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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3556: Slice of Life Anime Edition Anonymous 10/17/2021 (Sun) 10:51:31 Id: ccad13 No. 139669
Sudan: Protesters demand military coup as crisis deepens https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-58943013 Sir David Amess: How a tragic day unfolded https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-58932139 Pigs at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport help to keep skies safe https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/world-europe-58928677
What is to be done with traitor white ethnicites such as Chechens and Bosnians?
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>>139672 >What is to be done with traitor white ethnicites
Moening lads
>>139671 morning lad >>139669 very good lad >>139672 spiritually they are swarthoids >>139674 tbh
> ENT mummy doctor charged me almost 800 dollars for a 15 minute meeting where she just perscribed me more pills and my insurance covered 400 dollars of it. FUCK MEDICAL SCUM Tbh steiner should forcefully throatfuck this doc with his grotty cock and rekt her maxillary sinuses for the hwhite raec
>>139678 smh, just murder her and feature on an episode of sword and scale
So I guess everyones over the tory MP getting stabbed. Lmao.
if you're cupcake and i'm cupcake, who's at work? *somali stabbing noises in the distance*
>>139680 I take it as proof immigration is working as intended.
>>139680 they're talking about anonymity on the internet again
>>139680 >>139682 It's proof that the next few decades we will be ruled by a mixture of second gen immigrants promoted to their roles by diversityshite as our birth rate fizzles into insignificance.
South Asians will rule us even more than now
>>139684 stop saying these things lad it's sunday
>>139686 the seethe never ends
The future is a racists dream. Only in this brave new world will you have racial conflicts take place on the streets of London between Pakistanis, Hindus, Armenians, Greeks, Brazilians, Chinese and maybe even the English. The future is going to be a constant free for all race war and it's beautiful.
>>139680 once they found out there was no political capital to be made against their true enemy - the downtrodden lower middle class indigenous man, they started diverting everything in the memory of Joke Ox instead. It's actually shameless how fast it moved to that tbh.
>>139688 >tfw the London English will make their last stand in Bromley
I don't think there are any white areas in West London, the posher areas are often empty homes now owned by xenos, south asians dominate the lived areas. South london seems to be divided between ytoids and blacks. North london- turks, meds and blacks, don't know it well enough if there are still huwhites there. east london- i assume is somali and south asian at this stage.
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>accidentally replied in a different thread on a different board thinking i was on /brit/
>>139691 London was 60% white in 2011, probably 50% now. It's interesting how rightists will see a town that's like 25% Paki and call it a Paki mini-caliphate but a place that's 50% white is treated as if practically zero white people exist there.
>>139693 where are all these huwhites though? Is it mostly just there are large minorities in all boroughs of ytoids and then the outer boroughs are majority white?
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>>139694 both board blue
miss the corner mosley tbh
>>139695 I don't know I rarely go to London. The times I have been I haven't ever felt unsafe or that it was absent of white people.
>>139700 spotted a white women at 0:44. Take that chud.
>>139699 I've been London all my 30 years. Feels sad seeing the London English die out.
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https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m0010f8z >Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss the rise and fall of the largest republic in Europe, which for centuries elected its kings to rule alongside parliament and avoided religious wars.
I think we're going to rapidly start to run out of the resources necessary to maintain globalized industrial society. Power structures will have to become localised and others will disappear entirely. This change will probably really start around 2030, globe spanning empires and organized corporate power will recede. Then its over for the libtards, atheists and brownoids.
absolutely awful thread edition tbh >>139641 keek very good lad >>139705 so what you're saying is we have an agenda 2030 after which it will be possible to build back better but only if we accept lower standards of living and the need to eat the bugs
>>139693 really makes me seethe, still waiting for the new census data
the shortages are manufactured crises tbh, they know it's the end game now and they are trying to starve us out.
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>>139709 tbh they're getting desperate funny how they have all this illusionary power (and a fair amount of real power behind it) but they still don't have the guts to properly call people's bluff
>>139711 >black person umm sweaty he was british are they trying to imply that only foreigners deal drugs? bit racist of them smh
TOP FUCKING KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-58939715.amp
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Lucky Star is the best slice of life animu tbh
actually enjoyed that williamoid lawyer video yesterday tbh
Mad how Sweden by rights should be the England of Scandinavia and yet they never managed to control much of it beyond Finland in all their history. The Swedish empire only lasted 100 years and even it didn't fully control Norway.
>the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) was alerted to a “potentially illicit image being uploaded to a Dropbox account,” lmao the NCMEC has the world's largest cp collection, and they are NOT a federal agency.
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>sunday sesh starting in about an hour >dentist tomorrow morning suffer my breath
>>139717 King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden was a big Protestant player in the Thirty Years War. Managed to take control of much of the Holy Roman Empire, with support of the protestant natives. In the end he died in the the Battle of Lützen and it was all sort of downhill from there.
The NCMEC is very interesting, because they feel now bold enough to make public their criminal activities (for the good of humanity, of course). If The Cathedral will break one law, they'll break another. The takeaway here is that organizations are quasi-criminal, but are defended by the government. This is too true of the businesses. A great example of this is how the monopoly on frequencies prevented the emergence of small businesses in the wireless space, leaving rural areas unserved for decades. As result tens of thousands died of various injuries a 911 call would have resolved, not to mention hundreds of rapes of women. The same dynamic remains today, hotspot is limited on all plans, as a monopolistic strategy, since the government permits cellular to own land uso services. the result is billions in financial benefits passing by rural Americans, in the form of work opportunities (if you are poor you can't maintain a residence, also many areas have isps with crippling defects).
the road of good intentions is always paved with promises of helping children. government schooling is an example of that. but befor government schooling there were no school coaches raping the students, and there were certainly no school shootings. And there was no practical way to brainwash the children into homosexuality and communism. if you had said at the outset of government funded universal schooling all those things would result, you would have met riducule. Similarly, if you had said that in iraq the us was frewuently killing innocents, and that israel does so often intentionally, you would have been met with ridicule, and somehow still may be
>>139720 soon the NCMEC will report you to PREVENT for racist memes.
