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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3570: Sneethecore Edition Anonymous 11/14/2021 (Sun) 20:20:45 Id: eeeda9 No. 151135
Liverpool explosion: Three arrested under Terrorism Act after car blast at hospital https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-59285235 Queen misses Remembrance Sunday service after back sprain https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-59280608 UK must be ready for war with Russia, says armed forces chief https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/nov/14/uk-must-be-ready-for-war-with-russia-says-armed-forces-chief
and foah moi dinnar eye had Toad inna hole, both real meat sosij and vegetarian snotsig, with sweet potato, mash potato, peas, garden leafy broccoli and beer and onion gravy with two pints beer to drink followed by rhubarb crumble with cream and it was very nice finishing things off at home with a pack of mr porky's finest scratchings the night's issues were -vaxxoom guilt attempt from granny -vaxxoom guilt/crab bucket attempt from aunt and nuncle -vaxxoom guilt attempt over the faggot scots making the edinburhg tattoo vaxxtards only so I can't go -boomers glued to the television pumping them full of the evening jews which aside from poolitics also featured climate change fear propaganda -saw one of their neighbours getting out of her own car while wearing mask, gloves and disposable apron -some info on schizo(not based) cousin who refuses to associate with the unvaxxed, apparently he got el coof very badly and is now ultra-paranoid. No word on whether it was pre- or post-vaxx. Suspect the latter. All in all quite decent tbh since I wasn't there as long as usual. Got one of my birthday pressies at last, a mechanical scales so I can chart whether I can lose weight or become the 30st beachmaster of brit.
Liverpool turning into Liver/pol/ as we speak
>chatting with lass >her replies are single words to longer messages with multiple questions smh
>>151139 my little cousin is like that but when we talk irl it's like she's a completely different person
>>151137 >toad in the hole very nice. You really do need to stop this obsession with PA though, lad. They are and always will be irrelevant.
>>151140 does she have a bf?
>>151141 name me one other based british political organisation which is more relevant (you can't) we play the hands we're dealt lad
>>151142 No idea the autistic cunt tells me nothing smh
>>151143 you're right I can't, doesn't mean PA isn't a waste of time though
>No suppose raids in Kenny and Sefton park. People have been saying it’s only a matter of time for ages and get called racist cranks. >This is the consequence of Basement immigration. >Things need to change and judging by social media the locals aren’t happy and saying the same things. Where is Joe?
>>151146 it is at the very least less a waste of time than posting on imageboards
>Far left Scousers now suddenly sounding like UKIP voters, lmao keeeek
>>151145 the one classic LucasArts game I never played. Big fan of Monkey Island and Grim Fandango though. >>151148 true. very true.
>>151149 here's hoping the arse monarch can rally them into his gang and cause some trouble on the streets
>>151150 never had much to do with lucasarts in that era smh, just the swgb aoe2 pallette swap it was road rash and return to castle wolfenstein for smee
>>151151 The gaping cheeks of wrath will shart into their dying mouths when
>>151049 I love him lads
>links to other thread >"I love him lads" it doesn't link to (You)
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trialkino resuming on the morrow I guess this weekend went by real fast smh
>>151158 cant tell whats real and whats memes anymore
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>>151160 tbh smh smh been supposed to read this one page of paper for the past month, always telling myself to do it in the weekend but never getting round to it. starting to worry putting it off for so long has made it too late tbh, don't want to look now smh
>>151162 I don't listen to central asian horseniggers even when they speak my language k thanx, chuck yogurt belongs in a ditch with all the other shitskin faggots
Some rumours of another bimb going off in Liverpool's coontown
>>151162 Assuming this is in good faith, which it isn't, what could he and right-wingers do together? Vote for Bernie who sold out twice and who clearly has no feasible plan at all?
>>151165 another? how did i miss this
>>151162 >we should stop bickering yeah okay cenk you first never give these slimy cunts an inch comes all the world in arms against us and we shall shock them >>151163 keek smh I had a deadline yesterday the final deadline due this friday I think, got to put in work too
still love when alegs trolled cenk IRL
>>151113 absolute shite take tbh inaction is the key to winning
>>151167 It's just rumours, hearing it's old video footage of something else though, must be if it isn't in the news yet smh
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>>151168 >>151166 >>151164 >fight our corporate overlords together
>>151172 qeeeq
>>151162 You'd think if the Chinese were really genociding Uyghurs this guy would be dead already
>>151174 keeeeeeek tbh
>>151137 lad why don't you just lie and say you got the vax? I know lying to family members is a bit bad but if they wont shut up about it just treat them how they've treated you. You could even book a first jab, go along, swipe the vax card they give you and then walk out. then you can forge a dose number and date at your leisure. what I did keek
>"The last two virtues of a dying culture... tolerance and apathy" >Aristotle Need a scouse pol face keek
>>151177 good lad tbh but I would rather take the stand instead of secret-agenting in whatever capacity neet incels have nothing to lose after all
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>>151178 low effort meme
>>151180 keeeeeeeeek perfect
>>151179 fair enough, good tbh lad. not really sure why I went super sekret mode on the vax tbh just seems to be my default response to everything these days. Can feel the schizo paranoia taking over sometimes smh. probably letting down the hu-white race for not btfo my family about it but hated all the bickering and arguments.
>>151182 it's not unjustified paranoia tbh you might be able to survive the coofcentration camps where I won't
>>151182 not entirely unreasonable. Certainly I know my mother would never have stopped bothering me until I took it
>>151184 you didn't take it did you?
>>151183 I will remember the 6 million neets
>>151179 good lad, sorry your family doesn't respect your position. mummy actually defends my choice now and gets mad if people who know talk about me being unvaxxoomed
first for milana
>>151189 just another dumb kike slut who killed her own babies to be a whore
>>151190 lol what
>>151187 yeah it's all a bit poo but expected for middleclassoids based mummy tbh take her to church some time if there's any good ones left or something
>>151182 no good lad, some unvaxxoom need to keep it really secret because who knows what is going to happen. boomer co toiler thinks they will eventually get apps on everyones phones connected to the database so that other people lose social credit by being around unvaxx people. he is super paranoid because he protected his 8 year old daughter from the vaxx and the teachers are frothing at the mouth trying to vaxx her in school.
>>151193 smh hope he takes her out and homeschools her or something, evil 'educator' cunts are already 'accidentally' injecting the poz into innocent children
>>151194 yeah he is divorced so his ex wife is provaxx and constantly trying to get recordings of his antivaxx statements to win custody. total nightmare. neets and incel virgins are so lucky compared to redpilled normalfags who were secret agents too long and now have to be big boys and risk losing their comfy
>>151195 god I hate women
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>>151195 smh evil to force children to take an untested, experimental, dna altering drug. sick of it all tbh
>>151196 tbh really have no interest in being around most of them except for mummies/milfs because of the how brainwashed they are about vaxxoom. the only women I meet who are against vaxx are 40 plus women. so fucked. maybe in my cope fantasy as the hyper inflation takes off and the slut butt matrix ends being skilled at stealing exhaust pipes will net me a ex-slut who I can get 3-4 kids from then dispose of during the happening
>>151197 yeah smh I can't really think about that too much, some 4chud posted a pic of a 6 year old boy who had gotten myocarditis and the family was coping and this little blond haired boy was looking so frail. made me seethe so bad. boomer cotoiler would go full daft if anyone did that to his kid, 100 percent. he said he already had the address of the principal of the school. wew
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>>151200 lad please there's stil ltwo and a half hours to go
coffee has got me feeling weird and jittery have to find something to calm me down, lol
i have too much energy i cannot be contained
been shitposting on 4chan don't know what else to do
>actual la creatura in the frame keeeeeeek
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>>151204 are you sure it's not just that the thread is icking up a bit of speed?
