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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3554: Sleepy Edition Anonymous 10/13/2021 (Wed) 22:55:32 Id: 0809fa No. 138197
Two more UK energy firms go bust as prices soar https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-58903122 Brexit: Most NI checks on British goods to be scrapped https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-58871221 Afghan refugee stabbed to death in London in front of schoolchildren https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/oct/13/afghan-refugee-stabbed-to-death-in-london-in-front-of-schoolchildren
>>138193 China numbah wan
for standing up to your mummy and demanding what you deserve (tendies NOW) >>138197 of course the only stabbing to make the news is when it's an arab rapist smgh
>>138197 >Hazrat Wali, 18 they've lied about age before >attacked near a rugby field where children were playing wonder why he was hanging around there hmmm
>>138202 they're already trying it but there's backlash, also it's the poshos that have been adopting the vegan shit more than the cattle
>>138203 I’m going to make that post again ITT
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>>138204 good lad >>138205 GOOD LAD
>>138205 good lad
keeeeeeeek my electricity bill is already insane and they refuse to check the meter due to COVID-19 or change it so I can switch electricity plans. I'm also not allowed a smart meter for some reason.
If the cunts ban steak I’m going to start killing people
>>138209 me, I'm going to start eating people
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>>138209 they're already trying it but there's backlash, also it's the poshos that have been adopting the vegan shit more than the cattle
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>>138205 Goodlad >>138200 Goodlad, bad mummies deserve to be bullied
>>138209 tbh no reason to continue being an obedient toilslave if they do that
don't see the point smart city meme and le great turn off and on again, if my internet is still cutting out every 3 hours and I can't even get coverage for a electricity meter.
this one was weird cos it's actual meat rather than soyshit in which case what is the fucking point
>>138216 making money from gullible soytards but also conditioning so that the cattle will eventually accept eating blocks of processed insects like in that one retarded film snowpiercer
which was apparently made into a television series too lmao
>>138216 >long lasting Laced with dodgy shit then
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>>138216 Feel like they let the Factorio player-base design the future of food production.
>>138220 mmm, industrial runoff
>>138218 Yeah basically this Not long ago they were telling us all how bad processed foods were, and we needed to eat fair trade organic to save the planet, but now the propaganda has changed and heavily manufactured foods are hip and cool
>>138220 not according to their site, though yank company so could be lying since their food standards are abysmal I just don't see the point in taking a good piece of beef and turning it into this, had it been some soyshit I would've understood but it's apparently proper meat and veg that they are quirkifying for sanfran fucks
>>138223 Niggers are supposed to run down white liberals and kill them, why are black people so bad at everything ?
>keep nervously looking at my email counter to see if it's gone up smh mummies have such undeserved power over us poor oppressed neets I shouldn't feel bad or like I've done wrong and yet I do
>>138226 >why are black people so bad at everything ? systemic racism
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>>138228 Problem is all the psychotic murderous black people are unable to pass the current driving test, the standards should be changed to something like the US where you just drive down a street then park.
Finally trimmed my neckbeard. Might get the Just for Men and go full Hollywood Hogan.
>>138225 Almost all silicon valley startups go bankrupt, I wouldn't worry too much about these gay novelty companies tbh >>138227 Go to bed lad, I'll read you a bedtime story if you need me to
Government literally gave the worst possible dietary advice that lead directly to the obesity epidemic
>>138233 tbh it wont exist in six months, it just baffles me is all
>>138234 Gluttony and a lack of proper bullying led to all these fat fucks.
>>138233 read me Goodnight Moon just like how Jared Taylor would read Woes to sleep >>138234 haha they're just incompetent it's not a conspiracy or anything lmao you're just paranoid
>>138234 You go to school for 16 years and they force you to consume refined carbohydrates at lunch even if you're not hungry.
>>138237 >just incompetence I could believe that if they weren’t actively involved in suppressing the truth, as they do with Covid
>>138241 hwew tbh I still think the shit that goes into our stuff is too much as is
>>138242 thankfully for us our food standards are top-notch compared so the companies have to list everything, you can avoid the more heavily processed crap rather easily
>>138241 Always best to buy food as close as possible to its natural state, untampered with
>>138241 Sweeteners like aspartame are still allowed here and Americans can still by meat and vegetables at cheaper prices than us, any one in the UK/US who subsists on tinned food and sunnyD deserves bad health.
>their fries have beef flavour added to them
>>138246 because they used to be cooked in beef tallow which is a natural byproduct of slaughtering cows and not so bad for you compared to vegetable oils and so on, which the jews couldn't have now could they
similar circumstances to why the sick flavour is added to shart icecream
>>138245 >at cheaper prices than us err not really
It’s real
>>138247 yeah just seems unnecessary extra flavouring when your burger is already going to taste of beef tbh
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>>138250 disgusted but not surprised >>138251 just the most economical way for ye olde shartican fast food to be cooked I guess, and they grew to like the taste >>138252 god I hate them bet I could kill them both at the same time
>>138254 yeah it just seems like an excessive amount of flavour over everything in an entire meal, gravy's great but not when everything's drowning in gravy
>>138255 excessive? well ah beg to differ we do thangs a li'l differently here in the good old yew-ess of aye
>>138241 Just good business
>>138249 Apples are cheapest in Syria and most expensive in South korea yet it's clearly much easier to grow apples in SK. There's a million different variables here such as the type of apple and weather it's being bought enmasse to make bad fruit juice or cider and how in demand it is based on culture and climate. They don't even explain how they get the valuation, are organic food markets and local small apple farms even taken into account, it just looks like a market global trade price for large companies.
>>138258 that was just one quick example, there's also this one >>138240 which is the same item
Getting that dafty feeling again lads…
>>138259 Yea it's like saying shark fin soup would be expensive in Huston Texas
>>138261 bread is bread lad I doubt they're importing a baguette from germany
>>138262 They only have 165 lidil's in the entire US while the UK has 762
>>138264 you got any examples where yank food is cheaper than ours? all I've ever seen is the opposite from posts and discussions about it
>>138265 Looks like the normies are getting genocided We didn’t need to do anything
>>138263 how are they even calculating how many have been vaxxed and how many have actually been vaxxed? mate went in and got the box ticked and left, according to his bit of paper he's fully vaxxed
>>138268 They ticked his jab box without vaccinating him?
