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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3555: Great Ass Edition Anonymous 10/15/2021 (Fri) 19:36:19 Id: 643f04 No. 138931
Sir David Amess: Conservative MP stabbed to death https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-58930593 COP26: China's Xi Jinping unlikely to attend, UK PM told https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-china-58929296 COVID news live: UK reports more than 40,000 COVID cases for third day in a row - as US confirms vaccinated Britons can visit from 8 November https://news.sky.com/story/covid-uk-latest-news-live-coronavirus-pcr-lateral-flow-tests-12431158
>>138931 Very good lad
for assooming the worst
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>>138931 good lad first for quarterbacks
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>>138931 goodlad
>>138929 His wife is an acolyte of Brosnan
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>>138935 >bossman assuming the van died because of my negligence >calls and "jokes" about how it's the second van I've destroyed in 2 years >even though the workshop had told him that there was no way to know without having service done on the van >no service for thousands of kilometers because bossman didn't order one despite me asking
for killing pinkertons in westerns
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oh he had throat cancer
*feels bad for mocking him*
>>138939 make sure to keep a record of these events, especially any proof like photographs of damage he refused to fix, when they were taken etc he sounds scummy enough that he will try to fuck you over one day and you'll need that sort of thing
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such an iconic lad
>>138937 too much ass
>>138944 well I have a witness and the countdown until next service is in the van's computer so I am safe. He'd actually try and get me to pay if he thought he could
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homeless cunt tried to steal my phone and now im fantasising about murdering him
>>138949 good lad
>>138949 you know where he lives
>>138951 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>138951 keeek
>>138951 keeeeek
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>>138949 fr no cap?
>>138955 kek can only think of this scene with that song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BuYZz2n2AjQ
>>138942 yeah they're using an AI recreation of his voice for the new Top Gun film
>>138957 such kino
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>>138957 man we were treated to such kino
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The world's first working nuclear fusion reactor could be coming soon near your town Five sites have been shortlisted as the home for the UK's first fusion energy plant https://twitter.com/i/events/1448652173135343618 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-10091755/Five-sites-shortlisted-UKs-prototype-fusion-energy-plant.html
>>138962 what I thought we already had fusion reactorinos
oh it's fission we have
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>On a recent episode of the Richard Spencer show. Richard B. Spencer signalled to supporters worldwide that he was considering a return to politics and was forming exploratory groups to reconnect with his friends and supporters worldwide. He's aiming for a white world, lads
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>>138962 this renewed interest in fusion energy is just a marketing ploy for the new Spiderman movie with the return of Alfred Molina as Dr Octopus
Even Norway is talking of nuclear power plants. Can't really be for clean energy and against nuclear power planterinos tbh smh
>>138965 he becomes enemies of everybody he interacts with
>>138965 ah yes, the saviour of the white race, the yank that conflated white identity with sodomy. No thank you.
>>138937 >hottentots
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>>138962 >coming soon keek they haven't even done anything with ITER yet
>British history and its Viking origins
Any of you lads unironically psychic?
Nuclear power has been suffering ever since Chernobyl. The green energy zealots have an irrational hatred of it, so politicians tried to placate them by abandoning the clean and efficient source that is nuclear in favour of ruining the landscape with horrible postmodern windmills
>>138975 its overrated, produces loads of waste and despite what statistics mongs say about how safe it is this relies on the myth of the competence of the people who run them, after every disaster they always say "how could this have happened" when its usually something obvious that they missed or covered up
>>138975 Opinion has been improving towards them more recently, people are aware of the issues with fossil fuels and are now becoming aware of how useless renewables have been
>>138976 Name one accidents of any significance after chernbobyl that didn't require a tsunami to happen
>>138976 >produces loads of waste compared to renewables? hardly the only issue is finding ways to dispose of it, which is why people are looking into reactors that work off of that waste >after every disaster they always say "how could this have happened" when its usually something obvious Chernobyl was internal corruption and Fukushima was a fucking tsunami, even then the deaths for all nuclear disasters ever is under 200
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>>138980 thought they were already experimenting with recycling nuclear waste
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compared to the massive benefits this is fucking nothing
>trying to discuss energy crises as if politics don't exist. Doesn't matter and a waste of time tbh.
>>138979 >ok name an incident after Chernobyl EXCEPT that one incident it doesn't count
>>138980 >>138982 I thought that kind of research had been ongoing for the last 50 years, I swear there's a dozen different reactor types that do the rounds but it never seems that any of them are actually built. Not sure if it's a genuine brain drain caused by neglect or malice on the part of the masters. I mean, they built MRSE and that was pretty neato but literally nothing came of it.
>he's IP-hopping lmao the state of schizo
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>>138981 kino move
>>138985 Yeah because that one didn't happen because of any faults of the plant itself, and we don't have tsunamis in Britain.
>>138982 >>138986 There's been a bunch of different ideas floated about but nothing ever really comes to fruition, they all end up getting left on the drawing board or just debated between academics, it's constantly being researched though we just need less greenfags banging on about fucking windmills for anything to go anywhere
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>>138990 half of the nuclear incidents don't even measure on the INES scale and of the ones that do most of them are small-scale problems the top disasters add up to about 40 confirmed deaths with a bunch of estimates over the course of several decades, meanwhile in 2010 alone almost 100 people died
>>138995 died of other energy accidents*
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this one mining accident killed more than all confirmed nuclear deaths combined
>>138991 I don't think we have many scientists/experts left with common sense and the ability to convey information in an understandable and respectful manner, avoiding being pretentious or neurotic while not zoning in on one very specific field.
>>138998 There's a major issue underlying modern society that need to be dealt with before we can go full-nuke, but it's good that research and development is still actually being done. And Britain having the first one is kino.
> again, people talking about nuclear energy outside the confines of politics. ngmi tbh
>there are more confirmed funfair and lift deaths than there are confirmed nuclear deaths
It’s coming….
>>138999 A shart or great shitain chernobyl would be kino happening.
>>138991 tbh it feels like there was a burgeoning nuclear energy R&D world in decades past that doesn't really exist now. It's either EDF or the Chinese government. Also nice webm, shame he had to end it with "we will not run out, it is simply too common", lad's really underestimating the power of exponential growth.
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Isn't China building a Thorium reactor?
