAYBE DONT HAVE THE TRANSPORTATION REFORM???????????????????????????????
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the mages guild denies me their teleportation services now, i swear one day ill slaughter every single one of them... one day....
but that makes it unrealistic i want to have niggers breed like niggers. if settling colonies was this easy everyone would have done it
it was that easy whitey just wanted cheap black labour just like in the southern US
maybe - just maybe - dont use the transportation reform? just maybe. just a thought.
why not, countries used it and it's not like it's particularly powerful. slowing down industrialization and letting the rgos get full is incredibly powerful, i tested it as netherlands maybe, just maybe bring the nigger populations back to their historical values instead of keeping 1836 populations in 1880
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bingo bongo bango
i'm not bringing nigger population back because the economy crash when africa got colonized was terrible all farmers around the world just lost their job you could say it pushes industrialization but it's not fun
business idea: tribal poptype that exists in africa makes up around 50% of each province population, consumes no goods, produces no goods, just sits around eating bananas all day and bringing your officer % down maybe giving uncivs a conscription bonus because having professional soldiers in tribal societies is retarded
funny how this game proves that niggers are unproductive
yes it's a good idea but i can't be bothered to add it
how about you go add a new pop type tailor made for every of the hundreds of african provinces?????
just make a script that adds a new pop to each african province with the size equal to the preexisting farmer/labourer pop shouldn't be too hard for a veteran hentaidev
how about we finally make that steambonk fantasy mod and africa is weakened and ravaged by monsters and shit because it's the only continent where they weren't hunted to extinction ugh imagine the dragon safaris......
/big/ fork of NEOVICTORIA... ugh...
don't mean the gay cyberpunk one, i mean the cool retro steambonk gothic fantasy one where you can have vampires as the kike equivalent subverting countries to turn them into their personal cattle farms, until only the werewolves of the unvlaimed hohol forests, the witch hunters of the church and the prussian diesel mechs are left to oppose them in an epic alternate world war UGH
shadow over innsbruck: a crimeamod story
that sounds cool and all but cyberpunk is better because we can abbreviate the mod to a really funny name
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of course i understand forced steamgroup memes i am in one
ukrainians and russians love avatarfagging nataliafag loves avatarfagging wow, maybe he really is a trans-russian
am i really in a steamgruppe meme or did you edit it
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god i love this kind of interface so much reminds me of me playing newgrounds games in like 2008 where the desktops were using windows 98 or something even though me i never had a windows 98
wait just realized i'm downloading a victoria 2 which is .exe how fucking sicko can't find the good zipped version for some reason
just use the /gsg/ archive oh wait, grandi reported it
ah there it is there it is it's Victoria II not Victoria 2 learn the difference
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it's not cuckholding, it's adoption you literally take away future criminals from the streets by doing it!
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it's edited
reminds me of how common it is for adopted kids to try to murder their """'parents"""" read this story in brazil where the adopted kid paid a brown guy 1000 reais (200 dollars) to kill his parents. the guy managed to kill one but got caught and the adopted child was linked parents were white adopted child was brown they deserved it
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>NOTHING no i cant do it because i will starve
what is the difference between being 1 year in an empty, souless environment and becoming a successful businessman? as a businessman you can't just leave after 1 year
>conquer Tunisia and Algeria, westernize, acquire Chinese and African soldiers, ally with Germany, chip away core states from Britain and France until you have #1 industry, dismantle them when the CB unlocks, savescum as needed there's a great campaign shaping up in vgsg for all you greek korea lovers
you forgot the best part encouraging liberal loyalty
perfect environment to pursue my passion
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what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck
epic gives me hope imagine the epic btfoing by russia and china
uwu notice me israel-sama *bombs palestinian village in your way*
a pentagram as symbol of course hail satan
yes, just like the soviet (jewish (talmudic (kabalistic (babylonian)))) military
>I think the son supports the Nazis. And the dad tells him the US and Nazi Germany were the same ("Babylon wages war on Babylon") and that it wasn't a war but he doesn't deny the massacre. Babylon represents an unholy city or nation, and they are both Babylons. >In the last part, "their merchants did trade" is very vague but it might mean that they (the Nazis) trade something, perhaps some evil, some actual commodities, or the scientists from the next line with the US. The serpent's propaganda refers to US propaganda that convinces it's citizens that it's a force of righteousness and the greatest country in the world. The scientists definitely refer to Nazi scientists who came to work for the US government or a few corporations with new identities. >It also says we ask where the bodies of the Nazi's victims are, but we don't ask where the bodies of America's victims are. >This is not my personal opinion, just my interpretation of this, although some parts of it really creeped me out because they're eerily true. why are redditors so clueless?
why are you using reddit? are you redditor? you gulp soy? gulp gulp i don't have wife so i'll grow mantits to fondle
i was looking for the video
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>Some companies that are or have been involved with Wine development are Bordeaux, TransGaming frogs and trannies.... epic
oh nevermind it's not at all related to trannies
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epic co-founder though
you got a problem with jewish genius, chud?