Bet she didn’t fuck any of them
>>139725 don't know what's going on, but they both seem like pricks tbh
>>139725 probably didn't even say thank you
>>139725 Simps need exterminating.
Dune has been uploaded
>>139725 She grins a lot
>>139729 duncino film night when?
>>139729 Where? >>139731 When Bins is back
yeah, it's HD on ffmovies, probably elsewehre too
Can someone post links to all the brit/ bongos?
>>139734 Nolad, they all have to be top-secret cabals. Especially the seekrit gayist one.
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Show us your /brit/bongos, lads
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>using bongo bongo land
>>139737 let smeeee in Is Steiner in any bongos?
>>139738 tbh helmer (pbuh) could have prevented this
>>139739 don't know, I am not allowed in the proper /brit/ one or the secret /brit/ one smh
lmao a yank ngo is installing itself to censor speech in the uk (globe, really) >brit alt right silent
first the NCMEC will go after rightwing videogame memes and such, or those associated. remember the name >missing and exploited think about >exploited that can mean whatever they define it as. rightwingers indoctrinating the children with dangerous anti-lgbbqt++ rhetoric? that leads to violence against transquestioning kids
>>139741 i can't even use 4chan, they ban the poors (mobile internet).
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keep getting a phantom taste of christmas pudding for some reason
>schizo filtered tbh On another note, the media is really going all in on this "ban anonymous accounts" angle.
>>139746 they've wanted it for years if not decades tbh
>>139747 I know, but how is it actually enforceable? There are plenty of people who will never upload personal ID to use twitter or facebook, and what does that mean for 77th Brigade sockpuppets? It'll be one to look out for if it ever gets to bill stage.
>>139748 >how is it actually enforceable? no idea tbh south korea has mandatory internet id laws but apparently it's pretty sloppy and they had to overhaul the entire thing one time after some sites got hacked and everybody in the country had their identity stolen keeeeeek >what does that mean for 77th Brigade sockpuppets? lad the government can and will make as many fake identities as it needs to do its spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) shite smh it would work in their favour in fact since they would be the only ones able to sockpuppet so they'd be able to dominate the narrative
>>139746 lmao only schizos say they will ban you from buying food if you don't get vaxxed
schizo is a cop out, and an especially low iq loser thing to say. it is like tin foil hat. it is a low iq and always stupid thing to say. without exception. exploit: vanity, people don't want to be associated with unpopular people or ideas (ie they want to be losers)
They can't enforce that crap anyway. >>139751 tbh
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>woke culture explaining why medieval times were bad can they all just kill themselves already
>>139755 I watched it in the cinema last night and its pretty gud tbh.
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w-what did the costume designers mean by this
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>>139758 >have to pay to read sharticle
>>139759 >he doesn't have the paywall plugin
1000 year Tory Reich
>>139761 boomer schizoomer, almost everything is back to normal already
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ouchie owie
>>139762 Yeah, except half the population has been hecking sterilisederino
morning lads
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>>139766 the same motion she makes when putting her hand on her thigh after driving you into the wilderness
>>139765 >5pm >morning
>>139767 trying to keep warm from the cold weather by warming her hands on you bollocks
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just wand a cat Greta gf
>>139770 Just want a Svear gf
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Just ran up the stairs really fast
>>139772 I do that every time good lad those mini speed stomps up the stairs are kino
>>139773 have a lovely slide down them too tbh, still able to hold me despite 21st/130kg tbh
>>139776 me after drinking the runoff of lake erie in the marshlands near fermi one because I couldn't afford to payoff my medical bills
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>when you fall up the stairs and roll right to the top
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>>139778 >when u slide down the banister but don't get off in time and hit the ornamental wood thing and get a bruise
>>139779 boomers getting btfo
>>139779 hope all these mongs are staying to get fired rather than quitting tbh.
fuck careerfags, they were all fuck you I got mine for the past 10-15 years
>>139785 Reminds me of your incel rant saying that the secret agents can no longer bury their head in the sand at work. If it was me I know i'd go scorched earth tbh
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o-oh no
>>139787 everything is capeshit
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does he have magical powers that lets him see through the back of his head or something, or complete 360 awareness? All those twirls and spins smh
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>Stayed in the other thread from 4pm
stop posting dune clips
I made this post from a ipad in table top simulator
good day lads
>>139770 how the fuck did they train that autistic to do that?
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oy vey...
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>>139797 >Eva Wiseman >Qanon Karen
Just finished gangs of wasseypur. Dune kino next weekend
where's the Sunday xoomer story?
>>139801 can't think of anything interesting to poost
weekends pass by so fast now I feel like I get no time to do anything or relax
>>139804 Yea, i work 6 days a week, I just ache all over all week
>>139805 what job do you do, lad?
>>139806 factory and post office work.
>>139807 ah so two jobs then, explains it. did 6 when I delivered newspapers.
>>139804 what do you spend your time doing?
>>139809 nothing
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https://youtu.be/TZhyHQv6N_8 LADS LADS LADS A D S L A D S L A D S
>>139813 Was that lad who posted his prevent interview one of us lad?
goodsneethening sosijes, yorkshire puddings, baby tatoes, peas an sweetcorn, greens and bacon bits(grits) with gravy followed by bread pudding and it was very nice and I borrowed On The Beach to read some old time post-nuclear war kino now caterpillar cake at home to round off the night
https://youtu.be/6s5OhbkLh7Q >>139815 sausage rooo-ooollls! sausage rolls!
>avax exists already >can use it literally right now >better than eth 2.0 >nobody notices just want my coins to moon already
>>139814 yeah it was me
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>>139818 Hmmm eye sea . . .
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Aww, cute.
