/big/ - Blood & Iron General

Hurrah! Hurrah! For southern rights hurrah! Hurrah for the bonnie blue flag that bears a single star!

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Hurrah! Hurrah! For southern rights hurrah! Hurrah for the bonnie blue flag that bears a single star!

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Аноним 02/14/2022 (Mon) 14:19:28 No. 5186
neuen thread
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omg, i just realized the funniest shit his physiognomy was a lot like young ungern imagine nataliafag waiting for ungern to visit him for years only to have him contact me instead though i doubt it was ungern, the guy claimed to have a different name after all and he was small, wnile ungern was pretty tall i believe
no posts, just no posts. one thing: no posts
because nobody knows this thread exists. bumplock is secret
maybe ungern was like napoleon
what was the guy's name? maybe we can make connections
https://youtu.be/5wdOWpqzBY8 >see this in my recommended >wonder if this guy will talk about how money isn't everything and that there are more important things that you can't buy >nope, he only talks about how money lost its value over time and you need even more money to be happy
the movie urga is redpilled on the money question even the bad end is cool
low iq: money can't buy happiness midwit: money can buy happiness high iq: money can't buy happiness
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happy valentine's day big
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happy valentine's day
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happy valentines
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pork, homemade bread and raisins. now what a feast
an unexpected synthesis. will robbie start targetting russians now as well?
>black elves love this meme. black elves are everywhere now.
but isn't that before the lotr age? that would imply a race war happened inbetween
god, w2g is working like shit lately
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big has expired
and it has been the fault of all the "personalities" in the thread anonimity was the only thing holding big together
shut up tranimelover. i saw you trying to post literal anime shit and ragequitting
we should just part ways cordially instead of sticking around like this
everyone is sick of each other anyway, i can feel it
god damn it nataliafag shut the fuck up about big dying if you want to leave leave
but i'm not the tranimelover, i'm just a guy that wanted to watch videos, like that persian caveman video i certainly didn't want to fellate the thread ""personalities""", be they old hag lovers, tranimefags or pedos
well too bad nobody can watch more than 10 seconds of a video on w2g without someone else trolling
nataliafag just wants to kill /big/ because he likes to larp as the bossnigger, that's why he won't just leave, he has to take /big/ down with him
im a wicked man
what if i delete the board
only the bossnigger can delete the board
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what if we all stop posting about how big is dead, and just thread it like a boomer thread? post a few times per day and that's it
only one person (nataliafag) is saying /big/ is dead
what if we ban nataliafag forever
Good idea, Mike, let's turn this place into a proper forum. ________ Sent from my iPhone using tapatalk If I had a grandpa, he would look like Delbert Belton
Now that would truly be reactionary. Signed - TomHarridy32 ____ Why do i sign my messages even though i have a signature?
what has nataliafag ever brought to this thread? his posts are shit, his mod is shit, his obsession and posting style started the personality shit
he changed the name from /v2g/ to /big/, that's all he did
no, i came up with the /big/ name (and the flag too btw), he just made the first thread
Why are you guys being so mean to Nataliabro? Reported. the bigger forums don't need this toxicity ____ natalia176.png
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Isn't Nataliafag the guy who thought I owe him a private chat just because he is subscribed to my Onlyfans? Yeah, he's a creep, you should ban him... ____ I travel a lot because of my mom... Only DM me if you are turkish! xoxo Not racist just my preference!
post the one where the bossnigger bans both nanachi and natalia posts
wish we still had a bossnigger with enough balls to ban people maybe i should become the bossnigger if no one else can do it properly...
wanna be the bossnigger? i can transfer it to you make an account here
nah, not yet
don't worry big i have returned so now you are alive again anonim is so hopeless without me around smh
wish i had a johan video to watch...
no different bossnigger please as soon as we get someone deranged like nataliafag to be bossnigger it's over
i know exactly who you are i hate it. i hate how i know exactly who you are. i know your likes, dislikes, personality, country and state where is the anonimty??? god damnit i am oficially going to transition into a dedicated forum poster. that's it. every post, a new user.
yeah and who am i mr fed poster
>>5240 >>5241 >>5242 name each of these posters
we need a bossnigger. a bossnigger willing to smash things. break old big open with a hammer, a real revolutionary bossnigger. bring newfags maybe? ban people? i don't know
all me
how about... johan becomes the bossnigger he is neutral to all the other personalities as far as i know
>>5240 you live in the US, in the state of philadelphia
we don't need neutrality. we need an interventionist. someone willing to beat up personalities
philly isnt a state retard
wtf.... my entire life, a lie.
>>5250 getting strong auntophilia and hagophilia vibes from this post
https://blackinventionmyths.com/ lets just have the current bossnigger stay, johan will surely make his site any day now
dont trust in lazy meds to be productive we need a slavic bossnigger
me me me, pick me, i'm slavic
i won't follow a slave
you will follow you will pay reparations
How about i lead big from now on? I am German, i think the big forums could use an iron fist. _______ 🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬
you're right, we need a pure-blooded man of the steppe to lead us, who knows the terrain, who knows how to survive we need a turk we need johan...
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what did he mean by this?
it's the imperial german flag, when it can't be displayed it is simplified to "EG" for some unkown reason
http://biggers.cockteam.ga/ our homeland... now owned by freenom.link
but our urheimat is boards.4channel.org/vg/
/vg/ /aids/ is our homeland
it uploaded automatically. wanted to say, look at this turk-hater posting his ip. let's murder him irl
psyop big is no longer dead
>from brazil wtf, why do brown people hate turks so much? look at balkans, those brown people just HATE turks now brazil too?
gonna make this guy shit his pants
i can get loving turkic turks, but anatolian turks? they're so loathesome
>parana maybe he's polish?
no, all internet hosting companies in brazil are in parana, sao paulo or brasilia. don't post that shit, it will just unscare him.
wait, we have TWO brazilians?
no, that is a psyop also
all biggers are brazilians
you think he's shitting his pants?
>reported to an ngo really don't think so
that's how it works though, you literally need to report to this jewish funded and founded ngo or nothing happens they work with the government directly
love these ck3 screenshots "look, naked adult haha" "look, naked adult haha" "look, naked adult haha" "look, naked adult haha" "look, naked adult haha" "look, naked adult haha" "look, naked adult haha" "look, naked adult haha""look, naked adult haha" "look, naked adult haha""look, naked adult haha""look, naked adult haha""look, naked adult haha""look, naked adult haha""look, naked adult haha""look, naked adult haha""look, naked adult haha""look, naked adult haha""look, naked adult haha""look, naked adult haha""look, naked adult haha""look, naked adult haha""look, naked adult haha""look, naked adult haha""look, naked adult haha""look, naked adult haha""look, naked adult haha""look, naked adult haha""look, naked adult haha""look, naked adult haha""look, naked adult haha""look, naked adult haha"
how can they work with the government if they're an ngo??????
you report to them online and they make a formal proper complaint to the relevant organization, handling all the bureaucracy for you that way you can report someone in 5 minutes instead of several hours, and not have to handle anything else
and since they're jew owned, facebook, google, twitter and such give them all the information they need if it's a brazilian court who demands it instead, those just ignore the demand
ok he deleted the image he's shitting his pants
sure showed him
that's right, i'm a big man
>>5272 proof that they're loathesome?
me, i'm the primary source interacted with enough turks to know
they seem pretty cool on the internet and on the history books
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YoLPb3qUrs azeri child choir is like earrape. none of their songs are good. worst thing i've ever heard in my life
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>>5294 >what happens if you mess with the royal guard? >"GET OUT OF THE WAY!" wow so scary!! don't mess with them. they scream at you really loud. that's why cossacks are the best. they whip you once at least
a man's scream can actually unnerve members of a potential threat before an actual assault of course it depends on the recipient, and a lot of brigands that have had no military training are emotionally weak and buckle
sounds like you bought into the japanese power words thing
fus ro dah
i tried it once in a moment of desperation and it worked in my favor try it out sometime (if you're not a weakling with a weak voice) find someone comparable to you, instigate something without making you look in the wrong, be it bumping into them 'accidentally' or something, and if they get very aggressive plow them with your voice
i prefer the silent stare-down technique after they get mad at something you did. at that point you can see if it'll become a fight or not yelling at someone from far away is kinda dumb and if they're close, i'd rather just hit them
obviously it wouldn't work if you do it from far away lmao
yeah but if they're close you're vulnerable, because first hit is a massive advantage. instead of yelling you should just go for it
3-4 meters is close enough for the bark to work on a weakling
does anyone have that 4-0chan video of the girl gobbling a big gummy worm, transitioning into a guy with his intestines ripped out? i lost my copy
nevermind i'm digging through the old site to find it what a trip
then post the video
i said i'm digging through why are like 60% of the webms and mp4's just soviet child choirs btw?
because most biggers are obessed with something and don't have the common decency to not constantly share that obsession with the world
>6k posts from 6 of november to 20th of november jesus
mp4s and webms are this: soviet child choirs random drunk russians doing funny stuff ugly niggers or that one guy that loved spamming nazi videos with maddona music
lol yeah it doesn't work in this site, the preview frame is different and guess it wasn't intestines
>that one guy love the euphemism, as if we all don't know who that was
xomyniggers? or what? who? i don't know. i think it was ironic honestly
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what was... to think this was already decadent big
natalianigger obviously
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oh hey i posted that
wtf, that was in late august can you believe it? i feel like the entirity of last year was in that place we had 50 over thousand posts from august 21 to 13 of january
i can believe it there's a reason i was calling for a migration - we stayed for a really long time in one place and some "people" mingled with the natives
yeah migration was called really early. like thread 4 or 5 are already calling for it but i don't think xomyniggers killed big. it was old biggers
none of this would have happen if this were still /v2g/ imagine no personalityfags...