n-no master
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man-made horrors beyond your comprehension
>slightly different odor lmao
america? notice the ethnicity of all the people in that webm
we're gonna have to return to hamachi btw because discordvpn isn't available in linux and so hamachi just seems easier
name what ethnicity americans are when you say americans i think jews, south italians, latinos
when i hear american i think anglo mixed with irish, polish, italian, german and swedish jews keep to themselves, or at least kept
saw some american saying jew york is full of half-jews half-chinks and jews marrying chinks disgusting. can't believe my people are doing that maybe ashkenazi are fake jews, too much g*rman blood
ball tax?
yeah, CEO of trans gaming
ok so when are we starting the minecraft mp?
a single (1) electricity cable in my neighborhood collapsed from the snow... there were 5 now half my house is without electricity and i saw many folk from other houses around mine going outside to see what happened made me realize how efficient this razor-drone minecraft idea could be, especially in shitholistans with poor/exposed infrastructure. get a drone (pay with cash), install an improvised power saw below (entry level drones can carry 1kg) and a camera, hide behind 10 proxies and then play minecraft you could easily disrupt a massive minecraft server with impunity
think you underestimate how tough electric wires are. you'd need powered shears, not not a powered saw i think better option are rc planes with a rigid-mounted blade
yes didn't i tell you about this duststorm minecraft mod the admin installed, and that as a result many people went for 1 week without electricity, with some places going for almost 1 month a duststorm. that's all
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>how tough electric wires are they collapsed from pic related. just a few grams of snow
jesus, you really live in a shithole speaking of jesus, anyone want to argue with a muslim-to-christian convert on 4channel? kinda got in a very interesting conversation i unfortunately don't have time for https://boards.4channel.org/tv/thread/162822143#p162824087
>arguing with a brown person new low for you
i argue with you on the regular
funny how sudacas are always so delusional about their blackness
>so you fail to form a doctrinal rebuttal start blaspheming what the word of God declared like a good follower of a marauding pedophile over the sinless son of God. there's nothing left to say to you, you might have missed your visitation and will not be able to say God didn't send for you because you can't not love your marauding pedophile and that's exactly who you will be joining in the sides of the pit where worms never die and the fire is never quenched :(
noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo not pedophilia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! see, thats why you don't argue with brown people. every white man knows the truth
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yeah ok pedo, go fuck some 6 year olds
i wish
ugh imagine the steamy gay sex pedro will make to you in sudaca prison
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have you been suffering from add and adhd? worry no more as have come with the treatment overnight delivery within USA we ship world wide with product packaging done discreetly get to us now and place your order http://hztsln4fi3udznlinmxnbwdey6lbehn4sinqa6ltbu4crxgqnlzdqoid.onion/
someone on gsg is asking what country to pick for peak experience in crimeamod are there even any countries like that?
Ummm I think there is a typo in your adhd medication website because it didnt work...
recommend me good yellow cheese i had mozzarella just now and i am looking for something more spicy
spicy? gouda is quite spicy
good cheese for what? they all have different uses for putting on sandwiches i like edam, sometimes swiss for eating cold as a side they're all fair game, i particularly like camembert of course there's uses in meals like parmaggiano, pecorino, mozarella, etc.
i also had gouda recently, i think will grab local mountain cheese >good cheese for what? for yellow and spice mostly for eating cold as a side thoughts on goat milk? i drank it few times, including yesterday. its more salty and fat than cow milk, it also has characteristic light odour. it aint bad, but i think i prefer cow milk.
apparently meinkraft runs several times faster on linux. funny everything seems to run faster on linux. it also rarely suffers from disk fragmentation which is a pretty big issue in windows just so weird. unzipping files is 10x faster too
so, what is der mod and what minecraft version should i use?
hpm v.
>>2345 dogshit website no prices listed, no built-in shop, nothing only some dogshit reddit paragraphs about shit i don't care and your email do you really think im gonna send you an email? also love the "100% safe guaranteed" png on the bottom. wow now i know you can be trusted. previously i had my doubts about sending an email to some pajeet from his broken deepweb site, but now that i saw that mspaint .png that says "100% guaranteed" i know it's the real thing
why did you even open this random scammers site? are you retarded first off, he sells jewish pills second, that's it really
lol there's a spider walking in my bed right now
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big more like vore4
m-master your family guy funny moments part 8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3RasXRC5454
Back when both of these shows were good.
how is it good? i posted it because of how painfully unfunny it is
what, were you sharing a youtube comment? makes more sense now. the upper casing and period at the end made me think you were a newfag from adult baby dieper love or something
You got a problem with Adult Baby Diaper Love?
until i am out of ammo or until i am out of blood i will fight for diaper love but only if both parties are above 18 years old
wtf, spider just paradropped on my computer. left a string of web on top
>spider descends slowly using its web as spiders do >shut-in who has never been outside is so perplexed when he sees it he has to post about it on /big/
no i said it because it was cool
lol animals like sleeping on the road too, because it's warm
which one of you keeps pausing my youtube videos?
another powerline just exploded ughhhh
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i thought stallman invented linux https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SP-gN1zoI28
it was a finn
Wonderful Bro... Love From Chechnia
kinda amazing
suck me in turkish
actually oops it's the other way around. confused me langague
please don't let big devolve into trannyposting i know they deserve to be ridiculed but any trannypost brings us closer to posting an image of their manmade wounds
reality scares you???
trannies are not real, they exist only on the internet and in the mythical land of america
that's because you haven't trained your tranny-radar well the t-virus is out there...
