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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3586: Downtrodden December Edition Anonymous 12/07/2021 (Tue) 09:44:29 Id: b9bb2f No. 163582
Brit/pol/ #3586: Downtrodden December Edition On This Day >521 The birth of Saint Columba, the Irish Christian who made his missionary trip to Scotland in 563. Columba is credited as bringing a revival of Christianity to Western Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire. He died on the Scottish island of Iona and was buried in 597 AD by his monks in the abbey he had created there. >1545 The birth of Henry Stuart. He was the first cousin and second husband of Mary, Queen of Scots, and the father of her son King James VI. He was murdered at Kirk o' Field in Edinburgh in 1567. >1817 The death of William Bligh, rear-Admiral who was captain of the HMS Bounty at the time of the mutiny. >1889 The first performance at the Savoy, London, of Gilbert and Sullivan’s 'The Gondoliers', their last real success. It ran for a very successful 554 performances, closing on 30th June 1891. >1955 Clement Atlee resigned as leader of the opposition Labour Party, following months of speculation. Hours later he was made an Earl by the Queen; the first Labour leader to accept a hereditary peerage. Mr Attlee led his party for 20 years and had a seat in the House of Commons for 33 years. In 1942 he became deputy prime minister in the war cabinet under Sir Winston Churchill. During his six years as prime minister from 1945 to 1951 he oversaw sweeping changes to the welfare state, with the introduction of the National Health Service and the nationalisation of many key industries - the Bank of England, civil aviation, coal, telecommunications, transport, electricity, iron and steel. >1979 Cabinet minister Lord Soames was named transitional governor of Rhodesia to oversee its progress into legal independence. In 1964, the Prime Minister of Southern Rhodesia Ian Smith had rejected British conditions for independence. Rhodesia became a British colony in 1923, and was dogged by violence and international alienation during its struggle for independence. >1983 A cat climbed to a height of 160ft up an industrial chimney, holding up the work of Lancashire's chief steeplejack and chimney demolisher Fred Dibnah. >1993 Protesters lost a 20 year fight to save a 250 year old chestnut tree in east London. Twenty protesters were arrested after they clashed with 200 police officers sent to ensure a court order to cut down the tree was enforced and that the planned motorway extension could go ahead. >2001 The Taliban regime gave up its stronghold in Kandahar, Afghanistan. The fall of Kandahar came after the Afghan capital Kabul had been retaken in November. An ebullient Tony Blair, Prime MInister at the time, said - 'That regime is effectively now disintegrated. The terror camps can be shut down, and I think that is a fantastic thing.'
>>163582 about fucking time
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>friend messages me a fucking essay >tell myself I'll read it later but it's so long I put it off >it was about his marriage ending smh
>>163586 looks like your in for a chance then hehe
>>163587 Sadly he's not my type.
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Police hunt three men who tried to ‘buy’ child from mother after stopping them on school run Approach in Sheffield comes after similar incident reported in neighbouring Doncaster Three men who approached a young mother on the school run and offered “a large amount of money” to buy her daughter are being hunted by police. The horrified woman was walking the child to the Lower Meadows Primary Academy in Sheffield when the incident happened, South Yorkshire Police have said. The mother, who has not been identified, said she ran off with her daughter to raise the alarm following the approach. But she said the men fled the scene almost immediately in a dark vehicle. The report has raised fears in South Yorkshire where only last month another mother reported a group of men offering a “good price” for her daughter after following them into Primark in Doncaster town centre. Now, speaking about the latest incident, PCSO Kenneth Blake said: “At approximately 8.20am on 1 December, a local resident was walking her daughter to Lower Meadow School along Batemoor Road. “A male, of possible Middle Eastern origin, along with two other males, have approached the mother, taken out a large amount of money and offered to buy the daughter. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/men-buy-daughter-sheffield-school-b1969868.html
looks like i'm not even gonna be allowed to piss today
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>>163591 are you trapped lad?
>>163589 I love him
A very good steincel rant 49 the disappearance of principles has been very noticeable to smee, mummy directly says to me that I should abandon my principles in order to become "happier" by conforming smh
>listening to Nick Fuentes on the twitter space thing where he ambushed other young american politicians talking trash about him and white nationalist politics >the hatred they seem to have for whites for how they vote left kind of creepy tbh. demonising you because you're not a based rightoid libertarianshite
bourbons for brekky again, jaw is extremely painful smh hope I don't have a tooth infection I brush all the time like a good boy but the sweeties do a number, smh I knew people who would never brush and ate like shite but their teeth were fine, bad teeth genetics me
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>>163598 keek ffs
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>the chad "No."
>>163598 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>the subversive lying of 'oh well you evil men sexually harass women all the time so we should be allowed to as well' god I hate the BBC
>>163604 that foid is a brexit supporter on twitter now, had a 5 year affair with a tory mp
I need to remake that jumping in the bath of nettles meme but for me looking at British politics twitter.
>zoomer white american politicians to be think hispanics will become culturally anglo and say it's just taking longer because they've come as a larger group god it hurts how retarded people are
>>163607 reminder that spicolas will night of the spicy tacos his incel powerbase and crown himself emperor of greater mexico https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSvzSP_lJB4
>>163608 Based
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>>163608 he goes full lepolface seething when anybody brings up his mexicanness tbh, reckon he'd genocide mexico if he got power
>>163610 What is he like a self-hating Castizo or something? I've never really paid attention to him other than le-funny-stupid-child-being-somewhat-based-but-ultimately-fucking-obnoxious clips.
>>163611 hes a suburbanoid castizo yes who went full wignat for a bit but is now trying to infiltrate the mainstream right and take it over, seems to be going well tbh
>those coppers who took pics of those dead sister have been jailed for 2 years kek bet some foid in their group grassed them up
>>163617 The entire pandemic is predicated on data fraud. Distrust of the government is high. Penetration of anti-vax/nwo conspiracy theories is very high. The legal or economic compulsion to get vaccinated is actually quite low in the UK
>>163619 got in a fight yesterday with family after they talked about getting their boosters, couldn't help but btfo, all their arguments boiled down to being a part of the herd and me being a stupid minority, with a bit of fear mongering thrown in, theres no logic to any of it.
>>163600 >>163602 Keeeeeeek.
>>163589 lmao he is slow as fuck with those punches no headmovement. thai boxing is stupid furren crap
also the first argument normalniggers seem to jump to is "if you don't get vaxxed you won't be able to go places" literal coercion
>>163622 its just practice you mug
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morning lads
>>163620 herd stupidity more like
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>>163626 A mere 17 sleeps til chrimbo
>>163626 smornla enjoyed your rant tbh some kind of hopeful notes to it
>>163629 ty I made another one at boomer toil need to upload it but have to toil today will try to upload it this evening
>>163625 regret opening that spoiler >>163626 morning lad >>163628 smh it's approaching so quickly this year smdh need to buy pressies soon
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>>163628 Don't like the dirlewanger memis tbh. He was actually a nartzee warcriminal. Utter scum who deserved to be beaten to death, or worse. It's a bit different if you're just glorifying a bit of a daft lad with his heart in the right place like Hitler, but dirlewigger is too much. Smh.