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you thought you could leave? you can never leave
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howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner 🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner 🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner🤠 howdy partner
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when will dadc posting return
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8e8zthlyfc first and last time sam hyde was ever funny
>>5333 das rite
what's wrong with that steak? seems nice
really? did you ever make a steak in your life? his steak will taste like chemical powders it's well done too and has like 9 pieces of garlic in it
chemical powders? looks like paprika, powdered garlic, powdered onion and some creole spice blend. since when is any of that chemical? and what's wrong with a well done steak? does everything have to be raw inside? >and has like 9 pieces of garlic in it a proper amount god i love garlic
sounds like you're a nigger, that's all
if being a nigger is what it takes to have a good taste i'll have to be a nigger
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yeaaah shiiit neegar watermelon and fried chicken shieeet now das some good shit right dere i realized niggers hate pork for some reason. most of the niggers i know just don't like the taste this leaves pork as the superior food still
pork is the staple meat of the huwite man because it's considerably cheaper than beef wish i was in the land of silver where beef is cheaper than pork
it's not cheaper, it's a bit more expensive beef doesnt taste very good anyway pig > lamb > vegetarian diet > beef > fish > chicken
ah yes, i should have known it's the guy that hates fish and poultry with passion think i'll roast a duck next weekend
ducks are good though
ducks are aquarian poultry so you should hate them in particular
i just hate broilers, not poultry
what's wrong with meat-chickens? they taste amazing if they're traditionally fed
went to this sushi place and ate insane amounts of sashimi (imagine actually eating that shitty rice lmao) fish is fine as a dietary supplement every few months
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chicken is just nigger tier. disabled disgusting animal that couldn't survive in the wild for 1 week pigs are superior because in 1 generation they grow tusks and become hairy like boars you need to eat real animals not artificial ones created by geneticists also, compare 1950's chickens to today's chickens. neither can survive in the wild, but today's chickens become over 2x heavier in a shorter period of time (they mature much faster) chickens are just disgusting
>nukepilled based alert >uses the capslock key nevermind, even a broken clock is right 2x a day
>couldn't survive in the wild for 1 week https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mwy4X4F3mB4
easy pickings for a boar or a wild dog or a bird of prey or anything slightly larger than it it can't outrun anything
what about tsar bomb and thermonuclear tests by other major powers? americans nuked bikini atoll, i think french also nuked an island i still don't buy 'nukes aren't real' narrative can't chickens just hide in the grass in the meadows to survive, like qualis and those fancy whats-their-name-duelist-birds
yes, they can also be aggressive enough that any predator will think twice before attacking them, like those canadien geese chickens wouldn't be very succesful in the wild, but they wouldn't go extinct, especially with those mid-sized european cats like lynx pretty much gone
the island russians nuked was uninhabited and is a military zone so you can't go near it, idk about hatoshit and no, chickens can't, because they're too big and too slow. they're like a slower, weaker ostritch
i think boars would feast on chicken, and boars are everywhere boars eat anything and even the smaller ones are big enough to btfo chickens without much damage
yes goy, only the stupid incompetent nazi scientists didn't believe in nukes, you are smarter than them, right? you trust the jewish experts that couldn't even build a rocket themselves and killed themselves by radiation with a plutonium ball because they couldn't resist fiddling around with it
can't wait to get my own piece of land so i can start raising chickens to spite big
i went to an ostritch farm real epic animals tall as a man, they kill you in 1-2 kicks, and unlike horses who kick backwards and bulls who kick sideways, they kick forward. so you get fucking raped if they charge you. their kicks are also clawed so you get the cut damage along the blunt one they also dance for you as a threat, its cool
>can't wait to ruin my cool piece of land just to spite talex
if germans didn't plan on making nukes why did they develop the v2 rocket? to drop 1 ton of trotyl innacurately on london?
V2 is one of the few instances when a bigger should capitalize a letter
we're back in 8ch territory >jews say it's bad means it's good! >actually, jews say it's good means it's bad!
*mk2 rocket it was invented by a transexual anglo scientist, stolen by germans
>jews say it's bad >means it's good! >actually, jews say it's good >means it's bad! name one counter example to this rule of thumb
increases testosterone
tofu sumo eat it
>fat gooks eat it therefore its good?
meant ruffs and chickens breed a lot, that their whole schtick they also can fly short distances, though that's hardly all that useful and didn't nazis believe in nukes and tried to even make one in bohemia? i recall they were experimenting with nuclear stack circa 1943 and they had to cancel it because of incidents with fire and lack of funds
jews tell you to hate chinese but love all other non-whites inverting that, you get a good result jews tell you not to fuck a 6 year old inverting that, you get a good result but the real question is, the argument breaks down into arguing over if jews like/dislike something, rather than about the thing itself. example: communism. do jews push for it or against it? possible to argue for both sides of this
>nazis tried to make nukes but didn't succeed because it's impossible >this means nukes are real
t.coping communist totally not a jewish ideology
b-but the poles fought against it and poles are totally jews! nevermind they called it literally jewish communism
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demon_core also these jewish scientists that killed themselves by fiddling with their plutonium ball too much also accidentally made it reach critical mass, you know, the thing that's supposed to make nukes go off, and yet it only released radiation...
then explain modern day and how they killed the soviet union explain modern burgeois socialism
poland is graveyard of empires simple as
if by graveyard you mean semen depository then yeah
>this s(h)ite wil ban images of real children soon new site when johan, new site when. new site when? site when? when is the site. the site, when will it be.
so you're telling me this will be allowed but not children? americans, man... 0ch migration when
dont open the r/all btw, big mistake. worse than that russian place. actually traumatizing
>>5333 so misleading, lmao
>smoking >increases testosterone t. low test male that doesn't exercise amirite
is forklifting considered manual labour? i lift a lot of forks to eat hahahhahahahahhahahahhahahaha
i smirked
he has a poster from the nanachi anime on his wall
fucker looks like he's got no sign of athleticism and hasn't even reached age 24 and he says he's been trying for "years and years and years on self-improvement", amazing
check the video description
funny how every place and imageboard i go to right now has these mgtow kind of threads and posts it's like valentine's day made them all seethe, i wonder if it's a yearly pattern?
why? there is nothing of value there >yearly pattern probably is
>the german qanon group has a bunny as their logo can't make that shit up
what the fuck is a qanon
it's the cuckchan-centered donald trump fans not epic enough to name the jew openly, but they do believe in all the pedophile ring and international elite stuff
https://www.psiram.com/de/index.php/Qlobal_Change look, bunny, and it's south german (swiss) too
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that's a bait image. almost fell for it and wanted to respond
how is that not bait stalin only fought in the communistic chimpouts, not real wars the only real war he fought it, the russo-polish war he fucked up miserably
he didn't fuck up miserably, he deliberately sabotaged that kike trotsky because he got given orders that were to pretty much fuck over stalin and get him encircled same thing happened to budionnei in ww2 btw, he wanted to evacuate kiev but was forbidden. sadly he didn't ignore orders but anyways, hitler didn't fight shit. hitler didn't do anything in ww1, he got a comfy back line role and stayed there. stalin did bank robberies, organized uprisings, participated in the uprisings, and fought in actual wars as someone of importance. he actually has a military background, while hitler doesn't
stalin did [bandit stuff] therefore has an actual military background, meanwhile hitler did [military stuff] therefore he doesn't have a military background funny how when you strip your argument of jewish fluff it defeats itself
Wasn't Hitler a courier and autistically zealous compared to his compatriots?
a courier (read: military background) vs an actual military commander who fought in the russian civil war and the russo-polish war (read:brigand background)
running through the battlefield dodging exploding shells to deliver vital orders to exhausted frontline troops versus smoking cigars in a dimly lit train car pushing HATO counters around a table
ah yes, courier > military commander in valour and military merit, yes yes. courier is basically the comfy job soldiers who managed to get into the good graces of their commanders score.
yes stalin was so based such a based man siding with the kikes and their kike ideology, robbing kike banks with his kike bros i love stalin so much based epic georgian and hitler was just a courier he was sicko he was never even in the frontlines what do you mean he got wounded several times no hitler was a pussy now stalin thats a based man based based based god i love russia i'm natalia fag im such a cool german russian let me masturbate to my russian divorced dommy mommy ugh i could save her omg is that my aunt im gonna coooooooom god im so much like ungern and stalin im such a strong man oh god dommy mommy please jerk me off based based based can i have my mommy milkies mommy god older women are so epic and based and i love them nooooooo dont post nanachi nooooo you alien entity you literally kill big nooooo dont delete my nataliapost nooooo emberassing emberassing bossnigger is all noooo why does noone like me ok big is dead lets just kill big how about it fuck you you fucking fat nigger fuck natalianigger fuck you fuck you kill yourself you fatherless spineless degenerate hedonist faggot nigger fuck you fuck you and dont you dadc me because im baiting for that exact response right here
baited for that exact response
hitler = cowardly kike stalin = martial caucasian
so this is what monarchists look like?
why are they waving polish flags?
imagine being a cuckservative >yus i'm soooo trad!!! heil to the kaiser!!! >wanna touch my cool dreadlocks and listen to english madonna music with me?
no thanks i only listen to hebraic/latin madonna music
>>5418 Your video doesn't work, Bro
>>5422 did you try turning on autoplay (ctrl+w) before opening the video?