1 - no 2 - yes 1d2 = 2
i had weirdest dream tonight, about cooking small green parrots alive in the oven. they all were moving their heads all the time, despite the fact that one was ripped in half. later I ate one and let other one out, it drank some water. what a werid dream. no, iam not brazilian.
>In the West, dreams involving parrots usually symbolize gossip or mirroring. Blue parrots may translate to sadness, while green parrots reflect your childhood. maybe it's your subconcious telling you to stop being a child lusting after dommy mommys and instead become a functions adult cyberpunker
there are some ~12 year olds in the bus talking about how they should stop using discord because it steals their data faith in humanity: restored
anyone got the video of boris johnson dancing with a fat negress? i saw it once but didnt save it because i thought its fake.
>slavic ukrainian pig video pig is jumping around, funny music plays, it dunks on ukrainian pigs in very upbeat fashion >german polish pig video starts with ACHTUNG, siren is wailing, pig is just standing sadly in the corner while robot voice is reading german announcement being german must be so sad and painful i feel a little bad for them
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minecraft today?
толка так победим толка так победим
hello, say something so i can plan my free time
>google about a soil scientist from 1950 >find pages upon pages about air jordans because his name when abbreviated is similar >try expanding the search terms >no results match the inputted search terms >yandex about same soil scientist >instantly find what i want yeaaaaah fuck google. thought they'd show better results for english researches but apparently not. what a joke. air jordans. fucking
lol thia agro book cites Spengler's De Untergang des Abendlandes based frof
can you repeat that with less typos please
basically the frog says that the use of artificial fertilizers is the modern form of colonization, now that there is no more lands to unchart you can now produce 50 yards of wheat/ha when previously you could only produce 10, meaning you effectively colonized 4 ha of land
ok the english name is not yard but whatever
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why are you posting in gsg
>flag at top left does not match flag on popups lmao gotefag more like shitmodder
call him by his real name, geejunk
big is officially dead
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what makes it official?
what was the cause of death?
epic cgi
it's official only once the statement is peer-reviewed by at least 6 independent ashkenazi intellectuals
just got back from a run, when we playing minecraft mp?
start the server i'll be right there
i need to download the modpack first.
what modpack is it got so much shit to do today, please spoonfeed
i can't go borderless on this mod for some reason.
what seed should i make the world?
what the fuck is this music?
god god god god god aaaaaa
i've made the seed Brazil 2.0 and the name Into The Biggosphere.
just turn the music off
the music stopped when i started creating the world. and the music was just a guy suddenly starting to sing when i started typing the seed.
i've joined the vpn. port is 62014
use hamachi use hamachi can't use vpn on linux
-____- i don't have hamachi.
do i need to make an account for this shit. it says i need to sign up or log in to continue.
you do not on linux though ))
whats the network
got my account give the network name and password
make a new network, because limit is 5 people
i've made a new network called 'biguberalles3' password 'grandi'
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ugh hello lads
are we just 3 or what
we might just be 2 if the linux sudaca can't join.
just finished installing modpack
have gone through the additional download?
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holy bloat
wait till you play, it lags like shit with all the menus.
i dont know how this modpack is at all, like i said ive never played it. and it wasnt made by someone from 4chan either - like the previous modpack. if it turns out to be shit i dont have any other ideas. at that point we could either go back to the modpack we played previously (remember, it was only 1 guy's mental breakdown that lead to us cancelling it) or we resort to popular hpm-tier modpacks. or maybe you know something.
>1 guy's mental breakdown fuck you you nigger
i will not apologise for speaking the truth
no you'll just keep spitting lies.
say when up
it has been up for all this time >>2430 >>2430 >>2430
>sicko music >literal discord on opening screen hahahaahahahahahahahaa
how to you log in mp direct connect again? ip:port? i'm stuck on "logging in'' after entering it
you put in the ip then the port
you see i can see all these official servers and try joining them, although they tell me i don't have an official minecraft account and thus refuse me but for your server i'm just stuck on logging in can you see me on hamachi? is host immy?
i am immy hosting it and i can see you(user) on hamachi
can you ping me?
this is what im getting Reply from bytes=32 time=312ms TTL=64
and it just said "Request timed out."
can't see your server for some reason i'll try hosting, tell me if you guys can see mine
cant see it. just say port
wait its not up yet
jesus this mod is so fucking heavy
port 46243
nevermind game crashed. think i didnt give it enough memory
"Modpack Ram requirements minimum 3GB better 4 GB"
how do you set memory for a specific application? i remember thst being a thing you need to set. as in for the specific modack
i changed the memory in the launcher.
poland is building a wall doing what trump couldn't...
arent you using multimc? you can do it in the settings under java
whats the point of a wall if the gates are open
yeah i did that but i thought each specific mod maybe had their special settings
i dont use multimc.
does this mod load much faster the last or what? last one took 10 mins
takes about the same time to load than the last one.