>>138270 yeah he went in to registration, they ticked the box and told him to wait, said he needed a wee and left
>>138273 here's the full thing
>>138272 Smart, wish I’d done that
>>138274 Thanks, I remember it happening but didn’t know the full context
>Something needs to be done to improve public trust in the media
>>138275 made me wheeze, he'd had to do it for his job and was looking for a way out, was worried the second time he went incase they noticed it but they fucking didn't the whole system has been a hilarious mess, none of it is properly attached to anything, they aren't properly documenting anything, went for an appt a couple months back and he asked if I'd been jabbed while he was looking at the screen at my fucking medical profile, none of them have a fucking clue
>no-one trusts the media >media is run by jews hmmmmm
>ordering more ciggies from GERMany >the price and shipping of them has gone down Brexit wins again
>>138281 are german cigarettes good?
>>138282 Everything German is good
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I just spent 40 minutes watching some sand-nigger documentary about agarwood poaching.
>>138287 a powerful statement i approve
https://counter-currents.com/2021/10/on-dissidents-marriage/ lads secret agentfagging is how you save the white race
>>138289 >stagflation >stag inflation
>>138290 grindr greg and co will cope until there are so many muslims around them they can no longer have poopy butt penis sex
thought tomorrow was friday
>>138292 just become an entrepeneur or do STEM t. grifter who has no idea how to run a business or middle classoid office drone who has no idea how the world works outside of setting up new clients for the software dev team
>>138293 I love her lads
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Complete and total societal collapse. Inflation.Deflation. Stagflation. Silver ATH. Gold:Silver ratio - 6:1. Risk on. Risk off. Shortages. Crude oil price collapse. Petrodollar death. RMB Yuan. Central Bank Digital Currency. Phasing out of physical fiat. Digital fiat with expiry dates. Bitcoin. Collapse. Collapse. Collapse. Brownouts. Blackouts. Bugs. Soy. "Protein". Starvation. Supply chain collapse. Death. Massive loss of life. Indiscriminate loss of life. Jewish nightmares beyond your imagination. Trust The Plan. - Q
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>>138297 society deadass finna collapse?
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where do the qoomers live now? we should go and shit them up
>>138300 She fantasises of being kidnapped so she could be a mummy instead of polutician smh
>>138301 think they're still on 8kum
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>>138299 no cap finna aselerate collapse on sheesh na mean?
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>>138299 >>138304 I have not taken my meds. I am a danger to society, 5439HJ3424. Follow the white rabbit.
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I miss the riots SO FUCKING MUCH
Cow at the window how do ya do? Turnin that green grass into poo
Jesus my sleeping pattern is fucked.
>>138311 want to have a staying awake competition?
>>138312 I think I'm going to roll a massive joint and try to knock myself out.
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morning lads >>138311 tbh
>>138315 mornin
toilmaxxing today smh got to leave by half three but have all the businesshite to do I want to go back to bed >>138310 good post tbh >>138315 >>138316 AUGH tbh
night lads
>>138317 morning lad >>138318 night lad
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Early birb catches the worm for sleepy birb to have later.
>>138321 keeeek luv number three tbh
called it mummy just emailed me and tried to guilt me into vaxxing on the first line just had to do one of the self tests and the shitty cotton swab made my nose bleed it said to stick it down your throat and then your nostrils too, fuck that shit
really fucking hope they haven't doped the test kits with the virus/poz and I haven't just double infected myself
>>138325 got to get those numbers up somehow lad
asked the digital course teacherlass for another extension so I can lie in and put off my work for another day or so hope she's not pissed enough to just fail me completely or whatever tbh time to go back to bed
>she's on holiday keeek fucksake whatever tbh I'll just let it fail then
>>138327 smh lad you had plenty of time
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>>138327 Lad surely struggling with deadlines is part of your disability
>>138331 Hope the first one at least got sacked for this.
22st is dead arrow to the knee
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>>138337 First was deleted. I don't get it tbh. Some LARPers outside the Parliament or is it some actual Parliamentery LARPers i.e. the globohomo anarcho tyranny anti huwhite state has embraced autistic Hitler aesthetics?
>>138338 it's the german army commemorating those who served in afghanistan https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gro%C3%9Fer_Zapfenstreich
>>138337 Keeeeeeeeekeeeeeekeeekekekekekekek
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what a fucking dreadful string of lazy, low quality seethe-bait posts
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>>138342 >daniel craig reveals he prefers gay bars
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all that seethebait.
>>138348 banworthy tbh
>>138337 It's just like Charlottesville
just got up
>>138351 rip lad
>>138352 It's fine, I'll smoke a fat joint and everything will be fine.
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>>138347 AUGH smh watching the bond film is going to be like bathing in nettles I'll bring a notebook and try and record the poz or something I guess
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>cut too much of moustach on one side >try to even it out >Hitler smh. If I cut it I become a muslam, if I shave my beard I become chinless. Guess Hitler with beard it is
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>>138349 tbh, but check this out
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>>138358 phowar that english flower in the lepard twopiece on the left
>>138356 smh lad don't let her bully you into watching it if she wants to see it that badly she can go to the cinema on her own birthday >>138357 smh
>>138357 Wear the moustache anyway, accuse anybody who mentions it of being antisemitic towards Charlie Chaplin's legacy.
>>138340 >mong babbling about muh drones maybe its schizo
>make femoid laugh >keep making her laugh God I hate this courting shite. Why did monkes learn to speak
>>138364 It's hard when they have an iq of a brick or are hyper-sensitive to political correctness, status, or some other shite.
>>138365 ok? Didn't ask you to reply to my post
>>138366 I'm going to reply to every post you make now.
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>Free (You)s
>>138369 here's your first one big guy
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>>138364 Yeah its exhausting tbh the best is when you make them laugh a couple of times then completely withhold emotion and stop bothering they seem to like that
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>Sore throat is gone >Stopped taking liquid codeine >Ear is now blocked >Head is thumping
>>138370 Keep them coming >>138371 Yeah was going to say it's a minefield with no real reward for you. Suddenly they get offended and passive-aggressive or go silent treatment mode.
