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Blacked Fags and CoalBurners get the rope.

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IRL Bleaching thread Bleachmaster 04/29/2022 (Fri) 07:51:58 Id: c726a3 No. 487 [Reply]
You know the drill, talk about times you've traveled and went /bleaching/ or upcoming trips you plan on taking to do it. Also make sure to be careful when travelling to the following countries: -Ukraine (obviously) -Holland (Too many niggerfuckers, high risk for STDs or getting robbed) -Afghanistan -Iran Will be updated as time goes on. Also, don't forget to post pictures if you took them when you tell stories of previous bleaching misadventures.
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I want to take a long trip to either South Korea or Japan and see how much I can raise their TFR. Which should I pick?
>>864 Yes, self explanatory. If you're fucking an ethnic chick regardless of her origin(whether she's a native citizen or diasporoid), you're bleaching her but if you were to fuck a white chick, you're basically helping the white race. >>1000 Both those countries' birth rates are plummeting but if I remember correctly, I think Japan has it worse than South Korea but I don't know, either way, start bleaching if you haven't done so already.

Meta thread. ❤ Anonymous ❤ 04/27/2022 (Wed) 18:41:31 Id: 4219ea No. 441 [Reply] [Last]
I have decided to make a meta thread for us to discuss whatever needs discussing instead of using the edit thread.
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>>1049 I'll get to work on one here soon, i have a friend of mine that i plan on bringing in to be a second in command when I'm busy with IRL shit.
>>1051 Thanks, because I really needed this. I'm getting extremely sick and tired of having to dig through shit even if I use the correct keywords, I get 99.9% irrelevant bullshit, 0.01% of the real deal. Even if I do find what I want and I look for more, they will always have that one faggot mistagging shit to catch me off guard and I don't get how mods don't do anything about it. I'll come back here if it's posted and look around this board, one bleached site I browse on is down at the moment so I'll wait.

BLEACHED'S GREAT LEAP FORWARD (Also i am a fucking moron) Bleachmaster 03/13/2024 (Wed) 01:53:10 Id: 4d2b40 No. 1045 [Reply]
THERE WILL BE NO RULES CHANGED OR ADDED. READ MY LIPS. NO. NEW. RULES. ADDED. With that bit of housekeeping done. I would like to explain a few things because i feel you guys are owed one. I'm the new board owner. I am not bullshitting you when i say this, but i actually didn't know this until an hour or two ago. Here's the backstory as to how i got it: Almost 2 years ago i started talking to the previous BO on Element (btw, fuck that app and all the open source trannies that use it), I talked to him semi regularly throughout 2022 and early 2023. Around the spring & summer of last year, I took an internet sabbatical to take care of some real world issues, but i did on occasion when i had time and was in the mood check this place to see how it's going. After around September my life got so busy to the point where i couldn't even catch Raw consistently, so i unintentionally lost contact with him, and the rest of this board. Cut to tonight where I'm checking some old folders (a lot of my job is done at a PC, no i'm not a glownigger), and i open up Element for the first time since about May of 2023, and i come across this message from the old owner. I apologize for not letting you guys know sooner, and for letting you down by not doing my job. I'm going to make this a thread for any new things that are being done to the board. But i would like your input on a few things. When i was still talking with the old BO, I tossed around the idea of us having a Discord server or a Telegram channel. I want your feedback on this matter because i feel that either one of those would bring a lot of new people to both the board, and the community at large. I also am considering a public investment fund of source, where we all chip in a few bucks to either help artists who primarily do bleached art, or even a couple members of the server to go on a Bleached holiday. of course these things won't be done if nobody gives a shit, but i just want these to be considered, since we will never win the war on coalburners and nigged retards if we don't take action and go outside of our comfort zones.
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❤ Anonymous ❤ 12/14/2022 (Wed) 21:09:51 Id: 7dbab2 No. 720 [Reply]
Dating profiles, BWC praise, White lust etc. I'll post more regularly on this board from now on. /interracial/ is a nice containment board for niggerdick, but literally nothing else gets posted there except for niggerdick.
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>>1077 Go to a Costco no way there are only a million
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Bleached 2D Anonymous 03/22/2021 (Mon) 07:02:02 Id: 8ab18e No. 13 [Reply] [Last]
Edits are fine. Post anything 2D and bleached.
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>>876 >>877 I'm going to need to know who drew this and where to find more of these characters, I like that Ethopian chick so where to find more of her and Italy?
So much fucking delicious cunny

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Are Asian women turning some whites into cucks? ❤ Anonymous ❤ 06/12/2024 (Wed) 08:07:40 Id: d59e9a No. 1079 [Reply]
Example: https://wmaf.neocities.org Other than that blog post I saw on Reddit describing how an Asian wife turned her white husband into a cuck, I keep seeing other Asian on Reddit and irl flirting with other men (whites) while they are engaged in a relationship. Don’t get me wrong, the Asians will still cuck their white partners with other whites, but doesn’t that leave a portion of whites as cucks?

Qoh tattoos and clothing ❤ Anonymous ❤ 07/22/2023 (Sat) 15:08:33 Id: 253e4e No. 870 [Reply]
Thread for tattoos or clothing
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TG Anonymous 02/17/2022 (Thu) 04:05:08 Id: 60ff59 No. 211 [Reply]
Bleached Traps pls
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Chel & Mirko ❤ Anonymous ❤ 02/23/2024 (Fri) 04:07:22 Id: e10137 No. 1036 [Reply]
post Chel and Mirko
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bleached 3D ❤ Anonymous ❤ 03/30/2024 (Sat) 08:39:40 Id: 9610df No. 1067 [Reply]
Self explanatory, post 3D bleached content (videos, art, CGs, anything as long as it is bleached).