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Dirlewigger would never save the huwhite rice. Can't breed with women you've murdered. Or with pre-pubescent girls you raped, and murdered. Smdh. The Thanos memi is pretty funny sometimes though ngl.
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This but for Eastern Europe tbh
>>163632 curtis le may and bomber harris killed more civilians though
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>>163637 It doesn't count from the air, lad. Unless you use chlorine or barrelbombs.
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>me walking into toil to paint walls all day again while boomer bossman smokes himself retarded in his truck again "working on logistics for the next job dude"
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>>163640 >reminding me of the "I'm coming" video smh bossmen always saying they'll do things and then acting like they don't know what you're talking about when you bring up what they were supposed to do smh
https://youtu.be/qBcrM--oYc4 another chinky chaser
>>163639 keeeek smh >>163641 smh
meant to (You) >>163642 smh
>>163632 he killed p*les so I don't care
>>163640 he made a jewish law student cry so he owes her money lmao
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>>163632 dont act like you wouldnt commit all sorts of grotty crimes if you were given the opportunity
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Gave up all pretense of having anything to do at toil and started playing viewtiful joe instead
>>163649 jews like that game, why?
this is schizo isnt it
>>163651 I think so
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>>163649 good lad
>>163651 did you ever watch xplay on zdtv?
sessler is a jew https://mobile.twitter.com/AdamSessler/status/1342912859932483584 leo laporte is too ofc, goyim in entertainment oy vey
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-FDtDwVVlKI boring ass game, zoomers falling for jews tricks smh
>>163653 never have children. the correct response is "clean your room"
>>163652 tbh thought so >>163653 tbh
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viewtiful joe was my first gamergate moment. I knew that game was shit, but didn't understand why it got promoted. Turns out, faggots and jews, just like you.
to be popular, literally play jewish games.
tbh, can't blame the jews when you make such shit choices day in and day out.
>>163663 keeeeeeeeeek
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fucking gay fake scam paki website
>>163665 ngl don't have a brit gf, don't care
I love women
>163666 ching-ching ping-pong satan confirmed, into the filter you go
>>163668 it means anglo women are the devil
lmao you don't have a pretty gf either
>>163670 pretty sure most of /brit/ has handsome gfs
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>>163648 Maybe when I was younger tbph. Aged out of my edgy genocidal chimp impulses. Perhaps they are still there, just buried deep. I hope not.
>>163674 forget that most people here are in their mid 30s now
>>163673 smh grotty
an age where most of us should have families, yet you're all still incels
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>>163676 I'm only 27, lad. Steiner and 22 are older, I think. Maybe a few anons. Think most posters are early 20s. >>163678 Tbh tbf smdh.
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>>163679 Keeeeek that pic. The no ban no filter purist tbh
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>>163678 >you're
>>163681 >filename KEEEEEEEEEEEEEK are they still going
>>163682 oh, sorry, your*
>>163679 BBK is 28, love him tbh
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>tfw used to be the youngest here >now only the 2nd or 3rd
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>>163688 smh which of the lads is breeding more polfaces
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really want to have a wife and children but seeing how the world is just makes me want to go full monke mode and never come back
>>163688 Don't worry lad I'm sure you've got a couple more years ahead of you before you retire as the /brit/ catamite.
>>163691 loser
>>163693 yeah more than anyone on here realises
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Benefit of being a man? You can always breed! Gonna get a hot 14 y/o wife tbh
>>163691 maybe a job first
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>163692 >catamite
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>>163699 *grottily rapes a mermaid to death*
*Chariman Peinovich gives (You) a standing ovation for your services to the white race*
only one sleeping pill left no lager really is the end times
>>163698 looked it up did you?
>>163704 been used on here before actually
>>163676 >dox hbn
>>163706 My name is Beady McFloyd. A trve anglo brythonic nobleman. I currently live in Chad. My address is bongobongo lane, shitting street, Chad. Any who dares brave the hordes of my feral nigger guardians, I will welcome with open arms. Okay, thank you.
>>163707 100st birfday 4 me
how do I meet white supremacist pagan autistic wives? this is gonna involve me pretending to talk to Odin, isn't it?
>163709 >pagan yikes
i am not a racist, i also love black autistic white supremacists. white supremacy is not racist. joe biden is white, and the supreme leader of the blacks.
>>163590 Literally 8 years almost and I'm yet to hear of one officer or one social worker held accountable. Instead they're right back to facilitating child rape.
>>163713 he said, in a jealousy-tinged voice
america is my plantation, imma drive around handing out food to my niggers from my stingray
tempted to hire a joe biden lookalike to toss toys out of a stingray in a ghetto. we'd need a couple of black limos to make it look funny enough.
>>163676 yes and I'm 75% ETH and 20% BTC and 5% ICP
>>163638 >barrelbombs. They were technically barrel bombs, barrel bombs are just media spin for unguided dumb bombs.
>>163714 22 has done a number on this board.
(drums and shit) Hail to the chief, who in triumph advances, Honour'd and blessed be the evergreen pine! Long may the tree in his banner that glances, Flourish the shelter and grace of our line. Heaven send it happy dew, Earth lend it sap anew, Gaily to bourgeon and broadly to grow; While every Highland glen, Sends our shout back again "Roderigh Vich Alpine Dhu, ho! i-e-roe!"
>ctrl+f "afghanistan" >79 results >ctrl+f "activist" >27 results >ctrl+f "teacher" >10 results >ctrl+f "scientist" >0 results I'd say they're scraping the bottom of the barrel for this list but it's women this is the best they can do
>>163721 This is the sort of shit that will lose women all their freedoms.
>birthplace: France >Turkish-British get fuuuuuuucked
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good shyet
>they rewrote wonder woman so a nigger did it first
>>163726 comic books have always been gay and so is everyone who reads them
>>163729 smh vile niggers
>>163730 the statue is over a hundred years old and a historical artefact by any standard. we are already at the point where musuems exist to intentionally destroy history. sick world.
errr it's not mocking if it's true
>>163733 God I hate troomers. You're supposed to be ironically gay, not ironic while gay okay thank you
https://twitter.com/i/events/1468226735418142724 https://metro.co.uk/2021/12/06/black-couple-sue-appraiser-valuing-home-500k-less-versus-white-friend-15725846/ >A black couple is suing a real estate firm, alleging a white appraiser undervalued their home by nearly $500,000 because of their race. >Over the course of five years, the couple made $400,000 worth of major renovations to the home, including a new floor, creating another 1,000 square feet of space, a new deck, fireplace and other improvements. >Yet the value of their home increased by just 10%. >Three weeks later, the couple decided to get another opinion, according to the lawsuit filed Thursday in federal court in San Francisco, California. >For the second appraisal by a different lender, they enlisted the help of their white friend, Jan, who agreed to pretend to be Tenisha. >The Austins ‘whitewashed’ their house by removing their family photos and stripping the walls of their African-themed art, the lawsuit says. Jan helped the couple by providing photos of her own family to place around the house. >remove dumb niggershit decor >the value goes up Just take down the decorations then? Stupid monkeys. People just aren't interested in dumb nigger decor, that's not racism. The family photos would be an issue if they were ghetto niggers, but then that's not entirely a race thing either, a house with pictures of poshos will have a higher value than the same house with pictures of chavs. It's in San Fransisco as well, the hive of gay shit, potential buyers should love the idea of wog art on the walls, and yet they aren't, really makes you keeeeek
>Last Christmas I gave you my heart
>But the very next day, you gave it away
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>>163740 he banged her without a doubt
>>163741 she cute tbh just needs a diet
>>163742 shes fine just as she is
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>>163741 it was self-defence
>>163745 If I have to shoot my load into a thicc wombyn in a self-defence situation, I'll do it.