guess linux loads stuff like 5x faster then
if you dont use multimc and it crashes then maybe you installed something wrong
i the host said i don't use multimc. i thought you were talking to me.
god trannycraft is so retarded. mipmap level is a slider but if you move it at all the game freezes and loads the changes meaning it's useless as a slider since you can't go from 4 to 1 smoothly
this is minecraft 1.7, before microjew, therefore how can you call it trannycraft?
it sucks still
it was made by a swede, that's tranny enough
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b50urGIqemA gonna have snack be back in 10. hope this is all sorted then.
open to lan port , fuck, it dissapeared. stupid shit open to lan port 35725
you joined but left. must be firewall issue then?
well my firewall is turned off.
yeah i mean mine idk how to turn off firewall, i'll find out how
try hosting again, maybe i'll see it now
up, port is 59007
said you left the game
yeah idk what the issue is i think we need an actual server i give up i'll go do some shit now
it is already the end even when it has not yet begun. truly saddening
i think i might play a bit of the modpack myself to see if i like it.
we dont need an actual server, i joined when immy hosted and it worked. you just have to do something to make it work with your linux meme
you see it's basically the same problem i had on windows. network related. idk how to fix it
then why does vicky mp work but this doesnt?
because this one connects to microsoft. that's what makes it different every other lan is direct connection between user and host, this one has a middleman, microsoft
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can you start posting obscure pics of zeppelins instead of tanks please? thanks
but i know nothing about flying machines lighter than air while tanks are my forte
your mom is fat
guys hear me out i got these online classes i need to watch for about 7 days for a government thing it's 4h a day for 7 days, the guy giving the class is pitch black and is incapable of human speech the content is simple, if sudacas can pass then so can an aryan like me now, the program requires you to take 2 photos of yourself about every 3 minutes, it's on your phone btw. it literally pops up and asks for you to take a photo of yourself, sometimes it doesn't ask what can i do on my computer that doesn't require much immersion for 4h a day for 7 weeks while paying mild attention to what this guy is """saying""" what is the perfect split attention thing to do
read something
reading requires immersion though well i'll try
play df or any turn based strategy, like heroes or older civs but reading is probably better choice
jack off
watch a goy4 stream
*watches 1 goy4 stream per day for 1 week* guys... i found myself... my true self
read a forum or a technical textbook
remember playing a hoi3 mod where german units were just superior not for technology, equipment or experience, they were just superior mod developer said that it is impossible to model their performance otherwise will gsg always suck until race is added??
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ugh... der deutsche panzer...
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smaller version of the file, shouldn't have posted from clipboard
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many parrots today. like a shitload of parrots did the guy who dream of them sPw them into existance? what bullshit. there was a flock of them, then 2 landed on a tree. i watched them for 1 min, whipped out phone and the moment i started filming they flew away
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at least my friend alex is here
me i saw a baby falcon in my yard recently now that's a proper bird, a falcon, none of that rainbow-gay parrot trite
yeah a proper bird, a baby. now thats a bird. peak predator
literally the hope of the future
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ahhhhhh, evropa...
god god god god i hate people who do that GOD GOD GOD GOD GOD GOD GOD GOD GOD AAAAAAAA
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old version of HFM >Ok the more I look at other nations, the more I feel like I dont have the newest version of HFM... Im not sure what version I have, I just copied it over from my old PC once...
maybe it's danubian federation
>>2520 do what?
become 95% african
>watches one goy4 stream >my government mandated photo looks like this >get a pay raise
fag (is this 1m or 1h)
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epic pink map
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cisplatina reclaimed
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ugh... my coal state
>>2527 i want to suck trap dick so much it's unreal...
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nice boom what are your further plans are you going to get all of the italian cores? blob into france or balkans?
god fuck off faggot
/xo- i mean /big/ has always been pro-lgbtqia2s+++ inclusive you bigot
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my further plans are to settle me colonies, particularly madagaskar maybe i'll dismantle austria once the cb becomes available and form yugoslavia maybe i'll take the fertile crescent and settle it with italians, maybe
holy epic turks holy epic turks holy epic turks holy epic turks
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speaking of epicness
steamers look pretty profitable too
why would you subsidise everything
why not? i'm not paying a cent in subsidies anyway
then you have no reason to use it ))
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>number 1 industry wtf
he could be making the holy land italian, but instead he is making some random jungle even greener
starting to sleep late 2am or so feels so weird
movie night friday? kurosawa maybe
big is dead. it just is dead. no discussions, nobody talking about anything just gone. dead. big more like dead. murdered. don't let it die bros what's wrong with you actually just realized today has had like 200 posts so i don't know what i'm talking about felt like 20
a post so shit it killed big
a post so shit it killed big
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsaopM1uyLg whats with this shit. feels uncanny. it's just weird, blurry, too fast, no impact
cant get over how wakanda is a thing
1 - no 2 - yes 1d2 = 2
-____- am i fated?
just took my 6th dose this is the sticker they gave me 🤓
love them so much it's unreal love them more by the day even their ears are cute.
my life goal is to get one. i will build everything from now on around this plan
what the fuck is this fucking board is this another of that schizo guy's pet projects that'll disappear in a week?
house is fully out of electricity now so fucking bored bigbros. soon even my phone will run out of battery...
you will still be able to communicate with us schizotelepathically by having us live rent-free in your brain
think about it, what if our hivemind gets so strong that we can perfectly predict what everyone else on big is going to say instead of one thread on some russian crossdressing site or an american interracial diaperplay image board, we could have like 8 threads going simultaneously, one in every bigger's head
do you not have a petrol generator?????