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hate grandi kurdistan
japanese tunis... imagine the hapas
i don't see the problem
japanese kenya imagine the hapas...
malaysia, basically
what is your obsession with hapas
literally looks like a seanigger, lol except for the hair
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*goes over the speed limit*
mutts are worse than any single race, because they have no true roots, no homeland (apart from muttistan), no loyalty to their people (because they have no people) they are the perfect slaves for the new order, because they have no racial identity they built their identity off of shit like their work, the brands and media the consume, their degenerate sexuality or other things
how is france importing niggers and making brown 50 iq retards any different from franks conquering france and mixing with the celtic natives? everyone is mixed dumbass
one is done by jews the other is done by huwite men
>he isn't a pure neanderthal hiding his true identity from the rest of the world as we have done for thousands of years ngmi
you broke the masquerade
basquerade lmao
loyalty to one people, the family
loyalty to one people, the human race (and doggos)
LUL he said doggos PogChamp
bros, i relapsed... i waggled to femboys again it must be my mediterranean admixture, take this as a warning, never interbreed with brown people
Kappa Keepo PogChamp
gay whites do exist faggotron don't worry about it
i don't believe in (natural) gay whites sissy hypno'd whites ok but natural out of their own will gays no i don't think germanics can do that
sounds like bullshit
natural gayness in meds does seem like it's true most of them are sissy hypno'd but some boys are just so gay. as in, a 8 year old boy acts like a total girl. it probably can be fixed by a good parent, but if nothing changes most likely they end up being a faggot
i'd love to hear what goofy explanation you have for lesbians and race
lesbianism is not real it's all fads and attention whoring
lesbians don't exist naturally i don't think, it's pure degeneracy
this jew i used to be friends with in highschool (we were in the same class) is the leader of the youth wing of the worker's cause party. he's stalinist too bad i haven't talked to him in like 3 years because all he thinks about is social status
nothing exists its all pure degenracy
but theres only 2 people is big gy?
lol this grey eminance game "it'll have literally everything, low rng, multiplayer and it'll be dynamic"
they make 1200$ per month already
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so glad i'm fully white and european
https://w2g.tv/rveg2rr0zmnvs61jhd join if you like milk
i was baited with milk never have i felt so deceived
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bros, why is the galil such a kino gun
because it's named after the turkish beaches of galipoli
because it's the cheapest rifle in cs:go
that's the "galil" ace not the good old wood and steel kalash ripoff
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will they pussy out or will something epic happen for once
is this an image about that tartaria erasure story?
why are you namefagging
wtf why do i have a name it's a remnant of me forumposting yesterday, apparently it remembered the name even though i deleted it and refreshed the page
yeah i think it remembers your name forever
jesus christ i refreshed it again and it does i'll try setting it to ahohim
good idea
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnGP_SuDUDQ this video has a lot of classic ones
>>5480 what in the FUCK is this video? it has like 15 games no one has ever played (xevoz showdown, seriously?) and then drops age of war 2, TWO are the previous flash games zoomer crap? because i sure as hell haven't heard of most of them
haven't heard of them either, it's complete garbage i shared it without watching, because we were wathcing some cool ones in w2gether
i was goiing to post something really good but i forgot what it was i bet it would have been really good though
i was going to ask and care but i didn't ask and don't care
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here, let me post something really good in your stead
goytubers FEAR the cossack
if you ever feel sad, remember: stalin wanted to see you smile
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJskHpOKoPs the man is back i summoned him yesterday by posting this pic it seems >>5387
dw2 might actually be good it looks just as shitty as the first one, that's a good sign
>DW2 release date: March 10 holy shit nigger i'm stoked
more like stonked hahahaha
hate stonks meme so much why did i make that joke maybe because i'm sure other biggers hate it as much as me so it's actually an epic troll
hope there's no niggers in dw2 there were none in 1
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this says a lot about society...
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this says a lot about society...
i can't even delete my own post what is this bullshit
no takebacks you post you post forever
brown people say "me plus her" instead of "us" holy
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should historical gsg's simulate soil quality? for most of human history the amount of farmers / cultivated area was much more important, right? i heard some places like egypt and ukraine being called the granaries of whateverempire, but surely outside of famines no historically hospitable region was reliant on food imports for survival, right? outside of recently established colonies of course
>>5504 There is nothing superior about being free. 7Zip is good because it was developed by a Russian guy who has very little to do with the loonix/GNU idiot community. WinRAR and 7zip are both very good.
7zip is far superior, it's more compatible with different localizations (such as russian). WinRAR only fixed their localization issue recently, before it used to break everything if it wasn't in latin characters
>>5495 Yeah, America is a multi ethnic communal toilet just like the United Kingdom / Ireland / Australia / Sweden / Germany etc. Almost everyone in America thinks that Jews / Turks / Hispanics are "white". Almost all the "whites" in America are Hispanic, middle eastern or some fucked up white/non-white mix. It is a country whose only purpose in life is to protect baby Israel. Sad, disgusting, stupid and pathetic. I would have more sympathy for America if it wasn't for the fact that The hard white-hating virulent leftism that has now infected every white country on Earth ORIGINATED in America. That is exactly what happens when millions of Jews migrate from all over Europe into America prior to and after WW2. They don't even need to promote it any more. It has taken a life of its own.
well the UK was reliant on food imports ever since the abolished the corn laws italy was also a bit reliant on food imports from egypt during the medieval period but there's no point in simulating soil quality like some meme patreon scams (like songs of the eons), because it's very complex. yeah ukraine has great soil but the climate is shit so it's nothing special
honestly prefer toilet seat spammer over people like mr. five thousand five hundred and ten
i have made a new song for ukraine what do you guys think? Солнце только выйдет - Я уж тут как тут, Кто меня увидит, Все бороться зовут. Я боров, боров, боров, Скачу, скачу, скачу, Я солнечный, и, значит, Скачу, куда хочу. Я, хотя и свинья, Медведь не боюсь, Все об этом знают - Я не зря хвалюсь!
>>5509 >7zip is far superior, it's more compatible with different localizations (such as russian). WinRAR only fixed their localization issue recently, before it used to break everything if it wasn't in latin characters So the only reason it is better is because 7zip offers more localizations? That is the sort of thing a loonixer would say. Go back ten years and winRAR was faster at unzipping zip archives than 7zip. Not a big deal unless you have many huge archives. Five years ago the RAR standard consistent compressed better than any version of zip. It is only now that zip has caught up.
>>5512 >honestly prefer toilet seat spammer over people like mr. five thousand five hundred and ten. Sorry sir. please go to your local gay club instead to get your own dick sucked. Get your opinions validated by thousands of anons that all agree with everything you say.
don't care. localization is what matters you wanted a slavic software? you need 7z you wanted some hentai game? you need 7z also, made by slavs = superior to some souless western fagman company
>>5513 Very stupid...
how is it stupid? it's great. i'm very proud. the song fits perfectly, it doesn't rhyme as well as the original but that's fine
prefer the "if only we'd been nicer to nataliabro" poem and 4th reich anthem you wrote
why the fuck do you think i am nataliafag? i'm not a fag
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>>5515 i could reply to your post, but it's not even worth a dadc so have a picture of the diarrhea shit i took while reading it instead
>>5516 >don't care. localization is what matters you wanted a slavic software? you need 7z you wanted some hentai game? you need 7z also, made by slavs = superior to some souless western fagman company Localization only matters if you need localization lol. Ahh, I don't play games or consume hentai slavic fag autist. Ordinary zip is way more ubiquitous than 7zip. For most of the old electronic music I come across is distributed in RAR. 7zip usually works for everything but when it doesn't I use something else.
neotoilet poster detected
someone asked for this a few days ago
>>5521 What an amazing 500IQ Philosophy post chan anon.
>>5518 >how is it stupid? it's great. i'm very proud. the song fits perfectly, it doesn't rhyme as well as the original but that's fine Well wild boar hunting is fun.... So there is that.
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>>5524 Treaty of Trianon?
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oh no, americans don't worry bros i got some repellent
yes. it was when three anons signed a treaty
why do we have ploids itt
i got repellent too
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^ nice tranny goytuber .gif ^
don't make fun of johan like that...
>>5529 >oh no, americans don't worry bros i got some repellent Anon an under-age suggestive girl just to confirm that he is in fact a pedophile lol. Ah, why Stalin? it was Beria that killed and raped young girls that he then buried in his garden lol. He probably also poisoned Stalin. Stalin may have killed millions indiscriminately but Beria raped and killed close to 50 country girls that he then buried in his back yard lol.
don't call me a pedo, call me by my real name - jew
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>>5536 no, idiot. that is all propaganda by that bossnigger kruschev why the fuck would beria kill stalin when he was the guaranteed successor, why risk so much for so little gain? and all these rape and murder accusations all appear magically after kruschev takes power and just happen to discredit his main opposition, funny how that works huh? such a nice coincidence for kruschev
>>5527 You like young naked men anon? >>5532 Haha.
should i read solzhenitsyn's "cancer ward"? i found a copy at my parents place
read it and tell us if it's good he seems like a real retard. the cuckservative type
ok but i'll read brave new world first
>>5538 >no, idiot. that is all propaganda by that bossnigger kruschev right...... You yourself might be the actual idiot here buddy. >>5538 >hy the fuck would beria kill stalin when he was the guaranteed successor, He wasn't a guaranteed successor in any case lol. Not even close. He sure wanted to be though. >>5538 >and all these rape and murder accusations all appear magically after kruschev takes power The bodies were found in Berias backyard long after Kruschev lol. Beria was well known for randomly picking up under-age country girls in his own life-time. It all fits perfectly.
>>5540 >should i read solzhenitsyn's "cancer ward"? i found a copy at my parents place Why in the hell would you ask random online idiots about whether or not you should read a fucking book? >>5541 >he seems like a real retard. the cuckservative type Not even close. WTF.
are we being raided? and why would i listen to some random retard i've never spoken to whether or not to ask if i should read a book?
beria literally was the successor. he was the closest to stalin, with him since the beginning, and not a new star who rose from ww2 and the purges and no, the rape allegations and evidence all appeared under kruschev, maybe he even planted some bodies. kruschev wasn't afraid at all to get his hands dirty, except unlike stalin it wasn't for a good cause. kruschev is the very definition of a cuckservative (even though some people consider him stalininist, lol), ultimate faggot >solzhenitsyn isn't a cuckservative proof?
>>5545 >and why would i listen to some random retard i've never spoken to whether or not to ask if i should read a book? Exactly why ask online about it? Learn to use your own brain intead.
>intead heh, looks like you lost the argument. best of luck next time
how about you use your brain and think why i would ask whether i should read a book by soyzhenitsyn in a stalinist thread or are you too dense for that?
this is not a stalinist thread
it might as well be with how much the stalinist guy samefags
>soyzhenitsyn heh
>>5546 >beria literally was the successor. Which is exactly why he didn't succeed Stalin lol. Amazing! >>5546 > he was the closest to stalin It wasn't possible to be "the closest to Stalin". >>5546 >with him since the beginning There people before Beria... that died... >>5546 >the rape allegations and evidence all appeared under kruschev, Nope.... >>5549 >how about you use your brain and think why i would ask whether i should read a book by soyzhenitsyn in a stalinist thread Umm, maybe because you love talking to morons online and identify with them and their stupid opinions and loli posting?
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>because you love talking to morons online and identify with them and their got me there, uuuoooohhhh
>>5546 >proof? Maybe you could read "Two Hundred Years Together" ? or just read a description of it. It is almost as if you are just saying random stupid shit because you've got no idea about what the fuck you are even talking about.