>granny snuck some leftover sosijes into my bag >they're still warm so I can have a snosij and snustard snadwich
god im bored. does tbbk want to go to the pub with smee? t.ag
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this will be me tomorrow
>>139822 >does tbbk want to go to the pub with smee Y Tin Tin Brenin is wounded from his overhead press/deadlift activities sadly lad and cannot boogie nor, yes, indeed, woogie for months smh
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Had dreams about toil two nights in a row
>>139823 good lad
>>139825 bossman is in league with the dream mantises you should probably drown him in cheese
So bored I might go on the foreign dating sites again, Norge lasses are so easy
>>139830 Err no racemixing lad
>>139830 doesn't mean much if you can never actually meet them lad. When I was a teenager I made friends with this nice looking polack lass on some forum. We chatted on videochat for a bit and she added me on facebook. She clearly liked me but she was in eastern europe so there was no bloody point.
when I was 16 there was this lovely younger blonde lass that had a crush on me but I couldn't remember her name so that sort of dampened her enthusiasm. Will never stop kicking myself for that. Lovely girl.
filtered tbh
>>139833 Probably a Pole who wouldn’t be interested unless you had been black anyway
>>139839 le racial mixing shill
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>Mab posting lesbian du licking norge feet
playing turok 2 on n64
>>139842 l-lad, why art thine horns on your . . . face??
Is now a bad time to be in cash lads?
might grow my hair long and paint my self blue (more regularly)
>>139846 Was going to cash out 50% of my crypto this December during probable cycle peak but not so sure anymore tbh. "Transitory" inflation expectations of 5-15% among normalfags across most developed markets. Commodities are already overbought for the most part but still might be the safest play. PMs will stay suppressed for foreseeable future. Just going to hodl most likely.
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>this song https://youtu.be/5rHRd6Cl-tQ >>139849 keeeeek wtf
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>>139848 the commodities bullrun just keeps going, i never thought we'd see oil this high again. i can't bring myself to cash out, it just seems to keep on going up and i don't want to fomo back in. BTC is likely to be bussin' past ATH this week and who know what that does for alts. does feel like the bullrun could just go on forever and no-coiners will end up living like tramps or roping
>>139851 fucking vermins they are tbh https://voca.ro/18gdz2r7Dwkt
How I'm gonna be with Pembs.
>battymen in the thread https://youtu.be/ks37XhwrS-Y
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you lads doing movember?
>>139854 Ffs lad where the fuck are you?
>>139855 based
>>139857 I haven't cut any hair anywhere for almost three years
>>139861 done my pubes last not but forgot me sharft and balls, wish I had the courage to become hair pilled tbh
Smooth-shaved to the bollocks, me.
*grows extremely long hair to attract typhus fleas before walking in to a Jewish area*
>>139865 impersonating police is a common tactic amongst antifa in germany so they can catch naughty lads by surprise.
>>139865 Are the police going to do anything about this or?
>>139832 Based mob. Reminds me a bit of M the film.
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>>139870 FRITZ LANG!!
Labour are the real fascists
>>139871 I miss her, lads.
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>>139873 The women are slaughtered by y tin tin brenin lad. it is the way of all tangs Nos da
oops, forgot my little kiss :) x
tbh the hormones seem to be working a treat on are soph https://www.instagram.com/sophierudddd/?hl=en
>>139876 That's not him. >>139877 Keeek I posted those off some trannys twatter last thread, lad.
going to load up on commodities tomorrow while at toil
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>>139672 >what's to be done with the white ethnic groups that are best placed to weather the next century? Bit silly calling them traitors when they are not the ones diving headlong into globohomo ethnic suicide.
>>139880 *beheads you for being racist to jews as they are still yahwehs/allah's chosen* *beheads white russian child because idk reasons*

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>>139883 >*beheads you for being racist to jews as they are still yahwehs/allah's chosen* yeah but enough of America's foreign and domestic policy
maybe we will see chinkies zerg rush eachother and die by the thousand after all
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>>139889 What was his practising name, I wonder?
>>139889 >chungusity
>>139887 china vs india is the war i'm holding out for
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>>139888 >paying the limited-resource cost for a resource except that resource is actually an infinite resource
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>>139895 hullo lad
i am bored, there's no posts
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inflamed lung from penicillin allergy
think im going to die
>>139887 zerosum can't be seen wothout a twitter account
>>139900 lucky you
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>>139899 >>139900 Yet another covid death, if only he'd had his vaccine
>>139900 based
>>139903 breakthrough case, unvaxxed to blame
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at least ive put some stress on bossman cunt didnt respond to my message when i told him im ill in the first place so i left it till about 30 minutes ago to tell him im not coming into work tomorrow
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>tfw have loved ones who got vaxxed so now i can't look forward to the vaccine die-off if it happens i should of stopped them
Important POLL http://poal.me/5f6hvf
>>139894 Don't want to see Vedic lads get rekt by Sino-Paki alliance of convenience Also don't want philosemite Bharat become a world power Best we can hope is for them to do a WW1 on each other and destroy themselves enough so the world's real master race the Filipinos can unmask themselves.
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>>139907 While it would still be bad I hope its just a big experiment project, not THE planned deliberate killswitch/sterilisation shot since most of family except one of my uncles and aunty has it smdh
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>>139912 based >>139913 based
>>139907 They would have died of something else eventually anyway lad You can’t get too sentimental about these things
>>139913 Goodlad
>>139913 good lad
Hope this is a good omen for the meeting with bosswoman tomorrow tbh state of it
>>139912 what a world where jewish women's demands are ignored by gentiles
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>>139921 keeeeeeeek
>>139921 inventive
>>139921 Why dont you ever David Davis the seal posting guy?
is this a newfag or a retard?
>>139926 it's bins so the latter
>>139927 into the filter he goes
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Dont want to sleep
>>139931 tbh tbh, toil all day tomorrow
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>>139932 tbh wish I could be like one of these lads
>>139933 they do that when there's a pod of killer whales on the prowl
>>139934 Yeah tbh think I saw an article the other week about one who jumped onto someone's boat for safety and they kicked it back in smdh
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sorry brah no walruses on the boat
been trying to think of a productive skill i could hone or some side hustle i could do while on the clock at work, but i'm just too lazy and downtrodden to attempt anything. i have a lot of time i could be using at toil
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smh too many people need boomer toilers rooo I just want to work occasionally don't want to bust 40 hours weeks me
>>139937 podcasting
>learn Fench >marry a French woman?