>courting rest your head old man
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>Hehe, remember me lol?
>>138374 You should basically just shitpost at them and see if they like it
Fuck women megaliths are more interesting tbh >>138374 You should really think about the quality of your posts, and improve them. >>138377 ...
so by women you mean underage school girls
>>138380 this one is 18 tbh
>The reason he's having trouble with this one is because she is not a child
>>138382 keeeek
>>138382 well I was complaining in general. I've got a lot of wombs in the air. This one is pleasant and one of the few ones who has reacted positively to the idea of being a housewife and doing homeschooling
>>138385 >I've got a lot of wombs in the air. A very odd image I have in my head now.
>>138282 they aren't GERMan ones it's just I can import shit from GERMany far cheaper than buying in-country
>>138387 so food shortages soon?
>>138390 Probably, the flashfloods in China will have a massive knock on effect for all industries because we rely so heavily on are little yellow men
Tell me stories and amusing anecdotes about the Norway shooter lads
>>138392 absolute tragedy that
>>138394 posting it again
>>138393 he drives
tldr death to america
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very low quality post smh no (You)s for you
>>138393 a Norwegian convert to Islam. Looks like he used a shitty bow with shitty practice shooting arrows. Walked into super market screaming, also went into people's homes and shot them
https://twitter.com/disneyplusla/status/1448115097822445572 such a quirky billion dollar international company how very relatable
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smh my body type
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>>138403 wtf lad
>>138404 it's from the hit new netflix series squid game!!!
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>>138405 woahhhhhhhhhhhhh!! it looks so awesome i should Czech it out!!!
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the nk lass in the show was cute
>niggress doing whiteface for cosplay
>>138409 jesus christ that's creepy
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morning lads toil with boomer bossman soon
>>138410 It is meant to be the capcoom vampire mummy so it's supposed to be creepy+coomworthy. I give her A for effort with all that makeup even over her tits tbh.
>>138412 still looks fucking ugly
>>138412 I knew that, so she's ugly even for that
A woman without virtue is an instant 0
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>>138395 Didn't the yanks cuck some Canadian weapons development as well, or am I misremembering? My personal favourite is this one though >The programme was cancelled on economic grounds, as the Ministry of Defence decided that it would be cheaper to use the American Scout rocket, which had a similar payload capacity, for future launches.[6] Prior to the cancellation of Black Arrow, NASA had offered to launch British payloads for free; however, this offer was withdrawn following the decision to cancel Black Arrow.[2]
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are any u lids watching the last duel tomorrow?
>>138419 there was this single mum I argued with who first said she was raped, and then when I pressed her on it it was clear it wasn't rape as she let him do it. She just didn't want to. Her not being able to say no is men's fault I guess.
tore my rotar cuff
>>138419 Message of the video isn't so bad in itself. Based that they've got non whites in there saying don't be that guy, implying they could've been. Pointless and probably made by someone with the intent to demonise all men. Not even seethe worthy though. >>138420 Now that is. Fucking hate the 'it sorta felt like rape when I let him fuck me' lassies. Smh.
>>138422 rip lad that's the single most important cuff
>these ladsw ho only have one rotar cuff
>>138416 >From Middle English vertu, virtue, borrowed from Anglo-Norman vertu, virtu, from Latin virtus (“manliness, bravery, worth, moral excellence”), from vir (“man”).
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>138426 We're all aware of its etymology, retard, the word has a new meaning developed over 2000 years.
>>138428 No it doesn't. Virtue is manliness. Everything else is faggotry.
>>138420 I've lost the ability to give a shit about any of this, I'm so sick of them seething over the situation that they fucking created, I do not care how many of them get hurt anymore I'm sick of hearing about them whinging about it
>>138430 sick of you whinging tbh
>>138431 sick of you whinging about me whinging tbh
>138429 Objectively false, retard.
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NHS nurse who claimed she was secretly hypnotised at work causing her to fart against her will loses lawsuit after she was sacked for refusing to see a psychiatrist https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10091897/NHS-nurse-claimed-secretly-hypnotised-make-fart-work.html >Xandra Samson insisted she was suffering from unwelcome ‘gastrointestinal disturbances’ at work including flatulence. >The staff nurse at Ealing Hospital, London, self-diagnosed herself as being the target of ‘ideomotor phenomenon’ - a little-known hypnotic concept which is said to make people make movements unconsciously. >“They are also using gaslighting through the use of low frequency soundwaves. Recently, I have seen a van in the parking lot near the area where I work that carries what appears to be audio equipment.”
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>go to roll a zoot >there's one already made based ganja gnomes
>>138434 Smh the flatulence world order gets away with it again
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>>138438 >despite keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>females with political ideas
>>138439 >anti-imperialist >pro-indigenous >lebanese
David Davis has revealed that he prefers literal dick-swinging to metaphorical
Has he tried just not going to the bar like every other multi-millionaire actor.
>>138443 License to bum
>>138446 hahahaahhahah
>>138446 but nowhere to cum :(
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>this place that has no niggers needs to import niggers to apologise for its past treatment of niggers
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https://youtu.be/-4I97OwPwRI could do with some hoof chops right now
Would happily form a statue cleaning group with some based lads tbh
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https://youtu.be/FVa4786ukWE we won't surrender we won't give in we'll fight the fight AND WE WILL WIN https://youtu.be/FVa4786ukWE
>>138453 someone needs to mp4 that before it gets taken down
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>new groomee has no internet footprint smh
>>138450 Looking into this story and the everything is the result of a 1/4 black women moving to Jersey from London who ran a company called "Mindset Matters Social Wellness Consultancy", which means you hire them if your company is accused of racism to prove you're not racist and dont get sued. She moved to Jersey only a year ago and has been bullying local institutions into creating diversity positions that then hire her as a "DEI consultant". The entire Jersey Heritage Diversity Group is just her and they made this entire report. Its a good example of how things the news reports are just shit NGOs decided are true by asking themselves. Its all a fucking grift, she doesnt even look black.
>>138460 Imagine she got stabbed to death
>>138461 she's a grifter, someone else will replace her. the Tories could stop this day one by creating more protections for businesses from accusations of racism or repealing the Equality Act of 2010. simply dont let the term "racism" be a magic spell that lets any random minority hold massive legal power over any business or institution they come into contact with.