>inch of snow paralyses greek society https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHAy5fJp9oc
so much for global warming
the poles are shifting im telling you
the poles are shifting and the magnetism is making us subservient, that's why the jews have until 2030 to finish their great reset
what about poles
>>2569 >>2568 wat you sae about polan materfak???
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*shifts west*
based stalin fixed all ethnic conflicts in eastern europe so that we could all happily unite under one rule too bad it wont be the one rule he wished
bros if only ungern was more charismatic.... the red cavalry really was the last hurrah of cavalry forces in the world. the largest, most effective, full of legendary commanders if only ungern had managed to bring a few of these commanders with him when he left for mongolia. if only. but nooo, i bet he was more interested in talking about how he sees patterns in geometric shapes rather than how cool mares are and how there needs to be change
a kraut among slavs, of course he failed
kinda crazy how yemen is more populous than the KMT maybe arabs will rule the scraps of the new world think about it chinks in splendid isolation whites not breeding arabs breeding like rabbits indians and africans too incompetent to do anything only issue is arabs racemix with anything that appears in front of them which means that these modern arabs soon will be 30% bedouin 10% black 60% indian, ruining their chance of ruling the world i guess it really will be up to china... just surviving in isolation, a greenhouse in the apocalypse
>30 million people >Thirty-four percent of Yemen’s land is classified as agricultural, but the vast majority of this land is pasture and range land. Only 3% of the total land is arable, and less than half of that (roughly 1.5 million hectares) is actually cultivated. what do they eat?
absolute state of gsg
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forgot pic
modern agriculture is insane as long as you're not a complete nigger you can support insane populations with little land you don't even need to go full grain like jews want you to, because the world is full of lands not really suitable for agriculture without massive investments which are, on the other hand, perfectly fit for grazing a meme country like brazil could easily feed the world with euro levels of producitivity
>plays grandimod derivative >plays a brown country no less >is redditor what a surprise
>a meme country like brazil could easily feed the world with euro levels of producitivity with or without cutting down the amazon rainforest?
i actually told him to play tripoli he was a cocky nigger posting a smug picture saying he'll play any country and make it the number 1 industrial power in all honesty i should have said cherkassia, russia wouldn't give up as easily as the turks
rainforest land is worthless, only fit for grazing know this brown guy, my family worked with him for a while, but gave up eventually because he's incompetent, but basically he has 100000 hectares of land. that's right, one hundred thousand. 100000 x 10000 m2 he named the regions of his farm after countries. here's belgium, here's paraguay, etc. too bad the land sucks, all workers are brown and you need to keep 50% of the area as forest reservations (but it's more like 90% is forest reservations in that place because it just has too much land) to make the land productive for anything other than grazing the money he must spend on chemicals is insane
wouldn't he be interested in donating some of that land for a /big/ colony?
why would he donate it. you can just go invade it and live there, and brazil has homesteading laws so it'd become yours if he can't find you in 10 years
t. mao groupie
>>2583 how did he even win as tripoli? surely he got a gp ally but is that even possible without cheating? gps never want to ally uncivs
he savescummed for an early oriental crisis
ah ok weird how people like doing this what is the point of playing a small country if they'll all play the same? greece, tripoli, armenia, scandinavia, they all play them the same colonize 90% of africa (including of course nigeria, which you annex in 1850), part of china and maybe the east indies why not play a gp then? gp games are all different
because cultures are just skin-deep doesn't hurt how niggers pay as much taxes as europeans and extra shithole states mean more naval bases, so to build a big navy you need a high pop and a lot of shitty islands
i don't get how you can play vic2 and not develop a fetish for settler colonies
children are asexual you disgusting pedo >Children of all ages will masturbate >If they are under 5 years old, they may not pay attention to the need for privacy and do it publically https://inf.news/en/baby/c2fe04a52c9293e4dcd6b61211b3680c.html >Teach children coping skills. Some children may turn to self-pleasing behaviors and therefore use masturbation as a means of coping or relieving stress. At this time, parents should teach children how to use emotions to convey their feelings and let them know that as long as they can speak, they will not be harmed. lol, fuck modern society man
ok paedo
>Children of all ages will masturbate wtf
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>crimeatranny doesn't understand that removing cultures won't make his mod run any faster
remember johan saying that the reason bureaucrats are in state capital only is because having them be in every province would lower performance by a lot only thing stopping crimememod from zooming at light speed is american assimilation and colonial intermigration
>lowering total amount of pops means a faster running game >and ukrainians deserved the merge, even if it wouldn't improve performance (it does) what you say about ukraina?