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>>139941 what happened?
>>139942 brazil
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i remember being the edgelord of my friend group and showing them all theync gore. don't know why i did that
>>139946 billy no mates over here.
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so china flew over where exactly, and why didn't NATO detect it?
listenin g to freebird
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>mfw i trolled all my friends away
>>139949 NATO's a paper tiger
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>>139952 looks like the us is a retarded tiger
lmao what a retardo he was
a fool. exactly. not a flood
they also think nice guys get the girl, when his wife dated him for his money, she said it was his personality lmao
made the mistake of visiting /k/ again
>>139955 Did one of his daughters also marry a nog or is that a false rumour?
>>139958 what were they up to?
>>139958 anything good on there? watched a video about afghanistan earlier and there was a talib with an ak that had a scope on it in the video. was really kino tbh, looked cool
>>139962 they can probably express it because women are kept under close guard and men can thus express their true feelings, also its a shithole so people just don't care
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>>139964 gay mene, suicide hurts those around you and you shouldn't do it
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>suicide hurts those around you
>>139958 was it soynonces posting ian mccuckold videos?
now quadrophenia, that was kino.
>>139962 >>139963 she was wearing makeup, which is a signal of what occurs at puberty. it's deceptive.
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>>139970 it's just good business.
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>>139970 what happens if you cant pay will they send balifs over to pull it out your arse
*mimics the signal neoteny in women is combined with signals of recent puberty and indicators of health recent puberty: red makeup, tits exceeding clothing, swaying walk indicating swolen genitals, eyebrows trimmed down to pubescent era. busting out of clothing is very teenage signaling, impossible of adults accisentally. health: deepening of contrast of allowed hair, making it seem longer. fake nails if long ones are imppssible. showing of toenails, often painting both bright colors so you cannot miss them. neoteny: higj heels induce awkward walking, false shyness eg looking out of the corner of the eye, false high voice and s's. affecting weakness.
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>>139972 keeeeeeeeeek
>>139975 ought to be dismembered with a machete in traditional mexican style
>>139970 lmao it's gommunism pizza lines, valley style
>>139975 lmao congress with low cut keeeeeeek what a whore
>>139974 whole lot of words to just say you like little girls
>>139977 nonsense. this is a board of peaceful fapping and Teeline shorthand weekly competitions
Be sure to register early for the fapping competitions
the days are getting short, lads can't wait for winter, so i can stay inside and cuddle
>>139983 with my pen and teeline gold drillbooks
>>139984 how is your greek going?
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>>139983 >stay inside and cuddle y...yeah
>>139986 billy no mates, wahey
>>139985 I've had terrible overwork for loke 3 months but stabilizing and back hitting the books. I am mostly focused on memorizing the charts. First is the little one for the definite article. Then regular nouns (i'm skipping the paradigms for the table 1st, adding paradigms next), it's pretty big. The huge one is the verb chart. I'm partway on it (paideuw paradgm)
>>139988 to help with your learning i'll recommend you two books: "a mind for numbers," by barbra oakley, and "effective notetaking," by fiona mcpherson a mind for numbers goes over efficient learning techniques, so i think being mindful of those practices will help. i haven't read effective notetaking yet, but i got recommended it in a telegram group. notetaking is obviously important, so i'll recommend that too
>>139989 they sound good.
>>139989 what are you studying?.
changing ips
>>139991 nothing in particular. i've just been learning about habit formation and learning theory for a few months without any real effort put towards it i plan to read more about philosophy in the near future, so completing my "studies" on habits and learning will be helpful to me in this field
>woes thinks he would have been a military adviser in another age
>>139964 rebbit le suicide lmao normalfag menes are cancer IMO
>>139994 >The method of loci is a method of memorizing information by placing each item to be remembered at a point along an imaginary journey. i haven't thought to develop or use mnemonic devices, but i'll give it a shot.
>>139995 keeek probably one of those adventurous scots "generals"/rakes who gets tied up in eastern/central europe and is faking it until they make it teaching the slavs to stand in rank and trade volleys because one time he ran away from the yorkshire regiment of foot after emptying his caliver into the air for the camerons
>>139995 can actually picture him being at a council of war because he's the bum chum of the prince regent and all the seasoned boomer commanders have to grit their teeth and nod while he spouts some utter shite about how it was his idea to tunnel under the walls in the first place
I wish I was a frontiersman
>>140001 the facepalm keek
>>140000 https://youtu.be/XSoG7m1V6aw we need a woes/mark collett/nick griffin edit lads
>>140003 that is a depiction of the humiliation of general winchester by roundhead the friend of tecumseh and it took place in shitagain/canada
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>>140001 imagine all the barefoot indian girls
>>140010 keeeeeeeeeek
>>140009 >when you only teach her to say yes
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>when swan dies in Jeremiah johnson
>>139970 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elyk9MBY72U exciting to see the price moves of bitcoin this evening. an etf will open monday or tuesday, possibly bringing a quick rise to the price. i saw a silly estimate of 85k for this week, but i'm more conservative than that. nevertheless, it's interesting to watch
>>140017 tbh, i'm curious too. it's been pointed out that this etf does also allow banks to short so it could be a negative thing. they might do to btc what they did to silver by making paper silver
>>140017 this webp makes me want to coom btw
keeeek watching some 90s pilot for a computer animated series called "Cyboars" on gloomtube rn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKZ5Ju1JPvk
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqStHkW2dzU this chinese lying flat thing is interesting. i've been doing this for years
>>140020 kino, i miss the gloomtube riot streams, been forever since a happening
>>140023 >one of the best, most wealthy, free times keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>140023 based pepe >>140024 yeah lad we have it way better than those 15th century peasants that could just sleep and drink cider at frost fairs all winter Montenegrin commandments.png
>>140023 i want out of the techno-cult
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breakfast time soon lads
10 weeks of toil until millineyule
>>140023 I bet his "work" consists of answering emails about modems
morning lads
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>wake up >go to /brit/ >nice day in brazil webm
>>140032 makes you wonder how many murders happen and how often murderers are caught. probably aren't mostly, even in the uk
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good night
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watching a doco on the russian civil war lads
>>140036 night lad >>140037 smh
there is no need to be upset
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>police in uniform don't have to show credentials Despairing keek
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why don't monkeys have to wipe their bum after pooing?