>It is almost as if you are just saying random stupid shit because you've got no idea about what the fuck you are even talking about. literally me, epic and intuitionpilled
it worked for me nan, it'll work for me simple as
he is a cuckservative. the fact that he was born in the 1910's doesn't change that. he holds cuckservative views from that era jews being responsible for communism in the soviet union is a pretty normal view in russia and he doesn't even hate jews, he just hates communist jews. he's just a cuck
why does w2g work so shit lately
>why didn't he succeed stalin because stalin was murdered by people who wanted to steal that spot? >it wasn't possible to be closest to stalin ok retard >people before beria that died yeah because they were reformist cucks
vic 2 mp is dead and now w2g mp is dead, is big next?
no, you are next
hello, is the ploid still here?
yes right here ^^^^^^^^^^
tried to install and play clash of clans but i keep getting errors, guess the clan wars will have to happen without me.
divine intervention
i always believe in these things it crashes? ok god doesnt want me to play this
i'll flip a coin to see if i should persevere in trying to play clash of clans.
just realized the other week that this guy might be what our silly stalinist looks up to maybe that is why he also pushes the 'turks are white' and 'turks are cool :)' meme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6DKPo97hA8
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never heard of him but he sounds like a real epic man hope the channel isn't his because "vegan" doesn't sound very turkpilled
i'm vegan and turkpilled i graze with the horses in the vast steppes
remember when johan said that videos will come more often now since he's so into the polish campaign?
it's not his channel but from very limited research i know he represents a channel called infrared, their logo is that colored globe you see in the video he is a stalinist and an arguing tactic he uses is interrupting and speaking over intellectuals, effectively distracting them from their points wow_mao made a parody video of him, surely you've seen it since another wow_mao video was already posted in our previous place
is wow_mao the one about the turk vs greek? also, fuck intellectuals. stinky old ninth
fuck nevermind i had only watched the first 20 seconds before sharing it becomes tranime shit after that how to unshare a video
based medicine denier mao
Woah... so it was true afterall? Imagine how his teeth must of smelled eugh , imagine talking to him in person . Thanks for the video and I'm suprised with how underrated you are. You deserve more subscribers and likes. Thank you for the video
Woah... so it was true afterall? Imagine how his teeth must of smelled eugh , imagine talking to him in person . Thanks for the video and I'm suprised with how underrated you are. You deserve more subscribers and likes. Thank you for the video
>such is the life of a despot that phrase in the end... not even 1000 soyfaces can properly represent it
>such is the life of a despot that phrase in the end... not even 1000 soyfaces can properly represent it
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kw1vHHDEOa0 this is the original greek vs turk video holy fuck the greek looks so brown
what a filthy dog, i wonder what his diet was imagine the schizos that follow his pathological attitude
site's lagging
gay, just gay. one word: queer
did you see his reasoning? my ancestors didn't brush their teeth tigers don't brush their teeth i won't brush my teeth that's literal gigachad territory
>Yes Northern Dobrudja is 100% bulgarian land, as proven by the fact it has the lowest development in all of Romania and is the least educated
yea' gigachad, i bet his woman barfed into his mouth whenever he tried to kiss her mouth
she probably passed out from the honour of being graced with the kiss of the best han man to have ever lived
got clash of clans working, ugh destroying goblin villages.
anyways i mentioned his diet because his ancestors probably didn't eat sugar in their diet either and tigers don't eat fucking garbage noone should be eating (((sugar))) or any other (((processed modern shit))) but yet here we are in modern society and have to use modern means to undo the damage introduced by our (((modern ways)))
mao was born a literal peasant in china during warlord era, living a large portion of his life as a guerilla, don't think he ate much sugar
yea' and then he became a politician and leader, what was his diet during these latter years
he lived to 82, so probably pretty decent
i like how there's a soviet medal for any women with over 10 children established by stalin what was...
imagine if mao's sucessor wasn't a cuckservative. there could be 2 billion chinamen today. ugh
'decent' (((imported food))) i'd reckon
considering how conservative and anti-west mao was, he probably only ate chinese food
i wouldn't be so quick to assume that
i wouldn't be so quick to trust the un
>Red Braised Pork (红烧肉). It is well known in China that Mao Zedong was incredibly fond of Red Braised Pork and there are several anecdotes about that. In fact, based on Mao Zedong’s personal taste and the way his cook did that dish for him, a variety of Red Braised Pork called “Mao’s Red Braised Pork” (毛氏红烧肉) has been invented which has been very well known in China. based pork appreciator
i never played hoi4 and i never will because i'm afraid i will be bad at it and people will call me stupid
oh nononono maoist bros red braised pork literally has sugar added to it i love doing this to pork too, you let the sugar become caramel and then mix
did i tell you about my first hoi4 game i picked the soviet union. i didn't have high hopes of winning because i lost 3x in a row as the soviet union in hoi3, eventually winning once after a very hard fought war. never played the game again after that so hoi4 game went like this: i played until 1941, and the germans declared barbarossa i drew an arrow to berlin and clicked "go" my troops started blitzing through poland, then prussia, then berlin. i was confused, where is the german troops? i haven't fought a single one. why did they declare without putting any troops on the border? then, like 2 months after the war started, after berlin had already fallen, i finally fought the first german brigade like 3 months after that i won the war hoi4 isn't even a game. it's a joke
do people watch you play singleplayer games often or are you baiting
whom is 10 replying to
imagine if russia just annex hungary then any slav who moves over would be part of the trans-carphatian slav trade
why does austria own slovakia?
talking to the beta male post 07
idk about me but i watch all your singleplayer campaigns through the window
color blind non white alert
who is colorblind
me, i am
sucks to be you imagine not being able to draw because you can't see color
i don't draw, i draft
draft deez nuts
*takes out sharp calipers* as you wish
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johan alert i can tell because of microsoft edge
the posting style expert fails yet again
no way no way another bigger keeps shitty software on his taskbar
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>legend of dragoon
ok the song of the sunny pig sucks indeed need to check some synonym thing to find a better word that rhymes
i added it there just to spite you you know, from the last time when i was judged for having firefox and chrome there
>i shit myself every day and wear diapers just to spite grandi
>legend of dragoon why the fuck are you playing some shitty jap game? what is it about?
about a legendary dragoon
>disc 2 ahh those were the days *sips*
it's nostalgic, one of the only 2 jrpgs that i considered notable but the only one worthy of replaying again strongpoint is epic worldbuilding and gorgeous pre-rendered background scenery that just gets better and better as you progress through the long game
>jrpg are you american?
oh and the later additions/combos are fun (hard) to master, making fights a treat
jrpg is an internet phrase, not an american one you newb
i'm aware i'm just not aware of any non-american that ever played a jrpg game
just realized all of big paragraph posts
paragraph posts?
if you know you know
explain if you know bet you don't know that's why you won't explain
gonna paragraph post my fist into your face faggot
do dges
who doesn't paragraph post is hamburger
put a sausage inbetween your moms hamburgers if you know what i mean
why don't ashkenazi have 40% of the political strength also, why do poles have so little?
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hahahahahah lmao they found you
big, are we the baddies? is erasing non white(read: slav) cultures bad?
most slavs are white the ones not living in those irrelevant countries of the balkans of course
>Crimeamod dev said Ukrainians don't exist and /gsg/ schizos worship everything he says like the word of God. if only they knew
what do you have against the balkans?
im german
nothing, just that they're brown irrelevant places like mesoamerican countries can't be arsed to learn the distinction between them since their individual land areas are so tiny, like little brown jigsaw puzzle pieces kind of humored me when a bigger scolded me for incorrectly pointing out where [random balkan country, i cannot remember which] was made me lol like hahaaaaaaa nigger do you realize that part of the world in which you live in is irrelevant?
are you the same american retard that doesn't know what albania is? why are you even in a victoria 2 general if you never played victoria 2?
to answer your second question i'm bored
foreigners? in my the german empire?!
pick up a hobby? lift weights? learn to shoot guns? how the FUCK can you stand being on big if big discusses v2 for a couple hours every other day?
oh and i have played victoria 2 i am mr spain, from that one mp game back in december
because you guys are so off-topic, that's why if you guys only talked only about victoria 2 do you think i'd prowl here
business idea: lets only talk about victoria 2 for the next 3 weeks to ethnically cleanse big
make this a thing again
ugh... a decision to give italy cores on their urheimat - somalia
when will gcf be able to accept czechs?
or a decision to give bohemia polish as an accepted culture when they take silesia
even if you could get rid of me big would die you would die from boredom i bring probably half the content to this shithole hahahahhahahahahahhaaaaaaaaaa
no that's me, when im actually here that is
>>5656 >>5656 >>5656 >>5656 >>5656 you put great respublic macedonia in wrong map fak you materfaker
monkeydonia amirite
>>5670 this but unironically
maybe i should join the military
i just realized central america really is the only place on the world map i don't know anything about apart from the banana republics why did the USCA fall apart, did these retarded mulattos really think a place like fucking el salvador would ever manage to be a truly independent country
i already had my monthly dose of faggot music, but thanks
real life has so much bloat ugh if only i could redraw the borders of earth it would be so based and epic....