>>139007 based lebbo boomer watching zoomers larp
>>139007 me goin shops
are you winnin son
>>139000 The poost above yours was addressing poolitics >>139004 >tbh it feels like there was a burgeoning nuclear energy R&D world in decades past that doesn't really exist now It's so weird, it was the latest advancement in energy but all just petered out I'm guessing around Chernobyl time, but it's not as though we just stopped using them altogether. Perhaps it's just that it's not being reported on that often, maybe so as to not worry people or more likely because it's not that interesting/profitable. Compare it to the greenshit, it's ridiculous. >shame he had to end it with "we will not run out, it is simply too common", lad's really underestimating the power of exponential growth Scifags always end up going utopian, I don't blame them tbh, would be nice to see what sort of wonders a nuclear society would create, but he's being ridiculous with it. >>139006 They were testing it last month https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-02459-w
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>>138999 Man that image is a bit of blackpill, I guess the reality is that we won't need much energy production when most of the cattle are culled or at least conditioned to having their material needs at below medieval levels.
>>139006 Just goes to show how China is far more competent than the west
based corn cob and styrofoam packed cement board panelling based reactors
>>139016 lucky reactor number one top reactor best lucky make lots of money reactor
>>139017 lad that story is like years old in internet time come on
>>139017 of all the stupid excuses to come up with, he could have said something stupid like "they make better cocktails" but instead went for the faggiest response imaginable
>>139017 >poopy penis
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>>139014 Terrifying tbh
>>139018 build reactor best chinese material strongest in world china be superpower
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>>139019 >15/10/2021 >years old Lad, have you been time travelling?
>>139025 there were articles on it a few days ago lad
>>139023 they're saving on... clay?
>the coolant in the reactor is just a bunch of chinamen dumping 5 galloon pales of water on the reactor coils
>>139013 There not more competent its just they aren't tied down with globohomo and polishits like the west is
>>139030 They're
>>139029 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek WELCOME TO THE REACTOR PADDIES
>>139028 probably the asphault guys scamming to make cash probably had a bunch mixed up to do some roads and just poured the rest into some brick mold. thats almost spic tier
>>139020 >they make better cocktails at the gay bar I think that would have been even more suss tbh
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>the one where the woman is falling into the escalator mechanism and uses her last half a second of life to throw her daughter to a passerby
>>139027 It’s news today You must have switched time lines lad
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it's fine to be inside the escalator
>>139014 Got an mp4 of this please lad?
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>>139026 Why hooman and bonobo do this? Smh.
>>139039 w-what's so bad about that I don't get it
>>139043 you can't say anything bad about china
>>139026 imagine the smell. I smell bad enough with just sharts, but imagine if your arse was a gaping hole continously leaking gases and poo particles
>>139014 That ESCALATED quickly!
>>139044 kind of based I guess
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>>139014 damn that one unlucky guy keeeeeeek
where do we get these chinese webms without liveleakerino?
>>139041 Screen grabs from tomorrow
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Wikipedians are livid that the murderer wasn't white https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Killing_of_David_Amess#Somali_suspect
>>139053 evil fucking bastards
>>139053 who the fuck actually has time to do wiki editing for free
>>139053 As soon as they said British national it was obvious. Why bother if he wasn't an interloper? Wonder what it was about, or if he really is a crazy nigger has mental health issues?
>>139055 the people that pushing their agenda on the world's biggest resource for information
>>139055 they are paid by organisations with agendas
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>>139055 I'm not sure how much of it is "for free" tbh, there is a lot of political capital in controlling how a resource as widely used as wikipedia will frame occurrences.
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>>139055 Lad, Israel actually have a paid division to push pro Zionist narratives on such platforms We also have 77th brigade to do the same - but they push progressive multicultural narratives (not pro British ones)
>>139065 Didn’t mean to post 2 of those pictures
this guy edits essentially full-time and works to bias political articles to be even more left-wing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/Snooganssnoogans
>>139067 God, I can smell him from here
>BREAKING:Suspect in the murder of MP appears to have arrived at surgery on an e scooter and was in possession of marijuana at the time
>accidental (You)
>>139070 article also says he was drinking red-top milk
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>>139074 I have that book too tbh. Don't worry, they didn't give me a job.
>>139070 >the peaceful herb made him do it
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>>139077 Never eat food made by a paki or a nigger
>>139076 Yeah, not Islam, or his rotten third world genetics
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we should send nuclear waste and other toxic shite into space. fire it at a black hole or the sun
>>139080 >pizza payday loans keek >>139079 Goodlad, you are now peterpilled >>139081 Believe it or not, firing things into the sun is pretty hard
>>139081 soon enough low earth orbit will be like a gun fight with millions of tons of shitskin/gook and westoid satellite fragments and derelicts crashing into each other and breaking up at the speed of a bullet
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https://youtu.be/fOmFdMXQaK8 this is what I imagine mummy gretchen listens to in her car, what do you lads think she jams out to on the road?
>>139083 tbh they've ruined it
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smh britnat drama going down
>>139085 I remember reading how at a certain point it will be very hard to do space travel because our entire low earth orbit will have basically a belt of trash from all the comm satellites
>>139081 Fire it into the atmosphere then air burst over pakistan and India
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>>139090 smh he was right again
>>139087 based
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>>139086 >>139090 anything that is obviously politically off-mark is spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) tbh.
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Why did they use that pic? Keeeeeeeeek
>>139086 When does TRS plan to stop policing the entire movement ?
>>139095 looks like one of those miserable locations for filming an early 2000s british porno
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>>139095 >Times investigation Man, tough work this journalism is.
>>139088 It's called kessler syndrome lad, very old concept.
>>139086 Nativist is a shitty guy, always picking unnecessary fights, looking down his nose at anyone else ans pretending he’s the cleverest nazi ever
>>139101 I don't know who he is.
>>139091 >smh he was right again He was wrong about everything
>>139102 He used to cohost The Absolute State Of Britain podcast, but they got rid of him because she he’s such an unpleasant sperg, so now he just does stuff on his own and creates arguments
>>139101 He's on the podcast TRS runs for Britian, but TRS is an american organisation.
>139103 shut up bins
>>139105 He’s not on it anymore, they got rid of him
>>139107 smh is that him
The most worrying thing about this is that it might embolden the far right smh
>>139111 Quiet you
*starts crying*
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>>139115 GOOD LAD
>>139115 good lad
>posts same things every night >everyone says “good lad” >I post same story twice in thread accidentally >everyone says “David Davis” Its not fair smh
>Somalian Muslim kills a white Tory MP >Kier Starmer says it’s a “dark day” I guess this is what we call days when the diversity starts acting up… “dark days” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-england-essex-58929701
why would anyone ever voluntarily let somalis into their own country? none of this makes sense.
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>>139110 Wondering if he was targetted by big boys to be used as an excuse to further insulate more important MPs from any interaction that may risk mild criticism from a pleb tbh.