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hello where is the fez
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i lost that image sadly
i remember a review on hpm moddb, 1/10 it was by a turk complaining that he added a scripted genocide that didn't happen and how he added far too many armenian pops to anatolia
here is the review: Realy bad and sided. Certainly not unbiased. If you like things that look absolutely fantastic. You must add zombies and aliens in the next version. Even zombies and sorcerers have committed genocide to each other, I think. I hope soon to add an event to the flowers of black Europeans. So much so unbiased.
>This mod lets me expell all the smelly turks from Ellada so that no one can remind me i'm 25% turkish.
johan will you do a royal court review?
Royal Court is NOT worth it
i better see that you have the Royal Court DLC purchased in your steam or i'll report you to greek authorities
>don't forget that this ukrainian "nation" folded instantly to the soviet union with very little resistance, meanwhile even places like finland and the baltic states fought tooth and nail almost like does this make poles german?
poles fought, they just got btfo'd
but the czechs didn't its decided then, time to add a decision for gcf to accept czechs
06 no i don't play cuck kings 3 consult https://youtu.be/45O3WvUagZc to see why kinda looking forward for the v3 release to be honest, might stream the disaster live on that day
https://boards.4channel.org/vst/thread/902301#p930223 what the fuck did he mean by this? is he calling me an AI?
i think he's saying it's not impressive because even if italy was AI controlled, the literacy would still be similar due to AI prioritizing education and clergy which is complete bullshit, but 90% of /vst/ only larps about being victoria 2 players so whatever
czechs dominated germans for 500 years and then got dominated by germans for 500 years they are germans
that's bullshit, the post wasn't me. the post by me was the one talking about epic turks blobbing
i know, retard but you did use my image and i'm scratching my head what did that guy mean
dead or refresh button broke
>2hrs with no posts >big is dead wow
good to know it's prime posting time
yeah big is dying hope it's a sign lads are busy with life
only thinking about my you-know-who can save me during these troubling times
grandi? yeah i too get warmed up inside by my hatred for him
no not grandi. my you-know-who.
you think about your willie to feel better? kinda gay
no. my aunt. there, i said it.
every day i hate the german people more and more you know, despite most of my ancestors being german, my male line is russian. so i guess ill just perfect my russian, start identifying as russian, and get the fuck out of here some day.
whats wrong with germans?
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pic related for starters
all i see are based accelerationists and retarded saxons
vooting is a meme anyway
me i'll start working towards my newfound lifegoal i need: a car a fake house to trick gangstalkers a hidden bunker in the wild (my humble abode) rope sedatives food stockpiled for 1 year plan is, kidnap a you know what. the method depends. maybe i'll kill the mother after getting close to her, maybe i'll steal a random one from streets, need to think further about the method. this is by far the hardest part. need to do this and get away, this is why the hidden bunker is necessary then i need about 1 year to build mutual trust and hide from authorities, hopefully in an enclosed environment after that it's paradise, although of course i'll be forced to isolate myself from society, which is why i'll need to construct an independent income source to complement my hoard
you don't have a car?
another thing, can't traumatize her. it needs to be perfectly well planned and executed. at most a little trauma, otherwise the mutual trust building part will be way harder, not to say it can't be done
imagine not having a car
time to leave big forever im thinking
bon voyage
you see, i never had dreams before. my dreams were too big, not things a single man could accomplish, so they were so unrealistic i could never work towards them now this, i can realistically accomplish. it will be hard, but it is possible
>>2640 >>2640 >>2640 >>2640 >>2640 DONT EVER use french on MY big again
fais-moi l'kike
Natalia Poklonskaya will not be Ambassador to Cape Verde On Wednesday, Natalya Vladimirovna told TASS that plans for her to take office were canceled due to personal circumstances. “No, I don’t plan to,” said the agency’s interlocutor, answering a question about leaving for Cape Verde. “Why didn’t I take office? Personal circumstances have changed. I always said, I repeat: I want to be useful to our country. Therefore, I am ready for any a position where I will be useful to the state." The Russian Foreign Ministry confirmed this information to TASS. "Natalya Poklonskaya's personal circumstances have changed, and her departure as an ambassador to Cape Verde will not take place for these reasons," the ministry said. Natalya Poklonskaya also commented on the information circulated in anonymous Telegram channels that she received some privileges after being appointed to a diplomatic post. "Answering the questions of some bloggers who consider themselves investigators of corruption scandals about my "unreasonable" use of the status of an ambassador without starting to fulfill my duties, I mean receiving a salary, length of diplomatic service, the status of my position, security, car, I will say, that all these worries are in vain, I do not use it, because the above benefits are received after taking office in the prescribed manner.
tldr: Natalia Poklonskaya, after being found making an orgy in the Embassy's Dining Room before even starting her official duties, has sadly been relieved from the job
>Natalia Poklonskaya will not be Ambassador to Cape Verde > >obj a clever reference to how she's an object
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>>2649 i wish she was. i wish she was my fucktoy (if you catch my drift)
>socialism redditor spotted
oh right another thing that helps spot redditors >110 million in the bank
why would you want to fuck an old hag answer me, what future is there? you will go nowhere. even in the most perfect relation what family will you raise?
because of love, ever thought of that?
>love i see. german romanticism
whats so german about it? can you tell me that? have you ever stopped to think about your words? how can you explain this now?