>>5674 anime don't click
thanks for the heads up
berserk is not anime
is japanese is animation is gay berserk fits all the cryteria
esl alert holy esl alert mad that japanese are whiter than him many such cases
now that mk ultra induced faggot, that's the one you should be cleansing big of
>mkultra induced fagot which one?
big is turkish mkultra
here guys, let me give you the antitone of anime music what is the name in english? idk the very opposite. cossack music
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forgot song >>5686
the one that watches tranime (which of course isn't akira, many such cases) and tried to change some of us with madonna music yesterday
but its not gay at all its extremely faustian
women should not be allowed to ride horses
yes, it is very faustian in the sense that you literally form a pact with the devil to satisfy carnal desires
so you know berserk? are you trying to come out or something by saying its gay? lol
if the nomads put their women on horses who are you to question them
sorry, but did you even watch urga? it's tradition for the male on a horse to catch the female on a horse, use a urga (big flag net) to capture her, then fuck her on the fields where he plants the urga to warn everyone to stay away
what did 92 mean
well i think its reasonable to question them since they no longer exist )))) might as well let the horse fuck her
helmets should be banned head trauma is based
92 means that 91 has watched/read berserk
they don't exist because military technology went up and the settled man won
but i didn't watch berserk
white man feels treated by a horse that's just sad horses are man's best friend horses are the soykind's best friend
*dogs are the soykind's best friend fuck i fucked it up fuck
don't really like dogs, they can't clean themselves and they try to get their stinky saliva on you would like them if my life involved hunting animals and getting mud on my feet a house cat, now there's a good goy pet as for horses, would appreciate them if nomadic life was viable
manchus weren't nomads and they are a horse-loving people
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jesus christ i can't even begin to describe how much i hate cat owners literal toxoplasmosis thralls
dog owners aren't any different, except you ocasionally get normal people who have dogs
are they? they certainly don't host mind-altering parasites
cool meme bro
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>mind-alering parasites
^ anime don't click ^
whites really are a despicable race they'd behead their own children before giving up their hecking dogerinos
yeah it's anime. don't open
don't worry i never did
/big/ why havent you read the berserk manga yet?
because i'm straight
i'm not going to read manga or watch anime nanachifag
nanachifag is a figment of your schizo mind
me, i still stand by my theory nataliafag and nanachifag are one person, the nfag for short
impossible, both participated in the same mp game
what the fuck are you talking about, nanachifag never played vic2
yes, in a sudaca mp he did of course it did not go beyond 1 session like usual
you're lying i wasn't there, so it hasn't happened or you confused people or someone larped
and who are you huh all voices in my head, none real...
i'm the one who fucks your mother
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how can you not read berserk?
that's not a loli, that's a fairy or something if it was a little girl she'd be built like a barrel if she was that size
its not a fairy
author needs to study his proportions then this is 11-12 year old proportions already, yet she is 5 year old sized
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3A6lpwUy-sc >this is 11-12 year old proportions already, yet she is 5 year old sized
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smartest african man
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interesting take
that's true empty = scary ant-hill = safe
pretty orchid they are quite interesting flowers - their seed is microscopic, so they produce a lot of it, they need no or almost no soil and often grow straight on the jungle trees, but they are quite sensitive to temperature and air humidity; some orchids are native to europe, but ones from the new world are generally prettier, they are named orchidea, because their buds resemble testicles (orchis) and sometimes they look like a duck, i think at some point in victorian era there was orchid craze, maybe not as lunatic as famous tulip craze in netherlands, but they were pretty popular and often shipped to europe from latin america, africa and papua damn, fuckers are widespread thanks to listening to my tedtalk, orchids will be able to replace humans by 2070
autist detected above
>orchids in greenland wtf...
not really, i just read article about them in local popular science magazine, back when it was decent and not poor's man national geographic and remembered quite a lot of it if any of you wants to post 'jak or i fuckin' love science, go fuck yourself with dickflower, orchids are cool also meant dick, not duck
prefer this one meself
>college stopped reading there
wait, it's still called leningrad oblast? lol what a meme
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you aren't some limpwristed skeletal weakling, right anon? become barrelshaped for him
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you can imagine apples right big? or perhaps bananas in the case of you sudaca monkeys
i couldn't until i was like 9 and really bored and so i spent like 3h trying to conjure shapes in my head
yeah, i can even taste or feel it's skin, but i do have a problem with imagining smooth movement of detailed objects things in my head can either move smoothly and be simple or be detailed and move like a slideshow
>if it was a little girl she'd be built like a barrel if she was that size 'barrel' isn't what i'd describe any human other than a stocky man, the fuck you smoking nigger
i'd share images but they'd probably get deleted by american mods basically, young kids are built like barrels
nobody not even a single soul not even the keanu reeves not even the big chungus Аноним on /big/: basically, young kids are built like barrels
must be an ESL expression
>>5749 average kid
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i agree with him kinda. edited pic because americans hate nipples. look at how she is flat, she is like a small barrel. yes, it's not a big barrel, but she's barrel-like >>5729 look at her curves. she has adult curves, she isn't | | shaped. she has a waist, a hip, etc.
oh, and in that photo she is already a bit old. when younger they are even chubbier and have shorter legs the little girl in that drawing is fucking ridiculously small yet shaped like an adult, hence why she is a fantasy race and not a human
she's flat and skinny, just that
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who would you rather be?
left for sure
fuck that kid is ugly
>she was paid 80 rubles per month to act in the movie >but it was like a vacation, every day they went to the zoo, amusement parks, restaurants,beach, were treated to tasty icecream what an era >>5763 kill yourself
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meant her
>>5764 lmao triggered so you're the dweeb in the picture on the right? ahahahahhahahahahahahaha fucking can't believe a brown bigger posted a picture of himself probably a xomynigger
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yes that is me elena mogutcheva (better known as Аноним around big) how did you figure it out
>Think about it like this. Since the USA came to be, we've only been at peace for like 7 years. We love war. Yes the country is highly divided, but even the soiest of the left would be uncompliant to an invading force. If Biden let a country occupy some of our areas, hell would break loose among the people. why are americans so deluded?
who are you quoting, schizo?
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the thing about america is around half of it (inland pooulation) could legitemately carry on a guerilla campaign forever, since they know how to live of the land and how to use guns, and they have been waiting for something like this forever, but the other half (coastal and city) will immediately surrender as soon the stores are out of funkopops and new iphones for them, and that's the places the invaders will care to occupy and what are the guerilla rednecks gonna do then? are they gonna reconquer the puppet governments in california and jew york? after most of the army and government have officially surrendered?
>and what are the guerilla rednecks gonna do then? live happily ever after
natalianigga be like: lucky guy
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out of your friends, which one are you?
serbia, montenegro and croatia seem alright to me
hehe... nigger mountain
just got free money this guy will give me like 1 million dollars if i help him transfer his money. it has a small exchange fee but that's no big deal imagine being a wagie
>At the mid-19th-century the settlement was largely inhabited by Métis people of mixed First Nations-European descent whose ancestors were for the most part Scottish and English men married to Cree women and French-Canadian men married to Saulteaux (plains Ojibwe) women. why the FUCK
>>5779 *gets patreon scammed irl*
probably lack of women métis were literally in areas with 0 white people it was like some random fur traders who went there and racemixed
why didn't some of the traders just become trans-women? should have been more progressive then that wouldn't have happened
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heil stalin heil lenin heil komsomol
me, i've actually gotten some free money from the government which i'm going to use to buy a sword.
what's your role in the bigger freikorps taskforce? >bossbigger >melee bigger >sniper bigger >heavy bigger >driver/pilot bigger >medic bigger
bard bigger
sudaca bigger here skills: throwing bananarangs, knows the jungle
i can also switch to throwing shit once i run out of bananammo
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for me, it's bananachi
i'd be like a ratbigger sneaking around laying traps and being guerilla-like not a sniper because my aim isn't very good
martial arts bigger skills: my fust in your face, spiritualism
learn from mao The enemy advances, we retreat; the enemy camps, we harass; the enemy tires, we attack; the enemy retreats, we pursue
interesting thing about the CCP that you lads probably don't know: most of the time they had numerical superiority in battles, simply due to force concentration and misdirecting and delaying the enemy. for example, they are outnumbered 20 to 1 in a campaign, but in battles they fight with numerical superiority
me, i'd be a nataliabigger *quits the freikorps in 1850*
One sword-knot stolen from the camp Will pay for all the school expenses Of any Kurrum Valley scamp Who knows no word of moods and tenses, But, being blessed with perfect sight, Picks off our messmates left and right. With home-bred hordes the hillsides teem, The troop-ships bring us one by one, At vast expense of time and steam, To slay Afridis where they run. The "captives of our bow and spear" Are cheap — alas! as we are dear.
>most of the time they had numerical superiority in battles, simply due to force concentration and misdirecting and delaying the enemy. for example, they are outnumbered 20 to 1 in a campaign, but in battles they fight with numerical superiority wow, mao, the chinese napoopeon
hoi4 is such a zoomer game seeing a youtube video *5 infantry and 2 tanks get encircled* *they get wiped out in 1 day* meanwhile in hoi2 they hold for weeks
>Don't make a fuss about a world war. At most, people die... Half the population wiped out - this happened quite a few times in Chinese history... It's best if half the population is left, next best one-third are you ready for a total war white man... a war unlike any ever before
>We should support whatever the enemy opposes and oppose whatever the enemy supports mao also used the jewpill for what he liked or disliked
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lets watch cute cat vids catbros https://w2g.tv/ekac9umdzaor50dj0n
>Not having a correct political point of view is like having no soul >The most important thing is to be strong. With strength, one can conquer others, and to conquer others gives one virtue >The atom bomb is a paper tiger which the United States reactionaries use to scare people. It looks terrible, but in fact it isn't. soulpilled. turkpilled. nukepilled. think i'll go read more mao
>>5803 don't join. anime
now that he is gone we can watch lindybeige
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why don't you guys like cool anglos...
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yeah. all anglos are cool
god stoping sharing cuckchan what a fucking nigger-tier shithole imagine not allowing audio. seriously. what the fuck?
but that's /gif/ - interracial tranny porn, it has audio allowed
only on mp4s, no?
i'm not sure if mp4 is allowed
christ bros swords are so expensive https://www.coldsteel.com/gold-lion-katana/
>buying katana what a joke buy a scimitar or a sabre. they don't rely on sharpnes as much
>cold steel ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaa
i'm gonna buy a katana won't change my mind about it
use it to commit seppuku after you get scammed because every loser weaboo wants to buy katanas so they make them of the cheapest material possible to scam them 1000$ is too cheap for a decent sword
you are german, buy a kriegsmesser / falchion / machete or a zweihander
but i'm not german.
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fag bisexual intersexual
what was... the soviet union... what was... oh lads. what was. wish there were words with more impact than what was. sadly, i can just say two words: what was
can't say the same about nazi germany what was? 1933 to 1945? fucking nothing happened except gearing to war and war. you can't possibly look at their cultural productions, their way of life, and say "what was".
love how nataliafag identifies more as russian than german now that he got btfo'd by nanachifag time and time again
ah yes thank you for your input oh wise posting style expert
the posting style expert is always correct because all the posts are me
can someone post the sissification hypno gifs and deriviatives
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why do they keep coming?
the posting style expert does not exist and is just nataliafag samefagging
why did my post not send? anyways i meant to ask where did you get that screenshot from
me, that's where i got it from.
what colour would modern germany have on the map of a gsg
why are you playing redditmod then? and why did you blob into creta and keep it as a colony with transportation reform?
i dont remember the save is from like a month ago
how shit is your memory? i remember most of my decisions from games of years past
he's probably french (read: not white), please understand
i either got crete by annexing egypt or through the crusade decision.