>mass third world population replacement by corrupt oligarchical elite >voluntary It’s not voluntary lad, every time we vote to try to stop it (((they))) do it even more
>>139124 Yeah possibly He seems to have been a true representative of his constituents, a rare thing these days He actually went out and met people, listened to their concerns Now MPs will have justification not to do that, meaning they will drift even further from public opinion and be much more easily controlled by the institutions of government themselves It will create even more of a barrier between the governed and the elite
>>139126 tbh don't like the way this is going
was this a terrorist attack or just a typical somali stabbing a random person who turned out to be important?
took long enough
>>139130 good lad
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>he was a leading member of the conservative friends of israel did have 5 white children though
>>139122 >darkie day lmao
>>139110 wow young hot wife
>>139133 a man of contradictions.
>>139135 probably his daughter
>>139137 sick bastard
>>139140 he married his daughter, apparently
>>139142 even more disgusting, taking advantage of a handicapped daughter, tell me no more of the man.
gregory mannarino says more diaper inflation
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>implying I
>>139146 watching his latest gram rn
found some bangladeshi cow fighting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_IfKaySiIA
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>me out looking for the snitches who shut down the Kadiri pig fighting scene
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https://youtu.be/aC46yTeL42c >no dumb slut blonde yank gf from the 2000s
smh that is not a blonde lad that is a swarthoid larping
>>139151 could be a darker blonde larping as a lighter one mummy does that tbh
love the way she talks tbh don't know why usually hate yank accents
finally friday
>>139150 keeeek she is retarded
>>139156 smh I wish women from other parts of shartica liked my accent, midwestoid women think any other form of english accent is exciting, these southern girls were making fun of my accent so bad
>>139155 >it's saturday what did he mean by this?
>>139156 seems nice though, women like that now are rare they are all usually nasty slags who'll treat you with contempt
she can clearly engage in the lost art of the flirt too
>>139158 i'm not on your gay little island that's slowly filling with the scum of the earth what do you think?
keek lasses like this are so dumb but they usually have totally bitch whipped all the redneck chuds and chads
that was rude excuse me :^)
>tfw nobody in britain likes eachothers accents preferable tbh, its literally just a gradient of whos got the shitest accent with scouse cunts at the bottom of course
>>139159 yeah keeek type of lass who gets groomed and ruined by manwhores/shitskins tbh
>>139165 I like rural accents in a sliding scale where the more unintelligible to outsiders they are the better tbh
>>139167 smh, imagine in the ethnostate they'd all be nice gfs of white lads
>>139168 in my experience foreigners find jock accents the most unintelligible
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>>139153 yeah she is one of those upper middle classoid/ middle classoid bimbos who are happy to be feminine. probably has like 2 6'5'' 280 pd brothers who are farmers named hunter and christian and they both look at you like this
>>139172 >>139173 keeeeeeeek tbh
steiner has such a way with words
>>139171 hate the taco bell shite meme, its disgusting and they've also got branches in the uk now, all my normalfag mates are always going there, all those yank chains are here now when before it was just mcdonalds and burger king and kfc
>>139164 i would excuse it if you cut off your willie and became a tradwife
>>139166 https://youtu.be/qIHL_Dzf1xo this woman's accent is better, old style upstate new york/catskill mts./ west virginia yankee accent
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i unironically hate women
>>139179 she sounds nice
>>139180 the bible account has man as a collective effort of the gods, but not eve, she was made by one god, probably Loki.
>>139179 awful, sounds like some upper class bpd voice who'd not get pregnant after 2 years then have an overdose because you were "mentally abusive" to her
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>>139173 y-yeah
>>139183 keeeeeeeeek
>>139185 looks like that too
>>139179 this was kino though apart from the foid
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>>139189 would quite like some pancakes right now to be honest
>>139190 meaning anal, of course
>>139189 based
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mr. bum I presume
https://ytcutter.net/watch/Xs3kVS6no/ steiner trying to get a job with the boomers to learn the trades
oh no, I just go to gay sex orgies for the drinks, too many aggressive blokes in normal pubs
>>139190 i'll actually make some made me want some
sweet or savoury pancakes?
>>139196 good lad >>139197 both are based tbh
>>139198 i always either have bacon or cheese on mine tbh never been fond of sweet pancakes
>>139194 smh everyone is so fat
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>No Gwen Stafani wife
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>>139189 >finland
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>>139201 >that lass from that episode of hansen
>>139202 poor lass, she has no idea what a whore she is
no 007 this is a pen its not one of those ghastly things you take to those poof parties
>>139204 isn't that the case with 99 percent of westoid women these days
KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK imagine your country being run by literal millenial foids, just trying to imagine my sister being in charge like that, or the older cunt neighbour barbie princess millenial who used to batter me as a lad when I tried to play with them
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>>139205 Amyl-what?
>>139207 we can just like ban war and then we can just make everyone have jobs *waves arms*
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>4 daughters merrysmokingpipe.jpg
>>139210 >Assault on democracy No, in fact- gentlemen, this is democracy in action.
>>139210 >Somali >if only there were soooooome way to stop such incidents
>>139209 just make it so that nothing bad happens ever
>>139212 lad britains always had somalis, also we'd miss out on all their food
>>139211 *Democracy manifest
>>139214 poverty and starvation are cultural approriation from somali culture you racist bigot
>>139213 omg we need to have a meeting about that idea, lets have it after the meeting by minister jessica, she is such a bitch *rolls eyes* I am gonna get up in her meeting and tell her her idea that we should save all the poor people is retarded, her eyebrows are too thin
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Reckon one of the biggest underrated blackpills is that when growing up on media like films tv songs etc when lasses would reference "men" or "boys" they were not talking about me, when I was a lad and saw teenagers etc in the media with gfs I just thought that would be me, turns out its not and I'm viewed in the same light as a eunuch except more threatening, makes my chest hurt tbh
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>>139219 I hope the brunette has a nicely groomed muff.
>>139219 you literally don't get near women like this unless they are bored and slumming it or you are a tarquin
>In 2019, China accounted for 37% of the world's production of pumpkins
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>Britain's 20-year binge on cheap food is coming to an end and food price inflation could hit double digits due to a tidal wave of soaring costs that are crashing through the supply chain, Britain’s biggest chicken producer Ranjit Singh Boparan said. AAAAAAAAAAAAAGH FOREIGN CUNT WE USED TO RULE YOU
>smithsonian magazine quoting gizmodo the cancer is inoperable
>>139225 remember what they took from you
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>that little girl who fell down a well in 1987 in america grew up to marry some spic what a waste
>>139228 something like that happened again in the late 90s I remember
serious spate of well incidents around that time for some reason
>>139230 probably some sick masonic ritual
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>>139233 haven't slept yet
>>139235 squeezed as much dopamine as I could out of this latest happening but its just not working
morning lads >>139236 not even really a happening tbh random stabbings are just status quo now
>>139238 fuck tallfags literally all they do is rest on their laurels, manlets make history
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>>139239 what you gonna do, big man? can you even pull the trigger on this regularly sized rifle? It's aimed right at me.