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>>151164 >chuck yogurt
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POV I'm stealing your dry cleaning for my music video
ohhhh OOOHH OOUUAAAUUGHHHH I'm TWITTER SCREENCAPPIIIINNnnGgggg kraut whitepill NFKeek Neither cope nor seethenhagen
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>>151212 keeeeeeeklad
anyone want a game of fifa?
>deano is in this thread right now
Antifa bookshop called the cops because chuds showed up https://twitter.com/oaktreeupheaval/status/1459748849606696961
>>151216 keeeeeek based retards what the fuck are they doing with their flag out posing with the po they want to abolish absolutely unprincipled scum
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Can't stop legitimately sneething about women in my head, lads. It's making me ill.
>>151218 smh lad think about 2D women not 3D
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>>151218 tbh. I'm trying to free myself of that feeling
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnD82Xh3cts all you gotta do is keep your basement chains oiled and wait for the happooming lads >>151220 based picture tbh
>>151221 I'm not putting my lips on that
>>151221 Even in my fantasies that just turns into the disatisfying outcome in The Collector.
SUMO Kyushu Basho Day 1 Makushita https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Q9vYb8G6VQ Juryo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJsN55jMgXM Makuuchi >>151224 good lad, I forgot to poost this earlier smh (you)s for your victoly
>look up old game sound track >"Do you mean "remastered"? No I don't reeee
>>151215 Deano Vincit Omnia
Everybody forgot about the tory mp that got murdered so quick lmfao. Hope the rest of them remember just how worthless their lives are.
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>All the leftists can do in the face of scouserwaffen is point out minor spelling mistakes
niggerwaffen putting in work
>>151230 LMFAO
the taxi driver hero in liverpool is white. libtards seething.
>>151230 Keek.
>>151233 >the taxi driver hero in liverpool ?
>>151235 the taxi driver that locked a muslim suicide bomber in his car so he didnt kill anyone.
>>151236 all I knew was the previous poosts about bombs or something absolutely based and keeeking
>>151232 >doing that t-bag thing with the pockets implying rape H'wew.
imagine being jihadcucked blows himself up and doesn't even get 72 virgins probably goes straight to mudslime hell
>>151236 exremely based
>>151233 Funniest part is he only received relatively minor wounds keek
Jihadcel not only failed to kill anyone he got his whole cell busted >Latest images from @iainwattsphoto of unfolding armed police incident in Rutland Avenue - a scene linked to today’s deadly car explosion at Liverpool Women’s Hospital https://twitter.com/LiamThorpECHO/status/1460009920976273411
>>151242 >didn't kill anyone >deadly Journalists just can't help but tell a pointless lie every sentence they type or speak. Smh.
>>151243 well he killed himself.
>>151244 Oh. Keek. What an idiot.
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Thought if he got locked in he wouldn't have set the bomb off. Wew. No Jannah for you, sorry lad.
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>>151247 Apex keek.
>>151247 the 22st terror of tarbock green
>>151247 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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I'll hold these (you)'s for manxlad
>>151251 There's another Manchester anon? Smh. Shouldn't have forgot my flag so often.
>>151252 isle of Man
>>151254 based noncebashers
>>151247 keeeek
Based bleep bloop
madlad taking a rollicking here
>>151257 every single time and it's always a whitepill every time
there'd be so much terrorism in this country if there was even the slightest bit of pushback against muslims. imagine if we banned burkas like in france there'd be riots and terror attacks every week.
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>>151260 Escalate it.
If I was suicidal I'd put on a drawn Mohammed competition in Birmingham or something.
1 failed terror attack and Liverpool has turned into a city of Joe Owenses keek I think it hits hard because they targeted a maternity hospital
>>151263 bit of a self own tbh considering that the majority of babies born are now wogs
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>>151251 Ta lad keek I never knew if he had that pic posted here or not
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>>151257 Imagine being the soyim developing AI over and over and losing their minds that it's never working the way they want it
>>151264 I was laughing at the thought of him blowing up exclusively pakis tbh but Liverpool is overwhelmingly white compared to other cities smh
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>>151268 cringe
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>>151271 >limmyposting on the back of that the council will decide your fate
>>151272 Pleading guilty your honour
that was really cringe
just had a keek realising that the polface council image can be made even funnier by giving them brown nips >>151273 sentenced to 200 years in the content mines tbh
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>>151135 >UK must be ready for war with Russia Based, we must ally against our mutual enemy across the Atlantic.
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>>151277 keeeeek needs some edits on the bottom tbh, 'no jews' or something
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prefer this council tbh
>>151281 lad you said brown nips. you're idea not mine
>femoids when they arent the center of attention
>tricked Wessex into making oc rather than just asking for it white race saved
>>151286 I prepared it earlier tbh just wanted someone else to make a better version I think your honorary aryan council is higher effort than a few pixels too
>>151285 keeeeek stupid retard vaxx casualty do you think, or just retard unused to actually standing guard?
>>151287 fair lad. cropping brown nipples off of a real photo seems a bit gay as well tbh. good lad American flag is a nice touch as well keeek
have a good week toilers
>>151290 smh you too
they're deciding the rittenhouse case tomorrow right?
>>151290 >>151291 >>151292 maybeprobably depends on what the jews want, if they want to drag it out more and dox more jury or something
>>151200 >tried to overthrow the US government keeeek I will never tire of this alt-history meme >>151228 Wrong kind of murderer, down the memory hole he goes.
>>151292 Pre-emptive rest in peace tbh
>>151200 Left and Right have completely different world views and moral outlooks at this point. They almost live in separate realities. There can be no reconciliation
>>151296 'ate boomoid memis using royals and soros and that kind of type as representations of the elite when all they are ar ethe most visible part of the lower rungs
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>>151297 Yeah it wasn’t the right image to use for the point I was making tbh Main thing is, thanks to MSM bias and big tech censorship, Leftoids and Rightoids have totally irreconcilable world views
>>151298 the amount of actual ideological leftists is tiny tho, it's like 5% of the population its just they staff all institutions.
>>151300 it's a start, but nowhere near enough
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got scared from schizo famine predictions then I remembered I am a 31 year old virgin living at mummies house and I have no friends and everything was okay again
Police evacuating a residential street in Liverpool with shitloads of armed police in attendance
>>151303 tbh lad you will be able to kill shartcarts and take their tins of beans no trouble >>151304 could they finally be going after a rape gang? or probably just a few accomplices with bomb making stuff in their shed
>>151302 why is american ethno nationalism so dysgenic and full of subhumans lad? I mean woes looks like a lebensborn compared to ethan ralph and heimbach
>>151304 based.