Yes a poo and yes, yes! indeed! a wee!
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Goodnight lads, just 1 or 2 days toil now.
https://youtu.be/-gB3Qrl1OIY I'll leave you all with this
>toil resumes tomorrow
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You're not coming in with those trainers, mate
>>138471 keeeeeeeek
>>138471 keeeek
>>138418 dualists is such a good flim, suprised it isn't talked about more in this sphere.
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chilly tonight lads
>>138471 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>new match >opens with "I'm still convinced Crime and Punishment is one of the best novels written" why are women so bad at this?
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it's an awful panel smdh
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>QT posting
QTposting is the noblest manifestation of penance tbh I miss it
some middle aged blonde white woman did the 👏👏👏👏 as talking meme
Joeysworldtour making an appearance
goodseethening lads film was shit and my niggercattle family immediately brought up their preprogramed talking points as soon as it ended, going on about "ooh it's so nice that the new bond is a WOMAN" and that and you can bet they were all smuckling inside feeling virtuous that she's an ugly coal black nigger too film had extremely overt antiwhite and white genocidal imagery and I seethed a lot inside chinky meal was nice but they forgot the spring rolls and ate all the crispy duck without me because I walked back after going to ask about being hired at a shop
>Hates immigrants >Loves chinese food fuck off
>>138486 atkinson_now_that_we_have_the_recipes.wav don't look up the full sketch
>>138485 evening lid glad you had a good seethe
The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma.
dad finally replied to my birthday email I sent almost two weeks ago and it's full of quirky hipster language keeeeeeeeek smh what a larper, loads of big brain words and then he says he's playing asscreed wewuzzery and other such things going to send him some of meatybraps tea and tell him it's from a nature conservationist group >>138488 tbh I took some notes, will write a seetheqrd tomorrow
question about the lecturer at some uni being called transphobic
based, science lad going hard on trannies
called trannyism something very wrong
moustached woman thoroughly triggered
>when some fat cunt with a moustache tries saying there is science behind trannyshit
>>138474 god I wish that was me
unironically chad phenotype
good art is when you become a disgusting freak, the more of a disgusting freak you are, the gooder the art
>>138501 always find it funny that whores act as though being a whore is fine and normal but also never fucking tell their significant other even though it's apparently fine and normal
KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK COME THE FUCK ON https://twitter.com/i/events/1448520062206234624
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>>138505 good lad
Nurse thought she was being secretly hypnotised at work and made to fart The nurse has lost a tribunal after saying she was unfairly dismissed after claiming she was being 'possessed and 'gaslighted' https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/uk-news/nurse-thought-being-secretly-hypnotised-21854505
David Davis thought he was being secretly hypnotised on the cabinet and made to resign-The MP has lost his position after saying Brexit was unfairly counted after claiming the people were being hoodwinked and gaslighted
Greggs announces Festive Bake return date - with a twist https://www.walesonline.co.uk/whats-on/food-drink-news/greggs-announces-festive-bake-return-21853369 >Greggs has announced the return date for its fan-favourite Festive Bake, and has revealed there will be two this year. >The classic Festive Bake is filled with chicken, sage & onion stuffing and sweetcure bacon, smothered in a sage & cranberry sauce and encased in crumb topped pastry. >Taking inspiration from the original masterpiece, the vegan-friendly version is filled with Quorn pieces, sage & onion stuffing and a vegan bacon crumb, finished with a sage & cranberry sauce encased in puff pastry. fucking hate soygans
>>138501 >4th image >would this be classified as revenge porn lmao
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>>138513 3rd ones fake isn't it
>>138515 no it's real of course
Anyone still a monarchist?
>>138519 >we shouldn't care about the environment because of leftoids
>>138519 yeah but not for those cunts
>>138520 Climate change is bollocks lad And even if it’s real, there is sod all the U.K. can do about it
>>138522 the crisis is bollocks but there's nothing wrong with improving our energy infrastructure and cleaning the planet
>>138521 Same tbh The Windsors have to go
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you get what you fucking deserve
>>138523 >improving infrastructure “Green” technology doesn’t do that though, it’s just a useless scam
>Inside the Ring doorbell revolution: how the tiny device changed Britain https://twitter.com/i/events/1448559735578451970 does anyone here have one of these
>>138526 I never said "green" lad
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https://youtu.be/Yei7KJsC2ds >wearing a cloth mentira mask while in a gunfight shooting outside of cover where you could die in seconds what level of normalfag is this lads
please respond
>>138532 >>138531 masks are protective charms to ward against disease so why not hope they work against bullets too tbh
>>138533 good lad did you have any exciting battles with mummy today?
>>138534 just silent sneething as she talked about the POWERFUL FEMALE BOND and the EVIL WHITE MAN BADDIE in the film tbh she's coming back at the end of the month but this time with my sisters and their beta providers so there will probably be ample seethium to harvest there
>>138535 smh do you bully your sister's betabuxes? it would be comfy being a neet and just making them have to put up with your judgements, etc.
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>>138536 i imagine the inside of a normies brain is pic related tbh
>>138538 keeek yeah you are right
could go for some more chinky food right now tbh my seethenotes from the film -borderline paedophilic camera angles and filmography in the opener -audience almost entirely boomer -themes of burnt offerings (holocaust) where characters keep literally making burnt offerings setting paper alight and throwing it in the wind -all the baddies were white or italian except for one of the main roles of a funny poojeet corrupt doctorman -anti-british iconography in the title sequence, using blood to colour in the union jack and that sort of thing, clearly a guilt op -absolutely insane amounts of divershity, really vile and they are all poor actors -muh russians stuff -strong themes and visuals of white genocide, literally showing europe, shartica and other colonial populations being erased from the map -cattle conditioning has a reached a peak, filmographical equivalent of beating them to death with a hammer that prints "YOU FEEL X NOW" especially with the bond death scene which was also an extended wankfest to celebrate the negress taking over all in all, would like to strap everyone involved to dr evil tier death machines and laser their bollocks off and let feral boars with frickin laser beams strapped to their heads eat them >>138537 not yet tbh, middle sister has an actual goodlad for a partner, big man in plastics and a proper catholic richfag meeting the youngers' one for the first time, the little I know about what she's gotten up to makes me think she's a slag, was basically a groupie for a "christian" rock band and that kind of thing, also the guy's name is xavier or damien or something like that which is either nigger or tarquin tier with no inbetween
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>>138530 A new champion appears
>>138544 You pull down your pants and pull out your lobster - then she pulls down her pants and pulls out her lobster
>>138546 smh he must have ragequit his quest for the fighters guild
ah I see a fellow stealth bowman
>>138546 convert to islam lmao
>>138549 smh seems like an rpg-7 is like the angle grinder of war weapons, it can "do it all" but is extremely dangerous to the user and his compatriots unless its used by a pro user. I don't know how you can use one of those while in cover. that was kind of what was great about the PIAT in ww2 is it could be used in cover or in a structure.