>20 to 6 guess I'll have a nap
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KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK these fucking people
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>>139245 every time keeeek they all know exactly what the problem is and they all play dumb and desperately try not to think about it luv it
kicking in the cunt anyone who says "Before Times" irl
>>139242 I'm interested in the rounds!!!
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lmao someone shop /brit/
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>I will tell you right away, my strategy unless Stefan is showing sings of weakness or maybe he is tired tonight, if he's good and if he does what he does good I am first and foremost, let's not forget, an audience member of Stefan Molyneux, I am a fan of him, so I will be letting him take many leads I will be certainly never be interrupting him, I will certainly not drive the conversation away from the subjects he chooses unless he's really exhausted and he has reached his end, then I will dynamically jump in. Wholesome e-celeb moment
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>>139245 >I imagine it's a lot easier to become radicalised when you have a shitty life and can't escape it So close and yet so far.
>>139238 It has been amusing to see the same ideology screeching about how much black lives matter now squirm and find a way to describe a black man without simply calling him black.
good morning lads
>>139253 tbh tbh >>139255 keeeeek morning lad
>half of 4chan's thread are anti-white demoralisation threads right now based
>>139257 /pol/ has been slow as shit lately
>>139260 keeek
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It begins
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two cups of tea, 14 articial sweeteners in both
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>>139263 good lad
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>communists starting off by insults >3 hours of this well, 1,5 hours
>>139265 "swoletariate" looks like a FtM tranny
>>139267 his mic is so bad I am suffering
>didn't realise mod updated since last I used it >so immersive npcs can now shit themselves as they die >had to disable it because of the extra loud shart death sound as Polface spears bandit guts
please stop reminding me of my 17 consecutive youtube debate defeats
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>>139270 l-lad you never linked it here
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Me in 2 years
except my loose skin arm wings and belleh will touch the ground
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>cut off lose skin >get those loose skin phantom pains >tear the scar when I build more muscle
Today is the one year anniversary of the murder of Samuel Paty, the French teacher who showed a picture of Muhammed in class.
>>139276 ah I remember his head. was that in the media for some time?
>>139277 Yeah the guy who did it posted a picture afterwards. He was wearing a mask too.
>>139278 scary tbh
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Going to walmart, you lads want something?
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our earliest fish ancestor discovered
>>139281 baste and trad
So gentleman are we in agreement that the MP being stabbed to death by a Somali is a generally positive or negative development?
>>139283 i personally think it's bad that he died but its good that politicians who've rubbed shoulders with him for 20 years will feel their mortality- and rethink their policy of flooding the country with stabby africans.
>>139283 it's always good when politicians get killed plus he was in the conservative friends of israel the fact that he was killed by diversity is just the icing on the cake
lads I'm a retard, what does "morally right/wrong" mean? Who decides what is either?
>>139286 the individual, although individuals are usually pressured by the niggercattle mass to conform to whatever set of morals they have been indoctrinated into upholding through false consensus, like the current schizophrenic insanity that helps to prop up clown world
>>139287 Ah. And the niggercattle morality is arbitrary I guess. smh. Just weird seing people mention morality while discussing a tv show and I didn't know what they meant
>>139283 Basic human level: sad when anyone has a violent death. Political level: bad for us because it's the latest excuse to persecute all 'extremists'. Memetic level: worth a honk or two because of the context already mentioned. >>139284 Any who 'rethink' such policies will get purged, so few if any will.
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>>139292 They tasered the British national resident citizen for so long he turned black. Another shocking act of institutional racism by the police determined to add another black man to the knife statistics
>>139293 keeeeek
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>>139295 wow that started interesting... and then. What a disgrace. Stefan would be seething at the absolute lack of willingness to make arguments
I like all the mentions of Who? after this. They can't let it be about this MP with a long career: it has to be roped back in with the literal who they had a schizo murder for political gayops
>>139295 >even if the home sec. changes the law, you're still breaking the law, on a global, international level [laughs in saudi state beheader at the UN]
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My therapist suggested that since I had a few months to myself, maybe I should address my gender expression discomfort by exploring different expressions and seeing how they felt. That was two weeks ago and apparently there was quite a bit pent up in there.
>>139299 cute homely lass
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Busy day today! ManiPedi was nice. As I was leaving, one of the patrons I’d been chatting with (about the cooking show desserts on tv) pointed out that she’d gotten the exact same colors I did, just reversed! And, after 30 years, I have piercings on the right to match the left.
>>139299 >Epstein after joining the witness protection program.
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Guess who went out in public for the first time? First to therapy, and then to the grocery store.
>>139302 Keeeeeeek.
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Why can’t bigots see this was an act of *British* terrorism????
>>139306 But they did. They literally said "British of Somali origin". Mendacious cunt
>>139306 why would a fresh-off-the-boat somali be British
>"Porn is natural. Porn is good. Porn is liberating."
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>>139305 Wait until you see his tumblr account. Much more graphic.
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>when you remember that people are at your mercy and you could just rape and murder people whenever you want
>>139313 *if you’re a darkie living in England
>>139314 No, lad. You too! Not saying you can get away with it
>>139308 He’s as British as you are me, in fact even more British than you because he embraces modern multicultural British values, which you clearly don’t Of anything, you’re the one that’s not British, bigot
>>139255 would like to see more polfag gooms being made >>139269 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK smh
>>139317 God I love her
>>139315 Darkies can get away with it too though A little slap on the wrist and they’re out to gang rape free once more
>anon infiltrates far left spaces and observes
>>139321 tldr hardly surprising they are like that, we've been saying for years that the only people who could subscribe to those beliefs are fucking broken people
PREVENT lads doing their job Harassing normal lads for spicy tweets but letting murderous darkies go free
What actual “terrorism” did NA do again?
>>139324 lovely hair on that lass
>>139325 I don’t think they give you much time for hair care when they put you in the slammer
>>139324 Some Manchester NA autists might have been seriously planning to murder a foid police officer who had hounded and harrassed them personally, got them dragged through the courts for muh hatespeech, and was utterly obsessed with ruining their lives for months before they allegedly decided to build a bomb.
>>139326 My post wasn't ironic, 6ed9de
>>139321 pretty much exactly what i expected tbh >>139322 tbh >>139327 >a bomb smh larp if true
>>139321 >no screencaps
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>groomee keeps telling me about people asking her for nudes I sure hope I have a daughter
>>139331 I find it hard to believe you keep finding all these naive jailbait lasses on dating sites.