>>140045 Diet and natural pooing position probably. Also they pick shit from around their arses and eat it.
>>140046 smh bit too grotty
Even better is when they pick shit from another money's arse.
>its a bossman doesn't pay his bills so his employes gets shit from workshops episode
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>>140050 it's not your problem lad don't let them make it your problem
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>>140052 Good luck
no toil for me today. took the day off. fuck them.
https://youtu.be/ZrHoy2jNpS4 nice Moritaka cover
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No toil for me today. Will torture myself instead
Had to be subjected to like 3 hours of being called a tory by these two posh girls at spoons last night because I casually said some milquetoast brand take about something I can't remember. I was proper pissed so I just sat there and took it. I was growing increasingly frustated at a bunch of women from surrey telling me I don't understand poverty or whatever so I told I'm from a council estate and called them out on it all by the end of it. >>140057 Good post lad
>>140059 sounds liek u got owned
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>was in the old thread up until now
>>140059 Should have climbed on the table and urinated on thm
>>140064 >I'm the BBC's first specialist disinformation reporter
>>140064 >why can’t it be solved? > I'm the BBC's first specialist disinformation reporter - and I receive abusive messages on social media daily. Most are too offensive to share unedited. The trigger? My coverage of the impact of online conspiracies and fake news SOLVED
The government lets me dictate what is true and what isn't at a whim and if you object to that you go to prison. Sounds unfair? Well I just fact checked you and it turns out it is fair.
>>140064 pretty sure social media removes threats and abuse if you report it
>>140068 she's literally complaining that the police dont arrest everyone whos mean to her >I'm especially worried about some of the hate I receive online, including from a man who appears to have a prior conviction for stalking women. But I've been left frustrated at the police response. After a wave of abuse at the end of April this year, I reported the most serious threats to the police, including about sexual violence. It's a criminal offence to send messages online that are grossly offensive or obscene in order to cause distress. >An officer got in touch initially and I shared my evidence of the abuse - but I only heard back from her weeks later when she told me that she was moving teams, my case was being passed on and there had been no progress. I wasn't contacted by a new liaison officer until July - when it became clear that the evidence I'd shared originally with the police had been lost, something that was later admitted. >I tried to report another batch of rape threats, death threats and abusive messages at the end of July to the new officer. When we met in person in the middle of August, the officer admitted he was not the right person to handle the case - and that it should have been passed on to a specialist team. Yet more delays - and although the seriousness of the messages was acknowledged, there was little in the way of victim support. >By the end of August, I was on to my third police liaison officer - who asked me to review the portfolio of evidence I had already sent in, marking which messages were from Twitter, Instagram and Facebook as he wasn't sure how to use the platforms. >According to data from several police forces, which Panorama obtained through Freedom of Information requests, over the past five years the number of people reporting online hate has more than doubled. But over the same period, there's only been a 32% increase in the number of arrests. The victims are mainly women. >This is happening in the context of increasing pressure on the Met in particular to do more to tackle violence against women on our streets after the killings of Sarah Everard and Sabina Nessa.
why are they not doing a deep dive on the stabber and his dad
>>140067 >>140064 >>140069 Utterly subversive spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) cunt. She worked for the Moscow Times - founded by a commie IRA sympathiser from Holland OH WHY OH WHY AM I NOT FUCKING SURPRISED > Sauer is married to the journalist Ellen Verbeek and has three children. He is a grandnephew of resistance fighter and England sailor Peter Tazelaar.[12] Sauer himself smuggled weapons for the IRA when he was 19 years old.[13] As a hobby, in a separate venture, Sauer exported to the West super-lightweight carbon fabric ("carbon") wheels for sports bikes, made of material from the Russian space industry.
>>140069 wasting police time on threats like this which clearly aren't serious smh
>>140070 Surely you don’t expect the British media to attack British people lad
>>140069 Sounds like she was rejected by her “stalker”
tempted to become a security guard so I can just watch CCTV cameras all day and read books
Found a new channel to entertain me while I self destruct https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDqsTjeiFz8
>>140075 all of the security guys I've known were pretty cool guys. Hell of a boring job though.
>>140076 nice. Give this a chance too https://youtu.be/DuUCkg_NVOc
>>140078 noooo not the undertale thicc mummy
I miss him lads
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>>140083 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>140084 Have the jews holocausted themselves again?
Nasty vaccident by the sounds of it tbh tbh.. Either that or Saddam got to him with his non exisent biological weapons from beyond the grave
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>>140092 dying from cringing
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>>140090 it's all so ridiculous >>140097 tbh
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>>140087 >ingredients >nonfat milk >corn syrup solids
>>140087 >palm oil
>>140100 i'd let Priti crack my case, if you catch my drift.
>>140103 Hope you're joking about finding her attractive, lad. Never can tell on the internet. She's an objectively ugly, old, horrible swarthoid toff. Real Sargon tier. Smh.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZR9piBGIkCg Binge watched several Kong movies. Godzilla vs Kong was predictably shit. Full of zoomie cringe humour and unrealised plot potential. Soyish fight scenes where the big ape seemed invulnerable until the plot called for him to get finally get cut by the lizard claws. Then mecha lizard fucks up Godzilla, captain soy restarts Kongs heart, and they fight the robot together and have a touching understanding as big lizard goes into the sea and monke rules the land/hollow earth. There were some kino dragons though. Like these alternate designs than the typical westoid fantasy cliche. They were more like giant flying cobras. Lots of varied dragon depictions in history/mythology. Some look mammalian, other like snakes, two legs, 4 legs, dinosaur/bird like. Okay, thank you.