>>138553 seems like they are using the RPG-7 more as in an anti personnel grenade launcher role. I would imagine they could probably use that thing from longer ranges.
>>138532 smh steiner never getting poosy
>>138553 you can fit it with frag rockets he still had a heat on it though
>>138556 http://www.bits.de/NRANEU/others/amd-us-archive/FM90-10-1C1%2895%29.pdf on pg. 120 they say you can use rocket weapons in corner window so the backblast goes out the window to the side of you.
>>138531 Looks pretty rag tag to me - are they trying to counter a sniper?
Looks like a lot of fire happening,. seems like foreground guys are mostly shooting upwards in response
>>138558 idk, that kind of stuff is scary af tbh, imagine just being given that thing with almost no training and then you are just out doing dumbass shit with it like you are some pro RPGman. I bet they have shitloads of training in russian army or com bloc armies in how to shoot those into windows, like the other lad said that doesn't even look like the frag rocket which looks like a little dilator instead of the fuckhueg PGV-7 or whatever that classic round is called. I think they have a newer round that is much more effective for the RPG but that looks like the classic 60 year old one
>>138551 fucking hell edrama is so shite and gay wish they would take it out on the zogniggers instead of faggot infighting
>>138558 BASED Hezbollah had a march through a Christian area and a Christian militia started shooting at them from a apartment block and 6 civilians died.
>>138562 sounds like diversity was their greatest strength
constantly amazed lebanon hasnt had another civil war yet https://twitter.com/Georges__Haddad/status/1448630888137478154
>>138549 oh shit that nigga died
>>138564 no time for cupcakes
>The guy spicolas nuked his movement shitting on is called Ryan Sanchez >It's a Mexican civil war for the control of the autistic-right of america
>>138567 yeah when I read that it was just pure JUST.
>>138560 Okay I missed that point -. So it's was more of a directional anti vehicle kind of munition in the video and not ideal for anti personnel. Hopefully you would want a bit of a rundown on how to move with and carry one of those before Ahmed pulls it out of the trunk of his Civic and puts it in your hands, Like giving your 10yo nephew a 7" angle grinder that's missing the guard
>>138568 >in 20 years the new zoomers will be shitting on the krautlarpers and instead be larping as hapsburg spanish monarchist colonist mexican empire peepoopeepoomers as the schizophrenic founding myth of the new right movement
>>138569 keeeeeeek yeah exactly
>>138570 please don't remind me, most of my hate for spic fuentes is that he was always in my view a spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)ntryist
that both of them are beaners is just the worst.
>>138571 smh I would be wearing safety glasses and ear pro with one of those things, they are like dumber than meth heads with an angle grinder. couldn't the fragments kill them at that range? smh I feel like I would want it mounted on some platform so I could get real precise on where the rocket would go. ngl I think the RPG looks like it would be a very hard weapon to be good with. the scope on it is probably in cyrllic
the first gen bazooka in ww2 had a short rocket fin and it would burn your eyes out when you fired it and fill your face with burnt propellant so they issued these cuck googles and you can just imagine some poor trooper getting bullied by some boomer chomping a cigar saying you'll be dead anyway kid just smoke a ciggie and forget those goggles
>>138576 They fitted it with a a heat shield later so I guess it was a real issue.
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>>138576 keek tfw gunnery sergeant wilson calls you a nancy boy and smashes the rocket goggles
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>but sarge I can see anything in this >everyone else is squad laughs at you in your barf mask >get out there and hit that tank johnson >run out set up an elaborate ambush and wait for 2 hours under fire hiding in a wet gully while german mortars come in and the squad starts taking casualties and then finally jumps up and shoots at a panther and it has no effect and you instantly get decapitated by M-34 coaxial >sarge: *tears up* dag gone
the PIAT seemed based but idk if it was less effective. smh the russkies had to use those AT handgrenades with parachutes on them
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does the UK military use the similar AT4/ MILAN system as other natos or is it different?
>>138583 we use both although I think milan has been phased out.
>>138584 yeah I think now nato uses javelin or something
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>>138588 imagine having an autistic troomer mutt zoomer kid who has one of those mutt perms and runs around screaming "hewwhoa woowee ELUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUAAA" while hitting themselves and your mutt wife is *sips tea* while you are wagecucking
>>138589 Sounds freeing lad
would streetbeefs ever even be legal here?
>>138592 Can imagine the auditor crowd loving it lad. We could have cyclist vs van driver beefs
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>>138592 yeah we already have bare knuckle boxing
toil looms >>138598 sneed chuck
>>138599 One night a wild young wagie came in, Wild as the red desert wind. Toiling and coping, A wage he was sharing With wicked Bossman, The man that I hated.
>>138600 keeeeeeek
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>>138600 As the wagies loped on by him he heard one call his name 'If you wanna save your soul from hell a-riding on our range Then neets change your ways today or with us you will ride Trying to catch the devil's herd across these endless skies Yippie I oh oh oh Yippie I aye ye ye Toil riders in the sky Toil riders in the sky Toil riders in the sky
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>>138596 My MP's a useless tory cunt, I'll give him all the death threats I like
>>138602 keeeeek based
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>>138570 >the Mexican takeover is fixing the historical wrong that was the US republic attacking Latin America's monarchies
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Anyone heard about the secret agenda to integrate steam into every aspect of society once the steam deck is released ?