>other people are trying to groom this lass im trying to groom >we live in a society
went to the beach to stare at womens feet. then I went to the shops and put my change in the cancer box instead of the RNLI one because they're libtards.
>>139332 well I haven't met any of them so it's not like it's real until then.
>>139324 hope they catch TBBK next. he's a menace.
>>139327 Nah, it wasn’t a female police officer One of the NA lads merely talked about stabbing an mp that lived near him while drunk and depressed on a night out, after months of having his life ruined by a femoid police officer, and for that they were all arrested and put in prison
>>139336 He is, but he knows the right battles to pick He’s a genius of gorilla warfare
Oh Turns out David Amess was a cuck
Hancock sacked from his new UN job the day after it was announced
>>139339 lad...
so sick of my nasty farts
>>139343 corporate police state
>>139323 PREVENT exists solely to destroy any politically viable threat to the hegemony. If you pose no active political threat, they do a few box tick exercises then fuck you off tbh, just look at wessex and the hordes of pakis that are "known" as proof
>>139344 >dedicated lip readers >they hired jannies to look for people saying nigger
>>139343 based, bazza needs his safe space invaded so he can't hide away from the absolute state of britain at the flat roof pub and the footy stadium.
>>139347 it's going to be real fucking easy for bazzas to work out which ones the janny, just look for whoever isn't chanting and kick the shit out of him after the match
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-58939815 >Of the 150 entries listed, 85 are Islamist Extremists, 10 are Jewish Extremists, nine are Christian fundamentalists, six are White Supremacists, three are Hindutva Nationalists and two are Buddhist Extremists. There are, in addition, 28 organisations of whom the largest proportion are Islamist. Only 10 of the individuals profiled and three of the organisations are based in the UK. The rest are distributed around the world but with a concentration in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar. >The launch of EMAN was held last week in London's Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre and supported by a panel of speakers including the Chairman of Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee, Tom Tugendhat, the reformed extremist and author of The Islamist, Ed Husain and an expert on far-right and neo-Nazi groups, Julia Ebner. >Ms Ebner gave a chilling and detailed account of the recent spread of online recruiting to far-right extremist groups during the pandemic. Since January 2020, she said, there had been 789 anti-Semitic incidents across the UK and 90 attacks on UK phone masts by conspiracy theorists. Her presentation included a photograph of British neo-Nazi women posing last year for a "Miss Hitler UK" contest. >EMAN is hardly the first research organisation to compile a database of extremists. Extensive work has previously been carried out by the Henry Jackson Society, King's College and the International Institute for Strategic Studies. >But EMAN's founder and director Mohamed Hineidi believes this is one of the most comprehensive databases to cover all forms of extremism across faiths and borders. He said he hoped to recruit more researchers, expand the database and begin a working dialogue with the UK government.
>>139345 but this somali did pose a threat
Which way western man?
>>139352 This Somali wasn’t a threat to the establishment He only picked off a benign Tory MP that wasn’t a true insider Now all the MPs are call in for greater security for themselves - i.e. the regime is strengthening itself against further attack Somali stabber boy didn’t damage the system at all, he helped make it stronger
>>139356 blackpilled again
>"react" video >must watch
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>>139295 white women
>>139354 yeah definitely not that our government is incompetent, it was just the next step in their master plan
>>139321 I see some of myself in this & it's a bit uncomforble.
>>139362 yeah I was thinking it sounded a bit like /brit/
>>139362 you're a troon?
at least we're the real good guys right
>>139365 Fuck off 308lbs you cripple spaztic.
>>139367 keeeeeeeek good filename lad >>139366 compare their goals and ambitions to ours
>>139367 shes just a clump of cells
>139371 >199 and?
oh, I see it now how fucking menial & neurotic of you
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>>139323 nice. and to make it even more HILARIOUS amess himself wanted strong deanonymizing of the net. but the fool was wrong, it wasn't anonymity that killed him, it was immigration.
>>139376 >literally taking the monkey pill unfathomably based
anyone got the full article?
>>139380 >make britain 95% white Guess Woes is out then
>>139380 Nosley making the headlines
>>139380 just did 100 push ups so britain gains 1% more white percentage points
this is the first time the media has reported on PA specifically ever. the banning is coming, there's no coincidence they ran this article a day after a terror attack on an mp. wessie is going to have to do double time at the vegan pizza shop.
>>139384 Actually they've been in the news before, but the media decided on a strategy of ignoring/deplatforming them for the past year and a bit, this article was supposed to be some big expose but because they're not daftoids it's a wet fart tbh mark just said his book got to number one in the political category on amazon because of it keeek
>>139385 nobody likes PA here mould boy
>>139386 Wrong.
he's just going to get caught in another undercover hidden camera documentary
>>139388 >EXPOSED: VILE RACIST NAZI CAUGHT HAVING A BARBECUE WITH NEIGHBOURS, DAUGHTER they already just flat out lied in this article keek, there is nothing for them to go on by becoming a boomer mark becomes invulnerable tbh even the worst parts of the interview was just the journoscum going on about the only PA activist to be wrongfully arrested (and later released without charge or criminal record) and how that makes them look bad or makes people scared to join or something pathetic like that
dont much care for nosely or his followers tbh
he has an extremely jewish phenotype and gets caught in scandals constantly
just had an awful tf2 gayme
>>139385 >>139384 >literally has a picture of Joke Ox in the article they will be proscribed within a matter of weeks tbh.
>>139391 I only know of the BNP treasury one which was just nick seething after they fell out >>139393 we shall see
>>139376 people amaze me
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>Sir David Amess killing: MPs will not be cowed, says Patel there you have it. she's an all american cheerleader >you go boys don't be afraid >i'll do nothing to make you safe >you're not a pussy! >you're not a racist! >get out there and meet constituents!
>>139397 they will probably get extra security and on top of it arrest and execute 5 autistic white males as sacrifice.
>cult of personality retards already surfacing
>>139399 Warrior king tbh
legit might kill myself rather than see another hundred articles on autistic teenagers being life-ruined and given hard time for doing literally nothing. fuck this country and everyone in it.
>>139401 Loser
did a massive penicillin and burger king mudslide shit
my piss is also nuclear yellow/green
>>139403 love BK but it's so pricey these days compared to macca
>>139405 tbh its not even that nice anymore, only bought it because i couldnt be arsed cooking
>>139406 been doing a lot of that myself lately tbh need to stop
>>139407 all those people seething over this
>>139409 >"YIKES?!?! LOOKS A BIT NAZI TO ME!!!!!"