>>163688 Tfw oldest here probably
and youre still a virgin loser
>>163737 This year to save me from tears I’ll give it to someone special
>>163750 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>163750 unironically wholesome tbh
>Turkey constructed a series of 22 dams and 19 hydroelectric power plants along the Euphrates and Tigris. The key structure is the Atatürk Dam on the Euphrates, which is located approximately 80km upstream from the Syrian border. Turkey has stated that it would only guarantee a flow downstream from the dam of 15.75km³/a (500m³/s) of Euphrates water across the border to the Syrian Arab Republic. This represents about 50% of the natural flow of the Euphrates at the Turkish border. Both Syria and Iraq have tried to inhibit this. They stated that the minimum flow should average at least 700m³/s, but so far Turkey rejected this claim.(10) Syria is in the unusual position of being a downstream country with regard to Turkey and an upstream country with regard to Iraq. In 1990, Syria agreed to share the remaining Euphrates water with Iraq on a 58 percent (Iraq) and 42 percent (Syria) basis, which corresponds to a flow of 9km³/a at the border with Iraq.(9) wholesome assad moment.
>>163750 Another win for the huwhite race
>>163753 iraq is finished unironically
>Kyle bullying Binger for wearing soy pins
>>163750 I made this lol and posted it first on this very board months ago.
>>163755 turkgay are such bullies smh
>>163759 tbh its the easiest way for them to completely dominate their neighbours
>>163757 Good lad, saved
been having trouble posting today
>New Culture Forum pulling on the ancient aryan archetypes of Maid Mother and Crone Non-esoteric lads wouldn’t get it
>>163721 keeeeeek
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>>163682 ???????
>>163765 >d7e747 Your ID sounds like a character from one of the new Star Wars films
>>163757 might start minting these as NFTs if you lads wont then just posting a private key with the proceeds going to the first lad to see/claim it
had a dream of a close relative killing their self
I had a dream that I accidentally posted my full name on here and someone started posting all the time under my name just to mock me
>>163770 give them a hug
>>163771 keeek I've had a similar dream myself
preferably before they commit harakiri. Afterwards would be wierd
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dreamed I had to cross a river on a jetski and remembered that they get shit mileage so took extra petrol with me to refuel halfway
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>woman says she's asexual >has had more sex than me
putin tells biden that russia wants binding security guarantees. that NATO won't expand further east and will pledge not to deploy certain weapons to neighbouring countries
Im really sick lads smh. I dont even think Im allowed anymore time off work.
>>163780 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek that fucking reaching
Around vaxxed Expect heart attacks
>>163777 >777 divine message tbh The transitional/crossing part in transhumanism is relative to humans transitioning to debased demonic robotoids, vaccines are part of the dehumanisation process.
>>163784 you must use our banks to transfer large sums of money it's just convenient
>>163784 is it against the law to carry a certain amount of money on you
>>163786 yanks have some made up bullshit where the cops can just seize shit for any reason >U.S. law enforcement took in more than $5 billion from the American public in 2014 through asset forfeiture, compared to the $3.5 billion lost nationally to burglary https://www.illinoispolicy.org/law-enforcement-now-seizes-more-property-from-citizens-than-burglars/ >Homeland Security seized $2 billion from travelers, but most were never charged with a crime, report says https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/trafficandcommuting/homeland-security-seized-2-billion-from-travelers-but-most-were-never-charged-with-a-crime-report-says/2020/07/30/001c3f90-cd05-11ea-bc6a-6841b28d9093_story.html
>>163785 eventually cash will be outlawed and people will go back to bartering for off-the-record transactions
highway patrol in america just straight up rob people with out of state plates >300 dollars in cash you must be a drug dealer or somethin' boy
>>163787 land of the free
>>163787 >>163789 truly land of the free, really hate yank coppers they seem like the worst in the world
What a day. I go to this Christmas parade today and some "marching band" is coming down the street and every single one of them is wearing matching outfits. I'm like, "ok glowies, who even gave you those instruments?" Play your Fed trumpet somewhere else my dude. Then I go to my niece's youth basketball game but each team has outfits that match their teammates and I'm like, "What is this, FBI vs CIA?" Miss me with your Fed-ball, k? Next I hit this restaurant for lunch - I go in - and LITERALLY every staff member is wearing matching outfits. How is that even possible? You can't coordinate that. Sorry Special Agent Bringsmefood, I'm not THAT hungry. So I go to the supermarket instead and what do I see?? Not even joking all of the employees have M-A-T-C-H-I-N-G fking outfits on. M-A-T-C-H-I-N-G. Like "oh hey haha yeah we just all happened to wear the same thing today but we're totally not a psyop." Umm yeah cleanup on aisle FED!!! I get back in my car, look in the mirror, & some in-shape dude is staring at me. I go "Can I help you glowworm?" & he mimics me like he's mad I know he's a Fed cuz he's not obese. So I punched him in the face & sped off & now I'm hiding from the Feds. And someone broke my mirror.
>>163780 >>163782 I'm going to be so fucking smug when the normies finally catch on that they've just had dodgy shit injected
>>163779 you can have extended time off with a doctors note
transiting any airport with 10 grand in cash without a watertight story for why you have it has never been a good idea though
if you must physically bring large amounts of wealth with you through an airport, purchase extremely expensive jewellery, attire and accoutrements and wear it while acting like daredevil surefire way to succeed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIMVrX9CaVw
>>163798 Highly based err that's not daredevil, lax
>>163799 I can't keep track of the capeshit lad the plane scene is enough for me
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>>163800 Well just so you know that's bullseye. Don't get how he got the name tbh
>>163800 tbh why remember capeshit when you can just call them all spiderman
>Propriety did not prevent him from engaging in a number of extramarital liaisons with various women that were chronicled in his diary, often in some detail when relating the intimate details. The most dramatic of these encounters was with Deborah Willet, a young woman engaged as a companion for Elisabeth Pepys. On 25 October 1668, Pepys was surprised by his wife as he embraced Deb Willet; he writes that his wife "coming up suddenly, did find me imbracing the girl con [with] my hand sub [under] su [her] coats; and endeed I was with my main [hand] in her cunny. I was at a wonderful loss upon it and the girl also...." Following this event, he was characteristically filled with remorse, but (equally characteristically) continued to pursue Willet after she had been dismissed from the Pepys household.[45] Pepys also had a habit of fondling the breasts of his maid Mary Mercer while she dressed him in the morning.[46]
speaking of did that latest marvel soyshit just vanish from the face of the earth or something
Has David Davis resigned yet today?