>giving a skorpion to a krab
join no tranime, no anglo shit, no spam let's just have fun and watch nostalgic flash games https://w2g.tv/9borgz0i8i3s39gm0y
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biggers finally meeting up in brazil (circa 2024)
>>5847 crabs don't click
me im the bird
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>Monuments are unique buildings only available in specific states, each with its own 3D model on the map. They make use of some of the more interesting aspects of the production methods system; just as buildings can output Goods, they can also output both national and local modifiers, Capacities, and effects on the pops working there. >Capacities *builds a panama canal* *gets +1 monthly bird mana*
>Meanwhile the White House adds a multiplier to your national Bureaucracy output as well as increasing the amount of political strength Pops gain from votes. can't wait to conquer the huwite house as prussia for a global modifier
did they really think they could just get away with the eu4 mana just by saying it's not mana
well it is not eu4 mana in the sense that you don't stockpile it, you spand it the moment you gain it on things you preset to spend mana on imagine the vic2 tech system if you could research two techs at the same time
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*downvotes you*
i do like unique province modifiers, i think it adds sovl, but it should be minor modifiers and mostly just prestige and it shouldn't be random political buildings, only stuff like religiously important places and world wonders (both natural and man-made) the white house wouldn't be important to prussia if they conquered it, but the niagara falls probably would be
sorry messed my geography up, i thought washington and niagara falls were closer to each other replace the example with kaiser wilhelm spitze in africa
i watched arumba's recent sardinia-piedmont game in eu4 and there was this province in switzerland that had a unique building that you could build for 5k ducats (a shitload of money) that gave you +5% discipline that's right, one building that made all your troops automatically 5% more effective
ugh, kaiser wilhelm spitze, mount kosciuszko, love when natural wonders are named after great men
>made of tiger nuts yet westerners make fun of chinese medicine. curious
>Being a dog lover I can't just see it🥺🥺 >Imagine having a clean and well groomed partner and this is what they do behind your back. 😔 >You ate it to the bone… >I >Never saw dog bones from inside their foot I’m gonna pass out! >How the hell you can smile after eating a dog >All I wanna say is that I’m crying, but at least it’s not alive, I’m greatful for that
love chinks hate dogs
1d2 = 1 1 - yes 2 - no
but i don't want to..........
i'll do it tomorrow )
should you try your best to pirate guns instead of getting a loicense just so youre not targeted?
you should do both good luck training with pirated guns
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every post more abhorrent than the last
what do you not like about an ancient german elven song?
>west german novies
fuck fuck fuck i didn't mean to click that fuck why does this site not let me delete post fuck you fuck you johan please put up your site again
click what?
reply button
>>5771 >the thing about america is around half of it (inland pooulation) could legitemately carry on a guerilla campaign forever, since they know how to live of the land and how to use guns, and they have been waiting for something like this forever, but the other half (coastal and city) will immediately surrender as soon the stores are out of funkopops and new iphones for them, and that's the places the invaders will care to occupy and what are the guerilla rednecks gonna do then? are they gonna reconquer the puppet governments in california and jew york? after most of the army and government have officially surrendered? Imagine being so fucking retarded that you actually think that you could hold off the country with the most advanced military technology the world has to offer with fucking consumer level guns. Holy shit, please just kill yourself.
that's right, there's mcdonalds in saigon, the us won, baby
miss upvotes like you wouldn't believe
memearrow memearrow five eight eight zero bet you believe in nukes
why is this soijak torturing a girl, which looks like flan from touhou, in the industrial factory? what is this post referencing?
that's the beauty of soyjaks. unlike modern "memes", they don't reference much. they're fully self contained like proper art should be
>which looks like flan from touhou how do you know?????
your boyfriend told me
*swallows a black girl alive and then shits her out on my diapers* good morning 8chan.moe bros
so what do we do about the incessant hate for crimeamod on /vst/, crimeasisters?
where? share
i'm speaking in general
https://boards.4channel.org/vst/thread/940963 doesn't seem that bad i think the leftie gfm fan kind of guy really hates crimeamod because it does the opposite of what a mod should do (add more cultures and tags)
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>west german movies are all bluepilled and unfu-
*shoots gitler*
>no audio hate cuckchan imagine in 2022 watching audioless shit just because... do you think hitler would get arrested instantly in west germany for being a nazy? in the PRC many old KMT veterans lived their life in peace. even the old qing emperor got married and lived there in peace. yet people mock their freedom. haha, in the west we are so free. look at those idiots hahaha you can't criticize the government. here we are free to criticize jew in a suit 1 and jew in a suit 2, and we are free to pick between whichever jew in a suit we want! btw non jews in suits get very depressive and end up commiting suicide. it's not easy...
my life... my life for the tzar
let's watch the movie tonight, it's friday after all yes, it's west german, but the movie isn't cucked, in fact in portrays its scenario pretty realistically if hitler came back today he would probably be an internet celebrity, and they capture his personality well in the movie he isn't just a trump parody, he never jokes around or bothers to trigger libtards somehow, he just says what he believes seriously and eloquently and takes action
not watching a west german movie made post-1991 just wont. literaly wont. especially not one literally about politics
won't. just won't. one word: wom't
funny how there are two /gsg/s, one grandi and one free the jannies won't delete either
daily youtube afternoon https://w2g.tv/ainc0s8eg3kc9b5aae
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grandi must be busy, friday is a busy day for teachers
what's the point of a map like that just say italy and portugal
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>kosovo on the map >grobgeorgia zzzzzzz natodog map
that one's even worse with crimea and no transnistria
why would i wash my hands after shitting if i wash my ass with water, huh????
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remember coolchan i never used it but the gif they used to advertise is just so cool wonder how they're doing
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look at my boy grow.
show shift+f12 map
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jesus fucking christ, that's gross do you have any settler colonies other than crete?
>90% unemplpyment >people still come in droves
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no they all keep going to crete. and the sad thing is that transportation reform doesn't seem like it would increase migration much.
johan what is crete like?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIoILN_KrhU berserk is so good its the only manga/anime thats good
movie night tonight?
yes, we'll watch berserk
id be up for it unironically spice things up
looks like that anon was right nataliafag put kurosawa to mind-fuck biggers into eventually watching nanachi
>essen >no flanders jesus fucking christ. why didn't you do proper rhine borders?
cant believe nataliabro is such an mkultra pro
i'll give you proper rhine borders, give me 10 minutes.
hello where is the rhine
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what a blob might continue my crimeamod grobfrance game and genocide the g*rms
so movie night yes or no???
i thought gcf formed by magic in redditmod if you took the rhine
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austria has to be a great power; which they are not.
>ashkenazi accepted what a meme
think i'll go out with my friends rather than watch anime today bye
gute idee (good idea for you non-germans) i won't partake in the movie nacht either
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there, i also dismantled the uk.
still looks like shit too much of switzerland and too much of germany
i don't base myself on the opinions of clean border purists; all i see is great and mighty france.
Quest que ce la Francen Reich? Est-ce Switzerlande? Est-ce Westphalée? Est-ce la terre de piedmonte? Est-ce la grande isle de crete? Non! Non! Non! La Francen reich muss sein plus grande! La Francen reich muss sein plus grande!
show culture map of france
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there's no cores on switzerland so they're slowly assimilating.
is that south-german or swiss-german?
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it's south german.
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i really hate america
>1 million views >3 comments
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forgot image and it gets better, 1 million views - 120 likes
if you change it to sort by new a new comments appears with 11 likes saying its trash.
>It's been a hopeless situation for a long time and technically these problems all came about from things that happened in Europe, not in America if you really want to point fingers. You dragged us into WW1 and WW2 and you guys gave rise to the Austrian paint man (if you think he was bad) and then you also killed the Austrian paint man (if you think he was good). Americans are victims and blameless more than anyone else. I'm an ethnic minority in my own country that my ancestors created specifically for me because Eurotrash came over here and voted for leftoid bullshit. Europeans are the last people who should be talking any shit, most of these things are because of you guys. But I digress, it's not Americans and it's not Europeans. It's one small tribe and their supporters. funny
stopped reading at hopeless
anime time! *soyface*
actual anime night on /big/ i'm sorry nataliabro i should have been nicer to you
wait, you retards are actually watching anime? wtf?
>join w2g room >get banned immediately ?
nfag is a paranoid absolute monarch so only i am allowed
nataliafag I missed you and your untaken pill bottle
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this is willy
made some nice linguine with cheese and some onions, enjoyed it thoroughly despiar of a bossnigger with no one to be the bossnigger of above https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDuB22toS3A
>>5937 >no name hahahaha
no name?
france has no name
yes it does its called france
oh lol, you're right that's what you get for not puppetting spain
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fuck you for making me start up this dog shit mod again.
caliphate of andalusia? fitting for a french empire
it's the iberian uninon
how did you force gayreece to form the roman empire?