>>139401 tbh >139402 Utter wanker.
>>139411 they're all so gay
all of the posts are like "um wow, scaryyyy"
>>139415 not enough pride flags for their liking
https://youtu.be/622zDkLCYJI the final bits of the charge where you can almost feel the ground shaking. Pretty cool tbh
>evening news bringing up joes cock again
>>139411 dickie understood the torches power to strike fear into the soyims heart
>>139411 >goose stepping
>>139419 it's not even a torches, break it down to the base level and they just seethe at anything that isn't theirs, a A parade in the UK with pride flags is a-ok, but a parade with Union Jacks is literally hitler taking over the country, they hate anything that doesn't belong to them even when you break it down to the most basic level of it
>>139421 tbh this
>Tens of thousands of protesters have gathered in Rome to demonstrate against fascism, a week after right-wing extremists forced their way into the headquarters of Italy’s oldest labour confederation. >The head of the CGIL labour union, Maurizio Landini, led the protest on Saturday under the slogan: “Never again fascism.” >“It is necessary to build an anti-fascist, democratic network for the whole continent,” Landini said. “Democracy cannot be exported through wars, but by giving access to work and rights.” Is it really democratic if you're not allowing people with fascist beleifs to vote.
>>139423 italians are doing massive union style strikes over el mentiravirus vaxxine mandoots so the jewish oligarchs are calling up their black hundreds
>>139425 tens of thousands of protestors... how does that even happen? Is that just an exaggeration? Where would they get the energy to protest against something like this?
>>139424 It's the very base level of it that they despise, both those parades could be the same people and they'd only seethe over one edit pride flags into Nazi rallies and edit Nazi flags into pride rallies, see which one they seethe over
>>139427 untermensch paid by jewish ngos and bussed in
>>139429 tbh look at all the FBPE/remain rallies, people were bussed in from across the country to fill up the numbers, NGOs meet them at dropoff points and hand out signs it's why every single fucking one of these sorts of rallies has identical signs
>>139431 >>139430 satire account
>>139430 kek at all those seething 30+ roastoids replying to this
>how the seethe on a cosmic level that men have some biological clock when there was a 58 year old man in my judo class who had a 6 year old son from his second wife
>>139435 they seethe that they've got one and now insist that they akshulee don't and it's men that are ticking
>>139435 yeah women literally start losing all their eggs the moment they reach 25 and becomes near impossible for them to have kids once they age even more
Disgraced police officer avoids jail after he left new female colleague 'distraught' and crying after harassing her in a police station www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10097123/Disgraced-police-officer-avoids-jail-left-female-colleague-crying-harassing-her.html
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>>139437 *cringes at you*
>>139439 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>>139439 yeah its so insane how westoid women wait until 35 to start having kids
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simple as
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I love him, lads keeeeeeeek.
funny how stef just vanished
>>139446 He didn't, people just didn't bother to follow him to the other places he is, which made him sad and angry
>>139447 reminder that the alcohol is worse for you than the pizza
>>139447 impressive cope tbh >when no3 shows the close up of her JUST face and she's got wrinkles and visible aging KEEEEEEEEK
wine is so vile
>>139445 keeeeeeeeeeeek I miss him even though I never really watched his videos
>>139452 yeah grain alcohol is 10x better wine turns you into an actual demon
>>139452 >when you spam swipe tinder and every single profile has a huge wine glass
Houston Texas, cops wresting with a suspect were ambushed from behind. one killed, two injured via ann coulter
smh wignatism had made me into a puritan
>>139457 your ancestors would be proud lad
>>139457 good lad
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keeeeeeeek what not sure if all these are real tbh
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Kek, Steiner wrote thart sharticle
Tbh I can't be only one who thought David Davis got David Davised
>>139463 Does if the panel think that David Davis would make a better David Davis than David Davis?
>>139464 And that's all we've got resigned for. Good night ladies and resignators. I've been your host, David Dimbledavis.
>>139465 >David Dimbledavis
>>139447 It's strange seeing redditoids mention that 35 is still considered young for having children. I've also been seeing middle aged men claim they aren't abject failures for not having a career in their 40s since they're still "relatively young".
>>139468 this is what happens when your entire concept of a human life is derived from American sitcoms
>look up an old yidtuber goomer channel >his voice sounds a bit weird >look at social media >became a troomer >the troomer zombie horde all congratulating him and other easily influenced retards saying "you inspired me to lop it off too" fucksake
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>>139471 spiritual cuckold tbh
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lads are balts germanics or slavs
>>139470 the goomertroomers have more influence over the zoomers then their parents do >>139473 rapebabies
>>139473 A mix I suppose. Lithuanians I've seen are quite swarthy and lanky
>hands stained with coaldust and smell all smokey from tending the fireplace at toil
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if you're david davis and i'm david davis, who's driving the bus?
>>139468 an infantilised generation that do not consider themselves adults until they are 30
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>>139472 Not just spiritual
fig rolls for supper
>>139479 keeeeeeek bet he has that jew gayman's "pagan" book which is full of complete shite and perpetuates the "also odin was a cum guzzler and a tranny" that some jew foid made up last century
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>>139479 >he's a cuckold for not liking hortlers gay norse larp and looking up to norges as huwhiter than krauts and wanting german women to breed with them
>ENT mummy doctor charged me almost 800 dollars for a 15 minute meeting where she just perscribed me more pills and my insurance covered 400 dollars of it. FUCK MEDICAL SCUM
>>139483 Jesus Christ that's almost 10 times what I pay
>>139483 that's right you stupid goy take the pills they'll make you better and totally won't get you hooked for life and become an opioid epidemic statistic
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>>139483 Smh poor lad. Balls are far less swollen thanks to being assertive with the poo gp that I needed my free antibiotics asap. Feels good to live in socialist Britain tbh. Would be great if we just didn't have wogs and libs. Smh.
>>139483 what did you get prescribed?
>>139487 more antibiotics because a tooth extraction infected my maxillary sinus p bad last winter and no doctors helped me until september and then they didn't give me enough medicine.
>>139486 tbh doctors here are such scum acting like they are heroes. she kept comparing all the parts of my sinus to construction terms like I was some redneck mong, then I told her that builders fix thing for free when the mess up and we generally quote for free and she switched back to talking in medical terms. fucking richfag scum
she still wants to do one more meeting and one more CT scan which could be upwards of another 2-3k. its so insane. I have never experienced this shit before
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXjtW-e9lFw Dairy milk buttons and metroid prime for supper
>>139490 absolute scam tbh maybe you can go to a different doctor, or threaten to or something to get them to maybe step down the jewing a little
>>139490 Just go the ER, don't bring your ID, and don't speak or if you do try to speak in broken English. They'll treat you for free, no debt attached.