>>163804 the good old days smh
>>163806 yes, he has resigned himself to going to bed
>>163804 what a life. would rather like having a maid that I could playfully grope in the mornings. Then she'd say "oh, you" and half-heartedly try to fend off my advanves even though she enjoys it really
>>163805 if you mean Eternals then yes absolutely nobody cares about it
>>163808 Life can be tiring When all you do is resigning
>>163804 Who is this guy?
>>163812 Samuel Pepys, that one guy who is remembered for saving his diary whilst most of London burned
>tfw thread is slow Might resign tbh
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feel tired tbh
ok it wasn't really most of London but a sizeable portion of central London if you want to be accurate
>>163813 Wish London would burn again tbh
>>163817 tbh or be cursed by some drvid type action would drive the nogs away right quick
>>163816 Nobody called you out on that lad You did it to yourself
>When he was 22, Pepys married fourteen-year-old Elisabeth de St Michel Pepys really did love cunny
dont grottie post wessie you're already grottie enough.
>>163818 >>163818 >cursed by some drvid type action Make it happen lad
>>163823 gathering the heartbeat monitors and toilet things as we speak
>>163810 yeah that's the one, yidsney was shilling it to be the greatest thing ever, soyim were soying nonstop, then it came out and since then no-one has said a word about it
>>163817 could only improve the place tbh. We need more Grenfell incidents. Cover the horrid towers with flammable cladding, trap the wogs inside and set them on fire. Giant postmodern Roman Candles for the wog masses.
>>163819 I was preempting. I don't like being wrong. If anybody corrects me, it should be me.
>>163820 >when he was 22 Samuel Pepys was once are lad 22st? And married an soccer mom during that phase?
>>163820 what a marvellous time to live in
>>163828 >soccer mom gets autocorrected to soccer mum?
>>163830 absolutely despise piercings and tattoos
now this is an attractive woman
bit too much makeup but not too excessive
I didn't really need that second too
why did elon go for the dickie cut, lads?
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>>163835 Le friendly billionaire's wise edgy words of basic facts everyone knows about governments.
bad news lads, david davis has taken control of the physical realm. he is now the master of the material world and has imprisoned our souls in fleshy torture chambers. but there is hope, by resigning ourselves we can ascend to a higher plane beyond material constra
>>163839 going to make my way into the demiurge's reality temple and change every word in every language to "resigned"
>>163836 quality oc
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>me walking to my truck after toil
this needs an edit of him in a mcdonalds uniform
matt needs to get gud like tom metzger and just repair TVs
I hate being employed so fucking much.
>>163847 tbh I just want to rob people
>>163847 tbh but I hated being a NEET much more
I wish the government would break into my house at night and kill me and then my lepolface brothers rise up and tear down the system.
being a sedentary isolated neet is literally killing me both in body and soul toiling would probably be about the same though except with more sweat
I want form a larper militia. We can all wear beige collared shirts and take over parliament with motorbikes, air rifles and replica katanas
>>163852 Tbh. Only comfort I find is in calling people nigger on lichess.
crossbows too. and molotovs. and gas masks.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rs40yxHjTxQ Croissants and pain au chocolat for supper
>>163853 I don't think big mummy government would like that tbh lad >>163854 based tbh keep your elo at 1488 to btfo them
I just want to never work while maintaining my quality of life and for sophia lillis to be my gf. Until then I will remain blackpilled.
>>163858 it's a simple request
I get downtrodden thinking of all the based lads who suffered or are still suffering in silence from this vindictive sicko system. I can't help but feel bitter towards normongs for it.
suffering in itself is not virtuous, but to endure a struggle and through this improve your lot is commendable.
zerschmettere den Untermenschen
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>>163864 KEEEK tbh haven't actually got to the stage of getting a doctors note for reduced hypothetical toil hours that the jobcentre wants tbh
If agatha just wanked me off with her feet I would never feel the need to post on imageboards again.
>>163864 good fucking lad
gross waste of seed you should aggressively rape her while choking her lad then lock her back in her cage
>>163868 tbh, its the only thing that could fill the void, for me its sophia lillis though
pakistanis are basically a race of sawney beans if you think about it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJ-_8b0eSNU
inbred clannish cannibalistic sadistic freaks that live in caves. all applies.
>>163634 What's a Thanos meme lad?
I would be content to have stuffed and mounted head of ginnie above my fireplace and then daily cummies from mummy gretchen and mummy brewer
>>163875 >Select language >English >Canadian flag
no mask chadding at the jobsite parking lot and when the karen security guard tried to bully me said it was not my problem and BB was not onsite because he is too busy working on his hot tub and smoking bongs because once his "hot tub is finished the hot babes will just show up trust me dude"
I just noticed that vinegar has nigger in it
>>163879 >woman >security guard
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>>163880 Never heard acetic acid called nigger before.
>>163883 Ain't got no gibs to gib, and if I dids, I wouldn't gibs me gibs to him.
>>163883 no woes please stop before you work yourself to death!
>>163883 poor wews he's working so hard for the white race
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>>163889 Niggers can't build they can only destroy. The number of beautiful works of art in the world is rapidly decreasing as this sick Jew run society in incapable of creating anything of value. Also david davis.
>>163890 >Also David Davis
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>that time David Davis met Billy Piper
>>163893 David Davis literature: I will resign.
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>>163894 Phwoar ngl
>>163896 keeeeeeeeeeeek
>>163896 Keek. Peaky wankers, what a load of shit.
>>163896 never saw it, does this actually happen?
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>>163894 Her character was so shite in Doctor Who. Literal chav slag race mixer. Disgusting. Actress has also done a show about being a 'call girl' i.e. whore. She probably licked David Cameron's arse for a fiver after this.
>>163899 Yeah, lad. It's like Kikes and Bikes (Sons of Anarchy) >le bad ass bikers torturing and grotesquely murdering people. >doesn't blink >some gang does a racism >meltdown endues.
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>dorset has a one off gig coming up at the pub
there really is no way SA hasn't been contacted by glowies or even arrested/murdered and replaced by a glowie operative. its simply not possible.
>>163902 >constantly whacking glans into the strings Oooof ow ouchie owwwww
>>163903 SA was always dafties, dafties x2 spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine), la.
his postings here and on twitter are completely uninspired and schizophrenic, its like he's just going through the motions of playing a character. he doesnt actually comment on anything beyond a le chad face or repeat what someone else said, he simply posts shitty content to get replies. he is without a doubt a fed.