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did grandi remove scandinavia too or just iberia as too unrealistic?
just iberia
scandinavia should be in game, formable by decade-long event chain (maybe not that long, but gradual,with three or four stages) hate spanish republic flag, it's gay as fuck
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wtf why are you guys making good posts in our ancestral homeland
cunny for me, not for you
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rip terry
why do you guys like terry so much is it some chan culture i don't get oh hohoh he says nigger and retard a lot hahahaha oh wow hilarious
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he's the only actually competent programmer he wrote his own code compiler, he wrote his own operating system from scratch with zero bloat and on top of that he hated the cia and believed in god, what's there not to like?
epic operating system. can't even connect to the internet
he got killed before he got to that compare that to any other programmer these days that can't even write a simple program that doesn't take 6 gorillion processor operations per second to run
yeah but that's the thing he was reinventing the wheel, so in the end he didn't actually do anything because he just made a bumpy half-finished wheel instead of using the bloated wheel that currently exists
starting to believe in vocal physiognomy all these brown people around here have such ugly, disgusting sounding voices. like someone is raping your ears
you're right, there is no reason to reinvent the white civilisation, better use the one we currently have and open up a sex shop or something
didn't meant to reply, especially twice
ah yes let me reinvent coding so that you can run hentai games faster yes yes
brown people are so dumb that they say cardiac i am cardiac. you will make me cardiac what does it mean? it means they will have heart problems. cardiac. fucking hell. they don't even know what retarded bullshit they're spouting but they saw somewhere that cardiac= heart and think that saying it will make them sound smart
someone wrote "turd" and i read "turk"
same but the other way around
sicko post above
someone posted an image of a turd and i thought it was a turk
im sicko in the head
mass vaccination enforcement wheeen tired of waiting zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz i want something cool to happen. cool happenings when something cool happening when
but it's already happening in australia and no one bats an eye
or maybe ill move to the baltics if i cant move to russia or kazakhstan or ukraine or belarus. maybe to estonia, close to a german-built city like reval (now tallinn).
yes but it's happening in australia not to me. i want it to happen to me. i want to suffer so i can mature faster
how about some manual labor instead, you pathetic effeminate male?
how about you go fantasize about your auntie and moving to a cucked mkultra country like estonia instead of talking about how i'm a pathetic effeminate male? i'm extremely masculine
do you run?
yes, from the computer desk to the fridge
hate this joke more than i hate you.
lets go budionnei bros lets go lets go and is that a trick question? i do run from time to time, especially in the winter. in summer less often because it's too slippery
it was not a trick question, i just wanted to see if you were actually masculine in any way. how is it too slippery to run in the summer. are you running in the jungle?
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yes, it rains every day during the summer. every single day, often multiple times a day
the german man rejects the 10 commandments to him, the word of G*D is an affront to his own existence the german man lives to work, as opposed to the common man who works to live he gathers a misguided sense of superiority from this. HAH, I AM THE PERFECT SLAVE! meanwhile, the noble Montenegrin work only the perfect amount. this is how they were the only people to retain independence in the face of the ottoman turks, and the only country today to not be dominated by jews. if you are a bad slave, then you can only be a master.
is it worth watching? won't watch a discussion between an mkultra puppet and a redditor
it rains pretty constantly where i am and i don't think i ever had a problem with slipping. you might just be a pussy.
lol the guy is a dogwalker hahahaahahahahahHAHAAHAHAH
sign of a fucked up sicko word dogwalker being a job dogmommies and daddies all over
cant get over how he walks dogs. thats his job. he walks dogs
>instead of talking about how i'm a pathetic effeminate male? so youre admitting you are? ok, sorry, i wont talk about it anymore.
walking dogs can be good money, you can walk like 10 dogs at a time and get paid by lazy niggers who refuse to take care of their dog.
>replying to a post made 30 minutes ago with a new hot comeback he just thought of embarassing. just embarassing. two words: embarassing embarassing
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slava ukraina slava ukraina slava slava
it's not about money. i know they make good money, knew a girl who used to walk dogs. the money was kinda insane actually. she made more money than the average manual labourer working like 3h a day it's just about how fucked must a world be for it to be a valid job
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why are ukrainian nationalists all feminist hahahahaah it's like opposite land. cuck faggots meme country
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lol met this guy called heinz with a german surname from chile he's brown yet has such a name
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we wuz nazis and made a last stand.... the araucanian gothics... the last home of the aryan race...
help, i do not meet the karma requirement to post in this thread please give me more upvotes thx
wtf, they added gay marriage to ck3 always thought it was already in. weird
>>2713 wtf a post is missing hello where is it
>>2718 good post
>>2720 faggot detected
>>2716 they are making a byzantium update? cool
so apparently my mother did a dna test and had the results for a while without me knowing about it until now results are very questionable
questionable how?