>>139492 yeah I changed my doctor because the last one was "too expensive" keeek he was only 91 dollars after insurance. fml
>>139494 but you didn't have any events like this with him so maybe he would have charged similar right... right...
>>139290 luved this film i did
>>139495 probably
im suprised more doctors in shartica don't get lynched
>>139498 it would only make medical care more expensive.
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>no you don't understand I filled out line C of form 38 and went to the purple window already they billed me without using my insurance oh mr. steiner thats no problem lets just run it again okay so your insurance took of 75 dollars for the procedure and the 2.5 minutes we conversed will not fall under your insurance coverage so in another 3 months you should recieve another bil; including this meeting to the final charges
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boomer bossman said to just payment plan that shit and be like sam hyde and just pay like 2 dollars every month on it soon enough inflation will make it easy to just throw some obamas (100k dollar bills) at them
insane clown posse
i just want a female gf
I want a health insurance gf
>>139506 get a doctor mummy gf
chug gf who cures you with peyote and smoke signals
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just want to be a pig
just downloaded DaC 4.6 and started a game as the clans of enedwaith tbh going to throw so many javelins from hedgerows
>>139510 why don't you wear a cloak IRL?
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morning lads >>139510 based
>>139513 rise and shine
>>139514 >tfw you have those lonely purgatory semi-nightmares during early morning rem sleep on saturdays and you spend all day in a gloomy nostalgia haze
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>>139515 The dreams are still vivid but all I can remember is falling down the stairs and never waking up from it but yet here I am anyways.
>>139517 wake up lad it's been 20 years
let's get this party started https://youtu.be/8DNQRtmIMxk
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>>139519 classic that
>>139510 good lad stacking erin vorn woodsmen with greyflood axemen can defeat uruk-hai. the river spearmen are trash though. luv enadweith they are what I imagine michiganoids would be in LOTR, they have so many comfy rivers to use. living in the ruins of lond daer. try to rush the dwarf mine in the blue mountains before elfs get it so you can monopolize gold trading with the hobbitses
>>139521 Beware of the great Mississippi, one wrong step and you'll find yourself poisoned from it's city denizens or worse, caught in a current and swept downstream and you'll be cut in half by scrap metal that was left behind by the wildabillies.
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>>139523 based
>>138931 >things that never happened
>>139523 he actually has blue suede shoes on
>>139468 Aren't we all failures (That includes you and Me)?
>>139528 A toast to bossman
>>139507 We need a network of mummy naturopaths, linked up with underground mummy veterinarians with access to MRI and cat scan machines, ready to keep based lads healthy who will be unable to access normal health care because of their anti Vax convictions. Also needed to provide professional yet compassionate hand relief as is deemed necessary
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>>139530 this but foot relief
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>>139530 yeah mummies on covidland were talking about medical cooperatives. reminder that diversity and multiculturalism are tools of corporations
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>>139535 God taking Adam's rib was the worst thing that ever happened
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>>139537 based
this will be the first sunday in 2 years when im not toiling
>>139537 good lad let's hope for a better sneethe-free sunday than the ones we've seen lately
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>>139539 smh this Christmas will be my first one off in three >>139540 tbh they've been much too sneethelike of late
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>>139543 just about had enough of this smh
>>139542 hullo lad?
killing of David Amess was terrorism https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-58935372
>>139544 You and me both, brother
>>139547 Didn’t mean to post that eat the bugs pic smh
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>hungry >but already brushed teeth and on diet
>>139550 What kind of diet you on lad?
>>139551 keto mostly but with little bit of carbs, mostly chicken and eggerinos and greens tbh with tatties on the side and blue top milk sometimes choccy milk, trying to be moderate
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>>139552 gonna make a ploughmans in your honour.
>>139552 i went back to eating carbs and don't regret it. nowt wrong with some pasta and bread, as a hwhite man you're evolved for it. tinnies too. still do the intermittent fasting during the week though which seems to work well
https://www.coventrytelegraph.net/news/local-news/farmer-forced-throw-away-acres-21839761 >Farmer forced to throw away acres of crops due to 'lack of workers caused by Brexit'
>>139555 too much bodyfat me, I do the fasting too, only eat 1 big meal a day and maybe some snacks all within a 4-6 hour window
>>139557 skip a whole day of eating once a week if you want to really drop weight. do semen retention at the same time though otherwise you deplenish yourself
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>>139558 >skip a whole day of eating once a week
>>139556 kulak scum should hire britons at a legal and useful wage then the price increase on products would be worth it
>>139556 people were fucking volunteering keeeeeeek such a lying manipulative little cunt
>>139560 also a "few acres of wasted crops" probably wouldn't even have fed the grockle workers while they were over here toiling
>"We're scrapping courgettes, cherry tomatoes and chillies, we can't grow these crops because it's not profitable anymore. oh nooooooooooooooooooooooooo you couldn't sell your seasonable produuuuuuuuuuuuuce what a shaaaaaaaaaaaaaame everyone will staaaaaaarve
>>139563 smh tbh at this story tbh lad.
>>139563 >it's not profitable any more they could either accept lower profits, or sell higher the real risk is the cunts deciding that since they're going to raise anyway they may as well go big and squeeze as much out of it at possible and let the supermarkets take the blame (although supermarkets are to blame for some things like artificially low milk and bread prices which fuck with farmers to compete among the corporations)
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https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/incel-terrorism-women-misogyny-b1939041.html >Incel culture should be classed as terrorism, leading human rights barrister warns >‘Incel culture played a huge role in his murderous decisions,’ says Charlotte Proudman during an exclusive virtual event held by The Independent
>>139564 >>139565 it's so ridiculous that he thinks it's a sob story, he's not growing anything vital to peoples survival, everyone can manage fine enough without the twat's chilies
>>139566 state-mandated gfs soooooon
>>139566 god I hate them continually making life more horrible for innocent lads hard done by society and blaming it on them when they dare to spear out
>its a lisa simpson too KEEEEEEEEEEEEEK
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>lean hand on shorts >smell hand and its that awful piss smell
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_ADO6DNzfw geologyhub is my favourite yt channel probably, love volcanoes and nature
>>139573 good lad for me it's glacial outburst megafloods
>112 UIDs
>>139575 sa's shennanigans i should think
>>139568 Except they're turning you into the gf.