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ugh so... pubg mp when?
after day of defeat mp
you get a decision for crusades and if you win you esablish jerusalem and byzantium as puppets the rules for pubg mp happening is the same for minecraft mp; more than 2 people.
pubg is free to play now come on guys, it has the kar98k
>requires 40gb i need room for elden ring so i'm not going to download
it has the mauser but it's a typical sniper rifle, low to cycle, slow to reload, inaccurate while strafing and even then you need to get a headshot to kill a guy (he has to have a shit helmet) wow so cool, an infanterie rifle
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for me, it's the vintorez
>>5977 >even then you need to get a headshot to kill a guy (he has to have a shit helmet) wrong. headshot with the kar98k is ALWAYS a kill unless the target has a level 3 helmet (which is a rare find and only obtainable from military bases and such) AND 100% health. targets dont often have 100% health because you can only heal up to like 80% with conventional healing items, then you have to use painkillers or energy drinks to get to 100%. the strongest sniper rifle in the game is the AWM which you can only get from air drops, that one always kills on headshot no matter what.
yes, that's what i said, it's only 1 shot headshot if the guy has a shit helmet
a shit helmet is level one. a normal helmet is level two. that already covers 90% of your opponents. level three helmets are rare and even with that your opponent needs 100% health. lower than that and a headshot is a kill.
they're both shit, they're both just as common
>arguing semantics
which kar98k sound do you like better? old or new? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5nRAI792zY
obviously we're arguing semantics, natalifag couldn't attack my main point so we're stuck arguing whether a lvl 2 helmet is shit or not
I liked PUBG. It was the battle Royale most grounded in reality. Then they started doing unrealistic nerfs and ruining the guns.
i never tried to attack your main point. i only corrected you. >it has the mauser but it's a typical sniper rifle >the typical sniper rifle is a typical sniper rifle yes, and?
it's an infanterie rifle used by proper huwite landsers sticking it into a video game and making into a sniper rifle just because dude-bolt-action-lmao is poor form and what i believe the soys call ludonarrative dissonance
*soyface* a good helmet can resist a headshot by a rifle because it just can, ok???
remember the great axe vs dagger argument? now that was a battle of wits between the greatest minds of the modern day
i don't remember that i sure remember the discussion whether proficiency in fencing makes you a better swordsman or not
when is the naval base build time in crimeamod going to be changed to 1 year instead of 3? 3 years is cancer.
*forgets to upgrade the port in a single state* *build times are always out of synch from now on* *loses a war because of that*
maybe plan ahead? ever thought of that? if you research all the naval techs in 1880 your navy should take longer to catch up to someone who researched them from teh beggining
i agree but it's still cancer
wouldn't have an issue with that if there was an "upgrade all ports lmao" button but as it stands it's the same issue as colonization, the ai automatically clicks the button on the very first day it's available, you don't even get a courtesy popup
still cant believe elden ring is only 1 week away all the fun that will be had
can't believe pubgposter and eldenringposter are not the same person
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why not make naval bases 5 years to really simulate the process of building up the navy, wouldn't that be so hecking good
>>5999 the absolute state of america
>>6000 shut the fuck up sergei and go back to mining cripto in the middle of fucking nowhere
>>6000 good get >>5999 shit get
miss updoots so much bros
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totally a sniper rifle bros
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me when covid omega super ultra mkultra fagultra shitty shit fuck piss variant comes out and the inevitable vaxx mandate hits
embarassing, just embarassing. one word: embarassing
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hate this guy like you wouldnt believe
didn't ask like i wouldn't care
looks like the bald guy from the american office
looks like my highschool teacher that was a jehova bodybuilder
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ugh the western strike witches casting sissy bimbofication spells on you
next it will be the moon and what will we do then?
sorry but the AJL (association of jews in a labcoat) already proved that there is nothing beyond the material world
>fell in love with a 14 year old girl >made her pregnant by 17 >she got an abortion it gets worse the more you read
radetsky more like von radetz
imagine being btfo'd by an 80 year old geezer. italians lmao
^ pubg tranny don't click ^
im the manliest of all biggers and you call me a tranny? wow. what does that say about you?
>doesn't lift weights >can't shoot >german that doesn't add up to manliness
like i said im the manliest bigger and i dont even have to argue - its a simple fact understood by everyone
there's only one way to settle this post cock lengtj
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wew i hecking hate black women they're dumb, smelly, ugly *racemixes and makes dumb smelly ugly kids*
ugh imagine being an old timey southron making 10 children with your hwite wife then proceeding to make 10 children with your black mistress
reminds me of this musician i saw that died in his 40's and had like 14 kids with 2 women
1800's musician obviously btw
encountered the first cheater in pubg (well, maybe not the first one i encountered but the first one i noticed) i watched a replay of the match, spectated him, and god was that guy bad. from what i was able to tell he definitely used an aimbot and wallhack, dont know if anything else. and the aimbot snaps to the head of enemies. but since distance and movement speed and such matters when you try to shoot someone, he just couldnt hit a single shot at anything that wasnt standing idle. you know, if he wasnt using the aimbot he could easily kill some people he encountered because they were just running in a straight line on an open field - if he had just aimed a little bit to the direction they were running he could have killed them. but because hes so stupid he just put his aimbot on, had his crosshair locked to their heads and didnt hit a single FUCKING SHOT HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAAHHAHHAHHH had to be some 12 year old kid or something. jesus man. then i looked at his profile and i saw its just a free-to-play account. when you reach lvl.80 and you paid for the game you can play ranked. so once im lvl.80 and i play only ranked i wouldnt encounter people like this at least. thats good. the lvl requirement and pay wall filters out a lot of niggers like this i figure.
his in-game name was "BrasilMerdaFDP" btw
>he's a paypig
reading today's posts reminded me of another reason we should never meet up irl, we would all beat nataliafag up for being annoying
he's too much a sperg to meet up anyways
how is that a good thing? imagine beating up nataliafag and bonding over it
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how much of an analphabetic retard do you have to be to make this "meme"
https://w2g.tv/hts1dskxbfoni8w69t not hosted by nataliabro
but nataliafag is the only says "nataliabro" instead of "nataliafag"
>is the only says
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imagine what the world was like hundreds of years ago just imagine persia with like 4-5 million people. today it has 80 million. imagine how comfy it is. every person is valuable, they are stronger, smarter, healthier
i like how the communist party in ukraine was so pro-russia and reunifying that it got banned i guess this was not what they had in mind when they pushed against big russian chauvinism
https://w2g.tv/hts1dskxbfoni8w69t come on lets watch buck breaking together
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doing the good old soyface right now lads you know that guy reacting to the star wars trailer? that's me right now with this soviet movie
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is this what /gsg/ has become? oh wait wrong place
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tried to post "is this what /big/ has become? oh wait wrong place" in gsg but i've been banned
for racism outside of b?
it just says i'm banned no reason is listed
sorry that was me i borrowed your computer while you were sleeping
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbVIN2WraXQ didn't know they had pigs in bukovina
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DDDA? im thinking based
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hmmmmmmmmmmm no god here
>>6069 name of the game?
DDDA Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen
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>>6069 ride wife. Life good
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soviets be like hmmmm бога нет
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princess of sweden is now 10
gustavus adolphus
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>>6079 He is a gigachad
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first time i pre-purchased a game i am a pay pig - yes, and?
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huh didnt expect anything to come of it >only a 24 hour ban
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princess of sweden looks uglier than random russian little girls is the king of sweden the one that married a brazilian or was it the king of denmark
rolling!! >>6084 gibs me dat 7
>guy reportimg others in pubg >guy preordering triple A games yup. big is fucked
>"Not preparing is the best preparation. You want all your actions to be natural so you can enjoy the moment." big advice of the day
king of sweden married the brazilian king of the netherlands married the argentinian king of denmark had the gigachad frogman son
>>6082 pathetic, just pathetic. what you are: pathetic
isn't it curious how nataliafag likes the same game series that inspired made in abyss, the work where nanachi is from the "one nfag theory" makes more sense every day
yeah he's the only nfag because big has decreased from 8 people to 3
>A rat king is a collection of rats whose tails are intertwined and bound together by one of several possible mechanisms, such as entangling material like hair or sticky substances like sap or gum or getting tied together. Historically, this phenomenon is particularly associated with Germany. There are several specimens preserved in museums but very few instances of rat kings have been observed in modern times. even rats are retarded in germany
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look at this beautiful map at first i thought i wont post anything about elden ring here but now im not so sure, maybe ill shill it a little bit, keep you posted on my first campaign
won't even look at that post
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https://tube.cthd.icu/ best shit ever serbian host for youtube videos that doens't have spyware, doesn't eat nearly as much memory and has many inbuilt features
imagine shilling for a triple a game. just embarassing
what does triple a mean?
>a.) Any depiction of a real child regardless of original context, legality, or public display, that is posted in any sort of context that is sexualized, sexually suggestive, or otherwise intended to elicit arousal. big bros...
but all children elicit arousal....
if fishmonger is a person who sells fish why isn't a whoremonger a pimp?
>>6098 don't do this to mohammed
love salty seeds
imagine that guy reacting to the star wars trailer you know the guy now replace the star wars trailer with the elden rings trailer
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>>make my guy look as close to pic related as possible >>take prophet >>dex / faith >>turko-mongol looking saber >>composite bow / maybe greatbow too >>faith spells that fit pic related >>mounted archery whenever possible >>fashion as close to pic related as possible, prophet starting gear is already pretty close
>>>make my guy look as close to pic related as possible >>take prophet >>dex / faith >>turko-mongol looking saber >>composite bow / maybe greatbow too >>faith spells that fit pic related >>mounted archery whenever possible >>fashion as close to pic related as possible, prophet starting gear is already pretty close
>mkultrawave lol knew it was you who was posting that shit
>elden ring general why the fuck wouldn't they use the existing dark souls general?
but nataliafag is the only one that calls himself nataliabro
guy got 30 months in jail btw
ah not that bad having pictures of children can sometimes put people in jail for longer than murder
>>n-no you can't talk shit about old pdx games and their shit UIs
especially when you realize that 5'7 is the average male height in japan
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damn tahts a lot of samefagging by nataliafag
lads..... god, elden ring will be so kino you have no idea took time off of work 10 days of being a total degenerate playing elden ring 24/7
>those who fall under in height should consider bone-lengthening surgery imagine getting one of those and looking like a freak with uncanny long legs for the rest of your life
yeah ahhahahaahhaahahah imagine being a long legged freak hahahahahaha
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fact: elden ring is not mkultra
hate rpgs so much >you are strong? that means you must be dumb lol >you are smart? that means you must be weak lol it's mkultra against training both body and mind because you don't want to spread your skill points too thinly right???
like mao said civilize the mind make savage the body
>training both body and mind uhh you can just put points into strength and intelligence, simple as
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noooooooo i have no coal i'm italy *conquers nigeria and become number 1 producer*
but niggeria has only 1 coal province
after 1880 you get a decision that gives it way more
nooooo, i have no coal and i'm italy *conquers australia and becomes number 1 producer* what's wrong with taking land with huge coal reserves?
difference is, australia is empty, you have to colonize it nigeria has like 4 million pops in grandimod
nooooo, i'm uk and dixies stopped selling me cheap cotton *conquers niggeria and becomes number 1 producer*
india produces the most cotton in the world though?