>>151304 hope there is a shootout and more shitskins get killed by the MODniggers
keeek I forgot that two more weeks posting was originally a Q thing and not a coof thing >>151306 nations get the heroes they deserve
>>151303 come on steinher you should try to have atleast some friends
>>151310 outside of one boomer toiler who is 46 I have not spoken to a single person other than you lads and my family in years beyond simple pleasantries. tried to make friends doing judo and being at the gym but mentira killed that
>>151311 lucky you even have that one boomer to talk to tbh
>>151311 that's really sad, you absolutely need to have some social life. like even drinking buddies you only see on the weekend.
stop blackpilling the incel cyborg warriors lad we aren't made for being around normies
Irony aside- If you dont have a single friend then stop coming here until you do.
>>151312 yeah I can only imagine your isolation wessie
>>151312 keeeeeeeeeeeek the pic reminded me of those "paramedics" just strapping tourniquets to fucking everything, wonder if that person kept their leg
>>151315 fuck off zoomer, how can you have friends when you don't have netflix
>>151313 drinking is degenerate
no one over the age of 30 needs friends anyway
>>151318 We play video games over steam and discord. >>151319 Being anti-social is degenerate, Hitler gassed anti-social elements.
>>151316 feel like I would do alright in prison after a lifetime of solitary tbh >>151317 love it when they squeal MEEEEDIIIIIIC AHHHHHHH MEEEEEEEEEEEEDIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIC and check they're on camera so that they can star in the modern day hacksaw ridge biopic
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I stopped trying to be a normalfag in 2013, have not watched TV since 2011ish and I don't have any social media except this year I made the boomer gab clone so I can assist the antivaxx mummy tammy clark in saving shitagain from mummy gretchen
>>151321 there were never any gas chambers
>>151324 yeah I think they just ended up in work camps along with NEETs.
>>151325 based we would all end up in SS dirlewanger flamethrowering jews and mongoloidic tartars
>>151326 moloch
Are hunting clubs a thing? Like out of that deer season music video. Join one of those.
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https://twitter.com/mollyissilly/status/1459695849211060229 >she deleted her account keeeeeeeeek stupid cunt
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Terminally-ill dad who mooned speed camera for bucket list honoured with 'Banksy' mural https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/terminally-ill-dad-who-mooned-25456129
>>151329 deer hunting at least in the upper midwest is very clannish now
ukies sent their irregulars or something to watch their border with belarus stating that any migrants will simply be killed by them based
smh one of my cousins who just had to have her baby cut out because of blood clot issues during child birth now has another blood clot in her arm. wew
>>151335 >they are allowed to colonise the crimea but belarus isn't allowed to enrich their jean pool smh realpoolitiks >>151336 very worried about this smh at least she wants children none of my contemporaries are bothering
I hope it becomes standard practice for Poland to shoot any attempted refugees but Lukashenko keeps sending them as much as possible for his entire rule.
>>151337 the baby lived tbh and is healthy
>>151338 tbh the salt generation and cogdis should already be kino but I think the cattle are being fed some extra strong slop to not notice like usual >>151339 and thus another future based incel spergwarrior is born tbh caesareans and shit always fuck a nigga up somehow
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i don't want to toil i don't want to go
>France has a higher fertility rate than Brazil
Lads has there been a happening? I’m seeing reports indicating a peace attack
>>151345 have a read of the thread possibly last one too
>>151346 Oh is it just this one in Liverpool? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-59285235
>>151347 probably I never click on jewsmedia links, especially not bbc ones if it's not a fourth-hand post on a dying imageboard by a schizophrenic racist then it's not trustworthy
>>151348 Just saw this post on Twatter and thought something interesting had happened
>>151349 muslim blew himself up while trying to blow up a maternity ward or smth
>>151350 I think he asked the taxi driver to go to a remembrance event but the driver cottoned on and diverted to a hospital.
>>151351 Shame, it would have been great propaganda for us if a Muslim blew up a rememberence day event
lads I just learned about this place in shartica called "the needles" in custer state park. wew its kino smh need to go there someday. south dakota looks so kino, smh no lakes and not many rivers so its slightly uncomfy for a lakeboi like smee
based it was named after the UK needles
>>151353 >>151354 I was just about to say we have that in the isle of wight. looks neat tho.
looks like something from LOTR
>>151356 is that the ozarks? you could really run wild in a place like that. that area of missouri and arkansas seems like an underrated comfy part of america. hot in summer though
>>151356 move there and claim chug bennies
>>151358 no its the black hills which is more towards the rockies
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>>151319 fuck off t.perma lurker alki
>>151338 not gonna happen with eu cuckery and gibs, they should send the toyal navy out to protect dover and use migrant dinghies as target practice. The victorians would have done so.
>>151362 apparently lots of them are freezing to death
imagine if neanderthals were alive today. imagine how fucking weird they'd look with no forehead and massive eyeballs that begin at their hairline
>>151366 they would look weird and foreign like niggers
>>151366 neanderthals are modern day tribesmen who run the news
>>151370 vored
business idea: start a group of people who pool their money to buy land and then converts it to common land
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what the fuck did they mean by this?
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Sudden chest pain and warm salted noodles
>>151375 do you not have impending toil?
>>151374 they are tyrannical mongs tbh, cps is basically the state NKVD who make up the law as they go, how is it illegal to post pics and vids and discuss a very public incident
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>>151376 yes Also just realised eggys channel got deleted, no idea where to find him since hes also banned on twitter
>>151378 his new channel is big yolk or something but he seems to only do 6 hour streams now instead of the kino 12 hour ones and he never streams on saturday nights which as a yeoman is the only night i can watch while getting shitfaced
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>>151378 >>151379 he's so close to death
>>151379 link?
>>151380 sure, whatever lad
I love eggie but his drinking problem is going to kill him.
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>tfw doing an all nighter to finish a months of worth of home toil which is due tomorrow always makes me crave carberinos too, already know I'm going to eat a toastierino after the noodles
one of the kenosha jurors got doxxed (again)
"fresh" 10 day old but just uploaded woes https://odysee.com/@millennialwoes:4/Gram202144A:3
>>151385 Sounds like something that should land you a long prison sentence
>>151385 probably will be declared a mistrial or whatever
Apparently a /pol/ack who knows the juror did it. White supremacist walks on a technicqlity after nazi buddies dox juror....the media is gonna explode
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>tfw everytime I click an incel rant video the sidebar is filled with recommendations of videos of puppies and children while I hear some schizo incel midwestoid talk about killing women and niggers
Its my birthday next week, all my grandparents were already married by my current age.
>>151392 don't worry la hitler didn't enter politics til he was 30
>>151393 30 huh thats 4 months away
>woes now has an ad break for himself mid way through each video where he asks for donations in a funny voice and its made to look 80s
>>151395 he is the only grifter I like because he doesn't even try to hide it
>>151397 kino >ywn be a pig running really fast while listening to kino 90s techno
>steiner will be on millwnyule
>>151397 Keeeeeeeek
>>151399 unironically should tbh he just needs to apply on the woes website
>that joker article posted earlier >the bbc faggot just talks about "make violence"
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>half 6 on a monday lads...