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>>138500 What works of art has western civilisation even produced in the last 50 years? >>138438 >anti-authoritarians are anti-proletariat Based and redpilled, thanks Engels
David Davis announces new "Resignation" speech in parliament bakerymummy gave me two caramel shortbreads even though I only asked for one and I didn't complain and paid for them smh shouldn't she know I need to watch my weight
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Apart from this masterpiece of course
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>>138613 Yes, that's a good boy, eat up the sweeties.
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I'm thinking a manga like Beserk but all the demons in the astral plane are soyjack edits.
>5RR lad would choose to take a shotgun into the bush instead of an AR so he could hunt niggers like he was hunting wabbits they were so based smh
>>138617 If Tyson Fury the ideal male body type now I'm going to drowning in female attention.
Why do people say it was the best fight of the three, I just watched the first and second fight highlights and it seemed like they did a lot less hugging.
Keeek at this Pfizer goblino
>>138620 Don't think the hugging gets into the highlights, lad.
Aye carumba!
>>138623 >boomer tiktoker using niggerspeak to own the cupcakes as he and his friends put in work Goodish lad tbh.
>If your kids get troomed or turn teh gay, we have Home Insurance to cover that John Lewis
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>>138500 >>138612 Fantano is a spiritual xer cuckold and needs to fuck off. So does that Rubin cunt. >>138621 just saw that on twitter, couldn't stop chuckling as I saw her fat hebrew arse was wobbling up the steps.
Got a phonecall in the middle of the night from some Afghans asking me to bend the law and help them migrate here How random is that?
>>138620 the only one to end in a ko and it had 5 knockdowns. plus wilder was down in the 3rd and looked finished but then put fury down twice in the next round and lasted until the 11th.
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>>138633 ah yes
>>138500 I wish fantano would accept sam hydes callout and fight him on streetbeefs
>>138637 Let me guess, they're talking about an opposing view to a book on the holocaust and why every wh*teoid is to blame for it, even amerimutts.
>>138640 >>138642 By Mair'd you mean nobody ever heard of him?
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>>138642 we are back
>>138631 At least he's orthodox, lad.
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Please God let the paedo tory die and let it be a paki that killed him
>>138642 turban or urban?
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On the 12th day of /brit/mass, the bongos sent to smee, 12 bummers bumming, 11 pipes a cooming, 10 gaylords peeping, 9 femboys prancing, 8 maid dress milkings, 7 fists a fisting, 6 troons dilating, 5 collapsed anus rings, 4 falling hammers, 3 French cucks, 2 lads that watched the worldcup, And Allen Partridge taking a BBC special episode 2017.
david amess should apologize for amess. he left body fluids all over a church, simply disgusting.
>>138652 lmao they're bisexual pedos
>>138654 Most peados are b*sexual.
stuffed mattress time lads
>>138653 he's certainly a mess now ho ho ho
paki or false flag, lads?
>>138659 No idea yet, too soon.
>>138659 just glad for a happening at this point I'll take anything tbh
"No MP should be..." stabbed, brutally murdered etc. is trend at the same time as "Toree Skum". Every day Toree Skum and other trash is push at me tbh.
>>138663 jo cox was the perfect mp, and more should be like her.
Nokia is releasing a new version of its 6310 'brick phone' for its 20th anniversary https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-10091357/Nokia-releasing-new-version-6310-brick-phone-yes-Snake.html
>>138664 tbh wish my MP was more like Joke Ox.
>>138665 >£60 you can proably get an original for a tenner
>walmart has had the CRT virus since 2019
>>138666 ut oh satan
https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/neil-degrasse-demi-lovato-aliens-1241977/ Immigrants are 'space' aliens though, because they're impinging on my space, and literally coming from 'outer' space, i.e. Africa and the Asia Minor etc. lel, god this man is an utter fucking numpty.
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>>138670 cheer up laddy, he'll live on in our memory
is this a psyop
One down 649 to go
>>138665 the old one probably won't support current frequencies
hoping an irishman did it lmao
>>138681 keeeeek the wrath of the awakened william
>>138682 amazing how they manage to make revolution so fucking gay
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great shitain at work whilst shartican cupcakes rest and cope
who is putting money on it being a paki and who is putting money on it being a lad pushed to daftyism
hope it's some disgruntled boomer who snapped over a planning dispute
>>138688 could be a qtard
>>138688 A dafty would've been pushed to attack a brown woman, much easier to get public sympathy behind whatever tyranical law they follow up with after that.
>>138692 oh I didn't mean being groomed by spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine), I meant just the council constantly fucking him over and over until he decides enough is enough
>Raised as a Roman Catholic, he was known politically as a social conservative and as a prominent campaigner against abortion and on animal welfare issues.
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>>138696 keeeek excellent work lad
>Amess was one of thirty Conservatives who voted against military action in Syria in August 2013 >was in favour of a return to capital punishment >generally opposed bills furthering LGBT rights, including equal age of consent and same-sex marriage
>>138698 >>138694 >>138695 some good things but did he try to end immigration? if he didn't, I sleep tbh
>>138698 pleasant surprise, but no doubt his voting record will also reveal many damning choices
>>138699 >Almost always voted for stronger enforcement of immigration rules >Almost always voted against introducing ID cards >Generally voted for a stricter asylum system
>Almost always voted for stronger enforcement of immigration rules smh seems like he was mostly decent https://www.theyworkforyou.com/mp/10009/david_amess/southend_west/votes
>>138702 >>138700 >Generally voted for higher taxes on alcoholic drinks >Generally voted for increasing the rate of VAT >Voted for new high speed rail infrastructure
>>138701 not sure about not wanting ID cards tbh, or at least requiring some form of identity proof so that illegals can't voote >>138703 >>138704 smh guess the stabber couldn't get at anyone worse at least having an MP die from time to time should put fear in the rest
overall he does seem to have been a good MP tbh
Fucking hate this guy, pure scum, he works for a factchecking organisation called logically.ai, which has its agenda set by respective local governments internationally. He's trying to hint that it might be anti-vaxxers, however, he's not producing evidence, and I cannot find any either. Fuck knows the truth of the matter.