>>163906 yep and he seems to have instant interaction with BO and he has this small folder of response images like crylaugh emoji which he posts non sequitur
>>163907 Thought he was the BO?
>>163908 some other guy was who's name I forget was but he gave the mantle to SA (probably after being strong armed into it by a glowing house visit)
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>>163910 I think my mind completely suppressed this heinous cringe from childhood.
>>163909 tbh >>163908 he mysteriously got it from another mysterious pooster who I can't recall
>>163900 >She probably licked David Cameron's arse for a fiver after this. tbh smh
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>>163910 good lad >video title and information won't load
>David Davis once touched a race mixing nigger It’s all over bros
>>163883 think about him applying for jobs when the grift goes cold. Nearly forty without any experience. bleak tbh.
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Guess whos going to be on milleniyule this year
>when you breed Billy after kidnapping and imprisoning her for her own good but the leftover non white semen in her endocrine system means the child is born with brown eyes and you have to discard it after 9 months of hard work taking care of her and keeping her a secret from nosey neighbours
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>>163917 Seeing him on the Catholic version of QVC this year was too much. keek.
>>163918 Laurence Fox was balls deep in that for years too, mate. You don't want based Lozza Fox's sloppy seconds do you?
>>163917 I hope he has his BIG WHITE CHOMPERS in his mouth to hide those rotted meth-teeth when he talks about being a conservative
>>163920 Fucking hell. Given his character I imagine he got nought but sloppy seconds, and loved it. Perfect couple.
>>163919 keeeeeeeeek
>>163922 You're right, Chris Evans married here in her teens.
>>163917 No way, don’t believe it
>>163920 >lauernce Fox fugged billy piper I did not know this
>>163917 Fug he actually is too
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it's time to get the team back together
do you lads think this years millinneyule will actually save the white race?
>>163929 Do you think Sargon has learned anything out of all this? Is he still as pig headed and ignorant as he was back in 2015?
>>163930 This is the year lad
>>163930 >do you lads think this years millinneyule will actually save the white race? Yes
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>>163931 >ecelebs >intellectual and philosophical growth surprised he hasn't resurfaced tbh since the alt-shite has reverted to the kind of smug 2013-tier SJW ownage at which he excels
I thought he never left? Don't remember him ever losing any of his YouTube channels.
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>>163936 You've perfected the art.
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>>163937 I will probably mess it up soon enough tbh >>163938 keeeeeeek never seen that first pic before
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i love them
>>163944 chud sisters? It’s over.
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>>163943 Jewish boys? Bit gay lad, if you're going to be androphilic do it properly
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he's coming back, right?
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>>163944 >Australia Is that how Lord Dobby is going to bow out?
>>163950 keeeeeeek
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miss him so much
>>163950 keeeeeeeeeeeek poor dobby >>163952 tbh just want his kino streams back
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>>163948 Good luck with your fight against bigotry lad
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>>163958 I think he's trooning out
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>>163957 >>163958 >videos on his feed have him walking with a stick
>faking a disability >dresses up as a girl to appetise his sexual fetish His whole life is a larp.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sD8URZ1Z2Q Smh hate these manipulative ads, might actually donate this year lads
>>163946 He’s so hecking cool
uncomfily waiting at 1am in the freezing cold to do a poo because I can't sleep tbh >>163962 keeek that mongo thumbnail
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>>163962 woes is probably one of the worst mast pathetic grifters on the alt-shite if not on the internet itself
>>163963 he is trying to pick up the scent of andros
>>163966 *most
>>163966 are you planning on bullying him in the milleniyule chat again this year
>>163966 he could at the very least have the decency to beg in person with an alms bowl as he makes his pilgrimage around Britain smh
>>163970 have you the webm lad? don't seem to have it in my brit folder smh
>>163972 what webm?
>>163973 somebody's watching me but it's the woes gif instead of gaben
>>163974 thought it was on the channel smh
>>163976 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek forgot all about that wews pilot wish that lad made more of those
>>163976 >tfw 2 of these are mine
All this fatty bullying and he still hasn't lost any. smh.
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>>163979 The last confirmed sighting was well over a year ago now, god knows what he looks like at this point
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>go to bed at 8 >sleep until 1 >cant get back to sleep
>>163983 it's because of the booze
>>163983 >1am Good. You can start the day a little early. Start eating cardboard and scream-lifting.
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>>163984 Exactly, I haven't drank since sunday >>163985 In the morning if my face is a little puffy I'll put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches. I can do 1000 now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub.
>>163970 yes hopefully he had his jannies perma ban some of my dlive accounts from his streams smh
>>163987 its on odysee this year
>>163987 imagine what kind of jannie you'd have to be to serve the godrodfather chilling tbh
>>163989 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>one morning you wake up and there's a half-eaten novelty size milk chocolate bar tucked up in bed beside you staining the sheets
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>>163992 >implying he'd waste a choccy on that you'd wake to find empty milk bottles
>>163994 keek tbh
this fucking steincel rant keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
january 6thers rise up
peperami stick sheathing is like foreskin that you can pull down infinitely few realise this
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>the incel question will define the world for the next 40 years
>>164000 And then they'll die off like the dinosaurs smh
>>164001 i wonder how significant of a role future historians will place on the incel during this age of cringe
does anyone know the name of the first Japanese person to eat a banana i cant seem to find it on google
>>164003 koku gobura
>>164004 thank you
(it's funny because if you say it it with a japanese accent sounds like cock gobbler and bananas could be describe as being somewhat phallic in shape)
nothing is real
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>>163919 lolwat
>Main road that ties all of Norway together closed again >truck that delivers wares to the warehouse on a 5 hour detour Ahhhhhh
>>164007 good rant lad >tracer dong keeek
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lusting for scone
>>164016 many such cases >>164017 smh
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going for a walk
>>164019 good lad
>>163919 >1 woman is a virgin at 16 >becomes an icon >40 year old virgin man >nobody even talks to you lmao religion
>>163997 2018, right?
>>164024 go play tardball nig
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>the other boards
>enters your intake >500ft from the end of the runway
hopefully it's not carrying a balloon filled with iron bbs
(2.15 MB 854x480 a bit perturbed.webm)

>delete my pron >steiner posting unspoilered pron itt >tattoos >big natural milkers you know she's had since her teens and so 1000 guys have coomed onto them because she's a slag and men love big tits so it's only deductive reasoning
>>164029 walking a difficult road tbh
>>164029 you're imagination is running a little wild there lad
>>164031 it's your. you're means you are. which makes no sense in the context that you used it.
ghislaine maxell has a nice voice tbh
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>>163990 >those milkers
Watching boomer sex game gone wrong (Gerald's Game) tbh lads.
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I'm on no fap, cheeky twats.
>>164038 just think of Diane Abbott. Should put you off wanking for a good while.
>ywn hear ghislaine maxwell asmr
>>164040 good shout. Made me think of that photoshop of her and Corbyn.