>>139575 on my 2nd ID myself
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>>139566 fairly accurate pic though tbh, just one of the reasons I avoid lasses
>>139579 god I hate women they use their words to destroy and kill in ways every bit as bad as physical violence
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>didnt have dinner because i was sleeping smh im starving
>>139582 get summat down yer lad had sketti carbonara and onion bhajis myself
>>139583 Had a supermarket Carbonara the other day & it was shite, I can do you better with cheddar cheese, egg-pasta & cheap deli ham.
>>139584 good lad
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>>139585 based, there should be a chef version of this classic pepe
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Steiners going to have a stroke when he sees this https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/newsbeat-34206080 this is the same lass who wants to ban incels, archetypal lisa
>>139587 would like to david davis her with a hammer
>>139579 men are pretty baste tbh tbh
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EeayRl2sHlY i had no idea the taliban were fighting IS for basically the whole second half of their war with nato
>>139591 first thing they did was execute an isis leader that was in prison
>>139591 of course the local lads would have to fight off an israeli terrorist group
>>139591 Ishit is basically just the bashi bazooks of nato glowniggers IMO
>Dr Proudman, who was joined by Cristel Amiss, a life-long activist from Women Against Rape and Black Women's Rape Action Project >Black Women's Rape Action Project
>>139596 0% of negresses are raped by white men we must take action to correct this injustice now
>>139423 that accidental reddit face
>>139407 fiery but mostly patriotic march
>cristel amiss >david amess posted on the same day he was killed. what does it mean
>>139600 gymcel body type, its over for masoncels tbh
>>139579 >it could have been me >ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME god i hate women
a toast. to me starting to drink early.
>>139604 >half past four in the morning blimey lad
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>>139604 keeeek, i'm still going from saturday smh
>>139607 very good lad
interesting stuff about chinky molepeople and how they might win a nuclear war wish it was archived smh don't like clicking on 4shite https://boards.4channel.org/k/thread/50841163
>>139609 luv tunnels me schnight lads
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>>139612 >trying to sterilize and kill every single thing that walks on the earth
>>139612 no china! don't nuke dc!!! nooooooo!!!!
>>139612 >thou didst give us the symbols of speech at our birth alone of things which live and mortal move upon the Earth
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>>139616 its over
>>139616 lmao literally ptompkin supermarkets now
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>>139619 good lad
the first incel rapper
>>139621 he's a good lad
>>139621 Biz markie dropped this 6 years earlier https://youtu.be/9aofoBrFNdg
>>139623 incels don't get that far
>>139623 every nigcel at school and wigger played this song smh hate this song
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>seething that basketball americans hated thots before it was cool
>>139626 the real indictment is of every faith leader ever, including the atheist ones. regardless of it all, women are the same, they love the worst: >property (money) >style (looks, tallness) >influence (popularity) Epictitus discussed these failings, but he didn't know a woman's nature. the philosophers didn't know everything
>>139627 *epictetus
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>mfw remembering yoomer lasses i could've seduced if i was as cool as i am now back in 2008
not a very good feeling
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>>139629 >remembering missed opportunities with the lasses that i only noticed years too late
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>>139632 Wish I had dumped b*sexual ex gf at the right time to date my friends sister. Beautiful and strong celtoid that rides horses and does judo. Sure she fancied me a bit when I was inflicted with oneitus because the b*sexual touched my willy. Could be married to her with milk coloured little imps with fiery hair all over our house and a horse in the back garden.
>>139633 fuck off arc poster
>normie arc poster
I guess dorshit is also a normie now he's had sex once.
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>>139633 smh what could have been
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>trannyfox pocket telling me barbarians didn't change Rome and celeb cuckolding is cool
>>139638 Rome didn't fall, they just mysteriously withdrew their armies for no reason and allowed us to be invaded by G*rmans and then got invaded by G*rmans themselves
>>139638 >pocket lad just go into the options and turn it off smh no need to let them force that shite on you >windows 10 laaaad
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>>139640 >windows 10 looks more like windows 11 which would be even worse keeek
>>139641 good lad
>>139641 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>>139642 didn't even know there was a windows 11 smh it never ends
>>139640 Got gifted a laptop with windows 8, after no new versions of 7 were being sold. It has forcefully updated numerous times over the years. Also, I need supplimentary seethium intake when /brit/ is slow, and pocket being right there when I open the browser is convenient. >>139642 Not yet but no doubt it will force an update. Smh.
>>139646 keeeek smh
>toiling hard and working up a sweat and then going into the coolroom and every breath makes big clouds almost makes it worth it tbh
>>139648 going to bre freezing here tomorrow, and I drive with tyres that are too worn even for summer smh
>>139649 deliberately accidentally crash and spend the rest of your life taking disability payouts from bossman for an easily preventable workplace accident lad do it ruin his life he'll be the toiler and you'll be the bossman
>>139650 keeeek tbh probably won't even be deliberate smh.
>>139651 keeek smdh just make sure to keep records lad measure the tyre and take photos of the tread depth every morning before you start remind bossman frequently and let his deliberate refusal to fix it usher in an early retirement
>>139652 well I only have to make it back to the workshop tomorrow tbh, but yeah neglect is his middle name smh. One day I started the van at night and couldn't see anything because the lights didn't work, and I just bought my own since bossman would have taken 3 months to get them smh. Good part of the job is the lack of bossman interactions tbh smh. Love the route me
why are you allowed to post on /brit/ during toil, lad?
>>139653 >Good part of the job is the lack of bossman interactions tbh smh tbh 'ate bossman breathing down my neck used to have complete autonomy before a big corporate reorg smdh looking back it was paradise >>139654 i'm not at toil lad it's 8:38pm here smh on sundays i work a regular nine 'til five
Saving my comments for the next thread >>139656 He's no Ricky Drama
Going start saying Barista instead of barrister when in the presence of barristers to slight them
>>139657 sorry lad this is the last thread ever.
>>139658 very good lad
>>139658 how often are you around barristers?
chicken noodles for dinner
>>139661 Not very much, I'm more around Baristas I guess, could call them barristers I spose.
>>139662 based more of a fan of beef noodles though myself
onion flavoured flatulence for luncheon.
I want steiner to appear on Miliyenule this year but I don't want him to be doxxed by hope not hate not
>>139665 good lad >>139666 keeeek imagine
getting a bit ripe in my room lads might have to open the door.
>>139483 > ENT mummy doctor charged me almost 800 dollars for a 15 minute meeting where she just perscribed me more pills and my insurance covered 400 dollars of it. FUCK MEDICAL SCUM Tbh steiner should forcefully throatfuck this doc with his grotty cock and rekt her maxillary sinuses for the hwhite raec
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ayo cuh fr doe, we str8 bussin rn, dat steiner rant deadass SLAPS bruh. roasties finna DEAD lmao bruh fr tho
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