Amess voted for a lot of the covid restrictions.
https://www.smh.com.au/world/europe/british-mp-stabbed-to-death-while-meeting-constituents-20211015-p590hv.html top fucking keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek they really want people to remember Cox
>>138710 literally worse than 1/6 lmao
>Jo Cox, 41, was stabbed and shot by far-right terrorist Thomas Mair in June 2016 ahead of the Brexit referendum. Labour MP Stephen Timms was also stabbed in 2010 but survived. >Cox’s husband, Brendan, said his thoughts were with Amess’ family. this is so fucking pathetic
>>138708 >he lmao lmao lmao lmao
>>138712 what if this new lad was groomed into doing it specifically so they could bring up joes cock again
>>138712 thoughts? more like celebrations. we all know what's going on here, jo cox's husband got revenge and now he's taunting the widow.
>>138714 if jo cox had been packing an uzi she might be alive today. #constututionalcarry #individualrights #blackstone
>>138709 so an antivax icke supporter that was radicalised on the internet
take your pills schizbot
attacker is 25 years old so no boomer jihad
>>138718 say that to my face while i pack an uzi, bet u don't
England would unironically be a much better place if everybody had an uzi
oh no no no lads noseley and meatybraps talked to journoscum https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/20211015---Interview-with-a-Times-Journalist:b also the weekly poodcast with cannibal yank https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/PWR127:f
>>138722 >pizzagate massacre it's interesting how they can't confront the antigay angle the reason i am against consumption of media is it "rots your brain" ie you come to think wrong, it's a cancer, a virus. Battlefield teaches you to be retarded gun fodder. Arma does not. but tv has no redeeming accurate parts, or too few. i'll give you an example, with a question (don't cheat): >How many witches were burned at the stake in New England during the Salem Witch Trials?
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>>138726 You have a good memory. just a bit off. the answer is zero. >Thirty were found guilty, nineteen of whom were executed by hanging (fourteen women and five men). One other man, Giles Corey, was pressed to death for refusing to plead, and at least five people died in jail.
whats 33 mean in schizo speak?
i can't find 1 witch burned at the stake in New England. Burning at the stake was a European thing.
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>sharticans too lazy to kill witches properly
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>>138722 >>138725 keek wtf was the pizzagate massacre when it's at home? >>138723 The Ramones were right-wing tbh, Ian Curtis was a Tory etc. there are plenty. Fantano is a goon pseud, and everyhing that is wrong with the internet.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Janet_Horne The last witch killed, burned alive in Scotland.
>>138733 these are rookie numbers we need to get these numbers up
>>138728 it...means...it mea-
>>138731 he's an absolute fucking tard who seems to forget how fucking political the media is in general, if you don't agree with them you aren't getting published
>>138734 >it's more dangerous to be a uk mp than a us congressman
As a lifelong Conservative and britainish citizen i demand knives be banned, we cannot tolerate this any further.
the filter isnt working
>>138741 cut your willie off
>>138739 unironically a kino album tbh, makes me keeeek when it comes up on my playlist
high quality version of the cover
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>>138743 Dah dah dahdah dahdah doo doo FANTASY CLAP CLAP DAAH dah dahdah dahdah doo doo MYSTERY CLAP CLAP keeek
>>138701 >>138596 >>138604 >>138698 smh one of the few decent ones and he gets done like that
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on toil break, was it a turban or a evil bigot lads?
>>138747 schizo time what if the big boys got some dafty to do it to get rid of one of the few decent MPs and also so they could blame racists/supremacists/antivaxxers in order to pass more restrictions >>138748 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek a lad here already made that joke
>>138750 they haven't published any info on him so it's more likely to be an ethnic, the longer they hold off reporting on it the more likely it is
lmao no interviews of people in the scene?!
on*** f u server
>>138753 nope.
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>>138755 seems odd, should have been people there
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note how they called him a "right wing" tory mp
>>138757 Info is not being released.
smells like a false flag tbh
>>138744 nice lad ta, did a new webm using that, hate letterboxed webms me
Hey, you've got the wrong airlock, Mr. Freeman. You know the test chamber's two doors down. >>138756 >right-winger tory glad to see that they are admitting the torees are just a different flavour of globalshite nwo commie scum
>>138753 >>138755 >>138757 >>138760 hosting a public surgery where there'd be at least a dozen other people there yet the press has not mentioned a single fucking thing most definitely a paki
>>138762 very good lad, do you have the 320kbps release?
>>138765 nah sorry it was a 128kbps youtube rip, I shall scout for a 320 download
>>138766 I've got it, give me a sec I'll upload it to mega or summat
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kek they aren't even using pics of him
>>138768 >>138770 absolute quality lad
>>138769 it's fucking pathetic keeeeeeeeek
>>138771 such a cunt of an album to find tbh, didn't release outside of Japan and trying to find HQ versions was a pain
>woes again claiming hes busy all the time and is always working in the latest gow wtf is he actually doing?
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>literally anything bad >early life
>>138774 masturbating, abusing his synthesiser and eating dairy milk.
>>138769 because nobody cares if men die
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can't imagine being normie enough to watch that
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had a nice french fancy, slight toothache when I drink cold water smh I've been a good boy with teeth brushing for years, must be those early years from 10-14 when mummy didn't make me do it and I didn't have the wherewithal to do it myself catching up with me
>>138772 the right needs to learn from this and package all situations with retrosoectives.
>the schizbot doesn't understand fun what a shocker
>>138783 don't care, if i'd been her age she'd never have dated me
>>138786 I'm glad mongs can be happy
>>138783 smh yeah in covidland they interview this lisa simpson thot nurse who has that cattle brainlet look where she just sort of excuses herself as a spectator to the fact that she was involved in industrial level mass killing of elderly people via rendesavir and fentynal combined with ventilator.
>>138789 "it's just policy" is the new "I was only following orders"
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>>138792 >india becomes advanced
https://banned.video/watch?id=615f96b3aa816336dbd21792 here is the first video of covidland if people have not seen it
>>138794 alright yeah he deserved it nasty little bootlicker for foreigners encroaching on are territory
>>138795 couldn't make it past 40 minutes tbh to much seethium
>>138793 >India becomes a paradise >the Amazon just fucking dies
>>138799 I guess the cooflarp has lost the magic fear touch so they are bringing out this shite again or maybe they'll alternate b etween the two and try to make it the perfect niggercattle pacification cycle
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He was a pug lad, rip
>>138800 it's fucking pathetic honestly, it's clickbaity as fuck but they can get away with it because they use that one magical word to wipe away any blame, the magical COULD word
guarantee it will be covid motivated in some way, then any opposition to covid restrictions will be equated to the murder
just got back from stabbing an MP. What have you lads done for the white race today?