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>>151403 tbh, i havent slept yet and dont have time now. i have to go to toil because i have the keys and im opening. just end me. i know if i try to get an hours sleep now i'll be suicidal when the alarm goes off. not sure what to do tbh
>>151404 smh rip lad
>>151404 > i know if i try to get an hours sleep now i'll be suicidal when the alarm goes off KEEEEEEEEK yeah been there done that, just down a strong covfefe and have a shower and get it over with tbh, I have zoil all day but atleast you can lay in bed during it
ok i'm not going to make it, i can't even think i'm so tired. i have a reptile lizard brain right now
>>151407 just sleep at toil lad
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>>151407 blag off toil lad
>>151407 Climb up the walls and dangle from the ceiling, then vore bossman and vomit up his skeleton in a few days. Be the reptile you are inside. #TransSpeciesMatter #FoodisFood #LizardPrideWorldWide
Can't wait to go back to work and pol face the nigger cattle over this terror attack
>>151374 >thing that happens all the time is now suddenly illegal without a change in the law How the media howled at the evil governments during the Arab Spring for blocking facebook.
Anus is blue My eyes are askew My name is Barry Bumcheeks
I hate Pakis.
>the music in the background
>>151415 BASED min wage toiler illegally leaking this to his whatsapp contacts.
>britain starting to get those third world tier cctv videos of atrocities now par for the course
morning sneethers another day in hell world >>151390 good lad
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>Exclusive: The threshold above which graduates have to pay back student loans is set to be lowered by the Gov. >Currently £27k. Ministers looking at £25k or as low as £22k. Announced within weeks. Would save Treasury billions… but squeeze grads further. >The rough numbers are in the piece. >25k would save the Treasury around £1.1bn for each new year of students. 22k would save around £2.7bn. >…but that means grads bearing the brunt. On rough estimates most grads would pay 200-475 quid more a year.
is brussels based?
>liverpool explosion declared terror incident really piling up these days tbh, KEEEEEEK we've got so much kino in the coming years tbh
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https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-10201641/Single-woman-tells-joy-IVF-mother-age-51.html >'I proved the doubters wrong': Single woman tells of her joy at becoming an IVF mother at the age of 51 despite her parents' concerns that she would struggle as older lone parent > Recent figures show almost three women over 50 gave birth every week last year as the number delaying motherhood beyond middle age soars
>>151424 those poor children are going to be jahans tier fucked up worse, probably
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MORE SEETHE https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10202351/Priti-Patel-set-crisis-meeting-France-crackdown-migrants-crossing-Channel.html >Squalor of Dunkirk's New Jungle where hundreds of migrants arrive each day as France is accused of using Channel crossings as 'revenge' for Brexit and Priti Patel braces for showdown talks with Paris officials
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>>151418 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>>151427 https://youtu.be/g3j9muCo4o0 DIDN'T THESE PEOPLE WATCH JURASSIC PARK?!???
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Imagine being a 21 year old foid and thinking "hmm I'm just gonna wait 30 years to have children", imagine you went out with a lass that was like this
>>151432 a lass I talked with yesterday wanted kids early. Turns out it wasn't for the health of her or the children, but so that she could kick them out of the house before she's an old hag, and then live the rest of her life partying and travelling
>>151433 standard foid outlook smh, mummy is the same she's going to send my stepbrother to a frog poorfag boarding school type thing for the rest of his education solely because she wants to muh travel and that kind of shit I hate them
>>151434 invite him to live with you in your hovel lad, it'll be like the hobbits living together
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>its another "struggling to stay awake" during the zoil break even after having an energy drinkerino
>>151436 chug some more lad there can be no negative consequences for this
>>151437 will need to be cofferino and sweeties from here on out to keep me awake, wanted to save the sweeties for tonight when I wake up after crashing after zoil ends in the afternoon
>>151438 smh just got home and about to crash myself tbh. can't you have a nap during toil?
>>151439 too risky during zoil tbh, and I've had zero sleep so going for a short nap will just do a number on me
>going to fall asleep and wake up to cold and dry dinner smh but it's my second favourite
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>lost decent weight after 10 days >mostly put it back on from stress eating after having a bad week fucking hell I just want to debut the new me at the next family chrimbo gathering me smh
>>151442 keeek tbh iktf smh
>>151442 >losing enough weight for it to be visible in ten days is this possible or are you just water starving yourself smh
>>151441 hang in there lad its never worth it
>>151444 it is possible tbh was on about 800kcal a day and saw a more visible jawline and cheekbones and belly was smaller, wasn't sticking out of shirt anymore either and manboobs had basically gone, was more like 2 weeks of dieting really can't really remember I wasn't eating or keeping track of anything because of schizo stress
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>>151445 *opens emergency crisp bag so I can stay awake for dindins*
ok I promise after this cheat week I'll get back to the keto, the damage won't be too hard to undo, I can still maintain this
>>151446 good lad you'll get back on track after crimbo I'm sure
>>151447 careful lad, crisps leads to sweeties, sweeties leads to full tummy and full tummy leads to angry mummy who's made you dinner you won't enjoy now
since I can't go to the vaxoomer party on christmas day granny is doing a little do a few days before and ordering ready foods from an asda catalogue or something they have some nice things like patridge wellingtons and roast duck hoping to get a novel and posh spread for me and her to sample tbh
maybe I should get on Ritalin for a bit to suppress my appetite, or start a coffee addiction
>>151451 such a disgrace that some cousin gets to dictate that you can't come tbh, I'd defoo my family if they did that to me, you need to kick up more of a fuss tbh
>>151452 modafinil is better ritalin makes you janky
spending chrimbo alone is miserable tbh even as an introvert neet recluse
>>151453 yeah smh middleclassoid traitors even to their own family he has more soypower and financial pull than me so they humour him I guess >>151455 I won't be alone lad I'll have /brit/
>>151456 >he has more soypower and financial pull than me so they humour him I guess kek yeah thats how it goes, so blatant as well, in my world the ranking is determined by how based and redpilled you are and how belligerent you act
>>151457 reminded me of HEEEECTOOOOOOOOOOOOORposting tbh >>151458 vile >>151459 tbh except a veneer of civility hiding barely restrained violence is the anglo way
>>151457 fat_cowboy_pepe.jpg
keeking at the "chug" foid in the screencaps tbh skilled ancient warrior who looks like she's never done more than tap on a keyboard and lift a wine glass or her cat
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the film should be about the giant tomboy predator dominating the retarded soft gatherer girl tbh but then the tribesmen capture them both and force them to clean their caves and cook dinner
https://youtu.be/kGppswhjvgQ watching it again, lads
night falling on the pooland belarus border as thousands gather hoping to cross https://youtu.be/Shyrtq30UwI
>>151466 was thinking that russia could easily weaponise migrants against europe tbh, just send a million of the fuckers streaming through the baltics/finland etc
>>151466 god I hate the poolish just start gunning them down if they get in they'll only be ferried to the next border on repeat all the way to us
>>151468 they literally all want to go to france germany and uk, subhuman scum, morgoth posted a video of these malian niggers talking about going to france, the whole thing is such a farce, literal feral baboons invading europe at will.