>>140107 Tbh. Always hate the demonic voice overs at bus and train stations telling you to watch out for pickpockets and terrorists.
>>140106 Did you watch the original black and white King Kong yet?
>>140109 No. Can't be arsed at the moment. Maybe after some Skyrooming.
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>>140111 >slav(e)s fuck off if you don't like it
>>140106 >Godzilla vs Kong was predictably shit. Full of zoomie cringe humour and unrealised plot potential. smh >>140118 these creatures are living in a fantasy world
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>>140120 >>140119 Do they unrionically not get that seething about fascism and constantly changing its definitions only weakens their argument I honestly do not understand how they could be so stupid
>>140122 based?
>ever wrestling with a filthy human Sms
>>140124 >can't define it >has to hide behind a quote to make himself look smart
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>>140124 >inferring I think you mean implying Paul!
>>140126 according to that list literally everybody is fascist >identification of enemies as a unifying cause >antifascists identify fascists as an enemy, therefore antifascists are fascists
>>140105 yes finally I will have a wife who loves me
>>140092 utter fucking cringe keeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>140105 Imagine spending that time and money making a robot with a human face instead of making a robot that can do something fucking useful hate fucking normie roboticists tbh
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>>140092 america has degraded so fast in such a short space of time
why is the military so fucking gay?
>>140134 So that it poses no threat to the state
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>>140137 thinking about the historically incredibly high (into the 90%) overlap between serial rapists and trek fans or something tbh
Which is more intolerable? Whovians or Trekkies?
ngl I like shart trek but redditoids ruined it
anyone who hangs their personality on the peg of a 'fandom' is extremely suspect
>>140140 I like the aesthetic of the original series and there's something interesting in the concept until it becomes le space UN fighting for le space communism smw (shaking my willy)
>>140139 whovians are bad but trekkies are definitely worse tbh at least doctor who fans don't endlessly cope about post-scarcity
pretty sure the overall political compass of all humans in star trek was global fascism
>>140144 Yeah, especially in all those many anti-fascist episodes
>>140145 i didnt watch star trek tbh just felt like talking shite because i read that somewhere once
how do people describe themselves as primarily "anti-fascist", like you exist to negate something. that's literally reactionary.
>>140142 tbh the original series had many really good episodes
anti fascism in star trek is xenophobic against romulans and klingons
the federation is a human dominated empire that hides its will to power in americanoidic "human rights" garbage
>>140147 they're just signalling submission to the group lad they don't actually believe anything
Think I’ve found out why circumcision is pushed so hard in the US that even the goyim get it https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2021/10/11/a-botched-circumcision-and-its-aftermath
>>140138 almost 100% >>140142 >>140148 I couldn't get into it when I was younger and looking at it as an adult it just seems silly tbh, humanist ideals are always retarded
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Caught a sparrowhawk staring in my window just as I finished toil for the day tbh portentovs
>>140156 how was the meeting lud
>>140157 Yeah it was ok tbh bosswoman was a lot nicer than I thought she would be
>>140158 fuck the pope
>>140156 the spirits of the Slemish thirst for vimto lad
>Fascism Lesson for Kids https://study.com/academy/lesson/fascism-lesson-for-kids.html >Imagine a country where you can't say or do all the things you think are right and people are always watching what you do errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
>>140162 shameless
>>140161 smh haven't offered the local aos sí any drinks in a good while now
>>140163 >>140164 I'm searching through goygle and the likes seeing how hard it is to find an accurate/impartial definition of fascism
now to spend my day off calling the insurance company to upgrade my in$urance they generally put you on hold for 30 mins
maybe the real fascism was the pigs we wrestled on the way
>>140169 keeeeeeeek
these are some rather broad definitions that can apply to fucking anything
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>>140174 what does david amess being stabbed to death have to do with online anonymity?
>>140174 luv that they are trying to enforce this antianon shit he didn't have a schizo account or anything, it's completely unrelated >>140176 it hurt the MPs feefees, online trolls also hurt their feefees, therefore they are related
>it's a too long nap episode so now I won't get enough sleep in the night which will cause me to nap again tomorrow and the cycle will repeat all week smh
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have this saved from 2015, iirc it was a brit/pol/ lads OC, think everyone was saying "you talk too aggressively"
reminder that this anti-anonymity stuff ends up going nowhere because of the roadblocks the government themselves put in place, they can't force online identity checks as it conflicts with a lot of policies they have
>>140179 too bad I am not a fascist but a RACIST
>>140176 very simple, lad. The politicians say that the best way to keep everybody safe and happy is for the common man to give up all rights to privacy. Clearly they care deeply for the common man. That's why MPs will now have heavy security teams keeping the plebs away. Because the best way to care for the general public is to care for themselves, by separating themselves from the general public.
doing my tardtoilbusinessshite due in by today do the niggercattle really? this claim makes me think of the "no internal voice" stuff or I guess how the average normie retard "uses the time spent where they should be listening thinking of what to say next" kind of thing
>Driver begins to run over Insulate Britain protestors https://twitter.com/PoliticsForAlI/status/1450127280773210126
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>bro tip:
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>>140184 >as most people tend to read what they thought they wrote
>>140184 just use one eye for writing and another for proofreading
>>140187 is he banned for saying that or did he do something else naughty?
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>>140190 just don't make mistakes
>>140192 just make mistakes and not care
fresh YOOOOOOOOO just dropped https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkgTIXlwjC0 >>140189 I reckon that false claim that "you only use 10% of your brain normally" really just means that the average golem never bothers to do more than the bare minimum or what looks like the bare minimum and this is why shite like that is asserted
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make nothing but mistakes
>>140192 tbh just save time by never going back
>>140193 keeeeek tbh >>140194 tbh
asked mummy to make me bacon and eggs with salad >she's doing it mummy
>>140198 good lad I hope you've et twelve dozen aeggs this day https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVdgaSuAjII
>>140199 only 4 tbh had a cheeky za before the 6 hour nap
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>>140199 >no's neck's as incredibly thick as Gaston's
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>>140202 god I can't wait for papa john to start the pizzacaust
>>140202 employment is in the toilet in the us.