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>welcome to my lair, lassie
Just finished Orwell's Fascism and democracy. I think the most striking thing about the whole book is how his defence of democracy doesn't stand anymore. I suppose he was hopefully naive about it all.
>>164044 >I suppose he was hopefully naive about it all. many such cases there's lots of political systems that sound great on paper but which in practice require a better standard of person or else it collapses
>>164045 If I jumped him to the 21 century, In think reality would be so jarring for him he'd have a stroke. He wouldn't be an apologist for brown people anymore, I know that much.
Letting some real nasty farts go rn.
My arse has always been at war with my farts.
>>164046 tbh he genuinely just wanted a better world smh poor lad dared to hope >>164048 keeeeeeek
for example, /brit/'s forecast had estimated the output of gas for the quarter at one-hundred-and-forty-five million braps the actual output was given as sixty-two millions f03a1f, however, in rewriting the forecast, marked the figure down to fifty-seven millions, so as to allow for the usual claim that the quota had been overfulfilled
(1.44 MB 1280x720 Nerf this.mp4)

>wake up >benniestoil time >looming officetoil deadline https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKRkAEjjhpE
>>164053 What is Highfleet?
>>164054 a decent game with a really kino aesthetic, but the gameplay is nothing special imo
>>164053 get it done lad being a neet isn't free smh you have to work for it >>164054 new game du jour because it got youtuber attention been meaning to play it tbh looks interesting
>>164041 There might be a recording of her hanging….
>>164058 immigrants doing the jobs that lazy brits don't want to do
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Fuck women
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>>164060 lad i'm trying okay
>>164061 Yikes even big names like "Cowboy Hat" are incels
>>164063 >huwhitoids making a mockery of themselves by aping ape "culture"
honestly just hate it whenever older generations make a mockery of themselves by trying to fit into youth culture tbh stop embarrassing yourselves smh get some self-respect
>survive bennies interrogation despite coming in empty-handed >immediately need a fear-shit AUGH >>164065 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDQxV8yzrUA
>>164066 keeeeek frau farbissina nodding along and then turning away to try not to laugh
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>ywn be dr evil
>>164069 Keeeeeeeeeek
just want to be an evil goon henchman type tbh
>>164069 imagine being dr kleiner and dr freeman finally reappears after all those years and then he just sits around your lab doing monke shite smh patience of a saint >>164071 tbh
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>>164073 tbh after being frozen in time for twenty years then exiting stasis while still overdosing on meth and having gone 72 hours without sleep gordo has a right to some monke time
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>>164075 >overdosing on meth and having gone 72 hours without sleep
>>164063 >Toil Slave Anthem: Aeroplane Edition
>>164077 you can do the no sleep part at least
>>164080 thanks for the sneethium lad
im so sick my tummy hurts and my throat hurts and evropa is falling aaaaaaaaa
>>164082 smorning keeeek why are a majority of the tweakers homosexual sounding probably rots their balls off or something I gusss >>164083 have some honey and lemon
>>164082 Morning lad
>>164080 >pic 4 are the niggercattle starting to wake up? >>164082 sneed chuck >>164083 stay in bed and have some lucozade
>>164085 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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did he brap?
sick of how stupid this world has gotten tbh it's not even haha stupid just sad stupid
reading about white child slavery in the New York's China town from 1900-1930
>To stop the “Yellow Peril,” Livingston would surveillance Chinatown’s white female population. She would dress in men’s clothes and crop her hair, disguising herself as a male. Whenever possible, Livingston would then intervene to rescue young, teenage girls from prostitution. And most of the girls were as young as ten or twelve. >Focusing on girls that were nine to seventeen years of age, Livingston made it her life's work to free thousands of girls and women from sexual slavery at the hands of Chinese men, beginning on March 4, 1903 or about 1904. Her modus operandi was to follow men that were sexual slavers, figure out what females were held captive, make friends with them, and encourage them to escape. She looked for enslaved girls in opium dens, dance halls, and bars, particularly in New York City's Chinatown and the Brooklyn Navy Yard. Sometimes she ventured out of the city to Boston, Newark, Bridgeport, New Haven, and Chicago. In 1907, there were 300 girls younger than 18 in Chinatown that were sex workers, out of a total of 800 white slaves. Six years later, she could not find any girls under age 18 there. >As she rescued women, she put herself in danger. About five feet tall and weighing about 90 pounds, she faced male procurers, or cadets, as she tried to rescue girls and women.[3][20] She was severely beaten, shot, wounded, and thrown out windows.[17] In 1912, she was severely beaten, resulting in permanent damage. She had severe neuritis and persistent neuralgic pain due to a fracture of the alveolar process of the upper jaw bone. On one side of her face, she lost all of the teeth of the upper jaw.[21][e] >In 1934, the New York City police department statistics showed that 4,000 females disappeared from that city each year, and many more disappeared without being reported missing. Girls and women became sexual slaves by being physically kidnapped, drugged, or unknowingly lured into the industry with a promise of a job or an adventure. Many girls that Livingston rescued said something like, "I met him and he was nice to me. Then he invited me to go for a ride." Then the girls were handed off to another person who would drug, poison, beat, or otherwise mistreat them. Girls were often transported across state lines. Livingston found that there was an auction on the Lower East Side of New York where girls and women were sold. Their captors often got the girls addicted to drugs, so that it was easier to contain and control them. Ultimately, some girls were rescued and did well, some were rescued but were so broken they had to be institutionalized, some died early, and others remained as captive sex workers.
>>164094 >>164092 I need daftiness blood in the streets MPs hanging from lampposts niggercattle finally putting in work AAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUGGGHHH
>>164095 it's just good business
>>164091 smh they all deserve to be killed literally nobody except the anglo is worthy of life >>164092 smh kill them all that's the only way things will change lockdown is not going to end whilst these creatures are still alive >>164093 >Kearney was part of a short-lived movement to increase the power of the working class, but after a few years his increasingly vitriolic language and his repeated arrests for inciting violence alienated many of those whom he was trying to influence. When the economy grew stronger in the early 1880s, Kearney faded from public notice. smh niggercattle are always the same as soon as the pressure is off they forget that there was ever a problem at all
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>>164095 good lass
>>164080 Pretty sure prosecutors havve an n-word pass
>She died on December 26, 1975 at 99 years of age.[1][f] A rabbi conducted a Jewish service for her, and her friend, an Irish-Catholic, arranged for a mass in her memory.[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rose_Livingston why are jewish women so beautiful, kind hearted and compassionate towards their lowers?
>>164101 Rose Livingston was. But agatha is just a silly cunt.
interesting developments coming out of india lads. keep an eye out
>>164101 smh thought she was a bit jewish from seeing her photo just goes to show that even the lowest among us can rise above and do something worthwhile >>164103 very very interesting tbh hope this blows up into something big
>>164106 "an activist" of what?
>>164106 based >>164107 reminds me of a uni lass i used to know she called me out of the blue a few years back asking i i wanted to join her political activism group i asked her what it was activism for and it was very obvious she did not have an answer for that smh short conversation
>>164108 anecdote kind of sums up modern decline tbh destroying the nation for fun because you're bored and lazy and want to feel like a hero
wish i was a bond villain smh
>>164110 Are you telling me you're not?