>>151462 tbh the only strong independent foid I can remember that actually looked half the part ended up getting sacked lel
>its another "incel has a hot sister" episode why are we cursed so
>>151471 she's 16. A lot of people here would call you a nonce despite that being legal breeding age
troonkino is back lads when will moby dickless be hunted down >>151472 autism has beneficial effects on women's looks but not on men
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>tfw shes probably already been enjoyed by some chad
>>151474 based
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>>151477 SA has a harem of 16 yos?
>>151478 yeah, boys
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Incels are slowly winning, too many men dropping out entirely,women can't keep this up
>>151482 except one man can breed a lot of women
>>151484 doesn't really happen irl anymore tbh its usually the standard alpha fucks beta bux
>>151482 I'd imagine that most of the rise for females is the older ones. Graph for under 25s rather than 35s probably shows a fairly constant amount of sex for females
>that lad who unironically took the vaccine
>007 is a nigger woman in the new movie yikes.
>>151457 >These lanky twinks are what they're trying to push as the masculine ideal
>>151490 what women want
>>151491 Until it's time to be fucked
>>151493 Somalia is basically ancapistan and parts of it have world-class 5G coverage due to enterprising chinks putting towers up and paying local clans to guard them
haven't seen auslad recently
>>151494 keeeek big if true wonder what somalia will be like by 2050 >>151495 they're just throwing out as many different excuses for heart problems as they can and desperately hoping something sticks smh >>151498 different country lad
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Miss Hitler contest winner statement on National Action's website, June 2016: “Eventually the Jewish propaganda became too obvious to ignore and so I became involved with NA.”* Spokesman Jack Renshaw speaking at a far-right rally, 2016: “These invaders, these parasites, they're not just going to roll over and let us remove them from our country. They will put up a fight and we need the killer instinct.”* National Action member Benjamin Raymond in an undated 2014 blog post: “There are non-whites and Jews in my country who all need to be exterminated. As a teenager, Mein Kampf changed my life. I am not ashamed to say I love Hitler.”* Unidentified National Action member to Huffington Post answering a question about immigrants, 2014: “It's not as if we don't have a problem with them being here because ideally we'd want to send them all back. But our vitriol is not for them, it's for the people who brought them here in the first place. Britain should be for British people.”* Unidentified National Action member to Huffington Post, 2014: “It's far easier to assimilate a white person than a black person. With coloured people we'd say big no to them coming over. But with [white people] we'd be a bit more lenient.”* National Action website, 2014: “Educated readers will agree that there is no legitimate reason to not be a racist or an anti-Semite in 2014.”* National Action website, 2014: “Weakness on the Jewish question is simply unforgivable, ignorance is inexcusable, the Jew has a name and it glares you in the face when discussing any world problems.”
>>151501 KEEEEEEK smh seethium induced smallbrain moment
whups only gone and pood myself again
Detective Superintendent Will Chatterton, head of investigations for counter-terrorism policing for the North West, said outside court: “I would like to thank the jury for their careful deliberations during what has been a complex and lengthy six-week trial. “Today’s result has enabled the spotlight to be shone on the sickening activities of the banned extreme right-wing organisation National Action. “During the trial, one of those jailed today stood before the court and openly denied the Holocaust had taken place - an unimaginably horrific event that resulted in the murder of millions of Jews at the hands of the Nazi regime. “Today’s result is a body blow to extreme right-wing organisations such as National Action. “It sends out a clear message that counter-terrorism officers and partner agencies will rigorously identify and investigate any violently extreme individual or group who seek to bring a reign of terror to our shores.”
>>151502 based na >>151503 wouldn't mind a lockdown if it meant i could go neetmode tbh and live like a king while the vaxoids toil until their hearts explode smh if only
>>151505 >violently extreme individual or group who seek to bring a reign of terror to our shores just shamelessly spouting the exact opposite of the truth smh scum
>>151507 tbh, NA never tried to kill anybody in its whole existence smh
wew, sad ending to that bond film smh
>tfw /brit/ finally realises NA was based all along Helmer truly is dead
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I wonder if the next Bond will be this nigger
>sharts poured 3000+ gallons of petrol-diesel mix into a fortification holding a jap garrison of 70~ men, set hundreds of pounds of explosives around it and simultaneously immolated, suffocated and exploded them to death after retreating to safe distance to watch
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why didn’t they PREVENT it?
>>151515 Private Sharts?
Absolutely Based
>>151518 love being a bad guy, me
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>>151516 It's a waste of tax money to degroom the people you groom.
>>151521 Assistant DA soyinger vs The Kenosha Kid
>>151521 about time
based schroeder still pixel-sceptic
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>double speed doesn't work on live video
>>151526 try huffing some petrol
>prosecutors trying to get Kyle for something that isn't illegal yikeserino
prosecution fucking up again keeeek
>>151530 That sounds about right.
>>151532 Where are they drawing this from?
>>151533 binger's reddit leaks/opinions presumably
>>151533 their arsehole
>>151533 he's a kid and kids play them cod of duties on their nintendos all the time
>>151534 You can't speak to a persons mind without supporting evidence. I guess they want courts run on hearsay and twitter gotchas.
>sir is it true that you played Call of Duty regularly with your friends? >... >now... was injecting strychnine into the brain of a 15 year old Jewish girl in the Lublin ghetto so you could molest her while she spasms to death something you did in Call of Duty?
>>151539 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>151541 Richard Spencer is such a bitch nerd
>>151541 absolute wanker I hope he's found not guilty in the trial and then immediately gets run over outside the court
>>151541 >If you find yourself in a defence situation with Richard Spencer.
>judge still going over the rules jesus 'ate that the anglo law system is so abused by jews that all this endless legalism is necessary
UGH need me a kazakh khatun
>>151547 It looks like where mongolia hit the west.
>>151526 Poor b
>>151548 most kazakhs are ethnic russians. Stalin genocided the natives
>>151551 Based province pacifier stalin.
>binger speaking and trying to split hairs with the judge AGAIN
>law so convoluted that even the priest caste who devised it don't understand it based
>stream suspended for policy violations jewgle shutting it down
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what the fuck?
find a decent alt stream quick I clicked on the independent but I don't trust it tbh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3wPaMtzC94
all restreamers just got taken down ruptly still up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZF6kcqZXJk
>>151559 this stream and my own are both 'live' but showing different events
>closing arguments finally
>>151562 binger not even talking for 60 seconds I want to kill him again
Interesting that yidtube went full banhammer.
I want to punch him lads
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>Huber is a hero
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"Defence, your closing statement" Binger is a cuckold faggot your honour, the defence rests."
what are your (non-meme) predictions for the outcome of the trial lads
i thought chauvin would get off so im too much of a brainlet to make predictions.
>>151569 They're going for a hung jury.
>>151569 tbh dont trust the current state of the shart justice system
piping hot fresh joe lads new angle as well https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLD51vHLo8M
>>151573 Very good lad nice production values on this one
>>151573 good lad he looks well tbh
fresh poo-related moggers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5jPHSlrDsI >>151568 retarded/coerced/ideologically driven jury sentences him guilty despite all evidence, judge tries to overrule but is disbarred or killed or osmething, jews celebrate, kyle memoryholed, magapedes cope and do nothing
does it matter what is in the bag? how could Kyle have known smh
never get tired of watching this jew die
>>151577 It could be a threat.