but that's what they did irl? only with egypt instead of niggeria
^ trannyheroes don't click ^
i put another video :(
>w2g empty
>>6046 who cares what some arab shithole was like at any point in time
american poster above
yea' you're right... only a european that has been sissyhypno'd would drool about muh pre-modern sandniggers
you wouldn't get it
sounds like a cope
sounds like your nose bone shattering
sorry that's your limp wrist cracking
>>6125 how the fuck can you take 10 days off work to play a game? how you can you act as if you are an actual being of value when you take time off not to improve yourself or even to try to advance further than waging. such a wagie mentallity jesus christ.
beats obsessing over some russian politician i guess
hit a nerve
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is that from a movie?
that's from a pedophile
yes it's from a movie >>В фильме Роза Агишева сыграла одну из главных ролей – первоклашку Нину Морозову. О том времени она вспоминает: «Съемки больше напоминали отдых. Нас водили в детские рестораны, зоопарк, на пляж, угощали необычными десертами, баловали мороженым, закармливали тортами. И за это мне еще платили 80 рублей в месяц». a movie made in the best place to be alive in the last 120 years
>>6155 its 5 days retard. its 10 with the two weekends and i count friday as well. but yes, you are correct - because i take 5 days off that means you are of more value than me because youre a useless piece of shit neet who hasnt worked a single day in his entire life. right. uh huh. youre right.
yes, you are of more value to the kikes
too funny. to imagine some guy, in his mid twenties or something, who has never, never never never ever, not even once in his entire life, has worked not even for a single day. not even for an hour. unfuckingbelievable. a guy like you trying to teach me a lesson about ANYTHING. jesus h christ.
t.started working 3 months ago
xomyniggers and /big/cucks itt
too funny. to imagine some guy, in his mid twenties or something, who has never, never never never ever, not even once in his entire life, has had a relationship with a girl. instead he stalks some russian whore's instagram and waits for a little russian girl to just show up at his doorstep someday. unfuckingbelievable. a guy like you trying to teach me a lesson about ANYTHING. jesus h christ.
copypasta in the making
reminder that every single day nataliafag gets a swab shoved up his nose and bullied by his co-workers for not getting vaxxed, then he comes home and brags about it
me, i'm going to play elden ring and not tell anyone, not stop working. only play it for like 2 hours then stop for the day.
it better not be a pirated copy
me, i'm going to play some game that isn't single character garbage and not tell anyone, not stop working only play it for like 2 hours then stop for the day
single character games dont have to be garbage, only if they have the [green]>you strong therefore dumb[/green] tier mechanics
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lol are you this guy >>6131 are you sure you don't just suck at handling mechanics where you have a weakness
who's which guy
a heroes' weakness should be a character flaw, not a weakness in physical or mental ability you are mkultra'd by kikes to enjoy minechin nerd protagonists who are frail losers and have to defeat the dumb blonde jocks
or you just suck at games and use the realism card to complain that your character comes with a weakness because you can't deal with it
ah yes because modern games are so hard and require so much mental effort
good to hear that you're learning more about yourself
i'm playing a modern (2009) game that requires mental effort right now
<no you see, brain beats brawn!!1
just tell me this does dork souls clone have a hunger meter or no
it mkultras you into having a hunger meter irl (for femboy cock)
>my waste of time interactive entertainment product developed by loser jews in california is better than yours!!!!
johan isn't a loser jew and he is in barcelona now not california
so he's just a loser then?
you posted this already
no, but maybe someone else did
christ i never knew brazil had a higher population than germany, what happened bros? how did i miss this?
the huwite man not breeding + two world wars
how did you not know this? it had 30 million people in 1924 in 2013 it went over 200 million
i wonder how much of that is immigrants probably account for less than 10% of that growth
very few just like the US. they sometimes got over a dozen million european per decade yet their black % remained the same, you just can't outbreed niggers when you are also feeding them
yo dat explainz why yo wite dawgs keep pushin dat buck breakin shiet nigga yall wite bois scared we niggas gonna take ova one day
dey hate we caus dey aint we
probably a fed sharing this pic hoping for you to download it, only to log your ip
but i didn't, i copied it to clipboard and posted ere
oh. you're smart. smart. one word: smart
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should have been nicer to nataliabro. but you had to challenge me, like that cheater in pubg. told you so. just three words: told you so.
sexy minors is pleonasm. report closed
>>6199 have a /big/ gold kind sir 🥇
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thats racist
my internet is so shit right now loading any page is like slowly pulling an intestine
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the fucking jews with their numbers again they sure love their numbers
jesus fucking christ, they're 24% of the population??????????????????????????????????????
of jew york
as a european minded man all i hear is york, no news or jews here.
york is probably only 5% black
>elden ring >hmmm no mkultra here >thinking monkey.jpg
"Of York's residents, 5.1% were born outside the United Kingdom, significantly lower than the national average of 9.2%. White British form 95% of the population; the largest single minority group was recorded as Asian, at 1.9% of the population"
wow, so less than 5% blacks, only 3% blacks
god i hate how the anglos consider arabs and pajeets asian
91% of anglo citizens were born in the UK? in germany it's like 65% hahahaahahha
but germany started importing them fairly recently for the anglos it's a 3+ generation affair
nope west germany has been importing them since it's creation you know, war left a shortage of men ))))
yeah stupid germans fighting pointless world wars, look how cucked and occupied they are now! *ends up exactly the same but without a fight*
weren't those just gastarbeiters?
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decisions for italian ostsiedlung in the balkans when?
monoeydonia in greek hands again... feels good
i'd rather have a decision that crashes your game if you own that much land as italy
what is the story behind that calais wtf happened there
idk ask on vgsg
can't use tor to post there
wtf he actually reported it
who reported what?
>>6199 noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
wtf, it got deleted. sicko. wonder if i can restore it
>>6203 oh this retard the first time i read this post i was wondering what the fuck he was talking about because i didn't bother looking at the image lol
yes, that means it didn't break any rules. it's just some loser janny overstepping his bounds if it was breaking rules it'd get deleted from the system
>>6234 reported :)
reported for announcing a report
reported for announcing a report of a report announcement
>>6236 gay >>6237 very gay >>6238 super ultra final gay
well you just enjoy your vacation if you know what i mean ;)
post restored )))
>Reason: false false report View >Closed by: dog
btw you can delete your own post now
by deleting it
can you guys access big from this link or do you get an error https://8chan.moe/big/ i think we got flagged as a pedo board you need to enter it through 8chan.moe, and then click /big/, rather than directly through the link
new site when johan
i can access it no prolbme but how do i delete a post?
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probably here somehow
no, you don't understand if you click the blue link, it will work but if you copy and paste it and try to enter fresh, it won't (at least doesn't for me)
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indeed, weird
yeah. it's because we're a pedo board now so they're censoring us
https://0-chan.ru/ time to return white man
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but being hidden from others is even better no more xomuniggers unless those "biggers" that post all over the site explicitly invite them
yeah, dark souls is certainly not mkultra with names like "anal rondo"
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i'm trying to make a meme thread but i can't beat this captcha
where the fuck are you making that thread
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2ch.ru it's literally impossible wtf are these captchas
have you ever seen dark souls multiplayer or youtube content? an almost exclusively male playerbase, yet half of all player characters are female hmmmm
2.0-chan.ru, sorry. not dvatch
i lost. i can't beat this captcha. it is the most cancerous captcha i have ever seen. not even darknet sites have such captchas
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>>6255 don't worry i'll tell the xomybros how to post here
you know those are cyrillic letters you're supposed to type in there, right?
yeah. but it didn't work. there were like 5 times i was 100% sure it was gonna work but it didn't
rsl getting filtered
>rsl ruslan?
russian version of esl
yeah i got filtered bet toilet poster can't post there at least
Edited last time by bigcyberpunker on 02/20/2022 (Sun) 23:10:40.
since little girls can't be posted in sexually suggestive positions, that means little girls are sfw?
white boys can't touch this
wtf is she hindu?
LINK REMOVED who the fuck is using old big as an archive
Edited last time by bigcyberpunker on 02/21/2022 (Mon) 00:34:58.
some retard who plays piano on a pc
stop deleting my posts
i'm not. you are retard
oh nevermind, i think some janny tranny got buttblasted you posted the pic of the little girl and deleted all your posts
>>6277 never forget
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wtf is this bullshit. what retarded bullshit .some random american faggot deleted 395 posts
and banned people for 2 months -__-
post screenshots of them if there is a list
no but it's basically all the post tied to this ip i guess
got b& for global rule 2, currently posting from my phone thoughts on moving back to russian trannychan?
i'm up for it. fuck powertripping americans
in the end nataliafag always gets what he wants, huh
all me
pretty sure half of them were me, after all i was the one to post the halal image
>he wasn't using tor >he posted stuff that broke the meme child nudity rule oh nonononono bigbros
>>6288 isn't the image that broke rule 2 meant to get completely removed from the server? why can i restore it?
so will we have a janny monitoring us 24/7 from now on? very prestigeous
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oh fuck not this again
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pole alert
>>6291 don't worry i've dynamic ip
yeah but who knows if the americans will report your ip i think they'd do it in cuckchan
meme language
report for what? there's no law i've broken
too based for existing in the EU exiled to belarussia, reverting all the progress stalin made by expelling the poles
do you think they will actually commit to ww3 breaking out over ukraine? it would be the best way to ensure the way into the totalitarian soy state now that corona measures have so many opponents
hope they do miss liveposting lads
oh no bros i forgot all the anime girls i thought i had them memorized but i can't get it right
why wouldn't they just blitzkrieg ukraine from the east and from the north through white russia? have the whole invasion be over in one day and have HATO be the aggressor
home, xomysisters. it's time to go home >>>>home
do i delete the board or do we keep it as a backup?
actually nevermind why would i delete the board that's retarded
have you heard of this game "elden ring"?
i've heard of my fist shattering your nose
niggers are we seriously posting in two different sites now ridiculous
no, we oldfag xomysisters are posting back at home, you abdl newfags can stay here
i'm a big conservative. i will never forget our ancestral homeland of 8chan.moe
our ancestral homeland is /vg/ though?
yikes reactionary spotted. out of which hole did you crawl out from
>yikes you're a faggot

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