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I asked for scrambled eggs though...
>>140202 but people are going without work... makes you hecking thinkerino
>>140202 stankieshitz what a vile name
>>140202 tiresome tbh keep seeing this everywhere over and over again >>140205 don't be fussy lad she made it just for you >>140207 keeeek
Baste alhamdullillah
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>>140203 >>140204 >>140206 >>140207 >>140208 ngl it's impressive how the big boys managed to trick normies into being their shills almost overnight
>>140176 >>140177 They’re making a big noise about anonymity which will go nowhere ( as they know ) so they can avoid talking about Islam In the US they do teh same with guns
>>140210 communists will forever be fucked until they admit racial consciousness supersedes any sort of class consciousness.
>>140211 this meme is zog propaganda in itself because "radical islam" is a fake term they made up to try and obfuscate the fact that all islam is radical and dangerous
>>140212 but indians are based and tory though... because the tories want more indians smh
>>140210 tbh they really did a number >>140212 tbh
>>140217 fucked minds
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>>140217 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>140217 oh no
>>140216 not really enjoying it tbh
>>140217 she looks like that pig that steiner posts all wrapped up in plastic
>>140212 That leftypol memi guy they post to deconstruct everything as a 'spook' believed that. A few communists have talked about the way communism would only work in ethnically homogenous and western societies.
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>>140176 >the guy who murdered him had a twitter account with his real face and name
>nearly £50 for enough tea and coffee from meatybraps to share with my family
>>140227 anyone know where that music is from?
>>140227 Dont trust freeways in la or places like vegas seem like satanic rituals like the london underground or the m25
>>140212 you'll have slightly more in common with black working class than white poshos but that's only because of the class background, outside of that there is nothing to connect them
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based big racist statues
>>140229 singlehandedly financing the britnat movement you are lad
>>140229 lad why
>black people are not discriminated against and oppressed just because of the colour of their skin >it's every characteristic and trait that's been assigned to black people >fatness was one of those characteristics >fatness >a black trait
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no coffee creamer
>>140186 >gyalldem tellin’ ya ta get out de way of ma Rage Rover biatch so gyalldem can get hyah minging minge dicked by DeJamalLeroy aftah gyalldem drop mandem off at skool innit fam! Nah peng off da road wastewoman! Finna buss ma trampstamp on yah face! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSs9EDzS4Ik
>>140233 Surreal that he was a former imperial soldier that probably killed some zulus, or at least didn't oppose the British doing it, and he became a lawyer, quite wealthy, had groupies he had sex with, and yet a few staged photo/video ops of him in wrags spawns statues like this, and admiration from ignorant westoids even today as if he was le indian hobo of peace and spirituality dude.
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>No Milky Woes to share with family
>>140235 it's good to support are brave freedom farters and not give money to the evil megacorporations >>140234 tbh I better get a dedication at their next conference >>140239 tbh should have starved him and his cult to death properly
also stop saying meaty braps it makes me feel sick
>>140243 chonker toots
>An antifa group protests in Brisbane, Australia over the weekend calling for stricter government action on Covid-19 https://twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1449823709791928329
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>>140246 >women
>>140243 Just imagine the state of her brap strings
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she cute
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>>140248 >when she bends over and you can see the discolouration in the string and her arsehole maybe this is why humans started doing missionary
>>140252 why is he brown?
>>140251 Thanks, love. Did you just remember it or what? Used to have it for my jogging music... almost 10 years ago
>>140254 lol fuck off lad you've never been jogging
youtube.com/watch?v=WflAReA2cqs When's Dune night?
>>140253 Beaker Person phenotype
>>140255 what how can you say that? I wasn't born 22st
>>140253 went on a trot and fell in the bog
>>140256 When the prodigal Bins returns
>>140258 Kek lar, would you believe it was actually a tiny little memory hearing it once at school prom after party
>>140262 good thing you were listening to music instead of shagging a lass I guess
>>140263 well well well, 22st's talking about shagging schoolkids again
>at the end of secondary education in year 11 (ages 15/16) and the end of sixth form (aged 18),
>>140266 >can't see the spoiler text great job, lad
night lids
>>140264 >shartin >140266 what was this post meant to achieve?
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>>140270 never going to vaccinate everyone in those countries where there are no covid restrictions though
I guess the nigger is kind of right in that him and his disgusting bureaucrat masters are intentionally punishing the populace and will only seriously dangle the prospect of lessened hardship in front of them if they all get the extinction poz
>>140274 >immigration became a net negative last year journoscum just lying
>>140274 30 bongo bucks an hour? What's the catch?
>>140276 it's not real
Noooo don't make the wagerinos increase ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
>>140276 Yeah I would unironically do nothing but pick fruit or veg in fields for that kind of money. Fuck using muh education and brain power and shiiitttee I'm fucking poor. Smh.
>This is surprising when you consider the pay: if you work hard enough, you can get up to £30 an hour picking vegetables on Simmons’ farm, which works out to more than £62,000 a year pro-rata. >up to £30 THEEEEEERE IT IS
most people live in cities too, how would you get to a farms all over the place to work there?
>>140270 what does vaccination haver to do with the economy being in transition as he said?
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these demons are trying to gaslight us to death what is he even saying? >No food on shelves >Economy is in transition >Need to vaccinate everyone
>>140283 Yeah it's nuts and creepy to say everyone in the world needs the heckin vaxxerino before people's living standards go back to pre mentira shutdowns.
its like that david amess bollocks >gets stabbed to death in the street by random wog >we need to get rid of online anonymity in his name
>>140274 They can always ind a furriner to bad mouth the natives.. hope she gets raped by a pack of “British” pipo
>>140285 He seems to have been the kind of politician who'd say the same if it'd happened to another MP tbh. It's what he'd have wanted. More blairite globohomo anarcho tyranny.
keep that whistle on you
>>140288 >Bucktown has been broken
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keep reading david amess as david davis
>>140291 smh phantom Davis syndrome strikes again
>>140290 Daily fail clickbait. Bet she meant planning to buy them when they're each teens. Which is bad enough.