>>151581 So it's relevant to the defence claim.
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>dude just let him attack you
>>151582 I know. Yikes. The prosecution was implying otherwise. Don't reply to my posts ever again.
>>151583 didn't a flemish man 1 punch an antifa mong a few years back
>>151573 comfy
>a fucking roadhouse screenshot
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binger might actually post this
>>151588 is that title unironic? What the FUCK
>>151591 Aren't these people self defence experts? how is this allowed
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>>151573 NOOOOO DON'T RESPOND THAT'S WHAT THEY WAAAAAAAAANT! Fuck off Joe you're way is a dead end road
>tfw you cant go on camping trips with mummy and her bonobo helper https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMbWDRzqNhc
they're just outright lying
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they're clutching at straws and just making everything up now kyle lucked out having a fucking redditor as the prosecution
>>151600 This is either a cleaver troll comment or an idiot.
>>151601 clever
>>151573 finally
new neighbour knocked on my window while I was listening to the sumo with no trousers in maxxgrottymode and asked to borrow the internet she is a nice lass so I said I would give her the details with a card tomorrow but I'm not so sure I'll have to wipe all the history and stuff so she doesn't see 8moe right and make sure she can't steal it and change the pw somehow or something right
>>151604 lmao what? tell her to get her own.
>>151605 but I want to be a nice neighbour and maybe speak to a woman regularly maybe more smh the maenad control field already asserting itself
>>151604 why would she have access to your history tbh
>>151607 don't know how internet works lad tbh mostly worried about if I give her the password then she can get into the router details and potentially change it and stop me from using my own internet if she turns out to be a badlass
>>151608 The sort of legislation that shouldn't exist but is now necessary.
>>151609 Think you can call the police in such a situation Wessica x
>>151609 you have physical access to the router,if she were for some reason to do that then you would just factory reset it with the little button on the back then change router name to piss off bad lass and not give her the new pw.
change the network name to #Tits4Bits
>>151613 guess I will be a simp and share for a few weeks then in hopes of a crumb of crusty puss >>151614 keeeek tbh
>>151615 Well she's already seen you grottmaxxing.
>>151618 jewish chutzpah
>you need to be on drugs to do basic chores God I hate w*men
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>>151620 >dogs instead of children
>>151618 based European law
>>151620 3 puppies
>>151625 Scousers smh
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>>151627 Based
smoked duck, mature cheddar and luxury coleslaw sandwich tbh hope the defence statement starts soon and they btfo bingjew
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>>151625 iktf lad iktf all too well. Trying to blow up women and babies in a fucking hospital. NIGGERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRS
>>151627 Needs to go back to white and gold with are Louis XX on the throne i fod yn onest
wayland smithy is so fucking cool bros.
>>151633 Based, used to sit in the gardens between uni classes and the robins would come right up to me Beautiful creatures
>>151634 watch out for druids lad
>>151635 >sitting up to see the crack of dawn to watch the sun rise and the local robin hops up and sits with me luv robins tbh
>>151627 Jupiterchads
eating like a a true Lidle king
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>another hour of this fucking weaselkike
>we're still on the prosecution fucking get on with it
>>151642 >>151641 tbh at least it gives him more time to make a clown of himself for our amusement
Qanoners are now claiming the Stonehenge is fake for some reason. https://twitter.com/shane_mcminn/status/1460117154427129867
binger feeding the jury propaganda slop trying to get them to think emotionally and convict on the basis of feeling sorry for paedophiles god I hope he dies painfully
>>151644 stonehenge is fake it's been 'rebuilt' at least 3 times since the 12th century
>>151645 thats been the standard for jew lawyers for a while now
jumpkick man is still out there
this fucking shit again >the weaselkike describing 3 people attacking him as them being good boys also >WARNING SHOTS
>Kyle took life very easily >hesitated multiple times >has PTSD from being attacked and then killing people
>Anthony Huber comes in with the skateboard keeeeeeek like commenting on sports
>>151646 Doesn't make it fake you fucking retard keeeeek
is the defence on next?
>like some sort of hero in a western you're god damn right binger you dirty kike
>>151654 based song
he's already testified he was pointing his gun at him ffs
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paki taken in by the Police in Liverpool, unknown middle easterners. Likely those Afghans the reds ave let in
>>151658 and more arriving by the day on boats. peak clown world.
the gun should be put on trial
>>151661 shartizard
>binger goreposting live for even more emotionmaxxxing he needs his own limbs vaporizing
>>151663 I'm surprised he seems to be able to use his arm
>>151657 they started saying he shot one of them in the back despite being an outright fucking lie with zero evidence to prove it
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>jumpkick man was different
>>151665 tfw we have good quality video of it https://youtu.be/iryQSpxSlrg
>Kyle gets out as innocent >immediately murders Binger
>broke down crying about himself how can he read minds
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>>151667 press and prosecution need to suffer for their manipulation of information
>>151669 >webster dictionary had their word of the day as "crocodile tears"
keeeeeeeeeeeeek get that "he said the n word" into an MP4
really hope the jury know about the truth about this nonce
>your honor he was a manlet >I rest my case
lol now the prosecutor is making fun as rosenbaum as a manlet
hope the defence hits every single of these retarded statements >>151676 keeeek it was brutal holy shit
wow had never actually seen Rosenbaum next to other people keeeeeeek
>>151678 >mental health problems
>>151678 Conversion is peak taqqiyah keek
>watch this guy in yellow bully Rosenbaum >he says with a giggle in his voice KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK
"fuck around and find out" this trial is a hoot
>>151678 so lying about conversion to case a church and plan an attack on christians ok
>>151685 Mummy and I were at the Cathedral yesterday. Many small children there as well. Vermin scum these vermin are
>>151685 >kensington
>>151678 er checkmate bigots he was a christian terrorist!!!
>A Member of Parliament in Malawi, struggling to express himself in English, switches to the vernacular to make his point but is quickly admonished by the Speaker of the House: >“Honourable Member, what language are you using?” >In Malawi’s Parliament only English is allowed. https://twitter.com/mynassah/status/1459600788196577282
>Almeni converted to Christianity in Liverpool's Anglican Cathedral in 2017, the same place he asked Mr Perry to initially drive him to, which it is suspected was his initial target. But traffic and road closures meant that he could not get to the cathedral where 1,200 military personnel, veterans and families of the fallen had gathered. In 2017, Almeni spent eight months living with devoted Christians Malcolm and Elizabeth Hitchott at their home in the Aigburth district of Liverpool. >Mr Hitchott, a former solider in the British Army, told MailOnline that he met Almeni in 2015 through his work at Liverpool Cathedral when he started expressing an interest in converting to Christianity. He undertook an Alpha course. 'He first came to the cathedral in August 2015 and wanted to convert to Christianity. He took an Alpha course, which explains the Christian faith, and completed it in November of that year. That enabled him to come to an informed decision and he changed from Islam to Christianity and was confirmed as a Christian by at least March 2017, just before he came to live with us,' Mr Hitchott said. 'He was destitute at that time and we took him in.' do they actually fucking expect us to do buy this conversion story, why would he convert to then bomb the church
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>>151689 >Malawi Should be restored to greater RHVDVSIA
>>151690 shame he didn't kill them
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>>151690 >Alpha course If you need to take a course you aren't alpha
>the Prime Minister said the blast was a 'stark reminder' to the public to remain vigilant, adding: 'What yesterday showed above all is that the British people will never be cowed by terrorism, we will never give in to those who seek to divide us with senseless acts of violence. And our freedoms and our way of life will always prevail.' YOU'RE THE ONE THAT LET THEM IN YOU FUCKING CUNT
they don't want us to look back in anger as we'll see that it was them that let the pakis in
>>151696 bit gay tbh
>>151696 what's his end-game?