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>>164111 not yet
britchuds??? any answers???
>>164113 >only norge, germland, pooland, serbia, and north macdonalds are sane smh
>>164113 Bulgaria confirmed for best country
finna bouta fall asleep but also need to go shops and do officetoil smh >>164113 I went to the site for research purposes and concluded that it's because people who use fakku are subhuman retards who apparently actually pay for pornography and are therefore guaranteed to have shit taste
>>164115 it's the hebrides for me
actually those are the faroe islands smh they are probably fully colonised by chink import wives now
>>164116 yeah no shit lad >>164117 >>164118 good lad
>>164116 don't fall asleep lad smh >>164118 they're easily recognisable therefore easy to get rid of lad just chuck all the ones with brown eyes and you're golden it's really not that hard to expel a furrin population smh all people lack is the will
going shops I guess do NOT assume a lack of posts means any other activities are taking place such as might be considered after other recent images in thread
>>164121 >such as might be considered after other recent images in thread yeah, if you click the 'creampie' tag it's not going to be what you think mate.
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smh it's been well over two minutes can't believe that wessie is busy hunting down chinatown child slavery rings and looking up futanari pornography smh very controversial
im over ck2, which gsg game should I waste my life on now?
>>164125 stellaris with the evropean mod
>>164125 **real life*
>>164113 >big dick keeeek still can't understand how this is even a porn category, is it a binsian thing?
>>164125 not gsg but Democracy 4 is quite fun. You can ban all immigration.
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>Belgium >netorare It kind of makes sense given that they didn't even have their own country until the last century.
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>>164130 Forgot the last*
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>>164132 many such cases
took my empty cans and bottles out and accidentally dropped them ad had to pick up bits of broken glass outside by the bins
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>>164131 >only just about come into existence by mere fluke >use this miracle to fuck the Congolese
Would you betray the white race for some turkish delights?
>>164136 they wanted to do the cucking for a change
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You hear about yanks undermining our commercial standards, and nobody can doubt the reality of their threat, but what amuses me is trying to find anything on amazon that isn't sold by a dodgy chinese factory with no regards to any kind of standards. >>164137 Yes
keep calling up the jewellery shop but i hear nothing back and the help wanted sign is still up smh very disheartening >>164137 no luv turkish delight tbh but not that much >>164139 your fault for using amazon lad have some self-respect
>enter shop maskless >buy nothing but speciality cheeses >leave upgraded from baking camembert to oven fondue as well brapping good tonight tlads >>164135 very good lad tbh not many people bother doing that
>>164141 >upgraded from baking camembert to oven fondue as well
they call me johnny B flatulent fastest cheeser in the west
>>164143 Torn between hating this and hating Karens that complain about this as it's their fucking property no step on snek reeeee hhssssssss.
>>164143 who the fuck has that much money smh stop ordering shite >>164145 tbh
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quite like this 23abc news lass tbh ngl although she does give off some uncomfortable chosen vibes tbh very reminiscent of abigail shapiro
>JC Denton is their deadname keeeek less than two minutes into rant 50 and we're getting kino
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>>164140 You're not wrong but it's a useful place to look for esoteric items that I can't find in shops. Physical shops have become so homogenised now that half the time I can't find what I would have thought would be generic items.
someone should link woes steiner's rants and get him on milleniyule so he can bully live on air
>>164149 hullo >>164150 yeah smh it's disgraceful >>164151 keeeeeeeeeek
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>>164153 priti
out of tinnies >>164155 thought he resigned
>>164156 Not... From the benches.
another day where i cant even get 2 minutes to piss
>>164157 keeeek sheev davis smh >>164158 you won't get space until you start demanding space start walking about the house with a hammer in your hand and whenever a foid second-guesses you you should smash an appliance or a window or a piece of furniture show them you're not to be trifled with
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>>164160 >6 hours of sleep tbh >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1VTcJfL7RE can barely understand a word she says tbh she accentuates too wildly hollywood bad though >>164161 sus
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remembering the past again
>>164164 you fool
>>164164 best not
>>164164 >remembering the past That’s like a David Davis post in your head smh
paying my bills
>>164161 I get it, they were all pilots
>not wanting to be vaxxed every 6 months for a mild disease with a 99.7% recovery rate is nor far right extremism
>>164161 Not sure what I’m supposed to take away from this
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>>164168 at last i realise my folly >>164169 yeah i need to do that too smh keep forgetting >>164170 >>164172 lads the 2021 deaths are maybe fifteen times more numerous than the 2020 or 2019 deaths for no reason at all
>>164161 Oh I see Loads of pilots died in 2021, many more than previous years Yeah that’s sus af
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>>164175 can't wait to have generically european-sounding swarthoids telling me that i need infinity more doses for the sus variant for the rest of my life >>164176 tragic how he committed suicide smh
how easy is it to actually move somewhere like belarus?
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>being a turncoat runaway traitor submitting to a furrin power
yeah, problem?
>>164180 yes lad stand and fight
>>164177 Tbh years before el coofid a 'fitness freak' neighbour who ran marathons often at 40 something dropped dead. His heart was apparently the largest the coroner had ever seen. This guy was also a bodybuilder, so likely to be a steroid user. Like how the MSM is cherry picking this yet denying any risk from vaccines, even in 'statistically insignificant' numbers. Just proves they don't believe their own narratives and are panicking. Smh.
>>164181 with what
>>164182 bit strange tbh ngl >>164183 with old lefty and righty go march into parliament and demand to speak with the manager
>>164179 >>164181 t. lives upside down on the wrong side of the world
>>164185 i was brought here against my will lad
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>>164186 Then use your will to retvrn. Swim if you have to. It's why hu'whiteoids have a different center of balance and naturally make better swimmers. We wuz atlanteans. No excuses.
>>164187 tbh i'll get around to it swim across the pacific walk northeast across south america and swim across the atlantic to spain then walk home easy as
https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/swedish-minister-in-hitler-salute-photo-denies-nazi-sympathies-g5850jxgd "A new Swedish cabinet minister has denied harbouring Nazi sentiments after a picture emerged of her appearing to display a Hitler salute at a teenage house party." "She is alleged to have hosted parties with a “white power” metal soundtrack at the flat she shared with her boyfriend, a rock drummer, in the mid-2000s."
>>164189 keeeek smh basically everybody did that back then tbh back when nobody cared
actually not that good smh bit of a dirge really, not suited to be called a carol
>>164191 >>164192 tbh kino but quite solemn
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>>164189 >no teenage mid-2000s sverige daft house party throwing gf
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>>164189 >denied yikeserino
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Tory boys love the vax
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>>164197 tbh >>164198 of course they do lad they're tory boys their entire personalities revolve around unthinking status quo bootlicking
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smh shouldn't have had those 4 donuts immediately after dinner smh
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jews control the economy? of course they do but do they control enough of it? rampant unchecked illegal immigration? no thanks let's give them all visas and make it nice and legal
>>164202 keeeeek sneething
>>164202 Based natural conservative immigrants who votes for the import of more of their own
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neverending oily toothepaste poos. Just want solid wipable or wipeless shits again
>>164202 Just think, under Labour, those millions of based Honk Gongers wouldn't be able to come here and contribute to the economy.