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did anon find out he's quarter french
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the megumin profile picture just rounds it off so well
how do you know what megumin is answer me this how do you know what this cartoon character is called
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since adolescence i have been told by my mother and her sister and maybe her father that on her mother's (my grandmother's) side there's a half-black half-native american (brazilian) ancestor according to these results, we don't have a single lick of nigger dna, and our ancestor was apparently descended from colombia and peru, who knows, possibly a child of some rape baby that eventually got dragged to brazil or something i'm just speculating that's not even the most questionable thing what weirded me out more is that it says i am part bengali like get the fuck outta' here with that shit, how is italy or brazil linked to bengladesh? the british shit was what surprised me the most at first, and that's because i don't reckon that any anglo had been around my area putting his filthy dick in some italian or darky the german i'm not too surprised with, since my italian ancestor was apparently from around padua region (northern italy) same with french and spaniard, i don't find that shit too incredible or significant anyways that native american rape baby might've been raped by the spaniard which caused the spain part, and well, france is close to switzerland which is near where padua is and probably where the 'german' and 'italian' came together that 'bulgarian' or south/cent slavic is really weird, and the final questionable piece did slavs really interact with the italians? or was it a german they raped? anyways, i'm perplexed
https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-60132765 always find it pretty sad how few people are organ donors, not that i am one, but i'm only not because i don't want a nigger or vaxgoy to get my organs, in an epic country i would definetely be one
every day i thank god and my ancestors that i am pure bred, and that i do not have a single drop of non-german blood
maybe you a part gypsy
if anything hungarian admixture might be possible, judging from my physiognomy and that of my maternal side which were danube germans
why does seeing anything anime related make me so mad
>>2727 maybe the 2% bengali is to smash racism, because it makes 0% sense there was this one that gave people 1-2% black dna so i don't doubt 1-2% bengali either
it's probably knowing that only in a decaying effeminate society art like that can exist and reach a big market
*soyface* i might be part hungarian........ i am more fit for the von ungern surname than the man himself...... just visit me in my dreams already god damnit
la creatura... imagine your ancestors not coming from the same 3 villages
the anglos did import indians to the caribbean so maybe it has something to do with that but that does sound farfetched
and when i say indians i mean pajeet indians not west indians
i'm not natalianigger (who always claimed to be a russo-german mutt in any case)
i'd do this test but they probably keep your dna stored and share it with the government, all for a stupid manipulated test that will say you're 2% bengali
hmmm, what if i used someone else's dna...
i know a guy who is 90% german 10% native american result is he's a total autist. must be related he's also completely hairless. like, his legs are legs girls dream of having. little girl legs. women dream of having as little body hair as this guy don't racemix
its a different kind of autism than the german autism btw it's like american autism he reminds me of those /k/ guys mutt blood gives you weird autism
the weird american discorder posting ironic memes kind of autism... the likes of "when mom finds the poop sock, bottom text"
as opposed to our intellectual humor >ugh >uoh >broken english/german >my fist in your face
yes, unironically
t.guy who gets facefisted all the time
imagine if we had cool americans on big someone descending from the guarani elite in paraguay. but no, all we get is a guy descended from a pet nigger brought to gauchostan and the worst poland had to offer
let me list his weirdnesses 1- he always dresses in camo clothing, probably thinks it makes him look badass 2- he tells everyone about his knives, and shows them, even total strangers 3- keeps talking about guns non-stop 4 - has no muscles and is a complete limpwristed hairless guy 5 - his 100% german father makes kino pickles of many kinds, not related i wonder, why do these people not exercise? like those obese american gun obsessed guys. what's the point when you're not even fit
one american once told me: if you're not fit and can't even prevent another guy from raping you in the showers, why bother owning guns?
americans fetishize their guns best part is they can't even shoot them well, they don't go to training classes, they don't read books on shooting, they just go to the range once in a while and fire 100 bullets at paper and expect themselves to come up with proper technique embarrassing
does adding songs to vic2 change the checksum? do they need to be added to a playlist in some setting or is it just a matter of pasting an .mp3 to the music folder?
thats literally how you learn to shoot though you practice, and you must practice often what will some jewish classes teach you if you for example look at soviet manuals that soldiers used, nowadays they're considered 100% wrong and bullshit. same for SAS manuals and US manuals reality is science is bullshit and practice and instincts is the best
no idea try pasting few mp3 to the music folder and tell us
no it doesn't change checksum music must be added to a music folder where mods are. best to run it as a submod called music or something rathee than adding it to every mod
such a kino march >leonard bernstein conducted by a south german too
but wouldn't it be epic if we added radetzky's march to crimeamod or instrumental of horst wessel lied 57 wanted to post one by a hungarian conductor but it was shit quality, so jew version it is
know a good version of "das deutschen vaterland" i can listen to on der internet?
just as i remember it, gut, but repetitive and not particularly fit for an anthem now wacht am rhein... ugh...
ugh.... milan, wallonia, flanders, luxembourg, greater hungary, switzerland, istria..... my deutschen vaterland can't possibly be this grobe
it could be cut for an anthem version for example 2:49 onward
yes, it would be cut for the new anthem version in 1945
yes here is an edited part of the last bit Das ist des Deutschen Vaterland, Wo liebe wilkommen den welschen Tand, Wo jeder Franzmann heißet Freund, Wo jeder Deutsche heißet Feind. Das soll es sein! das soll es sein! Das ganze Deutschland soll es sein!
new thread, this one got auto-locked by trannysite

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