>>151698 Peoples attention?
>>151699 usually one would want to attract attention so they can make money from it he's giving away 100% of his book profits (probably very little in the first place, so whatever)
>>151701 The point is he just wants the attention.
British-born IS terror commander who boasted of involvement in killing anti-Muslim figure in the UK is shot dead by Houthi's while leading an assault on a village in Yemen, the jihadi group says >Abu Rayana al-Britani was said to have recruited and trained other UK terrorists >His Islamic State obituary said he had inspired the killing - by one of his 'disciples' - of a man who had 'harmed' Muslims in the UK >A British-born Islamic State commander who boasted of involvement in killing an anti-Muslim figure in the UK has been shot dead while leading an assault in Yemen, the jihadi group has claimed. >Abu Rayana al-Britani, who was said to have recruited and trained other UK terrorists, was reportedly shot while leading an assault on the village of al-Hamidah. >Intelligence experts are now attempting to establish whether the details in Abu Rayana's tribute link him to a killing carried out on British soil, The Sun reports. >He reportedly travelled to Yemen for 'terror training'. >According to the group's newsletter al-Naba, Abu Rayana was in his 30s and was born into a 'conservative family' in the UK where he was known as Yunus. He was involved in gangs in his younger years and 'was thrown in prison many times'. >The group said he became radicalised in the UK after 'the invasion of Iraq', and travelled to Yemen for terror training and to learn Arabic. >After returning to the UK he worked to radicalise 'Christians' and convert several to Islam, including one 'disciple' who 'became hostile to the Christians' and 'killed one of the main guys harming Muslims' in Britain, the jihadi group claimed. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10176103/British-born-terror-commander-boasted-killing-anti-Muslim-figure-UK-killed.html thank you based houthis. wonder who the anti-islam figure was? the police apparently don't know.
>>151703 >Abu Rayana al-Britani >al-Britani >The Briton Based white man clearing out the wogs
kyle and his defence smiling and looking confident rn, hope he walks lads
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>>151706 dude it's just a meme not cuck propaganda
>>151706 state of cuckchan these days
>it's just a meme dood fuck off nonce
>>151706 >>151706 so glad I haven't been on that shithole for years
>>151710 I'm saying it's propaganda tbh
time for meds
>unmolested by the likes of rosenbaum keeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>video and audio cutting out at strategic moments during the defence's statement
>richards has been sleeping all this time just to build up energy for the closing
>>151714 keeeeeeeeeeeek
>>151715 its been fine for me lad, might be something your end or a bad stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YD5OTW5TzOI
love him lads
reeking have-ock tbh
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>mister binger wants to poopoo
wouldn't happen in the south 2
>>151725 keeeeeeeeeeek how many has that been today
>>151727 Davis has reminded the conservative party on the letter surrounding his resignation.
>when they get the gun out in the courtroom
Is Binger a confirmed Hebrew, or just some soyim cuckold?
>>151729 keeeeeeeek
>the policecunts confiscated and searched kyle's phone but not the druggy jew's >>151731 he is a jew, it's a german jew name
>despite having a search warrant they just didn't want to now that's extremely obvious complicit behaviour evil evil popo
>more manlet bullying keeeke smh
>I can't answer that, at this point I guess mr rosenbaum can't either
>>151722 >tried to claim violent, mentally ill and armed child rapist was not a threat Based roight wang Zaily Heil.
stream froze....
PBS stream froze smh
>>151741 thanks lad I meant CBS
gentlemen... we did it
>>151742 lol ney bother lad, i wasnt even paying attention to the name i just wanted you to have a working stream, this shit is intense. my stream had stopped to.
Binger looks so justed
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>>151743 she can't keep getting away with it
>>151743 >10x the number of trannies from 10 years ago >10x the number of bigoted pakis >tranny hate crimes are going up shocker
keeeeeeeeeeeeek wholesome
>>151748 Also the level of entitlement amongst them is off the charts, so they're more likely to be gobby as fuck.
Kenosha is a weird incestuous place, their Mayor John Antaramian is a part of a local Armenian mafia that controls the whole town. The mayor’s cousin is the Kenosha City Attorney, Ed Antaramian (D). His nephew is the Kenosha City Judge Michael Easton (D). His other nephew is Thaddeus (Tip) McGuire (D), State Representative. His other cousin is Laura Belsky (D) County Board Supervisor.
>>151754 >>151755 >furriners clanning up and controlling areas standard kyle should kill them next
>>151755 We know which Duke to petition to fix the trail in our favour then.
>>151756 why are angloids so shitty at doing clan stuff smh
>>151758 muh enlightenment liberal individualism
>>151756 tbh awful swarthoid infiltrators
reeking have ock count: 3
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>4 feet ladies and gentlemen, 4 feet >how long 4 feet is? it's not that far, it's not that far >I'll show you how long 4 feet is >Mr. Dorset if I could get you to lay down just here
>>151762 keeek
>>151762 kleek tbh
>>151762 keek poor dorsie hope he's ok
smh you couldnt get an accurate reading because of the vibrations
>>151762 keeeeeek this is all lovely
manlet off his meds caused this whole debacle smh
>>151771 keeeeeeek >they both start firing warning shots at the school
>>151770 imagine being so short that if you stood up in your grave you would still need a few yellow pages or a stepladder to see out
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>>151754 the absolute state
>>151754 keeeeeeeek
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Objection, bullying!
>>151776 They can't accept that they're just wrong and want a malicious prosecution.
keeeeeek that voice
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>fellow white guy
how long does defence have? this shits boring.
>>151424 >single mummy pensioners
>>151785 Imagine being 18 and your mother is 69
>>151785 The rate of defects has to be unimaginable
>>151787 tbf from what I've read the risk of genetic defects is worse if the sperm is from an older man, which wouldn't be the case for donor sperm. I would worry more about how well an elderly woman can be a single mummy to a child, even at 30 I've lost what youthful energy I used to have. How can you look after a baby alone in your 50s? It's like they're treating a child as a fashion accessory, not appreciating that it's a human being and taking care of it is actually kind of hard work.
>>151788 >low T >>151789 keek
Can I get a qrd on the heckin' state linerinos rhetoric? Is it like if I crossed the English border with a sheep? >>151790 Probably tbh, though I was thinking chronic inflammation
>>151791 I thought muppets were just a completely separate form of life? Like aliens or monsters or something. So it doesn't make sense to have an Asian one. wtf is big birds race then?