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>>138802 Roy Cropper vibes
>>138807 based
>>138799 >Fahrenheit
>>138806 keeeeeek thought he looked familiar
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woke up with puffy lips think im allergic to penicillin time to stop taking it
>>138812 take more and go as a nigger for halloween
>>138812 post your puffy fanny lass
Police have arrested a 25-year-old Somalian man on suspicion of murdering the Conservative MP Sir David Amess https://twitter.com/Telegraph/status/1449058983160033281
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>>138815 CALLED IT
>>138815 "oh we love our somalis they're so good they're so great"
>>138815 doing the jobs lazy brits won't do
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then his sacrifice was not in vain
KEEEEEEEK 4britpol is full of seething lefties and normgroids, unreadable
anyone have the link to the new leftypol I can't remember it
>>138821 >the higher class the brit is, the less likely subtitles will be necessary for a yank audience
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Look at me. I'm the dafty now.
>>138827 keeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>138808 very true
>particular advocate for refugees
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>another hooftuber keeeeek they've struck gold with the niche market
>>138792 based, 70s sci-fi aesthetics, a new world is possible once nogs have been abolished les goooooo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VbDhMJ8igE
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Based loyle Indian man taking the white man's word as truth
>>138837 >not a corn
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chinky lasses tbh lads
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>>138841 >unprofessional cunt laughing in the background
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>when you're in a crowded theatre
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>>138846 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek day always be trippin own a nigga!
>>138841 tbh but with more singing and no bollock destruction https://youtu.be/-n8XmKSc0-I
Listening to it again tbh https://youtu.be/SD-psZSFIVw
>new groomee is a boxer how do you even become a boxer that's so odd. Maybe she has a dad who will beat me up
>>138852 smh let's hope chicago burns to the ground
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>saw a shartin tier lad with a SEA lass while out the little girl they had was quite cute tbh, much better looking than either parent
>>138854 >(1) I see
Can we not have racial mixing propaganda on /brit/ please
get this nonce off the board
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>>138856 its not propaganda just being honest tbh, they were still a mess though
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>>138860 We know lad
>>138860 Looks like black knives matter
>>138860 decidedly un-based
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>>138850 Black Then White are All I see In my infancy Red and yellow then came to be Reaching out to me Posting sneed
makes me angry how many wogs I see on the way to work each morning. I don't even work in the city anymore I thought I escaped that shite.
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>>138867 > I thought I escaped that shite.
>>138867 let's move to antarctica, lad
>>138869 not a bad idea, tbh. Nothing repels wogs like cold weather.
>>138867 Racial replacement is everywhere lad. Just find the best place for your Yamnaya clan.
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>>138869 Let's butcher and rape the niggers and jews and traitors in a violent racial hell war
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>>138707 this cunt hasn't tweeted since. makes you think
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>beeb pushing for spider amnesty Don't kill them anyway. Maybe I should start.
>>138875 hate 'em myself, cunts. they're the niggers of the insect world
>>138876 Erm ackshully they're arachnids, not insects. Check mate, spigut.
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Fresh Morgoth saving the white race by reviewing shite films https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qc3pyR3ddWU
>>138876 They're the bin men of the insect world, clean up anything else that's infesting your house.
>>138881 Except themselves.
>>138880 >Heat >shite film do you have good taste in literally anything
>>138881 Tbh. Bastard flies are worse. And I saw a (tiny) cockroach looking thing recently. Not denying spiders are alien, creepy little fuckers, but I've only ever had 1 crawl right across my face in 26 years. Flies seem to think it mandatory to kamakazi me. Smh.
Saw a new report the other day about svalbard and there was literally a wog getting interviews KEEEEEEEEK they are everywhere
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>Heat >shite Don't normally do (You) denial tbh but this calls for it
>>138884 >>138881 tbh spiders are good lads and we rarely get any dangerous ones here, although my garden is rather full of them this year
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>4chan is 18
>>138876 that's wasps, lad
>leave spider alone >it doesn't catch any flies and crawls on my bed
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>>138883 >>138886 never seen it and just assoomed it was shite because of morgoth's title tbh
>>138878 >>138877 bots. no wonder our UIDs are through the roof. Ban them
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>eeek a spider I'm frightened
i really wish wessie would stop posting here
>>138893 tbh being a pseudo-toil-lad is keeping you busy, no time to watch, only read headlines
literally just talks shite all the time and when confronted he posts a shitty meme
>>138888 (chk'd)
>>138895 You've licked too many cat arseholes
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>those autistic kids I watched in primary school who just played club penguin all day
>>138902 was crazy taxi for smee
>>138893 why are you like this
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checkmate bigots
>>138905 keeeeeeeeeeeeek you must keeeeeeeek
>>138888 site just needs to die already >>138894 its the /brit/ hivemind at work
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>no big spider gf
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wish 22st would fuck off tbh hes such a cheeky cunt
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>schizo is afraid of spiders
>>138912 how's that cat's arsehole taste, lad?
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>>138915 don't get it tbh
>>138916 you wouldnæt
>>138916 it makes sense with context tbh his TV is a minor plot point
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Val Kilmer was the most based one in that film
>>138893 it's a fantastic movie. absolutely fantastic. https://youtu.be/0xbBLJ1WGwQ
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_i7ZnlmHwQ this plays in my head during yellow sticker hunts tbh
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>>138919 >Kilmer
>ghost of pooglad haunting us
>>138921 Starring dunkacino? yeah, I'm thinking it's based
>>138923 smh poor lad looked kino in that film
>>138925 keeeeek basedlad. Revisits that kino every now and then
>>138923 he was great in kiss kiss bang bang too
>>138923 is he bogpilled?
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>>138926 What do you mean? He's still got it
Hullo lads What are we seething about today?
>>138992 Fugs sake posted in old thread
its simple, something bad happens to someone and if they havent denied the holocaust on record I say "good".

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