>>164206 tfw they bring up IQ
>>164208 >reddit screencap filtered
>>164208 >cuddling lads but denying them cunny Evil dumb femoid scum
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>>164208 >am i leading them on hmm i wonder
>>164208 as if lads don't fall in love from a lass smiling at them. *kills her*
>>164208 men do this too like retard name
>>164214 What? She's asexual
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>>164209 actually lad it's a reddit screencap copied from a twitter post which makes this a doubly filterable offense
>>164214 >men do this too You’ve been lead on by a man cuddling you? Was it that big biker ex-military ex-male stripper lad you told us about? The one that let you “stay over” when you were drunk?
i hate them lads >>164217 keeeeeek number four
>tfw anti-women thread
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women are lovely
>>164224 on the exterior
>>164224 so soft delicate i want to choke them
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@164225 can't read your post twitter swine are filtered
night lads
Reading about the Dorset culture and how they produced and buried scowling evil masks and carved angry faces into their artefacts probably to cope with their disposition by the Thule culture that eventually exterminated them. https://stoneageherbalist.substack.com/p/i-was-frightened-out-of-my-wits-by
>>164231 good night
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meant to poost this smh
>>164232 kino tbh did they live in dorset or something? >>164235 good lad
>>164236 no they lived in Greenland. The island their artefacts were first discovered was called Dorset or something.
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>>164237 >Dorshit island
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>>164237 grenfell?!
fondue update: not as good as baking camembert tbh
fondue update 2: put the remains back in the oven at a higher temperature and it came out as a kind of cheese foam
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYXHoewIS1M must have been a foidian slip
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Women will never recover from this video Watch it to find out why
>China has conducted a land reclamation project which had built at least seven artificial islands in the South China Sea totaling 2000 acres in size by mid 2015.[17] One artificial island built on Fiery Cross Reef near the Spratly Islands is now the site of a military barracks, lookout tower and a runway long enough to handle Chinese military aircraft.[18] why dont we just build britain 2.0 and not let wogs in?
>>164245 He barely gets a word in though
>>164245 >>164245 >why dont we just build britain 2.0 and not let wogs in? Implying “we” let them in in the first place It’s Jews you have to keep out lad. If you let Jews in, they let the wogs in, and everyone else too
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ah yes, the irreversible roadmap to freedom
Anyone got any film suggestions for tomorrow sneevening?
Seething about how the yanks treated its "allies" during WW2
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Just found out Benjamin Franklin's home in London had over a dozen bodies burried in the basement. Said it's likely over his house mate who was studying anatomy and they were probably illegally obtained but already dead.
>>164249 good lad
>>164252 he was involved in all sorts of shady shit tbh, was definitely a high ranking mason
parents being annoying tried to joke about me being unjabbed and how its ironic that i have been fine all this time fuck off
>>164255 don't break lad vaxxoomers might start dying off in large numbers soon
>>164256 they cant comprehend that i'm probably asymptomatic fucking annoying retards theyve been gaslit to fuck dad wasnt so bad at the beginning but its difficult to find out what these people even believe, its like they change opinions based on the weather
so this means they're gonna do mandatory vaccinations at some point, I would think? https://twitter.com/bbclaurak/status/1468651786756149251
Fuck me they're not even providing bullshit reasoning for this anymore. They're just saying we must obey because they said so.
keeeeeeeeeeeek normalfags have to cotton on at this point right?
>>164261 This has certainly raised some eyebrows but its all for naught if everybody complies anyway.
politics in this country are so sick. I hate everyone who votes.
>>164263 >But you can't complain if you don't vote!
The only way to solve polishits now is to bonk them on the heads with Iron swords we crafted in minecraft
reminder to vote but do it by writing racial slurs over every inch of the ballot and also possibly smearing the candidate sections with shit
everything about this country is just so evil Its like even trying to run for office in order to fix things up is an insult to the mountain of dead and raped bodies the system is on top of.
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evening lads luv women me
>>164268 basneed
>>164250 The Last Duel
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>Colin has sent you a thank you for donating to MW sustenance >Anon, I have only just found out how to thank people on this platform - so thank you for this donation 10 months ago! :) >To respond to Colin Robertson, you can reply directly to this email. words cannot describe my mirth at being sent a direct email by Millennial Woes. I hope he spent my sustenance money on cadburys dairy chocolate and a glass of milk.
it's time for the men to go to work *puts frozen pizza in the oven*
>>164273 was he really hard at work for ten months trying to figure out how to reply to donators?
>>164274 good lad it's tea and coffe walnut cake for smee
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>tfw a tyrant has made a move but the cupcakes eyes remain closed
>>164266 None white tier. A simple, concise drawn cock of protest is all it takes. None of that third world grottyness.
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tfw you join any WN protest
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>>164279 /brit/ are the grotty vanguard of vooting tbh never forget the lad that got his micropenis out for brexit
>>164282 >nob cheese not French cheese Keek but also smh.
I think patriot front are dumb and doomed but conservatives terminal fedphobia is even dumber the entire point of cointelpro was to create fear of infiltration and to get radicals to turn on each other. the alt right imploded because of that alone.
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>>164281 no honour in that smh
>>164287 Testing your explosives to see what they do to actual living meat and bone is good, but I'm guessing they just wanted to blow up the pigs because they could, not to learn anything. Smh.
>>164258 They change based on what the magic box tells them to.
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>when my xennial brother's mate (who had worked in an abbatoir) said he went to shartistan just to machine gun and blow up cattle because it was super gory and epic
coordinating teams of dafties to simultaneously take over media broadcasting stations and emit pro-white uprising propaganda in my head
>>164289 communists are trained to submit and not permit any thinking. Submission is near synonymous with demoralization. Submission is the act, demoralization is the psychology behind it.
>>164291 same but im betraying you to the big boys just before your mission goes ahead.
>>164293 then you get locked up anyway tbh keek
>>164293 traitor scum smh imagining up a firing squad as we speak
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>its a firing squad day dream episode
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>>164291 >that bit from v for vendetta were he does the same thing but its us good lads and the disk we put in is just brap and poo sounds for me tbe
>>164294 the big boys promised me 3 hours alone with wessie in room 101
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>>164287 This scene but he walks into his basement and it's full of anime wall scrolls and MDE merchandise.
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>>164298 >Niu-York >Not Nukraine
>>164302 >"why would happen if your parents found me in your basement?" >"I told you, you'd be the least of my worries" *looks over my shoulder and see all the grotty brit posts and ultra violence against women posts >"ah.. yes"
want new thread
based michigan anti mandate mummy got on alegs today

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