>>151791 Ernie getting his groom on I see
>>151796 doesn't make any sense
>>151794 yeah the muppets are all sorts of colours and most of them are just monsters, seems stupid to make race-specific ones
>>151796 >"I know a lot of people.." stopped reading there
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>>151800 >be jewish and lie in court repeatedly >repeatedly get called a liar in court (while jewish) hmmm
>>151802 good omen
>>151803 until the police shoot the hives like they shot that deer
>>151798 just had a vision of a race war sesame street where the furry muppets lynch the felt ones
>While feral honeybee colonies – usually created by swarms of non-native bees that have left a nearby managed hive – are occasionally found in the UK, there was no evidence that self-sustaining colonies of native, tree-nesting honeybees still existed in England, and no record of the wild subspecies living in Blenheim. >Filipe Salbany, a bee conservationist who found 50 colonies of the rare honeybees in Blenheim’s 400-acre estate, said: “These bees are quite unique in that they live in nests in very small cavities, as bees have for millions of years, and they have the ability to live with disease. They have had no treatment for the varroa mite – yet they’re not dying off.” >The varroa mite, a parasite that feeds on and attacks honeybees, arrived in Britain in 1992 and decimated the UK’s population. Salbany believes the bees he has found have evolved to survive. “We are not seeing the deaths we would expect to see with varroa.” >Unusually, the bees swarm with multiple queens – up to nine in some cases – to ensure the colony’s survival, and have been recorded foraging for honeydew on the treetops in temperatures as low as 4C. Most bees will stop flying at 12C. “A wild bee that has adapted to the environment is called an ecotype, and this bee could be a very precious ecotype – the first wild bee that is completely adapted to living in the oak forest.” >The results of DNA samples taken from the bees are expected within the next three to four weeks, but Salbany is confident it will show the bees are descendants of an ancient native species. “I think the majority of the genetics are going to be of an old English bee, of something that was here many, many years ago.” >His preliminary analysis of the wings of the honeybees strongly suggests they are related to indigenous honeybees that once lived in Britain. “They are not from the imported stocks of bees that people bring in. The wings are smaller and their veins are very distinct.” >The bees’ cubital index, a method for differentiating breeds of honeybees, also confirmed they are “more of an indigenous bee” than anything else, he said, but their adaptations have made them unique and peculiar, and they have very little banding. “Supposedly, wild tree-nesting honeybees which can sustain themselves do not exist, so nobody knows what type of wild, self-sustaining honeybee is actually left in the UK.” >One of the nests he found was at least 200 years old and he estimates that the bees have been living on the Blenheim estate, which dates back to the middle ages, for “quite a few” centuries. Unusually, they have built their nests in tree cavities a quarter of the size of a normal beehive, 15 to 20 metres off the ground, and despite several ecological surveys over the years, “nobody knew they existed”. The entrances to the nests typically have a diameter of less than 5cm.
>>151804 The deer was a pagan omen that zog had to kill.
>>151805 felties would come out on top
>>151573 good lad
>The wild bees seem able to live in balance with the environment and in harmony, not only with each other but with wasps and bumblebees that live in the forest. “For the 50 honeybee colonies that we have found, we probably have 500 empty sites for them to swarm into. They do not populate every single site: they’ve reached an equilibrium with their environment.” >Remarkably, he found two colonies of wild bees living within five metres of each other, in a single tree – right next to a wasps’ nest. “That is quite unique.” He thinks wasps don’t try to rob the bees because the bees build their nests very high up the trees and make their entrances so small: “There’s enough forage for the wasps in the forest not to go and bother the honeybees.” sound like they may have adapted to survive so close to predators, sounds kino tbh
>>151808 yeah tbh they are the more human ones. Q predicted this
>>151803 tbh they are a portentovs animal napoleon chose bees for his crest or something iirc >>151804 gassed for your public safety >>151806 >>151810 based
fatlard hinging his argument around the jew being a manlet again keeeksmh
>Periodically, a public figure of black or other minority ethnic background will reveal something horrifying about how they were treated by colleagues or superiors in their profession. And consistently, their demands for redress take too long to be met, which becomes an injury in itself. Whether it’s footballer Eni Aluko being told by the England manager to make sure that her Nigerian relatives weren’t carrying the Ebola virus; or most recently cricketer Azeem Rafiq allegedly being called the P-word by teammates, investigations are drawn out, then quickly closed, leaving little room for reflection on the climate that enabled the abuse. >footballer Eni Aluko being told by the England manager to make sure that her Nigerian relatives weren’t carrying the Ebola virus that's not fucking racism that's preventing a fucking pandemic you twat
>>151816 what's the P word tbh
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>(128) almost sneaked that count under the radar
>More representation and diversity is always touted as the answer, but they are not ends in themselves. They are merely part of a process of learning in which we figure out once again how we coexist in a country that is becoming more diverse – and beneficially so – but has decided that the hard graft is done and its journey towards equality is over.
they're even saying just having more diversity isn't fucking enough there's no pleasing or appeasing them, they just want everything
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>>151802 >ancient woodlands smh how could they waste such valuable house building land?
fat lad defending binger from bullies
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>>151826 >homogenous group of interlopers reflecting diversity Every time.
>>151573 based was worried this legend had something bad happen
lads do you think the muslamic exploder was a spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) plot or was it genuine?
>>151830 probably had spy involvement in that they knew vaguely what was going on or that the slimes were a terror risk but didn't bother to intervene
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>>151788 >losing vitality at 30
>>151831 what do you suppose their angle is? making people scared to go to hospitals so they don't go look at the "overpacked" delta cuckvid-19 cases?
>>151833 general incompetence and stupidity hoping that they wouldn't do a terrorisms if left alone, which would make the manufactured "right wing terrorism" stats look better not caring if white churchgoers died
>>151833 apparently he was targeting a cathedral and the taxi driver diverted to the maternity hospital which is a pretty strange decision tbh
>>151834 smh literal absurdist governments why would you bother protecting a group of worthless shitskins who want to destroy the country, literally destroy it, as in tear down the churches and history and destroy the infrastructure
>>151832 ^this
>>151836 they don't care about anything but what power and influence they can glean from their political positions and what placements they can get after their terms are over, like every other democracy having one MP shot at random for every session of parliament would probably improve a lot
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I miss him lads I was thinking about him today at boomer toil and how much I need to stop being a secret agent about everything
im going to the 24hour garage for over priced beers. back soon lads
>>151839 slowly crank up the power level as the boomers acclimatise to at least hearing wacky shit around you even if they don't listen or agree most will just ignore it tbh like my family, I think they just hear white noise if I ever say anything that goes against what the telly says
>>151842 black privilege means he can get away with it
>>151841 I refer to people who use drugs as degenerates openly and commonly scold people for haing low character. its so weird when I was a kid I was a nerdy magic cards playing kid who watched stick figure animations in the library but compared to alot of zoomers today even 30 year old boomers today I seem really way more many. was getting my haircut after boomer toil and so many other whitoid men of our age group are either homogays or really effete or fat

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