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swastikas ❤ Anonymous ❤ 01/23/2024 (Tue) 10:20:24 Id: 10cb1d No. 1012 [Reply]
Tattoos, armbands, clothing etc. This scares away any normalfag immediately.
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Ebony girls Anonymous 06/09/2020 (Tue) 20:59:57 Id: 7d4c82 No. 3 [Reply] [Last]
Black girls belong to white cock.
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Just want to say thanks for /bleached HatesBlacked 10/19/2022 (Wed) 11:11:36 Id: 0d5408 No. 678 [Reply]
Thank you for existing. I hated when a few years ago all of a sudden everything was about black people, including chan boards. All the weird hypno really bothered me, and then rap became mainstream where even country songs were also rap songs. I never hated black people. I wasn't raised that way. It just became that way after hearing their bullshit for so many years, and I grew to resent them. I have ended up banging a ton of chicks who aren't white just because of all of the fucked up interracial hypno porn I saw. I could barely look a white woman. Luckily I live in a US state that's heavily mixed, so I've fucked several hispanic women and many Caribbean-looking black women (regular black women are ugly IMO), as well as several Koreans and other asians. There's a ton of them just wandering around at night sucking dicks for where I live. When I get a blow-to-go, she's usually black because they suck dick for like 80 bucks, and they're young. I mean I'm close to 40 and they're 18-21 sucking me off. Stripclubs are a lot of young latinas who don't even speak English jacking me off or riding me in the VIP for like 200. They're kind of closing in on the AMPs but I've fucked quite a few hot Asians in them. For some reason they leave the hookers and strippers alone, though. They must hate Asians. I love tiny pale Asian women, though. I'm planning on retiring somewhere in SEA just so I can fuck a ton of them. I have other women but even dating sites are promoting "equality," which is everyone except white men. None of the women who talk to me online are white and I'm white as hell, and in a majority white area. It's weird.
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Actually its kinda funny you mention dating sites promoting equality because I only ever really get matched with chicks from Thailand. I have to unmatch though because I am not travelling to Thailand for a tinder date.
>>678 Yeah, I've noticed it too. The thing is that anytime you try to look up porn with a white guy fucking any woman, anything really, about 99% is just irrelevant bullshit and the 1% is the thing you actually asked for, even if I type Big White Cock, BWC, or White Male Black Girl(its variants too), you get irrelevant bullshit no matter what due to faggots mistagging or the algorithm. I can't even find some normal porn video with a white guy fucking a girl without some self hating, mentally ill tranny brainwashing me to cut my dick off and get on nigger faggot tranny drugs. Even in some cases, those "sissy hypno" videos have CP or illegal shit yet BLEACHED draws the line because muh racism. Let a white guy be happy for once, BLEACHED isn't hurting anyone. I have the same sentiment too, back then, I didn't really care about it that much since most of them were the minority where I live and the usual white genres were still popular like pop and rock at the time but ever since BLM (Burn Loot Murder) and a bunch of nigger worshipping became popular nowadays, I now hate them and I'm getting sick and tired of hearing rap songs all time to the point I refuse to listen to anything with niggers in them, even jazz or non-rap genres. It's also sad that whites want to be black with nigger rap as well instead of doing some meaningful music like what whites did back in the olden days. I remembered when individuality used to exist before nignog culture invading other cultures and it's very sad to see a beautiful culture get destroyed by nignogs. Similar thing can be said with white women, I thought they were beautiful and good partners but most of them have BPD, are on anti-depressants, and brainwashed, coal burning liberals, I don't feel any remorse towards them if they get killed by their nignog husband/boyfriend or have a niggerspawn. White women aren't worth it, you're better off with an ethnic gf; specifically those from their home countries, Americanized ones are ratchet, gross, rude, and feminist. Ever since I found this website and bleachbooru, I feel more happier and I love fapping to it but it does get pretty boring due to the lack of content but I can always do my part and make my own BLEACHED content such as art, edits, PMVs/HMVs, etc At this point, I'll just vote for some alt-right dude if that's even possible, majority of right wingers are groypers or grifters, no in-between and don't forget majority of right wing women are just LARPers or roasties shilling their OnlyFans using the MAGA/White Supremacy theme while her sexual past explains it. >>809 At least it's something and it's better than a single mom with a niggerspawn, morbidly obese bitch, OnlyFans shill, bot, and tranny. The good thing is that matching with a foreign chick is based but unless you make enough money or do investing, I'm not sure how it'll work so I don't blame you for doing that.
>>1048 My advice to you would be this. Be the change you want to see in the world. stuff like the struggles you are having are why i want to start a PIF so that we can have real bleached porn made. Not fake bleached made by kikes or commies.

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Extreme Content ❤ Anonymous ❤ 10/10/2023 (Tue) 15:17:48 Id: 6c53ab No. 957 [Reply]
Rough sex, beatdowns, snuff, pmvs, splitscreens, captions If you cant stand this stuff: ignore and treat as containment thread.
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>>978 There a lot of ill spirited people surrounding this type of content and I dont wanna hit it off the wrong way. Just happy theres a dedicated place for it.
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>>957 absolutely based content bro, also hi i'm the new BO.

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❤ Anonymous ❤ 01/21/2023 (Sat) 12:20:35 Id: cd9caa No. 755 [Reply]
Indian and brownSEA Female thread.
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WMLF ❤ Anonymous ❤ 09/26/2022 (Mon) 02:21:46 Id: 0e1980 No. 650 [Reply] [Last]
Bleached Latinas
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