>>140293 >out for a jog Not heard this one. Another hands up don't shoot, he wuz drinkin grape soda and eatin skittles, he dindu nuffin fabrication?
>>140295 It spawned the whole jogger meme tbh
>>140295 he was scouting for houses to burgle. he was caught going into a house that was under renovation and they chased him. redneck pointed the gun at him and he lunged for it and got shot
>>140295 It was forgotten about cos Floyd happened a couple weeks after. The claim is that he was just jogging through the neighbourhood, but then footage came out of him snooping around building yards, to which mongs went "he has a passion for construction", the press was manipulating footage to hide that he was up to no good, the usual shit really
>>140298 compare that matt walsh tweet to the stuff he tweets now
>>140301 bullying works
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>ENT office bills me 375 dollars for simply sitting in one of the rooms of the ENT doctors office
keeek wasnt he the one who was jogging with a ball peen hammer and timberlands or some shite?
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>375 plus 480 dollars for a 5 minute meeting where she perscribed me more pills which costed 75 dollars for the bottle
>>140307 keeeeeeek smh
>>140308 can you just get a loan or are you against amounting a different kind of debt?
>>140308 *laughs in medical exemption certificate*
you should just come here on holiday and go a&e
>>140311 they bill you after service so most rednecks/shitskins/niggers just never pay that shit or do like sam hyde says in his video and pays like 2 dollars a month
It's funny how this got completely forgotten about when Floyd happened, they were already struggling to defend nigger jogger and Floyd was an easy way out.
>>140313 I wish how do ameriboomers even defend this shite
>>140314 smfh how are you going to pay it?
>>140313 wouldn't work, as a visitor he'd be charged for the services (still probably cheaper than over there) but he's not brown enough to get everything handed over on a silver platter
>>140319 he could literally just walk in and give a fake name and pretend to be homeless and they would treat him
>>140320 potentially, I know it gets weird for foreigners, one I knew fractured a toe while visiting and the clinic asked for his travel insurance info
>>140316 smh i think they probably just owe money their entire life through endless payment plans
>>140322 Unlike me, *I* have a medical exemption certificate!
https://youtu.be/d__Q9GkEnqU What race is this people my lords and lass
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>>140318 I have enough money but I am probably just gonna not pay it because fuck the government.
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>>140327 good lad don't let them take your toilbux
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>seethium posting at boe boes time
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>>140325 Is that some kind of giant rodent? Even capybaras are a bit creepy tbh.
>>140331 Think it’s a real braphog boi! arsevark
>>140331 . . . that's a young Jewish man enjoying his Halloween treats lad . . .
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>>140320 tbh my uncle does this in canada for his knee surgery keeeeeeeeeek
>>140322 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek yeah https://youtu.be/Gdhl9NraDe8
>>140332 Ah, aardvark. Interesting one of natures chimeras tbh. Looks like a rabbit-pig-bear thing.
>>140330 Seethe is everywhere tbh. Don’t even have to look for it
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>>140327 smh good lad, just make sure you arent going to get fucked somehow with them making a payment plan with your bank behind your back or something >>140335 you should do it too tbh
>Well, then, had I been at Martinique, I should also have been on the side of the English, because above all things it is necessary to save one's life. I am for the whites, because I am white; I have no other reason, yet that is reason good enough. How was it possible to grant liberty to the Africans, to men without any kind of civilization, who did not even know what a colony meant, or that there was such a place as France?
https://youtu.be/Brl7WmHDG-E still never seen any of the movies nor do I plan to tbh
>>140336 this is based but only if you are financially finished tbh
>>140343 >No country (I.e. no fishes in tinder profile) What does this mean?
>>140340 yeah collections is what that is called do they have that in UK? its crazy that illegal immigrants can just come and use the facilities and never pay for them but citizens get raped
>>140346 yeah they end up contacting your employer and taking it out of your paycheck here
>>140345 people who live in the country and like to fish
>>140348 smh hopefully monerochads can inherit the west still to much of a brainlet for monero but been reading about it
>>140351 women are so vile. keeek at joe actually being proud of catching a carp
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>>140353 sick of these cringy gook copes
>>140343 >project manager
>>140346 Solid red 5’10+ Solid yeller 5’7 or smaller What are yer boi?
what about pictures of you with a pig
>>140349 >>140351 Ah, I see I thought she meant emoticons or something keek *displays my ability to provide for you with a picture of animals I caught*
why dont women like fish pics
>>140360 Women with penis envy hate displays of man's natural expression as provider. Most women love that shit I bet.
>>140360 its a sign that the man is working class/oriented towards nature/redneck oriented rather than some soy richfag beta bux who exists to take pictures with her at brunches
https://youtu.be/i1mhh9nHvnc >no alabama gun store wife who likes pictures of me holding fish and raising pigs and expects me to own the biggest truck
Bois! We have a manlet in are midst!
>>140351 >However, he did call me out for questioning his profile pic choices when mine consists almost solely of me at bars/pres/smoking areas. Maybe it’s time for me to stop quizzing other men’s Tinder profiles and actually get a hobby.
>>140364 Bet she’s got a small penis
>>140364 gun shops look so kino would love to visit one
>>140368 they should let you try the guns though
>>140367 I don't think there are many troons in rural alabama
>tfw no homely quiet posho gf
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>>140307 Joggers 5 seconds after someone leaves some copper wire unsecured.
>>140369 i think some have ranges where you can shoot the guns
>>140369 they often do they have rentals you can generally test of most of the common domestic models
but yeah those high end ARs/tavors/richfagguns and handguns she is showing you probably don't get to test
>>140360 reminds them that men have hobbies that don't involve them
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she has really nice hips
>>140377 there are quite a few of them in my area since im in poshoville but i have no idea how to meet them
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EcjWd-O4jI White dairy milk and salt & vinegar walkers for supper
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>>140360 Maritime societies forced women to take a modicum of responsibility for themselves when men went fishing.
Excellent news!

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